Why Women Are Truly Attracted To Guys

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Feb. 4th, 2013

Why Women Are Truly Attracted To Guys There are many myths about why women are attracted to guys. Most men that are not fortunate enough to be able to attract the women of their dreams have continually failed because they have been misled by the common misconceptions of society, but also by the media. When you watch reality TV shows, talk shows, listen to the radio, or even read pop culture magazines, all you see are beautiful women dating either men who are rich, flawlessly good looking, or have huge muscles. These characteristics of the type of men that seemingly attract these beautiful women are correlated for the wrong reasons. They are not directly related to why these men are successful with women. It is because their good looks, wealth, etc give them great confidence. It is in turn this confidence that then predisposes them to be more successful with women. So can regular guys that are not blessed with the best looks or boatloads of family money still seduce these beautiful women? Absolutely! And it happens to thousands of them every single day. It is a confidence belief system combined with some aspects of behavioral psychology that lead to certain guys becoming the most successful pick up artists in the world. If you can believe in yourself that you are truly confident enough to attract these same types of girls, and you express this confidence in the correct way, you can then in fact transcend the hindrance of settling for the less attractive women with which you most likely interact on a daily basis. You also have to know the importance of gender roles and the clear distinction between how a man should behave versus a woman. A beautiful, confident woman is going to want a manly man that is confident and can provide appropriate security. However, you have to keep the sense of mystery alive for an initial interaction to lead to attraction. You cannot comply with the woman’s every request because that will show as a sign of weakness. You have to remain firm in your beliefs, and you have to show that you are confident in the fact that you could easily get any woman you want. You have to turn the situation into the scenario where she should be working for your attraction and not the other way around. This is exactly why the Tao system was created. It is designed to teach guys the core principles of living a confident life as opposed to pretentiously acting cocky or even being timid in approaching women. Author: Josh Pellicer Blog: http://www.joshpellicer.net/ Date: 02 – 04 – 2013

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