Self portrait The Real Me

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My self-portrait (The real me) by : 3rd ESO students edited by: Jesús-Joaquim Cerdà-Tortosa 2014-2015

1 Writing a selfportrait

SELF PORTRAIT (SYMMETRY) + WRITING + DRAWING= THE REAL ME 1) Aprendre vocabulari per poder descriure la personalitat dels individus. Learn vocabulary in order to describe people’s personalities. 2) Descriure persones. Describe people. 3) Memoritzar vocabulari per indicar possibilitat. Memorize vocabulary to indicate possibility. 4) Aprendre a utilitzar adjectius acabats en -ed/-ing per descriure sentiments i impressions. Aprendre’n el significat i utilitzar correctament els pronoms relatius who, which i where. Learn the use of adjectives ending in -ed and -ing to describe feelings and impressions. Learn the meaning and correct use of relative pronouns who, which and where. 5) Utilitzar el present continu. Use the present continuous.


6) Comparar el present simple i el present continu. Compare simple present and present continuous. 7) Estudiar diferents formes de fer una descripció. Study different ways of writing a description. 8) Fer una descripció personal. Write a personal description.

9) Identificar persones a partir de la seva descripció. Identify people through their personal descriptions.



Ashgar Salma


My name is Salma and I’m 14 years old. My birthday is on May 20th. I am usually chatty in class and relaxed at home. I like going to the cinema and to the shopping center (in the shopping center I like buying things for me). My family is very important in my life. I’m interested in gymnastics. My favorite hobby is gymnastic rhythmic, I am not a frightening person.


Ayan Ainhoa

My name is Ainhoa and I am 14 years old. My hobbies are sports (I love playing football, cycling and especially climbing the mountains). At weekends I like going out with my friends , going to the cinema or staying at home with my family. On holidays I like going on a trip or staying with my friends. I also enjoy hiking in the mountains with my sister and my parents. Last year I went to Menorca , an island which is in the Balearic Islands. This year I’ve been there, too. It is a very nice place to visit! My friends think I have a double personality, and I think so too. I have two personalities, one with my family and another with my friends. With my family I am a quiet girl, usually polite, and sometimes I can be a little shy. With my friends is just the opposite. They think I'm crazy. With them I can be myself as if I change to be with them. When I'm with them I'm always happy. I consider myself a friendly, honest and crazy girl. I do not like people who are always sad or angry. I like to be happy, laugh, and have fun with my friends. So all my friends are very funny and extroverted.


I am a very nervous girl. I do not like to sit still because I need to move. That's why I love sport and practise a lot. And hopefully I can practice more in the future. The reason why I am extroverted is because of my parents. They are the two most important people in my life. They have always supported me and given me confidence in myself.



Ayan Tania

My name is Tania Ayan and I am 14 years old. I like playing handball and paddleball. They are two sports which I like a lot. At the weekends or during the holidays I like to stay with my friends, go out to have something and do funny things... About the school I like to attend Catalan and Spanish classes. They are the subjects that I like the most, but I don’t like maths and science (they are two subjects which are difficult to understand) Now I am going to write about different personalities, when I’m with my friends and when I’m with my family. When I’m with my friends I usually tend to be friendly, fun and very open. But when I don’t know someone, I’m the opposite. I am shyer and quiet though I changed over the years. I like when my friends tell me their problems because that means they trust me and so, I can help them. I consider myself a quite quiet and little shy girl. With my family I consider myself an open and friendly girl, althoug when I am angry, I’m opposite.


5 Blesa Sandra

My name is Sandra and I’m 13. I’m going to be 14 on 1st of October. I live in Cardedeu, Barcelona, Spain. I like my country so much because of the good weather, the food… although I would love to live abroad for two years to learn more languages and cultures. I don’t have a lot of hobbies but I have one or two… I like doing classical dance and reading (I love reading). When I’m inspired I like writing stories about how I’m feeling. In the evenings I don’t like doing homework. It’s normal, isn’t it? At the weekends I take some walks with my friends or I go to an excursion with my family. In the holidays I love going to Pontons, a town in the Penedès area. My grandpa lives there. We usually stay there for about a month, and then we return to Cardedeu to see the Festa Major. When it finishes we take a week more or less to go to a hotel somewhere around the world. Every summer is different. Last summer, for example, we went to Pontons and Gran Canaria. Exceptionally, I went to an English camp. At school I like Maths and English. I like Maths because I like doing operations and I like to think about how to solve the problems. I like English too because it’s a different language and I don’t know why, but I like this language.


There are two different sides of my personal-

smile and laugh. This part is the part which I

ity. One is the part which people can see of me,

would love to show every time.

but there is a part of me (the other) that only the people who I trust can see. It’s not difficult to see this hidden part. I trust people who show a sincere smile. But it’s not as simple as it seems. When I say “I trust people who show a sincere smile” it’s a way to say that I’m not a

I’m always laughing, and it is a personality which comes from my hidden part but my external part can’t keep it in. This personality overlaps the shy side, this personality makes me feel good.

person who doesn’t take the initiative to know

This is my virtue. I’m a happy person thanks to

people. I’m a person who waits other people

this, thanks to my laughing personality.

come to me. And the people who come to me are the people who I know that I can trust. I like happy and funny people, and the real me, the person who I’m going to show is happy and funny, very different from what you can see. The part of me most people can see shows a quiet and shy person. This part of me is cautious with the people who I don’t know. This part of me is conservative

In the picture I painted my eye light brown because for me this color shows a happy personality and honest person. It shows this part as it is: this light brown makes you seem reliable… it is how I am. The part most people can see is selfish. This part of me is so selfish that it doesn't let the other part be expressed. I would love to show everyone how I really am, but I suppose that this part which I don’t like is here for some reason. I have to accept who I am. And if there is a part of me that is quiet and shy it would be here for something. Who knows?

and aloof. But the part people who I trust can see is so different. It is happy, friendly, amusing, honest, polite, humorous, sympathetic… But above all it is happy. This part makes my friends



Calvet Joel

I m Joel and I am 14 years old. My hobbies are Go-karts and

playing sport. I usually play football with my friends. I really like playing football and watching the match when F.C.Barcelona play. I don t like having or doing homework. It s boring! At the weekends I like relaxing. My favorite subject is physical education, because I like all sports. In the holidays last year I ew to France. It is a beautiful country. In the classroom I'm usually quiet, but with my friends I'm usually chatty and extroverted. My parents and friends are important in my life. I am very interested in Moto GP and football matches, especially in Barcelona matches. I ďŹ nd ghosts frightening because they are probably looking at us.



Canet Joan

I’m Joan Canet, I’m 14 years old and I love playing basketball (I play in my city team) . I like playing games on my computer but I only play “Minecraft” because it is the best game in the world. I love Art classes because you can be creative. Last year I went on holidays with y family. I went to Morella, a little town in Valencia. Everyone has a different personality. I’m one of them, and now I want to tell you about it. I have two sides. The first side with teachers and people who I don’t know. I’m quiet, shy and I try to be polite and serious. And the second side with my family and people who I have confidence, I’m extroverted, friendly, honest and sometimes a big chatty and rebellious boy.



Capdevila Alba

My name is Alba and my surnames are Capdevila López. I’m 13 years old. I only have one hobbie which is playing indoor soccer. The things that I like to do in evenings is meeting friends and going to my football training. During the holidays I like going to the beach and travelling (doing things that everyone likes). I don’t like doing homework in summer because summer is to play, go away and not to study. I think that everyone hates this. At school, my favourite subjects are Catalan and English because I like learning languages and also Social Studies (because I think it’s interesting). Last year I went to Las Vegas in winter. It was so fun, I enjoyed it very much! About my personality, I’m a person who is crazy, extroverted, happy, friendly, polite… but I’m also edge. I’m a person who is guided by first impression. If with my first impression I don’t like you then I’ll keep my opinion. A positive thing that I have is that I don’t care about what people say about me. I’m an honest person and I try not to tell lies. I hate when people lie to me. Another positive thing that I have is that I’m very extroverted, and I talk to everyone even I don’t know them. But I also have bad things. I have a strong character and I always want to be right. Another thing is that I’m edge, but this is a big characteristic of me, If I weren’t edge. I wouldn’t be me.



Carrés Martina

My name is Martina and I am 13 years old. I live in Cardedeu. My hobbies are meeting my friends, photography, watching films and reading books. In the evenings I don’t like doing homework and I like going to the gym. At the weekend I don’t like doing sport and I like reading. In the holidays I like going to the beach and the swimming pool. My favorite subjects at school are geography, art and history but I don’t like maths because they are difficult for me. Last summer I went to Paris and I visited the Eiffel Tower. I have two sides to my personality. One side shows that I’m chatty, friendly, sensitive, extroverted and a funny person with people who knows me like my friends and my family. My green eye means freedom. I think that I’m an independent person and I can do all I want. People who don’t know me think that I’m shy, polite and quiet. The other side shows that person.



Castells Ian

My name is Ian and my surname is Castells. I live in Cardedeu. I was born in Granollers and I study at Institut Pla Marcell. I am 14 years old my face is long; I have got blond and short hair. I wear glasses all the time and my eyes are blue. I am little shy but I am happy, friendly, polite and honest.

I am a little shy and always happy. I am relaxed but in exams and presentations I get very nervous. I am often angry when someone is disturbing me. I am also extroverted in some moments. I am honest and polite all the time with friends, family and teachers.


11 Gonzalez Diana

My name is Diana and I am 13 years old. November 24th is my birthday and I’ll be 14. I am 1.57 tall. I have a sister who is two years older than me. I live in Cardedeu with my parents and my sister. I went to the school ‘’Les Aigües’’. I like Catalan and Spanish because they are easy to me. I like this school, because some of the acKviKes we do are fun. I’m afraid of 3r ESO because people always said to me that it is a very difficult year. My personality is very similar to others. I am very shy, except when I trust someone. I consider myself quite a sympatheKc, funny, cheerful and very honest girl. I am polite and a liQle discreet. I like meeKng my friends. I don’t like sports, because I hate playing football or tennis. My hobbies are listening to music, meeKng friends, photography, and watching TV. My favorite color is blue and green, because blue is very quiet and relaxing and green is a very beauKful and relaxing colour.



Cruz David

I’m David and I’m 14. I like going out with friends, maybe to get a pizza or to the cinema, I love playing computer games with them. I really hate singing and doing my homework but I do it anyway. I like the English class because I love languages and I love England. Last year during holiday I stayed home with my parents and sometimes my friends. I am (in the deep) a sensitive and warm person. The crazy and extroverted David is just for people I don’t trust. When I’m alone I like loud music and maybe reading a book or playing some video games. My family is one of the most important things in my life because I don’t know what I could do without them, but sometimes, I want to “kill” my sister for some reasons. My friends are also a very important thing in my life because they listen to me when I’m in a bad mood and try to cheer me up.


13 Dalmau Maria


My name is Maria, I’m 14 years old. I like meeting friends, going to the gym and staying with my family. I hate sports because I’m not good at them. My favorite subjects in the school are Catalan, Spanish and English and I don’t like Maths. Last year, on holiday, I went to Menorca with my sister and my grandmother. Later I went to Costa Brava with my sister and my parents and I finally went to Andorra. It was amazing. I have two parts of my personality which are very different. One part shows that I’m a responsible, quiet and shy person. I normally listen to my teachers and my parents and I’m honest with my friends. On the other hand, I have another side of my personality. I am extroverted with my family and my real friends but when I don’t know someone, I’m the opposite. I’m a happy person who loves laughing.

14 Delgado David

My name is David Delgado, I’m 14 years. I have many hobbies such as football, creating music and playing games with my friends. I like playing the piano and watching series on TV. I don’t like fish, I hate fish! At school, I like girls and music. Last year on holidays, I went to Port Aventura and I rode most of the attractions.

I usually have two personalities, the personal, which I use my family and people who I know. This personality is friendly, nice, neat and polite. On the other side, I have the personality to friendly people I know more. This personality is a little more rude. I like all colors, but my favourite colour is green.


15 Esteban Glòria

My name is Glòria Esteban I am 14 years old. My hobbies are dancing, playing football, listening to music and riding horses. I also love dancing because I think that is something which helps me to express how I am and how I feel. In the evenings I like chatting with my friends or watching TV programmes. At the weekends I sleep a lot and stay with my friends. I don’t like getting up early, I hate it! For my holidays I usually go to an apartment with my family. I don’t like it when I don’t see my friends. At school I love recess time because I can relax and have fun. Last year I went to an apartment in Girona with my family. I also went to the beach. I have wo different sides to my personality. The first part shows the quiet a polite person, who doesn’t show her feelings to other people. This part is present when I’m not good, I’m sad or when I am not in a good mood. The other part shows when I am extroverted, happy and a bit crazy. I like green because it is the color of hope. I always wish hope to everyone.



Estruch Clara

I’m Clara, and I’m 13. I love reading! Seriously, I can spend a whole day just reading! I also like writing but (usually) I never finish anything (it’s something I have to work with). I also love animals, I always say that when I grow up and I have my own house I’ll have lots of kittens and dogs. At the weekends I usually go with my family to a little town called Cornudella which is in the mountains We go walking and things like that. I also go out with my friends, but I prefer staying at home reading a book (I’m not a very social person as you can see). At school I like social studies because I love history and this year we’re going to do some classes in English! I like languages so this is going to be great! Last summer I went to many places! First, I went to Denmark because my aunt lives there with her husband and their child. I had to fly alone and before the trip I was really nervous, because of the airport (I didn’t want to get lost). Finally everything went great and I was a week there practicing my English. After a month, I went to a camping with my friend. We made new friends and everything was fun. A few weeks later, I went with my family to It-


aly! We went by car so we could stop and sleep wherever we wanted (it’s not as easy as it seems to find a camping in Italy!). I have three personalities. One is the shy, quiet and polite girl that I am when I’m with someone who I don’t know. That girl doesn't usually speak, just if they ask something to her. She just stays and pretends not to be there. The other one is the crazy and chatty girl that I am when I’m with my friends or with someone who I have familiarity. She is really crazy, talks a lot and laughs all the time. Maybe she speaks too much sometimes. She likes to run along the corridor making wars of foil balls with her friends. These are the two ones which I drew, one is looking down, because she’s shy, but the other is smiling and looking at the “camera”. But I think I have one more personality: the girl that I am when I’m alone. She loves reading or staying on the sofa with a blanket and a marathon of The Lord of the Rings. I don’t know exactly how to define her. She’s in the first and the second girl at the same time, but in none of them too.



Falgueras Lila


My name is Lila. I’m 13 years old and my favourite hobbie is swimming although I like dancing, too. In the evenings, I like meeting my friends or watching TV. My weekends are quiet. In the morning I sleep and in the afternoon I go to “esplai” or to a friend’s House. The holidays are wonderful: I usually go to camps! My favourite subject is History because I really like history. In my last holiday I went to Cornellana, Andorra, Castelló and Llaborre. It was very fun! I'm usually chatty, extroverted and happy although I am a little bit crazy. I have a side of me which people usually don't know. When I must be serious, I'm serious. I am also quiet and polite (when the situation is important). My favourite colour is purple because it is my name and it defines me. Friends and family are very important in my life. I don't have a lot of friends, but my real friends are the best friends in the world. I love music. I listen to different bands, but they are singers who sing in Catalan or Spanish, not in English. Never in English. I play the guitar and I really like it. It's very exciting to play the guitar with friends. My favourite season of the year is winter because it is when I don't suffer from allergies. I go swimming once a week. When I swim, I feel better.


Fradera Eric


My name is Eric and I am 13. Some of my hobbies are football, playing video games and playing with friends. I like to play computer games and what I do not like to do is clean my room but it is an obligation. Some of the subjects I like most are languages. Last year I went on holidays with a friend to Roses. I also went to the Delta del Ebro with my uncles and my cousin. I have two very dierent sides of my personality. One of the two parts is when I'm out with friends: I'm very happy and extroverted. The other me is totally dierent from when I'm at school attending class I'm very polite and quiet. My family, my friends and my dog are very important in my life. I’m interested in video edition and football. I find spiders, bees and cockroaches frightening. My hobbies are playing football, editing videos and playing games. My favorite color is green; it is the color of hope.


Garcia Marta

My name is Marta Garcia and I am 14 years old. I have a lot of hobbies like playing basketball, swimming, dancing, editing videos, chatting with friends and meeting new people. In the evenings I love meeting friends but I don’t like doing homework (it is so boring). At the weekends I like so much playing basketball and dancing because it makes me switch off from all things. During the week I have school and I get up very early (I don’t like that because I’m a sleepyhead girl). But if I go to school I see my friends every day. I love holidays because I can sleep a lot! But although there is not school and I can sleep a lot, I don’t see my best friends and I miss them a lot. My favourite subjects are Technology, Natural Science and all foreign languages. Last holidays I went to Rome, Chamonix and Saint Tropez but my favorite city is Rome because it is special. I sometimes think that there are different sides to my personality, so my portrait has got 2 parts. One part shows the extroverted, crazy, polite person, who listens to her parents and teachers. The other part shows that I’m a sensitive person who thinks that what people say is important to me. People don’t really know that side of me but it is definitely there. And often this side affects my character.



Gumà Pol


My name is Pol. I’m afraid of the end of the universe. I always think if the universe has an end. Where is it? That is one of the things that I ask myself a lot. I’m shy meeting new people because I want to be friendly with them but I don’t know how they are. When I’m bored I’m usually chatty but when I’m not bored and I’ve got something to do, I’m very quiet. I’m friendly when I’m with my friends. I always respect people’s opinions and then, they respect mine.


Herrera Aida

My name is Aida, and I’m fourteen years old. My hobbies are: reading, writing, listening to music, singing, playing guitar, sports, photography… I like football; Barça team and the Spanish National Team and I usually watch all games. And I also love running. And the kind of music that I like is rock and/or metal (Black Veil Brides is my favorite band). I read all kind of books, but I really like science fiction. I write about whatever comes to my mind, on my computer. I like photography, too. I think that is nice and I am good at it. At school I like languages and science classes. Because I’m good, and I think that it is very important for my future. I would like to be the manager of a marketing company It’s my dream. This year I went on holiday to Canarias (at Christmas) and Andalusia (in summer) with my family. And I loved it! I want to go to Andalusia and live there. It’s nice! In my picture there are positive colors like pink, yellow, green, blue, etc. I also think that I am a positive person. One part of the picture shows my inside; shows a sensitive, shy, insecure and cold person. I only show this part of me to my best friends and my family. I don’t want to show this side to other people. I want other people to think that I am strong. The other part shows my outer; it shows an extroverted, chatty, stronger, friendly and warm person. This part of me is the person who others think I am.


Like everybody I have a double personality. And it is because I am one of those people who is strong on the outside but I am less on the inside. And the drawing shows that I am more beautiful in the inside than in the outside. And it also shows that I am smiling in the outer but I’m not probably happy inside.



Kaili Laila

My name is Laila. I don’t play sport. My hobbies are: listen to music on the radio, go shopping and draw. My favourite animal is the horse and my favourite color is green. At school my favourite subjects are Technology and Catalan but I don’t like maths . After school I usually watch TV and play computer games. I am polite but very chatty . I have got short, curly hair. My eyes are small and dark brown. My lips are thin. I always wear big earrings. I like to wear jeans in the winter and short trousers in the summer. I usually buy clothes at Bershka . My school is Pla Marcell. The subject I like most is Technology but I also like English because the teacher is professional. My favourite country is the United States.


23 Kaplan Martin


My name is Martin Kaplan. I am 14 years old and my hobbies are play computer games, chat with friends, play football and sometimes read. I don’t like school but I think this year is going to be a nice year because I have nice teachers and I like them. Last holiday I went to London with my mother for 4 days, and after a month approximately I went with my family to Berlin for 6 days. When I am with my friends I am different than when I am with my family. When I am with my friends I am an extroverted, honest and funny person and sometimes very impolite. I like being with my friends because we laugh a lot together. But when I am with my family I am more polite and more quiet. I don’t like being with my family because they are very annoying and I get very bored.


Laborda Mar

My name is Mar. I’m 14 years old. I live in Cardedeu, a small town near Barcelona. I like swimming a lot. That is why every Tuesday and Thursday I go to the pool. At weekends I like meeting my friends. I like Catalan because it’s the easiest subject for me (I also get good scores). Last summer I went to Menorca. It’s beautiful! I liked it very much! I think I don’t have two sides, but sometimes I think that there are two different sides of me. On the one side I am quiet, shy and afraid (afraid of what others may think about me, afraid of what others might think about my real me). This is the side I don’t like. The side that I like and I feel that is the real me is the second side: I am cheerful, sincere, a little crazy and chatty. With friends I have this side, the side I like. But with people I don’t know I forget the side I don’t like and that I am trying to improve.



Marín Àlex

My name is Alex Marin Felices. I’m fourteen years old. My hobbies are playing football, meeting friends, playing video games and swimming. In the evening I like watching a film or watching football matches on TV. At weekends I like going to play football with my friends and with my team. Last holiday I went to Germany because my brother played a football competition. I really had fun because during my holiday I like to visit countries or cities which I never visited before. My favourite subjects are P.E. because I really like sport and English because I want to live in London or somewhere in England. I have two different types of my personality. The part when I’m with my friends and the people of my age and the other part when I’m with my family or at school. With my friends I’m more extroverted, crazy, friendly, a little bit silly, sarcastic, open-minded, talkative, intuitive, sociable, funny and sincere. On the other hand with my family and at school I’m shyer, cold, polite, hard-working, a little bit nervous, nice, kind and openminded. These are the two different me but I think that most people only knows one of the two parts of my real me.


26 Márquez Fermín

My name is Fermín Márquez and I’m fourteen years old. I love sports but my favourite sport is football. I like meeting my friends and watching TV, too. After dinner I do my homework and then, I like playing computer games. The subjects that I like at school are P.E and English. I’m very interested in travelling every summer. Last summer I went to Lisbon and it was very cool because there are a lot of shops and the thing which I really liked from Lisbon is that people are very friendly. I n m y o p i n i o n I h a v e t w o d i ff e re n t personalities. One of this is when I’m with my friends and family because I’m happy and relaxed and a little bit chatty. And the second is when I’m with people who I don’t know I’m very shy and nervous. But in general I’m very polite and happy all the time, it doesn’t matter what has happened. I’m interested in people who are crazy and friendly and never shy. My two colors are red and white. Red because is like crazy and white when I’m calm and relax. I’m also a little bit curious because I like doing new things and feelings.


27 Marquez Rubén

My name is Rubén. I’m 14 years old and I’m from Cánoves, a little village near Cardedeu. I like basically doing sport, I like playing football, playing waterpolo, swimming and riding bikes. I like sleeping the whole morning at the weekends but I usually have to visit my grandparents in Barcelona. I don’t like getting up early because I feel sleepy later. My favourite subjects at school are P.E and Technology. P.E because I like doing sports and Technology because I like Technology. This summer I went to Madrid to visit the most famous places in Madrid and then I went to Extremadura. Unexpectedly when I was there my grandma got sick and my holiday got worse. The first part of the photography shows a shy, serious and confident person, who behaves well in class and listens to the teachers. This part appears when I’m in class or with serious people. The other part shows a person who is happy, extroverted and cheerful. This part appears when I’m with friends or with my family. The colors behind me are green and blue because together form a calm and peaceful environment.



Martín Marta

My name is Marta. It’s Marta because that’s the name my parents liked. I was born in the year 2000 so I’m 14 years old. My hobbies are dancing ballet, learning English, and making handmade things. In the evenings I like hanging out with my friends, making handmade things, staying at home watching series in O.V. like Castle, How I Met Yout Mother…I don’t like to spend all evenings studying. At weekends I like to hang out with my friends, go to the swimming pool, spend a day with my family… On the holidays I love to travel, go to the beach and the swimming pool, spend days at an apartament we have in L’Estartit, meet friends… My favorite subjects are Catalan, English, “ViP” and maths. I don’t really know why I like these subjects. I just like them. Most of the people probably think I am shy, quiet, honest, polite... But I am not as they think at all. For example, if I have to talk to a person who I don’t know and I know that I won’t probably meet him/her again I don’t have any problem to talk to this person. But, when I have to talk to a person who I know but there’s no confidence I don’t talk too much. So you can say I am shy and a little extroverted. This happens to me with a lot of aspects. Another one is that when I am at school or a place like this, I behave correctly. But when I am with my best friends I am so crazy (more than you can imagine). But there are some things that wherever and whoever I am with don’t change: I am polite with everyone, I am honest with most of people...



Mateo Arlet

My name is Arlet. I’m 14 years old and I have a sister. I love ballet and music. I practice ballet around 14 hours a week. In the evening I always read a book, and then I take my mobile phone and I speak with my friends. My favorite subjects are English and Catalan, but I don’t like Spanish. My last holidays were in Berlin. I really liked it. We visited museums and a lot of famous buildings. I’ll return with my sister. I feel embarrassing when I have a ballet festival, but when I’m on the stage I really feel relaxed. My favorite color is blue because it makes me feel free, independent and more alive. When I’m in a high school class I feel more overwhelmed, and when I go to the playground I feel relaxed. When I meet friends I’m really excited because I definitely think that with them, I can be myself. When I'm listening to music or I'm dancing, I am free and I feel better with myself. So for this reason I think that music and dancing are big parts of my life. I’m sometimes angry with my parents because they said that I don’t listen to them, and I don’t do the good things and I think it’s the opposite, but then we talk about the problem and we solve it. My grandmother says that problems don’t have a solution if we don't talk about them, and I think that she is right. Do what makes you happy.



Moreno Ivan

I’m Ivan and I’m 14 years old. I really like playing tennis, basketball and swimming. I like going out and meeting my friends. I really like going to Valls where my family live. I dislike reading romantic books. My favorite subjects are Spanish and Catalan because I like languages. Last year I went to Montblanc (Tarragona) and Peñiscola (Valencia). I think I have different personalities. I have a first personality which shows the extroverted, cheerful and friendly person which is my favorite personality because I show it to friends and most of family. There is another personality which is more quiet, polite and relaxed. It is a part of me which likes going with parents to play family games, who likes relaxing on the sofa but I think this personality is more boring. My friends don’t know this part of me. People think I am always the same, but this is not true. My favourite colors are blue and orange. Blue is a color which represents me because it is a relaxing color and orange is cheerful, happy and very positive. I hate feeling worried and unfriendly because it is a part of me I don’t like showing because people ask me and I don’t like when people talk to me.



Navalón Sergi

My name is Sergi. I’m fourteen years old. My hobby is playing computer games at the weekends. I like meeting friends during my holidays. When I get old I want to be a programmer. People see me like a good person and take advantage of me. So I’m already tired of it. I would love to be brave and not give up because if not, you do not get anything for what you’ve done.

On the outside I’m

good, kind, friendly, sensible and polite. But inside I’m hard on myself as I know that people do not see me as I truly am: a person with a lot of courage.


32 Ordovas Yulan

My name is Yulan. I am fourteen. My hobby is football. I don’t like doing homework. I normally play computer games with other students, and chat on the phone. During the holidays I play football matches with the Cardedeu team. After the match I do my homework and meet my friends. My favorite subjects at school are Technology, P.E , Music and English because they are not difficult for me. Last holiday I went to France and Aragón because I have an apartment in France and another in Aragón. I met my friends and went to the beach and the swimmingpool. I´m a sensitive boy and I like meeting my friends. I have fun with them. I´m honest, extroverted and sometimes crazy!!!! I have got short, brown hair. My eyes are big and I have got brown eyes. My face and skin are bronze colour. I normally wear black clothes and cold colours. I´m modern and stylish. I love listening to music, going to the cinema and meeting my friends.



Pasquet Marc

My name is Marc Pasquet Garcia. I’m fourteen years old. My favourite hobbies are playing handball, playing the guitar, running and talking to my Friends. At the week-­‐ ends, I go to the Scout’s Center and on Sunday our family go hiking. In the evenings I go to English classes at 4pm and at 7.30 pm I go to my handball training. During holi-­‐ days, my family and I go to Ainet de Cardós, a liLle town in Cardos Valley in the Cata-­‐ lonian Pyreenes. My favourite subjects are: P.E because I like sport and science (I love science and Nature because animals and the science of the earth are fantasRc things). Last summer, our family went to Uztarroz, a small village in Navarra, near Isaba. It is amazing and beauRful! My personality has got two parts: One part shows the polite, helpful, dedicated, re-­‐ sponsible and correct person, who helps the schoolmates, listens to friends and talks with teachers and adults. The other part shows my truth personality: in normal situaRons I’m a quiet person, but when I stay with my group of friends, I trans-­‐ form from a peaceful to an extroverted and opened person. Only a liLle group of my best friends know that side of me. In the drawing, my sweatshirt is green because the green is a therapy color. It is the color of nature and life. It is peace-­‐ ful! In general, I’m a person who likes doing things in order. I’m a hardwork-­‐ ing and helpful boy. SomeRmes I’m a bit serious, strict and tough, only in the bad and hard moments. But normally I’m friendly and cheerful, sincere and faith-­‐ ful! Music is very important in my life. I like listening to different kinds of music, but I like the blend of a vocal pop music with electronic music! It is strange!



Piña Jan Ot

My name is Jan Ot Piña Urgell. I’m fourteen years old and I like reading, playing Handball, watching movies and playing the violin. I like riding my bike and at the weekends I usually go to a handball match. I don’t like football and basketball because I don’t understand these sports and I’m not so good. I‘m usually quiet and honest. I don’t like to do a lot of sports (except handball and cycling). I’m tense in places with a lot of people and I only talk without barriers with my friends and family. I’m afraid of the perfect order (it makes me feel strange and


nal’), and the color which identifies myself is black. It’s a color which shows calm and it hasn’t got refinements. The eye and the mouth are closed to show my reserve and calm appearance.



Pocurull Aina

My name is Aina, and I’m fourteen years old. As I love music, I like playing some instruments such as the piano, the ukulele, or the guitar… I also like dancing. In the evenings, I don’t like going to bed early. I usually lie on the sofa and I read books. I love it! But when I’m very tired, I prefer to listen to music. At weekends, as I don’t like staying at home all the time, I meet my friends, or I play the guitar with my cousins. I go to Pla marcell high school and I like Maths. It’s my favorite subject. I have always liked numbers. Do you also love holidays? I love summer holidays! I can go to the beach, listen to music, eat ice-cream, collect seashells, look at the sky and see shooting stars at night. There are so many things to do. I wish that was summer all the year round! Last summer, as we have a house in Costa Brava, we went there with my family. A lot of times I think about me, and I wonder “Who am I?” Far away of the physical and what’s outside far of what people say and see. Since last year, I’m quite moody. I sometimes feel happy and excited and after a while I feel sad. That’s strange but my family and Pilar, my teacher, say that it happens to everybody at this age. I’m cheerful and friendly with the closest people. I try to be generous but I don’t know if I am enough. I’m honest. If I like something, I say it. And if I don’t like it, I say it too. I’m sensible but I think that I’m getting less. I definitely recognize that I’m chatty… But when I’m with a lot of people, I control myself. “Who am I?” I still haven’t got a full answer but I know how I am inside. I think that the physical part is only the cover of a box full of things to discover: the real me.



Pou Victor


My name is Víctor! I am 14 years old and I am studying ESO at Pla Marcell school. I love playing basketball although I love playing video games, too. I like watching TV because it’s relaxing and I don’t like doing homework. My favourite subjects are P.E, English and Spanish. In my picture the colors are different because I think that I have two personali-­‐ Kes. One is the boy who wants to be a “bad boy” and the other is a person that is really extroverted, friendly, honest and polite with the family, the teachers and the colleagues. But personally I think that I would use the red color for the “bad boy” because it means security, and for the good boy I would use the green because it means hope.

37 Quintana Emma


My name is Emma. I am thirteen years old. My favourite hobby is playing the piano because I like music. At weekends I like meeting friends, watching TV or playing computer games. In the holidays I like going to the swimming pool. My favourite subject is Art because I like drawing and doing different things. Last year I didn’t go to any place because my mum and my brother had a serious accident. But I went with my family to closer places like the beach, to my grandparents’ pool and other near places. I am quiet and polite. I like going shopping with my friends because I like buying clothes very much, going to the beach because I like sunbathe while I’m listening to music and other places. My friends and my family are very important in my life because they help me when I need something and they are always on my side.They advise me and show me that they love me. I’m interested in music because I always play music. Music is very important in my life . The name of my music school is Escola de Música Lluís Cullell. I have attended this school since I was four years. My father is a teacher at this school and my brother plays the drums and the piano. My greatgrandfather was a famous musician in Cervera: he composed “La Banda Sonora de JesuCrist”.


Rabinal Paula

My name is Paula. I’m fourteen years old; I was born on 10th of February so I’m the oldest girl in my class. I have some hobbies although the one I practice most is dancing (I like different dancing styles). I often go swimming, sometimes I do equestrian sports because I love horses and go to the sports centre to play football with my friends. In the evening, I like watching an English series on the sofa (I can see a lot of episodes in one day). I don’t like when I go home and I have to eat late. At weekends I like going to a camping where I often go and see my friends. I don’t like it when there is bad weather. In the holidays, I like meeting friends and keep calm reading and doing nothing. I don’t like when I have homework or exams to prepare. My favourite subjects are English and Physical Education. I like English because I love learning different languages and P.E because I like practice sports a lot (I think it’s an important thing). Last year on holidays I went to the camping with my family and I saw my friends. Normally I’m a shy, quiet and polite person when I‘m with people who I have never spoken before. But, when I’m with people who I know and I talk to them often, I’m friendly, chatty and cheerful because I have confidence in them. I know that they are not going to laugh at me. They will listen to me and I can act like I am. I’m interested in photography because I think it's art. You can capture different moments in a single photo. It’s awesome! I’m also interested in dancing. I have danced since I was nine years old and I can dance different types of musical styles. I think dancing is a freedom to express what you feel, forget everything just listening to the music. My friends and my family are the most important things in my life. I don't know what I would do without them. They are the only people who listen to me, love me, respect me, help me when I need it and are always on my side. I like going to the mountains, walking through the forest and see the landscape there. I also like visiting cities, towns and see their customs.


39 Raventós Júlia

My name is Júlia Raventós Deu, and I’m thirteen years old, although in two months I’m going to be fourteen. I like listening to music and dancing. But the thing that I like the most is riding a horse which I have been doing since I was six years old. In the evenings, what I don’t like to do is homework, and I prefer spending time with my friends. I love weekends because they are like little holidays every week. But the thing that I really like is summer holiday because I don’t have to work and I can do things that I like all the time, like riding a horse, meeting friends and visiting cities, and in good weather. The subjects that I like most are social studies and physical education because I think social studies is interesting and I learn things about all the world. And I like physical education because it’s a different subject, and it doesn’t have a lot of theory and we can play. Last year I went on holidays to France. I went to a city called Chamonix and I saw the Mont Blanc. I really enjoyed that holiday because it was fun. I’m usually a quiet, polite and shy person, when I’m with people who I don’t know, or older than me. But with my real friends I’m a very chatty, crazy, warm and sensitive person. My friends are very important to me, and although I don’t have a lot, I don’t care, because the ones I have, are real friends. I trust them a lot and I’m only myself when I’m with them. I really like music and I listen to different


types of music depending on my feelings. When I really like a song, I usually look for the translation, to understand the lyrics better. In my free time I like to meet with my friends or go for a walk alone with my dog. What I like to do most is ride a horse. I have done since I was six years old. It’s like a tradition to go to the equine centre every week. I love horses and the feeling of jumping, galloping and learning new things about them. In the future, I would like to buy a horse. Another thing that I love is travel. I love walking down the streets of a city where I’ve never been for the first time. I also like to take pictures and visit museums, parks, etc. The country that I like most is France. In the future, I would love to travel around the world.



RodrĂ­guez Alfons


My name is Alfons. I am 14 years old. I have two personalities. The first personality is extroverted, funny and energetic. This personality comes out of me when I stay with people who I trust. The second personality shows a serious, hardworking and quiet person. This personality is showns when I am in class or at handball training.


RodrĂ­guez Sergio

My name is Sergio Rodriguez and I'm 14 years old. October 16th is my birthday. I'm usually funny and extroverted. I live in Cardedeu where I





soccer. I

watching TV, playing with my computer and my mobile phone, and being with my friends. People who are important in my life are my family and my friends. At school I like to practice physical education and art because I love manual tasks. And it is not like homework or study for exams. find


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frightening. I

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Tarragona with family and some friends. 46


42 Ruiz Pau

My name is Pau and I’m 14 years old. My favourite hobbies are foot-­‐ ball and computer games. In the evening I like watching TV and cook-­‐ ing crêpes. At the weekend I go to play a match with my football team and later I do my homework. In the summer I like swimming and vis-­‐ iting some places with my family. My favourite subject is English be-­‐ cause it’s fun and it is useful if you want to travel to another country. I also like P.E, because I love sports. Last year, during the holidays, I went to Basque Country with my family. We visited the most popular cities and the most beautiful places. I’m usually friendly and honest. In my free time, I like going to the football ground to play football with my classmates. My friends and my family are important in my life because they help me and make me feel good. I’m interested in football since I was very little and I’m also interested in electronic and dance music. I find spiders frighten-­‐ ing because they have eight hairy legs and snakes are frightening be-­‐ cause they are poisonous.


43 Salinas Gonzalo

My name is Gonzalo Salinas and I’m 14 years old. I really like playing chess, editing videos and solving the Rubik’s cube which I can do in 12-­‐13 seconds. Next week I’m going to the Spanish Championship. In the evenings I really like playing computer games and reading manga comics. At week-­‐ ends I like solving the Rubik’s cube but I hate doing home-­‐ work. In the holidays I like traveling with my family. Maths is my favourite subject. I hate music because I don’t like singing or dancing. Last holidays I went to the U.K. with my family. We visited lots of interesting and beauti-­‐ ful places. I have not any alter-­‐ego so the two parts of the portrait are equal. I'm a pretty shy person. I have trouble interact-­‐ ing with people and I usually feel uncomfortable in some environments. Nevertheless with people I already know, I am very friendly and polite. I like people who are serious and sensible, even so I have some friends who are an exception. I don’t like chatty people, I feel really uncomfortable and annoyed when I am with people who are always speaking. The colors behind me, are white and blue. I have chosen those colors because I think they are positive and relaxing. I like positive and relaxing things because I don’t like feel-­‐ ing worried or stressed.



Sánchez Judit

My name is Judit. I’m fourteen and I’m a student at high school. I love animals and my hobbies are writing, walking and talking to my friends. I also like sports, travelling and listening to music. I don’t like needles and the hunt. Spanish ad P.E. education are my favorite subjects at school. Spanish, because I speak that language and P.E because I like sport. I didn’t travel abroad last year but I went to the beach in Barcelona.

My personality is a little special. I’m usually a crazy, happy, cheerful, friendly, extroverted, chatty person. But when I listen to music my personality changes a lot. I'm sometimes unfriendly, serious, cold and insensitive. My family and my friends know this. My favourite color is blue. I match blue with the sea because the sea changes a lot in a little time like me. I don't like people who are unfriendly, dishonest, impolite or cold.



Sánchez Pol


My name is Pol and I’m 14 years old. My hobbies are playing tennis and riding bikes. I don’t like staying at home. I have to do something so I always ride a bike. I like maths, English and P.E. Last summer I went to France and I went to l’Escala, too. I think that there are two different sides of my personality. One side is when I’m studying, doing homework or listening to music. It is when I am concentrated and relaxed. But then there is the other side of me which I think is what most of people see: I am extroverted but polite, friendly and sensitive. I usually go to play tennis and I think that family and friends are important to me.


Sola Isaac


My name is Isaac Sola and I am 14 years old. My hobbies are sports such as football, basketball, hockey, handball and American soccer. My other hobby is music. I like Eminem, Red Foo, Rihanna, Chris Brown, Wiz Khalifa, Snoop Dog and Jason Derulo. I like meeting friends and I don’t like staying at home. I like going the street every day when I am on holiday. I’m usually extroverted and polite with my friends. I like going to football matches and visit Extremadura. My family and friends are important in my life. I find snakes frightening.


Solano Nils


I am a boy who is always a liOle nervous. SomeKmes when I'm in my bedroom alone I'm a relaxed person. When I talk to a person I'm different but not every-­‐ body sees that part of me. I'm a shy person. My hobbies are drawing, ediKng videos and solving Rubik's Cube. My appearance does not represent me some Kmes.

48 St. Clair Gavin

My name is Gavin St. Clair Montoliu. I was born in Santiago de Chile on 27th September 2000. When I was three years old I came to live in Barcelona. I was in Barcelona for 6 years and then I moved to Cardedeu. My favorite food is Pizza Margarita and I like going to restaurants especially the Torre Rosa. When I finish school I like to stay with friends. I also like to play football. I have one sister and my parents are divorced. Let's see, my selfesteem, my way of being, for example, it's not that I don't like myself. There are times when I would like to be older or at least look a bit older. I would also like to be more direct and more open. Something which I like of my personality is that I can do whatever I want whenever I want. And last of all, I would like to be able to sit in class, listen and pay attention to everything teachers say.



Suรกrez Ana

My name is Ana Suรกrez Fernรกndez and I will be 14 on October 25th. As a hobby I love to dance but I also like painting and doing crafts. I would like to have a pastry shop with my best friend Carla. I like art because I love painting. I also like Technology because I love crafts and I like making laboratory experiments. Last year I went on holiday to Germany which is very nice and I fell in love with the language. Then I went to Santander for one week. And this year I've been in Santander and Galicia for a week. Sometimes I think that there are different sides to my personality so my portrait has got two parts. One part shows the quiet, polite person, who listens to teachers. The other part shows a person who wants to be a bit crazy and cheerful. People don't really know that side of me, but it's definitely there. Lately the real me is crazy, friendly, cheerful, but with a very strong character. In fact, hardly anyone knows how I am because you have to keep up appearances. My true personality is much more different than the one I show at high school.



Subirà Joel

My name is Joel and I am 14 years old. I have two hobbies: football and music. In the evenings I love listening to music, I don’t like staying on the couch, because I do nothing.

At the

weekends I love playing football. I don’t like studying. In the holiday I love meeting my friends and I don’t like getting up early. My favorite subject is physical education, because I love sport. Last summer I went to Tamariu for five days with my friends and the following week I went to Aragón. I’m usually active, honest, happy, extroverted and crazy. A few people know my real personality. I like going running







matches. Football, friends and family are the most important things in my life. Football is my passion. I find bees frightening.



Torres Anna

My name is Anna, but my friends call me by my surname “Torres”. On 14th of May next year I will be fifteen. I love dancing that’s why I do hip-hop on Friday. I have other hobbies, for example, writing lyrics, singing or playing football in the village football ground. Since I have a lot of free time at the weekends, I go to the town center and I stay with my friends. In the evenings I often read and in the holidays I normally travel to cities in Northern Spain. Although I love being on holidays, I also like attending English, German or Italian classes. They are the subjects that I like because they are different languages which make me learn new things from other places. That is the reason why last year we travelled to London to see and practice what we learn in the English classes.

Like everyone, I have a double personality. One part of the picture, shows how I am inside. It shows a sensible and positive person. The other part of the picture shows the other personality. It shows a friendly, polite and extroverted person. I like the color orange because it is a strong color just like me. And also I like the color blue because it’s a very hopeful color. I used the brown because I consider it’s like me, a warm color. 56


Vallès Adrià


My name is Adrià Valles and i am 14 years old. My hobby is playing football. At the weekends I like to play fotball. In the summer I like going to the beach and the pool. I go training everyday and I like staying with my friends. Last holiday I went to Pamplona with my father. Like everyone, I have a double personality. One part of the picture shows an ex-­‐ troverted person but the other part shows how I'm inside: I am a sensible and honest person.


Vinyals Adrià

My name is Adrià and I’m 14 years old. I practice swimming, and my hobbies are sports like football, handball, basketball… In the morning I don’t like going to school but I like to see my friends. At the weekend I like to go out with my friends, playing wii, playing with my laptop and watching TV. The subject I like most at school is English because it can help me in the future. I also like physical education because I love doing sports. Last summer I went to Tossa de Mar for two weeks. In this photo I am showing my two personalities. One of my personalities shows me as a good person, polite, fun, responsible and friendly. The other personality which I don’t show to people is that I am sometimes sad, rude, and unfriendly.



Xandri Gisela

My name is Gisela. I am 14 years old and I’m from Cardedeu. I don’t have any special hobby

but I usually like doing crafts from Youtube.

In the evening I like going out with my friends, talking on Whatsapp or FaceTime, but I don’t like doing homework like most of my friends. At weekends I like going and visit different villages and going out with friends. During my holiday I don’t like staying at home. I like going to our apartment in Blanes because there is the beach. On holiday last year I went to Blanes for two weeks with my family, as usual. My favorite subject is maths because I like numbers, the opposite of the letters. I have different personalities according to the people who I’m with. One part shows a polite, quiet and lovely person when I’m with my family and especially with my parents.

The other part shows a bit crazy

and open person only when I’m with my friends or people who I trust a lot. The colors which I put in the picture are my favorite. For me they are positive and happy. I don’t like feeling bored or stressed.


To my 3rd ESO students Thanks for following directions and working so hard to create this self-portraits book. Believe in yourselves! And remember... step by step.


© 3rd ESO Students at Institut Pla Marcell 2014-2015 © Jesús-Joaquim Cerdá-Tortosa 2014-2015


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