Jesus Calls (English) - December 2015

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◆ Daily Devotion ◆ Seesha News ◆ Prayer Tower News ◆ Testimonies ◆ Christmas Message VOL.43 ISSUE 12 DECEMBER 2015 Rs.21/-


Admission Free


◆ Thrilling testimonies of award winning students ◆ Enthralling songs ◆ Hope building message ◆ Prayer of blessing Special seating arrangements will be available for Teachers and Heads of Institutions. Dearly beloved students, come and receive divine wisdom and succeed in life For details, contact : 1800 425 77 55 (Toll Free - 7 AM - 9 PM) We invite students who have received awards in 10th Std., and 12th Std., and University Ranks in College to share their testimony. Contact: 9940181188 To get prayer help in the examination season 044 - 33 999 000 (Round the clock)


ANAND (Gujarat)

January 9 & 10 , 2016 @ 5.30 pm (Sat - Sun)

January 16th 2016 @ 5.30 pm (Saturday)

St. Paul's Cathedral ground, Nr. Raj Bhavan, Raipur Contact: 0771 - 2445678 / 7024269165

I.P. Mission Barakhah Centre, Limdawala Dawakhana Compound, Near old DSP office, Anand. Contact: 079 – 66144444 / 9327727711





January 15th 2016 @ 5.30 pm (Friday) Raikhad I.P. Mission High School compound. Near Victoria garden, Behind CNI Church, Lal Darwaja, Raikhad, Ahmedabad. Contact: 079 - 66144444 / 9327727711

January 17 2016 @ 5:30 pm (Sunday) th

Brethren Church ground, Opp. Rose Memorial Church, Old National Highway no.6, college road, Vyara. Contact: 02626 - 221234 / 224924 / 9909004847

Bring your friends too!

Jesus Calls  December 2015 




he birth of Jesus on this earth manifested three things - God’s love, God’s Spirit and God’s Word. These three things would work in our lives too just as how they brought the Lord Jesus as a baby into this world.

POWER OF GOD’S LOVE Inasmuch then as the children have partaken of flesh and blood, He Himself likewise shared in the same, that through death He might destroy him who had the power of death, that is, the devil, and release those who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage (Hebrews 2:14,15). How is man’s love? Nearly 20 years ago, we had arranged for a meeting in Jesus Calls

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the Prayer Tower, to meet people and pray for them. The time of the meeting drew near and I was getting late. So I took the car by myself and was rushing to keep the scheduled time for the meeting. That time a Cyclist came from nowhere and crossed in front of my car. I was livid with anger as he was reckless. With great difficulty I steered the fast moving car and avoided colliding with him. By this time, the traffic signal showed red and that cyclist came to a halt. I was young then and so deciding to give him a piece of my mind, I stopped my car by his side and rolled down the windows. At that moment, he looked at me and said with surprise, “Oh, it’s Brother Paul Dhinakaran! Brother, I have been waiting to meet you for such a long time. Your secretary never gave me an appointment all these years. Oh, how much God loves me! He has made me meet you on the road. Brother, would you please pray for me for a moment before this signal turns green?” So saying he put his head through the window and asked me to pray. I was taken aback. I felt really bad that though I was going to pray for the people, I had no love for that dear man. I regretted for my human tendency that time. This is man’s love.

There is no true love in this world. Man’s love changes. People would keep changing their words. They would love us when everything is well. But when we face a crisis or difficulty they would forget us. Or else, they would forget us when they attain a high status in life. That’s why the Almighty God took the form of man saying, “”I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you” (John 14:18). I offer you My special love. Let Me

come to this world and make you live well.” Creating a human body for Him, He came to this world for our sake. How is man’s body? It pertains to death. It is full of sin and is prone to destruction. Man cannot live for more than 120 years (Genesis 6:3). “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). On the other hand, God lives forever. He has no death. He does not know what death is (Deuteronomy 32:40). Such a God, out of His great love and concern for us, accepted the fleshly body, humbled Himself to the point of death, and came to this world (Philippians 2: 6-8). This is the power of God’s love. He went through death, for our sake. He came to give life to your mortal bodies (Romans 8:11). “And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment” (Hebrews 9:27). Man’s body has been formed in this manner. Hence, Jesus too had to face death and judgment. He is the God of gods. He judges all the people. He says, “Let me take My children’s sinful body. Let judgment come upon Me finally.” This is the Lord’s love. Once, a young man committed a murder, out of his greediness for money. He was arrested by the police. The day of verdict arrived. The court was filled with people. Everybody was terribly angry with that young man and was waiting with anticipation that the judge should pronounce death sentence for him. The moment arrived. The judge ordered the young man to stand to his feet to give the verdict. He stood up. At the same time, an old man too stood up and the judge was perplexed and asked him, ‘Who are you?’ The man said, “Sir, I am this young man’s father. I Jesus Calls

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have come here to accept the punishment you would give him.”

The Lord Jesus too has the same love for us. He may have been in heaven in all glory. Yet, in order to accept our death and judgment, and to set us free from death and make us live, He came to this earth, to offer His body as a sacrifice. Let us all thank Him for this divine love. What happens by His coming into this world? “He might…release those who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage” (Hebrews 2:15). First of all, He removes the fear of death from us in order to release us, His children who are tormented by the fear of death, caused by perilous things. Secondly, since He has overcome the devil, the ruler of death, by His death, He has removed from us that tempter and that devil that has power over death. When God’s love fills us, the fear, dread, guilt, sorrow and darkness born out of sin, are removed. Yes, when the love of the Lord Jesus fills us, the fear of death departs from us. We feel as if we have not sinned. This is the love of Jesus. This is a mighty deed done by His blood (I John 1:7). By His death, the Lord Jesus has defeated satan, who brings temptation, and hence God’s love is poured into you as a result of which the devil does not come near your territory. “O, Jesus, You have cleansed me and have kept me as Your child, with no sin” – When this happy thought fills your heart, the devil never enters into your territory. Since the devil departs, no man would accuse you. Jesus called Zacchaeus in order to transform his life. The mo-

ment he drew closer to the Lord, there was a drastic change in him. He happily took Him to his house. When he spoke to Him, he had a new language and said, “Lord, I give half of my goods to the poor; and if I have taken anything from anyone by false accusation, I restore fourfold” (Luke 19:8). Yes, the joy of salvation brings a holy

language. After that, Jesus changed him in such a way that nobody could ever call him a sinner. The joy of this love would certainly fill you too. The love of Jesus releases us from death brought by sin. Let us celebrate Christmas with this hope and joy.

THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you; therefore, also, that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God” (Luke 1:35). The birth of child Jesus shows the coming of the Holy Spirit. By the Holy Spirit, He was formed in the womb of Virgin Mary. The anointing of the Holy Spirit overflowed in His life. The Lord Jesus is the image of the invisible God (Colossians 1:15). God anointed Him with the Holy Spirit and with power (John 3:34; Acts 10:38).

It was only after the coming of Jesus, the experience given by the Holy Spirit came to this world. The Lord gives us the same grace. He releases us from death in this world and by His Holy Spirit, makes us live in His image. This is the greatest blessing given by the Lord, in Christmas time. By that Spirit we are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory (II Corinthians 3:18). Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty (II Corinthians 3:17). Since the Holy Spirit liberates you from the flesh and transforms you into His image, you would lose your human nature and wear the image of Jesus. He will change you in the same way as Jesus, the God was filled with the Holy Spirit and walked on this world, in the form of a human. Sufferings, sorrows, worries, afflictions, losses, reproaches and weaknesses abound in this world. Amidst all these, out of His love and by the power of the Holy Spirit, He wants to make you more than a conqueror in this world. So you shall live as more than conquerors (Romans 8:37). The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak (Matthew 26:41). “It is enough if My children are released from death in their spirit, like Me and live in this world. They would be more than conquerors” – This is the Lord’s wish. For this purpose alone we celebrate Christmas. Several years ago, there was a merchant who had no connection with God. Jealous people did witchcraft against him because of which he was afflicted with a dreadful disease. The doctors were baffled as to what treatment to give. His wife forsook him saying, “How can I live with this diseased man?” He could not run his business, in the midst of his disease and loneliness. Agony and reproach tormented him. At this state, one of his Jesus Calls

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friends, admitted him in a Sanatorium. Tormented by the power of the devil, he had severe body pain. Deprived of all help and hope, he was lying down wondering, “What’s there in my life anymore?” That time he heard a song wafting in the air, from the chapel in the hospital campus. People had gathered there and were singing. The line, ‘God will take care of you,’ shook him to the core and he had a wonderful feeling. Immediately, he got up and dragged himself to the chapel. The lyrics of that song filled his heart and he, who did not know Jesus, was filled with the anointing of the Holy Spirit. He was filled with an unspeakable joy and the glory of the Holy Spirit. He felt ice cold and that moment the devil that was tormenting him, left him. He was healed instantly. The Holy Spirit came into him, in accordance to the verse, ‘When the enemy comes in like a flood, The Spirit of the LORD will lift up a standard against him.’ He started a new business which flourished in due course.

Jesus will fill you with His Holy Spirit just as how He was formed by the Spirit and change you into His image. We live by the Holy Spirit. This is our hope. But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you (Romans 8:11). Accordingly, the Holy Spirit will raise the dead organs in your body, your family life and your desires. He will give you all that you have lost, in double measure (Job 42:10). This is the power of the spirit of God. God Jesus took the form of man so that we could have double portion in our life, through the Holy Spirit.


In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God (John 1:1). It was by the Word that Jesus was formed and came into the world. The Word of God took the form of man in this world. The Word of God has the authority to create everything. The word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart (Hebrews 4:12). God’s Word is God’s decision or plan. The Lord tells that plan through His Words. He has a plan for each and everyone. He gives this as the Word to us. We read the Bible in order to receive this Word, His decision and to pray for it to be fulfilled. Once, a non-Christian reporter from a secular Television channel asked me, “You mention God’s words, the verses, and speak. That time some power comes into the people. We feel that. How do you read these Scriptures? How do the people receive blessings by these Scriptures?” I was happy by his question. I said, “The Scriptures are life. Those words are Jesus. This Bible is not just for kissing. The

Lord has given this to be read, meditated upon and to be prayed over.” Once, during a Pastors’ conference held in London, I said to the gathering, “We read the Newspapers in the morning and pray, “Alas, here, people are killed; people are wallowing in famine here; so many riots are there; Lord, save the people.” God does not want us to pray like this. He knows about these things. Hence, He wants us to pray that His plans should be fulfilled. Praying with our focus on the problem would bring glory to satan. On the other hand, knowing the plans of God for us, and praying for that, goes forth as two edged sword. It destroys that problem. For this, we need to read the Bible. Every morning, when we read the Bible, He speaks to us and tells us, “Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I am with you; I have formed you” (Isaiah 41:9,10). These are prophetic words. We should pray with these words. Yes, that Word is Jesus. When we pray with those Words, Jesus comes with us. He changes our problems. This is Christmas! Several years back, a widowed mother, admitted her only daughter in the hospital as she had high fever. The doctor who treated the daughter administered a wrong injection because of which the girl’s eyes boiled and her flesh began to tear. Blood gushed out and she was nearing death. The mother cried out to the Lord, not knowing what to do. That time the following verse flashed before her eyes: “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; You are Mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When Jesus Calls

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you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, Nor shall the flame scorch you” (Isaiah 43:1,2). As she kept on reading these verses, her heart was filled with a great joy. She was filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. Suddenly she heard her child calling her, ‘Mummy’. Yes, her life came back. Those words healed the child.

The Bible expounds on the power of His Word thus: He sent His word and healed them, And delivered them from their destructions (Psalm 107:20). That Word, has come into you as the prophetic word on the Christmas day. So there is hope for you. “And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your young men shall see visions, Your old men shall dream dreams” (Acts 2:17). After the demise of my father, the Lord said to me, “Though I have taken away My servant, before My coming, I will raise up everyone as prophets and prophetess to utter My Words. I will pour out My Spirit on all of them. They will know My decisions. Young men, sons and daughters will know My decisions and prophesy about them. They will pray for its fulfillment. Then I will fulfill them. By this, nations, kings and people would be prepared for My coming.”

That’s why we are doing the ministry of raising up prophets by establishing Prayer Towers all over India and in the headquarters of every nation. The Lord will give His love, power and Word as Christmas gift to you and make you live as more than a conqueror. 

Lung cancer healed I had a tumour on my hip area because of which I found it difficult to walk. After testing, doctors declared that I had cancer. In the

PET scan it was diagnosed to be lung cancer. I came to Chennai for treatment. Since I was in the 4th stage, which is an advanced stage, doctors gave up hope. So my famJesus Calls

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ily and I were crying bitterly. At this state, I visited the Brother D.G.S.Dhinakaran Memorial Prayer Tower and requested prayers. The prayer warrior

prayed powerfully saying, “Jesus, let the cancerous tumour vanish”. This prayer helped me to be of good courage during the treatment. I underwent six cycles of chemo. In those days I contacted the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower for prayers. After the treatment was over, the doctor said that I had to take costly medicines, life- long and that Rs.10,000/- would be spent on that. I was advised for another scan to know the result of my treatment. When the doctor saw my report, he was surprised and said, “ You should thank the God, whom you serve; the cancer tumour is completely gone. Go and see your doctor”. I went to the doctor who treated me. He too was taken aback to see my report and wished me well, saying that there was no trace of cancer. Till date I am keeping good health. I thank the Lord Jesus, who healed my dreadful disease. Thanks to the prayer warriors, who prayed for me” - A.N. Antony Raj, Vikramasingapuram, Tamil Nadu.

Gift of a child after 20 years I did not know Jesus. I languished without a child even after 19 years of married life. It was at this time, I started visiting the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in Rajaji Road, for prayers. I became a partner of the Jesus Calls ministry and prayed

for the gift of a child. The prayer warriors too prayed earnestly for me. The Lord heard the prayer. He changed my 19 year old sorrow and has blessed me with a son. Let the name of the Lord be glorified. - Pramila Balakrishnan, Chennai.

Bank job I visited the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in Madurai regularly and prayed that the Lord Jesus should give me a good job. I used to attend all the prayer meetings held in the Prayer Tower. I wrote bank exams. The prayer warriors too prayed for my success in these exams. The Lord Jesus, in His grace, granted me success and I am now selected for a job in a government bank. Let the name of Jesus be glorified. - R. Pavithra, Madurai, Tamil Nadu

Lord, who protects and blesses My daughter Rubiya, when she was a child, used to fall sick quite often. We consulted so many doctors but in vain. Through our neighbour, we came to know about the Jesus Calls ministry. I joined her in the Young Partners’ Plan. Since then my daughter had no weak-

ness. When my daughter Rubiya reached the marriageable age, I prayed in the Bethesda Prayer Centre that God should grant her a suitable life partner. Hearing the prayer He blessed her with a God fearing partner. The Lord blessed her married life and gave her the gift of a child. When the child was born to my daughter, her husband met with an accident as he was going to buy medicines. He was bleeding through his mouth and nose and was rushed to the hospital. Doctors gave up hope. On one side, my daughter was under anesthesia, having delivered a child; on the other side, my son- in- law was battling for life. Not knowing what to do, I was crying bitterly. I contacted the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower and sought prayers for my daughter and her husband. The prayer warrior too prayed earnestly for them. The Lord Jesus answered that prayer. He healed my daughter completely. My son- in- law regained consciousness. Yet the doctors said that his brain was slightly damaged and that he might have amnesia. When he was in the hospital, he saw the Jesus Calls Television programme. Sister Stella Dhinakaran was praying in that programme. My son-in-law joined her in the prayer. The Lord heard the prayer and granted him complete healing. He came back home, within three days, with no memory loss. Glory to God. - Fathima Mary, Pollachi, Tamil Nadu.

Contact for prayer (24x7):

044 - 33 999 000

You may know the address of your local Prayer Tower by visiting Jesus Calls

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ore than 360 people from Chennai, Hyderabad, Bengaluru and Kolkata took part in the Jesus Calls Holy Land Tour, in groups from October 12 to 27. Experienced Guides expounded on the places of Biblical importance during the visits. Translations were provided to the groups in various languages. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Sister Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran met all the dear ones who took part in this Holy Land Tour, in person and prayed for them. We praise the Lord Jesus, who helped us complete this Holy Land Tour in a secure and blessed way. Prophetic Prayer Conference – Israel Prayer Tower As preordained by the Lord, the Prophetic Prayer Conference was held in the Israel Prayer Tower from October 13 - 16. Apart from the Jewish people, other people from Sri Lanka, United States of America and United Kingdom participated in this conference. By the anointing of the Holy Spirit, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran spoke about the prophetic apostolic era and on profound truths. He expounded on the anointing that was upon Enoch and Elijah, on the gifts of the Holy Spirit and particularly on the truths concerning the Gift of Prophecy. He also explained about the purpose for which the Israel Prayer Tower has been established – to utter prophecies for nations incessantly all through the 24 hours, and to pray for the will of God to be fulfilled in all the nations. Sister Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran shared message on how to walk with God, how the Lord Jesus appeared to her and comforted her. This Conference ended with a fervent prayer session. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Sister Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran prayed individually for all the participants. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran also ministered among the Group from South Africa which had come for the Holy Land Tour. During the prayer time, as led by the Lord, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran prophesied about a woman, who was once a singer and who had lost her voice. The Lord touched her miraculously. That woman testified about this at the end of that meeting. ◆

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Dear ones, as commanded by the Lord, we are giving 10% of the offerings that we receive, to other ministries as offering. Since we thus support His ministries, God has kept us out of debt. I warmly invite you to enjoy the Lord’s blessing by sending one tenth of your income for the Lord, to the Jesus Calls ministry in order to establish Prayer Towers all over the nation to wipe away the tears and sorrows of the people and impart to them the joy of salvation. As soon as we receive your offering, I place my hand on it and pray for your requests that the Lord should shower His blessings on you. “Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, That there may be food in My house, And try Me now in this," Says the LORD of hosts, "If I will not open for you the windows of heaven And pour out for you such blessing That there will not be room enough to receive it” (Malachi 3:10). Jesus Calls

The Pastor, who received the help says:

Help to complete the construction: I am doing ministry for the past 10 years in a village called Orathur in Kanchipuram District, Tamil Nadu. We have been worshipping the Lord as a few people, under a thatched roofed shed. We started constructing a church which came to a halt half way through , as we had no finance. I am a member of the Jesus Calls Family Blessing Plan. I informed Dr. Paul Dhinakaran about this need for the church, through a letter. As led by the Lord, on behalf of the Jesus Calls ministry, he sent us financial help through which we continued with the work. Now the church construction is nearing completion. Around 60 – 70 people attend the service, every week. Praise be to the Lord, who met the needs towards the church. Thanks to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, who helped us financially. - Pastor. K. Xavier, Orathur

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Once, we went to Bethlehem to see the place of Jesus’ birth. A church is constructed in that place. We saw many people there. Some of them were touching that place where the Lord was born. Some people bent down and kissed it. Some others were jumping with tears of joy. When my turn came, I too kissed that place and laid down my head for a while with the joy that it was there Jesus was born.

much more would be our joy when He is born in our heart!

Joy of Christmas “…this mystery among the Gentiles: which is Christ in you, the hope of glory”(Colossians 1:27). True joy of Christmas is carrying this Christ in our heart. This is a glorious joy! When you carry Christ in your heart, He gives you

When we have such a great joy to see the place of His birth, how

Jesus Calls

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much reward and blessing (Colossians 1:6). The Lord has created us in this world in order to manifest Christ’s love on all days, which are graciously given by Him. God gave His Son in order that you should believe Him and should not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16). We see that He gave His Son so that you would live.

"And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name JESUS, for He will save His people from their sins" (Matthew 1:21). The Bible says that Jesus means, “He will save His people from their sins.” Yes, Jesus came to this world to wash our sins and to cleanse us. And the ransomed of the LORD shall return, And come to Zion with singing, With everlasting joy on their heads. They shall obtain joy and gladness, And sorrow and sighing shall flee away. (Isaiah 35:10). When you are redeemed by the Lord, you will have everlasting joy and gladness. When the Lord takes us to heaven, we would go with joy and gladness, singing joyously. He was given for us, as a baby, in order that we would expect His coming. Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift! (II Corinthians 9:15). Yes, all our praises for this indescribable gift called Jesus, are not adequate. He has been given as the Son of God. When you praise Him for giving His only begotten Son, the Lord will come down to give you all the other things, along with Him. Since the Lord is rich in mercy, He had much love on us. He remembered us. When we were dead in trespasses, He made us alive together with Christ (Ephesians 2:4-10). He has made us sit at His right hand in the heavenly places, in Christ (Ephesians 1:21). Since Jesus has been given to us, start praising Him, expecting His coming. Then your sighing will flee away. There will be a great joy and gladness in your heart. This Christmas, You would receive all

that you desire.

Fulfillment given by Christ “…but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men” (Philippians 2:7). In order that we should live, Jesus took the form of a bondservant and came to this earth, from heaven. Hence let us praise Him for His indescribable gift! Once, I read about a Missionary. He had gone to Manila (Philippines) with his family. There he saw the plight of the people who were living in a garbage dump and was moved with compassion. When he inquired of them, they said, “We’ve never left this dump and have never been to the city. We are living here only. This is our residence since generations and we put up tents here.” So, he too put up a tent using the unwanted trash in the garbage and stayed there. In the morning he woke up his children and sent them away saying, “Whatever food you get from outside, bring it here.” The whole family thus fed themselves. With great compassion he did his missionary work there and told about the Lord’s love to those people. He thus paved a way for them to live.

When such servants of God, who are mere men, could do like this, how much more good the Lord would do for us! Yes, He has come as the God, who calls those things which do not exist as though they did (Romans 4:17). Perhaps you are telling, “I’m a good for nothing person. These days, nobody seeks for me” – You may be thus troubled. To love you, He took the form of a bondservant and came down to this world. He knows your emptiness. He knows your lowly state. He was born in Jesus Calls

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this world to make us live. Dear ones, let us thank Him joyfully, remembering Him for making Himself of no reputation and coming into this world to make you thrive, and change you into a person who is praised and liked by everyone. There is a sister by name Mary Pushpam in Salem. Her granddaughter Roshia was doing her higher studies. Though she had quite an expensive education she could not get a proper job even after 1 ½ years of completion. They were in agony. That time they heard about the Jesus Calls Partners’ Meet that was held in Salem, Tamil Nadu. They attended this, as a family. In that meeting, as led by the Lord, I specially prayed for those who had no job. Sister Mary Pushpam too had joined me in that prayer. The Lord saw her heart’s desire. The very next month He blessed Roshia with a good job in order to remove the lacks in that family. She had written this as a testimony.

Delight yourself also in the LORD, And He shall give you the desires of your heart (Psalm 37:4). Accordingly, start praising the Lord, forgetting all sorrows, pains and scornful words. Without brooding over our difficulties, when we praise Him wholeheartedly saying, “The Lord has been given for me. Let me praise Him on this good day,” He would grant us immeasurable joy. The Bible says, “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning” (James 1:17). As you keep praising Him telling, “Lord, Thank You for the indescribable gift which You had sent,” the Lord will grant you good things from above and bless you richly,  this Christmas.

Israel Prayer Tower "…all you who love her (Jerusalem); Rejoice for joy…" (Isaiah 66:10). In order to pray for the peace of the world as well as for Israel, the Israel Prayer Tower was dedicated in the city of Jerusalem, on November 4th 2013. Men of God from different nations are visiting this Prayer Tower and are praying for the nation of Israel and for the world, viewing the Jerusalem city. In order to prepare the whole world for the second coming of the Lord, prayers are offered from the Israel Prayer Tower. We are also making arrangements to set up a Praise Centre that would function all the 24 hours and a Prayer Academy in this Prayer Tower. I encourage you to cheerfully send your offering as prompted by the Lord, towards these expansion works and support us.

Delhi National Prayer Tower "if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face… then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land" (II Chronicles 7:14). ‘You shall establish a Prayer Tower for the nation in the centre of Delhi, that is near the corridors of power…’ - In accordance to this Lord’s command given to me on August 11, 2008, the National Prayer Tower was inaugurated to pray for the nation of India for 24 hours on September 4, 2010. Prayer Warriors, who have the vision to pray for the people and the nation, come from different parts of India, Jesus Calls  December 2015 


stay for a month in the National Prayer Tower and pray for the blessing and prosperity of the nation as well as for the welfare of the people, by viewing the

Parliament House. The need to expand the works of the National Prayer Tower has arisen. We kindly invite you to support this service.


Blessing for the whole family

my sisters with the gift of a child and has made us happy. He has also blessed our family with so many other blessings. I thank Jesus for that.

I am working in the Delhi Police Department. I often used to visit the Delhi National Prayer Tower and join the prayer warriors there to pray for the blessing of my family. My twin sisters had no child even after 10 years of married life. Hence, everyone in our family was sad. Hearing about the Prayer Tower Building Fund, I gave donations for the Delhi National Prayer Tower and Israel Prayer Tower. I asked the prayer warrior to pray for the gift of a child for my twin sisters. He too prayed that the Lord should bless them with a child and fulfil their longings. The Lord accepted the prayers offered in the Delhi National Prayer Tower. He blessed both

- Anju Sandhya Minj, Delhi


- Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

MY OFFERING FOR THE EXPANSION WORKS OF THE PRAYER TOWER Name: .......................................................................................... Partner code (If any): .................................. Address: ............................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................ Mobile: ............................................................ Email: ..................................................................................... As led by the Lord I would like to help in expanding the  Israel Prayer Tower  National Prayer Tower works by sending  Rs. 5,000/-  Rs.10,000/-  Rs.25,000/-  Rs. 50,000/-  Rs.1,00,000/- or more as offering. My prayer requests: ........................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................................ “God loves a cheerful giver” (II Corinthians 9:7). According to this verse, the Lord will remember you, who support the service of praying for the nation and bless you immeasurably.  You may give your offering in your nearby Jesus Calls Prayer Tower.  You may send it by Cheque/DD drawn in favour of Jesus Calls to the address: 16, Dr. D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028, by registered post.  Donations can be made online in the website using Credit card / Debit card / net banking in a secure way to For details: 1800 425 77 55 (Toll Free service - 7.00 AM to 9.00 PM) Jesus Calls  December 2015 


I praise You O my Lord, for You are near to me. Meditation: Acts 17:27; Deu. 4:6,7; Jos. 1:5; Isa. 50:7,8; 65:24; 58:8,9; 49:15,16; Lk. 24:14,15; Ps. 34:18; Rev. 3:20. December 7 Monday :- Promise Verse : Psalm 119:130. When God’s word enter into our hearts, good and faithful understanding shall be created in us. Meditation: Acts 16:14,15,40; 17:11; John 4:26-30,39-42; 7:46; Lk. 24:15-32; 10:39,42; 4:17-22; Acts 10:44,45; Rom. 15:4; Phil. 4:6-8; Ps. 119:97,103,131,100. December 8 Tuesday :- Promise Verse : Phillipians 3:13. “This one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, reaching forth unto those things which(God has for me) are before.”. Meditation: Acts 7:58; 8:1,3; 9:1-16,20; 2 Cor. 5:17; Phil. 3:314; Gen. 19:17,25,26; Lk. 9:62; John 14:1-3; 1 John 3:1-3. December 9 Wednesday :- Promise Verse : Galatians 6:9. “Let us not be weary in well doing for in due season we shall reap.”. Meditation: Gen. 4:7; 2 Sam. 17:27-29; 19:31-38; 1 Kin. 2:7; Acts 10:2,30; Mk. 7:37; Eph. 2:10; Pro. 3:27; 14:22; 17:13; Isa. 1:17; Jam. 4:17; 3 John. 11. December 10 Thursday :- Promise Verse : Micah 5:4. By the grace of God I shall abide. Meditation: John 15:1-10; Isa. 54:17; Pro. 12:3; Ps. 49:12; 61:7; 89:29; Lam. 3:22; 2 Sam. 7:26,29,11-13. December 11 Friday :- Promise Verse : Isaiah 65:24. Before you call, I will answer; and while you are yet speak-

December 1 Tuesday :- Promise Verse : Isaiah 54:4. I praise You O God for the promise, “Fear not; for you shall not be ashamed.” Meditation: Isaiah 41:10; 49:23; 28:16; 50:7; 61:7; 1 Peter 2:4-6; Zec. 9:12; 1 John 2:28,29. December 2 Wednesday :- Promise Verse : Psalm 33:9. “For the LORD spoke, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast.” Meditation: Jer. 32:27,17; Gen. 18:14; 20:1-3; Rom. 4:18-21; Mk. 4:39-41; 5:9-13; Mat. 8:2,3,5-17; 19:26; John 5:25; 11:43,44; Mk. 9:23. December 3 Thursday :- Promise Verse : Psalm 92:12. I shall flourish like the palm tree: I shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon. Meditation: Ps. 92:12-15; 52:8; 104:15,16; 68:28,35; Num. 23:22; Joel 3:10; Pro. 18:10; Phil. 4:13; 1 Pet. 2:24; Job 33:23,25; 1 John 2:1,2; Hos. 14:4-7. December 4 Friday :- Promise Verse : Psalm 102:15. The Lord shall build up zion, He shall appear in His glory. Meditation: John 14:1-3; 1Pet. 2:4-6; Eph. 2:2-22; Heb. 11:10,16; 9:28; Rev. 21:9-26. December 5 Saturday :- Promise Verse : Proverbs 23:18. “For surely there is an end; and your expectation shall not be cut off.” Meditation: Ps. 40:1; 34:5; 62:5; 9:18,10; 130:5; Lam. 3:25,31; Jer. 29:11-13; Pro. 13:12; Eze. 12:28; Isa. 25:8; 26:3,4. December 6 Sunday :- Promise Verse : Isaiah 55:6. Jesus Calls

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ing, I will hear, says the Lord. Meditation: Luke 24:13-32; John 20:11-16; Mat. 17:24-27; 6:7,8; Ps. 18:6; Gen. 21:15-20; Mat. 6:7,8; 7:7-11. December 12 Saturday :- Promise Verse : Ephesians 5:8. “Walk as children of light.” Meditation: John 8:12; Mat. 5:13-16; Ps. 119:105; 1 Thes. 5:1-8; Job 24:13; Isa. 60:1; Rom. 13:9-12; Eph. 5:1-28. December 13 Sunday :- Promise Verse : Psalm 112:4. “Unto the upright there arises light in the darkness.” Meditation: Psalm 18:28; 37:37; Esther 3:6-15; 4:3,16; 8:16; 8:16; Ps. 97:11; 27:1; 34:5; 1 John 1:5; Zep. 3:12; Lk. 4:17-21; Mat. 4:14-16. December 14 Monday :- Promise Verse : Jeremiah 31:3. “Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn you.” Meditation: Jer. 31:3-5; Deu. 7:7-13; Hos. 11:8,4; John 21:1517; 13:1; Mk. 3:13-19; Lk. 22:31-33,55-62; Rom. 5:6-8; 8:33-37. December 15 Tuesday :- Promise Verse : Psalm 34:14. “Seek peace, and pursue it.” Meditation: Mat. 5:9; Ps. 120:7; 1 Ki. 20:18; Rom. 3:17; 1 Sam. 24:4-22; 26:1-24; Ps. 37:11; 85:10; 119:165; John 14:27; Heb. 12:14; 1 Cor. 7:15. December 16 Wednesday :- Promise Verse : Isaiah 2:5. “Let us walk in the light of the LORD.” Meditation: 1 John 1:5; John 8:3-12; Mat. 4:13-16,19-22; Job 24:13; Ps. 119:105,130,1; Isa. 51:4, Pro. 6:23; Mat. 5:1315; 7:24,25; Rev. 21:24. December 17 Thursday :- Promise Verse : Mark 16:15. “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” Meditation: Mark 16:15-20; Acts 2:14-47; 8:1-4; 11:17,18; Rom. 15:18-21; Mat. 28:18-20; Jos. 1:5,9. December 18 Friday :- Promise Verse : John 10:17. “My sheep hear my voice, says the Lord.” Meditation: Mat. 4:19-22; 9:9; 11:28; John 6:37; 10:1-28; 8:43,47; 4:8,26,29,30,35-42; Acts 2:14,41; 13:48; 10:34-46; John 5:25; 6:63. December 19 Saturday:- Promise Verse : 1 Thessalonians 5:17. “Pray without ceasing.” Meditation: Lk. 21:36,37; 18:1; Ps. 55:16,17; 32:6; 32:6; Dan. 6:10; Deu. 9:9,18; Phil. 4:6-7; Col. 4:2,12; Acts 6:4; 1:13,14; 2:1; 3:1; Rom. 12:12; Lev. 6:13; 1 Pet. 4:7. December 20 Sunday :- Promise Verse : Matthew 21:22. “If you pray with faith that you will receive, you shall receive.” Meditation: Mk 11:22-24; Ps. 145:18; Heb. 4:15,16; 1 Sam. 1:10-19,20; Ps. 22:24; 65:2; 102:16; Mat. 8:2,3; Acts 10:38; Jam. 1:6; Rom. 8:32; 1 John 5:14,15; John 14:13,14. December 21 Monday :- Promise Verse : Psalm 37:11. “The meek shall inherit the earth; and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace.” Meditation: Num. 12:3; Mat. 5:5; 11:29; Ps. 147:6; Gen. 39:23,24,28; 39:8-20; 41:39-44; 45:5-8; Phil. 2:3-11; 1 Pet. 2:21; 5:5,6. Jesus Calls

December 22 Tuesday :- Promise Verse : John 1:9. “Jesus can light every man’s life, born as a man into the world.” Meditation: Ps. 4:6-7; 113:7,8; 78:71,72; Mat. 4:13-16,23,24; Lk. 18:10-14; 19:1-10; 15:11-24; Mat. 11:28; Acts 10:38; 3:16; 4:13. December 23 Wednesday :- Promise Verse : 2 Corinthians 9:15. “Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift(Jesus Christ His son).” Meditation: Rom. 8:32; Gen. 30:20; Rom. 5:15,16; Rev. 3:20; Pro. 23:26; John 4:10; Eph. 2:8; 4:7,11; 1 Pet. 4:10; Jam. 1:17. December 24 Thursday :- Promise Verse : Numbers 24:17. “Jesus is the Star out of Jacob and a Sceptre raised out of Israel.” Meditation: Isa. 11:1; Gen. 49:2,9,10; Mat. 1:1,2,16,17; 2:2,911; Lk. 3:23-38; 1:32; Rev. 5:5-11; Rev. 21:23,24. December 25 Friday :- Promise Verse : Luke 2:11. “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.” Meditation: Jud. 3:9,15; Neh. 9:27; Lk. 19:10; Mk. 2:16,17; Mat. 9:11-13; 1 John 4:14,15; 1 Tim. 1:15; Eph. 2:8; Rom. 10:9,10. December 26 Saturday :- Promise Verse: 1 Thessalonians 5:24. “Faithful is the God that calls you, to sanctify you.” Meditation: Lev. 19:2; Heb. 9:14; Num. 16:7; 1 John 1:7-9; 1 Cor. 6:9-11; John 15:3; 17:19; Acts 15:9; 2 Thes. 2:13; Jude 1:1; Heb. 12:14; Rev. 22:11,12. December 27 Sunday :- Promise Verse : Proverbs 15:8. “Prayer of the upright is delight to the Lord.” Meditation: Ps. 66:18-20; Jn. 9:31; Dan. 9:23; 10:12; 6:2023,4; Lk. 3:23,24; Mat. 26:39,42; 27:46; Ps. 16:10; Heb. 5:7; Acts 3:14; 2:31,32; Heb. 4:15,16; Isa. 55:6. December 28 Monday :- Promise Verse : Psalm 47:8. “God reigns over all the nation.” Meditation: Ps. 47:2,7; 93:1; 24:1; 1Tim. 6:16; Dan. 6:26; Zec. 14:9; 1 Cor. 15:22-28; Lk. 4:5,6; Rev. 11:15; 15:4; 20:4. December 29 Tuesday :- Promise Verse : 1 Samuel 2:30. “God will honour them that honour Him.” Meditation: Pro. 3:9; Ps. 29:2; 34:3; 71:8; 145:5; 22:23; Pro. 14:2; 1 Cor. 6:18-20; 1 Thes. 4:7,8; Mat. 10:27-29; Esth. 6:610; John 12:26. December 30 Wednesday :- Promise Verse : Deuteronomy 31:8. “Ye fear not, neither be dismayed.” Meditation: Isa. 41:10; 43:1; 35:4; Deu. 20:3,4; Ps. 56:3; 23:4; 118:6,7; Mat. 6:25,26,33; Phil. 4:6,7; Lk. 8:48,49; 1 John 4:18. December 31 Thursday :- Promise Verse : Psalm 105:6. “Remember the Lord’s marvellous works that He has done; His wonders, and the judgments of His mouth.” Meditation: Exo. 15:1-19; Neh. 9:5-32; Ps. 116:12,13; 136:126; Dan. 6:20-23,27; 3:20-27; Mat. 4:23,24; Mk. 7:37; Acts 10:38; Mat. 21:22. Constant Prayer and Continual meditation of the Word of God is the divine key for Prosperity and Success (Joshua 1:8; Psalm 1:2,3; Luke 21:36).

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True to the vision and mission of the Department of ECE at Karunya I acquired technical skills, professional attitude and ethical values through my four years of study in Karunya. I entered here as an average student with limited exposure but stepped out with three offer letters from leading software companies and a CGPA of 8.8. My team had a challenging research project which we were able to complete successfully. For all the above accomplishments, I owe the credit to the excellent teachers, committed research guide, concerned mentors and the well equipped laboratories in the Department. The verse in Jeremiah 29:11 came true in my life because of the various spiritually enriching programs conducted at the University campus. I wish the department a great success for the future years. - E.Anu Shekinah (2011-2015 B.Tech Electronics & Communications). I feel extremely delighted to jot down my views about the Aerospace department. The 4 years of studies I did here appear to be short. I consider it as a God given opportunity to study in this department which is a newly begun and well-established department. Every day in the campus was a new learning experience, enabling me to gain vital inputs through the lectures and laboratory classes of our experienced faculty members. Certainly, Karunya has provided me a strong technical foundation with spiritual and ethical values. Hence I am able to stand firm in this competitive world. I remember the day when I entered this department as a clueless girl but today I am happy that I could step out with an M.Tech admission at Madras Institute of technology obtained through merit based on my GATE score. I will remain thankful to my Faculty and staff who were patient enough to teach me, guide me and motivate me. I also appreciate and thank the management for setting up state-of-the-art lab facilities, wellfurnished library and a peaceful and homely residence that made my stay in the campus a memorable and productive one. All these have made my days here unforgettable. I wish that the Department of Aerospace Engineering soars to greater heights fulfilling its mission in developing Engineers for the future. - Gayathri D (2011–2015 B.Tech. Aerospace Engineering). I thank God for bringing me to study B.Tech. course at Karunya University. Karunya was a blessing in my life, nurturing my spiritual and personal life. I was not so brilliant in my studies. However, God enabled me to explore well in my course here. Morning assemblies had motivated me during my tough times. God helped me to minister in the Ranchi Prayer Festival during 2014. Karunya guided me to seek God fervently during my stay here and true to His promise given in Matt. 7:7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you” God has blessed me with a placement in M/s. Accenture. I would like to thank my parents, teachers and friends for all their support. The Lord will be with you as He has promised in Deuteronomy 31: 6, ‘He will never leave you nor forsake you’. So trust Him. - Bennie Joseph R (2012 – 2016 B.Tech. Computer Science and Engineering)

We warmly invite the students to join the Karunya University Jesus Calls ● December 2015 ● 18

Jesus Calls ● December 2015 ● 19

‘The humble also shall increase their joy in the LORD, And the poor among men shall rejoice In the Holy One of Israel (Isaiah 29:19). According to this verse, this Christmas will be a Christmas that would increase your joy and gladden you! The Lord Jesus, who was born in this world, to bring deliverance from sin will grant you deliverance from every bondage this Christmas (John 8:36). I am most grateful to you dear partner of the Ministry for your prayers and offerings that you provided the Ministry to bless millions of broken hearted people and to care for the poor this whole year. Thank you for being diligent this year in waiting for the Lord .

Reaching more people "Even so it is not the will of your Father who is in heaven that one of these little ones should perish” (Matthew 18:14). It is with this zeal to make this happen we continue to establish Prayer Towers in various cities. It takes Rs 50 lacs to just launch a Prayer Tower in a place. Added are the expenses to run it each month. The services are offered free. Our only zeal is to get people who do not have hope in life to experience the life the Lord Jesus came to give as we pray to Him along with them (Matt. 18:19). Dear partner, it is through your whole hearted support for the Jesus Calls ministry, we are able to fulfill the Lord’s will concerning the expansion of the services of the Prayer Tower ministry. By setting up the Prayer Tower services in the various parts of India it would be possible for us to understand the prayer requests shared by the people in their respective languages and pray for them

Jesus Calls

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exactly, imparting to them the right Biblical counsel as led by the Spirit as well conduct prayer meetings to minister to the needs of families, youth, children, business professionals and those suffering because of sin, sickness and all other burdens. The Lord Jesus has helped us to effectively activate 88 Prayer Towers and open 16 new Prayer Towers this year till October at Rajaji Nagar, Bengaluru, Ahmed Nagar, Ennore at Chennai, Ghaziabad, Panchkula – Uttar Pradesh, Kadapa, Tirupati, Gajuwaka, Vizianagaram – Andhra Pradesh, Alwal – Secunderabad, BHEL Ashok Nagar, near CMC – Vellore, Madhavaram – Chennai, Nagpur, Pimpri Chinchwad, Navi Mumbai – Maharashtra. Plans are on the anvil to open up few more new Prayer Towers by the end of this year. “…and I will give You the nations for Your inheritance, And the ends of the earth for Your possession” (Psalm 2:8).

Upcoming Events Samuel Paul and Stella Ramola will be attending the Youth Meetings to be conducted in various places and would pray for young men and women. We would be inaugurating few new Prayer Towers. Also we have planned to meet partners in person and pray for them. I have given below the schedule of the upcoming events. Pray earnestly for these meetings. I warmly invite everyone who resides/works in that respective area to attend these meetings and be blessed. December 4-6: Pentecostal Fellowship - Anniversary meetings Bengaluru December 12: Prayer Tower Dedication and Partners’ Meet - Goa December 13 - Family Blessing Meeting, Chennai

December 20 - U Turn Meeting, Chennai December 26,27 - Year End Blessing Meeting - ACA, Chennai January 3 - New Year Blessing Meeting, Chennai January 8-10: Sawyerpuram (Tuticorin) January 9: U Turn Meeting - Raipur January 10: Special Blessing Meeting, Raipur January 13 - National Prayer Alliance Pastors’ Meet - Rajahmundry January 14,15 – IPC convention Antarvedipalem, Andhra Pradesh January 16: Prayer Tower Dedication and Partners’ Meet Bhimavaram January 16: U Turn Meeting, Ahmedabad January 17: Prayer Tower Dedication and Partners’ Meet - Eluru (Andhra Pradesh) January 17: Special Blessing Meeting, Vyara (Gujarat) January 26 - Partners’ Meet, Chennai January 28 - Prayer Tower Dedication, Coimbatore January 29-31 - Coimbatore Prayer Festival, Coimbatore February 3 - Prayer Tower Dedication and Partners’ meet – Kanpur February 3&4 - ABC Church Conference - Lucknow February 7 - Students’ Meet - Chennai February 11: Prayer Tower Dedication, Nellore (Andhra Pradesh) February 12-14 - Prayer Festival, Nellore

Your donation for the Prayer Festivals Kindly remember these meetings in your prayers that the Lord may graciously be present there in each of them and draw all people unto Himself wiping away all their tears and blessing every one of them unto eternal life. In the days when the Lord Jesus was in this world, many women provided for Him from their substance (Luke 8:3). Similarly, you could also support these Prayer Festivals that Jesus Calls

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bring blessings to a great multitude of people, as prompted by the Lord. ( To know the details of giving offering to the above mentioned Prayer Festivals, you may contact the Toll Free number 1800 425 77 55, on any day from 7AM to 9PM.

Israel Prayer Tower – Prophetic Prayer Conference In order to pray for God's plan to each nation, people's and kings of the world as well as Israel, the Israel Prayer Tower was launched in Jerusalem, on November 4, 2013. The whole city of Jerusalem could be viewed from this Prayer Tower. Men of God from different nations are praying and prophesying for Israel and the world, viewing the city of Jerusalem. A training programme for Prayer was conducted in the Israel Prayer Tower, from October 10 to 13. Apart from the Jewish people, other people from Sri Lanka, United States of America and United Kingdom participated in this Training. The Lord spoke through me and Evangeline about the prophetic apostolic era and revealed profound truths. It is certain that the Lord will use these people who attended this conference, for His glorious ministry. We are also making arrangements to set up a Praising Centre and a Prayer Academy that would function for 24 hours. You could prayerfully support this endeavour by going online to the Israel Prayer Tower website ( "May they prosper who love you Jerusalem” Psalm 122:6. Kindly continue to pray for the Prayer and Praise Intercessors at the Israel Prayer Tower who pray with devotion for the whole world

to be prepared for the Lord’s second coming.

Thanks offering to the Lord The Lord has been guiding us wonderfully all through this year. As per His promise given to us in the beginning of this year, He has blessed the year 2015 as the year of peace and achievements (Isaiah 26:12). This year has been a year in which your personal life, family life, career, business was crowned with goodness. Even this year, the Lord would have granted you many blessings in various aspects, through the Jesus Calls ministry. I believe that the Lord has blessed you by intervening with you through the promise letters which we send to you every month, through the prayers offered for you for your birthday/wedding anniversary, through the Blessing Meetings held in the Prayer Towers, through the prayers offered for your prayer requests, through the Jesus Calls magazine, books, website, social net works such as Facebook, Mobile App etc.,, through the Televi-

sion programmes, message CDs, Prayer Festivals and their live telecasts and so on, in some way or the other. As a token of your gratitude to Him, for all His benefits, I encourage you to send your thank offering to the Jesus Calls ministry. May I encourage you to offer your one day salary or a portion of your profit as offering to bless millions Plenty are the needs of the ministry. We carry the Lord’s love to the people, through various avenues. The Lord will rejoice over you, who support the ministry and bless you still more.

Your Prayer Requests We are always ready to pray for you. Your prayer requests reach us wherever we are, in any part of the world. We pray earnestly for every prayer request. Moved with compassion, the Lord gives you the blessings and miracle that you need. Please feel free to write to us your prayer requests concerning

your expectations from the Lord for the coming year, and your needs for which you want us to intercede. You may send your prayer requests to the address Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, 16, D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai -600 028 or by mail to You may also convey your prayer request through the Facebook: https:// Dhinakaran. “He who is mighty has done great things for me… And His mercy is on those who fear Him From generation to generation. He has shown strength with His arm; He has …exalted the lowly. He has filled the hungry with good things… He has helped His servant Israel…" (Luke 1:49-55) According to this verse, may the Lord do glorious and great things for you during this month of Christmas. Your brother, who prays for you,

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

is looking for dynamic spiritual leaders / committed staff preferably Jesus Calls partners for its operation at Head Quarters Chennai, Regional Ministry Operation Centers & Prayer Towers across the country.

CHENNAI 1. Vice President – Prayer ministry 2. Vice President – Partner Care & Audit 3. Senior Executive - Finance 4. Senior Executive - Human Resources 5. Senior Executive - Content writer (English) 6. Content Writer (Hindi) 7. Telecaller (Hindi & Kannada) 8. Video Editors

REGIONAL MINISTRY OPERATIONS 9. Regional Managers for important cities in North India 10. Manager - Prayer Towers in North & North East India 11. Accountants for Prayer Towers

Candidates with relevant qualifications & experience and excellent computer knowledge are preferred. Interested candidates may. Please send your resumes to or send hard copy to the following address: Jesus Calls HR Department, JC House, No: 72, Rajaji Salai, Chennai - 600 001. For more details Contact: Ph: 044- 23456663 (Extn No: 2065), Mob No: 9003688488 Jesus Calls

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Your family photo will be telecast in the programme cosponsored by you and the Dhinakaran family will offer prayers for your prayer requests, exclusively. Offering to co-sponsor one programme – Rs.10,000/-. This may be given in installments too. Kindly mention the name of the specific programme which you would like to sponsor and along with your family photo send us DD or Cheque drawn in favour of Jesus Calls to the address: 16, Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai – 600 028 Contact Numbers: 1800 425 77 55 (Toll Free) from 7.00 AM to 9.00 PM/ +91 95001 27277 Email:, Website: Do not fail to write your name and contact phone number at the back of the photo. Please inform us of your willingness 30 days ahead of telecasting the programme. Jesus Calls Television Programmes

Thanks offering to the Lord who removed the wanderings My son Lourdu Michael had no permanent job since several years and has been undertaking pilgrimages to many holy places seeking peace. Since he is my only relative, I was oppressed by worries about him. I was praying to the Lord that my son should get peace, live with me and see good days. Unexpectedly, one day my son contacted me over the phone and said that he had watched the Jesus Calls programme in the Sathyam TV (Tamil) and that he had received peace, and had gotten rid of all the questions in his mind. Also he advised me to attend the Jesus Calls meeting if held nearby. After that he came back home, gave me an amount and asked me to send it to co-sponsor a Jesus Calls television programme. Accordingly we sponsored a programme in October. Now he goes to his job regularly. He is at peace and does not wander to places. I give thanks to the God of gods who touched my son’s heart through the Jesus Calls Television programme and who gave him perfect peace, removing his wanderings and wiping away his tears. We have sent donation to sponsor a programme in November. Glory to the Lord. - Roseline Lourdu, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu Jesus Calls

06:00am-06:30am 6:30 am - 7:00 am 9:30 pm to 10:00 pm 10:00 pm to 10:30 pm 10:00 pm to 10:30 pm 10:00 pm to 10:30 pm 6:30 6:30 7:00 9:30 6:30 7:30 6:00 6:30 9.30

am - 7:00 am am - 7:00 am - 07:30 am pm - 10:00 pm am - 7:00 am am - 8:00 am am - 6:30 am am - 7:00 am pm - 10.00 pm

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EPIC TV Daily Sony SAB TV Daily Sadhana religious Daily Sadhana news Daily UttarPradesh/ Uttarakhand / Haryana Sadhana news Daily Bihar/Jharkhand Sadhana news Daily MadhyaPradesh/Chhattisgarh Surya TV Sunday Jeevan TV Mon - Sat ACV TV Daily Power Vision Daily Zee Kannada Daily Janashree Daily Vissa TV Daily ETV 2 Daily Aradhana TV Daily

“…that through death He might destroy him who had the power of death, that is, the devil, and release those who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage” (Hebrews 2:14,15). The first verse says that the Son of God was manifested that He might destroy the works of the devil; the second verse says that the Son of God was manifested to destroy the devil. The incarnation of God as man in this world to destroy satan, who

afflicts us, is Christmas. This is the day that gives great joy to us, the humans (Luke 2:10). In the days when our dear Saviour was on this earth, He went to a particular place. The people of that place refused to accept Him. Irked by this, the disciples asked Him, “"Lord, do You want us to command fire to come down from heaven and consume them?” But Jesus said, “I have come not to destroy men's lives but to save them." (Luke 9:53-56). Yes, Jesus Christ came to the world to save Jesus Calls

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us, the sinners (I Timothy 1;15, Luke 19:10). God came down as the Son of God to grant us salvation, to defeat the devil and to destroy his works.

Who is this devil? And He said to them (the disciples), "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven’ (Luke 10:18). The Bible describes the devil as the ruler of this world and the dark world, as the prince of the power of the air and the leader of the evil

spirits (John 14:30; Ephesians 2:2). God has delivered the devil and his angels ‘into chains of darkness, and has them reserved in everlasting chains under darkness for the judgment of the great day’ (II Peter 2:4; Jude 6). God is seated on the Throne since ages past. Someday, before the world was created, He cast him down. This devil has established his kingdom and throne in heavenly places, between the earth and heaven (Ephesians 6:12). Only after this He created mankind. I know of a brother who has the gift of seeing visions of God. Once, when he was praying, God sent him to see the devil, which is in the dark world. That brother saw there a throne for the devil, similar to the throne of Jesus Christ, in heaven. The devil is seated there majestically. His angels surround him, waiting to hear his word. Hosts of angels keep praising him. Yet, he is covered by darkness. This brother also saw those angels lamenting with agony and uncertainty within themselves, “Alas, we’ve lost such a glorious, and bright place”.

Why this much of anger over mankind for the fallen devil? “What is man that You are mindful of him, And the son of man that You visit him? For You have made him a little lower than the angels, And You have crowned him with glory and honor” (Psalm 8:4,5) God has made man only a little lower than the angels of God. Angels go everywhere. Their body is glorious and they can go anywhere. But our physical body cannot do that. This is the only difference. Otherwise, God has crowned us

with His glory and honour. He has made all the other animals and other things obey us. He created man in His image (Colossians 3:10). He made us like Him physically. He has given us His nature, His righteousness, holiness and perfect knowledge (Genesis 1:27). Seeing that we, the mankind, have received God’s appearance and knowledge, the fallen angel is greatly annoyed with us. Yet let us remember that the Son of God came to destroy the fury of the wicked devil and to defeat him. “… taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one” (Ephesians 6:16). The wicked one sends fiery darts from a distance. It attacks us.

The fiery dart of depression: “For the enemy has persecuted my soul; He has crushed my life to the ground; He has made me dwell in darkness, Like those who have long been dead” (Psalm 143:3). Some people would be still, with no anxiety or anything. Doctors would say, “He is in depression”. When we are attacked by so many problems and worries in our life, our heart gets broken. At the same time, the devil brings in us this depression and makes us sit as if we are in the darkness (Psalm 143:3). Such people would be contemplating how to commit suicide. Once I had been to a place to conduct a meeting. I visited the house of a family there. They said, “Brother, our daughter is all the time dejected” I asked them to send her to spiritual meetings. But they ignored this advice and left the matter. After a few days, I heard the sad news Jesus Calls

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that the girl had jumped down from a tall building and had ended her life. What is the use!

This is how the devil casts many into the darkness.

The fiery dart of enmity The devil brings darkness in to our mind and spiritual life ‘We should…not be as Cain who was of the wicked one and murdered his brother. And why did he murder him? Because his works were evil and his brother's righteous’ (I John 3:12; 2: 9,11). Both Cain and Abel were brothers. Yet, one of them was overpowered by the works of the wicked devil. The devil made him hate his own brother and murder him. Many times, don’t we have such enmity in our heart? Don’t we hate our brothers, especially spiritual brothers, for no reason? Doesn’t the Bible say, “Whoever hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him” (I John 3:15). When we hate others, God tells us, “You are a murderer” The Bible says that he, who hates his brother is in darkness and walks in darkness. Jesus came to this world to make us escape from or to deliver us from this fiery dart.

The fiery dart of sickness “…there was a woman who had a spirit of infirmity eighteen years, and was bent over and could in no way raise herself up. But when Jesus saw her, He called her to Him and said to her, "Woman, you are loosed from your infirmity." (Luke 13:11,12). Jesus saw a woman. She was completely bent and could in no

way raise herself up. Jesus, who said, “Satan has bound her’, had compassion on her and set her free. Many times, sickness attacks us, for no reason at all. It may be because of germs and viruses, and also because of such wicked devils. Once, when I had been to a city called Alappuzha in Kerala, they brought a dignified lady to me. It was said that she suffered from chest pain which was not getting cured. I placed my hands on her. That’s all. She fell down and started rolling. I walked here and there, praying hard for her. It was getting late. I was moved with compassion. Keeling down beside her, I placed my hand on her head and began to pray. She stared at me ferociously as if to burn me. I was greatly perturbed that she, who earlier looked feeble with chest pain, was giving me such a terrible look. Mustering courage I prayed, “Lord, somehow cast away the devil from her”. When I again stretched my hand towards her, she tried to catch hold of my neck with both her hands. But she could not succeed. I finished my prayer. That night I asked the Lord why that woman wanted to catch hold of my neck. Jesus showed me a beautiful girl and she said, “I am the spirit in that woman. Several years back, when I was full term pregnant with my child, my husband killed me by strangling me with his both hands. I tried hard to avoid his hands getting hold of my neck. But I could not and he killed me. I am roaming around as my days are not yet over. This woman is my neighbour. She

goes to church and calls herself a believer. But she would never pray and would be criticizing others all the time. That’s why I have entered into her. Please forgive me. Whenever I am tried to be cast away, I do the same thing which I did to my husband when he killed me – trying to prevent his hands from catching hold of my neck. Please do not cast me out. Forgive me”.

Many times, the reason why we do not know the reason for our sickness is the evil spirit. The same throbbing of the heart which that woman had, when she died, was experienced by the so called believer. This was the reason for this woman’s chest pain.

The fiery dart of murder And always, night and day, he was in the mountains and in the tombs, crying out and cutting himself with stones (Mark 5:5). A man, possessed by more than 2000 demons (legion) is sitting all alone. He cuts himself with stones. The Bible calls the devil as the murderer (John 8:44). He kills anyone in whose body he enters. Satan entered Judas. He made him commit suicide (John 13:27). I once, went for a Sunday service. After the service, some of the people wanted me to pray for them. I started praying for everyone. That time, a woman who was there fell down. She kept on banging her head on the floor and tried to break her head. My heart almost stopped on seeing this. So many people tried to control her but could not. I went near her and placed my hand on her. At once, she laid down as if she had gone to sleep. After a while, my wife and I went to see her and asked her how she was Jesus Calls

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doing. She said, “I don’t know why, I’ve a terrible headache”. She did not know what had happened. Yes, the wicked devil tried to kill her somehow. I once read about a particular incident in the Newspapers. In Russia, a school teacher, who had committed 55 murders was arrested. When the police enquired him, he said, “I used to talk endearingly to the young girls who are stranded in the Railway station or in the Bus stand and take them to the forest. After raping them, I would tie them to a tree. After that I would be possessed by the spirit of wolf and I would pluck out my victim’s eyes. I would cut their body into pieces and would relish eating the liver. Then I would return home and become a human again”.

The wicked devil gives the wolf spirit to man. He is a murderer! Our gracious Lord came to this world, to destroy the works of this devil. He destroyed the devil, by His death. In the Garden of Gethsemane, when just a few hours were left for Him to go to the cross, the gracious Lord cried bitterly and languished, "My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, even to death” (Luke 22:42-44; Matthew 26:38). If you have the gift of the word of wisdom, you can see how the incidents of the Bible happened (I Corinthians 12:8). Once, Jesus showed me this. I saw Jesus at a distance. He did not kneel down and pray as we see in the papers and in pictures. He was staggering with sorrow when He came. He fell to His face and cried vehemently, with tears (Hebrews

5:7). His sweat became like great drops of blood falling down to the ground (Luke 22:44). He was not concerned about it and was praying with much sorrow. I saw the devil standing at a distance. He was watching Jesus. First time the Lord Jesus prayed, “If it is Your will, take this cup away from Me”. The devil laughed. He prayed in the same manner, the second time too. Again the devil laughed. But, the third time, He said, “"O My Father, let Your will alone be done; if this cup cannot pass away from Me unless I drink it, Your will be done.". On hearing this, the devil screamed, “Oh, I’m undone; I have been defeated; my time of destruction has come”. It was his assumption that Jesus would deny the Father. But the moment He committed Himself saying, “Let it be according to Your will”, the devil cried and lamented.

It was here He overcame the devil. Dear ones, are you in the darkness of depression? Are you in the darkness of enmity? Are you in the darkness of sicknesses? Jesus went through the same path and has defeated the devil. He knows the every drop of tears that you shed at the time of trials.

The Courage given by the birth of Christ ‘You will cast out demons in My name; when the devil comes, utter my name. He will flee from you, screaming (Mark 16;17). In the name of Jesus, every knee of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, would bow (Philippians 2:10,11). ‘The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in the land of the shadow of death, upon them a light has shined” (Isaiah 9:2). He has called you out of dark-

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ness into His marvelous light (Colossians 1:13; I Peter 2:9) and has made you sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 2:7). No sorcery or witchcraft or devil can touch you (Numbers 23:23). They will not come even near you. The glory of God will come down, no matter what type of devil may stand against you. This glory would make the devil put his head down! Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8). The Son of God came to destroy the works of the devil. Nothing shall touch you, no matter how many arrows and fiery darts the devil may throw against you. This Christmas, plead to the Lord saying, “God, be born in my heart”. He, who is the indescribable gift, will be born in your heart. He will destroy the fiery darts of the devil and grant you  abundant blessings.

Prayers shall be offered for your dear child by pronouncing her/his name by the Prayer warriors in the 24 hours Prayer Tower,  For the Lord Jesus to protect and lead every Young Partner (Psalm 121:7) 

to fill them with wisdom knowledge and memory power (James 1:5,17)

to lead them towards a prosperous and bright future, devoid of sickness (Psalm 115:14).

The Dhinakarans will pray for the Young Partners, every day.

A special certificate with God’s promise will be issued to every Young Partner.

Birthday greetings from the Dhinakarans will be sent to the Young Partner. On birthdays a Jesus Calls Prayer Warrior will contact the Young Partner and pray specially for him/her.

Every day, promise verse will be sent to the Young Partner through SMS. Jesus Calls

Testimonies of a few Young Partners who are blessed by the Lord:

Lord, who saved life My younger son Dr. Vasudev is a Jesus Calls Young Partner. Currently he is doing second year in MD Radiology. This August, when he was travelling by car to his college, he met with a gruesome accident. The car was totally damaged. Yet he managed to escape with minor injuries. As the Lord said, He carried my son and saved him. Millions of praises to the Lord, who protected dear son, who is a Young Partner. - N.Srimathi, Chennai -41

Government job The Lord graciously helped me, a Young Partner, to join MBBS in the year 2008. He helped me

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to complete my studies successfully and has also enabled me to get a government job, this March. I remember all the benefits that the Lord has done in my life and thank Him. Also, as per my vow, I give my first month’s salary as offering to the ministry and glorify the Lord. - Dr.P.Vasanth Kumar, Dharmapuri, Tamil Nadu.

Full Marks My son Aravind Naik, wrote his SSC last academic year. We were happy to see his results. He had got first grade with 10/10. We have sent an amount which is twice his full marks (600) as offering to the Jesus Calls ministry, as a token of

gratitude to the Lord for His mercy on him, a Young Partner. I thank the Lord, who is doing plenty of benefits for my family. Thanks to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and the prayer warriors, who pray for us. - Saradha, Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh

Job in MNC I am a Jesus Calls Young Partner. My parents joined me in the Young Partners’ Plan when I was a child. From my schooling to college studies, before going to write my exams, I used to get prayers from the Jesus Calls ambassador and Prayer Tower. The Lord has been blessing me in my studies. I

got an interview from a Multinational Company called Deloitte. Before going to the interview I was much hesitant and fearful. I contacted the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower before appearing for the interview. 134 people had been called for, out of which only 6 were selected. By the grace of God, I was also selected. I am enjoying so many blessings since I am a Young Partner. Hence, I give my first month’s salary as offering to the Jesus Calls ministry. I thank my parents for joining me in the Young Partners’ Plan. Thanks to the prayer warriors who pray for me. - Maria Sharon, Padmarao Nagar, Andhra Pradesh.

YOUNG PARTNERS’ PLAN Write the name of the child to be enrolled in the plan (legibly) Mr/Ms: ________________________________ Date of Birth________________________________ Mr/Ms: ________________________________ Date of Birth________________________________ Mr/Ms: ________________________________ Date of Birth________________________________ Name of the parent/guardian: __________________________________________________________ Contact Address:___________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ City:________________________________Pin Code______________________________________ State: ________________________________ Mobile:______________________________________ Email: ___________________________________________________________________________ Pledge amount: Rs.3000/- You may send any amount possible, every month. Prayer Requests:___________________________________________________________________ (Can be written in a separate sheet and attached) (1) Fill up the form and send it along with the stamp size photo of each child, with name and address as well as your contact phone number written at the back of the photo. Along with the duly filled form, you may send the demand draft / cheque drawn in favour of “Jesus Calls” to the address: Jesus Calls, 16, Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai – 600 028, by registered post. (2) Donations can be made online in the website using credit card/ debit card/ net banking in a secure way (3) For online registration in colour photo can be sent by scanning to enrollment form could be downloaded and sent by post, duly filled along with the photo. For details: 1800 425 77 55 (Toll Free service – 7.00 AM to 9.00 PM) Jesus Calls

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Partner’s Testimony:

‘Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.’ (Jeremiah 33:3).

My husband’s name is Karunakaran. I was tormented by various worries because of afflictions like a miscarriage in the year 2007, debt problem, loss of my father-in-law because of heart attack, no progress in my husband’s job etc., At this state, I went to the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in Chennai and got prayers. The next month, on my birthday I received Dr. Paul Dhinakaran’s letter with a promise verse for me which said, “‘Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.’ (Jeremiah 33:3). The very next month, my husband got a job in Delhi for Rs.30,000/per month. So from October 2007, we started residing in Delhi. Since I did not conceive, I held on to the Lord and cried to Him. In the year 2008, the doctor confirmed my pregnancy. But he advised me complete rest for 8 months. The Lord strengthened me to cross over every difficulty. By the grace of God, I was blessed with a girl child. There was a cyst on my child’s head. Whenever I felt grieved, I used to write to dear brother Paul. He too used to send me comforting replies. I used to wait eagerly for dear brother’s letter. This time too, the Lord heard the prayer and made the cyst vanish.

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The Lord has been blessing my life ever since I joined the Jesus Calls ministry as a partner. I can continue to tell about the Lord’s wondrous deeds and counsels given to me. It is Brother Paul Dhinakaran’s prayers that are of great support to me. I continue to pray for the Jesus Calls ministry. Glory to the Lord!

The following year, my husband got a new job for a higher salary. The Lord helped us to buy a car and blessed us with another girl baby in 2012. We continued to make good progress in life. I was praying hard for my husband’s transfer. He got his transfer in May 2015.

- R. Sakthi Subha, Bengaluru.

In 2010, I gave Rs.5,000/- to the Delhi National Prayer Tower and Rs.5,000/- to Seesha as donation. The same year, my husband got his promotion in the month of April. By the end of 2010, he got an opportunity to go abroad. The Lord also helped us to buy a house in Chennai.

Every year my husband’s company conducted Assessment for the staff. Except him, everyone else had a hike in their income. I again wrote a letter to Brother Paul Dhinakaran. What a wonder! My husband had the highest point in his Assessment and was given a hike. This was purely by the grace of God.

Thanks offering for the Lord “Offer to God thanksgiving, And pay your vows to the Most High.” (Psalm 50: 14). The Lord has protected and led us, our children and family, all through the year 2015. December is the month in which we should thank the Lord, who led us with His good things, throughout the year. I encourage you to send your one day salary or income or a portion of it or a portion of your profit, as thanks offering, to the Jesus Calls ministry that carries the Lord’s love to the people through various ways. Name: ........................................................................................................................................... Address:........................................................................................................................................ ...................................................................................................................................................... Pin code: ......................................................... Email:.................................................................... Birthday:.......................................................... Wedding Day:........................................................ I offer my ❒ One day salary (Rs…...................../-) ❒ Portion of my income (Rs.................…./-) ❒ Portion of my profit (Rs…..................../-) My Prayer Requests:...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... (Can be written in separate sheet and attached with the form) Kindly send us your offering by cheque or Demand Draft drawn in favour of Jesus Calls or by M.O. to the address: Jesus Calls, 16, Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028 by registered post. You may give your offering directly in your nearby Jesus Calls Prayer Tower and get the receipt. Donations can be made online through our using credit card, debit card and net banking in a secure way. For more details : 1800 425 77 55 (Toll Free ) from 7.00 AM to 9.00 PM. Jesus Calls ● December 2015 ● 31

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Gift of a child after 6 years

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Dear Brother Paul Dhinakaran My sister Kohila had no child even after 6 years of married life. I had written to you seeking your prayers. I got your reply. By your prayers, and by the grace of God, my sister is now blessed with a

child. We have named the child, ‘ B a l a Princy” I express my thanks to you and your family as well as the Jesus Calls brothers and sisters, who pray for us and so many other people who are sick, at any time we need. By the grace of God, the Jesus Calls ministry is functioning for the whole world to receive the Lord’s miracle today through the ministry, to pray for the people, who do not know the Lord and to support the destitute. I express my thanks to you for that. - P. Kalaivanan, Mavadi, Tamil Nadu.

You too may send us your prayer needs and requests, without any hesitation. Sister Stella Dhinakaran, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, Sister Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran, Samuel Paul, Sharon and Stella Ramola will pray earnestly to the Lord, for you.

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My wife, children and I were happy, as a family. Today, I am running the business with no lack. My wife and I keep the shop open from morning to evening. People like you are certainly needed for the country. My dead business was revived through you. We thank you, as a family. We receive the Jesus Calls magazine regularly. Kindly pray for us continually. - T.Murali, Nagapattinam, Tamil Nadu.

Dead business Revived Dear Bro. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, In April 2015, I had written to you about my difficulties and debt problem. That time I had lost everything because of heavy loss in my business. My family was on the verge of separation. Because of debt problem, the shop remained closed. I received your reply on May 7th and the verses quoted by you encouraged me. I never imagined that the Lord would bless my business again. By your prayers, I received hundred fold blessings. I regularly watch your television programme. Whenever you used to call someone by their names during the programme, I hoped that the Lord would call out my name too. On August 16, I was watching the Jesus Calls programme in the Raj TV, at 6.30 AM. That time you said, ‘Murali, your debt problem will be removed; your back pain will reduce”.

Address: Prayer Tower, 16, D.G.S Dhinakaran Road, Chennai – 600 028. Email: You may send your prayer requests through Jesus Calls ● December 2015 ● 32

“I am studying in Class VIII. I have been attending the SEESHA Tuition Centre in Bapunagar from Class III onwards. My teacher at the Tuition Centre helps me study and understand all the subjects well. I have improved a lot. I am very happy to inform you that I got the first rank in my Class VII Annual Exam. My school Principal honoured me by awarding me with a shield. This made me very happy, and has given me the motivation to seek more success. I heartily thank Seesha, and Dr. Paul Dhinakaran who are helping me” - Lalitha Neha Kumbare “My husband’s low income was not sufficient to handle all the family expenses and we suffered. The rent itself appeared to be a huge amount for us. I wanted to help my husband in some way or the other to manage the family expenses. It was when my family was undergoing these hardships, I came to know of SEESHA. I approached SEESHA having heard from my friend that vocational trainings for income generation are given by them. There I was encouraged to join a jute product manufacturing class organized in collaboration with Jan Shikshan Sansthan (JSS), Govt. of India. I enrolled myself and received training for three months on making many products like purses, hand bags, lunch bags, college bags, etc. Now, I am able to earn by making and selling jute bags in and around my area and also in college fests. The money I earn by selling jute products is very useful to meet some of my essential needs. I thank SEESHA for training me and giving me the confidence to progress economically by equipping me with such a skill.” - Rathna Mala ◆ World Students’ Day and International Day of Rural Women – 15th October, 2015 SEESHA sponsored saplings and tree guards, which were planted along the roads by the school students of Melkumaramangalam and by the rural women in Salai Nagar, Cuddalore. This initiative was taken with the aim of encouraging students and women to create a clean and green India. VOLUNTEERING OPPORTUNITIES AT SEESHA, CHENNAI We welcome those who are interested to volunteer your services in the SEESHA’s Child Tuition Centres in your free time. Those who are service minded, and are interested to assist the children with their school work, to help them develop their skills or to organize group activities, or to teach and mentor them may kindly contact us through our website or at 044-24951007. Jesus Calls ● December 2015 ● 33


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Christmas Message:

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Yes, dear ones, accordingly, we too should walk only in accordance to His will. He accomplished everything as per the will of God. How did the Lord Jesus Christ, accomplish the will of His Father?

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God, by His will, made the Saviour Jesus Christ to be incarnate as man in this world. We know the reason for this. Happily

“Behold, I have come to do Your will, O God” (Hebrews 10:7,9).

Jesus Christ said to the Father,


accepting His will, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was born in this world in order to fulfil His will through His life. This is God’s will!

“My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His work’ (John 4:34)

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day of Christmas but also, throughout the New Year”. May the Lord give you this joy not only today but always!

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any do so many things to celebrate Christmas – drinking, dancing, and frolicking claiming, “This is the joy of Christmas”. No, dear ones, discard such kind of vain enjoyments. True joy is the birth of Jesus Christ in your heart. So, as a family, let us again pray to Him saying, “Lord, come into our heart. Come into our family and make us happy. Thank You for giving us a good life which would makes us happy not only on this

- Sister Stella Dhinakaran

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What happens when we commit ourselves just as He did? But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved)’ (Ephesians 2:4-5).

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Keeping this in mind, when we too work according to God’s will, every day would be a Christmas for us. Jesus Christ is born in us every day. Similarly we make Him born in others too. This is true commitment.

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This is the purpose for which the Lord Jesus Christ was born in this world! Are we the vessels of wrath, having in us all wickedness such as drunkenness, lust, enmity, strife etc.? By being incarnate in this world and suffering on the cross and offering His life for us, Jesus Christ has changed us upside down to make us into the vessels of grace (Romans 9:23).

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(Matthew 18:14).

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What a wonder! What is the glory of salvation? Why did Jesus, the Son of God come to manifest to us the glory of salvation? Why Christmas? Do we think about this? Redeeming all of us from the horror of sin is joy to Him. Christ was born in this world to redeem us. ‘who gave Himself a ransom for all, to be (I Timothy 2:6).

True Christmas is He, being born in our heart and home and we, doing His will.

BECAME POOR TO MAKE US RICH: “….yet for your sakes He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich

testified in due time’

(II Corinthians 8:9).

to the knowledge of the truth’ (I Timothy 2:4).

“..who desires all men to be saved and to come

Today, how do we celebrate Christmas? We buy stars and hang out beautiful lights; we buy new clothes; we prepare variety of dishes and enjoy eating them. We should not stop with these. We need to accomplish the will of the Father, even while celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ in this world. He gave Himself up in order that not one should perish in this world but be saved.

Based on this Scripture, that day the Lord Jesus Christ was doing His evangelical work to save that Samaritan woman and her village, according to God’s will, forgetting His food.


in heaven that one of these little ones should

“Even so it is not the will of your Father who is

The eyes of the Lord Jesus were always upon the Father. He says, “Whatever My Father says, I will do that”. Jesus Christ, the Son, was diligent in fulfilling the purpose for which He was sent by the Father. We too should be like Him.

He says, ‘To fulfil His will, God the Father has sent Me with a purpose. Fulfilling this will is My food’. The disciples set off as there was no food. But, that time, He fulfils God’s ministry (His will). We read about this John 4th chapter. Speaking to a Samaritan woman, He fulfilled the will of God by making her obtain eternal life from her dreadful sinful life and enabling her village people to receive the salvation of the Lord. While He was doing this ministry with burden for souls, the disciples are going out, seeking for food. What a difference between the both!

“For I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me’ (John 6:38).

As the Bible thus says, it is His will to make us rich through His poverty. Why was He born to poor

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Do you suffer because of physical weaknesses? Today, how many of you are suffering because of terrible diseases and are worrying, “Oh, unlike others, I am unable to be happy! I am not able to eat anything? Do you languish, ‘Oh, my both the kidneys are not functioning. Here I have plenty of sweets; but I’m unable to eat anything”? The Lord Jesus Christ is able to remove your physical weaknesses (sickness and infirmities). Pray to Him saying, “Jesus, dreadful diseases are spreading in me. Remove everything from me. You were born in this world, for my sake. You suffered to change all my physical weaknesses. You were nailed on the cross; You shed Your blood. Please grant me perfect healing”. For surely there is a hereafter, And your hope (Proverbs 23:18).

will not be cut off

As the Bible thus says, He would give you double portion.

(Psalm 1:2,3).

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For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6).

he does shall prosper’

Whose leaf also shall not wither; And whatever

water, That brings forth its fruit in its season,

shall be like a tree Planted by the rivers of

in His law he meditates day and night. He

Dear ones, who are getting ready to celebrate Christmas, hold onto Him firmly, believing that He is going to do miracles for you too.

‘But his delight is in the law of the LORD, And

If you live with righteousness, whatever you touch will be a blessing to you.

He will remove all your confusions and grant you double fold blessings. He will grant you all the blessings above all that you desire.

(Psalm 75:10).

‘…the horns of the righteous shall be exalted.”

God sent His son to supply all our needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19). The Bible says,

My dear sisters, who are languishing in utter poverty and scarcity, do you lament, “Oh, I am unable to buy even a single clothe for Christmas! I am unable to buy even a new dress for my child!”?

parents, in a manger? Mother Mary had wrapped Him in swaddling cloth. Oh, what a poor surrounding! He, who is the God of gods and who created and controls the whole universe, is born in this world as the Son, in a lowly state. The earth is the Lord’s and all its fullness. Why should He, who is the Son of the powerful and Almighty God, be born in this world, in such a lowly state? Yes, He thus became poor, in order to make us rich.

According to these Scriptures, when we diligently read the Bible day and night, when we meditate on it and follow it in our life, the Lord’s prosperity would be there. There will not be any loss in the business; there will be blessing in the job. This is how the Lord will bless you. We should know that because of His coming, and because of His birth in this world, He will change all our lacks into sufficiency.

Jesus Calls ● December 2015 ● 37

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Understanding the purpose for which the Lord was born in this world, commit your life to Him and fulfil His will saying, “Lord, come into my home; come into me; I remove all the perished things from my soul. I commit myself to live for You”.

fill you with all good things and bless you.

prosperity. He will remove all the sickness from you,

all your poverty and lacks and make you enjoy

Yes, with His name ‘Wonderful’, He will remove

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ur loving Father, how wonderful is Your birth! Thank You for teaching me to remember the purpose for which You came to this world. Father, today, be born in the heart of whoever opens his/ her heart and home to You, and kneels down in Your presence and prays with tears that his/her heart and home should belong to Jesus. Make divine joy, gladness and shouts of joy to be formed in that heart and home where Jesus is born. Now, let Your divine love manifested on the cross of Calvary, come into the heart and home of all those who commit themselves to You with this intention. Today, please reunite the couples who are perishing and who live as vessels of wrath and the couples who “

A PRAYER FOR YOU: have fought and are separated. Adorn them with salvation on this Christmas day and change their families into pleasant Christian families. O, God, bless all those who lament about their inability to celebrate Christmas happily or eat properly, and who call out to You, and remove their sickness from them. Grant them now the divine healing which You have earned for them on the cross. You have said, “I am the Lord, who heals you’. Heal them according to this word. Let Your life enter into them so that they will not be harmed. Let the joy of Your salvation overflow in every family. In Jesus’ name I offer this prayer, with praises, O, Father” Amen.

Bible Quiz - 45 Winners Chennai:Sumithra David Vellore: P. Rajapandy Pudhucherry: P. S. Moorthy Andhra: Dr. T. S. Sudhakar Raju, Sunitha, Helen Cornelius, Dr. Samuel Rajendram Maisa, C. P. Saudhya Rani, D. P. Rajasekhar, Mr. G. Sundersingh Karnataka: Shalini K., Vanitha A., Samuel I., Manju M.,Maharashtra: Ashok Lazarus Valvi Jesus Calls ● December 2015 ● 38

Short story:

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“We can’t change the present day children. They have shrunk the world to their pocket. There is only one way: Kneel down before the Lord. Cry to Him! Don’t cry to others. She was holding the first three ranks, and now has come down to tenth, eleventh and even twelfth. Don’t say anything since your husband has promised to get it for her by Christmas”.

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Paying heed to her mother’s advice, Celina started complaining about her daughter to the Lord. On Saturdays, Rita started going out with her friend Priya and came back only in the evenings. When questioned she always said, ‘It’s a suspense”. Celina was deeply troubled as she did not know where both of them were going; neither could she get any proper answer from her daughter. A week before Christmas, Rita

over her…” This was from her mother-in-law.

marriage? Can she live a proper life? Have control

such adamancy how will she run her family, after

“You’re not bringing up your child properly. With

to her father.

Pouring out everything to her mouth, Celina cried bitterly.

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What pained Celina was the way in which Rita spoke

But she was adamant to have the I pod by Christmas.

her one, if she got more than 1000 marks in her +2.

“Should you pet her so much? Just because she is the only child, you’ve spoiled her thoroughly! How will she be when she goes to college?” – Her sisterin-law shot at her.

12th, Celina’s husband Peter promised to her get

When she demanded an I pod when she came to

This is quite common in our days…”

“Mummy, I am not a country pumpkin like you…


elina’s heart was broken by her daughter’s behavior. When Rita, her daughter, was in her 8th standard, she demanded for a mobile and finally succeeded in getting one. She got a new one, when she went to 9th standard and again she wanted another one… New mobile for every six months…If at all Celina questioned, pat came the reply,

- Yesupatham

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the front and made to sit there. They were introduced to the counselor. The four of them blinked in bewilderment and the counselor started explaining to them,

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“Look there, the structure under that thatched roof is the school which these two have built. We appealed to the government to allot a place for our school. But we didn’t get any. The children here have to walk more than 10 Kms to the school in the nearby village. So, most of them do not like to go to school. These two girls came to know of this, through my daughter and took this effort. I have sent a photo of this place to the collector. He was surprised and has promised to visit us and help us”.

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Even as he was talking, the pastor arrived. He prayed and the counselor inaugurated the building. The village people who had gathered there praised both the children and also warmly welcomed the parents by draping them with shawls. Both had bought everything for the children too.

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That noon, Priya’s father who came to take them by his Benz car started to lament, “I don’t know what they are doing” He drove the car, following the map, which his daughter had given him. The car came to a halt in a small village called ‘Siru Thakkudi” Priya and Rita came running. A small crowd of people were sitting under a pandal and the parents were taken to

“You would be coming to the place where we are going now, in the morning. I’ll let you know the place later”. Celina was scared and intensified her prayer.

“O.K. Where are you both going?’ when Peter interrupted her, all she said was,

Two days before Christmas, Rita announced, “Daddy, Mummy! Priya and I are going out. Both of you be ready at 2.30. Priya’s daddy and mummy will come to pick you up. Daddy, you should wear full suit and mummy, you should wear the blue silk sari presented by granny”.

“Thank you Daddy’’ She ran off, with a hug and kiss. When Celina asked about this to Priya’s mother, she too started lamenting, “Yes, Priya too got Rs.20,000 from us. When asked, she said, ‘Suspense’” Priya’s father was a doctor.

begged her father to give her the money for I Pod and that she would give him the receipt. When he asked the reason, again the same reply came back – ‘Suspense”. Celina’s husband too complied, much against her wish.

‘Daddy, this is my Christmas treat” So saying Rita took a selfie, with her parents, standing in front of the school. Her father looked at her with pride and Celina started thanking God. The joy of the festive season spread to them even as the Christmas songs were played. The joy was more as her daughter had understood the meaning of Christmas.

‘He has sent Me…. to preach the gospel to the poor; (Luke 4:18).

Bible Quiz - 45 Answers

1. We are not of those who draw back to perdition, but of those who believe to the saving of the soul (Hebrews 10:39) 2. Learn to maintain good works (Titus 3:14) 3. The word of God, which also effectively works in you who believe (I Thessalonians 2:13) 4. Profane and idle babblings (II Timothy 2:16) 5. The mystery of lawlessness (II Thessalonians 2:7). 6. No one should be shaken by these afflictions; (I Thessalonians 3:3) 7. The law appoints as high priests men who have weakness, (Hebrews 7:28) 8. The solid foundation of God stands (II Timothy 2:19) 9. To wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ (I Thessalonians 5:9) 10. Continuing city (Hebrews 13:14) Jesus Calls ● December 2015 ● 40

Promise Message:

- Sis. Stella Dhinakaran ○


Yes, dear ones, similarly, in our personal life too, we, especially the women, should get filled with this divine peace every day. Sometimes, after the Jesus Calls public meetings are over, some sisters would come and meet me. Mostly they would cry to me and say, “there is so much of problem in our house; there is no peace”.

How will this divine peace fill your life?


Lord provides the nation with great protection and peace.

In Isaiah 9:6, we read that the Lord’s name is ‘Prince of Peace’. Yes, He is the Prince of peace. We need to believe this first. “O, God of peace, and the Prince of peace, come into me and stay. Fill my house with Your presence” – When you thus pray, God will come down into your house as the Prince of peace and the God of peace. Joy, happiness and gladness would abound in the house which is built in peace according to the Word of God, “Unless the Lord builds the house, They labor in vain who build it” (Psalm 127:1). When there is no peace in the family, there is no joy, happiness and gladness. Isn’t it? Only a life of tears would be left.

oday, the world and its people seek this divine peace! Perhaps, the people of the world may try to obtain this peace through many ways, using their own effort and strength. But nobody can change it when the Lord fills the people with His peace, through His strength. When a nation needs peace and when someone kneels down and prays, “Lord, take care of our nation. Fill the people with Your divine peace; bless our nation”, the people of that nation receive the Lord’s peace through that prayer. Even today, we see many servants of God gathering together to pray for their respective nation. Through their prayers, the

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always before me’

(Psalm 51:1-3).

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‘He who covers his sins will

not prosper, But whoever

confesses and forsakes them

transgressions, And my sin is

For I acknowledge my

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(Proverbs 28:13).

will have mercy’

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in everything by prayer and supplication,


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And cleanse me from my sin.

Be anxious for nothing, but

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Next, you should know about an important thing. Today, many languish not knowing how to receive this divine peace. But in the Bible, all the ways have been proclaimed to us. Shall we see what the following verse says about this peace?




requests be made known to God’

(Philippians 4:6)

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thoroughly from my iniquity,

lovingkindness; …. Wash me

God, According to Your

“Have mercy upon me, O

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Besides, when David committed a presumptuous sin, which was displeasing to the Lord, he pleads with Him,

When the tax collector, a sinner humbled himself and pleaded at the feet of the Lord saying, “‘God, be merciful to me a sinner!’, the Lord forgave him, justified him and filled him with His peace. We read about this in Luke 18th chapter.

children should be blessed. So, He would teach His righteous ways to those who humble themselves.

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My dear sisters, do you, who have come to the end of this year, have the fear of God? Have you been walking in the ways of the devil as well as the Lord’s, all through this year? Examine your life. Today, don’t you want the peace given by the Lord to stay in your life in the New Year and also in the coming years? So, examine yourself. In what ways did you grieve the Lord? Did you have in you unwanted things such as lies, bitterness, enmity, self seeking and loveless actions, which are displeasing to the Lord? Kneel down at once and confess your shortcomings to the Lord. Then His power will come into you. It is the Lord’s desire that His

in His ways’ (Psalm 128:1).

fears the LORD, Who walks

‘Blessed is everyone who

My dear sisters, knowing this, each one of you should pray earnestly and in all humility telling Him, “Lord, come in to me; give me the grace for you and me to be united”. When you pray thus, the Lord will come into you as the One, who hears the prayers. Then His divine peace will fill you. You should have the fear of God. “Oh, if I do this thing, it would not be pleasing to God. So I will not be like this. I will not talk like this…” when you thus act, with fear of God, the Lord will be pleased with you.

Yes, dear ones, the reason why today people suffer without peace is because of the mental stress and sickness caused by the worries and burdens of the world. Today, different kinds of diseases are multiplying. Many could be seen dying at a young age, because of heart problem. The reason is that, we the human beings, fill our heart with the burdens and worries of the world. The Bible beautifully says, ‘The Lord cares for you’ (I Peter 5:7). Without our knowledge, we tend to forget a thing. In this world, how bad would you feel if perhaps your parents and dear ones do not care for you? It is not necessary. Man is man! The love in him is limited. But the Lord sees you every minute. He comes in search of you in the midst of your tears and cares for you saying, “My daughter is languishing without peace; let Me give her My peace”. Today, are you in darkness, closing your eyes to the love of the Lord? This is the problem. Yes, today, people’s eyes are dim. They fail to understand how excellent the Lord’s love is. But He is full of love for you (I John

Jesus Calls ● December 2015 ● 42

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(12 LETTERS) ○



Christmas Special Bible Quiz 2015

Find out the letters (each one letter) of these two words from the names with meanings in the Bible. Write the names, their meanings and the Bible reference. ○

Send your answers before 15th December 2015 to:

Christmas Special Bible Quiz Jesus Calls

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more great and mighty things. According to Psalm 22:3, the Lord is enthroned in praises. So, open your mouth wide, praise Him from the bottom of your heart, thank Him and get filled with His presence. Then the peace of God will fill you. Kindly realize this glorious blessing in your life and enjoy it. to receive the anointing of the Holy Spirit. I was praying to the Lord, for this. One evening, desiring to wait at

In my life, I was desirous

the feet of the Lord, I knelt

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Not only that, even in the midst of difficult situations, when we praise Him, counting all the benefits that we have received from Him, we would enjoy still

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blessings that you desire.

grace to enjoy all the benefits and

only that, He will give you the

according to the above verse. Not

He will answer your prayers

Lord, placing your trust on Him,

with faith in the presence of the

Accordingly, when you pray

(Matthew 21:22).

will receive.”

ask in prayer, believing, you

“And whatever things you

the Lord as they are.

Many fail to realize this secret. If they are advised, they would close the topic saying, “I don’t know how to pray”. No, dear ones, talk to the Lord every day. This is prayer. Tell Him of all your matters. Then He will answer you, deliver you and fill you with His peace. When you hold on to Him firmly, no matter how hard you are persecuted by the things of the world and shed tears, He will give you perfect peace (Isaiah 26:3).

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your worries – big or small – to

what should you do? Surrender

4:8,16). He cares for you. So

16, Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai – 600028.

down and started to praise the Lord for all the benefits

Jesus Calls ● December 2015 ● 43

Date :


December 2015 (Saturday) 5.30 P.M.

For details: +94 777104677

Venue :

JESUS LIVES EVANGELICAL INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES CHURCH 401, Aluth Mawatha Road, Colombo - 15. God’s message :

Sis.Stella Dhinakaran Come with your family, friends and relatives and receive God’s blessings!

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encouragement from the

boldness, hope and a new

vanished from me. I received

worries and fears completely

From today, stand straight on your knees (if possible) and offer praises to the Lord. Pray to Him from the depth of your heart. Then the same divine peace will come into you in a way which the world can never give. Your life will turn upside down. The Lord calls you

different woman. All the old






into me. A divine strength

the anointing of God came

Jesus took over me. Then

presence, I forgot myself.

“Whoever offers praise glorifies Me; And to him who orders his conduct aright I will show the salvation of God.” (Psalm 50:23)


done for you.



surably, and since I was

the good things that He has

of God filled me immea-

quietly. But since the power

day and pray to Him. Think of

experience, I used to pray

Start praising the Lord every





same divine experience.

You too can receive this

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the Lord’s ministry joyously.

nce filled me. Until then I had

As I praised Him, His prese-

He has bestowed upon me.

A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY FOR SRILANKA PEOPLE! to do His service. It is enough that you had been at rest, until now. You, who are going to enter into a New Year should arise and shine for the Lord. Bring many people into the Kingdom of the Lord. Do not spend all your time for your family and children. When you hold on to the Lord firmly, your house would be blessed forever. Your children will be a blessing. The Lord will bless all that you have, in every way. May the Lord thus fill you with His divine peace and change you into a crown of glory and a royal diadem in His hand! You shall also be a crown of glory In the hand of the LORD, And a royal diadem In the hand of your God (Isaiah 62:3).

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Lord. After that I entered into Jesus Calls ● December 2015 ● 44

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song. I give glory to the Lord for all the spiritual blessings that He has granted us. - Doret Thalbot, Mauritius. Much peace and blessing The promise verse given for the Esther Prayer Group is of great blessing. The prayer points too deeply touched our hearts. With oneness of mind, all of us prayed with tears that every division, bitterness and self seeking should be removed. The prayer time of the Esther Prayer Group was of much peace and blessing to the sisters. - J.Arul Selvi, Karaikudi. Anointed by new oil I am the leader of the Esther Prayer Group in our area. From the beginning of the prayer the Lord anointed every one of us with the power of His Holy Spirit and with the new oil. Every sister felt that they had been anointed ones, who stand beside the Lord of the whole earth, as mentioned in Zechariah 4:14. Sanjay, a two year old child, had swollen a piece of plastic. All of us joined together and prayed that it should come out. The Lord heard the prayer and made the piece of

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My mother was undergoing much suffering in her physical body for the past 5 years and could not eat anything. Finally, when she could not take even water and rice, we took her to the hospital. After testing her, the doctor said that her condition was critical. She was admitted in the ICU and tubes were fixed on her nose and throat. At this critical situation I attended the Esther Prayer Group conducted in Bethesda and prayed for my mother’s healing. Also we wrote a letter to dear mother Stella Dhinakaran seeking prayers for her. She too prayed and sent me a comforting reply. From then on, my mother received healing and now she is perfectly well. Glory to the Lord. - D. Esther Rani, Coimbatore. Fire Anointing I am the leader of the Esther Prayer Group in our area. During the prayer time, everyone received the fire anointing. The prayer points given for the Esther Prayer Group are apt for our lives. All the sisters were blessed by the lyrics of the

Perfect Healing in critical condition

plastic to come out, without any complication. - Vidi Kingsley, Chennai. Fear removed I was scared of a particular matter and had written a letter to Sister Stella Dhinakaran to pray for me. The prayer points for last month’s Esther Prayer Group, were under the topic, ‘Fear not” and this Word of God, sustained me greatly and led me. Now the Lord is helping me to be without fear and to talk well. Glory be to the Lord. - Shanthi David Raj, Chennai. Divine presence I am the leader of the Esther Prayer Group in our area. During the prayer time, Sister Chandra who had come for the Esther Prayer Group, for prayers, felt the presence of God. Also she was amazed to see the oneness and love that exist between us, the members. Also the Lord encouraged her as we worshipped the Lord by singing and praising. - Saritha Sadhwani, Australia. Gift of a child after 13 years Sister Julie had no child for 13 years and was in agony. She was weary because of the constant reproach and shame she faced in her family and in the society. We had been praying earnestly for her in the Esther Prayer Group that the Lord should make her happy by blessing her with a child. Hearing the prayer, the Lord has miraculously blessed her with a boy baby. Glory be to the Lord. - Leena Iqbal, Utter Pradesh.

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should be blessed with a child. The Lord heard the prayer and has made her happy by blessing her with a girl baby. Glory to the Lord. - Fathima Robert, Kanyakumari.

God’s Miracles in the Youth Esther Prayer Group:

Radhika was in agony as she had no child for the past 8 years. There was no limit to the humiliation and reproach she underwent. We were earnestly praying for her in the Esther Prayer Group that she

I am the leader of the Youth Esther Prayer Group in our area. This month’s promise verse Isaiah 12:6 was of great blessing to me. This promised encouraged me more to receive new strength, power and enthusiasm and be happy in the Lord. During this month’s prayer, the sisters who attended for the first time also took part in the prayer, with faith. Sister Sumathy, one among them, said that she felt the mighty power of the Holy Spirit during the prayer time. When she was touched by His power she called out loudly, “Jesus, Jesus”. She said that she would continue to attend the prayer regularly. Glory to the Lord. - K.Pavithra, Salem.

Accordingly, if the Spirit of the Lord prompts you to start an Esther Prayer Group or Youth Esther Prayer Group in your area or in your home or hostel or in any place convenient to you, so that the people there could be blessed, and revived, please come forward. This is the end time. You too may either start a group or attend the Esther Prayer Group in your area and be blessed. Contact Address:

Sister. Stella Dhinakaran (Esther Prayer Group) 16, Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai – 600 028. Email:

New strength, and joy

Dear sisters, who pray in the Prayer Group, pray with much burden for the each and every prayer point sent to you and hold on firmly to the promise word given to you with fervency in the spirit. The Lord will do a miracle. He will also bless you.

Gift of a child Doctors had said that Sister Jency’s uterus was weak and had fibroids and said that she would not be able to conceive. Though a lot of money was spent for her treatment, doctors gave up hope. At this critical juncture, the Lord heard the prayers offered for her in the Esther Prayer Group and made her conceive. The scan report said that the child’s heart beat was good and that she had no problem as there was no fibroid in her uterus. The doctors were amazed by this report. We give all glory to the Lord, who did this miracle. - Jeyaseeli Rajasekaran, Madurai. Deliverance from death Six months back, Sister Thangam was affected by cancer of the uterus and was taking medical treatment by spending 1 ½ lakhs of rupees. However the doctors informed her husband that she had reached the last stage and that she would not survive. She could not get up or walk or take any food. Confined to bed, she was expecting death. Her whole family was broken. Her husband and two children were always in tears. At this critical situation, hearing about the Esther Prayer Group, she came for prayer. We gave her the Scripture verses, encouraged her by sharing about God’s miracles and prayed for her with burden. Hearing the prayer, the Lord has completely delivered her from cancer. We give all honour and glory to the God of gods who has given her a new lease of life. - E.Prasanna Kumari, Vellore. Made happy by the gift of a child I am the leader of the Esther Prayer Group in our area. Sister

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Now, all of us should know the importance of those verses and act diligently according to the above title as to how to live as virtuous women and as priceless rubies in family life.

We read in verse 11 that the heart of the husband, whose wife loves him dearly, would safely trust her. She would do only good – not bad – for her husband, all the days of her life. After the betrothal ceremony, the Lord granted me this divine character. After these verses were read during that ceremony, I did this: I prayed with devotion, “Lord, I don’t have anyone of these good things seen here. But everyone says that the partner, whom You are going to give me is godly. Give me the grace for that

in my heart but had no profound experiences of piety. At this state, the pastor, who had come for the ceremony chose a portion from the Bible which was related to women. Betrothal is an agreement made by both the families of the bride and the groom to get them married. But when that pastor asked us to read the portion related only to women, many questions cropped up in me. But on the other side, as it was read, the Lord began to speak to me clearly through the each and every word given there. That day I realized that I was the one, who was lagging behind in my spiritual life or the life of living in close relationship with God. I thought that the pastor might have chosen that portion, for this reason alone. Well, let it be gone.

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On June 17, 1959, the betrothal ceremony for me and Brother Dhinakaran was held. In those days, I loved the Lord dearly, deep down

According to this Scripture verse, making us into a virtuous woman and a priceless ruby is in the hands of the Lord. If we see a few more verses after the 10th verse, far more excellent things could be seen. These verses explain that when all these things are obtained in our lives, we would receive glorious blessings and also would lead our family too in divine paths, and enjoy God’s full blessings.


(PART- 1)

Jesus Calls ● December 2015 ● 47

Read the Scripture verses in Proverbs 31:16-18. We see the virtuous and priceless woman, actively and cheerfully working. She was not idle. She watches over the ways of her household, And does not eat the bread of idleness

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(Proverbs 31:27).

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According to these verses, when the fear of God, rules over you, you would obey your husband in everything, even without your knowledge. Both of you would become one flesh (v.31). Then God will help you to love your husband as you love yourself and be respectful to him. Your husband, who sees this, would trust you fully. Even if he is found wanting in this, the Lord will change every situation in your favour, when you ask Him. When you love your husband with reverence, and when you keep him in the place next to the Lord, every lack and need in your family will flee away. Happiness, blessing and peace which the Lord gives would always stay in your family. By constant prayers and fasting, a good wife, who knew

the Lord, had the privilege of changing her husband, who was addicted to drinks for 17 years, to know the Lord. If so, isn’t it certain that if there is any shortcoming in your husband, the Lord who changed that woman’s life and flourished her, would make your family too to thrive, when you pray day and night like her?

Accordingly, not eating the bread of idleness, she would be busily watching over the ways of

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submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord” (Ephesians 5:21,22).

In Ch en na i...

“..submitting to one another in the fear of God. Wives,

My dear sisters, try to love and honour your husband, no matter how he is, considering him to be the life partner given to you by the Lord and make him happy saying, “He’s the partner given to me by the Lord” This is a pleasing deed in the sight of God.

and lead me”. Truly I tell you that once I thus committed myself to the Lord, He gave me that grace from that moment and led me. That’s why, according to the above heading, a divine love for my God given husband, filled my heart. From then on and until he went to the Lord, there was no change in that divine love. I did continuous service for him and prayed for him incessantly, considering it a great privilege to serve him, who was a true servant of God. The Lord knows this fact.

Special Family Blessing Meeting Date : 2015 December 13 (Sunday) Time : 5.30 p.m. Venue : Bro.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Memorial Prayer Tower Auditorium, 16, Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Salai, Chennai - 600 028. God’s message :

Sis.Stella Dhinakaran

COME AND BE BLESSED For further details: ✆ 044-23456630 Jesus Calls ● December 2015 ● 48

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A unique book that fills the readers with godly fear pleasing to the Lord, and helps them to choose the excellent and divine life of devotion to live with godly reverence! A rare treasure that ought to be possessed by every sister! Buy today and be blessed You may gift it to your friends and relatives too. ○

Available in Tamil, Telugu, Hindi also ○


(Exclusive of postal charge Rs.5/-) For online order: Payment can be sent by DD or Cheque drawn in favour of Jesus Calls Ministry or by Money Order to the following address:

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yourself. If the life of a good wife has to prosper, the first thing you have to do is to rise up while it is yet night, hold on to His feet firmly, read His words diligently and ask and receive the blessing for that day from Him and then start doing that day’s chores. Such a seeking would truly prosper your family. I have been doing this since the past several years. Getting up early in the morning, talking to Him quietly and reading His Word diligently, will be of great blessing to our spiritual life. That time, we would receive the assurance as if the Lord has come into us and that

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My dear sisters, do you prefer to sleep? Doesn’t the Bible say that those who seek the Lord should rise up early in the morning and seek Him? When we ask the Lord, with desire, the Bible says that He awakens us morning by morning (Isaiah 50:4). So examine

her household and whether there is any lack in that. By this, whatever she does will prosper. Not wanting to sleep, she would rise up while it is yet night and enjoy the blessed life of getting His guidance every day (Proverbs 31:15).

Prayer Tower, 16, Dr.D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai – 600 028. He would do everything for us. Similarly His guidance throughout the day would be beautiful and blessed. I write to you this from my experience and you too should enjoy this experience in your own life. According to His Word, the Lord will go before you, and will be your rear guard (Isaiah 45:2). Whatever may be the problems in your life, He will make the crooked places straight and make you happy (Isaiah 45:2). How joyful is this experience of getting united with Him! My dear sisters, I humbly request you to enjoy this glorious experience. ◆

Jesus Calls ● December 2015 ● 49

Jesus Calls â—? December 2015 â—? 50 Owned by Jesus Calls and Published by Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran from 16,Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai-28. Printed by Mr.Paul Aravamuthan at Bapuji Printers, 5, Kurban Ali St, Woods Road, Chennai-2. Editor: Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran & family ministering

In Tamil Nadu.



2016 January 8, 9, 10

2016 January 29, 30, 31

(Friday, Saturday and Sunday). Daily at 6 PM Venue : Pope’s College Ground, Sawyerpuram, Tuticorin District. For more details : Prayer Tower, Elim Complex I Floor, No:12, Toovipuram Main Road, Opp. to South Police Station, Tuticorin – 628 003. Ph. : (0461) 2377577 / 87544 26136

(Friday, Saturday and Sunday) Daily at 6 PM Venue : V.O.C Park Ground, Avinashi road, Coimbatore. For more details: Prayer Tower (Opp. to Lakshmi Mills & beside Airtel Tower), 1168, Avinashi road, Coimbatore - 641 037. Ph : (0422) 4333333 / 8754426138

Special prayers will be offered for a blessed New Year, for your sorrows to be changed into joy and for the Lord to bless your family, career, business and studies. Pray for these meetings; Participate and be blessed!



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2015 December

26, 27

(Saturday & Sunday) 6 p.m.

Apostolic Christian Assembly, 111, Bricklin Road, Purasawalkam, Chennai. ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○


2016 January


(Sunday) 6 p.m.

In Chennai... Year End & New Year Blessing meetings

St. George’s Hr. Sec. School, Poonamalle High Road, (Opp. Pachaiyappa’s College), Chennai.

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and family will offer special prayer for the New Year. Come as a family along with your friends and relatives! Receive the blessings and miracles that the Lord has kept in store for you, this New Year! Contact: 1800 425 77 55 (Toll Free - 7 AM - 9 PM) Send your prayer requests for New Year to : Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, 16, D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600 028 or to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and family will pray for your prayer requests. 52

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