On Cue Annual Report 2022/2023

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Please scan the QR code to watch a video that highlights our mission and impact.

Rehearsal for Real Life

On Cue is committed to teaching life skills to inner city youth through participation in the theater arts. Our performing arts program encompasses dance, music, and drama for schools serving under-resourced students in Omaha, Nebraska. Letter from the Director Greetings from On Cue! After a two year performance hiatus, On Cue students made a triumphant return to the stage in the spring of 2022. All Saints Catholic School is now in their eighth year of participation in our program, and Sacred Heart School is in their sixth year of the program. During the 2021 - 2022 school year, Holy Name Catholic School became our third school to participate in On Cue. Their performance of the Wizard of Oz was a huge success, and I was amazed at how the school and parish community packed the auditorium to support the students on the night of the show. The three schools that we are now serving make up the CUES school system, an independent Catholic school system that provides funding and administrative services to East and North Omaha Catholic schools. Due to the current teacher shortage, On Cue is now the only opportunity students at the CUES schools receive for music and performing arts education. Thank you for your continued support of On Cue. I believe that the arts are needed as an outlet for creative expression more than ever as we work with our students to rebuild the community and social skills that were lost during the pandemic. Sincerely,

Board of Directors Jennifer Cimino Tim Cummings Suzanne Macaulay Catie McCarthy Niederee Christine Shuck Danielle Thomson Killen

Jennifer Cimino Founder and Director On Cue: Rehearsal for Real Life

Volunteers Marcella Balus Dominic Cimino Kaitlyn Cimino Michael Cimino Robert Cimino Susan Cimino Gail Dickle Katherine Dietz

Isaac Heng Tia Houston Brian Martin Evan Martin Paul Martin Mary Catherine Melancon Jackson Miller

Sophia Reinhart Chloe Reynek Kelly Sandoval Ethan Schroeder Reese Schroeder Christine Shuck JB Shuck Peter Sullivan

Sheila Volk Ava Volk Olivia Volk Barb Simpson





In March of 2020, On Cue was was informed that Sacred Heart and All Saints Catholic School would be moving to remote learning for the remainder of the school year. We were greatly disappointed to cancel our scheduled productions for the end of the year as our students had already been preparing for several months. Despite this setback, it was a productive year of learning with lots of growth from the students in both schools. When the schools reopened for in-person learning, Sacred Heart and All Saints agreed that On Cue was too important to the students to be put on hold. The decision was made for On Cue to provide art classes to the students so they could be socially distanced at their desks but still have the opportunity to express themselves creatively. Once the vaccine became available, safety regulations were relaxed, and the students could begin interacting with each other on stage again. At All Saints, the decision was made to stage shortened adaptations of Shakespeare’s most famous plays for an all school assembly. Hamlet, Macbeth, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, and Romeo and Juliet were each shortened to a “highlight reel,” rehearsed, and performed with great success. Not only did the students love the fight scenes and storylines, but they performed some of the greatest theatrical lines ever written for the stage. At Sacred Heart, the students decided to reenact famous comedy sketches. Monty Python, Abbot and Costello, and classic Saturday Night Live sketches were all filmed against a green screen and edited before being shown to the whole school during an end of year celebration. The students enjoyed learning how to read off of a teleprompter, play to the camera for laughs, and perfect their comedic timing.

“Even though we couldn’t do a play, I still liked On Cue this year. I got to learn about traditional Japanese theatre, prehistoric storytelling, and ancient Egyptian epics. And I liked doing the Shakespeare, too!” All Saints Student, age 13



2017 2022/2023

Sacred Heart School kicked off our 2022 season with their performance of Disney’s High School Musical, JR. Located in historic North Omaha, Sacred Heart enrolls predominantly African American students and emphasizes individualized education, life skills, and Christian values. The night of the performance was filled with song, dance, and basketball as the students entertained their parents and friends with a high energy show. High School Musical, JR. was also the first time in On Cue history that students ran all of the technical elements of the show, giving them even greater ownership over the show and teaching a whole new range of skills. In November of 2022, Sacred Heart performed Sister Act, JR. at Marian High School. The Kish Auditorium at Marian High School uses state of the art theatrical equipment, which brought a level of professionalism to the performance that thrilled both the students and the audience. Sister Act, JR. is set in 1977, which provided an unexpected opportunity for our students to connect with their older relatives. One student who was costumed in maroon corduroy bell bottoms couldn’t wait to tell his classmates, “Guess what? My grandpa said he used to wear these exact same pants! He said I looked just like him!”



Scan the QR code to see clips of Sacred Heart School perform Sister Act, JR.

“On Cue has been a wonderful program for my students. I have seen them grow in con dence and gain experience in an area beyond academics and sports. It’s been wonderful to see them discover new talents and have fun while learning about the arts.” Mary Margaret Leonard, Junior High Teacher

“On Cue is my favorite thing about school. It teaches me to speak louder, have con dence in myself, and work as a team. We also got to learn about drumming. I really liked that.“ Sacred Heart Student, age 13




On Cue was excited to continue our work with the students of All Saints School as they prepared to present Disney’s Beauty and the Beast, JR. in May of 2022. Located in the heart of Omaha’s Little Italy, All Saints serves a diverse population of students. The night of the show was filled with excitement. Volunteers from the community assisted the students with their hair and makeup as they got into costume. One student, who had been a little nervous about what he would have to wear, came out of the dressing room, looked at himself in the mirror and declared, “This costume makes me feel so good about me! I look so good!” The audience was full of alumni, parents, and friends, and it was especially touching to see how many of the students who missed out on their final performance due to the pandemic returned to support the younger students. One young man who had been set to play a lead character made sure to tell Miss Jen that he still remembered all of his lines in case he needed to step into “On Cue gives our kids a safe place to his old role. be themselves while exploring the The following year, All Saints presented Disney’s The Little Mermaid, JR. Despite a change of schedule due to a snowstorm, Mercy High School graciously let the students use their auditorium for the final performance. The growth in the student actors was apparent to everyone who has followed the program over our years at All Saints. One school administrator even remarked that she could not believe the confidence in the student’s singing and acting, and that The Little Mermaid might have been her favorite show ever!

lives of others. I see such an amazing growth in our students by the end of each show that we’ve done at All Saints.”

Colleen Barrett, Junior High Teacher

“I enjoyed working as a whole cast during the week of the show. It was really exciting seeing the play come together. Performing in front of an audience boosts my con dence."


Scan the QR code to see clips of All Saints School perform Disney’s The Little Mermaid.

All Saints Student, age 13




During the 2021/2022 school year, On Cue expanded to add a third school. Holy Name Catholic School has been an integral part of North Omaha for over 100 years. With around 290 students, Holy Name is the largest school with which we partner. Students are encouraged to take an active role in their North Omaha community, and many of the students take that task seriously by helping to serve and bus tables during the famous Lenten fish fries. In return, the community is very supportive of the Holy Name students. This support led to an absolutely full house the evening of the performance!

“On Cue is an amazing opportunity for students to step out of their comfort zone and explore the world of theater. I’ve seen my students ‘ con dence and leadership skills grow through this program. They love being a part of it and it’s a joy as their teacher to watch them shine on stage.”

This was the first time participating in a play for almost all of the students, and the excitement level was off the charts! As Dorothy and her friends made their way through the land of Oz, past the dancing crows and the grumpy apple trees, you could see the confidence of the actors begin to grow. Following the performance, the mother of the cowardly lion approached Miss Jen to say thank you. “I was so impressed! The costumes! The dancing! Please tell me you are coming back next year!”

Maureen Snook, Junior high teacher

The following year, Holy Name performed Disney’s Aladdin, JR. Energized by their success the previous year, the students jumped into the rehearsal process without hesitation. Students who were once nervous about saying a single line became students who wanted lead roles. Students who begged to be backstage the year before learned to perform ballet and played the tambourine. The growth in the students after only two performance has been truly remarkable!


Scan the QR code to see highlights from the Holy Name School performance of Disney’s Aladdin, JR.

“Even though I sometimes feel nervous on stage, On Cue taught me how to get into the role of a character, how to support other people in a play, and how to coordinate a group of people.” Holy Name Student, age 13


Student Profiles Sacred Heart graduate Tyrus Wells spent his last few months as an eighth grader perfecting his role as Ryan Evans in High School Musical, JR. Now in his second year of high school, Tyrus took the time to chat with Miss Jen about his years in the On Cue program.

Your 8th grade year was your third experience with On Cue, but the first time you were able to perform due to COVID. Were you excited that Sacred Heart was going to be able to do a musical again? Yes. It was very, very fun. I was very disappointed when the show was cancelled when I was in sixth grade because I had been really excited for it. Tell me about the audition process. Were you nervous? Did you think you would get a big part? I did want to get a big part, but I was really nervous. I didn’t want to mess up. How did you feel once you knew you would be playing Ryan? That’s a big part! It was a mix of emotions, honestly. I was nervous about singing and dancing in front of the audience, but not during practice. My friends make me feel safe at practice, like I can be myself.

Is there any aspect of On Cue that you feel prepares you for life outside of the classroom?

It’s important to feel safe during practice. Let’s talk about the day of the play. Do you think people enjoyed it?

Now that I am in high school, I feel like On Cue really helped me to have more confidence. I feel comfortable meeting new friends and asking questions in class.

Before the show everyone was happy because On Cue gives us Canes chicken for dinner and everyone loves that. The after party was fun, too, because there were lots of cupcakes.

Do you think you will participate in theater in high school?

I’m glad everyone enjoyed the food! How did you feel right before the show? I was excited and scared. Did you feel better once you got on stage? It was not scary once I got onstage because I zoned everyone out. It helped me focus on my role and what I had to do.

I feel like I definitely might take theater classes in high school. Maybe I’ll join the drama club! Is there anything you would tell the younger students at Sacred Heart about On Cue? I think that if you have the opportunity to participate in the play you should do it! It’s very fun and it helps you connect with a lot of people.


All Saints graduate Shania Alvarez-Hurtado astounded the audience with her star-making performance as Belle in Disney’s Beauty and the Beast. Now in her second year at Mercy High School, Shania sat down with Miss Jen to talk about performing such an iconic role.

I was so happy! I was really hoping for a big part. When I first found out I was going to play Belle, it was overwhelming. I was so happy and excited to have the lead role! I remember your friends cheering when you got the lead role. They must have been happy for you! My friends were really happy for me because they knew how much I wanted to be the main character. Tell me about the rehearsal process. How did you feel throughout the year? The rehearsal process was exciting, but at the same time I was kind of nervous because a lot of pressure was on me.

Your first experience with On Cue came as a chorus member in Disney’s The Lion King JR. Did you enjoy it? I really liked being in the chorus to help support the older students and make the play more successful. Were you looking forward to having the chance to play a more substantial role when you were older? Yes! I was really disappointed when COVID cancelled the play. I really liked that even though we couldn’t have a big production, we still got to do a play for the school. I played Hermia in A Midsummer Night’s Dream. I had never performed a Shakespeare play before. It was fun and exciting to play such an enjoyable character. How did you feel when you found out we were going to perform Beauty and the Beast?

You certainly had a lot to learn! I think it helps to become the character once you get to try on your costume. Yes! When I was trying on my costume for the first time I felt so happy and excited because I got to wear a beautiful gold dress. That was a beautiful dress! What was your favorite thing about the night of the play? My favorite thing about actually being in the play was getting to act in front of everyone. My family invited a lot of friends to come see me. They were really happy and excited for me. I like that On Cue helped me learn how to present myself in front of people so I could share my talent. Your younger siblings have the chance to try out for the play this year. Do you think they are excited? My little siblings got to see me on stage and have a big part so it motivates them to have a big role in the play, too. They saw me do it, so now they know they can do it!


Holy Name student Waverly Julian made her stage debut as Dorothy in the Holy Name production of Wizard of Oz. Following the performance, Waverly spoke with Miss Jen to share her experience.

This was your first year with On Cue! Had you ever been in a play before? No, this was my first play ever! Wow! Your first play ever and you got the lead role. Tell me about your experience playing Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz. Was it hard to have such a big part when this was your first play? It was fun but it was difficult. Memorizing all the lines was a challenge, but I felt confident that I could do it. How did you feel the night of the performance? My favorite thing about the night of the show was that it was really fun. It was so well put together and a lot of people came to watch us perform. Was your family excited for you? My family was really excited. They all came to see the show, and they even brought a bunch of friends from our church. Tell me about right before the play. How were you feeling backstage? Nervous! I was hyperventilating a bit. How did you feel once you were on stage? Once I got on the stage I felt okay because my friends were out there with me and the audience was really supportive. That’s great. Did playing a large role teach you anything about being a leader? Yes, it helped me understand what it’s like to have a lot of responsibility and to have a big group of people relying on you.

Playing Dorothy was definitely a lot of responsibility. Do you think you learned any skills that will be helpful in other areas of your life? I feel like I gained a lot of confidence and lost my fear of being in front of people. I know that will be very helpful with other stuff in my life. Are you looking forward to being in a new play this year? I am definitely looking forward to the play this year. I’m sure it will be a lot of fun!


Student Reactions I feel fantastic when I am on stage!

Being onstage boosted my con dence.

On Cue gave me the chance to learn ballet. I also learned about teamwork.

During the pandemic, On Cue taught me more about art techniques and how to be creative.

On Cue taught me to listen and be prepared for On Cue gave me the anything. opportunity to be in my first musical. I appreciate everything On Cue does for me!

On Cue is my favorite thing about school. I feel calm and relaxed when I do creative things.

On Cue is so fun. I laugh a lot!

On Cue taught me a lot about dancing and how to perform for an audience.

Being in a play helped I loved being in the play! me to reconnect to On Cue teaches me how to be On Cue respectful. It also teaches me taught me my classmates after that being mature means to face my doing what you are supposed COVID. fears.


I love everything about On Cue!

to do and not distracting others when they are trying to learn a new part.

I enjoy everything about On Cue! I love coming to school on the days when we have it.

On Cue boosted my con dence so I could perform in front of an audience.

On Cue taught me that teamwork can solve any On Cue taught me problem, be calm and stay focused, and give it how to become a your all.

character and how

Performing in a to deal with my This year I learned how play makes me stage fright. to be less shy in front of feel like I people. accomplished I learned how something to make a On Cue makes me feel really big! crowd laugh. like I have time to have fun with my classmates. It also improved my public speaking. Being in a play taught me to put myself out there, and it helped me participate in something I knew I would like.

I enjoy getting to wear a costume and watching all of my friends have so much fun!

I learned that body language and projecting your voice are all crucial to acting. I like being in the spotlight, but I also like seeing my classmates succeed.

I learned about breath support and the importance of having good posture.


On Cue makes us feel united as a school.

I liked that we still had On Cue during COVID. We learned about art concepts and the history of theater in different countries. Student quotes taken from our end of year surveys.




Financial Overview Despite the challenges presented by the pandemic, 2022 was a successful year nancially due to several large donations. We are now receiving a stipend from CUES since we have completely replaced their fth through eighth grade music classes. On Cue is also employing a new fundraising model by partnering with more af uent Catholic schools to teach after school drama classes. As we continue to support our students’ needs and grow our reach, our fundraising goal for 2023/2024 is $75,000. Income 2022 Fiscal Year



Amazon Smile and TAGG Major Gifts


Private Donations


Contribution from CUES





Contribution from Completely Kids



Total income Amazon Smile and TAGG Major Gifts Private Donations Contribution from CUES Contribution from Completely Kids Money 2022 Fiscal Year Operating Costs


All Saints Program


Sacred Heart Program


Holy Name Program


Total expenses


Operating Costs Holy Name Program

18% 33%

26% 23%

All Saints Program Sacred Heart Program

Financial Position - January 2023





Cash on hand


Future Goals & Project Proposals On Cue is currently working with the students in grades 5 - 8 for all three of the schools that make up the CUES school system. We are currently working to fund several proposals that would expand our reach. After School Dance Program Goal: To allow students in pre-K - 8th grade an opportunity to learn a variety of dance styles through classes offered in conjunction with their current after school program. Projected cost for instruction and materials: $6,200 annually per school In School Instruction for Students in Grades Pre-K - 4th Goal: To allow younger students a chance to develop life skills through weekly drama classes integrated into the school day. Projected cost for instruction and materials: $3,500 annually per school Alumni Classes and Performance Goal: To create an opportunity for graduates of the On Cue program to continue creating and performing Projected cost for instruction and materials: $7,500 annually

Students from All Saints Catholic School present Romeo and Juliet, Abridged on May 13, 2021


Life Skills and Student Growth On Cue is unique in that we not only wish to give students the opportunity to receive a performing arts education, but we also strive to teach the students valuable life skills that they can use both on and off the stage. Following the school year, we survey our students to see which life skills they felt were improved through participation in the On Cue program. These are the average results for the past three years.



Con dence


Problem Solving



Decision Making

Adaptability 0



Percentage of Students





2023/2024 Season Sacred Heart School

November 9, 2023 at Marian High School

Christ the King School* December 1, 2023 at Christ the King School

Holy Name School

February 23, 2024 at Mercy High School

Christ the King School* May 3, 2024 at Christ the King School

All Saints Catholic School

May 9, 2024 at Marian High School * Denotes Fundraising Show


Support Our Mission Providing a comprehensive performing arts education to our students would not be possible without our generous benefactors. Join us in our mission today. Sponsor a Student - $200 Your donation will provide enough funding to cover the cost of teaching materials, a script, and a costume for one student. Sponsor a Production - $2,250 Your donation will provide enough funding to cover the cost of the show kit and licensing rights for one performance. Sponsor a Program - $15,000 Your donation will provide enough funding to cover the cost of an entire program for one of our partner schools.

To make a donation, please scan the QR code or visit our website at OnCueOmaha.com. Contributions of any size are appreciated!

"On Cue, and it's director, Jen Cimino, are invaluable to the CUES school system. Watching the students rise to the occasion the night of the performance and to overcome their fear of public speaking is one of my favorite aspects of what we do at the CUES School System.” Jim Swanson, Student and Family Support Director


Donors Circle Diane and Brian Bird Christopher Michael and Associates Dr. and Mrs. Ray Cimino Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cimino Dominic and Kaitlyn Cimino Michael Cimino Jane and Mark Hasebroock Drs. Ralph & Yasmin Hauke Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Klug Suzanne and Mike Macaulay Mary Mattingly Mary Catherine and Mark Melancon Catherine and Ben Niederee Cathy and Jim Porter Katie and Jeremiah Prater Christine and J.B. Shuck John Theisen Peter Thomson Rick & Mary Treinen Dr. Elizabeth and Eric Zydb

We are extremely grateful to all of our patrons who help make On Cue possible. Thank you for your generosity!

Rehearsal for Real Life

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