draw simple

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==== ==== For Great Information on learning How to Draw and other tips, Check This Out: http://artinstruction.newsintechnologys.com ==== ====

What is going wrong with my drawing?... Why Can't I draw? Here are 2 questions that are asked by people who think they can't draw. Do you know something... "Yes, you can draw" And, what's more you can draw anything you want to draw... Landscapes, Portraits, Cars, Cats and Dogs. Its easy when you know how... But first learn to draw. Learn to draw 'simple' before you try complicated stuff. Watch a professional artist draw a portrait... An artist puts in the simple framework first with light pencil marks. Then the artist looks again at the subject in front to make sure that everything is right. Only when satisfied does the artist move on towards the finished drawing A professional artist is careful about preparing properly before working towards a finished drawing. "So, how can you expect to learn to draw without equal care?" The artist makes simple marks to learn about the subject... To get the idea of form. To understand the function of the object. To feel the sensation of texture. "Do you really think you can learn to draw expertly without keeping it simple first?" Imagine you have a bowl of fruit on a table... 2 Apples, 1 Pear, a Bunch of Grapes and a Banana. You want to draw a picture. It is a simple still-life study. But, you will make a mess of it unless you see...

The Apples are almost circular

The Pear is 'Pear-shaped'

The Grapes are round but smaller than the apple

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