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Evaluation by Jessica Carolina 8.3 and Do Young 8.3

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Evaluating my performance at Each Stage of the Design Cycle Investigation -> The goal for this project is to make an interesting video that will entertain children. In my investigation is mostly researching on what kind of clay animation people usually make and most importantly, how they make it. I also find children’s opinion on what kind of outcome they would want to see from us. I did some brainstorm for the clay animation. After all, I think I did quite well in this investigation because I did what I’m supposed to do in the investigation stage.

Design ->In our design stage, I had to make two designs. The First one is about our daily life and the Second one is about a picnic. At the first time, we chose the first design which is daily life, but it seemed so boring for audience. Therefore we changed to the Second one. Before we changed, we had to make a chart called “design checklist”. Our final design is the Second design. After that I wrote the Design Reflection to reflect what I did. Then I wrote bibliography by using “Easybib”. Plan -> In the plan section, I planned out my time and the steps to follow when making the clay animation. The gantt chart shows how I planned my time by showing how much I will spend in each step. I have to make sure that I will finish making the clay animation before the deadlines. After making the gantt chart and the step by step, I evaluate and some of the questions are: Was the plan detailed enough and why? Could it be followed by someone else? and also have I used all the resources available to me?

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Evaluating my performance at Each Stage of the Design Cycle Create stage -> I think the create stage is the most important stage among the design cycle. We started making things with clay that Mr. Brian had given. Our topic was picnic so we made a mat, people, cookies and books. Actually, we kept changing topics and were confused. However we finished making it. Therefore we took pictures with iStop motion which is a mac application that makes pictures to be connected like a video. Unfortunately, we have lost the video. I guess create stage is a failure because we’ve already make the video two times and we lost both of them. The first is because my laptop ran out of battery and i didn’t save it so it’s gone and the second one is because my laptop lag and I can’t press anything so I decide to take the battery out and put it back and when I on my laptop again, the movie wasn’t there because once again, I didn’t save it. So, we have to do for the third time. Evaluation -> In this evaluation stage, I basically evaluate everything that I have done in all the investigation, design, plan and create and also evaluation stage. However, we didn’t do peer to peer evaluation because mr Brian said we don’t need to do it because we don’t have much time to finish every thing.

Thursday, December 15, 2011


specification and why?



I am going to use clay to make the characters and also iStopMotion to combine the film.

to test whether the material i have chosen is good for the design i chose.


I was given 5 weeks to make sure that my whole animation is finished. I have 1 week for investigation, another week for design and plan, 2 weeks for create and the last week for evaluation.

To plan the time and make sure that it’s going to be done before the deadline.


The size of the characters in the film is going to be small but when it comes to the filming, the picture is going to be large enough for everyone to have a clear view of it.

See more videos about animation and observe the size of characters in the short film.


The animation film have to be attractive, unique and also eye-catching.

The advertisement is going to be simple but still eye-catching.

target audience

For this project, the target audience is going to be children from 2 years old to 10 years old (Grade 5)

I need to find out what most of the audience wants so that what I make is going to be good.

Thursday, December 15, 2011


specification and why?



To entertain the kids with something new.

I will have to see whether it is attractive.

tools and processes

I’m going to use iStopMotion to create and combine the short film.

I will do research on what kind of design I will make.

This will last forever.

Before the creating the advertisement, I will have to find which design and what kind of material i will use to make it. After the product, I will have to see whether the product is good enough.


Thursday, December 15, 2011

Successful Point and Least Successful Point Successful Point We made clays well Our final design is good. We finished our investigation, design and plan on time by posting on our blogs.

Least Successful Point We have lost our final video, both of the video that we made it’s gone. I think create stage is kind of a failure. We didn’t use our time wisely. We had a lot of confusions on our topics.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Modifications/Improvement - I should be more creative and make an interesting background so it will look interesting. - I should have make all the shapes before making the video. - I think the length of the video have to be longer. - We should have take all the scenes in one day because if we take it in different days, it will affect the light. - I think the camera have to be in the same angle at all times.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

The impact on society and impact on the environment Impact on society Using this video/ short film, we will entertain kids from age 3-10 and even adults. From out video, they can also get inspired to make their very own clay animation and people will see how fun was it to make this .

Impact on the environment I don’t think making clay animation impacted so much on environment because how it can damage the environment and how it will do good to the environment.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Finished product

Finished product is in the blog.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

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