Stop Edadismo

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The Client Los Argonautas is an NGO that works for the benefit of elderly people in Madrid. They have 32 centers in the city where they hold workshops and other activities. The organization has different programs for elderlies and volunteers. The program we are going to focus on is #StopEdadismo.


#StopEdadismo This is an awareness program dedicated to promoting a positive image of the elderly, with emphasis on disseminating a more realistic and diverse vision of these people. #StopEdadismo seeks, in addition, to identify attitudes and beliefs of the elderly in society, that is, behaviors that discriminate against the elderly due to their age. Social Ageism (third great form of discrimination, along with sexism and racism) gives a negative view of the aging process and creates harmful (and not real) stereotypes of the Elderly.


The Campaign Transmedia communication campaign With this campaign we aim to sensitize society about what is Ageism, how it can be avoided and to show it as something positive .

The Objectives 1. Show the elderly in a positive way, using messages to face ageism (#stopedadismo) 2. Inform IE students about Ageism while fostering good practices both professionally and personally. 3. Inform and show the collaboration between Los Argonautas, LL&C, IE University as entities committed to spreading a realistic and positive image of elderlies.


The Target Audience IE students in Madrid from 20 to 35 years old.


SWOT Analysis Strengths - Access to strong market research (IE students) - Targeted audience is clearly defined - Availability of technical resources to develop a successful campaign - Ageism is a recent situation and topic to discuss in society - Access to possible protagonists for the campaign (IE students, elderlies from their families or society) Weaknesses - Difficulties to access interviews with elderlies from Los Argonautas - Many people or IE students don’t care about facing Ageism - Many changes were made by the client in short notice


SWOT Analysis Opportunities - Creating a powerful campaign to make a change in our community - As a communication agency, show to society the impact and quality of our work. - Creating a new trend in society where the younger people appreciate the elderly - Spreading the campaign in many countries (since it’s for IE students)

Threats - IE students may not feel connected with the campaign - Los Argonautas changes our focus again - Facebook running their own Profile picture social campaign while we are running ours


Community of Interest Our community of interest are young people (IE students) who are exchanging ideas and thoughts about ageing and how to face it. They care about the elderly in their families and see them as a priority. This community cares about ageism; they want to avoid negative stereotyping of the elderly based on age because they want to stop this bias from reaching their parents and one day themselves as well. People participate in this community because they not only care about their family’s wellness and mental and physical health but they care about their own as well.

The community’s debates revolve around how can they avoid these negative images society has of the elderly by promoting and showcasing their active and healthy lifestyles. These members take part in this community to understand that ageing doesn’t have to be seen as a bad thing and to change negative standards and perceptions into positive ones starting with themselves.

Our Territory Perception of Ageing Our territory includes people who are talking about ageing in regards to the elderly, their own family members and themselves. The perception of ageing is a territory that is relevant to every generation and every person as eventually everyone indeed ages and grows older and most likely will have to face ageism in one form or another.


Storytelling Aging doesn’t have to be seen as a bad thing. We strive to change perceptions against ageism and inspire people to view ageing as something positive.

Key Insights From a talk and interview with a focus group formed by IE students, between the ages of 21 and 28, we were able to come up with these insights for the campaign. - Old is negative but ageing is not; old is a label ageing is a process. -Everyone connects with ageing. -Initial reactions / comments often negative; positives often only emerge after longer engagement with the topic. -Elders are associated with wisdom and knowledge. - Millennials found it hard to envisage life as a Senior and felt very removed


Strategies Facebook Profile Filter + Contest We will use to rollout a Facebook Profile Picture Frame Campaign that is linked with our Facebook page and our landing page so that we can spread more awareness about #StopEdadismo. They can either use their current picture or change it to a picture with their grandparents along with the filter. We will obtain UCG which we can share on the landing page and on Los Argonautas Facebook page as well. Testimonial Video Our video will show students from IE of different nationalities, talking about the topic of ageing and ageism. We will ask them direct and personal questions about their perceptions about old people, memories and stories about their grandparents, and lastly how they reflect personally about themselves ageing. We will do this in order to encourage and urge other students/viewers to change negative perceptions of the elderly starting with themselves. Print Ads We will create print ads featuring our interviewees that show an image of their face where one side shows what they look like now and the other what they would like like in 50 years. The copy will state, "Old is a mindset. Ageing is natural. #StopEdadismo" with a link to our landing page which will feature our main video.


Strategies KPI'S 1. # of people changing their Facebook profile picture Ideal target reach 5% of the students at IE Through we can track Facebook engagement on the Profile Picture Frame Facebook posts, view total reactions, comments, and shares for the posts. Additionally we can track 2nd network engagement as well through the website. 2. Main Campaign Video Ideal target would be 1000 views


Results Total event reach - 682 Total video reach - 2177 Video engagement - 279 Action sprout profile picture conversions 11% Media coverage 6 media outlets: -La Vanguardia -Europa press -Mayor Actual -El Economista -News 3edad -Nosotros los Mayores Likes conversion during event - 68


Landing Page Our landing page will be the platform in which we want to bring our whole campaign together in one place. We will have our feature video beside our main hashtag and a short description about our campaign and why this is important. Additionally the landing page will have our CTA "Join the Movement" in eye catching areas so that our audience can get involved to help spread awareness of our campaign. We will also display the profile pictures of the participants on the landing page so that we can show potential conversions what it looks like if they want to join the movement as well.

The most successful aspect of our campaign was to receive coverage by 6 online media channels. Also, the total views our campaign video received were higher than expected. We would have preferred to visit Los Argonautas centres in order to get more involved with the organization. However, we were highly involved and motivated by the campaign and we got good results.


Overall Assessment of the CampaignÂ


Recommendations for the Future Reputation Strategy To align our campaign with the reputation of Los Argonautas we aimed at incorporating the repetitional drivers the organization was based on. Our campaign actions needs to be maintained on these criteria: .Positive Image of the NGO .Transparency maintained in all of their communication .Integrity has been a huge part of Los Argonautas . Credibility in terms of over 1000 volunteers, 15000 users and years of experience .Contribution to the improvement of the society, especially that of the elders. Content Strategy The three main challenges must be tackled while planning the content strategy for the campaign: Infoxication: To rise from the content saturation our campaign should be specific and targeted towards the emotional component. We must match our content calendar with highest engaged days.


Recommendations for the Future Humanization: We had to generate content that would encourage our target audience to share it on their own platforms. A total of 19 people shared our campaign video reaching a total of 2177 Facebook Users. By publishing more relatable content, there is a high potential to double the amount of people we can reach, Hypertransparency: By incorporating the NGO’s transparency aspect in our campaign we made sure the communication flow stays the same. We hope to continue in the upcoming months.

Story sharing strategy - Integrate IE Clubs - Instagram page - Volunteers from Los Argounautas to participate online - Host offline events and partnerships with other schools

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