February Newsletter 2013

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My name is Tim McCauley and I would like to share a little bit about myself. Before I accepted Christ as my Savior, I knew of Him and I thought I was saved but I never gave my life completely to Him. Smoking pot, drinking and selling drugs were just some of the things I thought was ok to do, they weren’t sin to me. I’m sure a lot of you could guess my addictions got the better of me. I started making even worse decisions and ended up in jail. I would get out of jail, go back to doing the same things and end up in jail again. Finally I said enough is enough, I’m tired of ending up in jail! So while I was in jail again, I overheard some of the guys having Bible study with the pastor so I decided I’d check it out, and as it came to pass I developed a close friendship with this pastor and he explained the gospel to me and the fullness of Christ dying on the cross. He taught me what repentance and grace was and I thought, “this man has a lot of knowledge” and I took his words to heart. I started doing Bible studies and learning more about God’s word. Before I knew it I was quoting scripture and living a godly life, but I was still in jail. When I got out of jail I was really trying to do right, but I wasn’t as ready as I thought I was. About 2-3 weeks later I’m back in jail and facing a lot of time, and I ended up going to prison. While I was in prison I did a lot of soul searching, trying to figure out who I was in Christ. When I finally humbled myself enough to get an answer from God, I got it. It was “Let me lead, you follow.” So that’s what I continually work on every day, letting God lead and I follow, which is how I got to Jesus is the Way Prison Ministry. Since I’ve been here I’ve gotten deeper revelation of God’s love and mercy. I see Him opening a lot of opportunities for me to better my life. I’m thankful that God is giving me another chance in a different environment. Somewhere that I can grow in the right areas of my life. I’m not where I want to be in my walk with God, but I’m not where I used to be. I’m just working on one day at a time. Thank you! Timothy

We are available for speaking engagements at your church, Sunday School Class or Youth groups. Call 217-892-4044 for available dates!

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