this was written for aislinn

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Jeremy Rosenstock

this was written for aislinn for bassoon, feedback system, and video


this was written for aislinn, for bassoon, feedback system, and video Program Notes This piece is part of a series of works for friends in distant places. Each is named after a person the composer met during his undergrad and is the byproduct of years of collaboration and trust. The composer misses all of these people deeply. This work is dedicated to Aislinn Bailie.


this was written for aislinn By Jeremy Rosenstock Allow for no breaks between movements. Fade in gains (on bottom left of patch) prior to beginning first movement.



Bassoon: Overblow on fundamental (in parentheses). Start on 2nd partial and end on 9th. Sustain each partial while bending pitch as desired. Allow for instability of pitch/overblowing while attempting to maintain specific harmonics. Electronics: Click Preset One button twice before playing bassoon. Preset One will look like this:



Bassoon: Cycle through multiphonics on or containing above four pitches; octave transpositions are allowed. Start slow (one breath per note) and accelerate over 20-24 repeats (to four notes per breath). Last note of movement returns to one breath duration, with crescendo. Electronics: Click Preset Two button once before playing movement. Preset Two will look like this:


III. 4-5’

Bassoon: Trill between the above four fingerings for E4. Trills should occur in groups of two or four; smoothly move between trills within groupings. Groups of two should be 3” and groups of four should be 6”. Allow 2-4” of space between each group. To end movement, slow down trills and gradually fade out. Electronics: Click Preset Three button once before playing movement. Preset Three will look like this:

Bring down gains (on bottom left of patch) to silence/zero to end piece.

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