Gravestones of
Dutchess Count}) Netf York
ROGERS FAMILY GROUND, TOWN OF BEEKMAN Typical of Many Forgotten Burial Places See page 9
Gravestones of
Dutchess Count}) I\Te\tf York
Nineteen Thousand Inscriptions Collected and Edited b$
J. Wilson Poucker, M . D . and Helen Wilkinson Reynolds
Collections of tke
Dutckess Count}? Historical Society Volume II
3 0000 10540912 6 Poughkeepsie New York 1924
MID-CONTINENT PUBLIC LIBRARY Midwest Genealogy Center 3440 S. Lee's Summit Rd. R M f \ f \ Independence, MO 64055 I V I v J V s
Published in the United States of America by Richwood Publishing Company Merrick, New York
CONTENTS Page Foreword
Town of Amenia
Town of Beekman
Town of Clinton
Town of Dover
Town of East Fishkill
Town of Fishkill
Town of Hyde Park
Town of LaGrange
Town of Milan
Town of North East
Town of Pawling
Town of Pine Plains
Town of Pleasant Valley
Town of Poughkeepsie
Town of Red Hook
Town of Rhinebeck
Town of Stanford
Town of Union Vale
Town of Wappinger
Town of Washington
ILLUSTRATIONS Rogers Family Ground
Van Der Burgh Family Ground
Opp. Page
Dutch Churchyard, Fishkill, N. Y
Opp. Page
St. James's Churchyard, Hyde Park, N. Y
Opp. Page 130
St. Paul's Churchyard, Tivoli, N. Y
Opp. Page 294
Friends' Ground, Gardner Hollow, N. Y
Opp. Page 338
Typical Eighteenth Century Dutch Inscriptions
Opp. Page 372
FOREWORD j]N 1 880 the legislature of the State of New York passed an Act covering the registration of vital statistics, which Act requires that all births, marriages and deaths in New York be recorded. Prior to 1880 registration of such statistics was occasional or, more often, entirely neglected. In Dutchess County the early town clerks did not enter such records on their books and the church registers in the county are few in number and incomplete It is frequently difficult therefore to procure reliable dates in connection with Dutchess County families. This collection of gravestone inscriptions represents a definite effort to contribute something to offset the deficiency that exists. In general, the editors have omitted stones bearing date in the latter portion of the nineteenth century. Their chief object has been to preserve records ante-dating the state law of 1880. The gathering of these inscriptions was begun in April, 1911, and was practically finished in the autumn of 1916 but the WorldWar delayed publication. Every care has been taken to secure accuracy in transcription, upon which the value of the work depends. If errors occur, the editors ask indulgence for them in view of the difficulties under which such a collection is made. A majority of the inscriptions listed have been read from the stones only with great effort. The surface of many stones has scaled, lichens have grown over the lettering and a large number of stones are fallen and broken. Most of the burial enclosures are tangles of sumach bushes, saplings, vines, briars and poison ivy and the ground is often full of treacherous holes. The phrase "overgrown and deserted," used in the following pages to describe so many places, may be taken to mean all manner of wild vegetable growth, of filth, of refuse and of neglect and misuse. If mistakes have been made they should be charged to the obstacles encountered, not to editorial negligence. The editors desire to thank all those who have aided them in copying inscriptions, the owners of private property who have hospitably co-operated, and Miss Helen Van Kleeck, Mrs. Joseph D. Vernoy and Miss Agnes Cribley for expert secretarial assistance. vii
All literary matter on the stones has been omitted to economize space and all inscriptions have been reduced to a standard form.
use of brackets indicates uncertainty as to the lettering on the stone. Lists are arranged alphabetically, first by family names, second by the Christian names in one family.
They are grouped by townships
and in each town-group are presented in the following order: family grounds, ( 2 ) churchyards, ( 3 ) community grounds.
The ab-
breviations used are: B.
= Born.
Wid. = Widow.
= Died, Day, Days.
= Age.
Dau. = Daughter.
= Year, Years.
= Month, Months.
= Wife.
To facilitate the use of these lists under the township-grouping the following summary of the civil divisions, land patents and racial stocks in Dutchess County is appended:
Organization of "the Dutchess's County." The territory originally included in the county has twice been reduced: (1 ) in 1717, when a strip at the north tend was set off to Albany County (this strip now comprises the towns of Germantown and Clermont in Columbia County) and ( 2 ) in 1812, when the present Putnam County was set off to the south.
Civil divisions instituted in the county, viz., North, Middle and South Wards.
Civil divisions of the county reorganized and the following precincts created: Beekman, Crom Elbow, North, Poughkeepsie, Rhinebeck, Rombout and South Precincts.
North Precinct extended across the Oblong and re-named Northeast.
Crom Elbow Precinct divided into Amenia and Charlotte Precincts. 1 768. Pawling Precinct set off from Beekman Precinct. viii
1 788.
Civil divisions of the county reorganized and the following townships created:
1 793. 1 807. 1812. 1818. 1 821. 1 821. 1 82 I.
1823. 1 827. 1 849. 1875.
Amenia, from Amenia Precinct. Beekman, from Beekman Precinct. Clinton, from Charlotte Precinct. Fishkill, from Rombout Precinct. Northeast, from Northeast Precinct. Pawling, from Pawling Precinct. Poughkeepsie, from Poughkeepsie Precinct. Rhinebeck, from Rhinebeck Precinct. Washington, from Charlotte Precinct. Town of Stanford erected out of the town of Washington. T o w n of Dover erected out of the town of Pawling. Town of Red Hook erected out of the town of Rhinebeck. Town of Milan erected out of the town of Northeast. Town of Hyde Park erected out of the town of Clinton. T o w n of Pleasant Valley erected out of the town of Clinton. Town of La Grange erected chiefly out of the town of Beekman, and partly out of the town of Fishkill. It was first called Freedom. Town of Pine Plains erected out of the town of Northeast. Town of Union Vale erected out of the town of Beekman. Town of East Fishkill erected out of the town of Fishkill. Town of Wappinger erected out of the town of Fishkill.
LAND P A T E N T S Settlers in Dutchess County took title to their lands under eleven royal patents. 1.
The Rombout Patent, granted 1685. Covered the present towns of Fishkill, East Fishkill, Wappinger, a portion of Poughkeepsie and the western portion of La Grange.
T h e Sanders and Harmense Patent, granted 1 686. Covered a portion of the present town and city of Poughkeepsie.
T h e Schuyler Patent, granted 1688. Covered a portion of the town and city of Poughkeepsie. The Artsen-Rosa-Elton Patent, granted 1688. Covered the southwest corner of the present town of Rhinebeck.
The Pawling Patent, granted 1696.
Covered the part of the
present town of Hyde Park which was north of the subsequent Hyde Park Patent. 6.
The Great Nine Partners Patent, granted 1697.
Covered the
present towns of Amenia, Washington, Pleasant Valley, the southern portions of the towns of Northeast, Stanford and Clinton, and that part of the town of Hyde Park which is south and east of Crom Elbow Creek. 7.
The Rhinebeck Patent, granted I 703. Covered the present town of Red Hook and almost all of Rhinebeck.
The Beekman Patent, granted 1 703. Covered the present towns of Beekman, Pawling, Dover, Union Vale and the eastern portion of La Grange.
The Hyde Park Patent, granted 1 705. Covered the part of the present town of Hyde Park bounded east and south by Crom Elbow Creek and north by the Pawling Patent. The line between the Hyde Park and Pawling Patents was approximately the present northern boundary of the property of F. G. Landon.
The Little Nine Partners Patent, granted 1706. Covered the present towns of Milan and Pine Plains and the northern parts of Northeast, Stanford and Clinton.
1 I.
The Oblong (a rectification of the boundary line between New York and Connecticut), created 1731. Covered a strip on the eastern border of the county, through the towns of Northeast, Amenia, Dover and Pawling. RACIAL STOCKS The colonial population of Dutchess County may be divided
roughly into three classes,—the Dutch, the German and the English. There was a sprinkling of French (but negligible in number) and an occasional Scandinavian, Scotch-, Welsh-, or Irishman.
Settlement of the county occurred in distinct racial waves.
Dutch came first in a thin stream, from Albany and Ulster Counties chiefly, and in the approximate period of 1683-1725 they settled at scattered points in the valley of the Fishkill, of the Clove and of the Wappingers creeks, on the site of the city of Poughkeepsie and in the present town of Rhinebeck.
From about 1 730 to 1 750 they came in
good numbers from Long Island and Westchester County and concentrated on the Rombout Patent at the southern end of the county. Palatine Germans were the predominant element in the northern end of the county, in Red Hook, Rhinebeck and Milan, although the Dutch were a close second in Rhinebeck. The Germans came to Dutchess from the Palatine camps in Albany and Ulster Counties and arrived approximately 1715-1 730. From 1730 to 1775 emigrants from New England came into Dutchess and settled large areas in the eastern and central sections of the county. They also penetrated into almost all of the previously settled parts. This English stock gave the final color to the character of the county as a whole. The Dutch and German languages disappeared from common speech and the English tongue was permanently established.
Town of Amenia
Inscriptions 19
Benton ground
Kinney ground
Unnamed ground, on the Benson farm
Knickerbocker ground
Unnamed ground, on the Belden farm
Red Meeting House, Amenia
South Amenia cemetery
Smithfield churchyard
The Separate churchyard
Amenia Union cemetery
Unnamed ground, near the steel works
Amenia Island cemetery
26 571 2,216
C ounty
Family ground. N e a r Leedsville, on the east side of t h e r o a d l e a d i n g to S h a r o n . K e p t in o r d e r . 19 in n u m b e r . Copied b y L. V a n A l s t y n e of S h a r o n , C o n n . S e e p a g e 145 of " B u r y i n g G r o u n d s of S h a r o n , C o n n . , A m e n i a a n d North East, New York", printed 1903. K n o w n as t h e B e n t o n g r o u n d . T h e r e a r e 15 B e n t o n s t o n e s , 2 K n a p p , 1 Cobb, 1 H u n t .
THE KINNEY GROUND CLASSIFICATION: Family ground. LOCATION: A b o u t a mile s o u t h of " T h e S e p a r a t e " b u r y i n g g r o u n d , on t h e K i r b y f a r m , by t h e side of t h e r o a d leading p a s t t h e A d a m s mill. 9 in n u m b e r . Copied by L. V a n A l s t y n e of S h a r o n , C o n n . S e e INSCRIPTIONS: p a g e 2 0 9 of " B u r y i n g G r o u n d s of S h a r o n , C o n n . , A m e n i a a n d North East, New York", printed 1903. REMARKS: K n o w n as t h e K i n n e y g r o u n d . T h e n a m e s on t h e s t o n e s a r e : A d a m s , Bell, K e n n e e , Mosher.
UNNAMED GROUND C L A S S I F I C A T I O N : Family ground. LOCATION: O n t h e B e n s o n f a r m on t h e D o v e r r o a d . 4 in n u m b e r . Copied by L. V a n A l s t y n e of S h a r o n , C o n n . INSCRIPTIONS: p a g e 144 of " B u r y i n g G r o u n d s of S h a r o n , Conn., A m e n i a North East, New York", printed 1903. REMARKS: T h r e e s t o n e s b e a r t h e n a m e of N a s e , o n e t h a t of W o o l e y .
See and
THE KNICKERBOCKER GROUND CLASSIFICATION: Family ground. LOCATION: On t h e B e l d e n f a r m b e t w e e n W a s s a i c a n d D o v e r , on t h e w e s t side of t h e r o a d . INSCRIPTIONS: 7 in n u m b e r . Copied by L. V a n A l s t y n e of S h a r o n , C o n n . Se« p a g e 144 of " B u r y i n g G r o u n d s of S h a r o n , C o n n . , A m e n i a a n d North East, New York", printed 1903. REMARKS: A small e n c l o s u r e . T h e s t o n e s all b e a r t h e n a m e of K n i c k e r bocker.
UNNAMED GROUND C L A S S I F I C A T I O N : P r o b a b l y a family g r o u n d . LOCATION: On t h e B e l d e n f a r m b e t w e e n W a s s a i c a n d D o v e r . INSCRIPTIONS: 3 4 in n u m b e r . Copied by L. V a n A l s t y n e of S h a r o n , C o n n . S e e p a g e 143 of " B u r y i n g G r o u n d s of S h a r o n , Conn., A m e n i a a n d North East, New York", printed 1903. REMARKS: T h e family n a m e s in this e n c l o s u r e a r e : B e n e d i c t , C r o f u e l l , Gillett, K n i c k e r b a c k e r , P e r r y , P i t c h e r , T h o m a s , T h o m p k i n s , Weed, Woolsey.
A m e ni a
THE RED MEETING HOUSE GROUND CLASSIFICATION: Churchyard. A mile n o r t h e a s t of t h e v i l l a g e of A m e n i a , a t t h e s i t e of t h e LOCATION: former "Red Meeting House". Well c a r e d for. CONDITION: INSCRIPTIONS: 5 0 3 in n u m b e r . Copied by L. V a n A l s t y n e of S h a r o n , C o n n . S e e p a g e 102 of " B u r y i n g G r o u n d s of S h a r o n , C o n n . , A m e n i a a n d North East, New York", printed 1903. T h e P r e s b y t e r i a n c h u r c h , k n o w n as " C a r m e l in t h e N i n e P a r t REMARKS: n e r s " , w a s o r g a n i z e d in 1 7 4 8 . T h e " R e d M e e t i n g H o u s e " w a s built in 1758 on l a n d given for a c h u r c h a n d b u r i a l g r o u n d b y C a p t a i n S t e p h e n H o p k i n s of A m e n i a .
CLASSIFICATION: Churchyard. Midway between South Amenia and Amenia Union, on the south LOCATION: side of t h e r o a d . Well c a r e d for. CONDITION: 4 2 7 in n u m b e r . Copied by L. V a n A l s t y n e of S h a r o n , C o n n . S e e INSCRIPTIONS: p a g e 128 of " B u r y i n g G r o u n d s of S h a r o n , Conn., A m e n i a a n d North East, New York", printed 1903. REMARKS: K n o w n as S o u t h A m e n i a C e m e t e r y . When the Round Top M e e t i n g H o u s e a t A m e n i a Union was t o r n d o w n in 1786 a new c h u r c h w a s built a t this p o i n t . T h e s e c o n d b u i l d i n g was followed b y a t h i r d , called t h e " N e w C h u r c h of S o u t h A m e n i a " . Some s t o n e s in this y a r d b e a r d a t e s p r i o r t o 1 7 8 6 , w h i c h p r o b a b l y ind i c a t e s removal from o t h e r places.
Churchyard. A t Smithfield ( " T h e C i t y " ) , across t h e r o a d from t h e c h u r c h . C l e a r e d from b r u s h a n d r e s t o r e d t o o r d e r s h o r t l y p r i o r t o 1 9 0 3 . 3 5 3 in n u m b e r . Copied by L. V a n A l s t y n e of S h a r o n , C o n n . S e e p a g e 188 of " B u r y i n g G r o u n d s of S h a r o n , Conn., A m e n i a a n d North East, New York", printed 1903. A c h u r c h was e r e c t e d a t T h e C i t y a b o u t 1 7 5 0 b y t h e C o n g r e g a tionalists. T h e o r g a n i z a t i o n h a d a p r e c a r i o u s e x i s t e n c e for m a n y y e a r s . In 1824 it w a s r e o r g a n i z e d as a P r e s b y t e r i a n c h u r c h . T h e first b u r i a l g r o u n d (of which t h e r e is n o w n o t r a c e ) a d j o i n e d t h e c h u r c h b u i l d i n g . T h e r e h a v e b e e n several b u i l d i n g s on t h e site.
CLASSIFICATION: Churchyard. T w o miles s o u t h of Smithfield ( " T h e C i t y " ) . LOCATION: Overgrown and neglected. CONDITION: 81 in n u m b e r . Copied by L. V a n A l s t y n e of S h a r o n , C o n n . Se« INSCRIPTIONS: p a g e 2 0 6 of " B u r y i n g G r o u n d s of S h a r o n , C o n n . , A m e n i a a n d North East, New York", printed 1903.
G r a v e s t o n e s of
" T h e S e p a r a t e C h u r c h " ( C o n g r e g a t i o n a l ) w a s built s o u t h of Smithfield a t a n e a r l y d a t e . P r i o r to 1 8 0 0 t h e Rev. J o h n C o r n wall m i n i s t e r e d to t h e c o n g r e g a t i o n .
Community ground. A s h o r t d i s t a n c e west of A m e n i a U n i o n . Well c a r e d for. 182 in n u m b e r . Copied by L. V a n A l s t y n e of S h a r o n , C o n n . S e e p a g e 120 of " B u r y i n g G r o u n d s of S h a r o n , C o n n . , A m e n i a a n d North East, New York", printed 1903. K n o w n as A m e n i a Union C e m e t e r y . O n e of t h e oldest c e m e t e r ies in t h e t o w n of A m e n i a a n d still in occasional u s e . It is a s h o r t d i s t a n c e west of t h e site of t h e P r e s b y t e r i a n c h u r c h , k n o w n as the " R o u n d Top Meeting H o u s e " , which was built about 1755 a n d t o r n down 1786.
UNNAMED GROUND CLASSIFICATION: Community ground. LOCATION: Half w a y b e t w e e n S o u t h A m e n i a a n d W a s s a i c , on a hillside a b o v e t h e steel w o r k s . Entirely neglected. CONDITION: INSCRIPTI0NS: 2 6 in n u m b e r . Copied by L. V a n A l s t y n e of S h a r o n , C o n n . , S e e p a g e 126 of " B u r y i n g G r o u n d s of S h a r o n , C o n n . , A m e n i a a n d North East, New York", printed 1903. REMARKS: R i c h a r d S a c k e t t , t h e e a r l i e s t s e t t l e r of A m e n i a , who died in 1746, was b u r i e d in this e n c l o s u r e b u t t h e s t o n e a t his g r a v e has disappeared.
AMENIA ISLAND CEMETERY CLASSIFICATION: Community ground. LOCATION: O n t h e east side of t h e village of A m e n i a , n e a r t h e r a i l r o a d tion. CONDITION: W e l l c a r e d for. INSCRIPTIONS: 571 in n u m b e r . Copied b y L. V a n A l s t y n e of S h a r o n , C o n n . p a g e 211 of " B u r y i n g G r o u n d s of S h a r o n , Conn., A m e n i a North East, New York", printed 1903. REMARKS: K n o w n as A m e n i a I s l a n d C e m e t e r y . C o n t a i n s a n u m b e r of movals from older g r o u n d s .
See and re-
TOWN OF AMENIA Leedsville Cemetery
In 1903, Lawrence Van Alstyne published "Burying Grounds of Sharon, Connecticut, Amenia, and North East, New York." When Dr. Poucher published his volume of "Old Gravestones of Dutchess County, New York," in 1924, he did not include any inscriptions from the towns of Amenia and North East. A manuscript copy of the inscriptions from the Leedsville Cemetery (not included in either published volume) was presented to the Dutchess County Historical Society, in 1962, by Miss Ruth E. Barlow of Wassaic, N. Y. It had been given to Miss Barlow among some notebooks and papers of Miss Mary H. Reed, daughter of Newton Reed, a local historian of Amenia. The inscriptions, therefore, are given here as pages 4a, 4b, 4c and 4d.
T O W N OF AMENIA Leedsville
Copied September I, 1908, by M . H . Reed. T h e land for this cemetery was given by Alpheus Leonard, M . D . , who lived on the east side of the street. H e was the first man buried here. His son, William H e n r y Leonard, removed the doctor's remains to Mount Kisco, N e w York. Bennet, Clarinda, w. of N o a h ; d. Nov. 14, 185O; a. 38 Charles, d. Apr. 26, 1 8 5 1 ; a. 6-3-18 Joel H . , d. Aug. 29, 1840 Joseph H . , d. Mar. 18, 1 8 5 0 ; a. 2-5-3 Polina M . , d. Nov. 29, 1840
] I [ J
children of Noah H . and Clarinda Bennet
Stephen, d. Sep. 17, 1 8 6 3 ; a. 9 0 - 9 - 1 7 Mary, w. of Stephen d. May 26, 1 8 4 4 ; a. 67 Malissa, w. of Samuel D., d. Feb. 18, 1 8 4 8 ; a. 43 [Clarinda (Hutchinson) Bennet was brought up by Mrs. Joseph H u n t , says H . M . Benton, 1911 ] Benton, Delia, d. Dec. 28, 1 8 4 4 ; a. 35 Joel, d. April 13, 1 8 5 0 ; a. 79 Delia, w. of J o e l ; d. March 26, 1 8 6 5 ; a. 94 Bowne, William; d. Dec. 25, 1890; a. 82 Catharine, w. of William H . ; d. Sep. 24, I 8 7 3 ; a. 35 Caroline L., dau. of William & M a r y ; d. Aug. 29, 1 8 4 7 ; a -
Conklin, Ezra C ; d. April 28, 1 8 4 4 ; a. 42 Esther Mary, w. of Ezra; d. Jan. 25, 1 8 3 8 ; a. 27 Esther Maria, dau. of Ezra C. & Esther; d. April 15, 1 8 3 8 ; a. 1-3-4 Marinda Bennet, w. of Ezra C . ; d. May 8, 1 8 6 9 ; a. 70-11-1 2 Davis, George W., s. of Rev. J o h n & Huldah J . ; d. Sep. 9, 1 8 4 7 ; a. 1 y., 5 m. Delavergne, George, s. of H e n r y & M a r y ; d. Sep. 22, 1 8 4 7 ; a. 8 H e n r y J., s. of H e n r y & M a r y ; d. Sep. 25, 1 8 4 7 ; a. 3 Foote, Denton G . ; b. Sep. 30, 1 8 5 1 ; d. Mar. 15, 1907 Mary, his w . ; Sep. 3, 1 8 4 6 ; d. Dec. 15, 1896 monument
| (
Griffen, George W . ; 1819-1903 Susannah, his w.; 1817-1889 monument Georgiana, w. of Cornelius W . ; March 28, 1869 - Jan. 7, 1900 [a granite m o n u m e n t ] 4a
Town of Amenia — Leedsville
Hollister, Benjamin Jarvis; d. Aug. 2 9 , 1 8 6 2 ; a. 57 George S., d. Feb. 12, 1 8 6 1 ; a. 33 Adaline, w. of George S.; d. Jan. 2 1 , 1 8 8 8 ; a. 55 y., 10 m. William N . , s. of George S. & Adaline; d. Oct. 7, 1 8 5 6 ; a. 5 d. Nathaniel, d. Aug. 9, 1 8 2 9 ; a. 55 Mercy, wid. of Nathaniel S.; d. Sep. 30, 1 8 4 3 ; a. 67 H e n r y O., s. of Nathaniel & Mary ( r ) ; d. Jan. 5, 1 8 2 9 ; a. 28 H e n r y P., s. of H e n r y O. & Sarah; d. Mar. 13, 1 8 2 9 ; a. 4 m. 2 1 , d. Milton, d. Mar. 22, 1 8 4 9 ; a. 41 Norton, d. J a n . 15, 1 8 7 0 ; a. 73 Harriet, w. of N o r t o n ; d. Aug. 30, 1 8 7 8 ; a. 79 Sarah, w. of G e o r g e ; d. Aug. 30, 1 8 6 5 ; a. 83 Hopper, Lois, M . dau. of Garret C. & Rachel J . ; d. Jan. 1, 1 8 4 8 ; a. 4 d. [ N o t e : M r . Hopper lived in the old "Tavern H o u s e " in Leedsville Street] H u n t , Joseph D . ; b. Dec. 12, 1 7 9 7 ; d. Feb. 6, 1864 Phoebe, dau. of Joseph & Clarissa; d. J u n e 6, I 8 3 4 ; a. 16 d. Emily B., only dau. of Joseph D . & Clarissa; d. Feb. i S , 1 8 5 1 ; a. 19 [monument " O u r Sister" in circle at top of stone] Ives, Reuben H . ;
Julia A. G. Lee, his w.;
Lefa B . ; 1 8 5 1 James B.; 1 856-1892 Caroline, dau. of Reuben H . & Julia; d. Oct. 2 3 , 1 8 5 2 ; in her 5th y. Jenks, J o h n ; d. Sep. 5, 1 8 3 3 ; a. 51 Thomas M . ; d. Nov. 24, 1 8 3 3 ; a -
George, d. Aug. 19, 1 8 3 2 ; a. 34 Lucy Mariah, dau. of George & Catharine; d. Dec. 29, 1 8 3 1 ; a. 2-7-22 Juckett, Julia Ann, w. of Lewis; d. July 11, 1 8 5 5 ; a. 54 Lathrop, George; d. May 22, 1 8 8 6 ; a. 75 Sarah Beach, w. of George; d. Aug. 19, 1 8 6 2 ; a. 51 James A., s. of George & Sarah; d. Oct. 2, 185 I ; a. 1 m. Mallory, Ebenczer, d. Dec. 9, 1850; a. 86 [ " M y F a t h e r " ] Parthcna, w. of Ebenezer; d. May 22, 1 8 6 1 ; a. 68 [ " M y
Town of Amenia — Leedsville Cemetery Mayhew, Sarah, w. of J o h n ; d. Oct. 5, 1 8 4 7 ; 3- 66 Middlebrooks, Aaron; d. Oct. 7, 1 8 7 2 ; a. 78-1-13 Laura, W. of Aaron; d. Feb. 6, 1 8 9 0 ; a. 91-7-2 Calvin, s. of Aaron & Laura; d. Feb. 7, 1 8 7 8 ; a. 34 v., 5 m. Polina, dau. of Aaron & Laura; d. Oct. 22, 1 8 4 7 ; a - 6-6-10 Harriet,-dau. of Alanson & Sarah J . ; d. J u n e 16, 1855 ; a. 10 y. 20 d. Fransetta, dau. of Alanson & Sarah J . ; d. Sep. 16, 1 8 5 6 ; a. a. 11-4-23 William H . , s. of Alanson & Sarah J . ; d. Oct. 7, 1 8 6 7 ; a. 12-6-23 Charles B., s. of Warren & Elizabeth; d. April 18, 1 8 6 4 ; a. 4 y., 8 m. Charles E., s. of George W . & Sarah C ; d. Oct. 1, 1 8 6 8 ; a. 5 y., 7 m. Martha E., dau. of George W . & Sarah C . ; d. Feb. 14, 1 8 6 2 ; a. 3 y., 10 m. Sanford A., s. of George W . & Sarah C . ; d. Feb. 9, 1 8 6 4 ; a. 7 y., 6 m. North, Selah, d. March 20, 1 8 5 1 ; a. 61 Anna Whipple, w. of Selah; d. Nov. 26, 1 8 6 8 ; a. 79 Northrop, Bessie A., dau. of E. Everitt & Hattie H . , July 28, 1881 - Jan. 15, 1895 [monument] Norton, A n n a ; d. J u n e 2 3 , 1 8 8 5 ; a. 91 Mills G . ; b. Dec. 6, 1 8 1 8 ; d. July 12, 1886 " F a t h e r " Rachel; b. Oct. 22, 1 8 1 8 ; d. Nov. 28, 1897 " M o t h e r " Richard N . , s. of Mills G. & Rachel; d. Feb. 26 1880; a. 38 Odell, William H . ; 1 8 3 5 - 1 9 0 2 . Co. C, 13th Reg. Conn. Vol. H a n n a h E., w. of W m . H . ; 1845 - 19 - Reed, George, d. Dec. 5, 1 8 7 0 ; a. 56 Martha, w. of George W . ; d. Aug. 17, 1 8 5 6 ; a. 42 Caroline, dau. of George W . & M a r t h a ; a. May 4, 1 8 5 1 ; a. 7 Martha Louisa, dau. of George W . & M a r t h a ; d. Sep. 16, 1 8 6 8 ; a. 7-2-16 [as per copy] Sanford, Edwin W . , s. of Edwin & Janet Sanford; d. Mar. 14, 1 8 5 1 ; a. 7 y. 5 m. George A., s. of E d w i n & Janett Sandford; d. Mar. 20, 1 8 5 4 ; a. 1 y., 1 m.
Town of Amenia — Leedsville Cemetery Storms, George D., s. of Daniel & Susan; d. Nov. i, 1864; a. 17 y., 8 m. Taylor, Elisha S.; drowned at sea in 1854 Harriet, w. of Elisha S.; d. Dec. 4, 1881; a. 80 Emma J., dau. of E.S. & A.H.; d. Aug. 6, 1857; a. 7 y., (?) m. Thorp, David W.; d. June 29, 1864; a. 77 Anna Brown, w. of David W.; d. Oct. 25, 1865; a. 80 Tuttle, Mary A.; d. Dec. 15, 1879; a. 56 Wheeler, Frances L.; 1846-1886 Whipple, John, d. Dec. I, 1830; a. 70 Sarah, w. of John; d. July 8, 1833; a. 84 "Stones buried on the Sam Sherman Farm" Delamater, Capt. Isaac; d. April 20, 1775; a. 82 Martin; d. in 1815; a. 75
Town of Beekman
Cornell ground
Inscriptions 20
Flagler ground
Van Der Burgh ground
Van Der Burgh ground
Bentley ground
Wiltsie ground
Rogers ground
Unnamed ground
Unnamed ground
Unnamed ground
Unnamed ground
Apoquague Friends' Meeting, Gardner Hollow
Union Church, Green Haven
Baptist Church, Beekmanville
Beekman Cemetery, Poughquag Total number of inscriptions, Town of Beekman
249 647
9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
Family ground. On t h e f a r m of T h o m a s E . P e t e r s , o n e mile n o r t h of P o u g h q u a g . Overgrown and deserted. 2 0 in n u m b e r . E i g h t , copied A u g u s t 2 2 , 1914, by J. W . P o u c h e r , M. D., a n d M r s . P o u c h e r . T w e l v e , r e p o r t e d by W . A . E a r d e l e y . R i c h a r d u s C o r n e l l c a m e to D u t c h e s s C o u n t y from L o n g I s l a n d a b o u t t h e middle of t h e e i g h t e e n t h c e n t u r y a n d is said t o h a v e o w n e d a n d occupied this f a r m . In 1916 W i l l i a m A . E a r d e l e y , of B r o o k l y n , N . Y., r e p o r t e d to t h e e d i t o r s t h a t in 1 9 0 4 he h a d copied t h e i n s c r i p t i o n s in this g r o u n d , his list i n c l u d i n g t h o s e found in 1914 by D r . P o u c h e r , p l u s t w e l v e o t h e r s .
Cornwell, Abigail P., d a u . of J a m e s & Chloe, d. 1837, Dec. 7, a. 21-4-7. Cornwell, Chloe, w. of J a m e s , d. 1 8 5 8 , Nov. 2 5 , a. 70 y. Cornwell, J a m e s , d. 1 8 5 1 , Dec. 6, a. 67-1-25. McLees, J a m e s , d. 1809, A p r . 7, -a. 35 y. 4 m. McLees, M a r y , w. of J a m e s , d. 1829, J u l y 16, a. 51-11-2; McLees, Matilda, d a u . of J a m e s , J r . , d. 1827, May 1, a. 28 y. 22 d. McLees, R i c h a r d , d. 1830, Dec. 8, a. 22 y. 22 d. W e d g e , S a r a h , w. a t S t e p h e n , d. 1852, J u n e 24, a. 74 y. R e p o r t e d by William A. E a r d e l e y . Cornwell, C h a r i t y , dau. of R i c h a r d & E l i z a b e t h , d. 1756, Oct. 8, a. 3-3-7. C o r n w e l l , C h a r l e s , s. of R i c h a r d & E l i z a b e t h , d. 1762, t . (5 or 1 5 ) . B r o k e n Btone, Cornwell, D a n i e l , s. of R i c h a r d & E l i z a b e t h , d. 1 7 5 2 , Dec. 2 3 , a. 1--11-19. Cornwell, E l i z a b e t h , d. 1792, J a n . 10, a. 82 y. 5 d. Cornwell, E l i z a b e t h , d. 1770, Mar. 4, a 21 y. Cornwell, J a c o b , b. 1747, J u l y 3, d. 1767, May 8. Cornwell, R i c h a r d , d. 1793-4, Sep. 1 3 , a. 85 y. Cornwell, S a m u e l , d. 1 7 6 1 , J a n . 8, a. 10 y. 4 d. Cornwell, T h o m a s , d. 1767, M a y 8, a. 10 y 3 m. K i n g , J o s e p h D., s. of Wiilliam & S a r a h , d. 1 8 1 8 , Dec. 19, in 4 7 t h y., killed b y a wagon. Peters, Fred. P e t e r s , Rev. William H e n r y .
CLASSIFICATION: Family ground. LOCATION: N o r t h of G r e e n H a v e n , on t h e o r i g i n a l F l a g l e r f a r m , in an open field on t h e s o u t h side of t h e blind r o a d t h a t leads e a s t from t h e main h i g h w a y . CONDITION: Overgrown. INSCRIPTIONS: 16 in n u m b e r . Copied J u n e 22, 1 9 1 3 , by J . W . P o u c h e r , M. D. REMARKS: Z a c h a r i a h V l e g e l a r of W e r t h e i m , F r a n c o n i a , c a m e to t h e valley of t h e H u d s o n in 1709. H e died in 1720 in D u t c h e s s C o u n t y l e a v i n g t h r e e sons who a r e the a n c e s t o r s of all t h e F l e g l e r s - F l a g lers in t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s . His son Philip Solomon F l e g l e r built in 1736 a h o u s e , t h e shell of which is still s t a n d i n g east of t h e b u r i a l g r o u n d in t h e hollow u n d e r t h e hill. T h e h o u s e a n d f a r m passed to Philip F l a g l e r ( 1 7 3 1 - 1 8 0 4 ) , t h e n to Solomon F l a g l e r ( 1 7 7 3 - 1 8 5 0 ) , a f t e r whose d e a t h t h e f a r m w a s sold. Philip S. F l e g l e r ( 1 7 0 1 - 1 7 6 6 ) a n d his wife w e r e first b u r i e d in this g r o u n d . In r e c e n t y e a r s t h e i r bodies w e r e r e m o v e d to t h e m o d e r n ceme< tery at Poughquag. 1. F l a g l e r , C a t h e r i n e T., w. of S h a d r a c h R., d. 1 8 4 3 , Nov. 20, a. 22-1-7 2. F l a g l e r , C a t h e r i n e , w. of Z a c h a r i a s , d. 1 8 5 3 , M a y 1 3 , a. 86 y. 2 m 3. F l a g l e r , E l i z a b e t h , d. 1 8 0 1 , J a n . 20, a. 29-8-3.
4. Flagler, Jane, w. of Philip, & dau. of Joseph & Siche Doughty, d. 1846, Sep. 4, a. 85 y. 2 m. 5. Flagler, Jerusha Emigh, w. of John W., d. 1856, Oct. 29, a. 56 y. 10 m. 6. Flagler, John W., d. 1876, Dec. 9, a. 85 y. 8 m. 7. Flagler, Phebe Dennis, w of Solomon, d. 1841, Oct. 5, a. 65 y. 25 d. 8. Flagler, Phebe Maria, dau. of Philip, d. 1831, Nov. 21, a. 2-6-11. 9. Flagler, Philip, husband of Sarah, d. 1804, Apr. 7, a. 72-5-26. 10. Flagler, Philip, b. 1756, May 30, d. 1841, May 7, a. 84-11-8. 11. Flagler, Sarah, w. of Philip, d. 1802, Apr. 3, a 68-7-5. 12. Flagler, Shadrach R., d. 1851, Nov. 1, a. 42-3-29. 13. Flagler, Solomon, b. 1773, Aug. 31, d. 1850, May 31. 14. Flagler, Zacharias, d. 1839, June 30, a. 75-9-13. 15. Monfort, Cornelia Flagler, w. of Peter I., d. 1825, June 2, a. 25-1-16. 16. Monfort, Peter I., d. 1834, July 16, a. 39-3-20.
VAN DER BURGH GROUND CLASSIFICATION: Family ground. LOCATION: On the farm of Frank Adriance, north of the village of Poughquag. CONDITION: Fair; surrounded by a stone wall. INSCRIPTIONS: 21 in number. Copied August 21, 1914, by J. W. Poucher, M. D. REMARKS: The Van Der Burgh family ground. Colonel James Van Der Burgh commanded a regiment of Dutchess County militia in the War of the Revolution and Washington's Diary mentions a visit to Colonel Van Der Burgh at the latter's house at Poughquag. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.
Brill, Anna, wid. of Peter, d. 1835, Oct. 1, a. 98-8-5. Brill, James, s. of Peter & Anna, d. 1858, Dec. 21, a. 86 y. Brill, Peter, d. 1812, May 1, a. 70 y. (Brill? Beside the stone of James Brill is a broken stone, which was originally uniform with his, and now has only: "aged 36 years." Probably was that of his wife.) Clark, George, d. 1823, Mar 10, a. 77-5-25. Clark, Jeremiah, d. 1814, Sep. 20, a. 62 y. Hall, Isaac, d. 1801, Sep. 24, a. 34 y. 6 m. Haxtun, Almira, w. of Benjamin, d. 1827, July 29, a. 41-7-9. Noxon, James, d. 1798, Mar. 13, a 54-4-24. Tibbits, Mary Eliza, dau. of Henry & Maria, d. 1839, Jan. 9, a. 7 y. Tibbitts, Henry, d. 1832, May 15, a. 52-3-29. Tibbitts, Zilpah, w. of Henry, d. 1822, Sep. 8, in 43d y. Toffey, George, d. 1814, Sep. 9, a. 34 y. Van Derburgh, Bartholomew, d. 1796, Nov. 9, a. 39 y. 1 d. Van Derburgh, Egbert, s. of James & Helena, d. 1811, Apr. 4, a. 34 y. Van Derburgh, Gabriel Ludlow, d. 1859, Mar. 20, a. 85 y. Van Derburgh, Helena, w. of Colonel James, d. 1820, Oct. 10, a. 71-2-20. Van Derburgh, Colonel James, d. 1794, Apr. 4, in 65th y. Van Derburgh, Margaret Akin, w. of Gabriel Ludlow, b. 1784, May 16, d. 1868, Mar. 20. Van Derburgh, William, d. 1800, Apr. 29, in 32d y. "The faithful servant, Deyan, Feb. 10, 1857, aged 100 years."
Family ground. On the farm of J. D. Gardner at Gardner Hollow. Overgrown and deserted. 11 in number. Copied August 22, 1914, by J. W. Poucher, M. D. and Mrs. Poucher. Probably a Van Der Burgh family ground.
1. Cooper, George, d. 1858, Sep. 29, a. about 50 y. 7
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Cooper, J e r e m i a h H a x t u n , s. of J o h n & Louise, d. 1 8 4 1 , A u g . 5, a. 35 y. 10 m . Cooper, J o h n , d. 1844, A p r . 2 1 , in 32d y. Cooper, Louisa, w of J o h n , d. 1850, Dec. 12, a. 72 y. H a x t u n , J e r e m i a h , d. 1 8 3 0 , J a n . 14, a. 85-11-26. H a x t u n , R h o d a , w of J e r e m i a h , d. 1 8 4 1 , J a n . 1 5 , in 92d y. S h e r m a n , H a x t u n , s. of B e n j a m i n & Inez, d. 1807, N o v . 2 9 , a. 13 m . 20 d. V a n d e r b u r g h , Gen. G e o r g e W., d. 1 8 2 8 , M a r . 2 0 , i n 4 7 t h y. V a n d e r b u r g h , M a r g a r e t , w. of G e o r g e W., d. 1 8 1 5 , F e b . J a n . 2 3 , * in 33d y. * ( B o t h m o n t h s on s t o n e ) . 10. V a n d e r b u r g h , R h o d a , d a u . of G e o r g e & M a r g a r e t , d. 1 8 2 9 , M a y 22, in 2 4 t h y. 1 1 . W a s h b u r n , J a n e Eliza, d a u . of Z e b u l o n & C y r e n a , d. 1 8 4 8 , M a y 2 7 , a. 2-3-27.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 3 7. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.
Family ground. On t h e f a r m of Daniel Q u i l l a n , G a r d n e r Hollow. Overgrown and deserted. 2 5 in n u m b e r . Copied A u g u s t 2 1 , 1914, by J . W . P o u c h e r , M. D . K n o w n as t h e B e n t l e y g r o u n d . A b r a n c h of this family m o v e d from B e e k m a n to Milan, D u t c h e s s C o u n t y ( q . v . ) .
B e n t l e y , A l m i r a , d. 1817, F e b . 24, a. 25 y. 6 m. B e n t l e y , B e t s e y , dau. of T h o m a s & L u c y , d. 1824, F e b . 24, a. 1 1 - 1 0 - 3 . B e n t l e y , Dimis, w. of William, d. 1844, F e b . 17, a. 89-9-28. B e n t l e y , E l i z a b e t h , w. of William, d. 1770, M a r . 8, a. ( n o t d e c i p h e r a b l e ) . B e n t l e y , Hellen, d a u . of T h o m a s & L u c y , d. 1829, Sep. 20, a. 9-11-4. B e n t l e y , H e n r y , d. 1 8 2 5 , Dec. 3, a 34-9-10. B e n t l e y , M a n d y , dau. of T h o m a s & L u c y , d. 1 8 3 8 , Dec. 3 1 , a. 17-4-17. B e n t l e y , Polly, dau. of T h o m a s & L u c y , d. 1 8 2 3 , S e p . 18, a. 19-3-18. B e n t l e y , Colonel T a b e r , d. 1826, M a r . 19, a. 73 y. 8 m. B e n t l e y , T h o m a s , d. 1 8 1 2 , F e b . 2 0 , a. 19 y. B e n t l e y , William, d. 1800, Sep. 2 5 , in 9 0 t h y. B e n t l e y , William, d. 1 8 3 1 , Sep. 2 9 , a. 8 2 - 2 - 1 1 . Dennis, Alse, w. of Solomon, d. 1 8 3 1 , J u n e 1 5 , in 4 7 t h y. H o l d r i d g e , A n n a , w. of A u g u s t u s , d. 1 8 4 1 , A p r . 18, in 7 4 t h y. H o l d r i d g e , A u g u s t u s , d. 1 8 0 9 , A p r . ( — ) , in 3 9 t h y Simpson, Caleb, d. 1849, Mar. ( — ) , in 8 8 t h y. Simpson, M a r g a r e t , w. of Caleb, d. 1847, A p r . 1, a. 72 y Simpson, M a r y , w. of Caleb, d. 1827, J u n e 12, in 57th y. Simpson, M a r y , w. of C a r e y , d. 1840, F e b . 1 7 , a. 24 y. 7 d. Simpson, P e t e r , d. 1809, J a n . 1, in 7 0 t h y. Simpson, T i t u s , d. 1814, J u n e 14, in 2 7 t h y. W a i t , C a t h e r i n e , d. 1859, M a y 14 2 a. 26-9-6. W a i t , H a r r i e t , d. 1852, A u g 14, a. 26-10-4. W a i t , H e l l e n , d. 1870, J a n . ' 3 , a. 48-9-10. W h i t e , Moses, d. 1852, A u g . 20, a 25-3-16.
WILTSIE GROUND CLASSIFICATION: Family ground. LOCATION: On t h e f a r m of G e o r g e Miller, w e s t of Sylvan L a k e , on t h e m a i n r o a d to P o u g h k e e p s i e . CONDITION: S t o n e s well p r e s e r v e d . INSCRIPTIONS: 2 in n u m b e r . Copied May 2 1 , 1912, b y J . W . P o u c h e r , M. D . , a n d Miss H e l e n W . R e y n o l d s . REMARKS: T h e s e two stones a r e b u t a few y a r d s from t h e f r o n t door of t h e h o u s e a n d r i g h t by t h e side of t h e h i g h w a y . 1. Wiltsie, J o h a n n e s , d. 1 7 9 6 , Oct. 4, a. 68 y. 2. Wiltsie, Nelly, d. 1 8 1 3 , Mar. 2 8 , a. 82 y.
VAN DER BURGH FAMILY GROUND, POUGHQUAG, N. Y. Showing the Grave of James Van Der Burgh, Colonel of the Fifth Regiment, Dutchess County Militia in the War of the Revolution
Rogers, Rogers, Rogers, Rogers, Rogers, Rogers, Rogers, Rogers, Rogers,
Beekman GROUND
Family ground. E a s t of Sylvan L a k e , on t h e n o r t h side of t h e h i g h w a y . O v e r g r o w n ; s u r r o u n d e d by a s t o n e wall, p a r t l y r u i n e d . 9 in n u m b e r . Copied M a y 2 1 , 1 9 1 2 , b y J . W . P o u c h e r , M. D . , a n d Miss H e l e n W . R e y n o l d s . R o g e r s family g r o u n d . In t i m e of foliage difficult t o t e e from the road.
Caroline, w. of Stephen, d. 1838, Mar. 14, a. 32-2-29. Hannah, w. of Hezekiah, d. 1812, Aug. 31, a. 73 y. Hezekiah, d. 1814, Jan. 24, in 76th y. James S., d. 1846, Dec. 31, a. 36-2-17. John, d. 1832, Dec. 15, a. 64-7-27. John, s. of Stephen & Caroline, d. 1835, May 17, a. 2-6-25. Martha, dau. of James & Eunice, d. 1846, Oct. 11, a. 6 m. Mary, wid of John, d. 1856, Mar. 2 1 , a. 77 y. 12 d. Stephen, d. 1836, Dec. 8, a. 34-1-20.
Family ground. In a n o r c h a r d a t t h e r e a r of t h e old hotel a t B e e k m a n v i l l e . Very dirty and unkempt. 3 in n u m b e r . Copied O c t o b e r 3 1 , 1 9 1 5 , by J . W . P o u c h e r , M. D . D e L o n g is o n e of t h e earliest n a m e s c o n n e c t e d w i t h t h e s e t t l e m e n t of B e e k m a n . I s a a c D e n n i s c a m e from N e w J e r s e y t o Beekm a n p r i o r t o t h e W a r of t h e R e v o l u t i o n . His wife w a s a n a t i v e of W e s t c h e s t e r C o u n t y , N . Y. T h e r e w e r e o t h e r b u r i a l s h e r e , b u t n o m o r e stones r e m a i n .
1. Delong, Area, d. 1798, Jan. 20, in 79th y. 2. Dennis, Isaac, d. 1790, May 3, a. 46 y. 9 m. 3. Dennis, Tamar Brundage, w. of Isaac, d. 1827, June 29, in 82d y.
UNNAMED GROUND CLASSIFICATION: Family ground. LOCATION: O n t h e f a r m of T h o m a s Brill a t P o u g h q u a g . CONDITION: O n t h e t o p of a high a n d s t e e p knoll, n e a r a w a t e r - t a n k . T h e knoll is p a r t of a p a s t u r e a n d t h e grass is closely c r o p p e d . INSCRIPTIONS: 1 in n u m b e r . Copied N o v e m b e r 10, 1 9 2 3 , by Miss M a r g a r e t D e M . B r o w n a n d Miss A c h s a h Brill. REMARKS: T h e o n e stone on this hill-top lies flat a n d is p a r t l y c o v e r e d by turf. W i t h i n r e c e n t y e a r s t h e r e w a s a second s t o n e , visible n e a r by, a fact which s u g g e s t s t h a t originally t h e r e m a y h a v e been a group. 1. Sickler, Mary, w. of Peter, d. 1827, Jan. 10, in 56th y.
UNNAMED GROUND C L A S S I F I C A T I O N : Family ground. LOCATION: O n t h e t o p of t h e high hill in t h e field on t h e s o u t h side of t h e h i g h w a y a t G a r d n e r Hollow.
1. s-
A rough open field. 1 in number. Copied November 10, 1923, by J. Wilson Poucher, M. D., and Miss Margaret DeM. Brown. Within a few years there was a small group of locust trees on this hill-top and, in between the trees, two headstones. Stumps of the trees now remain and one field-stone. The face of the stone is scaled and broken. The inscription is clear but is perhaps on a second surface.
CLASSIFICATION: Uncertain. A stone's throw northwest of the dwelling house of Charles Ferris, LOCATION: a half-mile north of Gardner Hollow on the road to Verbank. Overgrown. CONDITION: 25 in number. Copied November 10, 1923, by J. Wilson Poucher, INSCRIPTIONS: M. D., Miss Violet Barbour, Miss Margaret DeM. Brown, Miss Caroline Ferris and Miss Helen W. Reynolds. This is a large walled enclosure, containing many unmarked REMARKS: field-stones beside the marked stones listed below. Through the enclosure runs a property-line (indicated by cobbles). North of this line the property-owner has removed headstones from the enclosure and used them in fences, horse-block, &c. South of the line the owner is Mrs. Amos D. Baker. Mrs. Baker has a tradition that this burial-ground belonged originally to a Lutheran Church, and she states that her father (John Williams, born 1803) attended services in the building in his boyhood, the building being torn down approximately 1815-1820. The several histories of Dutchess County make no mention of a Lutheran Church in Beekman but at page 233 of liber 2 of deeds in the office of the County Clerk is recorded a deed, dated September 10, 1749, whereby Colonel Henry Beekman made a gift of site, churchbuilding and burial-ground at this very spot for a Lutheran congregation. Further information about this congregation might possibly be gleaned from records of the Lutherans in New York City. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.
, "E. A." "A. D C." Crous,'Adam,'d. 1831, Aug 19, a. 38-7-12. Crous, Daniel, d. 1824, May 28, a. 64 y. 11 m. Crous, Mary, d. 1828, May 12, a. 70 y. Eighmie, George, d. 1850, Dec. 2. Eighmie, Harriet, dau. of Morgan & Harriet, d. 1852, Feb. 3, a. 2 y. Eighmie, Mary Eliza, inf. dau. of Jeremiah & Mary Ann. Eighmie, Mary Amelia, dau. of Jeremiah & Mary Ann, d. 1849, Sep. 20, a. 3-5-14. Eighmie, Mary Ann, w. of Jeremiah, d. 1849, May 31, a. 29-11-10. Eighmie, Naomi Jane, dau. of Jeremiah & Mary Ann, d. 1851, Apr. 25, a. 2 y. Eighmie, Otis, s. of Jeremiah & Mary Ann, d. 1849, May 8, a. 4 y. 11 d. Eighmie, Philip, d. 1852, Aug. 25, a. 73-3-12. Eighmie, Willie, s. of Morgan & Harriet, d. 1862, July 8, a. 2 y. Eighmie, inf. dau. of George & Martha H., d. 1849, May 15. Emigh, Jane Ann, dau. of Philip & Margaret, d. 1848, Jan. 12, a. 32-2-2. Emigh, John, s. of Philip & Margaret, d. 1822, Oct. 11, a. 11 m. Emigh, John J., s. of Jane Ann, d. 1848, Jan. 6, a. 9-4-18. F , "E. P . " Lossing, ElizaberV w. of Henry, d. 1826, May 11, a. 69-2-23. L , "H. L." Odell, Esther, w. of John, d. 1849, Feb. 12, a. 83 y. 2 m. 10 Q
B e eh m a n
23. Odell, John, d. 1853, Jan. 20, a. 91 y. 24. Odell, Peter, d. 1852, Dec. 26, a. 51-2-1. 25. Potts. "Pigott Potts aged 30 years 1747." (Note: There is an undecipherable cutting, following the date, 1747, and on the same line).
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42.
APOQUAGUE FRIENDS' MEETING Friends' burial ground. At Gardner Hollow. Not good, the place neglected. 122 in number. Copied August 21, 1914, by J. W. Poucher, M. D., and Mrs. Poucher. The Apoquague Friends' Meeting was organized in 1771. The first meeting house was erected on this site and the second two miles to the west.
Ames, Amelia, w. of Robert, d. 1858, Apr. 27, a. 84 y. B , "R. B." Baker, Charles, s. of Lewis & Sarah, d. 1847, Mar. 3, a. 27-1-18. Baker, Cyrus ( J . ) , s. of Cyrus & Lydia, d. 1866, June 3, a. 1-1-7. Baker, Elener, w. of Thomas, "about 78 years". (No dates on stone). Baker, Hallia A., dau. of Cyrus & Lydia, d. 1861, July 23, a. 9-4-5. Baker, Henrietta, dau. of Albert & Catherine, d. 1849, June 12, a. 1-1-10. Baker, Judith, w. of Nicholas, d. "29 of 2 mo. 1836", a. 79-8-10. Baker, Maxamilia, w. of Henry, d. 1847, Aug. 7, a. 21-5-16. Baker, Polly, w. of Harris, d. 1828, Apr. 8, a. 35-1-6. Baker, Samuel A., s. of Cyrus & Emma, d. 1851, Dec. 15, a. 3-4-18. Baker, Samuel S., s. of Cyrus & Lydia, d. 1876, Apr. 4, a. 20-11-14. Baker, Sarah Allen, w. of Lewis, d. 1869, Dec. 31, a. 82-8-20. Baker, Thomas, "about 81 years". (No dates on stone). Bennett, Mary, w. of David S., & dau. of Martin & Sally Ann Sweet, d. 1851, Jan. 21, a. 26-6-7. Cary, Doctor Ebenezer, d. 1815, May 18, a. 70-2-18. Cary, Delight, wife of Dr. Ebenezer, d. 1839, Dec. 29, a. 84 y. Collins, Lancelot W., d. 1853, Nov. 1, a. 61 y. Cooper, Ephraim, b. 1815, Aug. 24, d. 1899, May 9. Cooper, Jane Gardner, w. of Lewis B., 1846-1907. Cooper, Lewis B., s. of Ephraim & Sally Ann, d. 1866, July 11, a. 23-2-20 Cooper, Sally Ann Roraback, w. of Ephraim, d. 1883, Julv 16, a. 62-7-4. Dennis, Mary, w. of E., & dau. of John & Mary, d. 1858, May 11, a. 32-3-18. Denny, John, d. 1892, Mar. 18, a. 73-1-3; Ruth Sweet, his wife, d. 1846, Mar. 4, a. 19 y. 9 m. Denton, Samuel, d. 1852, Aug. 14, a. 55-10-6. Doughty, Jacob, d. 1821, Apr. 21, a. 23 y. Doughty, Jacob, d. 1859, Aug. 18, a. 86-9-28; Phebe, his wife, dau. of Hezekiah & Rhoda Collins, d. 1820, Jan. 22, a. 43-11-8 Doughty, John J., b. 1807, Apr. 12, d. 1848, Dec. 11. Doughty, Joseph T., d. 1833, Feb. 13, in 38th y.; Elizabeth, his wife, b. 1798, Aug. 13, d. 1858, Dec. 10, a. 00-4-8. Doughtv, Lois, w. of Jacob, & dau. of Enos & Abigail Curtis, d. 1843, July 21, a. 61-1-24. Doughty, Nehemiah, d. 1851, Aug. 28. Doughty, Ricketson, d. 1831. Sep. 17. a. 40-11-17. Doughty, Thomas, d. "23 of 8 mo. 1841", a. 8 (2 or 3)-3-27; Mary, his wife, d. "27 of 9 mo. 1843", a. 79 y. 4 d. Doughty, Walter Gilbert, s. of Jacob & Phebe, d. 1816, Apr. 21, a. 3-2-16. Doughty, William, b. 1770, Nov. 5, d. 1854, Oct. 1; Sarah, his wife, d. 1865, Julv 29, a. 91-6-7. Doughty, William, d. 1865, July 29, a. 91-6-7. Emeigh, Sarah Ann, dau. of Charles & Sarah, d. 1846, Feb. 8, a. 1-9-22. Frederick, Elizabeth A., 1827-1903. Frederick, Mary Ann, dau. of Lyndorph & Mehetbell, d. 1850, Sep. 9, a. 11-4-2. Frederick, Mehetbell D., w. of Lyndorph, d. 1867, Jan 11, a 54 y. Frederick, Robert, s. of Lyndorph & Mehetbell, d. 1850, July 3, a. 12 y. Gardner, Abigail, w. of Resolved, d. "3 mo. 10th 1843", a. 83-1-10. 11
43. Gardner, Catherine S., eldest daughter of Lewis & Sarah, d. "5 of 11th m., 1871", a 53-7-15. 44. Gardner, Daniel P., s. of Herman & Eliza, by 1832, Nov. 5, d. 1880, Sep. 24. 45. Gardner, Deborah M., dau. of Herman & Eliza, b. 1827, Feb. 12, d. 1849, July 12, a. 22 y. 5 m. 46. Gardner, Eliza, w. of Herman, d. 1891, Nov. 16, a. 94 y. 1 m. 47. Gardner, Elizabeth C , dau. of Lewis & Sarah, d. "30 of 9 mo., 1854", a 35-11-17. 48. Gardner, Emily, dau. of Seneca & Sarah Jane, d. 1883, Nov. 14, a. 39-9-12. 49. Gardner, Herman, d. "9 mo. 10 d. 1843", a 56-8-13. 50. Gardner, Herman H., s. of John B. & Elizabeth, b. 1857, Feb. 12, d. 1890, Mar. 15. 51. Gardner, Isaac, d. 1865, Jan. 2, a. 66-2-7. 52. Gardner, Isaac G., s. of S., d. 1841, July 28, a. 4 y. 2 m. 53. Gardner, Isaac G., s. of Seneca & Sarah Jane, d. 1864, Jan. 13, at Yorktown, Va., a. 22-2-18. 54. Gardner, Jacob C , s. of Joshua & Jane, d. 1874, Oct. 22, a. 54-11-27. 55. Gardner, Jane, d. "14 of 1 mo. 1855", a. 67 y. 27 d. 56. Gardner, Jennie L., dau. of John D. & Emma L., d. 1885, Dec. 21, a. 1-3-5. 57. Gardner, John B., s. of Herman & Eliza, b. 1824, Apr. 25, d. 1890, Mar. 5. 58. Gardner, Julia, dau. of Seneca & Sarah Jane, 1830-1907. 59. Gardner, Leah Lynch, w of Nathaniel, d. "12 mo. 20 d. 1863", a. 31-7-13. 60. Gardner, Lewis, d. "6th m. 15th d., 1864", a. 73 y. 6 d.; Sarah Tifet, his wife, d. "7th m. 11th d., 1864", a. 63 y. 7 m. 61. Gardner, Libbie, dau. of John D. & Emma L., d. 1894, Sep. 17, a. 3 y. 17 d. 62. Gardner, Lydia R., dau. of Herman & Eliza, d. 1874, June 5, a. 54-9-25. 63. Gardner, Maryetta, dau. of Elnathan & Hannah, d. 1863, Sep. 9, a. 1-1-14. 64. Gardner, Mary Miller, w. of Daniel P., b. 1833, Aug. ( â&#x20AC;&#x201D; ) , d. 1911, Sep. 28. 65. Gardner, Matilda, dau. of Lewis & Sarah, d. "9 mo. Id. 1842", a. 1-3-3. 66. Gardner, Nathaniel, s. of Lewis & Sarah, d. "9th mo. 12 d., 1884", a. 53 y. 26 d. 67. Gardner, Nellie, dau, of Dilwin & Frank, b. 1884, July 20, d. 1889, Nov. 21. 68. Gardner, Resolved, d. "11 m. 14th, 1842", a. 81-1-21. 69. Gardner, Resolved, d. 1860, Oct. 4, a. 58-7-6. 70. Gardner, Rhoda C , dau. of Lewis & Sarah, d. "26 of 8 mo. 1854", a. 33-1-1. 71. Gardner, Ruth S., dau. of Lewis & Sarah, d. 1884, Oct. 26, a. 61 y. 72. Gardner, Sarah, dau. of Nathaniel & Leah, d. 1859, Feb. 18, a. 3-7-19. 73. Gardner, Sarah Jane, w. of Seneca, d. 1859, Nov. 3, a. 47-3-23. 74. Gardner, Seneca, d. 1869, June 3, a. 72-10-21. 75. Gardner, Seneca L., s. of Lewis & Sarah, d. "3d m., 10th d., 1865", a. 37-9-16. 76. Gardner, Susan, second daughter of Herman & Eliza, b. 1817, Mar. 2, d. 1847, Aug. 17, a. 30-5-15. 77. Halstead, David, d. "27 of 6 mo., 1835", a. 52-6-5; Letitia, his wife, d. "26 of 8 mo., 1852", a. 67-10-17. 78. Halstead, Harvey, d. 1861, Apr. 20, in 58th y. 79. Halstead, Sarah A. Ketcham, w. of Thomas H., d. 1885, Sep. 3, a. 76-3-14. 80. Halstead, Thomas H., d. 1876, Aug. 11, a. 69-2-23. 81. Haviland, Elizabeth, d. "6 of 2 mo. 1868", a. 81 y. 2 m. 82. Haviland, John, b. 1787, d. "7 of 10 mo. 1874". 83. Haviland, Phebe S., d. 1841, a. 48 y. 84. Haviland, Tamar, d. 1836, a. 90 y. 85. Haviland, Thomas, d. 1827, a. 84 y. 86. Hawley, Augustus, d. 1852, Mar. 4, a. 73 y.; Sally, his wife, d. 1838, in 45th y. 87. Hawley, Eliza Jennet, d. 1843, a. 25 y. 88. Hawley, George, d. 1837, a. 4 y. 5 m. 89. Hawley, William Henry, s. of Wilson & Catherine, d. 1845, July 9, a. 5-1-2. 90. Hunt, Grace, d. 1884, Dec. 27, a. 38 y. 91. Ketcham, Eli, d. 1858, Mar 21, a. 85-7-14. Sarah, his wife, d. 1843, Mar 8, a. 69-10-8. 92. Ketcham, Eli T., s. of Eli & Sarah, d. 1827, Nov. 18, a. 17-10-19. 93. Ketcham, Mercy, d. 1841, Feb. 14, a. 79 y. 6 m. 94. Ketcham, Stephen, d. 1841, Feb. 14, a. 79-6-1. 95. Leprohon, Sarah A. Cooper, w. of George, d. 1871, Nov. 19, a. 26-5-14. 96. Morey, Jesse. (Stone sunken). 97. R , "H. R."; "J. R." 98. Sherman, Amy H., w. of Henry, d. 1828, Nov 8, a. 26 v. 10 m. 99. Sisson, Allie, dau. of Benjamin H. & Phebe B.', d. 1867 1 Dec. 15, a. 6-10-2S. 100. Sisson, Carrie C , dau. of Benjamin H. & Phebe B., d. 1864, Apr. 8 a. 1 y. 25 d. 101. S . ( S w e e t ? ) , "A. S. " ; "E. S."; " E . S., J r . " ; "J. B. S."; "L. D. S."; "M. S."; iVl, b i
Town 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121.
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Sweet, Anna C , dau. of Martin & Sally Ann, d. 1847, Feb. 16, a. 19-2-6. Sweet, Caturah, b. 1799, Nov. (—), d. 1878, Oct. ( — ) . Sweet, Edwin. (No dates). Sweet, Egbert. (No dates). Sweet, Egbert C , s. of Martin & Sally Ann, b. 1833, Feb. 17, d. 1875, Jan. 16. Sweet, Elizabeth, b. 1822, Aug (—), d. 1842, Feb. (—). Sweet, Ella Francis, dau. of John W. & Catharine A., d. 1861, Aug. 16, a. 2-1-29. Sweet, Elnathan, b. 1796, Mar. (—), d: 1841, Aug. (—). Sweet, Jacob. (Nothing more on stone). Sweet, James H., d. 1854, Sep. 14, a. 19-8-7. Sweet, Jerusha H., d. "7 of 6 mo., 1853", a. 76 y. 10 m. Sweet, Martin, b. 1793, Mar. 14, d. 1855, July 22. Sweet, Polly, w. of Jacob, d. 1879, June 2, a. 79-2-11. Sweet, Rufus. (No dates). Sweet, Sally A. Bentley, w. of Martin, b. 1802, Oct. 7, d. 1874, May 7. Tripp, James Vincent, s. of Stephen R. & Maria, d. 1853, May 1, a. 19-4-11. Underhill, Jesse, d. 1860, Feb. 23, a. 83 y. Underhill, Phebe, d. 1861, Feb. 12, in 56th y. Underhill, Prudence, w. of Jesse, d. 1859, May 7, a. 81 y. Underhill, Prudence, d. 1869, Oct. 8, a. 57-9-15. Miscellany
A small stone, standing apart by itself, evidently that of a child. 122. "Edith, born Feb. 29, 1896, aged 22 days."
UNION CHURCH, GREEN HAVEN CLASSIFICATION: Churchyard. LOCATION: At Green Haven. CONDITION: In 1912 dirty and rough, partly bare and dug over, partly full of coarse weeds and refuse and suffering from a poultry yard adjoining. INSCRIPTIONS: 103 in number. Copied May 21, 1912, by J. W. Poucher, M. D., and Miss Helen W. Reynolds. REMARKS: Immediately before and after 1800 there was a "Union Church" at Green Haven, ministered to for some time by the pastor of the Baptist Church at Middlebush, town of Wappinger. The church building was large for that day, had a gallery at one end, and a high pulpit with a sounding board. In later years the building was used for entertainments, but has since disappeared. This burial ground probably marks its site. After 1912, when this ground was in such very bad condition, Mr. Gilbert F. Foote of Green Haven and Poughkeepsie restored it to order, but it has since then become wild with perennials. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.
Ashby, Anthony, d. 1823, Apr. 1, in 72d y. Ashby, Millisent, dau. of Ananias & Esther, d. 1825, May 22, a. 1-8-15. Bedel, William, s. of Ephraim, d. 1804, Nov. 29, in 38th y. Brill, Cornelia, dau. of Philip (E.) & Ruth, d. 1832, Oct. 1, a. 4 m. 15 d. Brinckerhoff, Helen, dau. of Isaac A. & Sarah, d. 1837, June 8, a. 17-5-15. Brush, John, s. of Adolph M. & Phebe, d. 1841, Dec. 19, a. 25 y. 10 d. Buck, Andrew, d. 1828, Oct. 15, a. 33-3-3. Carman, Catharine Boyce, w. of John I., d. 1871, Sep. 25, a. 94-2-25. Carman, John I., d. 1839, Apr. 9, a. 63 y. Clarkson, Joshua, d. 1844, Apr. 25, a. 35-3-29. Cunningham, Rachel, d. 1832, Dec. 19, a. 34-9-12. Cunningham, Sarah Taylor, w. of Shubel, d. 1825, Mar. 23, a. 66-8-23. Cunningham, Shubel, d. 1830, Aug. 7. a. 82. De(nnison), Daniel, d. 1831, May 2, a. 18-2-15. Dingee, Almira, d. 1861, Jan. 9, a. 60 y. 25 d. Dingee, Hannah, w. of Mabee, d. 1856, Dec. 3, a. 82 y. 27 d Dingee, Mary Ann, w. of Timothy K., d. 1844, Jan. 17, a. 19-10-7. 13
Old 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86.
Dingee, Mabee, d. 1850, Mar. 9, a. 82-6-17. Dingee, Timothy K., d. 1862, Sep. 23, a. 54 y. 6 d. Doughty, Elias, d. 1828, Sep 28, a. 78 y. Doughty, Elizabeth, d. 1826, Feb. 16, a. 65-4-3. Eller, Stephen R., d. 1837, June 29, a. 24-6-24. Ferris, Samuel, s. of John & Sarah, d. 1844, Oct. 30, a. 26-1-2. Flagler, Irena, d. 1847, Jan. 10, in 25th y. Griffin, Eli W., d. 1846, Oct. 1, a. 50-7-11. Griffin, Murray G., d 1866, Apr. 17, a. 64-5-22. Griffin, Phebe Seaman, w. of Eli W., d. 1861, June 9, a. 65-4-21. Homan, Alexander, d. 1858, Oct. 5, a. 60-1-3. Homan, Charles A., d. 1841, Jan 9, a. 24 y. Homan, Charles William, s. of Moses & Mary, d. 1836, Jan. 28, a. 4-5-19. Homan, Esther, dau. of Joel & Sarah, d. 1816, July 18, a. 22. Homan, Isaac V., s. of Alexander & Jane, d. 1834, Aug. 22, a. 1-11-22. Homan, Mordecai, d. 1820, Aug. 17, in 34th y. Homan, Moses, d. 1835, Feb. 3, a. 41-2-5. Homan, Phebe, w. of Zebulon, d. 1829, Feb. 15, in 76th y. Homan, Sarah Ann, d. 1847, Nov. 14, a. 49-7-3. Homan, William, d. 1864, May 6, a. 73-5-24. Homan, Zebulon, d. 1827, May 9, in 90th y. Homan, Zebulon M., d. 1837, May 9, a. 22-4-10. Hurd, Hetty, d. 1844, Jan. 29, a. 64-2-14. Jacocks, Mary, w. of Gershom, d. 1840, Aug. 15, in 67th y. Johnson, John, s. of Hezekiah & Sarah, d. 1830., July 23, a. 1-5-9. Ketcham, Joseph, d. 1841, Feb. 21, a. 77 y. 4 m. Ketcham, Rachel, d. 1 8 4 ( - ) , Aug. 20, a. 73-9-21. Lee, Caroline W., dau. of Henry & Armely, d. 1818, Aug. 15, a. 15 y. 1 m. Martin, Ann, w. of (Robert B.), d. 1837, Apr. (1)2, a. 20-11-14. Martin, Benjamin, s, of Thomas & Lydia, d. 1844, Dec. 19, a. 18 y. 2 m. Martin, Charity, w. of Thomas, d. 1823, Dec. 24, in 68th y. Martin, Deborah, d. 1818, Jan. 21, a. 14 y. 11 d. Martin, Gershom, s. of Gershom & Hannah, d. 1833, Jan. 12, a. 3 y. Martin, Gershom (P.), d. 1844, June 23, a. 62-2-1. Martin, Hannah, w. of Gershom (T.), d. 1846, Mar. 18, a. 52 y. Martin, Henry, d. 1 8 2 ( - ) , July 8, a. 40-2-1. Martin, Higgans, d. 1819, Jan. 21, a. 30-5-4. Martin, Jackson, d. 1849, Apr. 6, a. 30-10-13. Martin, Jeremiah, d. 1838, Jan. 3, a. 39-9-18. Martin, Jesse, s. of Thomas & Lydia, d. 1841, Aug. 2, in 21st y. Martin, Lydia, w. of Thomas, Jr., d. 1858, Dec. 26, a. 75 y. 4 m. Martin, Mary Roe, w. of Stephen, d. 1831, July 8, a 78-1-21. Martin, Samuel, d. 1817, May 4, a. 23 y. 11 d. Martin, Stephen, d. 1823, Aug. 24, a. 52-2-17. Martin, Thomas, Jr., d. 1833, Jan. 12, in 57th y Martin, Thomas, d. 1839, Mar. 13, a. 33 y. 12 d. Martin, Thomas, d. 1842, Mar. 23, a. 89-4-3. McLees, Andrew, d. 1830, June 17, a. 26-4-22. McLees, Elmina, w. of Andrew, d. 1869, Feb. 5, a. 61 y. McLees, James, d. 1836, Apr. 5, a. 13 y. 7 m. Miles, Rachel, dau. of Isaac & Margaret, d. 1829, July 3, a 11 y. 2 m. Montross, Ann W., d. 1840, Aug. 7, a. 45-11-3. Montross, Hannah, w. of John, d. 1828* Jan. 14, a. 72 y. 10 m. Montross, John, d. 1828, Dec. 8, in 84th y. Owen, Joseph, s. of Thomas, d. 1813, Jan. 15, a. 20 y. Owen, Thomas, d. 1814, May 20, a. 46 y. Peck, Abigail, w. of Caleb B., d. 1844, July 31, in 84th y. Peters, Charles C , s. of Cornelius & Charlotte, d. 1834, Apr. 3, a. 4-6-6. Peters, Eliza, d. 1860, Nov. 27, a. 51 y. Peters, Samuel, d. 1819, Mar. 13, a. 67 y. 6 m. Peters, Samuel, d. 1836, Apr. 7, a. 39-7-12. Peters, Sarah, d. 1862, Sep. 26, a. 62-6-6. Purdy, Elizabeth, w. of David, Jr., d. 1828, Apr. 8, in 47th y. Purdy, Julia Ann, w. of Abraham, d. 1829, Apr. 12. Redevats, Ann, w. of John J., d. 1878, Mar. 11, a. 70 y Redevats, John J., d. 1864, June 4, a. 65 y. Riggs, Caroline, w. of Horace, d. 1835, O c t 28, a. 22-1-1. Riggs, Milissa, dau. of Josiah A. & Hetty, d. 1842, Nov. 27, a. 20 y. Seaman, Emma, w. of Robert, Jr., d. 1829, May 21, a. 27 y. 14
Town 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103.
Seamans, Job, d. 1817, Dec. 3, a. 45-3-21. Seaman, Nancy, w. of Robert, d. 1846, Dec. 8, a. 76-10-28. Seaman, Phebe, d. 1831, Jan. 22, a. 72 y. Seaman, Robert, d. 1845, Apr. 14, a. 78-3-19. Short, Warren D., d. 1821, Nov. 3, a. 25-5-28. Slocum, Jane, w. of John, d. 1835, July 19, a. 44-6-19. Smith, Betsey, w. of Isaac, d. 1839, May 27, a. 29 y. 5 d. Smith, John, d. 1842, July 20, a. 50 y. Smith, Margaret, d. 1871, Apr. 7, a. 82 y. Smith, Maria, d. 1852, Mar. 20, in 58th y. Smith, Sally, d. 1844, Jan. 25, a 76 y. Taylor, Elizabeth, dau. of Jacob & Phebe, d. 18(11), July 2 ( 8 ) , a. 1-4-19. Thomas, John H., a native of Maryland, d. 1825, Dec. 24, a. 27 y. Vincent, Catharine, w. of Philip, d. 1823, July 13, a. 74 y. 6 m. Vincent, Philip, d. 1811, May 11, a. 66 y. Wood, Elizabeth, w. of Timothy, d. 1836, Aug 26, a. 41-4-22. Wood, Timothy, d. 1823, July 2, a. 67 y.
BAPTIST CHURCH, BEEKMANVILLE CLASSIFICATION: Churchyard. LOCATION: Baptist Church, Beekmanville. CONDITION: Almost impenetrably overgrown. INSCRIPTIONS: 39 in n u m b e r . Copied N o v e m b e r 3 , 1914, by J. W . P o u c h e r , M. D., Mrs. P o u c h e r a n d Miss H e l e n V a n Kleeck. REMARKS: T h e B a p t i s t C h u r c h a t B e e k m a n v i l l e w a s built in 1839. In r e c e n t y e a r s t h e p u l p i t has occasionally b e e n supplied from P a w l i n g .
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34.
Crandall, Elizabeth, w. of Reid, d. 1854, Aug. 27, a. 68 y. Crandall, Reid, d 1868, Mar. 31, a. 86-5-22. Crook, Mary Jane, dau. of Van Ransler & Deborah Ann, d. 1852, Feb. 24, a. 6-9-17. Crook, Sarah, d. 1861, Dec. 1, in 69th y. Crook, Van Ransler, d. 1846, July 29, a. 24-5-21. Cypher, Ann Johnson, w. of John, d. 1863, Apr. 10, a. 58 y. Delong, Adriana, w. of David J., b. 1816, May 5, d. 1856, Nov. 2. De Long, Aurelia, dau. of David J. & Adriana, d. 1841, Sept. 13, a. 5 y. De Long, Egbert, d 1839, Aug. 18, a. 37-7-18. De Long, Hellin Mariah, dau. of Egbert & Sarah, d. 1829, Feb. 1, a. 1 y. (2) d. De Long, James, d. 1843, July 27, a. 69-8-18. De Long, John L., d. 1844, July 20, a. 38-3-20. De Long, Sarah, w. of Egbert, d. 1836, Apr. 18, a. 29 y. 3 m. De Longj Sarah Lozee, w. of James, d. 1832, Jan. 11, a. 51-7-21. Denton, Sarah Maria, dau. of Amos & Mary, d. 1851, Feb. 22, a. 2-4-26. Gilbert: Alba, d. 1820, June 14, a. 27 y. Dr. Wheeler, d 1847, June 10, a. 56 y. Marthe, w. of Dr. Wheeler, d. 1853, Dec. 28, a. 54 y. (Monument) Holmes, (Highly) Caroline, dau. of Isaac & Rachel, d. 1832, Jan. 27, a. 6 y. 6 m. Holmes, Isaac, d. 1847, Feb. 3. Holmes, Rachel, w. of Isaac, d. 1874, Dec. 10, a. 89 y. 11 m. Insley, Louisa Thayer, w. of Henry, d. 1842, Oct. 4, a. 32-7-10. Johnson, Jeremiah, d. 1835, Jan. 19, a. 69-9-11. Johnson, Jeremiah, s. of Peter & Mary, d. 1852, Sep. 19, a. 26 y. Johnson, Peter, d. 1834, Oct. 20, a. 33-11-20. Johnson, Phebe, w. of Jeremiah, d. 1849, Apr. 19, a. 83-7-29. Morey, Emott R., s. of Riley & Chloe, d. 1856, Aug. 5, a. 1-9-7. Morris, Egbert, s. of John E. & Louisa A., d. 1867, Apr 27, a. 11 m. 6 d. Osborn. Mary, w. of Dea. Abner, d. 1844, Jan. 16, a. 66-9-11. Robinson, Franklin B., s. of Moses & Hepsibeth J., d. 1857, Aug. 26, a. (below ground). Robinson, Hepsibeth, w. of Moses, d. 1861, Apr. 11, a. 38 y. 8 m. Robinson, Mariah, w. of Charles, & dau. of Read & Elizabeth Crandall, d. 1848, Mar. 5, a. 28-3-16. Robinson, Moses, d. 1857, May 26, a. 35-6-1. Rogers, Hezekiah, Jr., d. 1813, Aug. 20, a. 41 y. Seaman, Harvey, d. 1851, Aug. 28, a. 48 y. Seaman, Jerusha, w. of Abraham, d. 1850, Sep. 29, a. 45-9-7. 15
Old 35. 36. 37. 38. 39.
Seaman, Maria A., dau. of Abraham & Jerusha, d. 1855, Sep. 3, a. 25-6-20. Sterling, Ruth Ann., w. of Theodore R., d. 1845, Apr. 27, a. 34-11-29. Thayer, Gregory W., d. 1843, Oct. 12, a. 31-11-6. Tibbits, Maria C , d. 1853, Apr. 10, in 58th y. Wright, Sylvia, w. of Cornwell, d. 1853, May 18, a. 35 y. 11 d.
Community ground. At Poughquag. Fair. 2 4 9 in n u m b e r . Copied A u g u s t 2 0 , 1914, by J . W . P o u c h e r , M. D., a n d M r s . P o u c h e r . The Beekman Cemetery. W i t h i n its b o u n d a r i e s w a s built in 1839 a M e t h o d i s t C h u r c h .
1. A b b o t t , Eli, d. 1 8 7 3 , S e p . 8, a. 8 0 - 8 - 1 3 .
2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Abel, Helen, w. of William W., d. 1843, Apr. 19, a 31-6-1. Abel, Mary E., dau. of William W. & Helen, d. 1854, Nov. 8, a. 14-3-13. Adriance, Sarah Ann, w. of James, d. 1872, Mar. 14, a. 22-8-15. Adriance t infant daughter of James & Sarah A., a. 10 d. Adriance, children of Frank & Carrie: George L., 1895-1896; Mina, 1897-1897. 7. Armstrong, Esther, dau. of Henry & Emily, d. 1861, Aug. 5, a. 13 y. 18 d. 8. Armstrong, Helen M., dau. of Henry & Emily, d. 1861, Dec. 3, a. 20-3-5. 9. Armstrong, Henry H., d. 1872, Jan. 27, a. 50-3-16. 10. Armstrong, James H., s. of Henry & Emily, d. 1866, June 4, a. 24-1-4. 11. Ashby, Abigail, dau. of Ebenezer & Tamer, d. 1829, Apr. 10, a. 18 y. 12. Ashby, Absalom, s of Ebenezer & Tamer, d. 1832, Oct. 20, a. 28-10-6. 13. Ashby, Ebenezer, d. 1839, July 2, a. 62-7-2; Tamer, his wife, d. 1847, Apr. 27, a. 72-3-5. 14. Ashby, Hester, d. 1830, Feb. 10, a. 23-3-28. . 15. Ashby, Sally M., b. 1802, May 17, d. I860, Jan. 5. 16. Benjamin, Carrie, dau. of Job & Fannie, d. 1880, Nov. 29, a. 16-6-20. 17. Benjamin, Job S., b. 1828, Mar. 7, d. 1885, Oct. 27; Phebe Jane, his wife, d. 1859, Mar 29, a. 29-4-24. Caroline, his wife, d. 1862, Feb. 1, a. 38-2-20; Fannie Seaman, his wife, b. 1832, Oct. 16, d. 1877, July 18. 18. Bennett, Nathan, d. 1857, Jan. 2, a. 92 y. 1 m.; Mary M., his wife, d. 1878, June 1, a 93-1-19. 19. Bennett, Seneca, d. 1880, Feb. 6, a. 72-8-12; Rhoda, his wife, b. 1812, Aug. 20, d. 1890, Oct. 2. 20. Birdsall, Mary, wid. of David, d. 1848, Mar. 12, a. 76-2-9. 21. Blois, David, d. 1833, July 14, a. 29 y. 8 m. 22. Brill, Cora B. Chapman, w. of Richard R., b. 1872, June 22, d. 1898, Nov. 14. 23. Brill, Cornell, d. 1863, Oct. 8, a. 73 y. 5 m. 24. Brill, Daniel, d. 1834, Sep. 9, a. 48-8-16; Meribeth, his wife, d. 1847, Dec. 27, a. 54-8-26. 25. Brill, Eleanor Emigh, w.-of Cornell, b. 1795, Sep. 24, d. 1882, June 16. 26. Brill, Elizabeth, w. of Henry I., d. 1862, Sep. 8, in 82d y 27. Brill, George M., d. 1845, Jan. 18, a. 28-9-12. 28. Brill, Hannah, dau. of Philip F. & Ruth, b. 1830, May 4, d. 1887, Apr. 18. 29. Brill, Henry Cornell, b. 1829, Mar. 15, d. 1900, Sep. 22; Eveline R. Abel, his wife, d. 1879, Sep. 20, a. 37-1-2. 30. Brill, Jacob, d. 1861, Nov. 24, a. 40-7-18. 31. Brill, Jemima, dau. of Cornell & Polly M., d. 1845, May 1, a. 28 y. 2 m. 32 Brill, John, d. 1832, Sep. 6, a. 76-1-7; Hannah, his wife, d. 1829, May 3, a. 72-7-4. 33. Brill, John, b. 1818, Sep. 16, d. 1899, July 9; Elizabeth Williams, his wife, b. 1823, May 21, d. 1907, July 12. 34. Brill, John Otis, b. 1862, Aug. 28, d. 1902, Dec. 2 35. Brill, Mary E., b. 1855, Apr. 15, d. 1871, Oct 16.' 36. Brill, Philip F., d. 1875, May 22, a. 81-5-4; Ruth, his wife, d. 1842, Sep, 12, a. 43 y. 37. Brill, Ricketson, b. 1826, May 28, d. 1891, Apr. 15. 16
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38. Brill, Rowland, d. 1888, Oct. 6, a. 67 y. Ann R., his wife, d. 1868, Jan. 2, a. 41 y. 39. Brill, Sarah, 1778-1870. 40. Brill, Solomon, b. 1781, d. 1798, July 1. 41. Brill, Thomas, b. 1782, Aug. 4, d. 1787, May 10. 42. Brill, Thomas, b. 1823, Aug. 1, d. 1900, July 2; Mary J. Hind, his wife, b. 1833, Jan. 17, d. 1894, June 13. 43. Brill, Thomas F., s. of Henry I. & Elizabeth, d. 1807, Nov. 20, a. 2 y. 5 m. 44. Brill, William, b. 1784, May 1, d. 1843, Jan. 8. 45. Brill, William Vincent, b. 1859, Nov. 18, d. 1909, Mar. 4. 46. Brill, Wilson J., s. of Rowland & Ann, b. 1855, July 20, d 1869, Nov. 14. 47. Britton, Hiram, d. 1890, Nov. 6, a. 80 y. 6 m.; Mary E., his wife, d. 1855, J&n. 28, a. 38 y. 9 m. 48. Browning, Matthew, 1830-1902. Mary Pray, his wife, 1847-1871. 49. Bryan, Amos I., d. 1845, Jan. 31, a. 62 y. 3 m.; Harriett, his wife, d. 1867, Apr. 21, a. 76-11-18. 50. Bryan, Nathaniel, s. of Richard & Muriel, of Washington, Conn., d. 1830, Jan. 4, a. 38 y. 51. Bryant, Alexander, b. 1814, July 23, d. 1891, Feb. 14; Mary Van Benschoten, his wife, b. 1824, Oct. 6, d. 1892, Mar. 5. 52. Buch, Martin, 1788-1825; Mary Brill, his wife, 1784-1864. 53. Burtch, Anna, w. of Joshua, d. 1829, July 13, a. 81 y. 54. Burtch, Isaac, d. 1845, July 6, in 73d y. 55. Burtch, Joshua, d. 1819, June 7, a. 77 v. 56. Carl, Caleb A. L., s. of William C. & Margaret, d. 1862, Dec. 9, a. 30 y. 57. Champlain, Elisha, d. 1843, Nov. 9, a. 90 y. 58. Champlain, Polly, w. of Elisha, d. 1845, Feb. 3, a. 81-1-6. 59. Champlin, Hannah, w. of Gibbons, d. 1842, Aug. 6, a. 37-1-11. 60. Champlin, Hannah Elizabeth, dau. of Gibbons & Hannah, d. 1843, June 16, a. 1 y. 4 d. 61. Champlin, Phebe, dau. of Gibbons & Hannah, d. 1850, Dec. 10, a. 14-7-8. 62. Chapin, Almira Bryant, w. of E. S., d. 1871, July 19, a. 53 y. 63. Chapin, Elisha S., b. 1818, Mar. 24, d. 1872, June 8. 64. Cornell,, George, d. 1864, Sep. 4, a. 76-8-5. 65. Cornwell, Anna, w. of Thomas, d. 1866, Aug. 29, a. 82-9-19. 66. Cornwell, James, d. 1829, Jan 12, a. 77 v. 11 m.; Rachel, his wife, d. 1830, Feb. 18, a. 83 y. 67. Cornwell, Joseph, s. of Richard & Patience, d. 1822, Apr. 12, a. 23-3-18. 68. Cornwell, Richard, s. of Thomas & Anna, d. 1835, Mar. 28, a. 7-3-16. 69. Cornwell, Richard, d. 1852, Mar. 14, in 75th y.; Patience, his.wife, d. 1848, Apr. 8, a. 69-11-8. 70. Cornwell, Thomas, d. 1858, Mar. 24, a. 76-8-23. 71. Cramp, Margaret, w. of Jacob P., d. 1890, July 20, a. 52 y. 72. Crandall.Azariah, d. 1808, Feb. 11, in 69th y. 73. Crandall, Sarah, d. 1823, Aug 20. 74. Crandle, Olive, d. 1843, Oct. 17, a. 64-2-12. 75. (Cypher) :— an overturned stone, with foot-stone marked "A. G. C " , probably the grave of Andrew G. Cypher. 76. Cypher, Charlotte B., w. of Andrew G., d. 1894, Sep. 24, a. 59-6-12. 77. Cypher, David, b. 1802, Feb. 22, d. 1867, June 23. 78. Cypher, George W., s. of (Thos.) & Emily, d. 1862, Jan. 14, a. 19-11-20. 79. Cypher, John. (Broken stone). 80. Cypher, Phebe, w. of John, d. 1825, Dec. 28, a. 30-2-18. 81. Cypher, Tamar D. Brill, w. of Thomas, 1812-1888. 82. Cypher, Thomas, b. 1800, Jan. 12, d. 1870, Apr. 3 ; Emily, his wife, d. 1862, Jan. 27, a. 47-11-21. 83. Dakin, Daniel J., d. 1879, Aug. 24, in 60th y. 84. Dakin, George F., s. of Daniel J. & Mary, d. 1878, Feb. 6, in 26th y. 85. Dakin, children of Daniel J. & Mary:— Francis S., d. 1851, Feb. 18, a. 10 m. 21 d.; Frank Elbridge, d. 1857, July 20, a 2-11-20. 86. Dennis, Almira, w. of Egbert, d. 1854, Apr. 15, a. 19-3-6. 87. Doughty, Edith, w. of William H., d. 1904, Sep. 30, a. 42 y. 7 m. 88. Doughty, Edward, d. 1890, Oct. 11, a. 48-3-29. 89.' Doughty, Elizabeth, w. of George T., d. 1843, May 17, a. 22-1-23. 90. Doughty, Esther, w. of George T., d. 1856, Mar. 9, in 33d y. 91. Doughty, George T., d. 1887, June 7, a. 70-8-1. 17
Old 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105.
106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145.
Doughty, Lucy, w. of William H., d. 1885, July 17, a. 37-2-23. Doughty, Mary, w. of Edward, d. 1867, Nov. 3, a. 24-8-13. Doughty, Sarah E Sweet, w. of Joseph, d. 1868, Sep. 25, a. 27-9-9. Doughty, William H., b. 1840, Mar. 1, d. 1906, May 18. Emigh, Henry P., d. 1868, Oct. 27, a. 67-3-18; Ophelia Sheldon, his wife, d. 1886, Jan. 25, a. 79-9-2. Flagler, Benjamin F., b. 1802, May 19, d. 1874, Nov. 20; Arba Arnold, his wife, b. 1801, June 8, d. 1885, Mar. 30. Flagler, David A., d. 1861, Nov. 20, a. 66 y. 4 m.; Phebe, his wife, d. 1861, Feb. 22, a. 55-6-4. Flagler, George, d. 1868, Apr. 12, a. 62-4-9. Flagler, Gilbert D., b. 1803, Dec. 3, d. 1873, Feb. 17; Siche Doughty, his wife, b. 1809, July 9, d. 1894, Apr. 8. Flagler, children of Gilbert & Siche: â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Sarah, b. 1833, Nov. 12, d. 1834, Sep. 6; Henry G., b. 1845, July 14, d. 1867, Nov. 18. Flagler, Isaac D., d. 1863, June 27, a. 71-11-20. Flagler, Nancy, w. of Philip S., d. 1853, Dec. 10, a. 43 y. 6 m. Flagler, Philip, d. 1891, June 5, a. 63 y. Flagler, Philip Solomon, b. 1701, Aug. 15, d. 1766, Apr. 14, a. 65 y. 5 m.; Margret, his wife, d. 1764, July 6, a. 72 y. (These two stones were originally in a family ground on the Flagler farm at Green Haven. Q. V.) .Flagler, Philip S., d 1 8 ( - ) 3 , Dec. 10, a. 43 y. 6 m. Flewelling, Ellen, w. of Joseph, d. 1833, Oct. 12, in 21st y. Flewelling, Phebe Reynolds, w. of Joseph, d. 1868, Sep. 26, a. 57-10-1. Foote, George B., b. 1824, Feb. 26, d. 1871, Dec. 1 1 ; Mary Flagler, his wife, b. 1831, Aug. 21, d. 1907, Aug. 13. Gibney, William, d. 1880, Feb. 23, a. 56-5-28. Green, Betsey, d. 1841, Sep. 19, a. 43 y. 19 d. Green, Egbert I., s. of George & Catharine, d. 1824, May 31, a. 17-11-2. Green, George, d. 1839, Apr. 29, a. 76-1-28; Catharine, his widow, d. 1841, Sep. 5, a. 68 y. 1 m. Green, Hawly, s. of George & Catharine, d. 1819, July 18, a. 8 y. 9 m. Gregory, Anna M. Buch, w. of James L., 1820-1885. Hamlin, Margaret, d. 1842, Apr. 26, a. 72 y. Hamlin, Salmon, d. 1821, May 23, in 58th y. Hodge, Mary A., w. of D. H., d. 1871, May 7, a. 47-1-19. Holister, Olive A., d. 1873, Jan. 2, a. 76 y. 9 m. Holloway, Joseph, d. 1832, Oct. 25, a. 63 y. 10 m.; Mary, his wife, d. 1856, Mar. 11, a. 83 'y. 24 d. Holloway, Lydia, dau. of Joseph & Mary, d. 1855, June 21, a. 52-4-2. Holloway, Olive, dau. of Joseph & Mary, d. 1844, May_ 14, a. 47 y. 2 m. Holmes, James, s. of James & Jane, d. 1846, Apr. 20,"a. 1-2-14. Holmes, Phebe, w. of William A., d. 1824, Feb. 23, a. 27 y. Holmes, William A., b. 1807, Jan. 28, d. 1886, July 8. Howard, Elizabeth, wid. of Edward W., d. 1811, Dec. 27, a. 74 y. Johnson, Anor, d. 1892, May 1, a. 93 y. Johnson, Wilson, d. 1849, Oct. 2, a. 45 y. Keeler, Nehemiah, d. 1846, Sep. 17, a. 24-1-11. Kenneson, Caroline Mclntyre, w. of Albert, d. 1887, Apr 24, a. 64-6-10. Knapp, William J., b. 1813, Apr. 10, d. 1883, May 17. Lee, Alonzo, b. 1818, Oct. 18, d. 1892, July 13; Zilla, his wife, d. 1888, Oct 24, a. 69 y. Lee, Phebe, dau. of Alonzo & Zilla, d. 1877, Sep. 25, a. 22 y. 22 d. Long, Area D., d. 1835, June 14, a. 37 y. 7 m. Losee, Mary, w. of John, d. 1852, July 4, in 52d y. Mclntyre, Asenath, d. 1853, Oct. 10, a. 57-6-19. Martin, infant son of Gilbert & Maria, d. 1860, Jan. 5. Mead, Mary A. Woodin, w. of Alexander, d. 1887, Sep 5, a. 29-10-5. Millard, John, d. 1881, Aug. 29, a. 63-5-8. Millard, Sarah A., w. of Thomas, d. 1853, Apr. 23, a. 65 y. Millard, Thomas, d. 1868, June 17, a. 84-8-21. Miller, Elnathan, b. 1817, Mar. 6, d. 1883, Dec. 3 ; Olive Cornwell, his wife, b. 1825, Nov. 25, d. 1898, May 17. Miller, Naomi L. Halsted, w. of Robert R., d. 1865, Feb. 22, a. 27-6-2. Miller, Nathan, d. 1865, Nov. 30, a. 76-6-10; Elizabeth, his wife, d. 1861, July 5, a. 69-8-17 Nelson, Sibby, d. 1841, Sep. 22, in 75th y. 18
B eekma n
146. Northrop, Helen, w. of Joseph, 1789-1885. 147. Noxon, Benjamin, d. 1818, Jan. 14, a. 72 y; Catharine, his wife, d. 1826, Feb. 9, a. 77 y. Children of Benjamin & Catharine:â&#x20AC;&#x201D;(Dates of death not on monument) Jacob, b. 1766, Dec. 2 3 ; James, b. 1782, May 17; Edgar, b. 1784, July 3 i ; Margaret, b. 1768, June 2 1 ; Gertrude, b. 1770, June 22. (Monument) 148. Noxon, Benjamin, d. 1857, Sep. 18, a. 84 y. 24 d.; Eunice, his wife, d. 1859, Oct. 16, a. 79-2-19. 149. Noxon, Catharine, dau. of Benjamin & Catharine, b. 1778, Apr. 2, d. 1872, Jan. 21. 150. Noxon, Elizabeth H., b. 1804, June 30, d. 1890, June 18. 151. Noxon, Elmore, d. 1864, June 23, a. 74 y. Noxon, Mary Wolley, d. 1864, Mar. 28, a. 63 y. 152. Noxon, Elmore R., b. 1810, Aug. 25, d. 1888, July 26. 153. Noxon, Gilbert B., d. 1866, Apr. 9, a. 80 y : 154. Noxon, Jane, b. 1800, Nov. 11, d. 1895, Jan. 20. 155. Noxon, Letitia Howard, w. of Robert B., d. 1862, Mar. 2, a. 87 y. 156. Noxon, Maria, dau. of Robert B. (Broken stone). 157. Noxon, Phebe, dau. of Benjamin & Catharine, b. 1780, Feb. 11, d. 1851, Apr. 1. 158. Noxon, Robert B., d. 1851, Aug. 3, a. 81 y. 8 d. 159. Noxon, Thomas, d. 1850, Dec. 9, a. 75 y. 14 d. 160. Noxon, Van Ness, d. 1873, Oct. 30, a. 63-5-12; Maria V. Allaire, his wife, d. 1887, June 11, a. 72 y. 161. Odell, Daniel, d. 1857, Nov. 21, a. 76-6-9. 162. Odell, Daniel W., d. 1875, Feb. 21, a. 54-9-22. 163. Odell, Esther, w. of Daniel, d. 1849, Nov. 2, a. 47-8-12. 164. Odell, Mary P., dau. of Daniel W. & Hannah, d. 1866, July 27, a. 17-6-27. 165. Owen, Louisa C , dau. of Henry & Mary A., d. 1849, Oct. 8, a. 8-5-10. 166. Peters, Cornelius, s. of Hewlett & Elizabeth, d. 1863, Sep. 25, a. 37-5-15. 167. Peters, Edward, s. of Hewlett & Elizabeth, d. 1824, June 30, a. 8-5-9. 168. Peters, George, s. of Theodore & Mary, d. 1846, Oct. 8, a. 1-8-21. 169. Peters, Hewlett, s. of Hewlett & Elizabeth, d. 1863, Mar. 29, a. 32-1-27. 170. Peters, Hewlett, d. 1875, Mar. 7, a. 83 y.; Mary, his wife, d. 1843, Jan. 19, a. 49-2-7. 171. Peters, James Delamater, b. 1864, Oct. 14, d. 1888, Aug. 8. 172. Peters, John, b. 1812, Sep. 5, d. 1871, Aug. 4. 173. Peters, Theodore, 1814-1898; Mary Brill, his wife, 1814-1890. 174. Peters, Washington, s. of Hewlett & Elizabeth, d. 1840, May 3, a. 17-2-19. 175. Phillips, Euphana, w. of J. U., d. 1874, Jan. 11, a. 39 y. 10 m. 176. Pole, Orpha, w. of James, d. 1845, Oct. 14, a. 43 y. 177. Post, Aaron, d. 1873, Feb. 12, a. 57-5-26. 178. Post, William M., s. of Aaron & Hannah, d. 1869, Mar. 10, a. 22 y. 5 d. 179. Powley, Apollo, d. 1851, Dec. 2, a. 46-4-2. 180. Pray, Albert, b. 1814, Aug. 18, d. 1895, May 7; Margaret Bethanna Wyman, his wife, b. 1823, Oct. 21, d. 1902, Aug. 24. 181. Pray, Emma, dau. of Albert & Margaret, d. 1870, Dec. 31, a. 21 y. 2 m. 182. Reynolds, Griffin, d. 1823, Dec. 24, a. 85-5-8; Keziah, his wife, d. 1807, June 4, in 60th y. 183. Reynolds, Helen A., dau. of Nathan B. & Julia, d. 1867, Apr. 21, a. 19-6-5. 184. Reynolds, James, d. 1823, Oct. 31, a. 39-1-14. 185. Reynolds, Levi, d. 1866, Mar. 26, a. 48-2-20; Rachel Cornwell, his wife, d. 1856, Nov. 26, a. 39-4-21. 186. Reynolds, Mary, w. of James, d. 1846, Oct. 7, a. 54-6-3. 187. Reynolds, Nathan B., b. 1814, Oct. 25, d. 1883, Mar. 9; Julia Gleason, his wife, b. 1824, Apr. 14, d. 1893, May 11. 188. Rogers, Catherine, d. 1835, Apr. 9, a. 62 y. 189. Rogers, Stephen V., b. 1795, Aug. 7, d. 1877, Feb. 2 1 ; Eveline, his wife, b. 1802, Feb. 13, d. 1880, Apr. 13. 190. Rogers, Theodore, s. of Stephen V. & Eveline, d. 1850, Jan. 9, a. 18-8-7. 191. Rogers, Vincent, d. 1808, Apr. 3, a. 42 y. 192. Romer, Hannah, w. of Jacob, d. 1840, July 23, a. 68-2-8. 193. Seaman, Annis, w. of Luther, d. 1869, June 16, a. 71 y. 5 m. 194. Seaman, Benjamin, d. 1860, Jan. 4, a 40-2-18. 195. Seaman, Catharine Peters, w. of Jacob, b. 1816, Sep. 12, d. 1900, Nov. 1. 196. Seaman, Claretta, w. of Jacob, d. 1849, Oct. 10, a. 33 y. 19
197. Seaman, Daniel, d. 1866, Feb. 3, a. 72 y. 1 d.; Maria, his wife, d. 1890, Apr. 21, a. 90-5-17. 198. Seaman, Rev. G. N., Pastor of this Church and on Fishkill Plains, d. 1868, Jan. 15, a.'27-4-3. 199. Seaman, Jacob, b. 1811, Jan. 4, d. 1864, Aug. 2. 200. Seaman, Robert, d. 1861, Feb. 14, a. 60-8-4; Malvina, his wife, d. 1884, Oct. 12, a. 74-5-4. 201. Seaman, Sutton, d. 1864, Mar. 26, a. 72-1-13. 202. Sherman, Abraham, d. 1866, Nov. 25, a. 74 y. 2 m.; Phebe, his wife, d. 1885, Aug. 7, a. 88 y. 3 m. 203. Sherman, Benjamin, 2d, d. 1862, Nov. 10, a. 63-10-11. 204. Sherman, George B., s. of Charles & Mary A., b. 1867, Apr. 28, d. 1876, Apr. 22. 205. Sherman, Hannah Brill, w. of Benjamin, 2d, d. 1884, Sep. 20, a. 88-2-12. 206. Sherman, Lewis H., s. of Henry & Emma, d. 1855, May 31, a. 25-10-11. 207. Sherman, Luther S., d. 1864, Oct. 12, a. 38 y. 10 m. 208. Sherman, Luther S., s. of Myron H. & Mary J., d. 1865, Sep. 23, a. 10 m. 22 d. 209. Sherman, Mary B., d. 1872, Sep. 6, a. 44 y. 22 d. 210. Sherman, Myron H., d. 1869, Dec. 3, a. 47-1-12. 211. Sill, Benjamin, d. 1848, Apr. 17, a. 66 y. 212. Sill, Levina, w. of Benjamin, d. 1868, July 20, a. 68-7-5. 213. Sill, Phebe A., dau of Benjamin & Levina, d. 1853, July 11, a. 21-3-22. 214. Simpson, Almira, w. of Alanson, d. 1857, Feb. 24, a. 56-1-24. 215. Simpson, Maria, dau. of Alanson & Almira, d. 1832, Jan. 1, a. 2-3-13. 216. Sprague, Margaret, d. 1847, Feb. 1, a. 61 y. 217. Sturgess, Louisa, w. of William B., d. 1867, Aug. 15, a 37-8-8. 218. Thomas, Daniel M., b. 1815, Apr. 5, d. 1885, Oct. 22; Annis B. Riggs, his wife, b. 1816, Mar. 29, d. 1888, Mar. 8. 219. Thompson, Clarinda, w. of Smith H., d. 1866, Sep. 20, a. 57 y. 220. Thompson, P e ( r r ) y Smith, d. 1838, June 21, a. 2-6-25. 221. Truesdell, Oliver, d. 1844, Feb. 10, a. 24-3-22. 222. Van Duzer, James Henry, s. of Roe & Mary Jane, d. 1845, Jan. 11, a. 1 y. 25 d. 223. Van Scoy, David, b 1834, Sep. 15, d. 1889, Aug. 25; Elizabeth Prout, his wife, b. 1838, Apr. 28, d. 1888, Oct. 17. 224. White, Charles Henry, s. of Leonard T. & Charlotte, d. 1856, Apr. 18, a. 11-11-16. 225. White, Charlotte H., w. of Leonard T., d. 1857, Nov. 5, a. 41-10-8. 226. White, James, d. 1890, May 7, a. 78 y. 227. White, Thomas, d. 1859, Apr. 15, a. 89 y. 6 d.; Rebecca, his wife, d. 1839, Oct. 8, a. 69-2-29. 228. Williams .Albert, d. 1842, June 12, a. 38-2-18. 229. Williams, Birdella, dau. of Edwin L. & Sophia, 1887-1893. 230. Williams, Caroline, dau. of Rev. Henry & Eliza, 1838-1853. 231. Williams, George L., s. of Edwin L. & Sophia, d 1886, May 7, a. 3-10-15. 232. Williams, Rev. Henry, d. 1869, Aug. 18, in 71st y.; Eliza, his wife, d. 1870, Sep. 6, a. 72 y. 16 d.' 233. Williams, John, d. 1876, June 28, a. 69-4-25; Mary T., his wife, d. 1883, Oct. 16, a. 77-3-23. 234. Williams, Thomas, d. 1852, Dec. 28, a. 38-6-23. 235. Wiltsie, Eveline Green, b. 1800, June 19, d. 1880, Dec. 10. 236. Wiltsie, Frances L., dau. of William A. & Eveline, d. 1842, Mar. 14, a. 18 y. 6 m. 237. Woodin, Alfred, s. of P. B. & Maria, d. 1865, Jan. 17, a. 7 m. 19 d. 238. Woodin, Daniel, d. 1842, Nov. 30, a 52 y. 20 d. 239. Woodin, George H., s. of George W. & Mary, d. 1856, June 10, a. 1-1-3. 240. Woodin, Sarah Ann, dau. of Egbert & Mary, d. 1846, May 29, a. 7 y. 8 m. 241. Woodin, Solomon, d. 1858, Dec. 19, a. 81 y.; Anna, his wife, d. 1859, Oct. 5, a. 76 y. 242. Woodin, William Henry, s. of William & Hannah, d. 1846, Nov. 14, a. 18-4-14. 243. Worden, Esther, d. 1857, Jan. 26, a. 61-2-16. MISCELLANY 244. 245. 246. 247. 248. 249.
A group of stones marking graves probably those of negroes. Denny, Frederick, 53 y., Co. C, 1st U. S. Col. Cav. Denny, Mary Ann, d. 1870, Apr. 2, a. 36 y. Jackson, Emeline, d. 1883, Jan. 8, a. 50 y. Jackson, William A., s. of Thomas & Margaret, d. 1879, Mar. 10, a. 20-11-12. King, Charles W., 31st Reg. U. S. Col. Vols., d. 1903, Apr. 4, a. 69 y. Stuart, Susan, d. 1883, Aug. 20, a. 45-10-10. 20
Town of Clinton
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Lyon ground Tripp ground Spencer ground Methodist churchyard, near Clinton Hollow Providence Cemetery, Pleasant Plains Orthodox Friends' ground, Clinton Corners Hicksite Friends' ground, Clinton Corners
Inscriptions 40 13 2 15 155 80 234 539
LYON GROUND CLASSIFICATION: LOCATION: CONDITION: INSCRIPTIONS: REMARKS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.
Family ground. On the Lyon farm, northwest of Clinton Corners. Overgrown and deserted. 40 in number. Copied May 8, 1913, by J. W. Poucher, M- D., and Miss M. O. Johnston. Known as the Lyon family ground.
Fosdick, M^ry Ann, w. of John, d. 1861, Nov. 5, a. 60 y. 10 m. Losee, Oliver, d. 1830, Dec. 23, in 56th y. Lyon, Amos, d. 1881, Apr. 19, a. 82-8-20/ Lyon, Betsey, dau of Isaac & Esther, d. 1812, Dec. 13, in 8th y. Lyon, Elizabeth, w. of Jonathan, d. 1835, Sep. 12, a. 75-10-5. Lyon, Emily, dau. of Jared & Pamela, b. 1824, Mar. 5, d. 1848, July 3. Lyon, Isaac, d. 1830, Apr. 3, in 65th y. Lyon, Jane Ann, dau of Isaac & Esther, d. 1815, July 2, in 7th y. Lyon, John W., d. 1836, Mar. 6, a. 46-1-28. Lyon, Jonathan, b. 1760, Aug. 7, d. 1841, Apr. 6, a. 80 y. 8 m. Lyon, Margaret, w. of Amos, d. 1858, Apr. 17, a. 56-1-17. Lyon, Mary, dau. of Isaac & Esther, d. (dates under ground). Lyon, Pamela, w. of Jared, d. 1869, Apr. 17, a. 77-3-7. Lyon, Sabre, w. of John W., d. ( ?), a. 75-1-15 Lyon, Sally, dau. of Jonathan & Elizabeth, d. 1811, June 21, a. 22-9-11. Lyon, Thomas, s. of Isaac & Esther, d. 1828, Apr. 21, in 23d y. Martin, Susannah, wid. of Agrippa, d. 1833, Sep. 27, a. 89-10-26. Rikert, Joel, s. of Henry & Lydia, d. 1830, June 27, a. 8-1-13. Rikert, Henry, d. 1830, July 3, in 57th y. Rikert, Susannah, w. of Henry, d. 1811, Apr. 9, a. 27-11-23. Sacket, Jerusha, w. of Theron, & dau. of Charles & Matilda Smith, d. 1826, May 14, a. 21-11-29. Smith, Artemus, s. of Charles & Matilda, d. 1831, Dec. 4, a 7-4-27. Smith, P., d. 1826, Mar. 17, a. 16 y. 9 m. Wiley, Drusilla, w. of Reuben, d 1817, Nov. 7, a. 76 y. Wiley, Hugh, d. 1793, June 11, a. 62 v. Wiley, John, d. 1846, Nov. 8, a. 47-7-18. Wiley, Lucy, d. 1814, May 9, a. 19 y. Wiley, Mary, w. of Hugh, d. 1815, Jan 14, a. 83 y. Wiley, Reuben, Jr., d. 1821, Apr. 22, a. 24 v. Wiley, Reuben, d. 1830, May 10, a. 66 y. Wiley, Weltha, dau. of Reuben & Drusilla, d. 1844, Jan. 22, a. 37 y. 5 m. Wing, Catharine, dau. of Hiram & Catharine, d. 1840, Mar. 7, a. 9 ni. 8 d Wing, Catharine Lyon, w. of Rev. Hiram, b. 1801, Aug. 11, d. 1885, May 21 Wing, Cynthia T. Smith, w. of Thomas L., d. 1864, Apr. 27, a. 34 y. Wing, Elizabeth Thorne, dau. of Thomas L. & Cynthia T., d 1864, June 24, a. 4 y. Wing, George, d. 1823, June 4, a. 57 y. Wing, Rev. Hiram, d. 1840, Feb. 18, a. 36 y. 24 d. Wing, Martin, d. 1832. Aug. 15, a 34 y. Wing, Mary, wid. of George, d. 1860, Dec. 15, a. 76-2-5. Wing, Thomas Lyon, s. of Hiram & Catharine L., b. 1830, Oct. 8, d. 1906, Jan. 12.
TRIPP GROUND CLASSIFICATION: Family ground. LOCATION: Near Clinton Corners, on the former Cheesman farm, now the property of J. Griswold Webb. CONDITION: Overgrown and deserted. INSCRIPTIONS: 13 in number. Copied in July, 1914, by J. W. Poucher, M. D., Mrs. Louis P. Hasbrouck and Miss Mary Elizabeth Cooley. REMARKS: Known as the Tripp ground. 1. Carle, Joseph, d. 1848, Sep. 7, in 76th y. 2. Owen, John, d. 1816, Mar. 9, a. (3 or 8)6 y. 3. Owen, Rebecca, dau. of John & Mary, d. 1816, Mar. 31, a. (1 or 4) y. 3 m. 22
T o w n of 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.
Cli n t o n
Smith, Margaret Tripp, w. of Robert R., d. 1872, Nov. 4, a. 52-9-9. Tripp, Margaret, w of Smiten, d. 1860, May 11, a. 76-9-11. Tripp, Margaret B.,' dau. of Jacob & Margaret B., d. 1848, Jan. 12, a. 9-6-15. Tripp, Priscilla, dau. of Jacob & Margaret B., d. 1845, Oct. 30, a. 9-2-28. Tripp, Sarah Mâ&#x20AC;&#x17E; dau of Jacob W. & Margaret B., d. 1844, Oct. 31, a. 1-8-19. Tripp, Smiten, d. 1848, Dec. 2, a. 74-8-29. Wicks, Hannah, d. 1864, Apr. 21, a. 70 y. 6 m. Wickes, Jacob, d. 1807, Sep. 25, in 53d y. Wickes, Nancy, d 1841, Dec. 7, in 81st y. Wickes, Temperance, d. 1835, Oct. 30, in 41st y.
SPENCER GROUND CLASSIFICATION: Family ground. LOCATION: On the farm of George W. Rymph, a mile and a half southeast of Pleasant Plains church. INSCRIPTIONS: 2 in number. Copied July 5, 1913, by George S. Van Vliet. REMARKS: Spencer family ground. 1. Spencer, Capt. Reuben, d. 1806, Apr. 14, a. 66-8-1. 2. Spencer, Elizabeth, wid. of Capt. Reuben, d. 1807, Jan. 30, a. 60-9-22.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
Churchyard. One mile south of Clinton Hollow, on the farm of Monroe Woodin. Uncared for. 15 in number. Copied May 8, 1913, by J. W. Poucher, M. D., and Miss M. O. Johnston, and on July 5, 1913, by George S. Van Vliet. This small burial place marks the site of a church which was built by Methodists in 1830. The building was moved away in 1850 and put to other uses and about the same time the congregation became extinct.
Armstrong, Lucinda, w. of William, d. 1837, Mar. 19, a. 31-9-19. Armstrong, Moses, s. of William & Lucinda, d. 1834, Apr. 11, a. 4-10-11. Armstrong, Phinelia, w. of William, d. 1842, May 27, a. 29 y. (14 or 17) d. Boughten, Louisa Ann, dau. of Jesse S. & Catharine, d. 1846, Sep. 21, a. 2-5-18. Briggs, D., a. 84 y. Hadden, Sarah M., w. of William H., d. 1844, Oct. 19, a. 27 y. Hoag, Isaac, d. 1868, Nov. 8, a. 77 y. 2 d. Hoag, Roxelana, w. of Isaac, d. 1849, Nov. 11, a. 56-7-11. Hoag, Sarah, d. 1845, Apr. 12, a. 83-3-17. Hoag, Willet Henry, s. of Isaac & Roxelana, d. 1840, Feb. 3, a. 7-6-2. Van Wagner, Deborah, w. of Peter, d 1849, Feb. 1, a. 73 y. Van Wagner, Peter, d. 1848, Dec. 2, a. 83 y. Ward, Abraham, d. 1840, Sep. 13, a. 75 y. 6 m. Ward, Lettesha, wid. of Abraham, d. 1870, Oct. 13, a. 77 y. 3 m. Witherwax, Maria, w. of Henry, & dau. of Isaac & Roxelana Hoag, d. 1855, May 4, in 43d y.
Old. G r a v e s t o n e s INSCRIPTIONS:
D u t chess
Co u n t y
155 in n u m b e r . Copied by G e o r g e S. V a n Vliet of P l e a s a n t P l a i n s a n d published in t h e P o u g h k e e p s i e E A G L E of F e b r u a r y 14, 1 9 1 3 . K n o w n as P r o v i d e n c e C e m e t e r y . In 1906 P r o v i d e n c e C e m e t e r y ( w h i c h w a s b a d l y o v e r g r o w n a n d n e g l e c t e d ) w a s t a k e n o v e r by a c o r p o r a t i o n a n d p u t in o r d e r . T h e t r u s t e e s p r o c e e d e d to m a k e a list of i n t e r m e n t s as best t h e y could, including t h e p a r e n t a g e of d e c e a s e d w h e n k n o w n . M a n y of t h e old field stones b o r e only n a m e s . In such cases t h e t r u s t e e s r e f e r r e d to b a p t i s m a l a n d family r e c o r d s for t h e d a t e of b i r t h or d e a t h . W h e r e the a g e was given it was s u b t r a c t e d from t h e d a t e of d e a t h a n d t h e b i r t h - d a t e e n t e r e d on t h e list. T h e following list is t h e r e f o r e not an exact copy of t h e i n s c r i p t i o n s on t h e s t o n e s , b u t it w a s compiled w i t h g r e a t c a r e from o r i g i n a l a u t h o r ities a n d is to be held as e n t i r e l y r e l i a b l e . As p u b l i s h e d in t h e P o u g h k e e p s i e E A G L E b y Mr. V a n V l i e t t h e list w a s a r r a n g e d chronologically. T h e e d i t o r of t h e p r e s e n t w o r k has r e a r r a n g e d t h e e n t r i e s a l p h a b e t i c a l l y to c o n f o r m w i t h a c c o m p a n y i n g lists.
1. Allen, Susan Marshall, w. of Sanford, & dau. of David Marshall & Catharine Wilkinson, b. 1824, June 2, d. 1849, Feb. 13. 2. Allen, William, s. of John & Mary, b. 1820, Dec. 3, d. 1846, Sep. 23. 3. Armostiong, Matilda Teilleneiss, w. of Marvin R., & dau. of Daniel Teilleneiss & Elizabeth Crouler, b. 1809, d. 1840, June 6. 4. Babcock, Edward 0., s. of Alonzo S. & Emily, b. 1857, Apr. 4, d. 1858, Oct. 1. 5. Babcock, John. 6. Babcock, Robert B., b. 1837, Apr. 4, d. 1860, May 20. 7. Bain, Frank, s. of John W. & Adelaide Crapser, b 1855, Mar. 11, d. 1865, Feb. 11 8. Bain, John W., b. 1816, d. 1856, Mar. 28. 9. Barker, Theodore, s. of John & Mary Traver, b. 1841, June 6, d. 1846, Nov. 24. 10. Barnesj Mary Ann, w. of William, & dau. of Major Samuel Webb, b, 1796, d. 1870, Feb. 22. 11. Barnes, William, b. 1814, d. 1879, Mar. 23. 12. Bennett, Deborah, w. of Spencer, & dau. of Jacob Crouse, b. 1797, d. 1858, Mar. 31. 13. Bennett, Spencer, b. 1797, May 12, d. 1847, Aug, 13. 14. Bissell, ( ? ) , d. 1858. 15. Cox, Stephen, b. 1771, d. 1849, Sep. 29. 16. Crapser, Charity, w. of John, Jr., & dau. of John Ostrom & Ann Van Vliet, b. 1760, Mar. 22, d. 1851, Dec. 28. 17. Crapser, Elnora, dau. of Stephen C. Crapser & Virginia Le Roy, b. 1867, Mar. 15, d. 1867, Sep. 27. 18. Crapser, John, Jr., s. of John & Catharine, b. 1750, May 20, d. 1824, Feb. 25. 19. Crapser, Levi, s. of John Crapser & Charity Ostrom, b. 1798, July 14, d. 1855, May 21. 20. Crapser, Virginia Le Roy, w. of Stephen C , & dau of Stephen Le Roy & Wealthy Crapser, b. 1841, Dec. 15, d. 1882, July 20. 21. Cronk, Denis, b. 1784, d. 1829, Sep. 23. 22. Crouse, Jacob, b. 1762, d. 1830, Mar. 30. 23. Crouse, John, s. of Jacob, b. 1801, d. 1830, Jan 9. 24. Crouse, Mary, dau. of Jacob, b. 1803, d. 1834, Oct. 31. 25. C , "M. C." 26. De Mott, James A., d. 1878, May â&#x20AC;&#x201D;. 27. Dick, Henry W., b. 1812, Oct. 23, d 1867, Jan. 28. 28. Dick, Maria Valk, w. of Henry, b. 1812, Sep. 21, d. 1873, Mav 18. 29. Dickenson, Aaron, s. of Purdy, b. 1811, Jan. 31, d. 1888, May 26. 30. Dickenson, Angeline, dau. of Aaron Dickenson & Mary Hewett, b 1838, Feb. 15, d. 1856, Jan. 30. 31. Dickenson, Ethelinda, dau. of Aaron Dickenson & Mary Hewett, b. 1852, June 14, d. 1854, Aug. 14. 32. Dickenson, Julia, dau. of Aaron Dickenson & Mary Hewett, b. 1849, May 4, d. 1850, Dec. 2. 33. Dickenson, Mary E., w. of Aaron, b. 1816, Feb. 16, d 1868, June 16. 34. Dunn, Abram L., b. 1822, Jan. 27, d. 1856, Oct. 21. 35. Dunn, Robert L., s. of Abram L. Dunn & Rebecca Marshall. 24
T o iv n of
36. Elliott, Helen Relyea, w of George, & dau. of Denis Relyea, Jr., & Anna Van Vliet, b. 1780, Feb. 18, d. 1852, Jan. 24. 37. Fergerson, Ellen J., dau. of Daniel S. & Mary, b. 1847, June 25, d. 1850, Feb. 22. 38. Frost, Benjamin A., s. of Benjamin Frost & Catharine Knickerbocker, b. 1826, Dec. 10, d. 1865, Jan. 31. 39. Frost, Catharine, w. of Benjamin, & dau. of Harmon Knickerbocker, b. 1778, Oct. 28, d. 1855, Apr. 9. 40. Frost, Clarissa, w. of William Thorn Frost, b. 1814, d. 1850, Mar. 26. 41. Frost, William Thorn, s. of Benjamin Frost & Catharine "Knickerbocker, b. 1808, Nov. 9, d. 1860, Dec. 9. 42. Garrison, Captain Joost, s. of Jonas Garrison & Cornelia De Groot, b. 1711, July 6, d. 1795. 43. Garrison, Magdelena Van Dyke, w. of Captain Joost, & dau. of Francis Van Dyke & Resule Montros, b. 1716, Oct. 10, d. 1770. 44. Hadden, Anna M., dau. of Samuel Hadden & Susan Hutchings, b. 1855, Sep. 11, d. 1856, Mar. 18. 45. Hauver, Hannah C , dau. of Henry Hauver & Sarah Ann Traver, b. 1849, May 1, d. 1850, Apr. 16. 46. Hauver, James M., s. of Henry Hauver & Sarah Ann Traver, b. 1841, Feb. 16, d. 1846, Sep. 2. 47. Hauver, Sherman E., s. of Henry Hauver & Sarah Ann Traver, b 1851, Sep. 3, d. 1853, June 13. 48. Hewett, Hetty Marshall, w. of James, & dau. of David Marshall & Catharine Wilkenson, b. 1814, Mar. 28, d. 1842, July 2. 49. Hewett, Jane, b. 1785, d. 1867, Dec. 14. 50. Hutchings, Abigail, w of Thomas, b. 1792, June 21, d. 1859, Jan. 4. 51. Hutchings, Thomas, b. 1769, Apr. 4, d. 1859, Feb. 13. 52. Kidney, "Mrs. Kidney d. Oct. 27, 1867." 53. Kipp, Clarissa Ann, w. of William A., & dau. of John Beam & Ann Hauver, b. 1830, July 5, d. 1857, May 2. 54. Kipp, John Jacob, s. of William A. Kipp & Clarissa Ann Beam, b. 1849, Mar. 24, d. 1853, Nov. 24. 55. Lent, Mary, dau. of Abram S. Lent & Mary Cookingham, b. 1847, July 8, d. 1849, Jan. 23. 56. Le Roy, Abram, s. of John Le Roy, Jr., & Gertrude Crapser, b. 1844, Aug. 2, d. 1847, July 3. 57. Le Roy, Barent, s. of John S. Le Roy & Elizabeth Van Kleeck, b. 1779, June 14, d. 1865, . 58. Le Roy, Catherine M., dau. of Levi Le Roy & Anna Crapser, b. 1842, Feb. 7, d. 1843, Apr. 30. 59. Le Roy, Clarissa Traver, w of Joseph, & dau. of Adam P. Traver, b. 1800, Sep. 29, d. 1882, Feb. 13. 60. Le Roy, Cornelia, dau. of John Le Roy & Hannah Westervelt, b. 1814, Feb. 14, d. 1836, Mar. 21. 61. Le Roy, George Edgar, s. of Joseph Le Roy & Clarissa Traver, b. 1829, Mar. 28, d. 1841, Mar. 1. 62. Le Roy, Gertrude, w. of John, Jr., & dau. of John Crapser, Jr., & Charity Ostrom, b. 1800, Aug. 26, d. 1852, Jan. 5. 63. Le Roy, Hannah, w. of John, & dau. of Joseph Westervelt & Maria Van Kleeck, b. 1777, Aug. 15, d. 1855, Mar. 26. 64. Le Roy, Harriett Ann, dau. of Stephen Le Roy & Wealthy Crapser, b. 1830, Oct. 1, d. 1845, Dec. 1. 65. Le Roy, John, s. of John S. Le Roy & Elizabeth Van Kleeck, b. 1775, Feb. 28, d. 1858, Feb. 24. 66. Le Roy, Joseph, s. of John Le Roy & Hannah Westervelt, b. 1801, Feb. 3, d. 1841, Apr. 27. 67. Le Roy, Simeon, s. of John S. Le Roy & Elizabeth Van Kleeck, b. 1763, d. 1840, Jan. 15. 68. Le Roy, Stephen, s. of John Le Roy & Hannah Westervelt, b. 1806, Nov. 17, d. 1864, July 20. 69. Le Roy, Thomas De Witt, s. of John Le Roy & Hannah Westervelt, b. 1820, Dec. 12, d. 1841, July 15. 70. Le Roy, Wealthy Crapser, w. of Stephen, & dau of Cornelius Crapser & Phebe Shepherd, b. 1810, Dec. 5, d. 1883, Dec. 26. 71. Lines, Horatio W., s. of Stephen, b. 1803, Nov. 5, d. 1859, Sep. 12. 72. Lines, Jane Ann, w. of Horatio W., b. 1804, d. 1844, Jan. 21. 73. Marks, Edward, s. of Seneca H., b. 1873, d. 1877, Dec. 29. 74. Marks, Emmett, s. of Seneca H., b. 1875, d. 1877, Dec. 30. 75. Marks, William, s. of Seneca H., b. 1868, d. 1877, Dec. 25. 25
Old 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126.
Co u n t y
Marshall, David, b. 1772, Feb. 4, d. 1845, Dec. 1. Mastin, John, s. of Abram Mastin & Phebe Furgerson, b. 1833, d. 1853. Mastin, Phebe Furgeson, w. of Abram, d. 1858. McCavy, John, b 1806, Apr. 2, d. 1850, June 2. McCord, Edmond S., s. of Charles H. & Mary, b. 1875, Apr. —, d. 1875, Sep. 19. McCord, Mary R., dau. of Charles H. & Mary B., b. 1867, Apr. 18, d. 1880, July 21. Miller, John, s. of Godfrey, d. 1873, Nov. 30. Miller, Margaret, w. of John, b. 1784, Aug. —, d. 1864, Feb. 25. Morse, Charles W., b. 1854, Mar. 14, d. 1855, Mar. 19. Myers, Lydia Ann, dau. of John & Harriett, b. 1832, Mar. 20, d. 1834, July 5. Myers, Thomas W., s. of John & Harriett, b. 1839, Oct. 27, d. 1853, Dec. 30. M , "S. M. d. 1801." Nelson, Anna, w. of Joshua, & dau. of John Crapser, Jr., & Charity Ostrom, b. 1781, Oct. 27, d. 1859, Dec. 7. Nelson, Jacob H., b. 1805, Aug. 11, d. 1854, Dec. 11. Nelson, Martha, w. of Jacob, & dau. of Henry Jewell & Elizabeth Van Kleeck, b. 1798, d. 1860, Sep. 15. Odell, Abigail, w. of Stephen, b. 1802, Feb. 2, d. 1841, Feb. 15. Odell, Abraham, s. of Joshua Odell & Mary Vincent, b. 1770, Sep. 15, d. 1825, Nov. 6. Odell, Mary Vincent, w. of Joshua, b. 1743, d. 1813, Dec. 14. Odell, Mary, w. of Abraham, b. 1770, Oct. 2, d. 1819, Dec. 15. Odell, Solomon, s. of William Odell & Jane Lamoree, b. 1837, Sep. 29, d. 1840, Feb. 18. Odell, William, b. 1809, d. 1821, Oct. 2. Odell, William, s. of John Odell & Esther Crawford, b. 1786, Aug. 3, d. 1840, Mar. 1. Palmer, Charles W., s. of Abram D. & Caroline, b. 1846, Oct. 16, d. 1848, Feb. 22. Rappelyea, Abeline, w. of John, b. 1786, Dec. 16, d. 1859, May 17. Rappelyea, John. Rose, Daniel V. W., s. of Abram J. Rose & Eliza Van Wagner, b. 1834, Jan. 11, d. 1851, Sep. 22. Rose, Eliza, w. of Abram J., & dau. of Mynard Van Wagner & Charity Ostrom, b. 1805, Feb. 2, d. 1856, Mar. 13. Shaw, Edmond K., s. of John Shaw & Lucy Knickerbocker, d. 1863, Oct. 1. Shaw, John, d. 1864, Jan. 15. Skinner, Elmer, s of Tobias Skinner & Mary Witherwax, d. 1874. Sleight, Mary, dau. of Paul & Catharine, d. 1876, Apr. 3. Sleight, Sally, dau. of Paul & Catharine, d. 1876, Apr. 3. Still, Amanda C , dau. of James L. Still & ( ) Knickerbocker, b. 1849, May 26, d. 1849, Sep. 21. Still, Mary Eliza, dau. of (?) & Christina, b. 1835, d. 1839, Feb. 7. Still, Mary Ellen, dau. of James L. Still & ( ) Knickerbocker, b. 1851, May 14, d. 1853, Dec. 22. Sweet, Able S., b. 1810, d. 1860, Feb. 2. S , "W. S. d. 1784." Teilleneiss, Elizabeth Crouler, w. of Daniel, b. 1768, Sep. 1, d. 1817, Nov. 27. Teilleneiss, Daniel, b. 1766, Jan. 2, d. 1820, July 27. Teilleneiss, James, s. of Daniel Teilleneiss & Elizabeth Crouler, b. 1801, Feb. 24, d. 1834, Aug. 2. Teilleneiss, Sarah, dau. of Daniel Teilleneiss & Elizabeth Crouler, b. 1797, d. 1861, May 21. Tidd, David, b. 1778, Sep. 1, d. 1842, Jan. 20. Traver, Carl, s. of Sebastian Traver & Christina Uhl, b. 1738, Nov. 7 (as per baptismal record). (No dates on stone). Traver, Catharine, w. of Isaac, & dau. of Allan Wilkinson, formerly wid. of David Marshall, b. 1788, July 18, d. 1856, Oct. 5. Traver, Elizabeth Brown, w. of Lawrence, b. 1775, d. 1852, Jan. 17. Traver, Jemima Garrison, w. of Carl, & dau. of Captain Joost Garrison & Magdalena Van Dyke, b. 1742, Oct. 2, d. 1779. Traver, Josephine, dau. of David Traver, Jr., & Catharine A Burger, b. 1842, d. 1845, Oct. 17. Traver, Juliett, dau. of David Traver, Jr., & Catharine A. Burger. Traver, Lawrence, s. of John B. Traver & Catharine Becker, b. 1766, Sep. 23, d. 1841, July 5. Traver, ( ? ) , d 1780. T , "A. M. T. d. 1831." 26
T o iv n
CI i n t o n
127. T—i—, Helen C , d. 1856. * ». 128. Uhl, Hulda, dau. of Captain Frederick Uhl & Sarah Lines, b. 1811, Dec. 20, d. 1846, Apr. 8. 129. Van Dyke, Charles H., s. of William & Mary, b. 1837, Aug. 22, d. 1855, July 3. 130. Van Dyke, Druzilla, w. of James, b. 1772, d. 1847, May 29. 131. Van Dyke, James, b. 1768, d. 1839, June 24. 132. Van Dyke, John E., s. of William & Mary, b. 1844, Jan. 4, d. 1858, July 30. 133. Van Dyke^ Smith, s. of William & Mary, b. 1849. Apr. 12, d. 1851, Sep. 13. 134. Van Keuren, Gertrude, w. of Isaiah, & dau. of John S. Le Roy & Elizabeth Van Kleeck, b. 1781, Aug. 25, d. 1856, Dec. 1. 135. Van Keuren, Isaiah, b. 1781, Sep. 21, d. 1864, Aug. 28. 136. Van Vliet, Cornelius, s. of Derrick Van Vliet & Helena Weaver, b. 1760, Dec. 21, d. 1848, Feb. 7. 137. Van Vliet, Elizabeth, dau. of Cornelius Van Vliet & Helena Garrison, b. 1792, Dec. 15, d. 1795, July 13. 138. Van Vliet, Geeritje Mastin, w. of Aurie, & dau. of Cornelius & Elizabeth Aertse Van Wagenen, "b. Oct. 21, 1687" (as per baptismal record). (No dates on stone). 139. Van Vliet, Helena Garrison, w. of Cornelius, & dau. of Captain Joost Garrison & Magdalena Van Dyke, b. 1757, Mar. 12, d. 1801, June 10. 140. Van Vliet, Rachel, dau. of Cornelius Van Vliet & Helena Garrison, b. 1788, Apr. 30, d. 1810, Mar. 15. 141. Van Vliet, Richard Garrison, s. of Cornelius Van Vliet & Helena Garrison, b. 1801, June 10, d 1801, Dec. 5. 142. Van Vliet, William B., s. of Cornelius Van Vliet & Helena Garrison, b. 1793, Sep. 27, d. 1811, July 28. 143. Wallace, Martha Ann, dau. of Hiram Wallace & Caroline Nichols, b. 1848, Nov. 7, d. 1849, May 11. 144. Webb, Abby, dau. of Major Samuel, d. 1877, Feb. 22. 145. Webb, Catharine, dau. of Major Samuel, b. 1783, d. 1860, Nov. 23. 146. Webb, David, s. of Major Samuel, b. 1785, May 28, d. 1861, Feb. 21. 147. Webb, Eliza, A., w. of John, & dau. of Daniel Teilleneiss & Elizabeth Crouler, b. 1805, d. 1876, Apr. 14. 148. Webb, James, s. of Major Samuel, b 1788, Oct. 1, d. 1857, Oct. 30 149. Webb. John, s. of Major Samuel, b. 1787, Jan. 7, d. 1866, Sep. 17. 150. Webb, Sarah Peebles, dau. of Major Samuel, b. 1791, d. 1875, Apr. 26. 151. Williams, Rachel, w of Thomas, b. 1735, d. 1807, July 14. 152. Williams, Thomas, b. 1732, d. 1807, Sep. 20. 153. W , "E. T. W." 154. Young, Alexander, b. 1757, d. 1827, Sep. 9. 155. Young, Mary Ann, w. of Alexander, b. 1765, d. 1829, Sep. 17.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
Friends' burial ground. At the meeting house of the Orthodox Friends, Clinton Corners. Fair. 80 in number. Copied July 11, 1914, by J. W. Poucher, M. D., Mrs. Poucher, Mrs, Louis P. Hasbrouck and Mrs. George Abercrombie. A Friends' meeting was organized in Clinton in 1777 and a meeting house built that same year which is still standing, a substantial stone building.
Bedell, Egbert S., b. 1825, Oct. 21, d. 1899, Sep. 6. Bedell, Mary Jane Gildersleeve, w. of Egbert S., b. 1829, Sep. 28, d. 1894, Dec. 10. Case, Ephraim N., b. "21st of 12th m. 1798", d. "5th of 7th mo 1873". Case, John L., b. "26th of 1st mo. 1837", d. "30th of 4th mo. 1874". Case, Margaret 0. Vosburgh, w. of John L., b. 1848, Mar. 26, d. 1894, Aug. 27. Case, Mary Haviland, w. of Ephraim N., b. 1801, Oct. 5, d. 1883, Dec. 21. Case, Willis H., d. 1893, Feb. 12, a. 63 y. 5 m. Cocks, Amos, b. 1802, Apr. 12, d. 1864, Aug. 17. Cocks, Mary, b. 1809, Apr. 28, d. 1840, Oct 3 Cocks, Mary, b. "2d of 9th mo. 1773", d. "30th of 9th mo. 1847". Cocks, Noah, b. "18 of 2 mo. 1774", d. "19 of 10 mo. 1841". 27
Old 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. •34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 4 6. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 6G. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75.
Doty, Alexander, s of T. Sands & Maria, d. 1870, May 2, a. 23-9-6. Doty, Daniel S., d. 1869, May 20, a. 37-3-18. Doty, George W., 1889-1908. Doty, Isaac, d. 1871, Mar. 25, in 77th y. Doty, John R., 1816-1899; Phebe Hoffman, his wife, 1824-1904. Doty, Libbie, dau. of Daniel S. & Lydia G., d. 1871, July 27, a. 6-7-7. Doty, Lydia G. Smith, w. of Daniel S., d. 1896, Feb. 22, a. 59 y. Doty, Maria Wing, w. of Thomas Sands, d. 1907, Dec. 4, a. 91-11-13. Doty, Rachel Holmes, w. of John P., b. 1814, Sep. 21, d. 1844, July 30. Duty, Rachel Sands, w. of Isaac, d. 1881, Jan. 22, in 85th y. Doty, children of T. Sands & Maria:—George W., d. 1838, May 30, a. 8 m. 17 d.; Theron, d. 1845, Jan. 24, a. 1 y. 9 m. Doughty, Hannah A.; "Mother"; b. 1814, Mar. 7, d. 1889, Dec. 5. Doughty, Nancy G., 1831-1903. Doughty, Oliver; "Father"; b. 1808, May 22, d. 1901, Mar. 9. Flagler, Isaac P., d. "12 mo. 9, 1839", a. 40-7-26. Flagler, Lavinia M., w. of Paul, & dau. of Agrippa & Mary Wing, d. "5th mo. 9th, 1861", a. 31-10-2. Flagler, Rebecca S., w. of Isaac P., d. "12th mo. 28th, 1878", a. 77-11-27. Gildersleeve, Henry, d. 1885, Jan. 30, a. 87-3-8. Gildersleeve, Maria, w. of Henry, d. 1883, May 18, a. 80-3-4. Griffen, Lidia S., d. "1st mo. 11th 1892". Griffen, Phebe Jane, d. "4 mo. 4th, 1891", a. 53 y. Griffen, William D., d. "3 mo. 30, 1877", a. 53 y. Hagadorn, Daniel W., 1833-1914; Caroline S. Case, his wife, 1833-1910. Hagadorn, Deborah G., w. of Jacob, d. 1834, June 30, a. 38 y. Hagadorn, Jacob, b. 1798, Dec. 8, d. 1887, Sep. 5. Hagadorn, Margaret Nelson, w. of Jacob, d. 1895, Sep. 3, a. 90 y. Hagadorn, Mary D., dau. of Jacob & Deborah G., d. 1833, Sep. 15, a. 1 y. 10 m. Hallock, Catherine F., w. of Samuel W., b. "12th mo. 23d, 1825", d. "11th mo. 14, 1889". Hallock, Samuel W., d. "2d of 8 mo. 1818", a. 58-2-4. Hallock, Susan, dau. of Samuel W & Catherine, d. 1885, June 21, a. 25-3-27. Harris, Laura, dau. of Smith D. & Mary, d. 1873, Feb. 18, a. 5 y. 11 m. Holmes, Phebe G., b. 1795, Oct. 26, d. 1869, Mar. 15. Howard, Ruth R., w. of Jay, & dau. of S. W. & C. Halleck, b. "11th mo. 18, 1848", d. "10th mo. 27th, 1874". Howes, Phebe, d. "4th 4 mo. 1860", a. 93 y. 10 m. Howes, Reuben, d. "4th 10 mo. 1836", a. 60 y. 10 m. Lane, Jennie M., dau. of N. E. & Carrie, d. 1890, Sep. 9, a. 6 y. 3 m. Lane, Libbie, 1850. Lane, Margaret A. Sherman, w. of J. S., d. 1894, Mar. 31, a. 63 y. Monroe, Ethel Lane, w. of John, 1888-1908. Mull, Abram, d. 1855, May 28, a. 63 y. 10 m. Mull, Hannah, w. of Abraham, d. 1852, May 8, a. 64 y. Putney, Charity, "formerly the wife of Micajah Hallock", d. "2d mo. 27 d., 1856". Rahus, Alfred, d. 1881, Feb. 14, a. 52 y. 2 m. Ranus, Evoline Traver, w. of Alfred, d. 1907, Apr. 11, in 76th y. Sands, Caleb, d. 1839, Oct. 13, a. 77 y. 6 m. Sands, Hannah Griffen, w. of James, b. 1794, June (—), d. 1889, Feb. (—). Sands, James, d. 1857, Oct. 27, a. 69 y. Sands, Margaret, d. 1845, Aug. 22, a. 84 y. 2 m. Sands, Rachel, b. "9th mo. 20th 1761", d. "3d mo. 4th 1839". Sands, Thomas, b. "1 mo, 10 day, 1764", d. "12 mo, 26th, 1837". Traver, Nellie, b. 1804, July 19, d. 1886, Aug. 14. Tripp-Young, "Henrietta E. Case, dau. of Ephraim & Mary Case, & w. of Edward H. Tripp and David Young", 1826-1908. Underhill, Lydia P., d. "20th 5 mo. 1844", a. 36-11-5. Underhill, Phebe Jane, d. "10th 3 mo. 1852", a 16-7-28. Upton, Anna, w. of Paul, d. "6th mo. 7th 1859, a. 73 y. Upton, Anna, dau. of P. C. & S. Gertrude, b. 1869, July 4, d 1883, Mar. 31. Upton, Asa, d. "19 of 4 mo. 1844", in 68th y. Upton, Hannah, d "9 of 1st mo. 1850", in 63d y. Upton, Mary, d. "11 mo. 15, 1866", a. 49 y. Upton, Paul, d. "1st mo. 12th, 1862", a. 81 y. Upton, Sarah M., d. "2d mo. 19, 1839", in 51st y. Upton, Sarah M., b. "4 mo. 8, 1820", d "6 mo. 19, 1900". Upton, Smith, d. "10 mo. 30th 1863", in 81st y. Wing, Agrippa, d. 1852, Feb. 27. 28
C li n t o n
76. Wing, John, b. 1797, Mar. 6, d. 1882, Oct. 7; Jerusha, his wife, d. 1872, Apr. 8, a 73-10-24. 77. Wing, Rachel M., b. 1804, Nov. 7, d. 1836, Apr. 16. 78. Wing, Sarah Cocks, b. 1799, Mar. 2, d. 1889, Apr. 5. 79. Wing, Shadrach, b. 1806, Feb. 21, d 1844, May 24. 30. Wing, Susan A., w. of S. H., d. I860, Nov. 25, a. 32 y.
Friends' burial ground. At t h e m e e t i n g h o u s e of t h e H i c k s i t e F r i e n d s , C l i n t o n C o r n e r s . In good o r d e r . 2 3 4 in n u m b e r . Copied J u l y 4 a n d 1 1 , 1 9 1 4 , b y J . W . P o u c h e r , M. D., M r s . P o u c h e r , M r s . Louis P . H a s b r o u c k , Miss M a r y Elizab e t h Cooley a n d M r s . G e o r g e A b e r c r o m b i e . T h e Hicksite Friends' meeting at Clinton Corners was organized in 1828 a n d t h e m e e t i n g h o u s e b u i l t in 1 8 2 9 .
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.
Allen, Hannah A. Smith, w. of Henry, d. 1871, Nov. 1, a. 26 y. Arnold, Mary, w. of Welcome, b. 1788, Nov. 27, d. 1876, Mar. 24. Arnold, Mary E. Downing, w. of W. W., d. 1894, Mar. 1, a. 48 y. Baldwin, Phebe H., b. "20, the 8th m. 1802", d. "14 the 5th m.' 1850". Bedell, David, d. 1870, July 28, a. 6 m 7 d. Bedell, David, d. 1877, June 25, a. 55 y. 5 m. Bedell, Emma A., d. 1875, June 24, a. 28 y. Bedell, Hannah H., d. 1877, Jan. 15, in 75th y. Bedell, Jacob, d. 1865, Feb 25, a. 63-11-9. Bedell, Jeremiah, b. in Green County, d. "8th of 8th m., 1849", a. 36-1-4. Bedell, Joseph, d. "21st, 11 m. ", a. 3 y. 7 m. Bedell, Sarah, d. "1st, 11 m., 1847", a. 5 y. 7 m. Bradley, Hazel, b. 1894, June 6, d. 1909, Mar. 31. Bradley, Jennie, dau. of Daniel & Susan, d. 1880, May 2, a. 4 y. 13 d. Briggs, Julia A. Talladay, w. of Henry, d. 1904, Aug. 22, a. 57 y. Brown, Eliza Wooley, w. of Robert, d. 1866, Oct. 6, a. 54-4-9. Brown, Margaret Wooley, w. of Robert, d. 1886, Oct. 20, a. 68-11-19. Brown, Phebe M. Wooley, w. of George W., d. 1871, Aug. 9, a. 40-1-17. Brown, Robert, d. 1885, Oct. 2, a. 69-11-13. Butler, Allen, d. 1872, June 23, a. 81-6-10. Butler, Sarah, w. of Allen, d. 1864, Dec. 23, a. 70-2-22. Butts, Caroline, w. of Wesley, d. 1886, Oct. 11, a. 67 y. Butts, Ester J. Stone, w. of Seneca, b. 1818, Aug. 6, d. 1888, Feb. 3. Butts, Fanny, d. "15th 2 m., 1858", a. 79 y. Butts, Julia Ann, dau. of Wesley & Caroline, d. 1848, Oct. 7, a. 2 y. Butts, Julia Ann, dau. of Seneca & Jane E., d. 1866, Aug. 17, a. 16 y. 20 d. Butts, Samuel, d. "23d of 9 m., 1848", a. 72 y. Butts, Seneca, d. 1894, Jan. 5. Butts, Wesley, d. 1889, Nov. 15, a. 77 y. Canfield, Bertha Deyo, w. of P. L., b. 1860, Aug. 10, d. 1897, Nov. 13. Carhart, Catharine, w. of Richard, d. 1876, Aug. 31, a. 79 y. 7 m. Carhardt, Jordon, d "9th m., 10th, 1870", a. 84-3-10. Carhardt, Margaret H., d. "10 m. 28, 1877", a. 89-1-23. Carman, David J., d. "11th m. 1, 1853," a. 40 y. Carman, Hannah, dau. of David & Ann, d. 1863, Mar. 25, a. 11-3-18. Carman, John, b. "22, 6th m., 1798," d. "20, 7th m., 1846". Carman, William, d. 1868, Mar. 24, a. 60-8-11. Carroll, inf. s. of James & Anna H., d. 1874, Sep. 17. Coleman, Catherine L. Brown, w. of Robert R., d. 1862, Oct. 23, a. 30 y. Coleman, children of Robert R. & Julia M.: Eddie, d. 1866, May 1, a. 3 m. 15 d. Kittie, d. 1867, Sep. 7, a. 3 m. 18 d. Nellie, d. 1868, Sep. 25, a. 21 d. 41. Cookingham, Daniel R., d. "7 m. 24, 1860", a. 26-8-26. 42. Cookingham, David, d. "3 m. 12, 1878", a. 82-9-19. 43. Cookingham, Mary E. Halstead Smith, wid. of T. A. Cookingham, d. 1901, Mar 13, a. 71 y. 29
Old 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109.
Cookingham, Sally Ann, w. of David, d. "2 m. 23, 1863", a. 68 y. Cornell, Amy, w. of William, d. 1877, Sep. 17, a. 94-10-24. Cornell, John, d. "8 m. 8, 1875", a. 82 y. 5 m. Cornell, Mary Browning, d. 1903, Aug. 30, a. 80 y. 11 m. Cornell, Mary Harris, w. of John, & dau. of George & Martha Harris, d. 1866, Sep. 30, a. 67 y. Cornell, William, d. 1850, Dec. 26, a. 73 y. 11 d. Cornell, William H., d. 1874, Feb. 14, a. 51-9-2. Cornell, William T., d. 1880, Feb. 9, a. 34 y. D , "E. D. 1806". Doty, Almena, d. "29 of 3 m., 1852", a. 49-1-28. Doty, Anna Maria, d. 1882, July 12, a. 73 y. Doty, Esther P., w. of Thomas S., & dau. of Stephen & Patience Holmes, d. 1867, Oct. 29 a. 41-1-7. Doty,'Samuel, d. "19 of 11 m., 1831", a. 27 y. Doty, Stephen P., s. of Thomas & Esther P., d. 1863, Aug. 20. Doty, Thomas S., d. 1881, eFb. 3, a. 59-11-26. Doughty, Ann Amelia, dau. of Smith & Phebe, d. 1873, Dec. 10, in 24th y. Doughty, Mary, w. of Robert, d. 1870, Jan. 7, a. 74 y. Doughty, Robert, d. 1865, Aug. 18, a. 71 y. Doughty, Smith, d. 1886, Mar. 22, in 63d y. Downing, Abbie Jane Wanzer, w. of Richard S., d. 1874, Dec. 3, a. 59-10-17. Downing, Richard, d. 1882, Apr. 7, a. 1 y. 11 m. Downing, Richard S., d. 1881, May 10, a. 70-8-23. Draper, Charles W., Co. C, 128th N. Y. Vols., d. 1889, Jan. 19, a. 64-8-19. Gifford, Mary Elizabeth, w. of John P., d. 1876, Apr. 17, a. 36 y. 8 m. Gildersleeve, Anna, d. "2 m. 23, 1862", a. 64-4-6. Gildersleeve, James, b. "8 m. 20th, 1808", d. "6 m. 22d, 1894". Gildersleeve, R. Angeline, b. "3 m. 12th, 1814", d. "6 m. 16th, 1893". Gildersleeve, William, d. "9 m. 4, 1854", a. 79 y. Gray, Phebe, 1825-1895. H. "H. G. H." Haight, David B., d. 1887, July 3, a. 74-5-14. Haight, Hannah, w of Isaac S., d. 1868, Feb. 25, a. 94 y. Haines, Charles, 1834-1897. (Haines), Harvey, inf. s. of Smith & Maria H. L., b. & d. 1857, May 1. Haight, I. S., d. 1857, Aug. 15, a. 89 y. Hall, Albert, d. 1897, Oct. 24, a. 70 y. Hall, Avalina, w. of Joseph, d. 1875, Jan. 30, a. 73-9-16. Hall, Benjamin, d. 1870, June 30, a. 77-5-18. Hall, John B., s. of Joseph & Avalina, d. 1839, Oct. â&#x20AC;&#x201D;, a. 4 y. 3 m. Hall, Joseph, d. 1867, June 26, a. 79-2-4. Hall, Martha, w. of Benjamin, d. 1871, June 25, a. 67-10-15. Hall, William G., b. 1830, Feb. 16, d. 1895, June 1. Halstead, Ann Eliza, dau. of Joseph G. & Hannah, d. 1850, Mar. 20. Halstead, Benjamin F., b. 1800, Apr. 4, d. 1886, Jan 3. Halstead, Emetine Haviland, w. of Stephen, d. "1 m. 1, 1866", a 50 y. 11 m. Halstead, Hannah C , d. 1869, Mar. 15, a. 78 y. Halstead, Hannah G. Peters, w. of Joseph G., b. 1805, July 17, d. (date below ground). Halstead; Jonathan, b. 1805, Nov. 11, d. 1846, Apr. 10. Halstead, Joseph G., d. 1850, June 24. Halstead, Josiah, d. 1858, July 29, a. 58 y. 9 d. Halstead, Mary G., d. "12th m. 18 d. 1880", a. 80-9-10. Halstead, Mary T. Carman, w. of Stephen, b. 1828, May 13, d. 1891, June 26. Halstead, Richard J., b. 1809, Mar. 10, d. 1886, Oct. 7. Halstead, Stephen, d. 1894, Jan. 18, a. 86 y. 11 m. Harris, George, d. "10 m. 28, 1807", a. 41 y Harris, Martha, d. "1 m. 12, 1837", in 75th y. Harris, Phebe, d. 1849, Oct. 3, a. 48 y. Harris, Russell, s. of George & Martha, d. "8 m. 27, 1871", a. 79 y. Harris, Sarah, dau. of George & Martha, d. 1864, Mar. 24, a 67 y. Hatfield, Hannah, w. of Thomas, d. "4 m. 2, 1861", a. 77-7-25. Hatfield, Thomas, d. "10, 11 m., 1839", a. 57 y. 7 m. Haviland, Content, d. 1863, June 15, a 75-2-25. Haviland, Edward, d 1831, Jan. 31, a. 78-11-8. Haviland, Thirzah Ann, d. 1895, Dec. 27, a. 87 y. 8 m. Hicks, Anna, d. 1832, Aug. 21, in 4th y. Hicks, Ann Eliza Young, w. of Walter D., 1842-1908. 30
Town 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136.
137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171.
Hicks, Caroline Bowman, w. of Gilbert, b 1828, Nov. 28, d. 1887, Mar. 4. Hicks, Clara A. Travis, w. of Walter D., d. 1874, Feb. 19, a. 31 y. 4 m. Hicks, Cora, dau. of Gilbert & Caroline, d. 1874, Oct. 11, a. 17 y. Hicks, David, d. "12th m. 8th, 1884", a. 87 y. Hicks, Hamilton W., s. of Wilson & Emaline, d. 1861, Dec. 25, a. 15 y. 24 d. Hicks, Hewlett P., d. 1904, Apr. 26, in 86th y. Hicks, Mary Gildersleeve, w. of David, d. "12 m., 20th, 1889". Hicks, Samuel, d. 1816, Aug. 4, in 79th y. Hicks, Sarah G. Smith, w. of Hewlett, d. 1891, Jan. 29, in 71st y. Hicks, Walter D., "1838 , (date of death not on stone). Hoag, Isaac S., d. "2 m. 16, 1856", a. 18-6-23. Hoag, James, 1835-1905. Ann Elizabeth Haines, his wife, 1835-1900. Hoag, Smith, d. "24. 11 m. 1850", a. 2-1-14. Holmes, Margaret, d. "12th of 2d m., 1866", a. 75-10-3. Holmes, Patience, d. 1850, July 2, a. 58 y. 17 d. Holmes, Phebe S., b. 1812, May 22, d. 1875, Dec. 10. Holmes, Stephen, d. 1855, Jan 7, a. 66-5-18. Ireland, Caroline Hoag, b. 1807, Mar. 22, d. 1877, Sep. 5. Jackson, Abby, w. of Daniel, d. 1876, Sep. 1, a. 85 y. Jackson, Daniel T., d. 1847, Feb. 6, a. 60 y. Jones, Myron H., s. of Asa & Hannah, d. 1866, Aug. 28, a. 1-6-26. Jones, Thomas, d. 1861, Jan. 1, a. 61 y. Losee, Ann Carhardt, w. of William C , d. "11th m., 28th, 1890", a. 67 y. 8 m. Losee, William G., d. "8th m. 29th, 1898", a. 75 y. 9 m. McCord, Jane, d. 1871, Oct. 1, a. 69 y. 5 m. McCord, L. Mâ&#x20AC;&#x17E; d. "4 m. 3d. 1857", a. 90 y. Montross, Elizabeth, w. of Enos, d. 1875, May 25, a. 55-1-25. Also Josiah, d. 1852, Jan. 29, a. 1 y. 25 d. Orin, d. 18(5)7, Feb. 4, a. 3 y. 1 m. Montross, John S., s. of Louis & Mary, d. 1866, Aug. 21, a. 2 y. 9 m. Montross, Mary C , w. of Lewis, d. I860, Apr. 2, a. 27 y. 5 m. Montross, Robert, d. 1867, May 8, a. 27 y. 24 d. Moore, Daniel, d. 1864, July 25, a. 65 y. Moore, Mary, w. of Daniel, d. 1873, June 8, a. 67 y. Morey, Ellie M. Travis, w. of Egbert, b. 1853, Apr. 17, d. 1911, June 11. Morey, Georgia, s. of Egbert & Ellie, d. 1885, May 1, a. 9-7-13. Mory, Anna O., only dau. of George & Sarah M., d. 1863, Mar. 20, a. 8-6-17. Olivet, Luther, s. of James H. & Jane Anne, d. 1858, Dec. 31, a. (broken). Olivet, Maria A., w. of Dorman, d. 1860, May 1, a. 46-6-11. Olivet, Phebe P., w. of Dorman, d. 1844, Sep. 4, a. 34 y. Pell, Jennie Haines, 1844-1911. Peters, Abel, b. 1750, Mar. 26, d. 1799, Nov. 26, a. 49 y. 8 m. Peters, Abel S., b. 1790, Apr. 19, d. 1859, May 14. Peters, George, b 1775, Oct. 14, d. 1795, Apr. 12, a. 19-5-29. Peters, Mary, b. 1778, Mar. 26, d. 1802, May 24. Peters, Richard, b. 1774, Apr. 23, d. 1794, Sep. 2, a. 20-4-9. Peters, Sarah, w. of Abel, b. 1751, Sep. 25, d 1823, Dec. 16, a. 72-2-21. Peters, Smith, b. 1771, Oct. 14, d. 1809, Sep. 21. Peters, William, b. 1 ( 7 ) 7 3 , Jan. 6, d. 1(7)93, Sep. 25, a. 20-8-19. Phillips, Mary A., b. 1824, Nov. 20, d. 1893, Oct. 3. Powell, Caleb H., s. of Nathaniel & Martha, b. 1821, Nov. 4, d. 1899, May 31. Powell, Esther Maria, b. "11 m. 4th, 1819", d. "5th m. 18th, 1880". Powell, Martha Haight, w. of Nathaniel, d. "31 of 3 m., 1867", a. 81-4-17. Powell, Mary Haight, w. of Caleb H., d. "12th m., 7th d., 1861", a. 29 y. Powell, Nathaniel, d. "2 of 1st m., 1875", a. 88 y. 6 m. Rorick, Catherine, d. 1845, Sep. 29, a. 70 y. Row, Henry S., d. "3d m. 28, 1844", a. (1)7 y. 9 m. Row, Polly, d. 1847, Apr. 13, a. 66 y. 11 m. Sands, Isaac D., "Drowned at burning of Steamer 'Henry Clay' July 28, 1852, a. 33 y.", also his son, Sylvester P., a. 11 m. Sands, Thomas, d. "1st m. 2d, 1879," a. 80 y 2 m. Anna G. Sands, d. "12 m. 23, 1869," a. 70 y. Shear, Eliza Harris, w. of Philip, & dau. of George & Martha Harris, d. "5 m. 15, 1854," a. 50 y. Shear, Marietta Wardle, dau. of Philip & Eliza, d. 1858, Oct. 11, a. 25 y. Shermon, Richard, b. 1816, June 1, d. 1894, June 8. Skidmore, James C , d. "6th of 10 m. 1882," a. 78-11-9. 31
172. Skidmore, Loretta, d. "27th d., 5 m., 1899," a. 93-4-4. 173. Skidmore, Mary, d. "18 of 10 m. 1848," a. 39 y. 2 m. 174. Smith, Amy Harris, w. of ( ? ) , dau. of George & Martha Harris, d. "2 m. 7, 1827 " a 32 v 175. Smith, Annie DeGroff, w. of William, b. 1855, Dec. 11, d. 1894, June 17. 176. Smith, Benjamin T., "Our Best Friend," d. 1887, Mar. 26, a. 69 y. 177. Smith, Caroline E. Doty, w. of Henry W., d. 1890, Mar. 9, a. 62 y. 178. Smith, Daniel H., d. 1854, Mar. 19, a. 62 y. 179. Smith, David, d. "27th of 8th m. 1842," a. 53-4-22. 180. Smith, David, s. of Joseph & Patience, d. 1862, Apr. 27, a. 9 y. 18 d. 181. Smith, Edward, d. 1872, Sep. 12, a. 48 y. 182. Smith, Elizabeth D. Griffin, w. of Daniel H., d. 1865, Sep. 6, a. 67 y. 183. Smith, Elizabeth Thorn, w. of Rufus, d. 1899, Jan. 2, a. 90 y. 184. Smith, Emma C , dau. of George P. & Mary B., d. 1877, June 9, a. 2-9-25. i85. Smith, Emma L., dau. of George P. & Mary B., d. 1870, Apr. 27, a. 10-3-28. 186. Smith, Henry W., d. 1901, Feb. 9, a. 73 y. J 87. Smith, Herbert, s. of J. H. & P., (No dates on stone). 188. Smith, Irving, s. of Edward & Mary E., d. 1864, Dec. 17, a. 6 y. 189. Smith, Isaac H., d. "28 of 3d m., 1860," in 70th y. 190. Smith, John T., d. "21 of 3d m., 1872," a. 52-2-21. 191. Smith, Lewis, d. 1884, June 13, a. 66 y. Elizabeth Hicks, his wife, d. 1907, June 20, a. 86 y. 192. Smith, Libbie G., w. of Addison V., 1851-1886. 193. Smith, Lydia S. Vail, w. of Stephen H., d. 1896, May 2, a. 85 y. 194. Smith, Oliver K., d. 1903, Feb. 2, a. 69 y. 195. Smith, Patience, w. of Joseph H., d. 1876, Jan. 23, a. 50-2-2. 196. Smith, Phebe, w. of Isaac H., d. "9 m., 18, 1874," in 86th y. 197. Smith, Rufus, d. 1881, Jan. 8, a. 76 y. 198. Smith. Stephen H., d. 1883, June 19, a. 73 y. 199. Smith, Thomas, b. 1814, Mar. 14, d. 1876, Apr. 12; Margaret J. Hicks, his wife, b. 1817, June 23, d. 1901, Nov. 5. 200. Smith, Children of Oliver K. & Hannah P.: Thorne, b. 1871, Mar. 14, d. 1871, June 27. Florence, b. 1875, Mar. 13, d. 1875, Sep. 9. 201. Tompkins, Joseph Conkling, Jr., s. of (George) Jay & Elizabeth Woodford Doty, b. 1880, Mar. 13, d. 1885, Dec. 29. 202. Tompkins, Joseph O., d. 1890, Oct. 6, a. 83 y. 21 d. 203. Tompkins, Mary A., d. "12 m. 27, 1902," a. 78 y. 11 m. 204. Travis, George A., b. 1847, June 4, d. 1900, Apr. 5. 205. Underhill, Andrew, d. "20 of 6 m. 1862," a. 22-9-23. 206. Underhill, Anna F., d. 1861, June 22, a. 60 y. 207. Underhill, David, d. "17, m. 1, 1844," a. 52 y. 208. Underhill, Drusilla, w. of Isaac I., d. "4 m., 14, 1880," a. 73-8-27. 209. Underhill, George V., d. "2 of 1 m., 1858," a. 59 y. 210. Underhill, Isaac V., d. "10 m., 16, 1855," a. 58 y. 2 d. 211. Underhill, Lewis, d. "20 2d m., 1861," a. 27-4-24. 212. Underhill, Nathaniel, d. "1 of 9 m., 1857," a. 85 y. 213. Underhill, Sarah F., d. 1865, Sep. 22, a. 17-11-13. 214. Underhill, Children of Peter H. & Emma: George D., d. "29th of 1 m., 1861," a. 2-5-22. Robert H., d. "2 of 2 m., 1861," a. 6 y. 20 d. 215. Vail, Isaac H., d. "2d m 8th, 1875," a. 68-10-9. 216. Vail, Jane, d. "7 m. 30, 1855," a. 74 y. 217. Vail, Julia E. Bishop, w. of Isaac Hâ&#x20AC;&#x17E; d. "24 of 6th m- 1866," a 49-4-25. 218. Van Derburgh, David H., d. 1893, Apr. 6, a. 68-8-20. 219. Van Derburgh, Susan A. McCord, w. of David H., d. 1905, Mar. 8, a. 77 y. 220. Van Voorhis, Mary R. Sands, d. 1876, Apr. 24, in 58th y. 221. Wallis, Sally Ann, w. of George, d. 1850, May 27, a. 46-8-14. 222. Wilbur, Ruth, d. 1848, Sep. 6, a. 85-7-20. 223. Wing, Mary Ellen, dau. of George & Caroline, d. 1856, Nov. 6, a. 11 y. 224. Wing, Mary Sands, d. "6th m. 8th, 1865," a. 29-3-4. 225. Wing, Sarah Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas & Anna G. Sands, d. 1881, June 29, a. 48-11-22. 226. Wolley, Isaac, s. of John & Pheby, d. 1858, May 8, in 20th y. 227. Wooley, George B., d. 1891, Feb. 11, a. 76-8-15. 228. Wooley, Hannah G. Smith, w. of George B., d. 1894, June 19, in 75th y. 229. Woolley, Jehu, d. 1866, Feb. 2, a. 84 y. 1 m. 230. Woolley, Pheby, w. of Jehu, d. 1855, Jan. 7, a. 75 y. 231. Young, David, d. "28 of 10 m., 1881," a. 73-5-2. 32
232. Young, Edward, b. 1845, Nov. 23, d. 1902, May 15. 233. Young, Eliza S. Carman, w. of David, d. "3d m., 6 d. 1863," a. 53-7-8. 234. Young, Lottie C. Adams, w. of Edward, b. 1850, Oct. 10, d. 1909, July 13.
Town of Dover
Inscriptions 37
Hoag ground
Sheldon ground
Deuel ground
Unnamed ground
Family ground
South Dover ground
Ground near Webatuck
Valley View Cemetery, Dover Plains
Unnamed ground, Dover Plains
East Mountain ground Friends' ground, Chestnut Ridge Methodist ground, Chestnut Ridge
31 40 17
10. 11. 12.
8 17
204 46 250
HOAG GROUND CLASSIFICATION: LOCATION: CONDITION: INSCRIPTIONS: REMARKS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 18, 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37.
Family ground. A mile west of Wingdale, on the farm of Sanford Hoag. Well cared for. 37 in number. Copied August 30, J914, by J. W. Poucher, M. D. Known as the Hoag ground.
Allen, Mahala, d. 1870, Jan. 22, a. 68-2-16. Elseworth, Ann Maria, w. of Piatt, d. 1856, Aug. 7, a. 60-6-29. Elsworth, Patience, w. of Piatt, d. 1841, June 13, a. 59-3-24. Elsworth, Piatt, d. 1858, Apr. 13, a. 70-3-13. Elsworth, Sally, dau. of Piatt & Patience, d. 1830, Nov. 1, a. 20-4-1. Elsworth, Sarah, d. 1842, a. 76 y. Evans, John, d. 1862, Nov. 22, a. 71-9-23. Hoag, Abram, d. 1872, Feb. 20, a. 62-8-29. Hoag, Arabella, 1826-1906. Hoag, Arabella Marsh, w. of Elihu, d. "5 mo. 6th, 1838", a. 49-3-4. Hoag, Betsey A. Disbrow, w. of George, d. 1903, Mar. 16, a. 76 y. Hoag, Charles A., 1822-1896. Hoag, Edith F., dau. of Abram & Phebe J., d. 1853, Sep. 21, a. 20-6-4. Hoag, Elihu, d. "2 mo. 1st, 1868", a. 83-5-16. Hoag, George, d. 1889, Mar. 18, a. 70 y. Hoag, Hannah, 1824-1910. Hoag, Lydia, w. of Sanford, 1834-1910. Hoag, Marcia Ferris, w. of George, d. 1859, Mar. 29, a. 33 y. Hoag, Norah A., dau. of Elihu & Arabella, d. "10 m. 26, 1839", a. 7-5-4. Hoag, Phebe A., dau. of Matthew H. & Sarah, d. 1850, Mar. 11, a. 29-2-16. Hoag, Phebe J., w of Abram, & dau. of Zachariah & Hannah Ferris, d. 1864, Feb. a. 53-3-13. Hoag, Sanford, d. 1868, Oct. 21, a. 70-5-24. Hoag, Sarah Spalding, w. of Matthew, d. 1872, Nov. 17, a. 78 y. Hoag, Willet, d. 1882, July 27, a. 78 y H , "A. H." H , "B. H." Marsh, Lois E., d. 1864, Oct. 16, a. 22 y. Somers, Ida R., dau. of George W. & Catharine, d. 1862, Jan. 1, a. 2 y. 7 m. Spalden, Abram, d. 1843, Oct. 4, a. 76-11-4; Phebe, his wife, d. 1845, Apr. 30, a. 72-6-15. Spalding, Uriah, d. 1864, July 22, a. 66 y. Spaulding, Abram, d. 1861, Aug. 1, a. 17-2-1. Spaulding, Ann, d. 1881, Mar. 12, a. 71 y. Spaulding, George, s. of John & Marilla, d. 1861, Aug. 10, a. 26-10-27. Spaulding, John, d. 1871, Jan. 29, a. 67-6-15. Spaulding, Marilla, w. of John, d. 1886, June 30, a. 72-3-19. Spaulding, Sarah E., dau. of John & Marilla, d. 1855, May 20, a. 3-2-13. Spaulding, Warren, s. of John & Marilla, d. 1877, May 28, a. 23-18-24.
Family ground One mile west of Wingdale. Good. 8 in number. Copied August 30, 1914, by J. W. Poucber, M. D. Known as the Sheldon ground.
Sheldon, Albro, d. 1848, Oct. 7, a. 40-7-7. Sheldon, Caleb, d. 1841, Nov. 22, a. 93-8-17. Sheldon, Electa, d. 1881, Mar. 13, a. 77-1-15. Sheldon, Eliza, w of Albro, d. 1865, Oct. 31, a. 54-4-23. Sheldon, Luther, d. 1861, Aug. 28, a. 86-9-14. Sheldon, Mary, w. of Luther, d. 1863, Oct. 13, a. 87-11-7. Sherman, Caroline E., dau. of Abraham & Phebe, d. 1845, Feb. 19, a. 3-2-22. Sherman, Maria, dau. of Abraham & Phebe, d. 1836, Jan. 1, a. 4-7-12. 36
DEUEL GROUND CLASSIFICATION: Family ground. LOCATION: T w o miles s o u t h e a s t of W e b a t u c k , on t h e hill a b o v e D e u e l Hollow. CONDITION: Overgrown and deserted. INSCRIPTIONS: 17 in n u m b e r . Copied A u g u s t 3 0 ,1914, by J. W . P o u c h e r , M. D. REMARKS: K n o w n as t h e D e u e l g r o u n d .
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.
Benson, Elma Frances, dau. of Ebenezer W. & Emily H., d. 1867, May 3, a. 14 d. Benson, Jacob D., s. of Ebenezer W. & Emily H., d. 1865, Sep. 11, a. 1 y. Deuel, Anna Maria, dau. of Jacob & Charity, d. 1876, Nov. 10, a. 47-8-13. Deuel, Ben, d. 1803, Feb. 13, a. 72 y. Deuel, Clark, b. 1800, Nov. 17, d. 1874, Jan. 24. Deuel, Jacob, b. 1797, Jan. 21, d. 1879, Oct. 27. Deuel, Jeremiah, d. 1859, Aug. 2, in Patterson, Putnam Co., N. Y., a 69 y. 4 m. Deuel, Joshua, d. 1847, Mar. 10, a. 81 y. Deuel, Mary G., dau. of Jacob & Charity, d. 1856, May 11, a. 23-10-5. Deuel, Mira J., dau. of Jacob & Charity, d. 1854, Mar. 10, a. 17-11-26. D — , "E. D. 1779." D , "J. R. D. 1820." D , "L. D. 1838 a. 7 1 . " D , "R. D. 1820, a. 2 5 . " J , "I. J." Patchin, Martin, s. of Daniel R. & Elizabeth, a. 3-5-23. W , " S . W."
NOTE:—In this ground there are also about twenty graves marked by common field stones without inscriptions.
UNNAMED GROUND CLASSIFICATION: Family ground. LOCATION: O n e mile east of W e b a t u c k , in a field on t h e s o u t h side of t h e road. CONDITION: Overgrown and deserted. INSCRIPTIONS: 7 in n u m b e r . Copied A u g u s t 30, 1914, by J. W . P o u c h e r , M. D . REMARKS: It is u n c e r t a i n w h a t family this b e l o n g e d t o . Of t h e 7 s t o n e s 3 b e a r t h e n a m e of C a r r , 2 of S e a m a n , 1 of C a r p e n t e r , 1 of Tallman.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Carpenter, Isiah, s. of Barnard & Alse, d. 1761, Aug. (—), a. 9 m. Carr, Anna, w. of Thomas, d. 1836, Apr. 1, a. 49 y. Carr, Hiram, s. of Thomas & Anna, d. 1851, Feb. 23, a. 37-5-11. Carr, Thomas, d. 1859, Sep. 20, a. 96-11-8. Seaman, Abraham, d. 1839, Oct. 6, a. 75-10-4. Seaman, Lucinda, w. of Abraham, d. 1838, May 7, a. 74 y. 27 d. Tallman, Ann Ritty, dau. of Charles E. & Ann Maria, d. 1852, Feb. 20, a. 1 m. 13 d.
FAMILY GROUND CLASSIFICATION: Family ground. LOCATION: O n P l y m o u t h Hill F a r m , D o v e r P l a i n s , in 1 9 1 4 t h e p r o p e r t y of Horatio N. Bain. CONDITION: In a n o p e n field. INSCRIPTIONS: 1 in n u m b e r . Copied A u g u s t 30, 1914, b y J. W . P o u c h e r , M. D. REMARKS: A local r e c l u s e r e q u e s t e d t h a t w h e n h e d i e d he should be b u r i e d a l o n e in this field.
1. Mink, Sylvenus, d. 1834, Oct. 19, a. 85 y. 37
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51.
Community ground. At South Dover (Wingdale). Well cared for. 204 in number. Copied August 19, 1913, by J. W. Poucher, M. D., and Miss Grace L. Jones. The "First Baptist Church of Dover," organized 1757, built the "Red Meeting House" at South Dover in 1758. This burial ground lies a little to the west of the site of the meeting house and was probably begun by the meeting house congregation either as a chuchyard or a community ground. The first pastor of this church, Samuel Waldo, is buried in this ground.
Allen, Reuben, d. 1843, Jan. 13, in 82d y. Allen, William, d. 1843, Jan. 14, in 78th y. Allis, Dimmis, w. of Jonathan, d. 1825, May 13, a. 47-2-13. Allis, Lucy, w. of Benjamin, d. 1776, Dec. 24, in 19th y. Atwell, Amasa, d. 1831, July 15, a. 35 y. Atwell, Amasa P., s. of Homer & Polly, d. 1843, July 14, a. 2 m. 10 d. Barnum, Hannah, d. 1816, Jan. 14, in 37th y. Benjamin, Orange, d. 1846, Oct. 5, a. 61 y. Benson, Electy, s. of Joseph & Lucy, d. 1811, July 25, in 13th y. Benson, Hannah, d. 1818, June 29, a. 63 y. Benson, Hannah, dau. of Joseph & Lucy, a. 12-9-12. Benson, Joseph, d. 1812, June 13, in 41st y. Benson, Lucy, w. of Joseph, d. 1829, Oct. 23, a. 53-10-10. Birdsall, Henry, d. 1851, Dec. 10, a. 28 y. Birdsall, Mary H., w. of Henry, d. 1859, Apr. 20, a. 36 y. Birdsall, Polly, mother of Henry and w. of Henry Sr., d. 1825, Jan. 30, in 24th y. Bowdish, Agrippa, s. of John & Levina, d. 1840, Jan. 20, a. 4-9-11. Buckingham, Eliza, w. of Harvey, & dau. of Zebulon & Rhoda Ross, d. 1851, Apr. 4, a. 34-8-19. Buckingham, Harvey, d. 1852, Feb. 8, a. 43 y. Buckley, Antonett, dau. of Edward & Mariah, d. 1852, June 15, a. 2 y. 2 m. Butcher, Sarah, w. of Peter, d. 1869, June 1, a. 85 y. Burch, Erastus S., d. 1844, Nov. 4, a. 23-5-12. Cables, Sharlott, w. of Elizur, d. 1844, Dec. 31, a. 41-11-15. Carey, Benjamin, d. 1845, Sep. 3, a. 67 y. Cary, Polly, w. of Benjamin, d. 1863, July 3, a. 83-8-3. Cooper, Mercy, dau. of Ephraim & Patience, d. 1854, Feb. 21, a. 51 y. Chapman, Lyman, d. 1852, May 10, in 57th y. Chapman, Sherman, s. of Lyman & Deborah, d. 1837, Aug. 3, a. 5-9-29. Clapman, Mary, w. of Nathan, d. 1859, Aug. 22, a. 84 y. 6 m. Clapman, Nathan, d. 1849, June 12, a. 72-3-27. Collier, Maria, w. of Simeon N., d. 1834, July 18, a. 20-10-26. Coolev, David, d. 1849, Apr. 30, in 59th y. Cooley, Mary, w. of David, d. 1851, Mar. 8, a. 65-1-29. Cooper, Ephraim, d. 1838," Aug. 2, a. 76-11-26. Cronkrite, Eleanor, w. of Samuel, d. 1819, Mar. 25, in 57th y. Cronkrite, John, d. 1840, Oct. 16, a. 43 y. Cronkrite, William, d. 1837, Nov. 12, a. 51-7-14. Cummins, Betsey, w. of John, d. 1817, Jan. 16, a. 23. Cummins, Ithamer, d. 1840, Dec. 11, a. 31-7-14. Cummins, John, d. 1820, June 20, a. 72 y. 26 d. Cutler, Anna, w. of Samuel, d. 1813, Jan. 27, at 7 A. M., in 38th y. Cutler, Benell, d. 1809, Oct. 21, a. 24 y. Cutler, Hanna, dau. of Samuel & Anna, d. 1818, Jan. 28, in 23d y. Cutler, Jonathan, d. 1793, Feb. 14, a. 80 y. Cutler, Phoebe, b. 1754, Jan. 4, d. 1802, Sep. 10. Cutler, Roger, d. 1788, Apr. 22, in 30th y. Cutler, Samuel, d. 1813, Jan. 27, at 5 A. M., in 40th y. Dixon, Joseph B., s. of John & Sarah M., d. 1836, Dec. 10, a 22-3-25. Dixon, Sally M., w. of John, d. 1853, July 29, a. 61 y. (Draper), Eunice, w. of Lewis, d. 1806, Apr. 30, a. 28-3-13 Dunkin, David, d. 1799, Sep. 1, a. 44-2-5. 38
Town 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119.
Dunkin, Mary, w. of David, d. 1850, Jan. 12, a. 90 y. Eggleston, Esther A., dau. of Charles J. & Maria, b. 1865, Jan. 12, d. 1881, Oct. 3 Flagler, Phebe Sherman, w. of Zachariah, d. 1860, May 22, in 64th y. Fry, Betsey, w. of Christopher, d. 1827, Jan. 31, a. 67-9-5. Fry, Christopher, d. 1841, Dec. 4, a. 78-11-20. Fry, Cordelia, dau. of William & Deborah, d. 1838, Aug. 14, a. 12 y. 25 d. Fry, Deborah, w. of William, d. 1839, Sep. 25, a. 41 y. 7 m. Fry, Harriet, dau. of William, d. 1839, Aug. 30, a 17 y. Fry, Mary, dau. of William & Deborah, d. 1838, Oct. 13, a. 2. Fry, Millicent, dau. of Christopher & Betsey, d. 1833, Jan. 7, a. 41-1-10. Gregory, Ann, d. 1848, Oct. 9, a. 44 y. Gregory, Philo, d. 1848, Mar. 25, a. 77 y. Gregory, Salley Ann, dau. of Philo & Polly, d. 1830, Feb. 20, a. 11 y. 8 m. Gregory, Samuel, d. 1841, Nov. 18, a. 42 y. 9 m. Gregory, Sarah, w. of Philo, d. 1823, Nov. 26, a. 55 y. Gregory, Sarah, d. 1849, Sep. 27, a. 24 y. Griffith, Theodore, s. of Samuel A. & Hannah, d. 1839, Aug. 14, a. 1 y. 7 m. Heremon, Rachel, w. of Jacob, d. 1767, Jan. 6, a. 51 y. Hollister, Elizabeth, w. of Oliver A., d. 1855, Apr. 13, a. 67 y. 11 ( m ) . Hotchkiss, Mary, w. of Samuel, d. 1828, Feb. 17, a. 76 y. Hotchkiss, Sally Ann, dau. of John & Lydia, d. 1827, Oct. 7, a. 19-10-29. Hufcut, Sarah A., w. of Henry, d. 1853, Apr. 17, a. 30 y. Hungerford, infant son of Levi & Sarah Ann, (no date). Hunt, Alice, w. of Lewis, d. 1785, Aug. 12, in 65th y. Hunt, Lewis, d. 1776, Mar. 3, in 62d y. Hunt, Sarah, d. 18(0)8, Apr. 19, in 58th y. Johnson, Lois, w. of Ezekiel, d. 1788, Jan. 5, in 38th y. Jones, Alfred, d. 1872, May 26, a. 64-9-4. Jones, Benjamin, d. 1872, Mar. 25, a. 79-9-7. Jones, Elizabeth, w. of Alexander, & dau. of John P. & Almira Van Tassell, d. 1859, June 24, a. 22-5-16. Jones, Jane, w. of Isaac, Jr., d. 1829, Mar. 8, a. 41-1-9. Jones, Martha Cooper, w. of Benjamin, d. 1891, Sep. 11, a. 86 y. Jones, Mary Elizabeth, dau. of Benjamin & Martha, d. 1855, May 31, a. 25-10-2. Lake, Chloey, dau. of Captain Thomas & Elsey, d. 1818, Sep. 18, a. 8 m. 14 d. Lake, Daniel, d. 1811, Mar. 10, a. 82 y. Lake, Eleanor Kate, w. of Stephen, d. 1820, Dec. 21, a. 58 y. 11 m. Lake, Polly J., w. of Isaac P., d. 1860, July 11, a. 29 y. Lake, Sarah, w. of David, d. 1805, Apr. 28, a. 65 y. Lake, William, s. of Captain Thomas & Elsey, d. 1854, June 17, a. 2-5-17. Leake, Eleanor, d. 1850, May 1, a. 52-11-16. Leake, Jane Ann, dau. of Thomas & Elsey, d. 1841, Apr. 21, a. 18-8-23. Leake, Melissa, w. of Nathaniel, b. 1804, July 6, d. 1885, Aug. 20. Leake, Nathaniel C , d. 1844, Sep. 1, a. 43-9-7. Leake, Stephen, d. 1837, Mar. 14, a. 78-4-28. Leake, Major Thomas, d. 1851, Feb. 26, a. 68-4-23. Leonard, Cornelia A., dau. of (Josephine), d. 1857, Jan. 18, a. 2-1-19. Lineberg, Betsey, d. 1859, May 27, a. 75 y. Lineberg, George, s. of Alfred & Susan, d. 1859, Dec. 5, a. 5-3-3. Losee, Sarah A., w. of Henry A., d. 1851, Aug. 28, a. 21-8-14. Marcy, Dorothy, b. 1757, Sep. 12, d. 1817, May 5. Marcy, Griffin, d. 1815, Mar. 10, a. 76 y. Marcy, Temperance, w. of Griffin, d. 1814, Jan. 8, a. 63 y. Merrill, Hulda, w. of Nathaniel, d. 1836, Jan. 17, a. 68 y. Merrill, Nathaniel, d. 1834, Aug. 29, a. 74-6-15. Merrill, Nathaniel, d. 1848, Feb. 11, a. 45 y. (Odel), Esther, w. of Daniel, d. 1817, Jan. 20, a. 33 y. 6 m. Palmer, David, d. 1834, Feb. 2, a. 72-7-11. Palmer, Micha, d. 1834, Sep. 19, a. 32-11-6. Pray, Andrew, d. 1822, Aug. 10, a. 49-9-21. Pray, Eliza Ann, dau. of Thomas & Elizabeth, d. 1835, Mar. 20, a. 19 m. 6 d. Pray, Ephraim, s of Captain Ephraim & Susanna, d. 1786, Nov. 20, in 28th y. Pray, Captain Ephraim, d. 1805, Apr. 10, a. 71-4-20. Pray, Jeremiah, s. of Captain Ephraim & Susanna, d. 1797, Apr. 25, a. 19 y. Pray, Esq., Joseph, d. 1821, Mar. 23, a. 61-11-7. Pray, Mary, w. of Andrew, d. 1848, Mar. 18, a. 69-9-22. Pray, Nathan, s. of Captain Ephraim, d. 1783, May 9, in 28th y. Pray, Obediah, s of Captain Ephraim & Susanna, d. 1793, Apr. 7, in 27th y. Pray, (Parzy), d. 1847, Oct. 13, a. 66-10-25. 39
Old 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. ISO. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 1C9. 170. 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 173. 177. 173. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186.
Gr avestones
Pray, Rachel, w. of (Parzy), d. 1855, Oct. 10, a. 63 y. 8 m. Pray, Simon, d. 1817, Nov. 27, a. 49-2-5. Pray, Susanna, w. of Captain Ephraim, d. 1820, June 17, a. 85-2-28. Preston, Anna, dau. of Ebenezer & Phebe, d. 1798, Jan. 6, a. 5 y. 5 m, Preston, Ebenezer, d. 1809, Aug. 12, a. 82-2-15. Preston, Ebenezer, Jr., d. 1819, Mar. 17, a. 53-7-27. Preston, Hannah, w. of Ebenezer, d. 1816, Mar. 26, a. (illegible). Preston, Mary, dau. of Ebenezer & Phoebe, d. 1805, June 11, a. 16-8-1. Preston, Phebe, w. of Ebenezer, d. 1838, Mar. 31, a. 79-9-2. Ross, Ann, second w. of Joseph, d. 1838, Mar. 14, a. 32-2-1. Ross, Eliza, w. of John Mâ&#x20AC;&#x17E; d. 1830, Sep. 5, a. 65-3-19. Ross, Joseph, d, 1838, Feb. 24, a. 36 y. 29 d. Ross, John M., d. 1825, Dec. 13, a. 57-1-13. Ross, Sally, d. 1829, June 25, a. 1-11-3. Ross, Sally Ann, w. of Joseph, d. 1832, Jan. 13, a. 24 y. 29 d. Sheldon, Agrippa, d. 1828, July 12, a. 52-7-11. Sheldon, Hebron, d. 1872, Feb. 29, a. 64 y. Sheldon, Polly, w. of Agrippa, d. 1857, Dec. 26, a. 72-11-19. Sheldon, Captain Thomas, d. 1805, Oct. 6, in 71st y. Sherman, Polina, w. of Urial, d. 1844, Aug. 2, in 70th y. Sherman, Shadrach, s. of Urial &Polina, d. 1844, Oct. 22, in 32d y. Sterry, Elisha V., d. 1859, Sep. 10, a. 52 y. Stevens, Elmore H., s. of Samuel & Fanny, d. 1810, Apr. 12, a. 1 y. 2 m. Stevens, Mary, the former w. of Samuel, d. 1815, Feb. 14, a. 66 y. Stevens, Esq.; Samuel, d. 1809, Nov. 26, a. 59 y. Stevens, Sarah, d. 1840, May 16, a. 78-7-26. Stevens, Thomas, d. 1843, July 28, a. 87-5-5. Thayer, Lyman, d. 1831, Jan. 25, a. 18 y. Thomas, Albert, d. 1840, Nov. 12, a. 37-8-27. Thomas, Sarah, w. of Albert, d. 1836, Oct. 16, a. 34-3-26. Tom, Elizabeth, dau. of Captain Nathaniel & Elizabeth, d. 1782, Apr. 18, a. 2 y. 6 m. Tom, Nathaniel, s. of Captain Nathaniel & Elizabeth, d. 1782, May 20, a. 2 y. Tom, Captain Nathaniel, d. 1784, June 21, in 36th y. Vincent, George, d. 1854, Oct. 11, a. 33 y. 9 m. W , "J. W. d. Dec. 6, 1775." Waldo, Hannah, wid. of the Rev. Samuel, d. 1818, Feb. 1, a. 88 y. Waldo, Elder Samuel, d. 1793, Sep. 10, a. 62 y. Ward, Almeida, w. of Henry, d. 1847, May 22, a. 56 y. Ward, Amy, w. of Edward, & dau. of Andrew & Mary Pray, d. 1870, Apr. 17, a. 73 y. Ward, Anna, w. of Pelatiah, d. 1840, July 20, a. 65-2-26. Ward, George, H., d. 1843, Mar. 1, a. 28-2-13. Ward, Griffin, d. 1818, Apr. 1, a. 19 y. 26 d. Ward, Henrv, d. 1874, Aug. 17, a. 82-4-19. Ward, Captain Ichabod, d. 1822, Dec. 30, a. 80 y. 8 m. Ward, Jane, dau.of Henry & Almeida, d. 184(0), Nov. 26, a. 21 y. Ward, John, d. 1844, Sep. 2, a. 54 y. Ward, Ira, d. 1846, May 11, a. 54 y. Ward, Martha A., dau. of Edward & Amy, a. 2-7-11. Ward, Pelatiah, d. 1830, Nov. 2, a. 60 y. 4 m. Waterbftrry., Daniel, d. 1826, Apr. 15, a 27 y. Waterburry, Ezra, d. 1828, Apr. 22, a. 55 y. Wheeler. Phebe, w. of Sebastian, d. 1853, Oct. 29, a. 64 y. Wheeler, Sebastian, b. 1787, June 5, d 1867, Mar. 26. White, Aniet, dau. of Seneca & Hannah, d. 1830, Mar. 7, a. 6-8-16. White, Germon, d. 1847, Nov. 7, a. 22 y. White, Hannah, w. of Senecah, d. 1882, June 23, a. 78 y. White, Jonathan, s. of Daniel & Amy, d. 1832, May 21, a. 1-1-4. White, Nathaniel, b. 1777, Mar. 22, d. 1854, Aug. 20. White, Sarah, d. 1852, Jan. 14, a. 75-10-27. White, Senecah, d 1844, Aug. 7, a. 47-4-5. Wilbur, Clarissa H., d. 1817, Jan. 25, a. 4 y. 5 m. Wilber, Lecty Ann, d. 1810, Dec. 3 1 , a. 1 y. Wilcox, Betsy, w. of Elisha, d. 1875, Mar. 21, a. 93 y. Wilcox, Daniel, d. 1853, Oct. 8, a. 76 y. Wilcox, Deborah, d. 1856, Sep. 28, a 79 y. Wilcox, Eliab, d. 1810, Jan. 20, a. 78 y. Wilcox, Elisha, d. 1855, Nov. 4, a. 73 y. 40
Town 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204.
Wilcox, Jerusha, w. of Eliab, d. 1818, Nov. 9, a. 83 y. Wilcox, Mary, d. 1885, Nov. 22, a. 68-7-11. Wilcox, Miss Nancy, b. 1814, Dec. 10, d. 1860, May 11. Wilcox, Miss Temperance, d. 1841, Feb. 17, a. 26 y. Willcox, infant son of David & Deborah, d. 1820, Jan. 12. Wilson, George E., s. of J. C. & L. M., d. 1851, Sep. 6, a. 4 m. Wilson, Luma M., w. of John C , d. 1851, Aug. 25, a. 17-1-25. Wing, Daniel, s. of Jackson & Hannah, d. 1805, July 22, a. 2-11-27. Wing, Elijah, d. 1846, June 5, a. 49 y. 8 m. Wing, George, s. of Elijah & Lucy, d. 1851, May 23, a. 17 y. Wing, Hannah, w. of Jackson, d. 1831, July 31, a. 51-2-3. Wing, Horace, s. of Elijah & Lucy, d. 1832, Nov. 21, a. 1 y. 5m. Wing, Jackson, d. 1848, Aug. 21, a. 76-7-26. Wing, John, s. of Jackson & Hannah, d. 1805, May 20, a. 5 y. 20 d. Wing, Lucy, d. 1887, Jan. 8, a. 89 y 1 m. Wing, Mary, w. of Thurston, d. 1830, Aug. 27, a. 68-1-15. Wing, Thurston, d. 1842, June 12, a. 79-7-3. Wing, Walter F., d. 1856, Dec. 27, a. 29 y.
GROUND NEAR WEBATUCK CLASSIFICATION: LOCATION: CONDITION: INSCRIPTIONS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36.
Community ground. Two miles east of Webatuck, on the farm of E. M. Bacon. Fairly good. 46 in number. Copied August 30, 1914, by J. W. Poucher, M. D., and Mrs. H. N. Bain.
Allis, David, d. 1846, Jan. 1, a. 69 y. Allis, Sarah, w. of David, d. 1854, Oct. 1, a. 79 y. Arnold, Jerome B., d. 1840, June 4, a. 26 y. 10 d. B , "J. B." B 1, 'S. B." Baker, Jennie H., w. of Amos D., & dau. of J. C. & Hannah Hoag, d. 1865, May 29, a. 20-6-25. Berton, Naomi, w of Captain James, d. 1845, Nov. 1, a. 99 y. Bowdish, Elizabeth, d. 1836, Dec. 17, a. 54-10-6. Bowdish, Griffin, d. 1861, Jan. 20, a. 53-8-13. Bowdish, Luke, d. 1848, Dec. 28, a. 78-1-6. Brunson, Phebe, w. of Miles, d. 1873, May 15, a. 72 y. Burton, Captain James, d. 1816, Jan. 16, a. 70 y. Burton, Martha, w. of Silas, d. 1841, Dec. 27, a. 67 y. Burton, Silas, d. 1826, Nov. 6, a. 51 y. Cutler, Eliza Bowdish, w. of Lorenzo, b. 1813, Mar. 25, d. 1887, Dec. 7. Fulton, Ruth H., d. 1869, Apr. 15, a. 60 y. Giddings, Phebe Jane, dau. of Jackson & Deborah, d. 1843, Apr. 2, a. 1 y. 23 d. Hoag, Aurelia Deuel, w. of Ira, d. "7 mo. 9, 1843", a. 52 y. Hoag, Benjamin, d. 1873, May 15, a. 89 y. Hoag, Delilah, w. of John, d. 1844, Apr. 23, a 51-10-24. Hoag, Elizabeth, w. of Prince, d. "1st 4th mo., 1881", a. 91-11-24. Hoag, Hannah, w. of Levi, d. "the 2 mo. 1850", a. 77 y. Hoag, Hannah, w. of Benjamin, d. 1858, Mar. 6, a. 79 y. Hoag, John, d. 1869, Mar. 17, a. 79 y. Hoag, Levi, d. "1 of 10 mo. 1842", a. 71 y. Hoag, Mary, w. of Nathaniel, d. " 6 , 8 mo. 1831," a. 65-3-12. Hoag, Nathaniel, d. " 1 , 5 mo., 1849", a. 81-1-26. Hoag, Nelson, d. 1851, July 4, a. 46 y. Howland, Deborah Titus, w. of Azariah, d. "1 mo. 3, 1845", a. 73 y. H , "J. H." (Note: This stone is said to be the oldest in the vicinity and to mark the grave of John Hoag, ancestor of the Hoag family). Jones, George Washington, s. of Alfred & Mary, d. 1865, Feb. 11, a 23-3-18. Judd, Maria, w. of Lewis, d. 1831, Mav 1, a. 27-6-17. Martin, Bethiah, w. of Agrippa, d. 1793, Oct. 7, a. 26 y. Ogden, Sally Ann, w. of Henry, & dau. of John & Olive Griffin, d. 1843, Feb. 7, a. 26-8-17. Sherman, Isaac, d. 1822, May 28, a. 30 y. Sherman, Phebe A., w. of Isaac, d. 1839, Aug. 8, a. 39 y. 41
37. Shove, J o s e p h , d. 1 8 4 3 , F e b . 22, in 69th y. 38. Shover, R u t h a n n a , d. 1805, M a r . 1 3 , a. 93-11-6. (
40\ 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46.
T h o m a s , I r a , d. 1879, J a n . 8, a. 76-9-27. T h o m a s , J o h a n n a h , w. of I r a , d. 1 8 5 8 , Dec. 2 5 , a. 57-10-28. T i t u s , Abigail, d. " 3 m o . 1st, 1 8 5 3 " , a. 76 y. 6 m. T i t u s , ( M e l l e ) , d. " 2 mo. 2d. 1 8 6 6 " , a. 83 y. 9 m . W h i t e , E l i z a b e t h a n n J e n n e t t , w . of S a m u e l , d. 1 8 3 8 , D e c . 2 4 , a. 26 y. W i n g , B e n j a m i n , d. 1838, A p r . 12, a. 65 y. 5 m . W i n g , T h o m a s , d. 1 8 2 3 , Dec. 10, a. 82-2-27. "Hannah, his wife, d. 1825, J u n e 3, a. 83 y. 3 m.
Q "
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33.
Community ground. At Dover Plains. W e l l c a r e d for. 2 5 0 in n u m b e r . Copied A u g u s t 14 a n d 1 5 , 1 9 1 3 , by J . W P o u c h e r , M. D., a n d J o h n M. C u m m i n g s . K n o w n as t h e V a l l e y V i e w C e m e t e r y . A community burial g r o u n d w a s s t a r t e d a t D o v e r P l a i n s e a r l y in t h e h i s t o r y of t h e s e t t l e m e n t . In 1871 t h e V a l l e y V i e w C e m e t e r y A s s o c i a t i o n w u o r g a n i z e d a n d a c q u i r e d s e v e r a l a c r e s of l a n d a d j o i n i n g t h e old b u r i a l g r o u n d . T h e l a t t e r w a s t h e n p u t u n d e r t h e c a r e of t h e new c e m e t e r y c o r p o r a t i o n , t h e old a n d n e w g r o u n d s t o g e t h e r f o r m i n g one c e m e t e r y of a b o u t t w e n t y a c r e s . T h e following list gives t h e i n s c r i p t i o n s in t h e old section of t h e cemetery.
A n s o n , J a r v i s B . , d. 1 8 5 6 , A u g . 5, a. 42 y. 6 m . A r m s t r o n g , Polly, w. of J o h n , d. 1 8 4 4 , Nov. 7, a. 47 y. A u s t i n , J a n e , w. of A n d r e w , d. 1 8 5 9 , Oct. 1 3 , a. 33 y. B , "J. B." B a r n u m , M a r y , w. of Caleb, & d a u . of C a p t a i n J o h n Boyd, d. 1 7 9 7 , A p r . 10, in 2 7 t h y. B a s s e t t , M a r y A n n , d a u . of G e o r g e & H a r r i e t t , d. 1 8 3 1 , Oct. 14, a. 1 y. 6 m . B e a r d s l e y , Sally, d a u . of S q u i e r & S a r a h , d. 1 8 1 8 , Dec. 1 1 , a. 17-2-28. B e l d e n , E l i p h a l , w. of J o s e p h , b. 1770, F e b . 1, d. 1856, Sep. 6. Belden, J o s e p h , d. 1837, J a n . 2 3 , a. 70 y. Belding, A n n y , w. of J o h n H., d. 1850, A p r . 12, a. 20 y. Belding, Ann Eliza, w. of Silas, d. 1846, F e b . 28, a 47 y. 2 m. Belding, C h a r l o t t e , w. of Silas, d. 1 8 5 4 , M a r . 10, a. 30 y. 11 d. Belding, D o r c a s , wid. of Silas, d. 1 8 3 1 , Dec. 2 9 , in 8 9 t h y. Belding, F r a n c i s , s. of Silas & J a n e , d. 1 8 3 3 , A p r . 2 7 , a. 1-6-15. Belding, H a r r i e t a , w. of G e o r g e , b . 1 8 0 8 , A u g . 19, d. 1 8 4 8 , A u g . 2 7 , a. 41 y. Belding, J a n e , w. of Silas, d. 1 7 9 9 , M a r . 1 1 , in 7 9 t h y. Belding, J a n e , w. of Silas, d. 1 8 3 3 , J a n . 24, a. 34 y. 29 d. Belding, J a n e A n n , d a u . of Silas & J a n e , d. 1837, M a r . 2 9 , a. 16 y. 3 d. B e l d i n g , J o h n H., s. of Silas & J a n e , d. 1 8 4 7 , S e p . 1 8 , a. 2 5 - 2 - 2 3 . Belding, L a w r e n c e , d. 1 8 3 1 , Dec. 20, in 76th y. Belding, L a w r e n c e , J r . , d. 1 8 4 5 , A p r . 1 5 , a. 43 y. Belding, Silas, d. 1786, ( D e c ? A p r . ? ) 6, a. 69 y. Belding, Silas, d. 1789, A p r . 1 3 , in 4 5 t h y. Belding, Silas, d. 1 8 5 5 , Sep. 19, a. 59 y. 1 m. B e l d i n g , S u s a n , w. of L a w r e n c e , d. 1 8 1 3 , Mar. 16, a. 55 y. Belding^ U r i a h , s. of Silas & J a n e , d. 1832, J u n e 1, a. 12-6-28. Belding, U r i a h G., s. of Silas & A n n Eliza, d. 1 8 4 1 , O c t . 1 5 , a 2 - 1 1 - 2 1 . Belding, William P a r k e r , s. of Silas & A n n Eliza, d. 1 8 4 7 , Nov. 2 1 , a. 3-4-19. B e n h a m , R e b e k a h , w. of E b e n e z e r , J r . , & d a u . of J a b i t h S m i t h , d. 1796, J a n . 3 1 , a. 47 y. Benson, B e n j a m i n , d. 1828. J a n . 4, a. 42 y. Benson, C h a r l o t t e , w. of R o b e r t , d. 1 8 2 3 , J u l y 28, a. 45 y. Benson, David, J r . , d. 1842, Dec. 2 5 , a. 34 y. B e n s o n , J a c o b , d. 1817, J a n . 8, a. 83 y. 42
Town 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101.
Benson, Jacob G., d. 1832, Dec. 27, a. 30 y. Benson, John, d. 1835, Mar. 31, a. 68 y. Benson, Julia Ann, w. of David, Jr., d. 1844, Dec. 22, a. 31 y. Benson, Lydia, w. of Jacob, d. 1822, Mar. 2, a. 80 y. Benson, Robert, d. 1854, Dec. 23, a 76 y. 8 m. Benson, Sylvia J., dau. of Jefferson & Fanny, d. 1844, Apr. 29, a. 13 y. Brown, Elizabeth, w. of the Rev, David, d. 1834, Feb. 11, a. 84 y. Burlinggame, Jemima, w. of Benjamin, d. 1790, June 8, in 41st y. Butts, Susan, d. 1858, Nov. 4, a. 78-9-28. Cable, Diadama, w. of Stephen, d. 1858, Sep. 13, a. 61 y. Cable, Stephen, d. 1874, Dec. 11, a. 81 y. 6 m. Conklin, Benjamin, s. of Nathaniel & Susan, killed by lightning 1842, July 1, a. 26-5-25. Conklin, Nathaniel, b. 1794, Apr. 20, d. 1864, Sep. 26. Concklin, Susan, w. of Nathaniel, d. 1869, June 17, a. 77y. Coon, Jacob, s. of Samuel & Polly, d. 1805, Nov. 4, in 3d y. Coon, Samuel, d. 1812, Mar. 12, in 43d y. Coon, Volentine, s. of J. & Catherine C , d. 1786, Oct. 8, (broken). Darling, Daniel, d. 1860, Feb. 6, a. 89 y. Darling, Hannah, dau. of Daniel & Lydia, d. 1817, July 10, a. 25 y. Darling, Lydia, w. of Daniel, d. 1842, Sep. 3, a. 69 v. Davis, Abigail, w. of Timothy, d. 1832, Mar. 21, in 45th y. Davis, Eliphal, w. of Wilbur, d. 1842, Sep. 10, a. 40 y. Davis, Wilbur, d. 1843, Apr. 22, a. 47 y. De Forest, Hannah, wid. of David, of Derby, Conn., d. 1828, Apr. 7, a. 86 y. De Garmo, William, Co. C, 1st Connecticut Cavalry. Dingee, James, killed at the battle of Lovel Hall, Va., 1864, Oct. 7, a. 53 y. Dixon, John, d. 1792, Mar. 28, in 29th y. Dixon, John, 2d, d. 1851, June 31, a. 63-9-3. Dixon, Sally, w. of John, d. 1791, Apr. 1, a. 20 y. Dutcher, Christopher N., d. 1827, Dec. 17, a. 25 y. 7 m. Dutcher, Christopher, d. 1852, July 15, a. 85 y Dutcher, Cornelius, d. 1828, May 15, a. 82-7-26. Dutcher, Cornelius, d. 1851, Dec. 24, a. 76 y. 9 m. Dutcher, Cornelius Belding, s. of Christopher & Mary, d. 1793, Feb. 10, in 4th y. Dutcher, Elizabeth, w. of Gabriel, d. 1793, Apr. 23, in 73d y. Dutcher, Elizabeth, w. of Cornelius, d. 1822, Apr. 9, a. 73-7-13. Dutcher, Eunice, w. of Van Ranslaer, d. 1827, Sep. 14, a. 33 y. Dutcher, Captain Larry, d. 1847, Feb. 5, a. 74 y. Dutcher, Mary, w. of Larry, d. 1828, Mar. 24, in 55th v. Dutcher, Mary, w. of Christopher, d. 1842, Sep. 11, a. 91 y. Dutcher, (M). Elizabeth, w. of Larry, & dau. of Philip & Rachel Nase, d. 1794, July 1, a. 23. Dutcher, Hannah, w. of Piatt, d. 1827, Oct. 28, a. 29 y Dutcher, Silas, s. of Christopher & Mary, d. 1806, Dec. 28, in 3d y. Dutcher, Van Ess, s. of Cornelius & Ruth, d. 1841, Dec. 4, a. 21 y. 9 m. Edmonds, Anna, w. of John, d. 1843, Nov. 28, a. 48-6-18. Edmonds, Elizabeth, d. 1852, Nov. 29, a. 18-10-19. Edmonds, George, d. 1836, May 6, a. 59 y. Edmonds, John, Jr., s. of John & Anna, d. 1853, Dec. 13, a. 19 y. 8 d. Edmonds, John, d. 1872, June 28, a. 77-9-26. Edmonds, Phebe, w. of Samuel, d. 1868, Feb. 6, a. 90-4-8. Edmonds, Sally, w. of Henry, d. 1834, Jan. 21, a. 33-4-9. Edmonds, Samuel, s. of Henry & Sally, d. 1828, Mar. 24, a. 6 m. 20 d. Edmonds, Samuel, d. 1852, Apr. 12, a. 82-8-6. Edmunds, Almira, dau. of Kennedy & Leah, d. 1826, May 21, a. 17-5-27. Edmunds, Egbert, s. of Erastus & Betsev, d. 1855, May 6, a. 1-10-15. Edmunds, Kennedy, d. 1849, Feb. 5, a. 83-10-2 Edmunds, Leah, w. of Kennedy, d. 1840, Feb. 6, a. 68 y. Edmunds, Sarah Ann, dau. of Kennedy & Leah, d. 1842, Mar. 10, a. 25-6-8. Elliot, Catharine, w. of Samuel, d. 1837, Mar. 20, a. 90-1-3. Elliot, Nelly, w. of John, d 1850, Oct. 24, a. 35 y. Elliot, Samuel, d. 1817, Julvl, a 37 v. Elliot. Samuel, d. 1849, Fe'b. 20, a. 100 y. Ensign, Amy, d. 1876, July 1, a. 85-9-18. Ensign, Catharine, w. of Asa, d. 1839, June 1, a. 64 y. 10 m. Ensign, Eliza, dau. of Asa & Catharine, d. 1829, June 27, a. 20 y. 19 d. Ensign, Julia C , w. of Samuel B., d. 1844, Dec. 28, in 35th y. Ensign, Maria, dau. of Asa & Catharine, d. 1831, Oct. 8, a. 31 y. 2 m. Ensign, Samuel B., d. 1846, Mar. 12, a. 41 y. 43
Old 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169.
Ensign, Stilman, d. 1848, Oct. 10, in 55th y. Foss, Abigail, w. of Joshua, d. 1819, Feb. 9, a. 75-10-26. Foss. Joshua, d. 1820, Mar. 12, a. 81-8-19. Fradenburgh, Ruth, w. of Jacob, d. 1812, Aug. 14, in 32d y. French, Hannah, w. of Jeremiah, d. 1776, Oct. 29, a. 61 y. Fuller, Jane Nase, w of Ephraim, b. 1792, Nov. 29, d. 1874, Aug. 30. Germond, Edward, d. 1866, May 14, a. 55 y. Germond, Ruth, w. of Edward, d. 1841, Apr. 10, a. 26 y. Goodrich, Marinda, w. of William, & dau. of Bariah & Abigail, d. 1823, June, 14, a. 24 y. Gregory, Ebenezer, d. 1824, a. 61 y. Gregory, John Lawrence, s. of Uriah & Susan, d. 1827, May 12, a. 6-10-13. Gregory, Susan, w. of Uriah, d. 1867, Oct. 15, a. 76 y. Gregory, Uriah, d. 1886, June 18, a. 89-10-16. Hammond, Clarissa B., w. of Thomas, d. 1859, Feb. 27, a. 64 y. Hammond, Elwin, s. of Thomas & Clarissa, d. 1859, Mar. 24, a. 20 y. Hammond, Doctor Thomas, b. 1794, Feb. 28, d. 1880, May 24. Hammond, Theodore, s. of Thomas & Clarissa, d. 1857, Apr. 5, a. 31 y. Hard, Abey Louisa, dau. of Amos & Mary, d. 1842, Feb. 28, a. 12 y. 10 m. Hard, Amos S., d. 1837, Nov. 1, a. 29 y. Holmes, Virginia A. Tabor, w. of Joseph B., b. 1849, Sep 30, d. 1888, Sep. 15. Hoofcoot, Jane, w. of John, d. 1848, Mar. 26, a. 85 y. Hoofcoot, Captain John, d. 1843, July 26, a. 86 y. Hoofcoot, Shadrach, d. 1837, Nov. 24, a. 25-8-10. Howard, Miles, s. of Sylvia Chase, d. 1868, Sep. 9, a. 58 y. Humeston, David L., 6th N. Y. Cavalrv. Humeston, George, d. 1854, Oct. 10, a. 21 y. 10 m. Humeston, Lucy, w. of Ezra. d. 1854, June 14, a. 65 y. Hurd, Captain Allen, d. 1824, Nov. 16, a. 66-11-19. Hurd, Ebenezer, d. 1820, July 13, a. 87-8-6 Hurd, Elizabeth, w. of Captain Allen, d. 1818, May 11, a. 58 y. Hurd, Jane, w. of Peter, d. 1852, Mar. 14, a. 55 y. 1 m. Hurd, Peter, b. 1796, Nov. 10', d. 1853, Dec. 9. Ketcham, Hannah, w. of Joseph, d. 1856, Oct. 1, a. 64 y. Ketcham, Joseph, d. 1839, Mar. 29, a. 51 y. Koon, Elizabeth, w. of Captain Peter, d. 1795, July 30, in 64th y. Koon, Captain Peter, d. 1795, Sep. 6, in 73d y. Koon, Susanna, w. of Samuel, d. 1792, July 14, in 25th y. Ladue, Daniel, d. 1838, Feb. 26, a. 47-5-20. Ladue, Divine, d. 1827, May 3, a. 9-8-27. Ladue, Edna G., d. 1881, Jan. 12, a. 21 v. 2 m. Ladue. Hannah, d. 1852, Apr. 18, a. 31-7-21. Ledue, Elizabeth, w. of Orville, d. 1854, Dec. 3, a. 28 y. 5 m. Mace, Deborah, w. of Simeon, d. 1822, Dec. 26, in 69th y. Mace, Simeon, d. 1839, Jan. 18, a. 87 y. 16 d. Manchester, James, s. of Stephen & Elizabeth, d. 1793, June 8, a. 8 y. Manchester, John, d. 1831, Oct. 16, a. 44 y. 4 m Markham, Maria T., d. 1867, Sep. 18, a. 63 y. Marks. Elizabeth, w. of Richard, d. 1825, Nov. 3, in 66th v. Mesick, Mary Nase, w. of Henry P., d. 1860. Aug. 2. a. 77-2-9. Nase, Amelia, dau. of William & Ann. d. 179 (1)^ Sep. 20, a. 6 w. 5 d. Nase, Ann, w. of William, d. 1838, Sep: 15, a. 72. Nase, Catharine, dau. of Philip & Rachel, d. 1794, Aug. 22, a. 44 v. Nase, Cornelius, s. of Philip & Rachel, d. 1821, Mar. 29, a. 55-10-27. Nase, Elisha P., s. of John & Margaret, d. 1810, May 27, in 16th y. Nase, Elisha, s. of Philip I. & Sarah, d. 1813, Mar. 18, a. 3 m. 17 d. Nase, Jfrances Maria, dau. of William Henrv & Emetine, a 2 y. 9 m. Nase, Helen, dau. of William & Ann, d. 1792, Sep. 16, a. 6'w '5 d. Nase, James William, s. of William & Ann, d. 1795, Feb. 10, a. 10 w. Nase, Margaret, w. of John, d. 1825, Nov. 1, a. 64-8-23. Nase, Mary, w. of Cornelius, d 1864, Apr. 24, a. 95 y. Nase, Philip, d. 1805, Oct. 4. a. 84-8-26. Nase, Rachel, w. of Philip, d. 1801, Dec. 7, a. 74-6-10. Nase, Rachel Reid, dau. of John & Margaret, d. 1836, July 28, a. 38 y. Nase, Samuel, s. of John & Margaret, d. 1804, Aug 23, in 4th y. Nase, Sarah, w. of Philip I., d. 1827^ Feb. 14, a. 38'y. 3 m. Nase, Silas S., s. of Cornelius & Mary, d. 1806, Apr. 1, a. 13-9-29. Nase, William, b. 1759, Mar. 4, d. 1846, Feb. 2. Nelson, Elizabeth, w. of Aaron, d. 1817, July 2, a. 36 y. 44
170. Osterhout, John. d. 1759, Jan. 29, a. 55 y. 171. Palmer, Jacob (Z or C)., d. 1847, Dec. 26, a. 49 y. 172. Palmer, Lydia Ann, dau. of Jacob (Z or C). & Hannah, d. 1838, Nov. 1, a. 13-8-12. 173. Palmer, Mary, dau. of Jacob (Z or C). & Hannah, d. 18(3)6, Feb. 14, a. 6 m. 26 d. 174. Price, John, d. 1835, Nov. 26, in 44th y. 175. Price, Lydia, w. of Peter, d. 1866, Oct. 27, a. 97 y. 176. Price, Peter, d. 1806, June 2, in 43d y. 177. Ray, Abigail, w. of Clement, d. 1792, Oct. 14, a. 39 y. 178. Ray, Clement, d. 1804, Nov. 2, a. 52 y. 179. Robson, Caroline H., w. of George, Jr., d. 1849, Aug. 8, a. 35 y. 180. Schermerhorn, George, d. 1858, May 5, a. 45 y. 181. Schermerhorn, Hiram, d. 1865, Mar. 11, a. 70 y. 182. Schermerhorn, Nancy, w. of George, d. 1865, Apr. 27, a. 53 y. 183. Schermerhorn, Rebecca, d. 1868, Dec. 16, a 75 y. 10 d. 184. Schermerhorn, Smith, d. 1865, May 30, a. 46 y. 185. Sherman, David, d. 1839, Sep. 17, a. 47 y. 4 d. 186- Sherman, Deidama, w. of Shadrach, d. 1843, Sep. 24, a. 74 y. 187: Sherman, Howland, d. 1854, Aug. 24, a. 59 y. 188. Sherman, Shadrach, d. 1812, Dec. 5, a. 42 y. 189. Simmons, Lawrence B., d. 1841, May 2, a. 30 y. 190. Smith, Hannah, w. of Stephen, d. 1876, Oct. 19, a. 77-8-5. 191. Smith, Stephen W., d. 1864, Oct. 8, a. 71-5-2. 192. Soule, Alanson, d. 1852, Mar. 30, a. 51-11-9. 193. Soule, Bethany, w. of Ebenezer, d. 1865, Sep. 25, a. 94 y. 194. Soule, Ebenezer, d. 1841, Jan. 8, a. 70 y. 195. Soule, (Iry), s. of Ebenezer, d. 1814, Mar. 14, a. 20 y. 9 m. 196. Soule, Sally, d. 1847, May 12, a. 50 y. 197. Soule, Samuel S., d. 1845, Jan. 6, a. 40 y. 198. Soule, Seneca, d. 1854, May 8, a. 18 y. 199. Stevens, Ebenezer, d. 1840, Dec. 22, a. 66 y. 200. Stevens, Elizabeth, wid. of Ebenezer, b. 1782, Oct. 4, d. 1855, Nov. 13. 201. Stevens, Herman, d. 1844, Nov. 1, a. 38 y. 202. Taber, Hannah, w. of William, d. 1792, June 9, a. 81 y. 203. Tabor, Eliphal, w. of Thomas, d. 1862, Jan. 30, in 88th y. 204. Tabor, Hannah, w. of Job, d. 1800, May 1, a. 57 y. 205. Tabor, Harriet D., w. of John M., d. 1827, Nov. 16, in 26th y. 206. Tabor, Job, d. 1803, July 23, a. 65 y. 207. Tabor, John M., b. 1797, Feb. 14, d. 1871, Mar. 14. 208. Tabor, Joseph, d. 1825, Mar. 10, in 32d y. 209. Tabor, Thomas, d. 1830, June 13, a. 62-8-1. 210. Tabor, Thomas N., only son of John M. & Sarah A., d. in Chicago, 1870, Jan. 15, a. 35-2-25. 211. Tanner, Henry, d. 1846, Dec. 30, a. 32 y. 212. Tanner, James, d. 1818, July 17, a. 67 y. 213. Tanner, James, s. of John & Almy, d. 1839, Oct. 12, a. 20 y. 214. Tanner, Lyman, s. of John & Almy, d. 1840, June 18, a. 29-8-10. 215. Tanner, Mary, w. of James, d. 1854, Oct. 24, a. 85 y. 216. Tanner, Nicholas, d. 1845, Sep. 2, a. 63-7-20. 217. Tanner, Rebecca, w. of Nicholas, d. 1837, Oct. 8, a. 53-10-24. 218. Titus, Jennie E., w. of Newton J., d. 1876, May 4, a. 29-6-22. 219. Tompkins, Magdalena, w. of Moses, d. 1863, Dec. 5, a. 84 y. 220. Tompkins, Moses, d 1841, Oct. 31, a. 89 y. 221. Van Dusen, Jacob, d. 1847, Oct. 11, a. 70 y. 222. Van Dusen, Jane, w. of Matthew, d. 1827, July 2, in 85th y. 223. Van Dusen, Matthew, d. 1806, Sep. 5, in 65th y. 224. Van Deusen, Nancy, wid. of Jacob, d. 1848, May 16, a. 63 y. 225. Waller, Homer, d. 1869, May 15, a. 88 y. 226. Waller, Martha, w. of Homer, d. 1854, Feb. 5, a. 69 y. 227. Weller, Aner, w. of David, d. 1853, Apr. 2, a. 53-7-22. 228. Weller, David, d. 1833, Apr. 14, a. 41 y. 229. Weller, Elizabeth, w. of Jonathan, d. 1812, Dec. 27, a. 46 y. 230. Weller, Jonathan, d. 1812, Dec. 27, a. 77 y. 231. Weller, Susan Jane, b. 1825, Jan. 11, d. 1865, Sep. 25, a. 40-8-20. 232. Wheeler, Basteian, d. 1788, Feb. 16, in 70th y. 233. Wheeler, Catharine, w. of Ephraim, d. 1794, May 22, a. 80 y. 234. Wheeler, Ephraim, d. 1808, May 10, in 100th y. 235. Wheeler, John, s. of Edward & Mary, d. 1793, Mar. 11, in 21st y. 236. Wheeler, Thomas, d. 1820, Nov. 23, in 69th y. 45
G r ave stones
237. 238. 239. 240. 241. 242. 243. 244. 245. 246. 247. 248.
Wheeler, Sandford, d. 1841, June 8, a. 25-11-8. Wheeler, Captain Valentine, d. 1782, Aug. 11, a. 42 y. White, Abraham, d. 1834, Nov. 12, a. 27-6-2. Wilcox, Cary, Co. B, 128th N. Y. S. V. Wilcox, George A., s. of Martin & Sarah, d. 1876, June 18, in 31st y. Willcox, Amos, d. 1809, Apr. 22, in 42d y. Williams, Abigail, w. of Isaiah, d. 1845, Apr. 7, a. 75 y. Williams, Isaiah, d. 1831, Jan. 14, a. 67 y. Wing, Mahlon, d. 1848, Mar. 26, a. 64-9-25. Wing, Sarah, w. of Mahlon, d. 1870, May 30, a. 79-5-11. Wing, Tabor, s. of Mahlon & Sarah, d. 1846, May 6, a. 22 y. 5 m. Wolcott, Lydia, w. of Luke, (remainder of inscription illegible). NOTE:â&#x20AC;&#x201D;The "History of Dutchess County," published in 1882 by James H. Smith, states (p. 480) that at that time there were three old stones in the Dover Plains cemetery that had been removed from their original location and stood around a tree. One was that of John Osterhout (No. 170 in the foregoing list), the other two were not found in 1913 by Messrs. Poucher and Cumming r and the inscriptions on them are appended, copied from the "History". 249. Gray. Deborah, w of Nathaniel, d. 1770, June 13, a. 31 y. 250. Woolsey, Denton, d. 1777, May 20, in 36th y.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Private ground. In Dover Plains village, near Plymouth Inn. Uncared for. 10 in number. Copied in August, 1913, by J. W. Poucher, M. D. Accurate particulars about this ground have not been obtained. It is said to have belonged to the Baptist Church and that many stones have been removed from it.
De Forest, Emetine, dau. of James G. & Dorcas, b. 1854, June 20, d. 1876, Jan. 6. De Forest, James G., b. 1817, Dec. 6, d. 1877, July 14. De Forest, John, b. 1811, Nov. 24, d. 1873, Feb. 18. De Forest, Joseph, d. 1855, Mar. 31, a. 76 y. De Forest, Leah, w. of Joseph, d. 1851, May 1, a. 67 y. De Forest, Lincoln, s. of James G. & Dorcas, d. 1882, July 19, a. 23 y. Hustis, William J., d. 1876, Sep. 30, a. 28 y. Tabor, Jane Ann, dau. of John & Jane, b. 1811, Apr. 4, d. 1852, June 13. Tabor, John, b. 1778, July 13, d. 1852, Jan. 26. Tabor, Maria, b. 1817, Mar. 30, d. 1853, Nov. 16.
EAST MOUNTAIN GROUND CLASSIFICATION: Community ground. LOCATION: Three miles east of Dover Plains, in the woods on the top of East Mountain. CONDITION: Overgrown and deserted. INSCRIPTIONS: 31 in number. Copied August 16, 1913, by J. W. Poucher, M. D., Mrs. H. N. Bain and Miss Grace L. Jones. REMARKS: In former years this mountain was more thickly and prosperously settled. The farms are now almost all deserted. This old burial place is difficult to find, being in the midst of a dense tangle in the woods. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Card, James A., d. 1813, May 15, a. 59 y. Chappel, Lucy, dau. of Aaron & Haner, d. 1814, Apr. 11, a. 20 y. Chapel, Aaron, d. 1831, Mar. 24, a. 82 y. Cook, Naomi, d. 1857, Feb. 16, a. 27 y. Griffin, Mary, w. of John, d. 1848, Apr. 2, a. 72 y. Harrington, Charlotte, dau. of Abel & Judy, d. 1833, Mar. 26, a. 3 y. 46
Town 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 2& 27. 28. 29. 30. 31.
Kennedy, Allen, d. 1883, Apr. 14, a. 39-2-6. Kennedy, Annette P., dau. of David L. & Irene, d. 1864, Apr. 1, a. 2 y. 11 m. Kennedy, David L., d. 1861, Apr 7, a. 40 y. Kennedy, Jennett, w. of David L., d. 1847, June 27, a. 22-4-21. Kennedy, Rebecca, w. of Allen, d. 1884, Apr. 14, a. 89 y. Lee, Miles S., s. of Lyman & Harriett, d. 1855, Apr. 17, a. 9-6-23. Mclntyre, Archibald, d. 1841, Oct. 8, a. 76-11-9. Mackintyre, Dunkin, d. 1832, Feb. 18, a. 40-3-4. Patchin, Abijah, d. 1862, Sep. 1, a. 73 y. Patchen, Betsey, w. of Eli, d. 1875, Nov. 16, a. 81 y. 8 m. Patchen, Eli, b. 1792, Feb. 5, d. 1880, Aug. 31. Patchin, Eliza J., dau. of Edwin C. & Sarah M., d. 1848, June 27, a. 10 m. Patchin, Huldah, w. of Abijah, d. 1844, Nov. 2, a. 56 y. Patchun, Lydia, w. of Abijah, d. 1813, May 18, a. 2S y. Preston, Annis, d. 1872, Feb. 11, a. 98 v. 14 d. Preston, David, d. 1846, Julv 16, a. 82 y. Preston, Margery, w. of David, d. 1850, June 8, a. S3-9-16. Preston, Martin, d. 1813, Feb. 24, a. 92 y. 5 m. Preston, Philip, d. 1816, May 27, a. 42 y. Preston, Rebecca, w. of Martin, d. 1824, May 11, a. S0-10-7. Ritton, Peter, d. 1832, Mar. 23, a. 08 y. Ritton. Rachel, d. 1846, Apr. 11, a. 89 y. Soule, Mary Jane, w. of Miles B., d. 1853, Nov. 2. a. 27-11-3. Wolcott, Annette, dau. of Thomas & Julia, d. 1833, Sep. 19, a. 3 y. 5 m. Wolcott, Thomas G., d. 1854, May 4, a. 52 y.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27.
Friends' burial ground. Chestnut Ridge. O v e r g r o w n a n d u n c a r e d for. 4 0 in n u m b e r . Copied A u g u s t 16, 1 9 1 3 , by J . W . P o u c h e r , M. D., M r s . H . N . B a i n a n d Miss G r a c e L. J o n e s . C h e s t n u t Ridge F r i e n d s ' M e e t i n g w a s o r g a n i z e d in 1790. It has b e e n e x t i n c t now for m a n y y e a r s a n d t h e m e e t i n g h o u s e is in r u i n s , b u t t h e b u r i a l g r o u n d has b e e n u s e d occasionally within recent years.
Butler, Anor, w. of Joseph, d. 1867, July 10, a. 77. Butler, Benjamin F., d. 1902, Apr. 13, a. 52 y. Butler, Joseph, d. 1852, Sep. 27, a. 50 y. Butler. Mary, w. of Peter L., d. 1885, 0<>t. 15, a. 76 y. Butler, Peter E., s. of Peter & Mary, d. 1866, Apr. 3, a. 13 y. Butler, Peter L., d. 1876, Dec. 1, a. 76 y. Butler, Robert O., d. 1902, July 16, a. 56-11-12. Cutler, Calvin, d. 1886, May 6, a. 88-11-19. Cutler, Kaziah, w. of Calvin, d. 1858, Apr. 26, a. 61-2-17. Germond, Guly E., w. of James, d. 1870, Jan. 1, a. 78 y. Germond, James, d. 1866, Aug. 22, a. 77 y. Hall, Cordelia, d. 1879, July 1, a. 57 y. Hall, Joseph, s. of Isaac & Mary, b. 1834, Dec. 12, d. 1866, Oct. 20. Hammond, Anna, w. of Benjamin, b. 1777, May 22, d. 1853, Feb. 1. Hammond, Benjamin, b. 1774, July 7, d. 1858, Sep. 28. Howard, Amelia (Cash), w. of Silas, d. 1853, May 5, a. 69 y. Howard, David, Co. I, 150th N. Y., d. 1885, May 7, a. 70 y. Howard, Silas, Co. I, 150th N. Y., d. 1892, June 2, a. 75 y. Huestis, Jonathan, d. 1833, Jan. 10, a. 82 y. Huestis, Jonathan, Jr., d. 1845, June 26, a. 54 y. I , "H. I." Mastin, Charles, s. of Joseph & Elizabeth, d. 1863, Aug. 23, a. 3 y. Russell, Catharine, d. 1853, Nov. 15, a. 11. Russell, John W., d. 1874, Feb. (25), a. 60 y. Swift, Amy L., b. 1843, Dec. 22, d. 1892, Sep. 2. Swift, Eddie Morton, s. of E. Morton & Francina, d. 1878, Jan. 28, a. 3 y. Swift, Henry Morton; " F a t h e r " ; b. 1810, July 17, d. 1901, Dec. 25. 47
Old 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.
G r a v est ones
Co u n t y
Swift, Henry Morton, Jr., b. 1848, Nov. 26, d. 1904, June 19. Swift, Jennie, b. 1850, July 10, d. 1908, Jan. 20. Swift, Jennie L., dau. of Robert C. & Maggie, d. 1878, Mar. 6, a. 7 y. Swift, Louis Morton, s. of Robert C. & Maggie, d. 1871, May 31, a. 9 y. Swift, Robert Coffin, b. 1837, July 16, d. 1903, Feb. 24. Swift, Robert Henry, s. of Robert C. & Maggie, d. 1878, Mar. 31, a. 3 y. Swift, Sarah Coffin; "Mother"; b. 1811, Mar. 12, d. 1895, Mar. 7. Tallman, (Armeida), d. 1860, Feb. 19, a. 67 y. 7 m. Tallman, David, d. 1843, Nov. 25, a. 78-9-23. Tallman, Isabel, w. of David, d. 1799, Apr. 2, a. 28 y. 10 m. Tallman. Margaret, w. of David, d. 1848, Jan. 18, a. 86 y. 6 m. Tallman, Sally, d. 1857, June 15, in 50th y. Tedcastle", Charles (Nuttall), b. 1898, Feb. 27, d. 1900, Feb. 4.
METHODIST GROUND CLASSIFICATION: Churchyard. LOCATION: Chestnut Ridge. CONDITION: Overgrown and deserted. INSCRIPTIONS: 17 in n u m b e r . Copied A u g u s t 16, 1 9 1 3 , by J . W . P o u c h e r , M. D . , M r s . H. N. Bain a n d Miss G r a c e L. J o n e s . REMARKS: The Methodist Church at Chestnut Ridge was organized some y e a r s p r i o r to 1849, in which y e a r a c h u r c h b u i l d i n g was e r e c t e d .
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.
Brown, James R., d. 1866, Sep. 6, a. 80-6-3. Cronkrite, Daniel, d. 1851, Oct. 2, a. 59 y. (Dean, Julia), d. 1853, Apr. 29, a. 32 y. Dennis, Charity, d. 1859, Oct. 24, a. 74 y. Duncan, John, d. 1861, Oct. 26, a. 43 y. Dunkin, Frances Maria, (dau). of Henry & Maria, d. 1849, Oct. 11, a. 1-5-3. Dunkin, John Henry, s. of Henry & Maria, d. 1849, Oct. 22, a. 4-4-13. Edmonds, Margaret, w. of John, d. 1866, Apr. 11, a 65-11-6. Hartwell, Anna P., dau. of Daniel & Mariah, d. 1862, July 28, a. 8 y. Hartwell, Daniel J., s. of Daniel & Mariah, d. 1862, July 8, a. 16 y. Hartwell, Emma (or Anna), dau. of John & Phebe, d. 1862, Aug. G, a. 35 y. Hartwell, Lavina, dau. of Daniel & Mariah, d. 1860, Aug. 10, a. 16 y. Heart, Charlton, d. 1851, Mar. 10, a. 50 y. (Lais), Mary, w. of Francis C , d. 1851, Nov. 7, a. 28 y. McCord, James L., d. 1877, Apr. 30, a. 61 y. 4 m. McCord. Sally Ann, w. of James L., d. 1849, Sep. 23, a. 37-6-17. Shear, Joseph, d. 1858, June 8, a. 45 y.
T o w n of East Fishkill
Inscriptions 13
Ballard ground
Charlock ground
Halstead ground
4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.
Hopkins ground Tompkins ground Turner ground Hasbrouck-Van Vlack ground Van Wyck ground Wright ground Dutch Churchyard, Hopewell Baptist, Fishkill Plains Methodist, Johnsville Baptist, Shenandoah Community, Robinson farm Community, Hortontown Community, Leetown Community, near Stormville
6 29 12 5 36 8 354 144 147 68 44 21 96 2 1,019
Family ground. Near Peeksville. Not good. 13 in number. Copied October 8, 1916, by J. W. Poucher, M. D., and Mrs. Clarence Fowler. Known as the Ballard ground.
Ballard, Ferris, d. 1875, Jan. 25, a. 63-8-14. Ballard, James, d. 1819, Feb. 1, in 58th y. Ballard, Sarah, w. of James, d. 1836, Nov. 15, a. 52 y. Henion, Caroline, dau. of Zecharia & Malinda, d. 1848, Apr. 30, a. 1 m. Henion, Clarissa, dau. of Zecharia & Malinda, d. 1854, Apr. 22, a. 3 y. 10 m. Henion, Malinda, w. of Zecharia, d. 1874, July 16, a. 61-4-15. Henion, Zecharia, d. 1876, Jan. 16, a 66-8-27. Northrop, Emily, dau. of Jesse & Malinda, d. 1837, Feb. 11, a. 4 y. Smith, Caroline, dau. of Darius & Clarissa, d. 1842, Jan. 30, a. 4-7-2. Smith, Clarissa, w. of Darius, d. 1854, Feb. 12, a. 59-10-9. Smith, Darius, d. 1854, Feb. 12, a. 65-5-6. Smith, William, d. 1859, Apr. 2, a. 43 y. Smith, (broken), dau. of Darius & Clarissa.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. SO.
Family ground. T w o a n d a half miles s o u t h e a s t of W i c c o p e e , on t h e S t o u t f a r m . In fair o r d e r . 3 0 in n u m b e r . Copied J u l y 9, 1914, by J. W . P o u c h e r , M. D., M r s . P o u c h e r a n d M r s . C. W . Allen. The Charlock ground.
Charlock, Abraham, d. 1837, May 5, a. 69-6-11. Charlock, Annie Maria, dau. of Isaac & Henrietta C , d. 1864, Jan. 20, a. 4 y. 1 d. Charlock, Charlotte A., w. of Henry A., d. 1876, July 26, a. 75 y. Charlock, Charlotte B., d. 1876, Dec. 8, in 36th y. Charlock, Deborah Knapp, w. of Jacob, d. 1869, Feb. 9,.a. 81 y. Charlock, Elizabeth, w. of Abraham, a. 55 y. 11 m. Charlock, Hannah, w. of Henry, d. 1810, June 23, a. 25-3-4. Charlock, Hannah, w. of Henry, d. 1816, June 20, a. 66 y. 10 m. Charlock, Henry, d. 1833, Apr. 29, a. 87 y. 8 d. Charlock, Henry A., d. 1876, Apr. 3, a. 80 y Charlock, John, d. 1852, Mar. 26, a. 32-11-18. Charlock, Maria, d. 1882, Aug. 15, a. 74-9-6. Charlock, Mary Ann, dau. of Abraham & Elizabeth, a. 15 y. 2 m. Charlock, Sarah, d. 1879, Sep. 18, a. 25-3-19. Hitchcock, "Margaret Hitchcock, w. of Joseph Sturgess and Samuel Collins," d. 1880, Jan. 18, a. 79 y. Jewell, Sarah, b. 1771, Apr. 5, d. 1865, Oct 26, a. 94 y. Pier, Deborah, w. of Sylvester, & dau. of Henry Charlock, b. 1782, Dec. 22, d. 1860, Jan. 2. Pier, Sylvester, d. 1861, Aug. 21, a. 74 y. Stout, Abraham C , b. 1832, Dec. 9, d. 1908, May 10; Elizabeth Pierce, his wife, b. 1839, Apr. 3, d. 1905, Dec. 18. Stout, Jacob A. H., d. 1880, Jan. 19, a. 34-3-21. Stout, Jacob B., b. 1790, Dec. 6, d. 1865, Feb. 1, a. 75 y. Stout, Martha A., d. 1883, Aug. 27, a. 61-2-16. Stout, Martha Charlock, w. of Jacob B., b. 1790, May 13, d. 1869, Feb. 10. Stout, Semer Edgar, s of Jacob (B). & Martha A., d. 1860, Aug. 16, a. 19-11-4. Winters, Abigail Wheaton, w. of Isaac, d. 1842, May 8, a. 52-1-1. Winters, Cornelia S., b. 1848, May 9, d. 1903, Nov. 26. Winters, Hosea, d. 1813, July â&#x20AC;&#x201D;, a. 19 y. Winters, Isaac, d. 1848, Oct. 5, a. 62-11-1. Winters, Jose, d. 1820, Jan. 1, a. 60 y. Winters, Mary C , d. 1836, Feb. 10, a. 65 y. 50
Family ground. At Stormville, on the farm now owned by Dr. Lamont. Overgrown and deserted. 4 in number. Copied August 21, 1914, by J. W. Poucher, M. D. Halstead ground.
Halstead, Benjamin, d. 1791, Mar. 5, a. 33 y. Halstead, John, d. 1792, July 13, a. 64, y. Halstead, Doctor Daniel, d. 1795, July 6, a. 27 y. 2 m. Sackett, Polly, w. of Samuel, d. 1796, Sep. 1, a. 30 y. 6 m.
Family ground. A mile and a half west of Peeksville, in a field. Very bad. 6 in number. Copied October 8, 1916, by J. W. Poucher, M. D., and Mrs. Poucher. Known as the Hopkins ground. Contains unmarked field stones.
1. 2. 3. 4.
Baker, Jeremiah M., d. 1834, Jan. 22, a. 45 y. Baker, Morris, d 1848, May 4, a. 83 y. Baker, Phebe, w. of Morris, d. 1833, Jan. 26, a. 76 y. Hopkins, Benjamin, s. of Benjamin & Sarah, b. 1776, Nov. 14, d. 1843, May 10, a. 66-6-4. 5. Hopkins, John, d. 1837, Dec. 25, a. 58 y. 6. Hopkins, Sarah, w. of Benjamin, b. 1754, Mar. 7, d. 1843, May 18, a. 89-2-11.
TOMPKINS GROUND CLASSIFICATION: LOCATION: CONDITION: INSCRIPTIONS: REMARKS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 10. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.
Family ground. On the Tompkins farm, a mile west of Leetown, near Black Pond. Not good. 29 in number. Copied Oct. 22, 1916, by J. W. Poucher, M. D. Known as the Tompkins ground.
Miller, Byram K., s. of George W. & Malissa, d. 1858, June 24, a. 1-5-17. Miller, Caroline, dau. of Alpheus & Elizabeth Ann, d. 1842, June 14, a. 4-5-1. Miller, Elizabeth Ann, w. of Alpheus, d. 1842, Apr. 26, a. 19-2-22. Miller, John, d. 1829, June 12, a. 8-11-26. Miller, Mary, d. 1866, May 10, a. 73-2-S. Miller, Sammy P., s. of James T. & Jane Elizabeth, d. 1862, June 25, a. 5-11-12. Miller, Sarah, d. 1835, Nov. 4, a. 16-5-4. Miller, Susannah, d. 1842, Apr. 30, a. 46-6-26. Miller, Susan Ann, dau. of James T. & Jane Elizabeth, d. 1847, July 24, a. 2 y. 10 m. Parker, James W., s. of William & Temperance, d. 1865, Apr. 20, a. 9 y. 17 d. Parker, Mary Eliza, dau. of William & Temperance, d. 1872, Sep. 10, a. 12 y. 1 d. Parker, Temperance, w. of William, d. 1906, Mav 13, a. 76 y. Reed, (Luzern? Suzern?), d. 1882, Nov. 10, a. 29-7-27. Smith, Michael, d. 1849, Oct. 13, a. 61-1-20. Smith, Samuel, s. of Michael & Mary, d. 1852, July 21, a. 20 y. 9 m. Tompkins, Adelia, dau. of James J. & Sarah, d. 1856, Mar. 20, a. 19-8-20. Tompkins, Alpheus, d. 1857, Apr. 3, a. 69-3-22. Tompkins, James, d. 1859, Dec. 17, a. 96-8-27. Tompkins, James J., d. 1869, Apr. 11, a. 69-10-3. Tompkins, Malinda, dau. of J. J. & Sarah, d. 1845, Aug. 3, a. 21 y. Tompkins, Nathaniel R., s. of J. J. & Sarah, d. 1842, May 3, a. 1 y. 10 m. Tompkins, Peter, s. of Alpheus & Rachel, d. 18 ( ? ), June 10, a. 10 y. Tompkins, Phebe, w. of James, d. 1839, Nov. 16, a. 76-4-12. 51
0 Id 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29.
Tompkins, Tompkins, Tompkins, Tompkins, Tompkins, Tompkins,
Phebe, d. 1864, June 5, a. 35-1-10. Piney, w. of James A., b. 1837, Mar. 14, d. 1904, Apr. 20. Rachel, w. of Alpheus, d. 1869, Jan. 10, a. 76-11-24. Reuben, s. of J. J. & Sarah, d. 1826, Aug. 18, a. 6 m. Sarah, w. of James J., d. 1856, Julv 9, a. 56 y. 28 d. Sarah Jane, dau. of James J. & Sarah, d. 1849, Aug. 9, a. 9 y. 5 m.
Family ground. On the Turner farm, a mile and a half east of Peeksville. Very bad. 12 in number. Copied October 8, 1916, by J. W. Poucher, M. D., and Mrs. Clarence Fowler. Known as the Turner ground.
Spencer, Belinda, dau. of Enoch & Lydia, d. 185G, Nov. 2, a. 42 y. 11 m. Spencer, Enoch, d. 1869, June 3, a. 89-11-26. Spencer, Harriet M., dau. of Bennett & Mary, d. 1S60, Sep. 20, a. 20-4-27. Spencer, Margaret, dau. of Bennett & Mary, d. 1848, July 25, a. 15-9-25. Spencer, Mary, w. of Bennett, d. 1863, Mar. 21, a. 57 y. 4 m. Spencer, Rebecca Jane, dau. of Bennett & Mary, d. 1854, July 21, a. 20-8-12 Spencer, Wesley, s. of Lvman & Esther, d. 1848, Sep. 23, a. 16-8-26. Turner, James, s. of Peter A., d. 18(50), June 13, a. 1 v. 13 d. Turner, J. Robert, s of Stephen & Mary, d. 1861. Aug. 23, a. 29-10-12. Turner, Sarah, w. of Stephen, d. 1866, Mar. 12, a". 69-9-16. Turner, Stephen, d. 1873, Dec. 9, a. 80-5-25. Turner, Peter A., d. 18(65), Jan. 15, a. (28)-7-29.
HASBROUCK-VAN VLACK GROUND CLASSIFICATION: Family ground. LOCATION: Between Gayhead and Hopewell, in a barnyard on the old Van Vlack farm. CONDITION: Dirty and deserted. INSCRIPTIONS: 5 in number. Copied October 31, 1915, by J. W. Poucher, M. D. REMARKS: Hasbrouck-Van Vlack ground. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Hasbrook, Benjamin, d. 1763, Jan. 21, a. 53-4-6. Hasbrook, Janetje Delong, w. of Benjamin, d. 1787, Dec. 2, in 75th y Van Vlack, George, d. 1821, Mar. 14, a. 70 y. 21 d. Van Vlack, Martha, w. of George, d. 1833, October 29, a. 76 y. Van Vlack, Susan, w. of Abraham G., d. 1844, Aug. 14, a. 40 y. 5 m.
Boerum, Boerum, Boerum, Boerum, Boerum,
Family ground. At Hopewell. In good order. 36 in number. Copied September 28, 1913, by J. W. Poucher, M. D. Known as the Van Wyck ground. It contains two monuments (bearing 36 inscriptions) and a receiving vault.
Catharine E., d. 1829, Oct. 22, a. 25 y. Catharine Van Wyck, d. 1825, Nov. 22, a 69 y. Henry, d. 1793, Aug. 30, a. 40 y. John B., d. 1828, Nov. 18, a. 21 y Mary, d. 1836, Aug. 6, a. 52 y. 52
Town 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36.
Boerum, Richard, d. 1829, July 22, a. 50 y. Brinckerhoff, Ann Van Wyck, w. of Tunis, b. 1797, Aug. 25, d. 1880, July 9. Brinckerhoff, Caty, d. 1806, Feb. 20, a. 19 y. Brinckerhoff, John S., d. 1793, Aug. â&#x20AC;&#x201D;, a. 36 y. Brinckerhoff, Maria, d. 1831, Dec. 8, a 37 y. Horton, Coert, d. 1843, Dec. 23, a. 75-9-8. Horton, Hannah Van Wyck, w. of Coert, d. 1827, Jan. 13, a. 57. Horton, Jane, d. 1826, Nov. 6, a. 19 y. Horton, John B., d. 1829, Mar. 27, a. 25 y. Interred on Island of St. Thomas. Horton, Richard V. W., d. 1822, Nov 22, a. 23 y. Van Wyck, Abraham D., d. 1866, Dec. 18, a. 82 y. Van Wyck, Anna D., d. 1791, Apr. 9, a- 32 y. Van Wyck, Barbara, w. of Richard, d. 1807, Aug. 16, a. 76 y. Van Wyck, Barbara, d. 1858, Mar. 1, a. 58 y. Van Wyck, Cornelius P., b. 1830, June 19, d. 1905, Feb. 4. Van Wyck, Cornelius R., d. 1820, Oct. 1, a. 67 y. Van Wyck, Elizar M. Storm, w of Peter M., b. 1806, Jan. 4, d. 1892, July 31. Van Wyck, Hannah, d. 1834, Sep. 3, a. 68 y. Van Wyck, Hetty, d. 1835 L Nov. 7, a. 39 y. Van Wyck, John A., d. 1859, Feb. 16, a. 7 y. Van Wyck, John P., d. 1859, July 4, a. 32 y. Van Wyck, Magdalen M., d. 1830, June 8, a. 68 y. Van Wyck, Mary Louisa, b. 1833, Feb. 19, d. 1911, Jan. 9. Van Wyck, Peter M., d. 1854, May 20, a. 59 y. Van Wyck, Phebe, d. 1851, July 17, a. 61 y. Van Wyck, Phebe C , d. 1844, Nov. 25, a. 9 y. Van Wyck, Richard, Esq., d. 1810, Apr. 5, a. 82 y. Van Wyck, Stephen D., d. 1791, July 30, a. 10 y. Van Wyck, Theodore, d. 1839, Sep. 27, a. 12 y. Van Wyck, Theodorus C , d. 1861, Dec. 26, a. 74 y. Van Wyck, Theodorus R., d. 1839, Feb. 7, a. 77 y.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Family ground. B e t w e e n S t o r m v i l l e a n d Peeksville, by t h e r o a d . U n c a r e d for. 8 in n u m b e r . Copied O c t o b e r 8, 1 9 1 6 , b y J. W . P o u c h e r , M. D . , and Mrs. Poucher. Known as the Wright ground.
Boyd, Ebenezer, d. 1839, Dec. 2 1 , a. 27-5-15. Colwell, Charles, s. of Samuel & Charlott, d. 1841, Sep. 5, a. 29-8-9. Davis, Sarah, d. 1842, Mar. 5, a. 17 y. 6 m. Perry, Mary, w. of Nathaniel, d. 1843, Dec. 6, a. 42-11-18. Wright, Elizabeth, d. 1890, May 2, a. 88 y. Wright, Elizabeth Ann, dau. of Isaac & Hetty, d. 1837, May 21, a. 6-7-23. Wright, Isaac, d. 1842, Mar. 4, a. 78-2-2. Wright, Mary, w. of Isaac, d. 1849, Sep. 4, a. 85-9-19.
DUTCH CHURCHYARD, HOPEWELL CLASSIFICATION: Churchyard. LOCATION: R e f o r m e d ( D u t c h ) C h u r c h a t Hopewell. CONDITION: In good o r d e r . INSCRIPTIONS: 3 5 4 in n u m b e r . Copied J u n e 2 8 , S e p t e m b e r 2 8 , O c t o b e r 2 1 , 1 9 1 2 , b y J . W . P o u c h e r , M. D . , a n d Miss H e l e n W . R e y n o l d s . REMARKS: T h e first c h u r c h b u i l d i n g on this site w a s e r e c t e d in 1 7 6 4 . T h i s list includes t h e stones in t h e old p o r t i o n of t h e y a r d . T h e m o d e r n section is o m i t t e d .
1. (Adriance), Amelia Caroline, dau. of Peter & Catharine, d. 1841, Nov. 1, a. 29-2-6. 53
Old 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59.
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Adriance, Catharine Storm, w. of Rem, d. 1800, Apr. 3, a. 41 y. 5 m. Adriance, (Catharine) Griffin, w. of Rem, d. 1813, Oct. 17, a. 52-9-21. Adriance, Catharine, w. of Peter, b. 1789, Aug. (25), d. 1861, June 15. Adriance, Diana Hogland, w. of Rem, d. 1812, May 11, a. 65 y. 12 d. Adriance, Edmund, s. of Isaac R. & Margaret, d. 1821, Jan. 17, a. 1-3-15. Adriance, Elizabeth Ann, dau. of John & Jane E., d. 1853, Aug. 18, a. 10-10-1. Adriance, George, s. of Isaac T. & Jane, d. 1824, Aug. 21, in 15th y. Adriance, Hilache, d. 1832, June 24, a. 75-1-22. Adriance, Ida Schenck, w. of Isaac, d. 1804, July 2, in 74th y. Adriance, Isaac, d. 1799, Apr. 15, a. 76-11-18. Adriance, Isaac, s. of John & Jane E., d. 1839, Nov. 9, a. 9 m. Adriance, Isaac, b. 1760, July 15, d. 1849, Jan. (â&#x20AC;&#x201D;). Adriance, Isaac R., b. 1781, Feb. 14, d. 1872, June 8. Adriance, Isaac T., d. 1820, Aug. 13, in 42d y. Adriance, Jacob T., d, 1817, Nov. 15, a. 33-8-5. Adriance, Jane, d. 1849, July 21, in 68th y. Adriance, Jane Ann, w. of John, & dau. of Abraham D. & Phebe Van Wyck, d. 1832, Sep. 24, a. 20-6-14. Adriance, Jane Eliza, w. of John, b. 1818, Mar. 25, d. 1888, Apr. 9. Adriance, John, d. 1794, May 29, a. 11-1-1. Adriance, (John), b. 1811, Oct. 27, d. 1882, Aug. 28. Adriance, Leetisha van Wyck, w. of Isaac, d. 1762, Dec. 6, a. 33-10-27. (Inscriptions in Dutch). Adriance, Laettia, dau. of Isaac R. & Margaret, d. 1832, July 24, a. 17-1-2. Adriance, Margaret, dau. of Isaac & Laetishe, d. 1773, June 15, a. 16 y. 10 m. Adriance, Margaret Brinckerhoff, w. of Isaac R., b. 1786, July 20, d. 1863, Oct. 19. Adriance, Mary Brill, w. of Jacob T., b. 1788, June 22, d. 1867, Aug. 28. Adriance, Peter, b. 1787, Sep. 14, d. 1852, Aug. 3. Adriance, Rem, d. 1795, Apr. 3, a. 46-10-19. Adriance, Rem, d. 1839, July 2, a. 85-9-11. Adriance, Major Theodorus, d. 1817, May 14, a. 66-10-8. Adriance, Theodorus, d. 1826, Sep. 1, a. 32-6-21. Adriance, Thomas Storm, s. of Rem & Catharine, d. 1809, May 25, a. 14-2-(9). Adriance, William, d. 1809, July 15, a. 29-11-15. Baldwin, Sally, dau. of Elisha & Jemima, d. 1829, Apr. 12, a. 4-10-6. Baldwin, Walter, s. of E. S. & Aletta, d. 1841, Oct. 9, a. 9-6-19. (Barknis), Elizabeth, d. 1793, Dec. 12, a. 56 y. Baxter, Gilbert, s. of Harris & Sally, d. 1825, Mar. 4, a. 4 y. 2 m. Baxter, Harris, d 1827, Apr. 6, a. 38-(2)-26. Beatty,. Anna, w. of Samuel, d. (1835), Dec. 31, a. 53 y. 5 m. Beatty, Samuel, d. (1828), July 29, a. 60 y. Bedford, Elizabeth, w. of John, d. 1804, May 16, a. 39 y. 16 d. Berry, Abba, s of Nathaniel & Susan, d. 1820, Dec. 6, a. 1 m. Berry, Annis Ogden, w. of Peter, d. 1858, Jan. 7, a. 92-4-15. Berry, Elizabeth D. Long, w. of Nathaniel, d. 1851, Oct. 22, a. 21 y. Berry, Francis, d. 1809, June 3, a. 39-8-26. Berry, Mary, d. 1810, Oct. 10, a. 17 y. 7 m. Berry, Moriche, w. of Francis, d. 1852, Sep. 25, a. 81-5-15. Berry, Nathaniel, d. 1844, Nov. 18, a. 58 y. 4 m. Berry, Nathaniel, s. of Peter N. & Susan, d. 1846, Dec. 22, a. 11 m. Berry, Nathaniel, s. of Nathaniel & Susan, d. 1856, Nov. 16, a. 26-11-25. Berry, Peter, d. 1828, Apr. 18, a. 67 y. 23 d. Berry, Peter, s. of Peter & Susan, d. 1840, July 18, a. 10 m. Berry, Peter N., b. 1812, Dec. 12, d. 1888, Dec. 11. Berry, Susan, dau. of Peter & Susan, d. 1848, Dec. 25. Berry, Susan, w. of Nathaniel, b. 1789, Apr. 10, d. 1846, Oct. 17, a. 57 y. Berry, Susan A. Green, w. of Peter N., d. 1865, May 23, a. 46-1-2. Bice, (Daricus), d. 1834, Apr. 11, a. 74 y. 6 m. Bogert, David R., d. 1839, June 3, in 77th y.; â&#x20AC;&#x201D; D. Ritzema Bogert, d. in Saratoga County, Exhumed and re-interred here May 12, 1860. Bogert, Nicholas, and Alida R(-)zem, his wife, "both interred a t the side of their daughter Helena Strachan." "He was born in the City of New York the 2d April 1725, and died at Beekman the 28th Jan. 1814, aged 83-9-15. She was born at (Gotham) in Holland the 19th Feb. 1742, and died at Beekman the 26th March 1813, a. 71-1-7." Boice, Mary Louisa, b. 1820, July 24, d. 1888, Feb. 28. Boice, Nathaniel, d. 1831, Aug. 25, a. 49-6-22. 54
Town 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125.
Boice, Phebe Coe, wid. of Nathaniel, d. 1877, Aug. 16, a. 83 y. 11 m. Brewer, Mahala, d. 1867, Jan. 22, a. 72. Brewer, Jane Ann, w. of Daniel, d. 1832, June 4, a. 23-9-2. Briggs, Rebecca ( J . ) , d. 1865, Feb. 16, a. 60-(10)-6. Briggs, Sarah A., dau. of Thomas & Mahala, d. 1836, Mar. 2, a. 2-3-12. Brinckerhoff, Abraham, d. 1823, Mar. 15, a. 62-4-7. Brinckerhoff, Abraham L., d. 1816, Jan. 31, a. 25-3-18. Brinckerhoff, Bersheba, w. of Abraham I., d. 1841, May 2, in 82d y. Brinckerhoff, Catharine (Roughbun), w. of John (S.), d. 1783, Sep. 15, a. 22 y. Brinckerhoff, Catharine Herren, w. of George, d. 1807, July 11, a. 78-1-16. Brinckerhoff, Elizabeth, dau. of Abraham I. & Bersheba, d. 1789, Mar. 15, a. 8-2-25. Brinckerhoff, Elizabeth Wiltsie, w. of George, d. 1851, Dec. 27, a. 89-4-26. Brinckerhoff, George, d. (1793), Dec. 4, a. (71-1-3). Brinckerhoff, George, d. 1834, July 10, a. 69 y. 22 d. Brinckerhoff, George, d. 1841, June 1, a. 25-10-24. Brinckerhoff, George T., d. 1820, Nov. 26, a. 36-8-23. Brinckerhoff, John, s of George & Marv, d. 1820, Dec. 15, a. 2-8-15. Brinckerhoff, Mary, w. of George T., d. 1846, July 2, a. 62-4-3. Brinckerhoff, Susan Monfort, w. of George, d. 1838, Aug. 23, a. 19-1-22; also Peter Monfort, infant son of George & Susan M. Brinckerhoff, d. 1838, Sep. 26, a. 6 m. 21 d. Brinckerhoff, (Tunis), d. 1790, Feb. 18, in 82d y. Brundage, Mary Cook, dau. of (Altan) & Lucy Ann, d. 1839, May 17, a. 4. Burrus, Catharine, dau. of Joseph & Mary, d. 1831, Apr. 1, a. 17-5-8. Burrus, Joseph, d. 1841, June 29, a. 69-3-12. Burrus, Joseph, s. of Joseph & Mary, d. 1831, Apr. 22, a. 12 y. 3 d. Burrus, Mary Knapp, w. of Joseph, d. 1839, Dec. 7, a. 59-11-11. Bush, Elizabeth, d. 1838, Mar. 24, a. 3-4-24. Bush, Nathaniel B., d. 1831, June 17, a. 2 y. 2 d. Bush, Isaac A., d. 1839, Mar. 15, a. 38-1-23. Bussing, Ann Bogardus, w. of John, d. 1850, July 29, a. 78-6-18. Carman, Elizabeth, w. of Thomas, & dau. of Abraham & Anna Shear, d. 1853, Sep. 13, a. 63 y. Cornell, Cornelius H., b. 1789, July 3, d. 1851, June 6. Cornell, Latitia Adriance, w. of Cornelius H., b. 1 7 9 ( - ) , July 14, d. 1876, May 28. Cornell, William Henry, s. of Cornelius H. & Laetitia, d. 1831, Aug. 4, a. 4-3-8. (Cornwell), Aletta Stockholm, w. of John D., d. 1821, Apr. 3, in 75th y. Duryea, Phebe, d. 1844, Jan. 10, a. 90 y. 9 m. Emans, Abby, w. of John, d. 1876, Jan. 6, a. (?)-8-l. Emans, Catharine, d. 1852, Oct. 27, a. 75-6-14. Emans, Cornelius, d. 1849, Aug. 19, a. 68-10-29. Emans, James, d. 1810, Apr. 3, a. 65-2-13. Emans, John, d. 1835, June 24, a. 66-1-24. Emans, Letitia, w. of James, d. 1835, May 2, a. 83-9-6. Emans, Sarah, d. 1803, Feb. 18, a. 8-5-29. Flagler, Adeline, b. 1808, Jan. 8, d. 1889, Dec. 27. Flagler, Catharine, b. 1812, Oct. 28, d. 1899, Jan. 15. Flagler, Charlotte Degroff, w. of Edward, d. 1878, Sep. 2, a. 59-4-17. Flagler, Edward, b. 1806, April 15, d. 1882, Apr. 2. Flagler, Elizabeth Bedell Whitman, w. of John Philip, b. 1821, Sep. 5, d. 1888, Nov. 18. Flagler, Elizabeth Brinkerhoff, w. of Edward, d. 1855, Apr. 9, a. 39 y. 21 d. Flagler, Gertrude B. Stockholm, w. of Thomas, d. 1855, Jan. 8, a. 61-8-20. Flagler, Jane Eliza, b. 1807, Feb. 20, d. 1859, Nov. 2. Flagler, John, d. 1798, Aug. 28, a. (l)-3-10. Flagler, John P., b. 1817, July 8, d. 1872, Dec. 16. Flagler, Sarah, d. 1833, Sep. 28, a. 23 y. 8 m. Flagler, Tamer Dennis, w. of Zachariah, d. 1795, Apr. 11, a. 20-8-16. Flagler, Thomas, d. 1849, Aug. 27, a. 84-1-17. Flagler, Zachariah, d. 1824, Feb. 21, a. 54-9-26. Foss, Phebe, w. of Elder Job, d. 1814, Aug. 23, in 32d y. Fowler, Mary, w. of Peter D., d. 1870, Dec. 5, a. 84-8-2. Fowler, Peter D., d. 1836, June 15, a. 46-5-8. Genung, Abraham, s. of Joseph & Charlotte, d. 1835, Mar. 20, a. 5-5-1. Genung, Abraham, s. of Adrian & Susan, d. 1837, Feb. 11, a. 7-3-5. Genung, Ann Brinckerhoff, w. of Gabriel, d. 1844, Sep. 20, a. 65-2-2. Genung, Caroline B., dau. of Adrian & Susan, d. 1849, June 20, a. 2 y. 18 d. Genung, James Swartwout, s. of Adrian B. & Susan, d. 1844, Sep. 28, a. 3-11-9. 55
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Genung, Lavinia, dau. of Joseph & Charlotte, d. 1844, Sep. 3, a. 4-11-21. Genung, Mary, dau. of Adrian & Susan, d. 1844, Sep. 12, a. 6-5-8. Hagaman, Hendrick, d. 1811, Feb. 18, a. 58-8-23. Halsey, Dr. Abraham, d. 1822, May 7, a. 58-2-18. Halsey, Nancy Beach, w. of Dr. Abraham, d. 1805, Oct. 10, in (39th?) y. H ( a r r i s ) , Isaac I., s. of William & Nancy, d. 1834, July 10, a. 29-6-7. Ha(rris), Mary Ann, b. 18(2 or 3)0, Aug. 5, d. 18(2 or 3)8, Mar. 10, a. 7 y. 7 m. H a ( r r i s ) , William, d. 1853, Apr. 7, a. 69-3-5. Hasbrook, Abraham, d. 1798, Jan. 17, a. 27 y. 28 d. Hasbrouck, Aletta Adriance, w. of Tunis, d. 1859, Jan. 7, in 82d y. Hasbrook, Benjamin, d. 1841, Dec. 16, in 74th y. Hasbrook, Dinah, wid. of Daniel, d. 1827, Mar. 5, a. 77 y. 3 m. Hasbrook, Francis, d. 1769, Jan. 9, a. 43-7-23. Hasbrook, Captain Francis, d. 1854, Mar. 8, a. 64-7-23. Hasbrook, Gilbert, s. of ( ? ) , d. 1768, Apr. 15, a. 1 y. Hasbrook, James, s of Francis, d. 1794, May 20, a. 6-8-19. Hasbrook, John, d. 1819, Nov. 28, a. 27-5-3. Hasbrouk, Margaret, w. of Francis, d. 1839, July 11, a. 41 y. 6 m. Hasbrook, Rachel, w. of Benjamin, d. 1842, Aug. 31, a. 71 y. 8 m. Hasbrouck, Tunis, d 1841, Oct. 1, in 71st y. Haxtun, Amey E.,. dau. of William & Ruth, d. 1830, Dec. 6, a. 24-7-3. Haxtun, Ruth Tibbits, w. of William, d. 1831, Dec. 7, a. 61-7-12. Haxtun, William, b. 1769, Feb. 28, d. 1847, Sep. 4, a. 78-6-6. Hoag, Barbara Luyster, w. of Philip, d. 1826, Mar. 20, a. 40-6-9. Hoagland, Charles E., s. of Edwin & Deborah, d. 1840, Dec. 1, a. 3-8-11. Hoagland, Captain E., d. 1844, Mar. 28, a. 39-4-28. Horton, Abraham, d. 1803, May 17, in 33d y. Horton, Ann Maria, wid. of Coert, & dau. of Jeromus Rapalje, d. 1849, Dec. 4, a. 47-10-17. Horton, Catherine, d. 1822, Sep. 29, a. 69-7-26. Horton, Coert, s. of Coert & Ann Maria, d. 1853, Sep. 17, a 17-5-4. Horton, Jacob, d. 1793, Jan. 6, a. (3)7 y. (10) m. Horton, Jane, w. of Joseph, d. 1818, Nov. 4, a. 85-7-4. Horton, Permelia, d. 1849, Feb. 19, a. 42-6-2. Horton, Sarah, w. of Coert, d. 1794, Apr. 7, a. 21 y. 5 m.; also her child, Elizabeth Horton, d. 1794, Apr. 15, a. 1 y. 12 d. Hulst, Henry, d. 1 8 4 ( - ) , Mar. 6, a. 73-7-(9). Hulst, Henry M., d. 1855, Sep. 3, a. 41-3-13. Hulst, Letty, w. of Henry, d. 1843, Nov. 22, a. 67-8-21. Hulst, Sarah Ann, w. of Henry M., d 1848, Feb. 19, a. 28-3-15. Humphrey, Abraham, d. 1821, Feb. 9, a. 35-7-9. Humphrey, Abraham, s. of Cornelius & Martha, d. 1827, Sep. 15, a. 5-11-1. Humphrey, Cornelius, d. 1844, Feb. 23, a. 56-8-17. Humphrey, Martha, w. of Cornelius, d. 1864, Feb. 8, a. (70)-5-23. Humphrey, Sarah, w. of Thomas, d. 1794, Sep. 7, a. 36-3-15. Humphrey, Thomas, d. 1804, Feb. 19, a. 49-9-19. Humphrey, William, s. of Thomas, d. 1815, May 29, in 23d y. Jewett, Catharine, dau. of Daniel E. & Catharine, d. 1831, Dec. 12, a. 4-6-21. Jewitt, Mary, w. of John, d. 1832, Mar. 5, a. 44 y. 4 m. Jones, Anzolette, dau. of Cornelius & Phebe, d. 1834, Oct. 21, a. 9-1-19. Jones, Bershebe, dau. of Cornelius & Phebe, d. 1844, Oct. 30, a. 29-6-21. Jones, Cornelius, d. 1849, Aug. 11, a. 60-2-7. Jones, Phebe Brinckerhoff, w. of Cornelius, d. 1851, Jan. 7, a. 57-7-7. Kniffin, Catharine, w. of Daniel, Jr., d. 1862, Mar. 3, a. 25-7-28. Kniffin, Daniel, Jr., d. 1864, Feb. 11, a. 29-(3)-6. Kniffin, Daniel K., d. 1866, Sep. 28, a. 60-5-28. Kniffen, David, s. of Daniel & Ellen, d. 1848, June 8, a. 2 y. 3 m. Kniffen, Ellen, w. of Daniel, d. 1851, July 6, in 43d y. Kniffin, Laura, dau. of Daniel, Jr., & Catharine, d. 1862, Oct. 12, a. 7 y. 3 m. Kniven, Jacob, d. 1822, May 9, in 89th y. Losee, John F., d. 1817, (June) 3, a. 55 y. 13 d. Losee, Hannah, w. of John, d. 1839, Aug. 10, a. 71-2-21. Losey, James, s. of Cornelius & Sarah, d 1814, Dec. 4, a. 18-1-4. Lovelace, Daniel, d. 1858, Dec. 11, a. 41 y. 27 d. Loveless, Eliza Jane, w. of Daniel, d. 1853, Feb. 3, a. 28-(10 m.?) Luyster, Abraham, s. of John P. & Margaret, d. 1841, Sep. 30, a. 18-10-12. Luyster, Clarissa, w. of Abraham, d. 1837, Oct. 7, a. 23-5-18. Luyster, George A., d. 1862, Oct. 1, a. 7-9-6. Luyster, Irvia T., d. 1862, Sep. 24, a. 5 m. 8 d. 56
Town 193. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. 220. 221. 222. 223. 224. 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. 233. 234. 235. 236. 237. 238. 239. 240. 241. 242. 243. 244. 245. 246. 247. 248. 249. 250. 251. 252. 253. 254. 255. 256. 257. 258.
Luyster, John, d. 1800, Mar. 18, a. 71-11-24. Luyster, John C , d. 1864, Mar. 17, a. 64-5-4. Luyster, (Mary) Kinshimer, w. of Peter I., d. 1S30, Apr. 23, a. 62-7-13. Luyster, Peter I., d. 1843, June 21, a. 75 y. 10 m. Mc Cutcheon, Robert, d. 1831, Dec. 16, a. 82. Mead, William, d. 1830, Feb. 11, a. 42-1-11. Monfort, Adrian, s. of Jacob & Harriet, d. 1842, Apr. 11, a. 4 m. 2 d. Monfort, Catherine Storm, w. of Jacob, d. 1826, Mar. 22, a. 25-2-17. Monfoort, Eliza, d. 1809, Aug. 16, a. 12 y. (â&#x20AC;&#x201D;) m. 5 d. Monfort, Harriet, w. of Jacob, d. 1875, Jan. 24, a. 66 y. 6 m. Monfort, Henrietta, d. 1845, Apr. 13, a. 5-4-13. Monfort, Jacob, d. 1869, July 1, a. 70-2-10. Monfoort, Jane Bennet, w. of John P., d. 1809, Feb. 12, a. 32-7-4. Monfort, John Jacob, d. 1845, Apr. 22, a. 2-2-22. Monfoort, John P., d. 1803, Nov. 15, a. 43-9-22. Monfort, Julia, dau. of Jacob & Harriet, d. 1841, Sep. 22, a. 3-6-21. Monfort, William A., s. of Jacob & Harriet, d. 1831, Mar. 23, a. 1 m. 11 d. Moore, Cornelia, wid. of Benjamin, Sen., of New York, d. 1781, June 8, a. 60 y. Myer, Adolph, d. 1806, Aug. 6, a. ( 8 7 ) - l l - 2 3 . Myers, David, d. 1821, May 22, a. 58-6-29. Myers, David D., s. of David & Phebe, d. 1820, Nov. 13, a. 33-10-6. Myers, Hannah D., wid. of David D., d. 1821, Apr. 22, a. 26-9-27. Myers, Phebe, dau. of David & Phebe, d. 1813, Dec. 21, a. 24-2-23. Myers, Phebe,. w. of David, d. 1818, Nov. 20, a. 50-5-27. Northrop, Jonathan, s. of Benjamin & Catherine, d. 1848, Jan. 1, a. 26-3-3. Oakley, Abby, dau. of Peter & Deborah, d. 1865, July 3, a. 59-7-14. Oakley, Cornelia B., dau. of Daniel & Mary, d. 1837, May 23, a. 18 y. 11 m. Oakley, Daniel, d. 1865, Nov. 8, a. 85-1-7. Oakley, Deborah Barlow, w. of Peter, d. 1811, Mar. 18, a. 26-5-16. Oakley, Eliza, dau. of Peter & Deborah Barlow, d. 1821, Aug. 8, a. 18 y. Oakley, Love Bogardus, w. of Daniel, b. 1780, Dec. 3, d. 1872, Dec. 28. Oakley, Mary, w. of Daniel, d. 1843, Jan. 13, a. 58 y. 1 m. Oakley, Mary Ann, dau. of Daniel & Mary, d. 1844, Mar. 23, a. 34-5-26. Oakley, Peter, d. 1837, Oct. 19, a. 56 y. Osborn, Althea J., dau. of Levi & Hetty, d. 1843, July 6, a. (20)-7-27. Paynter, Andrew G., b. 1819, Aug. 29, d. 1878, Dec. 23. Paynter, Maria, w. of Thomas, d. 1827, Dec. 10, a. 43 y. 10 m. Paynter, Richard S., d. 1841, May 19, a. 26-7-10. Phillips, (Barbarah), b. 1733, Nov. 10, d. 1820, Sep. 12, a. 87 y. Phillips, Cornelia, w. of James R., d. 1343, Aug. 7, a. 74-7-7. Phillips, James R., d. 1817, Jan. 8, a. 47-5-1. Phillips, Ralph, d. (1813), May 26, a. 84-9-10. Pollock, Adam, d. 1855, Apr. 9, a. 83-9-25. Pollock, Catharine Rogers, w. of Adam, d. 1852, Jan. 10, a. 91 y. 5 m. Rapalje, Aletta, b. 1799, Feb. 6, d. 1876, Mar. 9. Rapalje, Elizabeth Bedell, w. of Jeronemus, d. 1819, Jan. 2, a. 54 y. 25 d. Rapalje, Jeronemus, d. 1830, Oct. 11, in 74th y. Rapalje, John, b. 1791, Aug. 22, d. 1875, May 10. Remsen, Abraham D., d. 1827, Feb. 7, in 24th v. Remsen, Phebe Jane, d. 1826, Mar. 14, a. 1-5-28. Robinson, Elizabeth Halsey, w. of Samuel, d. 1804, Oct. 17, a. 33-9-2. Robinson, John, d. 1811, Nov. 24, a. 67-4-24. Robinson, Ruth Clapp, w. of John, d. 1836, Feb. 12, a. 81-9-4. Robinson, Captain Samuel, d. 1808, May 15, a. 47 y. 5 m. Rogers, David, s. of Micah, d. 1811, July 6, a. 47-1-29. Rogers, Helen Brill, w. of Micah, d. 1810, Sep. 4, a. 71 y. 6 d. Rogers, Hezekiah, s. of Micah, d. 1812, Apr. 27, a. 49-10-15. Rogers, Micah, b. 1731, Mar. 9, d. 1815, Feb. 16, a. 83-11-10. Schenck, Peter, d. 1815, Sep. 30, in 68th y. Schouten, Eipy, d. 1821, Oct. 15, a. 93. Secor, John, d. 1863, Oct. 25, a. 71-4-28. Secord, Elanor Scouten, wid. of Isaac, d. 1838, Mar. 21, a. 85-11-15. Secord, Elizabeth Bush, w. of Abraham, d. 1858, Jan. 17, a. 71-5-5. Secord, Hannah, w. of John, d. 1850, Aug. 31, a. 50-5-6. Shear, Abraham, d. 1822, Oct. 30, in 74th y. Shear, Anna Monfort, w. of Abraham, b. 1753, Sep. ( 1 ) , d. 1795, ( ) 5. (Broken stone). 259. Shear, John M., b. 1794, Apr. 15, d. 1795, May 19.
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260. Spooner, Catharine, w. of John W., & dau. of Daniel & Mary Oakley, d. 1842, May 3, a. 20-6-19. 261. Stockholm, Aaron, Jr., d. 1821, Oct. 11, in 40th y. 262. Stockholm, Aaron, d. 1825, May 8, a. 69 y. 6 d. 263. Stockholm, Andrew, d. 1855, Dec. 15, a. 64-11-15. 264. Stockholm, Andrew F., d. 1847, Feb. 3, a. 25-4-29. 265. Stockholm, George, d. 1832, Apr. 7, a. 30 y. 11 m. 266. Stockholm, John C , d. 1836, Feb. 2, a. 40 y. 9 m. 267. Stockholm, Maria Scouten, wid. of George, d. 1835, Oct. 1, a. 40-11-7. 268. Stockholm, Maria Weeks, w. of Andrew, d. 1864, Sep. 26, a. 69-10-20. 269. Stockholm, Phebe, w. of Colonel Aaron, d. 1855, Jan. 7, in 91st y. 270. Storm, Abraham S., b. 1797, Dec. 24, d. 1881, June 13. 271. Storm, Adelia S., dau. of John C , d. 1S29, Nov. 14, a. 4 m. 10 d. 272. Storm, Amelia Caroline, w. of Stephen, d. 1835, Jan. 22, a. 21-11-5. 273. Storm, Anna P. Dorland, w. of Stephen, d. 1858, Jan. 25, a. (45)-6-26. 274. Storm, Augustus, d 1870, Feb. 14, a. 49 y. 7 m. 275. Storm, Catharine A. d. 1861, Nov. 22, a. 31-8-1. 276. Storm, Cornelia Drake, w. of Abraham S., d. (broken), a. 59-9-17. 277. Storm, Catherine Maria, dau. of Jacob & Diana, d. 1814, Aug. 19, a. 1 y. 3 m. 278. Storm, Catharine Rapelje, w. of Jacob, d. 1834, Aug 15, a. 42-10-19. 279. Storm, Charles Edmon, d. 1831, Apr. 26, a. 28 v. 5 m. 280. Storm, Cornelia D., dau. of Abraham S. & Cornelia, d. 1843, Sep. 27, a. 12-11-12. 281. Storm, (Cornelius), d. 1790, (Dec.) 8, a. 66-7-13. 282. Storm, Cornelius B., s. of Thomas & Maria S., d. 1849, Aug. 5, a. 34 y. 4 m. 283. Storm, Diana Adriance, w. of Thomas I., d. 1825, May 21, a 51-11-21. 284. Storm, Diana Brinkerhoff, w. of Jacob, d. 1817, Nov. 1, a. 32 y. 25 d. 285. Storm, Elizabeth, wid. of Isaac, d. 1816, Mar. 31, a. 71-5-25. 286. Storm, Garret, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth, d. 1776, Aug. 6, a. 2-3-21. 287. Storm, Garret, d. 1801, Aug. 14, a. 78-10-27. 288. Storm, Ida Adriance, w. of Isaac, d. 1859, Mar. 5, a 80-1-14. 289. Storm, Isaac, d. 1813, Mav 3, a. 79 y. 290. Storm, Isaac, d. 1838, Mar. 20, a. 62-5-22. 291. Storm, Isaac, d. 1847, Oct. 29, a. 30-9-3. 292. Storm, James, s. of John I & Jane, d 1829, Feb. 13, a. 16-3-17. 293. Storm, Jane, w. of John I., d. 1871, Oct. 8, a. 84-6-14. 294. Storm, John Curry, d. 1850, June 19, a. 42-7-14. 295. Storm, John I., d. 1829, Mav 4, a. 43-10-1. 296. Storm, Lawrence L., s. of John I. & Jane, d. 1820, June 29, a. 15-6-20. 297. Storm, Maria Shear, w. of Thomas G., d. 1856, Aug. 17, a. 82-9-7. 298. Storm, (Mary), w. of (Cornelius), d. 1806, Apr. 29, a. 69-9-23. 299. Storm, Mary, wid. of Garret, d. 1813, May 29, a. 90 y. 4 d 300. Storm, Theodorus, d. 1865, July 19, a. 70-6-9. Storm, Catharine A., d. 1861, Nov. 22, a. 31-8-1. (Monument) 301. Storm, Thomas G., d. 1830, Feb. 26, a. 59-7-23. 302. Storm, Thomas I., d. 1847, Jan. 29, a. 80-2-7. 303. Storm, Thomas J., s. of John C & Mary Ann, d. 1843, Nov. 3, a. 4-11-14. * 3 0 4 . Strachan, Helena, d. 1799, June 20, a. 31-4-13; her son, Henry K. Strachan, d. 1800, Mar. 11, a. 10 m. 3 d. 305. (Strang), Catharine Adriance, w. of Henry, d. 1852, Apr 26, in 60th y. 306. Swade, (Derrick), d. 1832, Nov. 10, a 71-6-20. 307. Swade, Rachel, w. of Richard, d. 1862, Apr. 12, a. 92-9-18. 808. Swartwout, Jacobus I., d. 1846, Jan. 16, a. 75-6-21. Swartwout, Ann R. Seward, w. of Jacobus I., d. 1868, Mar. 30, a. 90-2-6. (Monument) 309. S , James, infant son of John A. & Catharine (D. or B.), d. 1836, Mar. 14, a. 6 w. 310. Tewell, Horatio S., s. of Henry & Phebe J., d. 1863, Sep. 26, a. 1 y. 7 m. 311. Titus, children of Albert & Margaret: Charles, b. 1832, Sep. 1, d. 1834, Sep. 12, a. 2 y. 12 d.; Mary, b. 1839, May 5, d. 1844, Aug. 9, a. 5-3-4; Margaret, b. 1841, Feb 18, d. 1844, Aug. 18, a. 3 y. 6 m. â&#x20AC;˘312. Tompkins, Harriet, w. of Jacob, d. 1849, May 10, a. 38-7-26. 313. Tompkins, Jacob, d. 1850, Mar. 5, a. 58 y. 25 d. 314. Tompkins, John Jacob, s. of Jacob & Harriet, d. 1857, Feb. 9, a. 19-4-17. .315. Tuwell, Horatio, s. of Horatio S & Mary, b. 1865, Oct. 17, d. 1867, Mar. 28. 316. Van Alst, Burgune, b. on Long Island, 1737, Aug. 22, d. 1803, Nov. 11, a. 66 y. 317. Van Alst,. George B., d. 1800, May 15, a. (31)-7-20. 318. Van Alst, Margaret Hoagland, w. of Bargoon, d. 1805, Apr. 10, a. 67 y. 7 d.
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319. Van Alst, Margaret, d. 1806, Feb. 13, a. 8-9-16. 8*"). van Nostrand, Lavina Gildersleeve, w. of G., d. 1864, Feb. 22, a. 67-3-2. Van Vlack. "The children of John & Elizabeth Van Vlack", d. 1815, Sep. 1, in the 1st y. of their age. 322. Van Vlack, Elizabeth, w. of John H., d. 1831, Oct 2, a. 83 y. 323. Van Vlack. John H., d. 1838, July 27, a. ( 9 3 ) - l l - 8 . 324. Vermilyea, Catherine Hamlin, w. of Dr. John K., b. 1807, Nov. 19, d. 1852, Aug. 27. 325. Vermilyea, Catharine, dau. of John K. & Catherine H., d. (1850), Sep. 18, a. 2 y. 22 d. 326. Vermilyea, John K., M. D., d. 1877, June 7, a. 74-8-21. 527. Vermilyea, John P., s. of John K. & Catherine H., b. 1843, Jan. 3, d. (1854), Nov. 27. 328. Vermilyea, Louisa H., dau. of John K. & Catherine H., d. 1834, Nov. 21, a. 12 d. 329. Vermilyea, (Marius) C , s. of John K. & Catherine H., b. 1844, Nov. 11, d. 1854, Dec. 9. 330. Vermilyea, (Tavernier), s. of J. K. & C. H., d. 184(0), Dec. 20, a. 4-4-23. 331. Waldron, Abraham B., s. of Benjamin & Mariah, d. 1812, Oct. 16, a. 16-6-9. 332. Waldron, Widow Ann, d. 1784, Mar. 19, a. 65 y. 333. Waldr-an, Elizabeth, w. of John, d. 1783, Mar. 7, a. 31 y. 334. Waldron, Elizabeth, d. 1797, Dec. 17, a. 18 y. 8 m. 335. Waldron, Hannah, d. 1835, Mar. 27, a. 76-1-22. 336. Waldron, Maria, w. of Benjamin, d. 1815, Sep. 12, a. 57 y. 6 m. 337. Warren. Hiram, d. 1841, Oct. 1, a. 39-1-20. 338. Way, Mary, w. of Francis, d. 1816, Jan. (1), in 29th y. 339. Weeks, Chauncey, d. 1835, Oct. 3, a. 78-5-24. 340. Weeks, Sarah Ann Elizabeth, dau. of Samuel & Sarah Ann, d. 1846, Jan. 3, a. 4 y. 341. Willson, William Edwin, s. of Car(relnis) J. & Sabrina R., d. 1836, Mar. 3, a. 1-3-17. 342. Wiltsie, Annas, dau. of Peter, d. 1810, Oct. 31, a. (3) y. 343. Wiltsie, Daniel, d. 1814, Mar. 8, a. "about 45 yrs." 344. Wiltsie, Jacob, d. 1853, Mar. 31, a. 51-5-24. 345. Wiltsie, Martin I., d. 1851, Apr. 27, a. 77 y. 346. Wiltsey, Peter, d. 1824, Aug. 15, a. 61-8-20. 347. Wiltsey, Zilpha, w. of Peter, d. 1849, Mar. 22, a. 85 y. 348. Winters, Helena Mead, w. of Solomon, d. 1820, Oct. 16, a. 28 y. 4 m. 349. Winters, Mary Ann, dau. of Solomon & Helena, d. 1820, Nov. 26, a. 7-10-17. 350. Wortman, James, 1768-1842; Phebe Curry, his wife, 1770-1842. Margaret, 1827-1831. Delta, 1829-1830. Sarah, 1831-1831. Rachel, 1832-1832. Dennis, M. D., Jan. 24, 1796-May 3, 1864; Elizabeth Brinckerhoff Rapalje, his wife, Apr. 6, 1797-Jan. 14, 1864; Ann Aletta, their daughter, Oct. 14, 1838-Apr. 23, 1907. (Monument) 351. Wright, Delilah Cronk, w. of John, b. 1810, Mar. 15, d. 1884, Mar. 31. 352. Wright, John, b. 1808, Dec. 3, d. 1874, Aug. 16. 353. Wright, Peter (B.), s. of John & Delilah, d. 1838, June 27, a. 11-4-25. 354. Tompkins & Jackson: Tompkins, Daniel D. P. W., a. 14 y. 11 m.; Jackson, Andrew W., a. 3-3-16; "both died being poisoned Sept. 1, 1835." NOTE: Hasbrouck's History of Dutchess County (page 295) states that Englebert Huff, a Norwegian, who once was a member of the life guard of William, Prince of Orange, died in Rombout Precinct in 1768 at the age of 128 years and was buried near the east wall of the Reformed Dutch Church at Hopewell.
BAPTIST CHURCHYARD, FISHKILL PLAINS CLASSIFICATION: Churchyard. LOCATION: On Fishkill Plains, at the site of the Fishkill Plains Baptist Church. CONDITION: Rough and uncared for. 59
144 in number. Copied July 9, 1914, by J. W. Poucher, M. D., Mrs. Poucher and Mrs. C. W. Allen. In 1782 the "First Fishkill Baptist Church" was organized. The church building was erected about 1802, but is not now standing.
1. Adams, Gilbert, d. 1825, July 15, a. 64-7-22. 2. Ambler, Marium Ann, w. of Joseph L., & dau. of William & Catharine Wiley, d. 1874, Sep. 7, a. 25-6-9. 3. Ammon, Nelley, d. 1849, Aug. 19, a. 78-4-19. 4. Baker, Frances C , dau. of David M. & Ruth, d. 1844, Mar. 25, a. 4 y. 10 m. 5. Barns, Catharine, wid. of James, d. 1828, July 24, a. 58-1-14. 6. Barns, Isaac, s. of James & Mary Ann, d. 1838, Oct. 27, a. 6 m. 9 d. 7. Bloomer, Josephine, dau. of J. & A., d. 1865, Jan. 8, a. 2 y. 2 m. 8. Booth, John, d. 1830, Feb. 4, a. 33-8-18 9. Brown, Ruhamah, b. 1809, Apr. 24, d. 1872, Mar. 12. 10. Clark, Hannah Jane, dau. of Shubael A. & Ann, d. 1846, Aug. 19, a. 19-4-5. 11. Clark, Shubael A., d. 1850, July 15, a. 58-5-26. 12. Concklin, Annis, d. 1840, Jan. 29, a. 73 y. 13. Cornwell, Adam D., d. 1862, Dec. 7, a. 81 y. 9 m. 14. Cornwell, Elizabeth, w. of Adam D., d. 1865, May 5, a. 81-2-16. 15. Cornwell, Elon, d. 1847, Aug. 2, a. 29-7-4. 16. Cornwell, Tamar, d. 1863, Mar. 13, (broken stone). 17. Duzenbury, Catharine H., dau. of Stephen & Esther, d. 1829, Apr. 17, a. 14-9-16. 18. Farrington, Ebenezer, d. 1864, Aug. 19, a. 66-3-8. 19. Farrington, Joseph, d. 1833, Jan. 28, a. 92-10-1. 20. Farrington, Mary, w. of Ebenezer, d. 1858, Aug. 22, a. 59 y. 19 d. 21. Farrington, Vashti, w. of William, d. 1854, Sep. 21, in 75th y. 22. Farrington, William, b. 1772, Dec. 26, d. 1838, Feb. 23. 23. Ferguson, Alexander, d. 1860, Feb. 9, a. 44-2-24. 24. Ferguson, Maria, w. of Farrington, d. 1843, Feb. 11, a. 30 y. 23 d. 25. Ferguson, Patty Maria, w. of Alexander, d. 1844, Mar. 3, a. 33-11-21. 26. Forguson, Farrington, d. 1850, May 24, a. 42-9-29. 27. Forguson, Hannah Jane, d. 1851, Mar. 7, a. 37-8-24. 28. Genung, Letty Ann, dau. of Benjamin & Jane Ann, d. 1835, Feb. 21, a. 5 y. 5d. 29. Genung, Mary D., dau. of Benjamin & Jane Ann, d. 1835, Feb. 17, a. 2-6-25. 30. Hicks, Stephen, s. of William & Eleanor, d. 1838, Apr. 16, a. 19 d. 31. Hodges, Ann Maria, w. of William, d. 1851, Oct. 21, a. 27-7-5. 32. Hodges, Sarah Frances, dau. of William & Ann Maria, d. 1851, Feb. 8, a. 3 y. 10 m. 33. Jewell, Almira Dymond, twin daughter of William H. & Margaret R., d. 1853, Aug. 26, a. 6 m. 1 d. 34. Jewell, Amanda, dau. of Isaac & Maria, a. 8-5-13. 35. Jewell, Anlida, w. of Peter, d. 1837, June 7, a. 35-7-19. 36. Jewell, Catherine Eliza, dau. of Isaac & Mariah, d. 1830, Feb. 2, a. 3 y. 1 d. 37. Jewell, Charlie, s. of Edwin & Phebe, d. 1864, Feb. 25, a. 1-8-25. 38. Jewell, Esther, w. of John I., d. 1844, Jan. 1, a. 86-10-11. 39. Jewell, Isaac, d. 1850, Nov. 27, a. 56-3-27. 40. Jewell, John I., d. 1846, May 15, a. 83 y. 7 m. 41. Jewell, John M., d 1851, May 14, a. 54-4-22. 42. Jewell, Maria, w. of Isaac, d. 1858, Feb. 3, a. 61-11-14. 43. Jewell, Mary Jane, dau. of Peter & Anlida, A: 1841, Apr. 8, a. 12-7-7. 44. Jewell, Peter, d. 1852, Nov. 6, a. 47 y. 5 m. 45. Jewell, Sidney, s. of Edwin & Phebe, d. 1859, Nov. 23, a. 2-2-7. 46. Jewell, Susan Adelia, dau. of Isaac & Maria, d. 1839, Nov. (â&#x20AC;&#x201D;), a. 11-10-18. 47. Jewell, Willie S., s. of William H. & Margaret R., d. 1864, Jan. 31, a. 9 m. 29 d. 48. Jones, Letitia, wid. of John B., d. 1857, May 12, a. 75 y. 49. Kimbark, Samuel M., d. 1863, Nov. 24, at New Orleans, a. 29 y. 50. Lawrence, Georginia, dau. of Jesse & Sarah, d. 1863, Dec. 5, a. 2-3-19. 51. Lawrence, Jesse, b. 1818, Mar. 24, d. 1897, Feb. 12. 52. Lawerence, John W., s. of Jesse & Sarah, d. 1861, Sep. 3, a. 15-1-20. 53. Lawrence, Sarah, w. of Jesse, b. 1819, Oct. 17, d. 1890, July 11. 54. Lent, Julia Ann, dau. of Peter & Lorinda, d. 1861, Jan. 1, a. 15 y. 2 m. 55. Lent, Lorindy Rose, w. of Peter, d. 1860, Feb. 28, a. 44-9-1. 56. McKeel, Lavina Loveless, w. of Uriah, d. 1840, Mar. 1, a. 31-6-9. 57. Miller, Phebe, d. 1852, July 8, a. 57 y. 58. Montfort, Adelia J., dau. of John J. & Hannah B., d. 1858, May 20, a. 14 y. 11 m 59. Montfort, Hannah Birett, w. of John J., d. 1864, Aug. 27, a. 52-3-15. 60. Montfort, John J., d. 1870, June 12, a. 66-8-9. 60
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Montross, Susannah, w. of Isaac G., d. 1829, Sep. 7, a. 26-9-7. Morse, Hester, w. of Jason, d. 1850, Dec. 26, a. 65-9-20. Mors, Jason, d. 1829, Sep. 3, a. 52 y. Morse, Joseph, s. of Jason & Hester, d. 1829. Mott, Henry, d. 1850, Mar. 3, a. 69-7-11. Mott, John Peter, d. 1828, Apr. 7, a. 11 m. Mott. Phebe, w. of Henry, d. 1861, Sep. 3, a. 76-7-14. Myers, Peter V., s. of Z. V. & Sarah A., d. 1866, Dec. 31, a. 32-11-25. Myers, Sarah A., w. of Z. V.; "Mother", d. 1873, Apr. 29, a. 62-2-7. Myers, Z. V.; " F a t h e r " ; d. 1864, Apr. 11, a. 60-7-7. Nostrand, Benjamin, d. 1874, June 24, in 74th y. Nostrand, George, s. of Gideon & Nancy, d. 1840, Oct. 30, a. 4-8-17. Nostrand, G. T., 1811-1890. Nostrandt, John, d. 1849, May 21, a. 48-3-3. Nostrand, Mary, 1813-1891. Nostrand, Sarah Ellen Barnes, w. of Benjamin, d. 1859, Jan. 6, a. 48-8-11. Patterson, Alice, 1802-1889. Patterson, Beekman V., d. 1872, Dec. 22, a. 61 y. 11 m. Patterson, Clarry, d. 1858, May 18, a. 69-9-10. Patterson, David, d. 1854, Apr. 6, a. 66-11-4. Patterson, Elizabeth Barnes, w. of Beekman V., d. 1856, Apr. 6, a. 60 y. 2 m. Patterson, John, d. 1851, Dec. 13, a. 37-3-8. Patterson, Malinda, w. of John, d. 1840, Oct. 29, a. 27-3-20. Patterson, Maria Jane, w. of Crommelin V., d. 1853, June 19, a. 32-3-7. Patterson, Mary Amelia, dau. of Henry & Elizabeth, d. 1855, Sep. 28, a. 9 m, 3 d. Patterson, Theodore, s. of David & Clarry, d. 1827, Sep. 26, a. 1 m. 11 d. Phillips, Caroline E., w. of John, d. 1857, Dec. 12, a. 36-2-4. Phillips, Caroline M ( o t t ) , w. of William B., d. 1875, Apr. 27, in 65th y. Phillips, Maria E., dau. of William B. & Caroline, d. 1852, Aug. 9, a. 13-5-19. Phillips, Maria Wilde, w. of Elias, d. 1331, Dec. 11, a. 35-8-23. Phillips, Marv Elizabeth, dau. of John & Caroline E., d. 1849, July 7, a. 8 m. 21 d. Phillips, William B., d. 1849, July 12, a. 42-5-10. Phillips, children of William W. & Mary M.: Charlie, d. 1852, Mav 26, a. 5-4-26; Simeon D., d. 1851, Dec. 20, a. 2 m. 14 d. Ridley, Elizabeth, w. of Peter, d. 1825, Nov. 8, a. 69-8-6. Rowe, Aletta Cornwell, w. of George, d. 1862, Dec. 14, a. 38-2-25. Rowley, Peter, d. 1841, Sep. 9, a. 26-11-15. Shaw, Sarah J. Lent, w. of Subithkev, d. 1860, Apr. 10, a. 24-6-25. Stephens, Hannah, w. of John, d. 1852, Feb. 6, a. 79-9-7. Stone, Clarke, d. 1817, Nov. 23, in 81st y. Stone, Mary Dusenbery, w. of Theodore, d. 1842, Nov. 3, a. 34 y. Stone, Phebe, d. 1842, Mar. 31, a. 35-11-10. Stone, Phebe H., dau. of John & Naomi, d. 1836, Sep. 30, a. 5 m. Stone, Susannah F., w. of Clarke, d. 1824, July 31, a. 51 y. 19 d. Thurston, Alonzo, s of Peter & Eliza, d. 1829, Jan. 26. Thurston, Catherine Eliza, dau. of Peter & Eliza, d. 1837, Julv 7, a. 4-11-9. Thurston, Eliza Jewel, w. of Peter, b. 1800, Feb. 11, d. 1877, Mar. 9. Thurston, Esther Ann, dau. of Peter & Eliza, d. 1839, Dec. 26, a. 3-9-3. Thurston, Jane E., d. 1860, Oct. 20, a. 14 y. 5 m. Thurston, John, s. of Peter & Eliza, d. 18 (â&#x20AC;&#x201D;), Dec. 28, a. 28-9-2. Thurston, Peter, d. 1848, May 30, a. 55-2-21. Tompkins, Jane Ann, dau. of Rodford & Margaret, d. 1849, Apr. 4, a. 4-1-22. Tomlinson, Franklin, d. 1877, Jan. 29, a. 27 y. Tompkins, Catharine Ann, w. of Jacob, d. 1852, Sep. 16, a. 6 y. 9 m. Townsend, Esther, w. of Nathaniel, d. 1857, June 10, a. 68 y. 2 m. Travis, Jacob L., d. 1865, Dec. 13, a. 33-9-4. Travis, Nathaniel, d. 1833, Jan. 12, a. 36 y. Van Derwater, Lavisey, w. of William, d. 1872, Jan. 2, in 64th y. Van Force, Ann E., d. 1850, July 14, a. 24 y. 7 d. Van Force, Jacob G., d. 1846, Aug. 25, a. 43 y. 2 m Van Force, John G., s.of Jacob G. & Nancy, d. 1830, Aug. 27, a. 1 y. 8 d. Van Force, Nancy, w. of Jacob G., d. 1851, Mar. 20, a. 44-6-20. Van Force, Sarah, dau. of Jacob G. & Nancy, d. 1834, Oct. 4, a. 3 y. 1 m. Van Nostrand, Caleb B., d. 1859, Jan. 30, a. 70 y. Van Nostrand, Hannah Valentine, w. of Caleb B., d. 1869, May 18, a. 77 y. Van Nostrand, John P., d. 1863, Jan. 9, a. 29 y. Vermilya, Isaac D., d. 1853, Apr. 18, a. 81-9-18. Vermilya, Maria, w. of Isaac D., d. 1857, Mar. 11, a. 82-4-24. 61
128. Vermilyea, Mary Jane, dau. of Jerome & Phebe, d. 1838, Sep. 1, a. 5 m. 129. Warren, Eliza Wiley, w. of Rev. John, Jr., d. 1852, Jan. 2, a. 37-4-8. 130. Wheeler, Phebe, w. of Ira, & dau. of William & Catharine Wiley, d. 1848, July 24, a. 24 y. 12 d. 131. Wilde, James, d. 1842, Oct. 26, a. 61-8-7. 132. Wilde, Polly Warren, w. of James, d. 1868, Feb. 17, a. 88-11-15. 133. Wilde, William, Sen., b. 1756, J u l y - ( â&#x20AC;&#x201D; ) , d. 1825, Oct. 29, a. 69-3-12. 134. Wiley, Catharine, w. of William, d. 1856, Oct. 20, a. 70-11-20. 135. Wiley, Catharine Elizabeth, dau. of John & Hannah, d. 1853, Oct. 5, a. 17-2-5. 136. Wiley, George W., s. of John & Olive, d. 1855, Jan. 16, a. 1-10-25. 137. Wiley, Hannah, d. 1848, Oct. 20, a. 37-6-13. 138. Wiley, William, d. 1857, June 1, a. 70 y. 12 d. 139. Wixon, Ann Elizabeth, dau. of Samuel & Rebecka, d. 1842, Sep. 19, a. 7-2-16. 140. Wood, Polly, d. 1825, Nov. 5, a. 15 y. 3 m. 141. Wood, Morgan L., d. 1848, Aug. 4, a. 43 y. 8 m. 142. Wright, Emma, w. of S., d. 1870, May 5, a. 61 y. 143. Wright, Solomon, d. 1876, Mar. 18, a. 66 y. 3 m. 144. Wright, Solomon C , d. 1831, Nov. 7, a. 28 y. METHODIST CHURCHYARD, JOHNSVILLE CLASSIFICATION: Churchyard. LOCATION: M e t h o d i s t c h u r c h a t Johnsville. CONDITION: In good o r d e r . INSCRIPTIONS: 147 in n u m b e r . Copied D e c e m b e r 6, 1 9 1 3 , by J . W . P o u c h e r , M. D., M r s . P o u c h e r , Mr. a n d M r s . C l a r e n c e F o w l e r . REMARKS: T h e Johnsville M e t h o d i s t C h u r c h w a s o r g a n i z e d in 1826.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28.
29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34.
Baxter, Sephen, d. 1847, Dec. 8, a. 24-5-3. Bennet, Jennet, dau. of Henry & Sarah, d. 1860, June 8, a. 1 y. 9 m. Bennet, William, d. 1827, Oct. 29, in 35th y. Bloomer, Edward, s. of Gilbert & Mary, d. 1835, Jan. 4, in 20th y. Brewer, Abby Jane, dau. of Sutton & Mary, (no dates on stone). Brewer, Deborah, w. of Sutton, d. 1883, June 26, a. 72 y. Brundije, Abbey E. B., dau. of Samuel & Sarah, d. 1828, Dec. 23, a. 1 y. Brundage, Mary, dau. of Alva & Ann, d. 1831, Dec. 13, a. 3 y. Burrow, Joseph N., s. of (Joseph) M. & Phebe D., d. in Buffalo, 1851, Oct. 18, a. 19 y. 6. Burrow, Mary, dau. of Uriah & Sarah, d. 1835, May 16, a. 14-3-12. Burrow, Phebe D., w. of (Josiah) M., d. 1849, Feb. 22, a. 47 y. Burrow, Sarah, w. of Uriah, d. 1845, July 14, a. 87 y. Burrow, Uriah, d. 1834, July 14, in 83d y. (Carey), Edward, s. of William & Elizabeth, d. 1840, Aug. 21, a. 5-6-10. Cary, John, d. 1844, July 13. Cary, Polly, w. of John, d. 1857, Mar. 16, a. 71-4-5. Cary, infant son of Isaac & Eliza J., b. 1858, Aug. 13, d. 1858, Sep. 17. Corbin, Mahaly, w. of William, d. 1884, Dec. 27, a. 79-2-27. Corbin, William, d. 1886, Mar. 28, a. 85 y. Corbin, Maria, dau. of William & Mahala, d. 1867, May 8, a. 20. De Gilyer, Mary, d 1826, Aug. 17, a. 33-4-11. Farlow, Hannah, w. of William, d. 1838, Mar. 20, a.. 45-1-20. Farlow, William, d. 1858, Mar. 27, a. 63-10-17. Ferguson, Charlotte, dau. of Merrit & Margaret, d. 1858, Dec. 2, a. 6-7-2. Field, Lucilia Elvira, dau. of Rev. Julius & Minerva, d. 1835, Dec. 30, a. 1 y. 5 m. Fosgate, Ezekiel, d. 1833, June 17, in 90th y. Gabriel, Louisa, dau. of Daniel & Rosanna, d. 1840, May 6, a. 10 m. 12 d. Gildersleeve, children of John & Hannah M.: Phebe, d. 1846, Oct. 17, a. 1-3-17; Theodore, d. 1850, July 20, a. 9 m., Seymour J., d 1858, June 16, a. 5 m. 1 d. Giles, William, d. 1848, Oct 17, in 84th y. Hall, Orrin, d. 1827, Dec. 28, in 27th y. Hayser, Adelbert, s. of James & Sarah, d. 1842, Dec. 25, a. 2 m. 29 d. Higgs, Anson W., d. 1862, Apr. 19, a. 21-2-16. (Heaby), Catherine, w. of Alexander, d. 1865, Oct. 27, in 57th y. Horton, Caleb, b. 1767, Feb. 26, d. 1848, Dec. 27, a. 81-10-1. 02
Town 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 07. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103.
Horton. Sarah H., wid. of Caleb, d. 1834, Jan. 8, a. 69-8-1. Howe^. Richardus, s. of John & Mary E., d. 1858, Aug. 29, a. 1 y. 16 d. Jones, Sallie, d. 1823, Sep. 23, a. 17-4-15. Ketcham, Charles, s. of John & Lidia, d. 1850, Dec. 23, a. 20-8-9. Ketcham, Elizabeth M., dau. of Joshua & Elizabeth, d. 1856, May 9, a. 8 m. 9 d. Ketcham, Elizabeth, w. of Josiah, d. 1855, Aug. 31, a. 35-9-25. Ketcham, Jane Ann Ladue, w. of Thomas, d. 1848, Oct. 3, a. 33-3-25. Ketcham, Jane C , d. 1851, Mar. 22, a. 25-11-7. Ketcham, John, d. 1850, May 24, a. 52 y. 11 m. Ketcham, Lyda, w. of John, d. 1842, Aug. 22, a. 43 y. Ketchum, Ruth, w. of Joshua, d. 1839, Dec. 16, a. 82 y. 8 m. Knapp, Sarah Ann, dau. of John & Fanny, d. 1863, Mar. 5, a. 20-4-15. Knapp, William, s. of John & Fanny, d. 1843, Feb. 17, a. 2 y. 2 m. Ladue, Albert, s. of Daniel & Catharine, d. 1840, Aug. 19, a. 21-10-16. Ladue, Ann Eliza Schouten, w. of William S., d. 1848, Sep. 10, a. 18 y. 22 d. Ladue, Catharine, dau. of Peter & (Jamime), d. 1830, Nov. 30, a. 10 m. Ladue, Catharine S., w. of Daniel, d. 1848, Mar. 18, a. (?) y. 4 m. 21 d. Ladue, Daniel, d. 1846, Aug. 8, a. 67-10-7. Ladue. Elizabeth (G.), w. of John A., d. 1859, Aug. 29, a. 52-5-17. Ladue, Fredy C , s. of Alonzo & Susan A., d. 1864, Dec. 21, a. 2-5-29. Ladue, Garrison, s. of Peter & (Jamime), d. 1828. July 18, a. 1 m Ladue, Isaac Cary, s. of John A. & Elizabeth, d. 1837, Oct. 23, a. 6-4-9. Ladue, John A., s. of John A. & Elizabeth (C.),d. 1859, Aug. 31, a. 23-6-9. Ladue. John A., d. 1865, June 27, a. 67-3-11. Ladue, John H., s. of Samuel & Polly, d. 1826, Mar. 9, a. 14 m. 9 d. Ladue, Polly Cary, w. of Rev. Samuel, d. 1850, Apr. 10, a. 61 y 7 m. Ladue, Rev. Samuel, d. 1855, June 22, a. 69-8-22. Ladue, Samuel G., d. 1859, Apr. 15, a. 53-3-8. Ladue, Sarah, w. of Oliver, d. 1827, Feb. 9, a. 79-8-13. Lane, Matilda, w. of John, d. 1836, Jan. 4, a. 36 y. 1 m. Laurence, Elizabeth, d. 1848, Nov. 25, a. 64 y. 5 m. Leach, Catharine, d. 1825, Dec. 27, a. 32-9-17. Light, Hannah, w. of William, d. 1839, Sep. 1, a. 48 y. 6 m. Losee, Daniel D., d. 1851, Feb. 5, a. 20-11-23. Losee, John D., d. 1857, Oct. 12, a. 37-2-4. Mead,'infant son of Horace H. & Frances A., d 1863, Mar. 14, a. 21 d. Mead, infant daughter of Horace H. & Frances A., d. 1864, Sep. 14, a. 10 d. Ostrander, Cornelius, d. 1853, Jan. 17, a. 77-7-26. Ostrander, Mary, w. of Cornelius, d. 1843, June 2, in 67th y. Parmalee, Anna Pierce, w. of Thomas, d 1885, Oct. 10, a. 64 y. Parmale, Mary Warner, w. of Philo, d. 1835, Oct. 22, a. 39 y. Parmalee. Thomas, d. 1832, Oct. 31, a. 26-1-13. Phillips, J. S., Co. I., 98th N. Y. Infantry, d. 1867, Sep. 22, a. 20. Pierce, Daniel D., d. 1867, Mar. 14, a. 84 y. Pierce, Frederick, s. of Wesley & Ann Maria, d. 1836, July 27, a. 3 m. 26 d. Pierce, Hannah, dau. of Daniel D. & Mary, d. 1878, Nov. 15, a. 68 y. Pierce, Mary, dau. of Daniel D. & Mary, d. 1856, Apr. 27, a. 32-11-17. Pierce, Mary, w. of Daniel D., d. 1863, Mav 29, a. 82 y. Pollock, Abram, d. 1857, June 11, a. 43-9-15. Pollock, Esther, d. 1879, Nov. 30, a. 69 y. 11 m. Pollock! Nancy, d. 1862, Aug. 16, a. 75 v. Pollock, Sarah, b. 1815, July 2, d. 1878, Mar. 24. Roe, Benjamin, d. 1819, Feb. 11. Roe, Helena, dau. of John A & Jane, d. 1843, Jan. 7, a. 2 y. 9 m. Roe, Jane, w. of John A., d. 1852, Apr 22, a. 41-7-6. Roe, Theodorus A., s. of John A. & Jane, d. 1843, Jan. 7, a. 2 y. 9 m. Roe. Vincent, s. of John A. & Jane, d. 1852, July 21, a. 3 m. Rose, Mamie, dau. of Edmond & Mary, d. 1882, Dec. 29. Rose, Sally Ann, d. 1858, Feb. 20, a. 53-8-13. Rowland, Martha, w. of John, d. 1862, Oct. 8, a. 78-6-15. Rush, Abraham, d. 1834, Mar 29, a. ( l l ) - 2 - 6 . Rush, Mary E., d. 1834, Mar. 22, a. 2-6-13. Russell, William B., d. 1863, Jan. 11, a. 43-4-29. (Sadore), Catharine, infant daughter of Abraham & Catharine, d. 1842, Nov. 20. Schouten, Hetty, dau. of John K. & Mary Ann, d. 1837, May 24, a. 1-8-16. Schouten, John, d. 1835, Dec. 5, a. 35-4-15. Secor, Jacob, d. 1863, Apr. 6, a. 79 y. Secord, James K., s. of Jacob & Catharine, d. 1842, Feb. 17, a. 18 y. 3 m. Secor, Jane, dau. of Jacob & Catharine, d. 1855, Nov. 13, a. 23-4-17. 63
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104. (Sedore), Catharine, w. of Abraham, d. 1842, Apr. 10, a. 29 y. 105. (Sedore), infant daughter of Abraham & Catharine, d. 184(1), Nov. 16, a. 3(l)-2. 106. Sharlock, James, s. of Charles & Charlotte, d. 1832, Mar. 11, a. 6 y. 23 d. 107. Smith, Catharine, dau. of Daniel & Ann, d. 1866, Sep. 7, a. 4 y. 1 d. 108. Smith, Elijah, d. 1872, Jan. 15, a. 81-10-7. 109. Smith, Margaret, w. of Elijah, d. 1858, Apr. 5, a. 67-5-7. 110. Smith, Seymour, s. of Daniel & Ann M., d. 1875, Mar. 24, a. 14-4-6. 111. Smith, William, s. of Elijah & Margaret, d. 1848, July 31, in 24th y. 112. Stebbins, Seymour, d. 1826, Apr. 23, a. 27-10-3. 113. Sullivan, Easter, w. of John, d. 1829, Feb. 14, a. 30 y. 114. Swift, Elizabeth, dau. of Isaiah & Elizabeth, d. 1843. Oct. 19, a. 15-2-15. 115. Swift, Elizabeth, w. of Laiah, d. 1861, .lulv 20, a. 60-4-20. 116. Swift, Mary, dau. of Isaiah & Elizabeth, d. 1833, Oct. 20, a. 9. 117. Taylor, (Benjamanne), d. 1831, Sep. 12, in 94th y. 118. Tavlor, Mercv, w. of James, d. 1828, Sep. 8, a. 32-2-23; Also her infant daughter, d. 1828, Sep. 28. 119. Titus, Albert, s. of John & Sarah, d. 1841, Sep. 2, a. 1-3-20. 120. Titus, John, d. 1848, June 24, a. 45 y. 121. Titus, Sarah, d. 1865, Feb. 23, a. 64-7-5. 122. Townsend, Susan, w. of George W., d. 1876, Dec. 7, a. 22-8-26. Also infant son d. 1876, Dec. 4. 123. Turner, George, s. of Rev. D. B. & T. L., d. 1S52, Dec. 12, a. 7 m. 5 d. 124. Turner, Sarah Elvira, dau. of Rev. D. B & T. L., d. 1846, Sep. 20, a. 1 y. 4 m. 125. Van Tassel, Henry, d. 1856, Dec. 5, in 80th y. 126. Van Tastle, James H., s. of J. L. & Catharine, d. 1850, May 3, a. 2 y. 5 m. 127. Van Tine, Anna, w. of Samuel, d. 1841, Oct. 7, a. 63-9-6. 128. Van Tine, Samuel, d. 1847, Dee. 23, a. 71-10-22. 129. Van Vlack, Catharine, w. of Aaron G., d. 1859, Mav. 24, a. 28-11-8. 130. Vernol, John Lewis, s. of Eppinetus & Ann, d. 1S55, July 31, a. 24-10-28. 131. Vernol, Thomas, s. of Epenetus & Ann, d. 1852, Jan. 4, a. 19-4-16. 132. Waldron, Phebe, w. of William B., d. 1864, Nov 2, a. 72-4-19. 133. Waldron, William B., d. 1838, Feb. 14, a. 55-2-11. 134. Walker, Sarah, w. of Joseph, d. 1861, Jan. 18, a. 64-10-29. 135. Way, Jane M., dau. of William & Mary E., d. 1862, Sep. 9, a. 9 m. 136. Way, Sarah Light, w.'of Isaac, d. 1839, July 19, a. 19-4-26. 137. Weller, Joseph, s. of Daniel & Jane, d. 1837, Oct. 8, a. 9 m. 138. Weller, Mary Eliza, dau. of Daniel & Jane, d. 1845, Dec. 19, a. 3 y. 4 m. 139. Wood .Annett, dau. of Thomas T. & Joanna, d. 1859, Apr. 4, a. 22-2-21. 140. Wood, Joannah, wid. of Thomas, d. 1862, Aug. 11, a. 66 y. 11 m. 141. Wood, Mary, w. of Thomas T., d. 1827, Mar. 14, a. 37-1-25. 142. Wood, Thomas T., b. 1780, Jan. 18, d. 1838, Feb. 20, a. 58-1-2. 143. Worden. Herbert N., s. of Lewis W. & Martha (J.? I.?), d. 1862, Apr. 1, a. 1 y. 8 d. 144. Worden, Lurana, wid. of Thomas, & (dau.) of Abraham Charlock, d. 1858, Aug. 8, a. 64-4-10. 145. Worden, Thomas S., d. 1827, Apr. 3, a. 38-2-15. 146. Worden, William, d. 1835, Oct. 18, a. 19-2-10. 147. ( ?), Joel, a. 22 y., Robert, a. 18 y., drowned 1831, June 17, sons of ( ? ) . (Lower part of stone sunk in concrete.)
Churchyard. Bethel Baptist Church in the Shenandoah Valley. In good order. 68 in number. Copied September 28, 1913, by J. W. Poucher, M. D., Mrs. Poucher and Mrs. Stanley Bartlett, Jr. The "Bethel Baptist Church of Shenandoah" erected a church building in 1834. The yard is still in use and well cared for.
Bloomer, Charity, d. 1845, Apr. 26, a. 74 y. Bloomer, John W., s. of William & Charity, d. 1836, Mar. 27, a. 25-6-16. Brown, Daniel, d. 1879, Apr. 7, a. 73-4-1. Brown, Esther B., w. of Daniel, d. 1903, Nov. 7, a. 80-7-3. 64
Town 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 85. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 69. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68.
Brown, Evie S., dau. of Daniel & Esther, d. 1866, July 13, a. 1-6-7. Brown, George T., s. of Daniel & Esther, d. 1861, Feb. 9, a. 2-4-7. Dean, Christeny, w. of Benjamin, d. 1849, Nov. 6, a. 65-9-20. Dean, Benjamin, d. 1859, Oct. 2, in 84th y. Dean, Jane A., w .of Jerome B., d. 1892, Feb. 9, a. 77-9-3. Foreman, Martha Lucy, dau. of Gilbert & Catharine, d. 1853, Apr. 24, a 2-7-29. Griffin, Jonathan, d. 1838, May 29, a. 66 y. 20 d. Hitchcock, Hannah Jewell, b. 1790, Oct 16, d. 1864, Feb. 15. Horton, Charlotte J., w. of Merritt, d. 1873, Aug 28, a. 19-10-2. Horton, David, d. 1869, June 28, a. 78-7-10. Horton, Gilbert, d. 1833, Aug. 26, a. 75-4-6. Horton, Hannah, w. of David, d. 1860, Jan. 26, a. 59-7-23. Horton, Mary A., w. of William, d. 1898, Jan. 21, a. 68. Horton, William, b. 1826, Aug. 16, d. 1871, Dec. 29. Knapp, Charity, w. of Reuben, d. 1872, Mar. 15, in 78th y. Knapp, Charles Edward, s. of Israel & Elizabeth, d. 1838, Sep. 7, a. 11 m. 25 d. Knapp, Charles J., s. of Caleb P. & Jane F., d. 1854, Jan. 23, a. 2-2-27. Knapp, Enos, d. 1835, Dec. 25, a. 39-10-20. Knapp, Finetty ,dau. of Caleb P. & Sarah E., d. 1850, Nov. 17, a. 11-4-26. Knapp, Isaac, d. 1859, Sep. 22, a. 94-1-4. Knapp, John, d. 1870, May 1, a. 102 y. Knapp, Mary, w. of Isaac J., d. 1863, Mar. 19, a. 56-2-17. Knapp, Nancy, w. of John, d. 1867, Mar. 29, a. 91 y. Knapp, Phebe Ann, w. of Enos I., d. 1878, Mar. 26, a. 80-7-15. Knapp, Reuben, d. 1867, Apr. 22, in 75th y. Knapp, Willie B., s. of James I. & Sarah A., d. 1860, Apr. 1, a. 2-10-10. Ladue ,Charles, d. 1845, Aug. 31, a. 35. Lawson, Esther, w. of Pierre, b. 1820, Aug. 1, d 1891, Feb. 17. Lawson, Pierre, b. 1817, Dec. 23, d. 1891, May 18. Lockwood, Daniel, s. of Daniel B. & Emily, d. 1843, Jan. 30, a. 1 y. 6 m. Miller, David S., b. 1831, Feb. 13, d. 1900, Mar. 15. Miller, Elizabeth, w. of John, d. 1841, Apr. 17, a. 77. Miller, John, d. 1847, Mar. 17, a. 92 y. Miller, John A., d. 1884, Jan. 20, a. 85 y. 10 d. Miller, Phebe, w. of David S., d. 1869, Apr. 20, a. 35-4-10. Miller, Sarah, dau. of George W. & Melissa, d. 1880, Dec. 19, a. 14-3-17. Miller, Sarah Wixon, w. of John A., d. 1886, Jan. 28, a. 83-3-3. Pulling, Abraham, d. 1858, Nov. 12, a. 63-1-18. Pulling, Hannah, w. of Abraham, d. 1859, Feb. 12, a. 57-6-20. Purdy, George W., d. 1873, Oct. 17, a. 27-7-23. Purdy, Joseph, d. 1892, Sep. 24, a. 73-11-1. Purdy, Phebe J. Lee, w. of Job, d. 1894, Sep. 13, a. 57-7-7. Purdy, Sarah, dau. of Job & Phebe, d. 1862, July 2, a. 9-9-3. Purdy, Sarah, w.of Joseph, d. 1870, Apr. 12, a. 50-1-17. Reed, Amanda J., dau. of Edmond B. & Louisa, d. 1868, Mar. 15, a. 13 y. 9 m. Reed, Louisa, w. of Edmond B., d. 1869, July 31, a. 34-11-1. Robinson, Lavinia Jane, dau. of Adison & Mary G., d. 1862, July 23, a. 11 y. 8 m. Robinson, Mabel S., "Mother," d. 1880, Sep. 3, a. 84-2-14. Ronk, Jacob, s. of J. & A., d. 1863, Mar. 27, a. 6-11-5. Seacor, Henrietta, dau. of Joseph & Artalisa, d. 1854, Apr. 31, a. 5 m. 22 d. Seamans, Sarah Jane, dau. of Abraham & Jarusha, d. 1840, Jan. 19, a. 5-3-13. Shaw, Amy Mariah, w. of George P., d. 1856, June 27, a. 32-3-20. Sprague, Martha Jane, dau. of Nathaniel & Lavinia, d. 1843, Dec, 8, a. 4-1-15. Sprague, Nathaniel, d. 1876, June 14, a. 66-7-1. Van Vlack, Gilbert, d. 1860, Feb. 5, a. 55-11-5. Van Vlack, John A., d. 1847, June 11, a. 63. Van Vlack, Maria, d. 1861, Feb. 5, a. 36-8-24. White, Charles J., s. of Charles H. & Mary A., d. 1861, June 20, a. 3-10-4. White, John Cornelius, s. of Charles H. & Mary A. t d. 1861, July 6, a. 6-10-23. White, Lydia Jane, dau. of Charles H & Mary A., d. 1862, June 30, a. 1-3-13. Wilcox, Mary Ann Forman, w. of Nathaniel, b. 1821, Apr. 27, d. 1897, May 30. Wilcox, Nathaniel, d. 1879, Sep. 18, a. 63-9-20. Wright,. Albert, s. of William & Cynthia, d. 1838, May 15, a. 3 m. 29 d. Wright, Caroline, w. of William, d. 1835, Sep. 12, a. 31-2-21.
COMMUNITY GROUND, ROBINSON FARM CLASSIFICATION: Community ground. LOCATION: A t Fishkill P l a i n s , o n t h e f a r m of D . R e m s e n R o b i n s o n , on t h e west side of t h e m a i n r o a d n o r t h to L a G r a n g e . CONDITION: Full of s a p l i n g s ; enclosed by a s t o n e wall. INSCRIPTIONS: 4 4 in n u m b e r . C o p i e d O c t o b e r 2 1 , 1 9 1 2 , b y J . W . P o u c h e r , M. D., a n d Miss H e l e n W . R e y n o l d s . REMARKS: T h i s is o n e of t h e oldest b u r i a l places in t h e c o u n t y of w h i c h traces now remain. It c o n t a i n s u n m a r k e d g r a v e s a n d g r a v e s m a r k e d b y r o u g h field s t o n e s w i t h o u t i n s c r i p t i o n s . D u t c h families from L o n g I s l a n d s e t t l e d on Fishkill P l a i n s in t h e s e v e n t e e n forties a n d 'fifties. T h e e a r l i e s t d a t e a m o n g t h e s e s t o n e s is 1 7 5 2 . T h e n a m e s on t h e s t o n e s , t a k e n in c o n n e c t i o n w i t h t h e deeds for l a n d in t h e i m m e d i a t e vicinity i n d i c a t e t h a t this was a local n e i g h borhood burial ground.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. S3. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44.
Bedell, Elizabeth Losea, wid. of Reuben, d. 1769, Jan. 6, a. 32 y. B , "H. B. 1767 ae 19 ds." (Slate). Caniff, Alety, relict of Jonas, d. 1819, Feb. 10, a. 86 y. 10 m. Caniff, Jonas, d. 1808, Aug. 28, a. 81-4-19. Cornell, Ann, w. of John, d. 1837, Dec. 1, a. 80-2-15. Cornell, John, d. 1817, Feb. 7, a. 71 y. 3 m. DeWit, Phillipus, d. 1758, Dec. 27. E , " J . E 1752." (Slate). Grant, Patty, w. of Daniel, d. 1825, Mar. 30, a. 39-6-12. H , "in memory of FH 1758." (Broken slate). Haff, "In memory of Phebe Haff 1752." (Broken slate). Jewell, George, d. 1810, a. 60 y. Jewell, Lettisha, w. of George, d. 1839, Jan. 15, a. 96-10-9. Jewell, Richard, d. 1822, Dec. 9, a. 77-6-7. Luyster, "Hier Leyt het Leichnam van Altie Luyster, is geboren het yr 1744 den 4 April is gestorben den 17 Nov. 1774." L , "C. D. W. L." Luyster, Cornelius, b. 1720, Aug. 20, d. 1792, Oct. 26. L , "I. L. 1767." (Slate). Luyster, Peter, d. 1800, Dec. 16, a. 59-5-21. Luyster, Willipe, wid. of Peter, b. 1740, Apr. 9, d. 1814, Sep. 2, a. 74-(4-23). Mon Foort, Domenicus, b. 1743, May 24, d. 1815, Aug. 11, in 73d y. Monfoort, Elizabeth Losea, w. of Stephen, d. 1805, Oct. 3, in 30th y. M , "I. H. M 1791." Mon Foort, (Margaret) Schenck, w. of Peter I., b. 1736, Jan. 17, d. 1782, Apr. 8. Mon Foort, Peter I., b. 1731, Mar. 1, d. 1791, Sep. 20, a. 60-6-8 Mon Foort, Stephen, d. 1817, June 2, a. 81-2-16. Monfoort, Susanah, d 1851, Mar. 30, a. 87-2-22. Monfort, William A., s. of Stepen & Aletta, d. 1846, Aug. 1, a. 36-1-29. Noordstrant, Annaty Dewitt, w. of Peter, d. 1814, Feb. 9, a. 73-1-18. Noordstrant, Peter, d. 1842, Dec. 3, a. 71-3-11. Pells, John, b. 1769, Jan. 25, d. 1814, Mar 17, a. 4 5 - ( l - 2 2 ) . Pells, John, Jr., d. 1852, Mar. 22, a. 43 y. 9 m. Pells, Letitia, w. John, Jr., d. 1833, Aug. 26, a. 20-2-6. Pells, Mariah, w. of John, d. 1842, Apr. 27, a. 65-8-16. Sleght, Nelly Mon Foort, w. of John (A)., b. 1774, Jan. 10, d. 1798, Apr. 24, a. 24-3-14. Spmes, Elizabeth, w. of Richard, & dau. of Richard & Catharine Griffin, d. 1824, Mar. 23, a. 78-1-14. Townsend, Gideon, d. 1841, Dec. 26, a. 74-11-28. Van Dyne, Garret M., d. 1824, July 5, a. 22-6-2. Van Kleeck, Jane, w. of Moses, & dau. of Domenicus Man Foort, d. 1803, Apr. 1, 18-4-13 Way, Mary Losea, w. of John, d. 1769, May 27, a. 44 y. Wilde, John, s. of James, Jr. & Polly Warren his wife, d. 1813, May 21, a. 10-8-10. Wilde, John W., d. 1817, Nov. 29, a. 25-9-2. (Broken slate) "D B 1757". (Broken slate) " E . 1758". 66
T own
F ishkill
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.
Community ground. A t H o r t o n t o w n in t h e S h e n a n d o a h V a l l e y . In fair o r d e r . 21 in n u m b e r . Copied D e c e m b e r 6, 1 9 1 3 , by J . W . P o u c h e r , M. D., and Mrs. Clarence Fowler. Still in occasional u s e .
Croshier, Sophia, d. 1852, a. 73 y. Denny, Marcus C , d. 1881, July 10, a. 36 y. Horton, Alvah, b. 1816, D e c , d. 1896, Feb. 11. Horton, Henrietta, b. 1852, Feb. 4, d. 1852, Sep. 20. Horton, Henry, Corporal Co. L, 6th N. Y. Volunteer Artillery, 1861-1865, d. 1903, May 2, a. 60 y. Horton, Orry, b. 1853, July 27, d. 1864, Oct. 27. Horton, Samuel, b. 1849, May 6, d. 1852, Nov. 2. Horton, Sarah, w. of Alvah, d. 1866, June 1, a. 42-1-2. Horton, Warren, s. of John & Melissa, b. 1870, Sep. 30, d. 1883, Feb. 5. Knapp, William H., d. 1883, Feb. 21, a. 52-7-20. Light, Alonzo, Sergeant Co. Lâ&#x20AC;&#x17E; 6th N. Y. H. A., d. 1910, Apr. 24, a. 73 y. Miller, Charles H., d. 1904, Mar. 2, in 76 y. Miller, Julia A., d. 1902, Sep. 14, a. 54 y. 5 m. Russell, Faunie, d. 1861, a. 41 y. Shaw, Jackson, d. 1891, Oct. 26, a. 68-3-29. Stevens, Abram B., b. 1848, Sep. 10, d. 1901, Dec. 5. Stevens, Lottie, d. 1897, Nov. 19, a. 3-2-20. Stevens, Salie, dau. of Abraham & Sarah E., d. 188(5), Feb. 13, a. 6-3-5. Wixson, Elijah, d. 1867, Aug. 3, a. 72-2-26. Wixson, Elizabeth Knapp, w. of Elijah, d. 1878, July 28, a. 76 y. Wright, John, d. 1860, May 9, a. 58-9-8.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.
Community ground. Leetown. P a r t i a l l y c a r e d for. 96 in n u m b e r . Copied O c t o b e r 8, 1916, by J . W . P o u c h e r . M. D . , Mrs. Poucher, Mrs. Clarence Fowler. K n o w n as t h e L e e t o w n g r o u n d .
Anderson, Anna, w. of John, d. 1862, Sep. 13, a. 88-1-27. Anderson, John, d. 1849, Nov. 22, a. 47 y. Bowne, Charles H., s. of Joseph & Clarendy, d. 1842, May 18, a. 19-2-14. Brundage, Jane A., d. 1903, July 4, a. 93-8-17. Brundage, John Albert, d. 1884, Aug. 14, a. 77-1-7. Brundage, Webster, s. of John & Jane Ann, d. 1865, Aug. 6, a. 19-11-21, Co. H, 128th N. Y V. Burrett, Andrew J., s .of John J. & Martha Ann, d. 1872, Feb. 4, a. 15-7-20. Burrett, John A., d. 1881, Mar. 31, a. 58 y. Cole, Elizabeth White, w. of Ogden, d. 1849, July 20, a. 24-1-29. Farrington, David, b. 1775, Apr. 11, d. 1790, Mar. 5, a. 15-11-1. Hager, Lewis, s. of Thomas & Ange, d. 1882, May 26, a. 1-5-21. Hager, Mary E., dau. of Thomas & Angeline, d 1884, Oct. 2, a. 4 m. 25 d. Haight, Nancy, b. 1799, Oct. 31, d. 1879. Mar. 5. Haight, Rachel, w. of Samuel, d. 1852, Sep. 18, a. 79-7-26. HaighVSamuel, d. 1835, Sep. 5, a. 69-11-5. Horsner, Jacob, d. 1835, Jan. 13, a. 86 y. 29 d. Horsner, Mary, d. 1835, Nov. 17, a. 19-8-27. Horsner, Gozela, d. 1835, Mar. 26, a. 26 y. 3 m. How, Anna, w. of Lebbeus, d. 1839, June 15, a. 76-8-26. How, Lebbeus, d. 1834, Nov. 17, a. 83-4-15. Hoyt, Jane, w. of Ira, d. 1849, Oct. 6, a. 26 y. 13 d. Knapp, Sarah, w. of Benjamin W., d. 1865, Feb. 24, a. 64 y. 22 d. Lee, Ann, w. of Caleb, d. 1858, Mar. 23, a. 63 y. 67
Old 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 00. 91.
Lee, James C , d. 1859, Jan. 31, a. 39-10-15. Lee, Joseph, d. 1842, July 6, a. 37 y. Lee, Rebecca, w. of Obadiah, d. 1843, Feb. 6, a. 67 y. Lee, Sarah, w. of James C , d. 1890, Oct. 25, a. 71 y. 19 d. Lee, Squire, d. 1886, May 11, a. 54 y. Lockwood, Lorenzo, s. of David & Lucinda, d. 1836, June 17, a. 26 y. 23 d. Logier, Mary F. White, w. of Charles, d. 1873, Oct. 21, a. 25-9-12. Mead, Hannah, w. of Micah, d. 1869, Jan. 21, a. 72-11-5. Mead, Micah, d. 1873, Oct. 7, a. 82-9-24. Mead, Peter F., b. 1821, Apr. 6, d. 1896, Dec. 1. Ogden, Benjamin, d. 1835, Apr. 18, in 7Sth y. Ogden, Eizabeth, w. of Benjamin, d. 1816, Aug. 17, in 52d y. Ogden, John, d. 1841, Apr. 26, a. 57-5-21. Ogden, Joseph, d. 1811, Feb. 18, in 86th y. Ogden, Mary, w. of Joseph, d. 1803, May 9, in 75th y. Parker, Mary, w. of Nathaniel, d. 1849, Aug. 22, a. 82-6-4. Parker, Nathaniel, d. 1826, Oct. 15, a. 57-10-20. Parker, Piatt, d. 1878, Apr. 23, a. 80 y. Parker, Rhoda, w. of Piatt, d. 1872, Aug. 9, a. 71 y. Post, Almira, dau. of Peter & Melissa, d. 1843, Aug. 13, a. 18-8-3. Post, Mary, d. 1880, Apr. 14, a. 69-1-19. Post, Melissa, w. of Peter, d. 1847, Apr. (6? 18?), a. 35-7-10. Post, Peter, d. 1853, Aug. 4, a. 49-9-16. Scutt, Arthur C , s. of Charles & Sarah, b. 1861, Jan. 12, d. 1911, June 15. Scutt, Charles, b. 1837, July 2, d. 1861, Oct. 18. Scutt, Gilbert, d. 1860, Dec. 19, a. 56-8-26. Scutt, Janet, dau. of Gilbert & Sarah, d. 1837, May 30, a. 2-6-28. Scutt, Sarah Hayt, w. of Gilbert, d. 1875, Apr 4, a. 73-6-6. Scutt, Sarah Wright, w. of Charles, b. 184(0), Apr. 20, d. 1892, May 25. Slack, Catharine, w. of Horace, d. 1839, Feb. 17, a. 59 y. 11 m. Slack, Emma, dau. of (Harrison) & Deliah, d 1839, Sep. 8, a. 7-8-5. Slack, Horace, d. 1846, Aug. 15, a. 36-1-11. Slack, Jane Madison, dau. of (Harrison) & Deliah, d. 1842, July 2, a. 4-3-2. Slack, Nathan, d. 1842, Apr. 21, a. 62-10-11. Slack, Rachel, w. of Nathan, d. 1835, July 25, a. 55-6-6. Smith, James M., d. 1883, Sep. 10, a. 64-11-3. Smith, Ruth Ann Lee, w. of James M., d. 1892, Aug. 21, a. 75 y. White ki Andrew J., b. 1832, June 9, d. 1901, July 27. White, Bessie, dau. of Andrew J. & Laura A., d. 1866, Mar. 26, a. 1 m. White, Deborah, w. of Henry, d. 18(19), Dec. 18, a. (32)-7-2. White, Henry, d. 18(5)7, May 10, a. 57-5-20. White, John T., d. 1849, May 23, a. 21-6-20. White, Juliette, dau. of Henry & Augustine, d. 1842, July 14, a. 2 m. 14 d. White, Laura Ann Burrett, w. of Andrew J., b. 1828, May 31, d. 1869, Mar. 9. White, Marguerette, w. of Henry, d. 18(1)2, July 30, a. 37-3-18. White, Melissa, dau. of Henry & Augustine, d. 1843, Mar. 31, a. 3-6-1. White, Ruth Estell, dau. of Andrew J. & Laura Ann, d. 1864, Feb. 26, a. 2 (y) 11 (m). White, Sarah Ann, dau. of A. J. & Laura Ann, d. 1859, Feb. 15, a. 4-6-12. Wright, Abram T., d. (broken), Dec. 27, a. 20 y. Wright, Caroline, dau. of William & Caroline, d. 1850, May 11, a. 11-8-18. Wright, Charity, dau. of Jacob & Elizabeth, b. 1832, Sep. 2, d. 1887, Jan. 16. Wright, Charles R., b. 1841, Oct. 2, d. 1896, Feb. 9. Wright, Daniel, d. 1849, Oct. 9, a. 69 y. 6 m. Wright, Daniel, d. 1891, May 2, a. 82-8-2. Wright, David, d. 1862, Nov. 22, a. 80-1-13. Wright, Diana, b. 1824, Nov! 17, d. 1911, Mar. 11. Wright, Eli, s. of Peter & Mary, d. 1833, July 1, a. 5-6-26. Wright, Elizabeth, w. of Jacob, b. 1810, July 26, d. 1900, Oct. 7 Wright, Jacob, b. 1803, Nov. 27, d. 1880, Sep. 15. Wright, James, s. of Jacob & Elizabeth, b. 1835, Feb. 15, d. 1885, July 2. Wright, John, d. 1839, Julv 2, a. 83-2-18. Wright, John Austin, s. of Isaac & Jannet, d. 1836, Jan. 1, a. 11-10-26. Wright, Lorinda, w. of Solomon D., d. 1859, Feb. 23, a. 45-2-27. Wright, Mary, w. of Peter, d. 1859, Mar. 13, a. 72-6-7. Wright, Millison, w. of David, d. 1867, May 11, a. 81-8-26. Wrightvr Peter, d. 1870, Apr. 15, a. 78-1-23. Wright, Robert, d. 1847, July 11, a. 61-5-13. Wright, Robert, d. 1855, Aug. 21, a. 79-2-1. 68
Town 92. 93. 94. 95. 96.
Wright, Wright, Wright, Wright, Wright,
Ruth, b. 1790, Apr. 6, d. 1875, Feb. 16. Sarah, w. of Charles R., b., 1841, Feb. 2, d. 1902, Jan. Solomon D., d 1854, Nov. 5, a. 42-6-16. Tamar, w. of John, d. 1836, Sep. 16, a. 73-9-7. inf. dau. of Peter & Mary, d. 1837, May 12.
UNNAMED GROUND CLASSIFICATION: Family or community ground. LOCATION: About a mile west of Stormville, near the road, in the vicinity of the Morgan Vail place. CONDITION: Bad. INSCRIPTIONS: 2 in number. Copied October 8, 1916, by J. W. Poucher, M. D. REMARKS: Many other graves are indicated by field stones, unmarked. 1. Johnson, Betty, d. 1848, Feb. 1, a. 66 y. 2. Moon, Elizabeth, w. of Robert, d. 1825, July 1. a. 41 y.
Town of Fishkill 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Unnamed family ground Dutch churchyard, Fishkill Village Trinity churchyard, Fishkill Village Presbyterian churchyard, Brinckerhoff Dutch churchyard, Fishkill Landing St. Luke's churchyard, Matteawan Methodist churchyard, Matteawan Fishkill Rural Cemetery, in part Negro ground Historical monument
Inscriptions 8 487 157 389 343 707 428 175 9 1 2,704
C ounty
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Family ground. At Tioronda. A b a n d o n e d ; stones b r o k e n a n d inscriptions illegible. 8 in n u m b e r . Copied in 1908 by Miss Alice C r a r y ( M r s . A r t h u r T . Sutcliffe). P r o b a b l y a n old g r o u n d a n d o n e from w h i c h m a n y s t o n e s h a v e d i s a p p e a r e d . It m a y h a v e b e l o n g e d to t h e W i l t s i e s or N e w l i n s .
Feiller, Stephen, 1827. Ives, Henry, s. of William & Charlotte A., d. 1859, a. 5 y. Mead, Sally, w. of Hibbert, a. 43 y. Newlin, Isaac, d. 1837, Dec. 22, a. 53 y. Pier(ce), Major Thomas, d. 1823, Jan. 9, a. (?)7 y. Wiggins, William Henry, s. of Daniel & Permelia, a. 6 y. \Vi( ) , Maria, w. of Martin, d. ( ), 1797. ( ), (B)etsey, dau. of Solomon & ( ).
DUTCH CHURCHYARD, FISHKILL VILLAGE CLASSIFICATION: Churchyard. LOCATION: R e f o r m e d ( D u t c h ) C h u r c h , Fishkill V i l l a g e . CONDITION: C a r e d for. INSCRIPTIONS: 4 8 7 in n u m b e r . Copied N o v e m b e r 4 a n d D e c e m b e r 2, 1 9 1 4 , b y J. W . P o u c h e r , M. D., M r s . P o u c h e r a n d M r s . Louis P . H a s b r o u c k . REMARKS: T h e R e f o r m e d ( D u t c h ) C h u r c h a t Fishkill V i l l a g e w a s o r g a n i z e d in 1716 a n d a c h u r c h b u i l d i n g e r e c t e d in 1 7 3 1 . I n t e r m e n t s w e r e m a d e a r o u n d t h e c h u r c h u n t i l l a t e in t h e n i n e t e e n t h c e n t u r y . D u r i n g t h e W a r of t h e R e v o l u t i o n t h e b u i l d i n g w a s used as a m i l i t a r y p r i s o n . In 1882 Mr. E. W . V a n V o o r h i s of N e w Y o r k copied t h e inscriptions in this c h u r c h y a r d a n d p r i n t e d t h e m ( G . P . P u t n a m ' s S o n s ) for p r i v a t e d i s t r i b u t i o n . There are eighteen n a m e s on Mr. V a n V o o r h i s ' s list which a r e n o t on t h e list m a d e in t h e s a m e y a r d in 1914 b y D r . P o u c h e r . D r . P o u c h e r copied forty-six n a m e s o m i t t e d by Mr. V a n V o o r h i s . T h e d u p l i c a t e s on t h e t w o lists h a v e b e e n c o m p a r e d a n d a n y d i s c r e p a n c i e s c o r r e c t e d . T h e following list includes all i n s c r i p t i o n s copied by Mr. V a n V o o r h i s a n d by D r . P o u c h e r a n d a c k n o w l e d g e m e n t is h e r e b y m a d e of t h e e x a m i n a t i o n of t h e f o r m e r ' s list.
1. Adriance. "Hier Leidt het Lichaem Aletie Brinckei-hoff Huys Vrow van Abraham Adrianse over Leede in het Jahr 1741 ondt sein die 21 Jaer 7 manden en 16 dagen." (Altie Brinckerhoff, wife of Abraham Adrianse, died in 1741, aged 21 yrs. 7 mo. 16 ds.) 2. Allen, Ida, dau. of Edward B. & Emily, d. 1863, Aug. 17, a. 8 m. 12 d. 3. Allen, William H., s. of William H. & Mary E., d. 1832, July 31, a. 3-3-11. 4. Allgett, Adam, d. 1810, July 10, a. 82 y. "Having no children he bequeathed his estate to the Reformed Dutch Church of Hopewell." 5. Anderson, Frank H., s. of Charles R. & Sarah E., drowned Aug. 10, 1861, a. 8-11-6 6. Anthony, Enos Wright, s. of William & Hannah W., 1845-1861. (The Van Voorhis list, made in 1882, gives the dates on this stone a s : "b. Jan. 1, 1845, d. Nov. 22, 1861." The stone has since been sunken and set in concrete, and, in 1915, shows only the following dates, newly cut on the top: "1845-1861"). 7. Anthony, Hannah Wright, w. of William, d. 1860, July 14 or 19, a. 46-8-6. 8. Anthony, John, b. 1761, in City of New York, d. 1834, March â&#x20AC;&#x201D;. 9. Anthony, Mary, w. of William, 1803-1836. 72
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DUTCH CHURCHYARD, FISHKILL, N. Y. Where Lie Many of the Original Dutch Settlers of the Vicinity
10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.
31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60.
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(The Van Voorhis list, made in 1882, gives the dates on this stone a s : "d. June 20, 1836, a. 33 y." The stone has since been sunken and set in concrete and in 1915 shows only the following dates, newly cut on the top: "1803-1836"). Anthony, Mary Woolsey, dau. of William & Mary W., b. 1835, May 31, d. 1869, Sep. 25. Anthony, William, b 1798, Aug. 10, d. 1879, Nov. 16. Ashley, Nathan, s. of Nathan & Mary, d. 1821, Sep. 8, a. 7-3-5. Bailey, Elizabeth, dau. of John N. & Elizabeth, d. 1834, Feb. 4, a. 12-10-15. Bailey, Elizabeth DuBois, w. of John N., d. 1865, July 17, a. 85-6-10. Bailey, Henry DuBois, s. of John N. & Elizabeth, d. 1907, Jan. 31, a. 93-1-4. Bailey, John N., d. 1846, Dec. 16, a. 79-1-5. Bailey, Mary, dau of John N. & Elizabeth, d. 1846, Jan. 2, a. 28-10-29. Baxter, George W., d. 1863, May 10, a. 57 y. Baxter, Gilbert, s. of Henry & Ann, d. 1831, Nov. 30, a. 1 y. 6 m. Baxter, Harriet, d. 1864, Aug. 14, a. 64 y. Baxter, Mary, wid. of Gideon, d. 1851, Apr. 26, in 83d y. Bayard, Harriet Nichols, wid. of James A., d. 1844, Sep. 26, in 56th y. Bedford, Edward, d. 1817, Aug. 27, a. 9 y. 27 d. Bedford, Eleanor, w. of John, d. 1838, Mar. 12, in 65th y. Bedford, John, d 1834, Jan. 17, a. 77 y. Birdsall, Daniel, b. at Oyster Bay, L. I., d. 1816, Jan. 6, a. 92 y. 6 d. Birdsall, Daniel, d. 1811, June 19, a. 58-3-30. Birdsall, Mercy, w. of Daniel, d. 1799, Feb. 14, a. 68-2-15. Bloom. "Hier Leydte Begraven het Lichaam van Abraham Bloom, Gestorven den 3 dag van September 1757." (Abraham Bloom, died Sep. 3, 1757.) Bloom. See also Brinckerhoff. "Hier Leydt Het Licham van Femmetje, geboren Remsen, Heuis Frow van Abraham Brinckerhoff, naar Zyn overleeden Weeder getrowde met Abraham Bloom, geboren den 25 Oct. 1703 & Gestorven den 6 Feb. 1771." (Femmetje Remsen, wife of Abraham Brinckerhoff & of Abraham Bloom, b. Oct. 25, 1703, d. Feb. 6, 1771). Bogardus, Arthur, s. of Abraham & Sarah J., d. 1839, May 2, a. 3 y. 16 d. Bogardus, Cornelius C , d. 1811, July 6, a. 53-5-14. Bogardus, Elias, d. 1853, Aug. 28, a. 69 y. 12 d Bogardus, Elizabeth, d. 1814, Sep. 1, a. 17-4-6. ' Bogardus, Elizabeth Roe, w. of Cornelius C , d. 1807, July 16, a. 53-4-10. Bogardus, Hannah Monfort, w. of Elias, d. 1839, Nov. 9, a. 49 y. 15 d. Bogardus, Juliette Hoagland, dau. of Abraham & Sarah J., d. 1853, Dec. 15, a. 10 m. Bogardus, Lewis H. White, s. of Abraham & Sarah J., d. 1843, Mar. 29, a. 5 m. 26 d. Bogardus, Robert, d. 1849, Sep. 28, a. 64-1-28. Bogart, George, d. 1835, Jan. 9, a. 77-4-5. Bogart, Susanna, w. of George, d. 1833, July 7, a. 75-11-22. Boice, Phillip A., d. 1855, May 14, a. 65-11-19. Bowne, Elizabeth, dau. of Samuel & Phebe Eliza, b. 1830, June 24, d. 1885, June 30. Bowne. Phebe Eliza, w. of Samuel, & dau. of Abraham B. Rapalje, b. 1796, Oct. 31, d. 1880, Oct. 10. Bowne, Samuel, b. 1795, June 23, d. 1848, July 25. Bowne, Samuel, s. of Samuel & Phebe Eliza, b. 1838, Sep. 5, d. 1907, Feb. 19. Bowne, Stephen Rapalje, s. of Samuel & Phebe Eliza, b. 1827, July 11, d. 1880, May 9. Brett, Ann Augusta, dau. of James & Hellen Ann, d. 1834, Apr. 14, a. 4 y. 9 m. Brett, Catherine, dau. of Robert & Hannah, d. 1798, Oct. 7, a. 4-9-15. Brett, Catharine, dau. of James & Helen A., d. 1834, July 26, a. 8-11-11. Brett, Elizabeth, w. of Robert R., d. 1839, Oct. 13, a. 84 y. Brett, Euphemia, dau. of James & Helen A., d. 1842, Jan. 23, a. 5 m. 20 d. Brett, Francis R., d. 1813, Nov. 12, a. 64 y. 2 m. Brett, Lewis H., s. of John W. & Sarah E., d. 1846, June 17, a. 9 m. 2 d. Brett, Matilda, dau. of James & Hellen, d. 1829, Sep. 26, a. 5-8-14. Brett, Matthew, d. 1771, June 1, a. 28-10-15. Brett, Robert R., d. 1831, May 21, a. 79-5-3. Brett, Robert Rombout, s. of James & Helen A., d. 1848, Apr. 8, a. 4 y. 8 m. Brett, Sarah, d. 1844, Feb. 23, a. 62 y. 4 m. Brett, children of John W. & Sarah E.: Lewis W., d. 1850, Jan. 5, a. 1-3-26; Anna, d. 1850, Jan. 5, a. 1 m. 12 d. 73
61. Brevoort, Alfred, d. 1860, June 2, a. 55 y. 2 m. 62. Brevoort, William Henry, s. of Elias & Margaret, b. 1802, Nov. 23, d. 1858, June 5. 63. Brinckerhoff. "Hier Leydt het Ligham van Abraham Brinckerhoff, overleeden den 11 van July Anno 1738 onde Zynde 38 J a a r . " (Abraham Brinckerhoff, died July 11, 1738, aged 38). 64. Brinckerhoff. "Hier Leydt Begraven het Leichaam van Abraham Brinckerhoff, gestorben den 21 dag van June 1754 onde Synde 15 Jaer 7 monanden 26 daag." (Abraham Brinckerhoff, died June 21, 1754, aged 15 y. 7 m. 27 d.) 65. Brinckerhoff, Aletta, dau. of Tunis & Catherine, b. 1793, Oct. 3, d. 1871, Dec. 7. 66. Brinckerhoff. "Hier Leyt Het Lighaam van Antje Brinckerhoff, Huys Vroiu van Johannes Brinckerhoff, Zynde Over Leeden eerste Dagh van Juny, 1754, Ondt Zynde 22 Jaaren." (Antje Brinckerhoff, w. of John Brinckerhoff, d. June 1, 1754, aged 22 y.) 67. Brinckerhoff. "Hier Leydt Het Lighaam van Barberaetie Brinckerhoff, Dogter van Jan Brinckerhoff, Zyndt in de Heere Gerust Den 4 Dagh van Mey, 1752, ondt Zynde 17 Jaaren en 22 Daagen." (Barbara Brinckerhoff, dau. of John, died May 4, 1752, aged 17 y. 22 d.) 68. Brinckerhoff, Benjamin V. D. L., d. 1820, Dec. 26, a. 26 y. 2 m. 69. Brinckerhoff. "Hier Leydt Het Lighaam van Diena Brinckerhoff, Doghter van Jan Brinckerhoff, Zndt in De Heere Gerust De 24 August 1752, ondt Zynde 16 Jaare." (Diana Brinckerhoff, dau. of John, died Aug. 24, 1752, aged 16 yrs.) 70. Brinckerhoff, Dinah Van Wyck, w. of Jacob, A. 1792, Nov. 28, a. 34 y. 11 m. 71. Brinckerhoff. "Hier Leydt Het Lighaam van Dirck Brinckerhoff, Zoon van Jan Brinckerhoff, Zynde in de Heere Gerust de 16 April 1764, ondt Zynde 25 Jaare." (Dirck Brinckerhoff, son of John, died April 16, 1764, aged 25 yrs.) 72. Brinckerhoff, Elizabeth, dau. of Tunis & Catharine, b. 1782, Jan. 23, d. 1861, Feb. 28. â&#x20AC;&#x201D;. Brinckerhoff. See also Bloom. (Femmetje Remsen, w. of Abraham Brinckerhoff & of Abraham Bloom, b. Oct. 25, 1703, d. Feb. 6, 1771). 73. Brinckerhoff. "Anno 1767 den 23 Oct., in den Heere Gerust, Geertje Brinckerhoff, Huys Vrow van Dirck Brinckerhoff, Ondt Zynde 37 Jaaren." (Geertje, wife of Dirck Brinckerhoff, died Oct. 23, 1767, aged 37 y.) 74. Brinckerhoff, George, d. 1834, June 14, a. 33-3-15. 75. Brinckerhoff, George G., d. 1812, Apr. 26, in 70th y. 76. Brinckerhoff, Gertrude, eldest child of Derick & Sarah, b. 1814, Mar. 17, d. 1822, Feb. 14. 77. Brinckerhoff, Gertrude, dau. of Jacob & Diana, d. 1864, Dec. 27, a. 89-2-8. 78. Brinckerhoff, Hannah, dau. of Jacob & Diana, d. 1876, Feb. 21, a. 87-7-22. 79. Brinckerhoff. "Hier Lydt Het Lighaam van Jacob Brinckerhoff, overleede De 6 Dagh van Mey, 1758, Ond Zynde 44 J a a r . " (Jacob Brinckerhoff, died May 6, 1758, aged 44 yrs.) 80. Brinckerhoff, Jacob, d. 1818, Aug. 5, a. 44 y. 81. Brinckerhoff, Janetie, w. of Col. John, d. 1792, Nov. 11, a. 88 y. 82. Brinckerhoff. "Hier Leydt Het Lighaam van Johannis Brinckerhoff, Over Leede De 5 Dagh van Juny 1757, and Zynde 29 Jaaren & 9 Maante." (John Brinckerhoff, died June 5, 1757, aged 29 y. 9 m.) 83. Brinckerhoff, Col. John, d. 1785, Mar. 20, in 83d y. 84. Brinckerhoff, Letty, dau. of Jacob, d. 1846, Jan. 24, a. 68-9-18. 85. Brinckerhoff, Matilda Jane, dau. of Henry & Mary, d. 1843, Dec. 9, a. 3 y. 8 m. 86. Brumfield, James H., s. of Andrew & Mary, d. 1826, Mar 20, in Danbury, a. 15-5-27. 87. Bunce, Mary, d. 1839, Mar. 11, a. 69 v. 88. Bunnel, Ann, d. 1838, May 3, in 70th y. 89. Bunnel, Frederick, d. 1825, Apr. 10, in 67th y. 90. Carman, Cornelius, d. 1860. Sep. 23, a. 82 y. 2 m. 91. Carman, Mary, w. of Cornelius, d. 1854, Jan. 1, a. 50-4-1. 92. Cheesman, Martha, d. 1819, Dec. 12, a. 69-10-12. 93. Churchill, Cynthia, w. of Henry, d. 1816, Mar 20, a. 49 y. 94. Churchill, Isaac, s. of Henry & Cynthia, d. 1811, Sep. 14, a. 4-4-28. 96. Conover, Benjamin, d. 1877, Aug. 10, a. 89 y. 96. Conover, Jane Van Voorhis, w. of Benjamin, d. 1877, July 21, a. 77 y. 97. Conover, Sarah J., dau. of Benjamin & Jane, d. 1862, Feb. 18, a. 23 y. 10 m. 98. Conover, Seymour, d. 1879, June 22, a. 57 y. 99. Cooper, Ann Ter Boss, w. of Jacob, d. 1834, Aug. 18, a. 69 y. 2 d. 100. Cooper, Benjamin, d. 1857, Feb. 10, a. 49-7-20. 74
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Cooper, Cornelius, d. 1824, Apr. 9, a. 88-3-19. Cooper, Elizabeth, w. of Cornelius, b. 1756, July 1, d. 1798, Mar. 19. Cooper, Jacob, b. 1763, Apr. 11, d. 1840, Sep. 5 Cooper, Jane, wid. of John, d, 1820, July 10, a. 5*7-2-20. Cooper, Jane, d. 1873, Dec. 27, a. 75-5-7. Cooper, John, d. 1811, Dec. 31, a 53-7-17. Cooper, Martha, w. of John O., d. 1778, Sep. 18, a. 20-8-(6 or 26). Cooper, Ranche, d. 1831, Jan. 25, in her 82d y. Corbin, Amanda, d. 1841, Feb. 5, a. 17-10-5. Corbin, Thomas, d. 1834, Apr. 22, a. 39-3-21. Cotheal, Catherine Elizabeth, w. of Isaac E., & dau. of Richard & Ann Rapalje, b. 1819, July 8, d. 1864, Jan. 8. Cotheal, Isaac Eugene, b. 1817, Aug. 12, d. 1884, May 8. Currie, Archibald, Esq., late merchant of New York, d. 1814, Apr. 25, a. 76 y. 6 m. Currie, Catherine, dau. of Archibald & Catherine, d. 1841, Aug. 30, a. 61 y. 15 d. Currie, Catherine E., w. of Archibald, Esq., d. 1817, May 22, in 74th y. Currie, Margaret, dau. of Archibald & Catherine, d. 1852, Jan. 12, in 68th y. Davis, Annastatia, w. of David, & dau. of Bartow & Ann White, b. 1817, Mar. 22, d. 1871, Oct. 1. Davis, Elizabeth, w. of George V. R., d. 1857, Oct. 27, a. 32-9-7. Davis, Francis Kip, only son of G. V. R. & Elizabeth, d. 1854, Jan. 3, a. 3-9-15. Dobbs, Joseph, s. of William, d. 1790, May 19, a. 39 y. 4 m. 3 w. 3 d. (Masonic emblem on stone). Dobbs, William, d. 1781, Sep. 13, a. 65 y. (Masonic emblem on stone). DuBois, Abraham C , d. 1835, May 12, a. 59-3-21. DuBois, Christian, d. 1807, Dec. 17, a. 61-6-4. DuBois, Daniel, s. of Peter P & Hannah, d. 1792, Dec. 28, a. 7 y. 7 m. DuBois, Elizabeth, d. 1819, Dec. 12, a. 40-8-24. DuBois, Freelove, dau. of John & Rachel, d. 1818, Aug. 22, a. 21-11-10. DuBois, Garret, d. 1802, Aug. 10, a. 32-10-7. DuBois, Hannah, w. of Peter P., d. 1813, Mar. 12, a. 69-10-26. Du Bois, Hannah, w. of Garret, d. 1854, June 10, a. 75-6-11. DuBois, Hannah, d. 1868, Sep. 5, a. 74-4-29. DuBois, Hellenah Van Voorhis, w. of Christian, d. 1826, Mar. 4, a. 82-10-4. DuBois, Henry, s. of Charles L & Catherine, d. 1838, Apr. 3, a. 3 y. 6 m. DuBois, Jacob, d. 1783, June 4, a. 82 y. DuBois, Jacob, b. 1734, May 1, d. 1795, Nov. 24, a. 61-6-24. DuBois, John, d. 1869, Nov. 14, a. 99-8-13. DuBois, Maria, dau. of John and Rachel, d. 1816, Aug. 9, a. 23-6-20. DuBois. "Hier Lydt het Lighaam van Peter D Bois, overleeden den 22 van Januarie Anno 1737-8, ondt Zynde 63 Jaar." (Peter Du Bois, died Jan. 22, 1737-8, aged 63 y.) DuBois, Capt. Peter, d. 1781, Mar. 6, a. 83 y. 9 m. DuBois, Peter P., d. 1814, Aug. 14, a. 74-9-26. DuBois, Rachel, w. of John, d. 1851, Mar. 23, a. 79 y. 6 d. DuBois, Samuel, s. of Peter P. & Hannah, d. 1792, Dec. 28, a. 7 y. 7 m. DuBois. Three children of Peter P. & Hannah Dubois, Benjamin, Abraham, and Anne, died in the year 1775. Dunn, Miss Elsie, d. 1857, Oct. 13, a. 58-9-5. Duryea. "Hier Leyde Begraven het Lichaam van Abraham Duryea, Geboren in't J a a r 1720, April 6, en Overleeden den 7de dag van Sept. 1785, Onde Zynde 65 Jaaren 5 Mannden en een dag." (Abraham Duryea, born April 6, 1720, died Sep. 7, 1785, aged 65 yrs. 5 mo. .1 day). Duryea, Abraham, b. 1737, Nov. 19, d. 1764, Apr. 12, in 27th y. Duryea, Abraham, d. 1802, May 23, a. 60 y. Duryea, Anna Schenck, w. of Abraham, b. 1723, Apr. 26, O S., d. 1803, Aug. 1, N. S., a. 80-2-26. Duryea. "Hier Leght Begraven het Lichaam van Steeven Duryea, Overleeden den 20ste dag van December in't Jaar Onses Heere 1776, Ondt Zynde 32 J a a r 5 Maanden en 16 dagen." (Stephen Duryea, died Dec. 20, 1776, aged 32 y. 5 m. 16 d.) Fream, Margaret, dau. of James & Mary, d. 1780, July 21, a 1 y. 8 d. Fream, Mary, w. of James, d. 1780, July 20, a. 29 y. Gaul, Lydia, wid. of Matthew, d. 1808, Sep. 8, a. 66 y. Gildersleeve, William, d. 1848, Apr. 26, a. 52 y. Given, James, b. 1777, Apr. 12, in Cullybackey, Ireland. Came to America in 75
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1798, d. 1862, Nov. 5, in 86th y. Was a resident of this village for more than 60 y. Given, Susan Van Wyck, w. of James, d. 1860, July 8, in 78th y. Given, Van Wyck, b. 1818, Aug. 15, in Fishkill, d. 1846, Dec. 5, in the Retreat for the Insane, Brattleborough, Vt., a. 28 y. Godfrey, children of Charles W. & Mary: (Lucy), d. 1848, Aug. 15, a. 1-8-8; Daniel H., d. 1849, Aug. 29, a. 10 m. Gore, Harriet Jane, dau. of George H. & Eleanor, d. 1841, Aug. 30, a. 16 days. Graham, Ann, w. of Duncan, d. 1853, Feb. 23, a. 78 y. 18 d. Graham, Anna, w. of Peter, & dau. of Simeon & Elizabeth De Groff, d. 1856, June 5, a. 77-7-19. Graham, Catherine, dau. of Peter & Ann, d. 1816, Apr. 22, a. 5 m. 14 d. Graham, Duncan, s. of Duncan, d. 1797, June 25, a. 20 y. 4 m. Graham, Duncan, d. 1835, Feb. 23, a. 94-3-8. Graham, Elizabeth Bates, w. of Duncan, d. 1804, Mar. 12, a. 48 y. 8 m. Graham, John, s. of Duncan & Elizabeth, d. 1804, Oct. 2, a. 5-1-7. Graham, Margaret, d. 1845, Nov. 28, a. 71-10-10. Graham, Mary, dau. of Evan Williams & Catherine, d. 1803, Oct. 13, a. 1-6-6. Graham, Mary, dau. of Duncan, d. 1S05, Aug. 20, a. 26-11-20. Graham, Peter, s. of Duncan, d. 1822, June 4, a. 52 y. 5 m. Gray, Eliza Jane, dau. of William & Jane, d. 1860, Dec. 15, a. 7-4-25. Gridley, John, d. 1830, Dec. 1, in 81st y. Griffin, Mary Jane, dau. of Charles & Eleanor, d. 1834, Feb. 14, a. 7m. 23 d. Hasbrook, Elizabeth Shear, dau. of Rudolphus, d. 1841, Nov. 11, a. 88-11-7. Hasbrook, Jacob, d. 1847, May 7, in 69th y. Hauk, Sarah, w. of John B., d. 1791, Oct. 28, a. 56-2-20. Haynes, Cornelius, s of Cornelius & Sarah, d. 1830, Aug. 27, a. 3-3-18. Haynes, Jane, d. 1831, Dec. 27, a. 42 y. 2 m. Heaney, Patrick, a native of Irishtown, County Antrim, Ireland, d. 1853, May 5, a. 42 y. Huizinga, The Rev. Abel H., Ph. D., Pastor of the First Reformed Dutch Church of Fishkill 1896-1905, b. 1859, Aug. 18, d. 1905, Sep. 11. Humphrey, Phebe, wid.of James, d. 1840, Jan. 8, in 82d y. Husey, James, d. 1737, Aug. 22, a. 56 y. Hutchins, Maria Brinckerhoff, w. of William B., d. 1843, Apr. 3, a. 62-5-28. Jackson, Ann Jane, w. of Joseph J., d. 1832, Feb. 2, a. 44-6-6. Jackson, Edward H., d. 1832, July 14, a. 7-5-2. Jackson, Joseph J., b. 1783, Oct. 24, d. 1863, Aug. 2. Jackson, Theodore William, s. of Joseph J. & Sarah, d. 1841, June 8, a. 3-10-28. Jackson, children of Joseph & Ann Jane:—• William M., d. 1812, Dec. 2, a. 1 y.; James, A. 1813, Aug. 12, a. 6 d.; Charles G., d. 1817, Sep. 3, a. 7 m. 6 d. Jaycox, Sarah Ann, d. of Joseph & Clara, b. 1840, Dec. 23, d. 1885, Feb 11. Johnson, Florinda S., d. 1854, Aug. 7, a. 24-3-22. Ladue, Mahala, w. of Jesse B., d. 1843, Dec. 27, a. 29-10-27. Lane, Matilda, w. of Nathan, d. 1840, Feb. 4, a. 20-10-6. Lawrence. "Anno 1771 den 22 Sept. Is in Den Heere Gerust Catharina Lawrence, Huys Vrouw van Lawrence Lawrence,-Ondt Zeynde 42 Jaaren 9 Maanden en 4 Dagen." (Catharine, wife of Lawrence Lawrence, died Sept. 22, 1771, aged 42 y. 9 m. 4 d.) LeRoy, Sarah Van Wyck, w. of Charles, d. 1771, July 30, a. 29-4-26. Lockwood, Silas, b. 1743, Sep. 3, d. 1768, Sep. 10, a. 25 y. 7 d. Lucam, Catharine Corcelius, w. of George, d. 1800, Oct. 12, a. 54 y. Lynson, Magdalene, w of Abraham, of New York, d. 1783, Sep. 20, a. 40 y. Martin, Polly, w of Sheldon, d. 1827, Mar. 15, a. 40-1-15. Martin, Shelden W , s. of Shelden & Polly, d. 1825, July 29, a. 11 wks. 6ds. McNeal, Mary B., wid. of William, d. 1857, Feb 8. McNeal, William, d. 1834, Jan. 15, a. 56 y. Meenema. "Hier Leydt het Lichaam van De Feiwaarde Heer Benjamin Meenema, in syn Leenens Teje predikant van de Veskeld and Poughkeepsie, in den heeren onschlaapen den 9 des September 1761, ondt Synde 56 Jaar." (The Rev. Benjamin Meenema, d. Sep. 9, 1761, a. 56 y.) Meenema. "Hier Leydt het Lichaam van Catharina Rapalje, Huys vrou van Dom Benj. Meenema in den Heeren ontschlaapen den 17 January 1759 ondt Zynde 28 Jaar en 6 maante." 76
To w n
(Catharina Rapalje, w. of Rev. Benjamin Meenema, d. Jan. 17, 1759, aged 28 y. 6 m.)
202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. 220. 221. 222. 223. 224. 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. 233. 234. 235. 236. 237. 238. 239. 240. 241. 242. 243. 244. 245. 246. 247. 248. 249. 250. 251. 252. 253. 254. 255. 256. 257. 258. 259. 260. 261. 262.
Mesier, Margaret Ver Planck, w. of Peter, d. 1852, Nov. 7, a. 81 v. 2 m. Mills, Sarah, d. 1851, June 15, a. 80-4-3. Monfoort, Adrian, d. 1849, Feb. 6, a. 94 y. 5 m. Monfoort, Aletta Waldron, w. of Adrian, d. 1802, July 29, a. 38-7-21. Monfoort, Matilda, d. 1833, Sep 28, a. 26-2-17. Morris, Esther, dau. of Stephen '& Rebecca E., d. 1831, Aug. 7, a. 8-6-7. Morris, Stephen, d. 1837, Apr. 19, a. 36-6-3. Myer, Maria Elizabeth, w. of John R., & dau. of Jerome & Elizabeth Scofield, d. 1848, June 26, a. 35 y. 3 m. Nichols, John, d. 1852, Mar. 7, in 77th y. Niver, Abigail, w. of Gilbert, d. 1858, Sep. 11, a. 32-3-24. Niver, Eugene, s of Gilbert & Abigail, d. 1853. Sep. 14, a. 5 m. 24 d. Niver, George R., s. of Gilbert & Abigail, d. 1854, Apr. 9, a. 1-11-27. Niver, Joseph S. (or Josephus), s. of Gilbert & Abigail, d. 1855, Sep. 11, a. 3 m. 14 d. Niver, Rosina, dau. of Gilbert & Abigail, d. 1850, Dec. 25, a. 2 m. 18 d. Niver, Samuel S., s. of Levi & Mary, d. 1858, Mar. 27, a. 10 y. 7 m. Osborn, Catherine, b. 1766, Dec. 25, d. 1837, Apr. 17 Osborn, Thomas, b. 1764, July 27, d 1845, Oct. 13. Owervr Albert, s. of Merritt & Sarah, d. 1850, Dec. 4, a. 5 m. Owen, Emma, dau. of Merritt & Sarah A., d. 1843, May 28, a. 11 d. Owen, George B., s. of Merritt & Sarah, d. 1852, Aug 27, a. 8 y. Owen, Phebe, w. of Merritt, d. 1837, Feb. 13, a. 38-11-13. Owen, William B., s. of Thomas, d. 1843, May 3, a. 37-10-3. Parmalee, Anne, dau. of (?) R., d. 1827, Dec. 20, a. 1 y. 2 m. (Stone defaced). Pearsall, Melissa, dau. of George & Elizabeth, d. 1860, Mar. 8, a. 1-10-18. Peck, Benjamin, s. of Stephen, of New York, d. 1835, June 29, a. 29 y. Pepper, Charlotte, w. of Cornelius, b. 1821, Oct. 7, d. 1849, Aug 15. Pepper, Cornelius, b. 1819, Apr. 28, d. 1854, May 8. Pepper, Elias, d. 1838, Dec. 16, a. 26-2-1. Pepper, Elijah, d. 1839, July 9, a. 59-2-10 Pepper, Elijah, d. 1870, Apr.29, a. 21 y. 4 m. Pepper, Elizabeth, d. 1853, Mar. 24, a. 51-9-22. Pepper, Isaac, d. 1834, Mar. 11, a. 28-4-7. Pepper, Mary B., w. of Elijah, d. 1857, Sep. 8, a. 77 y. 10 m. Pepper, Obediah, d. 1841, June 16, a. 24-2-18. Pepper, Thomas D., d. 1870, Feb. 25, a. 26-1-10. Penper, William, d. 1863, Apr. 28, a. 59-1-17. Phillips, Abraham, d. 1838, May 22, a. 50-3-15. Phillips, Caroline, dau. of Daniel & Cynthia, "born July 29, 1820, a. 1-4-5." (Date of death not on stone). Phillips, Cvnthia, d. 1851, Dec. 3, a. 80 y. 9 d. Phillips, Daniel, d. 1848, Aug. 2, a. 63-10-26. Phillios, Daniel I., d. 1856, Mar. 28, a. 57 y. 2 d. Phillips, Deborah, dau. of Henry & Sarah, b. 1786, Apr. 3, d. 1861, Oct. 17. Phillips, Elizabeth Canniff, w. of John R., d 1808, Nov. 22, a. 53-7-18. Phillips, Hannah, dau. of Daniel & Cynthia, "b. May 8, a. 2-6-12." (Date of death not on stone). Phillips, Hannah, dau. of Daniel & Cynthia, d. 1834, June 8, a. 9 y. 4 m. Phillips, Henry H., d. 1830, Nov. 22, a. 77-9-17. Phillips, Jerome S., d. 1858, June 24, a. 33-4-8. Phillips, John R., d. 1832, Dec. 2, in 76th y. Phillips, Jonis, s of John R., d. 1812, Oct. 15, a. 13-7-17. Phillips, Mary Elizabeth, w. of Jerome S., d. 1849, Apr. 25, a. 19-7-21. Phillips, Mary J., b. 1829, Oct. 12, d. 1853, Oct. 7. Phillips, Rebecca, w. of Daniel, d. 1811, Nov. 23, a. 22 y. 15 d. Phillips, Sarah, w. of Henrv H., d. 1838, Oct. 25, a. 74-11-26. Phillips, Sgt. Maj. W. N., 56th N. Y. Inf. (No dates). Pollock, Sarah, d. 1874, Oct. 10, in 93d y. Pudney, Elenor, d. 1831, Sep. 12, a. 91-S-29. Ranous, Charlotte M., w. of John, d. 1856, Jan. 31, a. 52 y. 22 d. Rapalje, Abraham B., d. 1818, Jan. 12, a. 57-8-26. Rapalje, Adelaide, dau. of Silvanus & Susan, b. 1824, Aug. 7, d. 1825, May 28, a. 9 m. 21 d. Rapalje, Anne, w. of Richard, & dau. of Archibald & Catharine Currie, b. 1777, Sep. 13, d. 1860, Jan. 31. Rapalje, Archibald Currie, s. of Richard & Anne, d. 1831, July 28, a. 14-6-12. 77
Old 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 268. 269. 270. 271. 272. 273. 274. 275.
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Rapalje, Eliza, dau. of Richard, d. 1796, Sep. 13, a. 5 m. 23 d. Rapalje, Eliza Van Wyck, dau. of Richard & Letty, d. 1801, Jan. 17, a. 10 m. 11 d. Rapalje, Isaac Van Wyck, s. of Richard & Jane, d. 1809, Dec. 7, a. 5 y. 30 d. Rapalje, Isaac Van Wyck, s. of Richard & Ann, d. 1824, July 31, in 12th y. Rapalje, Jane, w. of Major Richard, & dau. of Isaac Van Wyck, Esq., d. 1806, Nov. 23, a. 24-8-9. Rapalje, Jane Ann, dau. of Richard & Ann, d. 1825, July 4, in 14th y. Rapalje, Jeronimus E., d. 1840, Jan. 3, in 35th y. Rapalje, John A., d. 1815, Nov. 3, a. 30 y. 8 m. Rapalje, John Augustus, s. of Richard & Jane, d. 1806, Oct. 6, a. 1 day. Rapalje, John Van Wyck, s. of Richard & Letty, d. 1798, Sep. 13, a. 26 d. Rapalje, Letty, w. of Major Richard, & dau. of Isaac Van Wyck, Esq., d. 1800, Sep. 11, a. 24-9-11. Rapalje, Mary, w. of Abraham B., Esq., d. 1808, Nov. 2, a. 44-5-6. Rapalje, Richard. "He was born on Long Island, 30 Aug., 1764, Removed to Fishkill during our Revolutionary Struggle when but a youth, where, by the most unremitting industry & application to business, he soon rose to independence, respectability & usefulness attained by few; Active in publick, interesting in social and amiable in private life, he lived to bless his day and generation and fell asleep 2 Sept. 1825 aged 61 y. and 2 ds." Rapalje, Richard, s. of Richard & Anne, d. 1846, Dec. 26, in 32d y. Rapalje, Stephen, Surgeon, U. S. Navy, d. 1856, Sep. 11, at sea, on board U. S. Frigate "Wabash," a. 68 y. Rapalje, William Edward, d. 1833, June 2, "at sea, on his return from Europe," & buried at sea, in 31st y. Reed, Sarah Ann, dau. of Lemuel & Mary Anna, d. 1816, Sep. 19, a. 1 y. 5 m. Remsen, Bartow White, s. of Edward & Matilda, b. 1842, June 13, d. 1882, Apr. 11. Remsen, Edward, b. 1800, Feb. 27, d. 1878, Nov. 24. Remsen, John R., d. 1809, Oct. 8, a. 26-1-22. Remsen, Matilda, w. of Edward, & dau. of Bartow & Ann White, b. 1809, Dec. 3, d. 1896, June 11. Remsen, Sarah, dau. of Edward & Matilda W., b. 1833, Mar. 13, d. 1912, May 22. Rich, Benjamin G., s. of Stephen of N. Y., d. 1835, June 22, a. 29 y. Rich, Julia Van Voorhis, w. of John T., d. 1840, Mar. 9, a. 28 y. Rich, Louise, dau. of John T. & Julia, a. 20 m. Rogers, Elizabeth, w. of Benj'n, & dau. of John & Jane Cooper, d. 1815, Dec. 28, a. 20-10-29. Rosekrans, Ann Maria, dau. of John & Mary, d. 1820, Oct. 29, a. 23-4-20. Rosekrans, John, d. 1831, Dec. 31, a. 69 y. 2 ds. Rosekrans, John M., b. 1799, May 28, d. 1843, Dec. 26. Rosekrans, Mary, dau.of James & Sarah Ann, d. 1823, May 4, a. 3-4-20. Rosekrans, Mary Hicks, w. of John, d. 1849, Jan. 13, a. 82-4-18. Schouten, Elizabeth Van Voorhis, w. of Stephen, d 1853, Aug. 22, a. 77 y. Schouten, Stephen, d. 1841, Mar. 3, a. 75 y. Scofield, Derrick, s. of Jacob I. & Diannah, d. 1855, Dec. 2, a. 25-8-26. Scofield, Dianah, dau. of Jerome & Elizabeth, d. 1811, Mar. 17, a. 17 d. Scofield, Diannah, w. of Jacob I., d. 1870, May 14, a. 77-5-27. Scofield, Elizabeth, w. of Jerome, d. 1850, Apr. 8, a. 67-1-5. Scofield, Isaac, d. 1827, Oct 27, in 31st y. Scofield, Jacob I., d. 1856, Jan. 28, a. 59-9-22. Scofield, Jerome, d. 1850, Nov. 1, a. 70 y. 3 m. Sebring, Cornelius, of New York, d. 1778, Aug. 6, a. 62 y. 6 m. Sebring, Isaac, s. of Cornelius & Alethea, d. 1841, May 1, a. 84-4-10. Sebring, Margaret Currie, dau. of Cornelius & Alethea, d. 1842, Nov. 9, a. 92-10-4. Sebring, Sarah, w. of Cornelius, d. 1792, Aug 16, a. 72 y. 6 m. Siddle, Isabella, w. of Abraham, & dau. of Robert & Jane Kay, d. 1849, Mar. 4, a. 21 y. 10 m. Siddle, James, s. of Abraham & Isabella, d. 1849, Jan. 26, a. 5 m. 4 d. Slauson, Hetty Ann, w. of Joseph, d. 1857, Mar. 26 or 28, a. 31-2-3. Slawson, Adelia, w. of Henry, d. 1851, Sep 11, a. 28-8-15. Smith, Abraham, b. 1732, Feb. 9, in City of New York, d. 1817, Sep. 1, a. 85-6-22 Smith, Charles Edgar, s. of John D. & Elizabeth,-d. 1839, Sep. 2, a. 3 y 10 d. Smith, Elizabeth, w. of John D., d. 1844, Jan. 20, a. 51-11-28. Smith, Hannah Cooper, w. of Stephen, d. 1799, Sep. 4, a. 36 y. (7 m. 10 d.). Smith, Mary, w. of Abraham, d. 1808, Feb. 6, a. 67 y. Smith, Mary, d. 1842, Apr. 21, in 86th y. Smith, Peter, s. of Richard & Jane, d. 1836, Jan. 8, a. 2 m. 6 d. 78
Town 318. 319. 320. 321.
Southard, Adeline, dau. of Zebulon & Catharine, d. 1832, May 29, a. 10-2-15. Southard, Catharine, w. of Zebulon, d. 1854, May 13, a. 76-7-16. Southard, Zebulon, d. 1854, Oct. 20, a. 77-3-9. Southard, children of John H & Caroline:— Mary Ida, d. 1859, Mar. 8, a. 12-1-15; Harvey R., d. 1859, May 14, a. 2-4-25. 322. Strang, George S., s. of William H. & Amanda P., d. 1845, Sep. 11, a. 4 w. 323. Strippel, Nicholas, b. 1782, Aug. 23, in Germany.'d. 1847, Apr. 22, at Fishkill, a. 64 y. 8 m. 324. Strippel, children of Nicholas H. & Phebe C.:— Sarah Letitia, b. 1858, Feb. 18, d. 1858, Nov. 28; Newell Wyeth, b. 1860, Jan. 27, d. 1861, Aug. 14. 325. Sturges, Harriet, dau. of David & Catherine, d. 1795, Dec 10, a. 3-7-3. 326. Swart, Mary, w. of Everet Wynkoop, b. 1729, Nov. 1, d. 1792, Mar. 7, a. 62-3-25. 327. Swartwout, Catherine O., b. 1798, Jan. 30, d. 1873, Nov. 18. (Note: This name & those of Thomas Osborn & Catherine Osborn are on one stone). 328. Swartwout, Cornelius, s. of Simon & Ruth, d. 1831, Sep. 8, a. 22 y. 4 m. 329. Swartwout. "Hier Leyt Het Lighaam van Jacobus Swartwout, zynde in de Heere Gerust 3 Daght van April 1749, 57 Jaaren een maant en 20 Daagen." (Jacobus Swartwout died April 3, 1749, aged 57 y. 1 m. 20 d.) 330. Swartwout, James O., b 1803, Feb. 27, d. 1882, May 12. 331. Teller, Caroline M., dau. of Edward & Rachel A., d. 1841, July 14, a. 5-6-8. 332. Townsend, Cynthia, dau. of Daniel & Elizabeth, d. 1816, Sep. 12, a. 5 m. 333. Townsend, Daniel, b. 1785, Aug. 26, at Norwich, L. I., d. 1825, Aug. 17. 334.-Townsend, Gideon, d. 1823, Apr. 3, a. 32 y. 335. Vail, Deborah, w. of Joseph I., d. 1857, July 19, a. 79-7-20. 336. Vail, Joseph I., d. 1835, Dec. 31, a. 68-3-26. 337. Vail, Piatt, d. 1846, Dec. 30, a. 27-9-23. 338. Vail, Sally Ann, w. of William R., d. 1842, Apr. 13, a. 35 y. 339. Vanderwater, Adolph, b. 1760, Sep. —, d. 1830, Aug. —, a. 70 y. 340. Van Neste. "Hier Leydt Het Lighaam van Jacobus Van Neste, Bediennar Des Heylige Evangelimus op Poughkeepsie En De Viskil In Dutches County. Zynde in de Herre Gerust De 10 April, 1761, Ondt Zynde 26 Jaar 2 maande en 3 Daage." (The Rev. Jacobus Van Neste, died April 10, 1761, a. 26 y. 2 m. 3 d.) 341. Van Norden, Aletta, w. of Theodorus William, d. 1857, Sep. 13, a. 81 y. 342. Van Norden, Theodorus William, d. 1836, Mar. 15, in 70th y. 343. Van Tassill, William, s. of Jacob & Elizabeth, d. 1769, July 3, a. 3 m. 344. Van Voorhis, Abbey, w. of Abraham, d. 1828, Mar. 17, a. 28-6-14. 345. Van Voorhis, Abraham, b. 1794, Sep. 14, d. 1868, May 21, a. 73-8-7. 346. Van Voorhis, Abraham Z., d. 1870, Aug. 19, a. 75-6-3. 347. Van Voorhis, Amanda, w. of Henry, b. 1803, May 23, d. 1886, Dec. 4. 348. Van Voorhis, Anne Lawrence, w. of Zacharias, b. 1751, Aug. 24, d. 1781, Dec. 10. 349. Van Voorhis, Ann S., w. of Zachariah, d. 1851, Feb. 9, a. 88-8-24. 350. Van Voorhis, Augustus, s. of John & Elizabeth, d. 1819, Oct. 5, a. 9 m. 351. Van Voorhis, Bartow W., s. of Christian & Elizabeth. (No dates on stone). 352. Van Voorhis, Catharine,-w. of Cornelius, d. 1814, June 2, a. 44-4-18. 353. Van Voorhis, Christian, b. 1788, Sep. 11, d. 1833, Apr. 6. 354. Van Voorhis, Cornelius, d. 1838, Sep. 20, a. 68-4-8. 355. Van Voorhis, Cornelius, b. 1816, Aug. 26, d. 1862, Apr. 6, in the Battle of Pittsburgh Landing. 356. Van Voorhis, Daniel, d. 1842, Apr. 22, a. 61-11-12. 357. V a n Voorhis, Daniel I., d. 1850, Dec. 27, a. 50 y. 21 d. 358. Van Voorhis, Eliza, d. 1882, Apr. 29, a. 81-3-5. 359. Van Voorhees, Elizabeth, dau. of Zebulon & Elizabeth, d. 1832, Feb. 16, a. 1-2-5. 360. Van Voorhis, Elizabeth, w. of John, & dau. of John Cook, b. 1798, Mar. 28, in New Jersey, d. 1837, Mar. 4, a. 38-11-5. 361. Van Voorhis, Elizabeth, b. 1795, Mar. 8, d. 1875, Jan. 27. 362. Van Voorhis, Hannah, dau. of Samuel L. & Sarah Cooper Van Voorhis, d. 1812, Nov. 25, a. 1-4-2. 363. Van Voorhees, Hannah, w. of Abraham, d. 1842, Apr. 5, a. 43-1-13. 364. Van Voorhis, Henry, s. of Daniel I. & Martha, d. 1833, Apr. 14, a. 1-1-29. 365. Van Voorhis, Henry, b. 1801, Nov. 3, d. 1845, Apr. 28, a. 43-5-25. 366. Van Voorhis, Henry, b. 1796, Dec. 4, d. 1873, Jan. 15. 367. Van Voorhis, Jacob, d. 1780, Jan. 17, a. 56-3-3. 368. Van Voorhis, Jane Robinson, w. of Peter, d. 1858, Nov. 7, a. 60-5-7. 369. Van Voorhis, Jeromus, s. of Daniel I. & Martha, d. 1839, July 14, a. 1 y. 25 d. 370. Van Voorhis, John, d. 1757, Oct. 19, a. 75 y. Barbara Van Dyck, d. 1743, Apr. 18, a. 59 y. (Same stone). 79
371. Van Voorhis, John, d. 1854, Dec. 28, a. 21-10-14. 372. Van Voorhis, Margaret, w. of Daniel, d. 1859, Jan. 20, a. 71-5-9. 373. Van Voorhis, Mary Ann, dau. of Henry & Mary, d. 1832, Apr. (2 or 12), a. 8m. 22 d. 374. Van Voorhis, Mary Ann, dau, of Samuel L. & Sarah, b. 1803, Dec. 19, d. 1844, June 20. 375. Van Voorhis, Mary Jane, w. of Henry, d. 1849, Aug. 29, a. 53 y. 17 d. 376. Van Voorhis, Matthew B., d. 1855, May 19, a. 26-4-17. 377. Van Voorhis, Peter, d. 1384, Oct. 24, a. 82-2-26. 378. Van Voorhis, Rachel Vail, wid. of William Roe, d. 1845, June 12, in 78th y. 379. Van Voorhis, Richard Ranelje, s. of Daniel I. & Martha, d. 1851, May 1, a. 10 m. 17 d. 380. Van Voorhis, Samuel L., d. 184S, Sep. 23, a. 75-9-2. 381. Van Voorhis, Sarah, d. 1360. Apr. 14, a. 67 y. 27 d. 382. Van Voorhis, Sarah Cooler, w. of Samuel L., d. i859, Aug. 9, a. 83-7-16. 383. Van Voorhis, William C , b. 1822, Feb. 15, d. 1857, Mar. 21. 384. Van Voorhis, Major William Roe, d. 1828, Nov. 2, in 64th y. 385. Van Voorhis, William R., Jr., d 1833, July 16, in 24th y. 386. Van Voorhis, Zachariah, d. 1811, July 3, a. 63-4-13. 387. Van Voorhis, Zacharias, d. 1784, Jan. 20, a. 74 y. 388. Van Vranken, The Rev. Nicholas, Pastor of the Dutch Reformed Congregations of Fishkill, Hopewell & New Hackensack, b. 1762, May 24, d. 1804, May 20, a. 41-11-19. 389. Van Vranken, Ruth Van Vranken, first wife of the Rev. Nicholas, b. 1763, Dec. 31, d. 1800, Aug. 16, a. 36-4-14. 390. Van Wyck, Albert, s. of Cornelius C. & Laetitia, b. 1803 or 1805, Feb. 25, d. 1806, Nov. 23. 391. Van Wyck, Amelia Matilda, w. of Isaac I., & dau. of Joseph Jackson, d. 1848, Sep. 11, a. 52-1-20. 392. Van Wyck, Antie, d. 1784, Mar. 22, a. 6 y. 2 m. ^ 393. Van Wyck. "Hier Lyde Begraven Cathalyna Adriejaanse Huis vrow van Theodorus Van Wyck, Gestorven De 24 Jany 1746, Onde Zynde 20 Jaar and 11 Maande." (Cathalyna Adriejaanse, wife of Theodorus Van Wyck, died June 24, 1746, aged 20 y. 11 m.) 394. Van Wyck, Charles Young, d. 1796, Feb. 19, a. 10 m. 8 d. 395. Van Wyck, Charles Young, s. of Isaac & Elizabeth, d. 1798, Apr. 10, a. 1 y. 15 d. 396. Van Wyck, Cornelius, d. 1761, June 28, a. 67-2-7. 397. Van Wyck. "Hier Leyde Begraaven Cornelius C. Van Wyck, Overleden den 15 Maert, Anno 1767, Onde Zynde 34 Jaar, 3 Maanden, en 6 Dagen." (Cornelius C. Van Wyck, died March 15, 1767, aged 34 y. 3 m. 6 d.) 398. Van Wyck, Cornelius I., Esq., d. 1804, Feb. 17, a. 19-4-14 399. Van Wvck, Dianah, w. of Jacob, d. 1792, Nov. 28, a. 34 y. 11 m. 400. Van Wyck, Diana Hasbroock, w. of Theodorus, d. 1848, Oct. 26, a. 81-7-13. 401. Van Wyck, Elizabeth, w. of Isaac, d. 1800, Feb. 11, a. 43 y. 2 d. 402. Van Wyck, Elizabeth, dau. of Isaac, d. 1845, Jan. 31, in 66th y. 403. Van Wyck, Fulton, s. of William & Harriet, d. 1818, Oct. 27, a. 8 m. 404. Van Wyck, Hannah Thorne, w. of Cornelius, b. 1700, Feb. 28, d. 1771, Aug. 23. 405. Van Wyck, Harriet G. (or C.) Stagg, w. of William W., d. 1825, Aug. 14, at Sudley, Fairfax Co., Va., a. .42 y 406. Van Wyck, Isaac, b. 1755, Oct. 27,' d. 1811, Aug. 28. 407. Van Wyck, Isaac I., s. of Isaac, d. 1862, Mar. 22, a. 69-5-20. 408. Van Wyck, Maria, dau. of Isaac & Elizabeth, d 1805, Oct. 7, a. 15-11-7. 409. Van Wyck, Sarah, dau. of William & Sarah, d. 1854, Nov. 20, in 80th y. 410. Van Wyck. "Hier Leyde Begraaven het Leichaam van Theodorus Van Wyck, Soon van Cornelius, Gestorven den 3de Octob., Anno 1754, Onde Zynde 34 Jaar 4 Man. 18 Daagen." (Theodorus Van Wyck, died Oct. 3, 1754, aged 34 y. 4 m. 18 d.) 411. Van Wyck, William. (Nothing more on stone) 412. Van Wyck, William W., d. 1840, Aug. 27, a. 63 y. 413. Ver Planck, Anna Maria, d. 1779, Oct. 20, a. 50 y. 414. Ver Planck, Bffie, w. of Philip, Esq., b. 1737, Feb. 16, d. 1775, Nov. 22, a. 38-9-6. 415. Ver Planck, Gertrude, d. 1794, June 24, a. 62-7-7. 416. Verplanck, Mary Ana Catherine, dau. of William Beekman, d. 1804, July 19, a. 4-11-26. 417. Ver Planck, Philip, d. 1777, June 20, a. 40 y. 418. Verplanck, Esq., William, b 1693, Mar. 28, d. 1745, June 6. 419. Ver Planck, William Beekman, d. 1804, Dec. 30, a. 34-9-28. 420. Waldron, Aletta Maria, dau. of Stephen & Susan, d. 1849, Aug. 23, a. 30-1-16. 80
â&#x20AC;¢Van Voorhis, p.203 l i s t s : Kathelyna Adriejanse huis vrow van Theodorus Van Vfyck, Gestorven de 2k Juny, Y?k6. Oudt Zynde 20 J a a r , 11 Maande.
T own
F i shkill
421. 422. 423. 424. 425.
Waldron, Hannah, w. of Samuel, d. 1803, Feb. 25, a. 59-5-16 Waldron, Henry, s. of Stephen & Susan, d. 1821, Nov. 17, a. 10 m 5 d. Waldron, Stephen B., d. 1850, Mar. 7, a. 57-4-7. Waldron, Susan, w. of Stephen B., d. 1872, Feb. 28, a. 82-11-16. Wamsley, William, Measurer of Grain of the City of New York, d. 1805, Aug. 24, a. 59 y. 426. Weeks, Adeline, dau. of John & Sally, d. 1822, Oct. 9, a. 2 y. 6 m. 427. Weeks, Chauncey, d. 1837, Dec. 6, a. 69 y. 428. Weeks, George, s. of Richard & Letitia, d. 1841, Dec. 14, a. 18 y. 2 m. 429. Weeks, Gilbert, b. 1741, Apr. 27, d. 1799, Mar. 12, a. 59-11-15. 430. Weeks, Isaac, s. of Richard & Letitia,.d. 1854, May 3, a. 19 y. 431. Weeks, James, d. 1790, Nov. 15, a. 53 y. 2 m. 432. Weeks, James, d. 1848, Aug. 31, a. 66 y. 7 m. 433. Weeks, Jemima, b 1746, June 21, d. 1808, June 27, a. 62 y. 26 d. 434. Weeks, John G., s. of James & Sarah, d. 1843, Dec. 6, a. 31 y. 7 rru 435. Weeks, Letitia, w. of Richard, d. 1846, Dec. 3, a. 41 y 436. Weeks, Nancy, w. of Richard, d. 1838, Aug. 16, a. 66 y. 2 m. 437. Weeks, Philip, s. of John & Sally, d. 1833, Nov. 16, a. 2-9-7. 438. Weeks, Richard, d 1833, Dec. 2, in 64th y. 439. Weeks, Richard, d. 1842, May 8, in 41st y. 440. Weeks, Sally, w. of James, d. 1848, Sep. 30, a. 69 y. 5 m. 441. Wells, Jacob C , s. of F. B. & C. A., d. 1863, July 5, a. 11 d. 442. Westbrook, Gen. Frederick, a Patriot & Soldier of the Revolution, d. 1827, Dec. 6, a. 74 y. 443. Westbrook, Hannah, w. of Cornelius D., & dau. of Isaac Van Wyck, d. 1817, Feb 23, in 30th y. 444. White, Ann, w. of Bartow, b. 1783, Sep. 14, d. 1861, Feb. 5, in 78th y. 445. White, Bartow, b. 1776, Nov. 7, d. 1862, Dec. 12, a 86-1-5. 446. White,'Emma Louisa Jackson, wid. of Samuel, b. 1827, Sep. 14, d. 1903, Jan. 16. 447. White, Louis B., s. of Bartow & Ann, b. 1815, Apr. 22, d 1901, Dec. 6. 448. White, Mary, dau. of Bartow & Ann, b. 1820, Aug. 10, d.' 1909, Feb. 19. 449. White, Novenia, dau. of Bartow & Ann, b. 1824, Feb. 15, d. 1913, Oct. 18. 450. White. Octavia, dau. of Bartow & Ann, b. 1822, June 8, d. 1908, Apr. 15. 451. Wight, Walter, A native of Ettrick Forest, Scotland, d. 1840, June 29, a. 77 y. 452. Wilev, Elizabeth L., b. 1818, Apr. 3, d. 1890, Feb. 18. 453. Wiley, John G., s. of William & Sarah, d. 1821, Oct. 30, a. 1-7-11. 454. Wiley, William Fâ&#x20AC;&#x17E; d. 1815, July 3, a. 50-4-28. 455. Williams, Mary, dau. of Evan & Catherine Graham Williams, d. 1805, Oct. 13, a. 1-4-6. 456. Wiltse, Anne Humfrey, w. of Martin, d. 1775, Apr. 14, a. 42 y. 1 m. 457. Wiltse, Maria, w. of Martin, Jr., d. 1808, May 6, a. 37 y. 9 m. 458. Winters, Elijah, d. 1857, July 22, a. 66 y 459. Winters, Gertrude Archabald, w. of Elijah, d. 1859, May 26, a. 65-8-8. 460. Winters, Isaac, d 1854, Jan. 29, a. 28-11-24. 461. Wood, Henry, d. 1852. Nov. 19, a. 52-7-18. 462. Wright, Abigail Whitmore, w. of Enos, d. 1862, July 25, in 75th y. 463. Wright, Ambrose, s. of Enos & Abigail, d. 1848, May 16, in 20th y. 404. Wright, Enos, b. 1772, Apr. 15, d. 1855, June 17, in 84th y. 465. Wright, Josiah W., s. of Enos, d. 1840, Sep. 20, a. 19-2-18. Note: In the yard of the Dutch Church, Fishkill Village, is a large mound, unmarked, indicating the presence of a vault. From private family sources the information has been furnished that in this vault are the remains of the following: 446. Cornelius C. Van Wyck, b. 1763, d. 1833. 467. Laetitia Adriance, his wife, b. 1766, d. 1858. 468-'74. Their children: Laetitia, Sarah, Caroline, Maria, Margaret (wife of the Rev. J. H. Bevier), and two small children. 475-'77. John Knox Liston (husband of Matilda Van Wyck Liston), and two grown children, viz: Isabella Knox Liston and Peter Van Wyck Liston. (Matilda Van Wyck Liston is buried in the Fishkill Rural Cemetery). 478-'79. Wilhelmus Bevier and Cornelius Van Wyck Bevier, sons of the Rev. J. H. Bevier. 480. Sarah Van Wyck (daughter of Peter S. Van Wyck and granddaughter of Cornelius C. Van Wyck). 481. Sarah Adriance (sister of Laetitia Adriance Van Wyck). 482. Catharine Du Bois Griffin (mother of Mrs. John C. Van Wyck). 483-'86. Four bodies of the Van Voorhees family, removed in the thirties of the nineteenth century from Fishkill Landing. Note: In altering the Fishkill Dutch Church in late years the building was extended to the west and covered the grave of Catherine Rombout, widow of Roger Brett. 81
On the wall of the interior of the church a tablet has been placed bearing the following inscription: 487. "In Memoriam Madame Catharyna Brett Widow of Lieutenant Roger Brett, R. N. and daughter of Francis Rombout a grantee of the Rombout Patent Born in the City of New York 1687 Died in Rombout Precinct, Fishkill, 1764 To this church she was a liberal contributor and underneath its pulpit her body is interred This tablet Was erected by her descendants and others interested in the colonial history of Fishkill A. D. 1S94." TRINITY CHURCHYARD, FISHKILL VILLAGE CLASSIFICATION: Churchyard. LOCATION: T r i n i t y C h u r c h ( P r o t e s t a n t E p i s c o p a l ) , Fishkill Village. CONDITION: Fair. INSCRIPTIONS: 157 in n u m b e r . Copied A p r i l 2 6 , 1 9 1 3 , by J . W . P o u c h e r , M. D . , M r s . P o u c h e r , Miss Helen W . R e y n o l d s , Miss M. O. J o h n s t o n , Miss N. M. P a r k e r . REMARKS: T r i n i t y C h u r c h was o r g a n i z e d in 1766 conjointly w i t h C h r i s t C h u r c h , P o u g h k e e p s i e , as a mission of t h e Society for t h e P r o p o gation of t h e Gospel, L o n d o n . T h e c h u r c h b u i l d i n g e r e c t e d 1 7 6 7 6 8 is still s t a n d i n g a n d in u s e . It w a s occupied as a m i l i t a r y hospital d u r i n g t h e W a r of t h e R e v o l u t i o n .
1. Ackroyd, Elizabeth, a native of Farnley Fyas in Parish of Almondsbury, Yorkshire, England, d. 1843, May 25, a. 26-4-26. 2. Aimley, Samuel, a native of Oakes in the township of Thurston, Yorkshire, England, d. 1842, Nov. 16, a. 31-7-16. 3. Alger, William B., d. 1792, Apr. 3, a. 44-6-19. 4. Anthony, Susan, d. 1839, Sep. 26. 5. Baron, Augustus, d. 1810, Jan. 18, a. 48 y. 6. Bedford, Anna J., wid. of Stephen, d. 1875, June 18, a. 70 y. 7. Bedford, Fanny, w. of Stephen, d. 1855, Mar. 20, a. 57 y 8. Bedford, Stephen, d. 1871, Oct. 15, a. 73 y. 9. Brewer, Susannah, w of Elisha, d. 1841, Sep. 4, a. 31 y. 11 m. * 10. Brown, Harriet, dau. of Elisha & Susan, d. 1829, Feb. 7~, a. 3 m. 13 d. 11. Buckley, Benjamin, d. 1865, Dec. 17, a. 38 y. 12. Buckley, Frances Caroline, dau. of Benjamin & Caroline, d. 1862, Nov. 23, a. 2-1-12. 13. Burroughs, Catharine, dau. of Robert & Eliza, d. 1841, July 2, a. 14-10-21. 14. Burroughs, Eliza, w of Robert, d. 1869, Nov. 7, in 66th y. 15. Byron, Esther, dau. of John & Margaret, d. 1827, Oct. 2, a. 2-11-8. 16. Clark. Elizabeth, w of "Major Clark," d. 1830, May 18, a. 42-5-13. 17. Clark, Mary, d. 1833, Feb. 23, a. 23 y. 5 m. 18. Clarkson, John, d. 1859, July 5, a. 25-6-7. 19. Crommelin, Daniel, b. 1845, Apr. 13, d. 1854, Apr. 8. 20. Cromwell, Catharine, w. of Joseph, A. 1794, Aug. 2, a. 21-11-28. 21. Crowther t Charles A., s. of Joseph & Elizabeth, d. 1857, Sep. 3, a 22-6-15. 22. Crowther, Elizabeth, w. of Joseph, d. 1859, May 29, a. 64-3-29. 23. Crowther, (John), b. 1800, Mar. 10, d. 1888, May 10. 24. Cruse, Frederick Gallaudet T., d. 1846, Apr 27, a. 21 y. 25. Deakin, Ann, w. of James, d. 1879, Feb. 27,'a. 83 y. 3 m. 26. Deakin, James, d. 1858, Mar. 5, a. 63 y. 6 m. 27. Duncan, Elizabeth, d 1770, July 4, in 63d y. 28. Ferguson, George K., s. of Adam & Ann, d. 1867, Aug. 18, a. 1-2-4. 29. Foster, Ann, w. of the Rev. C. A., d. 1837, Oct. 19, a. 31 y. 30. Fulton, Horatio P., a native of (Bakenfield), Va., d. 1841, Mar. 1, in 31st y. 82
Brewer ';'
31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36.
Gaunt, George M., s. of Henry & Christina, d. 1858, Aug. 20, a. 7 y. 28 d. Gaunt, Mary L., w. of Thomas, d. 1847, Mar. 13, a. 52 y. 3 m. Gilbert, Ann, dau. of Thomas & Hannah, d. 1864, Mar. 27, a. 28 y. Gilbert, Hannah, w. of Thomas, d. 1855, May 3, a. 45 y. Gilbert, Thomas, d. 1885, June 24, a. 85 y. Gould, William, d. 1838, Oct. 2, a. 34-5-28, also Sarah, his wife, d. 1838, Oct. 2, a. 35-2-24, also Charles, their son, d. 1838, Oct. 3, a. 4 y. 4 d. "Natives of North (Wootton), England." "Died by eating toadstools." 37. Green, Ezekiel, d. 1817, Feb.. 7, a. 57-4-21. 38. Green, John, d. 1863, Oct. 2, a. 58-3-25. 39.Green, Julia, dau. of David & Elizabeth Ann, d. 1847, Dec. 3, a. 12 y 40. Green, Oliver, d. 1820, July 24, a. 40 y. 41. Green, Phebe, w. of Jeremiah, d. 1849, Aug. â&#x20AC;&#x201D;, in 70th y. 42. Green, Children of Joseph & Mary, Elizabeth, d. 1827, July 13, a. 1 y. 6 m Charlotte, d. 1839, Nov. 14, a. 18 y. 9 m. Catharine, d. 1845, Jan. 15, a. 16-6-15. 43. Gridley, Enoch G., s. of Jacob H. & Eliza, d. 1825, Dec. 2, a. 18 m. 44. Hackney, Mary, w. of Robert, & dau. of James B. & Ann Deakin, d. 1851, May 19, a. 27 y. 6 m. 45. Halstead, Phebe, "A. D. 1781." 46. Halstead, William, s. of Lawrence & Hannah, d. 1815, Oct. 15, a. 20-2-11. 47. Hasbrouck, Eliza, d 1848, Dec. 24. 48. Hays, Martha F., dau. of William & Sarah, d. 1848, Apr. 24, a. 13-9-24. 49. Hazleton, Isaac Balding, s. of Charles A. & Caroline P. 50. Monument. Hunt, Benjamin, b. 1758, Nov 8, d. 1834, Oct. 5 Elizabeth Gedney, his wife, b. 1761, July 26, d. 1846, Oct. 4. 51. Jacocks, Mary Elizabeth, dau. of Nathaniel & Abigail, d. 1833, Sep. 23, a. 9 m. 7 d. 52. Johnson, Martha, w. of John, d. 1824, Apr. 14, in 73d y. 53. Leslie, Ann S., d. 1880, Oct. 17, a. 65 y. 54. Leslie, James, d. 1876, July 19, a. 68 y. 55. Mesier, Abraham, b. 1781, d. 1825, Nov. 16, a. 44 y. 56. Meiser, Phebe, d. 1832, Apr. 19, a. 43 y. 57. Midgley, Betty, w. of Richard, d. 1848, Aug. 3, a. 70 y. 58. Midgley, James Tolson, s. of Tommy & Mary, d. 1850, Sep. 17, a. 4 m. 15 d. 59. Midgley, Mary, dau. of Tommy & Mary, d. 1857, Jan. 1, a. 18-9-23. 00. Midgley, Richard, d. 1852, Nov. 5, a. 73 y 61. Midgley, Sarah Ann, dau. of Tommy & Mary, d. 1852, Apr. 22, a. 15-11-14. 62. Mitchell, John, b. in England, d. 1861, Jan. 20, a. 38 y. 21 d. 63. Montfort, Adelia, dau of James & Catharine, d. 1862, Nov. 22, a. 42-11-10. 64. Monfort, Charles Oakley, s. of Thorn & Caroline, d. 1842, Jan. 19, a. 3-9-12. 65. Montford, James, d. 1835, Apr. â&#x20AC;&#x201D;, a. 60 y., Catharine, his wife, d. 1868, Apr. 15, a. 76 y. 66. Montfort, Mary Ann, dau. of James & Elizabeth, d. 1883, Nov. 28, a. 74 y. 67. Morehouse, Stephen, s. of Henry & Mary, d. 1845, Aug. 25, a. 10 m. 28 d. 68. Odell, Elizabeth Ter Boss, w. of Benjamin, d. 1847, Jan. 8, a. 31 y. 8 d. 69. Ogden, Wilmot, dau. of Capt. Benjamin, d. 1790, Oct. 4, a. 22 y. 70. Monument. Oppie, Henrietta Maria, w. of James W., d. 1886, Jan. 1, in 84th y. Oppie, James H., d. 1899, Apr. 29, in 64th y. Oppie, Theodore Hunt, s. of James W. & Henrietta Maria, d. 1853, Jan. 1, a. 20 y. 7 d. Green, Mary, "a faithful servant". 71. Pearsall, Charity, w. of George, d. 1845, Nov. 1, a. 32 y. 72. Pine, Ann, w. of Robert, d. 1847, Jan. 16, a. 73 y. 73. Pine, Ann, dau. of Sylvanus & Nellie, b. 1801, May 29, d. 1876, Mar. 15. 74. Pine, Elizabeth, d. 1843, Aug 13, a. 74 y. 75. Pine, Jane, dau. of Svlvanus & Nellie, b. 1797, Mar. 28, d. 1875, Jan. 20. 76. Pine, John, d. 1788, July 15, a. 23-4-7. 77. Pine, John, b. 1810, June 12, d. 1840, Mar. 31. 78. Pine, Judith, w. of Silvanus, d. 1777, May 20, a. 49 y. 79. Pine, Martha, d. 1816, Oct. 9, a. 59-2-8. 80. Pine. Martha, dau. of Silvanus & Nelly, b. 1807, Nov. 15, d. 1819, Sep. 10. 81. Pine, Nelly, w. of Silvanus, b. 1773, Nov. 1, d. 1851, Nov. 20. 82. Pine, Robert, d. 1829, Sep. 2, a. 69-10-18. 83. Pine, Robert, d. 1864, Oct. 14, a. 51-1-9. 83
Old 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144.
Pine, Silvanus, d. 1799, June 9, a. 70 y. Pine, Silvanus, b. 1766, Aug. 30, d. 1852, Jan. 2. Pine, Thomas, d. 1821, Oct. 13, a. 61 y. Piatt, Hannah, d. 18(6)2, May 12, a. 12-1-17. Piatt, Mary, w of Robert, d. 1852, June 1, a. 72-7-16. Piatt, Mary Jane, dau. of John & Jane, d. 1853, Mar. 13, a. 4-4-14. Poyer, Catharine, wid. of Thomas, d. 1850, Nov. 13, a. 77-11-14. Poyer, Thomas, s. of Thomas & Catharine, d. 1831, Feb. 17, a. 30-4-28. Poyer, Thomas, d. 1835, Mar. 18, a. 69-11-1. Poyer, Zebulon, s. of Thomas & Catharine. Puffer, Charles, s. of Charles D. & Araminta D., d. 1839, Aug. 17, a. 4-11-3. Rodgers, Sarah, w. of John, d. 1832, Apr. 3, a. 51-3-3. Rogers, Benjamin, d. 1813, Nov. 8, a. 63-2-8. Rogers, Benjamin, s. of Benjamin & Elizabeth, d 1833, Oct. 27, a. 44 y. Rogers, Elijah, d. 1857, Oct. 24, a. 62-9-2. Rogers, Elizabeth, dau. of Benjamin & Elizabeth, d. 1834, Dec. 2, a. 40-11-23. Rogers, Elizabeth F., w. of Benjamin, d. 1840, Mar. 1, a. 82-5-29. Rogers, John, d. 1844, Mar. 18, a. 65-7-15. Rogers, Marv, d. 1860, Dec. 11, a. 71-6-20. Rogers, Sarah, d. 1876, Aug. 20, a. 78-8-10. Schofield, Martha, a native of Farnley Fyas, Parish of Almondsbury, Yorkshire, England, d. 1844, Aug. 25, a. 21-6-24. Scofield, Catherine, d. 1808, June 4, in 22d y. Scofield, Catherine Louisa, dau. of Thomas & Jane, d. 1820, Aug. 13, a. 10 m. 15 d. Scofield, Hanah, d. 1819, Dec. 17, in 52d y. Scofield, Jacob, d. 1837, Dec. 5, a. 74 y. Scofield, Julian, d. 1820, Aug. 11, in 20th y. Shaw, Children of the Rev. Robert & Sarah J.: Margaret Hooker, b. 1840, Jan. 29, d. 1841, Sep. 10, a. 1-7-12. infant dau. d. 1838, Apr. 26. Southard, Daniel, d. 1846, Nov. 15, a. 70 y. Margaret, his wife, d. 1830, Dec. 31, a. 31-8-23. Southard, Gilbert, d. 1831, Aug. 28, a. 50 y. 17 d. Southard, Maria, d. 1836, Apr. 10, a 81-5-26. Southard, Richard, d. 1831, Feb. 2, a. 28-5-25. Southard, Richard R., d. 1827, Nov. 25, a. 64 y. Deborah, his wife, d. 1839, Feb. 26, a. 68 y. 4 d. Stone, Anne, w. of Col. Jared, d. 1845, Apr. 20, a. 65 y. Street, Greenlief, d. 1853, Apr. 29, a. 82 y. Street, Susannah, w. of Greenlief, d. 1850, Mar. 17, a. 76 y. Sullivan, Adeline, w. of William, d. 1847, Jan. 28, a. 30-8-2. Tar Bush, Hannah, w. of Joseph, d. 1839, June 13, a. 69-9-12. Taylor, Mary, of Manchester, England, w. of Eli, and dau. of William & Sarah Hays, d. 1846, Jan. 18, a 21 y. 6 m. Ter Boss, Christiana, d. 1814, Dec. 19, a. 6 y. Ter Boss, Isaac, d. 1815, Feb. 20, a. 81 y Ter Boss, James, d. 1850, Dec. 9, a. 48-9-29. Terboss, Jane, dau. of James & Nancy, d. 1847, Sen. 22, a. 27-10-18. Ter Boss, Jemima, b. 1793, Mar. 1, d. 1811, Mar. 9. Ter Boss, Nancy, w. of Francis, d. 1848, Nov. 29, a. 60 y. Thomas, Elizabeth, w. of Edward, d. 1838, Dec. 20, in 44th v. Thompson, Fanny, d. 1882, Sep. 7, a. 77 y. Thompson, William, d. 1866, Oct. 9, a. 57 v. Thorne, Benjamin, b. 1776, Nov. 3, d. 1858, Aug. 1. Thorne, John Henry, d. 1830, Nov. 23, a. 20-1-19. Thorne, Nancy, w. of Benjamin, d. 1845. Mar. 17, a. 69 v. Tillott, Elizabeth, w. of John, d. 1854, Dec. 8, a. 90-4-4." Tillott, John, b. 1764, Nov. 10, d. 1843, Apr. 6, a. 78-4-26. Tillott, John, s. of John & Mary, b. 1847, Dec. 16, d. 1855, July 9. Tillott, John, d. 1856, July 15. Tillott, Peter, d. 1845, Oct. 4, a. 73 y. 2 m. Tillott, Peter I., d. 1859, Apr. 29, a. 66-4-19. Tillott, Richard, d. 1794, Jan. 13, a. 24-1-14. Tillott, Sobrinab, d. 1835, June 10, a. 36-7-20. Verplanck, LL.D.; Gulian Crommelin, b. 1786, Aug. 6, d. 1870, Mar. 18, a. 84 y. Verplanck, Samuel, d. 1820, Jan. 27, in 81st y. Tablet over Ver Planck vault "Daniel Crommeline Ver Planck, b. 19 Mar. 1762, d. 29 Mar. 1834. 84
T o iv n
145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157.
Anne Walton, his wife, d. 2 June 1843. Their children: Mary Anna, b. 30 Aug. 1793, d. 1 Dec. 1856. Samuel, b. 15 Oct. 1798, d. 8 Feb. 1861. His wife, Mary Hobart, d 10 Mar. 1879. William Walton, b. 19 Feb. 1803, d. 24 May 1870. Anne Louisa, b. 4 Dec. 1807, d. 13 Oct. 1836. Elizabeth, b. 3 Dec. 1800, d. 5 July 1888, Her husband, John W. Knevals, d. 5 Aug. 1855, and their children, DeLancey Walton, b. 24 May, 1834, d. â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Aug. 1873, Anne, b. 5 Nov. 1839, d. 25 Apr. 1864. Also Gulian, s. of Gulian C. & Eliza Fenno Ver Planck, b. 29 Apr. 1815, d. 19 Nov. 1845. A. D. 1892" Warren, Elizabeth, w. of Samuel B., d. 1837, Feb. 11, a. 68-11-27. Warren, Samuel B., d 1856, Mar. 20, a. 77-5-20. Watkins, Sarah, w. of Birdsey, & dau. of William McKeby, d. 1800, Oct. 1, a. 31-9-6. Webb, Rebecca, w. of Walter H., d. 1835, June 25, a. 67 y. Webb, Walter H., d. 1800, Dec. 13, a. 39 y. Weeks, Abigail, w. of Abraham, d. 1839, Apr. 7. a. 80-1-23. Weeks, Abraham, d. 1840, Feb. 25, a. 71 y. Weeks, Barbara, w of Samuel, d. 1873, Nov. 17, a. 71-9-27. Weeks, Gilbert, d. 1825, Jan. 27, a. 52 y. Weeks, Samuel, d. 1854. Sep. 23, a. 55-5-3. Weeks, Samuel, s. of Samuel & Barbara, d. 1855, Dec. 5, a. 18-3-14 Weeks, Silvanus Pine, d. 1850, Mar. 16, in 50th y. Werr, John, d. 1834, Nov. 11, a. 44 v.
PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHYARD, BRINCKERHOFF CLASSIFICATION: Churchyard. LOCATION: A t Brinckerhoff. CONDITION: Well c a r e d for. INSCRIPTIONS: 389 in n u m b e r . Copied April 2 5 a n d 26, 1 9 1 3 , by J . W . P o u c h e r , M. D., Mrs. P o u c h e r , Miss H e l e n W . R e y n o l d s , Miss M. O. J o h n ston, Miss N. M. P a r k e r . REMARKS: On this site t h e R o m b o u t P r e s b y t e r i a n c h u r c h w a s e r e c t e d in 1747. T h e building stood until 1866 w h e n it was b u r n e d . It w a s used as a military hospital d u r i n g t h e W a r of t h e R e v o l u t i o n . A f t e r t h e fire of 1866 t h e c o n g r e g a t i o n did not r e b u i l d . Occasional services w e r e held for a time b u t now t h e c h u r c h is e x t i n c t .
1. Annan, Daniel, b. Baskinridge, N J., 1753, May 6, came to Dutchess Co., 1770; d. 1844, Mar. 28, a. 90-10-22. 2. Annan, Daniel A., d. 1848, Dec. 2, a. 41-9-27. 3. Annan, Elizabeth, w. of Daniel, & dau. of Matthew & Margaret Allen, d. 1821, Sep. 5, a. 63 y. 4. Annan, Levina, Van Wyck, w. of Daniel, d. 1785, Nov. 1, a. 32-1-7. 5. Annan, Sarah, w. of William, d. 1857, Dec. 27, a. 68-9-17. 6. Annan, Theodore, s. of Theodorus & (Lucie), d. 1844, Sep. 27, a. 5-6-27. 7. Annan, William, d. 1846, July 4, a. 68-6-12. 8. Anthony, Elizabeth Van Wyck, w. of John, b. 1769, Oct., d. 1800, May. 9. Archibald, Sarah, w. of Ebenezer, d. 1815, Aug. 14, a. 80-5-19. 10. Barron, Thomas, d. 1825, Jan. 25, in 26th y 11. Barton, Alida, dau. of John I. & Mary A., d. 1851, June 27, a. 1-10-6. 12. Beeman, Jerome, s. of Julian & Deborah, a. 2 m. 13. Besley, Catharine Brett, w. of James, d. 1844, Apr. 9, a 58-7-19. 14. Besley, Isaac, s. of William & Sarah, d. 1816, Jan. 4, in 38th y. 16. Besley, James, d. 1851, Nov. 30, a. 69-11-26. 16. Besley, William, d. 1831, Nov. 12, in 77th y. 17. Blatchley, Catherine, wid. of Joseph, d. 1840, Aug. 26, in 89th y. 85
Old 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80.
Blatchley, John, d. 1853, Apr. 9, a. 73-4-1. Blatchley, Joseph, d. 1813, Oct. 12, a. 74-3-7. Blatchley, Joseph, d. 1835, June 28, in 67th y. Blatchley, Sarah, d. 1852, Jan. 14, in 84th y. Blatchley, William, d. 1863, Mar. 10, a. 80-4-9. Bogardus, Margaret, d. 1806, Feb. 3, a. 48 y. Bogart, Margaret, d. 1800, Feb. 3, a. 48 y. Boice, Isaac, d. 1850, Sep. 22, a. 68-8-11. Boice, John, d. 1846, Apr. 29, in 60th y. Boice, Mary, w. of Isaac, d. 1833, Mar. 14, a. 45-1-11. Boice, Matthew, s. of John & Hannah, d. 1821, Nov. 24, a. 14 m. Boice, Samuel W., d. 1852, Jan. 13, a 32-4-3. Boice, Sarah A., d. 1862, May 5, a. 38-1-10. Bowne, Abbie Martin, dau. of Francis H. & Susan, d. 1860, Feb. 29, a. 5-7-19. Bowne, Charles Edward, s. of Francis H. & Susan, d. 1873, Mar. 19, a. 31-5-21. Bowne, Francis H, b. 1820, Apr. 14, d. 1878, July 10. Bowne, Francis H., s. of Francis H. & Susan, b. 1859, Aug. 14, d. 1906, Feb. 5. Bowne, Gersham, d. 1803, Jan. 6, in 58th y. Bowne, Gershom, d. 1825, Jan. 9, a. 35 y. Bowne, James, s. of Francis H. & Susan, d. 1852, Mar. 23, a. 5-1-24. Bowne, Nancy, d. 1819, Apr. 25, in 62d y. Bowne, Obadiah, d. 1822, Feb. 23, a. 48-2-25. Bowne, Susan, dau. of Francis H. & Susan, d. 1850, Nov. 4, a. 11 m. 21 d. Bowne, Susan Storm, w. of Francis H., b. 1818, Apr. 24. d. 1896, Jan. 13. Boyce, Elizabeth, d. 1828, June 30, a. 72 y. Boyce, Matthew, d. 1818, Mar. 1, a. 72 y. Boyce, Phebe, w. of John, d. 1811, Nov. 10, a. 23-5-22. Brevoort, Orsen, s. of Alfred E. & Pauline, (dates not given). Brewster, Mary Eliza, w. of William H., & dau. of William & Maria Hoyt, d. 1863, July 1, a. 34-11-10. Brinckerhoff, William A., s. of Isaac & Jemima, d. 1825, Aug. 3, a. 3 m. 8 d. Brockway, George F., youngest s. of Woolston & Sarah A., d. 1855, Feb. 11, a. 2-7-2. Brockway, William J., s. of Woolston & Sarah, d. 1867, Oct. 28, a. 17 y. 10 m. Brower, Garit, d. 1812, Apr. 14, a. 60 y. Brower, Mary, d. 1820, Dec. 25, in (40th or 46th) y. Burchan, Charlotte Brinckerhoff, dau. of Peter & Hannah, b. 1850, Nov. 12, d. 1893, Aug. 7. Burchan, Hannah M. Haight, wid. of Peter, S., b. 1818, July 18, d. 1903, Sep. 19. Burroughs, Aletta, w of Charles, b. 1809, Nov. 9, d. 1887, May 8. Burroughs, A. Minerva Haight, w. of Thomas, d. 1861, Jan. 6, a. 46-2-25. Burroughs, Benjamin, d. 1838, Feb. 26, a. 60-2-1. Burroughs, Caroline Maria, dau. of Benjamin & Fanny, d. 1838, Mar. 21, a. 12 y. 1 m. Burroughs, Caroline, dau. of James & Ann Mariah, d. 1848, Oct. 8, a. 2-9-15. Burroughs, Charles, s of Cornelius & Clarissa, d. 1852, Apr. 30, a. 6 m. 11 d. Burroughs, Charles, b. 1799, Mar. 18, d. 1873, Dec. 8. Burroughs, Elinor, d. 1814, July 11, a. 74-4-25. Burroughs, Emma, dau. of James & Ann M., d. 1859, Feb. 25, a. 2-2-7. Burroughs, Fanny, w of Benjamin, d. 1853, Jan. 1, a. 67-2-16. Burroughs, Francis, b. 1844, Jan. 10, d. 1905, May 24. Burroughs, Frederick, only s. of Thomas & Minerva, b. 1846, Jan. 19, d. 1854, Oct. 19. Burroughs, Freddy, s. of Cornelius & Clarissa B., d. 1859, Jan. 14, a. 2-9-24. Burroughs, George, d. 1825, Feb. 7, a. 38-9-25. Burroughs, Joseph, d. 1838, Apr. 10, a. 83-7-17. Burroughs, Mary, w. of Joseph, d. 1833, Aug. 21, a. 74 y. 3 m. Burroughs, Reuben, d. 1812, Feb. 11, a. 28-11-4. Burroughs, Sarah Jane, dau. of James & Ann Mariah, d. 1848, Oct. 3, a. 1 m. 29 d. Burroughs, Thomas, d. 1813, Mar. 22. a. 74-4-10. Burroughs, Thomas, d. 1863, Jan. 21, a. 49-7-5. Cathameir, Susan, w. of John H., d. 1833, Aug. 26, a. 40 y. 15 d. Charlock, Hannah Scofield, w. of Isaac, d. 1846, May 12, a. 66-3-22. Charlock, Martha E., dau. of Isaac & Hannah, d. 1829, Apr. 12, a. 7 v. Clark, Rev. John F., b 1788, Dec. 10, Monmouth Co., N. J., d. 1855*, Oct. 8, in 65th y. Cook, Elinor, w. of Clark, d. 1842, Aug. 24, a. 41-8-10. Conklin, Jeremiah D., 1803-1899. Conklin, (Davinda) A. Carpenter, w. of Jeremiah D., 1812-1900. 86
Town 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111.
112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143.
Cromwell, Benjamin, d. 1804, May 8, a. 38-8-25. Cromwell, Eliza, d. 1834, Oct. 29, a. 35 y. Cromwell, Judith, d. 1824, (Jan.) 25, a. 84 y. 1 d. Cromwell, Mary, w of Benjamin, d. 1840, Feb. 13, a. 69 y. Cronkite, Caleb, d. 1853, May 6, in 44th y. Cronkite, Delia Ann Dutcher, w. of Caleb, d. 1836, Apr. 27, in 20th y. Cronkite, Sarah Smith, w. of James, d. 1861, Sep. 11, a. 71-1-24. Croshier, Hatty Jane, dau. of Marcus A. & Louisa, d. 1862, Aug 30, a. 7-1-14. (Cuer), Martha, w. of William, d. 1812, Apr. 22, a. 26-2-3. (Cuer), Samuel, d. 1812, Apr. 21, a. 72 y. 9 (m). Dewing, Sarah P., w. of Rev. Jared (late pastor of this church) d. 1852, Mar. 5, a. 40 y. 10 d. Dorsett, Harriet, dau. of John & Ann, d. 1843, Apr. 10, a. 11-1-14. (Dotterer), Mathias H., b. 1868, Jan. 8, d. 1908, May 31. (Dotterer), Gertrude S., b. 1886, June 6, d. 1907, July 28. Dudley, Asahel, d. 1830, May 31, a. 82 y. Dudley, Betsey, w. of Joseph S., d. 1855, Jan. 10, a. 65 y. Dudley, Charles, b. 1859, July 14, d. 1905, Oct. 8. Dudley, Charles H., d 1850, Sep. 17, a. 26-10-23. Dudley, Frances Hamilton, w. of Alexander, b. 1827, Nov. 27, d. 1885, Nov. 14. Dudley, George, b. 1853, Sep. 15, d. 1894, May 5. Dudley, George W., d. 1848, Jan. 23, a. 20 y. Dudley, Hannah, wid. of Asahel, d. 1831, Dec. 16, a. 83 y. Dudley, Hannah, d. 1869, Oct. 14, a. 37-2-25. Dudley, Hannah Melinda, w. of Joseph H., b 1830, Mar. 11, d. 1887, Oct. 10. Dudley, John, d. 1867, Apr. 24, a. 45-6-24. Dudley, Joseph, d. 1865, Sep. 16, a. 79 y. Dudley, Joseph H., b. 1826, Apr. 4, d. 1907, Jan. 2. Dudley, Joseph T., s. of William S. & Louisa, d. 1854, Jan. 9, a. 5 y. Dudley, Sarah Frances, b. 1880, Sep. 30, d. 1892, Sep. 10. (Dunn), Hannah, wid. of Christopher, d. 1831, Dec. 6, a. 76 y. Monument. Andrew Erickson, 1840, Oct. 24, 1908, Nov. 22. Helena C , his wife, 1848, Oct. 24. Elizbeth C , their daughter, 1887, Mar. 25, â&#x20AC;&#x201D; 1907, May 10. Everitt, Benjamin, d. 1818, Jan. 22, a. 80 y. 3 d. Everitt, Benjamin, d. 1865, July 28, a. 101-2-20. Everitt, George, d. 1816, Dec. 15, a. 26 y. 11 d. Everitt, John, d. 1832, June 24, a. 44 y Everitt, Mary, w. of Benjamin, d. 1803, May 20, a. 62-3-11. Everitt, Phebe, w. of Benjamin, d. 1830, Nov. 1, a. 62-1-8. Fancher, Charles Gerow, s. of Samuel N. & Matilda, d. 1820, Oct. 25, a. 1 y. 7 d. Fancher, Sarah, w. of Samuel N., d. 1844, Apr. 2, a. 51-5-20. Farrington, Albert, s. of Alanson & Jane, d. 1843, Nov. 28, a. 1-2-27. Farrington, Emily, dau. of Alanson & Jane, d. 1843, Oct. 28, a. 6-9-23. Farrington, Jane, w. of Alanson, & dau. of Levi & Elizabeth Van Kleeck, d. 1850, Apr. 11, a. 35 y. 16 d. Farrington, Jarvis, s. of Alanson & Jane, d. 1856, June 4, a. 21-6-5. Farrington, Katie, dau. of Alanson & Jane, d. 1860, Apr. 13, a. 15-5-15. Flewelling, Francis, b. 1751, June 18, d. 1806, Apr. 17, in 55th y Fluk, Elizabeth, dau. of Lawrence & Elizabeth, d. 1865, Aug. 21, a. 4 y. Fluk, Mattias, s. of Lawrence & Elizabeth, d. 1865, Aug. 16, a. 2 y. Gerow, Abraham, d. 1849, Apr. 21, a. 74 y. Gerow, Alexe, d. 1833, Mar. 28, a. 22-6-27. Gerow, Asher D., d. 1838, Sep. 11, a. 36-2-8. Gerow, Catharine, dau. of William & Clarissa, d. 1837, Aug. 5, a. 1 y. 20 d. Gerow, Charles Chane, s. of Daniel & Ann, d. 1817, June 30, a. 1-2-5. Gerow, Marion Alabama, dau. of Warren D. & Charlotte A. b. 1847, July 12, d. 1848, Aug. 25. Gerow, Mary Devine, w. ow Abraham, d. 1855, Aug. 20, a. 74-10-11. Gibbs, Georgiana Dudley, d. 1848, May 15, a. 6 m. 15 d. Giles, Charity, w. of Francis, d. 1850, May 22, a. 84 y. Giles, Francis, d. 1853, Feb. 18, a. 89-8-5. Given, William, b. 1807, Feb. 4, d. 1826, May 2, a. 19-2-28. Graham, Rev. Chauncey, b. at Stafford, England; d. 1784, Mar. 30, a. 56 y. 7 m. Graham, Elizabeth, w. of the Rev. Chauncey, d. 1770, Sep. 17, a. 38 y. Green, Joseph, b. 1814, June 15, d. 1880, Nov. 2. Griffin, Amelia Caroline, dau. of William & Hester, d. 1881, Mar. 8, a. 86 y. Griffin, Catharine, w. of Jacob, d. 1847, May 7, a. 76 y. 87
Old 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. .156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. -173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205.
Griffin, Esther, w. of William, d. 1845, July 25, a. 72-6-18. Griffin, Jacob, Jr., d. 1799, Dec. 29, a. 37-2-5. Griffin, Jacob, d. 1809, Mar. 20, a. 60 y. 11 m. Griffin, Richard Woolsey, s. of Colonel Jacob, d. 1788, Jan. 4, a. 19-7-1. Griffin, Ruth, wid. of Colonel Jacob, d. 1825, Aug. 16, a. 89 y Griffin, William, d. 1823, May 20, a. 48. Haight, Abby Jane, w. of Alfred, b. 1815, Feb. 15, d. 1894, Aug. 4. Haight, Alfred, b. 1808, Mar. 21, d. 1843, July 6. Haight, Beverly, b. 1802, Mar. 30, d. 1891, Dec. 19. Haight, Chloe, dau. of James & Jemima, d. 1847, Apr. 17, a. 42-11-2. Haight, Cornelius, d. 1819, Jan. 20, a. 17-5-26. Haight, Edna, dau. of Arvis & Phebe A., d. 1886, Oct. 3, a. 3-9-2. Also an infant son and daughter. Haight, Elizabeth, w. of Joseph, d. 1812, Feb. 12, a. 39-5-15. Haight, EHenor, w. of Beverly, & dau. of Cornelius & Hannah Haight, d. 1865, Jan. 26, a. 67 y. Haight, Frances Jane, dau. of Jacob & Sarah, d. 1836, Sep. 23, a. 1-4-3. Haight, George B., d. 1846, Oct. 11, a. 40-11-23. Haight, Hannah Burroughs, w. of Cornelius I., d 1854, Apr. 13, a. 80 y. 27 d. Haight, Hannah G. Cudley, w. of Joseph I., b. 1785, Feb. 27, d. 1864, Feb. 23. Haight, Henry, d. 1896, Dec. 1, a. 53-11-25. Haight, Isaac, d. 1836, Sep. 15, a. 19-3-15. Haight, James, s. of Henry & Nancy, d. 1817, Oct. 24, a. 6-10-16. Haight, James, d. 1845, Sep. 8, a. 74-8-18. Haight, Jemima, w. of James, d. 1851, Jan. 5, a. 79-1-7. Haight, John, s. of Joseph & Elizabeth, d. 1827, May 20. Haight, John, d. 1836, July 18, a. 94 y. Haight, John C , d. 1842, June 19, a. 44 y. 7 m. Haight, Joseph, d. 1824, July 24, a. 59-2-7. Haight, Lewis H., s. of Cornelius & Jane E., d. 1850, May 16, a. 1-11-14. Haight, Meriam, wid. of John, d. 1842, Mar. 21, a. 92 y. 2 m. Haight, Nancy, w. of Henry, d. 1844, Dec. 8, a. 54 y. Haight, Nancy Lee, w. of Samuel, Esq., b. 1753, Mar. 23, d. 1827, Oct. 3. Haight, Phebe, d. 1889, Feb. 2, a. 89 y. 8 m. Haight, Susan A., w. of Beverley, & dau. of Robert & Sarah Mead, d. 1882, Oct. 2, a. 67 y. Hancock, Amelia Webb, w. of George B., d. 1867, Oct 23, a. 28-7-16. Hedges, Edwin C , s. of Charles & Sarah Ann, d. 1852, June 12, a. 1 y. 28 d. Hoyt, Abigail, w of Henry, d. 1848, Apr. 30, a. 74-11-19. Hoyt, Henry, d. 1842, May 19, a. 65 y. Hoyt, Mary, dau. of Abigail & Henry, d. 1822, Oct. 20, a. 17 y. Jackson, Joseph, d. 1818, Mar. 12, a. 73 y. Jackson, Sarah, w. of Joseph, d. 1834, A*ug. 14, in 77th y. Johnston, Robert Van Wyck, b. 1822, Mar. 14, d. 1822, Mar. 17. Johnston, Robert, b. 1825, Sep. 22, d. 1897, June 16. Johnston, Sarah Van Wyck, b. 1823, Feb. 23, d. 1857, Nov. 19. Johnston, Sarah Van Wyck, w. of William, & dau. of Theodorus W. & Sarah, b. 1786, Nov. 24, d. 1885, June 27. Kearsing, George, d. 1864, Oct. 9, a. (65)-9-3. Kearsing, Sarah, w of George, d. 1856. Dec. 23, a. 55-10-21. Kelly, Emeline, dau. of William B. & Eliza Ann, d. 1848, Apr. 15. Kelley, Mary, dau. of William B. & Eliza Ann, a. 3 m. 4 d. Kelley, William, s. of William B. & Eliza Ann, d. 1847, Sep. 1, a. 4 m. 8 d. King, Stephen, d. 1820, May 23, a. 30-4-3. King, Stephen, s. of Stephen & Sarah, d. 1828, Oct. 19, a. 2 y. 5 m. Knapp, Elijah, d. 1826, Jan. 9, a. 50-1-15. Knapp, Hannah, d. 1865, Oct. 2, a. 73 v. 27 d. Knapp, Rachel Weeks, wid. of Elijah, d. 1846, June 20, a. 70 y. 6 m. Ladu, Oliver, d. 1817, Oct. 6, a. 75 y. 1 m. Ladu, Peter, d. 1791, Feb. 26, a. 70-2-24. Lane. Susan Van Wvck. wid. of Robert, d. 1906, July 19, a. 86 y. Light, Ann, w. of Nathaniel, & dau. of Levi & Elizabeth Van Kleeck, d. 1849, June 23, a. 26 y. 4 m. Lindebeek, John, d. 1760, Dec. 19, a. 50-9-7. Lorenz, Ann, w. of Adam, d. 1843, Apr. (9), a. 25-4-25. McQueen, Alexander, a native of Ayrshire, Scotland, d. in Fishkill 1850, Dec. 19, a. 75 y. Mead, Ann Eliza, w. of Ralph, & dau. of Gen'l. Abram Van Wyck, d. 1860, Sep. 18, a. 59 y. 88
Town 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. 220. 221. 222. 223.
224. 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. 233. 234. 235. 236. 237. 238. 239. 240. 241. 242. 243. 244. 245. 246. 247. 248. 249. 250. 251. 252. 253. 254. 255. 256. 257. 258. 259. 260. 261. 262. 263. 264. 265. 266.
Mead, David, d. 1846, Sep. 20, a. 96. Mead, Frances A., w. of Horace H., b. 1841, Nov. 1, d. 1910, Sep. 14. Mead, Horace H., b. 1839, Aug. 12, d. 1901, Aug. 20. (Meniszek), Jane H., d. 1859, May 31, a. 39-9-19. Miller, John, b. 1847, Apr. 26, d. 1904, July 26. Miller, Walter, d. 1849, Aug. 24, a. 8 m. 10 d. Montross, Adam, d. 1811, Apr. 29, a. 56 y. Montross, Catharine, w. of Adam, d. 1822, Dec. 4, a. 54 y. Montross, Catherine Brinckerhoff, w. of James, b. 1803, Feb. 21, d. 1889, Feb. 17. Montross, Elizabeth, dau. of Adam & Cornelia, d. 1864, Mar 30. Montross, Evelina, dau. of Adam & Cornelia, d. 1874, July 2,'a. 76 y. 11 d Montross, James, b. 179(5), Nov. 13, d. 1879, June 6. Nelson, Cornelius, d. 1877, Apr. 21, a. 64-9-25 Nelson, Elizabeth, w. of Joseph, d. 1847, Sep 25, a. 76-2-5. Nelson, Isaac, d. 1828, July 24, a. 26-8-26. Nelson, Joseph, d. 1858, Aug. 11, a. 92-4-8. Nelson, Susan Burroughs, w. of Cornelius, d. 1893, Nov. 6, a. 73-2-10. Nelson, children of Cornelius & Susan, Frances, d. 1856, Nov. 19, a. 12-4-8. Mary, d. 1856, Nov. 17, a. 10-11William H., d. 1856, Nov. 21, a. 6-9-21. Isaac J., d. 1856, Nov. 14, a. 4-10-24. Pearson, Mary Ann, d. 1805, Mar. 8, a. 2-5-6. (Pelton), Ann, dau. of Philip & Jane, d. 1822, Jan. 7, in 40th y. (Phillips), Catharine, dau. of Jacob & Jane Ann, d. 181(5), May 28, a. 3y. 7 m. Phillips, Elizabeth, dau. of Alexander & Mary, d. 1837, Oct. 17, a. 2 y. 6 m. Phillips, Henry H., Co. I, 56th N. Y. S. Vols., b. 1823, Aug. 22, d. 1897, Nov. 8. Phillips, Margaret, w. of Abraham, d. 1818, Oct. 30, a. 45-3-27. Pierce, Catharine, w. of William, & dau. of Nathan A. & Catharine Schutt, d. 1840, Aug. 25, in town of Shawangunk, Ulster Co., N. Y. a. 35-9-23. Pierce, Isaac, d. 1894, a. 82 y. Pierce, Jane, w. of Isaac, d. 1888, a. 75 y Pierce, Leonard, 1842-1907. Pierce, Mary Way, w. of Leonard, 1845-1889. Pollock, John C , d. 1877, Oct. 22, a. 58-4-7. Pollock, Mary A. Wood, w of John C , d. 1887, Sep. 22, a. 63-10-19. Pratt, Marion W. Gerow, w. of George W., 1827-1903. Prescott, Jarvis, d. 1840, Dec. 19, a. 35-6-8. Pudney, Catharine, w. of Richard, d. 1870, Mar. 18, a. 64-4-19. Pudney, Charlotte, d. 1851, Feb. 20, a. 38-10-14. Pudney, Cornelius, d. 1818, Mar. 17, a. 26 y. Pudney, Jacob, 1814-1882. Pudney, Jane Elizabeth, dau. of John C. & Mary, d. 1838, Dec. 11, a. 1 y. 21 d. Pudney, Mary, w. of John C , d. 1840, Sep. 27, a. 22-4-15. Pudney, Phebe Humphrey, w. of Jacob, d 1844, Mar. 14, a. 24-10-12. Pudney, Sarah Humphrey, w. of Jacob, 1821-1895. Pudney, Thorn, Esq., d. 1855, Aug. 8, a. 57-6-14. P u ( t ) n e y , Sarah Lucretia, w. of Cornelius T., d. 1836, Feb. 9, a. 29-10-6. Ross, John, Co. K, 41st N. Y. Vol. Inf., d. 1902, May 1. Roe, Abigail, w. of William, & dau. of Joseph Blatchley, d. 1845, Mar. 11, a. 56-2-14. Roe, Abbey B., dau. of William & Amanda, d. 1852, May 19, a. 3-11-20. Roe, Ellie R., dau. of William B. & Amanda. Roe, Phebe, w. of Benjamin, d. 1861, Apr. 10, a. 74-2-14. Roe, William, d. 1846, Feb. 9, a. 55-7-14. Schock, Elizabeth, d. 1864, Mar. 10, a. 4-3-19. Schock, Gottfried A., d. 1864, Sep. 16, a. 22-4-5. Schock, William W., d. 1864, Mar. 7, a. 2-5-18. Schutt, Alfred A., d. 1846, Dec. 1, a. 37-3-22. Schutt, Catharine, w. of Frederick, d. 1836, Mar. 20, a. 86 y. Schutt, Catharine, d. 1863, Sep. 12, a. 79 y. 5 m. Schutt, Matthew A., d. 1862, Apr. 25, a. 88 y. 1 m. Scofield, Abbey, w. of Thomas & dau. of John Budd, d. 1816, Jan. 4, a. 47 y. 9 m. Scofield, Abby Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas & Elizabeth, d. 1826, Sep. 14, a. (86 or 8D-10-24. Scofield, Benjamin, d. 1855, Jan. 11, a. 67-9-19. Scofield, Catharine, w. of Lebbeus, d. 1821, Apr. 28, a .50 y. Scofield, Catharine Elizabeth, dau. of Lebbeus & Catharine, d. 1842, Jan. 14, a. 29-1-3. 89
Old 267. 268. 269. 270. 271. 272. 273. 274. 275. 276. 277. 278. 279. 280. 281. 282. 283. 284. 285. 286. 287. 288. 289. 290. 291. 292. 293. 294. 295. 296. 297. 298. â&#x20AC;˘+ 299. 300. 301. 302. 303. 304. 305. 306. 307. 308. 309. 310. 311. 312. 313. 314. 315. 316. 317. 318. 319. 320. 321. 322. 323. 324. 325. 326. 327. 328. 329. 330. 331.
Scofield, Charles L., s. of Cornelius & Elizabeth, d. 1833, Oct. 29, a. 12 y. Scofield, Cornelius, d. 1864, Mar. 1, a. 71 y. 6 m. Scofield, Edmund, d. 1875, June 25, a. 60-6-17. Scofield, Elizabeth, w. of Benjamin, d. 1819, Oct. 3, a. 26-1-16. Scofield, Elizabeth, w. of Thomas & dau. of James & Letty Emans, d. 1829, Dec. 26. a. 54 y. Scofield, Ephraim, s. of Jacob & Hannah, of Connecticut, d. 1820, Dec. 27, a. 57 y. Scofield, Hannah, wid. of Lebbeus, d. 1856, Mar. 20, a. 67-5-9. Scofield, Hannah Knapp, w .of Jacob, b. 1741, Oct. 15, d. 1822, Nov. 8, a. 81 y. 23 d. Scofield, Isaac, s. of Lebbeus & Catharine, d. 1834, Oct. 10. Scofield, Jacob M., d. 1842, Feb. 1, a. 57-1-11. Scofield, Jane R., dau. of Lebbeus & Catharine, d. 1824, Apr. 16, a. 22 y. Scofield, Jerome, s. of Frederick & Mary Ann, d. 1838, Dec. 17, a. 7 m. 9 d. Scofield, Lebbeus, d. 1842, Apr. 30, a. 75-1-18. Scofield, Mary, w. of Ephraim, d. 1835, Dec. 3, a. 69-8-15. Scofield, Mary, w. of Joseph, d. 1858, May 12, a. 69-8-7. Scofield, Mary Ann, mother of Horace & George, b. 1810, Feb. 22, d. 1841, Nov. 11. Scofield, Mary Jane, dau. of Frederick & Mary Ann, d. 1841, Dec. 18, a. 1-2-12. Scofield, Thomas, d. 1835, July 8, a. 69-8-13. Scott, Ann, dau. of Elijah & Mary, d. 1847, Jan. 21, a. 23-5-11. Scott, Mary, w. of Elijah, d. 1843, Aug. 17, a. 56 y. 4 m. Seaman, Mary, w. of James D., d. 1801, Oct. 10, a 29-8-10. Secor, Catharine Van Kleeck, w. of Isaac G., d. 1898, Nov. 3, a. 74 y. Secor, Isaac G., d. 1889, Mar. 6, a. 71 y. Seely, Eliphalet, d. 1837, Dec. 1, in 62d y. Segor, Elizabeth, only child of Isaac (C). & Catharine, d. 1863, July 21, a. 8-7-12. Sherwood, Alson, b. 1789, Dec. 16, d. 1870, Jan. 20. Sherwood, Caroline, dau. of Levi & Ruth Ann, d. 1849, Sep. 20, a. 36-5-5. Sherwood, Catharine Maria, d. 1839, Sep. 11, in 22d y. Sherwood, Elizabeth, dau. of Samuel & Ruth, d. 1831, Dec. 3, a. 20-9-4. Sherwood, Frederick A., s. of Samuel & Ruth, d. 1832, Nov. 4, a. 19 y. 24 d. Sherwood, Jane Eliza, dau. of Nathan & Sarah L., d. 1834, Aug. 12, a. 23-3-13. Sherwood, John William, s. of Lewis & Martha, d. 1842, June 2, a. 10 m. 10 d. Sherwood, Lewis, d. 1845, Oct. 30, a. 54-4-10. Sherwood, Martha Pudney, w. of Lewis, b. 1809, Mar. 13, d. 1890, Jan. 12. Sherwood, Mary, dau. of Lewis & Martha, d. 1840, Nov. 23, a. 3-1-15. Sherwood, Mary, b. 1821, Nov. 20, d. 1852, May 2. Sherwood, Nathan, d 1841, Jan. 18, in 59th y. Sherwood, Ruth, w. of Samuel, d. 1826, Mar. 30, a. 37 y. Sherwood, Ruth Ann, w. of Levi, d. 1860, Apr. 26, a. 74-3-7. Sherwood, Sally Lucresia, d. 1840, Dec. 18, in 57th y. Sherwood, Samuel, d 1827, June 8, a. 40 y. Sherwood, Samuel, s. of Nathan & Sarah L., d. 1849, Dec. 30, a. 22 y. Sherwood, Sarah, dau. of Levi & Ruth Ann, d. 1844, May 15, a. 21-1-27. Sherwood, William, s. of Samuel & Ruth, d. 1817, Dec. 14, a. 5 m 6 d. Siddle, George, s. of Abraham & Charlotte D., d. 1858, Jan. 8, a. 1-10-28. Simonton, Ann Swart, "formerly the w. of" Thomas, d. 1804, Feb. 10 (or 18), a. 68-2-6. Smith, Aner, w. of James, d. 1821, Aug. 5, in 54th y. Smith, Catharine, w. of James, d. 1837, June 19, a. 65-3-19. Smith, Charlotte M., w. of Abraham B., d. 1858, June 16, a. 17 y. 4 d. Smith, David, and Mary, his wife. Smith, DeWitt, s. of James E. & Eliza, d. 1839, Aug. 5, a. 3-3-5. Smith, Georgiana, dau. of Andrew & Margaret, d. 1865, Nov. 1, a. 1-5-12. Smith, James, s. of John & Margaret, d. 1805, Oct. 20, a. 5-9-29. Smith, James, d. 1841, June 7, a. 78 y 1 m. Smith, Letty, d. 1856, Jan. 15, a. 84-8-12. Smith, Mary Elizabeth, dau. of Caleb & Catharine, d. 1828, June 21, a. 1 y. 8 m. Smith, Sally, d. 1865, Nov. 23, in 67th y. Smith, William (C. or G.), s. of Caleb & Catharine, d. 1849, July 28, a. 20-8-17. Sparlin, Mrs. Elizabeth, d. 1855, Sep. 15, a. 83 y. Stockholm, Frederick, s. of Richard & Malissa, d. 1854, Aug. 19, a. 1-6-7. Stockholm, Malissa Schutt, w. of Richard, d. 1854, Aug. 24, a. 36-11-22. Storm, Walter G., b. 1854, Apr 8, d. 1911, Feb. 27. Taylor, William B., s. of James & Mary, d. 1819, Mar. 5, a. 8 m. 12 d. Terwilliger, Aldert, s. of Michael M. & Aner, d. 1849, Sep. 12, a. 4-6-19. Terwilliger, Edward, s. of Oliver & Nelly, a. 5 m. 12 d. 90
*Mr. Louis Sherwood, Montclair, N.J. reported that his grandfather, Lewis Sherwood, was horn June 20, 1809 and died Octoher 30, 18V3; a. 3i+-4-10
Town 332. 333. 334. 335. 336. 337. 338. 339. 340. 341. 342. 343. 344. 345. 346. 347. 348. 349. 350. 351. 352. 353. 354. 355. 366. 357. 358. 359. 360. 361. 362. 363. 364. 365.
367. 368. 369. 370. 371. 372. 373. 374. 375. 376. 377. 378. 379. 380. 381. 382. 383. 384 385. 386. 387. 388. 389.
Terwilliger, Martha A., dau. of Michael M. & Aner, d. 1849, Aug. 13, a. 1-11-15. Terwilliger, Nelly Webb, w. of Oliver D., d. 1854, Dec. 26, a. 37 y. 13 d Terwilliger, (November?), dau. of Michael & Anner, d. 1837, Oct. 7, a*. 1-2-3. Tompkins, William D., b. 1870, Dec. 18, d. 1907, Apr. 3. Van Kleeck, Catharine, w. of Levi, d. 1831, July 3, a. 34-9-26. Van Kleeck, Elizabeth, w. of Levi, d. 1827, Apr. 30, a. 43-10-4. Van Kleeck, Levi, d. 1862, Feb. 1, a. 84-4-4. Van Kleeck, Sarah, w. of Levi, d. 1880, Mav 8, a. 88 y. Van Kleeck, infant son of Levi L. & Mahala, d. 1855, Nov. 14, a 22 d. Van Vechten, Theodore F., b. 1830, Mar. 20, d. 1853, June 30 Van Voorhees, John, d. 1842, Mar. 7, a. 69-3-27. Van Wyck, General Abraham, b. 1774, July 8, d. 1864, Feb. 3. Van Wyck, Aeltje Brinckerhoff, w. of Doct. Theodorus, d. 1774, July 8, a. 42 y. Van Wyck, Bennie, s. of Abraham & Fannie, d. 1863, Feb. 14, a. 3-6-14. Van Wyck, Cornelia Ann, w. of James, d. 1841, Apr. 19. a. 24-9-28. Van Wyck, Dinah Cooper, eldest dau. of Dr. Van Wyck, d. 1783, July 27, a. 28-412. Van Wyck, Dirck, s. of Theodorus & Aelje, d. 1786, Dec. 25, a. 14-9-10. Van Wyck, Elizabeth, w. of Theodorus, Sr., d 1764, Jan. 5, in 66th y. Van Wyck, James, b. 1810, Sep 4, d. 1903, June 7. Van Wyck, John, d. 1838, June 3, a. 77-6-3. Van Wyck, Martha, w. of William, d. 1772, July 8, a. 40 y. 4 d. Van Wyck, Martha, w. of Gen. Abraham, b 1785, Jan. 30, d. 1875, Jan. 23. Van Wyck, Mary, w. of Roct. Theodorus, d. 1787, Feb. 12, a. 46-10-4. Van Wyck, Richard, s. of Theodorus, d. 1788, June 6, a. 2-9-22. Van Wyck, Sarah, second w. of William, d. 1792, Dec. 9, in 50th v. Van Wyck, Sarah, dau. of Theodorus W. & Sarah, d. 1820, Apr. 20, a, 26-1-8. Van Wyck, Sarah Young, w. of Theodorus, d. 1808, Dec. 4, a. 46 y. 2 m. Van Wyck, Susan, w. of General Abraham, & dau. of Samuel Haight, Esq., d. 1825, Nov. 20, a. 45-2-23. Van Wyck, Theodorus, Esq., b. 1697, Oct. 15, d. 1776, Sep. 15. Van Wyck, Doct. Theodorus, d. 1789, Dec. 7, a 58-11-17. Van Wyck, Theodorus W., d. 1823, Feb. 11th, in 66th y. Van Wyck, Theodorus, s. of Theodorus W. & Sarah, b. 1797, July 28, d. 1879, Jan. 9. Van Wyck. William, d. 1793, Nov. 24, a. 63 y. 4 m. Monument, (no dates) General John B. Van Wyck; Gertrude, his wife; Susan, his wife, Mrs. Jane Holmes, his dau.; Susan Van Wyck, his dau.; John B. Van Wyck, Jr., and Susan S. Van Wyck, his grandchildren. Van Wyck, infant children of Abraham & Susan, Theodore, b. 1799, Aug. 20, d. 1800, June 20. Sarah, b. 1807, Aug. 3, d 1807, Aug. 3. Samuel, b. 1809, Jan. 22, 'd. 1809, Feb. 16. Harriet, b. 1813, July 5, d. 1813, July 19. Van Wyck, children of Alfred & Charlotte, Henry, William A., Susan. Way, John P., d. 1852, June 29, a. 40-1-18. Way, Levi Van Kleeck, s .of Francis & Emeline, d. 1844, May 12, a. 1-6-10. Way, Mary Ann, dau. of Abram & Sarah, d. 1845, Sep. 27, a. 2-3-5. Way, (Mongure) B., b. 1894, Nov. 15, d. 1895, Sep. 5. Way, Phebe, w. of Benjamin, d. 1834, Oct. 5, a. 62-11-4. Way, Theodore, s. of Francis & Emeline, d. 1841, Aug. 31, a. 7 m. Way, Tounzen, s. of Emeline, d. 1849, June 6, a. 1 y. 1 m. Way, Zebulon, d. 1845, Feb. 6, a. 34-5-25. Webb, Henry, b. 1794, Oct, 6, d. 1374, Mar. 7. Webb, James, s. of Henry & Maria, d. 1836, July 26, a. 16-10-1. Webb, Maria, w. of Henry, d. 1853, Oct. 5, a. 57 y. 19 d Wescott, Phebe, w. of Caleb, d. 1827, Jan. 6, a. 69 y. 5 m. Wheaton, Hannah Maria, dau. of John & Betsey, d. 1824, July 18, a. 4-10-9. Wiley, George W., b. 1843, June 29, d. 1909, Aug. 28. Wiley, Mary, d. 1833, Dec. 17, a. 64-5-17. Wiley, Sarah Ann Harris, b. 1853, Nov. 4, d. 1909, Sep. 8. Wilson, Francis, d. 1760, Apr. 23, a. 46 y. Wood, John, late of Fishkill, d. 1791, Jan 31, a. 59-8-15. Wood, Joseph H., d. 1861, Apr. 2, a. 76-6-16. Wright, Jemima, b. 1739, Sep. 18, d. 1825, Dec. 9, a. 86 y. Wright, Mary Woolsev, w. of Enos, d. 1822, Jan 15, in 44th y. Wright, William, b. 1736, Jan. â&#x20AC;&#x201D;, d. 1812, June 22, a. 7 ( 6 ) . 91
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.
22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43.
Churchyard. Reformed (Dutch) Church, Beacon (Fishkill Landing). Overgrown and disorderly. 343 in number. Copied October 26 and 27, 1915, by J. W. Poucher, M. D., Mrs. Poucher, Miss Anne LeFevre Poucher, Mrs. Frank A. Mitchell. The Reformed (Dutch) Church at Fishkill Landing (now Beacon) is an offshoot from the Reformed Church at Fishkill Village. A church building was erected in 1813 and the yard surrounding it used for interments from that time. Included in the following list are the stones within a walled enclosure immediately adjoining the churchyard. The enclosure is supposedly a Schenck family ground but to all intents and purposes is part of the churchyard.
Alden, Hobart, s. of Amasa & Clarissa, d. 1838, May 11, a. 3 y. 2 m. Bailey, James Edgar, s. of James H. & Mary, d. 1835, Mar. 4, a. 2-3-27. Baker. Mary J., dau. of Rengiah & Phebe , d. 1831, Aug. 11, a. 5-11-11. Ball, James Wiltse, s. of James A. & Catherine, a. 1 m. 17 d. Bartley, Henry, d. 1831, Feb. 7, in 86th y. Bice, Amandav, dau. of Sylvester & Rebecca, d. 1831, Nov. 9, a. 1-1-2. Bice, Jeremiah I., d. 1829, Apr. 25, a. 16-10-22. Bise, John C , s. of Sylvester H. & Rebecca, d. 1841, Apr. 10, a. 8 y. 6 m. Boardman, George, s. of John & Mary Ann, d. 1837, Oct. 31, a. 6-11-22. Bogardus, Abraham M., A 1859, Jan. 19, a. 87-11-21. Bogardus, Ann Amelia, dau. of Samuel & Phebe Ann, d. 1860, July 25, a. 20-6-3. Bogardus, Annie, d. 1851, May 18, a. 85 y. Bogardus, Annie Wiltsie, w. of Peter P., d. 1857, Apr. 30, a. 88 y. Bogardus, Deborah, w. of Abraham M., d. 1836, Mar. 18, a. 61-8-17. Bogardus, Elizabeth, w. of Abraham, d. 1831, Jan. 12, a. 50 y. Bogardus, Isaac, d. 1851, Nov. 18, a. 43-8-1. Bogardus, Leander, s. of Isaac & Sarah A. M., d. 1838, Feb. 3, a 5-6-27. Bogardus, Peter P., d. 1847, Nov. 15, in 75th y. Bogardus, Shibboleth, d. 1834, July 25, in 71st y. Bogardus, Theodore, s. of Samuel & Phebe Ann, d. 1839, Oct. 15, a. 2 y. 5 m. Bogardus, children of Matthew & Deborah: Demetrius Ypsilant, d. 1828, Nov. 16, a. 15 m. 10 d.; Douglas G., d. 1831, Jan. 11, a. 1-11-12; Hellen Marr, d. 1842, June 12, a. 11 y. 7 m.; Marion, d. 1849, Aug. 16, a. 11 y. 4 m.; Demetrius Y., d. 1850, Aug. 28, a. 21 y. 5 m.; Julia Graham, d. 1851, Jan. 23, a. 10 y. 9 m. Bowne, George, s of Henry & Sarah, d. 1835, Sep. 8, a. 10 m. Bowne, Henry D., d. 1847, June 27, a. 10-8-10. Bowne, Sarah Ann, dau. of Benjamin & Susannah, d. 1832, Mar. 10, a. 22 y. 17 d. Brett, Alfred, d. 1828, Nov. 6, a. 20-7-22. Brett, Betsey, d. 1843, Apr. 13, a. 61 y. Brett, Caroline Amelia Wiltsie, w. of Walter, b. 1817, Feb 8, d. 1887, July 29. Brett, Charles P., d. 1856, Dec. 25, a. 31-6-9. Brett, Cornelia, w. of William, d. 1886, Oct. 6, a. 85-3-17. Brett, Miss Deborah, d. 1854, Aug. 1, a. 74 y. 3 m. Brett, Elmer, s. of William & Cornelia, b. 1829, Nov. 28, d. 1883, Oct. 11. Brett, Emerett, w. of William, d. 1824, July 11, a. 27 y. Brett, Francis G., d. 1835, Aug. 11, a. 60 y. Brett, Frederick, s. of Theodorus & Aletta, d. 1824, May 6, a. 1-3-28. Brett, George, d. 1833, Oct. 15, a. 81 y. 8 m. Brett, Henry, d. 1867, Feb 8, a. 70 y. Brett, John Peter, s. of Peter & Rachel, d. 1832, June 9, a. 18-6-26. Brett, Laura, w. of Marcus A., d. 1868, Sep. 20, a. 35 y. Brett, Marcus A., b. 1832, Feb. 29, d. 1911, Aug. 18. Brett, Margaret, w. of Francis G., d. 1835, Apr. 9. Brett, Margaret, d. 1860, Dec. 8, a. 82-2-25. Brett, Mary, w. of Theodorus, d. 1832, Apr 10, a. 74-6-8. Brett, Mary, w. of George, d. 1838, Mar. 21, a. 83 y. 7 m. 92
T o w n of 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109.
Brett, Miss Nancy, b. 1781, Mav 28, d. 1842, May 13, in New York City. Brett, Peter, d. 1863, Mar 28, in 73d v. Brett, Rachel, w. of Cornelius, d. 1847, Apr. 17, in 102d y. Brett, Rachel Van Vliet, w. of Peter, d. 1874, Jan. 11, in 81st v. Brett, Sydney, s. of William & Cornelia, b. 1843, Dec. 19, d 1886, Oct. 2. Brett, Theodorus, d. 1832, Feb. 9, a. 66-4-7. Brett, Theodore, s. of William & Cornelia, b. 1826, Aug. 9, d. 1887, Sep. 14. Brett, Virginia Hand, w. of Marcus A., b. 1838, Jan. 14, d. 1885, Sep. 23. Brett, Walter, b. 1813, Oct. 4, d. 1893, May 27. Brett, William, d. 1873, Oct. 12, a. 82-2-11. Briggs, Hannah, dau. of Benjamin & Elizabeth, d. 1826, Oct. 4, a. 3 m. 27 d. Brown, Amanda, "twin sister to Ann, wife of George Miller", d. 1838, July 16, a. 32-6-16. Browning, Florence, dau. of William A. & Nancy, d. 1866, Aug. 31, a. 18-2-21. Browning, Nancy, d. 1866, Feb. 25, a. 53 y. l i d . Browning, William, s. of William A. & Nancy, d. 1840, Mar. 20, a. 3 y. 5 m. Browning, William, d. 1854, Mar. 31, a. 45 y. Bryan, Jacob, d. 1840, Sep. 24, in 38th y. Butters, John H., a native of Scotland, d. 1855, July 18, in 57th y. Cairns, Mary Adams, w. of James, d. 1831, Nov. 23, a. 30 v. Caldwell, Hannah, w. of John, d. 185S, Jan. 24, a. 90 v. Camp, Phebe, w. of William, d. 1849, Nov. 22, a. 66 y. Capman, Lucy, w. of Giles, d. 1831, July 2, a 80 y. Charters,, Ellen M., dau. of Alexander of New York, d. 1820, Aug. 19, a. 18 m. Chrystie, Adelbert, d. 1856, Apr. 23, in New York City, a. 66-5-3. Chrystie, Rev. James, b 1786, Feb. 20, in New York, d. 1863, Nov. 17, in New York. Chrystie, Mary, d. 1821, Nov. 18, a. 71 y. Cogswell, Elizabeth S., d. 1911, Apr. 25, in 79th v. Collingwood, William, a native of Yorkshire, England, d. 1837, Mar. 27, in 66th v. Courtney, Eleanor, b. 1780, July 17, d. 1870, Mar. 26, in 90th y. Cressman, Almeria, d. 1888, Apr. 8. Cressman, Samuel L., d. 1877, Jan. 13, a. 67 y. Crist, Hannah, d. 1832, May 1, a. 21-2-12. Cromwell, Henry Martyn, s. of Joseph & Sarah, d. 1836, Feb. 24, a. 1 v. 17 d. Cromwell, Herman N., d. 1860, June 14, at Canon City, Utah, a. 27-4-8. Cromwell, John Peter, s. of Peter & Eliza, d. 1831,-Mar. 1, a. 3 y. 5 m. Cromwell, Joseph, Jr., d. 1860, May 6, a. 32-2-29. Cromwell, Sarah, dau. of Joseph & Sarah, d. 1839, June 22, a. 8-8-23. Cromwell, Sarah Lewis, w. of Joseph, Sr., d. 1864, Mar. 31, a. 69 y. 4 m. Cromwell, William T., d. 1838, Sep. 2, a. 23-9-2. Cromwell, Winfield Scott, s. of Peter & Eliza, d. 1820, Sen. 7, a. 1-8-22. Crosby, Cordelia Hayt, w. of Hon. E., d. 1832, Mar. 21, a. 37 y. 29 d. Crosby, Epenetus, d. 1868, Jan 6, in 77th y. Crosby, Margaret Walsh, w. of Hon. E., d. 1849, Aug. 1, a. 44-1-6. Darrow, Charles, s. of John H. & Catharine, d. 1831, Dec. 10, a. 17-3-10. Darrow, John H., d. 1831, Aug. 31, a. 35-8-8. Davies, Nancy, w. of Abraham, d. 1849, July 28, a. 68 y. Davis, Joseph, d. 1851, Dec. 13, a. 26 v. Deforest, Elizabeth, w. of Gerardus T., d. 1844, Jan. 19, a. 49 y. 15 d. DePevster. Abraham, d. 1847, June 18, a. 65 y. 26 d. DeWitt, Elizabeth, w. of Rev. Robbins, d. 184(0), Aug. 26, a. 83 v. 25 d. DeWitt, Jane Stoutenburgh, w. of Richard, d. 1845, May 26, a. 45-5-28. Doughty, Lydia, dau. of William & Rebecca, d. 1833, Feb. 16, a. 19-11-16. Downs/Leander, s. of William W. & Hannah Eliza, d. 1828, Sep. 16, a. 1-4-8. Dunbar, Sophia, w. of John, d. 1829, Feb. 14, a. 27 y. 16 d. Fenton, Ashbel, d. 1854, May 8, a. 81-5-21. Fenton, Elmer, d. 1825, Nov. 12, in 20th v. Fenton, Pamelia, w. of Ashbel, d. 1840, Jan. 21, in 60th y. Folsom, Margaret Ann, dau. of Oliver S. & Charlotte, d. 1826, Aug 23, a. 4 y. 8 m. Forman, William; Physician; d. 1816, July 4, a. 77-3-17. Gale, Alfred, d. 1829, Apr. 17, a. 18-4-4. Gale, Caroline, d. 1828, July 18, a. 11-9-8. Gale, Phebe, w. of Roger, d. 1333, Dec. 9, a 45 v. 9 m. Gale, Roger, d. 1844, Sep. 18, a. 55 v. 5 m. Giles, Elizabeth, dau. of Marvin & Marv, a. 15-11-16. Gilmer, Abigail, w. of Robert, d. 1863, Mar. 10, a. 68 v. Gilmer, Catharine M., d. 1872, Feb. 29, a. 32 y. 93
Old 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 321. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170.
Gilmer, Robert, d. 1845, Dec. 18, a. 55 y. Green, Mary, dau. of Alpheus & Adeline, d. 1841, Sep. 18, a. 1 y. 7 m. Greenhalgh, Thomas, d. 1830, Apr. 23, a. 24 y. 3 d. Hallstead, Carolyne, dau. of Brigges & Catharine, d. 1830, Aug. 11, a. 3-1-16. Hallstead, Catharine, w. of Briggs, d. 1839, May 28, a. 56 y. 2 m. Hasbrouck, Adele, dau. of Dr. Fenelon & .Matilda, b. 1852, Aug. 5, d. 1888, Jan. 5 Hasbrouck, Adeline, dau. of Stephen & Eliza, d. 1845, Mar. 12, a. 19-5-6. Hasbrouck, Clarence, s. of Fenelon & Matilda, d. 1859, Jan. 7, a. 10 m. 21 d. Hasbrouck, Eliza, w. of Stephen, & dau. of Abram H. & Sarah Schenck, b. 1796, June 2, d. 1845, Nov. 8. Hasbrouck, Eliza, dau. of Stephen and Eliza, b. 1830, June 6, d. 1904, Nov. 3. Hasbrouck, Euphemia, dau. of Fenelon & Matilda, d. 1849, June 25, a. 4-2-28. . Hasbrouck, M. D., Fenelon, only son of Dr. Stephen & Eliza, b. 1818, Feb. 10, d.'" 1861, Dec. 15. Hasbrouck, Fenelon, s. of Dr. Fenelon & Matilda, d. 1864, Mar. 15, a. 13-10-1. Hasbrouck, Matilda, dau. of Fenelon & Matilda, d. 1846, Apr. 25, a. 1 y. 2 m. Hasbrouck, Matilda Demarest, w. of Dr. Fenelon, b. 1816, Apr. 10, d. 1903, Apr. 5 Hasbrouck, Sarah, dau. of Stephen & Eliza, b. 1832, May 16, d. 1876, Apr. 13. Hasbrouck, M. D., Stephen, b. 1794, Apr. 24, d. 1881, Dec. 28. Hazen, Sarah, w. of Jerome B., d. 184(0 or 6), Oct. 12, a. 36-8-2. Hegeman, Eliza McCready, w of George W., b. 1802, Aug. 8, d. 1874, Aug. 3. Hegeman, George W., b. 1798, Sep. 17, d. 1831, Apr. 14. Heyer, Anna Freeman, w. of Rev. William S., b. 1798, Feb. â&#x20AC;&#x201D;, d. 1881, May 11. Heyer, Ellen, 1829-1907 Heyer, Louisa C , w. of the Rev. William S., d. 1837, Apr. 26, a. 37 y. Heyer, Louisa C , 1824-1S93. Heyer, Phebe, mother of William S., d. 1842, Sep. 18, a. 83 y. Heyer, the Rev William S., d. 1866, Jan. 16, a. 67 y. Hicks-Lord, Annette W. W., b. 1824, Oct. 7, Surinam, S. A., d. 1896, Aug. 5, New York. Huthnance, Elizabeth, dau. of William & Rosseter, d. 1833, Feb. 18, a. 4 y. 11 m. Hyde, Ebenezer, b. 1811, Dec. 15, d. 1844, Oct. 12. Hyde, John, s. of Louis & Ann, d. 1837, July 23, a. 16 y. 11 m. Hyde Rosanna McCashon, w. of Ebenezer, d. 1891, Nov. 8. Jones, Amy, w. of George, d. 1873, Sep. 1, a. 61 y. Jones, George, d. 1864, Sep. 18, a. 65 y. Kenney, Eliza, dau. of William & Harriet, d. 1855, Oct. 19, a. 10-10-28. Kenney, Mary E., dau. of William & Harriet, d. 1842, June 26, a. 2-5-5. Kenney, William, s. of William & Harriet, d. 1853, May 6, a. 9 m. 28 d. Ketcham, Catharine, w of Alonzo R., & dau. of Peter P. & Annie Bogardus, d. 1839, Apr. 8, in 41st'y. King, John, d. 1857, Apr. 3, a. 83 v. Knight, Robert D., d. 1833, May 3, a. 34-10-24. Knight, Susannah, w. of James, d. 1833, Dec 26, a. 63 y. Lake, Joshua, d 1862, Sep. 14, a. 75-3-11. Lake, Rebecca, w. of Joshua, d. 1839, Mar. 1, a. 45-7-4. Lake, Seneca, "who lost his life bv the explosion in Hague street, N. Y., on Feb. 4, 1850, aged 26 years." Lawrence, Jane Ann, wid. of Robert, & dau. of Abraham H. Schenck, b. 1800, Feb. 4, d. 1875, Apr. 1. Leach, Adaline, dau. of John & Mary, d. 1838, Mar. 22, a 12-9-3. Leach, Daniel, d. 1864, Mar. 8, a. 83 y. 10 m. Leach, Esther Wheeler, w. of Daniel, d.' 1861, Feb. 21, a. 67 y 9 m. Leach, Hannah, dau. of John & Mary, d. 1846, Dec. 17, a. 31-9-15. Leach, John, d. 1830, July 9, a. (21)-6-7. Leach, Lydia, w. of Daniel, d. 1829, Aug. 6, a. 44-1-4 Leach, Mary, w. of John, d. 1831, Nov. 19, a. 41-3-21. Lomas, George, d. 1850, Mar. 3, a. 80 y. Lomas, Joseph, d. 1893, Apr. 25, a. 87 y. Lomas, Martha, w. of George, & dau. of John & Nancy Ward, d. 1822, June 19, in 41st y. Lomas, Mary, d. 1869, June 1, a. 60 y. Mackin, Sarah E. Wiltse, w. of James, d. 1862, Mar. 1, a. 37-1-4. McAlrin, James, 1780-1849; Catherine, 1826-1849. (Monument). McCready, Jane Campbell, wid. of Andrew, b. 1770, Nov. 6, d. 1858, Sep. 25. Manning, John A., b. 1804, Jan. 30, d. 1898, Apr. 18. Manning, Louisa Gertrude, dau. of John A., & Sarah A., of New York; d. 1831, Sep. 8, at Fishkill Landing, a. 2-3-10. Mapes, Ann Louisa, w. of Stephen Mapes, d. 1861, June 11, a. 32-9-14. 94
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Marsh, Eliza Jane, dau. of Zacheus & Mary Ann, d. 1838, Mar. 10, a. 8 m. 3 d. Marsh, William, d. 1841, July 2, a. 60-10-27. Marsh, William Willis, s. of William & Mary, d. 1833, May 23, a. 1-6-3. Marsh, Zacheus, s. of Zacheus & Mary Ann, d.1838, Jan. 31, a. 2 y. Mason, Perlina, w. of William H., d. 1847, June 7, a. 31-11-4. Meer, Robert, d. 1832, Aug. 28, a. 16 y. Meer, Charles H., d. 1832, Mar. 17, a. 1 y. 2 m. Merrill, Betsey, w. of Stephen, Jr., d. 1830, Jan. 25, a. 24-2-25. Meyer, Amelia E., dau. of Louis & Mary, d. 1863, Oct. 22, a. 2 y 4 d. Meyer, Louis, d. 1866, Oct. 8, a. 55-11-16. Miller, Ann, dau. of George & Ann, d. 1837, Aug. 27, a. 4-5-28. Miller, Ann, w. of George, d. 1839, Feb. 21, a. 33-1-21. Miller, Francis Henry, s. of George & Ann, d. 1862, May 5, a. 32-3-25. Miller, George C , s. of George & Ann, d. 1832, May 15, a. 11 d. Miller, Henry, d. 1855, Jan. 16, in 54th y. Miller, Mary, dau. of William B. & Nancy, d. 1831, Sep. 20, a. 9 m 18 d. Miller, Matilda, dau. of George & Ann, d. 1836, Aug. 22, a. 10 m. 29 d. Miller, Nathan, s. of William B. & Nancy, d. 1831, Sep. 19, a. 2-1-26. Miller, Sarah, w. of Henry, d. 1879, Nov. 1, in 85th y. Miller, William, s. of George & Ellinor M., d. 1842, Feb. 21, a. 12 d. Montross, Catherine, dau. of Mathias & Eunice, d. 1834, July 6, a. 1 day. Montross, Jesse, s. of Mathias & Eunice, d. 1833, June 12, a. 2-3-2. Morrison, Henry, d. 1865, Aug. 15, in 32d y. Mosher, Charles R., d. 1867, Sep. 15, a. 25-11-12. Mosher, Harry, a. 10 y. Mosher, John, Jr., s .of John & Eliza, d. 1840, Aug. 9, a. 5 m. Mosher, John, d. 1863, Nov. 4, a. 52-8-20. Mosher, Robert, s. of John & Eliza, d. 1839, Dec. 16, a. 3-1-2. Myre, Stephen Purdy, s. of John R. & Elizabeth, d. 1823, June 10, a. 4 m. 10 d. Northrop, Thompson, d. 1863, July 25, in 65th y. O'Neal, Adaline, dau. of John & Sarah, d. 1844, Nov. 24, a. 3-7-26. O'Neal, Margaret, dau. of John & Sarah, d. 1827, Aug. 18, a. 15 m. O'Neal, children of John & Sarah:â&#x20AC;&#x201D; John, d. July 18, 1835, a. 12 y.; Emily, d. Oct. 17, 1828, a. 9 m.; Townsend, d. Mar. 2, 1834, a. 1 y. 6 m. Patterson. "James Patterson of New Orleans, Native of Scotland. He was P . G. W. P. of the S. of T. for the State of Louisiana." Pickering, Adaline, w. of William, d. 1874, Mar. 18, a. 69 y. Pickering, William, d. 1864, July 1, a. 60 y. Pollick, Sallv, w. of Abraham, d. 1824, June 2, a. 18-5-11. Potter, Alden, d. 1852, Julv 18, a. 58 y. 4 m. Purdy, Abraham, d. 1848, Mar. 24, in 37th y. Purdy, Anna Forman, w. of Francis, d. 1833, May 28, a. 69 y. 3 m. Purdy, Francis, d. 1842, Nov. 28, a. 83 y. Purdy, William, d. 1855, Nov. 20, a. 61 y. Ray, Caroline, dau. of James & Elizabeth, d. 1834, Feb. 2, in 19th y. Ray, George, d. 1866, Apr. 16, a. 40 y Ray, Robert, s of James & Elizabeth, d. 1834, Mar. 3, a. 4 y. Royce, Edward, s. of Doctor Roderick & Phebe Ann, d. 1835, Oct. 20, a. 4 m. Royce, Mary Louisa, dau. of Doctor Thomas, d. 1835, Aug. 9, a. 21. Rovce. Phebe Ann, 3d w. of Doctor Roderick, d. 1836, Nov. 16, a. 29-2-9. Russell, Edwin Free, s. of William & Lavenia, d. 1830, Dec. 23, a. 11 m. 19 d. Russell, William A., s. of William & Luvenia, d. 1832, Jan. 1, a. 2-4-4. Schenck. "Matteawan Co. have erected this monument to Abraham H. Scheneck, died June 1, 1831, in his 57th year." Schenck, Adaliza, wid. of Charles, d. 1859, Nov. 9, in 40th y. Schenck, Adeline, w. of Dr. John P., d. 1855, June 2, in 52d y. Schenck, Aletta Sebring, w. of Ralph, d. 1855, Dec. 29, in 91st y. Schenck, Allen T., s. of James W. & Harriet M., d. 1839, Aug. 14, a. 1 y. 29 d. Schenck, Charles, d. 1847, Aug. 5, in 34th y. Schenck, Edgar, s. of Dr. John P., b. 1822, Aug 5, d. 1854, May 30. Schenck, Emma, b. 1827, May 20, d. 1904, Jan. 1. Schenck, Francis H., s. of Peter H. & Harriet, 1825-1873. Schenck, Georgianna, dau. of Homer & Sarah Ann. (No dates on stone). Schenck, Hannah, w. of Henry, d. 1825, Sep. 18, a. 82 y. Schenck, Harriet Courtney, w. of Peter H., b. 1784, May 13, d. 1850, Feb. ( ? ) . Schenck, Henry, b. 1743, July 19, d. 1799, Jan. 8, a. 55-5-20. 95
Old 233. 234. 235. 236. 237. 238. 239. 240. 241. 242. 243. 244. 245. 246. 247. 248. 249. 250. 251. 252. 253. 254. 255. 256. 257. 258. 259. 260. 261. 262. 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 268. 269. 270. 271. 272. 273. 274. 275. 276. 277. 278. 279. 280. 281. 282. 283. 284. 285. 286. 287. 288. 289. 290. 291. 292. 293. 294. 295. 296. 297.
Schenck, Homer, d. 1359, May 10, a. 47 y. Schenck, James, s. of John P. & Adeline, d. 1835, May 16, a. 8 y. 8 m. Schenck, Linneaus, d. 1863, May 22, a. 36-5-20. Schenck, Margaret, w. of Peter A., b. 1758, Oct. 22, d. 1855, June 17, a. 74-7-26. Schenck, Mary E., w. of Peter, b. 1853, Aug. 28, d. 1886, Sep. 1. Schenck, Peter A., b. 1755, Nov. 1, d. 1824, Jan. 5, a. 68-2-4. Schenck, Peter H., b. 1779, Apr. 19, d. 1852, Sep. 8. Schenck, Sarah, w. of Abram H., b. 1776, Sep. 16, d. 1849, July 25. Sebring, William, d. 1814, Jan. 27, in 79th y. Shelhurse, Henry, d. 1857, Nov. 17, a. 50 y. 8 m. Simonton, Abigail, wid. of Thomas, d. 1842, Mar. 25, a. 75-11-15. Simonton, Ann Maria, dau. of Thomas & Susan, d. 1829, Feb. 20, a. 10 m. Simonton, Elizabeth, d. 1850, Apr. 20, a. 70-1-3. Simpson, Amelia Lomas, w. of Joseph, d. 1877, July 47 a. 72 y. Simpson, John, d. 1831, May 11, a. 39 y. Smith, Elizabeth, w. of Matthew, d. 1884, a. 94. Smith, Matthew, d. 1834, a. 47. Smith, Nelson, s. of Matthew & Elizabeth, d. 1841, a. 28. Smith, William, d 1839, June 3, a. 36-5-8. Squire, Johnathan, d. 1842, Mar. 10, a. 78 y. 8 d. Squire, Polly, dau. of Johnathan & Catherine, d. 1839, May 29, a. 19-11-25. Stark, Adeline Wiltsie, b. 1855, July 3, d. 1904, Mar. 15. Storm, Mary F., dau. of Peter R. & Mary, b. 1853, Mar. 9, d. 1853, June 5. Storm, Mary F. Schenck, w. of Peter R., b. 1828, Dec. 24, d. 1853, July 23. Stotesbury, John, d. 1826, Oct. 9, a. 46 y. Sturges, Catherine, wid. of David, & oldest child of Henry & Hannah Schenck, d. 1840, July 8, a 76 y. 7 m Sturges, Harriet, dau. of David & Catherine, b. 1799, Mar. 27, at Fishkill Landing, d. 1879, June 8, at Poughkeepsie. Sturges, Maria, b. 1794, Sep. 27, d. 1880, Nov. 12. Telford, Joanna S., dau. of Alexander & Margaret, d. 1830, Nov. 25, a. 19 y. 1 m. Teller, Cornelia, d. 1870, May 15, a. 83 y. Teller, Sarah, d. 1828, July 27, a. 77 y. 2 m. Terbush, Sarah, dau. of John & Hellen, d. 1833, Sep. 18, a. 2-11-14. Tiffany, Catherine, w. of John, d. 1843, June 6, a. 41-3-23. Timberlake, Lewis, 1802-1857j Sarah Ann Schenck, his wife, b. 1806, Dec. 6, d. 1868, Jan. 6. Travice, John, <L 1827, Nov. 21, a. 73 y. Travis, Mary, dau. of Edward & Lucinda, d. 1837, Apr. 28, a. 1-9-7. Truesdell, Rachel, w. of Darius, d. 1853, Dec. 16, a. 81-9-3. Truesdell, Titus, d. 1841, Sep. 18, a. (56) y 2 m. Ulrich, Augustus L., b. 1736, Aug. 12, Saxe-Weimar, Germany, d. 1841, Sep. 13, a. 55 y. 1 m. Ulrich, William Louis, s. of Augustus L & Henrietta, d. 1828, Sep. 28, a. 13 m. Valentine, Abraham, s. of Eathen & Abbey, d. 1857, Dec. 9, a. 65-5-14. Valentine, Elizabeth, dau. of William & Elizabeth, d. 1851, Dec. 9, a. 6 m. 9 d. Valentine, Hannah, w. of Abraham, d. 1836, July 17, a. 72-4-24. Valentine, Thurston, s. of William & Elizabeth, d. 1831, Apr. 5, a. 2-3-5. Van Bramer, Isaac, s of Mary, d. 1828, Jan. 22, a. 12 y. 4 m. Van Vliet, Aaron, d. 1839, Mar. 4, a. 34-3-24. Van Vliet, Annie, dau. of William H. & Sarah, d. 1858, June 10, a. 11-1-27. Van Vliet, Charlie, s. of William H. & Sarah, d. 1852, Aug. 17, a. 1 y. 11 m Van Vliet, Delia Anna, dau. of Christian & Maria, d. 1845, Nov. 12, a. 3 y. 20 d. Van Vliet, Elizabeth, w. of John, d. 1837, May 17, a. 68 v. Van Vliet, Garret, d. 1848, Dec. 27, in 63d y. Van Vliet, Hannah, d. 1834, Mar. 4. a. 84 y. Van Vliet, Henry, s. of Aaron & Ann, d. 1835, June 5, a. 2 m. 8 d. Van Vliet, Isaac (Qu)inton, s. of Christian & Maria, d. 1833, Sen. 20, a. 4 v. 16 d. Van Vliet, John, d. 1847, Oct. 24, a. 77 y. Van Vliet, Rachel Ann, dau. of Christian & Maria, d. 1842, Feb. 3, a. 8-5-7. Van Vliet, Sylvanus, d. 1889. Apr. 8, a. 79 y. Van Voorhis, Hannah, w. of Henry, d. 1833, Sep. 23, a. S4-11-13. Van Voorhis, Jane, dau. of Henry & Hannah, d. 1841, Aug. 30, in 60th y. Wakeman, Augustus, s.'of Benjamin & Caroline, d. 1838, Aug. 2S, a. 1 v. 21 d. Walsh, Ann, w. of W. H., d. 1847, Mar. 7, a. 28-6-11. Walsh, Emma Brett, w. of Rev. John W., b. 1821, Sep. 23, d. 1902, Apr. 27. Walsh, Rev. John W., b. 1820, Apr. 4, d. 1884, Feb. 7. Walton, Sarah, dau. of John & Eliza, d. 1819, Aug. 26, a. 6 m. 20 d. Ward, John, d. 1851, Aug. 4, in 75th y. 96
T o tv n 298. 299. 300. 301. 302. 303. 304. 305. 306.
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Ward, Nancy, w. of John, d. 1850, May 4, in 68th y. Watkins, John W., s. of Joseph & Abigail, d. 1832, Feb. 23, a. 21-9-23. Watkins, Mary, dau. of Joseph & Abigail, d. 1837, Sep. 10, a. 14-2-2. Watkins, Robert, s. of Joseph & Abigail, d. 1831, Nov. 29, a. 18-1-10. Wiggins, Elizabeth, dau. of Daniel & Permelia, d. 1842, Oct. 20, a. 19 y. 5 m. Wiggins, Harriet, Ann, dau. of Daniel & Permelia, d. 1839, Aug. 31, a. 9-11-27. Wiley, Emily, dau. of Jacob & Mary, d. 1830, June 9, a. 15 y. 3 d. Wiley, James H., s. of Jacob & Mary, d. 1830, June 24, a. 8 m. 21 d. Wilkens:—"Unico Henry Wilkens, P. Z., only son of Milco Peter Wilkens, H. Z., of Surinam, South America, died in his 24th year on board the steamship "Georgia". Was buried at sea on her passage from Charges to New York, January 18, 1852." Wilkens, Wilcopeter, H. Z., of Surinam, South America, d. 1831, Oct. 5, in 31st y. Wilson, Catherine, w. of Robert, d. 1865, Mar. 19, a. 55 y. 29 d. Wilson, James, s. of Robert & Catherine, d. 1853, Mar. 29, a. 14-5-23. Wilson, Nancy, w. of James, d. 1831, Dec. 13, a. 40 y. 9 m Wiltse, Adelia, dau. of George & Judith, d. 1824, May 10, a. 7-6-4. Wiltse, Anna Schenck, b. 1846, Aug. 6, d. 1896, Aug. 12. Wiltse, Benjamin, s. of George & Judith, d. 1844, Dec. 29, a. 2 y. 14 d. Wiltse. "Charles H. Wiltse, d. Aug. 16, 1841, aged 22-5-20, son of George Wiltse, who d. in New York City, Feb. 7, 1835, in his 43d year." Wiltse, Delia Sistare, dau. of James W. &Elizabeth W., d. 1839, May 12, a. 7 y. 11 m. Wiltse, Elizabeth, w. of Martin, d. 1829, May 18, a. 90 y. 4 m. Wiltse, Elizabeth, w. of James, d. 1848, Nov. (—), a. 43 y. 5 m. Wiltse, Elizabeth, w. of William, d. 1849, Sep. 25, a. 8 6y. 6 m. Wiltse, Elizabeth, d. 1857, Oct. 3, a. 17 y Wiltse, Elizabeth Van Wyck, w. of Henry, d. 1881, Apr. 7, in 89th y. Wiltse, Eugenia, dau. of Eugene & Julia, d. 1850, Nov. 24, a. 9 m. 18 d. Wiltse, Frances Matilda, dau of James & Sarah, d. 1859, June 13, a. 38-11-21. Wiltse, George A., s. of George & Judith, d. 1858, June 25, a. 24 y. Wiltse, Hannah, w. of Martin, b. 1772, Dec. 8, d. 1856, Apr. 6, a. 83 y. 4 m. Wiltse, Hannah Maria, dau. of James & Sarah, d. 1839, Mar. 19, a. 16-6-21. Wiltse, Henry, d. 18(40), May 29, a. (73)-2-20. Wiltse, Henry, Jr., s. of Henry & Elizabeth V. W., d. 1862, Mar. 7, in 30th y. Wiltse, Ida, dau. of Eugene & Julia, d. 1892, Mar. 25. Wiltse, Jacob, d 1831, June 25, a. 50-2-10. Wiltse, James, d. 1868, Jan. 29, a. 88-8-13. Wiltse, Judith, w. of George, d. 1867, Apr. 11, in 75th y. Wiltse, Martin, d. 1827, Dec. 8, a. 93 y. 5 m. Wiltse, Martin, s. of Eugene & Julia, d. 1849, July 22, a 1 y. 5 m. Wiltse, Martin, b. 1764, Aug. 16, d. 1855, Jan. 9, a. 91 y. 5 m. Wiltse, Sarah, w. of William, d. 1850, Apr. 25, a. 56-6-15. Wiltse, Sarah Van Voorhis, w. of James, d. 1861, May 25, a. 75-2-15. Wiltse, Sistare, s. of James W. & Elizabeth, d. 1841, Aug. 21, a. 2 y. 3 m. Wiltse, William, d. 1839, May 5, a. 77-6-13. Wiltse, William, s. of George & Judith, d. 1885, Jan. 15, a. 59. Wiltse, William H., d. 1852, Jan. 5, a. 65-9-28. Wright, Eliza, dau. of Barak & Jane, b. 1794, Jan. 30, d. 1867, Sep. 16. Wright, Jane, w. of Barak, d. 1836, Dec. 31, a. 81 y. Young, James, d 1841, May 17, in 53d y.
ST. LUKE'S CHURCHYARD, MATTEAWAN CLASSIFICATION: Churchyard. LOCATION: St. L u k e ' s C h u r c h ( P r o t e s t a n t E p i s c o p a l ) , B e a c o n ( M a t t e a w a n ) . CONDITION: W e l l c a r e d for. INSCRIPTIONS: 707 in n u m b e r . Copied O c t o b e r 18 a n d 26, 1914, by J . W . P o u c h , er, M. D . , Mrs. P o u c h e r , Miss Mabel Cooley, Miss C l e o n a Glass. REMARKS: St. A n n a ' s C h u r c h ( P r o t e s t a n t E p i s c o p a l ) of M a t t e a w a n , o r g a n ized in 1 8 3 3 , e r e c t e d a building in t h e c e n t e r of t h e village, w e s t of t h e N. D . & C. r a i l r o a d s t a t i o n , a n d also o p e n e d a small c e m e t e r y in t h e valley east of the r a i l r o a d . T h e P r e s b y t e r i a n C h u r c h of M a t t e a w a n ( a l s o o r g a n i z e d in 1 8 3 3 ) soon a f t e r o p e n e d a b u r i a l g r o u n d a d j o i n i n g St. A n n a ' s .
*. see Hicks, p.9 1 *
In 1868 twelve acres of land, i m m e d i a t e l y s o u t h a n d west of t h e s e two c e m e t e r i e s , w e r e given t o S t . A n n a ' s . . T h e c h u r c h in t h e village was t h e n r a z e d , t h e p r e s e n t c h u r c h built on t h e n e w site a n d the n a m e of t h e p a r i s h c h a n g e d to St. L u k e ' s . T h e division fence has been t a k e n d o w n b e t w e e n St. L u k e ' s p r o p e r t y a n d t h e P r e s b y t e r i a n lot a n d t h e whole f o r m s a n e x c e p tionally b e a u t i f u l spot, t h e c a r e of which is p r o p o r t i o n a l l y s h a r e d in by t h e two c h u r c h e s .
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27.
28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47.
Ackroyd, Rhoda, w. of William, d. 1877, May 12, a. 72 y. Alden, George F., b. 1853, Mar. 16, d. 1S86, Mar. 7. Alden, Henry A., b. 1823, Mar. 28, d. 1882, Dec. —. Alden, Henry B., b. 1850, Feb. 17, d. 1875, Sep. 30. Alden, Mary M. Bishop, w. of Henry A., b. 1825, Nov. 30, d. 1900, Sep. 7. Allan, Ransom, b. 1876, Aug. 25, d. 1876, Sep. 6. Allan , children of George S. & Eunice R.:— George, b. 1869, Sep. 17, d. 1869, Oct. 15; Fannie, b. 1870, Oct. 11, d. 1870, Oct. 27. Ambery, Eliza Tomlins, w. of William, b. 1825, Oct 17, d. 1889, July 10. Ambery, William, b. 1821, Nov. 24, d. 1895, Nov. 13. Annan:— Alexander, b. 1830, Aug. 3, d. 1883, May 7; Elvina Schenck. b. 1836, Feb. 27, d. 1905, Apr. 23. Annan, Daniel D., b. 1792, June 11, d. 1834, Nov. 23. Surgeon in the War of 1812. Annan, Elizabeth B., d. 1841, Oct. 31, a. 61 y. 9 m. Annan, Margaret Brett, w. of Daniel D., b. 1794, Mar. 27, d. 1867, Nov 14. Annan, William G., b. 1825, July 20, d. 1890, Jan. 31. Armitage, Mary Jane, dau. of William & Martha, d. 1850, Nov. 27, a. 1 y. Aston, Emily M., dau. of William & Sophia, d. 1866, July 24. Aston, Sophia, w. of William, d. 1869, Mar. 5, a. 66 y. 2 m. Aston, William, d. 1853, June 13, a. 57 y. Aston, children of William & Sophia:— Sophia, d. 1841, Oct. 6, a. 13-11-27; Charlotte, d. 1844, May 17, a. 7 y. 2 m. Atwood, Anthony D., b. 1832, Nov. 29, d. 1868, Aug. 15. Austin, J. H„ Co. F, 56th N. Y. Inf. Bailey, Harriet, d. 1865, Nov. 5, a. 32 y. 10 m. Bailey, Henry Ogden, d. 1860, Aug. 18, a. 29-10-17. Bailey, John D., d. 1859, Oct. 29, a. 74 y. 1 m. Bailey, Sarah A., b. 1826, May 17, d. 1876, Feb. 7. Bailev, Sarah Ann Morse, w. of John D., d. 1867, Feb. 20, a. 74 y. 10 m. Baird:— Mary Jane, w. of John D. F., of Bainbridge, County Down, Ireland, d 1846, Feb. 3, a. 31 y. Also Robert & Moses, twins, only sons of John D. F. & Mary Jane Baird, both d. 1845, Julv 13, a. 1 y. 9 m. Baker, Ellen, "Mother," d. 1886, Apr. 13, a. 71-9-6. Baker Rufus, "Father," d. 1896, June 11, a. 80-3-24. Ball, Grace M., dau. of James A. & Catherine, d. 1883, Mar. 21. Barhvte, Mary C. Hedges, w. of William, 1834-1913. Barhyte, AVilliam H., 1832-1907. Barkley," Abigail H., d. 1909, June 3. Barkley, Alfred T., member Co. F, 124th Reg. N. Y. V., d. 1863, May 20. Barkley, Ann, w. of James T., d. 1865, Feb. 6, a. 74 y. 8 m. Barkley, Ann Maria, w. of Jonathan M., d 1911, Jan. 14. Barklev, Emma C , dau. of Jonathan M. & Ann Maria, d 1900, Feb. 18. Barklev, Hiram, d. 1826, Oct. 26. Barkley, Roanah, d. 1907, Oct. 25. Barlow, Charles A., b. 1864, Mar. 12, d. 1904, Aug 17. Barlow, Thomas, Co. F, 17th Reg. N. Y. V , b. 1840, Jan. 27, d 1867, Jan. 17. Barnett, Belinda, dau. of Thomas & Rachel, d 1865, Feb. 10, a. 57-8-18. Barnett, Rachel, w. of Thomas, d. 1864, Apr. 5, in 80th y. Barnett, Thomas, d. 1840, Jan. 21, a. 64-2-7. Bate, John, s. of Alfred & Mary, d. 1889, July 5, a. 5 m. Benson, Edward A., b 1851, June 2, d. 1907, Apr. 23. Benson, Louise Annan, b. 1823, Aug. 18, d. 1910, Aug. 3. 98
F ishkill
48. Bentley, Frances A. Van Hagen, w. of John, d. 1872, Dec. 30, in 40th y. 49. Bentley. (See Darroch) "Sarah Hamer, w. of Robert Darroch & John Bentley." d. 1900, May 19. 50. Berney:— Elizabeth Miller, w. of J. C , d. 1882, Aug. 27, a. 34 y; Annie E., dau. of J. C. & Elizabeth M., d. 1882, Jan. 16, a. 6-2-27. 51. Bise, Sylvester H., b. 1806, Aug. 13, d. 1867, June 1. 52. Bise, children of Abraham & Mary:— Daniel, d. 1835, Feb. 12, a. 5 wks. 3 d.; Afford, d. 1837, Feb. 15, a. 2 y. 1 m. 53. Bogardus, Isaac, d. 1845, May 23, a. 56-6-16. 54. Bogardus, Sarah E., b. 1827, June 2, d. 1881, June 3. 55. Bogardus, Sarah Sebring, w. of Isaac, d. 1852, Jan. 16, a. 63-8-22. 56. Bogardus, Willmot B., a. 3 y. 6 m. 57. Boice, Antoinette, dau. of Jacob J. & Charlotte, d. 1843, Mar. 21, a. 23-5-7. 58. Boice, Jeremiah, 128th N. Y. Volunteers, b. 1838, Apr. 3, d. 1869, June 12. 59. Bordman, Helen Delong, w. of John, d. 1871, Sep. 8, a. 85 y. 60. Bordman, John, d. 1846, Sep. 16, in 69th y. 61. Bowne, Theodore, 128th N. Y. V., d. 1897, Mar. 1, a. 55 y. 62. Boyer, Amelia Ker, dau. of William & Anna Caverly Boyer, b. 1817, Apr 27, d. 1871, Oct. 20. 63. Boyer, Matilda Wadsworth, dau. of William & Anna Caverly Boyer, b. 1821, June 15, d. 1852, July 11. 64. Briggs, Alice t dau. of Henry F. & Sarah E. C , d. 1854, Apr. 24, a. 16 m. 65. Briggs, Mary S., 1853-1909. 66. Briggs, Phebe Van Tassel, w. of Caleb, d. 1863, Oct 31, a. 89-8-2. 67. Briggs, Sarah E. Churchill, w. of Henry F., d. 1856, May 14, a. 33 y. 6 m. 68. Briggs, W. Frank, 1853-1905. 69. Broad, Mary Anne, w. of George, b. 1827, July 25, d. 1877, Mar. 7. 70. Brown, Christopher N., d. 1852, Feb. 21, a. 52-1-10. 71. Brown, Edith, b. 1877, Oct. 19, d. 1891, Feb. 26. 72. Brown, Henry King, s. of Christopher N & Julia Ann, d. 1843, Oct. 8, a 5-1-22. 73. Brown, James F., d. 1868, Jan. 14, a. 74-3-14. 74. Brown, Jeremiah P., Capt. Co. D, 1st N. J. Cavalry, b. 1838, June 10, d. 1878, Dec 15. 75. Brown, Julia, w. of Christopher N., b. 1803, July 14, d. 1879, Mar. 2. 76. Brown, Julia, w. of James T., d. 1890, Aug. 19, a. 96 y. 77. Brown, Juliann, dau. of Christopher N. & Julia Ann, d. 1842, Aug. 17, a. 3 m. 9 d. 78. Brown, William, b. 1845, Feb. 27, d. 1906, June 9. 79. Brown, William H., s. of Christopher N. & Julia Ann, d. 1840, Apr. 11, a. 2 m. 80. Brown, children of Jeremiah P. & Elizabeth:— Ida P., b. 1864, June 4, d. 1865, Sep. 20; Geneva, b. 1866, May 16, d. 1869, July 8; Samuel M., b. 1868, Mar. 11, d. 1868, Sep. 2 1 ; Osolan J., b. 1872, May 6, d. 1874, May 26; Septimus, b. 1873, May 4, d. 1873, Sep. 14; Elizabeth, b. 1874, July 24, d. 1876, May 20. 81. Browning, Nancy, w. of Edwin, d. 1841, Apr. 21, a. 19 y. 7 m. 82. Brundage, John H., s. of James H. & Mary J., d. 1866, Sep. 13, a. 15-8-4. 83. Brundage, Permelia Ann, dau. of James & Mary, d. 1863, Aug. 24, a. 11 m. 20 d. 84. Burger, Florence M., dau. of Charles H. & Frances A., d. 1905, Jan. 26, in 15th y. 85. Burnett, Levina, b. 1815, Aug. 16, d. 1874, Apr. 3. 86. B ( u r n s ) , Mary J. Patterson, w. of F. D., d. 1865, July 31, a. (under ground). 87. Carlin, Henry, d. 1834, Mar. 30, a. 1-6-16. 88. Carver, Charles Dean, s. of R. D. & Sarah Maria, d. 1845, Oct. 23, a. 2 y. 6 m. 89. Carver, Eliza A., w. of B. D., d. 1833, Dec. 23, a. 29 y. 90. Carver, George Ingram, s. of R. D. & Sarah Maria, d. 1846, Oct 30, a. 1-5-18. 91. Caton, Mary Davis Van Derburgh, w. of Rev. John C , b. 1873, Sep. 28, d. 1901, May 1. 92. Caverly, Lucy Matilda, d. 1842, Mar. 12. 93. Chapman, Hannah M. Finch, w. of Henry S., b. 1848, Oct. 24, d. 1895, Aug. 28. 94. Churchill, Addison, d. 1857, Mar. 31, in 22d y. 95. Churchill, Charles, s. of W. H B. & Pamela, d. 1843, Apr. 3, a. 5-7-19. 96. Churchill, Helen M., dau. of William D. & Mary, d. 1855, Apr. 6, a. 5 y. 10 m. 97. Churchill, Helen Mott, w. of Henry, d. 1875, Mar. 9, a. 76-4-18. 98. Churchill, Henry, d. 1837, Jan. 7, in 74th y. 99. Churchill, Henry, d. 1866, Dec. 4, a. 72 y. 4 d. 100. Churchill, H. H., d. 1851, May 18, a. 19-7-11. 101. Churchill, Sidney F., 128th N. Y. Volunteers, d. 1884, Dec. 22, a. 41 y. 99
Old 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117.
Churchill, Synthia, dau. of John F. & Julia, d. 1836, Oct. 31, a. 7 m. Churchill, William D., d. 1857, Aug. 28, a. 33 y. 2 m. Churchill, William H. B., d. 1849, July 7, a. 41-9-26. Colvill, James, d. 1861, Jan 13, a. 24-11-18. Colvill, Margaret, d. 1865, Oct. 15, a. 44-5-16. Colvill, Mary, d. 1867, Apr. 2, a. 68-10-4. Colvill, Robert, d. 1870, May 13, a. 83 y. 5 d. Conklin, Cornelius, s of Andrew & Rebecca, d. 1859, Apr. 3, in 23d y. Conklin, Henry, d. 1852, Aug. 22, a. 41 y. 22 d. Conklin, Ida Lodge Blackburn, w. of Wilford, 1878-1911. Conklin, Mary Ellen, dau. of Andrew G.& Rebecca, d. 1851, Jan. 20, in 20th y. Conklin, Paulina Mead, w. of Henry, d. 1873, Nov. 15, a. 60 y. 3 m. Conklin, Rebecca, w. of Andrew G., d. 1855, Nov. 13, in 51st y. Conklin, Thomas Newell, s. of Andrew G. & Rebecca, d. 1853, Aug. 9, in 22d y. Conklin, William H., s. of J. H. & Mary A., b. 1862, Dec. 6, d. 1883, Nov. 21. Conklin, children of Egbert & Julia:—• Eva, d. 1880, June 12, a. 6-5-8; Inez, d. 1881, Aug. 4, a. 6 m. 12 d.; Harry C , d. 1884, Nov. 27, a. 9-7-27.; Blanche E., d. 1884, Oct. 4, a. 1-1-9. 118. Cooper, John H., b. 1826, Jan 12, d. 1868, Oct. 3. 119. Cooper, William John, s. of William & Charlotte, d. 1854, June 11, a. 18 m. 3 20. Corwin, Catharine, w. of David W., d. 1875, June 10. 121. Corwin, David Wells, d. 1853, Feb. 11. 122. Corwin, Mary Horten, dau. of David W. & Catharine, d. 1887, May 17. 123. Cox, Susan, d. 1834, Nov. 24, in 33d y. 124. Crary, Ella, b. 1872, Mar. 28, d. 1873, May 12. 125. Creary, Isabella Ann, w. of Samuel, d. 1846, Jan. 14, in 55th y. 126. Creary, Samuel, d. 1846, June 13, in 68th y. 127. Cromwell, Catharine Bogardus, w. of Peter. B., d. 1852, Nov. 25, in 37th y. 128. Cromwell, Melissa Brown, w. of Charles, b. 1833, Apr. 1, d. 1876, June 30. 129. Cromwell, Peter B., s. of Joseph & Sarah, d. 1846, Aug. 13, a. 29-10-18. 130. Cromwell, William Lewis, s. of Peter B. & Catharine, d. 1846, July 13, a. 2 y. 4 d 131. Curry, Mabel J., d. 1912, Jan. 10, a. 22 y. 132. Curtis, Elizabeth, w. of Edmund, d. 1859, Mar. 2, a. 59 y. 8 m. 133. Curtis, William Henry, s. of Edmon & E., d. 1852, Sep. 14, a. 14-5-25. 134. C . "Grandma C , 1810-1900." 135 Dare* William S., U. S. Vol., b. 1825, July 10, d. 1895, Apr. 13; Mary A. 136. Darling, Deborah, b. 1822, Dec. 27, d. 1894, Dec. 3. 137. Darling, George (E.), b. 1790, Feb. 16, d. 1875, Mar. 5. 138. Darling, Jane, b. 1821, Oct. 15, d. 1897, Mar. 21. 139. Darling, Paulina Vincent, w. of George E., b. 1791, Aug. 22, d. 1886, Apr. 22. 140. Darling, Phebe A., b. 1826, Feb. 10, d. 1906, Nov. 6. 141. Darling,children of George (E.) & Paulina:—. Jonathan, b. 1827, Sep. 21, d. 1830, May 17; Alfred, b. 1830, June 1, d. 1838, Aug. 28; Laura, b. 1836, Sep. 19, d. 1841, Sep. 15. . Darroch. (See Bentley) "Sarah Hamer, w. of Robert Darroch & John Bentley," d. 1900, May 19. 142. Darroch, Robert, b. 1844, Mar. 31, d. 1872, June 2 1 . 143. Davies, Charles, b. 1798, Jan. 22, d. 1876, Sep. 18. 144. Davies, Lieut. Col Charles F., b. 1838, June 27, d. 1865, Dec. 3. 145. Davies, Henry E., h. 1805, Feb. 8, d. 1881, Dec. 17. 146. Davies, Henry E., Major General of U. S. Volunteers, b. 1836, July 2, d. 1894, Sep. 6. 147. Davies, Mary Ann, b. 1807, Jan. 23, d. 1897, Apr. 6. 148. Davies, Rebecca Waldo, w. of Henry, b. 1812, Nov. 5, d. 1884, Feb. 24. 149. Davies, Theodore, s. of Henry E. & Rebecca, b. 1847, Oct. 21, d 1875, Mar. 15. 150. Davis, David, d. 1885, July 20, a. 77 y. 6 m. 151. Davis, Lydia M., w. of David, & dau. of Henry & Lydia H. Schenck, d. 1865, Mar. 21, a. 53-5-11. 152. Davis, Mahala P., w. of Sheldon, 1802-1877. 153. Davis, Sheldon, d. 1865, June 22, a. 63 y. 154. Dean, Edward D., s. of Andrew & Susan, d. 1865, Oct. 10, a. 9 y. 4 m. 155. Denning:— William, d. 1849, Feb. 7; Catherine, d. 1844, Mar. 27; 100
Elmina, d. 1852, May 22. 156. Devine, Aggie Patterson, w. of J. C , d. 1869, Sep. 13, in 23d y. 157. Du Bois, Adelia Van Voorhis, w. of Peter T., b. 1817, June 22, d. 1880, Sep. 14. 158. Du Bois, Ann Simonton, w. of Peter, d. 1868, Jan. 24, in 83d y. 159. Du Bois, Anne, dau. of Peter & Ann, d. 1841, Jan. 17, a. 18-11-26. 160. Du Bois, Annie, dau. of Henry & Adelia, d. 1850, Feb. 14, a. 3-2-5. 161. Du Bois, Catharine M. Ravey, w. of De Witt, d. 1865, Sep. 1, a. 29 y. 162. Du Bois, De Witt, b. 1811, Feb. 8, d. 1876, Dec 14. 163. Du Bois, Emily, b. 1819, May 16, d. 1895, Feb. 18. 164. Du Bois, John, b. 1862, July 7, d. 1888, Jan. 17. 165. Du Bois, Mary, dau. of Peter & Anne, b. 1815, June 23, d. 1900, Jan. 31. 166. Du Bois, Peter, b. 1860, July 16, d. 1888, Nov. 7. 167. Du Bois, Peter, d. 1869, May. 12, in 86th y. 168. Du Bois, Peter T., b .1817, Apr. 17, d. 1860, Nov. 18. 169..Dutcher, Catharine B., d. 1863, Nov. 29, a. 63-9-8. 170. Edmonds, Amelia M„ w. of Thomas A., d. 1861, June 26, a. 20 y. 171. Edmonds, Angelina Weeks, w. of John E., d. 1893, June 8, a. 80 y. 172. Edmonds, John E., d. 1849, Nov. 6, a. 46 y. 173. Edmonds, Thomas A., d. 1874, Jan. 16, a. 37 y. 3 m. 174. Edmonds, Willie, s. of Thomas A. & Amelia M., d. 1862, Dec. 21, a. 1 y. 6 m. 175. Ferguson, George B., d. 1855, Aug. 27, in 22d y. 176. Folsom, Samuel N., s. of John P. & Cornelia, d. 1849, Aug. 23, a. 2-9-22. 177. Forbes, Isabella R., w. of Walter, b. 1844, Dec. 3, d. 1875, Mar. 27. 178. Forbes, Walter, b. 1842, Oct. 24, d. 1884, Apr. 9. 179. Forester, Joseph Henry, s. of Henry L. & Sarah Ann, d. 1835, Oct. 8, a. 8 m. 18 d. 180. Forester, Sarah Ann, w. of Henry L., d. 1835, Sep. 21, a. 30 y. 6 m. 181. French, Phebe H., w. of Lloyd, d. 1842, Feb. 4, a. 33 y. 10 m. 182. Fuller, Josiah, d. 1876, July 14, a. 72-5-10. 183. Fuller, Sophia, w .of Josiah, d. 1885, Jan. 7, a 81-10-15. 184. Garrison, Emeline Heroy, w. of Milton, b. 1825, Apr. 18, d. 1910, Nov. 19. 185. Garrison, George P., M. D., b. 1861, Dec. 16, d. 1889, Feb. 14. 186. Garrison, Milton, b. 1822, May 6, d. 1900, Apr. 5, 187. Germond, Gilbert, 20th N. Y. V., d. 1895, Aug. 8, a. 49 y. 8 m. 188. Gerow, Nelson, s. of Daniel & Caroline, d. 1855, Jan. 30, a. 9 m. 7 d. 189. Gerow, Robert P., s. of Elias & Elizabeth, d. 1852, Sep. 28, a 2 y. 3 m. 190. Gill, Harriet, w. of Robert, d. 1852, Nov. 24. 191. Gill, Robert, d. 1838, Dec. 18, a. 60 y. 192. Glover:— Lewis H., Co. C, 2d N. Y. Vol. Art., b. 1843, July 23, d. 1907, Mar. 5; Charoline Chase, his wife, b. 1850, Sep. 9, d. 1907, Feb. 9; an infant daughter. 193. Green, Charles B., 1842-1863. 194. Green, James, 1815-1851; Bridget McGinn, his wife, 1818-1896. 195. Green, James, 128th N. Y. V., b. 1844, Oct. 31, d. 1883, July 12. 196. Green, Mary Lester, w. of Rev. Philetus, d. 1863, June 29, a. 51-4-5. 197. Green, Philetus H., s. of Rev. Philetus & Mary L., d. 1864, Apr. 2, a. 24-1-5. 198. Greene, Adeline Sharp, w. of Alpheus, b. 1811, Apr. 29, d. 1860, June 15, a. 49-1-16. 199. Greene, Alpheus, b. 1812, Dec. 19, d. 1884, May 18. 200. Greenalgh:— John, 1835-1903; Mary C. Schofield, his wife, 1833-1906; "Father - Mother." 201. Grier, Ann Jane, w. of George, 1826-1889. 202. Grier, Fannie, 1871-1888. 203. Grier, George, 1820-1883. 204. Griffin, Esther T. Mase, w. of John P., b. 1847, May 27, d. 1911, Jan. 6. 205. Hageman, Milo Sage, s. of Daniel & Elizabeth, a 2 wks. 206. Haines, Cornelia, w. of John, d. 1838, Apr. 19, a. 25 y. 7 m. 207. Halgin, Catherine, w. of Robert, d. 1862, Aug. 28, a. 62 y. 208. Halgin, Elizabeth, w. of John, d. 1850, May 8, in 73d y. 209. Halgin, Jane Campbell, w. of John, d. 1895, Feb. 28, a. 86 y. 210. Halgin, John, d. 1842, Apr. 19, in 70th y. 211. Halgin, John, d. 1886, Apr. 18, a. 83 y. 212. Halgin, John William, s. of Robert J. & Mary E., d. 1862, Oct. 25, a. 5-11-14. 213. Halgin, Mary Ellen Mott, w. of Robert J., b. 1837, Apr. 13, d. 1868, Jan. 28. 214. Halgin, Mary Isabella, dau. of Robert J. & Mary E., d. 1859, Oct. 2, a. 1 y. 17 d. 215. Halgin, Robert, d. 1878, Oct. 18, a. 80 y. 7 m. 101
216. Halgin, William, s. of Robert & Catherine, d. 1857, May 28, a. 23-7-5. 217. Hamilton:— William, 1823-1899; Elizabeth M., w. of William J., 1827-1899; James Francis, 1850-1879; Ada, 1854-1881; Sarah, 1863-1886. 218. Hamlin, Henry E., d. 1873, Dec. 28, a. 38 y. 5 m. 219. Hancock, Jane A. Edmonds, w. of Cyrus J., d. 1866, Dec. 17, a. 25-6-14. 220. Harris, Harriet V., d. 1875, Apr. 29, a. 61 y. 8 m. 221. Harris, Mary Way, w. of William C , b. 1835, Sep. 18, d. 1867, Sep. 14. 222. Harris, William C , b. 1832, May 21, d. 1888, March 28. 223. Harris, children of the Rev. Thomas R. Harris, D. D., & Margaret S. Harris:— W. T H., b. 1872, Dec. 25, d. 1874, May 12; E. H. H., b. 1878, July 7, d. 1879, Apr. 27; E. V. K. H., b. 1890, June 6, d. 1894, Dec. 30. 224. Harrison, Hannah, b. 1788, July 23, d. 1868, Mar. 23. 225. Haskans, Elizabeth, dau. of Hiram & Lydia, d. 1837, Feb. 28, a .3 y. 10 d. 226. Haskans, George E., s. of Hiram & Lydia, d. 1837, Mar. 3, a. 1-8-22. 227. Hayes, Catharine, dau. of Edmond & Mary, d. 1841, Aug. 21, a. 5 y 11 m. 228. Helerich, Anton F., b. 1852, July 15, d. 1881, May 21. 229. Henry, Eliza, w. of Robert, d. 1837, Sep. 7, in 23d y. 230. Henry, Lydia Hartley, w. of Samuel, d. 1862, Mar 28, a. 47 y. 231. Henry, Robert, d. 1838, Dec. 9, a. 29 y. 232. Henry, Samuel, b. 1819, June 18, d. 1875, Jan. 19. 233. Henthorn, May, dau. of John & Betsey, d. 1845, Sep. 1, a. 6 m. 9d. 234. Heroy, James P., d. 1865, Oct. 30, a. 54-9-15. 235. He Roy, William, d. 1862, Feb. 15, a. 39-11-7. 236. Hobart, Dayton, second son of Bishop Hobart, b. 1807, Nov. 1, d. 1870, Oct. 24. 237. Holt, Sarah, dau. of Abraham & Hannah, d. 1845, Dec. 13, a. 17-8-13. 238. Hopkins, William, d. 1855, Dec. 18, a. 33 y. 24 d. 239. Horton, Elnora Malgolm, w. of William H., d. 1885, May 27, a. 54 y. 240. Horton, Ethan Parrott, s. of William H. & Elnora M., d. 1864, Aug. 29, a. 1 y. 3 m. 241. Horton, William H., d. 1897, Apr. 18, a. 65 y. 242. Hoskins, James Harkness, s. of Clifford & Deborah, d. 1854, Mar. 18, a. 4-7-26. 243. Hubbell, Benny, d. 18a2, Nov. 17, a. 7 y. 8 m. 244. Hubbell, Ella, d. 1876, Oct. 18, a. 8 y. 8 m. 245. Hubbell, Joseph L., d. 1884, Nov. 21, a. 74 y. 246. Hubbell, Sally, d. 1887, Jan. 13, a. 86 y. 247. Hubby, Cynthia, w. of William M., d. 1852, Oct. 1. 248. Hudson, John, s. of Thomas & Lucy, d. 1831, Mar. 10, a. 3 y. 6 d. 249. Huggins, Ann, w. of Joshua, of County Cavan, Ireland, d. 1812, Sep. 22, a. 5(9) y. 10 m. 250. Huggins, Catharine E. Vantine, w. of James, b. 1824, Aug. 4, d. 1883, Dec. 25. 251. Huggins, Harriet Van Tine, w. of Joshua, b. 1820, Sep. 25, d. 1902, Dec. 21. 252. Huggins, James, b. 1815, Feb. 21, d. 1883, Aug. 5. 253. Huggins, Joshua, b. 1824, Dec. 25, d. 1851, Nov. 19. 254. Huggins, Mary E., dau. of James & Bridget, d. 1848, Aug. 29, a. 1-6-3. 255. Hughes, Ann, d. 1849, Aug. 9, a. 62 y. 256. Hughes, Carnelia G., d. 1869, Jan. 4, a. 38 y. 257. Hughes, William, d. 1849, Aug. 31, a. 62 y. 258. Hyatt, Annie, dau. of Nelson F. & Mary, d. 1873, Dec 12, a. 5 m. 259. Hyatt, Daniel W., d. 1870, Nov. 19, a. 61 y. 260. Hyde, Albert, a. 14 y. 8 m. 261. Hyde, Ann Eliza, w. of Ebenezer, b. 1803, Apr. 29, d. 1851, Oct. 6 262. Hyde, Ebenezer, b. 1799, June 19, d. 1869, Aug. 28. 263. Ives, Mary Ann, w. of William, d. 1847, July 21, a. 41-7-9. 264. Ives:— William, b. 1828, Jan. 26, d 1899, Nov. 2; Sarah, b. 1862, Jan. 28, d. 1907, Mar. 4; Claude, b. 1890, Apr. 28, d. 1891, July 30. 265. James, Emily E., d. 1892, Feb. 5, a. 76-3-20. 266. Johns, Caroline, d. 1861, May 17, a. 67 y 267. Johnston, Jane, 1826-1853. 268. Johnston, John, 1836-1853. 269. Johnston, Mary, w. of Robert, b. 1804, Nov. 16, d. 1865, Sep. 22. 270. Johnston, Mary Halgin, w. of Robert, 1804-1865. 271. Johnston, Robert, 1803-1876. 102
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272. Jones, Alfred H., s. of Henry C. & Sarah J., b. 1862, Jan. 18, d. 1898, Dec. 3. 273. Jones, Sarah J., w. of Henry C , b. 1837. Dec. 17, d. 1877, Sep. 24. 274. Jordan, Elizabeth, w. of William H., b. 1825, Apr. 20, in Willenhall, Staffordshire, England, d. 1881, June 26. 275. Juillard, Clara Amelia, dau. of Frederick & Annett, d. 1855, Jan 12, a. 2 y. 9 m. 276. Kain, Peter M., d. 1868, Dec. 24, a. 40 y. 277. Kain, Rosanna, w. of William, d. 1850, Sep. 7, a. 45 y. 278. Kennedy, Hugh, s. of Benjamin & Margaret, d. 1879, Jan. 23, a 5 y. 279. Kent, Elizabeth Bailey, w. of James, b." 1768, Sep. 10, d. 1851, June 19. 280. Kent, Helen, b. 1812, May 18, d. 1870, July 30. 281. Kent, James, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and Chancellor of the State of New York, b. 1763, July 3 1 , d. 1847, Dec. 12. 282. Kent, James, b. 1830, Sep. 21, d. 1886, Nov. 29. 283. Kent, James, b. 1854, Apr. 2, d. 1901, Jan. 20. 284. Kent, Sarah Irving, b. 1832, Jan. 18, d. 1901, Mar. 22. 285. Kent, William, b. 1802, Oct. 2, d. 1861, Jan. 4. 286. Kent, William Pinkney, b 1877, Feb. 27, d. 1892, Jan. 17. 287. Ketcham, Abigail Scofield, w. of Samuel, d. 1863, Mar. 16, a. 44 y. 10 d. 288. King, Maria B. Milledoler, w. of John F., d. 1872, Mar. 4, a. 75 y. 289. Kirk, Elizabeth, w. of Samuel, d. 1887, Sep. 13, a. 59 y. 290. Kirk, Frank Alden, s. of Theodore & Louise B., d. 1878, Apr. 21, a. 11 m. 291. Kirk, Hiram Boyd, s. of Benjamin & Elizabeth, d. 1864, May 17, a. 17-7-12. 292. Kirk, James William, s. of Benjamin & Elizabeth, d. 1860, Aug. 29, a. 11-9-21. 293. Kirk, Jessie Louise, dau. of Theodore & Louise B., d. 1888, Dec. 10, in 9th y. 294. Kirk, Mary Ann, d. 1850, Aug. 12, a 23-2-18. 295. Kirk, Samuel, d. 1846, Nov. 9, a. 54-0-9. 296. Knapp. (See Way.) "Eliza, wife of John T. Way and Elijah Knapp," b. 1808, Oct. 18, d. 1873, Apr. 18. 297. Knevels, Anne De Lancy, b. 1874, Feb 20. d. 1895, Jan. 27. 298. Knevels, Delancey Walton, b. 1834, May 24, d. 1873, Aug. 29. 299. Knevels, Isaac Adrian, of St. John's, West Indies, d. 1876, Jan. —, in 72d y. 300. Knevels, Mary E. Welch, w. of Delancey Walton, b. 1845, Apr. 20, d. 1883, Sep. 26 301. Knevels, Samuel Ver Planck, b. 1872, Dec. 12, d. 1873, Feb. 29. 302. Knowd, William E., s. of Thomas & Fanney. & grandson of Joshua Huggins, d. 1845, Mar. 14, a. 11 m. 27 d. 303. Ladue, Abraham, d. 1855, Mar. 29, in 81st v. 304. Ladue, Eugene, s. of George & Emily, d. 1852, Sep. 30, a. 1-3-3. 305. Ladue, James H., Co. A, 1st N. Y. Eng., d. 1897, Apr. 4, a. 59 y. 306. Ladue, Margaret, dau. of Abraham & Margaret, d. 1842, July 22, a. 1S-11-22. 307. Ladue, Margaret, w. of Abraham, d. 1848, Jan. 4, a. 66 y. 308. Ladue, Melissa, w. of John, d. 1871, Jan. 3, a. 65 y, 6 m. 309. Lain, Matilda I. Young, w. of Charles M., d. 1855, Aug. 31, a. 23 y. 27 d. 310. Lamont, Ida Dutcher, d. 1901, Apr. 18, a. 33 y. 311. Lamont:— James, 1810-1857; Mary Sloan, his wife, 1812-1908. James, Jr.; Mary Mohunter, his wife, 1854-1889. 312. Lamont, Joseph, d. 1900, Jan. 14, a. 78 y. 313. Lamont, William J., d. 1893, Dec. 14, a. 39 y. 2 m. 314. Lamont:— William J., Co. F, 10th Reg. N. Y. Vol.; Eliza Hanna, his wife, 1840-1870; Jane Sloane, his wife, 1842-1897. 315. Lane, Ann, w. of John, d. 1871, Aug. 8, a. 50 y. 316. Lane, Solomon, d. 1838, Sep. 7, a. 61-10-24. 317. Lawrence, Caroline Colvill, b. 1833, Mar. 11, d. 1910, Mar. 12. 318. Leach, Caroline, d. 1875, Sep. 16, a. 67 y. 319. Leavitt, Charles E., 16th N. Y. Art. & 19th N. Y. Inf., b. 1842, Dec. 18, d. 1909, Jan. 6. 320. Lee, Emmet A., s. of John & Margaret, b. 1860, Feb. 14, d. 1865, Aug. 26. 321. Lee, John, d. 1863, Dec. 6, a. 33 y. 322. Lent, John, A. 1873, June 10, a. 75 y. 323. Lent, Marv A., dau. of John & Sarah, d. 1871, June 14, a. 40 y. 324. Lent, Sarah, w. of John, d. 1879, May 18, a. 88 y. 325. Leonard, Henry S., U. S. Navy, s. of William B., b. 1829, Nov. 10, d. 1864, Aug. 5. 326. Leonard, Juliett, dau. of William & Ruth, a. 4 y. 327. Leonard, Robert Henry, s. of William & Ruth, d. 1824, Apr. 18, a. 3 y. 3 m. 328. Leonard, Ruth, w. of William B., d. 1837, Nov. 7, a. 44 y. 103
Old 329. 330. 331. 332. 333. 334. 335. 336. 337. 338. 339. 340. 341. 342. 343. 344. 345. 346. 347. 348. 349. 350. 351. 352. 353. 354. 355. 356. 357. 358. 359. 360. 361. 362.
363. 364. 365. 366. 367. 368. 369. 370. 371. 372. 373.
374. 375. 376. 377. 378. 379. 380. 381. 382. 383.
Leonard, Sarah A. L., w. of William B., d. 1869, Feb. 20, a. 66 y. 9 m. Leonard, William Augustus, s. of William, b. 1815, Apr. 17, d. 1858, Feb. 3. Leonard, Wiliam Bradford, b. 1789, July 21, d. 1864, June 13. Lester, Adelia D., dau. of Thomas S. & Rebecca, d. 1850, Sep. 23, a. 10 m. 15 d. Lester, Emeline R., w. of Augustus W., & dau. of William & Mariah Robinson, d. 1844, June 18, a. 31-6-25. Lester, Henry M., only son of Thomas S. & Rebecca, d. 1872, Feb. 3, a. 31 y. Lester, Mary Louese, dau. of Thomas S. & Rebecca, d. 1850, Apr. 4, a. 6-9-14. Lodge, Julia Pellet, w. of William B., b. 1834, Jan. 30, d. 1906, Sep. 7. Lodge, William B., b. 1825, July 5, d. 1882, Apr. 2. Low, John, d. 1847, Sep. 24, a. 48-6-29. McGalmon, Isabella, w. of Thomas, d. 1863, Mar. 28, a. 45 y. McGalmon, Thomas, d. 1883, June 12, a. 75 y. McKee, Hugh, d. 1884, Sep. 20, in 83d y. McKinley, Rhoda, dau. of William & Maria, d. 1837, Dec. 24, a. 2-8-13. McKinnon, Fannie, b. 1846, Feb. 25, d. 1882, May 7. McKinnon, John, d. 1847, Dec. 9, a. 58 y. McKinnon, Julia A. Wiltsie, w. of John, d. 1865, Jan. 5, a. 54 y. McKinnon, Mary, dau. of John & Julia, d. 1842, Jan. 21, a. 9 y. 22 d. McKinnon, Redmond, s. of John & Julia, d. 1850, Sep. 19, a. 5 y. 11 m. Mackay, Charles D., s. of John & Jane Ann, d. 1839, Sep. 25, a. 5 m. 5 d. Mackay, Daniel, d. 1847, Apr. 7, a. 53 y. Maclean, Alexander D., 1855-1878. Macneil, Harry Crawford, s. of Crawford C. & Jennie, d. 1874, Dec. 23, a. 5-4-6. Manney, Margaret Ann, dau. of Robert & Elizabeth, d. 1841, May 5, a. 6-9-16. March, Jesse, Co. A, 128th Reg. N. Y. V., b. 1840, Aug. 12, d. 1881, Aug. 18. Marshall, The Rev. Albert A., b. 1828, Jan. 23, d. 1874, Mar. 23. Marshall, children of Albert A. & Sarah C.:— Helen Calhoun, b. 1858, Sep. 12, d. 1859, Aug. 12; Homer Willis, b. 1860, July 8, d. 1861, May 15. Martin, Margaret, d. 1868, Oct. 19, a. 64 y. Martin, Mathew, d. 1865, Sep. 21, a. 65 y. Mase, Adelia A. Merwin, w. of Peter A., d. 1871, Jan. 24. Mase, Charles A., s. of Lyman P. & Catherine, d. 1872, Dec. 11, a. 3 y. 11 d. Mase, Jane Elizabeth Corwin, w. of W. H., d. 1888, Oct. 8. Mase, Willard H., d. 1894, Jan. 18. Mase, children of W. H. & J. E. :— Kittie, d. 1875, Jan. 7, a. 7 y.; Jessie, d. 1875, Feb. 1, a. 5 y. Jennie, d. 1875, Jan. 4, a .3 y. Mead, Barsheba, w. of Daniel, d. 1837, Dec. 26, a. 82-6-24. Meginn, Charles, d. 1831, Sep. 18, at New Burgh, a. 37 y. A native of County Down, Ireland. Meginn, Elizabeth, w. of Charles, d. 1855, Aug. 9, at Matteawan, a. 61 y. A native of County Down, Ireland. Meginn, John, d. 1862, Sep. 15, a. 31 y. 11 m. Michie, Eleanor, w. of Alexander, d. 1863, Oct. 13, in 38th y.; also their daughter, Ann Elizabeth, d. 1860, May 30, a. 1-3-30. Miller, Alexander, d. 1859, Jan. 11, in 52d y. Miller, Elizabeth, dau. of George & Ellenor M., d. 1844, Oct. 21, a 1-3-21. Miller, Ellenor Maria, w. of George, d. 1851, Nov. 22, in 42d y. Miller, Henry, 49th N. Y. V., d. 1891, Oct 7, a. 48 y. Miller, Mary Ann, w. of William H., b. 1827, Dec. 1, d. 1874, Apr. 14. Miller, children of William H. & Mary A.:— Charlotte, b. 1860, Apr. 23, d. 1875, Sep. 6; Andrew, b. 1864, July 10, d. 1864, Aug. 13; Eugene, b. 1869, Apr. 25, d. 1869, Aug. 22. Mitchell, P. N., Co. F, 56th N. Y. V., d. 1913, Sep. 10, a. 70 y. Montross, Cornelia, b. 1828, Dec. 28, d. 1905, May 31. Mooney, Nancy, d. 1875, Feb. 16, a. 77 y. Note:—This inscription is on Lamont monument. Moore, William H., d. 1897, Sep. 10, a. 56 y. Morris, Henry, 1831-1907; Mary Mullen, his wife, 1839-1898. Morris, Ida, 1871-1906. Morris, John R., 1876-1901. Mowatt, Letta A. Briggs, w. of James W., d. 1882, Sep 10, a. 76 y. Mullen, Elizabeth, 1833-1887. Mullen, James L., 1831-1873. 104
Town 384. 385. 386. 387. 388. 389. 390. 391. 392. 393. 394. 395. 396. 397. 393. 399. 400. 401. 402. 403. 404. 405. 406. 407. 408. 409. 410. 411. 412. 413. 414. 415. 416. 417. 418. 419. 420. 421. 422. 423. 424. 425. 426. 427. 428. 429.
430. 431. 432. 433. 434. 435. 436. 437. 438. 439.
Nelson, Jamima, d. 1860, Oct. 11, a. 68-2-10. Nichols, Mary, dau. of Moses & Elizabeth, d. 1842, Apr. 2 1 . Northrop, Joseph B., d. 1873, June 12, a. 33 y Oakley, Lulu, dau. of William C. & Mary Louisa, d. 1874, May 10, a. 6 y. 23 d. Oakley, Samuel C , b. 1864, Jan. 26, d 1911, May 4. Oakley, William C , b 1840, Mar. 23, at Newburgh, N. Y., d. 1869, Oct. 13, at Fishkill Landing, N. Y., a. 29-6-20. Odell, Abby, b. 1826, Jan. 19, d. 1877, Oct. 26. Odell, James, d. 1873, July 1, a. 49 y. 1 m. Odell, Martha, "Mother," d. 1863, a. 69-4-8. Odell, Nathan, d. 1860, Feb. 1, a. 73 y. 20 d. Olmstead, Prissilla, d. 1837, Mar. 12, in 25th y. Ormsbee, Lucinda Buel. b. 1811, May 20, d. 1887, Sep. 1. Ormsbee, Nathaniel, b. 1811, Mar. 10, d. 1881, July 20. Ormsbee, Suzette, b. 1853, Sep. 9, d. 1906, Dec. 20. Owen, C. Jane, b. 1819, Apr. 10, d 1886, July 26. Owen, Henry S., d. 1872, Feb. 2, a. 18-7-6. Owen, John, d. 1871, Mar. 28, a. 48-3-26. Owen, Melinda, d. 1888, May 14, a. 61-9-17. Owen, Sarah A., b. i817, July 7, d. 1896, Feb. 9. Owens, Julia A. Bennett, w. of Thomas, d. 1885, Apr. 13, in 48th y. Owens, Thomas, b. 1834, June 19, d. 1895, Jan. 1. Page, James, d. 1837, Aug. 8, a. 2 y. Page, John, d. 1876, Apr. 14, a. 77 y. 8 m. Page, Louisa, w. of John, d. 1865, Aug. 26, a. 59 y. 2 m. Parker, Elijah S., b. 1812, Aug. 14, at Rensselaerville, Albany Co., N. Y., d. 1886, Mar. 5, at Amboy, 111. Parker, Sarah A. Ward, w. of E. S., d. 1878, Sep. 12, a. 66 y. 14 d. Parker, children of Elijah S. & Sarah A.:— John Ward, d. 1849, Aug. 12, a. 7-3-19; Samuel Sanford, d. 1849, Aug. 19, a. 5-3-23. Patterson, John; County Antrim; d. 1845, Sep. 22, a. 92 y. Patterson, John, s. of Robert & Margaret, d. 1851, Oct. 2, a. 15-3-13. Patterson, Margaret, w. of Robert, d. 1869, Jan. 12, a. 68 y. Patterson, Robert, d. 1858, Oct. 1, in 62d y. Peck, Adeline Wood, w. of Lyman, d. 1899, Oct. 8, a. 80 y. Peck, Elizabeth M., w. of William C , b. 1826, July 30, d. 1861, Mar. 2. Peck, Henry Scudder, b. 1857, May 14, d. 1885, Apr. 2. Peck, Lyman, d. 1897, Sep. 19, a. 69 y. Pecock, Catherine, w. of George, & dau. of John & Hannah Van Hagen, d. 1846, May 30, a. 20 y. 14 d. Pettigrove, children of James & Eliza:— Henry, d. 1865, Aug. 8, a. 1 m. 4 d.; Mary Jane, d. 1866, Dec. 6, a. 7-9-11. Phillips, Henry C , s of George W. & Charlotte, d. 1853, Aug. 28, a. 2-2-11. Pickles, Robert, Co. F, 128th Reg. N. Y. Inf. Plimley, Fred G., b. 1839, Sep. 8, d. 1883, Apr. 8. Pollock, W. H., 165th N. Y V., d. 1885, Dec. 13, a. 45 y. Reick, Rebecca, b. 1853, Apr. 15, d. 1887, July 11. Reid, Abbie E. Darling, w. of Luke W., b. 1824, Aug. 9, d. 1875, June 5. Reid, Daniel, A native of Scotland, d. 1849, May 20, in 38th y.; Also James, his son, a. 1 y. Reid, Luke W., b. 1820, Sep. 7, d. 1893, June 8. Reid, children of Luke W. & Abbie E. D.:— Vincent A., b. 1852, Sep. 8, d. 1872, Aug. 6; Laura D., b. 1854, Feb. 12, d. 1871, Mar. 3 ; Willie N., b. 1856, July 31, d. 1871, June l j Minnie, b. 1858, Sep. 9, d. 1860, Feb. 18; Lena, b. 1865, Apr. 2, d. 1875, Sep. 26. Reynolds, Emily, d. 1837, Apr. 11, a. 10 y. Richmond, John, Co. B, 128th Reg. N. Y. V., d. 1889, Dec. 10, a. 48 y. Riggs, Anna E., dau. of William & Fanny, d. 1850, May 23, a. 2-2-19. Riggs, Elizabeth, w. of Samuel, d. 1849, Dec. 13, a. 59-11-8. Riggs, Fanny, w. of William, d. 1850, June 3, a. 26-2-14. Riggs, Lieut. Horace, Co. E, 44th N. Y. Inf. (No dates). Riggs, Joseph Henry, s. of John & Mary, d. 1849, Aug. 29, a. 1-6-7. Riggs, Mary, w. of John, d. 1848, Aug. 3, a. 22 y. Robinson, Mary Elizabeth, dau. of William & Mary, d. 1840, July 13, a. 18-10-4. Robinson, Smith, s. of John & Jane, d. 1842, Apr. 25, a. 13-4-27. 105
Old 440. 441. 442. 443. 444. 445. 446. 447. 448. 449. 450. 451. 452. 453. 454. 455. 456. 457. 458. 459. 460. 461. 462. 463. 464. 465. 466. 467. 468. 469. 470. 471. 472. 473. 474. 475. 476. 477. 478. 479. 480. 481. 482. 483. 484. 485. 486. 487. 488. 489. 490. 491. 492. 493. 494. 495. 496. 497. 498. 499. 500.
Rogers, Catharine Scott, w. of Samuel, b. 1809, Mar. 28, d. 1877, May 21. Rogers, Samuel, b. 1806, Oct. 11, d. 1883, Nov. 7. Rothery, Caroline Burnett, w. of Henry, b. 1827, Dec. 12, d. 1854, Sep. 7. Rothery, George, b. 1831, Mar. 22, d. 1877, Oct. 12. Rothery, Hattie Van Vort, w. of Ashforth, d. 1896, Mar. 14, a. 38 y. Rothery, Henry, d. 1881, Oct. 19, a. 54 y. Rothery, Joanna Shannon, w. of Henry, d. 1878, Jan. 24, a. 34 y. Rothery, John, b. 1799, Dec. 10, d. 1858, Apr. 1, a. 58-3-21. A native of Sheffield, Yorkshire, England. Rothery, Mary Ashforth, w. of John, b. 1800, June 6, d. 1886, Oct. 7, a. 86-4-1. A native of Sheffield, Yorkshire, England. Rothfelder, Jules Eugene, s. of Xavier & Catherine, d. 1851, Aug. 31, a. 14 rru 28 d. Royce, Maria, w. of Charles B., & dau. of Isaac & Sarah Bogardus, d. 1845, May 25, a. 33-4-23. Royce, Sarah Ann, dau. of Charles B. & Maria, d. 1843, May 2, a. 6 y. 5 m. Ruger, Elida, dau. of James & Julia A., d. 1835, Sep. 23, a. 1-7-18. Ruger, Elizabeth, dau. of James & Julia A., d. 1852, Nov. 28, a. 7-3-2. Ruger, John, s. of James & Julia Ann, d. 1842, Mar. 17, a. 11-11-24. Rukstuhl, Annie, only child of J. & Anna, b. 1869, Mar. 30, d. 1878, Feb. 22. Rumsey, Charlotte A., dau. of James S. & Harriet, b. 1843, July 31, d. 1875, Sep. 5. Rumsey, Elizabeth Campbell, dau. of James S. & Harriet, b. 1841, June 3, d. 1905, Mar. 21. Rumsey, Harriet Caverly, w. of James Sykes, b. 1804, Jan. 8, d. 1898, Feb. 24. Rumsey, James Caverly, s. of James S. & Harriet C , b. 1849, Sep. 12, d. 1872, Sep. 1. Rumsey, James Sykes, b. 1800, July 9, d. 1872, Nov. 1. Sage, Harriet Vassault, w of Milo, b. 1809, June 24, at Charleston, S. C , A. 1857, Sep. 24. Sage, Milo, b. 1806, June 8, at Middlebury, Vt., d. 1880, Nov. 21. Sargent, Maria, dau. of Henry Winthrop & Caroline, d. 1846, June 16, a. 3 w. Schenck, Adda L., b. 1857, Feb. 5, d. 1899, July 24. Schenck, Adelaide Teller, w. of John B., b. 1817, May 12, d. 1893, Sep. 29. Schenck,' Agnes B., 1831-1912. Schenck, Albert W., 1857-1910. Schenck, Alena, b. 1856, Feb. 23, d. 1857, Sep. 13. Schenck, Carrie C , 1851-1879. Schenck, Edward W., 1881-1882. Schenck, Harold C , 1879-1879. Schenck, Henry B., b. 1843, Sep. 1, d. 1912, July 12. Schenck, Henry J., 1843-1889. Schenck, Jacob B., 1820-1869. Schenck, John B., d. 1870, Aug. 6, a. 52-3-13. Schenck, Lydia H., w. of Henry, d. 1871, June 7, a. 85-2-4. Schenck, Mary F., w. of Henry B., b. 1846, Jan. 30, d. 1901, Apr. 20. Schenck, Mary J., b. 1826, June 21, d. 1910, Sep. 20. Schenck, Sarah W., 1816-1887. Schenck, Susan S., b. 1860, Feb. 12, d. 1861, Dec. 25. Schenck, Thomas J. B., b. 1814, Nov. 30, d. 1876, Oct. 22. Schenck, William W., 1847-1890; buried in New Orleans. Schmidt, Rebecca, w. of John P., d. 1868, Feb. 8, a. 55 v. Schneider, Victor, Co. C, 98th N. Y. V., d. 1881, Oct. 24, a. 57 y. Schouten, Isabella F., b. 1824, Mar. 20, d. 1877, Nov. 1. Schouten, Sarah F., dau. of Jeromus & Isabella, d. 1850, Oct. 22, a. 2 y. Scofield, Edward, d. 1857, Apr. 10, a. 30 v. 10 m. Scofield, Helen L. Churchill, w. of Edward, d. 1857, Oct. 2, a. 23 y. 2 m. Scudder, Elizabeth, b. 1861, Feb. 26, d. 1865, Aug. 31. Seaman, Amelia Lawson, w. of John B., d. 1873, Feb. 1. Seaman, Caroline Amelia, b. 1862, Mar. 29, d. 1863, Aug. 2. Seaman, Caroline Amelia, b. 1836, July 4, d. 1896, Aug. 15. Seaman, Caroline Halgin, b 1873, June 14, d. 1899, May 14. Seaman, Elizabeth, b. 1830, Mar. 3, d. 1893, Jan. 16. Seaman, George Allen, b. 1832, June 5, d. 1893, Jan. 17. Seaman, John Brown, b. 1802, Oct. 24, d. 1876, Oct. 12. Seaman, Mary Catharine, b. 1838, Dec. 5, d. 1881, Mar. 26. Seaman, Richard Heber, b. 1881, Jan. 17, d. 1881, July 13. Seaman, Thomas, b. 1800, Sep. 27, d. 1856, Aug. 12. Sharp, Ann, w. of William, d. 1881, Apr .11, a. 63 y. 106
T o w n of 501. 502. 503. 504. 605. 506. 507. 508. 509. 510. 511. 512. 513. 514. 515. 516. 617. 518. 519. 520. 521. 522. 523. 524. 525. 526. 527. 528. 529. 530. 531. 532. 533. 534. 535. 536. 537. 538. 539. 540. 541. 542. 543. 544. 545. 546. 547. 548. 549. 550. 551. 552. 553. 554. 555. 556. 557. 558. 559. 560. 561. 562.
Sharp, Esmond F., b. 1867, Jan. 27, d. 1899, Nov. 30. Sharp, Henry, Co. A, 82d N. Y. Vol., b. 1816, Apr. 14, d. 1868, Nov. 4. Sharp, William, d. 1847, Oct. 10, a. 29 y. 28 d. Sharp, William, s. of William & Ann, d. 1853, Mar. 7, a. 6-7-10. Smith, Abraham, d. 1857, Mar. 12, a. 51 y. 26 d. Smith, Alexander, d. 1880, Jan. 24. Smith, Ann, w. of George, & dau. of William & Sarah Bennett, d. 1847, Nov. 7, a. 21 y. 7 d. Smith, Barnet, d. 1868, July 9, a. 69-8-28. Smith, Catharine, w. of Everett A., b. 1843, Feb. 5, d. 1877, May 7. Smith, Elizabeth, w. of James, d. 1864, Sep 5, a. 65-7-26. Smith, Everett A., b. 1843, Feb. 28, d. 1885, Feb. 25. Smith, George H., s. of John W. & B. H., 1870-1899. Smith, Georgie A., s. of E. A. & Kate, b. 1865, Feb 10, A. 1870, Sep. 17. Smith, James, d. 1864, Sep. 24, a. 67-5-10. Smith, John W., 1828-1896. Smith, Maria Schenck, w. of Barnet, b. 1800, Mar. 29, d. 1893, Dec. 8. Smith, Mary H., w. of John S., d. 1857, July 16, a. 29-6-14. Smith, Sally, w. of Phillip T., d. 1835, Oct. 10, a. 27-1-24. Smith, Sarah Drew, w. of George H., 1804-1842. Smith, Violet C , b. 1871, Aug. 14, d. 1887, Apr. 29. Smith, William S., d. 1891, Feb. 26, a. 54 y. Soden, J. W., Co. H, 6th N. Y H. A. Spooner, Isaac, d. 1848, Feb. 2, in 62d y. Stanton, Ann, w. of George, d. 1863, Oct. 11, a. 50 y. Stanton, George W., d. 1862, Nov. 2, a. 50 y. Stanton, Henry, 5th N. Y. V.; fell in Battle of Manasses Plains; s. of George W. & Ann, d. 1862, Aug. 30, a. 22 y. Stearns, Herbert H., s. of Herbert F. & Mary E., d. 1883, July 5, a. 15-9-20. Stevens, William, d. 1838, May 30, a. 23-8-13. Stevens, William Hastie, b. 1865, June 22, d. 1892, Oct. 5. Stevens, children of Edward & Maria C.:â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Charles T., b. 1876, Feb. 2, d. 1884, Sep. 28; Frederick O., b. 1879, May 11, d. 1884, Oct. 13. Stewart, infant son of James & Salome B., a 5 w. Stotesbury, Lottie F. Meyer, w. of William, Jr., b. 1847, Feb. 5, d. 1876, Oct. 25. Stotesbury, William, Jr., d. 1872, Dec. 30, a. 33-7-2. Strong, Ella, dau. of C. L. & J. M., d. 1865, Oct. 24, a. 1 y. 8 m. Swift, H. N., b. 1805, Aug. 2, d. 1878, Dec. 26. Tainter, Charles Emory, b. 1846, Feb. 20, d. 1895, Sep. 22. Tainter, Victor R., d. 1885, Apr. 23, a. 9 w. Tamkin, Mary, d. 1838, Apr. 30, in 17th y. Taylor, Charles, 3d Reg. N. Y. V. & 7th N. Y. Light Art'y, d. 1873, May 2 5 , a. 41 y. Taylor, Charlotte A. Telford, w. of James, d. 1874, Sep. 13, in 67th y. Taylor, James, d. 1879, Feb. 8, a. 76 y. Teal, John, N. J. V., d. 1887, June 17, a. 4(9) y. Telford, Alexander, d. 1848, Jan. 15, a. 77 y. Teller, Alice Schenck, 1836-1890. Teller, Catharine Storm, w. of Henry S., b. 1798, May 13, d. 1876, Apr. 12. Teller, Eugenia, 1821-1904. Teller, Henry S., b. 1793, Oct. 13, d. 1838, June 1. Teller, James Cocke, 1838-1913. Teller, Juliet Maria, 1823-1885. Terwilliger, James M., d. 1865, Apr. 10, a. 61 v. Terwilliger, Nettie M., b. 1878, Jan. 19, d. 1885, Oct. 22. Terwilliger. Sallv Carman, w. of James, b. 1808, Apr. 26, d. 1883, Aug. 16. Thacher, Charles Wiliam, s. of Charles A. & Jane H., d. 1837, Aug. 22, a. 1-2-25. Thomson, Jennie W., b. 1858, Jan. 31, d 1858, May 30. Thomson, John Craig, b. 1903, Aug. 4, d. 1910, May 25. Thomson, Lizzie C , b. 1861, Jan. 13, d. 1889, Apr. 25. Thomson, Mary Craig, b. 1830, Julv 19, d. 1911, Jan. 28. Thomson, William F., b. 1828, Jan. 7, d. 1903, Dec. 18. Thurgen, Susan Catherine Bingay, infant child of George & Eliza, d. 1838, Sep. 8, a. 9 m. 1 d. Tibbetts, Diana, w. of Daniel N., & dau. of William & Sophia Aston, d. 1858, Oct. 30, at Fishkill Landing, a. 24 y. Ticehurst, George H., s. of Frederick & Calista J., d. 1883, Dec. 8, a. 2 y. 16 d. Tigehurst, Emily, dau. of Charles & Elizabeth, d. 1870, July 27, a. 6 m. 107
Old 563. 564. 565. 566. 567. 568. 569. 570. 571. 672. 573. 574. 675. 576. 577. 678. 579. 580. 581. 582. 583. 584. 585. 586. 587. 588. 589. 590. 591. 592. 593. 594. 595. 596. 597. 598. 599. 600. 601. 602. 603. 604. 605. 606. 607. 608. 609. 610. 611. 612. 613. 614. 615. 616. 617. 618. 619. 620.
Tillott, Deborah, d. 1876, Aug. 28, in 80th y. Tillott, Jacob M., b. 1802, Mar. 12, d. 1879, Mar. 13. Tillott, Margaret, d. 1873, Oct. 22, in 81st y. Tillott, Rachel W., b. 1820, Mar. 22, d. 1873, Mar. 24. Tisdale, Charles R., d. 1850, Oct. 2, a. 37-11-14. Tomlins, Mary, w. of James, d. 1859, Feb. 11, a.- 22-4-11. Tomlins, William, d. 1872, Mar. 22, a. 72-1-11. Tompkins, Mary Van Voohis, w. of Lewis, d. 1865, Sep. 19, a. 22-4-18. Townsend, Ann Augusta, dau. of Sylvester & Elizabeth, d. 1872, Nov. 11, a. 23 y. Townsend, Elizabeth Scofield, w. of Sylvester, d. 1909, Sep. 23, a. 85 y. Townsend, Sylvester, d. 1891, Apr. 25, a. 71 y. Townsend, Walter, s. of Sylvester & Elizabeth, d 1862, Dec. 18, a. 9-6-17. Turnbull, William, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth, d. 1851, Mar. 19, a. 3 y. 1 m. Turtle, Sarah, w. of Abram, d. 1880, Nov. 15, a. 83 y. Tylee, Nathaniel, d. 1850, Aug. 25, a. 60-7-15. Underhill, Charles, b. 1853, Nov. 29, d. 1884, Jan. 26. UnderhUl, Ruth G. Williamson, w. of Samuel, b. 1819, Oct. 21, d. 1899, Mar. 25. Underhill, Samuel, s. of Samuel & R. C , d. 1851, Aug. 18, a. 1-6-11. Underhill, Samuel, Capt. Co. H, 21st Reg. N. Y. S. M., b. 1820, Nov. 7, d. 1911, Oct. 30. .Underhill, William Budd, b. 1852, Jan. 18, d. 1853, Jul y29. Valentine, Lucy A. Leach, w. of William, d. 1876, Aug. 14, a. 72 y. Van Amburgh, David, b. 1799, May 26, d. 1855, Feb. 13. Van Amburgh, Martha, w. of David H., d. 1876, Mar. 9, a. 73-9-27. Van Buren, Anna V. Green, w. of Willis, 1845-1908. Van Buren, children of Willis & Jennie:— Charlotte, b. 1871, Sep. 15", d. 1874, Apr. 8; Mary, infant. Van Buskirk, Cornelius A., b. 1810, June 22, d. 1883, Oct. 3 1 ; Mary, b. 1820, Mar. 12, d. 1908, Apr. 2. Van Buskirk, Peter, d 1864, Mar. 18, a. 19-7-21. Van Derburgh, Alexander, 1829-1895. Vanderburgh, Henry H., b. 1826, Jan. 10, d. 1862, Sep. 8. Vanderburgh, Henry H., b. 1798, Feb. 26, d. 1862, Nov. 21. Van Derburgh, Richard Henry, s. of Alexander & Sylvina P., d. 1862, July 18, a. 12 w. Vanderburgh, Sarah Miller, w. of Henry H., b. 1805, May 29, d. 1885, Oct. 1. Van Hagen, Hannah Schermer, w. of John, b. 1799, Sep. 14, d. 1887, Nov. 1. Van Hagen, Isaac, d. 1861, Nov. 7, in 39th y. Van Hagen, James H., s. of John & Hannah, b. 1839, Mar. 17, d. 1879, Jan. 15. Van Hagen, John, d. 1865, May 2, in 76th y. Van Keuren, Petronella, w. of Abraham, d. 1863, June 21, in 91st y. Van Kleeck? A stone in Van Kleeck plot marked: "Alice, d. March 30, 1863". Van Kleeck, Arthur, s. of Robert B. & Elizabeth, b. 1872, Sep. 12, d. 1872, Sep. 16 Van Kleeck, Margaret S. T., d. 1888, Aug. 4. Van Kleeck, The Rev. Robert B., D. D., b. 1810, Aug. 25, d. 1880, Nov. 26. Van Kleeck, The Rev. Robert Boyd, b. 1839, July 3, d. 1892, May 16. Van Nostrand, Abram H., d. 1858, Jan. 12, a. 43-11-17 Van Nostrand, Isaac, d. 1874, June 18, a 89 y. Van Nostrand, Mary Etta, dau. of Isaac & Phebe, d. 1833, Nov. 21, a. 15-3-24. Van Nostrand, Phebe Churchill, w. of Isaac, d. 1864, Nov. 4, a. 76-9-10. Van Nostrand, children of John & Matilda:— Jane Louisa, d. 1845, Mar. 4, a. 5-1-13; Marianna, d. 1863, Apr. 3, a. 20-7-24. Vantine, Abram, b. 1817. June 23, d. 1898, June 17.. Van Tine, Alice Ardel, dau. of Samuel & Ann E., b. 1852, Jan. 11, d. 1882, Jan. 26. Van Tine, Ann E. Cobb, w. of Samuel, b. 1816, Oct. 18, d. 1894, May 18. Vantine, Anzonetta, dau. of Abraham & Sarah, d. 1842, Mar. 30, a. 1 m. 24 d. Van Tine, Charles M., b. 1844, Apr. 16, d. 1904, Oct. 28, 2d Eng. U S. Navy, 1862-1865. Van Tine:— Cornelius, d. 1882, Oct. 3 1 , a. 67 y. 9 m.; Jennett Wiley, b. 1818, Dec. 20, d. 1908, Apr. 3. Van Tine, Frances, w. of John, b. 1795, June 16, d. 1887, July 8. Van Tine, Frank, s. of Cornelius & Jennet C , d. 1863, Sep. 6, a. 7 y. 4 m. Van Tine, John, b. 1787, Jan. 7, d. 1860, Feb. 9. Van Tine, Mary M., dau. of John & Frances, d. 1837, Sep. 18, a 11 m. 3 d. Vantine Samuel, b. 1812, Nav. 29, d. 1871, Nov. 16. 108
T o iv n
621. Vantine, Sarah Me Ginn, w. of Abram, b. 1821, Jan. 11, d. 1910, Apr. 13. 622. Van Tine, children of Samuel & Ann E.:— William Dayton, b. 1847, Oct. 7, d. 1848, June 14; Eben Henry, b. 1849, Oct. 6, d. 1850, Apr. 3. 623. Van Vleck, Frederick S., 1853-1908. 624. Van Vliet, Harriet E., dau. of William H. & Sarah A., d. 1879, Apr. 16, a. 42 y. 625. Van Vliet, John, 1803-1897; Hannah Bogardus, his wife, 1809-1862; Henrietta Wiltsie, his wife, 1803-1875. 626. Van Vliet, Sarah A., w. of William H., d. 1876, May 9, a. 63 y. 627. Van Vliet, William H., d. 1897, Sep. 28, a. 85 y. 628. Van Vliet, children of John & Hannah:— Adelaide, 1833-1834; Jacob Sebring, 1835-1836; Charles B., 1844-1846; Amelia, 1839-1877. 629. Van Voorhis, Alvina, dau. of William B. & Sarah, d. 1865, May 11, a. 7 y. 630. Van Voorhis, Caroline, d. 1874, Aug. 24, a. 23-8-17. 631. Van Voorhis, Elizabeth Leach, w. of P. S., d. 1883, May 26, a. 86 y. 632. Van Voorhis, Emma Linda, dau. of William B. & Sarah, d. 1853, Sep. 6, a. 8 y. 1 m. 633. Van Voorhis, Sarah, d. 1888, Sep. 6, a. 72 y. 634. Van Voorhis, William, s. of William B. & Sarah, d. 1862, Mar. 8, a. 20-11-25. 635. Van Voorhis, William, d. 1879, July 13, a. 68 y. 636. Van Voorhis, children of Fred & A. Eliza:—. Charlie, d. 1872, Dec. 12, a. 4-9-16; Frank, d. 1873, July 26, a. 6 m. 4 d. C37. Van Vort, Ellen Jane, dau. of William & Sarah, d. 1859, Apr. 7, a. (7)-2-8. 638. Van Vort, George, b. 1854, June 6, d. 1912, Apr. 8. 639. Van Vort, James H., b. 1840, Jan. 25, d. 1890, Mar. 18. 640. Van Vort, Sarah, w. of William, d. 1905, July 22, a. 86 y. 641. Van Vort, William M., b. 1807, Dec. 7, d. 1874, Dec. 9. 642. Wagner, John, s. of John & Lydia, b. 1831, Feb. 28, d. 1834, Nov. 15. 643. Wagner, John, d. 1841, May 22, in 50th y. 644. Wagner, Kearney Rodgers, s. of John & Lydia, b. 1822, Nov 5, d. 1857, Sep. 5. 645. Wagner, Lydia Maria, dau. of John & Lydia, b. 1832, June 27, d. 1833, Aug. 7. 646. Wagner, Lydia Maria, w. of John, d. 1S60, Aug. 24, in 65th y. 647. Wagner, Robert St. Clair, s. of John & Lydia, d. 1846, Oct. 24, in 26th y. 648. Wall, James, d. 1860, Oct. 29, at Matanzas, Island of Cuba, a. 68 y. 649. Wall, Mary, w. of James, d. 1858, May 27, a. 65 y. 650. Walter, James, d. 1833, Nov. 5, a. 14 v. 4 m. 651. Walter, Mary Ann, dau. of William & Julia Ann, d. 1843, Feb. 13, a. 3-1-19. 652. Ward, Adelia B., w. of William, d. 1864, June 14, in 43d y. 653. Ward, Caroline, w. of James, d. 1890, Feb. 23, a. 72 y. 21 d. 654. Ward, Charles, s. of William & Adelia, d. 1842, Aug. 21, a. 2 m. 1 d. 655. Ward, Emma, dau. of William & Adelia, d. 1851, Feb. 17, a. 4 y. 5 m. 656. Ward, Emma, b. 1820, May 7, d. 1910, Sep 4. 657. Ward, Hannah Cromwell, w. of Samuel, d. 1861, Apr. —-, a. 73 y. 7 m. 658. Ward, Helen, dau. of William & Adelia, b. 1845, May 26, d. 1849, Aug. 16. 659. Ward, James, d. 1896, July 24, a. 81 y. 660. Ward, John C , s. of Samuel & Hannah, d. 1842, July 9, a. 22-10-24. 661. Ward, Samuel, d. 1853, Oct. 6, in 66th y. 662. Ward, Sophia, w. of Edward, d. 1846, June 12, a. 23-9-6. 663. Ward, William, b. 1815, Jan. 15, d. 1849, Aug. 19. 664. Warwick, David G., d. 1907, Dec. 2 1 ; Sarah H. Barkley, his wife, d. 1908, May 15. 665. Watson, Claudia M., b. 1908, Jan. 27, d. 1910, Sep. 27. . Way. (See Knapp). "Eliza, wife of John T. Way and Elijah Knapp," b. 1808, Oct. 18, d. 1873, Apr. 18. 666. Way, Frank Henry, s. of Thomas J. & Mary Ann, d.1853, Sep. 27, a. 1 m. 2 d. 667. Way, Mary Ann, w. of Thomas J., d. 1886, Dec. 25, a. 55 y. 668. Weed, Samuel B., b. 1809, Dec. 3, d. 1890, Jan. 8 669. Weed, Sarah C. Eichenburgh, w. of Samuel B., b. 1819, Oct. 4, d. 1893, Sep. 27. 670. White* Carrie W. Heroy, w. of Charles H., d. 1895, Mar. 4, a. 50 y. 671. White, Catharine, w. of George, d. 1841, Apr. 5, a. 22 y. 3 m. 672. White, Clarissa, dau. of George & Catharine, d. 1840, June 30, a. 2 m. 673. Wiggins, Ada, dau. of William T. & Mary, b. 1859, Apr. 16, d. 1863, Dec. 19. 674. Wiggins, Arthur Carlton, s. of William T. & Mary, b. 1854, Aug. 8, d 1882, Apr. 26.
Old 675. 676. 677. 678. 679. 680. 681. 682. 683. 684. 685. 686. 687. 688. 689. 690. 691. 692. 693. 694. 695. 696. 697. 698. 699. 700. 701. 702. 703. 704. 705. 706. 707.
Wiggins, Elizabeth, dau. of James & Mary, d. 1850, Aug. 26, a. 1 y. 1 m. "Wiggins, Emily, dau. of James & Mary, d. 1845, Feb. 23, a. 9 m. Wiggins, John, d. 1856, Nov. 21, in 73d y. Wiggins, Margaret, w. of John, Sr., d. 1854, July —, in 88th y. Wiggins, Mary, wid. of William T., d. 1895, Julv 3. Wiggins, William T., Capt. 49th N. Y. V., d. 1864, May 5, in the Battle of the Wilderness, a. 29 y. 6 m. Wilcox, Sarah Hughes, w of Edward W., d. 1879, Apr. 10, a 62 y. Wilkin, Edwin S., b. 1867, May 5, d. 1867, Aug. 17. Wilkin, James M., b. 1832, Feb. 22, d. 1901, Dec. 7. Wilkin, Ralph C , b. 1880, July 28, d. 1880, Oct. 13. Wilkinson, James Alexander, s. of Oliver & Mary, d. 1838, Sep. 18, a. 3-9-27. Willcox, George W., s. of Edward & Sarah, d. 1845, Jan. 2, a. 8 y. 14 d. Williams, Walter B., s. of P. & R., d. 1867, Oct. 14, a. 16 y. 7 m. Williamson, children of Jonathan & Zillah:— Jonathan B., a. 11 m. 22 d.; Charles W., a. 4-1-7. Wilson, Emma F., w. of Henry C , b. 1851, Oct. 22, d. 1873, Mar. 18. Wilson, Henrv C , M. D., b. 1837, Jan. 3, d. 1885, Nov. 2. Wood, Amos R., b. 1821, Jan. 13, in Philipstown, d. 1872, May 28, in Newburgh. Wood, Elizabeth, b. 1828, Mar. 23, d. 1906, Jan 4. Wood, Ellen M., dau. of John & Frances Van Tine, d. 1882, Jan. 12, a. 58 y. Wood, Ida, dau. of J. M. & Louisa, b. 1854, Aug. 2, d. 1865, Oct. 31. Wood, Phebe, wid. of Joseph, d. 1870, Mar. 14, a. 75 y. Wood, Susan Paulina Kimble, w. of Allen J., b. 1856, Mar. 26, d. 1900, Feb. 9. Wood, Sylvanus, d. 1838, Mar. 3, a. 21-3-23. Wood, Willfred, s. of James M. & Louisa, d. 1853, Mar. 18, a. 4 m. 10 d. Woolsey, Eliza, d. 1836, Nov. 20, a. 31-1-8. Woolsey, Louisa, dau. of Thomas & Eliza, d. 1834, Jan. 10, a. 5-11-14. Yates, Jane M., b 1848, Nov. 5. d. 1876, Dec. 10. Yates, Marv C. Hemsley, w. of Thomas, b. 1828, Apr. 27, d. 1882, Nov. 11. Yates, Thomas, b. 1819, Feb. 11, d. 1900, Nov. 23. Young, Catharine, w. of Joshua M., d. 1822, Feb. 27, a. 29 y. Young, Joshua M., b. 1791, Sep. 2, d. 1868, Julv 5. Young, Martha, w. of Joshua M., b. 1812, Feb. 29, d. 1879, Sep. 19. Young, Nancy, w. of Joshua M., d. 1846, June 2, a. 42 y.
METHODIST CHURCHYARD, MATTEAWAN CLASSIFICATION: Churchyard. LOCATION: In t h e city of B e a c o n , a b o u t two blocks n o r t h of t h e main s t r e e t a n d t w o blocks e a s t of t h e c h u r c h b u i l d i n g . CONDITION: Good. INSCRIPTIONS: 4 2 8 in n u m b e r . Copied A u g u s t 3 a n d O c t o b e r 1, 1916, by J . W . P o u c h e r , M. D., a n d M r s . P o u c h e r . REMARKS: In 1819 M e t h o d i s t s of t h e t o w n of Fishkill b e g a n to hold services in a school h o u s e b e t w e e n M a t t e a w a n a n d Fishkill L a n d i n g on t h e old r o a d , a n d a b u r i a l g r o u n d was o p e n e d . In 1824 a n e w r o a d w a s laid o u t o n which t h e c o n g r e g a t i o n ( k n o w n as t h e M a t t e a w a n Methodist C h u r c h ) a c q u i r e d a site a n d e r e c t e d a b u i l d i n g . This b u i l d i n g was a b a n d o n e d in 1 8 6 0 for religious p u r p o s e s , b e c a m e k n o w n as Swift Hall a n d in 1 8 9 0 b u r n e d d o w n . In 1 8 6 0 t h e c o n g r e g a t i o n divided, one p a r t b u i l d i n g a c h u r c h a t t h e landing, t h e o t h e r in M a t t e a w a n . R e c e n t l y a fund has b e e n given for t h e p e r p e t u a l c a r e of this c e m e t e r y .
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Ackerman, Andrew J., b. 1833. AUK. 26, d. 1907, Dec. 25. Ackerman, Stephen Howland, s. of Andrew & Annie, d. 1877, Oct. 29, a. 11-6-27. Adams, Sally, w. of Samuel, d. 1894, July 4, a. 78 v. Adams, Samuel, d. 1897, Dec. 11, a. 88 v. Ambler, Mary E., d. 1865, Oct. 13, a. 8 m. 4 d. Ambler, William H., d. 1867, Nov. 3, a. 5-3-13 8, 9. Ambler, children of Robert & Mary:— 110
Anne, d. 1851, Sep. 9, a. 3 y. 4 m. Marv A., d. 1851, Sep. 11, a. 1-2-24. Thomas, d. 1858, Oct. 28, a. 1-5-10. 10. Ardron, William, b. in Yorkshire, England, d. 1858, Sep. 10, a. 80 y. "Grandfather." (See: Coldwell). 11. Armitage, Mary Ann, dau. of William & ( ? ) , a. 1 y. 22 d. 12. Armstrong, Catharine Ann, dau. of James & Elizabeth, d. 1865, Dec. 9, a. 26-6-22. 13. Armstrong, Elizabeth, w. of James, d. 1869, June 21, a. 65 y. 14. Armstrong, Ellen, dau. of James & Elizabeth, d. 1852, Sep. 28, a. 17-11-11. 15. Armstrong, James, d. 1870, Oct. 4,) a..87 v. 16. Baker, Emily, 1813-1876. (On Slater stone). 17. Baker, Phebe, 1774-1862. (On Slater stone) 18. Barhyte, Emma Theresa, d. 1913, June 23, in 67th y. 19. Barraclough, Mary E., inf. dau. of James & Marv, d. 1863, May 2, a. 1-9-14. 20. Ba(rr)on, Charles, b. 1894, July 31, d. 1915, Feb. 7. 21. B a ( r r ) o n , Julia A!, 1868,1910. 22. Bartley, David Q., d. 1914, Sep. 1, a. 57 y. 23. Beardsley, Edward G., b. 1865, Dec. 31, d. 1906, Mar. 5. 24. Beardsley, H. S., Co. A, 56th Reg. N. Y. V., d. 1881, Feb. 26, a. 42 y. 25. Benjamin, Volney, 80th N. Y. Inf 26. Bennett, Catharine, d. 1856, Sep. 19, a. 77-9-7. 27. Bernett^ Lewis, d. 1848, June 19, a. 71-11-17. 28. Bilg(er), Charles Louis, s. of Christian & Maria, b. 1886, Sep. 24, d. 1889, July 31 29. Bise, Helen, w. of Homer S., d. 1862, Jan. 9, a. 31-3-13. 30. Bloomer, George Albart, s. of William & Sarah Jane, d. 1860, Aug. 10, a. 1-1-2. 31. Bloomer, Lillie G., dau. of William & Sarah J., d. 1866, Feb. 19, a. 9 m. 27 d. 32. Bogardus, Marv E., w of Stephen & dau. of John & Eliza Green, d. 1850, Mar. 7, in 18th y. 33. Bogardus, Mary Eugenia, dau. of Stephen & Mary E., d. 1866, Sep. 18, a. 17-7-20. 83y 2 . Bo(ur)quin, Annie Butler, w of Frederick W., d. 1882, Feb. 10, a. 34 y. 34. Bo(ur)quin, Frederick W., 1840-1904. 35. Brannan, George H., d. 1908, Mar. 21, 2d Mounted Rifles, N. Y. V. 36. Brett, Rev. Edgar, b. 1815, May 12, d. 1892, Mar. 25. 37. Brett, George P., s of William & Catharine, d. 1848, June 18, a. 17 y. 5 m 38. Brett, Harriet, d. 1871, Aug. 22, a. 60 y. 2% m. 39. Brett, Jane Ann, dau. of Francis & Margaret, d. 1856, Dec. 18, a. 45 y. 7 m. 40. Brett, Mira A. Holtslander, w of Rev. Edgar, d. 1881, Jan. 15, a. 66-1-9. 41. Brett, Wilbur Fisk, youngest s. of Rev. Edgar & Mira Ann, b. 1847, Sep. 16, d. 1867, Sep. 26, a. 20 y. 10 m. 42. Briggs, Jonathan, d. 1881, Feb. 14, in 71st y. 43. Briggs, Maria Schouten, w. of Jonathan, d. 1860, Feb. 19, in 52d y. 44. Brinckerhoff, Catharine, w. of John H., d. 1854, Dec. 7, a. 52-11-17. 45. Brinckerhoff, Frances, w. of Henry, d. 1824, Mar. 22, in 54th y. 46. Brinckerhoff, Henry, d. 1834, Nov. 20, a. 75 y. 8 m. 47. Brinckerhoff, John H., b. 1801, Apr. 2, d. 1881, Mar. 30. 48. Brink, McCoy, d. 1858, Aug. 24, in 44th v. 49. Brooks, William, s. of William & Elizabeth, d. 1854, Nov. 22, a. 20-3-19. 50. Brown, Jane Tanant, w. of James, d. 1853, July 28, a. 53-11-7. 51. Browjr, Mary Ann, b. 1832, June 27, d. 1909, Nov. 26. 52. Brown, William A., 11th N. Y. V., d. 1862, Jan. 1, at Miners Hill, Va., a. 23-10-9. 53. Bruhn, Ernst Frederick, b. 1857, Oct. 14, d. 1894, June 8. 54. Brundage, Mary ONeel, w. of James, d. 1866, Feb. 21, a. 34-5-13. 55. Bump, Martha J. Slater, w. of Emorv, b 1850, July 20, d. 1885, Jan. 12 56. Bush, Alexander, d. 1895, Aug. 23, a. 67 y. Co. A, 56th N. Y. V. 57. Campbell, Dewitt, d. 1861, Aug. 3, a. 43-7-16. 58. Ca(rn)es, John, b. 1832, Aug. 29, d. 1896, Feb. 26. 56th N. Y. V. 59. Carr, John M., s. of Edward & Mary, d. 1851, Oct. 24, a. 2-3-6. 60. Carver, Harriet D. Reed, w. of Robert, d. 1870, Julv 28, a. 30 y. 1 m. 61. Cary, Stephen, d. 1890, Julv 29, a. 62 y Co. I, 15th N. Y. Cav. 62. Chase, Harriet, w. of Levi, b. 1839, May 7, d. 1913, Julv 6. 63. Chase, Levi, d. 1846, Feb. 7. 64. Chase, William, 128th N. Y. Inf. 65. Chatterton, Benjamin R., d. 1846, Oct 7, a. 27 y. 29 d. 66. Chatterton, Joseph, d. 1849, July 22, in 53d y. 67. Cheny, John S., d. 1901, June 5, 128th N. Y. Inf. 68. Cheny, Joseph, 128th N. Y. Inf. 69. Cheny, Viola L., dau. of John S. & Julia, d. 1882, Oct. 22, a. 7-6-2. 70. Cheny, William, 18th N. Y. Inf. Ill
71. Cheny, William G., Co. G, 18th N. Y. Inf. 72. Churchill, John F., d. 1843, Apr. 18, in 44th y. 73. Coldwell, Elizabeth, b. in Yorkshire, England, d 1879, Oct. 24, a. 70-1-18. "Mother". 74. Coldwell, John, b. in Lancashire, England, d. 1865, Oct. 21, a. 55-8-14. "Father". 75. Coleman, John, d. 1867, May 13, a. 47 y. 76. Conklin, Mary Underhill, w. of William S., b. 1846, Mar. 16, d. 1869, Dec. 1. 77. Conner, Obadiah H., d. 1852, June 8, a. 28-8-8. 78. Cooke, Cynthia Boice, a. 60 y. (No dates). 79. Cooper, Assinoe, w. of James A., & dau. of Solomon & Betsey Tompkins, d. 1881, Feb. 22, a. 41-9-17. 80. Crawford, David E., b. 1851, Mar. 31, d. 1888, Apr. 24. 81. Croft, James, d. 1863, July 20, a. 72-4-4. 82. Croft, Susan Jenkins, w. of James, b. 1797, May 2 1 , d. 1885, June 28. 83. Currie, Daniel M., Co. 5, 102d N. Y. V., d. 1865, July 23, a. 27-7-23. 84. Dailey, Thomas, d. 1849, July 25, a. 28 y. 85. Davis, Elijah, d. 1859, Sep. 6, a. 62 y. 86. Davis, William, Co. E., 80th N. Y. V., d. 1896, Apr. 22, a. 74 y. 87. Day, Carrie, d. 1880, June 5, a. 24 y. 88. Day, Eiiza, d. 1874, Apr. 17, a. 20 y. 89. Day, John P., d. 1884, Jan. 5, a. 64 y 90. Day, Susie, d. 1879, May 29, a. 3 y 91. Decker, Cornie, d. 1889, Oct. 29, a. 4 y. 92. Decker, Isabella P. Seeley, w. of Cornelius, d. 1911, Feb. 7, a. 57 y. 93. De Graff, Abraham, d. 1859, Sep. 12, a. 51-3-10. 94. Devoe, Hannah Pendleton, w .of Jacob S., b. 1851, Mar. 18, d. â&#x20AC;¢ 95. Devoe, Jacob S., b. 1847, May 4, d. 1902, Jan. 17, Co. E, 20th N. Y. V. 96. Devo(rne), Martha, w. of Joseph, d. 1860, Nov. 16, a. 55-5-11. 97. Dobbs, George H., 1839-1902. 2d N. Y. Light Cav. 98. Dobbs, Susan Terwilliger, w. of Valentine, b. 1829, June 17, d. 1916, Apr. 3. 99. Dobbs, Valentine, b. 1826, Apr. 27, d. 1897, Feb. 14, 2d N. Y. Light Cav. 100. Dolson, Dewitt, b. 1853, June 2, d. 1904, Nov. 9. 101. Dolson, John, 1824-1903. 102. Dolson, Lavina, w. of John, b. 1816, Aug. 24, d. 1862, May 8. 103. Dolson, Mary Ann, w. of John, 1823-1894. 104. Doty, George H., s. of Ezra & H. A., Nov. 9, 1865. (Broken stone. The date may be either birth or death). 105. Doughty, Rebecca, d. 1844, May 15, a. 67-7-17. 106. Doughty William, d 1856, Dec. 27, a. 82-8-11. 107. Downs, Catharine Van Dewater, w. of James, b. 1828, Apr. 18, d. 1898, Mar. 29. 108. Downs, Clarence, b. 1855, Apr. 2, d. 1882, Mar. 23. 109. Downs, Edward, b. 1852, Dec. 23, d. 1854, Aug. 17 110. Downs, Everett, b. 1850, May 17, d. 1913, May 16. 111. Downs, James, b. 1826, Nov. 1, d. 1898, Jan. 18. 112. Dunham, Caroline Green, w. of William W., b. 1833, Apr 20, d. 1898, Mar. 2 1 . 113. Dunham, William W., b. 1826, June 26, d. 1902, July 9. 114. Ebortt, Henry, s. of Frederick & Mary, b. 1862, Sep. 10, d. 1868, Jan. 1. 115. Edge, Eliza, w. of Joseph, d. 1891, Oct. 27, a. 56-3-19. 116. Edmonds, Mary Louisa, dau. of John & Angeline, d. 1843, Nov. 7, a. 8-9-11. 117. Eggleston, Garland J., s. of J. W. & Lucy, b. 1863, Apr. 14, d. 1872, Jan. 13. 118. Elliott, Archibald, d. 1854, Apr. 2, in 96th y. 119. Evans, Buel, d. 1894, May 5, a. 63 y. 120. Evans, George H., s of George W. & Lucinda, d. 1863, Nov. 7, a. 3-1-4. 121. Evans, Mamie, dau. of Buel & Marriette, d. 1865, Oct. 16, a. 6-1-25. 122. Evans, Mary Ella Loyd, w of Beul, d. 1911, Nov. 6, a. 73 y. 123. Evans, Peter L., d. 1875, Dec. 18, a. (42 or 72) y. 10 m. 124. Ferguson, John G., s. of Merritt & Margaret, d. 1849, Dec. 28, a. 13 y. 20 d. 125. Fosgate, Aaron, d. 1853, Jan. 12, a. 24-1-12. 126. Fox, Ellen Higgs, w. of George, d. 1870, Sep. 7, a. 41 y. 127. Garrison, Armenia, d. 1912, Dec. 30, a. 86-7-13. 128. Garrison, Corlinda A., w. of William H., b. 1826, July 7, d 1885, Jan. 16. 129. Garrison, Lavina P., dau of William H. & Corlinda, b. 1855, Sep. 28, d. 1888, Apr. 28. 130. Garrison, Phebe Moshier, w. of Piatt, d. 1875, Oct. 8, a. 81-10-24. 131. Garrison, Piatt, d. 1859, Sep. 10, in 59th y. 132. Garrison, William H., b. 1817, Apr. 13, d. . 133 Germond, Little Rena, dau. of James & Mary, a. 2 y. 134. Gerow, Ann Van Dewater, w of John F., b. 1816, Mar. 26, d. 1883, June 10. 3 35. Gerow, Anna, dau. of John F. & Ann, d. 1849, July 31, a. 3 m. 11 d. 112
336. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144.
Gerow, Ira, s of John F. & Ann, d. 1857, Sep. 19, a. 2 m. 26 d. Gerow, John F., b. 1816, Feb 15, d. 1899, Sep. 3. Giles, Mary, w. of Marvin, d. 1863, Apr. 14, a. 76-2-20. Gilson, Frances Sypher, w. of Charles, 1835-1869. Glover, Walter, d. 1889, Mar. 5, a. 55-11-20. Green, Augustus H., s of John & Eliza, d. 1853, Jan. 31, a. 19 y. 5 m. Green, Benjamin, b. 1782, Oct. 13, d. 1854, Mar. 12. Green, Caroline, w. of Henry, d. 1843, Apr. 24, a. 32 y. 9 m. Green, Charles B., s. of John P. & Fanny S., b. 1846, Jan. 1, d. 1S88, Oct. 20, Dennison, Texas. 145. Green, Chauncey, d. 1887, Apr. 16, a. 69 y. 10 m. 146. Green, Clarence, s. of Jeremiah & Caroline, d. 18(4)9, Oct. 1, a. 1-2-1. 147. Green, Eliza, w. of John, b. 1807, Apr. 15, d. 1878, Dec. 27. 148. Green, Emma F., dau. of Jeremiah & Caroline, d. 1855, Mar. 1, a. 9-8-7. 149. Green, Fanny Smith, w. of John P., b. 1818, Sep. 17, New Windsor, d. 1888, Jvjne 6, New York City. 150. Green, George J., s. of John P. & Fanny S., b. 1842, Nov. 23, d. 1891. June 13. 151. Green, Hannah McDonald, w. of James H., b. 1822, Oct. 22, d. 1849, Mar. 5. 152. Green, James H., s. of Joseph I., b. 1819, June 30, d. 1863, Aug. 23. 153. Green, Jeremiah, b. 1815, Nov. 27, d. 1868, Apr. 22. 154. Green, John, b. 1808, July 9, d. 1847, Sep. 27. 3 55. Green, John P., s. of Joseph I., b. 1818, Jan. 21, Glenham, N. Y., d. 1907, May 11, a. 89-3-20. 156. Green, Joseph I., b. 1789, Dec. 6, d. 1881, Sep. 9. 157. Green, Mary, w. of Benjamin, b. 1781, Apr. 6, d. 1872, May 27. 158. Green, Mary E. Brevort, dau. of James H., b. 1844, May 12. d. 1866, Aug. 25. 159. Green, Mary A. Gerow, w of William, b. 1832, Aug. 20, d. 1872, Jan. 14. 160. Green, Mary Smith, w. of Joseph I., b 1793, Oct. 27, d. 1868, Apr. 15. 161. Green, Phebe, second w. of Henry, d. 1849, Nov. 24, a. 27 y. 8 m. 162. Green, Phebe Van Dewater, w. of Chauncey, d 1884, Sep. 3, a. 63 y. 6 m. 163. Green, Sarah Fairchild, dau. of James H., b. 1846, Apr. 27, d 1866, Jan. 13. 164. Green, William R., d. 1880, Apr. 24, a. 54 y. Co. C, 18th Reg. N. Y. V. 3 65. Hallett, John, d. 1857, Apr. 30, a. 36-10-6. 3 66. Halstead, Susan, d. 1845, Sep. 24, a. 20-8-15. 167. Hanson, Emile V. C , d. 1889, Dec. 4, a. 32 y. 168. Harris, Hester, w. of Joseph G., b. 1793, July 28, d. 1862, Nov. 23. 169. Harris, Joseph G., b. 1788, Jan. 16, d. 1857, July 5. 170. Hazzard, James H., b. 1821, Feb. 17, d. 1867, Oct. 27. 171. Hedding, William, 18th N. Y. Inf. 172. Heddy, Jennie May, b. 1894, May 7, d. 1898, Dec. 28, a. 4-7-21. 173. Henderson, George, Co. K, 162d Reg. Vols., N. Y. Inf., d. 1894, Feb. 5., a. 56 y. 174. Heroy, Eliza M., w. of Melanghton, d 1884, Nov. 2, a. 72 y. 175. Heroy, Melanghton, d. 1887, Apr. 26, a. 80 y. 176. Higgs, Andrew, 150th N. Y. V. 177. Higgs, Benjamin, d. 1893, Oct. 28, a. 67 y. 178. Higgs, Jennie, w.of Merritt, and dau. of John & Lavina Dolson, d. 1881, May 10 r a. 30-8-20. 179. Hignell, David L., 1833-1902. 3 80. Hignell, George W., b. 1831, Mar. 21, d. 1885, Aug. 26. 3 81. Hignell, Mary, w. of David L., b. 1830, Oct. 20, d. 1900, May 12. 182. Hile, Edward J., b. 1843, Dec. 15, d. 1895, Apr. 12. 3 83. Holtslander, Hannah, w of Henry, d. 1854, Feb. 15, a. 66-2-28. 184. Holtslander, Henry, d. 1850, Dec. 20, a. 65-2-18. 185. Holtslander, John A., b. 1827, Oct. 20, d. 1855, Mar. 10, a. 27-4-21. 3 86. Holtslander, Sarah M., dau. of Henry & Hannah, d. 1852, Aug. 19, a. 33-1-26. 187. Holzer, Augusta, w. of Constantine, d. 1880, Oct. 9, a. 38 y. 188. Hoppe(r), Cornelius, 6th N. Y. H. A. 189. Hosfield, Arthur D., s. of William & Jane, d. 1867, May 18, a. 6 m. 190. Hunt, Elida, dau. of Theodore & Mary L., d. 1865, Aug. 19, a. 2 y. 4 m. 191. Hunt, Elsworth, s. of Theodore & Mary L., d. 1865, Aug. 11, a. 4 y. 192. Hyre, Samuel, s of Samuel & Maria, a. 3-11-23. 193. Ireland, David, d. 1866, Jan. 13, a. 45 v. 4 m. 3 94. Ireland, Elizabeth Hawkes, w. of David", d. 1878, May 25, a. 51 y. 11 m. 195. Ireland, Hannah, d. 1875, June 24, a. 18 y. 4 m. 196. Jaycox, David S., b. 1815, Sep. 20, d. 1885, Aug. 14. 3 97. Jaycox, Fanny Maria, dau. of David S. & Mary, d. 1853, Feb. 28, a. 5-10-9. 198. Jaycox, James M., s. of David S. & Mary, d. 1850, May 24, a. 4-2-16. 199. Johnson, Hetty, w. of Matthew, b. 1788, Oct. 11, d 1863, Sep. 30. 200. Johnson, Matthew, b. 1787, July 4, d. 1859, Oct. 12. 113
Old 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209„ 210. 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. 220. 221. 222. 223. 224. 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. 233. 234. 235. 236. 237. 238. 239. 240. 241. 242. 243. 244. 245. 246. 247. 248. 249. 250. 251. 252. 253. 254. 255. 256. 257. 258. 259. 260. 261. 262. 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 268. 269.
Ketcham, Joseph F., 16th N. Y. H. A., d. 1872, Oct. 10, a. 25 y. Kimbark, Sarah Ann, dau. of John S. & Eliza, d. 1866, Dec. 28, a. 19-8-16. Kingland, K., 18th N. Y. Inf. Kipp, Matthew Way, s. of G. B. & R., d. 1862, Feb. 27, a. 11-8-21. Knapp, Carrie P., dau. of Lorenzo & Emeline, d. 1879, Nov. 29, a. 21-1-18. Knapp, Eli M., d. 1851, Jan. 3, a. 23-11-3. Knapp, Mrs. Margaret, d. 1849, Oct. 8, a. 22-7-4. La Forge, Elizabeth Bowne, w. of Peter, d. 1877, Aug 28, a. 85 y. 3 m. La Forge, Esther. La Forge, E. Jane, d. 1903, Dec. 11, in 78th y. La Forge, Jane, b. 1815, Jan. 22, d. 1897, Feb. 27. La Forge, John, d. 1874, June 14, a. 88 y. La Forge, Mary Ann, d. 1837, Aug. 30, a. 22-10-27. La Forge, Peter, d. 1842, Jan. 3, a. 50 y. La Forge, Phebe, w. of John, d. 1876, Dec. 17, a. 87 y. La Forge, Phebe E., d. 1907, Aug. 2. La Forge, Susannah, w. of Samuel, d. 1847, Mar. 9, a. 36-6-18. Lane, Abraham, d. 1870, Apr. 9, a. 67-6-28. Lane, George W., s. of Abraham & Mary A., d. 186(5? 8?), Oct. 10, a. 30-3-28. Lane, Sarah A. Ball, w. of William, b. 1815, Oct. 3, d. 1868, Mar. 17. Lane, Susan Jane, dau. of Abraham & Mary A., d. 1855, a. 15-9-20. Lane, William, b. 1809, Oct. 15, d. 1877, Oct. 3. Lawrence, (Ordin), s. of Adam & Laura, d. 1865, Oct. 14, a. 5-9-3. Lewis, Evaline, a. 34. Lewis, Gertrude A., a. 60. Lewis, Harold G., a. 11 d. Lockard, John K., s. of Frank & Delia, d. 1864, July 18, a. 2-1-11. Lodge, Godfrey, d. 1864, Dec. 23, in 48th y. Longstaff, Hannah, w. of Thomas, d. 1863, Jan. 24, a. 33-8-27. Loughran, Irvin R., s. of F . & M., d. 1870, Mar. 3, a. 14-5-15. Ma(g)Farlame, Robbie, d. 1882, Aug. 2. Ma(g)Farlame, Robert, d. 1897, Jan. 10, in 44th y. Ma(g)Farlame, Sadie, d. 1884, Sep. 14. Ma(g)Farlame, Sarah E., w. of Robert, d. 1884, Aug. 25, in 33rd y Marshall, Samuel, formerly of Sheffield, Eng., d. 1852, Oct. 28, a. 66 y. McDonald, William, d. 1890, Jan. 5, a. 49 y., 3d N. Y V. McEl(r)ath, Thomas, 3d N. Y. V., d. 1908, Mar. 4, a. 75 y. Mead, Mary E., d. 1864, Apr 4, a. 5-11-4. Merwin, Sarah Ann, w. of Edwin, d. 1844, Mar. 22, a. 22-11-23. Miller, James H., s. of S .S. & Margaret, b. 1851, Apr. 19, d. 1883, May 8. Miller, John J., 1840-1916., 6th N. Y. Art, Miller, Mary C(omes? arnes?), w. of Alex., d. 1864, June 14, a. 80-2-2. Miller, Rozilla, d. 1878, Feb. 21. Miller, S. S., b. 1825, Apr. 8, d. in U. S. Army, 1861, Dec. 31. Miller, William Egbert, s. of John W. & Emeline, d. 1842, Feb. 21, a. 4-3-16. Milliken, Annie Gerow, w. of David S., b. 1846, May 2, d. 1867, Feb 8. Mills, Louden, s. of James & Hester A., d. 1845, Sep. 3, a. 1-3-12. Mitchell, Charles, b. 1876, Aug. 8, d. 1895, Oct. 24. Mitchell, Frankey, b. 1886, Sep. 22, d. 1888, Apr. 20. Mitchell, James, b. 1881, June 17, d. 1890, Oct. 26. Mitchell, James E., b. 1839, Oct. 20, d. 1905, Aug. 13. Mitchell, Lottie, d. 1903, Feb. 15, a. 18 y. Mitchell, Mary, b. 1866, Nov. 18, d. 1888, Apr. —. Mitchell, Phebe, b. 1868, Oct. 24, d. 1889, June 29. Mitchell, Sharlett, b. 1884, Apr. 12, d. 1901, July 11. Mitchell, William, d. 1901, Jan. 22, a. 28 y. Mo(nhose), Lewis H., d. 1893, May 28, in 55th y Veteran. Moore, Delos L., Co. K, 20th Reg. N. Y. V., d. 1868, May 11, a. 25 y. Morgan, Hamilton, 80th N. Y. V., d. 1904, Aug 10, a. 66 y. Mosher, Lucinda Hedges, w. of John, d. 1881, May 27, a. 63-5-5. Munger, Margaret, d. 1849, Nov. 10, a. 27 y. 1 m Myers, Ellen M., w. of John W., b. 1836, Mar. 30, d. . Myers, John W., b. 1837, May 11, d. 1913, June 22. Norris, R. N., 57th N. Y. Inf. Norris, Theo., 16th N. Y. H. A. Noxon, Catharine, w. of Robert, d. 1843, Sep. 14, a. 23-6-2. Ortlieb, Martha Jane, w. of Frederick, d. 1853, June 18, a. 33 y. Ortlieb, Martha Jane, w. of Frederick, d. 1858, Jan. 4, a. 21 y. 6 m. Owen, Anna A., dau. of Morgan & Harriet, d. 1864, Oct. 18, a. 17 y. 5 d. 114
T o iv n 270. 271. 272. 273. 274. 275. 276. 277. 278. 279. 280. 281. 282. 283. 284. 285. 286. 287. 288. 289. 290. 291. 292. 293. 294. 295. 296. 297. 298. 299. 300. 301. 302. 303. 304. 305. 306. 307. 308. 309. 310. 311. 312. 333. 314. 315. 316. 317. 318. 319. 320. 321. 322. 323. 324. 325. 326. 327. 328. 329. 330. 331. 332. 333. 334. 335. 336. 337. 338.
Owen, David, d. 1849, Mar.4, a. 56-1-4. Owen, Jane, w. of David, d. 1851, Dec. 15, a. 55-7-6. Palmer, Abraham, d. 1852, May 11, a. 58-8-19. Palmer. Hannah, w. of Abraham, d. 1883, May 16, a. 76-6-19. Palmer, Jacob, d. 1857, Jan. 23, a. 51-5-20. Palmer, Solomon, d. 1860, Jan. 2, a. 59-1-1. Pendleton, Nath., 15th N. Y. H. A. P e ( r r ) y , Mary, b 1818, Nov. 25, d. 1874, May 2. Potter, Elizabeth, w. of John, d. 1855, Mar. 30, a. 62-10-30. Potter, John, d. 1855, Mar. 12, a. 53 y. 8 m. Purdy, Caleb M., d. 1847, Aug. 29, a. 41-2-25. Pyres, Wesley, 18th N. Y. Inf. Relyea, Frances, w. of Miller, d. 1891, Dec. 29, a. 50 y. Remsen, Sara Elezabeth, d. 1915, Nov. 15, in 75th y Richards, Isaac, d. 1843, June 26, a. 21-9-22. Riding, Thomas B., d. 1859, Jan. 21, a. 12-7-18. Riggs, Mary E., d. 1888, June 8, a. 46 y. Rogers, James H., d. 1898, Mar. 24, a. 65 y. Rowe, Catharine, w. of Peter, d. 1845, June 8, a. 31 y. Russell, Henry F., d 1898, Mar. 19, a. 74 y., Co. D, 128th Reg. N. Y. V. Salisbury, Clista, 1843-1904. Sambells, Frederick, b. 1880, Apr. 25, d. 1907, May 9. Scholefield, Arabella, w. of George W., d. 1892, Dec. 14, in 39th y. Scholefield, George W., d. 1892, Dec. 13, a. 50 y. Scholefield, Harriet Rebecca, dau. of Enos & Marie, d. 1863, June 2, a. 24-6-17. Schouten, Carity Bowne, w. of Samuel N., d. 1884, Jan. 22, a. 83-10-11. Schouten, James, Co. I, 16th N. Y. H. A. Schouten, Samuel N., d. 1852, Sep. 27, a. 54-3-18. Scott, Alexander H., b. 1799, Sep. 9, d. 1866, May 27. Scott, Elizabeth Odell, w of John, b. 1833, July 14, d. 1889, Sep. 3. Scott, John, b. 1829, Dec. 31, d. 1896, Nov. 11. Scott, John ( J r . ? ) , b. 1866, Dec. 5, d. 1902, Oct. 6. Scott, Mary S(tokum), w. of Alex H., b. 1803, Feb. 7, d. 1873, May 25. Scowten, Phebe Ann, dau. of John R. & Luis, d. 1844, Oct. 9, a. 11-1-9. Scranton, Capt Edwin J., 56th N. Y. V., d. 1884, July 19, a. 43 y. Secor, Charles, Co. I, 98th Reg. N. Y. V., d. in service 1864, Oct. 29, a. 19-1-20. Seeley, Mortimer H., 168th N. Y. V., d. 1895, Nov. 18, a. 58 y. Sherman, Catharine A., w. of John, b. 1835, Sep. 3, d. â&#x20AC;&#x201D;. Sherman, Frank, s. of John & Catharine A., d. 1892, Nov. 2, a. 32 y. Sherman, John, b. 1829, Sep. 15, d. 1909, Apr. 25. Show, Ellen Che(n)y, w. of Seth, d. 1874, Feb. 8, in 46th y. Show, Seth, d. 1873, Nov. 7, in 49th y. Shurter, Rev. Alexander ( C ) , b. 1820, Aug. 29, d. 1855, Apr. 7. Shruter, Arabella, dau. of James & Mary, d. 1856, Sep. 6, a. 9 y. Shurter, James E., b. 1813, Oct. 9, d. 1879, Apr. 21. Shurter, Mary, w. of James E., b. 1818, Oct. 18, d. 1897, Jan. 6. Sirrine, Catharine, w. of Peter, d. 1852, Aug. 5, a. 52 y. Sirrine, Maria A. Warren, w. of Nathaniel, b. 1832, Apr. 2, d. 1906, Oct. 21 Sirrine, Martha, w. of William J., d. 1863, Dec. 21, a. 28 y. 5 m. Sirrine, Nathaniel, b. 1832, May 25, d 1907, May 23. Sirrine, Sarah A., dau. of Peter & Catharine, d. 1870, Feb. 20, a. 39 y. 10 m. Slater, Eliza Ann Baker, w. of Thomas, 1810-1865. Slater, Melissa Baker, w. of Thomas, 1811- 1874. Slater, Thomas, 1804-1869 Smedes, Mary Underhill, w. of Levi, d. 1851, Sep. 9, a. 28-7-12. Smedes, Mary E., dau. of Levi & Mary, d. 1851, Nov. 4, a. 2 m. 4 d. Smith, Andrew J., d. 1907, Mar. 26, a. 67 y., 128th N. Y. V. Smith, Elizabeth, w. of William N., d. 1854, May 26, a. 29-2-27. Smith, George N., d. 1849, Aug. 22, a. 2 m. 22 d. Smith, James W., d 1913, Apr. 24, 56th N. Y. V. Smith, Lauretta, b. 1852, Dec. 10, d. 1906, Jan. 13. Smith, Leonard, b. 1806, Sep. 19, d. 1868, Jan. 21. Smith, Maria, w. of William, d. 1852, May 11, a 35-1-29. Smith, Mary A., d. 1869, Mar. 16, a. 54 y. 11 m. Smith, Mira L., d. 1847, Aug. 22, a. 11 m. 6 d. Smith, William, d. 1894, Apr. 2, a. 43-1-28. Smith, William N., d. 1854, June 19, a. 30-2-8. Speedling, Alfred, s. of Henry L. & Mariah, a. 1 y. 1 m. Speedling, Clive, d. 1860, Feb. 22, at Irvington, a. 49-3-2. 115
339. Speedling, Frances Emily See, dau of Henry L. & Maria, d. at Irvington, N. Y., 1866, Nov. 14, a. 23-7-14. 340. Speedling, Henry L., d. 1862, Dec. 29, at Irvington, a. 61-1-19. 341. Speedling, Mariah, w. of Henry L., d. 1846, Oct. 21, a. 45-9-9. 342. Stevenson, Jeremiah, 1st N. Y. V. Engineers, d. 1898, Aug. 2, a. 58 y. 9 m. 343. Stevenson, Thomas, d. 1888, May 6, a. 39 y. 344. Storm, Maria Henrietta, dau. of J. H. & Anna, d. 1855, May 10, a. 11 m. 4 d. 345. Storm, M. Josie, dau. of J. H. & Anna of Irvington, d at Yonkers, N. Y., 1868, Oct. 16, a. 15-5-21. 346. Streeter, Eliza J. Scholefield, w. of Warren N., b. 1828, Nov. —, d. 1874, July —. 347. Streeter, Mary Ann, w of Warren N., d. 1846, a. 28-1-5. 348. Streeter, Warren N., b. 1819, May —, d. 1859, May —. 349. Sunderland, Lizzy, dau. of Joseph & Emma, d. 1871, Apr. 24, a. 2-4-3. 350. Sutton, Sarah L., dau. of Stephen & Effie, d. 1864, Nov. 4, a 15-3-10. 351. Sutton, Henry, d. 1870, July 5, a. 30 y. 352. Sypher, Abigail A. Lum, w. of Abram, 1817-1882. 353. Sypher, Abraham, 1841-1870. 354. Sypher, Abram, 1800-1861. 355. Telford, William, d. 1857, Aug. 3, a. 45-2-9. 356. Terbush, Elizabeth, w. of William H., d. 1854, Apr. 17, a. 32-(3)-26. 357. Terbush, Emily, w. of John, d. 1879, May 10, a. 65 y. 358. Terbush, Hellen, w. of John, d. 1855, Mar. 12, a. 38 y 8 m. 359. Terwilliger, Ann Coldwell, w. of J. H., d. 1903, Oct. 4, in 63d y. 360. Terwilliger, A. H., 80th N. Y. Inf 361. Terwilliger, Seargt, A. S., 80th N. Y. Inf. 362. Terwilliger, J. H., d. 1910, June 15, a. 70 y. 363. Thomas, Jane Elizabeth, dau. of Benjamin & Jane, d. 1859, May 6, a. 1-3-1. 364. Thomas, Mary E., dau. of Benjamin & Jane, d. 1864, Sep. 17, a. 9-8-17. 365. Thorn, Allice, dau. of Benjamin & Sally, d. 1819, Aug. 9, a. 1 y. 28 d. 366. Thorn, George, s. of Benjamin & Sally, d. 1819, Aug 6, a. 5 y. 5 m. 377. Thurston, Rachel Brown, w. of Stephen, b. 1808, Mar. 28, d. 1867, Nov. 16. 378. Thurston, Stephen, b. 1803, Aug. 21, d. 1858, Apr. 13. 379. Tice, Ellen, w. of John, d. 1865, Dec. 13, a. 47 y. 380. Tillotson, Elbert, b. 1892, Jan. 4, d. 1892, Aug. 20. 381. Townsend, Phebe A., w. of John L.,. b. 1837, May 26, d. 1880, May 26. 382. Turboss, Mary C„ d. 1870, Sep 27, a. 31-7-3. 383. Turck, Ida, d. 1882, Oct. 7, a. 26 y. 384. Turner, Emmaretta, d. 1902, Apr. 22, a. 49 y. 385. Valentine, "Adlade", dau. of William & Sarah, d. 1849, Aug. 25, a. 1-10-5. 386. Valentine, Georgina, dau. of William & Sarah, d. 1846, Sep. 3, a. 10 m. 387. Van Buren, Mary E. Eichenbergh, w. of William G., b. 1835, Feb. 19, d. 1906, June 2. 388. Van Buren, Otis, s. of William G. & Mary E., b. 1879, Jan. 18, d. 1888, May 22. 389. Van Buren, William G., b 1826, Oct. 2, d. 1901, Mar. 26. 390. Van Buskirk, Nettie, only dau. of William G. & Mary J., b. 1853, Mar. 15, d. 1872, Nov. 28. 391. Vanderwerker, Frances, dau. of William (H.) & Rebecca, d. 1851, Jan. 5, a. 4-5-2 392. Vandewater, Benjamin, b. 1784, Mar. 20, d. 1867, June 16. 393. Vandewater, Bertie, s. of Rev. I. R. & J. B., d. 1869, Apr. 24, a. 3 y. 11 m. 394. Vandewater, Elizabeth, wid. of Adolphe, d. 1847, Jan. 2, a. 52-9-10 395. Vandewater, Martha Peck, w. of Matthew, d. 1863, Apr. 29, a. 40-9-23. £96. Vandewater, Mary Randolph, w. of Benjamin, b. 1788, Jan. 31, d. 1855, Nov. 22 397. Van Kleeck, Alfred, d. 1864, Jan. 2, a. 17-10-3. 398. Van Kleeck, Isaiah, d. 1854, Feb. 8, a. 34-10-26. 399. Van Kleeck, Levi, s of Isaiah R., & Mary, d. 1845, June 15, a. 1-11-8. 400. Van Vlack, Aaron, b. 1806, Feb. 18, d. 1884, Dec. 19. ' 401. Van Vlack, Henry, d. 1879, Aug. 28, in 62d y. 402. Van Vlack, H e ( t t i e ) , d. 1892, May 7, a. 85 y. 403. Van Vlack, Sarah Fosgate, w. of Aaron, b 1807, Feb. 5, d. 1878, June 2 1 . 404. Van Wagenen, Flora Whitbeck, w. of William Alexis, d. 1884, Apr. 25, a. 31 y. 405. Van Wagenen, Julia de Windt, w. of William Alexander, d. 1889, Oct. 22, a. 72 y. 406. Van Wagenen, Julia G., b. 1844, Nov. 15, d. 1895, Jan. 19. 407. Van Wagenen, William Alexander, d. 1871, June 5, a. 55 y. 408. On the stone of Julia de Windt Van Wagenen is the following inscription: "Percy, infant grandson, died Oct. 26, 1882." 409. Voice, Henry A., s. of Moses & Elizabeth, d. 1851, Sep. 3, a. 1-11-18. 410. Voice, Moses, d. 1854, July 17, a. 37-8-9 411. Waddell, Sarah A., b. 1840, Oct. 17, d. 1912, Dec. 12. 412. Wallace, Evelina Garrison, w. of Mandeville, b. 1854, Sep. 7, d. 1877, Aug. 20. 116
Town 413. 414. 415. 416. 417. 418. 419. 420. 421. 422. 423. 424. 425. 426. 427. 428.
Ward, Mary Wood, d. 1843, Mar. 7, a 36 y. Warren, Marshall, b. 1849, Mar. 12, d.' 1906, Apr. 13. Warren, William F., d. 1880, Apr. 7, a. 46 y. 5th N. Y. V. Washburn, Horatio, only c. of Jacob & Cornelia, d. 1844, June 26, a. 1-7-1. Washburn, Sarah Frances, dau. of William & Phebe, d. 1842, Nov. 24, a. 2-4-26. Way, Elizabeth, wid. of Thomas, d. 1845, June 23, a. 68-11.3. Way, James B., d. 1846, Dec. 28, a. 45-7-21. Way, Rachel, w. of Thomas, d. 1S60, June 5, a. 45-3-19. Way, Thomas, d. 1884, Oct. 31, a. 70-2-17. Way, Thomas Willett, s of James & Allie, d. 1884, Aug. 5, a. 10 m. 15 d. Way, Wellington C , s. of Thomas & Rachel, d. 1859, Nov. 1, a. 14-1-11. Wells, Rebecca, d. 1849, May 18, a. 19-2-5. White, Sarah J. Nelson, w. of Thomas, d. 1892, Mar. 14, a. 68 y. White, Thomas, b. 1826, Am. —, d. 1902, Nov. —. Wood, Gilbert B., b. 1824, June 12, d. 1903, Apr. 23. Young, Charles A., 1880-1904. FISHKILL RURAL CEMETERY, IN PART
CLASSIFICATION: Community ground. LOCATION: A t Fishkill V i l l a g e , on t h e west side of t h e P o s t R o a d a s h o r t dist a n c e n o r t h of t h e R e f o r m e d D u t c h C h u r c h . CONDITION: W e l l c a r e d for. INSCRIPTIONS: T h e following list of 175 n a m e s is t a k e n from t h e r e c o r d s of t h e Fishkill R u r a l C e m e t e r y , R e g i s t e r of I n t e r m e n t s , N o . 1, a n d includes t h e e n t r i e s on t h e r e g i s t e r which r e c o r d t h e r e m o v a l s to t h e Fishkill R u r a l C e m e t e r y from e l s e w h e r e of bodies b e t w e e n 1866 a n d 1 9 0 8 . REMARKS: T h i s list w a s o b t a i n e d t h r o u g h t h e c o u r t e s y a n d c o o p e r a t i o n of M r . J a m e s E . D e a n of Fishkill V i l l a g e .
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34.
Anthony, Allard, d. 1847, Nov. 21, a. 87. Anthony, David K., d. 1852, Jan. 27, a. 22. Anthony, Edward, d. 1838, Dec. 7, a. 1. Anthony, Hannah, d. 1852, Dec. 6, a. 85. Anthony, Maria K., d. 1863, Nov. 11, a. 61. Anthony, Nicholas, d. 1863, Dec. 30, a. 68. Bedford, Andrew W.,. d. 1851, Sep. 30, a. 21. Bedford, John, d. 1845, Feb. 27, a. 53 Beecher, Betsey M., d. 1854, Dec. 20, a. 15. Beecher, Leonard S., d. 1863, Sep. 21, a. 9. Beecher, Sarah M., d. 1860, July 11, a. 30. Benson, Mary, d. 1872, Apr. 28, a. 71. Benson, William, d. 1860, July 12, a. 62. Bogardus, Barbara, d. 1852, May 4, a. 64. Bogardus, Cornelius, d. 1844, Aug. 1, a 61. Bogardus, Eleanor, d. 1839, Dec. 15 ,a. 51. Bogardus, Joseph, d. 1859, Feb. 3, a. 74. Bogardus, Mary Ann, d. 1861, Oct. 19, a. 36 Bogardus, Robert M., d. 1844, June 5, a. 28'. Bogart, Robert M., d. 1858, Nov. 2, a. 24. Booth, David, d. 1860, Oct. 1, a. 38. Boyce, John, d. 1875, Mar. 6, a. 77. Brackett, Henry M., d. 1866, Julv 16, a. 32. Brett, Catharine A., d. 1867, Nov. 29, a. 87 Brett, Sarah E., d. 1871, Mar. 15, a. 54. Brinckerhoff, Adelia M., d. 1833, May 18, a. 32. Brinckerhoff, Caroline, d 1834, Oct. 25, a. 25. Brinckerhoff, Caroline M., d. 1864, Julv 26, a. 30. Brinckerhoff, Derick A., d. 1815, Feb. 13, a. 40. Brinckerhoff, Garret, d. 1846, Mav 21, a. 62. Brinckerhoff, Isaac, d 1866, Feb. 15. Brinckerhoff, Katharine C , d. 1867, Sep. 15, a. 90. Brinckerhoff, Phebe, d. 1844, Mar. 26, a. 63. Brown, Monroe, d. 1866, Feb. 14, a. 29. 117
Old 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 65. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 192. 103.
Budd, John S., d. 1839, Aug. 18, a. 2 1 . Budd, Maria, d. 1839, Sep. 25, a. 49. Bull, Daniel, d. 1875, May 26, a. 78. Bull, Sarah Van Nostrand, w. of Daniel, d. 1892, Nov. 25, a. 88. Burroughs, Ann A., d. 1857, Mar. 11, a. 2. Camach, Joseph, d. 1871, July 12. Case, Sarah, d. 1829, Mar. 15, a. 39. Case, Walter, d. 1859, Oct. 7, a. 83. Collins, Gilbert D., d. 1859, Nov. 7, a. 73. Collins, John M., d. —, a. —. Collins, Susan, d. 184 (—), Nov. 12, a. —. Conover, Ophelia, d. 1855, Nov. 22, a. 17. Cook, Charles, d. 1858, Sep. 9, a. 60. Cook, Mary, d. 1863. July 28, a. 61. Cu(hn)ley, Lizzie, d. 1847, Dec. 7, a. 2. Cu(hn)ley, Mary H., d. 1863, Jan. 20, a. 15. Dalron, Ann C , d 1846, Mar. 16, a. 32. Darley, Phebe Ann, d. 1861, Oct. 23, a. 33. Dean, Ephraim, d. 1804, Dec. 9, a. 45. Dean, Phebe P., d. 1861, Mar. 12, a. 85 Dean, William G., d. 1850, Aug. 20, a. 55. Delavan, Chauncev, d. 1863, Dec. 18, a. 73. Delavan, Jane, d 1865, Nov. 12, a. 76. De Wint, Frances A., d. 1866, Aug. 8, a. 32. Dingee, John Henry, d. 1865, Aug. 23, a. 17. Dorland, Elizabeth, d. 1839, Aug. 9, a. 83. Dorland, Mary, d. 1832, Sep. 28, a. 79. Du Bois, Abraham De Peyster, d 1856, Jan. 18, a. 61. Du Bois, Cornelia, d. 1853, May 5, a. 53. Du Bois, Deborah, d. 1823, July 6, a. 65. Du Bois, Isaac Teller, d. 1809, Sep. 17, a. 23 Du Bois, Peter A., d. 1849, Mar. 14, a. 58. Emigh, Sarah Louisa, d. 1857, July 15, a. 1. Ferguson, Elizabeth Cooper, d. 1863, May 28, a. 72 Francis, Rev. Isaac, d. 1859, Dec. 20, a. 70. Griffin, William, d. 1863, Sep. 10, a. 84. Haight, Charles, d. 1851, Nov. 21, a. 17. Haight, Cynthia, d. 1865, Dec. 11, a. 59. Haight, Mary Ann, d. 1850, Jan. 9, a. 32. Haight, Phebe, d. 1843, Apr. 10, a 35. Halleck, Agnes, d. 1853, Oct. 13, a. 45. Harned, Miriam, d. 1854, Apr. 28, a. 89. Hawks, Mary Ann, d. 1863, Sep. 15, a. 17. Hayt, Catharine A., d. 1833, July 31, a. 27. Hustis, Henry, d. 1867, Apr. 14, a. 1. Ketcham, Cornelius, d. 1902, July 14, a. 45. Ketcham, Enoch, d. 1872, May 11, a. 46. Klump, Helen, d. 1859, Aug. 31, a. 21 Knapp, Beverly, d. 1858, Jan. 26, a. 76. Knapp, Zavica U., d. 1902, July 2, a. 69. La Due, Adelia, d. 1830, Oct. 13, a. 8. La Due, Cornelius, d. 1836, Apr. 6, a. 55. La Due, Elizabeth, d. 1831, Auer. 6, a. 69. La Due, Hannah, d. 1849, Aug. 31, a. 65. La Due, Henry A., d. 1837, May 11, a. 1. La Due, Jemima, d. 1851, June 13, a. 57. La Due, Peter N., d. 1841, May 12, a. 56 La Due, Sherman, d. 1861, Oct. 5, a. 15. La Due, William, d. 1824, Sep. 21, a. 65. La Due, Zorada, d. 1864, June 18, a. 48 MacDougall, Emma, d. 1858, May 3, a. 12. McMahon, Solomon, d. 1850, Feb. 15, a. 18. Merritt, Cordelia, d. 1830, Nov. 30, a. 1. Merritt, Helen La Due, d. 1831, July 1, a. 20. Merritt, James L., d. 1855, Mar. 27, a. 16. Mills, George W., d. 1867, Jan .17, a. 33. Mills, Richard, d. 1867, Sep. 8, a. 66. Mills, Sarah J., d. 1842, Feb. 12, a. 16. Morgan, Eliza, d. 1857, May 8, a. 56. 118
104. Morgan, Maria, d. 1857, Dec. 20, a. 25. 105. Morgan, William, d. 1858, Jan. 26, a. 58. 106. Myers, Laetitia, d. 1852, Feb 5, a. 61. 107. Newlin, Mary, d. 1847, May 17, a. 68. 108. Newlin, Robert, d. 1841, Nov. 9, a. 63. 109. Newlin, Robert, Jr., d. 1858, Nov. 21, a. 50. 310. Newlin, Samuel, d. 1852, Mar. 9, a 49. 111. Norris, Eliza J., d. 1864, Mar. 17, a. 35. 112. Northrop, Ezekiel, d. 1853, Apr. 16, a. 33. 113. Palmer, Mercy A., d. 1867, Dec. 24, a. 31. 114. Phillips, Cornelia, d 1855, Dec. 25, a. 60. 13 5. Pierce, James W., d. 1865, Aug. 23, a. 13. 116. Pierce, Mary Ann, d. 1849, Sep. 30, a. 32. 117. Pollock, Thomas, d. 1863, Apr. 6, a. 69 118. Purdy, Margaret M., d. 1859, Aug. 17, a. 50. 119. Rapalje, William, d. 1872, Mar. 28. 120. Roe, John, d. 1861, Sep. 27, a 69. 121. Rogers, Absalom, d. 1860, May 21, a. 75. 122. Rogers, Emily, d. 1845, May 11, a. 25. 123. Rogers, Maria, d. 1840, Oct. 16, a. 52. 124. Rogers, Peter, d 1863, Dec. 6, a. 41. 125. Rosa, Doretta M., d. 1859, Nov. 25, a. 42. 3 26. Rosa, Jane Ann, d. 1854, Oct. 21, a. 23. 127. Rosa, John H., d. 1860, Sep. 11, a. 57. 328. Rosa, Margaret C , d. 1855, Mar. 19, a. 53. 129. Rozell, Levi, d. 1860, Aug. 10, a. 31. 130. Rozell, Sarah, d 1850, Dec. 12, a. 9. 131. Schenck, Cornelia A., d. 1902, July 12, a. 77. 132. Schenck, Oscar, d. 1876, Sep. 4, a. 58. 133. Schenck, Samuel B., d. 1861, Mar. 25, a. 55. 134. Schryver, Matthew V. B., d. 1885, Oct. 8, a. 77. 3 35. Scofield, Catherine, d. 1858, Mar. 20, a. 19. 136. Scofield, Henry E., d. 1857, Apr. 15, a. 52. 3.37. Smith, Aletta L., d. 1851, Oct. 7, a. 17. 138. Smith, James, Jr., d. 1852, Apr. 1, a. 48. 139. Smith, Martha J., d. 1867, Jan. 9, a. 19. 140. Smith, Thomas Hanford, d. 1882, Mar. 16, a. 72. 141. Snow, Emeline, d. 1844, Feb. 24, a. 25. 142. Southard, Daniel, d. 1845, Feb. 8, a. 40. 143. Southard, Phebe A., d. 1845, Feb. 11, a. 1. 144. Sparks, Ann, d. 1887, Apr. 22, a. 78. 145. Sparks, George, d. 1856, July 22, a. 43. 146. Teller, Charity, d. 1839, Apr. 21, a. 61. 147. Teller, Henry Schenck, d. 1858, June 1, a. 44. 148. Teller, James, d. 1816, Dec. 26, a. 41. 149. Thorne, Robert, d. 1865, Jan. 13, a. 55. 150. Van Kleeck, Elizabeth, d. 1862, Nov. 13, a. 16 151. Van Nostrand, Elizabeth Mead, w. of Joseph, d. 1853, Nov. 20, a. 75. 152. Van Nostrand, George, d. 1795, Jan. 24, a. 49 153. Van Nostrand, Heleche Dorland, w. of George, d. 1797, Feb. 17, a. 47 154. Van Nostrand, Joseph, d 1824, Jan. 12, a. 46. 155. Van Voorhis, Elizabeth, d. 1848, Dec. 15, a 35. 156. Van Voorhis, John, d. 1863, June 11, a. 79. 157. Van Wyck, Ann, d. 1838, June 16, a. 41. 158. Van Wyck, Isaac C , d. 1858, Apr. 16, a. 71. 159. Van Wyck, Richard T., d. 1826, Apr. 13, a. 36. 160. Van Wyck, Theodorus R., d. 1837, Apr. 4. 161. Waldo, Eiizabeth, d. 1851, Sep. 8, a. 96. 162. Waldron, Abraham B., d. 1870, Oct. 9, a. 53. 163. Washburn, Hetta, d 1848, Sep. 8, a. 51. 164. Washburn, Jarvis, d. 1870, Feb. 21, a. 77. 165. Way, Elizabeth, d. 1847, Dec. 19, a. 74. 166. Way, Samuel A., d. 1869, a. 31. 167. Wescott, Elbert M., d. 1861, Aug. 21, a. 24. 168. Wescott, George F., d. 1862, May 2, a. 22. 169. Wescott, Hannah, d. 1853, June 29, a. 69. 170. Wescott, Helen M., d. 1846, Jan. 3, a. 35. 3 71. Wescott, John S., d. 1866, Sep. 30, a. 17. 172. Wilbur, Helen, d. 1864, Mar. 6. 119
173. Wilbur, Jeremiah, d. 1861, Feb. 10. 174. Wilde, James W., d. 1846, Oct. 2, a. 52. 175. Worden, J. Amelia, d 1866, May 27, a. 24.
Community ground. C e d a r Hill, n o r t h of Fishkill V i l l a g e . U n c a r e d for. 9 in n u m b e r . Copied S e p t e m b e r 2 5 , 1914, b y J . W . P o u c h e r , M. D., a n d M r s . H a r r i s S. R e y n o l d s . A n e g r o b u r i a l g r o u n d . It c o n t a i n s a n u m b e r of u n m a r k e d r e c e n t graves.
1. Jacock, Aletta, w. of Cornelius, d. 1849, Oct. 20, a. 28 y. 3 m. 2. Jacocks, Charles Peter, s. of Peter & Susan, d. 1834, Sep. 8, a. 1 y. 7 m. 3. Jefferson, William Henry, s. of Yorkus & Maria, d. 1864, July 14, at Yellow Bluff, Va.; of the 8th reg. Penn. Col. Vol's. 4. Potter, John, d. 1832, Jan. 30, a. 27 y. 4 m. 5. Potter, John, d. 1839, a. 65 y. 6. Potter, Mary Matilda, dau. of J. & Rachel Ann, d. 1834, Mar. 10, a. 1 y. 11 m. 7. Sales, Hannah, d. 1844, Oct. 28, a. 67 y. 8. Wailes. "Henry Wailes, Ann Wales and Family." ;9. Wailes, John, d. 1866, May 22, a. 27 y. 8 d.
HISTORICAL MONUMENT C L A S S I F I C A T I O N : Historical Monument. LOCATION: O n t h e N e w Y o r k a n d A l b a n y P o s t R o a d , a b o u t two miles s o u t h of Fishkill Village on t h e e a s t side of t h e r o a d . CONDITION: In good o r d e r . INSCRIPTION: Copied A u g u s t 16, 1916, by Miss H e l e n W . R e y n o l d s . REMARKS: M o n u m e n t e r e c t e d in 1897 b y M e l z i n g a h C h a p t e r , D a u g h t e r s of t h e A m e r i c a n R e v o l u t i o n . D u r i n g t h e W a r of t h e R e v o l u t i o n t h e r e was a m i l i t a r y c a m p a t Fishkill w h e r e m a n y soldiers d i e d from d i s e a s e a n d h a r d s h i p .
"1776-1783. In grateful remembrance of the brave men who gave their lives for their country during the American Revolution and whose remains repose in the adjoining field."
Town of Hyde Park
1. Stoutenburgh ground 2. Crooke ground 3. Rogers ground 4. Eames ground 5. Schryver ground 6. Tompkins ground 7. Tompkins-Schryver ground 8. Van Dyck ground 9. Unnamed ground 10. Reformed (Dutch) Church, Hyde Park 11. St. James' Church, Hyde Park 12. Crum Elbow Friends' meeting 13. East Park Cemetery (inscriptions not copied).
Inscriptions 61 12 4 11 2 5 8 â&#x20AC;¢ 45 26 230 328 268 1000
STOUTENBURGH GROUND CLASSIFICATION: Family ground. LOCATION: In the village of Hyde Park, at the southern line of the property of Frederick W. Vanderbilt. CONDITION: In fair order; surrounded by a substantial stone wall. INSCRIPTIONS: 61 in number. Copied April 23, 1913, by J. W. Poucher, M. D., and Miss Helen W. Reynolds. REMARKS: Stoutenburgh family ground. Set off and used by the descendants of Jacobus Stoutenburgh, who settled here about 1735-'40 and was one of the largest land owners in the vicinity. 1. Clark, Mary, w. of Luther, d. 1822, Feb. 22, a. 40 y. 2. Cronkrite, Margaret T., w. of William J., d. 1848, Dec. 28, a. 33-8-18; also her infant daughter, Margaret Elizabeth, d. 1848, Dec. 23, a. 2 d. 3. De Groff, Abram, d. 1832, Jan. 2, in 61st y. 4. De Groff, Elizabeth, w of Moses, d. 1859, Apr. 24, a. 75-1-17. 5. De Groff, Isaac, d. 1816, May 29, in 51st y. 6. De Groff, Joel, d. 1829, Mar. 2, in 26th y. 7. De Groff, Moses, d. 1828, Apr. 30, a. 80 y. 8. De Groff, Sarah Eliza, dau. of John A. & Susan, d. 1825, June 7, a. 3 y. 9. De Voe, Anna, dau. of David & Anna, d. 1838, Apr. 5, a 17-11-25. 10. Glover, Samuel, s. of Samuel & Charlotte, d. 1820, Sep. 5, a. 11 m. 16 d. 11. Jennings, John C , d. 1842, Feb. 17, a. 30 y. 12. Jennings, Josephine M., d. 1859, Jan. 21, in 21st y. 13. Lowry, Josephine Jennings, w. of Thomas R., & dau. of James & Elizabeth Rogers, d. in New York 1851, Nov. 13, a. 34 y. 14. Lowry, Margaret, w. of Thomas R., & dau. of Tobias L. & Ester Stoutenburgh, d. in New York 1844, Sep. 9, a. 26 y. 15. Lowry, Thomas Rudd, b. 1816, Aug. 16, d. 1853, May 2, a. 37-9-10. 3 6. Mosher, Josina Teller, w of Ebenezer, d. 1851, Sep. 25, a. 61 y. 17. Quin, M. E. Stoutenburgh, w. of Robert, d. 1891, June 14, a. 79 y. 18. Quin, Robert A., Chaplain of Sailors' Snug Harbor, Staten Island ,b. New York City, 1798, d. Snug Harbor, 1863. 19. Quin, William A., eldest s. of Robert A.& Mary E., d. at Chicago, III, 1876, July 27, a. 39 y. 20. Rogers, Anna M., eldest dau. of James & Elizabeth P., d. 1865, Jan. 22, a. 49 y. 21. Rogers, Cornelia, dau. of J. Warren & Cornelia J., b. 1844, Jan. 7, d. 1845, Feb. 11. 22. Rogers, Cornelia Jones, w. of J. Warren, d. 1848, July 9, a. 27 y. 23. Rogers, Edmund, s. of Edmund I. & Rebecca, d. 1825, Nov. 16, a. 2 y 6 m. 24. Rogers, Edmund Eugene, s. of E. I. & R., d 1830, May 8, a. 2 y. 4 m." 25. Rogers, Elizabeth P., w. of James, d. 1855, F e b . 1 5 , a. 68 y 26. Rogers, James, d. 1841, Nov. 3, a. 57 y. 27. Rogers, Jeremiah Jones, s. of James & Elizabeth, d. 1825, Sep. 14, a. 6 y. 9 m. 28. Rogers, Mrs. Mary, d. 1826, Nov. 7, in 77th y. 29. Stoutenburgh, Ann Elizur, dau. of William & Elizabeth, d. 1822, Nov. 29, a. 18 y. 3 m. 30. Stoutenburgh, Caroline, dau. of William & Elizabeth, d. 1793, July 12, a. 3 y. 6 m. 31. Stoutenburgh, Caroline, d. 1829, June 20, a. 14. 32. Stoutenburgh, Catharine, w. of John, d. .1805, Aug. 27, in 76th y. 33. Stoutenburgh, Catharine E., w. of James I., d. 1815, Aug. 4, a. 40-2-18. 34. Stoutenburgh, (Edger), s. of Luke & Elizabeth C , d. 1811, July 29, a. 1 y. 4 m. 35. Stoutenburgh, Elizabeth, w. of William, d. 1835, Nov. 7, a 69-5-21. 36. Stoutenburgh, Esther, w. of Tobias L., d. 1842, July 28, a. 62 y. 37. Stoutenburgh, James C , d. 1815, June 20, a. 13-4-28. 38. Stoutenburgh, James L., d. 1831, Dec. 16, a. 67-8-19. 39. Stoutenburgh, John, s. of John L. & Margaret, d. 1797, Sep 15, a. 3 y. 40. Stoutenburgh, John, d. 1808, Feb. 21, in 77th y. 41. Stoutenburgh, John L, d. 1794, Dec. 1, a 26-11-16. 42. Stoutenburgh, John L., d. 1822, Mar. 18, a. 46 y. 43. Stoutenburgh, Margaret, dau. of John & Sarah, d. 1802, Mar. 6, a. 5 y. 10 m. 44. Stoutenburgh, Martha Catharine, dau. of William L. & Mary Dutton Stoutenburgh, d. 1841, Oct. 10, in 15th y. 45. Stoutenburgh, Mary, w. of Edmund J., d. 1847, Dec. 16, a. 30 y. 46. Stoutenburgh, Mary J. Dutton, w. of William L., d. at Sailors' Snug Harbor, Staten Island, 1861, Nov. 24, a. 65 y. 47. Stoutenburgh, Mary L., w. of Tobias-(M.), d. 1845, Aug. 20, a. 35-4-28. 122
48. Stoutenburgh, Sarah, w. of James L., d. 1846, Mar. 15, a. 71-9-11. 49. Stoutenburgh, Thomas De Witt, s. of William L. & Mary Dutton Stoutenburgh, d. 1855, Nov. 12, in 37th y. 50. Stoutenburgh, Tobias L., d. 1846, Mar. 27, a. 73 y. 51. Stoutenburgh, Tobias (M.), d. 1884, Oct. 23, a. 77-2-21 52. Stoutenburgh, William, d. 1829, Aug. 19, a. 70 y. 3 m. 53. Stoutenburgh, William L., b. at Hyde Park, d. Brooklyn, L. I., 1864, Jan. 22, a. 89 y. 54. Sturgess, Anna, w. of Edwin, & dau. of William L. & Mary Dutton Stoutenburgh, d. 1845, Mar. 29, in 25th y. 55. Tebault, Edmund Jones, b. 1837, Dec. 2, d 1843, Mar. 2 ; Tebault, Elizabeth, b. 1843, Feb. 7, d. 1849, Aug. 2 5 ; children of Richard A. & Elizabeth S. 56. Tebault, Elizabeth, wid. of Richard A., & dau. of Tobias L. & Estner R. Stoutenburgh, b. 1813, Nov. 20, d. 1893, Aug. 11. 57. Teel, Joseph, b. at Charlestown, Mass., 1745, Apr. 15, d at Hyde Park, 1843, Feb. 14, a. 98 y. 58. Teller, Catharine, dau. of Richard & Margaret, d. 1823, Oct. 18, in 20th y. 59. Teller, Margaret (Waymon), w. of Doctor, d. 1850, Mar. 5, a. 97 y. 60. Thorn, Mariah, w of Stephen, & dau. of Abram & Elizabeth De Groff, d. 1830, Jan. 12, in 23d y. 61. Weed, Hezekiah, s. of Elijah & Anna, d. 1822, May 30, in 23d y.
CROOKE GROUND CLASSIFICATION: Family ground. LOCATION: South of the village of Hyde Park, on the property now owned by Thomas J. Newbold. CONDITION: Original stone wall standing. The enclosure incorporated in the yard of some out-buildings. The few remaining grave-stones cast to one side. INSCRIPTIONS: 12 in number. Twelve copied in October, 1871, by Henry R. Van Vliet of Pleasant Plains and five copied on May 10, 1911, by J. W. Poucher, M. D., and Miss Helen W. Reynolds. The two lists of 1871 and 1911 have here been combined into one. Where the initials "V. V." are appended it indicates that the stone in question was found in 1871 but had disappeared before 1911. REMARKS: Charles Crooke (son of Charles and Ann Rutgers Crooke of New York City-, born 1735, died 1772, established a country residence at Crum Elbow, Dutchess County. The estate was known as "Crooke's Delight." Within its boundaries this family burial ground was laid out. The enclosure contained at one time a number of stones, of which only twelve were found in 1871 and five in 1911. 1. Barber, Charles Hewett, only son of Colonel' William, d. 1795, Sep. 1, a. 2 y 6 m. 2. Barber, William, Esq., late Colonel, U. S. A., d. 1798, June 17, in 44th y. 3. Broom, Ann, dau. of Charles Crooke and wife of William Broom, b. at Crum Elbow 1768, Apr. 14, d. at "Brookside", Poughkeepsie, 1856, Apr. 27, in 89th y. 4. Broom, Gabriel William Ludlow, s. of John Broom of Crum Elbow, b. at Inwood, Sullivan County, 1835, Oct. 31, d. at Poughkeepsie, 1856, Oct. 23. (V. V.) 5. Broom, John, d. at Inwood, Fallsburgh, Sullivan County, N. Y., 1841, June i o , a 32 y. (V. V.) 6. Broome, Sarah, w. of Charles, & dau. of John & Elizabeth Baldwin, b. a t St. (Leonard's), Herefordshire, England, 1810, Oct. 1, d. at Poughkeepsie, 1844, Apr. 30, in 34th y. 7. Broom, William, a native of Briston, England, d. in Albany, N. Y., 1830, Jan. 17, in 62d y. 8. Crooke, Charles, s of Charles Crooke, b. in New York, d. at Crum Elbow, 1772, Oct. 8. ' (V. V.) 9. Crooke, Dr. Charles, d. 1788, Sep. 7, a. 22 y. 10 m. 13 d. (V. V.) 123
10. Crooke, Jane, w. of Charles, b. at Kinderhook, d. at Albany, 1813, Feb., a 72 y. ' ( V . V.) 11. Crooke, John, d. 1845, Mar. 18, a. 74 y. (V. V.) 12. Hardenburgh, Helen Mary Crooke, w. of Cornelius L., of New Brunswick, & dau. of John & Cornelia Crooke of Poughkeepsie, d. 1825, Apr. 27, a. 27 y. (V. V.) ROGERS GROUND CLASSIFICATION: Family ground. LOCATION: S o u t h of H y d e P a r k village, on t h e f a r m of H e n r y Webeindorfer a t T e l l e r Hill on t h e P o s t R o a d . CONDITION: In a n open field. INSCRIPTIONS: 4 in n u m b e r . Copied D e c e m b e r 12, 1 9 1 5 , by J . W . P o u c h e r , M. D . REMARKS: K n o w n as t h e R o g e r s g r o u n d . T h e s e stones a r e p r o t e c t e d by t h e p r e s e n t o w n e r of t h e p r o p e r t y .
1. 2. 3. 4.
Rogers, Rogers, Rogers, Rogers,
Egbert Piatt, s. of Warren & Sarah 0., d. 1811, Aug. 11, a. 2 m. 11 d. Hannah, dau. of Jeremiah & Mary, d. 1800, Apr. 27, a. 26-8-19. Jeremiah, d. 1810, Aug. 11, a. 67 y. 5 m. Obadiah Jones, s. of Jeremiah & Mary, d. 1803, Oct. 29, a. 27-11-19. EAMES GROUND
CLASSIFICATION: Family ground. LOCATION: A t S t a a t s b u r g , on t h e p r o p e r t y of G e r a l d M o r g a n . CONDITION: In fair o r d e r ; s u r r o u n d e d by a s t o n e wall. INSCRIPTIONS: 11 in n u m b e r . Copied J u l y 12, 1 9 1 3 , b y G e o r g e S. V a n Vliet. REMARKS: In 1789 C a p t a i n J e s s e E a m e s ( b o r n 1739 a t F a r m i n g h a m , Mass.,) a n d C a p t a i n I s a a c Russell b o u g h t lot n u m b e r six of t h e P a w l i n g P u r c h a s e from C h r i s t i a n B e r g h a n d s e t t l e d on t h e land, w h e r e t h e y s p e n t t h e r e m a i n d e r of t h e i r l i v e s . . T h i s b u r i a l g r o u n d w a s used by t h e E a m e s family.
1. Cox, Eliza Abby Hughes, w. of A. E. Cox, M. D., & dau. of David M. & Marcia Selkrig Hughes, d. 1860, Mar. 14, a. 38 y. 5 m. 2. Eames, Dorothy, w. of Captain Jesse, b. at Sherbridge, Conn., d. 1813, Mar. 8, a. 71 y. 3. Eames, Henry, s. of Captain Jesse, b at East Sudbury, Mass., 1783, Nov. 10, d. 1833, May 8. 4. Eames, Jesse, Jr., s. of Captain Jesse & Betsey, b. in Farmingham, Mass., 1764, June 26, d. 1793, Aug. 17, a. 29 y. 5. Eames, Captain Jesse, b. at Farmingham, Mass., d. 1829, May 7, a. 90 y. 6. Hughes, Angelo, Jr., s. of David M. & Marcia Selkreg Hughes, d. 1831, Feb. 6, a. 1 y. 9 m. 7. Selkreg, Betsey, w. of Captain John, b. at Sudbury, 1778, Oct 12, d. 1825, Aug. 22, a. 47 y. 8. Selkreg, John, b. at Wolcott, 1774, Jan. 31, d. 1829, Dec. 6, a. 55 y. 9. Selkreg, John W., a. 11 wks. 1 d. 10. Selkreg, Mary L., a. 2 wks., 5 d. 11. Wooldridge, John, b. in Essex Co., England, d. 1829, May 14, a. 76 y. 11 m. SCHRYVER GROUND «. «» CLASSIFICATION: LOCATION: CONDITION: INSCRIPTIONS: REMARKS:
Family ground. O n t h e old S c h r y v e r f a r m , now o w n e d by J a c o b Bech. On a hillside in a n o p e n field. 2 in n u m b e r . Copied D e c e m b e r 12, 1 9 1 5 , by J . W . P o u c h e r , M. D . The Schryver ground.
1. Schryver, Katherine, w. of Peter A., d. 1846, October 24, a. 66-6-20. 2. Schryver, Peter A., d. 1855, Jan. 13, a. 74 y. 15 d. 124
Tompkins, Tompkins, Tompkins, Tompkins, Tompkins,
Family ground. On the farm of Richard F. Rohan, Dutchess Hill. In an open field. 5 in number. Copied December 12, 1915, by J. W. Poucher, M. D. Tompkins family ground.
Celia Jane, dau. of Peter S. & Jane, d. 1847, Oct. 22, a. 2-9-5. Hannah M., dau. of Michael & Rachel, d. 1840, Feb. 16, a. 36-8-27. Michael, d. 1841, Sep. 14, a. 69-6-2. Peter S., d. 1851, Sep. 24, a. 46 y. Rachel Schryver, w. of Michael, d. 1856, July 2, a. 78-9-9.
TOMPKINS-SCHRYVER GROUND CLASSIFICATION: Family ground. LOCATION: South of East Park, on the farm of George Van Wagenen east of the Creek Road. CONDITION: Overgrown and deserted. INSCRIPTIONS: 8 in number. Copied April 22, 1913, by J. W. Poucher, M. D. REMARKS: Tompkins-Schryver ground. 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 6. 7. 8.
Schryver, Eleanor, w. of John P., d. 1836, May 1, a 84-5-7. Schryver, John P., d. 1821, Apr . 1 , a. 71-10-20. Todd, John, d. 1864, Apr. 3, a (75)-7-29. Todd, Mary Schryver, w. of John, d. 1857, Apr. 15, a. (81)-10-11. Tompkins, Gilbert, d. 1812, Feb. 19, a. 41-10-11 Tompkins, Jacob S., d. 1832, July 12, a. 37 y. Tompkins, Theron E., s. of Jacob S. & Maria, d 1826, Oct. 31, a. 4 y. 6 m. Thompkins, Gilbert, s. of Michael & Rachel, d. 1816, Feb. 17, a. 19-2-7.
VAN DYCK GROUND CLASSIFICATION: Family ground. LOCATION: One mile south of Frost's Mills, on the farm of Mrs. Lount Lattin, near the Creek Road. CONDITION: Thickly overgrown; surrounded by a stone wall. INSCRIPTIONS: 45 in number. Copied in May, 1913, by J. W. Poucher, M. D. REMARKS: Known as the Van Dyck ground, although there is but one stone in it bearing that name. 1. Albertson, Emily Elvira, dau. of Willet & Elizabeth, d. 1861, Apr. 10, a. 17-6-17. 2. Albertson, Lottie Anna, dau. of Willet & Elizabeth, d. 1871, Apr. 8, a. 18-7-10. 3. Albertson, Willet, d. 1857, Mar. 15, a. 38-11-24. 4. Crapser, Phebe Ann, dau. of Schuyler & Ann Eliza, d. 1843, Mar. 15, a. 2-1-9. 5. Earl, James, Co. H., 150th N. Y. Volunteers, d. 1889, Apr. 1, a. 75 y. 6. Fraher, Philip, a native of Ireland, d. 1867, Nov. 25. 7 F , " P . F. 1795." 8. Hopkins, Austin Elmore, s. of George & Elizabeth, d. 1870, Nov. 9, a. 2 y. 4 d. 9. Hubbard, George T., b. 1891, Aug. 18, d. 1893, Mar. 16. 10. Hubbard, William H., b. 1878, Aug. 30, d. 1881, Apr. 13. 11. Husted, Luella, a. 13 v. (no date). 1.2. Husted, Nancy, w. of Silas, b. 1819, Sep. 23, d. 1870, Feb. 3. 13. Husted, Norman, a. 6 y. (no date). 14. Husted, William, a. 12 y. (no date). 15. Jaycox, Alfred, d. 1851, Dec. 30, a. 21-3-3. 3 6. Jaycox, Gertrude, w. of William, d. 1834, Mar. 17, a. 26-2-17. 17. Jones, Ursula, "our dear mother," b. 1795, June 12, d 1880, Sep. 2. 18. Killmer, Andrew, b. 1895, Nov. 7, d. 1896, Mar. 1. 19. Killmer, Ruth, b. 1897, Aug. 9, d. 1898, Mar. 9 20. Lamoree, Andrew, d. 1851, Dec. 21, a. 85-11-15. 125
Old 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45.
Lamoree, Isaac, d. 1859, Oct. 10, a. 63-5-7. Lamoree, John, d. 1845, Dec. 17, a. 76-9-17. Lamoree, John, s. of Isaac & Jarushy, d. 1854, Apr. 17, a 29-8-11. Lamoree, Ruth, w. of Andrew, d. 1859, Jan. 21, a. 83-4-8. Lamoree, Sarah, w. of John, d. 1828, Mar. 10, a. 54 y. 10 m. Marshall, Permelie, w. of Joseph H., & dau. of John Lamoree, d. 1837, Nov. 15, a. 36-9-12. Myers, Mary, d. 1858, July 27, a 80 y. Myers, John, d. 1851, Jan. 10, a. 82-(8)-24. Rider, Hannah, dau. of Briggs & Amanda, d. 1846. Dec. 23, in 10th y. Simmons, (Farewell) Libbie, dau. of Smith & Mary, d. 1873, May 9, a. 6-11-8. S , "M. T S. 1782". Traver, Lucinda, dau. of John H. & Mary Ann, d. 1849, June 6, a. 2-3-28. Traver, Luman, s. of John H. & Mary Ann, d. 1844, Jan. 11, a. 3-7-20. Traver, Louisa, youngest daughter of John H. & Mary Ann, d. 1853, Dec. 26, a. 16 d. Traver, Smith, s of John H. & Mary Ann, d. 1851, Sep. 22, a. 6-5-2. Vail, Edward, Co. D, 159th N. Y Volunteers, d. 1882, Oct. 2, a. 64 y. Vail, Mary, w. of Edward, b. 1820, Nov. 25, d. 1862, Aug. 20. V. D , "I. V D. 1774". Williams, Ira, s. of James & Elsy E., d. 1851, Sep. 22, a. 3 y. 9 d. Williams, James, d. 1826, Feb 20, a. 75-9-16. Williams, M., d. 1801, Nov. 5'. Williams, Merebee, w. of James, d. 1852, Oct. 6, a. 73-3-11. W , "M. W. 1788." Williams, Parmelia, dau. of James & Elsy E., d. 1851, Sep. 17, a. 1-2-24. Wright. Sarah, d. 1785.
UNNAMED GROUND CLASSIFICATION: Family ground. LOCATION: Two miles north of East Park, on the farm of A. and P. Tompkins near the Creek Road. CONDITION: Overgrown and deserted; the enclosing wall in ruins. INSCRIPTIONS: 26 in number. Copied in April, 1913, by J. W. Poucher, M. D. REMARKS: Unnamed ground; four stones dated prior to 1800. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26.
Butler, Catherine Elizabeth, dau. of Patrick & Mary, d. 1833, Feb. 23, a. 7-7-14. Craw, Cate, d. 1780, a. 32 y. (slate) Hadden, Eliza, w. of Thomas, d. 1862, Aug. 29, a. 54-8-3. Hadden, Emma Eliza, dau. of Thomas & Eliza, a. 1-4-24. Hadden, Jemima, w. of Samuel, d. 1826, Sep. 25, a. 78 y. 2 d Hadden, Nathaniel, d. 1809, Apr. 10, a. 39 y. 5 m. Hadden, Samuel, d 1818, Jan. 4, a. 66-8-18. Hadden, Samuel, d. 1831,. Feb. 22, a. 28-6-29. Hadden, Thomas, d. 1876, Jan. 9, a. 72-5-5. Herrick, Caroline Matilda, dau. of Stephen H & Mary, d. 1825, Dec. 4, a. 16 y. 11 m. Herrick, Margaret, wd. of Josiah, d. 1846, Aug. 8, in 84th y. Herrick, Maria, dau. of Stephen H. & Mary, d. 1826, Jan. 10, a. 20 y. 6 d. Herrick, Mary, w. of Stephen H., d. 1842, July 5, a. 67-11-1. Hustis, Sarah, w. of Caleb, d 1846, Apr. 28, a. 54 y. Montross, John, b. 1775, Apr. 3, d. 1779, Apr. 21. Nelson, George, d. 1825, May 26, a. 48 y. 2 m. Schlechtern, K., d. 1859, Oct. 9, a. 5 y. 2 m. Van Dyke, Elizabeth, w. of Abraham, d. 1846, Feb. 2, a. 70-6-15. Velie, Charles F., s. of Henry & Susan L., d. 1867, Feb. 10, a. (3)-1-7 Velie, Francis Melville, d. 1863, Jan. 12, a. 26-10-6. Velie, George, s of Henry & Susan L., d. 1852, Mar. 6, a. 19 y. 9 m. Velie, Henry, d.' 1863, May 27, a. 65-3-11. Velie, Susan L., w. of Henry, d. 1864, Jan. 20, a. (59)-6-12. Velie, Susan Mary, dau of Henry & Susan L., d. 1849, June 16, a. 6-11-22. W , "D. W., Dec. 25, 1791, a. 27". (Broken slate) I ( kiner), d. 1778, Feb. 20, a. 71 y. 126
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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 60. 51. 52.
Churchyard. Reformed (Dutch) Church, in the village of Hyde Park. In fair order. 230 in number. Copied in April and June, 1913, by J. W. Poucher, M. D., Mrs. Poucher and Miss Helen W. Reynolds. A Union Church was started in Hyde Park about 1780 and a church building was erected about 1790.. The property was taken over about 1812 by a newly organized Reformed (Dutch) Church. A second building was erected in 1826 that is still standing.
Albertson, John W., d. 1845, Nov. 2, a. 28-4-8. Angevine, Frances T., w. of Virgil, b. 1822, Oct. 1, d. 1863, Mar. 30. Baker, William H., d. 1841, Sep. 18, a 24-4-9 Banker, Jane, w of Thomas, d. 1857, Sep. 28, a. 71 y. Banker, John N., s. of William & Martha, d. 1826, Mar 21, a. 2 y. 3 m. Banker, Martha, w. of William, b. 1800, Oct, 18, d. 1864, Aug. 7 Banker, Thomas, d. 1865, Dec. 28, a 83 y. Banker, William, b. 1799, Dec. 15, d." 1866, Jan. 22. Beach, Charles, s. of Dennis & Prudence, d. 1833, Apr. 21, a 17 y. 6 m. Beach, Dennis, d. 1851, Aug. 28, in 61st y. Beach, Marcus, s. of Dennis & Prudence, d. 1833, June 16, a. 7 y. 6 m. Beach, Prudence, w. of Dennis, d. 1838, July 9, in 46th y. Bevin, Rev. John H., b. 1805, July 21, d 1880, Aug. 14. Bevin, Mary A. Hoyt, w. of Rev. John H.,' b. 1823, Feb. 2, d. 1881, Jan. 6. Blanchard, Mrs. Susan C , dau of Benjamin DeLamater, d. 1854, Apr. 15, a. 3 1 , 1-6; also her daughter Caroline Blanchard, d. 1853, Aug. 29, a. 5 y. 3 d. Brouwer, Elizabeth, wid. of Jacob, d. 1814, Aug. 16, in 72d y Brown, Maria S., d. 1883, July 1, a. 83 y Brown, Mary E., w. of Walter (S.), & dau. of Hiram & Sarah Marshall, d. 1853, Sep. 21, a. 20-8-16. Brown, Walter S., d. 1859, Dec. 16, a. 35 y. 6 m Brown, William H., d. 1881, June 27, a. 84 y. Bunnel, Noah, d. 1790, Dec 11, in 30th y. Bush, Henry, d. 1794, Dec. 9, a. 37-8-2. Champlin, Elizabeth, w. of Jesse, d. 1829, May 18, a. 42-4-17. Champlin, Jesse, d 1851, Mar. 1, in New York, a. 63-6-11. Cookingham, Henry P., d. 1887, Sep. 22, a. 77-4-12. Cookingham, Orpha Thorn, w. of Henry P., d. 1884, July 26, a. 71-6-17. Cruikshank, Mary Dunham, dau. of Rev. John C. & Charlotte C. Ayres, d. 1841, Sep. 21, a. 9 m. 21 d. Cruikshank, Simeon Ayres, s. of Rev. John & Charlotte C. Ayres, d. 1850, Aug. 31, a. 4-3-29. Culver, Catharine Skidmore, w. of John A., 1810-1840. Culver, Charles W., s. of John A. & Elizabeth, d. 1811, Nov. 1, a. 1-8-9. Culver, Henry M., s. of John A & Catharine, d. 1847, Dec. 27, a. 7-11-14. Culver, Jane A., 1837-1854. Davis, Almira C , d. 1859, Oct. 19, a. 21 y. Davis, George W., d. 1854, Mar. (6), a. 21-6-6. DeGroff, Catharine Banker, w. of John N., 1826-1907. DeGroff, John E., d. 1846, Sep. 20, a. 58-11-4. DeGroff, John N., 1831-1909 DeGroff, Maria Stoutenburgh, w. of John E., d. 1884, May 28, a. 93-4-28. DeLamater, Almira, w. of Benjamin, d. 1837, Jan. 24, a. 45-11-9. Delamater, Benjamin, d. 1800, Aug. 7, a. 57 y. DeLamater, Benjamin, d. 185(1), Mar. 21, a. 79 y. 5 m. DeLamater, Benjamin, d. 1861, May 3, in 30th y. DeLamater, Edward R., s. of Benjamin & Almira, d. 1829, June 22, a. 19-4-18. Dennis, Mrs. Mary, d. 1857, Dec. 19, a. 19-10-9. DeRiemer, Elsie, w. of Peter, d. 1818, Oct. 19, in 71st y. DeRiemer, Peter, d. 1811, Oct. 2, in 75th y. DeRiemer, Samuel, Esq., d. 1815, July 27, in 47th y. Doty, Harriet, dau. of Oliver W. & Jane Ann, d. 1849, Apr. 16, a. 3-6-13. Doty, Oliver W., b. 1815, Feb. 26, d. 1860, Dec. 6. Douglas, William, a native of Scotland, d. 1848, Jan. 11, a. 35 y. Dunwell, Jane E. Wigg, w. of Eli C , d. 1850, Dec. 3, a. 32 y. 10 m. Dusinbury, Miss Polly, d. 1838, Sep. 4, a. 53 y. 127
Old 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88.
89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. ill. 112.
Edmonds, Charles A., d. 1840, Nov. 23, a. 16-4-19. Fairchild, Aaron X., d. 1849, Sep. 29, a. 40-4-16. Fairchild, Lucy A., b. 1840, Feb. 22, d. 1904, Apr. 18. Fairchild, Sarah M., b. 1814, Sep. 22, d. 1881, Mar. 16. Finch, Alfred A., s. of James & Mary A., d. 1841, Jan. 22, a. 7 m. 14 d. Finch, Mrs. Esther, d. 1855, Dec. 12, a. 84 y. 11 m. Fleming, Capt. Samuel, d. 1811, Apr. 24, a. 57 y. Forster, Rebecca, w. of John, d. 1834, June (31). Foster, Matthew, d. 1872, June 11, a. 37 y. (Veteran's marker). Freeman, Phineas G., d. 1852, Nov. 22, a. 23-11-22. Germond, John, d. 1864, Jan. 5, a. 56-4-11. Graham, Agnes L., w. of William B., d. 1888, Nov. 1, in 75th y. Graham, William B., d. 1890, Feb. 3, in 79th y. Green, Rev. Israel, b. 1805, Nov. 5, at Lancaster, Pa., d. 1884, Dec. 24, at Hyde Park. Green, John, Jr., s. of John & Elizabeth, d. 1803, Sep. 13, a. 32-4-15. Green, Samuel T., d. 1849, Aug. 19, a 18 y. 2 m. Green, Sarah, w. of Rev. Israel L., b. 1807, Sep. 7, at Roxbury, N. Y., d. 1884, Oct. 14, at Hyde Park. Griffins, Catharine, w. of Griffin, d. 1835, May 9, a. 30 y. Hoyt, Eliza, w. of Ezra, b. 1802, July 29, d. 1879, Oct. 4. Hoyt, Ezra, b. 1795, Sep 24, d. 1882, Jan. 25. Hoyt, Ezra P., s. of Ezra and Eliza, d. 1903, June 9. Hoyt, Maria Ackerman, w. of Ezra P., d. 1901, Aug. 5. Hovt, Mary S. Ackerman, w. of Ezra P., d. 1895, May 25. Hustis, Hannah, w. of Joseph, d. 1824, Mar. 27, a. 77 y. Hustis, Joseph, d. 1827, Aug. 5. in 80th y. Hutchins. Baron S., d. 1854, Sep 12, a. 69-10-1. Hutchins, John W., d. 1847, Aug. 8, in 19th y. Hutchins, Susan C , d. 1845, Sep. 16, in 16th v. Hutton, David B., d. 1862, Mar. 18, a. 19 y. Hyde, Capt. Christopher, d. 1843, Dec. 21, in 71st y. Hyde, Jerusha, w. of Capt. Christopher, d. 1834, June 11, in 66th y. Hyzer, Nelson A., s. of Joseph & Sarah, d. 1848, Jan. 26, a. 4 y. 9 m. Janes, Margaret, w. of Wa/ter P., & dau. of Myron & Sally Beardsley, 1828, Jan 1, 1850, Jan. 26. Kipp,'Jacob V., d. 1845, Feb. 26, a. 43-5-11. Lansing, Leonard, s. of William H. & Mary A., d. 1843, Oct. 16, a. 1-8-9. Lansing, Garret P., 1788-1847. Malinda G., 1787-1864. Helen I., 1834-1847 M Jane, 1832-1900. William H., 1819-1903. Garrit P., 1836-1909. Lockerbie, Agnes McVinnie, w. of William, d. 1859, Mar. 5, a. 28 v. McNary, Caroline, dau. of John & Eliza, d. 1850, Dec 3, a. 5 y. 3 m. McNary, Eliza, b. 1813, Jan. 19, d. 1875, Sep. 5. McNary, John, d. 1851, Sep. 29, a. 37-4-11 McNary, Philip C , b 1880, June 13, d. 1881, May 19. McNary, Ralph Carol, b. 1889, Dec. 16, d. 1891, June 13. Mann, Frances Louisa, dau. of Lewis & Mary Ann, d. 1838, Oct. 19, a. 5-10-11. Mann, Lewis, d. 1841, Aug. 24, a. 45-2-9. Mann, William C , s. of William L. & Emily M., b. 1869, Nov. 2, at San Francisco, d. 1874, Jan. 21. Mann, William L., b. 1829, Nov. 13, d. 1870, Apr. 25. Manning, Charles, Sr., d. 1847, July 13, a. 76-11-22. Manning, Weston A., s. of C. J. & Lucy M., d. 1850, Feb. 5, a. 8 m. 23 d. Marshall, Hiram, b. 1805, June 19, d. 1868, Jan. 6. Marshall, Martha Ann, d. 1830, May 25, a. 6 m. Marshall, Sarah W(olley), w. of Hiram, b. 1812, Dec. 28, d. 1885, Aug. 2. Mayhew, Susan Mary, dau. of Harley C. & Adelia, d. 1844, Sep. 18, a. 17 y. 8 m. Mellen, Patrick, d. 1899, Mar. 27, a. 69 y. Mott, Martha, w. of William, d 1831, Dec. 13, a. 43-7-9. Mott, William, d. 1842, Nov. 2, a. 54-10-28. Mulford, Caroline B., w. of David H., d. 1850, Dec. 18, a. 28 y. 7 m. Mulford, Capt. David, d. 1778, Jan. 3, in 55th y. Mulford, David, d. 1858, Jan 6, in 70th y. Mulford, Hannah, w. of Job,'d. 1813, Mar. 16, in 53d y. Mulford, Job, d. 1794, Aug. 14, in 45th y. 128
T own
Pa r k
113. Mulford, Margaret, w. of David, d. 1877, Feb. 21, in 85th y. 114. Mulford, Margaretta, d. 1862, Apr. 1, in 30th y. 115. Mulford, Phebe, w. of Capt. David, d. 1788, Jan. 21, in 64th y. 116. Munson, David, d. 1838, Sep. 3, a. 36-6-27. 117. Myer, Mary, d. 1834, Mar. 25, a. 67-9-5. 118. Odell, Elizabeth, w. of Valentine, d. 1851, Feb. 16, a. 82 y. 8 m. 119. Odell, Georgianna, dau. of Vincent & Caroline, d. 1857, Apr. 7, a. 7 y. 120. Odell, Hester Ann, d. 1877, Apr. 13, a. 77 y. 121. Odell, Rachel, dau. of Valentine & Elizabeth, d. 1837, June 11, a. 3-5-13. 122., Odell, Valentine, d. 1850, Apr. 11, a 81 y. 7 m. 123. Odell, Vincent, d. 1857, Mar. 3, a. 62 y. 124. Ostrom, Andrew, d. 1851, Nov. 6, a. 57-8-2. 125. Ostrom, Jane, w. of Andrew, d. 1856, June 30, a. 61-5-8. 126. Ostrom, Jane, dau. of Andrew J. & Catharine, d. 1858, Jan. 6, a. 8 m. 26 d. 127. Parker, Catharine E., w. of Abraham, d. 1852, Sep. 23, a 23 y. 128. Parker, Thomas S., d. 1861, Mar. 2, a. 79 y. 129. Parker, Mary Lansing, w. of Thomas S., d. 1854, Oct. 23, a. 68 y. 130. Phillips, Andrew, d. 1842, Apr. 9, a. 61-9-24. 131. Phillips, Andrew, s. of Andrew & Hannah, b. 1822, Aug. 11, d. 1880, Oct. 21 132. Phillips, Anna, dau. of Andrew & Hannah, b. 1819, Nov. 23, d. 1889, Feb. 25. 133. Phillips, Eliza, dau. of Andrew & Hannah, b. 1809, Apr. 19, d. 1883, May 2 1 . 3 34. Phillips, Ellen, eldest dau. of Andrew & Hannah, d. 1815, Aug. 23, a. 11 y, 5 d. 135. Phillips, Hannah, w. of Andrew, d 1858, Jan. 12, a. 75-9-11. 136. Phillips, John O., d. 1841, Nov. 27, a. 29-6-17. 137. Phillips, William, s. of Andrew & Hannah, b. 1816, Sep. 22, d. 1894, Dec 26. 138. Prichard, Eleanor Stoutenburgh, w. of Richard L., d. 1877, Sep. 25. 139. Prichard, Elsie C , d 1906, July 17. 140. Prichard, Isaac D. C , d. 1894, Feb. 22. 141. Prichard, M. D.; James L., d. 1901, May 27 142. Prichard, Richard L., d. 1882, Nov. 22. 143. Ralph, Margaret, w. of Jacob, d. 1822, Mar 12, in 36th y. 144. Rhynders, Catharine, d. 1870, Jan. 22, a. 76 y. 145. Robinson, Lana, w. of Samuel, d. 1859, Dec. 28, a. 68 y 146. Robinson, Samuel, d. 1865, Jan. 10, a. 80 y. 147. Rymph, David H., b. 1827, July 22, d 1910, Dec. 12. 148. Rymph, John D., 1841, Mar. 2, a. 69-8-15. 149. Rymph, John, s. of John & Lavina, b. 1822, J ( u n e ) 19, d. 1882, July 9. 150. Rymph, Lavina, w. of John, d. 1858, Sep. 20, a. 70 y. 11 m. 151. Rymph, Susan A., b. 1829, Sep. 20, d. 1889, Apr. 27 152. Rymph, William H., b. 1816, Oct. 4, d. 1884, Oct. 30. 153. Rymph, Willie, b. 1877, Feb. 18, d. 1877, Apr. 21. 154. Skidmore, James Hervey, d. 1833, Oct. 20, a. 33 y. 155. Skidmore, Sarah, w. of Walter, d. 1840, Mar. 16, in 67th y. 156. Skidmore, Walter, d. 1851, July 22, a. 82-2-18 157.' Sleight, Harriet, w. of Jacob T., d. 1850, Apr. 13, a. 36 y. 15 d. 158. Sleight, Isabella, twin dau. of William H & Harriet H., d. 1853, July 14, a. 4 m. 159. Sleight, Lewis Tyler, s. of William H. & Harriet H., d. 1844, Sep. 23, a. 10 m. 160. Sleight, Mary E., w. of Jacob T., & dau. of Isaac Stoutenburgh, d. 1833, Jan. 16, a. 23 y. 6 m. 161. Sleight, William H., d. 1858, Aug. 19. 162. Sleight, Winfield Scott, s. of William H. & Harriet H., d. 1851, Dec. 29, a. 5 y. 7 m. 163. Spoor, Abram, d. 1832, Mar. 21, in New York, a. 36-8-10. 164. Stoutenburgh, Catharine D. C , d. 1858, May 13, a. 61 y. 165. Stoutenburgh, Elcy, w. of Isaac, d. 1845, July 6, a. 75 y. 166. Stoutenburgh, Isaac, s. of John S. & Maria, b 1841, Oct. 5, a. 3-6-15. 167. Stoutenburgh, Isaac, s. of William, b. 1767, Dec. 17, d. 1859, Nov. 1. 168. Stoutenburgh, William I., b. 1792, Sep 5, d. 1859, Sep. 21. 169. Thayer, Eliza Elwood, w. of Luther, b. 1810, Aug. 1, d. 1892, Jan. 13. 170. Thayer, Luther, d. 1855, June 13, a. 60 y 171. Thorn, John T., d. 1887, Apr. 13, a. 65-6-8. 172. Todd, Catharine, w. of David, d. 1848, Sep. 24, a 52 y. 173. Todd, Mary C , dau. of Charles J. & Hellen, d. 1851, Nov. 9, a. 9-2-26. 174. Todd, Tilson, s of Charles J. & Hellen, d. 1851, Dec. 19, a. 3-9-28. 175. Todd, William, d. 1833, Nov. 20, a. 79 y. 5 m. 176. Tompkins, Elias, d. 1870, June 14, a. 62-10-3. 177. Tompkins, Mary Jane, dau. of Elias & Susan, d 1851, May 24, a. 18-6-21. 178. Tompkins, Susan Velie, w. of Elias, d. 1889, Mar. 14, a. 84-1-15. 179. (Torry), Charles N., s. of Ananias & Elmira, drowned 1841, June 3, a. 7 y. 1 m. 129
180. Trivett, Mary Ann Mann, w. of Elias, & dau. of Andrew & Hannah Phillips, b. 1806, Aug. 27, d. 1880, Oct. 19. 181. Uhl, Edmond H., s. of Frederick & Jane Ann, d. 1841, Oct. 7, a. 5 y. 11 m. 182. Uhl, Elizabeth Schryver, w. of Henry, d. 1862, July 10, a. 90-8-28. 183. Uhl, Helen, w. of Jonathan B., d. 1834, Mar. 10, a. 29-1-29. 3 84. Valentine, Catharine, w of John, d. 1843, July 11, a. 34-7-27. 185. Valentine, Nathan I., d. 1853, Aug. 2, a. 23-(10)-7. 186. Van Benschoten, Elizabeth, dau. of (Travis?, F r a n c u ? ) & Elizabeth, d. 1803, Sep. 8, a. 17 y. 8 m 187. Vandemet, Ann, d. 1822, Sep. 9, in 27th y. 188. Van Vliet, Ephraim, d. 1853, July 8, a. 26 y 189. Van Vliet, Hiram, s. of Cornelius & Mary, d. 1837, Aug. 26, a. 26 y. 7 m. 190. Van Vliet, John, d. 1847, June 11, in 52d y. 191. Van Vliet, Maria, w of John, b. 1801, Sep. 10, d. 1849, Aug. 28. 192. Van Vliet, William W., b. 1839, Oct. 5, d. 1860, Aug. 22. 193. Van Wagner, Abraham, d. 1838, Sep. 8, a. 60-8-21. 194. Van Wagner, Ann A. Beach, w. of James G., 1829-1907. 195. Van Wagner, Catharine, w. of Gilbert, & dau. of John & Hellen Schryver, d. 1854, Apr. 5, a. 70-7-18. 196. Van Wagner, DeWitt C , s. of Francis & Phebe, d. 1845, Oct. 30, a. 20-11-26 197. Van Wagner, Eleanor M., w. of John S., d. 1883, Apr. 13, a. 85 y 5 m. 198. Van Wagner, Francis, b 1787, Jan. 11, d. 1859, July 22, in 73d y. 199. Van Wagner, Hannah, wid. of Abraham, d 1849, Sep. 20, a. 67-9-16. 200. Van Wagner, James G., 1827-1900. 201. Van Wagner, James P., d. 1861, May 7, a. 44-7-21. 202. Van Wagner, John Arthur, s. of John S. & Eleanor M., d. 1838, Apr. 22, a. 1110-9. 203. Van Wagner, John S., b. 1800, Dec. 12, d. 1875, July 10. 204. Van Wagner, Phebe Jane, dau. of Francis & Phebe, d. 1846, Mar. 30. a. 16-2-10. 205. Van Wagner, Phebe Balding, w. of Francis, d. 1874, Jan. 6, in 84th y. 206. Van Wagner, Richard, s. of Francis & Phebe, b. 1810, Oct. 17, d. 1866, Apr 13, a. 55-5-26. 207. Van Wagoner, John G., d. 1842, Apr. 2, a. 33-8-7. 208. Weed, Anna, w. of Elijah, d. 1823, Oct. 15, in 53d y. 209. Whitney, Margaret Sleight, w. of Abram A., b. 1832, d. 1862. 210. Whitten, Laura Banker, w. of Horatio H., b. 1829, Dec. 14, d. 1869, Sep. 25 211. Wigg, Catharine, w. of John, d. 1844, Jan. 5, a. 44-8-25. 212. Wigg, Charles M., youngest s. of John & Catharine, d. 1846, May 20, a. 24 y. 213. Wigg, Emeline, w. of Nathan, d. 1 8 5 ( 9 ) , June 4, a. 35-2-8. 214. Wigg, Jane, w. of Nathan, d. 1852, Dec. 25, a. 84-9-17. 215. Wigg, John, d 1844, May 21, a. 48-7-11. 216. Wigg, Nathan, d. 1837, Apr. 15, in 69th y. 217. Wigg, Nathan, d. 1864, Mar. 9, a. 43 y. 5 m. 218. Williams, Arthur, b. 1802, May 25, d. 1850, June 24. 219. Williams, Hannah Jones, w. of John, d. 1858, Sep. 22, a. 80 y. 2 m. 220. Williams, John, a native of Westchester County, N. Y., d. 1840, Mar 14, in 74th y. 221. Wilson, John S., d. 1826, Oct. 27, a. 20-5-22. 222. Winne, Freelove Wood, w of Nicholas, b. 1822, Aug. 26, d. 1901, July 29. 223. Winne, James, d. 1848, Jan. 8, a. 45 y. 224. Winne, Nicholas, b. 1822, Aug. 23, d. 1890, Nov. 10. 225. Wood, Isaac W., s. of Simeon & Phebe, d. 1860, Jan. 17, a. 45 y. 10 m. 226. Wood, James H., d. 1863, Dec. 13, a. 53 y. 5 d. 227. Wood, Jane Briggs, w. of James, d. 1872, Oct. 16, a. 55 y 7 m. 228. Wood, Phebe Vermilyea, w. of Simeon, d. 1857, Nov. 17,'a. 74-2-4. 229. Wood, Simeon, d. 1858, June 5, a 7(6)-10-25. 230. Wood. Zipporah C , w. of Isaac W , & dau. of Samuel & Charlotte Hewlett, d. 1859, Mar. 10, a. 41 y. 5 d. ST. JAMES'S CHURCH GROUND CLASSIFICATION: Churchyard. LOCATION: St. James" Church (Protestant Episcopal), north of the village of Hyde Park on the east side of the Post Road. CONDITION: Well cared for. INSCRIPTIONS: 328 in number. Copied in June, 1913, by J. W. Poucher, M. D., Mrs. Poucher and Miss M. O. Johnston. 130
/%**., + 4 ~ / ^ & / 2 o
ST. JAMES'S CHURCHYARD, HYDE PARK, N. Y. A Village Parish-Church and God's Acre, Rare in Beauty
St. James's parish was founded in 1811. The site for a church was acquired in that same year and the first building erected. The latter was replaced in 1844 with the present stone church. The property as a whole is picturesque and beautiful.
1. Akin, Jane Ann, w. of Isaac, & dau. of Joseph Dennis of Staatsburg, d. 1837, May 7, at Philadelphia, in 23d y. 2. Allen, Benjamin, LL.D., b. 1772, Oct. 8, at North Kingston, R. I., d. 1836, July 20. 3. Allen, Mary, w. of Benjamin, LL.D., & dau. of Rev. Joel Benedict, D.D., of Plainfield, Ct., b. 1778, July â&#x20AC;&#x201D;, d. 1828, Nov. 11. 4. Allen, Maria C , w. of William, Esq., d. 1825, Feb. 2, at Hyde Park, a. 40 y. Also her two children, William & Julian. 5. Allen, William, b. 1776, Jan. 14, at Philadelphia, d. 1850, Mar. 10, at Rondout. 6. Amerman, Catharine Stratton, dau. of Isaac R. & Henrietta, d. 1846, May 21, a. 1-1-18. 7. Amerman, James, d. 1846, Mar. 27, in 45th y. 8. Amerman, John, d. 1853, Aug. 13, a. 75 y. 18 d. 9. Amerman, Rhoda, w. of John, d. 1864, Feb. 2, in 83d y. 10. Amerman, Thomas, d. 1864, Feb. 1, in 63d y. 11. Amerman, children of Isaac & Henrietta, Edward Russel, d. 1842, Apr. 16, a. 2 y. Emily, d (1842), July 25, a. ( ? ) . 12. Anthony, Harry, d. 1866, May 15, a. 82 y. 13. Ashton, Amos Turner, Priest & Doctor, Rector, St. James's Church, Hyde Park, 1891-1911. Archdeacon of Dutchess 1901-1911. 3 4. Banker, Elener, w. of Frederick, d. 1857, June 6, a. 94-3-2. 15. Banker, Frederick, d. 1848, June 6, a. 88-10-25. 16. Balding, Hannah, w. of Isaac R., d. 1822, Mar. 13, a. 33-10-13. 17. Bard, Eliza Helen, w. of John, d. 1823, Sep. 25, a. 27-8-7. 3 8. Bard, M, D.; John, b. in Burlington, N. J., 1716, Feb. 20, d. 1799, Apr. 1. 19. Bard, John Russell, s. of John & Eliza, d. 1822, Apr 24, a. 2-4-28. 20. Bard, Mary, w. of Dr. Samuel, b. 1746, June 12, d. 1821, May 23, in 75th y. 21. Bard, Dr. Samuel, President of the Medical College, N Y., b. 1742, Apr. 1, d. 1821, May 24, in 80th y. 22. Bard, Sarah, b. in Philadelphia, 1754, Dec. 8, d. in Constableville, Lewis Co., N. Y., 1837, Sep. 3. 23. Bard, Susan M., d. 1831, Oct. 27, a. 28 y. 6 m. 24. Barton, Sarah, b. 1732, Dec. 2, d. 1821, May 22. 25. Bayles, Caroline Amelia, dau. of Elias & Deborah, d. 1851, Apr. 23, a. 11-6-4. 26. Bayles, Deborah, w of Elias, d. 1860, May 14, a. 52 y. 27. Bayles, Elias, d. 1860, Apr. 3, a. 78 y. 7 d. 28. Bayley, Angelica C. Wykoff, w. of Guy Carleton, b. 1852, July 19, d. 1876, Aug. 28 29. Beam, William, s. of Joel & Emily, d. 1887, Aug. 13, a. 22-5-18. 30. Beesmer, John M., s. of John & Hannah, d. 1837, Sep. 14, a. 17-7-7. 31. Bell, Johanna, w. of William H., & dau. of John George Carroll Seelig of the City of Amsterdam, Holland; a native of St. Eustatius, Dutch West Indies, d. 1866, June 27, in Poughkeepsie, a. 79 y. 32. Bell, William H.,. a native of St. Christopher's, West Indies, d. 1822, Oct. 4, in the colony of Berbice, British Guiana, South America, a. 32 y. 33. Benne, Sarah, 1872 34. Benne, Victor G., Benne, Louis V. T. Benne, T. Adolphus, 1849. 35. Benson, George, b. 1817, Aug. 15, at Preston, Lancashire, England, d. 1875, Jan. 7. 36. Bird, Alice Waldorf, 1876-1877. 37. Bird, M. D.; John Stirling, 1836-1900. 38. Braman, Cyrus, s. of Cyrus & Mary, d. 1812, June 1, a. 1-2-14. 39. Braman, Cyrus, b. 1766, Nov. 28, Norwich, Ct., d. 1850, Oct. 10, Hyde Park, N. Y. 40. Braman, Edward, eldest s. of Samuel H. & Helen Van Vliet, b. 1833, Dec. 13, d. 1907, Dec. 31. 41. Braman, Helen, w. of Samuel H., & dau. of Cornelius & Mary Van Vliet, b. 1807, June 22, d. 1857, Oct. 1. 42. Braman, Helen, dau. of Samuel H. & Helen Van Vliet, b. 1845, Nov. 13, d. 1864, May 27. 43. Braman, John, b. 1731, Apr. 12, d. 1810, Sep. 6, a. 79-4-14. 131
44. Braman, John Adams, second s. of Cyrus & Elizabeth Dunbar Teel, b. 1799, Jan. 18, at Preston, Ct., d. 1886, Sep. 13, at Hyde Park, N. Y. 45. Braman, Joseph Teel, eldest s. of Cyrus & Elizabeth Dunbar Teel, b. 179G, Jan. 29, at Norwich, C t , d. 1869, Aug. 1, at Hyde Park, N. Y. 46. Braman, Mary Hitt, w. of Cyrus, b. 1772, Feb. 27, d. 1847, Oct. 26. 47. Braman, Mary S., dau. of Cyrus & Mary, b. 1805, Mar. S, d. 1881, May 12. 48. Braman, Phebe S., dau. of Cyrus & Mary, b. 1813, May 23, d. 1861, Aug. 15. 49. Braman, Samuel, b. 1807, Jan. 20, d. 1846, June 16. 50. Braman, Samuel H., youngest s. of Samuel H. & Helen Van Vliet, b 1842, Apr. 13, d. 1869, Feb. 14. 51. Braman, Sarah Elsworth, w. of William, b. 1816, Apr. 4, in New York, d. 1904, Oct. 17. 52. Braman, William H., b. 1815, Dec. 27, d. 1S76, Feb. 24. 53. Budd, Benjamin, b. 1809, Apr. 20, d. 1875, . 54. Budd, Henry Almot, s. of Benjamin & Mary D., d. 1832, Kay 20, a. 16 m. 55. Budd, Mary D., w. of Benjamin, & dau. of Joseph & Sally Dennis, d. 1832, May 3, a. 22-6-15. 56. Buhler, Amanda P., w. of Christian F., b. 1819, May 17, d. 1879, Oct. 16. 57. Buhler, Anna R., w. of Clarence F., b. 1852, Mar. 20, A. 1882, June 24 58. Buhler, Christian F., b. 1811, Oct. 12, d. 1875, May 13. 59. Buhler, Clarence F., b. 1842, June 21, d. 1887, Oc:. 23. 60. Buhler, Frederick, 1884, June 1, 1884, July 21. 61. Buhler, Sheridan, b. 1840, Sep. 14, d. 1902, June 22. 62. Butler, Elias, b. 1805, Jan. 13, d. 1878, Aor. 29. 63. Butler, Francis Reed, b. 1842, Dec. 4, d. 1890, Jan. 23. 64. Butler, George Harris, only s. of Laird M. H., & Sarah M., drowned, 1840, July 26, in 12th y. 65. Butler, Katharine L., 1844-1891. 66. Butler, Laura, d. 1858, Jan. 11, a. 62-2-9 67. Butler, Mary Angeline, w. of Elias, b. 1807, Mar. 4, d. 1330, Oct. 30. 68. Butler, M. D.; Oliver H., b. 1835, Jan. 20, d. 1859, Oct. 1. 69. Butler, Simon, a native of Ireland, Kings County, Parish of Rinough, d. 1832, June 19, a. 45 y. 70. Butler, Thomas, d. 1831, Dec. 7, in 50th y. 71. Carter, Rev. George Galen, S. T D., Chancellor of the Diocese of Albany, s. of the Rev. Lawson Carter, 1840-1904. 72. Chalmers, Mary, w. of William, d. 1856, Sep. 2, a. 43 y. 73. Channing, Lisa Beatrice Johnston, 1855-1860. 74. Channing, Mary, if. dau. of William H. & Julia, b. 1352, Jan. 26, d. 1852, Sep.â&#x20AC;&#x201D;, a. 8 m. 75. Cheeseman, Mahitable, w. of Joshua, d. 1826, Sep. 10, a. 46 y. 76. Cheeseman, children of Joshua & Mahitabel, Cordelia, d. 1838, Jan. 9, a. 18 v. 11 m Catharine, d. 1873, Nov. 14, a. 73 y. Samuel, d. (no dates given). 77. Collins, David, Jr., b. at Blandford, Mass., d. 1849, Oct. 6, at Hyde Park, a. 51 y. 78. Cowman, Anne Brumley Gillender, w. of Augustus Thomas, 1S09-1SS9. 79. Cowman, Augustus Thomas, 1814-1854. 80. Cowman, Augustus Thomas, Jr., s. of Augustus T., 1344-1845. 81. Cowman, Edward Donaldson, 1847-1890. 82. Cowman, Eliza Matilda, dau. of Augustus T. & Anne B. G., 1837-1894. 83. Cowman, James Gillender, s. of Augustus T., 1834-1841. 84. Cowman, John, s. of Augustus T., 1839-1855. 85. Cowman, Kate Schryver, w. of Edward Donaldson, 1.848-1893. 86. Cox, Esther, d. 1811, Sep. 17, a. 67 y. 87. Cruger, Catharine, dau. of Henry & Mary, d 1815, Apr. 10, a. 7-3-25. 88. Culver, Polly, w. of John, d. 1841, Mar. 24, a. 17-11-24. 89. Curtis, Sarah, b. 1796, July 31, d. 1848, Feb. 5. 90. Davenport, John C , s. of Peter B. & Hannah, d. 1844, Feb. 4, in 30th y. 91. Dennis, Isaac J., d. 1872, Apr. 7, a. 67 y. 92. Dennis, Joseph, d. 1832, May 24, a. 67-6-13. 93. Dennis, Sarah, w. of Joseph, d. (date not stated), a 65-7-4. 94. De Normandie, M. D.; John Abraham, d. 1805, Sep.' 25, at Bellfield, the seat of John Johnston, Esq., b. 1721, Sep. 13, at Bristol in America. His parents were from Geneva, Switzerland. 95. Dobbs, Sarah, w. of Peter Z., b. 1809, Mar. 14, d. 1864, Feb. 2. 96. Dutton, Catherine, w. of Samuel B., d. 1825, Jan. 30. a. 26 v. 97. Dutton, Elizabeth, w. of Titus, b 1751, Feb. 15, d. 1817, Feb. 27. 98. Dutton, Titus, d. 1832, Apr. 9, a. 85 y. 132
99. Elsworth, Catharine, w. of William, & dau of Cyrus & Mary Braman, b. 1809, Feb. 12, at Hyde Park, d. 1890, Jan. 30, at Poughkeepsie. 100. Elsworth, Cyrus B., s. of William & Ruth, b. 1822, Oct. 29, d. 1895, Dec. 2 101. Elsworth, Ruth H. Braman, w. of William, d. 1846, Dec. 8, a 45 y. 3 02. Elsworth, William, b. 3 796, June 2, in New York, d. 1870, Nov. 18, in Hyde Park. 103. Elsworth, William, s. of William & Ruth, b 1829, Apr. 2, d. 1891, Dec. 3. 104. Emmet, Henry Coster, second s. of William C. & Laura M., b. 1836, Sep 8, d. 1843, Aug. 5. 105. Emmet, Jane Magdalena, only dau. of William C. & Laura M., d. 1843, Aug. 4, 2 y. 7 m. 106. Forman, Julia E., d. 1819, Aug. 25, a. 21 y 107. Foster, Frederick, Co. C, 150th N. Y. Vols.,'d. 1889, Sep. 20, a 45-4-14. i08. Gill, Lucy, w. of (Uriah), d. 1823, May 15, a. 73 y. 109. Gillender, John Eggles, d. 1848, May 9, a. 20 y. 110. Gillespie, George Cuyler, only s. of John & Susan, d. 1816, Sep. 7, a. 2-3-11. 111. Gillespie, Harriott Elizabeth De Normandie, dau. of John & Susan, d. 1813, Dec. 29, a. 4-5-10. 112. Gillespie, Harriott Elizabeth, wid. of George, & dau. of John Abraham De Normandie of Bristol, Pa., d. (no date on stone), a. 52 y. "Erected by her affectionate sons." 113. Gillespie, John De Normandie, d. 1833, Apr. 26, a. 56 y. 114. Golder, Willia, d. 1829, Dec. 19, in 44th y. 115. Griffin, Elizabeth, w. of Peter, b. 1772, Aug. 12, d. 1842, Aug. 12. 116. Griffin, George, b 1791, Dec. 26, d. 1844, Mar. 24. 317. Griffin, Mary, w. of George, d. 1856, Apr. 21, a. 62-9-2. 118. Griswold, Phebe, d. 1812, June 5, a. 57 y. 7 m 119. Haight, Benjamin I., d. 1879, Feb. 21. 120. Haight, Euphemia, Kneeland, 1842-1909 121. Haight, Euphemia McVickar, 1866-1893.' 322. Hale, Chloe, w. of Elisha, d. 1862, Sep. 14, a. 83 y. 3 23. Hale, Elisha, d. 1851, Jan. 5, a 75 y. 124. Hale, Frederick Henry Meigs, s. of Henry E. & Deidamia, d. 1838, Mar. 29, a. 3 y. 6 m. 3 25. Hale, Henry Elisha, d 1835, Mar. 11, a. 26 y. 9 m. 126. Hanver, Christian, 1843. 127. Hanver, Elizabeth, 1846. 3 28. Hanver, Jane, 1869. 129. Heath, Susan, w. of the Rev. William Barnham, & dau. of Cornelius & Mary Van Vliet, b. 1817, Oct. 7, d. 1891, July 12. 3 30. Hewlett, Angelina, w. of John K., & dau. of Frederick & Persis Marshall, d. 1859, Mar. 5, a. 30 y. 9 m. 131. Hinchman, Alfred, s. of William & Rebecca, d 1823, May 28, a. 9 m. 7 d. 3 32. Hinchman, Augustus, s. of J. & C , d. 1838, July 21, a. 1 m. 23 d. 3 33. Hinchman, Catharine Smith, w. of John, d 1849, Feb. 7, a. 42 y. 134. Hinchman, John, s. of William & Rebecca, d. 1849, Sep. 28. 135. Hinchman, Joseph, b. 1844, Dec. 12, d. 1845, Aug. 30. 3 36. Hinchman, Rebecca, w. of William, b. 1789, Aug. 17, d. 1858, Apr. 6 3 37. Hinchman, William, b. 1791, Jan. 13, d. 1878, Oct. 21. 138. Hinchman, William H., d. 1877, Oct. 28, a. 65 y. 139. Hitt, Samuel, b. 1741, Aug. 22, d. 1810, Aug. 3, a. 69 y 140. Hitt, Samuel, Jr., d. 1818, Apr. 16, a. 39-11-21. 141. Holbrook, Samuel R. Betts, s. of Enhraim & Nancy, d. 1850, May 29. 142. Hughes, Abigail, d. 1820, Feb. 21, a. 61 y. 143. Hughes, Abbie Budd, w. of Brooks, b. 1815, June 29, d. 1888, Feb. 24. 144. Hughes, Brooks, b 1811, Aug. 9, d. 1877, Sep. 4. 145. Hughes, Christopher, d. 1805, May 22, a. 60 y. 3.46. Hughes, Christopher, d. 1856, May 30, in 84th y. 147. Hughes, Christopher, s. of Christopher & Rachel Pawling, b. 1805, July 31, d. 1903, May 28 148. Hughes, Edgar/second s. of Christopher & Sarah L., b. 1838, Mar. 16, d. 1858, Aug. 24. 149. Hughes, Elizabeth, dau. of Brooks & Abbie, b. 1843, July 29, d. 1893, Aug 16. 3 50. Hughes, John R., d. 1816, Apr. 2, a. 27-4-13. 151. Hughes, Rachel, w. of Christopher, d 1850, Nov. 22, a. 78 y. 152. Hughes, Sarah Lamoree, w. of Christopher, b. 1807, Feb. 10, d. 1898, Sep. 26, a t Staatsburgh. 3 53. Hutchin, Ann Mariah, w. of Baron S., d 1833, May 8, a. 42-5-25. 154. Hutchin, Content, w. of Baron S., d. 1822, July 7, a. 45-4-26. 155. Hyde, Abijah, s. of Lemuel & Mary, d. 1821, May 20, a. 36-7-14. 156. Hyde, Charles W., d. 1835, June 28, a. 2 y. 4 m. 133
157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164.
Hyde, Charles W., d. 1835, Oct. 19, a. 1 y. 7 m. Hyde, James L., d. 1836, July 27, a. 29 y. 8 m. Hyde, Jane, d. 1855, Sep. 10, a 34 y. Hyde, Lemuel, d. 1826, Apr. 12, a. 68 y. Hyde, Mary, w. of Capt. Lemuel, d. 1830, Oct. 26, a. 71-10-7. Hyde, Mary, d. 1851, Dec. 8, a. 72 y. Hyde, Samuel R. J., s. of Benjamin & Cornelia, d. 1860, Feb. 8, a. 15 y. 6 m. James, Julia Livingston Lowndes, w. of William A., b. 1829, July 15, d. 1875, Jan. 24. 165. James, William A., b 1831, Dec. 29, d. 1876, July 17. 166. Janes, Rachel, b. 1826, Dec. 22, d. 1880, Sep. 24. 167. Jenkins, Griffin, 1818, June 5, 1855, Jan. 11. 168. Jenkins, Nancy, w of Richard, b. 1795, May 20, d. 1867, Jan. 13. 169. Jenkins, Richard, d. 1857, Sep. 18, a. 75-5-13. 170. Jenkins, Susie Mary Johnson, dau. of Richard & Nancy, b. 1822, Mar. 7, d. 1872, May 5. 171. Jenkins, William W., b. 1835, May 26, d. 1856, Dec. 2. 172. Johnson, Elizabeth, w. of Rev. S. R., D. D., b. 1800, Nov. 7, d. 1877, Nov. 30. 173. Johnson, Rev. Samuel Roosevelt, b. 1802, Nov. 18, d. 1873, Aug. 15. 174. Johnson, Samuel Roosevelt, s. of Rev. William A. & H. A., b. 1861, Aug. 18, d. 1864, Dec. 14. 3.75. Johnson, D. D.; Rev. William Allen, b. 1833, Aug. 4, d. 1909, May 4, in Colorado. 176. Johnson, William Allen, a. 2 y. 9 m. 177. Johnston, David, b. 1812, Aug. 20, d. 1872, Jan. 23. 178. Johnston, Euphemia, b. 1802, July 10, d. 1884, Sep. 24. 179. Johnston, Euphemia Scott, dau. of Dr. Francis Upton & Mary Williamson Johnston, b. 1835, Nov. 14. d. 1900, June 15. 180. Johnston, Dr. Francis Upton, b. 1796, Sep. 4, at Hyde Park, d. 1858, Jan. 7, at New York. 181. Johnston, M. D.; Francis Upton, b. 1826, Apr. 8, d. 1882, Nov. 20. 182. Johnston, John, many years First Judge of the County of Dutchess, b. 1762, June 13, d. 1850, Aug. 29, in 89th v. 183. Johnston, Capt. John, b. 1807, June 20, d. 1883, Dec. 28. 184. Johnston, John Williamson, eldest s. of Dr. Francis U. & Marv W., d. 1S44, Oct. 3, in New York, a. 21-8-14. 185. Johnston, Josephine Kearnev, dau. of Dr Francis Upton & Mary Williamson, b. 1834, Jan. 19, d. 1902, Feb. 1. 186. Johnston, Louis Morris, s. of Dr. Francis Upton & Mary Williamson, b. 1839, Dec. 23, in New York, d. 1906, Sep. 3. 187. Johnston, Margaret Antoinette, w. of Francis Upton, M. D., b. 1828, Feb. 27, d. 1911, Aug. 21. 188. Johnston, Mary E., b. 1798, June 3, d. 1878, Mar. 6. 189. Johnston, Mary Williamson, w. of Francis Upton, M. D., b. 1800, Nov. 27 in So. Carolina, d. 1875, Oct. 14, at Annandale, N. Y. 190. Johnston, Susan, w. of John, & dau. of the late Dr. Samuel Bard, b. 1772, June 18, d. 1845, Dec. 5. 191. Kitchin, James, d. 1820, Apr. 20, a. 13 y. 192. Kitchin, James, a native of England, d. 1839, May 29, in 70th y. 3 93. Knox, Eliza, dau. of Samuel & Abigail E., d. 1843, Aug. 26, a. 1 y. 2 d. 3 94. Lacy, Catharine, w. of Charles, & only child of Samuel & Magdalen Robinson, d. 1834, Jan. 16, a. 19-9-20. 395. Langdon, Dorothea Astor, w. of Walter, d. 1874, Feb. 15, at Nice, France, a. 78 y 196. Langdon, John J. A., eldest s. of Walter & Dorothea, d. 1837, Nov. 28, in New York, a. 22 y 197. Langdon, Walter, of Portsmouth, N. H., d. 1847, Aug. 14, at Hvde Park, a. 60 y. 3 98. Langdon, Walter, s. of Walter & Dorothea Astor, d. 1894, Sep. 17, a 71 v. 199. Latimer, Hiram W., s. of John & Helen, b. 1843, Feb. 1, d. 1848, Apr. 5. 200. Latimer, Jehiel, s. of Jehiel & Abigail, d. 1830, June 8, a. 2-5-4. 201. Lawrence, Edgar M., d. 1854, Dec. 1, a. 38-7-6. 202. Lawrence, Eliza, d. 1856, Nov. 25, a. 55-6-17. 203. Lawrence, Margaret, w. of Josiah, d. 1856, Nov. 23, a. 76-3-28. 204. Lewis, Gertrude Livingston, w. of Morgan, d. 1833, Mar. 9, a. 76 y. 205. Lewis, Morgan, b. 1750, Oct. 16, d. 1844, Apr. 7. 206. Livingston, Annesley, s. of Morgan L., d. 1870, Apr. 19. a. 31 y. 207. Livingston, Catharine Langdon, only child of Charles L. & Margaret Allen, d. 1883, Dec. 24, a. 58 y. 208. Livingston, Catherine M., w. of Morgan Lewis, & dau. of James Manning, Esq., b. 1809, Jan. 18, d. 1886, Apr. 27. 209. Livingston, Charles James, b. 1821, June 18, at Staatsburg, d. 1871, Jan. 1, a t New York. 134
210. Livingston, Charlotte Lucia, w. of Charles James, & dau. of Thomas H. Merry, b. 1825, June 24, in New York, d. 1896, Mar. 24. 211. Livingston, Gertrude Elizabeth, dau. of Morgan L., b. 1820, Mar. â&#x20AC;&#x201D;, d 1878, Aug. 24. 212. Livingston, James Duane, b. 1786, Sep. 1, in New York City, d. 1837, June 25, in 51st y. 213. Livingston, Julian, s. of Charles A. & Julia L. Peabody, b. 1854, Oct. 29, d. 1855, Aug. 12. 214. Livingston, Manning, s. of Morgan L., Lieut. 3d. U. S. Artillery, killed at Gettysburgh, 1863, July 2, a. 20 y. 215. Livingston, Margaret^ w of Maturin, & dau. of Morgan Lewis, b. 1780, Feb. 5, d. 1860, Sep. 28. 216. Livingston, Mary Riche, dau. of James Duane & Sarah, b. 1810, July 27, in New York City, d. 1847, Aug. 27. 217. Livingston, Maturin, b. 1769, Apr 10, d. 1849, Nov. 7. 218. Livingston, Maturin, s. of Maturin & Margaret, b. 1816, Mar. 4, d. 1888, Nov. 29. 219. Livingston, Maturin, s. of Morgan L., b. 1847, July 11, d. 1879, Sep. 11. 220. Livingston, Morgan Lewis, eldest s. of Maturin, d. 1869, Nov. 3, a. 70 y. 221. Livingston, Morgan Lewis, s. of Morgan L. & Catharine Manning, 1831-1898. 222. Livingston, Mortimer, s. of Morgan L. & Catharine M., b. 1837, Jan. 26, d. 1892, June 14. Served throughout the War of the Rebellion in the 7th Reg. N. Y. Nat'l Gd. in 14th N. Y. Heavy Art'y., & as Lt. & Capt. in 103d N. Y. Vols. 223. Livingston, Rosa, dau. of James Duane & Sarah, b. 1812, Aug 16, at Staatsburgh, d. 1858, Apr. 8. 224. Livingston, Sarah, w. of James Duane, b. 1786, Dec. 14, in Philadelphia, d. 1835, June 17 in Staatsburg. 225. Livingston, Silvia, dau. of Morgan L. & Catharine, b. 1833, June 4, d. 1895, Feb. 24. 226. Livingston, children of Charles James & Charlotte Lucia, Rosina Riche, b. 1852, June 16, d. 1852, June 22. Margaret Fleming, b. 1858, May 24, d. 1858, June 1. Catharine Mary, b. 1858, May 24, d. 1858, May 29. Julia Duane, b. 1844, Aug 10, d. 1847, Jan. 9. Gertrude Seabury, b. 1856, Mar. 26, d. 1856, Apr. 11. Alice Craufurd, b. 1856, Mar. 26, d. 1856, Mar. 26. 227. Livingston, children of Mortimer: Julia, b 1872, Mar. 11, d. 1872, Apr. 30. Alice L.', b. 1874, Oct. 13, d. 1876, Dec. 27. 228. Lowndes, Gertrude Livingston, w. of Rawlins, b. 1805, Oct. 9, d. 1883, Feb. 7. 229. Lowndes, Rawlins, b. 1801, Sep. 1, d. 1877, Aug. 10. 230. McClellandsen, Alexander, d. 1827, Feb. 21, a. 66 y. 11 d. 231. McClellandsen, Susannah, w. of Alexander, d. 1832, June 11, a. 63-2-8. 232. McVickar, Anna, dau. of the Rev. John, & gr. dau. of Dr. Bard, b. 1810, Oct 11, d. 1831, Mar. 8. 233. McVickar, Eliza Bard, b. 1789, Oct 12, d. 1883, Apr. 27. 234. McVickar, S. T. D.; the Rev. John, b. 1787, Aug. 10, d. 1868, Oct. 29. 235. McVickar, Mary Bard, b. 1813, May 20, d. 1816, Oct. 2. 236. McVickar, William A., Priest; Jesu Mercy; b. 1827, Apr. 24, d. 1877, Sep. 24. 237. March, Charles Dudley, b. 1856, Sep. 23, d. 1887, Dec. 25 238. Marshall, Frederick, b. 1794, June 22, d. 1871, June 12. 239. Marshall, Persis Emeline, w. of Frederick, d. 1845, Mar 23, a. 60 v. 8 d. 240. Munson, Dinah Magdalen, b. 1751, Mar. 29, d. 1845, Mar. 5. 241. Nelson, Jacob W., d. 1826, Feb 21, a. 25-8-28. 242. Nelson, Juliana, w. of Jacob W'., b. 1801, Mar. 10, d. (v. not stated) Mar. 19. 243. Nevins, Virginia T. Rogers, 1882-1908. 244. Parker, Garret L., s. of Thomas & Mary, d. 1838, Jan. 31, a. 28-8-23. 245. Parker, William, s. of Thomas S. & Mary, d. 1842, Feb. 2, a 30-6-25. 246. Peabody, Jane de P. Huggins, w. of James L., b. 1856, Aug. 2, d. 1890, Nov. 27. 247. Pell, Constantine F. (No dates on stone). 248. Pendleton, James M., killed in the servcie of his country, 1862, Nov. 2. 249. Pendleton, Nathaniel, Esq., a native of Virginia, d. 1821, Oct. 20, a. 66 y. 250. Pendleton, Susan, w. of Nathaniel, & dau. of Dr. John Bard, d. 1816, Jan. 16, a. 58 y. 7 m. 251. Pooler, Margaret, d 1848, Apr. 20, a. 38 y. 252. Pooler, Samuel, d i844, May 5, a. 63 y. 253. Purdy, Susan Bard, w. of Rev. James S., D. D.; & dau. of Rev. S. R. & Elizabeth Johnson, b. 1829, June 26, d 1860, Nov. 20. 254. Pyne, Mary Livingston Lowndes, w. of John, b. 1831, July 5, d. 1893, Sep. 8. 255. (Q)uillard, Sylvian, b. 1824, Dec. 17, d. 1846, Mar. 26. 135
Old 256. 257. 258. 259. 260. 261. 262. 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 268. '269. 270. 271. 272. 273. 274. 275. 276. 277. 278. 279. 280. 281. 282. 283. 284. 285. 286. 287. 288. 289. 290. 291. 292. 293. 294. 295. 296. 297. 298. 299. 300. 301. 302. 303. 304. 305. 306. 307. 308. 309. 310. 311. 312. 313.
Rappelyea, Eliza D., dau. of Alonzo & Julia, d. 1845, July 21, a. 4-2-6. Rappelyea, Susan M., dau. of Alonzo & Julia, d. 1845, July 15, a. 8 y. 3 d. Ring, Anna Maria, dau. of Dr. Lewis & Eleanor, d. 1841, Sep. 21, a. 17-1-8. Ring, Eleanor, w. of Dr. Lewis, d. 1862, Apr 17, in 73d y. Ring, Koert D., s. of Dr. Lewis & Elenor, b. 1821, Aug. 29, d. 1845, July 27. Ring, Lewis, Jr., s. of Dr. Lewis & Eleanor, accidentally killed by the falling of a tree, 1845, May 23. Ring, Dr. Lewis, d. 1867, Aug. 30, a. 82 y. Ring, Peter K., s. of Lewis & Elenor, d. 1850, Jan. 19, a 21-9-2. Rogers, Archibald, b. 1791, d. 1850. Rogers, Edmund Pendleton, 1827-1895. Rogers, Julia Kavanagh, 1845-1900 Rogers, Julia Anna, 1867-1868. Rogers, Capt. Philip, 1829-1902. Rogers, Phillip Clayton, Jr., 1865-1901. Rogers, Virginia D., w. of Edmund Pendleton, 1831-1857. Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 1909, Mar. 18, 1909, Nov. 1. Roosevelt, Helen Astor, d. 1893, Nov. 12. Roosevelt, James, b 1828, July 16, d. 1900, Dec. 8. Roosevelt, Rebecca H., d. 1876, Aug. 21. Russell, Hannah, w. of Isaac, d. 1845, Jan. 6, a. 86-5-24. Russell, Capt. Isaac, b. 1750, May 11, a t Sherburn, Middlesex Co., Mass., d. 1821, Feb. 26, a. 70-9-15. Russell, James, b. 1779, Sep. 24, d. 1866, June 20. Russell, Julia, dau. of James & Sally, b. 1823, Nov. 25, d 1826, Nov. 5. Russell, Sally Gibbs, w. of James, d. 1858, Feb. 14, a. 68 y. Schack, Rudolph Wilhelm, d. 1889, Julv 2 Schultz, Lucy, w. of Samuel, d. 1848, Mar. 1, a. 49-2-8. Sexton, Samuel John Mills, b. 1832, Aug. 11, d 1873, Mav 4. Sexton, Samuel Braman, b. 1869, July 19, in Brooklyn, N. Y., d. 1903, Apr. 19, in Augusta, Ga. Sherwood, Catharine, w. of Reuben, D. D.; d. 1850. Sherwood, Catharine, 1906. Sherwood, Emily Rogers, 1874. Sherwood, D. D.; Reuben, Rector of this Parish from Easter 1835 until his death Whitsunday, 1856. Sleght, Catharine, dau. of John D & Rebecca, d. 1874, Apr. 24. Sleght, Howard, s. of John D. & Rebecca, a. 73 y. Sleight, John D., d. 1846, Sep. 28, a. 64-4-21 Sleight, Rebecca, w. of John D., d. 1864, Oct. 7. Smith, Alexander H., b. 1806, Mar. 11, d. 1864, Feb. 2. Smith, Mary, a native of Scotland, Drumfries Shire, Parish of Drysdale, d. 1832, Nov. 10, in Hyde Park, a. 17 y. Smith, Sarah A., w. of A. H., b. 1810, Sep. 8, d. 1895, Feb. 20. Sparks, Frances Anne, w. of Jared & dau. of William Allen, b. 1807, Dec. 6, d. 1835, July 12, a. 27 y. Sparks, Maria Ver Planck, dau. of Jared & Frances Anne, b. 1833, Sep. 18, d. 1846, Feb. 3, a. 12 y. Spencer, Ezra Ames, s. of Reuben & Mary, d. 1820, Sep. 4, a 2-3-14. Spencer, Mary, dau. of Reuben & Mary, d. 1820, Sep. 21, a. 6-2-24. Spencer, Mary, w. of Capt. Reuben, d. 1829, Aug. 24, a. 48 y. 3 d. Spencer, Mary, b. 1784, Apr. 26, at Hartford, Ct., d. 1851, Mar. 29. Spencer, Reuben, Jr., s. of Reuben & Mary, b 1810, May 4, d. 1825, Oct. 11. Stevenson, Timothy, d. 1812, June 26, a. 56 y. Storms, Grace A., b. 1831, Mar. 25, d. 1890, Oct 8. (Sullivan?), Edgar, b. 1865, Apr. 27, d. 1867, Aug. 22. (Sullivan?), Gordon, b 1867, June 26, d. 1867, Aug. 17. Sullivan, James, b. 1823, June 16, in New York, d. 1882, Aug. 18 in London. (Nos. 304, 305, 306 stand alone within an iron railing. No surname on the two smaller stones). Tillotson, Alice Craufurd, w. of J. Howard & dau of James Duane Livingston, b. 1814, Nov. 25, at Staatsburgh, d. 1841, Oct. 22,'in 27th y. Travis, Betsey, d. 1876, Dec. 5, a. 79-1-12. Travis, Daniel, d. 1841, Aug. 13, in 53d y. Uhl, Elizabeth, dau. of James & Harriet, d. 1836, Aug. 4, a. 17-3-19. Uhl, John, b. 1791, June 19, in Staatsburgh, Dutchess Co., d. 1860, Mar. 27, in Newburgh, Orange Co. Van Vliet, Clarissa Maria, dau. of Cornelius & Mary, b. 1813, Apr. 9, d. 1882, Feb. 20. Van Vliet, Cornelius, b. 1783, Feb. 10, d. 1863, Apr. 22. 136
T own
II y d e
314. Van Vliet, Hannah, dau. of Cornelius & Mary, b. 1809, Mar. 16, d 1892, Dec. 21. 315. Van. Vliet, James Russell, s. of Cornelius & Mary, b. 1820, Apr. 4, d. 1893, Apr. 28. 316. Van Vliet, Mary, w of Cornelius, & dau. of Isaac & Hannah Russell, b. 1783, Apr. 15, d. 1849, Apr. 1. 317. Van Vliet, Mary Asenath, dau. of Cornelius & Mary, b. 1827, Apr. 13, d. 1892, Feb. 3. 318. Westervelt, Margaret Cox, w. of William, b. 1821, May 6, d. 1907, Feb. 1. 319. Westervelt, William H., d. 1889, July 28, a. 69-8-7. 320. Westervelt, children of William H. & Margaret: Emma, b. 1845, Aug. 15, d. 1849, Sep. 25. Esther M., b. 1842, Feb. 10, d. 1849, Sep. 26. 321. Wilkes, Alexander Hamilton, b. 1804, Aug. 14, in New York, d. 1852, Dec. 26, in Pau. France. 322. Wilkes, Louisa M., dau. of Henry A. Coster, b. 1808, June 30, in New York, d. 1862, June 23. 323. Williams, George, Esq., d. 1836, July 24, a. 51-2-8. 324. Woodworth, Catharine Maria, w of William W., b. 1809, Apr. 15, d. 1849, Sep. 29, a. 40-5-16. 325. Woolsey, Sarah Louise, w. of Theodorus B., b. 1850, Nov. 11, d. 1910, Sep. 18. 326. Woolsey, Theodorus Bailey, b 1839, Mar. 5, d. 1907, June 20. 327. Wright, Frances Hyde, b. 1792, Apr. 6, d. 1873, Nov. 12. 328. Wright, James L., d. 1842, Oct. 16, in 64th y.
Friends' burial ground. Friends' meeting house at Crum Elbow. In good order. 268 in number. Copied October 25, 1914, by J. W. Poucher, M. D., and Mrs. Poucher. The Friends' meeting at Crum Elbow was established in 1778 and the meeting house was erected soon after. The yard is still used for interments.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. CO
Adams, Mary Ann Gardiner, w. of Samuel H., b. 1818, Jan. 23, d. 1891, July 29. Adams, Samuel H., b. 1811, Mar. 25, d. 1884, Dec. 25 Albertson, Allen M., b. 1829, Jan. 29, d. 1864, July 27. Albertson, Carrie, dau. of Ambrose & Elizabeth A., d. 1867, Mar. 3, a. 1 y. 3 d. Albertson, Frank K., s. of Henry L. & Isadore, b. 1884, Oct. 10, d. 1892, Sep. 28. Albertson, George S., s. of Sherman & Caroline E., d. 1855, July 14, a. 2 y. 9 m. Albertson, Susan, d. 1819. Albertson, Willet, d. 1820. Albertson, Willet S., s. of Henry & Isadore, d. 1881, Nov 30, a. 1-3-28. Allen, Isaac, d. 1862, Jan. 21, a. 80-2-2. Allen, Sarah, w. of Isaac, d. 1852, Oct. 10, in 49th y Alley, Brooks T., s. of Thomas & Sarah B., d. 1880, Feb. 11, a. 30 y. 6 m. Alley, Elizabeth, d. 1851, June 27, a. 60-3-29. Alley, Francina, dau. of Thomas & Sarah B., b. 1852, May 3, d. (stone sunken). Allev, Jane Maria, dau. of Thomas & Sarah B., d. 1872, Jan. 8, a. 27-3-29. Alley, Joseph D., b. 1843, May 5, d. 1892, Oct. 31. Alley, Mary I. Hicks, w. of Joseph D., b. 1845, Oct. 20, d. 1903, Dec. 23. Alley, Sarah B. Doty, w. of Thomas, b. 1819, Dec 27, d. 1912, Feb. 6. Alley, Thomas, d. 1877, July 19, a. 55-8-10. Armstrong, John, b. 1768, May 1, d. 1843, Sep. 23. Armstrong, Joseph Willes, s. of John & Susan A., b. 1814, Jan. 17, d. 1814, Aug. 20. Armstrong, Maria, dau. of John & Susan A., b. 1802, Sep. 30, d. 1885, Jan. 9. Armstrong, Phebe, dau. of John & Susan, b. 1811, Dec. 31, d 1903, May 9. Armstrong, Susan Albertson, w. of John, b. 1773, Feb. 19, d. 1825, Feb. 28. Armstrong, Theodore, d. 1845, Dec —, a. 6-11-22. A , " E A., 1832." A - ^ , " I . A., 1817." A
29." Baker,'Abigail, w. of Benj'n L., b. 1798, Nov. 22, d. 1898, Apr. 17. 30. Baker, Abram C , 1816-1893. 137
Old 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98.
Baker, Daniel, d. 1836, June 7, a 65 y. Baker, Elizabeth Hewlett, w. of Johnson A., 1808-1896. Baker, George W., d. 1860, Sep. 7, a. 32 y. Baker, Johnson A., 1806-1849. Baker, Mary E. Wilber, w. of George W., d. 1911, June 27, a. 83 y. Baker, Sarah, w. of A. C , d. 1862, Apr. 3, a. 43-9-23. Baker, Sarah, w. of Daniel, d. 1866, June 20. Bale, George, d. 1874, J u n e 17. Bale, Mary C. Wilber, w. of George, d. 1891, Mar. 3. Barnes, Elma P., dau. of Henry & Emily, d 1867, Nov. 14, a. 15-9-1. Barnes, Emily Wildey, w. of Henry, d. 1891, May 30, a. 76-6-3. Barnes, Henry, d. 1888, Mar. 9, a. 79 y. 5 d Briggs, Cynthia, dau. of A. J. & s. C , b. 1884, Oct. 12, d 1888, Jan. 18. Briggs, David D, 1888-1907. Briggs, Elmer, 1886-1887. Briggs, Emma De Garmo, w of Robert, b. 1819, Sep. 17, d. 1895, May 22. Briggs, Job, d. 1876, Feb. 19, a. 76 y. 6 m. Briggs, John, d. 1871, Sep. 22, a. 85-8-11. Briggs, John S., d. "9 m. 13, 1848," a. 48-8-25. Briggs, Patience Green, w. of Job, d. 1871, Dec. 17, a. 71-2-2. Briggs, Susan G., d. 1901, Jan. 13, a. 78 y. Budd, Elizabeth, w. of Joel N., b. 1830, Jan. 17, d. 1872, Dec. 19. Burnett, John, d. 1885, Mar. 4, a. 86-9-25. Burtis, Anna Stringham. (No dates). B . "H. R. B." Carpenter, Benj'n, 1815-1892. Carpenter, Eliza De Garmo, w. of Benj'n. d. 1889, Aug. 19, a 70-10-12. Churchile, Edna Adell, dau. of William & Carrie E., b. 1903, Apr. 3, d. 1907, Jan. 20 Clapp, Catherine E. Allen, w. of Hicks, b. 1818, Apr. 1, d. 1890, May 6. Clapp, Hicks, d. 1885, June 6, a. 67 y. Clapp, James G., d. 1855, Oct. 23, a. 31-11-20. Clapp, Lydia, d. "10 m., 18, 1836," a. 50-11-20. Clapp, Thomas, d. "10 m., 13, 1850," a. 64 y. Combs, Henry, d. "7 of 4 mo., 1862," a. 77 y. Combs, Mary, w. of Henry, d. "16 of 3 mo., 1863," a. 74 y. Cookingham, Jane Ann Briggs, w. of Theodore, d. 1875, Sep. 16, a. 49-5-18. Cookingham, Theodore, b. 1824, May 5, d. 1887, June 5, a. 63 y. 1 m. C . "A x C." C . "A. C." C . "A. C. 1828." C . " S . C." C . "S. C. 1814." De Garmo, Caroline E. Marshall, 1830 . De Garmo, David S., b. "3 m., 5, 1818," d. "5 m., 30, 1875." De Garmo, Elias S., 1821-1887. De Garmo, Elizabeth, b. 1831, June 8, d. 1905, Mar. 23. De Garmo, Peter, d. 1878, Aug 27, in 81st y. De Garmo, Phebe, d. "2 m., 21, 1873," a. 81 y. De Garmo, Phebe, b. 1829, Jan. 1, d. 1893, Oct. 8. De Garmo, Phebe H. Lawrence, w. of David S., b. "3 m., 7, 1813," d. "10 m., 1, 1894." De Garmo, Sarah, d. 1887, July 17, in 87th y. De Garmo, Sarah L Marshall, 1828-1849. Deuel, Alfred, d. 1869, Oct. 18, a. 65-1-18. Deuel, Charles M., d. 1858, Aug. 23, a. 22-9-8. Deuel, Mercy, d 1884, Oct. 8, a. 71-3-1. Donaldson, David, d. 1875, Feb. 14, in 85th y. Donaldson, David R., d. 1877, Oct. 28, a. 38 y. 9 m. Donaldson, Marv, w of David, d. 1866, June 10, in 70th y. Donaldson, Mary J., w .of David, d. 1888, July 9, a. 42 y. 9 m. Donaldson, Melissa, w. of Isaac T., d. 1862, Apr. 11, a 29-4-17. Doty, Ann Marshall, w. of Elias H., d. 1866, Dec. 19, a. 45-5-17. Doty, Elias H., b. 1825, Sep. 18, d. 1894, Feb. 9. Doty, Joseph C , d. 1856, Sep. 13, a. 68-1-28. Doty, Mary A. Tompkins, w. of Elias H.,'b. 1831, Feb. 18, d 1907, Sep. 7. Doty, Zilphia Powell, w of Joseph C , b. 1800, Mar. 26, d. 1876, Mar. 23. Dow, L. B. M., d. 1838, Oct. â&#x20AC;&#x201D;. Downing, I. B. Du Bois, Egbert, b. 1825, Jan. 9, d. (no date on monument). 138
99. 100. 101. 102.
Du Bois, Elizabeth, w. of Koert, b. "5 mo., 12th, 1768," d. "6 mo., 29th, 1856." Du Bois, Koert, b. "1 m., 25, 1763," d. " 4 m., 25, 1831." Du Bois, Koert, b. 1820, July 7, d. 1884, Aug. 27. Du Bois, Mary, b. 1832, May 20, d. 1908, Mar. 2; Graduate of Penn. Med. College for Women 1871; Member of Albany Co. Med. Soc. for 25 yrs. Cremated at Troy, N. Y 103. Du Bois, Peter K., b. 1796, Mar. 27, d. 1872, Mar. 31. 104. Du Bois, Sally Lattin, w. of Peter K., b. 1797, Oct. 13, d 1876, Oct. 25. 105. Du Bois, Sarah, b. 1836, Nov. 18, d. 1913, Dec. 9. Cremated at Troy, N Y. 106. Du Bois, Theodore Edward, s. of Egbert & Kate H., d. 1873, Aug. 1, a. 5 m. 107. Du Bois, William M., s. of Cornelius & Julia, b. "7 m., 18, 1829," d. "5 m., 6, 1831." 108. Du Bois, children of Peter K. & Sally L.: Henry, b. 1818, Sep. 16, d. 1839, Mar. 22; Cornelius, b. 1822, July 21, d. 1846, Aug. 8, at Hannibal, Mo.; Sarah, b. 1827, May 24, d 1835, Mar. 28; Robert, b. 1834, Sep. 9, d. 1835, June 27; Infant son, b. 1840, June 6, d. 1840, June 8. 109. Fowler, James, d. "10 m., 28 d., 1870," a. 71-11-9. 110. Fowler, Jane E., w. of James, & dau. of John & Susan A. Armstrong, b. 1804, Sep. 17, d. 1892, Aug. 23. 111. Frost, Naomi C. Halstead, w. of Samuel, d. " 2 mo., 20 day, 1841," a. 49 y. 112. Frost, Samuel, d. "2 m., 27, 1849," a. 64 y. 113. F . " E . F. 1825." 114. F . "E. F. S. 1822." 315. Graham, Jane M. Lattin, w. of Le Grand, d. 1878, Jan. 19, a. 30 y. 116. Hadden, Willie L., s. of Edward & Catharine, d. 1886, July 12, a. 8-2-21. 117. Haight, Mary, w. of Leonard I., d. 1850, Mav 14, a. 29-11-4. 118. Haight, Sarah, dau of Zebulon & Abbie, d. "9 mo., 1st., 1870," a. 24 y. 17 d. 119. Haight, Zebulon, d. "4 m., 15, 1870," a. 76-7-21. 120. Hammond, Albrow, d. 1891, Apr. 18, a. 77 v. 3.21. Hammond, Glemma, d. 1907, June 28, a 85 y. 122. Hewitt, Phebe. 123. Hewlett, Charlotte, w. of Samuel, d. 1866, Apr. 13, a. 85-1-26. 124. Hewlett, Hiram, d. 1878, Mar. 1, a. 73-11-7. 125. Hewlett, Susan, w. of William, of Manhanset, L. I., & dau. of John & Susan Armstrong, b. 1808, Nov. 27, d. 1898, Sep. 22. 3.26. Hoag, Esther Van Wagner, dau. of Nehemiah & Rose, a. 78 y. 327. Hoag, Lydia McDowell, dau. of Nehemiah & Rose, a. 29 y. 128. Hoag, Nehemiah, a. 83 y. 129. Hoag, Rose Howland, w. of Nehemiah, a. 57 y. 130. Howland, T. (Old slate stone, no dates) 3 31. Kipp, Phebe Ann, dau. of Gilbert & Sarah'C. E., d. 1867, Sep. 2, a. 15 y. 132. Kipp, Phebe S., w. of Reuben, d "6 m., 8, 1872," a. 73 y. 6 m. 133. Kipp, Reuben, d. "8 m., 12, 1868," a. 77-9-24. 134. Lary, Jeremiah, d. 1884, Nov. 15, a. 65 y. 135. Lary, Mary E. La Garce, w. of William G., 1865-1905. 136. Lattin, Adolphus D., d. 1870, Apr. 23, a. 66 y. 29 d. 137. Lattin, Betsey Wilber, w.of Adolphus D., 1884, July 3, a. 77 y. 138. Lattin, Edwin C , d. 1865, Nov. 3, a. 35 y. 139. Lattin, Emeline E., w. of William A., d. 1868, June 28, a. 38-11-25 140. Lattin, John W., d. 1884, Aug. 13, a. 43-3-22. 141. Lattin, Sarah Elizabeth, w. of John W., d. 1868, Dec. 19, a. 25-2-12. 142. Lloyd, Albert M., d. 1909, June 10, a. 70-2-3. 143. Lloyd, Caroline Wilber, w.of Albert M., d. 1913, May 3, a. 71-9-22. 144. Lloyd, Phebe Wilber, w. of Albert M., 1839-1887, a. 47-10-11. 145. Loyd, Arthur G., s. of Albert M. & Phebe, d. 1871, July 5, a. 7-8-1. 146. Loyd, Carrie, dau. of Albert M. & Phebe, d. 1865, Jan 3, a. 4-1-15. 147. Mannev, Marv Combs, d. "17 of 3 mo., 1870," a. 56 y. 3 48. Marshall, Albion, b. 1845, Feb. 1, d. 1893, Feb. 1 149. Marshall, Anna Gifford, w. of Israel, d. "10 m., 25, 1883," a. 84-7-2. 150. Marshall, Catharine, wid. of Willet, d 1857, May 28, in 75th y. 151. Marshall, Henry S., d. "4 mo., 16 day, 1853," a. 60 y. 152. Marshall, Isaac P., b. 1809, (Mar. or May) 2, d. 1872, Feb. 24. 153. Marshall, Israel, d. "7 m., 13, 1873," a. 76 y. 11 m. 154. Marshall, Jane, b. 1765, June 27, d 1854, Apr. 15. 155. Marshall, John A., b. 1835, Nov. 21,'d. 1903, July 26. 156. Marshall, Maria Van Wagenen, w. of Isaac P., b. 1809, Aug. 18, d. 1892, Feb. 9. 157. Marshall, Mary, dau. of Willet & Catherine, d. 1889, Julv 1, a. 77 y. 6 m. 158. Marshall, Sarah G., d. "9 m., 5, 1849," a. 53 y. 139
Old 159. 160. 161. 3 62. 163. 3 64. 165. 166. 167. 3 68. 3 69. 170. 171. 3 72. 173. 174. 175. 3 76. 177. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 3 87. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. 3 96. 197. 198. 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. 220. 221. 222. 223. 224.
Marshall, Stephen D., d. "7 m., 15, I860." Marshall, Susan Ann, dau. of Theron & Elizabeth, d. 1860, Sep. 10, a. 1-8-25. Marshall, Theodore, d. 1854, Feb. 17, a. 28 y. Marshall, Willet, d. 1853, Aug. 17, in 74th y. McCurdy, Elizabeth Alley, w. of Joseph, d. 1897, Jan. 5, a. 68-11-5. McCurdy, Freddie, s.of Joseph & Elizabeth, b. 1853, July 24, d 1856, Nov. 7, a. 3-3-14. McCurdy, Joseph, d. 1874, Sep. 19, in 49th y. McCurdy, Josey, s. of Joseph & Elizabeth, b. 1861, Apr. 9, d. 1864, Sep. 10. McNamee, Susan Ann, d. 1849, Sep. 21, a. 6-3-12. Merritt, Amy Halsted, w. of Timothy, d. "7 m., 7, 1833," a. 20-4-S. Merritt, Lydia Frost, w. of James, d. 1836, Nov. 4, a. 46 y. Miller, Jennie McCurdy, b. 1863, Mar. 20, d. 1894, Mar 4. Miller, Shepherd, d. 1828, Mar. 21. Mosher, Abigail, w. of Abraham, b. 1791, May 10, d. 1845, Mar 23. Mosher, Abraham, b. 1786, May 12, d. 1869, Mar. 24. Mosher, Caroline, w. of Stephen D., d 1862, Nov. 1, in 42d y. Mosher, Daniel, s. of Isaac & Hannah, d. 1832, Dec. 17, a. 20-4-4. Mosher, Isaac, d. 1851, Feb. 17, a 63 y. 14 d. Mosher, Phebe, d. 1884, Apr. 10, a. 87 y. Mosher, Stephen D., d. 1896, Sep. 11, a 76 y. 8 m. Myers, Willie, s. of Cornelius & Laura E., d. 1893, Apr. 29, a. 12 y. M "A. M." M ! "D. M. 1833." M . "H. M. March 8, 1815." M "H. M. 1815." M .' "M. M. 1829." M. . "N. M. 1797." M . "N. M. 1836." Olivet, Elizabeth, w. of Peter S., 1826-1890. Olivet, Peter S., 1816-1892. Ostrander, Judith Wood, w. of Cornelius, d. 1866, Jan. 27, a. 81 y 11 m. Parshall, Susan Ann, d. "9 mo. 15 day, 1842," a. 14 y. Pells, Abraham C , d. 1848 P . "M. P . " Rider, Sarah L., d. 1878, Oct. 26, a. 84 y 5 m. Robinson, Adelia A. Tompkins, w. of John G., b. 1837, Jan. 25, d. (no date on stone) Robinson, Catherine P., b. 1800, Apr. 16, d. 1874, Sep. 2. Robinson, David D., b. 1811, May 10, d. 1889, Apr. 20. Robinson, Elmira D., b. 1836, Aug. 15, d. 1888, Jan. 24. Robinson, Emma McCord, w. of Rowland, b. 1825, Nov. 24, d. 1884, Apr. 4. Robinson, George, d. 1856, Jan. 16, a. 80 y. Robinson, John G., b. 1808, Jan. 28, d. 1885, Oct. 17. Robinson, Miriam, d 1863, Nov. 19, a. 90 y. Robinson, Rowland, b. 1803, Dec. 3, d. 1888, Apr. 27. Robinson, Sarah C , b. 1834, Jan. 12, d. 1911, Dec. 25 Robinson, Susan T. Haight, w. of John G., b. 1810, Oct. 15, d. 1846, Feb. 14. Seaman, Jacob I., b. 1836, Apr. 8, d. 1889, May 16. Seaman, Mary, w. of William, d. 1869, May 14, a. 73-7-13. Seaman, Susannah, d. 1863, Jan. 31, in 75th y Seaman, William, d. 1866, Apr. 7, a. 73-6-8. Sheldon, Benj'n, d. 1881, Dec. 7, in 88th y. Sheldon, Katie, dau. of Benj'n T. & Katie, d. 1863, May 3, a. 3 m. 12 d. Sheldon, Mary F., d. 1863, Apr. 28, in 69th y. Sheldon, Ruth P., d. 1893, Sep. 6, in 93d y. Sheldon, Sarah P., d 1826, Aug. 29, in 28th y. Smith, Benj'n L., b. 1798, Mar. 6, d. 1863, Mar. 6. Smith, Caroline, d. 1897, June 18, a. 74-3-2. Smith, Daniel P., d. 1888, Nov. 13, a. 65-11-8. Smith, Horace, d. 1871, Mar. 23, a. 58 y. 11 m. Smith, Permilla, d. 1875, Oct. 31, a. 57-1-11. Stoutenburgh, Elizabeth Sutton, w. of Harmon, b. 1797, May 3, d. 1885, Apr. 11. Stoutenburgh, Harmon, b. 1794, Feb 26, d. 1866, Apr. 13. Stoutenburgh, Mary, d. 1827, Mav 22. Stringham, Caturah, d. 1856, May 16, a. 21-5-18. Stringham, Charles T., s. of David H. & Sarah C , b. 1865, Jan. 7, d. 1891, Mar. 13. Stringham, David H., s of Thomas C. and Hannah H., b. "8 mo. 27th, 1834," d. "9 mo. 8th, 1894." 140
Town 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. 233.
Pa rk
Stringham, Hannah, d. "10 mo. 28, 1871," a. 74-10-19. Stringham, Hannah H., w. of Thomas C , d. "4 m., 3 day, 1840," a. 34 y. Stringham, Naomi, d. "9 m., 13, 1888," a. 77 y. Stringham, Thomas C , d. "10 m., 14, 1872," a. 71 y. Sutton, David, d. 1851, Sep. 28, a. 83 y. 7 m. Sutton, Margaret, d. "12 m., 20, 1862," a. 78 y. 28 d. S . "J. S. 1812." S . "J. S. Jun. 1815." S . "M. S."
234. g
235. 236. 237. 238. 239. 240. 241. 242. 243. 244. 245. 246. 247. 248. 249. 250. 251. 252. 253. 254. 255. 256. 257. 258. 259. 260. 261. 262. 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 268.
. " T . g>>
Taylor, Catharine R., d. 1877, Nov. 7, a. 39 y. T . "H. T." Van Dyck, Fannie A. Pelham, w. of Amaziah, d. 1846, Mar. 9, a. 40 y. Van Dyne, Adelia Palmer, w. of John, d. 1881, Jan. 5, a. 66-7-26. Van Dyne, John, d. 1882, Nov. 17, a. 73-9-17. Van Wagner, Evert A., b. 1820, Mar. 7, d. 1884, Oct 30. Ward, Abram H., b. 1835, Jan. 2, d. 1910, Mav 18. Ward, Mary E. Swart, w. of Abram H., d. 183"9, Mar. 3 7. Ward, Sobrina Kittle, w. of Abram H., b. 1830, Feb 11, d. 1871, Feb. 11. Watters, C. L. Watters, G. L. Wheeler, D. Judson, s. of William H. & Mary, d. 1882, Apr 17. Wheeler, Mary Baker, 1814-1902. Wheeler, William H., 1815-1895. Wilber, Andrew J., s. of Griffin & Dorcas, d. "6 mo. 27, 1865," a. 29-11-12. Wilber, Caroline Schryver, w. of Sylvanus, d. 1871, Sep. 18, a. 81-3-12. Wilber, Dorcas, d. "4 mo. 17, 1887," a. 78-8-1. Wilber, Eve. Wilber, George, b. 1821, Feb. 14, d. 1890, Jan. 25. Wilber, George W., s. of Griffin & Dorcas, d "5 mo., 1 d., 1865," a. 22-2-22. Wilber, Griffin, d. "4 mo. 30, 1880," a. 74-2-26. Wilber, Hannah, dau. of Griffin & Dorcas, d. 1860, Sep. 9, a. 29-9-20. Wilber, Henry R., s. of Daniel & Catherine E., d. 1845, Apr. 1, a. 6 y. 21 d Wilber, Mary, dau. of Griffin & Dorcas, d. 1840, Mar. 23, a. 10-10-1 Wilber, Oliver, d. 1864, July 26, a. 72-1-6. Wilber, Stephen P., s. of Oliver & Maria, d. 1856, Apr. 27, a. 29-1-9. Wilber, Sylvanus, d. 1867, July 6, a. 84 y. 11 m. Wilber, Thomas D., b. 1873, Jan. 25, d 1887, Nov. 13. Wood, Hannah Conklin, w. of William t . , d. 1884, May 20, a. 82-7-16. Wood, Martin H., b. 1812, Mar. 18, d. 1898, Jan. 21. Wood, Sarah Seaman, w. of Martin H., d. 1869, Apr. 3, a. 45-3-6. Wood, William T., d. 1869, July 4, a 68 y. 4 m. Wright, Abigail, w. of William H., d.' 1847, Aug. 10, in 29th y. Wright, Eugenia E., d. 1843, Mar. 5, a 2 y. 4 m.
EAST PARK CEMETERY CLASSIFICATION: Community ground. LOCATION: At East Park, just to the south of the four corners on the east side of the road. CONDITION: Good. INSCRIPTIONS: Too modern for it to be necessary to include them in this collection. REMARKS: East Park cemetery.
Town of La Grange
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Van Kleeck-Westervelt ground Friends' ground, Arthursburgh Methodist ground, Potter's Corners Methodist ground, La Grangeville Presbyterian ground, Freedom Plains Manchester Bridge cemetery
Inscriptions 7 98 148 88 286 115 742
VAN K L E E C K - W E S T E R V E L T GROUND C L A S S I F I C A T I O N : Family ground. LOCATION: B e t w e e n M a n c h e s t e r B r i d g e a n d Titusville, on t h e east side of the road. CONDITION: O v e r g r o w n ; s u r r o u n d e d by an iron fence. INSCRIPTIONS: 7 in n u m b e r . Copied J u l y 3 0 , 1 9 1 1 , b y J . W . P o u c h e r , M. D . , a n d Miss Helen W . R e y n o l d s . REMARKS: Van Kleeck-Westervelt ground. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
T o m p k i n s , G e o r g e Clinton, s. of J a c o b & M a r i a , d. 1 8 4 2 , J u l y 28 a. 17 y. 9 m. V a n Kleeck, B a r n e t , d. 1 8 0 8 , A u g . 9, a ( - ) 2 y. 11 m . Van Kleeck, M a r y , w. of B a r n e t , d. 1816, Oct. 10, a. 94 y. W e s t e r v e l t , C o r n e l i u s B., d. 1 8 5 8 , M a y 2 8 , a. 68 y W e s t e r v e l t , E l i z a b e t h , d. 1 8 6 8 , Sep. 9, a. 76-3-15 W e s t e r v e l t , W^lHcm., d. 1 8 3 9 , J u n e 14, a. 18-11-28. J u l i a Ann W e s t e r v e l t , W i l l i a m , d. 1859, a. 15 m.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 3 6. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37.
Friends' burial ground. At Arthursburgh. In good o r d e r . 98 in n u m b e r . Copied O c t o b e r 6, 1914, by J. W . P o u c h e r , M. D . T h e F r i e n d s h a d an o r g a n i z e d m e e t i n g a t A r t h u r s b u r g h p r i o r t o t h e W a r of t h e R e v o l u t i o n a n d b u i l t a m e e t i n g h o u s e , v e r y e a r l y , which is still s t a n d i n g .
Alley, D o r c a s ( D . ) , b. " 1 0 mo. 15, 1 8 0 4 , " d. " 8 m o . 12, 1 8 9 4 . " Alley, Moses, d. " 8 mo. 2 7 , 1 8 7 4 , " a. 76-1-28. Alley, Philip G., s. of Moses & D o r c a s , d. " 1 2 mo. 24, 1 8 6 8 , " a. 21 y. 10 m. B a r n e s , J o s e p h , d. 1 8 6 3 , S e p . 2 5 , a. 71 y. B a r n e s , P r u d e n c e , d. 1 8 5 8 , N o v 19, in 8 5 t h y. . B a r n e s , -Sawrin d. 1 8 6 8 , J u l y 12,' a. 67-1-10. Sa.fa,h B a r n e s , S a r a h A., d. 1887, J u n e 6, a t Nashville, T e n n . , a. 57 y. B o w e r m a n , J o s e p h , d. 1867, May 2 1 , a. 66-1-17. Bowles, S a r a h E . N o x o n , w. of B e n j a m i n L., b. 1 8 3 5 , A u g . 2 5 , d. 1 8 8 4 , Oct. 17. Brooks, C h a r l e s D., d. 1 8 5 8 , J u l y 2 1 , a. 24 y. 10 m. B r o o k s , H a n n a h E., d. 1 8 5 9 , M a y 2 0 , a. 21 y B r o o k s , V e r m i l y e a , d. 1857, Dec. 16, a. 53 y . ' C h a t t e r t o n , J o h n , b . 1 8 1 1 , J u l y 1 1 , d. 1 8 6 7 , A p r . 27 C h a t t e r t o n , M a r t h a , d. 1 8 7 1 , J u n e 4, a. 84-7-9. C o n g d o n , C a r o l i n e F l a g l e r , w . of P . F . , d. " 1 2 m o 2 8 , 1 8 9 1 , " in 7 6 t h y. C o n g d o n , Daniel S., d. " 6 m o . 2 1 , 1 8 6 6 , " a. 48 y. C o n g d o n , D o r c a s D o r l a n d , w . of G e o r g e , d. " 4 m o . 6, 1 8 6 4 , " in 7 5 t h y. C o n g d o n , G e o r g e , d. " 6 m o . 2, 1 8 7 4 , " in 83d y. C o n g d o n , J a m e s G., d. " 4 m o . 10, 1 8 7 1 , " a. 22 y. C o n g d o n , P h e b e , d " 1 1 m o . 15, 1 8 3 4 , " a. 14-7-24. C o n g d o n , P h e b e J., d. " 2 1 of 5 m o . 1 8 7 0 , " a. 1 7 - 6 - 2 3 . C o n g d o n , P . F . , b . " 4 mo. 12, 1 8 1 5 , " d " 5 m o . 16, 1 8 9 5 . " C o n g d o n , S a r a h W., w . of D a n i e l S., d. " 5 mo. 7, 1 8 9 5 , " a. 74 y Cornwell, A s p i n w a l l , d. 1857, J a n . 5, a. 77 y. 21 d Dickinson, ( C a t a ) P . , d. " 4 mo. 14, 1 8 5 3 , " a. 46-3-14. Dickinson, David, d " 1 0 m o . 19, 1 8 5 2 , " a. 70-6-6. Dickinson, E l i z a b e t h , d. " 1 1 mo. 10, 1 8 4 1 , " a. 62-10-27. Dickinson, I s a a c , d. " 9 m o . 2 1 , 1 8 5 8 , " a. 54-5-26. D o n a l d s o n , A b r a h a m , d. " 3 mo. 26, 1 8 6 3 , " a. 42-5-4. D o n a l d s o n , N a o m i Dickinson, w. of A b r a h a m , d. " 1 1 m o . 12, 1 8 9 0 , " a. 75 y. 7 d. D o r l a n d , A b i g a i l , w. of Z a c h a r i a h , d. 1862, M a y 19, a. 81-1-3 D o r l a n d , David I., d. " 9 m o . 1 8 , 1 8 2 9 , " in 18th y. D o r l a n d , Gilbert, d. " 5 m o . 10, 1 8 5 6 , " a. 7 8 - 1 0 - 1 1 . D o r l a n d , J a n e , w . of G i l b e r t , d. " 4 m o . 2 8 , 1 8 5 2 , " a. 73 y. 7 m. D o r l a n d , J o n a t h a n , d. " 2 mo 8, 1 8 9 4 , " a. 72 v. D o r l a n d , L y d i a P . , d. " 4 m o . ' l l , 1 8 3 7 , " in 2 7 t h y. D o r l a n d , M a r y , d. " 9 mo. 22, 1 8 7 5 , " in 71st y. 144
T own 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 06. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93.
L a Gra nge
Dorland, Mary L. Hoag, w. of Jonathan, d. "8 mo. 23, 1895," a. 78 y. Dorland, Phebe Jane, w. of Philip G., d. "6 mo. 28, 1885," a. 63 y. 4 m. Dorland, Phebe Osborn, w. of Philip S., d. "4 mo. 1, 1832," in 45th y. Dorland, Philip G., d. "7 mo. 24, 1875," a. 52-11-11. Dorland, Philip S., d. "5 mo 20, 1849," in 68th y. Dorland, Samuel, d. "5 mo. 2, 1828," a. 71 y. Dutcher, Anna Noxon, w. of Edward H., d. 1888, Sep. 5, a. 89 y. Dutcher, Edward H., d. 1872, Oct. 30, a. 70 y. D , "C. M. D." (Slate stone). Ellison, Asenath, w of John, b. "3 mo. 16, 1793," d. "6 mo. 26, 1852." Ellison, Deborah, dau. of John & Asenath, b. "9 mo. 1, 1838," d. "9 mo. 29, 1845." Ellison, John, b. "5 mo. 6, 1790," d. " I I mo 18, 1882." Ellison, Mary Asenath, dau. of William & Mary Jane, b. "4 mo. 27, 1842," d. "11 mo. 29, 1845." Ellison, Phebe E., dau. of John & Asenath, b. "11 m. 9, 1822," d. "Jan. 1, 1877." Ellison, Thomas, Sr., b. "7 mo. 6, 1764," d. "12 mo. 27, 1850." Ellison, William, s. of John & Asenath, b. "3 mo. 18, 1819," d. "11 mo. 1, 1845." Flagler, Ann, w. of Joseph, b. "3 mo. 23, 1804," d. "2 mo. 16, 1863." Flagler, Catharine, d "4 mo. 16, 1858," a. 77-10-19. Flagler, Paul, d. "8 mo. 12, 1851," a. 82-6-12. Green, Mary E. Townsend, wid. of William, b. 1836, Mav 22, d. 1903, July 8. Hoag, Ira, d. "6 mo. 15, 1866," a. 81-3-27. Hoag, Sarah, w. of Ira, d. "4 mo. 5, 1871," a. 79-4-17. Irish, Catharine, d. "9 mo. 27, 1857," a. 39-9-2. Irish, Edmund W., s. of Abram & Caroline, d. 1861, Feb. 21, a. 3 mo. 27 d. Lake, Gilbert, d. "7 mo. 27, 1846," a. 42 y. 12 d. Lake, Mary Conklin, w. of Gilbert, d. "1 mo. 5, 1887," in 80th y. Lawson, Alexander, d. "2 mo. 12, 1857," a. 56-10-2. Lawson, Charlotte, d. 1876, Feb. 23, a. 84-7-7. Lawson, John D., d. "1 mo. 22, 1841," a. 72-10-4. Lawson, Mary, d "1 mo. 19, 1854," a. 75-10-7. Nelson, Dorland P., s. of Joseph & Phebe, d. 1843, Aug. 19, a. 1-6-7. Nelson, Phebe, w. of Joseph, d. 1842, Feb. 12, a 24-11-6. Noxon, Abraham C , d. 1872, Apr. 30, a. 77 v. Noxon, Charles V., d. 1891, Apr. 6, a. 57-2-13. Noxon, James, a. 82 y. Noxon, James C , d. 1848, Apr. 23, a. 51-7-7. Noxon, Jane, d. 1882, Apr. 18, a. 75-10-10. Noxon, John, s. of Vincent R. & Maria, a. 35 y. Noxon, Mariah, d. 1857, May 4, in 23d y. Noxon, Maria Losee, w. of Vincent R., a. 63 v Noxon, Vincent R., d. 1838, Sep. 23, in 33d y. ' Rogers, Gilbert L., d. "9 m. 5, 1834," a 2-4-10. Rogers, Jane C , d. "9 mo. 3, 1867," a. 61-9-20. Rogers, Jesse C , d. "10 mo 2, 1864," a. 62-8-23. Spencer, Anna, d. "1 mo. 3 i , 1887," a. 66-2-8. Spencer, Egbert P., d. "10 mo. 23, 1873," a. 58 y. Spencer, Lincoln, s. of Egbert P. & Anna, d. "2 mo. 20, 1870," a. 6 y. 4 d. Spencer, Philip, d. "7 mo. 8, 1866," a. 81-6-12. Spencer, Susan, d. "4 mo. 10, 1860," a. 70-7-17. Townsend, Anna, d. "11 mo. 26, 1866," a. 84-2-26. Townsend, Samuel S., d. "7 mo 10, 1843," a. 31-11-12. Townsend, Tredwell, b. "1 mo. 9, 1780," d. "8 mo. 21, 1863." Townsend, Zechariah F., d. "8 mo. 9, 1819," a 17-4-8. Tripp, Abigail, b. 1811, Nov. 20, d. 18S5, Sep. 27. Upton, John, d. 1875, Nov. 9, a. 28-5-21. Vermilyea. A large stone, fallen, and lying face up, bears the following:â&#x20AC;&#x201D; "John G. Vermilyea, Aug. 11, 1770, Feb. 8, 1828. Elizabeth Austin, July 17, 1774, Oct. 4, 1859. Abraham Vermilyea, Sep. 17, 1793, May 1, 1850. Maria Vermilyea, Sep 26, 1801, Jan. 1, 1828. John Vermilyea, Nov. 27, 1805, Aug. 16, 1846. Crumiline V. Vermilyea, Mar. 20, 1816, Apr 22, 1838. George Upton, Apr. 26, 1811, Jan. 10, 1878. Eliza Vermilyea, Mar. 4, 1813, Nov. 26, 1851. Phebe Jane Upton, Oct. 4, 1835, Nov. 20, 1855. Elizabeth Velie, Sep. 30, 1843, Apr. 18, 1859." Waterbury, Charles, s. of Charles & Harriet, b. "10 m. 31, 1842, d. "9 mo. 26, 1871." 145
95. Waterbury, Ellison, s. of Charles & Harriet, b. "1 mo. 19, 1844," d. "6 mo. 5, 1851." 96. Waterbury, Harriet, w of Charles, & dau. of John & Asenath Ellison, b. "12 mo. 3, 1817," d. "7 mo. 7,'1852." 97. Waterbury, Silas D., s. of Charles & Harriet, b. "6 mo. 5, 1836," d. "5 mo. 18, 1861." 98. Waterbury, Smith U., s. of Charles & Harriet, b. "9 mo. 4, 1833," d. "12 mo. 15, 1853."
METHODIST GROUND, POTTER'S CORNERS CLASSIFICATION: Churchyard. LOCATION: At Potter's Corners, on the site of a former Methodist church. CONDITION: More or less overgrown with saplings, bushes and vines; surrounded by a wooden fence. INSCRIPTIONS: 148 in number. Copied October 15 and 31, 1912, by J. W. Poucher, M. D., Mrs. Poucher, Miss Helen W. Reynolds and Miss Olive Dye. REMARKS: Methodist services were held in the town of La Grange by circuitriding preachers by or before 1800 and a church building was erected at Potter's Corners early in the nineteenth century. In 1866 the building was removed to Morey's Corners, a place now known as La Grangeville. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38.
Andrews, Margaret, w. of Thomas, d. 1832, June 4, a. 52-10-22. Andrews, Sarah, dau. of Thomas & Margaret, d. 1832, Dec. 21, a. 25-2-24. Andrews, Thomas, d 1841, Mar. 30, a. 68-4-8. Armstrong, Orison, b. 1788, July 29, d. 1859, July 9, a. 50-11-19. Arnold, Erea, dau. of Rev. Smith, d. 182(1), July 25, in 26th y. Arnold, Freeborn Garretson, s. of Rev. Smith, d. 183(0), Dec. 18, in 28th y. Arnold, Mary Ann, "late consort of" Smith W., & dau. of Andrew and Eliza Boyd, d. 1825, May 23, a. (2)2 y. 23 d. Baganza, Amos T., d. 1857, Apr. 25, a 57 y. Banks, Anna, w. of Gershom W., d. 1833, Apr. 27, a. 29 y. 20 d. Bedell, Daniel, d. 1808, Oct. 4, a. 75-5-20. Bedell, Pelatiah, dau. of Daniel & Elizabeth, d. 1810, Mar. 17, a. 22-5-20. Bennett, Cornelia, w. of Gilbert P., d. 1859, Sep. 16, a. 26-7-6 Bennett, Hannah H., w. of Philip, d. 1844, Aug. 8, a. 3 3 - l l - ( 4 ) . Billings, Daniel, d. 1868, Dec. 26, a. 82-2-24. Billings, George, s. of John & Rachel, d. 179(3 or 5 ) , July 19, a. 2 y. 6 m. Billings, Isaac, d. 1830, Jan. 27, a. 50 y. Billings, Israel L., d. 1878, Jan. 5, in 75th y. Billings, John I., d. 1854, June 4, a. 42-4-16. Billings, Margaret, w. of Isaac, d. 1833, Sep. 10, a. (4)8 y. Billings, Mary V. Cott, w. of John I., d. 1852, May 9, a. 44 y. Billings, Rachel, w. of John, d. 1839, Apr. 30, a. 82 y. Billings, Sarah A., dau. of Isaac & Margaret, d. 1836, Feb. 15, a. 21 y. 12 d. Billings, Susan, w. of Isaac V., & dau. of David C. & Cornelia McCord, d. i856, Oct 31, a. 32-8-20. (Brumheld), John, d. 1838, May 20, in 78th y. (Brumheld), Mary, w. of John, d. 1838, Dec. 30, in 68th y. Burtis, Elizabeth, w. of Stephen, d. 1817, Aug. 10, in 88th y. Burtis, Stephen, d. 1803, Jan. 7, in 77th y. Colwell, Mary, w. of Samuel, d. 1849, Mar. 23, a. 80 y. 6 m. Colwell, Samuel, d. 1842, Apr. 10, a. 77 y. Cook, Rev. Cornelius, one of the first Preachers of the Gospel in the Methodist Episcopal Church in this part of the Country, d. 1789, Aug. 7, age unknown. Cronk, Alva M., d. 1832, July 21, a. 21 y. 9 m. Cypher, Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas & Mary, d. 1824, Mar 27, a. 9-5-4. Cypher, Jemima, dau. of Thomas & Mary, d. 1828, Oct. 14, a. 16-11-9. Cypher, Mary, d. 1835, Aug. 18, a. 71 y 9 m. Cypher, Mary, w. of Thomas, d. 1854, Apr. 13, a. 79-1-21 Cypher, Pewilla B., dau. of William & Esther, a. 13-9-3 Cypher, Thomas, d. 1841, Feb. 1, a. 66-11-25. Cypher, William, s. of William & Emily, d. 1840, Dec. 11, a. 11 m. 2 d. 146
Town 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98.
L aGrange
Cypher, William, d. 1849, Feb. 2, in 43d y. Davidson, Mary F., dau. of George E. & Susan, d. 1862, Jan. 3, a. 14 y. 2 m. Dickerson, Mary E., dau. of Lyman B. & Charity Ann, a. 2 y. 2 m. Doty, Elizabeth, w of (Bulian), & dau. of Jacob & Charlotte Snedecor, d. 1816, July 5, a. 24-6-27. Doty, Ezra W., d. 1845, Mar. 25, a 17 y. 17 d. Doty, Harriet, w. of William, d. 1848, Oct. 2, a. 44 y. Doty, Jemima, w. of William, d. 1852, Apr, 28, in 92d y Doty, William, d. 1852, Apr. 24, in 94th y. Doty, William, d. 1833, Nov. 25, a. 34-6-19. DuBois, Elizabeth, d. 1862, Mar. 29, a. 55 y. 10 m. Duncan, Esther, dau. of Smith & Phebe Eliza, d. 1845, June 21, a. 2-4-19. Durando, Sarah, w. of "Paul M. Picard Durando," d. 1813, Apr. 3, in New York City, a 19 y. Dutcher, Maryetta, dau of Peter & Emily, d. 1862, Nov. 6, a. 11-6-21. Ferguson, David B., d. 1834, May 5, in 48th y. Ferguson, Elizabeth, w. of Uriah, d. 1834, May 6, in 81st y. Ferguson, Margaret, "late consort of Uriah," & dau. of Stephen Burtis, d. 1813, May 14, a. 53-8-4. Ferguson, Margaret E., dau. of Burtis D. & Ann M., d. 1839, Jan. 3, a. 1-4-15. Ferguson, Uriah, d. 1835, Nov. 13, a. 73-11-23. Flagler, Patience, w. of Zachariah S., d. 1837, Mar. 15, at Poughkeepsie, a. 38-11-4. Flagler, Zachariah S., d 1849, Oct. 25, a. 52-3-27. Free, Dewitt, s. of John & Mary, d. 1851, Aug. 27, a. 7-1-12. Free, Margaret, w. of John I., d. 1857, Mar. 27, a. 27-6-9. Free, Mary, w. of John, d. 1853, Nov. 7, a. 37 y. 11 m. Hadden, Lydia, w.of Edgar & dau. of Thomas & Margaret Andrews, d. 1839, June 30, a. 27-9-3. Haight, George Francis, s. of Nicholas N. & Elizabeth, d. 1841, Apr. 5, a. 1-3-3. Haight, Jarvis Henry, s. of Nicholas N & Elizabeth, d. 1844, Aug. 14, a. 2-9-5. Harrington, Henry T., d. 1858, June 4, a. 43 y. 2 m. Hewit, Ephraim, s. of E. (C. or O.) & Jane A., d. 1838, Mar. 28, a. 7-2-13. Horton, Agnes, w. of Rev. J. P., d. 1841, Feb. 15, a. 74 y Horton, Rev. James P., d. 1842, Dec. 22, a. 74 y. Hutchings, Hannah, w. of Thomas, d. 1824, June 29, in 63d y. Jackson, Elizabeth, w. of Richard, d. 1846, Aug. 6, a 76-10-26. Jackson, Jane, d. 1862, Jan. 30, a. 29 y. Jackson, John, s. of John T. & Mary B., d. 1849, Jan. 3, a. 27-3-21. Jackson, John T., d. 1854, Sep. 17, a. 79-1-9. Jackson, Nancy, dau. of John & Mary B., b 1815, Apr. 19, d. 1817, July 21, a. 2-3-2. Jackson, Peggy, dau. of Richard and Phebe, b 1772, Jan. ( 1 ) 1 , d. 1795, Sep. 17, a. 23-8-4. Jackson, Phebe, w. of Richard, & dau. of Daniel & Peggy Kissam, b. 1751, June 8, d. 1785, May 4, a. 34-11-14. Jackson, Richard, d. 1826, Feb 23, a. 35-4-13. Jewell, John W., d. 1871, Feb. 14, in 72d y. Jewell, Phebe, w. of John W., d. 1836, Nov. 23, a. 39 y. 1 d. Johnston, Ann, w. of William, d. 1862, July (2)9, a. 52-6-16. Lobdell, Nancy T., dau of Jonathan & Deborah, d. 1838, Jan. 12, a. 17 y. 8 d. Losee, Rebecca, w. of John, d. 1839, Sep. 9, a. 80 y. Mackey, Mervin Uriah, s. of Orrin A. W., & Jemima, d. 1862, Aug. 27, a. 1-6-12. Mitchell, Phebe, w. of Samuel T., & dau. of Richard & Phebe Jackson, d. 1836, Feb. 18, a. 50-9-29. Mitchell, Phebe Eliza, dau. of Samuel & Phebe, d. 1825, Apr. 26, a. 14 y. 13 d. Mitchell, Phebe Eliza, dau. of Benjamin & Maria Jane, d. 1851, Sep. 27, a. 21 y. 11 m. Noxon, Charlotte, "late consort of" Daniel L., d. 1834, Sep. 20, a. 31-9-28. Noxon, Nancy Townsend, w. of Daniel L., b. 1794, Feb. 24, d. 1865, May 1. Palen, Susan, dau. of Peter & Margaret, d. 1798, Aug. 23, a. 1-10-7. Pine, Sarah, w of (Tilley), d. 1801, Aug. 4, a. 33 y. 7 d. Potter, Emma A., dau. of Joseph & Mary, d. 1857, Nov. 13, in 36th y. Potter, Joseph, d. 1862, Feb. 7, a. 75 y. Potter, Mary, w. of Joseph, d. 1860, May 1, a. 74 y. Potter, Sarah, w. of William R., d. 1852, Oct. 21, a. 67-10-10. Potter, William R., d. 1873, Oct. 26, a. 88-11-23. Pray, Andrew, d. 1849, June 13, a. 30-1-13. R. "M. R." Rosell, Secelia, dau. of Martin & Deborah, d. 1845, Oct. 27, a. 3-3-19. 147
99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 327. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132.
Rossel, Isaac Henry, s. of Henry & Catharine E„ d. 1841, Oct. 6, a. 3-4-13. Rozell, Albro B., d. 1860, Mar. 29, a. 52 y. 17 d. Ruseell, Anna, b. 1795, May 11, d. 1854, Aug. 30. Ryndes, Jarves, s. of Elias & Alida Ann, d. 1840, Mar. 9, a. 4 y. 5 m. Seney, Robert, s of Rev. Robert & Jane A., d. 1830, Sep. 5, a. 17 m. Skidmore, Elizabeth, dau. of Zopher R. & Maria, d. 1850, Oct. 23, a. 11-3-15. Skidmore, Elizabeth, w. of James, d. 1862, Nov. 20, a. 87-7-5 Skidmore, James, d. 1834, Aug. 24, a. 63-2-12. Smith, George A., s. of Peter & Hannah, d 1835, Mar. 13, a. 36-7-21. Smith, Silas Nelson, d. 1821, Oct. 25, a. 7-3-3. Snedecor, Charlotte, w. of Jacob, d. 18(4)2, July 17, a. 73 y. Snedecor, Christopher, d. 1818, Mar. 15, a. 96 y. Snedecor, Jacob, s. of Jacob & Charlotte, d. 1821, Dec. 25, a. 22-10-20. Snedecor, Theodorus, d. 1839, Feb. 27, a. 51 y. Sypher, Charles Peterson, s. of John B. & Hannah P., d. 1840, May 13, a. 8 y. 6 m. Sypher, Hannah P., w. of John B., d. 1865, July 26, a 55 y. Sypher, John B., d. 1851, Feb. 9, a. 48 y. 4 m. Sypher, Maria Louisa, dau. of John B. & Hannah P., d. 1847, Feb. 12, a. 7 y. 19 d. Sypher, Peter B., d. 1879, July 19, in 85th y. Sypher, Samuel, d. 1842, Sep. 22, in 76th y. Sypher, Simeon S., s. of Samuel & Susanna, d. 1815, Jan. 6, a. (illegible). Sypher, Susane, dau. of Samuel & Susanna, d. 1851, Jan. 24, in 46th y. Sypher, Susanna, w. of Samuel, d. 1860, Feb. 23, in 94th y Townsend, Abigail, d. 1817, July 17, a. 65 y. Townsend, Jacob, d. 1865, Aug. 11, a. 89-5-26. Townsend, John S., d. 1859, Mar. 20, a. 71-11-27. Townsend, Keziah, dau. of Stephen & Abigail, d. 1811, Sep. 2, a. 67 y. Townsend, Lydia, w. of Jacob, d. 1859, Sep. 4, a. 81-4-7. Townsend, Phebe, w of Nathaniel, d. 1821, July 5, a. 31-9-28. Townsend, Stephen, d. 1832, Aug. 23, a. 87 y. Townsend, Zerviah, w. of John S., d. 1871, Jan. 25, a. 97 y. 10 d. Van Nostrant, Catherine, w. of Garret, d. 1843, Jan. 23, a. 51 y. Van Nostrant, Garret, d. 1854, Oct. 30, a. 68 y. 9 m. Van Vlack, Capt. Abraham, a soldier of the Revolution of 1776, d. 1836, Nov. 19, in 82d v. 133. Van Vlack, Henry A., d. 1844, Sep. 1, in 66th y. 134. Vaughn, Philander, d. 1836, Oct. 15, a 33 y. 13 d. * 135. Vincent, Capt. Michael, d. 1808, Aug. 5, a. 88-7-23. 136. Vincent, Ruth, w. of Michael, d. 1794, Apr. 4, a 72 y. 6 m. 137. Washburn, Darius, d. 1826, Feb. 5, a. 54-11-16. 3 38. Washburn, Jemima, w. of Darius, d. 1852, May 17 a. 82 y. 4 m. 139. Washburn, Judith C , dau. of Darius & Jemima, d. 1841, June 9, in 30th y. 140. Washburn, Lucy Ann, w. of Henry, d. 1849, Feb. 5, a 35 y. 2 m. 3 41. Washburn, Silas, d. 1859, Sep. 23, a. 60 y. 142. Wilkinson, Ruth, d. 1845, Oct. 5, a. 78-5-23 143. William(s), Andrew, d. 1851, Aug. 15, a. 23-1-2. 144. Williams, Hervey, s. of Warren & Sarah, d. 1835, Aug. 25, a 17-1-15. 145. Williams, Jarvis, s. of Henry S. & Annis, d. 18(10 or 4 0 ) , Aug. 21, a. 19 v. 146. Williams, Sarah, w. of Warren, d 1854, Apr. 4, a. 53-11-28. 147. Williams, Warren, d. 1850, Dec. 25, a. 59-7-1-. 148. Winters, Hesther, dau. of Elijah & Gilly, d. 1837, Jan. 29, a. 16-3-9. METHODIST GROUND, LA GRANGEVILLE CLASSIFICATION: LOCATION: CONDITION: INSCRIPTIONS: REMARKS:
1. 2. 3. 4.
Churchyard. Methodist church, La Grangeville. In good order. 88 in number. Copied November 3, 1914, by J. W. Poucher, M. D., Mrs. Poucher and Miss Helen Van Kleeck. The Methodist Church of La Grange was formally organized in 1849. The first church building stood at Potter's Corners. In 1866 the congregation moved to La Grangeville.
Ackerman, Charity, w. of Micajah, d. 1866, Sep. 21, a. 83-2-11. Ackerman, Hannah, d. 1879, Dec. 29, a. 63-3-19. Alley, Emaline, dau. of Jesse C. & Phebe Ann, d. 1856, Dec. 12, a. 6 d. Alley, Jesse C , d. 1888, Apr. 1, a. 61-5-23.
•See page 369
Town 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 3.1. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37.
38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63.
L aGrange
Alley, Mary E., d. 1894, June 27, a. 35 y. Alley, Phebe Ann, 1829-1903. Baker, William, d. 1869, June 14, a. 69-2-7. Benedict, Albert, d. 1882, Sep 14, a. 77 y. 23 d. Benedict, Henry A., d. 1903, Mar. 27, a. 70-7-7. Benedict, Sabra, second dau. of Henry A. & Sarah A., d. 1871, Jan. 5, a. 9-10-22. Benedict, Sarah Hallock, w. of Albert, d. 1872, Apr. 26, a. 66-10-9. Billings, Augustus, s. of Daniel J & Jane, d. 1861, Mar. 9, a. 18 y. 7 m. Billings, Daniel J., d. 1850, July 21, a. 41-7-22. Billings, Jane Miller, w. of Daniel J., d. 1880, Apr. 23, a. 67-4-12 Daniels, Sarah, w. of John, d. 1872, May 26, in 33d y. Davidson, George E., b. 1817, Feb 18, d. 1886, Sep. 13. Davidson, Mary, w. of Peter, d. 1869, Oct. 9, a. 72 y. Davidson, Peter, d. 1872, Aug. 10, a. 85 y Davidson, Susan A., w. of George E., b. 1820, Sep. 22, d. 1895, Mar. 21. Dutcher, David, d. 1865, Mar. 12, a. 38 y. Dutcher, Sarah Cunningham, w. of David, d. 1884, Jan. 29, a. 60 y. Fleet, Timothy, d. 1880, July 22, in 78th y.; also his wife, Sarah A. Hunt, d. 1893, June 19, in 69th y. Gifford, John W., b. 1806, Aug. 26, d. 1873, Aug. 12; also Amanda, his wife, b. 1807, Mar. 27, d. 1880, Apr. 11. Hall, Amy, b. 1807, Oct. 16, d. 1896, Mar. 16. Hall, Catharine Albro, b 1788, Jan. 15, d. 1867, Jan. 8. Hall, Draper, b. 1825, Sep. 2, d. 1866, Mar. 13. Hall, Israel, b. 1780, Oct. 5, d. 1861, Mar. 25. Hall, Margaret, b. 1814, June 4, d. 1905, June 11. Hall, Maria, b. 1817, May 6, d. 1836, Mar. 16. Hallock, Lucretia, d. 1871, Dec. 28, a. 59-8-20. Hatch, Caroline Wickes, w. of John W., b 1827, Aug. 23, d. 1909, Dec. 23. Hatch, John W., b. 1831, May 5, d. 1866,'Apr. 4. Horton, Georgianna, dau. of Richard & Lavina, d. 1854, Feb. 23, d. 1880, Dec. 7. Horton, Lavina, w. of Richard, d. 1877, Dec. 21, a. 53-9-3. Horton, Richard, d. 1885, Apr. 16, a 72 y. Jaycox, Julia, w. of Barney, d. 1878, Dec. 25, a. 73 y. Montfort, Mary J., w. of Theo., b. 1834, Aug. 28, d. 1883, Apr. 3. Children of Theo. & Mary J.: Walter A., b. 1859, Aug. 30, d. 1881, Sep. 6; Iniz A., b. 1863, Mar. 31, d. 1872, June 9; Earnest, b. 1873, Oct. 17, d. 1874, Jan. 14; Lulu, b. 1868, Dec. 24, d. 1883, May 30. (Monument). Morey, Norman C , d 1878, Sep. 27, a. 69-3-8. Morey, Thomas B., s. of Norman C. & Sarah, killed at Spotsvlvania, 1864, May 18, a. 18 y. Northrop, Helen Hall, b. 1810, Jan. 23, d. 1898, DPC. 28. Noxon, Clarissa Patterson, w. of Egbert C , d. 1879, Aug. 19, a. 63 y. 5 m. Noxon, Egbert C , d. 1895, Apr. 28, a. 83-1-4. Noxon, Elisha B., s. of Elisha B. & Phebe, d. 1865, July 28, a. 11-8-23. Noxon, Elisha B., d. 1866, Mar. 12, a. 63-10-7. Noxon, Rev. E. D., d. 1880, June 6, a. 37 y. 11 d. Noxon, Henry B., d. 1883, Dec. 5, a. 58 v. Noxon, Jacob S., b. 1333, Oct. 3, d. 1878, Oct. 4. Noxon, Phebe, w. of Elisha B., d. 1835, July 16, a. 32-3-25. Noxon, Ruthette N. Brownell. w. of Jacob S., b. 1843, Dec. 21, d. 1910, Jan. 9. Potter, George, b. 1820, Feb. 10, d. 1897, Oct. 26. Potter, Susan B. Wickes, w. of George, b. 1821, Aug. 20, d. 1898, Nov. 17. Rock, Catherine, w of George, d. 1880, Mar. 20, a. 68 y. Scobey, Gilbert W.,' b. 1822, June 4, d. 1870, June 25, a. 48 y. 11 d. Smith, Hannah P., w. of S( ), d. 1S70, Nov. 21, a 36-7-3. Swade, Hannah Johnson, w. of John L., d. 1875, Mar. 31, a. 77-6-11. Swade, John L., d. 1859, Aug. 2, in 66th v. Swade, Rachel Elizabeth, dau. of John L. & Hannah, d. 1847, June 28, a. 13-9-8. Teusher, Charles F., a native of Germany, d. 1874, Nov. 7. a. 59 y. 5 m. Townsend, John, b. 1806, Oct. 6, d. 1877, May 9; ("Father" on footstone). Townsend, Mary, b. 1811, Dec. 28, d. 1904, Dec. 9; ("Mother" on footstone). (One stone). Townsend, Sarah Jane, w. of Alonzo, d. 1874, Nov. 5, a. 30-9-12. Upton, John Francis, s. of Crumline & Margaret, d. 1871, Jan. 8, a. 7 m. Upton, Margaret Evans, w. of Crumline, d. 1871, Jan. 7, a. 23 y. Van Benschoten, Henry, d. 1832, Sep. 25, a. 54 y. 20 d.; Mary, his wife, d. 1841, Jan. 31, in 62d y. 149
Old 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88.
Van Tassel, Catherine A., w. of John L., d. 1888, Mav 16, a. 64 y. Van Tassel, John L., d. 1895, Feb. 16, a. 77 y. Van Tassel, Josephine, w. of Wilber, d. 1874, Sep. 10, a. 23-6-12 Van Wagner, Clarissa Ganung, w. of Nicholas, d. 1872, Dec. 19, a. 53-5-26. Van Wagner, James E., b 1836, June 11, d. 1865, Sen. 17. Van Wagner, Mary B., 1846, July 4, d. 1865, July 21. Van Wagner, Nicholas, d. 1899, Mar. 17, a. 87 v. Wanzer, Flora E., dau. of Andrew S. & Phebe W , d. 1866, Feb. 22, a. 11 m. 9 d. Washburn, Deborah, w. of Jacob, d. 1843, Feb. 17, a. 44 y. Washburn, Esther, d. 1876, Sep. 14, a. 64 y. 4 m. Washburn, Jacob d. 1865, Sep. 8, a. 68-5-7. Washburn, Joseph, s. of Jacob & Deborah, d. 1851, Sep 18, a. 12-10-15. Washburn, Samuel M., d. 1877, Jan. 14, a. 73 y. 4 m. Wickes, Joseph, d. 1868, Jan. 9, a 76-4-29. Wickes, Mary Clapp, w. of Joseph, d. 1864, Mar. 23, a. 68-2-4. Williams, James E., d. 1864, Mar. 9, a 17-10-26. Williams, Levi F., d. 1863, Aug. 3, a. 19-11-27. (Soldier's grave). Wright, Hetty, w. of Isaac, d. 1877, Aug. 23, a. 77 v. Wright, Isaac, d. 1865, Aug. 22, a. 68 y. Wright, John, s. of Thomas & Melissa, d. 1885, Nov. 30, a. 26-5-4. Wright, Joseph M., d. 1875, Oct. 17, a. 50 y. Wright, Joseph W., s. of Joseph M. & Sarah E.. d. 1878, Oct. 20, a. 8 y. 7 m. Wright, Melissa, w of Thomas, d. 1869, Apr 22, a. 31-9-28. Wright, Sarah E., w. of Joseph M., 1832-1909. Wright, Thomas, d. 1895, June 26, a. 64 y. 4 m. PRESBYTERIAN GROUND, FREEDOM PLAINS
CLASSIFICATION: Churchyard. LOCATION: P r e s b y t e r i a n c h u r c h , village of F r e e d o m P l a i n s . CONDITION: In good o r d e r . INSCRIPTIONS: 2 8 6 in n u m b e r . Copied S e p t e m b e r 12, 1914, by J. W . P o u c h e r , M. D., Mrs. P o u c h e r a n d Miss A n n e L e F e v r e P o u c h e r . REMARKS: T h e P r e s b y t e r i a n C h u r c h a t F r e e d o m P a i n s was o r g a n i z e d in 1828 a n d t h e c h u r c h b u i l d i n g e r e c t e d in t h e s a m e y e a r .
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31.
Babcock, Mercy, w. of Elder Rufus, d. 184 8, Mar. 23, a. 78-11-14. Badglev, Eunice, w. of Anthony G., d. 1866, Feb. 6, in 84th y. Baker, Abraham, s. of Jesse & Sarah, d. 1868, June 26, a. 58-9-7. Baker, Alvaretta T. Montfort, w. of William II., b. 1852, Sop. 27, d. 1877, Sep. 22. Baker, Catherine B. Story, w. of Henry, b. 1825, Apr. 17, d. 1887, Nov. 16. Baker, Catharine Velie, w. of Jacob, b. 1815, June 4, d. 1851, Nov. 14 Baker, Eliza, w. of Aaron M., d. 1841, Dec. 31, a. 30-2-11. Baker, Elizabeth, w. of John, d. 1852, Mar. 20, a. 61-5-19. Baker, Hetty, w. of John, d. 1853, Apr. 2, a. 65-10-15. Baker, Jacob, b. 1815, Oct. 18, d. 1875, Mar. 10. Baker, Jesse, d. 1854, Jan. 4, a. 75-3-26. Baker, John, d. 1853, May 23, a. 62-7-6. Baker, John F., s. of Henry & Catherine B., d 1870, June 28, a. 10-10-16. Baker, Mary Ann, w. of Levi, d. 1844, Feb. 1,' a. 19-9-1. Baker, Melissa, dau. of Aaron & Eliza, d. 1855, Jan 26, a. 23-4-10. Baker, Sarah, w. of Jesse, d. 1849, Jan. 22, a. 70-1-20. Baker, Susan, dau. of Jesse & Sarah, d. 1853, Apr. 10, a 35-2-10. Baker, William H., b. 1841, Jan. 4, d. 1910, Mar. 22. Barlow, Caroline C , 1819-1899 Barlow, Catherine A., w. of Edwin, d. 1861, June 2, a. 33 y. 3 m. Barlow, Charles P., d. 1868, Oct. 10, a 37 y. 10 m. Barlow, Charlotte, w. of Elisha C , d. 1866, May 23, a. 77 y. 4 m. Barlow, Edwin, b. 1823, June 16, d 1883, July 20. Barlow, Elias L., d. 1870, July 23, a. 53 y. 6 m. Barlow, Elisha C , d. 1841, May 27, a. 57 y. Barlow, Mary W., b. 1836, June 22, d. 1888, June 18. Barlow, Phebe M., 1821-1900. Barlow, Sarah, d. 1860, Mar. 29, a. 32 y. 4 m. Black, Margaret, dau. of Henry & Sarah E., d. 1853, Apr 8, a. 22-2-3. Blauvelt, Mary G. Black, w. of C. I., d. 186(0), Feb. 5, a 31-11-4. Bronson, Sarah A., b. 1832, Aug. —, d. 1897, Apr. —. 150
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32. Brown, Charles I., d. 1860, Mar. 14, a. 70-2-10. 33. Brown, Henry, d. 1850, May 2, a. 31-1-28. 34. Brown, John, d. 1836, June 9, a. 76-11-16; Jane, his wife, d. 1845, Apr. 19, a. 75-9-21. 35. Brown, Maria, w. of Charles I., & dau of Abraham & Sarah Oakley, d. 1853, Dec. 15, a. 58-10-3. 36. Brunson, Sarah Ann, w. of Josiah W., d. 1834, Aug. 22, a. 24-5-5. 37. Buck, Maria, w. of John L., & dau. of Francis L. & Maria Monfort, d. 1861, Dec. 10 a 25-2-22 38. Budd, Cecilia, dau. of Joseph & Freelove, d. 1841, Aug. 9, a. 22-8-19. 39. Budd, Eliza Shear, w. of John S., d. 1881, Feb. 16, a 67 y. 40. Budd, George S., d. 1872, Feb. 20, a. 33 y. 8 m. 41. Budd, Gilbert S., d. 1873, Jan. 23, in 74th y. 42. Budd, Harriett M., w. of Gilbert S., d. 1879, Feb. 7, a. 65 y. 43. Budd, John S., d. 1890, Apr 25, a. 82 y. 44. Budd, Louisa, dau. of Gilbert S. & Harriett M., d. 1861, Sep. 29, a. 21 y. 45. Burnett, Aaron, s. of Joseph & Sarah J., d. 1853, Feb. 15, a. 3-6-11. 46. Burnett, Aaron, d. 1861, Sep. 7, a. 74-5-23. 47. Burnett, Elsey, w. of Aaron, d. 1831, Aug. 12, in 30th y.; also Hannah M., their daughter, d. 1831, Aug. 26, a. 7 w. 48. Burnett, Jemima, w. of Aaron, d. 1845, Apr. 1, a. 45-10-19. 49. Clapp, Eugenia Stanhope, w. of John, & dau. of Gen. Samuel A. Barker, d. 1829, Dec. 25, a. 43-7-5. 50. Clapp, Henry Augustus, s. of John & Eugenia S., d. 1833, Jan. 2, in 25th y. 51. Collins, Eliza, dau. of Ricketson & Elizabeth, d. 1834, Apr. 2, a. 16 y. 52. Collins, Mary, dau. of Ricketson & Elizabeth, d. 1835, June 24, in 16th y. 53. Collins, Ricketson, d. 1834, June 24, a. 55 y. 7 m. 54. Conklin, Benjamin Everitt, s. of Lemuel & Elinor, d. 1830, June 30, a. 2-2-18. 55. Conklin, Elinor, w. of Lemuel, d. 1873, May 1, a. 70 y. 56. Conklin, Lemuel, d. 1835, Jan. 1, in 44th y. 57. Cornell, Abigail, dau. of Asbinwall & Abigail, d. 1834, Dec. 9, a. 15 y. 7 d. 58. Cornell, Catharine, w. of John, d. 1877, Jan. 24, a. 56 y. 59. Cornell, John, b. 1817, June 7, d. 1901, July 15. 60. Cypher, Abigail, w. of John I., d. 1857, Jan. 22, a. 35-11-22. 61. Cypher, Edward, s. of John & Mary, d. 1837, Feb 12, a. 23-4-17. 62. Cypher, John, d. 1842, Dec. 19, a. 65-11-19. 63. Cypher, Mary, w. of John, d. 1845, June 2, a. 62 y. 25 d. 64. Dean, Mariah Elizabeth, dau. of Minard, d. 1828, Sep. 21, a. 1-5-18. 65. Delamater, Perry D., b 1817, Jan. 7, d. 1898, June 26. 66. Delamater, Susan S., w. of Perry D., d. 1900, May 8, a. 79-5-3. 67. Disbrow, William H., s. of Henry C. & Elizabeth, d. 1828, Sep. 22, a. 4 y. 11 d. 68. Donaldson, Ann C , dau. of Hiram & Catharine, d. 1849, Sep. 14, a. 4 m. 13 d. 69. Donaldson, Catharine, w. of Hiram, d. 1849, Aug. 31, a. 36 y. 12 d. 70. Donaldson, Eugene, s. of Hiram & Catharine, d. 1849, Aug. 30, a. 3-(4)-20. 71. Donaldson, George W., s. of Hiram & Catharine, d. 1849, Aug. 30, a. 2-1-23. 72. Donaldson, William H., s.of Hiram & Catharine, a. 18 d. 73. Downing, Ann, w. of Richard S., & dau. of Charles and Mariah Brown,, d. 1841, Apr. 14, a. 25-7-11. 74. Dutcher, Abraham, d. 1845, Sep. 30, a. 79 y. 6 m. 75. Dutcher, David, d. 1868, Feb. 7, a. 75 y. 76. Dutcher, Eizabeth, w. of Abraham, d. 1864, Nov. 15, a. 86 y. 11 m. 77. Dutcher, Henry, d. 1832, July 15, a. 25-2-21. 78. Dutcher, Mary E. Eighmey, w. of Henry, 1848-1895. 79. Freelan, James, d. 1841, Oct. 24, a. 34-5-20. 80. Freelan, Marget Ann, dau. of James & Rebeccah J., d. 1837, Feb. 12, a. 1-8-29. 81. Freelan, Maria Jane, dau. of James & Rebeccah J., d. 1838, Apr. 10, a. 6-5-23. 82. Freelan, Rebeccah Jane Overocker, w. of James, b. 1813, Feb. 1, d. 1877, June 20. 83. Hamilton, Christina, d. 1871, May 14, in 92d y. 84. Harrington, Margaret, d. 1867, Jan. 26, a. 81 y. 85. Harrington, Sarah Maria, b. 1826, Jan. 20, d. 1908, Oct. 26. 86. Harris, Jacob O., d. 1872, June 30, a. 68 y. 5 m. 87. Harris, Jane A. Phillips, w. of Jacob O., d. 1863, Feb. 10, a. 57 y. 8 m. 88. Hitchcock, David, s. of Simeon & Sarah, d. 1838, Aug. 16, a. 1 m. 12 d. 89. Hitchcock, Josephine, dau. of Simeon & Sarah, d. 1845, Apr. 6, a. 2-3-26. 90. Hitchcock, Leonard, s. of Simeon & Sarah, d. 1839, Feb. 28, a. 1-8-26 91. Hopkins, Elizabeth, dau. of William H. & Jemima, d. 1854, Dec. 4, a. 6-6-17. 92. Houghtalin, Jane Ann McCord, w. of George A., d. 1869, Feb. 9, a. 54 y. 22 d. 93. Hunt, Andrew S., s. of John R. & Catherine, d. 1873, Nov. 24, a. 3-5-1. 94. Hunt, Catherine Eighmie, w. of John R., b. 1843, Sep. 2, d. 1911, June 30. 95. Hunt, John R., b. 1836, June 10, d. 1892, Nov. 17. 151
96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102.
Klapp, Esther F., w. of John, d. 1847, Nov 29, a. 33 y. Landon, Deborah, w. of Joel, d. 1871, Oct. 10, a. 88 y. 7 d. Landon, Joel, d. 1839, Aug. 23, a. 68 y. Landon, John Silleck, s. of Joel & Deborah, d. 1837, Dec. 16, a. 24-8-17. Lewis, Catherine, wid. of Leonard T., d. 1856, Aug. 19, a 67-2-17. Lewis, Lenard T., d. 1855, Apr. 5, a. 69-9-8. Lockwood; Stephen R., Sep. 3, 1811, Sep 27, 1870; Jane Montfort, his wife, Oct. 20, 1815, Feb. 21, 1846; Mary Ann, Nov. 9, 1837, June 3, 1856; Sarah Elizabeth, Sep. 4, 1840, Apr.6, 1841; Henry C , June 5, 1844, Nov. 2, 1844. (Monument). 103. Madison, Anna, dau. of Jacob & Sarah F., d. 1863, Mar. 15, a. 6 y. 3 m. 104. Madison, George Evert, s. of Jacob & Sarah F., d. 1849, Aug. 2, a. 9 m. 4 d. 105. Madison, Ida, dau. of Jacob & Sarah F., d. 1862, Oct 13, a. 2 y. 3 d. 106. Madison, Jacob, b. 1823, Mar. 14, d. 1904, Dec. 24. 107. Madison, Leander, s. of Jacob & Sarah F., d. 1859, Sep. 13, a. 2 m. 108. Madison, Sarah F. Conklin, w. of Jacob, d. 1863, Dec. 24, a. 38-9-4. 109. Madison, William S., s. of Jacob & Sarah F., d. 1847, Oct. 2, a. 3 m. 14 d. 110. Mandeville; Elijah Mandeville, d. 1873, July 30, a. 26-1-8; Rev. Sumner Mandeville, b. 1800, Feb. 15, d. 1880, Nov. 6; Mary King, w. of Rev. Sumner Mandeville, b 1809, May 9, d. 18(91), Dec. 14; John K. Mandeville, d. 1873, May 30, a. 34 y.' 23 d.; William C. Mandeville, d. 1854, June 8, a. 17-2-23; Eugene S. Mandeville, d. 1868, July 17, a. 26-10-7. Benoni Mandeville, father of Rev. Sumner Mandeville, d. 1861, July 31, a. 82-5-5 (Monument). 111. Martin, Charity, dau. of Jacob & Elizabeth, d. 1841, Mar. 3, a. 17 y. 3 m. 112. Martin, Elizabeth, w. of Jacob, d. 1858, Feb. 18, a. 73 y. 11 m. 113. Martin, Jacob, d. 1840, May 27, a. 57 y. 314. McCabe, Charles A., 1st Reg. Marine Art., d. 1889, Aug. 17, a. 47 y. 115. McCord, Aletta Yates, w. of John E., b. 1830, Feb. 24, d. 1903, Oct 10. 116. McCord, Augustus R., s. of John I. & Maria, d. 1851, Mar. 18, a. 36-2-21. 117. McCord, David C , d. 1855, Dec. 24, a. 59-7-11. 118. McCord, John E., b. 1828, June 14, d. 1882, Apr. 20. 119. McCord, John I., d. 1863, Mar. 26, a. 76 y. 120. McCord, Maria Voorhees, w. of John I., d. 1863, Mar. 24, a. 72 y. 121. McCord, Mary Jane, w. of Garrison C , & dau. of Treadwell & Anna Townsend, d. 1851, Sep. 7, a. 32-1-11. 122. McCord, Sarah Emeline, dau. of John I. & Maria, d. 1840, Oct. 2, a. 16-4-23. 123. MeCabe, Catharine Meddaugh, w. of Elihu, b. 1816, Sep. 21, d. 1881, Apr. 27. 124. MeCabe, Elihu, b. 1803, June 14, d. 1866, Aug. 10. 125. Meddaugh, Emily Augusta, dau. of Cornelius C. & Sarah, d. 1852, May 4, a. 9 m. 126. Meddaugh, James, d. 1851, Oct. 27, a. 66-2-5. 127. Meddaugh, Jane E. Adriance, w. of Levi, d. 1862, Sep. 21, a. 42-5-11. 128. Meddaugh, Jennie, dau. of Charles C. & Mary E., a. 2-6-6. 129. Meddaugh, Levi, b. 1813, May 13, d. 1892, Jan. 9. 3 30. Meddaugh, Mary, w. of James, d. 1841, May 4, a 50-3-9. 131. Meddaugh, Sarah K. Tompkins, wid. of Levi, b. 1837, Jan. 23, d. 1913, Oct. 16. 132. Miller, Caroline, w. of James H., d 1871, July 30, a. 45-11-19. 133. Miller, Henry E., s. of James H. & Caroline, d. 1864, Mar. 13, a. 10-7-26. 334. Miller, James, d. 1831, Nov. 27, in 88th-y. 135. Miller, James H., d. 1874, May 30, a. 48-2-26. 336. Miller, John, d. 1857, Nov. 7, a. 81-9-5. 137. Miller, John Elison, d 1889, Mar. 1, a. 78 y. 138. Miller, Letty, dau. of John & Margaret, d. 1833, Sep. 22. a. 26-3-19. 139. Miller, Margaret, w. of John, d. 1868, Feb. 4, a. 85-4-12. 140. Miller, Sarah, dau. of James H. & Caroline, d. 1866, Jan. 17, a. 3-4-6. 141. Monfort, Esther V. Tompkins, w. of Stephen, 1825-1896. 142. Monfort, Francis L., d. 1846, Sep. 4, a. 45-5-6. 143. Monfort, Hetty, w. of Peter J., d. 1855, Sep. 14, in 64th y. 144. Monfort, John Peter, d. 1848, Dec. 18, a. 13-6-27. 145. Monfort, Maria, w. of Francis L., d. 1850, Sep. 14, a. 46-2-7. 146. Monfort, Stephen, 1825-1874. 147. Montfort, John M., d. 1873, Julv 11, a. 26-4-19. 148. Mott, Horatio, b. 1794, Jan. 5, d. 1856, Dec. 24. 149. Mott, Maria Pettit, w. of Horatio, d. 1853, Nov 4, a. 64 v. 150. Noxon, Harriet E., wid. of Gilbert, & dau. of John I. & Maria McCord, d. 1907, July 12, a. 80 y. 10 m. 151. Oakley, Abraham, d. 1838, Feb. 1, a. 6 y. 16 d. 152
Town 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 3 66. 167. 168. 3 69. 170. 171. 3 72. 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. 199. 200. 201. 202.
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Oakley, Catharine Ann, d. 1862, Jan. 30, a. 30-3-16. Oakley, Nehemiah, d. 1867, Aug. 23, a. 70-9-13. Oakley, Sarah, w. of Nehemiah, d 1835, Oct. 1, a. 30-10-10. Oakley, Sarah, w. of Abraham, d. 1841, Jan. 30, a. 74-6-27. Ostrander, Thurlow W., s. of Henry & Maria, d. 1850, Aug. 12, a. 2-10-9. Overocker, Boltus, First Elder of this Church, d. 1829, Apr. 14, a. 40-11-25. Overocker, Catherine, dau. of Michael & Mary, d. 1341, Jan. 26, a. 24-9-19. Overocker, Catharine M., twin daughter of William B. & Sarah M., d. 1857, Oct. 28, a. 6 m. Overocker, Delilah P., w of Martin M., d. 1860, Nov. 20, a. 58 y. 7 m. Overocker, Edward, eldest son of Martin & Sarah H., d. 1834, Feb. 15, a. 5-6-14. Overocker, Elizabeth, d. 1875, May 19, a. 66 y. Overocker, Emma L., twin daughter of William B. & Sarah Mâ&#x20AC;&#x17E; d. 1862, Oct. 24, a. 5 y. 6 m. Overocker, Jacob, d. 1814, Mar. 8, in 46th y. Overocker, Joseph W., s. of William B. & Sarah M., d 1862, Oct. 5, a. 9 y. Overocker, Margaret, dau. of Jacob & Rebeckah, d. 1866, Dec. 18, in 77th y. Overocker, Martin, M., d. 1870, Aug 1, a. 69-5-16. Overocker, Martin V., d. 1879, Mar. 18, in 74th y. Overocker, Mary, w. of Michael, d. 1840, Aug. 3, a. 62-10-19 Overocker, Michael, d. 1852, Dec. 1, in 80th y. Overocker, Milton B., eldest son of Martin M. & Delilah P., d 1856, May 8, a. 19-6-23. Overocker, Polly, w. of Boltus, d. 1824, Feb. 4, a. 31-10-7. Overocker, Rebekah, w. of Jacob, d. 1853, Nov. 6, in 85th y. Overocker, Sarah A., dau. of Martin V. & Sarah Ann, d. 1831, Aug. 20, a. 4 m. 17 d. Overocker, Sarah Ann Badgley, w. of Martin V., d. 1877, May, 8, in 71st v. Overocker, Sarah M. Donaldson; w. of William B., d. 1881, Sep. 22, a. 59-4-22. Overocker, William B., d. 1857, Aug 7, a. 54-1-12. Overocker, Wiliam B., s. of William B. & Sarah M., d. 1862, Oct. 23, a. 16 y. 5 m. Overocker, William R., s. of Boltus & Polly, d. 1829, July 22, a. 20 y. 6 m. Pells, Eliza Ann, w. of John J., d. 1819, July 15, a. 36-3-15. Pettit, James Henry, s. of William & Nancy, d. 1828, Oct. 20, a. 4 m. Pettit, Nancy, w of William, d. 1860, Sep. 7, a. 60-9-14. Pettit, Phebe, d. 1857, Sep. 11, a. 79 y. 3 m. Pettit, Sarah, w. of Silas, d. 1843, May 17, a. 76-4-3. Pettit, Silas, d 1848, Feb. 23, a. 81-10-13. Pettit, William, d. 1876, July 12, a. 82-8-19. Phillips, Mary Ellen, dau. of Thomas & Rachel, d. 1836, Mar. 20, a. 16-5-6. Phillips, Rachael Brower, w. of Thomas H., d. 1888, Feb. 25, a. 94-1-18. Phillips, Susan Eliza, dau. of Thomas H & Rachel, b. 1831, Oct. 5, d. 1912, Dec. 2. Phillips, Thomas, d. 1865, Jan. 8, a. 70 y. 11 m. Potter, Seneca, d. 1863, Feb. 23, a. 80-2-21. Price, Elizabeth, 1809-1866. Pritchard, Catherine, w. of James S., b 1789, June 5, d. 1843, Sep. 10. Quimby, John L., b. 1812, June 20, in Orange, N. J., d. 1847, May 25, in 35th y. Quimby, Joseph, b. 1808, Oct. 11, in Orange, N J., d. 1846, May 10. Scouten, Sarah, w. of William, d. 1878, Sep. 1, a. 77 v. 5 m. Scouten, William, d. 1843, Mar. 28, in 43d y Shear, Anna Cramer, w. of Israel, b. 1755, Oct. 13, d. 1804, June 26, a. 48-8-13. Shear, Catharine, dau. of Israel, d. 1816, Apr. 24, a. 26-7-13. Shear, Israel, d. 1825, Jan. 6, a. 73-9-6. Shear, Israel, d. 1834, Aug. 26, a. 54-11-23. Shear Monument: Armina B. Shear, b. 1823, Jan. 31, d. 1866, Dec. 8; Charles S. Miller, b. 1846, Jan. 3, d. 1868, Dec. 14; Abraham Shear, 1815-1900; John C. Shear, b. 1776, Nov. 21, d. 1825, Aug. 14; Margaret, w. of John C. Shear, b. 1781, Aug. 25, d. 1868, Nov. 25; Israel I. Shear, b. 1806, Feb. 26, d. 1821, July 7j John C Shear, 1811-1896. Simpson,'Esther Cole, w. of Henry, b. 1799, Dec. 13, d. 1869, May 11. Simpson, Peter, s. of Henry & Esther, d. 1851, Jan. 30, a. 18-6-5. Swade, Abraham, d 1862, Sep. 12, a. 75-6-8. Swade, Sarah Johnson, w. of Abraham, d. 1872, Apr. 25, a. 77-4-17. Talmadge, Sarah, dau. of Joseph & Elizabeth, d. 1843, Nov. 17, a. 46 y. 6 m. Tallmadge, Catharine Eliza, dau. of Cornelius & Susan, d. 1838, Apr. 12, a. 2-5-11 Tallmadge, Cornelius, b. 1799, Sep. 15, d. 1882, June 8. 153
Old 210. 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. 220. 221. 222. 223. 224. 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. 233. 234. 235. 236. 237. 238. 239. 240. 241. 242. 243. 244. 245. 246. 247. 248. 249. ÂŁ50. 251. 252. 253. 254. 255. 256. 257. 258. 259. 260. 261. 262. 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 268. 269.
Tallmadge, Elizabeth, w. of Joseph, d. 1845, Sep. 28, in 77th y. Tallmadge, Joseph, d. 1837, Nov. 13, a. 65-1-21. Tallmadge, Martin, b. 1795, May 5, d. 1875, Nov. 24. Tanner, Letty, w. of John L., & dau. of William & Susan Brower, d. 1854, June 26, a. 52 y. 2 m. Tanner, Sarah Snyder, w. of William R., d. 1882, Aug. 28, a. 81-6-5. Tanner, William R., d. 1849, May 3, a. 54-1-13. Taylor, Eleazor, d. 1861, Jan. 15, a. 84-11-11. Taylor, George S., d. 1882, May 23, a. 67-11-2. Taylor, Jane Ann, dau. of Eleazor & Phebe, d. 1854, July 5, a. 49-4-1. Taylor, Letty M., b. 1852, May 13, d. 1889, Sep. 27. Taylor, Maria Louisa, w. of George S., & dau of John I. & Maria McCord, d. 1848, Nov. 18, a. 29-4-16. Taylor, Phebe, w. of Eleazor, d. 1834, Feb. 7, a. 55-10-20. Thomas, Theodore, 1847-1903. Townsend, Ann Eliza McCord, w. of Vincent M., b. 1817, Aug. 18, d. 1893, Apr. 27 Townsend, Elijah, s. of Vincent M. & Ann E., d. 1852, Mar. 26, a. 7-10-6. Townsend, Eugene, s. of Vincent M. & Ann E., d. 1856, Dec. 17, a. 27 y. Townsend, Hetty Maria, dau. of Elijah & Susan Morgan Townsend, b. 1811, Feb. 13, d. 1885, Feb. 25. Townsend, John E., d. 1836, Oct. 4, a. 54-5-29. Townsend, Margaret McCord, w. of John E., d. 1871, July 17, a. 77 y. 18 d. Townsend, Robert, s. of Vincent M. & Ann E., d. 1874, May 17, at Omaha, a. 34 y. Townsend, Susan, w. of Elijah, & dau of Moses & Hetty Morgan, d. 1823, Sep. 4, a. 34 y. Townsend, Vincent Morgan, s. of Elijah & Susan Morgan Townsend, b. 1812, Dec. 5, d. 1896, Jan. 18. Townsend, ( ) , dau. of Vincent M & Ann E., d. 1855, Oct. 6, a. 8-9-10. Van Benschoten, Cynthia, w. of Elias, b. 1786, Oct. 5, d. 1852, July 2. Van Benschoten, Elias, b. 1783, Dec. 27, d. 1869, Feb. 5. Van Benschoten, Elias T., s. of Philip & Jane Ann, b. 1852, June 6, d. 1865, Feb. 3. Van Benschoten, Hannah Thorn, w. of Philip, b. 1810, May 29, d. 1841, Mar. 8. Van Benschoten, Jane, dau. of Elias T. & Cynthia, b. 1828, Aug. 17, d. 1866, Dec 19. Van Benschoten, Jane Ann Odell, w. of Philip, b. 1816, Dec. 29, d. 1887, Feb. 16. Van Benschoten, John E., s. of Elias T. & Cynthia, b. 1808, Dec. 5, d. 1873, Mar. 6. Van Benschoten, Philip, b. 1811, Feb. 10, d. 1892, Jan. 13. Van Benschoten, Sarah, dau. of Elias T. & Cynthia, b. 1813, Jan. 21, d. 1830, Feb. 13. Van Benschoten, Thorn, s. of Philip & Hannah, b. 1841, Feb. 17, d. 1841, Sep. 2. Vanderpool, Madison, s. of William H. & Elizabeth E., d. 1864, Apr. 23, a. 8 m. Van Voorhees, Betsey, d. 1836, Aug. 27, a. "about 32 y." Van Voorhees, Daniel, d 1877, Sep. 19, a. 71-3-15. Van Voorhees, Eliza A. Meddaugh, w. of Daniel, d. 1880, June 17, a. 64-8-10. Van Voorhees, Rachel, w. of Stephen, d. 1861, July 10, a. 79 y. 7 (m.). Van Voorhees, Sally Jane, d. 1846, Sep. 6, a. 30-2-6. Velie, Areadna, w. of Ezekiel, d. 1829, Jan. 2, a. 68 y. 6 m. Velie, Baltus, b. 1785, Feb. 19, d. 1871, May 25. Velie, Barnet B., d. 1848, Aug. 14, in 67th y. Velie, Catharine, w. of Baltus, d. 1814, Mar. 16, a. 68 y. Velie, Charlotte, w. of Barnet B., d. 1856, July 10, a. 73-10-5. Velie, Cornelia Cole, w. of Simon, b. 1810, Sep. 25, d. 1886, Nov. 23. Velie, Ezekiel, d. 1833, Aug. 15, a. 74 y. Velie, Hepsibeth, dau. of Baltus & Nancy, b. 1809, Apr. 5, d. 1867, Mar. 14. Velie, Isaac, s. of Baltus & Nancy, d 1829, Oct. 16, a. 4-9-11. Velie, Jacob Overocker, s. of Barnet B. & Charlotte, d. 1813, May 21, a. 5-9-17. Velie, John, d. 1851, Dec. 8, a. 73 y. Velie, Mary Balding, w of Minard B., d. 1859, Mar. 11, in 85th y. Velie, Mary Budd, w. of Philip K., d. 1855, Nov. 28, a. 50-5-7. Velie, Mary Rebecca, dau. of Baltus & Nancy, b. 1819, Aug. 26, d. 1869, Aug. 2. Velie, Minard B., d. 1846, Oct. 23, in 71st y. Velie, Nancy, w. of Baltus, b. 1788, June 27, d. 1858, Oct. 11. Velie, Philip K., d. 1843, May 6, a. 53-6-22. Velie, Simon, b. 1808, July 12, d. 1876, Nov. 4. Vermilyea, Abram, d 1897, June 2, a. 48 y. Vermilyea, Brooks, d. 1898, Dec. 17, a. 87 y. Vermilyea, Charity Shear, w. of Brooks, d. 1851, Sep. 9, a. 40-10-2. 154
Town 270. 271. 272. 273. 274. 275. 276. 277. 278. 279. 280. 281. 282. 283. 284. 285. 286.
L a Gr a nge
Vermilyea, Lydia Ann Donaldson, w. of B., d. 1893, Aug. 22, a. 66 y. Vielie, Robert, s. of Baltus & Nancy, d. 1818, Apr. 19, a. 8 y. 4 m. Voorhees, Grace Childs, w. of Roelof, d. 1860, Mar. 6, a. 85 y Voorhees, Roelof, d. 1858, Sep. 3, a. 89 y. Waring, Elizabeth, d. 1858, Nov. 7, a. 93-1-20 Washburn, Rebecca Scott, w. of Reuben, d. 1850, June 30, a. 74 y. Washburn, Reuben, d. 1850, June 23, a. 74 y. Way, Ann, w. of William I., & dau. of Adolph Myers, d. 1850, Apr. 3, a. 83-3-16. Way, Eda, dau. of William, d. 1849, Apr. 13, a. 74 y. Way, George W., 1849-1901, Way, James W., 1805-1889. Way, James William, s. of James W & Elizabeth, d. 1853, Nov. 26, a. 21 y. 3 m. Way, Jeremiah P., d. 1837, Mar. ll", a. 2-10-10. Way, William E., 1838-1886. Way, William I., s. of William & Ann, d 1838, Oct. 18, a. 29-1-9. Wooster, Charles, d. 1860, Dec. 21, a. 32-4-10. Youngs, Eve, d. 1865, Apr. 19, in 87th y. MANCHESTER BRIDGE CEMETERY
CLASSIFICATION: Community ground. LOCATION: Near Manchester Bridge; on the west side of the road, opposite the farm of Mr. William H. Hart. CONDITION: In comparatively good order. INSCRIPTIONS: 115 in number. Copied May 7, 1912, by J. W. Poucher, M. D., and Miss Helen W. Reynolds. REMARKS: The Manchester Bridge cemetery was begun before 1800 and is still in use. The following list includes all inscriptions to (approximately) 1850, the modern section of the cemetery not being included. 1. Andrews, Ann Eliza, w. of Giles, d. 1848, Feb 5, a. 69 y. 2. Andrews, Giles, d. 1848, Feb. 11, a. 63. 3. Akins, William, d. 1826, Sep. 7, a. 50. 4. Bloomfield, Hellen O Ver Valin, w. of Daniel C , d. 1849, Jan. 20, a. 33-6-5. 5. Burnet, A (If red), s. of (Isac) & Catharine, d. 1811, Dec. 1, a. 3 y. 6 m. 6. Cook, William, b. 1758, Feb. 9, d. 1805, Feb. 28, a. 47 y 7. Cooke, John M., d. 1841, Nov. 25, a. 49-6-16. 8. Cornell, Maria Meserole, w. of Peter, d 1846, June 9, a. 87-8-18. 9. Cornell, Peter, d. 1816, July 15, a. 60-3-14. 10. Dates, Eizabeth, w. of Andrew, & dau. of Hendrick Mastin, d. 1832, Nov. 13, a. 38 y. 10 m. 11. De Groff, Barnet, d. 1849, Sep. 30, a. 78-3-14. 12. De Groff, Eliza Matilda Cooke, w. of Moses M., d. 1842, Aug. 12, a. 47-7-12. 13. De Groff, Eliza Smith Gould, dau. of Moses M. & Eliza M., d. 1842, Aug. 22, a. 21-4-26 14. Degroff, Elizabeth Churchel, w. of Simeon, d. 1795, Oct. 14, in 39th y. 15. Degroff, Julia Ann, d. 1842, Aug. 14, a 15 y. 25 d. 16. De Groff, Moses M., d. 1856, Aug. 31, a'. 63-5-26. 17. De Groff, Rachel Vely, w. of Barnet, d. 1841, Aug. 5, a. 70-5-5 18. De Groff, Sarah Reed, w. of Simeon, d. 1822, Feb. 10, a. 63-2-i4. 19. Du Bois, Aaron B., s. of Jacob & Gertrude, d 1851, May 22, a. 24-2-7. 20. Du Boys, Elias L., d. 1842, June 23, a. 76-2-23. 21. Du Boys, Hannah, w. of Elias, d. 1843, Nov. 14, a. 71 y. 1 m 22. Du Boys, Lewis, eldest son of Elias L. & Hannah, d. 1865, Aug. 5, a. 72-6-22. 23. Bu Bois, children of Nathaniel & Catharine Elizabeth: Simon Peter, d. 1821, Dec. 20, a. 2 m. 5 d. Sarah Wilhemina, an infant, d. 1819, Sep. 9. Barnet Levi, d. 1820, Sep. 27, a. 27 d. 24. Garzea, Elizabeth, d. 1845, Feb. 22, a. 67-2-10. 25. Hegeman, Isack, b 1762, July 19, d. 1769, May 4. 26. Hosford, Jane, w. of Walter, d. 1838, Oct. 12, a. 30 y. 9 m. 27. Jacocks, Elizabeth Nelson, w. of Francis, d. 1797, Jan. 28, a. 17-2-17. 28. Lawson, Cathalina, wid. of Peter H., d. 1834, Sep. 15, a. 38 y. 7 m. 29. Lawson, Peter H., d. 1828, May 22, a. 35-2-22. 30. Lawson, Peter Hoffman, s. of Peter H. & Cathaline, d. 1829, Feb. 7, a. 1-3-2. 155
Old 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. S3. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98.
Light, Mary, b. 1755, July 29, d 1812, Feb. 26, a. 56-6-25. Maxwell, Abigail, dau. of William & Lydia, d. 1851, Feb. 14, a. 57-1-4. Meddaugh, Aurt J., d. 1830, Mar. 12, a. 66-11-21. Meddaugh, Aurt, d. 1833, Nov. 23. a. 76 y. 5 d. Meddaugh, Catharine, w. of Aurt. d. 1847, Feb. 15, a. 79-7-29. Meddaugh, James, d. 1808, Apr. 17, a. 66-11-6. Meddaugh, Joshua, d. 1829, Nov. 19, a 36-4-19. Meddaugh, Lana, w. of Aurt, d. Ic29, July 23, a. 63-6-20. Meddaugh, Minard, d. 1812, May 10, a. 47 y. 10 d. Medock, Baltis, d 1812, June 8, a. 2-11-8. Morey, Catharine, w. of John, d. 1848, May 8, a. 74-9-6. Morey, John, d. 1847, Mar. 7, in 80th y. Myers, Julia, dau. of John B. & Phebe, d. 1848, Dec. 23, a. 1 y. 9 m. Nelson, Catharine, w. of Reuben, Jr., d. 1849, Dec. 31, a. 69-1-4. Nelson, George W., d. 1830, Mar. 11, a. 36-11-21. Nelson, Hannah, w. of Reuben, d. (dates underground). Nelson, James Edward, d. 1842, Aug. 29, a. 20-6-10. Nelson, Joshua, d. 1827, May 21, a. 41-10-14. Nelson, Leonard, d. 1826, Nov. 15, a. 41 y. 1 m. Nelson, Reuben, d. 1837, May 1, a. 54 y. 8 m. Nelson, Reuben, d. 1839, May 5, a. 83-2-11. Nelson, Thomas, d. 1827, Apr. 9, a. 31. Osborn, George Jenks, s. of Henry & Sarah A., d. 1845, Oct. 22, a. 1 y. 5 m. Osborn, John D., d. 1836, Mar. 23, a. 33-5-18. Rider, Eleanor, w. of William, d. 1801, Dec. 2, a. 44-7-14. Rider, Harriet, w. of William, & dau. of Abraham Sleight, d. 1826, Dec. 4, in 69th y. Rider, William, d. 1832, SeD 16, in 83d y. Ruger, Elizabeth, w. of John, d. 1832, Jan. 1, in 77th y. Ruger, John, d. 1832, Apr. 22, in 83d v. Sleight, Abraham, d. 1800, Oct. 21, a 76 v. 3 m. Sleight, Elsey, w. of Colonel James, d. 1841, June 30, a. 64 y. 2 m. Sleight, Harriet, w. of Abraham, d. 1796, Apr. 16, a. 72 y 4 m. Sleight, Colonel James, d. 1833, Sep. 2, in 82d y. Sleight, James E., d. 1825, Aug. 18, a. 22-10-11 Sleight, Peter, d. 1826, Oct. 14, a. 61-11-24. Sleight, Phebe, w. of Peter, d. 1816, Jan. 1, a 38-4-8. Tarpenning, John, Jr., d. 1812, June 3, a. 49-11-28. Taylor, Cecelia, w. of Eleazer, & formerly w. of Jeremiah B. Van Kleeck, d. 1842, June 14, a. 70-7-27. Taylor, Hannah, d. 1828, Sep. 18, in 57th y. Tillon, Elizabeth, w. of Peter, cen., d. 1828, Nov. 28, a. 60 y. Tillon, Hetty, d. 1827, May 31, a. 27-6-7. Tillon, Peter, d. 1824, Mar. 22, a. 11-2-6. Tillon, Peter, d. 1837, June 23, a. 75-7-24. Tillon, Susan, w. of Eldred P., d. 1836, Sep. 16, a. 21-2-5. Tillon, Robert, d. 1818, Feb. 8, a. 44-7-2. Todd, Elizabeth, w. of Robert, d. 1826, Sep. 12, in 76th y. Todd, Isaac, d. 1812, Mar 15, a. 29-8-10. Todd, John, s. of Oliver &' Eliza, d. 1831, Oct. 7, a. 9 m. 11 d. Todd, Mary E., dau. of Oliver & Eliza, d. 1826, Mar. 28, a. 2 y. 9 d. Todd, Peter, d. 1812, Dec. 30, a. 23-1-7. Todd, Robert, d. 1824, Mar. 12, a. 82-3-12. Tomkins, Eliza, w. of Peter, d. 1820, Dec. 1, in 37th v. Tomkins, Hester, w. of Daniel, d. 1802, Mar. 27, a. 21-7-27. Tompkins, Joshua, d. 1839, Oct. 5, in 39th y. Tripp, Susan, dau of Jacob & Permela, d. 1831, May 13, a. 8 y. 9 m. Van Kleeck, Barn'erd P., d. 1812, Anr. 9, a. 65 y. 16 d. Van Kleeck, Eleanor, w. of Mindard, d. 1845, Oct. 31, a. 48-8-14. Van Kleeck, Hannah, w of Barnerd P., d. 1813, Mar. 6, a. 63-8-6. Van Kleeck, Jeremiah B., d. 1832, Sep. 2, a. 63-9-9. Van Kleeck, Mindard, d. 1851, Sep. 5, in 59th v. Van Kleeck, Mindard, s. of Mindard & Eleanor, d. 1851, Aug. 28, in 14th y. Van Kleeck, Peter P., d. 1851, Aug. 15, a. 93-8-29. Van Kleeck, Peter, s. of Minard & Eleanor, d. 1857, Apr. 12, a. 26 Van Kleeck, Pachel. dau. of Mindard & Eleanor, d. 1851, Sep. 8, in 12th y. Van Valen, Abram, d. 1845, June 2, a. 52-8-1. Van Valen, Alexander, d. 1869, Nov. 22 a. 50-4-27. Van Valen, Daniel, d. 1811, Sep. 19, a. 13 y. Van Valen, Gideon, d. 1820, May 11, a. 78 y. 156
Town 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115.
Van Valin, James, d. 1817, Apr. 27, a. 30-6-19. Van Valen, Jane, d. 1765, Feb. 17, a. 32 y. Van Valen, John, d. 1840, Nov. 28, a. 93-1-6. Van Valen, Sarah, w. of Abraham, d. 1829, Mar. 7, a. 41 y. 13 d. Van Valen, Susan Maria, w. of Alexander, d. 1853, Apr. 26, a. 30 y. 17 d. Ver Valen, Abigail, w. of Gideon, d. 1824, June â&#x20AC;&#x201D;, in 73d y. Ver Valin, Benjamin, s. of Daniel & Catharine, d. 1803, June 4, a. 19-7-5. Ver Valin, Jacob, d. 1851, June 11, a. 57 y. 27 d. Ver Valin, John I., d. 1850, Nov. 23, a. 7(0) y. Van Valen, Peter, s. of John G. & Prudence, d. 1840, Mar 2, in 20th v. Ver Valen, Sarah Bloodgood, w. of John, d. 1804, Nov. 4, a. 56-5-10. Voorhees, Francis Augustus, s. of James & Elize, d. 1829, Oct. 22, a. 2 y. V , " I V. d. DBR 12 Dy 1762." Westervelt, Joseph A., d. 1820, Sep. 8, a. 16 y. 9 m. Westervelt, Joseph, d. 1825, Feb. 21, a. 77-5-5. Westervelt, Maria, w. of Joseph, d. 1824, Nov. 1, a. 69-4-19. Wiley, James, d. 1816, June 21, a. 16.
Town of LaGrange WEST BRANCH CEMETERY Classification: Churchyard. Location: On the mountain road to Verbank, about 3 ^ miles east of Overlook and 3 miles north of Freedom Plains on farm owned (1937), by Garfield Porter, about onefourth mile south of Mr. Porter's house, in the north edge of woods along what was formerly the main highway. Inscriptions: There are many stones, only four with inscriptions. Copied, 1937, by Mr. Clifford Buck of Salt Point, N. Y. Remarks: The West Branch Preparative Meeting was established in 1800, a meeting for worship having been allowed in 1792 by Oblong Monthly Meeting, at Stephen Dean's in the Town of Freedom. The church was torn down about 1865.
1. Here lies the body of Helecy McCord, died in the year 1799. 2. Wm C 3. L
4. B
The Sunday Courier, October 12, 1919, (page 9), in an article on the last of the Schaghticoke Indians quotes Mr. F. Jay Skidmore of Moore's Mills as authority for the statement that the following Schaghticoke Indians were buried in this churchyard: 1. Coshire, Jonah. 2. Coshire, Lydia, w. of Jonah. 3. Coshire, Stephen, s. of Jonah and Lydia. 4. Coshire, Hannah, d. of Jonah and Lydia, died Oct. 18, 1877.
T o w n of Milan
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Teats ground Wirehouse ground Unnamed ground, on Kilmer farm Unnamed ground, on lower Wilcox farm Shaw ground Rowe ground Yoemans ground Quaker ground Christian Church ,Milan Union Church, Shookville
Inscriptions 17 6 14 3 3 99 82 14 132 71 441
TEATS GROUND CLASSIFICATION: Family ground. LOCATION: East of Shookville, on the east side of the road, CONDITION: Restored to order in 1913. Surrounded by a new iron fence, with a gate, bearing inscription: "1829-Teats-1913." INSCRIPTIONS: 17 in number. Copied September 17, 1916, by J. W. Poucher, M. D. REMARKS: Known as the Teats ground. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.
Hicks, Eliza Teats, w. of John U., b. 1808, Apr. 19, d. 1892, Mar. 13. Hicks, John U., b. 1806, June 6, d. 1875, Nov. 2. Teats, Catharine, w. of John, d. 1861, May 16, a. 85-9-1. Teats, Eliza Mariah, w. of Henry I., d. 1849, Feb. 20, a. 42 y. 1 d Teats, Elizabeth, dau. of Henry I. & Eliza M., d. 1839, Nov. 14, a. 4-11-26. Teats, Henry I., d. 1849, Mar. 27, a. 46-2-22. Teats, John, d 1849, Nov. 29, a. 77-6-20. Teats, Julia Ann, d. 1829, Jan. 11, a. 16-5-11. Teats, Julia Ann, dau. of Henry I. & Eliza M., d. 1843, Aug. 22, a. 11 m 16 d. Teats, Orville R., s. of Philip & Margaret, d. 1858, Dec. 22, a. 5-5-3. Teats, Philip, d. 1881, Mar. 27, a. 64 y. 2 m. Teats, Philip H., s of Henry I. & Eliza M., d. 1839, Nov. 15, a. 2-3-11. Teats, Sylvester; M. D.; d. 1887, Aug. 19, a. 62-9-29. Teats, Walter D., s. of David N. & Louesa C , d 1872, Mar. 19, a. 7 m. 19 d. Teats, William H., s. of Henry I. & Eliza M., d. 1846, Jan. 19, a. 11 m. 19 d Teats, William H., s. of David N. & Louesa C , d. 1856, Aug. 21, a. 1-11-11. Vosburgh, Margaret Ann, d. 1895, July 6, a. 74-3-6.
WIREHOUSE GROUND CLASSIFICATION: Family ground. LOCATION: About three miles east of La Fayette, at the foot of Hicks' Hill, on the Wirehouse farm. CONDITION: On a knoll in an open field. INSCRIPTIONS: 6 in number. Copied in August, 1914, by J. W. Poucher, M. D. REMARKS: Wirehouse family ground. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Wirehousen, Wirehousen, Wirehousen, Wirehousen, Wirehousen, Wirehousen,
Betsey, dau. of Henrv & Betsey, d. 1832, Jan. 28, a. 18-8-5. Elizabeth, w. of Henry, d. 1868, Jan. 24, a. 77 y. 1 m. Hannah, dau. of Henrv & Betsey, d. 1838, May 2, a. 15-7-9. Henry, d. 1864, Dec. 5, a. 76-10-25 John I., d. 1845, Aug. 6, a. 80 y. Mary, w. of John I., d. 1838, Dec. 21, in 80th y.
UNNAMED GROUND CLASSIFICATION: Family ground. LOCATION: About three miles north of La Fayette, on the farm of Henry Killmer. CONDITION: Thickly overgrown. INSCRIPTIONS: 14 in number. Copied in August, 1914, by J. W. Poucher, M. D., and Miss M. O. Johnston. REMARKS: Unnamed ground. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Bentley, Silas I., s. of Milton & Fanny, d. 1831, May 17, a. 3-4-11. Carpenter, Caleb, d. 1851, Oct. 14, a. 30 y. Carpenter, David, d. 1831, Apr 23, a. 78-7-17. Deuel, Jonathan, d. 1846, Sep. 10, a. 82-7-22. Deuel, Mary, dau. of Jonathan & Rachel, d. 1816, Dec. 25, a. 15-4-11. Deuel, Rachel, w of Jonathan, d. 1826, Oct. 19, a. 53-9-9. Haviland, Henry, d. "15th 3d m. 1826," a. 50 y. Haviland, Sarah, w. of Henry, d. 1871, May 22, a. 94 y. 8 m. 160
Mi I a n
9. Pinney, Phebe, dau. of Ambrose & Maria, d. 1835, May 7, a. 1-4-15. 10. Steenburg, David A., "who resided in the town of Warren, Herkimer County," d. 1834 Mar 22 a 22-2-5 11. Stickle, Elizabeth, dau. of Martin & Susan, d. 1850, Apr. 22, a. 1-7-17. 12. Thorn, (Cynthia), w. of Gilbert, & dau. of N. & H. Mead, d. 1806, Sep. 17, a. 29 y. 13. Wilber, Gertrude, w. of Henry, d. 1855, Feb. 16, a. 29-10-10. 14. Wilbur, Marion, s. of Zacharia & Sarah, d. 1852, Mar. 12, a. 10 m. 24 d.
Family ground. About three miles south of La Fayette, on the lower Wilcox farm. In an open field. 3 in number. Copied in August, 1914, by J. W. Poucher, M. D., and Miss M. O. Johnston. Unnamed ground.
1. D "C. G. D. Apiv6, 1803." 2. G. "I. G. 1793." 3. Smith, Catharine Ann, dau. of Nathan & Hannah, d. 1841, Aug. 21, a. 11-1-5.
Family ground. About three miles south of La Fayette, on the upper Wilcox farm. In an open field. 3 in number. Copied in August, 1914, by J. W. Poucher, M. D., and Miss M. O. Johnston. Shaw ground.
1. M. "W M. Mar. 12, 1842." 2. Shaw, John W., d. 1834, Dec. 5, a. 60 y. 3. Shaw, Sarah, w. of John W., d. 1858, Oct. 23, a. 81 y.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Family ground. North of La Fayette, opposite Rowe Methodist church, In good order. 99 in number. Copied July 22, 1914, by J. W. Poucher, M. D., Mrs. Poucher, Mrs. Louis P. Hasbrouck and Miss Mabel Cooley. Rowe cemetery. In 1760 Johannes Rowe bought 911 acres in what is now the town cf Milan. He died in 1771 and was buried in this family ground. Methodism was started in Milan about 1790 and a church was built about 1800 opposite the Rowe family burial place. In 1838, through the generosity of John Rowe, a second building was erected which is known as the Rowe Methodist church.
Bartlett, Elizabeth, dau. of Henry W. & Lydia, d. 1848, Mar. 28, a. 23-4-23. Bartlett, Henry S., s of Henry W. & Lydia, d. 1857, Nov. 23, a. 21-7-18. Bartlett, Henry W., d. 1858, Aug. 16, a. 63-4-23. Bartlett, Dr. John F., d. 1825, Aug. 24, in 37th y. Bartlett, John F., s. of Henry W. & Lydia, d. 1850, May 21, a. 23-4-20. Bartlett, Lydia Park, w of Henry W., d. 1871, Oct. 18, a. 69-2-14. Bartlett, Dr. Richard, d. 1824, Sep. 29, in 87th y. Bartlett, Sarah, w. of Dr. Richard, d 1838, Oct. 22, in 86th y. Bartlett, William Benson, d. 1860, Mar. 9, a. 29-8-21. Bedell, Mary K. Bartlett, w. of Charles C , d. 1868, June 9, a. 26 y. 6 m. 161
Old 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79.
Cheeseman, Sarah B., d. 1876, June 30, a. 75 y. 3 m. Colver, Esq.; Elisha, d. 1791, June 29, a. 68 y. Cookingham, Alvin, s. of Isaac W. & Ann Maria, d. 1846, July 26, a. 6 m. Cookingham, Ann Mariah, w. of Isaac W., d. 1853, May 6, a. 35 y. 6 m Cornelius, Irving J., s. of Alfred & Louisa G., d. 1871, Oct. 31, a. 1-4-5." Cornelius, Louisa G. Rowe, w. of Alfred M., b. 1836, Mar. 26, d. 1889, Feb. 2 1 , Crandell, Julia G., w. of John S., d. 1854, June 16, a. 22 y. 22 d. El(m)endorph, Cornelius C , d. 1824, Feb. 19, in 37th y. Haight, Olivia, d. 1856, Jan. 31, a. 90 y. Heermans, Semantha Catharine, w. of Abraham, d. 1857, Aug. 8, a. 52-6-19. Herrick, Janette W., w. of James, d 1860, May 31, a. 20-11-5. Hicks, Rachel, w. of Elias, d. 1819, July 14, a. 36-8-17. Hotaling, Catharine, w. of Jeremiah, d. 1876, Nov. 9, a. 77 y. Judd, Catharine, dau of Doct. Uri & Isabella, d. 1812, Aug. 18, a. 2-9-14. Link, Henry, d. 1857, Jan. 22, a. 31 y. 29 d. Link, Virginia, dau. of Henry & Maria, d. 1857, May 17, a. 11 m. Mulnix, Lizzie, dau. of Rev. A N. & M. E., (no dates on stone). P. "M. P. 1817, a. 8 1 " . Row, Anna Barbara, b. 1791, Apr. 6, d. 1813, Aug. 7, a. 22-4-1. Row, Betsey, second w. of John I., d. 1820, Mar. 11, a. 41-1-8. Rowe, Betsey, (consort) of Nicholas Rowe, d. 1843, Mar 11, a. 62-1-5. Row, Boston, d. 1843, Sep. 15, a. 89 y. Rowe, Caroline E., dau. of Nicholas & Betsey, d. 1839, Apr. 17, a. 29-8-27. Row, Catherine, w. of John, d. 1766, Jan. 17, a. 30 y. Row, Catherine, dau. of John, d. 1778, Jan. 8, a. 8 m. Row, Catharine, b. 1779, July 26, d. 1812, Oct. 20, a. 33-2-24. Row, Catharine Cornelia, dau. of William & Charlotte, d. 1832, Feb. 23, a. 1-7-12. Row, Charity, w. of John, d. 1827, June 27, a. 74 y. Rowe, Charlotte Estes, w. of William M., d. 1868, Sep. 14, a. 70 y. Row, Christina, dau. of Nicholas & Betsey, d. 1806, Nov. 3, a. 2 y. Row, Christenah, w. of John, d. 1818, Sep. 1, a. 80 y. Rowe, Cornelius C , d. 1845, June 30, a. 35-11-10. Rowe, Eliza, w. of Nicholas N., b 1804, Apr. 22, d. 1844, Dec. 24. Row, Hannah Streit, w. of John M., d. 1833, Feb. 3, a. 43-8-20. Rowe, Henry C , s. of Mulford H. & Maria, d 1842, July 27, a. 2-11-18. Rowe, Hunting, s. of Nicholas & Eliza, b. 1824, Jan. 7, in Catskill, N. Y., d. 1852, Nov. 16, in Providence, R. I. Row, James, s. of William & Charlotte, d. 1828, Sep. 9, a. 2 y. 29 d. Rowe, Jeremiah S., s. of Nicholas & Eliza, b. 1822, Mar. 9, d. 1847, Oct. 15. Row, John, d. 1771, Sep. 29, a. 49 y. Row, John, d 1810, Dec. 19, a. 59-2-6. Rowe, John B., d. 1815, Mar. 1, a. 38-(7 or 1)-10. Rowe, John I., d. 1863, May 12, a. 86-5-2. Rowe, John L., s of Mark & Susan, d. 1851, Apr. 25, a. 10 m. 14 d. Rowe, John M., d. 1870, July 4, a. 84-4-25. Rowe, Lydia, dau. of John & Charity, d. 1794, July 18, a. 3 y. 2 m. Row, Margaret, w of Philip, d.1795, Dec. 10, a. 30 y. 6 m. Row, Margaret, w. of Boston, d. 1831, Aug. 10, a. 74-7-15. Row, Nicholas, d. 1824, Apr. 17, a. 45-4-21. Rowe, Nicholas N., d 1833, Mar. 15, a. 32-9-13. Rowe, Phebe S., dau. of John I. & Catharine, d. 1832, Feb. 14, a. 21 y. 3 m. Rowe, Polly, w. of Philip, d. 1840, Jan 11, a 62 y. Rowe, Rachel S., d. 1871, Aug. 24, a. 75-2-25. Rowe, Samuel, d. 1829, Feb. 3, a. 26-7-24. Row, Synthia Caroline, dau. of William & Charlotte, d. 1838, Sep. 1, a. 1 y. 17 d. Row, Will Helm (us), s. of John, d. 1765, Mar. 10, a. 6 m. 5 d. Rowe, William M., d. 1869, Nov. 17, a. 75 y. Rowe, William P., d. 1858, Feb. 23, a. 64 y. 9 m. Rowe, Zachariah, s. of John & Charity, d. 1794, July 25, a 5 y. 4 m. Row, Zachariah, s. of John I. & Catharine, d. 1825, Feb. 28, a. 26-4-6. Stewart, Catharine, w of William, d. 1844, Feb. 6, a. (below ground). Stewart, Charlotte, dau. of Dr. James W. & Catharine, d. 1842, Feb. 10, a. 13-3-7. Stewart, Elizabeth, dau. of Dr. James W. & Catharine, d. 1821, Mar 17, a. 2-11-9. Stewart, Elizabeth, w. of William W., d. 1852, Jan. 3, a. 71-8-5. Stewart, Col. Henry W., d. 1840, Aug. 31, a. 70-11-26. Stewart, Hiram, d. 1860, Mar. 15, a. 42 y. 25 d. Stewart, Capt. James, d. 1800, July 6, a. 48-1-16. Setwart, Mary E., dau. of Smith D. & Sarah, d. 1852, Mar. 9, a. 2 m. 12 d. Stewart, Phebe, w. of Col. Henry W., d. 1846, Aug. 21, a. 76 y. 9 m. Stewart, Richard D. C, d. 1812, Dec. 5, a. 27 y. 9 m. 162
80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96.
Stewart, Tamer, w. of Richard D. C , d. 1821, Mar. 18, a. 38 y. Stewart, Walter, s. of Smith D & Sarah, d. 1850, June 6, a. 6-5-8. Stewart, William, d. 1788, Mar. 10, a. 49-8-16. Stewart, William W., d. 1842, Sep. 11, a. 42 y. 4 m. Stewart, William W., d. 1859, July 17, a. 80-11-7. Stoutenburgh, Elizabeth, w. of Tobias, Jr., d. 1825, July 15, a. 29 y. Tacel, Justus, d. 1857, Jan. 23, a. 23-11-9. Tapping, Hezekiah, d. 1832, Sep. 16, a 65-6-28. Tapping, Mary Colver, w. of Hezekiah, b. 1765, June 8, d. 1843, Sep. 19. Thorn, Catherine, w. of Robert E., d. 1881, Jan. 16, a. 85 y. 28 d. Traver, Hannah, w. of John T., d. 1847, July 10, a. 78 y. Traver, John T., d. 1847, Feb 6, a. 84 y. Waltermire, Catharine, w. of Peter, d. 1825, May 23, a. 39-10-29. Watermire, Peter E., s. of George & Catherine, a. 2-1-23. Waltemiere, Thaddeus J., s. of William & Maryette, d. 1852, Nov. 17, a. 14 y. 5 d. Waltemiere, Theodore, s. of William & Maryett, d. 1853, July 29, a. 2-6-21. Waltermire, Thurressa, dau. of William & Maryott Lucretia, d. 1844, June 11, a. 1 y. 3 d. 97. Waltermire, Webster, s. of William & Mariett L., d. 1849, Mar. 9, a. 2-7-5. 98. Waltemiere, William, s. of William & Maryett, d. 1853, Apr. 29, a. 11 m. 3 d. 99. Waltemiere, William S., s. of William & Maryette, d. 1850, Apr. 16, a. 1-3-15.
Family ground. One mile south of La Fayette. Thickly overgrown but occasionally used within recent years. 82 in number. Copied in August, 1914, by J. W. Poucher, M. D., Mrs. Poucher and Miss M. O. Johnston. Spoken of as the Yeomans ground.
1. Benedict, Caroline, w. of Hiram, d. 1890, Aug. 23, a. 71 y. 2. Bowman, Albert, b. 1820, Feb. 28, d. 1899, Mar. 18 3. Bowman, Joseph A., d. 1867, May 26, a. 67-5-19; Maria, his wife, d. 1875, Apr. 20, a. 75 y. 4. Bowman, Louisa, w. of Albert, & dau of Wilbur & Eighmie Story, d. 1864, Mar. 31, a. 28 y. 27 d. 5. Bowman, Louisa, dau. of J. S. & Jane, d. 1873, Dec. 7, a. 3-8-5. 6. Bowman, Rhoda, w. of Maltia, d 1871, Sep. 8, a. 94 y. 7. Bowman, Sands, d. 1837, Oct. 23, a. 29-8-17. 8. Clark, Jane, w. of Samuel, d. 1844, Oct. 9, a. 31-8-27. 9. Conger, Alonzo, s. of Clinton & Angelina, d. 1837, Mar. 26, a. 1-8-26. 10. Conger, Laura, d. 1892, Feb. 20, a. 73 y. 11. Darling, Nicholas, d. 1830, Sep. 25, a. 61-11-20. 12. Green, Benjamin R., d. 1853, June 16, a 42-10-26. 13. Green, Forest C , s. of Ambrose S. & Lucy Ann, d. 1856, Dec. 29, a. 3-9-4. 14. Green, George R., s of William & Libbie, d. 1840, Feb. 6, a. 4 y. 15. Green, John, 1835-1863. 16. Green, Maggie, w. of Mekenery R., d. 1870, Feb. 11, a. 27 y. 17. Green, Mahala, 1814-1873. 18. Green, William, d. 1872, Oct. 2, a. 63 y. i9. Ham, John, d. 1858, Mar. 29, a. 52 y. 20. Hart, Sanford, 1785-1830; Catharine, his wife, 1789-1857. 21. Hicks, Eliza Seism, w. of Samuel, d. 1854, May 29, a. 29-7-10. 22. Hicks, Elizabeth, w. of John, d. 1824, May 18, a. 60 y. 7 m. 23. Hicks, John, d. 1834, Oct. 11, a. 73 y. 5 d. 24. Hoag, Jane Elizabeth, dau of Charles & Susan, d. 1835, Nov. 10, a. 1-1-2. 25. Hoag, William Henrv, s. of Charles & Sarah, d. 1844, Feb. 24, a. 7 m. 25 d. 26. Hopeman, George W , 1838-1907. Talmage, Frances, 1836-1892. (Note: Two names on same stone; relationship not stated). 27. Hopeman, Peter, d. 1870, Feb. 11, a. 76-5-6. 28. Hopeman, Phebe, w. of Peter, d. 1871, Sep. 7, a. 77-7-1. 29. Kilmer, Eliza, w. of Henry, d. 1846, Sep. 13, a. 24-5-18. 30. Killmer, Henry E., s. of John & Lvdia, d. 1847, Sep. 15, a. 1 y. 15 d. 31. Killmer, Lydia Ann, w. of John, d. 1850, Feb. 25, a. 38-2-25. 163
Old 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 4 5. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82.
Kilmer, Reuben, d. 1818, Oct. 26, a. 46 y. Killmer, Sarah, w. of Benjamin, d. 1830, Mar. 14, a. 44 y. Knickerbacker, Esbon, s. of Henry & Ortentia, d. 1839, Jan. 5, a. 1-1-9. Knickerbacker, Frances Ann, dau. of Henry & Ortentia, d. 1840, June 23, a. 4-4-24 Knickerbacker, Henry, 1807-1854; Ortentia Hart, his wife, 1808, 1870. Knickerbacker, Mary C , dau. of Henry & Ortentia, d. 1839, Aug. 2, a. 7-1-17. Knickerbacker, Phebe, dau. of Henry & Ortentia, d. 1846, Feb. 1, a. 6-5-12. Martin, Martha, w. of George, d. 1846, Oct. 19, a. 71-9-6. Milroy, Robert J., s .of Robert & Mary, d. 1851, Apr. 5, a. 2-2-2. Morris, Charity, w. of Samuel L., d. 1850, Apr. 21, a. 65 y. Morris, Gordanier, d. 1843, Dec. 8, a. 27-2-28. Mortin, George, d. 1831, Dec. 22, a. 40-4-7. Northrop, Julius C , d. 1891, Apr. 12, a. 27 y. Northrop, ( ? ) , dau. of Mortimer C. & Clarissa, d. 1863, May 28, a. 3-11-28. Pinney, Lydia, w. of Joseph, d. 1836, Apr. 6, a. 68 y. Pinney, William O., s. of Ambrose L. & Mariah, d. 1850, Aug. 12, a. 15-7-21. Powel, Josephine, dau. of Elias & Thankful, d. 1847, Aug. 14, a. 2 y. 11 m. Preston, Moris, (slate stone, no dates). Seism, Elizabeth, second w. of Peter, d. 1859, Apr. 20, a 62-7-25. Seism, Georgiana, dau. of George M. & Margaret, d. 1858, Sep. 28, a. 3-11-21. Schism, Hellen Ann, dau. of Peter & Maria, d. 1842, Mar 28, a. 24-4-14. Seism, Maria, w. of Peter, d. 1845, Sep. 26, a. 34-3-9. Seism, Maria Jane, dau. of Peter, Jr., & Elizabeth, d. 1857, Dec. 25, a 3-7-9. Seism, Mary E., dau. of George M. & Margaret, d. 1858, Sep. 20, a. 7-8-16. Seism, Peter, d 1873, July 10, in 80th v. Shafer, (Jones), d. 1875, Feb. 6, a. 69-7-2. Thirst, Philip, d. 1851, Sep. 11, a. 66 v. 8 m. Thorn, Amelia, dau. of Richard & Catherine, d. 1819, Mar. 28, a. 5 m. 28 d. Thorn, Charlotte E., d. 1882, Nov. 10, a. 62-9-14. Thorn, John, d. 1853, Feb. 2, a. 76-3-16. Thorn, John, d. 1883, Mar. 6, a. 52 y. 6 m. Thorn, Robert E., d. 1861, 12 m., in 66th y. Thurst, George, d. 1877, Apr. 12, a. 52 y. 11 m. Thurst, Polina, d. 1851, Aug 4, a. 22 y. Thurst, Tamma, d. 1875, Apr. 1, a. 89 y. Vail, Delia, dau. of Isaac E. & Caroline, d. 1853, Feb. 4, a. 15 y. 7 m. Vail, Isaac E., d. 1842, Jan. 20, a. 45-6-23. Vail, Children of Isaac E & Caroline, Sarah, d. 1834, Jan. 24, a. 10-3-15. Sarah Ann, d. 1842, Sep. 30, a. 6-10-23. Warner, Anna M., w. of Michael, d. 1868, May 29, a. 64 y. Warner, John, d. 1892, Feb. 22, a. 67 y. Warner, Michael, d. 1863, May 8, a. 61-3-11. Warner, William, b. 1860, Nov. 29, d. 1863, May 10. West, Anna, w. of Samuel, d. 1860, Apr. 3, a. 61-5-15. West, Martin, d. 1855, Jan. 4, a. 21-10-24. White, Mary, w. of Leonard, d. 1855, Jan. 9, a. 57-10-21. White, Purmelia, d. 1873, Oct. 4, a 49-2-4. Wilkinson, John H., "Father," d. 1879, Aug. 2, a. 53-4-14. Wright, Amy, w. of Joseph, d. 1854, Oct. 25, a. 83-3-8 Wright, Jonathan, d. 1880, Aug. 1, a. 70 y. 3 m. Eliza A. Torrey, w. of Jonathan Wright, d. 1882, July 18, a 65 y. 6 d. Wright, Joseph, d. 1846, July 6, a. 73-10-6. Yeoman, Peter, d. 1853, Oct. 5, a. 84 y. Nancy, his wife, d. 1849, Apr. 9, a. 74 y.
Friends' burial ground. Between La Fayette and Rock City. Overgrown and deserted. 14 in number. Copied in August, 1914, by J. W. Poucher, M. D., and Miss M. O. Johnston. 164
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.
M il a n
K n o w n as t h e Q u a k e r g r o u n d . S t e p h e n T h o r n e ( w h o was b u r i e d h e r e w i t h his wife a n d c h i l d r e n ) w a s p o s t m a s t e r a t t h e h a m l e t of Milan in t h e first q u a r t e r of t h e n i n e t e e n t h c e n t u r y . Possibly this w a s his family b u r i a l g r o u n d .
Cole, William Henry, s. of David & Phebe, d. 1846, June 26, a. 4-11-26. Guernsey, Mary Ann, w. of Peter, d. 1834, Nov. 18, a. 26 y. Guernsey, Rush, s of Peter B. & Mary Ann, d. 1834, Feb. 20, a. 1 y. Pool, Elizabeth, dau. of George & Elizabeth, d. 1830, Nov. 7, a. 4 y. 4 m. Pool, Elizabeth, w. of George, d. 1850, Apr. 19, a. 66 y. 2 m Pool, George, d. 1847, Apr. 15, a. 52 y. Shook, Rhea, dau. of Rev. Cyrus & Eliza C , d. 1845, Sep. 3, a. 5 m. 28 d. Thorn, Anna, w. of Stephen, d. 1835, Nov. 3, a. 49 y. 7 m. Thorn, Ann Eliza, dau. of Stephen & Anna, d. 1849, Apr. 13, a. 19-7-20. Thorn, Elizabeth, dau. of Stephen & Anna, d. 1829, Apr. 26, a. 2-1-16. Thorn, Frances, dau. of Stephen & Anna, d. 1824, Dec. 11, a. 4 m. 6 d. Thorn, Isaac, s. of Stephen & Anna, d. 1831, Feb. 16, a. 11-10-8. Thorn, Nathaniel, s. of Stephen & Anna, d. 1821, Dec. 12, a 14 m. Thorn, Stephen, d. 1849, Jan. 13, a. 66-15-10.
CHRISTIAN CHURCH CLASSIFICATION: Churchyard. LOCATION: C h r i s t i a n c h u r c h , Milan. CONDITION: U n c a r e d for. INSCRIPTIONS: 132 in n u m b e r . Copied J u l y 16, 1914, by J . W . P o u c h e r , M. D . , M r s . P o u c h e r , M r s . Louis P . H a s b r o c k a n d Mrs. G e o r g e Abercrombie. REMARKS: T h e C h r i s t i a n C h u r c h of Milan w a s o r g a n i z e d in 1 8 2 0 .
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.
Abby, Esther Maria, d. 1839, Dec. 5, a. 1-9-10. Avery, Sally Ann, w. of Benjamin W., d. 1845, Jan. 29, a. 26-2-1. Badgley, Catherine, w. of Daniel, Jr., d. 1841, Oct. 20, a. 41-6-16. Badgley, Catherine L., dau. of Daniel Jr., & Catherine, d. 1841, Oct. 20, a. 2-10-12. Bates, Eliza Ann, w. of Ebenezer, & dau. of Peter & Rachel Pettit, d. 1834, July 9, a. 21-6-25. Bogardus, Albertine, dau. of Charles & Drusilla, d. 1853, Apr. 17, a. 15-2-4. Bogardus, Drusilla, w. of Charles, & dau. of David & Phebe Sherwood, d. 1848, June 9, a. 26 y. 9 m. Boice, Thirza Ann, dau. of James C. & Charity, d. 1824, Mar. 17, a. 1 y. 26 d. Bollins, Eudora A. A., dau. of Elder Edward & Almira, d. 1855, Dec. 19, a. 4 y. 5 m Bodley, Daniel, d. 1848, Oct. 24, a. 86-2-5. Bodley, Eunice, w. of Daniel, d. 1850, July 13, a. 90-4-22. Bodley, Permelia, w of Lenord, d. 1857, Dec. 22, a. 59-11-22. Bodley, Permelia F., d. 1858, June 5, a. 23-7-11. Briggs, John, d. 1831, Feb. 16, a. 76-9-21; Phebe, his wife, d. 1834, July 3, a. 71-4-29. Bullock, Anna Maria, dau. of Ephraim & Abigail, d. 1835, Dec. 17, a. 19-5-12. Bush, Lois, b. 1805, Nov. 29, d. 1884, Feb 24. Clearwater, Laura, d. 1816, Mar. 12, a. 16-10-13. Cole, John F., s. of John E. & Susan, d. 1854, May 10, a 2-8-3. Connelly, Margaret M., d. 1836, July 30, a. 32-11-15. Cornelius, Annie, w. of Norman S., d. 1878, Aug 17, a. 29 y. Crandell, Comer B., "a minister of the New Testament," d. 1835, Dec. 30, a. 41 y. 8 d. Crandell, Hannah Maria, dau. of Comer B. & Sarah, d. 1846, Feb. 23, a. 29-10-4. Crandell, Pamelia R., dau. of Elder Comer B. & Sarah, d. 1856, Apr. 8, a. 22-9-12 Crandell, Sarah, w. of Comer B., d. d. 1852, Apr. 27, in 59th y. D. "D. D." (slate stone). Davis, David, d. 1852, Nov 15, a. 70-1-5. Davis, Mable Ann, w. of David, d. 1850, Nov. 2, a. 66 y. 2 m. Davis, Martha Jane, dau. of George B. (&) Christan, d. 1856, Mar 24, a. 2-9-24. Delamater, William, d. 1864, June 27, a. 64 y. 2 m. Delong, Phebe Ann, w. of William, d. 1849, May 7, a. 51 y. 5 d. 165
Old 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94.
Eckert, D. Jane, dau. of Nelson & Cathrine, d. 1843, Mar. 8, a. 1 m. 11 d. Fero, Alexander, s of Hiram & Mary, d. 1852, Apr. 10, a. 2 y. 10 m. Fish, Charles A., s.' of Andrew J., & Elizabeth, d. 1847, Nov. 25, a. 2 y. Freer, Elias, d. 1850, Feb. 16, a. 21-5-23. Freileigh, Benjamin, d. 1830, Jan. 10, a. 77 y. Freileigh, Lydia, w. of Benjamin, d. 1822, Oct. 25, a. 65 y. Germond, Cornelia, w. of Alfred, d. 1853, Mar. 7, in Binghamton, a. 51-10-8. Green, Elizabeth, w. of Tobias, d. 1846, Jan 15, in 92d y. Green, Jacob, d. 1858, Mar. 11, a. 66 y. 27 d. Green, Nancy, dau. of Jacob & Phebe, d. 1843, Aug. 3 1 , a. 18 y. 3 m. Green, Phebe Wil(d)ey, w. of Jacob, b. 1793, July 26, d. 1877, May 13. Golder, Lois, w. of Derick, d. 1850, June 25, a. 63-11-20 Herrick, Ephraim, d. 1834, June 9, a. 75-9-11. Anna, his wife, a. 65-5-17. Herrick, Mary, dau. of Ephraim & Anna, d. 1808, Feb 5, a. 12 y. 11 m. Herrick, Phebe, dau. of Ephraim & Anna, d. 1800, Dec. 28, a. 2 y. 6 m. Herrick, Phebe, w. of Ephraim, d. 1835, Apr. 20, a. 38-7-10. Herrick, Susan Ann, dau. of Ephraim & Phebe, d. 1827, Mar 4, a. 11 y. 6 m. Hicks, David I., d. 1846, Jan. 17, a. 37-8-3. Hicks, Elias B., b. 1777, Jan. 14, d. 1860, Feb. 2. Hicks, Eliza Maria, w. of Benjamin I., d. 1838, Apr. 5. Hicks, Nicholas R., s. of Elias B. & Susan, d. 1850, Nov. 9, a. 20-2-20. Holt, John R., s. of William R. & Sarah W., d. 1842, Dec. 17, a. 9-10-17. Holt, Julia, dau. of William R. & Sarah W., d. 1837, Aug. 31, a. 1-11-4. Holt, Sarah, W., w. of William R., d. 1853, Feb. 1 a. 40 y. 3 m. Houghtaling Jeremiah, d 1853, Oct. 23, a. 52 y. Howell, Dolly, 1811, a. 6 y. Husted, Alfaretta B., dau. of Allen E. & Elizabeth H., A. 1859, Aug. 15, a. 9 m. 12 d. Jenkins, Mary, d. 1814, Feb. 4. Thomas, d. 1814, Feb. 18. Jones, H., d. 1812, July 3, a. 38 y. Knickerbocker, Hermon, d. 1882, Dec. 28, a. 74 y. 11 d. Knickerbocker, Jane Montross, w. of Peter, d. 1877, Mar. 20, a. 89 y. 5 d. Knickerbocker, Peter, d. 1848, Nov. 16, a. 66-6-22. Knickerbocker, Peter A., s. of Peter & Jane, d. 1836, Jan. 8, a. 14 y. 7 m. Lamoree, Martha, w of John, d. 1847, Nov. 17, a. 70-9-28. Langdon, Sally, d. 1835, Oct. 28, a. 31-4-12. Martin, George W., d. 1839, Jan. 20, a. 18 y. 3 m. Martin, Ruth, w of Lot, d. 1856, Nov. 16, a. 70-7-12. Moore, William,'d. 1837, May 25, a. 27-3-12. More, Catharine, w. of Philip, d. 1843, May 30, a. 63 y. 3 d. More, Catharine, d. 1850, Mar. 19, a. 38-6-11. More, Philip, d. 1844, Jan. 4, a. 77-4-7. Morgan, Lewis W., s. of Elijah & Phebe, d. 1856, Aug. 9, a. 1-2-13 Moul, Susan, w. of Peter F., d. 1852, Aug. 9, a. 29 y. 10 m. Peavey, Edward Henry, s. of Benjamin R. & Lydia, d. 1833, June 21, a. 6-4-1. Peavey, John L., d. 1829, June 6, in 37th y. Pool, Mary Jane, w. of Stephen, d. 1853, Apr. 15, a. 22-9-18. Proper, Paulina, d. 1870, Dec. 2, a. 68-5-1 Reed, Betsey, w. of Ely, b. 1779, Sep. 20, d. 1804, Sep. 10, a. 24-11-20. Reynolds, Hannah, d. 1862, Oct 29, in 79th y. Rider, Cummins, s. of Philip & Catherine-, d 1821, Mar. 4, a. 8-11-4. Rider, Jairus B., d. 1851, May 1, a. 14 y. Rusk, William, s. of David G & Mary, d. 1859, Feb. 2, a. 3 m. Rusk, Ellen Post, w. of William, d. 1887, Jan. 16; a. 79 y. Rust. "Erected by Mr. and Mrs. P. Moore to the memory of William Rust, died Dec. 11, 1891, aged 80 years." Schultz, Haryett, w. of Amos, d. 1841, July 27, a. 28-6-27. Sherwood, Aaron, d. 1844, Aug. 8, a. 53-8-10. Sherwood, David, d. 1854, Jan. 27, a. 73 y 17 d. Sherwood, Drusilla, w. of Isaac, d. 1852, Dec. 6, a. 89-5-12. Sherwood, Isaac, d. 1831, Mar. 24, a. 69-11-3 Sherwood, Isaac J., d. 1844, Sep. 5, a. 48-1-25. Sherwood, Ruth, dau. of David & (—illy), a. 3-7-21. Snyder, Jane Ann, w. of Andrew G., d. 1854, May 27, a. 22-9-28. Swartwout, Samuel, d. 1854, Mar. 28, a. 80 y. 1 m. Phebe, his wife, d. 1854, Mar. 30, a. 79-1-17. Swartwout, William, d. 1844, Jan. —, a. 28 y. 12 d. 166
Town 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. ill. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132.
Tater, Frederick E., d. 1833, Oct. 30, a. 45-4-20. Turner, John, d. 1844, Dec. 31, a. 41 y 6 m. .Van Ostrom, Elizabeth, w. of Oliver, d.' 1849, Oct. 29, a. 63-3-7. Van Wagner, Eli Angevine, s. of John N. & Elizabeth, a. 5 wks, 3 d Van Waggoner, Eliza Ann, w. of Sylvester, d. 1851, Mar. 29, a. 28-5-25. Wakeman, Albert, s. of William H. & Sarah, d. 1835, Sep 3, a. 6-3-3. Wakeman, David, d. 1830, Feb. 4, a. 63-9-29. Wakeman, William H., d. 1839, Nov. 11, a. 32-7-7 Waldermire, Lydia, w. of George, d. 1840, Jan. ' l 6 , a. 61-7-28. Weaver, Orlando K., s. of William & Catherine, d 1847, Feb. 11, a. 1-5-11. Westfall, Peter B. G., s. of Eli & Eliza Ann, a. 1 m. 5 d. White, Nicholas, b. 1800, June 15, d. 1865, May 27. Rebecca Hicks, his wife, b 1802, Oct. 2, d. 1875, Jan. 11. Whited, Erastus, s. of David & Jane, d. 1838, Aug. 5, a. 1 m. 28 d. Whited, Jane, w. of David, d. 1838, July 8, a. 27-5-7. Whited, Samuel, d. 1832, Nov 29, a. 31-9-21. Wilde, John, d. 1822, May 13,'a. 85 y. Mary, his wife, d. 1823, Apr. 26, a. 85 y. Wilde, Rebeka H., w. of Richard, d. 1812, June 22, a 68 y. Wilde, Richard, d. 1812, Mar. 20, a. 70-2-9. Wildey, Abraham H., d. 1860, Apr. 18, a. 64-6-14 Wildey, Benjamin, d. 1831, Feb. 14, a. 46-9-17. Wildey, Betsey, w. of Samuel, d. 1847, Mar. 31, a 53 y. 17 d. Wildey, Charlotte, w. of Abraham H., d. 1830, Jan. 16, a. 32-3-3. Wildey, Elizabeth, w. of James (B.), d 1842, May 13, a. 74-3-25. Wildey, James (R.), b. 1768, May 1, d.'l814, Aug 19, a. 46-3-19. Wildey, Martin Luther, s. of James & Sarah, d. 1825, Mar 3, a. 1 y 11 m. Wildey, Martin L., d. 1853, Mar. 17, a. 26 y. 4 m. Wildey, Mary, w. of William, d. 1853, Oct 27, a. 84-2-15. Wildey, Peter William, s. of Alanson & Phebe, d. 1827, Sep. 28, a. 3 y. 28 d. Wildey, Washington G., s. of Abraham & Mary, d. 1840, Oct 6, a. 1-1-12. Wildey, William, s. of James B. & Elizabeth, b. 1804, Nov. 2, d. 1805, Nov. a. 1 y. Wildey, William, d 1850, Apr. 24, a. 80-3-13. Wilson, Charity, w. of Isaac, d. 1839, July 28, a. 69-3-21. Wilson, Isaac, d. 1817, June 2, a. 49 y. Wilson, Isaphine G., dau. of John & Charity, d 1845, Sep. 8, a. 2-7-6. Winters, Mary Ann, dau. of John & Maria, d. 1831, Dec. 10, a. 1-5-20. Yates, John, b. 1800, Oct. 30, d. 1880, May. 18. Yates, Rebecca, w. of John, b. 1799, Mar. 14, d. 1879, Aug. 29. Yates, Sarah E., dau. of John W. & Rebecca, a. 17-2-5.
1. 2. 3. 4 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.
Churchyard. Union church, Shookville. In fair order. 71 in number. Copied in August, 1914, by J. W. Poucher, M. D., Mrs. Poucher and Miss M. O. Johnston. In 1834 a church was erected here by Jacob and Peter Shook and given over to the use of the members of the German Reformed and the Methodist Church who lived in the neighborhood.
Becker, Eve, w. of Henry, d. 1839, Dec. 27, a. 25-4-17. Brush, Cyrus, s. of Jacob & Betsey, d. 1845, July 14, a. 2-3-14. Brush, Betsey, w. of Jacob, d. 1845, June 7, a. 37-7-28. Burger, Anna Eliza, w. of Anthony, d. 1840, Nov. 4, a. 36-6-1. Burger, Anthony, d. 1886, July 6, a. 84-7-18. Canfield, Hannah, w. of Ira, d. 1874, May 3, a. 72 y. 18 d. Canfield, Ira, d. 1883, Mar. 6, a. 82-6-20. Clinton, Elizabeth, w. of Joseph, d. 1848, Feb. 14, a. 76 y. 11 m. Coons, Catharine, w. of William W., d. 1864, Nov. 7, a. 44-7-18 Coons, Ellis, s. of William W. & Catherine, d. 1 8 ( 5 ) 3 , June 2, a. 1-8-2. Coons, Jemima, dau. of William W. & Catherine, d. 1865, Sep. 7, a. 20-2-4. Coons, Julius, s. of William W & Catherine, d. 1854, Oct. 14, a. 4-5-6. Coons, Wakely, s. of William W. & Catherine, d. 1863, May 31, a. 5-1-5. 167
Old 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.
41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 64. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71.
Coons, William W., b. 1819, July 27, d. 1899, Jan. 14. Coopernail, Mary Emma, dau. of Phillip H. & Charlotte, d. 1865, Sep. 4, a. 5-5-14. Cornelius, Clarissa, w. of Gideon, d. 1835, Sep. 4, a. 37-11-4. Cornelius, David, s. of Gideon & Clarissa, d. 1833, Mar. 15, a. 2-6-15 Cornelius, John, s. of Gideon & Clarissa, d. 1837, Nov. 12, a. 3-8-15. Dennis, Walter J., s of Luman & Catharine, d. 1873, Oct. 27, a. 2-3-27. Doyle, Angeline, w. of Peter M., d. 1880, Aug. 5, a. 78 y. Doyle, James M., s. of Peter & Angeline, d. 1849, Dec. 20, a. 18 y. 10 m. Doyle, Peter M., d. 1879, Feb. 24, a. 80 y. Ferow, Almira, w. of Eli, d. 1840, Mar. 8, a. 27-2-5. Ferow, Gortland, s. of Edward & Catharine, d. 1856, Aug. 22, a. 7-6-4. Ferow, Peter, d. 1855, Oct. 2, a. 67-4-3. Fero, Polly, w. of Peter, d. 1874, Oct. 31, a. 84-9-20. Gondolf, Henry G., d. 1887, Sep. 11, a. 37-8-7. Hoffman, Catharine, dau. of Henry C. & Elizabeth, d. 1837, Nov. 19, a. 10-10-18. Hoffman, Mary Ann, dau of Henry C. & Elizabeth, d. 1837, Nov. 28, a. 15-1-9. Hoose, Casper, d. 1844, Dec. 15, a. 29-7-11. Hoos, Lucy Ann, w. of Casper, d. 1842, Dec. 6, a. 21-10-5. Howver, Catharine, w. of Jacob, d 1847, Sep. 5, in 52d y. Howver, David, s. of Jacob & Catharine, d. 1845, Mar. 15, a. 16-7-13. Howver, Jacob, d. 1863, Feb. 23, a. 77 y. Hoysradt, Abram, d. 1881, Jan. 9, a. 35-3-12. Hoysradt, Elizabeth, w. of Henry, d. 1843, Feb. 17, in 84th y. Hoysradt, Jacob, 1811-1852, "Buried in Poughkeepsie." Hoysradt, Sarah A., dau. of Jacob & Susan, d. 1866, Sep. 9, a. 31-2-9 Hoysradt, Susan Poucher, w. of Jacob, 1812-1849. Hoysradt, Children of Jacob & Susan:â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Henry, 1838-1839. Jacob, 1839-1845. Loretta, 1847-1848. William, 1849-1850. Ingles, Jonathan, d. 1833, Nov. 2, a. 50 y. 6 m. Jackson, Sarah Ann, w. of Thomas, d. 1854, Nov. 26, a. 30-6-15. Myers, Gertrude C , b. 1833, Mar. 5, (date of death not on stone). Myers, Henry, b. 1829, July 6, d. 1908, Apr. 19. Nelson, Francis, d. 1859, June 7, a. 59 y. Osterhout, David, d. 1864, Feb. 7, in 74th y. Osterhout, David N., d. 1848, May 27, a 23-5-10. Osterhout, Maria Phillips, w. of David, d. 1882, June 6, a. 81-6-22. Pester, Alson, s. of Zachariah & Sarah, d. 1843, June 23, a. 3 m. 8 d. Seaman, Margaret, d. 1853, Mar. 25, a. 76 y. 3 m. Seamans, Mary, d. 1862, Aug. 6, a. 70 y. Shaver, Joanna, dau. of John P. & Phebe, d. 1855, (remainder illegible). Shook, Maria, w. of Peter, d. 1847, Aug. 2, a. 67 y. 6 m. Shook, Mary Amelia, dau. of Henry W. & Harriet, d. 1857, Dec. 12, a. 15-5-24. Shook, Peter, d. 1862, May 9, a. 89-5-22. Snyder, Eve, w. of Henry, d. 1838, Oct. 7, a. 92 y. Snyder, Henry, d 1839, Aug. 24, a. 92 y. Stickle, Edward, d. 1833, Nov. 19, in 25th y. Stickle, Elizabeth, w. of William A., d. 1858, Jan. 4, a. 70 y. 10 m. Stickle, William A., d. 1845, May 17, a. 70 y. Stocking, Polly Ann, w. of Russell, d. 1844, June 20, a. 26-1-11. Teats, Hannah, w. of Joseph, d 1852, Aug. 24, a. 83 y. Teats, Joseph, d. 1845, Dec. 20, a. 83-4-15. Teats, Mary, w. of Peter, d. 1848, Feb. 22, a. 55 y. Teats, Peter L., d. 1854, Dec. 25, a. 67-3-1. Wagenor, Norman, Co. I, 150th Reg. N. Y. Vols., d. 1907, June 2, a. 63 y. Wilber, Nelson, s. of Reuben & Sarah, d. 1856, Mar. 18, a 6 m. Winters, Catharine, d. 1899, June 13, a. 80 y Winters, Elizabeth, w. of William, d. 1867, Mar. 26, a. 79 y. Winters, Eugene, d. 1855, Aug. 8, a. 2-3-8. Winters, William, d. 1864, May 19, a. 84 y.
Town of North East
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Bockee-Smith ground MacDonald-Van Alstyne ground Bryan ground Gray ground Moravian Mission ground Baptist Church, Spencer's Corners Winchell Mountain ground Coleman's Station ground Northeast Center ground Irondale Cemetery, Millerton
Inscriptions 36 18 9 5 3 576 246 143 80 302 1,418
BOCKEE-SMITH GROUND CLASSIFICATION: Family ground. A t t h e n o r t h e a s t c o r n e r of " T h e S q u a r e " , o p p o s i t e t h e S m i t h LOCATION: homestead. F a i r ; s u r r o u n d e d by a s t o n e w a l l ; still in occasional u s e . CONDITION: 3 6 in n u m b e r . C o p i e d by L. V a n A l s t y n e of S h a r o n , C o n n . S e e INSCRIPTIONS: p a g e 2 0 0 of " B u r y i n g G r o u n d s of S h a r o n , C o n n . , A m e n i a a n d North East, New York", printed 1903. T h e B o c k e e - S m i t h family g r o u n d . Isaac Smith (1722-1795) REMARKS: c a m e f r o m H e m p s t e a d , L. I., to D u t c h e s s C o u n t y 1767-68 a n d s e t t l e d a t T h e S q u a r e . T h e h o u s e h e built is still s t a n d i n g a c r o s s t h e r o a d from this b u r i a l g r o u n d . His d a u g h t e r , C a t h a r i n e , m a r r i e d J a c o b B o c k e e , w h o w a s t h e son of A b r a h a m B o c k e e ( 1 7 1 8 - 1 7 7 6 ) . A b r a h a m B o c k e e of N e w Y o r k City s e t t l e d in this vicinity soon a f t e r 1750. T h e b u r i a l g r o u n d w a s used by t h e two families.
Family ground. N o r t h of S h e k o m e k o , on t h e east side of t h e r o a d , o p p o s i t e t i e school house. T h i c k l y o v e r g r o w n , d e s e r t e d , s u r r o u n d e d by a s t o n e wall p a r t l y in r u i n s . 18 in n u m b e r . Copied by L. V a n A l s t y n e of S h a r o n , C o n n . See p a g e 186 of " B u r y i n g G r o u n d s of S h a r o n , C o n n . , A m e n i a a n d North East, New York", printed 1903. Of t h e 18 s t o n e s in this e n c l o s u r e 12 b e a r t h e n a m e of Mac D o n ald, 4 of V a n A l s t y n e , 1 of H a r r i s , 1 of Manfield. T h e H a r r i s s t o n e is t h e oldest, d a t e d 1777. D u r i n g t h e W a r of t h e Revolution J o h n M a c D o n a l d , a S c o t c h m a n , a c t i n g u n d e r t h e P r o v i n c i a l C o n g r e s s , had c h a r g e of t h e e x c a v a t i o n of lead mines in t h e vicinity of S h e k o m e k o . His n a m e , w i t h o u t d a t e s , a p p e a r s on one of t h e s t o n e s in this e n c l o s u r e .
Family ground. A b o u t o n e mile n o r t h of S h e k o m e k o , on t h e r o a d to P i n e P l a i n s . Overgrown and deserted. 9 in n u m b e r . Copied by L. V a n A l s t y n e of S h a r o n , C o n n . S e e p a g e 187 of " B u r y i n g G r o u n d s of S h a r o n , C o n n . , A m e n i a , a n d North East, New York", printed 1903. B r y a n family g r o u n d .
GRAY GROUND CLASSIFICATION: Family ground. LOCATION: O n t h e w e s t slope of W i n c h e l l M o u n t a i n on t h e f a r m once o w n e d by R i c h a r d G r a y , m o r e r e c e n t l y o w n e d by J o s e p h M c G e e . CONDITION: INSCRIPTIONS: in n u m b e r . Copied by L. V a n A l s t y n e of S h a r o n , C o n n . S e e 170
p a g e 2 1 0 of " B u r y i n g G r o u n d s of S h a r o n , C o n n . , A m e n i a N o r t h E a s t , New- Y o r k " , p r i n t e d 1 9 0 3 . K n o w n as t h e G r a y family g r o u n d .
MORAVIAN MISSION GROUND CLASSIFICATION: Churchyard. A t t h e site of t h e M o r a v i a n Mission H o u s e on t h e w e s t side of LOCATION: " W e q u a d n a c h " , or I n d i a n P o n d , n e a r t h e C o n n e c t i c u t line. Used as f a r m land. CONDITION: 3 in n u m b e r . Copied by L. V a n A l s t y n e of S h a r o n , C o n n . , a n d INSCRIPTIONS: a n o t h e r . See p a g e 185 of " B u r y i n g G r o u n d s of S h a r o n , C o n n . , Amenia and North East, New York", printed 1903. T h e M o r a v i a n mission to t h e I n d i a n s , s t a r t e d a t S h e k o m e k o , was .REMARKS: moved to t h e e a s t s h o r e of I n d i a n P o n d ( o v e r t h e C o n n e c t i c u t l i n e ) in t h e s e v e n t e e n f o r t i e s . A few y e a r s l a t e r this I n d i a n s e t t l e m e n t was d i s p e r s e d a n d t h e w h i t e s e t t l e r s e r e c t e d a c h u r c h on t h e o p p o s i t e ( o r w e s t e r n ) shore of t h e p o n d , a t a place called " S i c h e m in t h e O b l o n g " w h i c h h a s since d i s a p p e a r e d . Of t h e l a r g e b u r y i n g g r o u n d t h a t o n c e a d j o i n e d t h e Mission H o u s e a l m o s t n o t h i n g r e m a i n s a n d t h e b u i l d i n g also is g o n e .
CLASSIFICATION: Churchyard. LOCATION: A t S p e n c e r ' s C o r n e r s , n o r t h e a s t of Millerton. CONDITION: K e p t in o r d e r . 576 in n u m b e r . Copied by L. V a n A l s t y n e of S h a r o n , C o n n . INSCRIPTIONS: S e e p a g e 152 of " B u r y i n g G r o u n d of S h a r o n , C o n n . , A m e n i a a n d N o r t h E a s t , New Y o r k " , p r i n t e d 1 9 0 3 . REMARKS: A B a p t i s t c h u r c h was built a t this site a b o u t 1777. In 1867 t h e c o n g r e g a t i o n r e m o v e d to a new c h u r c h in t h e village of Millerton.
WINCHELL MOUNTAIN GROUND C L A S S I F I C A T I O N : Community ground. LOCATION: O n t h e s o u t h side of t h e r o a d from Millerton to P i n e P l a i n s , a t t h e t o p of Winchell M o u n t a i n . CONDITION: F r e e from b r u s h , s o m e fallen s t o n e s . 2 4 6 in n u m b e r . Copied by L. V a n A l s t y n e of S h a r o n , C o n n . See INSCRIPTIONS: p a g e 172 of " B u r y i n g G r o u n d s of S h a r o n , Conn., A m e n i a a n d Northeast, New York", printed 1903. K n o w n as Winchell M o u n t a i n b u r y i n g g r o u n d . REMARKS:
COLEMAN'S STATION GROUND CLASSIFICATION: Community ground. LOCATION: N e a r C o l e m a n ' s S t a t i o n on t h e H a r l e m r a i l r o a d , a few miles s o u t h of M i l l e r t o n . CONDITION: K e p t in o r d e r . INSCRIPTIONS: 143 in n u m b e r . Copied by L. V a n A l s t y n e of S h a r o n , C o n n . See 171
page 146 of "Burying Grounds of Sharon, Conn., Amenia and North East, New York", printed 1903. One of the oldest stones in the town of North East (dated 1749) is in this yard. The enclosure might almost be classified as a family ground for only a few family names appear in it. Of the 143 inscriptions 55 are Wheelers, 23 Clarks, 11 Barretts, 9 Gilberts, 8 Collins and 7 Haines.
NORTHEAST CENTER GROUND CLASSIFICATION: Community ground. South of Millerton, on the east side of the road, near "Alexander LOCATION: Neeley's." CONDITION: Overgrown and neglected. INSCRIPTIONS: 80 in number. Copied by L. Van Alstyne of Sharon, Conn. See page 181 of "Burying Grounds of Sharon, Conn., Amenia and North East, New York", printed 1903. Known as the Northeast Center ground. REMARKS:
Community ground. Millerton. Well kept. 302 in number. Copied by L. Van Alstyne of Sharon, Conn. See page 230 of "Burying Grounds of Sharon, Conn., Amenia and North East, New York", printed 1903. Known as Irondale Cemetery.
T o w n of Pawlin
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
Inscriptions 26 7 53 20 76 18 1 17 21 16 159 1
Akin ground Allen ground Brownell ground Campbell ground Haynes ground Pierce ground Sherman ground Taber ground Toffey ground Watts ground Quaker Hill Cemetery Inc Oblong Meeting House
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26.
Family ground. Near Mizzen Top, by the road. In order. 26 in number. Copied August 24, 1914, by J. W. Poucher, M. D., and Mrs. H. N. Bain. Known as the Akin ground. Restored to order in late years by Mr. Martin Leach, who has also provided a fund for permanent care.
Akin, Abigail, w. of Peter, d. "7 mo. 16, 1844", a. 70 y. Akin, Isaac, s. of Peter & Abigail, d. "2 mo. 17, 1863", a. 49 y Akin, John, s. of Peter & Abigail, d. "3d mo. 28, 1829." Akin, Jonathan, d. "8 mo. 16, 1828", a. 92 v 24 d. Akin, Lillius, w. of Jonathan, d. "11 m. 24, 1818", a. 82 y. Akin, (Peer? P e t e r ? ) , s. of Peter & Abigail, d. "10 m. 1805". Akin, Peter, s. of William & Lydia, d. "10th mo. 10th, 1850", a. 1-3-19. Akin, Peter, d. "12 mo. 2, 1860", a. 89-10-25 Akin, Phebe, dau. of William & Lydia, d. "3d mo. 16th, 1844", a. 1-11-25. Akin, Sarah, dau. of William & Lydia, b. "9 m. 7, 1846", d "2 m. 21, 1904", a . 57-5-14. Akin, William, d. "8 mo. 16, 1882", a. 72 y. 23 d. Akin, William, s. of William & Lydia, "6th mo. 24 days". Ferriss, Matthew, d. "5 mo. 16, 1833", a. 87 y. Flayharty, Elizabeth, d. "3 mo. 5th, 1859". Haviland, Isaac, s. of Daniel P & Lillius, d. "8 mo. 15, 1853", a. 18 y. Howland, Peleg, d. "5 mo. 10th, 1814", a. 62 y. Leach, Anna, dau. of Moses W. & Phebe, d. "8th mo. 31st, 1860", a. 34 y. Leach, Elizabeth F., dau. of Moses W. & Phebe, d. "5th mo. 17th, 1856", a. 19 y . Leach, Isaac, s. of Moses & Phebe, d. "7th mo. 22d, 1855", a. 21 y. Leach, Lillius C , dau. of Moses W. & Phebe, b. 1829, Aug. 22, d. 1908, Apr. 19.. Leach, Moses W., d. "10th mo. 18th, 1848", a. 50 y. Leach, Peter A., s. of Moses W. & Phebe, d. "3d mo. 29, 1888", a. 64-2-16. Leach, Phebe, w. of Moses W., d. "2d mo. 21st, 1858", a. 54 y. Pendergast, Abigail, w. of Matthew. (No dates). Shaw, Benanuel, d. "11 mo. 24, 1829", a. 96 y. Shaw, Meriby, w. of Benanuel, d. 1815, a. about 70 y.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Family ground. N e a r Q u a k e r Hill. Overgrown and deserted. 7 in n u m b e r . Copied A u g u s t 24, 1914, by J. W . P o u c h e r , M. D . K n o w n as t h e Allen g r o u n d .
Allen, Ephraim, d. 1854, Sep. 15, a. 04-5-13 Cary, Warren, d. 1849, Mar. 3, a. 65-3-11. Killey, Samuel W., d. 1840, Mar. 9, a. 70 y. Poulus, Frederick, s. of Jacob F. & Tory, d. 1855, Nov. 19, a. 2 y. Poulus, Tory, dau. of Jacob F. & Tory, d. 1860, July 4, a. 9 d. Shear, Peace, d. 1852, Jan. 19, a. 69 y. Walbridge, Catharine, mother of W. K. Walbridge & dau. of Wing & Deborah. Killey, "3d 1 mo. 1766", "1 of 12 m. 1848".
BROWNELL GROUND CLASSIFICATION: Family ground. LOCATION: At West Pawling, near the railroad station. CONDITION: Thickly o v e r g r o w n b u t used w i t h i n r e c e n t y e a r s . 174
Town INSCRIPTIONS: REMARKS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53.
53 in number. Copied August 22, 1914, by J. W. Poucher, M. D., and Mrs. Poucher. Known as the Brownell ground.
Beach, M. (Zuleake), w. of Ephraim M., d. 1869, May 23, a. 23-8-17. Britton, Isabel, d. 1898, Apr. 3, a. 22 y. Britton, Mary E. Brownell, w. of Hiram C , d 1899, Oct. 2, a. 42 y. Britton, Susie, d. 1908, Mar. 6, a. 9 y. 11 m. Brownell, Aaron, d. 1908, Oct. 29. Brownell, Daniel, s. of John & Elizabeth, d. 1822, Apr. 7, in 3d y. Brownell, Edward, d. 1831, Dec. 14, a. 92 y. 3 d. Brownell, Elizabeth, w. of Edward, d. 1821, May 3, in 24th y. Brownell, Elizabeth, w of Edward, b. 1750, d. 1834, Apr 17, a. 84 y. 4 m. Brownell, Elizabeth, w. of John, d. 1850, Feb. 5, a. 58-7-10. Brownell, Esther, w. of John, d. 1801, Nov. 29, a. 19 y. Brownell, George, of Co. B, 128th N. Y. Volunteers, d. 1878, Sep. 6, a. 34-5-27. Brownell, Jane A., b 1842, Dec. 29, d. 1909, Apr. 27. Brownell, John, d. 1851, Dec. 5, a. 75-10-15. Brownell, Milton, 128th N. Y. Volunteers, d. 1901, Nov. (—), a. 64 y. Brownell, Polly Van Scoy, wid. of William, d. 1902, Mar. 29, a. 63-3-29. Brownell, William, d. 1885, Oct. 5, a. 54-9-5. Brownell, William, d. 1885, Oct. 5, a. 54-9-5. Brownell, children of Edward & Abigail:—• George, d. 1840, June 5, a. 6 y. 1 d.; Elizabeth, d. 1840, June 6, a. 1 y. 8 d. Buckley, Thomas, 150th N. Y., d. 1888, Mar. 21, a. 55 y. (Bugnon), Eliza, dau. of Jack & Delphine, b. 1867, Feb. 17, d. 1871, June 3. Clark, Mary, d. 1882, Sep. 28, a. 85 y. Dibble, Ebenezer, d. 1867, Dec. 13, a. 58-9-19. Dibble, Louise, dau. of Ebenezer & Susan, d. 1852, June 11, a. 17-7-9. Dibble, Polly P., d. 1890, July 8, a. 84 y. Dibble, Susan, w. of Ebenezer, d. 1849, Feb. 17, in 40th y. Dibble, Wallace, b. 1830, Aug. 9, d. 1908, Aug. 21. Ferris, Ella M., dau. of Albert M. & Lina, d. 1887, Aug. 24, a. 2 y. 14 d. Gage, Ephraim, d. 1841, Oct. 7, a. 40 y. Hannah, Polly Dibble, w. of John, d. 1856, Apr. 27, a. 27-7-18. McLane, James, d. 1867, Dec. 22, a. 72 y. 18 d.; Elizabeth, his wife, d. 1872, Sep. 21, a. 77 y. Miller, Daniel, d. 1872, May 14, a. 72-3-24. (Veteran's grave). Miller, Harrison, s. of Daniel & Sarah, d. 1845, Nov. (—), in 24th y. Miller, Mary E., dau. of Gilbert & Phebe, d. 1885, Apr. 15, a. 8 m. 2 d. Miller, Sarah, w. of Daniel, d. 1847, Feb. 20, in 43d y. Miller, William, 150th N. Y Volunteers, d. 1899, Feb. 1, a. 65 y. Murphy, Henry, 19 Con. Vols., d. 1893, Dec. 20, a. 76-9-11. Place, Marietta, d. 1898, Jan. 16, a. 72 y. 3 m. Place, Reuben R., d. 1886, Nov. 17, a. 74-9-6. Prout, Caroline, w. of William, d. 1883, Jan. 20, a. 65 y. Prout, William, d. 1878, Aug. 17, a. 70 y. Truesdell, Deborah, b. 1788, May 3, d. 1872, Mar. 2, a 84 y. Utter, Benjamin, d. 1861, Feb. 2, a. 70 y. Utter, Maria, wid. of Washington Utter, & w. of Benjamin, 2d, d. 1878, Dec. 17, a. 53 y Utter, Polly, w. of Benjamin, d. 1877, Aug. 16, a. 81 y. Utter, Washington, d. 1860, Jan. 14, a. 33 y. Van Scoy, Abel, d. 1884, May 26, a. 76-3-26. Van Scoy, Jesse, b. 1811, Mar. 21, d. 1865, Mar. 30. Van Scoy, Malinda, w. of Abel, d. 1880, May 2, a. 66-7-27. Washburn, Mary Maria, w. of Daniel, & dau. of William & Caroline Prout, d. 1865, Nov. 9, a. 25 y. 6 m. Woodin, Albro, d. 1861, Feb. 7, a. 38-11-14. Woodin, Charles J., b. 1857, Dec. 15, d. 1891, May 8. Woodin, Perry A., b. 1851, July 8, d. 1873, Dec. 8. Woodin, Sarah, w. of Albro, b. 1829, Oct. 25, d. 1893, June 25.
Hurd's Corners. Overgrown; enclosed by a stone wall. 20 in number. Copied August 24, 1914, by J. W. Poucher, M. D., and Mrs. H. N. Bain. Known as the Campbell ground.
1. Boudy, Ann, d. 1855, Aug. 12, a. 71-9-22. 2. Calhoun, Daniel B., d. 1837, Oct. 19, a. 38-9-7; Eliza, his wife, d. 1840, Aug. 10, a 50 y. S. Campbell, Archibald, b. 1769, Mar. 7, d. 1817, Jan. 18, a. 78 y. 4. Campbell, Rev. Archibald, s. of Archibald & Jane, d. 1848, Jan. 6, a. 22-10-16. 5. Campbell, Archibald, d. 1871, Aug. 22, a. 71 y. 5 m. 6. Campbell, Archie, s. of Archibald & Mary, d. 1865, Oct. 19, a. 17-6-21 7. Campbell, Duncan A., d. 1844, Dec. 31, a. 16-11-25. 8. Campbell, Elizabeth, w. of Archibald, b. 1776, Aug. 1, d. 1859, Jan. 27 9. Campbell, Elizabeth M., dau. of Archibald & Jane, d. 1838, Aug. 27, a. 16-10-4. 10. Campbell, George S., s of Archibald, Jr., & Jane, d. 1836, Mar. 28, a. 21-1-16. 11. Campbell, Jane, w. of Archibald, d. 1834, Aug. 24, a. 37 y. 8 m. 12. Campbell, Mary, b. 1777, Apr. 18, d. 1843, Jan. 2. 13. Campbell, Rachel P., dau. of Archibald, Jr., & Jane, d. 1837, Apr. 15, a. 19-4-25. 14. Campbell, Samuel, s. of Archibald & Mary, d. 1845, Feb. 9, a. 2 m. 28 d. 15. Campbell, Sherman, s. of Sherman & Semantha, d. 1861, July 17, a. 1-10-9. 16. Green, Cushing, d. 1857, Mar. 13, in 54th y. 17. Green, Statia A. Campbell, w. of Cushing, d. 1885, Oct. 4, in 83d y. 18. Van Derburg, George S., 4th N. Y. Heavy Artillery, b. 1842, Sep. 10, d 1893, Mar. 21. 19. Van Derburgh, James A., d. 1856, Apr. 26, a. 46-7-22. 20. Van Derburgh. Maria S., w. of James A., & dau. of Archibald, Jr., & Jane Campbell, d. 1842, Nov. 22, a. 19-1-8. HAYNES GROUND CLASSIFICATION: LOCATION: CONDITION: INSCRIPTIONS: REMARKS:
Family ground. A mile north of the village of Pawling, on the Dykeman farm. In fair order. 76 in number. Copied in August, 1914, by J. W. Poucher, M. D. Known as the Haynes ground. Twelve stones removed from here to the Pawling Rural Cemetery are included in this list.
1. Allen, Alexander, d 1816, Aug. 27, in 68th y.; Abigail, his wife, d. 1836, Aug. 15, in 89th y. 2. Allen, Alexander, d. 1863, Jan. 12, a. 85 y. 10 m. 3. Allen, Charles, s. of Alexander & Sarah, d. 1833, Aug. 18, a. 18-4-9 4. Allen, Charles, d. 1842, Sep. 16, a. 69-2-7; Martha, his wife, d. 1858, Apr. 1, a. 81-4-5. 5. Allen, Harris B., s of Alexander & Sally, d. 1827, Sep. 22, a. 4-6-8. 6. Allen, H ( u ) r a m , s. of Alexander & Sarah, d. 1809, Mar. 28, a. 14 d. 7. Allen, H ( u ) r a m , s. of Samuel & Polly, d. 1856, Oct. 26, a. 39 y. 8. Allen, Isaac, d. 1865, May 3, a. 37-8-12. 9. Allen, Maria, dau. of Charles & Martha, d. 1859, Nov. 2, in 62d y. 10. Allen, Phebe, dau. of Alexander & Sally, d 1827, Sep. 23, a. 8-3-27. 11. Allen, Sally, w. of Alexander, d. 1827, Oct. 15, a. 41-4-26. 12. Allen, Samuel, d. 1836, Aug. 12, a. 52 y ; Polly, his wife, d. 1873, Jan. 29, a 84 y. 8 m. 13. Allen, Samuel D., s. of Alexander & Sally, d. 1827, Sep. 28, a. 1 y. 14. Allen, Susan, dau. of Alexander & Sarah, d. 1821, Dec. 18, a. 19 d. 15. Banks, Edgar I., s. of Emery & Sarah, d. 1848, June 13, a. 3 m. 29 d. 16. Banks, Hiram S., d. 1864, Aug. 28, a. 23-10-5. (Soldier's grave). 17. Banks, James, d. 1871, Aug. 7, a. 24-5-2. (Soldier's grave). 18. Banks, William M., d 1870, Nov. 20, a. 28-3-15. 19. Beach, William H., 128th Reg. N. Y. Volunteers, d. 1890, Dec. 22, a. 54 y. 20. Bell, Beatrice, dau. of Byron & Cora, a. 16 d. 21. Bowdish, Charles, s. of Griffin & Cynthia, d. 1841, Mar. 24, a. 10 m. 22. Brill, Jay, s. of Egbert & Julia, d. 1880, Mar. 12, a. 1-7-12. 23. Brownell, Mary Allen, w. of Samuel, d. 1830, May 28, a. 55 y. 24. Cook, Charlotte A., w. of Newton, d. 1881, Feb. 28, a. 56 y. 176
25. Crandle, Ruth, dau. of Benjamin & Louisa, d. 1827, Nov. 26, a. 2-8-1. 26. Denton, Abraham H., d. 1872, Aug. 18, a. 74-10-12. 27. Denton, Amos, d. 1835, Apr. 12, a. 59 y. 4 m.; Elizabeth, his wife, & dau. of Alexander & Abigail Allen, d. 1830, Jan. 4, a. 50-3-10 28. Denton, Betsey, Allen, w. of Abraham H., d. 1871, July 27, a. 74-8-2. 29. Denton, Martha A., dau. of Abraham H. & Betsey, d. 1871, June 20, a. 6-6-4. 30. Denton, children of Amos & Elizabeth:— Lewis, d. 1814, (—) 22, a 12 d.; Abigail, d. 1815, Mar. 15, a. 15 d. 31. Ett, Clara, w. of Jacob, d. 1892, Aug. 22, a. 65 y. 32. Ett, Frederick, d. 1867, Oct. 8, a. 68-8-20 33. Ett, Jacob, b. 1824, Mar. 17, d. 1902, Feb. 12. 34. Ett, Lizzie, d. 1889,. Apr. 15, a. 87 y. 35. Ett, Ruth Ann, w. of Jacob, d. 1857, May 21, a. 30 y. 36. Haynes, Abby Jane, w. of John L., d. 1857, Nov. 8, in 45th y 37. Haynes, Jane, dau. of James & Hannah, d. 1823, June 18, a. 7 y. 3 m. 38. Haynes, John L., d. 1845, Mar 14, a. 34 y. 39. Haynes, Phebe, dau. of John L. & Abby J., d. 1866, Sep. 20, a. 22-11-4. 40. Lake, Phebe, w. of Isaac, d. 1812, Sep. 5, a. 23-11-11. 41. McLane, John, d. 1866, Jan. 19, a. 45-2-26. 42. Miller, Charlotte, Allen, w. of Senica, d. 1876, Oct. 1, a. 22 y. 8 d 43. Moshier, James, 1831-1906. 44. Mulkins, William, d. 1875, Jan. 24, a. 71-2-19; Emeline, his wife, d. 1893, Apr. 6, a. 81 y 6 m. 45. Penney, Archable, d. 1861, Feb. 27, a. 57-7-3. 46. Sabin, Widow Mary, d. 1832, Feb. 25, in 87th y. 47. Sprague, Maria, w. of Jeremiah H., d. 1852, June (—•), a. 30 y. 3 m. 48. Sprague, Rebecca, w. of David, d. 1841, Dec. 19, a. 42-8-11. 49. Starkes, Mary, w. of Henry, & dau. of David & Phebe Sprague, d. 1830, Mar. 29, a. 39 y. 50. Stone, Amanda Moshier, 1830-1905. 51. Sweet, Phebe Denton, w. of Edwin, d. 1834, Sep. 13, a. 22-3-15. 52. Welch, Esther, w. of Edward, & dau. of Alexander & Abigail, d. 1830, Nov. 6, a. 48-7-16 53. Wilcox, Archibald, d. 1867, Dec. 4, a. 58 y. 8 m. 54. Wilcox, Catharine J., dau. of Harry H. & Sarey A., d. 1871, Apr. 16, a. 19 y 55. Wilcox, George, d. 1831, Oct. 13, in 62d y. 56. Wilcox, Harry H., d. 1863, Apr 10, a. 36 y. (Soldier's grave). 57. Wilcox, Sally A., w. of Harry H., d. 1906, July 29, a. 81 y. 58. Wilcox, Peter, d. 1884, June 9, a. 46-1-3. 59. Wilcox, William S., s. of Harry H. & Sarey A., d. 1882, Sep. 6, a. 28 y. 60. Woodin, Elizabeth M. Sprague, w. of Coleman D., 1875_, Apr. 28, a. 25-8-10. 61. Woodin, Henry A., infant son of Solomon M. & Alice J. (No dates). 62. Woodin, Laura, w. of Henry L., d. 1895, Feb. 21, a. 78 y. 63. Wooden, Ransom, d. 1893, Feb. 28, a. 55-3-19. 64. Woodin, Susannah, w. of David E., d. 1837, Apr. 5, a. 52-10-23. Removals from Haynes Ground (On Dykeman Farm) To Pawling Rural Cemetery, Town of Pawling. 1. Haynes, Almira Betts, b. 1804, May 6, d. 1879, Sep. 3. 2. Haynes, Andrew, d. 1857, Feb. 4, a. 71-9-10. 3. Haynes, Belden, s. of Andrew & Phebe, d. 1843, Nov. 11, a. 21 y. 8 m. 4. Haynes, Caleb, d. 1823, July 26, a. 87 y. 5. Haynes, Caleb, d. 1841, Feb. 7, a. 80 y. 6. Haynes, Deborah, d. 1842, Apr. 26, a. 80 y. 7. Haynes, Eliza M., w. of William S., d. 1831, Apr. 6, a. 39 y. 8. Haynes, Phebe, w. of Andrew, d. 1834, Sep. 12, a. 45 y. 10 m. 9. Hanes, Sally Ann, dau. of Charles & Polly. (No dates). 10. Hanes, Silvester H., d. 1816, in 30th y. 11. Haynes, Sophia, w. of Caleb, d. 1822, Sep 26, a. 88 y. 12. Haynes, William S., d. 1840, Feb. (3), a. 41 y. PIERCE GROUND CLASSIFICATION: Family ground. LOCATION: W e s t of P a w l i n g , on t h e D y k e m a n f a r m . CONDITION: Abandoned. 177
INSCRIPTIONS: REMARKS: 1. 2. â&#x20AC;¢ B a k e r 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14 15. 16. 17. 18.
18 in number. Copied in August, 1916, by J. W. Poucher, M. D. Known locally as the Pierce ground.
Allen, Edward, s. of Edward & Susanna, d. 1806, Oct. 27, a. 6 v. 11 d. Allen, Hiram, s. of Alexander & Abigail, d. 1797, Nov 7, a. 7-1-9. S w s , Esther, w. of Jonathan, d. 1839, Oct. 13, a. 61-3-6. Burr, Levi, d. 1812, May 20, a. 30-4-20. Burr, Nathan, d. 1818, Aug. 27, a. 75-7-27. Burr, Phebe Youngs, w. of Nathan, d. 1802, Apr. 7, a. 55 y. 1 m. Cary, Absalom, d. 1853, July 30, a. 70-8-23. Chase, Obadiah S., d 1854, Apr. 24, a. 53-3-16. Eastman, John R., b. 1805, Apr. 11, d. 1851, Dec. 8, a. 46 y. Howard, Patience, dau. of Thomas & Lucy, d. 1818, July 17, a. 24 y. Mead, Louisa, dau. of Amos & Catharine, d. 1826, Apr. 28. Osborn, Abbey Jane, dau. of John & Elizabeth, d. 1841, July 24, a. 18 y. 4 m. Osborn, Elizabeth, w. of John, d. 1847, Mar. 27, a. 63 y. Osborn, John, d. 1848, Mar. 4, a. 63 y. Osborn, Lydia, w. of George W., d. 1852, July 30, a. 28 y. Sherman, Abigail, w. of John, d. 1808, May 8. Sherman, Eliza, dau. of Isaac & Maria, d 1825, May 13, a. 2 y. 8 m. Swords, Walter G., d. 1846, June 6, a. 41 y. 23 d.
Family ground. Two miles north of Hurd's Corners. In an open field. 1 in number. Copied August 24, 1914, by J. W. Poucher, M. D. This is a large granite monument, standing alone.
I. Benjamin and Deborah Sherman 1805. Erected by descendants 1888. TABER GROUND CLASSIFICATION: Family ground. LOCATION: Two miles and a half north of Quaker Hill, on the farm of William Taber. CONDITION: Fenced and cared for. INSCRIPTIONS: 17 in number. Copied August 23, 1916, by J. W. Poucher, M. D., and Mrs. Lawrence Sherwood. REMARKS: The Taber ground. 1. Hurd, Charles, d. 1857, July 13, a 85 y. 2. Hurd, Daniel, d. 1869, Dec. 9, a. 77 y. 8 d. u. 3. Hurd, Salome, w. of Charles & dau. of Thomas & Antheressa Taber, d. 1827, Aug. 16, a. 55-11-18. 4. Taber, Anne Therase, w. of Thomas, d. 1805, Aug. 29, a. 71 y. 5. Taber, Annie, dau. of William H. & Elizabeth, d. 1869, Sep. 3, a. 1 y. 8 m. 6. Taber, Betsey, w. of William & dau. of William & Rachel Chapman, d. 1865, Aug. 17, a. 64-5-23. 7. Taber, Catharine, \v. of William H., & dau. of Benjamin F. & Arby Flagler, d. 1855, Sep. 26, a. 28-1-26. 8. Taber, Dill(alah), w. of Jeremiah, d. 1852, 10th mo., 23, a. 84-2-23. 9. Taber, Eliza, w. of William, & dau. of Abial & Joanna She(rman), d. 1841, Feb. 5, a. 37-8-18. 3 0. Taber, Elizabeth, w. of William H., & dau. of Charles G. & Maria Thomas, d. 1874, Apr. 6, a. 39-7-29. I I . Taber, George A., s. of William & Eliza, d. 1840, Feb. 6, a 4 y. 2 m. 12. Taber, Harriett A., dau. of William & Eliza, d. 1823, Dec. 18, a. 9 d. 13. Taber, Isaac, s. of William & Martha, d. 1783, Oct 25, a. 1 y. 14 d. 14. Taber, Jeremiah, d. 1834, 5th mo., 4, a. 71-8-9. 15. Taber, John, d. "3 mo. 13," a. 16 y. 14 d. 16. T^ber, Thomas, d 1783, Sep. 18, in 51st y. 17. Taber, William, d. 1863, Jan. 13, a. 66-1-3. 178
*Eurd, S a l l y .
See "ttorth Quaker H i l l and I t s T r a d i t i o n s " , "by Mary C. Alidiij p . 5 0
P awli ng
TOFFEY GROUND CLASSIFICATION: Family ground. LOCATION: About half a mile from Mizzentop, in a field a quarter of a mile from the road. CONDITION: Good. INSCRIPTIONS: 21 in number. Copied in August, 1916, by J. W. Poucher, M. D. REMARKS: The Toffey ground. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.
Akin, Timothy, d 1846, Feb. 4, a. 95 y. 8 m. Haviland, Egbert A., 1832-1900. Hayes, Ann A. Toffey, w. of John, b. 1821, Mar. 12, d. 1901, Jan. 29. Toffey, Abigail, w. of John, A. 1829, Nov 17, a. 80-6-6. Toffey, Akin, d. 1859, Mar. 30, a. 77 y. 10 m. Toffey, Ann, w. of Akin, d. 1852, Apr. 10, a 66-10-27. Toffey, Betsey, w. of Daniel, d. 1868, Jan. 19, a. 78 y. 4 m. Toffey, Daniel, d. 1852, Jan. 28, a. 63-9-4 Toffey, Daniel, s. of Daniel & Betsev, d. 1863, Jan. 3, a. 34-5-18. Toffey, Elizabeth, dau. of Daniel & Betsey, d. 1832, May 7, a. 15 y. 3 m Toffey, Esther H., w. of John, d 1879, July 12, a. 81-6-20. Toffey, George, s. of John & Abigail, b. 1783, June 5, d. 1814, Sep. 9. Toffey, Hulett, d. 1845, Jan. 2, a. 69 y. 1 m. Toffey, Jane, dau. of Akin & Ann, d. 1849, June 27, a. 35 y. Toffey, John, d. 1825, Dec. 17, a. 76-7-15. Toffey, John, d. 1867, Mar. 15, a. 81 y. 2 m. Toffey, John James, s. of John & Esther, d. 1838, June 12, a. 18-10-9. Toffey, Mary Ann, dau. of Akin & Ann. d. 1846, Dec. 22, a. 39 y. Toffey, Nathaniel, d. 1857, Oct. 10, a. 58-1-23. Toffey, Ransom, s. of Daniel & Betsey, d. 1837, Aug. 16, a. 22 y. 8 m. Toffey, William, s. of George & Catharine R., b. 1813, Apr. 10, d. 1849, June 4.
WATTS GROUND CLASSIFICATION: LOCATION: CONDITION: INSCRIPTIONS: REMARKS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.
Family ground. South of the village of Pawling, near the golf links. Overgrown; surrounded by a stone wall. 16 in number. Copied August 24, 1914, by J. W. Poucher, M. D., and Mrs. H. N. Bain. Known as the Watts ground.
B.u(r)ch, Marth, d. 1811, Nov. 11, a. 38 y. 10 m. Cook, David, d. 1813, Mar. 1, a 27-4-18. Cook, Mary, d. 1820, Apr. 25, a. 80 y. Crawford, Clarissa, w. of John L., & dau. of Gideon & Hannah Slocum, d. 1826, Nov. 29, a. 23-11-22 Dimon, Col. Jonathan, d. 1786, Mar. 30. a. 48 y. Slocum, Amy, dau. of Gideon & Hannah, d. 1806, Sep. 2, a. 19-2-24. Slocum, George, d. 1848, May 8, a. 53-9-8. Slocum, Hannah, w. of Gideon, d. 1823, Jan. 14, a. 55 y. 6 m. Slocum, Humphrey T., s. of Gideon & Hannah, d. 1840, Apr. 10, a. 49-10-24. Slocum, John F., d. 1847, Mar. 8, a. 54 y. 3 m. Slocum, Thomas T., s. of Gideon & Hannah, d. 1842, Dec. 5, a. 42 y. 10 m. Slocum, William H., d. 1848, Sep. 7, a. 39 y. 22 d. Tallman, Ebenezer, d. 1847, Aug. 25, a. 60-9-17. Watts, Anna, w. of Robert, d. 1852, Nov. 6, a. 56-4-4. Watts, Clarissa, d. 1854, Sep. 29, a. 34-1-11. Watts, Robert, d. 1864, May 20, a. 74 y.
Slocum, Gideon, d. July 1^, 181*3; a 85-5-20 QUAKER HILL CEMETERY
CLASSIFICATION: Community ground. LOCATION: On Quaker Hill. CONDITION: Cared for. 179
*Mr. W.S.Coons of Albany, N.Y. copied the additional inscription , July 25, 1925
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58.
159 in n u m b e r . C o p i e d A u g u s t 2 3 , 1916, by J . W . P o u c h e r , M. D., M r s . H. N. B a i n , M r s . L a w r e n c e B e l d i n g , M r s . L a w r e n c e S h e r wood, Mrs. H . B . Hoopes. K n o w n as Q u a k e r Hill C e m e t e r y , I n c .
Aldrich, Ann, dau. of Seth & Ann, d. 1862, Feb. 12, a. 15 y. 8 d. Aldrich, Ann, w. of Seth, d. 1870, Jan. 8, a. 66-5-28. Aldrich, Anthony, d. 1844, Apr. 14, a. 76-5-5. Aldrich, Cynthia, w. of Anthony, d. 1818, July 12, a. 38-1-17. Aldrich, Elizabeth, dau. of Seth & Ann, d. 1854, Jan. 10, a. 18-9-26. Aldrich, John M., s. of Seth & Ann, d. 1893, Mar. 9, a. 61 y. Aldrich, Mary, dau. of Seth & Ann, d. 1854, Nov. 9, a. 27-9-16. Aldrich, Ransome, d. 1876, July 1, a. 71-2-25. Aldrich, Seth, d. 1866, Mar. 12, a. 67-3-6. Aldrich, William Pitt, s. of Seth & Ann, d. 1860, Feb. 2, a. 29-10-26. Arnold, Freelove. Arnold, Gilbert. Arnold, Milton, d. 1851, 2 mo., 25, a. 38 y. Arnold, Rhoda. Arnold, Silas. Bowling, William R., s. of Oliver F. & Hannah F., d. 1856, Mar. 14, a. 1 y. 4 m. Bramer, Caroline A., d. 1853, May 3, a. 5 y. Briggs, Abraham, d. 1859, 1 mo., 28, a. 79 y. 5 m. Briggs, A (nan), d. 1887, 5 mo. 5, a. 74-3-21. Briggs, Benjamin, d. 1840, Apr. 16, a. 77 y. 10 d. Briggs, Caroline, dau. of Abraham & Freelove, d. 1842, 8 mo., 20, a. 26 y. Briggs, Daniel, s. of A. & F., d. 1842, 4 mo., 11, a. 36 y. Briggs, Edward, second s. of Henry & Elizabeth, d. 1844, 5th mo., 25, a. 27-6-9. Briggs, Elizabeth, dau. of Edward & Anna, d. 1848, June 27, a. 71 y. Briggs, Elizabeth, w. of Henry, d. 1848, 12th mo., 9, a. 64-7-17. Briggs, Freelove, w. of Abraham, d. 1865, Apr. 3, a. 85 y. Briggs, Henry, d. 1877, 2 mo., 17, a. 88-6-23. Briggs, Sophia, second w. of Henry, d. 1859, Mar. 22, a. 62-6-26. Briggs, Walter, s. of Stephen & Nancy, d. 1853, May 29, a. 4-(6)-28. Buente, Mollie, 1867-1902, Butler, Arthur P., d. 1844, Dec. 7, a. 24-5-20. Butler, Asa, d 1857, Sep. 12, a. 61-11-21. Butler, Patience, dau. of Asa & Penina, d. 1845, Feb. 27, a. 7-6-24. Butler, Penina, w. of Asa, d. 1876, Jan. 5, a. 79 y. Crawford, John L., s. of Job & Ruth, d. 1846, June 25, a. 50-6-25. Crawford, Laura E., w. of John L. & dau. of David & Abigail Hiller, d. 1845, Sep. 29, a. 40-2-29. Dennis, Jane, dau. of Alvin & Sarah, d. 1873, Aug. 29, a 11-7-26. (Fanton?), Nancy, w. of Walter R., d. 1841, Jan. 25, a. 39-6-5. Ferriss, Peleg, d. 1838, Jan. 24, a. 57 y 3 d. Ferriss, Reed, s. of Peleg & Sarah, d. 1843, June 24, a. 18-3-24. Ferriss, Sarah, w. of Peleg, d. 1867, Mar. 21, a. 79-9-9. Guliver, Maria, w. of James, d. 1851, Jan. 24, a. 46 y. Guliver, Samuel, s. of James & Maria A., d. 1858, May 7, a. 25-1-8. Guliver, inf. s. of James & Jane I., d. 1860, Apr. 28, a. 1 week. Haviland, Abel, d 1854, 11 mo., 30, a. 70-6-25. Haviland, Albert E., d. 1855, Apr. 3, a. 27-10-15. Haviland, Caroline Sabin, w. of George (I.? J . ? ) , b. 1810, 9 mo., 18, d. 1880, Mar. 12. Haviland, Edward R., second & only child of Hiram & Matilda A., d. 1848, 7 mo., 3, a. 3-1-5. Haviland, Edgar S., only child of Hiram & Matilda A., d. 1844, 3 mo., 3 1 , a. 5-7-10. Haviland, Elizabeth D., w. of William P., d. 1862, 2 mo., 9, a. 32-1-11. Haviland, Hannah, w. of Abel, d. 1867, 6 mo., 12, a. 83-2-24. Haviland, Hiram, d. 1887, 6 mo., 8 , a. 82 y. 5 m. Haviland, Isaac, d. 1857, 8th mo., 24, a 24-8-13. Haviland, Lydia, d. 1875, 8th mo., 3, a. 93 y. Haviland, Mariah, d. 1867, Sep. 19, a. 58 y. 5 m. Haviland, Matilda A., w. of Hiram & dau. of Edward & Drusilla Howard, d. 1853, 12th mo., a. 36 y. 9 m. Haviland, Park, d. 1856, June 8, a. 76 y. Haviland, Sarah W., d. 1892, 4th mo., 16, a. 70 y. 4 m. 180
59. Haviland, Wilhelmine, dau. of William P., & E. D., d. 1856, 10th mo., 13, a. 4 m. 14 d. 60. Haviland, William P., d. 1856, 10th mo., 16, a. 23-7-20. 61. Haviland, inf. dau. of Hiram & M. A., d. 1849, 9th mo. 24, a. 2 d. 62. Hiller, Abigail, w. of David, d. 1858, Mar. 7, a. 85-11-21. 63. Hiller, David, d. 1823, Sep. 13, a. 57-10-1. 64. Hiller, Delilah, dau. of David & Abigail, d. 1821, Jan. 12, a. 27-4-7. 65. Hiller, John, d. 1875, Mar. 10, a. 71-2-24. 66. Hoag, Francis H., s. of Ira W. & Sarah G., d. 1891, Sep. 23, a. 4-8-29. 67. Hoag, Olive Straight, w. of William D., d. 1907, 10th mo., 20, a. 88 y. 68. Hoag, S., a. 98 y. 69. Hoag, William D., d. 1880, 8th mo., 4, a. 66 y. 70. Howard, Drusilla, w. of Edward, d. 1857, 9th mo., 28, a. 65-4-16. 71. Howard, Drusilla, dau. of Sherman & Sarah D., d. 1858, 3d mo., 6, a. 7 m. 6 d. 72. Howard, Edward, d. 1871, 5th mo., 16, a. 86 y. 24 d. 73. Howard, Robert, d. 1852, 7th mo., 29, a. 76-4-26. 74. Howard, inf. s. of Sherman & Sarah D. 75. Irish, Anna, w. of William, b. 1825, 2d mo., 1, d. 1853, 2d mo., 23. 76. Irish, David, b. 1792, 6th mo. 20, d. 1884, 10th mo., 2. 77. Irish, Jane, d. 1872, 8th mo., 6, a. 72 y. 78. Irish, Joseph, d. 1871, 7th mo., 16, a. 85 y. 79. Irish, Martha, w. of David, b. 1789, 2d mo., 4, d. 1873, 2d. mo., 2. 80. Irish, William, b. 1820, 6th mo., 16, d. 1852, 2d mo., 20. 81. Jones, Benjamin (Senr), d. 1829, Feb. 28, a 58-11-5. 82. Jones, Hannah, w. of Thomas, d. 1839, May'9, a. 89-2-18. 83. Jones, Hiram (B.), d. 1834, Oct. 29, a. 38-4-24. 84. Merritt, Anna, 1783-1794 85. Merritt, Anna, 1806-1816. 86. Merritt, Anna Wanzer, 1793-1819. 87. Merritt, Daniel, 1738-1805. 88. Merritt, Daniel, 1781-1844. 89. Merritt, David, 1779-1840. 90. Merritt, Harriett, 1816-1821. 91. Merritt, Isaac A. (No dates. Red sandstone.) 92. Merritt, Margaret, 1811-1816. 93. Merritt, Martha Ann, 1784-1856. 94. Merritt, Mary, 1808-1816. 95. Merritt, Mary Doughty, w. of Nehemiah, Sr. 96. Merritt, Mary Sutton, 1790-1833. 97. Merritt, Nehemiah, 1715-1794. 98. Merritt, Phebe, 1776-1794. 99. Merritt, Sarah, 1788-1817. 100. Merritt, Sarah, 1812-1831. 101. Merritt, Sarah Mudge, 1746-1833. 102. Merritt, Susan, 1814-1818. 103. Merritt, William, 1818-1818. 104. Merritt, William Pitt, 1766-1794. 105. Merritt, William S., 1822-1840. 106. Miller, Esther, w. of Stephen, d. 1892, 1st mo., 12, a. 67 y. 107. Miller, Stephen, d. 1900, 12th m., 23, a. 86 y. 108. Morehouse, Jane, w. of L. B., d. 1855, Dec. 9, a. 35-11-3. 109. Morehouse, Luther B., d 1861, Sep. 21, a. 43-9-21. 110. Osborn, Amelia C , dau.'of William H. & Eliza H., b. 1890, Aug. 11, d. 1895, Sep. 20. 111. Osborn, Content W. Moore, w. of William, b. 1818, 7th mo., 14, d. 1873, 1st mo., 30. 112. Osborn, Jemima, w. of Paul, d. 1860, 4th mo., 27, a. 80 y. 5 d. 113. Osborn, Paul, d. 1867, 7th mo., 27, a 85 y. 114. Osborn, Paul ( J . ) , s. of R. T. & Roby, d. 1855, 2d mo., 18, a. 1-10-14. 115. Osborn, Richard T., b. 1817, 10th mo., 5, d. 1905, 9th mo., 15. 116. Osborn, Richard Taber, s. of William H. & Eliza H., d. 1882, May 8, a. 1 y. 2 d. 117. Osborn, Roby Hoag, w. of Richard T., b. 1820, 2d mo., 7, d. 1903, 1st mo., 19. 118. Osborn, William, b. 1815, 9th mo., 23, d. 1872, 7th mo., 6. 119. Osborn, William M., s. of William & Content M., d 1863, 10th mo., 3, a. 2-6-13. 120. Prosser, Ichabod H., d. 1856, June 15, a. 49-8-28. 121. Sabin, Annis, w. of Jeptha, d. 1860, Jan. 24, a. 86-9-2. 122. Sabin, Eli, s. of Jeptha & Annis, d. 1816, May 31, a. 21-1-11. 123. Sabin, Jeptha, d. 1838, June 26, a. 68-5-2. 124. Sherman, Betsey, w. of Hiram, d. 1868, 12th mo., 3, a. 70-6-13. 125. Sherman, Eli Sabin, s. of Hiram & Betsey, d. 1834, July 9, a. 7-1-27. 181
Old 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 3 34. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159.
Sherman, Hiram, d. 1875, 3d mo., 11, a. 77-2-20. Sherman, John, d. 1866, Dec. 2, a. 82-6-16 Sherman, Lydia A., d. 1886, 6th mo., 13, a. 87 y. 13 d. Sherman, Mary Briggs, w. of John, d. 1863, Oct 27, a 81-9-11. Slocum, Elizabeth W. Hiller, w. of Thomas J., b. 1809, Aug. 31, d. 1890, Aug. 24. Somers, Daniel, s. of Daniel & Deborah, d 1820, Apr. 6, a. 3-7-4. Somers, Deborah, w. of Daniel, d. 1823, Oct. 20, a. 40-7-1. Spaulding, Mary F., w. of William, d. 1878, 9th mo., 4, a. 25 y. Spaulding, William, d. 1911, 2d mo., 22, in 64th y. Stevens, William, d. 1844, Jan. 1, a. 52-2-15 Stevens, Phebe T. Osborn, w. of Senega H., b. 1857, 6th mo., 10, d. 1902, 4th mo., 26. Straight, Abigail, d 1877, 10th mo., 15, a. 84 y. Straight, Henry A., d. 1876, 11th mo., 11, a. 33 y. Sweet, Dorcas, mother of Sarah Ferriss, & dau. of Thomas & Alice Casey of Rhode Island, d. 1835, Nov., a. 36 y. Titus, Phebe, b 1792, 1st mo., 28, d. 1861, 2d mo., 3. Travis, Abbie A. Hoag, w. of Gideon B., b. 1873, June 23, d. 1906, Feb. 7. Utley, Sarah, w. of Edwin E., & dau. of Seth & Ann, (Aldrich?), d. 1856, June 21, a. 31-4-7. Varney, John, d. 1841, 5th mo., 31, a. 71 v. 6 m. Wanzer, Anna M. Akin, w. of D. E., d. 1874, Sep. 26, a. 30-3-9 Wanzer, Daniel, s. of Daniel & Hannah, d. 1872, Sep. 9, a. 34-10-19. Wanzer, Hannah, w. of Daniel, d. 1847, 9th mo., 8, a. 49-11-12. Wh(iley), Phebe Sherman, w. of Demmon, d. 1882, Oct. 10, a. 66-10-10. Whi(iley), Sherman, s. of Demmon & Phebe, d. 1864, Mar. 31, a. 16-8-15. Willis, Mary F., b 1857, May 30, d. 1910, Nov. 16. Wing, Abraham, d. 1846, 7th mo., 23, a. 71-9-27. Wing, Charles, d. 1876, 8ch mo., 12, a. 68-4-6. Wing, Daniel, s. of Abraham & Ruth, b 1309, 9th mo., 25, d. 1900, 1st mo., 18. Wing, David (I.? J . ? ) , d. 1888, 11th mo., 27, a. 77-8-5 Wing, Elihu, d. 1884, 9th mo., 21, a. 78-1-1. Wing, Elihu S., d. 1839, 4th mo., 14, a. 45 y. Wing, Eliza H., w. of Charles, d. 1884, 2d mo., 22, a. 73 y. 2 d. Wing, Mary (I.? J . ? ) , w. of Daniel (I.? J . ? ) , A 1893, 9th mo., 25, a. 69-3-18. Wing, Ruth, d. 1870, 11th mo., 14, a. 8S-4-10. Historical Monument, inscribed: "Near this spot once lived Mehitable Wing, the Heroine of Quaker Hill. She was the Daughter of Jedediah Wing and the wife of William Prendergast, leader of the Land Rebellion of 1767 in Dutchess County. Mehitable, through heroic efforts, obtained a pardon from King George for her husband, after he had been condemned to death for treason. "This Tribute to her Love, Courage and Devotion is erected by the women of the Wing Family of America." OBLONG MEETING HOUSE
Historical monument. Q u a k e r Hill. Fair. One. Copied from H a s b r o u c k ' s H i s t o r y of D u t c h e s s C o u n t y , page 401. A r o u g h b o u l d e r by t h e r o a d s i d e in f r o n t of t h e O b l o n g M e e t i n g H o u s e , Q u a k e r Hill, b e a r s a m e m o r i a l t a b l e t , t h e i n s c r i p t i o n on which is q u o t e d below. T h e lot o n t h e o p p o s i t e ( s o u t h ) side of t h e r o a d , w h e r e t h e soldiers of t h e R e v o l u t i o n lie in u n m a r k e d g r a v e s , is a wild t a n g l e of v e g e t a b l e g r o w t h .
"Oblong Meeting House of the Society of Friends. Erected in 1742 south of this road Present building erected in 1764 First effective action against slavery Taken here in 1767 Occupied as Hospital January 1779 By Revolutionary soldiers Many of whom are buried south of the road Meeting divided 1828 Meetings discontinued in this house 1885." 182
DODGE FAMILY GROUND. On what was the Dodge Farm, near Pawling. Copied by Dr. J. W. Poucher. 1. Allen, Anna, wife of Abraham, d. Dec. 22, 1853, 69 yrs. 2. Denton, Elizabeth, wife of Samuel, Oct. 15, 1855,40-5-11. 3. Denton, Ann E., dau. of Samuel and Elizabeth, Jan. 16, 1850, 18-IO-19. 4. Denton, Amos. J., son of Samuel and Elizabeth, Oct. 28, 1855, 21-2-1. 5. Dodge, John B., April 12, 1861, 42-4-20. 6. Dodge, Julia Allen, wife of John B., Jan. 8, 1910, 89-11-8. 7. Dodge, Clifton A., son of Charles and H. E., April 22, 1869, 1-4-4. 8. Dodge,Newel, d. Sept. 22, 1827, 66 yrs. 9. Dodge, Rachel, wife of Newel, Feb. 6, 1807, 68th yr. 10. Dodge, Mary, wife of Newel, d. July 29, 18 19, 57 yrs. 11. Dodge, Newel, d. Sept. 16, 1871, 89 yrs. 12. Dodge, Sarah, wife of Newel, Apr. 4, 1857, 77-3-9. 13. Dodge, Jane Crawford, wife of Newel, Nov. 19, 1843, 30 yrs. 14. Dodge, Joseph, Apr. 25, 1816, 71-4-18. 15. Dodge, Rachel, dau. of Joseph and Nancy, July 22, 1820, 13-2-20. 16. Dodge, Wayman, Apr. 4, 1880,75-2-15. 17. Dodge, Jane Stark, wife of Wayman, Mar. 31, 1896, 86 yrs. 6 mos. 18. Dodge, Ann, dau. of Wayman and Jane, Oct. 5, 1830, 2-5-1. 19. Dodge, Ruth Crawford, wife of Archibald, July 10, 1841, 28-9-21. 20. Dodge, Anna Birdsall, wife of Joseph, Fob. 2, 1855, 4O-5-II. 21. Ferris, Priscilla D., Dec. 23, 1851, 74 yrs. 22. Halloway, Hon. Ransom, member of 31st Congress from the 8th District of New York, died in Maryland, Apr. 16, 1851, 60 yrs. 23. Halloway, Rebecca, wife of Ransom, dau. of Joseph and Ann Dodge, d. Aug. 5, 1843, 40-9-19. 24. Howard, Laura, dau. of James and Ann, Sept. 10, 1848, 5 weeks. 25. Ingersol, Charlie W., son of Frederick and Mary, Aug. 17, 1861, 2-11-4. 26. Ingersol, Bewick, son of Frederick and Mary, July 13, 1861, 5-4-17. 27. Sherman, George, Apr. 15, 1861, 87-7-24. 28. Sherman, Rachel Dodge, wife of George, Jan. 11, 1833, 52 yrs. 7 mos. 29. Sherwood, Mary, wife of Stephen P., Feb. 6, 1855, 45 yrs. 30. Thayer, Priscilla, wife of Isaac G., dau. of John B. and Julia Allen Dodge, d. Aug. 22, 1871, 30-8-24. 3 1 . Latimer, Rowland B., son of Nathan S. and Amanda L., Nov. 8, 1851, 4-1-3.
Town of Pawling CUSHING FAMILY GROUND Location: On Green farm, near Hurd's Corners. Copied by Mrs. Seward T . Green. 1. Stephen Cushing, d. Oct. 16, 1825, a. 76-3-8. (A soldier in the Revolutionary War.) 2. Rachel Cushing, w. of Stephen. (Stone badly broken.) 3. Stephen Cushing, jr., d. Nov. 19, 1794, a. 1 5 7 . 4. John, s. of Stephen & Betsey Merrick, d. 1829, a. 1 y. 5. Merrick Green, d. Nov. 1, 1821. 6. Diana Fairchild, w. of Elijah Fairchild, d. Aug. 26, 1827, a. 64 v., 6 m. Several other graves marked with fieldstones.
BOWDY FAMILY GROUND Location: Near "Akindale," Pawling, N . Y., on property which probably belonged to Moses Bowdy. Copied by Miss Mabel Akin. Many stones have been removed. These stones are all very tall, which is probably the reason they were not also carried away. 1. Moses Bowdy, d. Apr. 30, 1812. 2. Jane, consort of Moses Bowdy, d. Jan. 22, 1830. 3. Mary Leach, d. Feb. 3, 1817. 4- Sarah Shaw, d. Oct. 13, 1843. On the opposite side of the yard there is only one stone: 5. Samuel Corban, d. Mar. 14, 1817. XIRBY GRAVESTONES Location:
West of the front door of the Gideon Kirby home (owned, 1940 by Mrs. Kenneth Howg.ite).
1. William Kirby, d. 1851; a. 45 v. 2. Rebecca, dau. of William Kirby; a. 5 v. 3. Rebecca, dau. of Gideon Kirbv; a. 2 v. 182-b
T o w n of Pine Plains
Inscriptions 10
1. Unnamed ground 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Round Top Church, Bethel Friends' ground, Bethel Knickerbocker ground Pine Plains Cemetery Historical monument, Moravian Mission
153 23 108 975 1 1270
UNNAMED GROUND CLASSIFICATION: Family ground. At Bethel. LOCATION: Good. CONDITION: 10 in n u m b e r . C o p i e d by L. V a n A l s t y n e of S h a r o n , C o n n . See INSCRIPTIONS: p a g e 2 4 5 of " B u r y i n g G r o u n d s of S h a r o n , Conn., A m e n i a a n d North East, New York", printed 1903. REMARKS: This small e n c l o s u r e a d j o i n s t h e l a r g e r o n e on t h e e a s t side of t h e r o a d a t B e t h e l . Of t h e 10 s t o n e s 7 b e a r t h e n a m e of G r a y , b u t 2 m a r k e d R e y n o l d s a r e of e a r l i e r d a t e .
Churchyard. At Bethel. R e s t o r e d t o o r d e r in r e c e n t y e a r s . 97 a n d 5 6 in n u m b e r . C o p i e d by L. V a n A l s t y n e of S h a r o n , C o n n . . S e e p a g e s 2 4 0 a n d 2 4 3 of " B u r y i n g G r o u n d s of S h a r o n , Conn., A m e n i a a n d N o r t h E a s t , N e w Y o r k " , p r i n t e d 1 9 0 3 . A b o u t 1746 a L u t h e r a n c h u r c h w a s built on this site which c a m e to be k n o w n as t h e " O l d R o u n d T o p C h u r c h . " . T h e b u r i a l g r o u n d g r e w u p a r o u n d it. W i t h i n r e c e n t y e a r s t h e h i g h w a y w a s c u t t h r o u g h t h e c e m e t e r y , dividing it i n t o t w o p a r t s , o n e on t h e e a s t side of t h e r o a d , o n e on t h e w e s t . T h e f o r m e r i n c l u d e s t h e s i t e of t h e old c h u r c h b u i l d i n g ( l o n g since d i s a p p e a r e d ) a n d has b e e n a c q u i r e d by t h e d e s c e n d a n t s of Michael R o w e as a family b u r i a l g r o u n d . It is k n o w n as " R o w e C e m e t e r y " . T h e p o r t i o n of t h e c h u r c h y a r d now o n t h e e a s t side of t h e h i g h w a y is a n e i g h b o r hood g r o u n d .
Friends' burial ground. At Bethel. Good. 2 3 in n u m b e r . Copied b y L. V a n A l s t y n e of S h a r o n , C o n n . S e e p a g e 2 4 6 of " B u r y i n g G r o u n d s of S h a r o n , C o n n . , A m e n i a a n d North East, New York", printed 1903. T h e B e t h e l F r i e n d s ' m e e t i n g w a s o r g a n i z e d in 1 8 0 3 a n d t h e m e e t i n g h o u s e built in 1806-7.
CLASSIFICATION: Community ground. LOCATION: T w o miles e a s t of P i n e P l a i n s , on t h e s o u t h side of t h e r o a d . CONDITION: In fair o r d e r . INSCRIPTIONS: 108 in n u m b e r . Copied May 3 0 , 1 9 1 3 , by J . W . P o u c h e r , M. D., M r s . P o u c h e r , Miss P . D . T r o w b r i d g e , Miss M. O. J o h n s t o n . REMARKS: K n o w n as t h e K n i c k e r b o c k e r g r o u n d . 1. Calkin, H a n n a h , w. of E b e n e z e r , d. 1 8 0 6 , J a n . 24, a. 25 y 2. Cline, H a r r i e t M a r i a , d a u . of J o h n & M a r y , d. 1 8 3 4 , Apr'. 2 3 , a. 17-3-5. 3 . C l u m , C h r i s t i n a , w. of Philip G., d. 1 7 9 3 , M a r . 3 , i n 4 0 t h y. 184
Town 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 4-0. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71.
Clum, Mary, w. of Philip, d. 1823, July 17. Clum, Philip, d. 1815, June 15, in 46th y. Clum, Philip, s. of George, d. 1819, June 19, a. 27 Delamater, Henry, s. of Thomas, d. 1800, Jan, 22, a. 1-6-20. Dennis, Mary M., dau. of Jacob & Elizabeth, d. 1837, Sep. 27, a. 2-2-12 Dennis, Morgan P., of Jacob & Elizabeth, d. 1840, June 24, a. 2-8-24. Dennis, Niver L., s. of Jacob & Elizabeth, d. 1841, Mar. 12, a. 7 m. 12 d. Duel, Charlotte, d. 1871, May 28, a. 68-3-6. Duel, Deborah, dau. of Jonathan & Sarah, d. 1822, May 28, a. 22-10-19. Duel, Jonathan, d. 1851, Jan. 13, in 66th y. Duel, Sarah, w. of Jonathan, d. 1841, Nov. 1, in 75th y. Gall, Charlott, d. 1854, Mar. 24, a. 24-2-1. Gall, Christopher, 1800-1830. Gall, Elizabeth, w of Christopher, 1802-1877. Gall, Henry, 1828-1881. Gall, Julia, 1845-1866. Germond, Phebe Thorn, w. of Jacob, d. 1841, Nov. 25, a. 72 y. Ham, Mary Ann, dau. of Harman, a. 8-1-8. Harvey, Sarah, w. of Joel, late of Sharon, Conn., d. 1811, Sep. 11, a. 92-6-11. Hiserodt, Catharine, w. of Henry. 'No dates on stone). Hiserodt, Henry, d. 1858, Nov. 2, a. 38 y. Hiserodt, Henry I., d 1823, Oct. 18, a. 64 y. Hiserodt, James, d. 1849, May 25, a. 60 y. 7 m. Hiserodt, Martin, d. 1828, Apr. 20, a. 41 y Hiserodt, Stanley, d. 1862, Feb. 9, a. 38-4-7. ' Hiseroudt, William, d. 1828, Sep. 26, a. 35-9-12. Jessup, Sarah, dau. of Edward & Abigail, d. 1764, in 1st y. Keeler, John A., d. 1819, Jan. 26, in 5th y. Knickerbocker, Benjamin, d. 1805, Sep. 28, a. 77-4-14. Knickerbocker, Benjamin, s. of Benjamin & Catharine, d. 1808, Oct. 3, a. 6-2-8. Knickerbocker, Benjamin, d. 1826, Oct. 27, a. 73 y. 27 d. Knickerbocker, Catharine, w. of Benjamin, Jr., d. 1797, June 16, a. 32 y. Knickerbocker, Christina, w. of Benjamin, d. 1833, May 1, a. 65 y. Knickerbacker, Captain Cornelius, d. 1774, Mar. 20, a. 60 y. Knickerbacker, John C , d. 1816, Aug. 13, in 64th y. Knickerbacker, Lawrence, s. of Peter I. & Moiza, d. 1809, Mar. 20, a. 91 y. 10 m. Knickerbacker, Rosina, w. of John C , d. 1825, June 18, in 63d y. Knickerbocker, Samuel, d. 1794, July 3, a. 91 y. Knickerbacker, Walter C , s. of John C. & Susanah, d. 1816, Oct. 30, in 17th y. Loucks, Christina, w. of Peter, d. 1840, Dec. 18, a. 67 y. Loucks, Eli, s. of Edward & Sarah, d. 1860, June 4, a. 23-11-12. Loucks, Jacob, d. 1857, Feb. 10, a. 60-3-19 Loucks, Peter, d. 1835, Jan. 30, a. 61 y. Mcintosh, Catharine, w. of Locklin, d. 1786, Sep. 22, a. 58 y. Mead, John, s. of Joseph & Anna, d. 1790, July 21, a. 3 y. Melius, Jacob, d. 1844, May 21, a. 96 y. Millious, Adaline, w. of Tyler, d. 1829, Nov. 2, a. 20-6-13. Millius, Hiram, d. 1852, Nov. 25, a. 49-4-13. Millius, John, d. 1814, Feb. 11, in 44th y. Mills, Daniel, Co. D, 47th Regular N. Y. Volunteers, d. 1892, Feb. 9, a. 62 y. 8 m. Mills, Henry, Co. F, N. Y. Volunteers, d. 1898, Oct. 30, a 79 y. Mills, Myron, d. 1859, Jan. 1, a. 34 y. Milton, George, b. 1824, May 11, d. 1892, Aug. 12 Parks, Polly, w. of Whitney, d. 1829, Feb. 21, a. 79 y. Polver, Benjamin P., s. of Peter, d. 1834, June 23. Polver, Peter A., d. 1828, May 20, a. 61 y. 20 d. Pulver, Almond, s. of Michael M. & Mary, a. 1-11-8. Pulver, Angie, w. of Wandle, d. 1812, May 9, in 67th y. Pulver, Emmy, w. of John, d. 1837, Apr. 11, a. 29-8-10. Pulver, Eve, w. of Andrus, d. 1823, Apr. 5, a. 86 y. 1 m. Pulver, John P., d. 1845, Feb. 15, a. 43-11-21. Pulver, John W., d. 1836, July 13, a. 55-3-4. Pulver, Peter W., d. 1822, Dec. 8, a 51 y. Pulver, Rebecca, d. 1839, Feb. 9, a. 20-4-20. Pulver, Rebecca, w. of John W., d. 1841, Oct. 4, a. 69 y. Pulver, Sarah, w. of John P., d. 1850, Apr. 18, a. 48 y. Pulver, Wandle, d. 1826, Aug. 13, in 87th y. Pulver, William, d. 18â&#x20AC;&#x201D;, June 24, a. 25-5-5.
73! Righter, Harris, s. of John & Sally, d. 1808, Aug. 1, a. 4-8-2. 185
Old 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108.
Righter, Harris, s. of John W., Esq., d. 1808, Aug. 1, a. 4-3-27. Righter, Mary, w. of William, d. 1806, Mar. 19, a. 60 y. Righter, William, d. 1820, Jan. 4, a. 73 y. Righter, William, d. 1821, May 1, in 45th y. Row, Catharine, w of Philip, & dau. of Andrew Stickles, d. 1804, Mar. 31, a. 19 y. 2 m. Rowe, Elizabeth, w. of Elijah, d. 1845, Aug. 30, a. 65-10-18. S , "A. S. 1805." S , "H. S 1805." Shook, Sally Ann, w. of Henry B., d. 1841, Oct. 7, a. 26-11-2. Shultz, Ida, dau. of Carle & Eliza Flartey, d. 1859,. Aug. 24, a. 3-5-4. Simmons, David, d. 1854, Feb. 3, a. 86-2-(?). Simmons, Ezra, s. of Walker & Leah, d. 1845, Oct. 22, a. 4 y. 29 d. Simmons, Henry, d. 1842, Sep. (1), a. 30-1-27. Simmons, Kate, dau. of Anthony & Catherine Ann, d. 1861, July 12, a. 2-2-26. Simmons, (Lorana?), dau. of Anthony & Catherine Ann, d. 1837, Jan. 18, a. 3-9-17. Simmons, Margaret, w. of David, d. 1849, Jan. 25, a. 72 y. 2 m. Simmons, Polly, dau. of David & Margaret, d. 1825, Aug. 20, a. 20-11-12. Simmons, William, d. 1850, Mar. 20, a. 30-11-18. Simmons, ( ) E., dau. of Anthony & Catherine Ann, d. 1849, Mar. 19, a. 5-11-15. Slipp, Rosina, w. of Anthony, d. 1859, Apr. 29, a. 31 y. Stickles, Andres, d. 1805, Sep. 5, a. 72 y. Stickles, Elizabeth, w. of Nicholas A., d. 1854, Jan. 25, a. 83-5-10. Stickles, Hannah, w. of Andres, d. 1805, Aug. 17, a. 57 y. Stickles, Hiram, s. of Nicholas & Elizabeth, d. 1834, Dec. 21, a 26-10-16. Stickel, Nicholas A., d. 1812, Apr 8, a. 55 y. Stickles, Philo, d. 1880, July, 2 1 . a. 74-4-5. Stickle, Purdy,, d.-1824, May 17, a 27 y. Tanner, Anthony, b. 1799, Aug. 13, d. 1877, Jan. 15. Tanner, Catharine, w. of Anthony, d. 1834, Feb. 3, a. 32 y. 4 d Tanner, Samuel, s. of Anthony & Catharine, d. 1830, Feb. 19, a. 1-19-3. Tanner, Sylvester, s, of Anthony & Catharine, d. 1844, Nov. 8, in 16th y Turner, Gilbert, d. 1813, Sep. 2, in 72d y. Weaver, Hannah, dau. of Henry P. & Magdalen, d. 1835, Apr. 15, a. 25 y. Weaver, Henry P., d. 1823, May 10, in 54th y. Weaver, Polly, dau. of Henry P. & Magdalen, d. 1837, Feb. 15, in 26th y.
REMARKS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
Community ground. Village of Pine Plains. Well cared for. 975 in number. Copied October 21, 22, 27, 1914, by J. W. Poucher, M. D., Mrs. Poucher, Mrs. Louis P. Hasbrouck and Miss Helen Van Kleeck. Known as Pine Plains cemetery.
Addsit, Rachel, w. of Benjamin, d. 1839, Dec. 12, a. 80 y. Alger, John J., s. of James & Malinda, d. 1872, June 19, a. 1 y 6 m. Alger, Malinda A. Scutt, w. of James, b. 1849, Jan. 3, d. 1873,'Aug. 16. Allerton, Clarrissa, w. of Dr Cornelius, d. 1858, Oct. 28, a. 63 y. Allerton, Dr. Cornelius, b. 1779, July 23, d. 1855, Apr. 26. Allerton, Lois, wid. of Dr. Reuben, d. 1828, Aug. 25, a. 71 y. Allerton, Sarah H., 1822-1859. Allerton, infant daughter of Cornelius & Clarissa, d. 1824, Aug. —. Barrett, Eliza A . Rowe, w. of Lawrence, d. 1850, Feb. 14, a. 31-5-10. Barrett, children of Lawrence & Eliza:— Almira, d. 1843, May 1, a. 14-10-1; Eliza A., d 1850, Dec. 1, a. 9 m. 19 d. Bartholomew, George, b. 1824, Nov. 4, d. 1893, June 10. Bartholomew, Lydia A. Collins, w. of George, b. 1842, Sep. 5, d. 1866, Aug. 2. Barton, Charles L., s. of Pliny & Mary Ann, d. 1840, Sep. 6, a. 1-2-18. Barton, Cornelia E., b. 1834, Aug. 8, d. 1904, Nov. 22. Barton, Eliza, w. of George W., b. 1800, May 28, d. 1879, Aug. 20. 186
Town 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77.
Barton, George W., b. 1795, May 14, d. 1872, Sep. 17. Barton, Margaret Ann, w. of Artemas (S.), d. 1864, Nov. 6, a. 29-6-12. Barton, William H., b. 1825, Aug. 25, d. 1879, Jan. 24. Berry, Charlotte, d 1875, Oct. 16, a. 71 y. Best, Josie, b 1852, Oct. 5, d. 1868, Feb. 10. Blass, Mary D., dau. of Zachariah & Polly, d. 1839, July 20, a. 5 y. Blass, Zachariah M., d. 1864, Sep 20, a. 62-7-20. Boothe, Eliza A. Smith, w. of Justus, b. 1808, Feb. 2, d. 1883, Aug. 19. Boothe, Harriet, w. of Justus, d. 1837, Nov. 16, a 49 y. Booth, Justus, b. 1787, Mar. 8, d. 1878, Mar. 7. Boothe, Leonard H., s. of Justus & Harriet, d. 1844, Mar. 29, a. 24 y. 17 d. Boothe, Polly Ann, eldest daughter of Justus & Hannah, d. 1821, Nov. 17, a. 10-5-10. Booth, Sylvinia Best, dau. of Justus & Harriet, d. 1873, June 3, in 56th y. Boothe, infant son of Justus & Hannah. (No dates). Bostwick, Bel Eno, w. of William, b. 1852, Oct. 3, d. 1883, Mar. 14. Bostwick, Eliza A., b. 1824, June 3, d. 1893, June 1. Bostwick, Elizabeth H., d 1911, Jan. 25, a. 87 y. Bostwick, Emily Dibble, w. of William H., d. 1877, Mar. 2, a. 75-10-7. Bostwick, Harriet Dibble, w. of Reuben W., d. 1887, Apr. 4, a. 95 y Bostwick, Mary, w. of Reuben W., d. 1817, Sep. 20, a. 23 y. Bostwick, Nellie E., 1857-1889 Bostwick, Ralph Hunting, s. of William & Eugenia C , b. 1893, June 3, d. 1900, Nov. 22. Bostwick, Reuben, d. 1870, July 9, a. 47 y. Bostwick, Reuben W., d. 1861, Mar 19, a. 72 y. Bostwick, Reuben Walker, d. 1872, May 3, a. 10 y. Bostwick, Walter, d. 1861, Dec. 31, a. (12) y. Bostwick, William H., d. 1868, May 22, a 70 y. 4 m. B(ou)ce, Theodore, d. 1870, May 5, a. 23 y. 5 m. Briggs, James, d. 1865, Oct. 1, a. 75 y. Briggs, Sarah, wid. of Timothy, d 1834, July 16, a. 68-11-7. Briggs, Timothy, d. 1829, May 19, a. 65-2-9. Bristol, Imogene, w. of F. E., d. 1863, Apr. 1, a. 21 y. 5 m. Brower, Samuel, d. 1841, Nov. 9, a. 27 y. 14 d. Brush, Dea. Alfred, b. 1792, Apr. 7, d. 1872, Apr. 6. Brush, Mary, w. of Robert, & dau. of Joseph Starr of Danbury, Conn., d. 1831, May 5, in 61st y. Brush, Robert, d. 1835, Oct 29, a. 84 y. 15 d. Brush, Sophia, w. of Alfred, b. 1803, June 5, d. 1875, Dec. 8. Bryan, Anvenette L., w. of David, & dau. of Phineas K. & Eunice M. Sackett, d. 1858, July 21, a 30-2-14. Bunnell, George, d. 1855, Apr. 2, a. 40-7-16. Bunnell. "Sarah Ann Miller, w. of George Bunnell and Richard Hermans, d. Jan. 14, 1887." Burnap, Cyrus, d. 1876, Mar. 4, a. 84-1-7. Burnap, Elizabeth Benner, w. of Cyrus, d. 1872, Sep. 1, a. 82 y. 5 m. Burnap, Eunice, w. of Cyrus, & dau. of John Harris, d. 1821, Oct 22, a. 30-5-4. Burnap, Mary, only dau. of Cyrus & Eunice, d. 1842, May 25, a.'20-7-18. Calvey, James, d. 1872, Sep. 1, a. 61 v. Calvey, Sidelia Kennelly, w. of James, b. 1824, Mar. 25, d. 1908, Aug. 17. Canfield, Deborah Husted, wid. of Asahel, d. 1882, May 17, a. 88-10-28. Carpenter, Eliza, b. 1852, Sep. 19, d. 1905, Sep. 10. Carpenter, Isaac Smith, b. 1828, June 24, d. 1898, July 28 Carpenter, Julia, w. of Isaac S., d. 1858, May 22, a. 28 y. Carpenter, Morgan, b. 1854, June 7, d. 1902, Dec. 18. Carskaden, Harriet, w of James, d. 1852, June 6, a. 57 y. 9 m. Carskaden, James, d. 1865, June 28, a. 72-9-3. Case, Antoinette Pitcher, w. of George E., d. 1876, Apr. 29, a. 42 y. Case, Catharine S., w. of William, d 1878, Oct. 4, a. 55-1-28. Case, Eliza Corbin, w. of John, d. 1868, Dec. 29, a. 59 y. Case, George E., d. 1874, June 9, a. 39 y. Case, John, d. 1884, Aug. 16, a. 74 y. Case, William, d. 1873, May 18, a. 47 y. Case, infant son of William & Catharine S., d. 1848, Oct. 10, a. 4 m. 5 d. Chamberlain, Marietta, dau. of Lewis B. and Caroline, d. 1855, Apr. 25, a. 1-2-15. Chamberlain:â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Frederick B., d. 1829, Apr 3, a. 11 m. 3 d.; Samuel M., d. 1839, Feb. 29, a. 10 m. 23 d.; Bushnell, d. 1837, Feb. 23, a. 5 m. 8 d.; 187
78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104.
105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136.
Smith W., d. 1835, May 5, a. 7 m. 6 d. (Small monument). Clark, Almond, d. 1861, Mar. 23, a. 47-2-22. Clum, Philip, d. 1864, Feb. 11, a. 65-4-3; Effa Simmons, his wife, d. 1883, Mar. 28, a. 77 y. 2 m. Clum, Philip, 1820 ; Eleanora Shook, his wife, 1828-1905. Cole, M. D.; Charles E., b. 1850, Jan. 29, d. 1884, July 23. Collier, Eliza T., d 1889, Feb. 6, a. 82 y. Collier, Gertrude, d. 1856, July 26, a. 11 y. Collier, George M., d. 1863, Apr. 28, a. 19 y. Collier, Simeon M., d. 1890, Nov 11, a. 83 y. Collier, Thomas, b. 1843, Apr. 5, d. 1908, May 26. Conklin, Amanda Ham, w. of Thomas, b. 1831, Feb. 3, d. 1872, Apr. 20. Conklin, Henry H., b. 1828, Apr. 7, d. 1883, Aug. 1; Ann Eliza Gifford, his wife, b. 1823, Dec. 1, d. 1911, Jan. 27. Conklin, Hiram, d. 1853, Sep. 17, a. 28-8-16. Conklin, Jeremiah, d. 1855, Feb. 1, a. 62-2-25. Conklin, Polly, w. of Jeremiah, d. 1839, Jan. 31, a. 42-5-4. Cook, Lewis D., d. 1885, Nov. 8, in Sacramento, California, a. 73 y. Cook, Margaret, d. 1886, Aug. 14, a. 70 y. Coon, Anna M. Gordon, w. of John, b. 1814, Aug 10, d. 1881, Sep. 5. Coon, Franklin J., d. 1881, Apr. 21, a. 21-3-21. Coon, John, b. 1811, Mar. 15, d. 1867, May 10. Corbin, Phebe, d. 1851, May 22, a. 77-5-24. Couch, Charles, d. 1862, June 5, a. 77-3-11. Couch, Frederick, d. 1855, Dec. 13, a. 47-1-9. Couch, John, d. 1824, Apr. 1, a. 63 y. 6 m. Couch, Polly, w. of Charles, d. 1837, May 13, a. 48-11-14. Couch, Rhoda, w. of John, d. 1836, Oct. 24, a. 73 y. 7 m. Couch, William, d. 1882, Jan. 24, a. 47 y. Couch:â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Abraham, d. 1882, July 24, a. 47 y.; Freddie, d. 1871, Nov. 13, a. 3 m.; Irene, d. 1874, Oct. 13, a. 1 d.; Eugene A., d. 1877j Oct. 18, a. 2 y.; Walter C , d. 1881, Aug. 16, a. 3 y. (Monument). Crawford, William, d. 1880, June 6," a. 27-5-17. Culver, Abigail, w. of Backus, d. 1870, July 25, a. 61 y. 3 m. Culver, Backus, d. 1870, Aug. 27, a. 64 y. 3 m. Culver, Hattie B., dau. of Joshua & Jerusha, d. 1869, June 11, a. 5 y. 6 m. Culver, Henry B., s. of Backus & Abigail, d 1855, Oct. 6, a. 9-1-22. Culver, Henry Sanford, s. of Backus & Abigail, d. 1840, Apr. 29, a. 4-7-21. Culver, Jerusha, w. of Joshua, d. 1869, Jan. 18, a. 40 y. Culver, Joshia, d. 1824, Aug. 16, a. 78 y. Culver, Joshua, s. of Exra & Roxanna, d. 1832, Feb. 2, a. 6 m. 20 d. Culver, Joshua, b. 1774, Mar. 7, d. 1848, June 12. Culver, Joshua, d. 18G9, Jan. 9, a 39 y. 7 m. Culver, Mrs. Lavina, b. 1773, Sep. 20, d. 1845, Dec. 23. Culver, Mary D., dau. of Backus & Abigail, d. 1848, Apr. 15, a. 17 y. 6 m. Culver, Phebe, b. 1802, Jan. 17, d. 1820, Nov. 29. Curtis, Israel, d. 1830, Apr. 20, a. 25-11-18. Cypher, Tamma, dau. of Lewis & Catherine. (No dates). Dakin, David W., d. 1859, Mar. 8, a. 71 y. Dakin, Julia H., youngest daughter of David & Ora, d. 1843, Nov. 16, a. 25-7-21. Dakin, Ora, w. of David W., d. 1856, Sep. 10, a. 65 y. Davis, Charles H., d. 1893, Nov. 27, a. 59 y. Davis, Eliza Culver, w of Jacob I. H., M. D., d. 1881, Oct. 19, a. 73 y. Davis, Frederick W., b. 1842, Nov. 13, d. 1912, Apr. 22, Davis, M. D., Jacob I. H., d. 1851, Sep. 16, a. 56 y Davis, M. D.; J. Culver, d. 1892, Oct. 8, a. 64 y Davis, Lavinia C , d. 1893, May 14, a. 54 y. Dean, Asa H., d. 1854, Dec 11, a. 34 y. Dean, Mary Ann, w. of Asa H., d. 1856, June 12, a. 35-6-29. Decker, Christopher G., d. 1861, Nov. 26, a. 70-8-7. Decker, Maria, w. of Christopher G., d. 1881, Dec. 3, a. 84 y. Delong, Hannah, w. of William, d. 1854, Oct. 27, a. 42-7-17. Denis, Adam P., d. 1836, Feb. 16, a. 32-8-26. Denis, Catharine, w. of Adam P., d 1836, Feb. 16, a. 28-11-7; also their daughter, Amanda, d. 1836, Feb. 16, a. 2-9-15. 188
137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149.
Deuel, Jay, d. 1869, Feb. 16, a. 63 y. Deuel, Newton, d. 1882, Dec. 30, a 70 y. Dewel, Catherine Bock(er), w. of Samuel, d. 1869, Mar. 26, a. 71 y. Dewel, Mary M., d. 1884, Mar. 11, a. 37 y. Dewel, Phoenix Newton, b. 1830, Apr. 23, d. 1904, Apr. 22. Dewel, Samuel, d. 1882, Mar. 11, a. 87 y. Dewel, Silas Isaac, b. 1833, Dec. 6, d. 1908, July 2. Dibble, Abraham, d. 1855, Nov. 1, a. 59-1-14. Dibble, Ebenezer, d. 1826, Feb. 13, a. 81 y. Dibble, Eliza, w. of Isaac, d. 1826, Jan. 31, a. 42 y. Dibble, Eunice Thompson, w. of Isaiah, b. 1842, Apr. 17, d. 1882, May 11. Dibble, Isaac, d. 1824, Oct. 29, a 47 y. Dibble, Isaiah, 1828-1909; Emily G. Mclntyre, his wife, 1837-1896. 150. Dibble, Jane, d. 1884, Dec. 15. 151. Dibble, J. Thompson, b. 1872, Aug. 19, d. 1894, June 15. 152. Dibble, Sally, dau. of Ebenezer & Esther, d. (date below ground). 153. Dikeman, David, d. 1845, Jan. 7, a. 28 y. . Doane. See Husted monument. 154. Duel, Silas H., s. of James & Sally, d. 1839, Nov. 11, a. 7-10-15. 155. Duxbury, G. H., b. 1821, Feb. 27, d. 1889, Dec. 17; J. W. Husted, his wife, b. 1820, May 1, d. 1883, Jan. 22. Reynolds, G. H., b. 1841, Sep. 1, d. 1876, Nov. 7; Reynolds, E. W., b. 1843, Oct. 1, d. 1865, July 20. (Monument). 156. Earl, Martin, d. 1863, Sep 16, a. 46 y. 157. Eddy, Robert, d. 1855, Sep. 16, a. 61 y. 158. Eggleston:â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Edgar Parish, b. 1832, Sep. 30, d. 1886, Apr. 28; Laura Hoffman, b. 1842, Jan. 20, d. 1903, June 21. 159. Ellis, Charlotte Clinton, w. of the Rev. Thomas, d. 1860, June 8, a. 51 y. 160. Ellis, Phineas D., d. 1873, May 3 1 , a. 67 y. 161. Engelke, Christine Vonckle, w of Henry, b. 1816, Feb. 5, d. 1882, Jan. 20. 162. Engelke, Cla(r)y, s of N. J. & Libbie, d. 1876, May 31, a. 5-4-18. 163. Engelke, Henry, b. 1880, July, d. 1889, Sep. 164. Engelke, Henry, b. 1817, Apr. 4, d. 1894, Dec. 10. 165. Engelke, Milton, s. of Henry & Christine, d. 1857, Feb. 15, a 6 m. 17 d. 166. Eno, Eliza A., b. 1807, Apr. 20, d. 1882, Apr. 10. 167. Eno, Henry, b. 1798, Feb. 13, d. 1882, Feb 18. 168. Eno, H. Walter, d. 1884, Dec. 14, a. 51 y. ' 169. Eno, James W., b. 1862, Aug. 12, d. 1900, Feb 19. 170. Eno, Maria, b. 1796, Aug. 17, d. 1862, June 13. 171. Eno, Mary, b. 1868, Apr. 15, d. 1889, July 16. 172. Eno, Rose, dau. of Julius & Amanda, b. 1810, Jan. 28, d. 1890, Oct. 3. 173. Eno, Rufus, s. of Stephen & Olive, d. 1845, Aug. 6, a. 29 y. 174. Eno, Stephen, b. 1754, Oct. 4, d. 1854, Aug. 1. 175. Eno, William, b. 1800, Apr. 21, d 1874, Nov. 17. 176. Feltz, Catharine, d. 1861, a. 64 y. 177. Ferris, Isaac Smith, b. 1825, Oct. 8, d. 1887, Nov. 19. 178. Ferris, Jane M. Miller, w of Isaac Smith, b. 1826, Apr. 5, d. (no date on stone). 179. Ferris, William, s. of Levi & Polly, d. 1852, Sep. 11, a. 3-7-11. 180. Ferris, William P., b. 1828, Apr. 28, d. 1862, Jan. 22. 181. Finch, Charlotte, d. 1857, Aug. 9, a. 70 y. 182. Finger, Charlotte, d. 1857, Aug. 9, a. 70 y. 183. Fish, Catharine C , w. of Samuel, d. 1865, Feb. 4, a. 36-8-11. 184. Germain, Amy, w. of Reuben, d. 1813, Mar 10, a. 43 y. 185. Germain, Lydia A., d. 1870, May 10, a. 64 y. 186. Germain, Phebe H., dau. of Silas & Phebe, b. 1805, Feb. 15, d. 1879, May 28. 187. Germain, Silas, s. of Silas & Phebe, d. 1865, Jan. 12, in 72d y. 188. Germain, Talmadge H., s. of Silas & Phebe, d. 1863, Jan. 13, a. 65-4-28. 189. Germond, Elanson, b. 1813, Mar. 16, d. 1886, June 23. 190. Germond, Elizabeth Thompson, w. of Elanson, b. 1819, June 17, d 1880, Jan. 19. 191. Germond, Phebe, w. of Silas, d. 1810, Jan. 10, a. 40 y. 6 m. 192. Germond, Silas, d. 1849, Mar. 22, a. 86-1-8. 193. Germond, Silas W., 1835-1898. 194. Gifford, Daniel, d. 1815, Jan. 8, in 61st y. 195. Gifford, Daniel D., d. 1870, Mar. 27, a. 77 y. 6 m. 196. Gifford, Daniel Webster, d. 1854, Dec. 8, a. 21 y. 5 m. 197. Gifford, Mariba, w. of Daniel, d 1834, Aug. 27, in 83d y. 198. Gifford, Martha, w. of Daniel D., d. 1882, Dec. 31, a. 83 y. 9 m. 199. Gifford, Senica B., s. of Daniel D. & Martha, d. 1857, Feb. 25, a. 19 y. 3 m. 189
Old 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. 220. 221. 222. 223. 224. 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. 233. 234. 235. 236. 237. 238. 239. 240. 241. . 242. 243. 244. 245. 246. 247. 248. 249. 250. 251. 252. 253. 254. 255. 256. 257. 258. 259. 260. 261. 262. 263. 264.
Gilbert, Margaret Keefer, w. of George W., d. 1848, May 10, a. 21 y. Gregory, Charlotte, w. of William G., d. (stone broken). Gregory, William C , s. of William G. & Charlotte, d. 1853, Feb. 15, a. 10-2-15. Greig, Sarah, wid. of William, of Prith, Scotland, d. 1853, Dec. 18, a. 79 y. Gridley, Abbey E. Hoysradt, w. of Dr. E. R., b. 1833, May 25, d. 1888, Nov. 4. Gridley, Deborah E. Chasmar, w. of Edwin R., d. 1876, July 26, a. 38-6-26. Griffin, Allen, d. 1878, Nov. 10, a. 27 y. Halstead, Elias, 1827-1900. Halstead, Henry, 1842-1845. Halstead, John R., 1825-1850. Halstead, Joseph, 1797-1860. Halstead, Julia Hoffman, w. of Elias, 1837-1881. Halstead, Robert, s. of S. J. & G. H., b. 1863, Apr. 20, d. 1863, Aug. 9. Halstead, Sally McArthur, w. of Joseph, 1801-1884. Halstead, Samuel, d. 1869, Aug. 15, a. 38-10-12. Halstead, Walter, 1835-1857. Ham, Clarrisa, w. of Peter, b 1800, Aug. 22, d. 1881, Feb. 22. Ham, Elizabeth Myers, dau. of Peter R., b. 1824, Aug. 8, d. 1906, Apr. 2 1 . Ham, Maria, w. of Reuben, d. 1877, Jan. 29, a. 54-9-24. Ham, Peter, b. 1797, Apr. 1, d. 1891, Mar. 22. Hammond, Julia A. Pulver, w of Henry R., b. 1818, Mar. 20, d. 1882, Aug. 7. Hammond, Margaret A., d. 1858, Mar. 10, a. 20-3-23. Harrington, Perlina, b. 1796, Feb. 6, d. 1864, May 19. Harris, Edward Pugsley, s. of Silas & Maria P., d. 1825, Sep. 10, a. 3-8-2. Harris, John, d. 1814, Nov. 27, a. 69 y. 8 m. Harris, Maria Pugsley, w. of Silas, b. 1798, May 3, d. 1877, June 16. Harris, Mary, w. of John, d. 1834, Dec. 20, a. 82 y. 10 m. Harris, Seth, d. 1842, Feb. 2, in 80th y. Harris, Colonel Silas, b. 1787, Jan. 24, d. 1862, Apr. 19. Harris, Susannah Husted, w. of Seth, b. 1784, June 12, d 1828, Oct. 19. Hart, Eudora P. Parker, w. of Reuben, b. 1841, Nov. 22, d. 1886, Mar. 10. Hedges, Daniel G., 18(8)0-1902; Luella C. Simpson, his wife, 18(6)1 . Hedges, Elizabeth, w. of Josiah, d. 1851, Oct. 15, in 78th y. Hedges, Josiah, d. 1843, Sep. 3, a. 73 y. Hedges, William, 1828 ; Phebe Gifford, his wife, 1829-1898. Henry, Mrs. H. Adelia, b. 1846, May 4, d. 1888, Apr. 19. Hermans, Catharine, w of Richard, d. 1846, July 18, a. 35-7-16. Hermans, Emeline, w. 'of Richard, d. 1867, Jan. 29, a. 37-1-18. Hermans, Emma E., dau. of Richard & Catharine, d. 1840, Apr. 24, a. 5-8-14. Hermans, James, s of Richard & Emmaline, d. 1855, Apr. 15, a. 5 m. Hermans, Richard,'d. 1898, Dec. 26, a. 90 y. 5 m. Hermans, Sarah Olivia, dau. of Richard & Emmaline, d. 1851, Nov. 9, a. 2-4-15. Hermans. See Bunnell. Hicks, Catharine Teats, w. of Robert, d. 1890, Apr. 12, a. 80 y. 24 d. Hicks, Eliza Ann,"w. of Samuel I., b. 1820, May 13, d. 1894, Mar. 3 Hicks, Elmore S., b. 1856, June 12, d. 1875, Oct. 3. Hicks, Julia Ann, b. 1831, Jan. 30, d 1908, Jan. 26. Hicks, Robert, d. 1869, Oct. 14, a. 66-8-15. Hicks, Samuel I., b. 1814, May 23, d. 1894, Mar. 8. Hidom, Catherine, w of Peter, d. 1883, Sep. 6, a. 71-10-29. Hidom, John H., s. of Peter & Catharine, d. 1865, Apr. 22, a. 33-7-6. Hidom, Peter, d. 1866, May 10, a. 60-7-11. Hiserodt, Bryant, d. 1856, June 1, a. 41 y 11 m. Hiserodt, Catharine, w. of Harmon, b. 1826, Nov. (12), d. 1897, Dec. 16. Hiserodt, Cora, dau. of Warden & Maryette, d. 1862, July 18, a. 1 m. 13 d. Hiserodt, Esther, w. of Henry I., d. 1821, Oct. 24, a. 34 y. Hiserodt, Frances, dau. of Henry J. & Rebecca, d 1856, Mar. 1, a. 21-10-26. Hiserodt, Freddie B., s. of Warden & Maryette, d'. 1867, Jan. 5, a. 1-9-5. Hiserodt, Harmon, b. 1819, Sep. 24, d. 1883, May 9. Hiserodt, Henry, d. 1869, July 2, a. 85-7-15. Hiserodt, James, s. of Henry & Rebecca, d. 1830, Jan. 30, a. 2 y. 8 m. Hiserodt, John, s. of Cornelius & Polly, d. 1826, Oct. 23, a. 3-6-20. Hiserodt, Lavina C. Hoffman, w of Bryant, d. 1894, Jan. 2, a. 74 y. Hiserodt, Maryette, w. of Warden, b. 1824, Mar. 1, d. 1873, Sep. 12. Hiserodt, Rebecca, w. of Henry, d. 1858, Sep. 26, a. 57-4-5. Hiserodt, W a r d e n ^ . 1817, Mar. 20, d. 1893, June 21. 190
T o iv n of
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265. Hiserodt, children of Harmon & Catharine:— Esther E., d. 1866, Aug. 24, a. 16-3-15; Albert H., d. 1866, Oct. 2, a. 13-1-8. 266. Hoag, Asa, d. 1881, Oct. 25, a. 67-6-3. 267. Hoag, Catharine, dau. of Robert & Phebe, d. 1833, Sep. 27, a. 10 y. 20 d. 268. Hoag, Charles, d. 1840, 1st mo.. 23, a. 68 y. 269. Hoag, Charles Backus, s. of E ( x ) r a & Roxanna, d. 1836, Mar. 2, a. 4 m. 7 d. 270. Hoag, Charlott, w. of Samuel, d. 1856, Sep 10, in 85th y. 271. Hoag, Hannah, w. of James B., d. 1862, July 6, a. 60 y. 272. Hoag, Henry C , d. 1839, Apr. 23, a. 37 y. 273. Hoag, James, d. 1815, May 23, a. 42-6-5. 274. Hoag, James, d. 1874, Nov. 20, a. 36^5-22. 275. Hoag, Justin, d. 1864, Mar. 20, in 67th y. 276. Hoag, Mary, d. 1884, Sep. 7, a. 69 y. 277. Hoag, Mary C , dau. of Asa & Perlina, d. 1869, Mar. 13, a. 18-7-6. 278. Hoag, Mattie A. Williams, w. of Asa, b. 1878, June 25, d. 1898, Mar. 29 279. Hoag, Perlina, w. of Asa, d. 1885, Oct. 10, a. 67-7-9. 280. Hoag, Rachel, w. of Willis, b. 1808, Mar 22, d. 1866, Oct. 8. 281. Hoag, Samuel, d. 1830, Aug. 23, a. 58 y. 282. Hoag, Tripp, d. 1851, Aug. 29, a. (37 or 57)-10-17. 283. Hoag, Willis, b. 1805, July 4, d 1867, Mar. 8. 284. Hoffman, Almira, b. 1799, Feb. 8, d. 1869, Jan. 9. 285. Hoffman, Catharine, b. 1818, Nov. 31, d. 1900, Dec. 23. 286. Hoffman, Fred W„ b. 1859, Sep. 25, d. 1889, Oct. 9. 287. Hoffman, Henry, b. 1798, May 17, d. 1833, Nov. 18. 288. Hoffman, Henry, b. 1829, Dec. 26, d. 1894, Jan. 18; Mary A. Strever, w. of Henry, b. 1836, July 31, d. 1902, Nov. 23 289. Hoffman, Joshua C , d. 1855, Aug. 18, a. 24-10-(10). 290. Hoffman, Leonard, s. of Anthony & Sally, d. 1865, Jan. 8, a. 32-1-14 291. Hoffman, Phebe Thompson, w. of William H., b. 1825, Jan. 2, d. 1907, Apr. 27. 292. Hoffman, William H., b 1822, Jan. 24, d. 1895, Feb. 1. 293. Hoffman, children of William H. & Phebe:— Ward, d. 1848, Nov. 28, a. 1-11-12; Kate, d. 1870, Oct. 10, a. 1-7-18. 294. Hoffman:— Henry, d. 1840, Nov. 1, a. 80 y.; Catharine, wid. of Henry, d. 1851, Apr. 28, a. 90 y. Anthony, d. 1876, Sep. 10, a. 71 y.; Sarah Barton, his wife, d. 1884, Nov. 23, a. 82 y Anthony, d. 1882, Nov. 21, a. 38 y. (Monument). 295. Hoisrodt, Jane, dau. of Henry & Rebecca, d. 1853, Feb. 22, a. 22 y. 26 d. 296. Hoisrodt, Sanford, s. of Henry & Rebecca, d. 1854, Jan. 1, a. 12 y. 5 m. 297. Holley, Ruth, d. 1874, Aug. 13, a. 77-6-16. 298. Holmes, Wright T., b. 1865, Jan. 2, d. 1903, Mar. 15. 299. Hosier, Hellen, d. 1838, Jan. 5, a 28 v. 300. Hosier, Margaret, w. of Thomas, d. 1872, Mar. 23, a. 92 y. 301. Hosier, Phebe B., dau. of H. S. & E., d 1867, Apr. 14, a. 3 y. 11 m. 302. Hosier, infant daughter of Hellen, d. 1833, June 10. 303. Hoskins, Louisa Ann, w. of Ezekiel, d. 1871, Nov. 12, a. 43-4-4. 304. Hoysradt, Catharine Lasher, w. of Cornelius, b. 1820, Oct. 21, d. 1898, Jan. 1. 305. Hoysradt, Cornelius, d. 1852, Mar. 14, a. 58-4-22. S06. Hoysradt, Cornelius, A. 1863, Aug. 22, a. 38-7-28. 307. Hoysradt, Elizabeth Tinker, w.of Milo, b. 1820, Mar. 2, d. 1910, Aug. 2. 308. Hoysradt, Jacob S., 1826-1886; His children:— Eugene, 1856-1860; Gertie C , 1858-1860. 309. Hoysradt, John A., d. 1850, Nov. 24, a. 74-11-8. 310. Hoysradt, Milo, b. 1819, Feb. 7, d. 1886, July 25. 311. Hoysradt, Polly, w. of John A., d. 1841, Oct. 1, a. 60 y. 8 d. 312. Hoysradt, Polly Strever, w. of Cornelius, 1789-1871. 313. Hoysradt, Rebecca, d. 1859, Oct. 17, a. 51-8-11. 314. Hoysradt, Sobrinah, dau. of (John A.) & Polly, d. 1815, Oct. 13, a. 18 m. 6 d. 315. Hoysradt, William A., Co. C, 1st N. Y. Mounted Rifles, b. 1831, July 18, d. 1904, Jan. 24. 316. Hoysradt, children of Cornelius & Catharine:— Peter G., d. 1861, Jan. 30, a. 9 y. 3 m.; Whitfield, d. 1861, Feb. 2, a. 5 y. 5 m.; Winfield, d. 1860, July 30, a. 4 y. 11 m. 317. Huffman, Bacchus, s. of Henry, Jr., & Almyra, d. 1825, July 24, a. 6 m. 19 d. 191
Old 318. 319. S20. 321. 322. 323. 324. 325. 326. 327. 328. 329. 330. 331. 332.
. 333. 334. 335. 336. 337. 338. 339. 340. 341. 342. 343. 344. 345. 346. 347. 348.
351. 352. 353. 354. 355. 356. 357. 358. '359. 360. 361. 362. 363.
Huffman, Eliza, dau. of Henry, Jr., & Almyra, d. 1826, Dec 29, a. 6 m. 9 d. Hunting, Amanda Winans, w. of Edward, d. 1873, Jan. 10, a. 74-10-10. Hunting, Anna M. Lockwood, w. of Isaac, 1824-1902. Hunting, Charlotte, dau. of Isaac & Elizabeth, d. 1796, Mar. 1, a. 8 m. Hunting, Edward, s. of Edward J. & Amanda, d. 1836, Mar. 18, a. 2 y. 8 m. Hunting, Edward, b. 1797, Aug. 27, d. 1884, Mar. 11. Hunting, Elizabeth, w. of Isaac, d. 1815, Mar. 4, a. 49 y. Hunting, Isaac, d. 1829, Sep. 2 1 , a. 66 y. 2 m. Hunting, Isaac, b. 1825, Nov. 17, d. (no date on stone). Hunting, Isaac Mulford, d. 1812, Feb. 8, a. 80 y. 3 m. Hunting, Isaac Mulford, s. of Isaac & Elizabeth, d. 1815, Jan. 2, in 22d y. Hunting, Ruth, w. of Isaac Mulford, d. 1812, Feb. 23, a. 79-11-29. Hunting, Samuel, s. of Isaac & Ruth, d. 1789, Aug. 14, a. 20 y. Hunting, Smith Knapp, s. of Isaac & Rosetta, d. 1816, Mar. 25, in 3d y. Hunting, children of Morgan & Julia:— Isaac, d. 1832, Dec. 31, a. 3-7-12; Hiram, d. 1834, Dec. 14, a. 2-2-18; Sarah Eliza, d. 1842, July 6, a. 1-6-14. Hunting, See Husted monument. Husted, Cornelius, b. 1789, Dec. 25, d. 1859, Mar. 16. Husted, Derrick, d. 1824, Nov. 18, a. 40 y. Husted, Major Ebenezer, d. 1811, Nov. 16, a. 75 y. Husted, Ebenezer E., d. 1810, Nov. 8, a. 42 y. Husted, Germond, d. 1810, May 5, a. 42 y. Husted, John, s. of Cornelius & Phebe, d. 1818, Mar. 16, a. (under ground). Husted, J. Guernsey, b. 1844, Mar. 27, d. 1886, July 22; Frances Pulver, his wife. (No dates). Husted, Leonard, d. 1819, July 11, a. 26-2-19 Husted, Maria, dau. of Germond & Mary, d. 1843, Dec. 30, in 53d y. Husted, Mary, w. of Germon, d. 1851, Nov. 17, a. 86-1-13. Husted, Peter, d 1808, Aug. 15, in 47th y. Husted, Phebe T. Waters, w. of Cornelius, b. 1794, Dec. 7, d. 1870, Dec. 5. Husted, Polly, w. of Peter, d. 1825, Apr. 22, in 64th y. Husted, Sarah, w. of Major Ebenezer, d. 1809, Jan. 11, a, 77 y. Husted, Col. Walter, d. 1823, Apr. 14, a. 32 y. Husted:— James C , b. 1788, Aug. 22, d. 1832, Mar. 4; Elizabeth Harris, his wife, b. 1788, July 25, d. 1865, Mar. 10. Children of Eben & Margaret:— Mary, b. 1861, Apr. 19, d. 1868, Mar. 28; James C , b. 1866, Jan. 19, d. 1868, Mar. 21. (Monument). Husted:— Peter W., b. 1816, Feb. 20, d. 1903, Mar. 10; Minerva L., his wife, d. 1(8)89, Apr. 20, a. 61-9-28. Vedder:— Alexander B., b. 1841, Dec. 14, d. . Phebe A. Husted, his wife, b. 1838, July 23, d. 1902, Feb. 4 (Monument). Husted:— Walter W., d. 1882, Feb. 25, a. 57 y.; Nancy S. Hunting, his wife, d. 1906, May 15, a. 77 y.; Libbie, their daughter, d. 1870, Apr. 3, a. 15 y. Hunting:— John T., d. 1830, Dec. 28, a. 28 y ; Phebe Smith, his wife, d. 1891, Dec. 20, a. 84 y. Wilbur, Libbie Husted, 1884-1897. Doane, Mabel Hunting Wilbur, 1886-1911. (Monument). Ingle, Leah, d. 1842, Apr. 26, in 48th y. Jackson, Marie, dau. of Richard & Abigail, d. 1837, Sep. 30. Jackson, Tammy, w. of Richard B., d 1823, Apr. 12, a. 26-4-2. Johnson, David, d. 1864, Sep. 24, a. 78-10-23. Johnson, Hannah, d. 1842, Feb. 25, a. 28 y. 11 m. Jones, Albert T., d. 1863, Oct. 14, a. 45 y. Jordan, Josephus D., d. 1885, Sep. 12, a. 77 y. 9 m. Jordan, Mary B., dau. of Josephus & Mary, d. 1874, Dec. 13, a. 28-9-11. Jordan, Mary Elizabeth Knickerbocker, w. of Josephus D., d. 1870, Dec. 29, a. 51-2-10. Keefer, Andries, d. 1859, Mar. 4, a. 68-9-22. Keefer, Anna, w. of Jacob, d. 1852, Mar. 14, a. 84-7-5. Keefer, Catharine, w. of Henry, d. 1843, July 15, a 77 y. 1 m. Keefer, Christopher H., d. 1848, May 25, a. 26-8-12.' 192
T o iv n 364. 365. 366. 367. 368. 369. 370. 371. 372. 373. 374. 375. S76. 377. 378. 379. 380. 381. 382. 383. 384. 385. 386. 387. 388. 389. 390. 391. 392. 393. 394. 395. 396. 397. 398. . 399. 400. 401. 402. 403. 404. 405. 406. •107. 408. 409. 410. 411. 412. 413. 414. 415. 416. 417. 418. 419. 420. 421. 422. 423. 424. 425.
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Keefer, De Witt, s. of Jacob & Sobrina, d. 1857, Apr. 12, a. 8 m. 22 d. Keefer, Duncan, d. 1857, Mar. 13, a. 59 y. 9 m. Keefer, Duncan T., s. of Duncan & Eva, d. 1872, Mar. 4, a, 29-3-7. Keefer, Eva, w. of Duncan, d. 1875, Sep. 25, in 77th y. Keefer, Hannah, w. of Henry, d. 1860, May 8, a 51-1-20. Keefer, Hannah Case, w. of Lewis, d. 1889, Jan. 30, a. 69-11-6. Keefer, Henry, d. 1841, Apr. 23, a. 79-10-11. Keefer, Henry, d 1842, June 14, a. 3C-10-15. Keefer, Henry, d. 1878, Mar. 9, a. 73 y. 9 m. Keefer, Herman, s. of Henry & Hannah, d. 1844, May 10, a. 1-6-10. Keefer, Jacob, d. 1848, Jan. 6, a 77-1-28. Keefer, Jacob R., d. 1888, Dec. 3, a. 60-4-14. Keefer, Laura T., dau. of Henry & Hannah, b. 1839, Dec. 25, d. 1892, May 17. Keefer, Lewis, d. 1878, June 17, a. 66-3-24. Keefer, Margaret, w. of Andris, d. 1843, Oct. 16, a. 50-9-12. Keefer, Nelson, d. 1858, Mar. 14, a. 33-4-10. Keefer, Phebe, w. of Jacob, d. 1836, Aug. 30, in 26th y. Keller, Alfred, d. 1911, Aug. 28, a. 84-9-1. Keller, Benjamin, b. 1799, Aug. 5, d. 1885, Feb. 9. Keller, Edward B., s. of Alfred & Mary A., d. 1859, Nov. 29, a. 5-10-25. Keller, Franklin B., b. 1874, Sep. 17, d. 1897, Jan. 9. Keller, Jacob, d. 1908, Sep. 28, a. 80 y. Keller, Mary A., w. of Edward, d. 1870, Oct. 21, a. 38 y. 11 d. Keller, Mary C , dau. of Benjamin & Sarah, d. 1838, Sep. 21, a. 1 y. Keller, Mary Jane, b. 1839, Nov. 20, d. 1869, Nov. 20. Keller, M. L., 1833-1906. Keller, Sarah, w of Benjamin, d. 1862, Apr. 10, a. 61-5-18 Keller, Sarah A., dau. of Benjamin & Sarah, d. 1838, Sep. 19, a. 11 m. 28 d. Keller, Sarah F., dau. of George M. & Emily, b. 1865, Sep. 13, d. 1881, Oct. 22. Keller, Susana Cooper, w. of Jacob, d. 1907, May 15, a. 78 y. Kellett, Samuel, d. 1870, Aug. 24, a. 3 m. 4 d. Killmer, John, d 1880, Jan. 2, a. 70-11-18. Killmer:— John B., b. 1848, Julv 11, d. 1901, Nov. 12; Jacob, 1844-1888. (Monument). Killmer, Susan Ann, dau. of John & Joan, d. 1847, Sep. 8, a. 1 y. 5 m. Kilmer, Ellsworth, s. of Hiram & Elizabeth, d. 1864, July 14, a. 6 m. 13 d. Kisselbank. See Ostrom monument. Knapp, Edmund R., b. 1830, Nov. 8, d. 1897, Sep. 13. Knapp, Mary J. George, w. of Edmund R., b. 1832, Dec. 3, d. 1907, Mar. 6. Knapp, Nancy, w. of Robert, d. 1850, Aug. 23, a. 40 y. Knickerbocker, Betsey, w. of Hiram, d. 1892, Sep. 18, a. 83 y. Knickerbocker, Hiram, d. 1870, June 9, a. 58 y. Knickerbocker, Ida A., dau. of William J. & Rebecca M., d. 1864, Mar. 12, a 4 y. 10 m. Knickerbocker, John, d. 1849, Aug. 19, in 78th y. Knickerbocker, Rebecca, w. of William J., d. 1870, Jan. 18, a. 41-10-12. Knickerbocker, William J., d. 1876, Dec. 31, a. 48 y. Kroll, Grass, 1870-1897. Lapham, Eliza Ann Mclntvre, w. of Thcron R., b. 1817, Aug. 11, d. 1898, Dec. 30. Leach, Eliza Ann, w. of Simeon C , d. 1825, June 9, a. 23-6-13. Leach, Simeon C , d. 1845, Nov. 12, in 52d y. Levins, Samuel, b. 1800, July 28, d. 1858, Mar. 23. Link, Stephen, s. of Stephen H. & Clarissa, d. 1856, June 14, a. 4 m. Link, Susan E., dau. of Stephen H. & Clarissa A., d. 1863, Nov. 25, a. 4-5-19. Loomis, Harriet E. Tripp, w. of Timothy, 1836-1908. Loomis, Timothy, 1842 . Losee, Frances E., dau. of John Jay & Phebe Losee, d. 1854, Apr. 26, a. 10 m. 12 d. Losee, Phebe A., d. 1854, Feb. 27, a. 41-6-13. Loucks, Catherine Kellerhouse, w. of Perry, 1834 . Loucks, Perry, 1833-1899. Loucks, children of Perry & Kate:— Hattie, d. 1866, Dec. 20, a. 7-2-21. Willie, d. 1866, Dec. 16, a. 5 y. Lown, David V., b. 1841, Julv 24. d. (no date on stone). Lown, Elizabeth, d. 1878, Sep. 18, a. 68-9-6. Lown, Fannie, dau. of David & Survania, d. 1871, Feb. 25, a. 4 m. 9 d. Lown, Survania E., w. of David V., & dau. of Peter & Carissa Ham, b. 1844, May 30, d. 1870, Oct. 26. 193
Old 426. 427. 428. 429. 430. 431. 432. 433. 434. 435. 436. 437. 438. 439. 440. 441. 442. 443. 444. 445. 446. 447. 448. 449. 450. 451. 452. 453. 454. 455. 456. 457. . 458. 459. 460. 461. 462. 463. 464. 465. 466. 467. 468. 469. 470. 471. 472. 473. 474. 475. 476. 477. 478. 479. 480. 481.
482. 483. 484. 485. 486.
Luqueer, Margaret P. Harris, w. of John A., b. 1823, Dec. 22, d. 1896, Oct. 25. McArthur, Arthur, d. 1873, Nov. 15, a. 72-1-25. McArthur, Eunice, w. of Adam, d. 1879, Apr. 18, a. 82 y. 6 m. McArthur, Lydia, d. 1857, July 30, a. 27 y. McArthur, Sally, w. of Arthur, d. 1886, Sep. 30, a. 80 y. 4 m. McArthur, Ward, d. 1879, May 9, a. 50 y. McCarrick, Clarissa! dau. of James & Harriet, d. 1876, Jan. 9, a. 16 y. 3 m. McCarrick, Francis, s. of James & Harriet, d. 1858, June 16, a. 1-10-2. McCarrick, Harriet Worldridge, w. of James, d. 1870, Oct. 18, a. 50 y. 3 m. McCarrick, James, d. 1872, June 2, a. 57 y. 4 m. McCarrick, Sylvester, s. of James & Harriet, d. 1845, Mar. 7, a. 1-6-5. McDonald, Eli, d. 1889, July 28, a. 52 y. McDonald, Hannah, w. of Samuel, b. 1812, Feb 24, d. 1867, Feb. 4. McDonald, Rachel, dau. of Samuel & Hannah, d. 1862, June 19, a. 11-5-6. McDonald, Samuel, d. 1869, Apr. 15, a. 58-7-4. Mcintosh, Albert, d 1875, Oct. 9, a. 27-2-27. Mcintosh, Amanda, w. of Michael, 1813-1894. Mcintosh, Anthony, s. of Michael & Sarah, d. 1849, Mar. 15, a. 2-6-18. Mcintosh, John, d. 1862, Mar. 24, a. 50 y. Mcintosh, Margaret, d. 1872, Jan. 23, a. 78-3-16. Mcintosh, Sarah, w. of John, d. 1884, Nov. 24, a. 82 y Mcintosh, Sarah Ann, w. of Michael ,d. 1853, Dec. 8, a. 31-9-21. Mcintosh, Willia B., s. of Michael & Amanda, d 1863, July 1, a. 6-2-5. Mclntyre, Caroline, dau. of Daniel & Christina, d. 1828, Aug. 24, a. 2 y. 27 d. Mclntyre, Christine, w. of Daniel, d. 1847, Oct. 4, a. 48 y. 6 m. Mclntyre, Daniel, d. 1835, June 10, a. 44 y. 5 m. Mclntyre, Daniel, s. of Daniel & Christina, d. 1836, Jan. 31, a. 10 m. Mclntyre, Elizabeth Hauber, b. 1794, Feb. 6, d. 1873, Oct. 3. Mclntyre, Harmond, d. 1863, June 22, a. 39-4-15. Mclntyre, John N., b. 1794, Apr. 28, d. 1880, Aug. 18. Mclntyre, Josephine, dau. of Ambrose & Susan, b. 1855, May 30, d. 1856, June 5. Mclntyre, Mary J., b. 1828, Nov. 3, d. 1903, May 18. Mclntyre. See Niver. Marshall, Helen, d. 1848, Oct. 14, a. 31 y. Marshall, Hilen D., d. 1851, Oct. 14, a. 31 y. Marshall, Jane A., d. 1897, July 25, a. 80 y. Matthewson, Barnard, d. 1843, Sep. 26, a 55-11-16. Matthewson, Deborah, w. of Barnard, d. 1812, Apr. 16, a. 42-7-23. Merkle, James, b. 1843, Jan. 16, d. 1909, May 11. Miller, Betsey, w. of Charles, d. 1855, Nov. 27, a. 78 y. Miller, Charles, d. 1851, June 12, a. 75 y. Miller, Henry, d. 1888, Oct. 3, a. 57-3-14. Miller, Mary Ann, w. of Joel H., d. 1861, Feb. 27, a. 40-4-18. Morgan, Almena, w. of George, d. 1860, Nov. 4, a. 43 y. Morgan, Fannie L., w. of George, d. 1877, Dec. 8, in Poughkeepsie, a. 37 y. 5 m. Morgan, George, b. 1816, July 16, d. 1879, Sep. 2 1 . Morgan, Seymour Russell, s. of George & Fannie L., d. 1871, Mar. 15, a. 2 m. Morgan, children of George & Almena:â&#x20AC;&#x201D; George, d. 1852, May 1, a. 1 y.; William, d. 1864, Feb. 14, a. 21 y. 9 m. Myers, Esther, dau. of Henry C. & Margaret, d. 1838, Mar. 22, a. 2-1-21. Myers, Harry A., 1871-1898. Myers, Henry G., d. 1870, Oct. 26, a. 81 y. Myers, Margaret, d. 1875, Dec. 29, a. 77 y. Myers, Margaret E., dau. of Henry C. & Margaret, d. 1838, Mar. 23, a. 4-1-16. Near, Edward G., d. 1863, Apr. 16, a. 44-11-6; Catharine E., his wife, d. 1883, Sep. 11, a. 63 y. 9 m. Near, Joseph, Co. D, 150th Reg. N. Y. S. V., d. 1863, Aug. 14, at Alexandria, Va., a. 21-2-13. Near, Sanford, Co. M, 14th Reg. H. Artillery, d. 1864, Oct. 23, at Beverly Hospital, N. J., a. 20-5-13. Niver. "1815 Conrad Niver 1867. 1818 Jane Mclntyre 1848. 1821 Roxana Mclntyre 1892." Niver, Ruth, w. of J. S., d. 1894, Apr. 25, a. 49 y. Northrop, Elen, dau. of Elijah & Joann, d. 1839, Jan. 16, a. 10 m. 11 d. Northrop, George H., s. of Elijah & Joann, d. 1834, Feb. 17, a. 9 m. 22 d. Northrop, infant daughter of Elijah & Joann, d. 1835, May 11, a. 3 m. Oakley, Jacob, d. 1858, Sep. 18, a. 34 y. 194
Town 487. 488. 489. 490.
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Oakley, Mary Smith, w. of Jacob, d. 1862, Apr. 8, a. 33 y. Orr, Mary M., w. of Walter L., d. 1861, May 5, a. 23-9-13. Orr, Oliver, d. 1849, June 21, a. 44-5-19. Ostrom:— David Ostrom, 1837-1913; Almira, his wife, 1838 ; Carrie, 1874 ; Libbie, 1865-1867; Elizabeth Kisselbank, 1806-1878. (Monument). Paine, Phebe M., b. 1844, July 29, d. 1874, May 6. Palmatier, John Nelson, s. of George H. & Sarah G., d. 1864, July 24, a. 10 m. 3 d. Palmer, Abraham, d. 1871, Nov. 28, a. 71 y. Palmer, Catherine Hoysrodt, w. of Abraham, d. 1896, Mar. 13, a. 84 y. Palmer, Perry, d. 1903, Aug. 27, a. 67 y. Parker, Henry, d. 1894, Jan. 3, a. 86-9-22. Parker, Jennett, d 1870, Apr. 8, a. 48-10-17. Patterson, Charles, d. 1872, Mar. 2, a. 74 y. Patterson, Louisa Mead, w. of Charles, d. 1862, Feb. 11, a. 51 y. Paul, Susie Bell, dau. of Charles H. & Susie E., d. 1859, Nov. 22, a. 5 m. 9 d. Paul, Susie E. Best, w. of Charles H., d. 1859, June 29, a. 22 y. 10 m. Peck, Alfred, d. 1857, Sep. 25, a. 35 y Peck, M. D.; George, b. 1813, Apr. 13, d. 1873, Oct. 13. Peck, Henry, b. 1799, Apr. 2, d 1872, Oct. 8. Peck, Nancy Conger, w. of Henry, d. 1862, Apr. 16, a. 70 y. Peck, Richard, d. 1878, Dec. 20, a. 63 y. Pells, Catharine Piester, w of Ezra, b. 1833, d. 19—. Pells, Ezra B., 1833-1908. Pells, Mary, dau. of Ezra B. & Catharine, 1858-1859. Persons, Clarysa, w. of "Abm.", d. 1823, Feb. 17, a. 24 y. Philips, Edwin, s. of John E. & Rachel, d. 1842, Sep. 11, a. 1-8-24. Philips, Edwin, s. of John E. & Rachel, d. 1845, Sep. 17, a. 6 m. 7 d. Philips, Isabel, dau. of John E. & Rachel, d. 1857, Apr. 15, a. 1-4-5. Philips, John H., s. of John E. & Rachel, d. 1852, Aug. 28, a. 3 y. Philips, Maryetta, dau. of John E. & Rachel, d. 1847, (Nov.) 23, a. 3-6-24. Philips, Sarah E., dau. of John E. & Rachel, d. 1848, Jan. 24, a. 1-5-12. Philips, Thirsaett, dau. of John E. & Rachel, d. 1857, Apr. —, a. 3-4-23. Piester, John, d. 1872, May 22, a. 31 y. 6 m. Pitcher, Catherine, d. 1871, Apr. 18, a. 71 y. Pitcher, Cornelius, b. 1828, Dec. 7, d. 1883, June 30. Pitcher, John, d. 1869, Dec. 29, a. 72 y. Pitcher, Laura A. Jordan, w. of Lucius Allen, b. 1852, Nov. 7, d. 1884, May 6. Pitcher, Mary J., w. of Egbert J., b. 1843, Feb. 24, d. 1892, Aug. 13. Pitcher, Obadiah, d. 1864, Nov. 8, a. 26 y 11 m. Pitcher, Richard A., b 1851, May 30, d. 1884, Aug. 22. Pitcher, William, b. 1800, Jan. 16, d. 1852, May 13. Piatt, Andris, s. of Arba & Betsey, d. 1852, Oct. 8, a. 19 y. Piatt, Arba, b. 1806, May 25, d 1886, June 24. Piatt, Betsey Lacy, w. of Arba, d. 1847, Sep. 19, a. 41 y. Piatt, Jonas, d. 1840, Sep. 19, a. 84 y. Piatt, Lucy Mills, w. of Jonas, d 1852, Feb. 28, a. 88 y. Piatt, Mahala Green, w. of Arba, b. 1811, Aug. 8, d. 1894, Apr. 23. Piatt, Ruba Colepaugh, w. of Arba, d. 1850, Sep. 1, a. 36 y. Piatt, Zada, dau. of Arba & Betsey, d. 1842, Sep. 10, a. 4 y. Polmateer, Catharine, dau. of John & Margaret, d. 1849, Nov 11, a. 26-4-3. Polmateer, John, d. 1851, Feb. 18, a. 51-11-18. Pool, Daniel, 1823-1902; Juliet Strever, his wife, 1840-1895. Pulver, Alice Miller, w. of William W., d. 1902, June 10, a 45 y. Pulver, Andris N., d. 1831, June 9, a. 32-2-22. Pulver, Anthony, d. 1872, Jan. 15, a. 51 y. Pulver, Catharine, w. of William J., d. 1871, Mar . 1 , a. 84-2-12. Pulver, Catharine M., w. of Anthony, d. 1896, Dec. 20, a. 74 y. Pulver, Christina, w. of William W., d. 1872, May 28, a. 92 y. Pulver, Duncan K., 1831-1902 Pulver, Eliza J. Loomis, w. of John R.. d. 1911, Oct. 5, a. 83 y. Pulver, Elizabeth, dau. of Andris & Margaret, d. 1833, Feb. 6, a. 2-5-25. Pulver, Elizabeth M., w. of Henry I., d. 1868, Oct. 17, a. 71-7-25. Pulver, Henry I., d. 1855, Mar. 13, a. 54-3-27. Pulver, Howard E., s. of J. D. & Lena, d. 1896, Aug. 24, a. 8 m. 26 d. 195
550. Pulver, Jacob A., Co. D, 47th Reg N. Y. S. Vol. Inf., b. 1843, Oct. 7, d. 1907, Sep. 11 551. Pulver, John, b. 1801, Nov. 10, d. 1890, Jan. 17. 552. Pulver, John R., d. 1868, June 21, a. 38-2-14. 553. Pulver, Lewis W., d. 1839, July 24, a. 25-2-15. 554. Pulver, Lucretia K., dau. of Henry I. & Elizabeth M., d. 1845, Jan. 17, a. 20-11-4. 555. Pulver, Margaret, dau. of Julia Annetta, d. 1840, Jan. 19, a. 7 m. 556. Pulver, Margaret, w. of Nicholas N., d. 1852, July 24, a. 44-5-16. 557. Pulver, Margaret, W. of Nicholas, d. 1891, May 1, a. 91 y. 558. Pulver, Mary E., dau. of Anthony & Catherine M., d. 1858, Jan. 18, a. 11 y. 10 m. 559. Pulver, Mary E., dau. of John & Margaret, d. 1861, Apr. 25, a. 4 m. 22 d. 560. Pulver, Nicholas, s. of Andris & Margaret, d. 1829, Aug. 6, a. 1 y. 561. Pulver, Nicholas, s. of Nicholas N. & Margaret, d. 1841, Jan. 20, a. 2 m. 8d. 562. Pulver, Nicholas, d. 1850, Apr. 6, a. 75 y. 563. Pulver, Nicholas N.,d. 1883, May 1, a. 78-8-19. 564. Pulver, Polly, w. of Nicholas, d. 1856, Dec. 26, a. 82 y. 565. Pulver, Susan E. Wheeler, w. of Jacob A., b 1845, Jan. 27, d. (no date on stone). 566. Pulver, Susan Silvernail, w. of Z. Marvin, 1850-1905. 567. Pulver, William W., d. 1861, Mar. 28, a. 88 y. 568. Pulver, Z. Marvin, Co. D, 47th Reg. N. Y. V., 1840-1876. 569. Pulver, children of Smith S. & Eliza J a n e : — Lewis W., d. 1843, June 26, a. 14 d.; Andrus S., d. 1843, June 27, a. 15 d. 570. Pulver:— Levi, 1814-1890; Sally, his wife, d. 1860, Nov. 11, a. 42 y. Their children:— Eunice, d. 1851, Feb. 21, a. 6-1-17; Henry, d. 1861, Dec. 7, a. 1-1-12. (Monument). 571. Reynolds, Deborah, w. of Israel, d. 1850, June 6, a. 79 y 572. Reynolds, Elizabeth, d. 1844, Apr. 10, a. 61 y. 573. Reynolds, Dr. Israel, d. 1824, Mar. 28, a. 51 y 574. Reynolds, The Rev. John, d. 1873, May 12, a. 77 y. Preached the Gospel 50 years. 575. Reynolds, Julia, d. 1870, Sep. 22, a. 67 y. 576. Reynolds, Rachel A., d. 1861, Mar. 24, a. 76 y. 577. Reynolds, Susan P. Craig, w. of the Rev. John, d. 1876, Dec 27, a 75 y. 578. Reynolds, Walter, d. 1844, Jan. 3, a. 42 y. 579. Rifenburgh, James, 1815-1898; Polly McArthur, his wife, 1822-1895. 580. Righter, Caroline Ryder, w. of John, b. 1825, Apr. 28, d. 1903, Mar. 21. 581. Righter, Florence, b. 1868, Feb. 8, d. 1895, Apr. 12. 582. Righter, Hannah, w. of John W., d. 1852, Nov. 1, a. 71-8-4 583. Righter, Harriet Couch, w. of The Rev. Harris, d. 1884, July 25, a. 71-6-17. 584. Righter, The Rev. Harris, d. 1855, Apr. 2, a. 44-10-19. 585. Righter, Harris, s. of John & Caroline, d. 1863, Mar. 17, a. 8-4-14. 586. Righter, John W., d. 1862, Apr. 11, a. 83 y. 14 d.; William, d. 1840, Nov. 30, at New Orleans, a. 28-9-3. 587. Righter, Peter, d. 1849, Sep. 18, a 43-8-5. 588. Rockefeller, Mary E. Wirehouse, 1847-1888. 489. Row, Charles J., s. of Peter & Lucretia, b. 1860, Jan. 2, d. 1860, Sep. 30. 590. Rowe, Almira Wheeler, w. of Robert, d.-1884, Apr. 28, a. 69-1-13. 591. Rowe, Ann, w. of Philip R., d. 1866, Feb. 17, a. 61-9-21. 592. Rowe, Elizabeth Scribner, w. of Philip M., d. 1874, Mar 8, a. 86 y. 593. Rowe, Peter, b. 1813, Sep. 8, d. 1881, Jan. 12. 594. Rowe, Philip M., d. 1858, Dec. 2, a. 84 y. 9 m. 595. Rowe, Reuben, d. 1871, Aug. 7, a. 31 y. 10 m. 596. Rowe, Robert, 1816-1901. 597. Rudd, Elizabeth, w. of Reuben B., d 1860, Apr. 26, a. 77 y. 598. Rudd, Fannie, dau. of Charles & Frances E., b. 1865, Apr. 5, d. 1884, June 3. 599. Rudd, Isaac S., 1870-1892. 600. Rudd, Reuben B., d. 1866, Dec. 16, a. 86 y. 601. Sackett, Eunice M. Gurnsey, w. of Phineas K., b. 1808, Sep. 3, d. 1881, Aug. 24. 602. Sackett, Maria, dau. of Phineas K. & Eunice M., d. 1846, Oct 19, a. 16-9-4. 603. Sackett, Phineas K., b. 1803, Nov. 20, d. 1888, Sep. 23. C04. Sadler, Harriet, w. of Thomas, d. 1872, Mav 27, a 47 y. 605. Sayre, Sally A. Marshall, w. of the Rev. William N., b. 1810, Mar. 20, d. 1884, May 16. 606. Sayre, The Rev. William N., b. 1808, Mar. 3, d. 1896, Nov. 26. 196
607. Sayre, children of the Rev. William N. & Sally:â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Mary Elizabeth, d. 1837, Jan. 31, a. 10 m.; Sarah Frances, d. 1858, Sep. 25, a. 19-6-12. 608. Schermerhorn, infant daughter of John R & Louisa M., d. 1846, Apr. 3. 609. Schryver, Alonzo, d. 1883, Jan. 20, a. 68 y. 010. Schryver, Eugene, s. of Alonzo & Sarah, d. 1865, Mar. 27, a. 25 y. 2 m. Gil. Schryver, Sarah Lewis, w. of Alonzo, d. 1892, July 20, a. 82-6-10. 612. Schultz, Ann Eliza, w. of Daniel, & dau. of Isaac & Eliza Dibble, d. 1827, Sep. 2, a. 20 y. 613. Schultz, Antonette C , d. 1876, Nov. 28, a. 30 y. 614. Schultzs, Benjamin, s. of Isaac & Elizabeth, d. 1848, Jan. 21, a. 4-8-5. 615. Schultzs, Betsey, w. of Christian, d. 1843, Apr. 17, a. 57-8-9. C16. Schultzs, Christian ( C ) , d. 1844, Oct. 28, a. 66-6-12. 617. Schultzs, Elizabeth Drum, w. of Isaac, d. 1876, Mar 7, a. 63-8-11. 618. Schultz, Emeline, w. of Jacob, d. 1869, Sep. 16, a. 64 y. 619. Schultzs, Jane, w. of Christian, & dau. of Jacob (Willis), d. 1812, Jan. 4, a. 33 y. 23 d. 620. Schultz, John, s. of Jonas & Charity, d. 1854, June 7, a. 6 m. 621. Schultz, Isaac, d. 1879, Nov. 22, a. 69-2-4. 622. Schultz, Margaret Ann, w. of Myron, & dau. of Jeremiah & Alma Simmons, d. 1863, Nov. 3, a. 25-8-3. 623. Schultzs, Mary, w. of John, d. 1852, June 20, a. 53-4-28. 624. Schultzs, Peter F., s. of George W. J. & H. S., d. 1839, Oct. 25, a. 10 m. 7 d. 625. Schultzs, Ransaller, d. 1876, Sep. 12, a. 38 y. 626. Schultz, Theodore, d. 1873, Jan. 22, a. 35 y. 9 m. 627. Schultz, William, b. 1811, Nov. 24, d. 1893, May 15 628. Schultz, Zada M. Coons, dau. of William & Margaret Schultz, d. 1879, Mar. 23, a. 22 y. 9 m. 629. Schultz, infant daughter of Jacob & Emeline, d. 1838, Feb. 20, a 15 d. 630. Schultz, infant daughter of Jonas & Charity, d. 1862, Apr. 12, a. 14 d. 631. Scutt, Albert P., b. 1856, Apr. 24, d. 1880, Mar. 5. 632. Scutt, Azelia H., dau. of Hiram & Elizabeth, d. 1865, Oct. 14, a. 14-1-12. 633. Scutt, Elizabeth, w. of Hiram H., d. 1874, Dec. 18, a. 42 y. 634. Scutt, Ella, dau. of John & Julia A., b. 1858, Aug. 17, d. 1868, Oct. 27. 635. Scutt, Hiram, d. 1867, Mar. 8, a. 40 y. 1 m. 636. Scutt, Ida, dau. of Hiram & Elizabeth, d. 1876, Mar. 8, a. 15 y. 9 m. 637. Scutt, John, b. 1819, Feb. 21, d. 1902, Sep. 22. 638. Scutt, John A., s of John & Julia A., d. 1868, Feb. 7, a. 15 y. 639. Scutt, John R., b. 1854, Feb. 18, d. 1868, Feb. 7. 640. Scutt, Julia Anne, w. of John, b. 1826, Dec. 11, d. 1889, Apr. 8 641. Scutt, Julia E., b. 1868, July 27, d. 1876, Nov. 2. 642. Scutt, Mary Jane, w. of William, d. 185(1 or 7), June 1, a 32-3-29. 643. Scutt, Warren, s. of Hiram & Elizabeth, d. 1876, Jan. 7, a. 22 y. 644. Scutt, William H., d. 1865, July 18. 645. Shepherd, Deborah H., w. of William D., d. 1868, Aug. 27, a. 55 y. 646. Shepherd, William D., d. 1868, June 23, a. 58 y. 647. Shook, Hannah, d. 1884, Oct . 1 , a. 68 y. 10 m. 648. Shuart, Elizabeth, d. 1853, Oct. 19, a. 61 y. 649. Shultz, Agnota, d. 1862, Apr. 11, a. 12 d. 650. Shultz, Charity Silvernail, w. of John S., d. 1886, Aug. 13, a. 61 y. 10 m. 651. Shultz, John, d. 1854, June 8, a. 6 m. 652. Shultz, John S., d. 1885, July 27, a. 66 y. 9 m. C53. Shultz, Margaret, dau. of Jacob A. & Margaret, d. 1859, May 16, a. 2-7-23. 654. Shultz, Mary Jane, d. 1881, Feb. 12, a. 45 y. 655. Shumway, Israel, s. of Alanson & Hannah, d. 1830, Dec. 23, a. 8 m. 3 d. 656. Sigler, George, d. 1872, Feb. 2, in 66th y. 657. Sigler, John, d. 1858, Apr. 10, a. 78 y. 658. Sigler, Maria, w. of John, d. 1867, Oct. 10, in 90th y. 659. Sigler, Sarah Ann, w. of Walter, d. 1862, Dec. 2, a. 23-1-4. 660. Sigler, Walter, a. 70 661. Silvernail, Angelina, d. 1884, June 10, a. 72-10-7. 662. Silvernail, Catharine, w. of Nicholas I., d. 1839, Mar. 13, a. 56-1-20. 663. Silvernail, Catharine I. Rossman, w of Henry B., b. 1834, Jan. 26, d. 1867, Oct. 23. 664. Silvernail, Delila M., w. of Duncan K., & dau. of E. N. & H. A. Snyder, d. 1873, Apr. 12, a. 26-4-19 665. Silvernail, Egbert, d 1886, Aug. 25, a. 82-3-15. 666. Silvernail, Elizabeth, d. 1872, Sep. 23, a. 61-11-8. 667. Silvernail, Emily M., 1883-1912. 668. Silvernail, Eunice, w. of John G., d. 1851, Oct. 20, a. 82 y. 6 m. 197
Old 669. 670. 671. 672. 673. 674. 675. 676. 677. 678. 679. 680. 681. 682. '683. 684. 685. 686. 687. 688. 689. 690. 691. 692. 693. 694. 695. 696. 697. 698. 699. 700. 701. 702. 703. 704. 705. 706. 707. 708. 709. 710. 711. 712. 713. 714. 715. 716. 717. 718. 719. 720. 721. 722. 723. 724. 725. 726. 727. 728. 729. 730. 731. 732. 733.
Silvernail, Henry, b. 1798, June 20, d. 1881, May 28. Silvernail, Henry B., b. 1837, June 16, d. 1865, Dec. 22. Silvernail, Jane, w. of Reuben, d. 1857, Oct. 15, a. 55-5-12. Silvernail, John, b. 1804, Sep. 2, d. (no date on stone). Silvernail, John G., d. 1852, Nov. 28, a. 86 y. 8 m. Silvernail, Levina, b. 1808, Oct. 30, d. 1881, Mar. 8. Silvernail, Lydia, b. 1806, June 20, d. 1870, Apr. 29. Silvernail, Mary, d. 1879, June 21, a. 77-1-6. Silvernail, Mary E., b. 1842, Apr. 22, d. 1874, Sep. 22. Silvernail, Mathias, d. 1857, Feb. 15, a. 42-5-1. Silvernail, Nicholas I., d. 1866, Feb. 28, a. 84-2-14. Silvernail, Reuben, d. 1866, Mar. 4, a. 57-9-26. Silvernail, Tammy E., dau. of John & Tammy, d. 1854, June 23, a. 8-9-13. Silvernail, Tammy Strever, w. of John, b. 1807, Nov. 9, d. 1845, Oct. 9. Simmons, Catherine, w. of William, d. 1865, Aug. 15, a. 61 y. Simmonds, Catherine, w. of W. W., d. 1871, Apr. 21, a. 80-9-11. Simmons, Catharine Hawver, w. of John D., 1800-1893. Simmons, Isaac, d. 1884, Sep. 21, a. 63-9-3. Simmons, Jannet Ruth, dau. of Parker & Augusta C , b. 1891, May 5, d. 1892, Jan. 17. Simmons, John D., b. 1799, Sep. 22, d. 1864, Apr. 20. Simmons, Miles, d. 1876, Nov. 2, a. 41-9-14; Mary Killmer, his wife. (No dates). Simmons, William, d. 1871, Dec. 2, a. 71 y. 9 m. Simmons, Zetella M., drowned 1867, Jan 21, a. 5-6-12. Smith, Aaron, d. 1877, July 22, a. 76-10-5. Smith, Albert, d. 1862, Dec. 6, at Falmouth, Va., in the contest for freedom; a. 22 y. Smith, Alexander, d. 1854, Feb. 24, a. 56 y. Smith, Amanda, dau. of John & Sarah, d. 1851, Dec. 20, a. 21 y. 1 m. Smith, Ambrose, d. 1872, Jan. 31, a. 43-10-22. Smith, Caroline Vail, w. of Esek, d. 1911, Feb. 18, a. 78 y. Smith, Catherine, w. of George, d. 1845, Nov. 13, a. 37 y. 22 d. Smith, Catherine Rowe, w. of George, d. 1884, Aug. 22, a. 72 y. Smith, Charles H., d 1854, Aug. 19, a. 38 y. Smith, Daniel, d. 1821, Apr. 8, a. 48 y. Smith, Daniel, d. 1882, Dec 29, a. 75 y. Smith, David, d. 1820, Apr. 23, a. 38 y Smith, Egbert, d. 1858, Sep. 15, a. 64-8-3. Smith, Egbert, b. 1830, Jan. 1, d. 1898, Oct. 31. Smith, Egbert J., s. of Isaac & Maria, d. 1851, June 19, a. 2-10-2. Smith, Elizabeth, dau. of Isaac S. & Mary E., d. 1842, June 2, a. 10 m. 20 d. Smith, Elizabeth C , d. 1876, Mar. 31, a. 36 y. Smith Emily, w of Esek, & dau. of Daniel & Eliza Sherwood, d. 1859, Aug. 3 1 , a. 31-5-19. Smith, Emily, d. 1873, Oct. 5, a. 27 y. 11 m. Smith Esek, d. 1865, Feb. 3, a. 42-10-18. Smith Frances, dau. of Charles H. & Jane A., b. 1842, July 10, d. 1912, Nov. 13. Smith George, d. 1880, Apr. 6, a. 73 y. Smith Hannah, w. of Isaac B., d. 1858, Nov. 29, a. 88 y. Smith Hannah, b. 1814, Apr. 7, d. 1895, Jan. 26. Smith Helen, w.of Henry I., b. 1788, Aug. 1, d. 1880, Mar. 26. Smith Henrietta S., w. of Ambrose, &.dau. of David & Catharine Lathrop, d. 1855, Oct. l , a . 24-8-11. Smith Henry I., b. 1789, Sep. (2), d. 1887, Feb. 1. Smith Hezekiah, d. 1838, Nov. 23, a. 69-1-9. Smith Hiram, d. 1872, July 8, a. 43-6-15 Smith Isaac, s. of Isaac S. & Mary E., d.' 1843, Sep. 17, a. 4 m. 10 d. Smith Isaac B., d. 1844, Feb. 14, a. 78-4-24. Smith Isaac S., d. 1844, Oct. 7, a. 39-7-2. Smith James W., d. 1859, Jan. 19, a. 87-9-9. Smith Jane, 1814-1894. Smith Jane A. Peck, w. of Charles H., b. 1819, Nov. 6, d. 1897, Oct. 11. Smith Jerusha H., d. 1882, Sep. 2, a. 51-4-15. Smith John B., s. of John & Sarah, d. 1852, Apr. 20, a. 15-6-14. Smith Josiah H., s. of Isaac S. & Mary E., d. ( ), Feb. 29, a. 15-11-4. Smith Leonard, d. 1870, Sep. 4, a. 39-9-9. Smith Lydia Hoag, w. of Alexander, d. 1866, Nov. 4, a. 67 y. S^iith Maria, d. 1844, Jan. 17, a. 67-1-21. Smith Maria, d. 1891, Mar. 18, a. 82 y. 198
Town 734. 735. 736. 737. 738. 739. 740. 741. 742. 743. 744. 745. 746. 747. 748. 749. 750. 751. 752. 753. 754. 755. 756. 757.
758. 759. 760. 761. 762. 763. 764. 765. 766. 767. 768. 769. 770. 771. 772. 773. 774. 775. 776. 777. 778. 779. 780. 781. 782. 783. 784. 785. 786. 787. 788. 789. 790. 791. 792. 793.
Smith, Mary, dau. of John H. & Sarah, d. 1842, Sep 30, a. 1-4-18. Smith, Mary, w. of Nicholas, d. 1859, Nov. 15, a. 72-8-8. Smithe, Mary, w. of Horace E., d. 1869, Nov. 23, a 46 y. Smith, Mary E. Hedges, w. of Isaac S., d. 1892, Nov. 24, a. 82 y. Smith, Mary Rudd, w. of Milton, 1813-1895 Smith, Milton, d. 1876, Sep. 25, a. 67 y. Smith, Nancy Case, w. of Aaron, d. 1888, Apr. 29, a. 85 y. 9 m. Smith, Nicholas, d 1820, Aug. 7, a. 37-6-10. Smith, Peter, d. 1820, Nov. 16, a. 92 y. Smith, Peter, Jr., d. 1839, Apr. 12, a. 82 y. Smith, Phebe, w. of Egbert, d. 1838, July 28, a 42-2-13. Smith, Richard D., 159th Reg. N. Y. V., d. 1892, Sep. 29, a. 48 y. Smith, Sarah A., d 1874, Feb. 19, a. 61 y. Smith, Sarah Canfield, w. of James W., d. 1865, Oct. 2, a. 88-1-17. Smith, Sarah Winans, w. of Peter, d. 1801, Oct. 3, a. 62 y Smith, Seymour, d. 1863, Nov. 26, a. 84 y. Smith, Silvester, d. ( ) , Dec. 26, a. 44 y. 10 m. Smith, Tammy, dau. of John H. & Sarah, d. 1842, Oct. (12), a. 3-1-15. Smith, Ward, b. 1829, Oct. 7, d. 1876, Aug. 8. Smith, William H., d. 1882, Jan. 30, a. 58-6-16. Smith, William W., b. 1815, Jan. 28, d. 1853, May 12 Smith, Zady, w. of Egbert, d. 1851, Mar. 13, a. 47-1-11. Smith, children of Ambrose & Henrietta:— Egbert A., d. 1863, May 9, a. 3-7-10; Isaac M., d. 1863, Aug. 3, a. 5 m. 24 d. Smith, daughters of Alexander & Lydia:— Hellen, b. 1831, Apr. 5, d. 1857, Oct. 1 1 ; Anna, b. 1835, Oct. 1, d. 1857, Sep. 12; Ellen, b. 1837, Apr. 5, d. 1855, Mar. 10. Snyder, Herman, d 1852, Sep. 15, a. 26 y. 27 d. Snyder, John A., b. 1779, May 7, d. 1866, May 30; Christina G., w. of John A., b. 1801, Nov. 6, d. 1883, May 31. Snyder, Margaret, d. 1867, Dec. 24, a 85 y. Snyder, Sarah Frayer, w. of Richard, b. 1815, Feb. 8, d. 1880, Nov. 5. Snyder, Sarah Hoffman, w. of Herman, d. 1853, Jan. 9, a. 22-1-3. Soals, Rebecca, dau. of Wilson & Lydia, d. 1825, Mar. 28, a. 36 y. Sols, Lydia, w. of Wilson, d. 1843, July 18, a. 80 y Stall, Eva, 1878-1887. Stall, Harriet, w. of Jackson, 1842-1899. Stall, Jackson, d. 1880, Dec. 7, a. 48 y. 6 m. Stall, Lillian J., d. 1866, Dec. 9, a. 2 y. 9m. Stall, May Centennial, d. 1878, Jan. 30, a. 1 y. 9 m. Stebbins, Mary A., w. of F. A., & dau. of Doctor Cornelius & Clarissa Allerton, d. 1853, Sep. 21, a. 36 y 7 m. Steegar, Henry, d. 1872. Feb. 25, a. 81-9-2. Steeger, Peter, d. 1865, July 30, a 72-6-21. Stevens, Sarah Husted, w. of Samuel, b. 1803, Aug. 14, d. 1872, June 6. Stickle ,Bernice B. Hiserodt, w. of Charles L., b. 1857, June 29, d. (no date on stone). Stickle, Charles L., b. 1855, Jan. 31, d. 1900, Dec. 16. Stickles, Catharine Stall, w. of John P., d. 1880, Mar. 22, a 75 y. 2 m. Stickles, Elizabeth A. Smith, w. of Philo, d 1881, Dec. 3, a. 52-4-20. Stickles, John P., d. 1885, Mar. 24, a. 85-11-2. Stickles, children of John P. & Catharine:— Eliza Ann, d. 1835, July 26, a. 7-2-22; Piatt, d. 1850, Sep. 24, a 3 y. 5 m. Stocking, Amelia A. Kirby, w. of Walter, b. 1836, Oct. 19, d. 1866, July 11. Stocking, Frances B., dau. of Reuben & Nancy, d. 1856, Dec. 23, a. 10-9-2. Stocking, George W., s. of Ransler V. & Marv, A. 1856, Mar. 31, a. 2 m. Stocking, Lewis K., s. of Rensselaer V. & Mary, d. 1867, Aug. 1, a. 13-2-21. Stocking, William, d. 1884, Mar. 28, a. 35 y. Streever, Adam A., d. 1866, July 14, a. 72-7-20. Streever, Clarissa Tanner, w. of Adam, d. 1877, Dec. 4, a 80-10-18. Streever, Lewis S., d. 1900, Oct. 25, a. 37 y. Streever, Matilda J. Shelden, w. of Silvester, d. 1895, Aug. 24, a 62 y. Streever, Phebe Shelden, w. of Silvester, d. 1870, Feb. 14, a. 38-3-6. Streever, Rachel, d. 1882, Aug. 2, a. 62 y. Streever, Silvester, d. 1902, Jan. 18, a. 79 y. 10 m. Strever, Adam, b. 1798, Mar. 13, d. 1872, Feb. 18 Strever, Adam A., d. 1899, Dec. 13, a. 47-1-17. 199
Old 794. 795. 796. 797. 798. 799. 800. 801. 802. 803. 804. 805. 806. 807. 808. 809. 810. 811. 812. 813. 814. 815. 816. 817. 318. 819. 820. 821. 822. 823. 824. 825. 826. 827. £28. 829. 830. 831. 832.
833. S34. 835. 836. 837. 838. 839. 840. 841. 842. 843. 844. 845. 846. 847. 848. 849. 850. 851. 852. 853. 854. 855. 856. 857.
Strever, Benjamin, b. 1802, June 20, d. 1880, Nov. 14 Strever, Cornelia, w. of Benjamin, b. 1805, Feb. 5, d. 1882, Aug. 6. Strever, Edward, s. of Adam & Eliza, d. 1835, Oct. 16, a. 4-9-10. Strever, Eliza, dau. of Henry, d. 1822, Apr. 14, a. 8 m. Strever, Eliza, w. of Adam, d. 1845, July 25, a. 44-8-20. Strever, Eliza Cornelia, dau. of Henry & Eliza, d. 1830, Oct. 6, a. 1 y. Strever, Elizabeth, w. of Henry, d. 1871, Apr. 17, a. 72-6-4. Strever, Esther, dau. of Henry & Elizabeth, d. 1836, Nov. 4, a. 3-7-4. Strever, Esther L., b. 1846, Nov 12, d. 1908, May 30. Strever, Fanny, b. 1812, Jan. 18, d. 1877, June 12. Strever, Henry, d. 1875, Apr. 26, a. 81 y. Strever, Herman, s. of Benjamin & Cornelia, d. 1835, Sep. 5, a. 4-9-1. Strever, John, s. of Henry & Elizabeth, d. 1818, May 3, a. 5 m. Strever, Capt. John, d. 1832, June 29, a. 63-11-25. Strever, John, s. of Capt. John & Marv, d 1861, Jan. 12, a. 65 y. Strever, Lewis S., d. 1900, Oct. 25, a. 37 y. Strever, Maggie E., dau. of John & Nancy, d. 1867, July 1, a. 5 m. 24 d. (Reverse side of this stone is inscribed "Our Little Libbie.") Strever, Mary, w. of Capt. John, d. 1822, Mar. 30, a. 52 y. Strever, Mary, dau. of Henry & Betsey, d. 1825, July 25, a. 5-(3 or 8, broken)-21. Strever, Tammy, d. 1838, Feb. 7, a. 15 y. 21 d. Strever, Tammy Esther, dau. of Henry & Elizabeth, d. 1841, Dec. 12, a. 2-10-25. Strever, Tammy R., dau. of Benjamin & Cornelia, d. 1847, Nov. 20, a. 9-11-15. Sutherland, Isaac J., 1817-1876; Sarah Phelps, his wife, 1827-1891. Sweet, Edward, s of Rowland & Margaret, d. 1847, Oct. 31, a. 24-7-2. Sweet, Josephine, dau. of Allen & Angelica, d. 1853, Sep. 2, a. 13-11-2. Sweet, Margaret, w of Rowland, d. 1870, Feb. 3. Sweet, Rowland, d. 1850, Apr 30, a. 88 y. Tanner, Amy E. Wheeler, w. of William W., d. 1913, Feb. 15, a. 65 y. Tanner, Elizabeth, w. of William, d. 1856, Nov 8, a. 56-10-13. Tanner, Esther, dau. of Strever & Esther, d. 1873, Dec. 13, a. 35-10-16. Tanner, Hannah Elizabeth, w. of William W., d. 1864, May 15, a 30 y. Tanner, Margaret, w. of William, d. 1830, July 15, a. 45-5-23. Tanner, Mary Ann, dau. of Strever & Elizabeth, d. 1876, May 18, a. 27-8-18. Tanner, Rachel, d. 1864, Mar. 28, a. 80 y. Tanner, Reuben S., d. 1837, Nov. 11, a 4-7-24. Tanner, Samuel, d. 1865, June 30, a. 46-5-24. Tanner, William, d. 1867, Jan. 13, a. 84 v. Tanner, William W., d. 1881, Oct. 4, a. 59 y. Tanner:— (Monument) Strever, d. 1865, Feb. 10, a. 58-6-22; Esther, w. of Strever, d.1833, Jan. 28, a. 31-2-28; Elizabeth, w. of Strever, d. 1865, Sep. 11, a. 45 y. 11 d Taylor, Epaphroditus, d. 1854, Jan. 24, a 63-7-22. Taylor, Olive, w. of Simeon, d. 1850, Jan. 1, a 79-4-3. Taylor, Rachel Drake, w. of Epaphroditus, d. 1897, Sep. 28, a. 88 y. 4 m. Taylor, Simeon, d. 1840, Oct 4, a. 74 y. 9 m. Teal, Henry, b. 1799, Mar. 3,' d. 1884, June 24. Teal, Sally Almstead, w. of Henry, d. 1875, Mar. 27, a. 70-8-11. Teator, Hannah, w. of John A., d. 1864, July 15, a. 68 y. 4 m. Teetor, Mary Ann, dau. of William & Mary, d. 1851, Apr. 8, a. 13 y. 3 m. Tetor, Lydia Clum, w. of Peter, 1833 . Tetor, Peter, 1825-1856. Thomas, Elizabeth, w. of George, d. 1852, Nov. 29, a. 68 y. Thomas, Elsie, w. of John, d. 1854, Mar. 9, a. 74 y. Thomas, John, d. 1867, June 17, a. 86 y. Thompson, Abbie S., d. 1855, Sep. 4, a. 24-7-22. Thompson, Asa, d. 1848, Jan. 3, a. 45 y. Thompson, Dougal, d. 1856, Mar. 26, a. 56-5-20. Thompson, Edward P., b. 1807, Feb. 6, d 1878, Apr. 5; Cynthia M. Thorne, his wife, b. 1810, Apr. 7, d. 1895, Mar. 4. Thompson, Effie, w. of Dougal, d. 1869, Feb. 7, a 67-7-27. Thompson, Henry C , b. 1833, Aug. 13, d. 1894, Mar. 11. Thompson, Mary E. Conklin, w. of Henry C , b. 1845, Sep. 15, d. 1896, Mar. 26. Thompson, Phebe B., d. 1863, June 17, a. 26-5-19. Thompson, Phebe E., w. of Asa, d. 1890, Dec. 2, a. 87 y. Thompson, Rebecca W., d. 1871, Apr. 11, a. 32-7-15. Thompson, Sarah, d. 1856, Aug. 14, a. 16 y. 13 d. Tillie, Esq.; James, d. 1838, Aug. 13, a. 56 y. 200
T own 858. 859. 860. 861. 862. 863. 864. 865. 866. 867. 868. 869. 870. S71. 872. 873. 874. 875. 876. 877. 878. 879. 880. 881. 882. 883. 884. 885. 886. 887. 888. 889. 890. 891. 892. 893. 894. 895. 896. 897. 898. 899. 900. 901. 902. 903. 904. 905. 906. 907. y08. 909. 910. 911. 912. . 913. 914. 915. 916. 917. 918. 919. 920. 921. 922. 923. 924.
P i n e P I ai n s
Tillie, John W., d. 1881, Aug. 28, a. 61 y. Tilly, Clara H. Couch, w. of James, d. 1873, June 10, a. 82 y. 6 m. Toms, Benjamin, d. 1868, June 29, a. 84-1-19. Toms, Elizabeth, w. of Benjamin, d. 1840, Mar. 4, a. 53-10-2. Toms, Fanny, b. 1817, Aug. 29, d. 1879, Jan. 14. Toms, Laura A., dau. of Benjamin & Elizabeth, d. 1852, Apr. 15, a. 30 y. Toms, Margaret, 1813-1898. Toms, Mary H., dau. of Benjamin & Elizabeth, d. 1851, Apr. 6, a. 24 y. Toms, Walter, s. of Benjamin & Elizabeth, b. 1819, May 16, d. 1859, Dec. 24. Toms, William, 1825-1901. Tripp, Alfred, d. 1850, Jan. 22, a. 38.y. 24 d. Tripp, Andrus, d. 1875, Mar 20, a. 70 y. Tripp, Anthony, 1814-1861; Rebecca M. Keefer, his wife, 1816-1896. Tripp, Anthony, d. 1847, May 29, a. 66-5-1. Tripp, Anthony I., d. 1861, Aug. 25, a. 47-3-15. Tripp, Betsey, w. of David K., d. 1854, Nov. 27, a. 48-5-22. Tripp, Catherine McArthur, w. of Henry, d. 1902, Dec. 17, a. 71 y. Tripp, Charles, s. of John H. & Kate, d. 1865, Mar. 28, a. 9 m. 8 d. Tripp, David B., b. 1840, Jan. 10, d. (no date on stone). Tripp, David K., d. 1860, May 17, a. 56-8-19. Tripp, Elisha, d. 1842, Mar. 4, a. 33-9-4. Tripp, Eve, w. of Anthony, d. 1835, Dec. 21, a. 55-3-8. Tripp, Fanny, infant daughter of John & Kate, d 1868, Dec. 19, a. 7 m. Tripp, Frances Eliza, dau. of John & Hannah M.', a. 5-7-19. Tripp, Hannah M. Thomas, w. of John, d. 1843, Oct. 13, a. 34-10-26. Tripp, Henry, d. 1896, Am-. 11, a. 81 y. Triop, Irene Jane, w. of John, b. 1833, June 18, d. 1879, Sep. 5. Tripp, John, d. 1873, Oct. 26, a. 79-5-11. Tripp, John, b. 1831, Dec 31, d. 1901, July 2. Tripp, Lafayette, d. 1896, Mar. 8, a. 77 y. Tripp, Margaret, dau. of Anthony I. & Rebecca M., d 1856, Jan. 20, a. 16-3-29. Tripp, Phebe, dau. of Anthony L. & Rebecca M., d. 1844, Jan. 7, a. 2-4-14. Tripp, Sally Shultz, w. of Elisha, d. 1865. Mar. 27, a. 57-9-19. Tripp, Salome Cook, w. of Andrus, d. 1887, June 14, a. 75 y. Tripp, Sarah, dau. of David & Betsey, d. 1865, Apr. 8, a. 19-6-20. Tripp, William, d. 1865, July 28, a. 57 y. 6 m. Tripp, Willie E., s. of John & Irene J., d. 1861, May 13, a. 11 m. Troughton, Franklin M., 1852-1865. Troughton, George E., 1849-1852. Troughton, Jennie A., 1843-1897. Troughton, John (M.), 1816-1883; Agnes Thompson, his wife, 1814-1876. Trowbridge, Matthew, d. 1822, Nov. 9, a. 53 v. Turck, Catharine, d. 1842, Sep. 6, a. 47 y 1 m. Turck, John A., d. 1839, Apr. 8, a. 76 y. 23 d. Turck, Sally, w. of John A., d. 1842, Sep. 3, a. 72-3-27. Turpin, Annie D., d. 1874, June 6, a. 6-9-12. Turpin, Duncan, d. 1868, Mar. 11, a. 56 y. Van Alstyne, Laura, d. 1869, Aug. 23, a. 76 y. Van Alstyne, Lawrence, s. of William & Laura, d. 1829, June 6, a. 9-11-14. Van Alstyne, William, d. 1853, Mav 5, a. 64 y Van Benschoten, Barrett, d. 1879, Oct| 20, a. 35 y. 7 m. Van Deusen, Edward, d. 1895, Jan. 22, a. 84 y. 9 m. Van Deusen, Henry, s. of Edward & Maria, d. 1864, June 25, a. 17-3-4. Van Deusen, Maria B., w. of Edward, d. 1880, Sep. 21, a. 66 y. 1 m. Vandewater, Henry, b. 1879, July 8, d. 1902, Sep. 16. Vedder. See Husted monument. Vorce, Parlina, w. of Henry, d 1842, Sep. 12, a. 36 y. Vosburg, John, b. 1817, Sep. 18, d. 1882, Sep. 6. Vosburg, Rhoda A. Scutt, w. of John, d. 1897, Apr 29, a. 62 y. Wallace, Cynthia, w. of William P., d. 1872, Nov 28, a. 51-10-28. Wallace, William P., d. 1866, Sep. 15, a. 52-9-18. ' Washington, George, d. 1886, Nov. 29, a. 54 y. Weaver, Amelia, w. of Winant, d. 1857, Apr 30, a. 72-10-29. Weaver, Benjamin, d. 1841, Jan. 21, a. 30-2-4. Weaver, Peter W., d. 1843, Nov. 28, a. 35-6-14. Weaver, Peter W., b. 1844, June 16, d. 1893, Jan 4. Weaver, Polina, w. of Henry, d. 1845, Jan. 11, a. 41-11-26. Weaver, Winant, d. 1840, Dec. 9, a. 63-11-23. 201
925. Welch, Phebe, w. of F. O., & dau. of Edward & Amanda Hunting, b. 1828, Dec. 1, d. 1866, Apr. 2. 926. Wheeler, Clara Millie, dau. of Hiram & Joanna, d. 1839, Dec. 13, a. 1-6-13. 927. Wilber, Antoinette Bentley, w. of Benjamin, 1825-1893. 928. Wilber, Benjamin, 1815-1893. 929. Wilber, Doctor Benjamin S., b. 1795, July 22, d. 1871, June 28. 930. Wilber, Deborah Haight, w. of Benjamin S., b. 1803, Oct. 6, d. 187(2), May 7. 931. Wilber, Elizabeth, w. of Samuel, d. 1881, 26 of 11 mo., a. 95-1-21. 932. Wilber, Matilda, b. 1799, July 3, d. 1872, July 18. 933. Wilber, Samuel, d. 1826, 6 of 11 mo., a. 41-5-29. 934. Wilber, Sarah, b. 1802, Nov. 21, d. 1891, Mar. 10. 935. Wilber, Sarah Frances, w. of William M., b. 1833, Dec. 20, d. 1906, Sep. 17. 936. Wilber, Sarah Smith, w. of William, b. 1760, Nov. 26, d 1845, Apr. 10. 937. Wilber, Theron, b. 1804, Nov. 5, d. 1879, Feb. 19. 938. Wilber, William, b. 1769, Apr. 17, d. 1846, June 25. 939. Wilber, William M., b. 1831, Dec. 28, d. 1887, June 22. . Wilbur. See Husted monument. 940. Williams, Caroline Snyder, w. of George, b. 1827, Oct. 11, d. 1892, June 22. 941. Williams, George, b. 1825, Jan. 13, d. 1897, June 7. 942. Williams, Harmon, d. 1880, Apr. 16, a. 28-2-1. 943. Williams, Willie, d. 1863, June 18, a. 6 d. 944. Wilson, Hiram, 1798-1873; Eliza Reynolds, his wife, 1805-1892. 945. Winans, Brush S., d. 1845, July 28, a. 28 y. 946. Winans, David, d. 1830, Oct. 7, a. 73-4-25. 947. Winans, Elizabeth, w. of Leonard, d. 1868, Oct. 25, in 75th y. 948. Winans, James, d. 1795, Apr. 4, in 81st y. 949. Winans, John, b. 1818, Sep. 26, d. 1889, Aug. 22. 950. Winans, Joseph, d. 1857, June 21, in 64th y. 951. Winans, Leonard, d. 1868, Aug. 22, in 86th y 952. Winans, Maria, dau. of David & Tammy, d. 1833, Dec. 21, a. 41-8-17. 953. Winans, Maryett Barringer, w. of John, d. 1911, July 6, a. 90 y. 954. Winans, Sally Ann, w. of Leonard, d. 1829, Aug. 27, a 32 y. 955. Winans, Sarah, d. 1801, Oct. 3, a. 62 y. 956. Winans, Sarah, w. of James, d. 1802, Oct. 10, in 87th y. 957. Winans, Sarah B., dau. of John & Maryett, b. 1845, Oct 9, d. 1885, Oct. 6. 958. Winans, Seymour, b. 1842, Sep. —, d. 1899, Apr. —. 959. Winans, Tammy, w. of David, d. 1812, July 18, a. 55 y. 18 d. 960. Wirehousen, Adelaide, w. of John, d. 1855, Oct. 17, a. 34-1-14. 961. Wirehouse, Catherine E. (No dates). 962. Wolcott, Fanny S., 1850-1897. 963. Wolcott, Lester, d. 1892, Dec. 28, a. 37 y. 964. Wolcott, Sara H., dau. of Lester & Fanny, d. 1889, Mar. 8, a 9 m. 965. Wood, Hannah, d. 1887, June 30, a. 81 y. 966. Wood, Martha, w. of William P., d. 1901, Jan. 20, a. 47 y. 967. Wood, William P., Co B, 128th N. Y. S. V., d. 1913, Apr. 5, a. 71 y. 968. Wood, Zackeriah P., d. 1870, Oct. 24, a. 21-11-24. P69. Woodin, Deborah C , b. 1811, Sep. 25, d. 1890, Apr. 2. 970. Woodin, Emott, b. 1809, Feb. 4, d 1887, Apr. 24. 971. Woodin, John S., d. 1862, Mar. 8, a. 57 y. 972. Woodin, Mary, w. of William, d. 1833, July 16, in 53d y. 973. Woodin, William, d. 1842, July 2, a. 65 y. 974. Woolsey, Elizabeth Thompson, w. of S. W., d. 1877, Apr. 11, a. 43 y. 6 m. 975. Wymbs, Mary Emma, w. of Luke D., & dau. of Jeremiah & Alma Simmons, d. 1873, May 2, a. 28-8-13.
MORAVIAN MISSION C L A S S I F I C A T I O N : Historical monument. LOCATION: T h r e e miles s o u t h of t h e village of P i n e P l a i n s , a t t h e site of t h e M o r a v i a n Mission to t h e I n d i a n s . CONDITION: W i t h i n a r a i l i n g , on t o p of a hill in a n open field. INSCRIPTIONS: 1 in n u m b e r . Copied O c t o b e r 2 0 , 1914, by J. W . P o u c h e r , M. D . REMARKS: This site lies within lot No. 12 of t h e L i t t l e N i n e P a r t n e r s P a t e n t . T h e g e n e r a l locality w a s k n o w n by t h e I n d i a n t e r m S h e k o m e k o ( v a r i o u s l y s p e l l e d ) , t r a n s l a t e d " L i t t l e M o u n t a i n " a n d also " E e l
stream" or "place of eels". Moravian missionaries came in 1740 to the Indian village at this point and erected several buildings and made numerous converts. The influx of white settlers in the next few years drove the Indians and the missionaries to a new mission site on the east side of Indian Pond over the Connecticut State line. 1. Monument. North face: "Shekomeko Mission commenced August 16, 1740. Erected by Moravian Historical Society October 5, 1859." South face: "In memory of the American Indians:â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Baptized Dec. 1, 1742, Died Dec. 5, 1742, and Daniel Baptized Dec. 26, 1742, Died March 20, 1744." West face: "Hier ruhet Gottlob Buttner der nach den befehl seines Gottes am Kreutz den Heiden die Botschaft brachte das ihre Siinden durch das Blut Jesu versohnt sind, welches sie auch angenomen und sich in den Tod des Herrn haben Taufen lassen. Sein leztes Flehen war, das sie Alle mochten behalten werden, bis auf den Tag Jesu Christi. Er war geboren den XXIXsten December MDCCXVI, (v.s.), und entschlief im Herrn am XXIIIsten Februar MDCCXLV, (v.s.)." East face: "Here lies the body of Gottlob Buettner, who, according to the command of his crucified God and Saviour, brought the glad tidings to the heathen, that the blood of Jesus had made an atonement for their sins. As many as embraced this doctrine in faith, were baptized into the death of the Lord. His last prayer was that they might be preserved until the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. He was born December 29th 1716, and fell asleep in the Lord February 23, 1745."
Town of Pleasant Valley
Inscriptions 34
1. Marshall ground 2. Smith ground
3. Badgley ground
4. Pittsbury Presbyterian Church, Washington Hollow
5. Presbyterian Church, Pleasant Valley
6. Friends' ground, Pleasant Valley
7. Methodist ground, east of Pleasant Valley
8. St. Paul's Church, Pleasant Valley 9. Baptist Church, Netherwood
63 167 1,445
MARSHALL GROUND CLASSIFICATION: LOCATION: CONDITION: INSCRIPTIONS: REMARKS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34.
Family ground. At Salt Point, near the railroad track on the Marshall farm. Overgrown; surrounded by a fence. 34 in number. Copied November 1, 1913, By J. W. Poucher, M. D., and Mrs. Poucher. Known as the Marshall ground.
Allen, Joseph M., s. of John & Jane, d. 1825, Nov. 26, a. 18 m. Berry, Doctor Cyrus, d. 1815, Feb. 15, a. 56-1-15. Berry, Cyrus, d. 1830, Jan. 7, a. 37-4-28. Berry, Adelia, dau. of Cyrus & Sarah, d. 1824, Jan. 29, a. 13 m. 2 d. Berry, Lydia, w. of Alric, d. 1827, June 9, a. 35 y. 9 m. Berry, Olivia, dau. of Cyrus & Sarah, d. 1821, June 26, a. 3 m Berry, Sibill, w. of Cyrus, d. 1821, Nov. 5, a. 56-8-14. Gazlay, Ann, w. of Joseph, d. 1841, Apr. 17, a. 69 y. 7 d. Gazley, John, d. 1854, Apr 2, a. 57 y. 10 m. Gazlay, Joseph, d. 1821, June 29, a. 50-9-25. Gazlev, Stephen, d. 1837, Dec. 23, a. 48-8-4. Gildersleeve, Benjamin, d. 1852, Nov. 24, a. 61-11-27. Gildersleeve, William, d. 1886, May 22, a. 93 y Griffin, Alonzo D., d. 1841, Oct. 13, a. 31-11-4. Griffin, Emma, dau. of Alonzo D., & Mary, d. 1845, July 20, a. 9-2-7. Holcomb, Monroe, s. of Amasa & Mary, d. 1834, Feb. 17, a 1 y. 15 d. Johnston, Hannah, w. of William, d. 1834, Aug. 15, a. 66-5-18. Johnston, William, d. 1832, Oct. 1, a. 76-4-14. Marshall, Betsey, w. of Oliver, d. 1830, May 4, a. 24-8-4. Marshall, Cornelia, d. 1834, Apr. 5, a. 6 y. 7 m. Marshall, Emily, dau. of Joseph H. & Permelia, d. 1850, Jan. 26, a. 18-5-26. Marshall, James, d. 1830, Sep 9, a. 22-5-17. Marshall, John, d. 1853, July 8, in 70th y. Marshall, Maria, dau. of Joseph H. & Permelia, d. 1839, May 1, a. 16-11-3. Marshall, Oliver, d. 1827, Oct. 4, a. 26-10-4. Marshall, Oliver, s. of Joseph H. & Permelia, d 1842, Oct. 10, a. 6-11-24. Marshall, Sally, d. 1822, Jan. 11, in 54th y. Oakley, Amelia, d. 1825, Dec. 6, in 6th y. Oakley, George, d. 1825, Dec. 13, in 4th y. Oakley, Phebe, w. of James, d. 1833, Nov. 30, a 47-3-8. Slead, Albon, d. 1826, Mar. 30, a. 19 y. 1 m. Slead, Doctor George, d. 1851, Aug. 14, a. 64-6-19. Van Keuren, Ophelia, w. of Edward, d. 1861, Feb. 8, a 37-11-25. Wright, C , 1790.
SMITH GROUND CLASSIFICATION: Family ground. LOCATION: A mile south of Salt Point, on the Pleasant Valley road east of the creek, on the west side of the road. CONDITION: Overgrown and deserted. INSCRIPTIONS: 20 in number. Copied July 4, 1914, by J. W. Poucher, M. D., and Miss Mary Elizabeth Cooley. REMARKS: Smith ground, known as "Under the Locusts". 1. Cronkrite, Uriah, s. of James & Mary, d. 1823, Dec. 18, a. 1 m. 16 d. 2. Ely, Mary, dau. of Samuel M. & Rebecca, d. 1832, Nov. 9, a. 13-5-20. 3. Ely, Rebecca, w. of Samuel M., & dau. of Jacob & Rebecca Smith, d. 1842, June 29 a. 53-7-23. 4. Ely, Samuel M., d. 1867, June 4, a. 79-11-26. 5. Peters, Alonzo, s. of Jacob & Maria, d. 1852, Mar. 14, a. 10 m. 20 d. 6. Peters, Alonzo D., s. of Henrv & Jane, d. 1846, Sep. 18, in 28th y. 7. Peters, Henry, d. 1853, July 3, a. 62-6-11. 8. Peters, Jane, w. of Henry, d. 1844, Jan. 1, a. 51-1-4. 9. Smith, Almira Ely, w. of Ensign T., b. 1815, Jan. 23, d. 1857, Mar. 1. 10. Smith, Ensign T., d. 1875, July 9, a. 74-10-15. 206
T o iv n of 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith,
Esq.; Jacob, d. 1810, Feb. 13, a. 63-1-24. John, s. of Jacob & Rebecca, d. 1798, Nov. 9, a. 23 y. 10 m. John, s. of Uriah & Molly, d. 1811, Apr. 24, a. 8-9-6. John M., d. 1875, Jan. 8, a. 61 y. Molly, w. of Uriah, d. 1813, Oct. 29, a. 42 y. 2 m. Polly, dau. of Jacob & Rebecca, d. 1795, Nov. 25, a. 20 y. 3 m. Polly, w. of William, d. 1865, Jan. 11, a. 87 y. 1 m. Rebecca, w. of Jacob, Esq., d. 1805, Oct. 15, a. 56 y. 11 m. Uriah, d. 1817, Apr. 1, a. 46-6-14. William, d. 1859, Feb. 20, a. 82-8-4.
BADGLEY GROUND CLASSIFICATION: LOCATION: CONDITION: INSCRIPTIONS: REMARKS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41.
Family ground. Near Netherwood, by the road. Somewhat overgrown; not in use. 49 in number. Copied November 30, 1912, by J. W. Poucher, M. D. Known as the Badgley ground.
Angevine, Sarah, w. of Bartholomew, d. 1842, Mar. 11, a. 47-5-27. Armstrong, Arabella Amelia, w. of William, d. 1843, July 29, a. 18-1-7. Badgley, Abraham, s of Anthony G. & Eunice, d. 1829, May 10, a. 23-3-7. Badgley, Anthony, d. 1810, Oct. 12, a. 89-3-(10). Badgley, Anthony G., d. 1854, Apr. 29, a. 71 y. Badgley, Catharine, dau. of William E. & Jemima, d. 1841, Mar. 22, a. 1 m. 2 d. Badgley, Elisha, s. of George & Elizabeth, d. 1822, Oct. 7, a. 26 y. 17 d. Badgley, Elizabeth, w. of George, d. 1828, Aug. 28, a. 75-11-15. Badgley, Emma P., w. of Jonathan, d. 1831, May 11, a. 44-5-15. Badgley, George, b. 1791, Feb. 8, d. 1881, Nov. 3. Badgley, George E., s of George & Emma, d. 1824, Oct. 19, a. 1-4-23. Badgley, George, d. 1825, Sep. 10, a. 74-2-20. Badgley, Hester, w. of Joshua, d. 1831, Aug. 22, a. 47 y. Badgley, Jonathan, d. 1824, June 7, a. 38-11-19. Badgeley, Joseph, s. of Joshua & Hester, d. 1837, May 23, a 25 y. 10 d. Badgeley, Joshua, d. 1840, Aug. 30, a. 64 y. 10 d. Badgley, Mary Elizabeth, dau. of George & Emma, d. 1842, Feb. 22, a. 17-1-7. Badgley, Phebe P., d. 1874, Dec. 11, a. 53-6-6. Badgley, Sarah, w. of Anthony, d. 1805, Apr. 1, a. 83-6-5. Barnes, Edward, eldest s. of Jonas P. & Maria, d. 1840, May 23, a. 6-5-27. Barnes, William H., s. of Jonas P. & Maria, d. 1838, June 16, a. 1 m. Carlow, Phebe Wickes, w. of Richard, d. 1841, May 6, in New Orleans, a. 25 y. 2 m. Marshall, Elizabeth, w. of Peter Welling and "relict of John Marshall," d. 1849, Feb. 23, in 68th y. Peters, George S., d. 1829, Oct. 29, in 31st y. Peters, John S., d. 1842, May 22, a. 39-11-25. Peters, Phebe, w. of Smith, d. 1837, Feb. 15, a. 63 y. 9 d. Peters, William E., b| 1796, Oct. 5, d. 1838, Oct. 4. Tompkins, Elizabeth Peters, w. of Daniel H., d. 1854, Sep. 15, in 62d y. Vail, Daniel, d. 1828, Mar. 17, a. 71-11-28. Vail, Elizabeth, d. 1843, July 16, a. 72 y. Vail, Elizabeth, d. 1843, Oct. 8, a. 85-6-19. Vail, John, d. 1832, Apr. 5, a. 68 y. Vail, Laura M., w. of George R., d. 1845, May 6, a. 29 y. Vail, Mary Ella, dau. of George R. & Aletta E., d. 1861, Feb. 21, a. 5-5-6. Vail, Zopher I., d. 1832, Apr. 9, a. 28 y. Vale, Reed, d. 1827, May 18, a. 46-7-24. Vanderwater, Lavinae, dau. of George & Elizabeth, d. 1845, Jan. 28, a. 3 m. Weeks, Daniel, d. 1840, Jan. â&#x20AC;&#x201D;, in New Orleans, in 34th y. Welling, Dorcas, w. of William, d. 1859, Aug. 1, in the town of Washington, a. 74-6-25. Welling, Martha, d. 1836, Aug. 4, in 19th y. Welling, Martha, w. of Smith P., d. 1837, Jan. 15, a. 28-(5)-4. 207
Old 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49.
Welling, Peter, d. 1823, July â&#x20AC;&#x201D;, a. 43-5-20. Welling, Sally, w. of Smith P., d. 1829, Feb. 11, a. 23-8-11. Welling, Smith P., d. 1848, July 19, in 44th y. Wickes, Ann, d. 185(7), Sep. 24, a. 69 y. Wickes, Ann Eliza, d. 1832, Aug. 3, a. 24-9-17. Wickes, George A., d. 1824, Aug. 29, a. (5-4)-22. Wickes, Jacob, d. 1837, June 2, in New Orleans, a. 26-5-1. Wickes, Jonathan, d. 1844, Mar. 22, a. 38 y. 5 m.
PITTSBURY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH CLASSIFICATION: Churchyard. In the hamlet of Washington Hollow, on the south side of the LOCATION: main road, opposite the hotel. In good order. CONDITION: 389 in number. Copied November 27, 1912, April 9 and 30, 1913, INSCRIPTIONS: by J. W. Poucher, M. D., Miss Helen W. Reynolds, Miss M. O. Johnston, Miss Dickinson and Miss Donihee. This is the site of the "Pittsbury Presbyterian Church", erected REMARKS: about 1747, torn down about 1858. In the summer of 1777 a band of Tory raiders from southern Dutchess made this church building their headquarters. During the War of 1812 a body of American troops on the way to the northern border used it as a temporary barracks. The congregation of "Pittsbury Church" was absorbed into the Pleasant Valley Presbyterian Church early in the nineteenth century and Pittsbury's independent existence ceased. The stones in the modern section of this ground are not included in this list. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31.
Allen, Favorita, dau. of Richard & Mary, d. 1867, Apr. 26, a. 24-11-6. Allen, Hannah, dau. of Richard & Phebe, d. 1852, Oct. 6, in 26th y. Allen, Hannah, w. of William, d. 1853, Jan. 3, a. 91-11-26. Allen, Henry, s. of Richard & Mary, d. 1844, May 10, a. 4 y. Allen, Isaac, s. of William & Hannah, d. 1794, Jan. 16, a. 2-4-4. Allen, Jane, dau. of Richard & Phebe, d. 1830, Oct. 28, a. 1-7-26. Allen, John, d. 1862, July 26, a. 72-11-22. Allen, Joseph, d. 1834, May 23, a. 78-2-26. Allen, Margaret, w. of John, d. 1883, June 3, in 87th y. Allen, Mary Elizabeth, dau. of Richard & Phebe, d. 1830, Oct. 16, a. 4-10-7. Allen, Molly, dau. of William & Hannah, d. 1793, Apr. 24. Allen, Maria, dau. of William & Hannah, d. 1814, July 8, a. 16 y. 3 d. Allen, Phebe, w. of Richard, d, 1836, Mar. 9, a. 33 y. Allen, Phebe, dau. of Richard & Phebe, d. 1836, Mar. 25, a. 1 m. 7 d. Allen, Richard, d. 1878, Mar. 11, a. 81-7-25. Allen, Sally Ann, w. of Joseph T., d. 1855, Oct. 23, a. 54 y. Allen, William, Jr., d. 1838, May 9, a. 52-3-29. Allen, William, d. 1844, Apr. 23, a. 81 y. Allen, William, s. of John & Margaret, d. 1847, Feb; 15, a. 23-10-8. Allen, William Henry P., s of Richard & Mary, d. 1839, Sep. 10, a. 8 m. 16 d. Allen, William Henry, s. of William, Jr., & Sarah, d 1846, Nov. 12, a. 32-8-21. Allin, Abraham, d. 1849, Mar. 1, a. 62 y. Badgley, Rosa, dau. of George W. & Mary V., d. 1874, Mar. 20, a. 4 y. 11 m. Baker, Ann, w. of Samuel, & dau. of Doct. Isaac & Mary DeLavergne, d. 1823, May 22, a. 29-8-2. Barmore, Catharine, dau. of Henry & Deborah, d. 1849, Jan. 14, a. 36-7-29. Barmore, Elizabeth, d 1857, Dec. 23, a. 97-3-17. Barmore, Fanny, d. 1873, Feb. 25, a. 66 y. Barmore, Henry, d. 1852, Sep. 10, a. 68 y. Barmore, James, d. 1832, May 9, a. 77 y. Barmore, Sidney, d. 1838, Jan. 29, a. 11 v. Barringer, Mulford J., 1835-1899. 208
32. Bedle, Deborah, w of Timothy, & dau. of Barnardus Filkins, d. 1819, Dee. 8, a. 71 y. 33. Bedel, Jane, dau. of Timothy, d. 1809, Oct. 23, a. 18 y. 34. Bedel, Nancy, dau. of Timothy & Deborah, d. 1796, Mar. 24, in 25th y. 35. Bedel, Peter, s. of Timothy & Deborah, d. 1796, Aug. 20, in 23d y. 36. Bedel, Richard, s. of Timothy & Deborah, d. 1805, Mar. 25 a. 21 y. 37. Bedel, Susan, dau. of Timothy & Deborah, d. 1809, Apr. 11, a. 20 y. 38. Bedel, Timothy, s. of Timothy & Deborah, d. 1801, Feb. 27, a. 23 y. 39. Bedel, Timothy, d. 1811, Aug". 2, a. 71 y. 40. Bigelow, Lydia Jane, dau. of E J. & Eleanor, d. 1817, Jan. 5, a. 3 y. 2 m. 41. Bloom, Abbey, d. 1848, Aug. 26, a. 46 y. 42. Bloom, Addison, s. of Samuel R. & Anna, d. 18(0)4, Feb. 22, a. 3 y. 9 m. 43. Bloom, Francis, dau. of Jonathan & Mary, d. 1818, Mar. 24, a. 6 y. 20 d. 44. Bloom, Isaac, d. 1838, Mar. 17, a. 36 y. 45. Bloom, Esq.; Isaac, d. 1803, Apr. 27, a. 50 v. 46. Bloom, James, d. 1839, Mar. 28, a. 37 y 47. Bloom, Jonathan, d. 1839, Feb. 11, a. GO y. 48. Bloom, Mary, wid. of Isaac, Esq., d. 1815, Sep. 5, a. (61 or G6) y. 49. Bloom, Mary, w. of Jonathan, d. 1818, Mar. 8, a. 35-4-8. 50. Bloom, Morgan, s. of Jonathan & Mary, d. 1812, June 19, a. 2 y. 51. Bloom, Richard H., s. of John M. & Frances D., d. 1814, Mar. 16, a. 63 y. 3 d. 52. Bloom, Sarah, w of Jonathan, d. 1829, Dec. 24, in 35th y. 53. Bloom, Sylvester, s. of Isaac, Esq., & Mary, d. 1801, Nov. 28, in 33d y. 54. Bostwick, Anthony, d. 1870, Sep. 20, a. 97 y. 55. Bostwick, Caleb H., d. 1868, Feb. 24, a. 65-7-10. 56. Bostwick, Caroline, w. of Caleb, & dau of John & Sarah Odell, d. 1840, July 3 1 , a. 37-9-21. 57. Bostwick, Harriet, d. 1871, Jan. 30, a. 69 y. 58. Bostwick, Phebe, w. of Anthony, d. 1838, May 29. a. 67 y. 59. Bostwick, Phebe, b. 1816, Mar. 30, d. 1897, Sep. 20. 60. Bostwick, Sarah, dau. of Caleb H. & Caroline, d. 1848, Sep. 3, a. 19 y. 61. Bostwick, William (O.), s. of Caleb H. & Caroline, d. 1849, Aug. 11, a. 26-11-19. 62. Bowman, Alice Augusta, dau. of George T. & Patience H., d. 1850, May 8, a. 3 m. 21 d. 63. Bowman, infant son of George T. & Patience H., d. 1848, June 11. 64. Bragaw, Elizabeth, b. 1837, Nov. 27, d. 1876, Apr. 25. 65. Bragaw, Helen, dau. of Peter & Ruth, d. 1896, July IS, a. 48 y. 66. Bragaw, Henrv F., s. of Peter S. & Ruth, d 1847, Feb. 18, a. 2-8-10. 67. Bragaw, Isaac, d. 1892, Feb. 23, a. 67 y. 68. Bragaw, Kate, dau. of Peter & Ruth, d. 1881, May 5, a. 29-G-19. 69. Bragaw, Martha W., w. of Isaac S., d. 1866, Feb. 20, a 71-3-18. 70. Bragaw, Peter, d. 1896, July 14, a. 78 y. 71. Bragaw, Ruth Free, w. of Peter, d. 1894, Sep. 11, a. 78 y. 72. Bragaw, Theron, s. of Peter S. & Ruth, d. 1861, Apr 29, a. 4-6-26. 73. Bull, Catharine H., w. of Joseph, & dau. of Wheeler C. & Elizabeth Holmes, d. 1857, Sep. 6, a. 23-3-20. 74. Bull, Eliza Ann, w. of Joseph, & dau. of Oliver & Mary Ann Divine, d. 1852, Jan. 29, a. 19-8-1. 75. Bull, Joseph, d. 1879, Feb. 18, a. 50-5-19. 76. Bull, Marietta, w. of Joseph, & dau. of W. C. & Perlena Howard, d. 1861, Dec. 20, a. 26-3-20. 77. Bull, Rhoda Ann, w. of Stephen, d. 1868, June 26, a. 63 y. 6 m. 78. Bunnell, George M., s. of Egbert & Hetty, d. 1817, Mar. 20, a 1 y. 24 d. 79. Brooks, Norman D., 1891, May 21, 1893, Oct. 25. 80. Cabrey, Jane E., d. 1833, Oct. 16, a. 18-3-15. 81. Cabrey, Jane E., dau. of Edmund I. & Charlotte, d. 1849, Sep 12. a. 4-1-9. 82. Carpenter, Datus I., s. of Van. Ransler Thorn & Elizabeth, d. 1831, Mar. 23, a.
83. Clearwater, Lucinda, w. of^Clearwater, b. 1815, Apr. 7, d. 1875, Apr. 24, a. 62/l 6-26. 84. Clearwater, Simmons, d. 1867, May 9, a. 62-G-26. 85. Clement, Frederick J., husband of Sophia, & s. of John & Ann, d. 1839, Oct. 29, a. 34-11-9. 86. Clement, Laura, dau, of Edwin & Phebe A., d. 1865, Apr. 16, a. 1-2-16. 87. Clement, Sophia, w. of Frederick J., & dau. of Thomas & Lucy Howard, d. 1839, June 1, a. 32-8-13. 88. Cooper, Abigail, w. of John I., & dau. of Frederick & Catharine Ham, d. 1842, Aug. 31, a. 75-5-6. 89. Cooper, Catharine, w. of John I., & dau. of Jacob & Catharine Minckler, d. 1812, Aug. 18, a. 42-10-3. 209
Old 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104.
105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152.
Cooper, John I., d. 1845, June 5, a. 70 y. Cornwell, Benjamin, s. of Peter N. & Mary, d. 1852, Oct 26, a. 20-6-26. Cornwell, Jane, w. of Peter, d. 1854, Jan. 8, a. 35 y. 20 d. Cornwell, Rebecca, w. of Samuel A., d. 1848, Aug. 24, in 48th y. Cornwell, Samuel A., d. 1847, Oct 17, a. 46-11-1. Cromwell, Henry M., d. 1897, Mar. 27, a. 56 y. Cromwell, Unice Anna, w. of Henry M., d. 1899, Mar. 21, a. 59 y. Crowell, J. D. C , s of Peter & Jane, d. 1844, Dec. 29, a. 6 m. 3 d. Daniels, John C , Co. A, 5th N. Y. H. A., d. 1884, Feb. 23, a. 64 y. Davis, Alonzo, b. 1815, Aug. 22, d. 1904, Aug. 22 Davis, Delia H. Smith, w. of Jesse, d .1880, Oct. 11, a. 82-(6)-24. Davis, Jesse, d. 1875, Aug. 18, a. 75-9-1. Davis, Julia E. Cooke, w. of Alonzo, d 1888, Aug. 4, a. 71 y. Davis, Mary Alice, dau. of Alonzo & Julia E., d. 184(8 or 5), Sep. 29, a. 1 y. 15 d. Davis, Children of Jesse & Delia:— Delia S. d. 1S76, Nov. 12, a. 44-9-15. Alonzo, d. 1833, Nov. 8, a. 4-7-8. Rebecca, d 1840, Jan. 18, a. 4-7-21. DeLavergne, Ann, w. of Doct. Benjamin, d. 1792, Feb. 11, a. 39 y. DeLavergne, Doct. Benjamin, d. 1830, Jan. 25, a. 87 y. DeLavergne, Doct. Isaac, s. of Doct. Benjamin & Ann, d. 1822, Nov. —, a. 532-21. DeLavergne, Mary, w. of Isaac, & dau. of Timothy & Deborah Bedel, d. 1801, Sep. 23, in 30th y. DeLaVergne, Peter, s. of Doct. Isaac & Mary, d. 1811, Jan. 19, a. 47 y. DeLaVergne, Sally, second w. of Isaac, & dau. of Timothy & Deborah Bedel, d. 1803, July 23, a. 22 y. Devine, Abel, d 1858, Oct. 23, a. 64-3-29. Devine, Bartlett H., b 1836, Feb. 8, d. 1911, Feb. 5. Devine, Calvert C , d. 1870, Aug. 28, a. 53-9-7. Devine, Catharine, w. of Jonathan, d. 1890, Oct. C, a. 81 y. Devine, Isaac, d. 1873, July 31, a. 56 y. 4 m. Devine, Jonathan, d. 1881, Oct. 2, a. S3-5-3. Devine, Joshua, d. 1867, Oct. 23, a. 63-2-23. Devine, Marv E., dau. of Jonathan & Catharine, d. 1838, Apr. 2, a. 4-10-3. Devine, Otis H., s. of Isaac & Verlina, d 1847, June 13, a. 10 m. 10 d. Devine, Phebe B., w. of Joshua, d. 1874, Dec. 26, a. 73-11-13. Devine, Theodore, s. of Jonathan & Catharine, d. 1863, Jan. 19, a. 15-6-27. Devine, Susan M., w. of Joel, d. 1879, Mar. 25, a. 68-10-20. Devine, Verlina Barnes, w. of Isaac, d. 1886, Apr. 16, a. 58 y. 8 m. Devine, William, d. 1826, Feb. 13, a. 92 y. 11 m. Devine, William, d. 1838, Feb. 12, a 61 y. Divine, Abram, d. 1850, May 30, a. 85-10-4. Divine, Daniel, d. 1872, Apr. 1, a. 82 y. Divine, Hannah, w. of Abel, d. 1853, Sep. 16, a. 66-4-14. Divine, Henry D., d. "2d m., 9th, 1846," a. 38 y. Divine, Henry H., d. 1866, Feb. 3, in 47th y. Divine, Joel, d. 1848, Nov. 29, a. 37-11-19. Divine, John, d. 1856, Aug. 10, a. 28-10-12. Divine, Martha, w. of Abraham, d. 1837, Jan 30, a. 62-8-21. Divine, Mary, w. of Daniel, d. "12th m., 23d, 1861," a. 71 y. 1 m. Divine, Mary C , d. 1855, Jan. 16, a. 25-9-29. Divine, Peter, d. 1837, Aug. 28, a. 36-7-1 Divine, Rachel, w. of William, d. 1865, Apr. 3, a. 78-5-3. Divine, T. Franklin, s. of Henry H. & Harriet, d. 1850, July 11, a. 9 y. 5 d. Doughty, James, b. 1823, Oct. 20, d. 1904, June 8 Doughty, Lucy, dau. of Samuel & Ruth, d. 1839, Anr. 28, a. 63-6-7. Doughty, Phebe, w. of William D., d. 1860, July 9, a. 78-11-28. Doughty, Ruth, w. of Samuel, d. 1826, Dec. 27, a. 76 y. Doughty, Samuel, d. 1823, Mar. 17, a. 76 y. Doughtv, William D., d. 1864, Mar. 9, a. 90-1-1. Downing, Franklin, s. of Peter D. & Mary A., d. 1864, Apr. 21, a. 7 m. 5 d. Dutcher, Eliza, w. of Loten, d. 1855, Apr. 9, a. 38 y. 8 m. Dutcher, Emeline, b. 1812, Feb. 13, d 1899, June 7. Dutcher, Lotan, d. 1889, June 23, a. 79 y. Eighmie, Mary Ann, w. of Jarvis, & dau. of William & Rachel Divine, d. 1855, Dec. 31, a. 64 y. Emigh, Alanson, s. of Daniel P. & Louisa, b. 1837, Oct. 15, d. 1840, July 10 Emigh, Daniel P., b. 1793, Jan. 22, d. 1858, July 13. Emigh, Louisa, w. of Daniel P., b. 1785, Apr. 9, d. 1858, Jan. 14. 210
Town 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168.
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174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194.
Ferriss, Mary A., dau. of Peleg & Sarah, d. 1881, June 24, a. 61 y. Filkin, Mary, d. 1791, Apr. 16, in 70th y. Flagler, Amelia, w. of Zachariah S-, d. 1841, Nov. 3, a. 62 y. Flagler, Eliza, w. of Zachariah S., d. 1857, Aug. 4, a. 50 y. Flagler, Esther, w. of Solomon, d. 1813, Oct. 30, a. 52 y. Flagler, Martha, w. of Solomon, d. 1827, July 23, a. 60 y. Flagler, Solomon, d. 1839, Nov. 24, a. 79-6-16. Flagler, Zachariah S., d. 1870, Jan. 13, a. 85-1-18. Foster, Patty, w. of Ira, d 1843, Dec. 28, a. 63 y. Fowler, Gilbert V., s. of Jacob & Ruth, d. 1838, Mar. 28. Fowler, Isaac J., s. of George P. & Cornelia, d. 1846, June 15, a. 4 m. 4 d. Fowler, Jacob, d. 1849, Aug. 26, a. 66 y Fowler, Jesse C , eldest s. of Jacob & Ruth, d. 1846, Jan. 7, a. 35 y. Fry, Henry, d. 1859, Jan. 23, a. 82 y. G. " I . G." "D. G." (Note:â&#x20AC;&#x201D;These are two old slate stones. From outside evidence they undoubtedly mark the graves of Isaac German and Deborah, his wife, who were among the earliest settlers of this locality.) Gemmel, Elizabeth S., w. of John & dau. of Daniel Grant, d. 1843, Nov. 4, a. 23 y. Gemmel, Emily E., dau. of John & Elizabeth, d. 1850, July 10, a. 7 y. Germond, Caroline, dau. of Lewis D., d. 1888, Nov. 2, a. 11 y. Germond, Edwin, d. 1889, Feb. 6, a. 5 m. 16 d. Germond, Freelove, w. of James P. & dau. of Elisha Beadle, d. 1796, Sep. 8, in 37th y. Germond, Helen, dau. of Silas & Helen, d. 1828, Sep. 13, a. 5-11-19. Germond, Helen Cary, w. of Silas, d. 1870, Dec. 12. Germond, Horatio, d. 1844, Mar. 12, a. 9 m. Germond, Ida, d. 1875, May 1, a. 23 y. Germond, Mr. James, d. 1788, Jan. 24, a. 59 y. Germond, James E., s. of Silas & Helena, d. 1846, Feb 12, a. 27-4-15. Germond, James P., 1807, July 27, a. 65-8-4. Germond, Lewis D., b. 1841, Jan. 27, d. 1903, Dec. 9. Germond, Martha, w. of Smith P., d. 1885, Apr. 12, a 73 y. Germond, Mr. Peter, d. of ye small pox, 1773, Dec. 27, a. (52? or 50?) y. Germond, Sarah A., d. 1860, Sep. 2, a. 26 y. Germond, Silas, Jr., s. of Silas & Helena, d 1845, July 15, a. 19 y. 19 d. Germond, Silas, d. 1859, Sep. 8, (9th m. 8th), a. 70 y. Germond, Smith P., d. 1858, Nov. 13, a. 50 y. Germond, Susan, dau. of James P., d. 1793, Mar. â&#x20AC;&#x201D;, a. 8 y. 3 m. Germond, William A., s. of Silas & Helen, (no dates on stone). Gould, Emily, w. of William, & dau. of Daniel Grant, d. 1843, Oct. 11, a. 29 y. Grant, Daniel, d. 1856, July 15, a. 71 y. Grant, Jane Ann, d. 1861, Mar. 4, a. 26-9-23. Griffin, Deborah, w. of Jacob T., d. 1849, Jan. 8, a. 69 y. H.
195. 196. 197. 198. 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216.
Hallock,' Alfred T., s. of James H. & Eliza D., d. 1862, May 13, a. 28-5-1. Hallock, Eliza, w of George, d. 1852, May 24, a. 75-6-7. Hallock, Eliza D. Welling, w. of James Harvey, b. 1803, Mar. 29, d. 1859, Apr. 2. Hallock, George, d. 1862, Jan. 26, a. 85-2-6. Hallock, James Harvey, b. 1802, Aug. 3, d. 1896, July 17. Ham, Jacob, s of Nicholas V. & Mary C , d. 1860, Sep. 18, a. 1-4-19. Ham, Jonathan, d. 1864, July 25, a. 59-6-14. Ham, Lewis, twin s. of Jonathan & Mary, d. 1857, Sep. 5, a. 9 m. 20 d. Ham, Madison, b. 1809, Apr. 1, d. 1878, Oct. 1. Ham, Mary, dau. of Jonathan & Mary, d. 1853, Aug. 30, a. 1 m. Ham, Mary Vincent, w. of Jonathan, d. 1886, Jan. 18, a. 69-7-9. Ham, Milton, d. 1884, Nov. 29, a. 81-11-1. Ham. Phebe Ferriss, w. of Milton, d. 1890, Oct. 23, a. 68-11-24. Hart, Phebe Bloom, w. of Richard P., d. 1801, May 8, a. 23-11-29. Heermans, John, b. 1804, Feb. 26, d. 1875, Sep. 8. Heermans, Malvina, dau. of John & Penelope, d. 1862, Oct. 4, a. 3 y. 10 m. Heermans, Penelope Bartlett, w. of John, d. 1883, Feb. 2, a. 79 y. Hicks, Benjamin, d 1858, Nov. 18, a. 66-2-21. Hicks, Jane A Sherow, w. of George L., d. 1859, Mar. 11, a. 18-2-18. Hicks, John Pl'att, d. 1890, June 22, a. 74-5-6. Hicks, Melinda (L.) Phillips, w. of Morgan, d. 1869, Mar. 21, in 51st y. Hicks, Morgan, d. 1860, Oct. 13, in 43d y.
169. 170. 171. 172. 173.
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217. Hicks, Phebe, w. of Benjamin, d. 1849, Oct. 11, in 60th y. 218. Holmes, Almira Jane, w. of Nathaniel, (stone set in concrete, dates below ground). 219. Holmes, Andrew J., s. of Wheeler & Elizabeth, d. 1849, Nov. 29, in 18th y. 220. Holmes, Eleanor P., w. of George W., d. 1862, Dec 25, a. 21-4-17. 221. Holmes, Elizabeth, w. of Wheeler, d. 1861, Aug. 10. 222. Holmes, Jemima, dau. of Wheeler & Elizabeth, d. 1848, May 8, in 19th y. 223. Holmes, Mary E., dau. of Wheeler & Elizabeth, d. 1842, June 18, a. 19-9-5. 224. Holmes, Minerva D., dau. of Allen & Elizabeth D., d. 1857, June 23, a. 16-4-4. 225. Holmes, (M ) Van Keuren, s. of Nathaniel & Almira, d. 1846, Oct. 26, a. 1-4-5. 226. Holmes, Phebe, w. of Wheeler, & dau. of (W.) & Hannah (Allen), d. 1827, Mar. 6, a. 25-6-29. 227. Holmes, Phebe Baker, dau. of Wheeler C. & Elizabeth, d. 1814, Nov. 12, a. 21 y. 228. Holmes, Sally Maria, dau. of Wheeler C. & Elizabeth, d. 1834, , a. 19-4-15. 229. Holmes, Wheeler C , d. 1864, May 10, a. 72-9-3. 230. Howard, Laura, d. 1892, Feb. 29, a 92 y. 231. Howard, Sarah Jane, dau. of James & Ann, d. 1858, Dec. 22, a. 16-3-12. 232. Howard, Thomas, b. 1770, Mar. 14, d. 1845, July 1, a. 75-(3)-17. 233. Howard, Thomas N., s. of James & Ann, (remainder of stone sunk in concrete). 234. Howard, Zenobia, dau of James & Ann, d. 1851, Feb. 8, a. 6-1-1. 235. Howell, Lucy, w. of Thomas, d. 1842, May 1, a. 74-7-8. 236. Howland, Ira, d. 1868, May 9, a. 71 y. 237. Howland, Mary Allen, w. of Ira, d. 1884, Apr. 23, a. 83 y. 238. Husted, Henry D., d. 1817, July 11, a. 37 y 239. Husted, Susan Delavergne, w. of Jacob, d. i860, Mar. 6, a. 73 y. 9 d. 240. Hutchins, Isaac N., d. 1856, May 28, a. 33-3-29. 241. Jackson, Mille, w. of Daniel, & dau. of Timothy & Deborah Bedel, d. 1798, Sep. 13, in 23d y. 242. Johnson, Mary, w. of James, d. 1867, Aug. 26, a. 74 y. 3 m. 243. Jones, Abigail Carpenter, w. of William, d. 1859, Dec. 12, a. 49 y. 244. Jones, Julia Ann L w. of Joseph R., & dau. of David & Rhoda Rust, d. 1835, Mar. 9, a. 28 y. 4 m. 245. Ketcham, David, d. 1832, Aug. 6, a. 32-7-29. 246. Knickerbocker, Mary Eliza, 1822-1907. 247. Lathrop, Lydia, d. 1812, Apr. 21, a. 44 y. 248. Leake, Charles, d. 1891, Oct. 1, a. 52 y. 249. McDowell, George Elmore, s. of Joseph & Rebecca A., d. 1862, Dec. 18, a. 9 y. 250. (Mangram), Susan G., w. of William D., & dau. of Jonathan & Maria Bloom, d. 1840, Aug. 30, a. 26-11-1. 251. (Mangram), William Vail, s. of William & Susan G., d. 1844, Nov. 29, a. 5-7-4. 252. Marshall, Catharine, w. of James, d. 1850, Aug. 6, a. 81-11-25. 253. Marshall, James, d. 1843, Mar. 12, a. 79 y. 7 d. 254. Marvin, Maria, w. of Doct. Jonathan D., & dau. of Silvester & Jane Bloom, d. 1814, June 11, a. 23 y 11 m. 255. Mastin, Isaac C , s. of Ro'wlin & Sary, d. 1824, July 27, a. 5-2-23. 256. Masten, Rowland, d. 1864, Dec. 4, a. 80 y. 257. Mastin, Sarah E., dau. of Rowlin R. & Sarah, d. 1827, Apr. 18, a. 6 m. 18 d. 258. Masten, Sarah, d. 1867, Oct. 18, a. 74-6-4. 259. Mastin, Daniel F., s. of Rowlin R. & Sary, d. 1845, Sep. 27, a. 24-3-12. 260. Mayhue, Helen, dau. of Henry & Jane, b. 1851, Jan. 9, d. 1909, Dec. 10. 261. Mayhue, Henry, d. 1879, Sep. 8, a. 61-6-19. 262. Mayhue, Jane Germond, w of Henry, b. 1823, Sep. 20, d. 1912, Mar. 4. 263. Mitchell, Margaret (Hardy's), w. of William H., b. 1851, Feb. 17, d. 1906, Mar. 15 264. Mosher, Mary, w. of David, d. 1838, May 23, a. 23-8-4. 265. Murphy, Andrew, d. 1867, Oct. 13, a. 27 y. 266. Murphy, William, d. 1874, Oct 22, in 45th y. 267. N. "T. N. 1761." 268. Newcomb, Edward, s. of William E. & Hellene, d. 1840, Apr. 5, a. 1-5-8. 269. Newcomb, James L., s. of William Edgar & Hellene, d. 1840, Aug. 25, a. 6 wks. 1 d. 270. Newcomb, Julia Ann Marshall, w. of Isaac B., d. 1864, Nov. 7, a. 57 y. 271. Newcomb, Sarah, w. of Zacheus, Esq., b. 1737, Feb. 28, d. 1799, Jan 28. 272. Nickerson. Anna, d. 1863, Dec. 27, a. 69 y. 273. Noble, Susan, w. of Nathaniel, d. 1832, Sep. 9, a. 37-6-10. 274. Odell, Hannah Divine, w. of Daniel W., d 1851, July 23, a. 23 y. 10 m. 275. Odell, Jacob I., d. 1849, July 27, a. 38-5-14. 276. Odell, John, d. 1848, Mar. 9, a. 80-4-22. 277. Odell, Permelia, w. of Samuel, d. 1842, Apr. 6, a. 42 y. 212
Town 278. 279. 280. 281. 282. 283. 284. 285. 286. 287. 288. 289. 290. 291. 292. 293. 294. 295. 296. 297. 298. 299. 300. 301. 302. 303. 304. 305. 306. 307. 308. 309. 310. 311. 312. S13. 314. 315. 316. 317. 318. 319. 320. 321. 322. 323. 324. 325. 326. 327. 328. 329. 330. 331. 332. 333. 334. 335. 336. 337. 338. 339. 340. 341. 342.
Odell, Sarah, d. 1847, May 9, a. 26-4-13. Odell, William G., d. 1834, Jan. 17, in 29th y. Pettit, Elizabeth I., w. of James W., d. 1866, Dec. 24, a. 34-2-22. Pettit, Ella W., w of J. W., d. 1870, Nov. 4, a 34-6-10. Piatt, Charles H., s. of Oliver P. & Margaret,'d. 1862, Aug. 12, a. 14 y. Purdy, Mariah S., w. of John, & dau. of Solomon & Esther Flagler, d. 1836, Oct. 5, a 44-2-27. Record, Deborah, w. of Whitman, & dau. of Peter Germond, d. 1807, Mar. 2, a. 25-2-6. Record, Whitman, d. 1811, June 1, a. 30-4-1. Reynolds, Jane, d. 1859, Apr. 2, a. 84-4-12. Ricketson, Nancy, w. of Walter, & dau. of John & Hannah Strite, & gr. dau of Timothy & Deborah Bedel, d. 1846, Nov. 29. Rider, Durena, dau. of Samuel D. & Polly, d. 1845, May 1, a. 16 m. 26 d. Rosell, Charles, b. 1828, July 4, d. 1901, Mar. 14. Rosell, Phebe Nickerson, w of Charles, b. 1831, Aug. 21, d. 1884, Mar. 2. Rust, Cyrenus, s. of David & Rhoda, d. 1864, Feb. 19, a. 55-5-16. Rust, David, d. 1843, Dec. 22, a. 61 y. Rust, Fannie, w. of Alban D., d. 1861, Jan. 14, a. 78-7-29. Rust, George, s of David & Rhoda, d. 1882, Aug. 7, a. 65-2-9. Rust, Mary Ann De Revere, w. of George W., d. 1891, Mar. 21, a. 7 4y. Rust, Orlando J., s. of Alban & Fannie, d. 1867, Nov. 27, a. 29 y. 3 m. Rust, Rhoda Bell( w. of David, b. 1786, May 29, d. 1879, Feb 10. St. John, Caroline, b. 1814, Nov. 22, d. 1879, May 13. St. John, Darwin, d. 1888, Mar. 14, a. 50 y. St. John, Elisha P., b. 1803, Jan 13, d. 1857, Dec. 10. St. John, George T., d. 1888, Oct. 1, a. 34 y, St. John, John, d. 1884, Oct. 18, a. 41 y. St. John, Leah T., d 1907, July 21, a. 57 y. St. John, Morgan, d. 1864, Aor. 8, a. 26-2-26. Sharpstein, Deborah, w. of Peter, d. 1838, Feb. 5, a. 70-4-15. Sharpstein, Peter, d. 1841, Dec. 1, a. 84-10-20. Sherer, Leander, b. 1840, Sep. 30, d. 1906, June 6. Sherer, Mary F. Welling, w. of David, d. 1886, Oct. 26, a. 81 y. Sherer, Perry, s. of Benjamin & Elizabeth, d. 1838, Jan. 25, a. 20 y. G d. Sherow, Benjamin, d. 1890, Sep. 1, a. 57 y. Sherow, Elizabeth, w. of Benjamin, d. 1856, Apr. 7, in 86th y. Sherow, George W., d. 1856, Oct. 15, a. 56-5-15. Sherow, Harriet, w. of Benjamin, d. 1896, Oct. 17, a. 68 y . Smith, Catharine E., w. of George H., b. 1841, June 19, d. 1871, Aor. 11 Steward, William, s. of John & Cornelia, d. 1838, Sep. 27, a. 2 y. 15 d. Stewart, Arvilla B., d. 1874, Sep. 1, in 59th y. Stewart, Cornelia, w of John, & dau. of Andrew & Elizabeth Van Vlack, d. 1839, June 24, a. 25-9-25. Stewart, Mary Frances, dau. of William & Arvilla, d. 1857, Feb. 13, a. 7-9-1. Stewart, Ruth, w. of Smith, d. 1870, Apr. 3, in 76th y. Stewart, Ruth Anna, dau. of William W. & Arvilla, d. 1858, Feb. 8, a. 3 y 9 d. Stewart, Sarah Maria, dau of William W. & Arvilla, d. 1857, Feb. 10, a. 5-6-10. Stewart, Smith, d. 1865, June 10, in 71st y. Stewart, William W., b. 1818, Dec. 19, d. 1886, Jan. 24. Storey, Elizabeth Germond, wid. of James, d. 1840, Sep. 15, a. 75-8-23. Storm, Hannah, w. of James, d. 1863, Aug 11, a. 85 y. Storm, Helen M., d. 1868, Oct. 16, a. 52-11-18. Storm, James, d. 1847, Dec. 12, a. 81 y. Storm, Mary, d. 1865, Feb. 18, a. 96 y. Storms, Catharine, 1811-1898 Strite, Hannah, w. of John, & dau. of Timothy & Deborah Bedel, d. 1797, Jan. 29, in 29th y. Strite, Mary, dau. of John & Hannah, d. 1793, Jan. 8, in 4th y. Tallmadge, Phebe J., d. 1871, June 9, a. 47 y. 26 d. (Tenyg?), Lucy B., d 1858, Apr. 13, a. 67-11-13. Thompkins, Phebe A., w. of John L., d. 1893, July 24, a. 60 y. Thompkins, William H., s. of John L. & Phebe A., d. 1868, Oct. 15, a. 5-11-22. Thorn, Alanson, d. 1852, Dec. 31, a. 50 y. Thorn, Beriah T., s. of Alanson & Elsey V., d. 1852, Dec. 2, a. 21 y. Thorn, Catharine M., dau. of Alanson & Elsey, d. 1845, Jan. 5, a. 19 y. Thorn, David, s. of John & Mary A., d. 1842, Oct. 13, a. 24-3-7. Thorne, Elsey V. Marshall, w. of Alanson, d. 1872, Feb. 8, a. 65-9-19. Thorn, John A., s. of Alanson & Elsey V., d. 1852, Dec. 25, a. 25 y. Thorn, Sarah F., Barringer, w. of J. (W.), d. 1861, Apr. 2. 213
Old S43. 344. 345. 346. 347. 348. 349. 350. 351. 352. 353. 354. 355. 356. 357. 358. 359. 360. 361. 362. 363. 364. 365. 866. 367. 368. 369. 370. 371. 372. 373. 374. 375. 376. 377. 378. 379. 380. 381. 382. 383. 384. 385. 386. 387. 388. 389.
Tinkelpaugh, Eliza M., d. 1863, Sep. 29. Tomlinson, Anneliza, dau. of Seymour & Betsey H., d. 1846, Nov. 7, a. 6 y. 1 m. Tomlinson, Betsey Holdridge, w. of Seymour, d. 1895, July 28, a. 84 y. Tomlinson, Seymour, d. 1856, Aug. 18, in 51st y. Traver, Andy, s. of Alfred & Sarah E., d. 1869, Mar. 3, a. 2-1-2. Traver, Catharine, w. of John M., d. 1873, Sep. 10, a. 87-8-15. Traver, Dusenbury B., d. 1882, July 29, a. 68-1-16. Traver, Ephraim, d 1837, July 2, a. 38-4-14. Traver, Fyler, d. 1856, Oct. 8, a. 37-2-9. Traver, John M., d. 1856, Sep. 20, a. 66 y. 8 d. Traver, Leonard C , s. of Ephraim & Polly, d. 1850, Jan. 16, a. 18-7-25. Traver, Mary A., w. of John C , d. 1863, Feb. 10, a. 31-2-5. Traver, Mary Ann, w. of Alfred, d. 1864, July 11, a. 44-11-6. Traver, Mary T. Divine, w. of Fyler, b. 1821, May 27, d. 1887, May 2. Traver, Noah, d. 1862, June 1, in 67th y. Troganza, Amos, Co. I, 128th Reg. N. Y. Vols., d. 1891, Dec. 29, a. 55 y. Turner, Phebe W., d. 1791, Sep. 20, a. 18 y. Vail, Catharine Robinson, w. of Jacob, b. 1812, June 15, d. 1874, Mar. 16. Vail, Jacob, b. 1807, Feb 26, d. 1893, Feb. 28. Vail, Mary Eliza Foster, w. of Shandennett, b. 1840, Jan. 3, d. 1903, Dec. 2. Vail, Shandennett, b. 1835, July 30, d. 1897, Mar. 6. Van Cott, Hester, d. 1817, May 22, in 90th y. Van Vlack, Abraham W., d. 1892, Sep. 10, a. 84 y. 6 m. Van Vlack, Andrew J., s. of Abram & Phebe, d. 1853, Mar. 3, a. 17-3-12. Van Vlack, Edgar, d. 1897, Nov. 29, a. 25 y. Van Vlack, Mary (G.), w. of Abraham, d. 1881, Feb. 19, a 33 y. Van Vlack, Phebe, w. of Abraham W., d. 1854, Sep. 27, a. 47 y. Van Vlack, Willie, s. of Abram & Mary, d. 1880, Apr. 10, a. 5-11-23. Van Wagner, Luther, s. of Solomon & Hannah, d 1832, Feb. 24, a. 4 y. 7 m. Van Wagner, Piatt, s. of Solomon & Hannah, a. 8-10-18. Vincent, Deborah, dau. of James & Mary, b. 1810, Apr. 29, d. 1892, June 2. Wallace, Mary, w. of Thomas, & dau. of Zacheus & Sarah Newcomb, d. 1793, Oct. 15, a. 20-6-2. Welling, Elizabeth, w of Ezekiel, d. 1817, Oct. 28, a. 77 y. Welling, Elizabeth, w. of William, d. 1858, Feb. 18, a. 47 y. Welling, Hannah, dau. of Thomas & Priscilla, d. 1807, Sep. â&#x20AC;&#x201D;, in 4th m. Welling, George H., s. of Hewlett P. & Arminta, d. 1851, Aug. 20, a. 2-8-10. Welling, Mary, w. of Thomas, d. 1798, May 10, a. 49 y. Welling, Pamela, dau. of Thomas & Mary, d. 1795, Sep. 22, a. 10 y. Welling, Richard, s. of Thomas & Mary, d. 1795, Sep. 13, a. 6 y. 3 m. Welling, Ruth, w. of George, d. 1841, Oct. 27, a. 47 y. Welling, Thomas, d. 1834, Jan. 10, a. 82 y. Wheeler, D. P., b. 1824, Aug. 24, d. 1902, Jan. 21. Wheeler, Sarah A. Emigh, w. of D. P., b. 1830, Aug. 6, d. 1907, June 8 Wilber, Elizabeth Germond, w. of Jacob, b. 1784, Feb 27, d. 1863, Aug. 6. Wilson, Nancy Germond, w. of Walter, d. 1865, Sep. 16, a. 71 y. Woolley, Leander, s. of John & Sarah, d. 1835, Apr. 26, a. 24 y. 9 m. Woolley, Sarah, w. of John, & dau. of James P Germond, d. 1816, Apr. 3, a. 27-11-3.
Churchyard. Presbyterian church, village of Pleasant Valley. Well cared for. 415 in number. Copied May 4, October 16 and 30, 1912, by J. W. Poucher, M. D., Miss Helen W. Reynolds and Miss Olive Dye. The Presbyterian Church of Pleasant Valley was organized in 1765. It was an offshoot of Pittsbury Presbyterian Church at Washington Hollow and, ultimately, when Pleasant Valley outgrew Washington Hollow the congregation of the first organization was merged into that of the second. A wooden church building was erected in 1770 which was replaced in 1848 by the present brick church. 214
Town 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. * 30. * 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61.
Allen, Caroline Amelia, dau. of Abram & Susan, d. 1842, Dec 5, a. 20-4-20. Allen, Catherine, w. of John W., d. 1804, Feb. 16, a. 49-4-10. Allen, Esther, w. of John I., d. 1838, June 16, a. 84 y. Allen, Hannah Maria, eldest dau. of Abraham & Susan, d. 1820, Nov. 10, in (4) t h y . Allen, John C , s. of William A. & Amy, d. 1840, Apr. 23, a. 2 y. 6 m. Allen, John I., d. 1834, Jan. 19, a. 80 y. Allen, John W., d. 1806, Nov. 23, a. 55-6-15 Allen, John W., s. of Abram & Susan, d. 1831, Oct. 3, a. 12-2-10. Allen, Kezia, w. of Joseph, d. 1828, Mar. 12, a. 60-6-21. Allen, Susan, w. of Abram, d. 1851, Jan. 18, a. 56 y. Allyn, Anna Mariah, dau. of Nicholas & Mary, d. 1827, Oct. 22, a. 25 y. 10 d. Angevine, Jonathan C , s. of Caleb & Susan M., d. 1815, Dec. 29, a. 12 y. 12 d. Angevine, Jonathan E., s. of Eli & Sarah, d. 1800, Feb. 14, a. 1-11-30. Angevine, Shephard, s. of Eli & Sarah, d. 1809, Feb. 13, a. 8 m. 29 d. B. " ( ? ) . B. 1790." Bailey, Asa T., d. 1833, May 29, a. 49 y. 29 d. Bailey, James Kent, s. of Henry C. & Cornelia Sleight, d. 1841, June 13, a. 15 y. 1 m. Bailey, John, d. 1830, Apr. 19, a. 35 y. 9 m. -Bailey, Major John, d. 1827, May 7, a. 69-8-21, also Mary, his wife, d. 1835, Jan. 29, a. 72-11-24. Bailey, John E., s. of Ephraim & Tryphena, d. 1854, Sep. 2, a. 34-1-29. Baldwin, Jane, w. of Rev. Methuselah, d. 1796, Dec. 10, in child-bed, a. 26 y. Barnes, Catherine, w. of William, d. 1812, Mar. 7, in 74th y Barnes, Edwin, d. 1842, Apr. 3, a. 25-10-18. Barnes, George W., s. of Henry & Sally Ann, d. 1854, Dec. 11, a. 9 m. 17 d. Barnes, Jonas P., s. of Henry M. & Sally Ann, d. 1852, July 10, a. 3 m. 14 d. Barnes, William, d. 1807, Aug 23, a. 72 y. 7 m. Barnes, William J., d. 1841, Nov. 19, a. 30-6-9. Bates, Elizabeth, w. of George, d. 1842, May 8, a. 28-10-3. Bates, Georgianna, dau. of George & Elizabeth, d. 1840, Oct. 29, a. 1-3-11. Bates*, Hicky, d 1843, Apr. 22, a. 84 y.; also, Eve, his wife, d. 1821, Oct. 1, a. 56 y. 11 m. Bates*, Rachel, dau. of Hicky & Eve, d. 1843, Apr. 22, a. 70 y. *The three Bates inscriptions are copied exactly, but there is a discrepancy in the dates. Bayley, J u ( l ) i a Maria, dau. of Ephraim & Tryphena, d. 1813, June 24, a. 1-9-3. (Beadle), Elisha, d. 1822, June 5, a 83-4-27. Beadle, John, d. 1853, May 7, a. 88 y. 4 m. Beadle, Mary, w. of Elisha, d. 1825, Feb. 3, a. 87 y. Beadle, Polly, dau. of John, d. 1793, Sep. 18, a. 2-11-21. Beadle, Sarah, w of John, b. 1766, June 6, d. 1846, June 15, a. 80 y. 9 d. Bishop, Hannah, w. of Peter, d. 1822, June 15, a. 51-11-11. Bloom, George E., d. 1798, Mar. 19, a. 81-3-9. Bond, The Widow Sarah, "The Mother of Joseph & John Hagaman, who was one of the first settlers of this place;" d. 1803, Jan. 24, in 83d y. (Breck), Anna, w. of (Lary), d. 1848, May 28, a. 52 y. 7 m. (Breck), (Lary), d. 1839, Dec. 14, a. 57 y. 8 m. Breck, Susan, dau. of (Lany) & Hannah, d. 1832, May 6, in 8th y. Brown, Eliza, d. 1830, Aug. 2, a. 4-10-20. Brown, Sarah, w of William, d. 1824, Mar. 30, a. 66 y. 8 m. Brown, William, d. 1829, Nov. 8, a. 73-1-25. Buckley, Joseph, d. 1835, Sep. 14, in 49th y. Buel, Irene F., dau. of James & Hannah, d. 1843, Dec. 17, in 31st y. Buel, Naomi, w. of George, d. 1830, Aug. 7, a. 78 y. Burhans, Elizabeth, w. of John, d. 1849, Aug. 13, a. 25-6-30. Burhans, Elmira, dau. of Henry & Elizabeth, d. 1843, Aug. 4, a. 1 m. 6 d. Burhans, Fowler H., s. of Henry & Elizabeth, d 1840, Dec. 27, a. 1-9-19. Burhans, Henry, s. of Henry & Elizabeth, d. 1837, Sep. 25, a. 1 m. Burhans, John, d. 1849, Aug. 12, a. 26-1-19. Burhans, Mary E., dau. of Henry & Elizabeth, d. 1840, Aug. 13, a. 1 m 24 d. Burhans, Sarah Ellen, dau. of Henry & Elizabeth, d. 1855, May 26, a. 7-7-7. Burhans, William, Jr., d. 1861, June 19, a. 47-1-14. Burnett, Abigail, w. of Philip, & dau. of Solomon & Rachel Oakley, d. 1831, Aug. 24, a. 58-5-18. Burnet, (Ann Eliza), dau. of John & Maria, d. of 1837, Oct. 30, a. 15 y. 18 d. Burnet, Mary, (old broken stone, no dates). Cain, John, d. 1841, Jan. 7, a. 64 y. 4 m. 215
*Rachel Batea died Oct. 2^, 1858 at New Hackenoack; a. 77y. (as par Poughkeepsie Eagle, S a t . , Nov. 6, 1858) Hicky Bates was said t o have been named Ichabud or "Eccubud"
Old 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75.76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126.
Cain, Nancy, d. 1837, Apr. 6, a. 45 y. 1 m. Case, Maria, w. of the Rev. Wheeler, d. 1790, Nov. 1, in 47th y. Case, The Rev. Wheeler, d. 1791, Aug. 31, in 56th y. Casey, Elizabeth, w. of Thomas, d. 1830, Sep. 25, a. 78 y. Casey, Thomas, d. 1823, Nov. 18, a. 70 y. Christian, Cornelius, d. 1818, June 6, a. 56-1-9. Christian, Sarah Rider, wid. of Cornelius, d. 1842, Sep. 27, a. 78-4-11. Clark, The Rev. John, d. 1845, Jan. 12, in 79th y. Clark, Mary, wid. of the Rev. John, d. 1853, Apr. 13, a. 85-2-12. Clark, Samuel, s. of the Rev. John & Mary, d. 1801, Sep. 29, in 4th y. Collins, Isaac H., s. of Isaac E. & Phebe Jane, d. 1846, June 9, a. 6-4-12. Collins, Peter H., s. of Isaac E. & Phebe Jane, d. 1855, Feb. 15, a. 4-6-9. Conklin, Baultus, d. 1816, June 2, a. 21-5-18. Conklin, Joseph W., s. of John B. & Comfort, d. 1832, Sep. 8, a. 6 m. 19 d. Conklin, Esq.; Lemuel, b. 1739, Aug. 27, d. 1810, Nov. 20, a. 71-2-23. Conklin, Mary, second w. of Lemuel, Esq., d. 1813, May 5, a. 50 y. Conklin, Susanna, w. of Lemuel, Esq.; d. 1803, June 22, a. 63-3-5. Conklin, William, d. 1811, Feb 26, a. 1 y. 10 d. Conklin, William, s. of John B. & Comfort, d. 1834, Oct. 1, a. 2-11-6. Conner, Edgar B., s. of Martin W. & Margaret, d. 1827, Aug. 1, a. 1-7-4. Conner, Margaret A., dau. of Martin W & Margaret, d. 1822, May 12, a. 1-3-4. Conner, Martin W., d. 1827, Aug. 8, a. 47 y. Conner, Patty, dau. of Martin W. & Margaret, d. 1822, July 11, a. 19-4-12. Conover, Jacob A., d. 1849, Jan. 29, in 65th y. Conover, Penelope, w. of Jacob A., d. 1870, Apr. 20, a. 76-1-2. Cornwell, Catherine, w. of Joseph, d. 1801, Jan. 13, a. 2 7 - l l - ( 4 ) . Cowles, Margaret, w. of Truman, d. 1857, Feb. 9, a. 73 y. Cowles, Esq.; Truman, d. 1858, Oct. 6, a. 71 y. Cramer, Charles D., s of George B. & Mary I., d. 1841, May 31, a. 10 m. 17 d. Cronkrite, Sarah, w. of William, d. 1843, June 16, a. 78 y. Cronkrite, William, d. 1848, Apr. 4, a. 83-14-11. D. "A. M. D. Jan. 4, 1811." Dates, Catherine Ann, dau. of Richard & Hannah W., d. 1846, Oct. 2, a. 2-9-12 Davis, Maria, dau. of Mary, d. 1803, Jan. 9, a. 9 y. Dean, Abigail, w. of Gilbert, d. 1851, Dec. 17, in 79th y. Dean, Daniel B., d. 1840, Apr. 15, a. 59 y. Dean, Gilbert, d. 1847, May 22, a. 72-1-26. DeGroff, Catherine, w. of Moses M., & "formerly w. of the Rev. Wilmot Oakley'' d. 1847, May 3, a. 58-6-18. DeGroff, Ephraim, s. of Everet & Hester, d. 1818, May 26, a. 16-5-15. DeGroff, Everet, d. 1826, May 4, a. 62-1-13. DeGroff, Hester, w. of Everett, d. 1846, Sep. 16, a. 75 y. 2 m. DeGroff, Jacob E., d. 1831, Mar. 6, a. 33-10-21. DeGroff, James M., d. 1828, Mar. 22, a. 20-9-1. Davenport, Christopher, d. 1841, Mar. 4, a. 70-3-17. Dickson, Alexander, d. 1839, Feb 18, a. 6-9-23. Dickson, Robert, d. 1841, Oct. 21, a. 56-9-21. Dixon, Mary, dau. of Robert & Sarah, d. 1849, Apr. 3, a. 25 y. 11 m. Dixon, Robert Hâ&#x20AC;&#x17E; d. 1848, July 6, a. 13-9-20. Downing, Seymour W., s. of Walter F. & Georgianna, d. 1869, Jan. 12, a. 2 m. 13 d. DuBois, Deborah, w. of Morton, d. 1815, Aug. 9, a. 28-6-4. Duncan, Abigail, w. of Joshua, d. 1836, May 26, a.. 38 y. Duncan, Joshua, d. 1863, Sep. 17, a. 71 y. 6 d. Duncan, Mary, w. of Joshua, d. 1861, Aug. 25, a. 55 y. 10 m. Dunkin, John, s. of Reuben & Mary, a. 5 y. 16 d. Ely, James, s. of William & Alice, d. 1790, Nov. 21, a. 2 m. Ely, Ruth, w. of Stephen, d. 1840, Jan. 23, a. 69 y. Ely, Sally, dau. of Doct William & Alice, d. 1793, Mar. 9, a. 10 m. 13 d. Ely, Stephen, d. 1814, Jan. 21, a. 38 y. 2 m. Ely, William, eldest child of Doct. William & Alice, d. 1794, Aug. 30. a. 9 y. 5 m. Evertson, Mrs. Margaret, d. 1807, Nov. 18, a. 63 y Evertson, Jacob, d. 1807, May 1, a. 75 y. Evertson, Jacob R., s. of Jacob & Margaret, d. 1803, Feb. 21, "in the Island of Tobago in the West Indies," a. 25-7-1. Evertson, John, d. 1795, Sep. 11, a. 32-11-23. Evertson, Esq.; Walter, d. 1811, June 26, a. 28 y. Flagler, Eunice, w. of Abraham, d. 1809, Jan. 18, a. 42-9-28. 216
V all ey
127. Flagler, Jane, w. of Tunis, & dau. of Joshua & Mary Ward, d. 1820, Oct. 1, a. 27 y. 11 m. 128. Flagler, Mary, w. of Peter, d. 1813, May 21, a. 66-4-9. 129. Flagler, Peter, d. 1823, Dec. 17, a. 79-3-11. 130. Flagler, Simon, d. 1813, Apr. 21, a. 44 y. 7 m. 131. Flagler, William A., d. 1826, Feb. 22, a. 25-3-22. 132. Forman, Aaron, d. 1788, Feb. 27, in 65th y. 133. Forman, Mary, w. of Aaron, d. 1800, Apr. 2, a. 42 y. 134. Forman, Sally Ann, dau of Daniel & Catherine, d. 1813, Mar. 29, a. 20-10-15. 135. Foster, Sarah, d. 1819, Apr. 11, a. 79 y. 2 m. 136. Free, Deborah, w. of John I., d. 1832, July 9, a. 59 y. 137. Free, John I., d. 1835, Aug. 21. 138. Frost, George, s. of Jacob & Susannah, d. 1824, Oct. 1, a. 5 y. 5 m. 139. Gager, Ann S., dau. of William & M. S., d. 1822, Mar. 7, a. 4 wks. 140. Gager, Margaret Ann, dau. of William & Mercy S., d. 1829, Nov. 9, a. 1 m. 22 d. 141. Gager, Mary, dau. of John & Anna, d. 1831, July 15, in 21st y. 142. Gager, Mercy Submitt, w. of William, & dau. of Isaac Bates, d. 1829, Nov. 29, in New York, a. 29 y. 143. Gager, Reuben, s. of John & Anna, d. 1815, Nov. 22, a. 21 y. 4 d. •k 144. Galandan, Hamilton Brown, s. of John & Parmela, d. 1821, Oct. 16, a. 7 m 10 d. <• 145. Galandan, Parmela, w. of John, d. 1821, Mar. 17, a. 31-4-24. 146. Garison, William, d. 1831, Oct. 15, a. 1-4-19. 147. Gay, Gilbert, s. of John B. & Meheteble, d. 1822, Nov. 9, a. 13-8-9. 148. Gilman, Eliza, w. of SetDhen, & dau. of (James &) Elizabeth Smith, d. 1830, Dec. 15, a. 28-7-16. 149. Golder, Joshua Michael, s. of Michael & Sally, d. 1812, Feb. 16, a. 4 m. 26 d. 150. Golder, Peter, d. 1820, Apr. 22, in 36th y. 151. Green, Northrop I., s. of Justus & Nancy, d. 1857, Apr. 29, a. 30-5-10. 151. Griffen, Pheobe, w. of Harris, d. 1809, Apr. 25, a. 83 y. 153. Hall, Mercy, w. of John, d. 1809, Feb. 9. 154. Hallett, Betsey, d. 1842, Mar. 16, in 72d y. 155. Hallet, Maria, d. 1861, Nov. 18, a. 69-10-7. 156. Hallett, Mary, w. of Samuel, d. 1820, Oct. 12, a. 71 y 157. Hallett, Sally, w. of Nathaniel, d. 1839, Feb. 22, a. 66-11-17. 158. Hallett, Samuel, d. 1825, Oct. 12, a. 71 y. 159. Harris, Isaac, d. 1816, Sep. —, a. 1 y. 10 m. 160. Harris, Joseph, d. 1792, Sep. 17, a. 55-7-1. 161. Harris, Mary, d. 1807, Jan. 31, a. 59-1-22. 162. Holmes, Benjamin, s. of William & Phebe, d. 1793, Sep. 27, a. 6-5-2. 163. Holmes, Freelove, w. of Joshua W., d. 1853, Aug. 11, a. 52-2-22. 164. Holmes, Isaac, b. 1785, Mar. 25, d. 1866, Feb. 25. 165. Holmes, Jane, dau. of Joseph & Mary, d. 1823, Feb. 21, a. 21-3-19. 166. Holmes, Jane, dau. of Joshua W. & Freelove, d. 1844, Feb. 27, a. 19-2-8. 167. Holmes, Jemima, d. 1815, June 1, a. 18-8-23; "dau. of William & Phebe Holmes, & sister of Sarah, the w. of Henry Peters, the two only daughters of William & Phebe Holmes." 168. Holmes, Jemima Peters, w. of Isaac, b. 1785, Dec. 9, d. 1834, Feb. 23. 169. Holmes, Joseph, d. 1851, May 14, a. (89)-2-19. 170. Holmes, Joshua W., d. 1843, Dec. 1, a. 40 y. 2 m. 171. Holmes, Mary, w. of Joseph, d. 1854, May 4, in 77th y. 172. Holmes, Phebe, w of William, d. 1837, July 5, a. 77-10-26. 173. Holmes, Samuel, s. of William & Phebe, d. 1817, June 23, a. 28 y. 5 m. 174. Holmes, William, d. 1819, Feb. 16, a. 61-4-21. 175. Holmes, William, s. of Joseph & Mary, d. 1824, Sep. 26, a. 20 y. 6 m. 176. Holmes, William P., s of Isaac & Jemima, d. 1827, Jan. 22, a. 18-9-13. 177. Hopper, Catharine, w. of Andrew, of New York, d. 1801, Aug. 25, a. 64-10-25. 178. Houghtaling, Gertrude, d 1842, Jan. 1, a. 48 y. 179. Houghtaling, Hannah, w.'of John, d. 1836, May 28, a. 74 y. 19 d. 180. Houghtaling, Henry, d. 1852, Feb. 22, a. 68-9-22. 181. Houghtaling, John, d. 1814, Jan. 14, a. 59 y. 182. Houghtaling, John, d. 1856, Dec 24, a. 57 y. 9 m. 183. Houghtaling, William, d. 1874, Mar. 17, a. 73 y. 184. Howard, Jane, w. of Hesekiah, d. 1833, June 20, a. 26-2-21. 185. Ingraham, Catherine, second w. of George, d. 1819, Nov. 30, a. 32 y. 10 m. 186. Ingraham, Mary, w. of George, d. 1817, Mar. 13, a. 30-9-15. 187. Irish, Huldah, w. of Phillip, d. 1847, July 11, a. 77 y. 188. Irish, Julia Ann, dau. of Phillip & Hulda, d. 1854, Dec. 22, a. 50 y. 189. Irish, Decon Phillip, d. 1819, Aug. 7, a. 53 y. 190. Jones, Dorcas, w. of Zopher, d. 1805, Nov 15, a. 60-2-13. 191. Jones, Martha, w. of Zopher, d. 1808, Oct. 1, a. 21 y. 7 m. 217
Old 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. 220. 221. 222. 223. 224. 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. 233. 234. 235. 236. 237. 238. 239. 240. 241. 242. 243. 244. 245. 246. 247. 248. 249. 250. 251. 252. 253. 254. 255.
Ketcham, Alice, w. of Israel, d. 1842, Mar. 22, a. 59 y. Ketcham, Israel, d. 1843, June 10, in 73d y. Ketcham, Samuel, d. 1820, Aug. 17, a. 72 y. Lamoree, Elizabeth, w. of Timothy, d. 1851, Aug. 31, in 77th y. Lamoree, Esther, w. of Timothy, & dau. of John & Sarah Van Wagoner, d. 1819, Aug. 25, a. 41-11-13. Lamoree, Hannah, w. of Isaac, d. 1805, Apr. 20, a. 58-10-7. Lamoree, Isaac, d 1817, Mar. 13, a. 81 y. 8 m. Lamoree, Timothy, d. 1852, Dec. 20, a. 79-9-5. Lattin, Benjamin, d. 1819, June 22, a. 79 y. Lattin, Freelove Wright, w. of Benjamin, d. 1842, Mar. 11, a. 76 y. Lattin, Hannah, w. of Benjamin, Jr., d. 1817, Aug. 10, a. 21-5-17. Lattin, Susan T., w .of Daniel, d. 1863, Sep. 24, a. 61 y. Lee, Daniel H., b. 1793, Aug. 20, d. 1814, June 28, a. 20-10-8. Lee, Sally, w. of Philip, & dau of John & Mary Bayley, d. 1811, June 10, a. 21-7-29. Lewis, Enoch, d. 1839, Mar. 19, a. 72 y. 7 m. Lewis, Isaac, s. of Enoch & Sarah A., d. 1819, Apr. 23, a. 21-11-11. Lewis, Margaret, dau. of Enoch & Sarah, d. 1834, May 14, a 25 y. 14 d. Lewis, Phebe Forman, w. of Leonard, d. 1832, Feb. 23, in 63d y. Lewis, Sarah, w of Enoch, d. 1860, Apr. 6, a. 82 y. Lockwood, John B., d. 1869, July 28, a. 56-5-5. (Veteran) Lockwood, Julia M., w. of John B., d. 1848, June 4, a. 32 y. 2 d. Lockwood, Phebe, w. of Stephen, d. 1834, Mar. 11, a. 82-11-22. Lockwood, Stephen, d 1804, Aug. 11, a. 58-4-21. M. "D. 1808 M. McCord." McFarlin, Ahasuerus, d. 1865, Jan. 26, a. 49-2-15. McFarlin, Angeline, dau. of David & Mary, d. 1824, May 23, a. 11 m. 23 d. McFarlin, Catherine E., w. of Isaac, & dau. of Warren & Eliza Raymond, Rome, N .Y., d. 1859, Sep. 4, a. 34 y. McFarlin, Daniel, d. 1846, June 13, a. 81 y. McFarlin, Daniel, Jr.,d 1850, June 11, 59-9-2. McFarlin, Elizabeth, w. of Daniel, d. 1851, May 3, a. 75 y. McFarlin, Emily, dau. of Daniel Jr., & Kancy, d. 1844, Jan. 28, a. 23 y. 12 d. McFarlin, James, b. 1802, July 26, d. 1881, Aug. 13. McFarlin, Jeremiah, s. of Daniel, Jr., & Nancy, d. 1844, Jan. 7, a. 19-9-26. McFarlin, John, b. 1797, July 16, d. 1883, Jan. 28. McFarlin, John R., s. of John H. & Susan, d. 1856, July 30, a. 24-2-6. McFarlin, Nancy, w .of Daniel, d. 1859, July 11, a. 72 y. McFarlin, Susan, b. 1806, Feb. 4, d. 1844, Dec. 25. Manning, Caleb, d. 1847, Jan. 15, a. 70 y., also, Jane, his wife, d. 1830, Apr. 26, a. 46 y. Manning, Charles, d. 1810, Apr. 9, a. 67-1-7. Manning, Elcea, third w. of Charles, d. 1826, May 7, a. 64-9-23. Manning, Elizabeth, w. of Charles, d. 1825, Nov. 4, a. 54-6-14. Manning, Mehetebel, w of Charles, Sen'r., d. 1802, Mar. 18, a. 39 y. 6 m. Marshel, Sarah, w. of Stephen, d. 1793, Feb. 21, a. 27 y. 10 m. Mastin, Ann, w. of James B., d 1826, Oct. 5, a. 34-5-29. Mastin, Elizabeth, d. 1877, Feb. 12, a. 80 y. 6 m. Mastin, James B., d. 1863, Feb. 9, a. 77 y. 2 m. Maston, Dea. John B., d. 1848, Mar. 27, a. 64-6-9. Mastin, Mary, w. of John B., d. 1824, Apr. 25, in 37th y. Mead, Anna, w. of Joseph, d. 1856, Apr. 10, in 85th y. Mead, Daniel, s. of Joseph & Mary, d 1827, Feb. 28, a. 28-6-4. Mead, Joseph, d. 1849, June 9, in 78th y. Mead, Rodman, d. 1864, Dec. 3, a. 63 y. Meddaugh, Sarah, w. of James C , d. 1804, Mar. 4, a. 31 y. Morgen, David, d. 1816, June 11, a. 25-7-27 Mott, Esq.; Ebenezer, d. 1813, Jan. 9, a. 62 y. 27 d. Mott, Jacob, d. 1813, Dec. 17, in 67th y. Mott, Jacob E., d. 1855, Apr. 5, a. 73-1-24. Mott, Margaret, w. of Jacob E., d. 1850, Jan. 7, a. 67 y. Mott, Maria, d. 1852, Sep. 28, a. 61-2-8. Mott, Mary, d. 1810, Dec. 2, a 82-4-14. Nelson, Mary, d. 1819, Oct. 12, a. 50 y. 6 m. Newcomb, Catharine, dau. of John H. & Sarah M., d. 1839, Aug 14, a. 2-9-15. Newcomb, Charles T., d. 1843, Feb. 11, a. 41 y. 9 m. Newcomb, Francis, s. of John H. & Sarah M., d. 1840, Jan. 6, a. 10 m. 14 d. 218
Town 256. 257. 258. 259. 260. 261. 262. 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 268. 269. 270. 271. 272. 273. 274. 275. 276. 277. 278. 279. 280. 281. 282. 283. 284. 285. 286. 287. 288. 289. 290. 291. 292. 293. 294. 295. 296. 297. 298. 299. 300. 301. 302. 303. 304. 305. 306. 307. 308. 309. 310. 311. 312. 313. 314. 315. 316. 317. 318. 319. 320. 321.
Newcomb, John, s. of Zacheus & Mary, d. 1812, Apr. 27, a. 10 m. 2 wks. Newcomb, Rachel, w. of Thomas, d. 1812, Apr. 27, a. 45-7-12. Newcomb, Thomas, d. 1812, May 3, a. 50-11-6. Oakley, David M., d. 1846, Oct. 12, a. 26 y. 23 d. Oakley, Mary, w. of Nehemiah, d. 1839, Feb. 18, a 89 y. Oakley, Mary Ann, w. of Solomon W., d. 1853, Oct. 11, a. 41-5-7. Oakley, Nathaniel, d. 1823, Mar. 9, a. 19-8-1. Oakley, Nehemiah, d. 1824, Mar. 28, a. 76-10-17 Oakley, Sally, wid. of Nathaniel, d. 1862, May 26' (or 22), a. 85-3-11. Oakley, Solomon, d. 1812, May 12, a. 71 (or 74) y. 9 m. Oakley, Solomon W., d. 1881, Aug. 9, a. 70-11-27. Oakley, Rev. Wilmott, d. 1832, Aug. 26, a. 55-6-20. (Note: See DeGroff, Catherine). Ostrom, Betsey, w. of Col. Henry, d. 1834, June 16, a. 68 y. Ostrom, Charity, w. of Denee, d. 1795, Nov. 16, a. (79 or 59)-5-28. Ostrom, Daniel, d. 1832, Oct. 2, a 57 y. 13 d. Ostrom, (Daniel), s. of Daniel H. & Emma, d. 1837, Aug. 17, a. 3 y. Ostrom, Daniel H., d. 1837, June 6, a. 54-8-15. Ostrom, Denee, d. 1812, July 20, a. 82 y. 6 d. Ostrom, Eliza, dau. of Daniel & Mahala, d. 1839, Nov. 29, a. 26-4-10. Ostrom, Elizabeth, w. of Daniel, d. 1811, Dec. 30, a. 32-1-18. Ostrom, Elizabeth, w. of Henry, d. 1814, May 16, a. 50-3-16. Ostrom, Elizabeth, dau. of Henry & Elizabeth, d. 1814, July 26, a. 11 y. Ostrom, George Hurd, s of Daniel H. & Emma, d. 183(8), Sep. 14, a. 6 y. Ostrom, Hannah, w. of John D., d. 1823, June 26, a. 73 y. Ostrom, Henry, s. of Henry & Elizabeth, d. 1808, Apr. 5, a. 2-5-26. Ostrom, Col. Henry, d. 1844, Dec. 18, a. 84 y. 11 m. Ostrom, Jane Ann, dau. of Daniel & Elizabeth, d. 1815, Jan. 15, a. 12 y. 23 d. Ostrom, John D., d. 1814, Dec. 23, a. 62-3-15. Ostrom, Lydia, dau. of Daniel & Mahala, d. 1834, Nov. 27, a. 19-8-27. Ostrom, Mahala, w. of Daniel, d. 1842, Aug. 1, a. 58 y. Ostrom, Mariah, dau. of Henry & Elizabeth, d. 1807, July 12, a. 13 y. 9 d. Ostrom, Sarah, w. of James I., d. 1807, Mar. 22, a. 21-11-4. Ostrom, Sarah, dau. of Daniel & Elizabeth, d. 1811, May 11, a. 3-1-6. Ostrom, Sarah, w .of Daniel H., d. 1825, Dec. 29, in 45th y. Ostrom, Zechariah, s. of Henry & Elizabeth, d. 1814, Mar. 20, a. 29-4-15. Ostrom, ( ? ) , s. of Daniel H. & Emma, d. 183(4), Jan. 17, a. 3 y. Owen, Joseph W., s. of James & Sarah, d. 1832, Aug. 31, a. 9 m. 16 d. Pelham, Laura A., w. of Robert, & wid, of the late Edwin Barnes, b. 1818, Apr. 18, d 1873, Feb. 14. Pells, Zephaniah, d. 1842, Feb. 2, a. 54-9-29. Peters, Ahasuerus E., d. 1822, Oct. 18, a. 33-8-10. Peters, John S., d. 1839, Sep. 6, a. 25-5-18. Peters Sarah, w. of Henry, d 1814, Dec. 14, a. 20-4-3. Pettit, Stephen, s. of Phebe, d. 1828, Feb. 28, a. 23 y. 18 d. Phillips, Sophia, dau. of George & Mary, d. 1794, June 22, a. 10 m. 15 d. Pitt, Abigail Ann, w. of Nicholas, d. 1839, Aug. 3, a. 24-3-29 Pitt, John B., s. of Nicholas & Abigail Ann, d. 1838, July 18, a. 1-8-27. Piatt, David, s. of Zephaniah, Esq., of Plattsburgh, d. 1804, May 30, in 20th y. Piatt, Eliphalet, d. 1795, July 3, in 61st y. Piatt, Elizabeth, dau of Eliphalet, d. 1830, Apr. 6, in 65th y. Piatt, Hannah, second w. of Eliphalet, d. 1779, June 30, in 39th y. Piatt, John, s. of Eliphalet, d. 1851, Nov. 17, in 89th y.; also, Catharine, his wife, dau. of Willam Barnes, d. 1803, Mar. 31, in 37th y. Piatt, Joseph, d. 1827, Nov. 11, a. 56-1-23. Rimph, Ellen Caroline, dau of James & Hannah, d. 1838, Oct. 21, a. 1-10-13. Reynolds, Tamma, d. 1841, Oct. 22, a. 74-6-4. Rugur, Elisabeth, w. of David, d. 1844, Jan. 17, a. 67 y. Russell, Elizabeth, w. of Benjamin H., d. 1848, Jan. 20, "from a wound inflicted by the hand of an Assasin," a. 41-10-9. Russell, Hester Jane, w of Benjamin H., d. 1863, Nov. 21, a. 46-5-11. Sarles, Elizabeth, dau. of Reuben & Elizabeth, d. 1814, Dec. 16, a. 16 y. 9 m. Selleck, Elizabeth, w. of Seymour, d. 1815, Mar. 1, a. 74 y. Shaffer, Margaret Van Wagnen, w. of Peter, d. 1877, Apr. 6, in 87th y. Shaffer, Peter, d 1878, Feb. 19, in 82d y. Shear, Charity, wid. of Israel, d. 1830, Aug. 11, in 52d y. Silick, Mary Ann, dau. of John & Sarah, d. 1810, Nov. 6, in 6th y. Silleck, Seymour, d. 1820, Dec. 20, a. 87 y. Sleght, Amy, w. of John, d. 1810, Jan. 25, a. 56 y. 8 m. Sleght, John, d. 1819, Nov. 15, a. 79-2-10. 219
322. Smith, Elizabeth, w. of John, Esq., of Suffolk County on Long Island, & dau. of Zephaniah Piatt, Esq., d. (1787), Feb. ( ? ) , a. 21-9-15. 323. Smith, Elizabeth, w. of James, d. 1844, May 20. 324. Smith, James, d. 1843, July 16, a. 73 y. 325. Smith, Mary, dau. of Thomas & Mary, d. 1829, Mar. 17, a. 26-2-17. 326. Smith, Mary, w. of Thomas, d. 1860, Sep. 5, a. 83 y. 19 d. 327. Smith, Thomas, d. 1828, Dec. 9, a. 49-3-4. 328. Sorrels, Reuben, d. 1843, Mar. 27, a. 92 y. 329. Spencer, William, a native of England, d. 1834, Sep. 9, of Cholera, a. 23-5-9. 330. Stewart, Joshus, s. of Thomas & Sarah, d. 1793, Sep. 5, a. 9-3-12. 331. Stewart, Sarah, w. of Thomas, d. 1829, Nov. 14, a. 78 y. 8 m. 332. Stewart, Thomas, d. 1824, Feb. 8, a. 82-4-24. 333. Stilwell, Ada, w. of Stephen, d. 1826, Jan. 28, a. 44-4-3. 334. Stoutenburgh, Jacob, s. of William & Maria, d. 1839, Dec. 11, a. 11-6-18. 335. Stringham, Nancy, w. of Peter, d. 1823, Mar. 22, in 58th y. 336. Thorn, Elizabeth, d. 1814, Jan. 8, a. 60-5-27. 337. Thurston, Hannah, w. of Samuel M., Esq.; d. 1815, Jan. 1, a. 26-4-5. 338. (Tillou), Polly, w. of William, d. 1806, Nov. 23, a. 32-8-17. 339. Townsend, Jane Eliza, w of Egbert, d. 1837, Feb. 13, a. 21-3-4. 340. Umphrey, Liddie, d. 1806, June 15, a. 28 y. 341. Van Anden, Jacob, d. 1817, Oct. 22, a. 35 y. 342. Van Anden, Sarah, w. of Jacob, d. 1862, Augj 16, a. 78-4-12. 343. Van Derburgh, John, d. 1846, July 29, a. 61-7-24. 344. Vanderburgh, Laura Ann, dau of John & Ann, d. 1816, Nov. 30, a. 2 y. 11 m. 345. Van Keuren, Eve, d. 1840, Aug. 27, a. 72-10-2. 346. Van Keuren, Benjamin, d. 1841, Mar. 27, a. 73-11-2. 347. Vanvalin, Polly, w. of Minard, d. 1806, Nov. 9, a. 26-3-1. 348. Van Vliet, Maria E., w. of Col John, & dau. of John & Sarah Beadle, d. 1827, Mar. 8, a. 27-6-14. 349. Van Wagner, Abraham, d. 1838, June 4, a. 51-9-12. 350. Van Wagner, Aner, w. of Abraham E., d. 1842, Nov. 22, a. 56-3-2. 351. Van Waggoner, Ann, w. of Eli, d. 1829, May 9, a. 22 y. 352. Van Wagoner, Benjamin, d. 1843, Aug. 24, in 61st y. 353. Van Wagener, Culver, s. of Abraham E. & Aner, d. 1833, May 22, a. 19 y. 354. Van Wagner, Elizabeth, w. of John, d. 1806, Apr. 19, in 48th y. 355. Van Wagner, Elizabeth, w. of John N., d. 1849, Mar 16, a. 65-10-1. 356. Van Wagoner, Elizabeth, w. of Benjamin, d. 1870, Apr. 13, in 83d y. 357. Van Wagner, Elsey, w. of Nicholas, d. 1832, Sep. 26, in 90th y. 358. Van Wagner, Jacob, d. 1832, Jan. 26, a. 58-2-11. 359. Van Wagner, John, d. 1811, Mar. 27, a. 56 y. 360. Van Wagoner, John, d. 1823, Apr. 30, a. 79 y. 361. Van Wagner, John I., d. 1838, June 8, a. 53 y. 362. Van Wagner, John N., d. 1827, July 22, a. 46-7-27. 363. Van Wagner, Laura Ann, dau. of Jacob & Margaret, d 1827, Mar. 23, a. 6 m. 27 d. 364. Van Wagner, Lydia, dau. of Jacob & Margaret, d. 1823, July 18, a. 2 y. 365. Van Wagner, Nicholas, d. 1811, Jan. 7, a. 63-7-22. 366. Vanwagoner, Sarah, w. of John, d. 1825, Feb. 15, a. 74 y. 4 m. 367. Van Waggoner, Sarah Margaret, dau. of Benjamin & Elizabeth, d. 1836, June 6, a. 9-2-28. 368. Van Wagner, Sylvester, d. 184S, May 5, in 25th y. 369. Vail, Catharine, dau. of Thomas & Ann Mariah, d. 1828, Sep. 14, a. 8 m. 1 d. 370. Vail. Mary W. of Thomas, d. 1826, Dec. 25, a. 34-4-18. 371. Vail, Pheleann, dau of Thomas & Mary, d. 1826, May 19, a. 10 m. 20 d. 372. Velie, Aletta, w. of Hendrick, d. 1854, Mar. 29, a. 80-3-16. 373. Velie, George P., d. 1872, Dec. 11, a. 72 y. 374. Velie, Hendrick, d. 1850, July 7, in 82d y. 375. Velie, Jacob B., s. of Hendrick & Aletta, d. 1853, Feb 12, a. 46 y. 7 m. 376. Velie, Margaret, dau. of Minard, d. 1825, Oct. 14, a. 4-11-21. 377. Velie, Peter, d. 1819, Feb. 28, a. 78-11-28. 378. Ward, Anthony, b. 1738, Aug. 22, d. 1811, Apr. 23, a 72-9-1. 379. Ward, Daniel, d. 1809, Dec. 5, a. 81-11-22. 380. Ward, Daniel I., d. 1832, Feb. 22, a. 76-9-8. 381. Ward, Doctor Jonathan, d. 1813, Sep. 13, in 34th y. 382. Ward, Mary Wood, second w. of Daniel, d. 1818, Nov. 27, a. 86 y. 14 d. 383. Ward, Owen, d. 1852, Dec. 7, a. 85 y. 384. Ward, Sarah, dau. of Owen & Sarah, d. 1823, Apr. 10, a. 20-7-21. 385. Ward, Sarah, w. of Owen, d. 1835, Aug. 16, a 60 y. 386. Ward, Susannah, w. of Daniel I., d. 1845, Feb. 19, a. 89 y. 387. Webb, Abigail, w. of Samuel, d. 1845, May 21, a. 88 y. 10 m. 220
Town 388. 389. 390. 391. 392. 393. 394. 395. 396. 397. 398. 399. 400. 401. 402. 403. 404. 405. 406. 407. 408. 409. 410. 411. 412. 413. 414. 415.
Webb, Samuel, d. 1825, Aug. 23, in 71st y. Wheeler, Eliza, w. of Jotham, d. 1820, May 15, a. 26 y. Wheeler, Henry, d. 1837, Jan. 12, a. 63 y. Wheeler, Mary, w. of Henry, & dau. of Thomas & Elizabeth Casey, d. 1827, Aug. 7, in 47th y. Wilbur, Josephine, dau. of Samuel D. & Maria D., d. 1847, Sep. 16, a. 3-6-13. Wilbur, Samuel D., d. 1842, Sep 22, a. 30-3-11. Wile, Betty Buckley, w. of the Rev. B. F., d. 1891, Apr. 11, a. 80-2-16. Wile, The Rev. B F., d. 1876, Nov. 19, in 73d y. Wile, Rebecca, w. of the Rev. B F., d. 1841, Apr. 29, in 33d y. Wilson, Eliza Ann, w. of George W., d. 1838, Dec. 30, a. 20 y 9 m. Wilson, John L., s. of George W. & Eliza Ann, d. 1858, Mar. 28, a. 19-9-7 Wixson, Hannah H., w. of Hiram, d. 1841, Dec. 7, a. 42 y. 5 m. Wixson, Hiram, d. 1850, Mar. 18, a. 50-2-10. Wixson, McKenzie J., s. of Hiram & Hannah H., d. 1859, Aug. 29, a. 28 y. 1 m. Wood, Comfort, w. of Nathaniel, d. 1806, Mar. 15, a. 30-10-15. Wood, George W., d. 1827, Apr. 1, a. 33-5-19. Wood, Isaac, d. 1839, June 6, in 87th y. Wood, Joseph, d. 1840, Jan. 10, a. 20 y. Wood, Mary, d. 1852, June 11, a. 74-3-9. Wood, Pamela Mead, w. of George, d. 1873, Sep. 7, a. 76-3-10. Wood, Susannah, w. of Isaac, d. 1797, Dec. 28, a. 42 y. 10 d. Wood, Children of George & Pamela: Jane T., d. 1827, Feb. 22, a. 1 y. Mary A., d 1827, Feb. 21, a. 4 y. Woodward, Marietta, w of Timothy, d. 1831, Dec. 28, a. 42-10-28. Woodward, Timothy, b. 1791, Mar. 31, d. 1875, Sep. 30. Woolsey. John, d. 1827, Feb. 6, a. 34-10-12. Woolsey, Mary, wid. of John, & dau of John & Mary Bailey, d. 1853, Apr. 1, a. 53 y. Worden, Samuel M., d. 1828, Sep. 2, in 52d y. Worden, Zacheus, s. of Samuel M. & Elizabeth, d. 1826, Aug. 18, a. 19-2-3.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.
Friends' burying ground. F r i e n d s ' m e e t i n g h o u s e , village of P l e a s a n t V a l l e y . In good o r d e r . 133 in n u m b e r . Copied J u l y 1 a n d 2, 1 9 1 4 , b y J . W . P o t i c h e r , M. D., a n d M r s . P o u c h e r . T h e F r i e n d s ' m e e t i n g a t P l e a s a n t V a l l e y w a s o r g a n i z e d in 1 8 0 2 , T h e m e e t i n g is now e x t i n c t .
Attwood, Elijah, b. 1811, Apr. 20, d. 1841, Feb. 21. Attwood, Jane T., dau. of William & Maria Thorn, d. 1843, Nov. 13, a. 28 y. 1 m. Attwood, Maria Olivia, dau. of Elijah & Jane, b. 1840, May â&#x20AC;&#x201D;, d. 1841, Dec. 27. Barber, Arselia, G., d. 1851, Oct. 9, a. 8-3-6. Barber, Charles E., d. 1851, Sep. 25, a. 11 y. 7 m. Barber, Sarah R., b. 1812, Sep. 1, d 1890, Sep. 25. Baright, Amy G., w. of Elijah, d. 1879, Dec. 30, a. 80-11-13. Baright, Elijah, d. "6th m., 19th d., 1874," a. 71-2-20. Baright, Elizabeth, dau. of Elijah & Amy ( C ) , d. "9th m., 16th, 1852," a. 21-10-20. Barrett, Jane Ann Hart, w. of Lewis, 1826-1907. Barrett, Lewis, 1827-1907. Bloodgood, S. M., dau. of Daniel, d. 1837, Aug. 10. Brown, Daniel, d. 1841, Sep. 30, a. 56-11-15 Brown, George M., d. "8 m. 4, 1843," a. 19-1-11. Brown, Seneca, d. "1 m. 5, 1819," a. 18-5-21. Carpenter, Henry, d. "8 m. 22, 1851," a. 73 y. Clearwater, Jeremiah, d. 1889, July 26, a. 91-3-14. Clearwater, Timothy F., b. 1833, Mar. 29, d. 1873, Sep. 23. Clearwater, Weltha, w. of Jeremiah, d. 1897, Oct. 1, in 93d y. Cooley, James, a. 4 d. Cooley, John, d. "5th m. 19th, 1856", a. 58 y. Dean, Ann, d. 1836. 221
Old 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86.
Dean, G. C. L., d. 1829. Dean, Hannah B., d. "1 m. 9, 1860," a. 61 y. Dean, Jonathan, b. "3 m. 27 d. 1747," d. "2 m. 16 d. 1813". Dean, Julia, w. of Edwin, a. 28 y. Dean, Mary, b. "3 m. 17 d. 1745," d. "9 m. 19 d. 1829". Dean, Mary, d. "4 m. 2 1 , 1 8 6 ( 0 ) , " a. 66 y. DeGarmo, Edmund, d. "6th m. 28th, 1870," a. 48-8-8. DeGarmo, Mary D., b 1822, July 27, d. 1875, May 12. Devine, Abram, 1831-1905. Devine, Irving, s. of Reuben C. & Mary E., d. 1880, Nov. 10, a. 10 y. 8 m. Devine, Reuben C , 1840, Aug. 1, 1898, Aug. 27. Divine, Phebe W. Drake, w of Abraham, b. 1822, Feb. 4, d. 1881, Jan. 23. Donaldson, Annie E. Downing, w. of Isaac T., 1838-1897. Donaldson, Isaac T., 1831-1912. Downing, Andrew S., b. "11th m. 12th, 1827," d. "7th m. 5th, 1894." Downing, Coe S., b. "9th m 17th, 1831," d. "8th m. 1st, 1876." Downing, Emily, d. 1850, Oct. 2, a. 15-3-19. Downing, Emma Ann McCord, w. of George, d. 1880, Apr. 14, a. 68 y. Downing, Eliza, w. of Townsend, d. 1865, Dec. 11, a. 50-5-10. Downing, George S., d. 1872, Dec. 11, a. 72 y. Downing, Gideon W., b. "10th m. 1st, 1798," d. "2d m. 15th, 1864." Downing, Judith Skidmore, w. of Gideon W., b. "3d m. 22d, 1801," d. "4th m. 3d, 1854." Downing, Mary Ann, b. "1st of 11th m., 1803," d. "1st of 7th m., 1873," a. 69 y. 4 m. Downing, Moses, d. "10th m. 19, 1853," a. 87 y. 1 m. Downing, Sally Ann, b. "23 d of 2d m., 1806." d. "21 of 9th m., 1875," a. 69-6-29. Downing, Susan Ann, b. "7th m. 22d, 1837," d. "3d m. 13th, 1854." Downing, Townsend, b. "8 m. 3d, 1809," d. "12th m. 5th, 1879." Drake, Augustus S., d. "8-31-1852," a. 55 y. Farrington, Eliza Ann, d. "11 m. 17 d., 1837," a. 28 y. Farrington, Eunice, w of Timothy, d. "2 m. 18, 1841," a. 66-1-27. Farrington, Mary, d. 1876, Jan.-19, a. 78 y. 6 m. Farrington, children of George & Mary K.; Elizabeth, d. 1828, Feb. 10, a. 2-3-7. William H., d. 1829, Mar. 4, a. 1-3-4. Fish, Elizabeth, w of Ira, d. 1849, Mar. 11, a. 72 y. 5 m. Fish, Ira, d. 1858, Feb. 14, a. 64-11-14. Flagler, Anna, w. of John L^ d. "26th of 4th m., 1857," a. 83 y. Flagler, Benjamin, d. 1877, Feb. 5, a. 81-2-12. Flagler, Hannah Farrington, wid of Silas, d. 1889, Aug. 17, a. 72 y. 10 m. Flagler, Mary Strait, w. of Enoch, b. 1832, May 20, d. 1894, Dec. 7. Gager, Hannah M. Velie, wid. of Joseph, d. 1896, Aug. 21, a. 86-6-7. Gager, Robert, d. 1852, Nov. 18, a. (illegible). Ganse, Winnie May, dau. of DeWitt T. & Mary, d. 1880, May 25, a. 10 m. 1 d. Giddings, Charles L., b. 1849, Aug. 21, d. 1893, Oct. 10. Giddings, Mary C , w. of N. L., d. 1885, June 16. Green, Griffin, b. "3d m. 4th, 1786," d. "7th m. 31, 1869." Green, Mary, w. of Griffin, d. "8th m. 20th, 1852," a. 59-8-20. Gurney, Amy, w. of David, d. 1812, Nov. 18, a. 17-8-6. Gurney, Mary Ann, w. of William H., d. 1815, Mar. 7, a. 21-8-25. Hastings, Eunice Jane, w. of John, b. 1820, Jan. 21, d. 1887, Oct. 15. Hastings, Hannah, dau. of John & Jane, d. 1862, Aug. 4, a. 17 y. 5 m. Hastings, John, b. 1805, Nov. 2, d 1872, Dec. 11. Hastings, William, s. of John & Jane, d. 1865, Nov. 14, a. 24 y. 3 m. Hauxhurst, Catharine B., d. "5th m. 27, 1871," a. 72 y. Hauxhurst, Deborah A., (dates sunken below ground). Hauxhurst, Hannah, d. "3d m. 3d, 1881". Hauxhurst, Maria, d. 1880, June 19, a. 80 y. Hauxhurst, Martha, d. "2d m. 6th, 1867," a. 76 y. Hicks, Jerusha N., w. of Samuel, b. 1808, Nov. 21, d. 1886, Mar. 9. Hicks, Samuel S., b 1795, Dec. 3, d. 1869, Mar. 31. Holmes, Phebe M., w. of George, d. 1844, Dec. 23, a. 28-8-21. Howland, Seneca, d. "12th m. 25th, 1856," a. 81-6-25. Ingraham, John C , d. 1889, July 5, a. 76 y., "Father." Ingraham, Mary B., d. 1892, Oct. 10, a. 72 y., "Mother." Knickerbocker, David H., s. of John & Sarah B., d. "9th m. 11, 1859," a. 15 y. 20 d. Knickerbocker, Jane E., dau. of John & Sarah B., d. "11 m. 25, 1850," a. 19 y. 20 d. 222
87. Knickerbocker, John, d. "8th m 18th, 1892," a. 85-1-6. 88. Knickerbocker, Martha, dau. of John & Sarah B., d. "11 m. 12th, 1847," a. 1-1-17. 89. Knickerbocker, Martha Alma, dau. of John & Sarah B., d. "9 m. 23d, 1850," a. 10 m. 11 d. 90. Knickerbocker, Sarah B. Sleight, w. of John, d. "10th m. 8th, 1875, a. 69-7-8. 91. Landis, Abbie Jane, w. of Samuel J., & dau. of Homer J. & Amittai W. Leach, b. 1837, Apr. 6, d. 1905, Nov. 26. 92. Lawton, Anthony, d. "8 m. Aug. 23, 1832," a. 41-10-15. 93. Leach, Amittai, w. of Homer J. & dau. of John & Grace Wanzer, b. 1805, Aug. 1, d. 1876, Jan. 30. 94. Leach, Daniel Francis, s. of Homer J. & Amittai W., b. 1830, Jan. 28, d. 1881, Oct. 16. 95. Leach, Homer J., b. 1800, Oct. 15, d. 1867, Oct. 18. 96. Masten, Charles, d. 1859, Sep. 15, a. 54 y. 10 (m). 97. Masten, Elmira Lake, w. of Charles, d. 1878, Aug. 24, a. 69-4-8. 98. Masten, John V., d. 1879, Aug. 30, a. 46-5-17. 99. Masten, William H., d. 1892, Aug. 26, a. 29-10-29. 100. McCord, Catharine, d 1872, Aug. 1, a. 55 y. 101. McCord, Elizabeth H., d. "10th m. 10, 1865," a. 69-4-5. 102. McCord, Sarah H., d. 1849, Aug. 19, a. 76-1-25. 103. Miller, Elizabeth Noe, w. of William B., d. 1852, Apr. 5, a. 28-3-18. 104. Palmer, Gulielma, d. "3d m. 21st, 1878," a. 71-5-17. 105. Palmer, James, d. "5th m. 13th, 1893," in 82d y. 106. Palmer, Jesse, d. "2d m. 1st, 1883," a. 74 y. 7 d. 107. Palmer, Peter, b. "1 m. 8th, 1808," d. "4th m. 4th, 1889." 108. Sleight, Elizabeth Barnes, w. of John, d. "10th m. 2d. 1853," a. 76-3-18. 109. Strait, George S., b. 1834, Apr. 3, d. 1875, Feb. 8. 110. Strait, Phebe Farrington, w.of Justus, b. 1803, Feb. 11, d. 1868, Mar. 5. 111. Stringham, George J., s. of Willet & Eliza, d. "11 m. 15, 1853, a. 10 m. 112. Stringham, Owen D., d. 1852. 113. Stringham, Sarah, d. 1889, Mar. 15, a. 64 y. 114. Stringham, Susan A., d. "30th of 9th m., 1867," in 47th y. 115. Thorn, Ann W., d. 1826, Dec. 31, a 12 y. 116. Thorn, Edwin, s. of William & Maria, d. 1825, Mar. 5, a. 15 y. 3 m. 117. Thorn, Jane, w. of Edgar, & dau. of J. M. Thorft, d. 1828, June 2, a. 25 y. T h u r 8 t o n 118. Thorn, Joseph, d 1860, Dec. 21, a. 82-6-5. 119. Thorn, Lydia L., w. of Joseph, d. "29th of 8th m., 1863," in 76th y. 120. Thorn, Maria, w. of William, b. 1781, Feb. 15, d. 1845, Jan. 17. 121. Thorn, Mary S., dau. of Edgar & Eliza Ann, d. 1812, Jan. 8, a. 6 d 122. Thorn, Priscilla, d. 1832, Mar. 16, a. 15 y. 123. Thorn, Samuel, d. 1809, Mar. 15, a. 6 y. 124. Thorn, Sarah, w. of Joseph, d. 1827, Jan. 8, a 47 y. 125. Thorn, Sarah H., d. 1840, Mar. 6, in 28th y. 126. Thorn, William, s. of William & Jemima, b. "1 m. 21, 1781," d. "11 m., 6, 1869," a. 88-9-15. 127. Tompkins, John B., 1839, Feb. 5, — 1913, Mar 18. Sarah E. Downing, his wife, 1839, June 30, — 1903, Oct. 29. 128. Townsend, Betsey T., w. of George, b. ".6th m. 27th, 1802," d. "4th m. 18th, 1869". 129. Townsend, Sarah, w. of Thomas, d. "12 m. 13, 1836," a. 23-11-19. 130. Townsend, Thomas, d. "1 m. 12, 1839," a. 25-3-17. 131. Vail, Jarvis, d. 1859, Nov. 4, a. 61 y. 3 d. 132. Vail, Lydia, d. "10 m. Oct. 18, 1842," a. 41-1-10. 133. Welling, Delilah, d. 1861, Feb. —, a. 67 y.
METHODIST GROUND CLASSIFICATION: Churchyard. LOCATION: E a s t of t h e village of P l e a s a n t V a l l e y , on t h e n o r t h side of t h e main highway. CONDITION: O v e r g r o w n ; s u r r o u n d e d by a s t o n e wall. INSCRIPTIONS. 175 in n u m b e r . Copied O c t o b e r 4 , 1 9 1 3 , by J . W . P o u c h e r , M. D., a n d Mrs. Poucher. REMARKS: In 1 8 2 5 M e t h o d i s t s in P l e a s a n t V a l l e y built a c h u r c h on this s i t e . T h e b u i l d i n g w a s r e m o v e d to t h e village in 1 8 4 5 . 223
Old 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 3. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69.
Allen, Lucy, w. of Israel, d. 1864, Feb. 26, a. 53 y. Babcock, Frank, s. of William & Phebe, d. 1887, July 26, in 26th y. Babcock, Laura, dau. of William & Phebe, d. 1866, May 10, a. 6-7-16. Banks, Ann Storms, w. of Daniel W., d. 1858, Mar. 27, a. 64-1-15. Banks, Daniel W., d. 1859, May 30, a. 59-4-17. Banks, Joseph W., s. of Daniel W. & Ann, d. 1839, Mar. 2, a. 1-9-29. Bartlett, Armenia A. Wesley, w. of Charles B., d. 1861, Nov. 11, a. 29-11-18. Beadle, Elisha, d. 1841, June 9, a. 62-11-9. Birch, George, d. 1833, June 8, a. 57 y. Birch, Rachel, w. of George, d. 1865, July 10, a. 81-4-12. Bishop, Bartlett, Co. B, 128th N. Y. S. V., d. 1903, Mar. 26, a. 78 y. Bishop, Charles A., d. 1867, Jan. 15, a. 2 y. 4 m. Bishop, Ellen M., d. 1872, May 6, a. 15 y. Bishop, Frederick A., d. 1864, June 3, a. 9-6-3. Bishop, Uphemia Cole, w. of Bartlett, d. 1890, May 21, a 66 y. Bishop, William T., s. of Jacob S. & Sarah, d. 1863, July 26, a. 2 m. 16 d. Bodenshatz, Louisa, dau. of John & Mary, d. 1867, Sep. 11, a. 3-8-17. Bullock, Catharine, d. 1849, May 4, in 39th y. Bullock, Mary, w. of Israel, d. 184(0), Feb. 13, a. 65 y. 9 m. Burtis, Marie, dau. of Garret S. & Mary, d. 1849, May 31, in 25th y. Cantine, Lucy, w. of Aaron, d. 1867, Jan. 25, a. 52-9-22. Cheesman, Caroline L., w. of Filkins, d. 1850, Nov. 10, a. 51 y. 12 d. Cheesman, Jacob, d. 1869, Nov. 16, a. 40 y. 11 d. Cheeseman, John N., s. of Filkins, d. 1831, Jan. 12, a. 7 y. 13 d. Clark, Christiana T., dau. of Robert & Eliza, d. 1845, Aug. 15, a. 11 m. 15 d. Clark, Eliza, w. of Robert, d. 1883, Mar 21, a. 78-2-21. Clark, Robert, d. 1862, Jan. 9, a. 69 y. Collins, Oliver D., d. 1833, Feb. 13, a. 55 y. 2 m. Collins, Oliver Davis, b. 1816, June 14, d. 1887, Sep. 16. Collins, Sarah Ward, w. of Oliver D., d. 1860, Oct. 25, a. 76-8-13. Cramer, Abraham, d. 1861, Mar. 3, a. 62 y. 15 d. Cramer, Abraham, s. of Abraham & Permilla, d. 1875, Apr. 29, at Utica, N. Y., a. 39-7-21. Cramer, Elizabeth Dingee, w. of Israel, d. 1866, Dec. 7, a. 74-3-18. Cramer, Permilla, w. of Abraham, d. 1849, Feb. 17, a. 48-2-5. Cramer, Sarah, d. 1886, Oct. 7, a. 64 y. Crume, Lauretta Ann, w. of John P., d. 1851, Nov. 13, a. 49 y. 2 m. Dean, Catherine M., d. 1856, June 16, in 26th y. Dennis, William H., Co. G, 159th N. Y. (no dates). Dise, William, d. 1851, Jan. 23, a. 80 v. Doughty, John H., d. 1879, Aug. 20,"a. 26-6-26. DuBois, John R., d 1872, July 23, a. 61 y. DuBois, Rebecca, w. of John R., d. 1858, Jan. 3, a. 38-4-19. Edmonds, Kerinada, d. 1857, Nov. 23, a. 33 y. Elliott, Joseph H., s. of Rev. Joseph & Harriet M., d. 1856, Sep 28, a. 6 m. 9 d. Estelle, Helen Bishop, w. of John, b. 1834, Julv 4, d. 1902, Jan. 12. Estelle, John, b. 1839, Jan. 1, d. 1902, Feb. l i . .Flagler, Maria E., dau of Stephen & Caroline, d. 1845, Mar. 8, a. 6-10-9. Flagler, Mary S., dau. of Stephen & Caroline, d. 1850, Sep. 2, a. 2 y. 9 d. Foster, Elizabeth, d. 1857, Nov. 20, a. 81 y. Foster, Frances A., d. 1873, Mar. 20, a. 30 y. Foster, John I., d. 1852, Feb. 9, in 75th y. Fowler, Ellen S., d. 1877, Sep. 9, a. 69 y. Fowler, Senekey, d. 1856, Aug. 28, in 56th y. (Gentleman), Mary, w. of James, d. 1849, May 19, a. 40 y. 8 m. Giraud, Ann E., dau. of Frederick & Margaret, d. 1861, June 3, a. 15 m. 3 d. Graham, Angeline, w. of Richard, b. 1835, Feb. 18, d. 1871, Jan. 21. Harris, Elizabeth, w. of William, d. 1829, Sep. 12, a. 54-11-7. Harris, George C , d. 1837, May 5, a. 26 y. 24 d. Harris, William, d. 1828, Feb. 18, a. 51-10-10. Hart, Sarah, w. of William, d. 1858, Mar. 11, a. 66-11-20. Hill, Gabriel, d. 1855, July 16, a. 67-2-11. Hill, Owen S., d. 1892, Mar. 16, a. 53 y Hill, Sarah A., w. of Gabriel, b. 1810, Mar. 20, d. 1880, June 3. Horton, Benjamin, b. 1836, Feb. 14, d. 1855, June 11. Horton, Mamie, dau. of Benjamin & Jane, d. 1880, Dec. 21, a. 5-3-20. Horton, Mary Jane Robertson, w. of Benjamin, b. 1838, Mar. 19, d. 1911, Oct. 6. Howard, Hezekiah, d. 1849, May 13, in 44th y. Howard, John W., s. of William & Pauline, d. 1848, Dec. 3, a. 1-4-20. Howard, Maria, w. of Hezekiah, d. 1870, Dec. 4, in 59th y. 224
Town 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137.
Howard, Paulina Storms, w. of William, d. 1867, Apr. 8, a. 62 y. 6 m. Husted, Phebe J., w. of James D., d. 1860, Oct. 3, a. 37-4-27. Ingraham, Anna Thorn, w. of John L., d. 1859, Sep. 19, a 74-7-27. Ingraham, Gilbert, s. of Gilbert H. & Mary P., d. 1852, June 27, a. 5 m. Ingraham, Gilbert H., d. 1852, May 27, a. 31-7-20. Ingraham, Irene Amelia, only child of William & Mary C , d. 1848, Dec 29, a. 3 y. 3 m. Ingraham, John L., d. 1846, Feb. 2, a. 67-9-6. Ingraham, Mary Ann Drew, dau. of John L. & Anna, d. 1839, Dec. 5, a. 26-5-23. Ingraham, Sarah Ann, dau. of Elizabeth, d. 1841, Sep. 14, a. 24 y. 15 d. Ingraham, William, d. 1853, Dec. 29, in 35th y. Johnston, Francis M., s. of Aleander & Phebe, d. 1862, Feb. 20, a. 10 m. 13 d. Johnston, Ida C , dau. of Alexander & Phebe, d. 1858, Nov. 28, a. 3-7-25 Johnston, William M., s. of Alexander & Phebe, d. 1863, Sep. 2, a. 2-5-25. Jones, Nathan M., d. (1850?), (broken), a. 77-4-12. Jones, Susan, w. of Nathan, d 1869, Dec. 28, a. 79-4-8. Koonz, Elizabeth, w. of Peter, d. 1866, May 3, a. 69 y. Koonz, Peter, d. 1873, Apr. 18, in 79th y. Lake, Hellin, w. of Stephen, d. 1845, Nov. 1, a. 32 y. Lake, Maria, w. of John, d. 1842, June 28, in 42d y (Law), Mary Rice, w. of William, d. 1851, Feb. 23, a. 56-4-22. Lester, George N., d. 1843, Feb. 11, a. 9-9-20. Lewis, Maria L., dau. of Thomas & Mary J., d. 1861, May 13, a 4-3-28. Lewis, William T., Co. I, 128th N. Y. Vols., d. 1891, Mar. 18, a. 54 y. Lucas, Arabella, only dau. of George & Sarah A., d. 1864, Aug. 16, a 16 y. McFarlin, Alfred, s. of Stephen & Phebe, d. 1859, Oct. 28, a. 33 y. 5 m. McFarland, Elizabeth Cornwell, w. of Levi, b. 1803, May 8, d. 1885, Mar. 13. McFarlin, Isaac C , s of Levi & Elizabeth, d. 1839, Apr. 4, a. 11 m. 8 d. McFarland, Levi, d. 1872, Mar. 18, in 65th y. Mcintosh, Johnnie, d. 1871, Jan. 24, in 24th y. Marshall, Eli, d. 1866, Feb. 11, a. 63-4-22. Marshall, Harriet, dau. of Eli & Catharine, d. 1858, Oct. 13, a. 16-2-24. Marshall, Sarah, dau. of Eli & Catharine, d. 1858, Feb. 9, a. 26-3-28. Mastin, Clara A. T., dau. of David & Mary E., d. 1875, Jan. 11, a. 3 y. Masten, Hezekiah G., Co. D, 128th N. Y. Vols., d. 1865, July 28, a. 25 y. Masten, James E., d. 1879, May 5, in 39th y. Moore, Maria, d. 1873, Jan. 27, a. 90 y. Morris, Martha E., dau. of John & Mary L., d. 1850, May 24, a. 3 wks. (Morris?), Rodah E., d. 1841, Apr. 22, a 2 y. Mo(wies), William P., d. 1892, July 12, a. 45 y. 14 d. Newcomb, John, d. 1827, Feb. 6, a. 56-11-13. Newcomb, Ruth, w. of John, d. 1834, Dec. 17, a. 62 y 5 m. Oaklev, Eliza, w. of William M., d. 1866, Apr. 2, in 66th y. Oaklev, William M., d. 1875, Jan. 20, in 74th y. Odell, Almira A. Baker, w. of Samuel D., d 1858, Nov. 27, a. 36 y. 7 m. Odell, Cornelia, dau. of Samuel D. & Almira, d. 1866, Aug. 18, a. 8-4-19. Odell, Frances D., dau. of Milton & Harriett, d. 1855, Feb. 25, a. 5 m. 5 d. Overocker, Sarah Lake, w of Abraham L., d. 1865, Apr. 13, in 83d v. Palmatier, Charles H., d. 1882, Feb. 3, a. 50 y. Patten, Mary F., dau. of William T. & Sarah A., d. 1858, Mar. 27, a. 9-11-4. Place, Louisa Matilda, dau. of Welcome & Louisa, d. 1853, Nov. 26, (age not decipherable). Race, Maria Jane, d. 1866, Aug. 3, a. 2 y. 2 m. Race, Phebe J. Stormes, w of Philo, 1831-1909. Race, Philo, d. 1888, Nov. 1, a. 64 y. 5 m. Rice, Alida, dau. of Jacob & Delia M., d. 1880, Mar. 25, a. 21 y. 6 m. Rice, Egbert N., s. of Jacob & Delia, d. 1876, Mar. 16, a. 21-1-22. Rice, Garrison, s. of Solomon & Sarah, d. 1843, Jan. 8, a. 5-10-5. Rice, Mary Ann, w. of Jacob, d. 1849, Nov. 11, a. 44-6-10. Robertson, Marv, b. 1813, June 12, d. 1884, Nov. 14 Robertson, Richard T., d. 1863, Mav 26, a. 70-9-19. Rogers, Alexander, Co. I, 150th N. Y. Vols., d. 1873, June 10, a. 42 y. Rogers, Catherine, w. of Alexander, d. 1864, Sep. 21, a. 29 y. 5 m. Rozell, Hannah, w. of William J., d. 1877, Apr. 18, in 73d y. Shaw, Rachel, w. of Elymus, d. 1858, Apr. 9, a. 59-5-13. Silvernail, John Henrv, only s. of George & Sarah, d. 1844, June 18, a. 11-10-27. Sleight, Martha, w. of Solomon, d. 1839, Mar. 29, a. 47 y. Sleight, Solomon, d. 1843, Mar. 1, a. 70-3-10. Smith, Aaron H., s. of William S. & Loretta, d. 1864, May 22, a. 1-5-22. Spencer, Jane, w.of J. C , d. 1872, Sep. 13, in 71st y. 225
Old 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173. 174.
Stevens, Mary, dau of Elijah & Mary, d. 1841, Feb. 16, a. 32 y. Stewert, Anna, dau. of Thomas & Sarah, d. 1849, Jan. 13, in 73d y. Stewart, Phebe, wid. of Josiah, d. 1843, Feb. 2, a. 51 y. Stilwell, Daniel, d. 1844, Dec. 21, a. 55-3-27. Stilwell, James Edward, d. 1852, Dec. 12, a. 26-10-6. Stilwell, John, d. 1837, Apr. 22, a. 77 y. 2 m. Stilwell, Lydia, w. of Daniel, d. 1855, Oct. 27, a. 64-11-27. Stillwell, Rebecca, d. 1843, Apr. 24, a. 75 y. Storm, Catharine, w. of Jacob, d. 1875, Oct. 11, a. 66-6-18. Storm, Jacob, d. 1867, Sep. 11, a. 64-5-28. Storm, Joseph F., s. of Jacob & Catharine, d. 1862, Dec. 1, a. 9-2-5. Storm, Luman, s. of Jacob & Catharine, d. 1855, Mar. 3, a. 4-5-15. Storm, Rebecca, dau. of Jacob & Catharine, d. 1870, Sep. 17, a. 31-8-21. Storm, Susan Ann, dau. of Jacob & Catharine, d. 1855, Dec. 6, a. 23 y. 2 m. Stormes, Abram, d. 1882, Nov. 15, in 76th y. Stormes, Elizabeth Tripp, w. of Abram, d. 1879, Aug. 22, in 72d y. Stormes, Kesiah Lake, w. of Jacob, d 1871, July 16, a. 92-5-6. Stormes, Matilda, dau. of Jacob & Kesiah, 1822-1891. Storms, Catharine H., w. of John I., d. 184(0), Oct. 27, a. 40-3-27. Storms, Catharine M., dau. of John I. & Catharine H., d. 186(2), Dec. 22, a. (21)-6-13. Storms, John I., d. 1866, July 13, a. 69-7-26. Storms, Phebe Jane, w. of Isaac, d. 1856, Apr. 5, a. 36 y. 1 m. Taylor, Edward C , d. 1825, Nov. 15, a. 40 y. Taylor, Maria C , w. of Edward C , d. 1831, July 10, a. 43 y. Temple, Hester, w. of Aleander, d. 1833, Sep. 16, a. 35 y. Thompson, John, d. 1881, May 2, a. 74 y. Traver, Mary, w. of William L., d 1845, Aug. 1, a. 38 y. 10 m. Traver, William L., d. 1872, June 13, a. 71 y. 28 d. Tripp, Elisha, d. 1844, Nov. 6, a. 30-4-8. Turner, Abram T., d. 1865, Mar. 29, a. 33 y. 10 m Turner, George W., s. of John W. & Mary A., d. 1867, Feb. 6, a. 1 y. 9 m. Wesley, Charlotte, dau. of John W. & Charlotte A., d 1848, Oct. 2, a. 10-3-20. Wesley, Mary E., dau. of John W. & Charlotte A., d. 1848, Oct. 13, a. 14-4-6. Whitney, A., d. 1833, Mar. 5, (slate stone, nothing more decipherable). Williams, Maria, w. of Peter, d. 1868, Sep. 10, a. 35 y. 5 m. Williams, Peter, d. 1856, Feb. 27, a. 41-6-4. Wolf, Margaret, w. of Henry, d. 1848, Feb. 24, a. 53 y.
Miscellaneous 175. ( ? ) , Mary Nellie, d. 1875, Aug. 25, a. 9 m. 20 d.
ST. PAUL'S CHURCH CLASSIFICATION: Churchyard. LOCATION: St. Paul's church (Protestant Episcopal), village of Pleasant Valley. CONDITION: In good order. INSCRIPTIONS: 63 in number. Copied November 10, 1914, by J. W. Poucher, M. D., and Mrs. Poucher. REMARKS: St. Paul's parish was organized in 1837 and a church building erected in 1842. 1. Allen, Edward, s. of Thomas N. & Cordelia, d. 1855, Feb. 11, a. 4-10-8. 2. Arnold, children of Oscar Emil & Hannah Bower:â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Carl B., b Apr. 25, d. Dec. 27, 1900; Richard H., b. Apr. 25, d. Dec. 29, 1900. 3. Bishop, Annie Bell, w. of Isaac H., d. 1889, Aug. 10, a. 28 y. 4. Bower, Alida, dau. of Joseph & Hannah K., d. 1881, June 3, a. 33 y. 5. Bower, Anna'Myra, b. 1854, Aug. 8, d. 1880, Dec. 19. 6. Bower, Emma, dau. of Joseph & Hannah K., d. 1886, Oct. 20, a. 40 y. 7. Bower, Hannah Kirk, w. of Joseph, d. 1870, Jan. 13, a. 53-6-7. 8. Bower, Joseph, d. 1864, Apr. 28, a. 51-5-28. 9. Bower, Joseph Alden, b. 1851, Nov. 16, d. 1886, Feb. 21. 10. Bower, Lydia Augusta Vail, w. of George E., d. 1875, June 6, a. 33 y. 11. Bower, Myra Kirk, b. 1878, Nov. 9, d. 1882, June 11. 226
Town 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41.
42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63.
V a l l ey
Bower, William H., d. 1910, May 11, a. 76-1-4. Bowman, Freddie H., s of George G. & Cora, d. 1878, Oct. 22, a. 5 y. 2 d. Bowman, John T., d. 1909, Jan. —, a. 89 y. Bowman, Patience H. Gerow, w. of John T., d. 1902, Sep. 22, a 84 y. Bowman, Sophia, dau. of John T. & Patience, 1853-1901. Buckley, Alice, w. of William M., d. 1854, Dec. 3, in 86th y. Buckley, William M., a native of England, d. 1831, Dec. 19, a. 55-1-1. Cady, Edward, 150th N. Y. V., d. 1892, Feb. 20, a. 69 y. Cady, Margaret J. Robinson, w. of Edward, d. 1895, Feb. 28, a. 58 y Clarkson, David L., b. 1807, Apr. 21, d. 1887, Feb. 27. Clearwater, Rachel M., w. of George, 1840-1863; "Also their little daughter Effie," d. 1862, Aug. 16, a. 4 m. Fisher, Henry P., s. of Michael & Mary, d. 1867, July 26, a. 30 y. Greaves, James F., d. 1875, Sep. 2, in 82d y. Greaves, Martha F., w. of James F., d. 1856, Mar. 12, a. 57 y. 6 m. Green, Irving, b. 1870, Mar. 30, d. 1894, Apr. 6. Green, Leonard, Co. A, 20th Reg. U. S. C. I. V., d. 1899, Oct. 28, a. 56 y. Green, Lulu, b. 1873, Aug. 7,d. 1898, May 18. Hill, children of William & Mary E.: Martha Ann, d. 1852, Nov. 3, a. 3 y. 11 m.; Annie, d. 1853, Aug. 5, a. 5 d. Kirk, Elizabeth Stiles, w. of Samuel, d. 1881, Apr. 2, a 90 y. Lamson, Chloe, w. of R., d. 1863, July 27, a. 66 y. Lattin, Maria Odell, w. of Benjamin, d. 1887, Jan. 1, a. 83 y. Marshall, Jane P., w. of Leonard R., d 1845, May 28, a. 31 y. Marshall, Leonard R., b. 1803, Apr. 22, d. 1866, Sep. 25, in 64th y. Marshall, William, s. of Leonard R. & Jane P., d. 1845, May 10, a. 9 m. Mills, Malissa Grey, w. of Thomas, 1826- • Mills, Thomas, 1817-1906. Mullen, Ann C , dau. of John & Mary, d. 1847, Aug. 26, a. 2 y. 12 d. Newcomb, John H., b. 1796, Oct. 30, d. 1875, Feb. 9. Newcomb, Sarah Mills Sexton, w. of John H., b. 1810, Dec. 3, d. 1872, Nov. 28. Newcomb, children of John H. & Sarah M. S.:— Catherine, b. 1836, Oct. 31, d. 1839, Aug. 14; Frances, b. 1839, Mar. 2, d. 1840, Jan. 6; Elmira S., b. 1848, Sep. 18, d. 1867, Nov. 26; John H., b. 1840, Oct 16, d. 1869, Dec. 17. Nicholson, Gertrude M. Odell, b. 1848, Jan. 18, d. 1910, July 19. Odell, Annie Pells, dau. of Seneca & Mary J., d. 1866, May 13, a. 20 5'. 2 m. Odell, James, d. 1852, July 2 1 , in 73d y. Odell, James H., s. of James & Mary, b. 1819, Jan. 6, d. 1885, Nov. 8. Odell, Mary Dubois, w. of James, d. 1859, May 9, a. 72-2-28. Odell, Mary E. Whitney, w. of James H., & dau. of Daniel O. & Maria Ward, b. 1832, Oct. 16, d. 1896, Aug. 30. Odell, Seneca S., d 1877, Jan. 15, in 72d y. Peters, Ida M. Odell, b. 1844, Sep. 2, d. 1915, Sep. 21. Quinton, Elenor, w. of Hugh, 1814-1894. Quinton, Hugh, 1811-1892. Silvernail, Albert, b. 1844, Apr. 16, d. 1897, Sep. 30. Silvernail, Elizabeth Bradley, w. of Albert. Silvernail, Jane Ann, w. of Stephen, d. 1891, Nov. 3, a. 71-5-28. Silvernail, Stephen A., s. of Albert & Elizabeth, d. 1874, Aug. 30, a. 2-9-10. Silvernail, Stephen S., d. 1876, June 14, a. 55-7-28. Traver, Emma, w. of I H., b. 1812, Mar. 26, d. 1882, Sep. 3. Traver, M. D.; I. H., b'. 1814, Aug. 2, d. 1892, June 8. Traver, John H . , b . 1838, Sep. 3, d. 1891, Apr. 7. Traver, William F., b 1844, Feb. 27, d. 1896, Jan. 8. Vaughan, Susie A. Cady, w. of Percy C , b. 1875, Dec. 23, d. 1907, Apr. 4. Williams, Elizabeth Leak, w. of Martin, d. 1890, Mar. 11, a. 55 y. 8 m. Williams, Martin, d. 1912, Dec 18, a. 78 y. 4 m.
BAPTIST CHURCH CLASSIFICATION: Churchyard. LOCATION: Baptist church, Netherwood. CONDITION: Fair. 227
Gravestones 167 in number. M. D., and Mrs. The Baptists of before the War church building.
Copied October 16, 17, 1913, by J. W. Poucher, Poucher. Pleasant Valley organized as a congregation of the Revolution. In 1790 they erected a
1. Ackert, William, d. 1841, July 9, a. 34 y. 2. Albertson, Isaac, d. 1829, Apr 20, a. 45 y. 4 d. 3. Albertson, Phebe, dau. of Isaac & Sarah^ d. 1831, Nov. 14, a. 17-9-1. 4. Albertson, Sarah, w. of Isaac, d. 1841, Jan. 26, a. 54 y. 3 d. 5. Albertson, William, s. of Isaac & Sarah, d. 1808, Sep. 15, a. 11 m. 10 d. 6. Armstrong, Elizabeth, w. of Robert, d. 1863, Sep. 16, a. 72 y. 7. Armstrong, Hannah, w. of Jacob, d. 1820, Dec. 8, a. 53 y. 8. Armstrong, Jacob, d. 1838, Aug. 24, in 79th y. 9. Armstrong, Mary Ann, dau. of William & Lucinda, d. 1825, Dec. 21, a. 11 m. 5 d. 10. Armstrong, Robert, d. 1853, Feb. 26, a. 61-5-3. 11." Barrett, Kate E., d. (no date), a. 42 y. (on same stone as Obed E. Barrett). 12. Barrett, Obed E., d. (no date), a. 47 y. (old slate stone). 13. Barrett, Spencer T., s. of Obed & Kate, d. ( ), Mar. 9, a. 14-3-9. 14. Bierham, Sarah, dau. of Simon & Harriett, d. 1845, Feb. 14, a. 3 y. 1 m. 15. Bishop, Anna, w. of Thomas, d. 1855, Feb. 5, a. 72-5-13. 16. Bishop, Mary Brink, w. of Rev. Titus, b. 1791, Nov. 2, d. 1867, Aug. 19. 17. Bishop, Thomas, d. 1857, Jan. 18, a. 79-1-24 18. Budd, Charlotte D. B., dau. of Joel N. & Elizabeth D. B., d. 1870, June 23, a. f? 17 O
19. Budd, Elijah, d. 1796. 20. Budd, Elizabeth DuBois, w. of Joel N., d. 1872, Dec. 18, a. 42-11-1. 21. Budd, Frederick Albert, s. of Joel N. & Elizabeth D. B., b. 1856, Oct. 26, d. 1857, Mar. 21. 22. Budd, Hannah, d. 1802, June 6. 23. Budd, Joel N., d. 1898, Apr. 28, a 78-8-18. 24. Budd, John, d. 1813, Oct. 1, a. 83 y. 25. Budd, John, d. 1828, May 8, a. 20 y. 26. Budd, Mary, w. of John, d.1820, July 31, a. 78-10-11. 27. Budd, Warren J., s. of Joel N. & Elizabeth D. B., d. 1872, Nov. 3, a. 19 y 25 d. 28. Bush, Ann Maria, dau. of Abram & Eliza, d. 1854, Oct. 10, a. 3-2-10. 29. Culver, Julia, w. of Hiram, d. 1863, June 11, a. 38-1-3. 30. Culver, Mary T., w. of Marshall, d. 1858, June 14, a. 57-3-6. 31. Dennis, Mary Underwood, w of Isaac J., d. 1888, Aug. 29, a. 73 y. 10 m. 32. Dodge, The Rev. John, Pastor of this Church, d. 1816, Apr. 13, a. 78 y. 33. Dodge, Kezia, w. of the Rev. John, d. 1814, Feb. 1, a. 55 y. 34. Dodge, M. D.; Samuel, b. 1819, Aug. 26, d. 1863, June 29 35. Doughty, Cornelia Ward, w. of George W., d. 1863, Aug. 27, a. 35-4-5. 36. DuBois, Cornelius, d. 1833, June 26, a. 9 y. 5 m. 37. DuBois, Sarah Ann,,d. 1836, Jan 5, a. 39 y. 38. DuBois, Thomas K., d. 1828, June 7, in 37th y. 39. Finch, Sarah M. dau. of H. F. & Rachel A., d. 1848, May 7, a. 9 y. 10 m. 40. Fosdick, George W., d. 1833, Jan. 30, a 39-8-5. 41. Fosdick, Mary, w. of Silas, d. 1827, Apr. 3, a. 61 y. 42. Fosdick, Phebe, dau. of Silas & Mary, d. 1808, June 12, a. 4-8-12. 43. Fosdick, Silas, d. 1845, Mar. 19, a. 91 y. 44. Freeland, Sarah, d. 1853, Aug. 2 1 , a. 63 y. 45. Frost, Ann, d. 1811, June 16. 46. Frost, David, d. 1826, May 5, in 83d y. 47. Frost, Emily, dau. of Jacob & Susannah, d. 1836, Aug. 7, a. 1 y. 7 m. 48. Frost, Isaac W., s. of Jacob & Susannah, d. 1844, Mar. 4, a. 21-8-22. 49. Frost, Jacob, b. 1785, Feb. 10, at Carmel, N. Y., d. 1860, Nov. 26. 50. Frost, Sarah, w. of David, d. 1835, Mar. 10, a. 93 y. 2 m. 51. Frost, Sarah H., dau. of Jacob & Susannah, d. 1862, Feb. 26, a. 44 y. 52. Frost, Susannah, w. of Jacob, d. 1852, Aug. 6, a. 64-2-2. 53. Fuller, Sylva, w. of Terry, d. 1844, Jan. 8, a. 45-10-19. 54. Golder, John, d. 1820, Mar. 28, a. 75 y. 55. Golder, Sarah, w. of John, d. 1837, Dec. 23, a. 85-5-9. 56. Griffin, David T., 1826-1892. 57. Griffin, Mary, dau. of David T. & Dianna, d. 1858, Feb. 9, a. 4-9-5. 58. Griffin, Mary J., 1840. 59. Hollister, Jane T., w. of Nathan, & dau. of Samuel & Catharine Thurston, d. 1850, Feb. 4, a. 20-8-22. 60. Ives, Stephen, d. 1870, Apr. 10, a. 69 y. 4 d. 228
Town 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124.
Lansing, Sally A., w. of John, d. 1843, July 10, a. 21 y. Lawrence, Deborah, w. of Richard, d. 1848, Jan. 15, in 80th y. Lawrence, Ellen, w. of Peters, d. 1840, Aug. 1, a. 38-11-7. Lawrence, Ellen, dau. of Peters & Tamma, d. 1850, June 30, a. 3-3-6. Lawrence, Henry, s. of Joel & Mary, d. 1835, Mar. 25, a. 4 m. 15 d. Lawrence, Jacob, d. 1813, Mar. 8, a. 81 y. 3 m. Lawrence, Jacob, d. 1833, Oct. 29, a. 38-6-20. Lawrence, Joel, d. 1812, June 1, in 22d y. Lawrence, John, d. 1791, Nov. 22, a. 26-4-22. Lawrence, John K., s. of Peters & Tamma, d. 1859, Dec. 16, a. 8-10-16. Lawrence, Marah, w. of Jacob, d. 1805, Sep. 4, in 76th y. Lawrence, Mary, dau of William & Mary, d. 1822, July 28, a. 20-11-18. Lawrence, Mary, dau. of Peters & Ellen, d. 1832, Feb. 7, a. 1-6-19. Lawrence, Mary, w. of William, d. 1854, Jan. 28, a. 89-2-28. Lawrence, Obadiah, s. of William & Mary, d. 1855, Mar. 13, a. 60 y. 8 d. Lawrence, Peters, b. 1804, Jan. 24, d. 1884, Oct. 31. Lawrence ( Rachel, dau. of Peters & Ellen, d. 1840, May 17, a. 10-5-28. Lawrence, Richard, s. of William & Mary, d. 1789, Oct. 19, a. 6-8-24. Lawrence, Deacon Richard, d. 1837, Jan. 26, in 81st y. Lawrence, Richard, s. of Robert & Maria, d. 1838, Oct. 20, a. 12-2-18 Lawrence, Robert, d. 1837, Mar. 24, a. 51-5-24. Lawrence, Tamma, w. of Peters, d. 1868, May 15, a. 56-9-23. Lawrence, William, d. 1851, Mar. 27, a. 90 y. Lovelace, Emma Ward, w. of Stephen, d. 1857, Jan. 15, a. 60 y. (Lovelace? Lordess?), Ledue, s. of Stephen & (Jemima), d. 1832, Apr. 3, a. 2 y. 3 m. Lovelace, Stephen, d. 1854, May 6, a. 57 y. Manning, Charles, d. 1857, Jan. 2, a. 61-8-26. Manning, Lawrence, d. 1849, Sep. 16, in 46th y. Manning, Lucinda Vanderburgh, w. of Lawrence, d. 1863, Aug. 19, in 73d y. Manning, Maria Travis, w. of Charles, d. 1858, Sep. 15, a. 43 y. Manning, Phebe, w. of Lawrence, d. 1834, Dec. 13, in 27th y. Marshall, Eliza A. Lawrence, w. of Isaac, b. 1814, Feb. 12, d. 1876, Aug. 6. Marshall, Isaac, b 1816, Jan. 22, d. 1890, Aug. 19. Northrop, Deliah, 1831-1900. Ostrom, John, d. 1846, Apr. 21, a. 72-9-2. Ostrom, Mary, w. of Peter, d. 1837, Jan. 10, a. 61-1-1. Ostrom, Mary T., d. 1853, June 4, a. 10-1-4. Ostrom, Peter, d 1846, Oct. 4, a. 77 y. 6 m. Ostrom, Sarah, dau. of Peter & Mary, d. 1852, Dec. 23, a. 13-8-8. Pells, Ellen, dau. of Charles & Phebe, d. 1843, Oct. 24, a 3 m. 20 d. Pettit, Hiram, d. 1860, Aug. 4, a. 65-10-20. Pettit, Israel T., s. of Hiram & Marv, d. 1855, Aug. 15, a. 21 y. 10 m. Pettit, Mary, w. of Hiram, d. 1867, Dec. 31, a. 75-8-3. Piatt, Thomas V., d. 1861, Apr. 21, a. 53-11-19. Ranus, Isaac, b. 1803, Feb. 3, d. 1882, May 6. Sacrider, Sarah E., dau of George W. & Harriet L., d. 1847, Apr. 2, a. 1 y. 8 m. Shadbolt, Allen, 1811-1887. Shadbolt, Mary, 1841-1908. Shadbolt, Ruth, 1803-1882. Sleight, Nancy, w. of Peter H., d. 1843, May 15, a. 29 y. Stanley, Clayton Ford, b. 1892, June 14, d. 1900, May 24. Stoutenburgh, Maria Albertson, w. of Tobias I., b. 1809, July 18, d. 1876, Oct. 8. Stoutenburgh, Phebe Manerva, dau. of Tobias & Maria, d. 1840, Mar. 14, a. 5 y. 11 d. Stoutenburgh, Tobias I., b. 1806, Jan. 29, at Hyde Park, d. 1888, Oct. 25. T. "J. T., 1794." T., (Next to stone of Isaac L. Tompkins, a broken stone, bearing no name, only the following dates:â&#x20AC;&#x201D;"Apr. 6, 1841, aged 31 years, 11 months"). Thurston, Catharine, w. of Samuel M., d. 1852, Jan. 20, a. 60-8-4. Thurston, John M., d. 1834, Dec. 13, in 81st y. Thurston, Rebecca A Bishop, w. of John M., d. 1893, Oct. 27, a. 68-10-10. Thurston, Samuel M., d. 1856, Jan. 17, a. 69 y. 2 m. Thurston, Susan, w. of John M., & dau. of John & Esther Storm, d. 1830, Nov. 7, in 64th y. Tompkins, Isaac L., d. 1843, Apr. 19, a. 29-6-13 Tompkins, Harriet T., w. of John G., d. 1846, May 15, a. 43-9-8. Tompkins, Leah W., dau. of Nathaniel & Sarah, d. 1846, Oct. 7, a. 32 y. 229
125. Tompkins, Nathaniel, d 1853, Feb. 8, a. 77-8-28. 126. Tompkins, Nathaniel C , d. 1857, Nov. 30, a. 38-3-28. 127. Tompkins, Sarah Lamoree, w. of Nathaniel, b. 1775, Sep. 17, d. 1860, Oct. 24, a. 85-1-7. 128. Tompkins, Sarah G., w. of Isaac L., d. 1853, Aug. 22, a. 36-3-10. 129. Travis, David, d. 1866, July 24, a. 72 y. 130. Travis, Elizabeth Cornell, w. of Isaac, d. 1842, Sep. 6, a. 82 y. 131. Travis, Elizabeth Lawrence, w. of David, d. 1883, Dec. 11, a. 83 y. 132. Travis, Ester, 1807. 133. Travis, Hannah, dau. of Isaac & Elizabeth, d. 1874, July 27, in 76th y. 134. Travis, Isaac, d. 1 8 4 ( ? ) , Apr. 21, in 84th y. 135. Travis, James, d. 1830, Feb. 15, a. 41-3-1. 136. Travis, Maria, dau. of Isaac & Elizabeth, d. 1793, June 25, a. 6 y. 5 m. 137. Travis, Martha, d. 1821, Mar. 15, a. 69 y. 138. Travis, Sarah, dau. of Isaac & Elizabeth, d. 1865, May 16, in 75th y. 139. Underwood, Eliza, d. 1880, Mar. 28, in 73d y. 140. Underwood, Elizabeth, w. of Weeden, d. 1863, Mar. 25, in 76th y. 141. Underwood, Elizabeth Thurston, w. of Jerauld, d 1872, Sep. 24, a. 49 y. 142. Underwood, Emily, dau. of Jerauld & Elizabeth, d. 1868, Feb. 28, a. 11 y. 5 m. 143. Underwood, Jerauld, d. 1887, Nov. 26, a. 65 y. 7 m. 144. Underwood, Julia, 1841-1896. 145. Underwood, Samuel, b. 1848, July 31, d. 1910, Mar. 4. 146. Underwood, Weeden, d. 1842, Mar. 10, in 59th y. 147. Vail, Levina H., w. of William, d. 1851, Apr. 29, a. 56-11-14. 148. Vail, Orrin, s. of William & Lavina, d. 1829, Mar. 1, a. 3 y. 5 m 149. Van Voorhees, Letitia, d. 1811, Jan. 22, a. 31-6-11. 150. W. "G. D. W., aged 76 y." 151. Ward, Elizabeth, w. of Daniel, d. 1846, May 7, a 75 y. 152. Ward, Henry, d. 1860, Apr. 13, a. 65-2-18. 153. Ward, Julia S., dau. of J. I. & M., d. 1861, Mar. 19, a. 8 m. 3 d. 154. Ward, Mahala Germond, w of Henry, d. 1880, Feb. 9, a. 78-11-27. 155. Ward, Sylvia H-, dau. of J.'I. & M ., d. 1861, July 31, a. 1-5-19. 156. Wigg, Mary Jane, w. of Gereard M., d. 1860, Mar. 30, a. 33 y. 7 m. 157. Wilde, Alonzo G., s of William & Kezia, d. 1843, Feb. 11, a. 1 y. 25 d. 158. Wiley, Elizabeth, w. of Jacob, d. 1839, Apr. 15, a. 71-8-5. 159. Wiley, Jacob, d. 1832, July 9, a. 68-2-(12). 160. Wiley, Timothy, s. of Jacob & Elizabeth, d. 1829, Jan. 28, a. 38 y. 28 d. 161. Wood, Abraham, d 1819, July 9, a. 83 y. 162. Wood, Charles, s. of George & Mary, d. 1858, Mar. 11, a. 6 y. 9 m. 163. Wood, Gabriel, d. 1826, July 28, a. 39-10-19. 164. Wood, Joseph, d. 1819, Oct. 6, a. 49-4-12. 165. Wood, Levi, d. 1857, Feb. 6, in 93d y 166. Wood, Margaret, w. of Levi, d. 1857, Apr. 14, a. 75 y. 167. Wood, Mary, w. of Abraham, d. 1831, Apr. 29, a. 87-1-5.
T o w n of Poughkeepsie Inscriptions 3
1. Lassen ground 2. Fort ground
3. Westervelt ground
4. Van Keuren ground
5. Van Benschoten ground
6. Livingston ground
7. Van Kleeck ground: Note. 8.
Frear ground
9. Van Der Burgh ground (1) : Note. 10. Van Der Burgh ground (2)
11. Low ground
] 2. Dutch Church, Poughkeepsie
13. Christ Church, Poughkeepsie
14. Methodist Church, Poughkeepsie 15. Baptist Church, Poughkeepsie
99 182
16. Presbyterian Church, Poughkeepsie
17. Friends' ground, Poughkeepsie
18. St. Peter's Church, Poughkeepsie
3 9. Presbyterian Church, New Hamburgh
20. Community ground, Du Bois farm: Note. 21. Miscellany
22. Poughkeepsie Kural Cemetery: Note. 23. Wappingers Falls Cemetery: Note. 1,696
C L A S S I F I C A T I O N : Family ground. N e a r N e w H a m b u r g h , on land o w n e d by M r . G e o r g e T. B o w d o i n , LOCATION: n o r t h of t h e r e s i d e n c e of t h e l a t e M r . I r v i n g G r i n n e l l a n d s o u t h of J a n C a s p e r ' s Kil, in a n o r c h a r d . Almost obliterated. CONDITION: 3 in n u m b e r . Copied S e p t e m b e r 2 4 , 1 9 1 4 , by J . W . P o u c h e r , M. INSCRIPTIONS: D., a n d M r s . H a r r i s S. R e y n o l d s . P i e t e r P i e t e r s e L a s s e n of A l b a n y s e t t l e d u p o n land i m m e d i a t e l y REMARKS: s o u t h of t h e m o u t h of J a n C a s p e r ' s Kil b e f o r e 1 6 8 8 . T h i s b u r i a l g r o u n d is p r o b a b l y n o t f a r from t h e site of his dwelling a n d p r e s u m a b l y c o n t a i n s m a n y u n m a r k e d g r a v e s . It is m e n t i o n e d in e a r l y deeds as p e r p e t u a l l y r e s e r v e d for b u r i a l p u r p o s e s . T h e n a m e L a s s e n is f o u n d in v a r i o u s p h o n e t i c spellings ( L a s s i n g , Lossing, L a w s o n ) a n d a n u m e r o u s family, d e s c e n d e d from P i e t e r P i e t e r s e , h a s been identified w i t h t h e vicinity of N e w H a m b u r g h . 1. Bearman, Jacob, s. of Jacob & Sarah, d. 1794, Sep 27, a. 2-9-6. 2. F , " S . F. 1785." 3. Lawson, Mary, w. of I ( s a a ) k , d. 1767, a. "sexti Fore yars".
FORT GROUND CLASSIFICATION: F a m i l y g r o u n d . On t h e west side of N e w Y o r k a n d A l b a n y P o s t Road, j u s t inside LOCATION: t h e e n t r a n c e to " H a m p t o n F a r m " . CONDITION: R o u g h w i t h g r a s s a n d w e e d s ; s u r r o u n d e d by a s t o n e wall. 17 in n u m b e r . Copied M a y 1 1 , 1 9 1 1 , b y J . W . P o u c h e r , M. D . , INSCRIPTIONS: a n d Miss H e l e n W . R e y n o l d s . P u b l i s h e d in t h e P o u g h k e e p s i e E a g l e of J u l y 6, 1 9 1 1 . T h e F o r t g r o u n d . In 1759 J o h a n n e s A. F o r t of K i n g s t o n , N . Y., REMARKS: b o u g h t s e v e r a l h u n d r e d a c r e s in this n e i g h b o r h o o d a n d s e t t l e d on t h e land. T h e s t o n e h o u s e , d i r e c t l y across t h e r o a d from t h e b u r i a l g r o u n d , w a s b u i l t e i t h e r b y h i m or by his s o n , A b r a h a m Fort, born 1750. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
Fort, Major Abraham, d. Aug. 9, 1822, a. 71-11-23. Fort, Alida, d. Mar. 1, 1825, a. 32-9-25. Fort, Catharine, dau. of Abraham & Jane, d. May 19, 1830, a. 33-9-4. Fort, James, d. Mar. 18, 1842, a. 54-3-19. Fort, Jane, wid. of Major Abraham, d. July 30, 1823, a. G5-11-2. Fort, Sarah, dau. of Major Abraham & Jane, d. Mar. 19, 1850, a. 56-3-10 Granger, Maria Fort, w. of Harvev, d. Aug. 16, 1871, a. 84-4-4. Haviland, Caleb D., d. Mar. 1, 1 8 ( ? ) , a. (4S?) y. 7 m. Haviland, Charles, s. of Caleb D & Susan, d. Jan. 15, 1857, a. 29-8-8. Haviland, Edward D., s. of Caleb & Susan, d Nov. 6, 1850, a. 33 v. 16 d. Haviland, Susan Emeline, dau. of Caleb D. & Susan, d. Sep. 21, 1.836, a. 1-1-22. Haviland, Susan Fort, wid. of Caleb D., b Oct. 15, 1791, d. Jan. 4, 1864. Haviland, William Henry, s. of Caleb D & Susan, d. Mar. 29, 1834, a. 4-1-24. Nelson, Hannah, wid. of Joseph, d. Oct." 18, 1828, a. 43 y. 2 m. Nelson, James Fort, s. of Joseph & Hannah, b. at Poughkeepsie, Julv 9, 1812, d. in the city of New Orleans, May 19, 1844, a. 31-10-10. 16. Nelson, Josenh, d. Nov. 3, 1812, a. 26-7-3. 17. Peck, Ann Eliza, w of Richard & dau. of Caleb D. & Susan Haviland, d. May 23, 1840, a. 24-1-23.' WESTERVELT GROUND
CLASSIFICATION: Family ground. LOCATION: O n t h e east side of t h e N e w Y o r k a n d A l b a n y P o s t Road, n e a r l y o p p o s i t e t h e r o a d to C a m e l o t . 232
Town CONDITION: INSCRIPTIONS: REMARKS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.
Overgrown and deserted. 13 in number. Copied in 1911 by J. W. Poucher, M. D., and Miss Helen W. Reynolds. Westervelt ground. The Westervelts were early settlers and large land owners in this neighborhood.
Bishop, Caleb, d. 1845, May 20, a. 93 y. 25 d. Bishop, Katherine, w. of Caleb, d. 1821, Jan. 15, a. 63-4-18. Lewis, James, d. 1832, July 4, a. 40-7-17. Parmale, Elizabeth, d. 1832, Dec. 29, a. 11-7-9. Parmale, John, s. of Joseph & Levina, d. 1825, Feb. 19, a. 21 y. 5 d. Westervelt, Casparus, d. 1821, May 7, a. 64-3-12. Westervelt, Catherine, d. 1838, Aug. 3, a. 79-4-4. Westervelt, Deborah Fort, w. of Casparus, d. 1832, May 16, a. 69-3-5. Westervelt, Derrick, d. 1819, Oct. 7, a. 60-3-13. Westervelt, Elias, d. 1847, Nov. 26, in 62d y. Westervelt, Jacob, d. 1827, Oct. 18, a. 35 y. 2 m. Westervelt, John W., s. of J(acob) & Margaret, d. 1828, May 1, a. 8 m. Westervelt, Richard, d. 1814, Nov. 29, a. 31-4-9.
VAN KEUREN GROUND CLASSIFICATION: Family ground. On the east side of the Barnegat road, near the junction with the LOCATION: Camelot road. Ground rough and uneven and thick with vines and weeds; surCONDITION: rounded by a ruined stone wall. 14 in number. Copied May 11, 1911, by J. W. Poucher, M. D., INSCRIPTIONS and Miss Helen W. Reynolds. Probably a Van Keuren ground. The Van Keurens were early REMARKS: settlers in this vicinity. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.
Ferris, Sarah, w. of Col. Reuben, d e c , d 1821, Feb. 17, a. 82 y. Godfrey, Eli(z)a Amelia, dau. of David '& Betsey, d. 1843, Sep. 17, a. 6 I Losee, Edmun, d. 1832, Mar. 28, a. "about 30 y." Losie, John Edward, s. of Edmond & Polly, d. 1846, Sep. 4, a 19 y. 2 m. Losee, Polly, d. 1841, Sep. 23, a. "about 40 y." Smith, Henry, d. 1815, Aug. 17, a. 28 y. 9 m. Smith, Mary, w. of Henry, d e c , d. 1821, Mar. 4, a 20 y. 7 m. Smith, Rachel, w. of Jacob, d. 1845, Jan. 25, in 80th y. Smith, Sarah, d. 1817, Oct. 27, a. 17 y. 5 m. Van Keuren, Ann, d. 1840, Oct. 1, a. 25-8-19 Van Keuren, Elizabeth T., w. of James M., d. 1850, May 17, a. 69-7-6. Van Keuren, James M., d. 1857, Jan. 8, a. 77-5-28. Van Keuren, Matthew M., d. 1828, Sep. 27, a. 19-6-25. Van Keuren, Richard T., d. 1828, Sep. 3, a. 22 y. 8 m.
7 d.
VAN BENSCHOTEN GROUND CLASSIFICATION: Family ground. Three miles south of Poughkeepsie, on the farm of Edward E. LOCATION: Perkins on the west side of the Post Road at Specken Kil. Badly overgrown and partly ploughed up; stones fallen and CONDITION: broken. 20 in number. Copied October 22, 1900 (in p a r t ) , by Miss KathINSCRIPTIONS: erine I. Arnold and Miss Helen W. Reynolds; on July 30, 1911 (in p a r t ) , by J. W. Poucher, M. D., and Miss Helen W. Reynolds; and on December 3, 1911, by Dr. Poucher. Van Benschoten ground. Elias Van Benschoten bought land in REMARKS: this neighborhood in 1712 which was occupied by his family for 233
several generations. "The Van Benschoten Family," by W. H. Van Benschoten, refers to this ground as "the family burial knoll." It also states that the Van Benschotens early had a burial place within the present city of Poughkeepsie, but t h a t all traces of the same have disappeared and its exact location is not known. 1. Akerly, "two infant daughters of Lemuel & Elethere," d. 1820, Sep. 10, & Sep. 1 1 . 2. Flagler, Catharine, wid. of Peter, & former wid. of Samuel Myers, d 1828, Feb. 27, a. 66-5-25. 3. Frear, Catharine, w. of Simeon, d. 1809, July 20, a. 86 y. 16 d. 4. Huffman, Charles, d. 1808, Apr. 14, in 81st y. 5. Huffman, Charles C , d. 1817, Oct. 11, in 49th y. 6. Hoffman, Daniel C , d. 1837, Mar. 19, a. 62 y. 5 m. 7. Huffman, Elizabeth, w. of Charles, d. 1805, June 15, a. 71 y. 8. Hoffman, (Sinai) Leroy, w. of Daniel C , d. 1846, Nov. 26, a. 68 y. 2 m. 9. Jackson, Rebecca Maria, dau. of Josiah & Frances, d. 1837, Dec. 26, a. 10 y. 10. Lawson, Esther Ann, dau. of Matthew & Ann, d. 1830, May 1, a. 1-10-2. 11. Lawson, Margaret, w. of Thomas P., d. 1841, Dec. 12, a. 50-8-8. 12. Lawson, Matthew, d. 1812, Sep. 17, a. 56-2-29. 13. Myers, Elias, s. of Samuel, d. 1805, Sep. 1, a. 19 y. 9 m. 14. Myers, Samuel, s. of Samuel, d. 1799, May 29, a. 17-8-12. 15. Myers, Samuel, d. 1816, May 4, a 54-4-9. 16. Myers, Samuel S., d. 1809, July 2,'a. 17 y. 6 m. 17. Myers, Sarah, dau. of Samuel, d. 1804, Oct. 16, a. 9-9-8. 18. (Terwilliger?), Jane, w. of Henry, d. 1827, Oct. 13, in 23d y. 19. Van Bunschoten, Sarah, w of Tunis E., d. 1809, June 8, a. 22-6-19. 20. Vanderburgh, Ann, w. of Henry, d. 1827, Oct. 13, in 23d y.
Family ground. At the northern end of the Poughkeepsie Rural Cemetery. Well"cared for. 64 in number. Copied April 23, 1911, by J. W. Poucher, M. D., and Miss Helen W.' Reynolds. Published in the Poughkeepsie Eagle of June 8, 1911. The family burial place of Henry Livingston (born 1714, died 1799) of Poughkeepsie and his descendants. In the latter half of the nineteenth century the enclosure was entirely neglected and when this copy of inscriptions was made in 1911 the approach to it was difficult because of undergrowth while, within the ruined wall, the ground was in bad condition and the stones were fallen and broken. In 1914 the enclosure was incorporated in the Poughkeepsie Cemetery and will hereafter be kept in good order.
1. Bradley, Helen Livingston, dau. of the late Henry & Jane M. Livingston, d. July 27, 1859. (Fallen stone). 2. Crosby, Charles Ulrich, infant son of Robert R. & Jane M., b. Mar. 15, 1867, d. July 16, 1867. 3. Crosby, Harriet Ashton, dau. of Robert R. & Jane M. Livinston Crosby, Nov. 12, 1861, Sep. 22, 1877. 4. Crosby, Robert Ralston, Dec. 3, 1815, June 25, 1892, s. of William P Crosby & Harriet A Clarkson, his wife, of New York. 5. Duyckinck, Gerardus, d. Jan. 12, 1814, a. 59-7-6. 6. Finlay, Anne Beekman, w. of John, b. Aug. 14, 1784, d. Aug. 5, 1842. (Fallen stone). 7. Finlay, Eliza Henrietta, dau. of John & Anne, b. in Montreal, Sep. 5, 1821, d. at Poughkeepsie, May 25, 1839, a. 14 y. 8 m. (Fallen stone). 8. Frith, Euphemia, w. of Joseph, Esq., of Turks Island, & former wid. of James Sayers, Esq., who died in England, 1805; d. Sep. 2, 1820, a. 53 y. (Erected by her children, Robert Sayers, Eliza Lightbourne, w. of Joseph G., & Frederica Livingston, w. of Henry A.) 234
Jane Murray Livingston Crosby was buried in this ground in 1911. See obituary in Poughkeepsie Daily Eagle, May 27, 1911; p.5
9. James, Edward Charles, infant son of Edward K. & Louisa M., b. Mar. 8, 1837, d Oct. 16, 1837. 10. James, Edward Knowles, b. June 1, 1803, d. Nov. 12, 1860. 11. James, Henry Alexander, s. of Edward K. & Louisa M., b. Aug. 9, 1835, d. May 1. 1836. 12. James, Louisa Matilda, w. of Edward K., & dau. of Henry A. Livingston, b. Dec. 25, 1807, d. July 26, 1849. 13. James, Richard, of the Island of Jamaica, d. Jan. 3, 1823, in 45 y. 14. James, Sarah, infant daughter of Edward K. & Louisa M., b. Nov. 26, 1847, d. Feb. 10, 1848. 15. James, Sarah Beekman, w. of Richard, b. Sep. 10, 1782, d. Dec. 12, 1857. (Fallen stone). 16. Kendrick, Frederica Charlotte, w. of Washington, & dau. of Henry A. & Frederica Charlotte Ulrica Livingston, d. Apr. 21, 1888. 17. Kendrick, Washington, d. in New York, Apr. 24, 1881. 18. King, Mabel Livingston, dau. of Mark A. & Jeannie L., b. July 16, 1861, d. Dec. 3, 1866. (Fallen stone) 19. King, Mark A., d. May 22, 1866, a. 36 y. (Fallen stone). 20. Lightbourne, Eliza, w. of Joseph G., of Turks Islands, Bahamas, b. at Derby, England, d. Nov. 19, 1821, a. 27 y. 21. Livingston, Anna, infant dau. of Sidney M. & Johanna M,, b. Aug 8, 1847, d. Aug. 15, 1847. 22. Livingston, Augustus Linlithgow, s. of Augustus L. & Elizabeth M., b. Nov. 3 , 1865, d. Mar. 2, 1868. 23. Livingston, Catherine, b. July 21, 1765, d. Sep. 11, 1772, a. 7-2-9. 24. Livingston, Catherine Breese, dau. of Henry & Jane, d. Sep. 13, 1814, a. 5-1-29. 25. Livingston, (Catherine Crannell, w. of Gilbert). Note: From the grave next to Gilbert Livingston's the headstone has been removed; an impression in the ground shows that the stone had fallen, and lain the length of the grave, and the condition of the soil in this impression indicated that the removel of the stone had been recent; the footstone for this grave is marked with the letters C. L., showing that Catherine Crannell, wife of Gilbert Livingston, was buried there.* 26. Livingston, Christina Ten Broeck, dau. of Henry Alexander & Frederica Charlotte Ulrica, d. Feb. 13, 1858. 27. Livingston, Corn-elia B., dau. of Henry A. & Frederica C. U., d. at Key West, Florida, Dec. 9, 1858. 28. Livingston, Edward James, s. of Russell & Louisa B., b. Apr. 7, 1857, d. Jan. 2 1 , 1865. (Fallen stone). 29. Livingston, Eliza, dau. of Sidney M. & Joanna M., d. Sep. 30, 1856, (Stone fallen and broken). 30. Livingston, Elizabeth, w. of Henry Alexander, b. Feb. 28, 1779, d. Nov. 20, 1 8 1 1 ; also her infant son, Philip Derick, b. Sep. 1, 1811, d. Nov. 17, 1811. 31. Livingston, Euphemia Louisa, dau. of Henry A. & Frederica, b. Mar. 14, 1823, d. Jan. 19, 1825. 32. Livingston, Frederica Charlotte, w. of Henry Alexander, & dau. of James & Euphemia Sayers, b. in Bath, England, Dec. 14, 1797, d. Apr. 14, 1870. 33. Livingston, Gilbert, Esq., d. Sep. 14, 1806, a. 63-8-17. 34. Livingston, Henry, Esq., b. Sep. 8, 1714, d. Feb 10, 1799. 35. Livingston, Henry, d. Feb. 29, 1828, a. 79-4-16. 36. Livingston, Henry Alexander, s. of Rev. John H. Livingston, D. D., & Sarah, dau. of Philip Livingston; Aug. 26, 1776, June 9, 1841. 37. Livingston, Henry Philip, s of Henry Alexander & Frederica Charlotte Ulrica, d. Jan. 30, 1861. 38. Livingston, Jane M. Patterson, w. of Henry, b. Jan. 22, 1769, d. Aug. 26, 1838. 39. Livingston, Joanna M., w. of Sidney M., d. Mar. 13, 1862, a. 56 y., (stone fallen and broken). 40. Livingston, John Finlay, s. of Russell & Louisa B., b. Apr. 14, 1849, d. Aug. 14, 1854. (Fallen stone). 41. Livingston, Louisa Matilda, infant daughter of Russell & Louisa B., b. Feb. 28, 1852, d. Mar. 27, 1853. (Fallen stone). 42. Livingston, Robert H., Esq., b. Oct. 26, 1760, d. Aug. 31, 1804. 43. Livingston, Robert Sayers, s. of Henry A. & Frederica, b. Oct. 6, 1819, d. Apr. 21 1821 44. Livingston, Russell, b. May 5, 1810, d. Apr. 29, 1860. Note: This stone is fallen, face u p ; next to it, and between it and one to the son of Russell Livingston, is a stone, fallen face down, and deeply imbedded in the earth.* 45. Livingston, Sarah Henrietta, dau. of Henry A. & Frederica, b June 13, 1821, d. Jan. 9, 1825. 235
Old 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64.
Livingston, Sidney M., d. Nov. 16, 1856, a. 60 y. (Stone fallen and broken). Livingston, Susannah, w. of Henry, Esq., b. July 9, 1724, d. May 22, 1793. Livingston; three infants of Henry Livingston. Schenck, Cornelia, d Aug. 29, 1852, a. 63 y. (Fallen stone). Schenck, Joanna Livingston, w. of Paul, b. May 16, 1754, d. Jan. 16, 1795, a. 41 y. 8 m. Schenck, Paul, b. Nov. 3, 1741, d. Nov. 14, 1817, a. 76 y. 11 d. Schenck, Dr. Peter D., d. Apr. 29, 1837, a. 43-11-20. Schenck, Sarah Livingston, d. Mar. 20, 1855, a. 64 y. (Fallen stone). Taylor, Edgar, s. of George & Ann, d. Nov. 16, 1810, a. 6-1-26. Taylor, George, third son of George & Ann, d. Sep. 14, 1801, a. 9 m. 5 d. (Taylor?); broken headstone, in Taylor family group; one word "days" all that is left of inscription. Footstone marked "G. T." Ten Eyck, Elcie, w. of Philip, d. June 9, 1825, in 45th y. Thomas, Caroline Mary, dau. of Rev. William B. & Jane Livingston, d. Dec. 1, 1860, a. 19 y. (Fallen stone). Thomas, Jane P. Livingston, w. of Rev. William B., d. Apr. 25, 1870, a. 69 y. (Fallen stone). Thomas, William B., "Presbyter of the Church of Christ," d. Oct. 22, 1876, in "the 74th year of his age and the 56th of his ministry." (Fallen stone). Thompson, Eliza Livingston, infant daughter of Eliza L. & Smith, d. Apr. 2, 1839. (Fallen stone). Thompson, Sarah, w. of Smith, & dau. of Gilbert & Catherine Livingston, d. Sep. 22, 1833, a. 56-6-20. (Fallen stone). Thompson, the Hon. Smith, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States; b. Jan. 17, 1768, d. Dec. 18, 1843. (Monument). Van Kleeck, Henry, b. Mar. 7, 1793, d. Apr. 5, 1795. *Note: The inscriptions in the Livingston ground were copied in full on May 19, 1895, by William S. Thomas, M. D., of New York City. The list then made numbered 66 and included two stones not found by Dr. Poucher and Miss Reynolds in 1911. Dr. Thomas's memorandum records these as: "Louisa B., wife of Russell Livingston, died 1862, aged 39." "Catherine Livingston, widow of Gilbert, aged 85." The Dutchess Intelligencer, published at Poughkeepsie May 19, 1830, contains a notice of the death on May 17, 1830, of "Mrs. Catherine Livingston, relict of the late Gilbert Livingston, Esq." VAN KLEECK GROUND
Family ground. In the city of Poughkeepsie, on the west side of Vassar street. Built over. See "Remarks". In 1702 Baltus Barents Van Kleeck, ancestor of all Van Kleecks in the United States, built a house at Poughkeepsie that remained standing until well into the nineteenth century. It stood near the corner of the present Mill and Vassar streets and west of it there grew up a family burial ground. Stones in this also stood until well along in the nineteenth century. The location and former existence of the Van Kleeck family ground are cited because it is probable that within the present city of Poughkeepsie there were once other family grounds like this, record of which has not been preserved. Another instance is the Van Benschoten ground mentioned but not located. These small family grounds presumably were used in the eighteenth century before churchyards became numerous.
FREAR GROUND CLASSIFICATION: Family ground. LOCATION: On Ferris Lane, southeast of the City of Poughkeepsie, east of the residence of Lindley M. Stevens. 236
Surrounded by a stone wall. When this list was made the enclosure was thickly overgrown with saplings and vines, which have since been cut away.
33 in number. Copied May 28, 1911, by J. W. Poucher, M. D., and Miss Helen W. Reynolds. Published in the Poughkeepsie Eagle of J u n e 14, 1911.
The Frear ground. Jacobus Frear (born 1735, died 1805) was an early settler and a large land owner southeast of the city of Poughkeepsie. Another branch of Frears settled in what is now the southwest portion of the city, the section being known as Freartown. In the War of the Revolution John Frear was colonel of a Poughkeepsie regiment of militia. His homestead farm was on the east side of the Post Road and included the present Van Benschoten and Vail properties.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26.
27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 3S.
Dob, Elias, s. of Elias & Leah, d. Sep. 3, 1802, a. 15 m. 13 d. Drake, Ann, d. Sep. 5, 1809, a. 19-7-25. Evans, Benjamin F. R., s. of John & Sarah Ann, d. Apr. 11, 1845, a. 2-1-3. Frear, Antonetta, d. Mar. 16, 1810, a. 72 y 18 d. Frear, Barnt, d. Oct. 11, 1831, a. 69 y. 3 m. Frear, Charles, d. at Natchez, Miss., Oct. 1825, a. 28 y. 2 m. Frear, Jacobus, d. Nov. 6, 1805, a 70 y. 25 d. Frear, James, d. Dec. 24, 1822, in 39th y. Frear, John S., b. Jan. 15, 1778, d. Aug. 11, 1849, a. 71 y. Frear, Mary, w. of Simon I., d. July 22, 1827, a. 70 y 7 m. Frear, Rachel, w. of Barnt, d. Sep. 4, 1843, a. 82-10-19. Frear: Samuel, b. Apr. 1, 1785, d. Jan. 27, 1850, a. 64-9-27. Lavinia, w. of Samuel, d. Apr 28, 1873, a. 87 y. Simon, d. Sep. 27, 1862, a. 45 y. 3 m. Maria, d. Sep. 3, 1865, a. 54 y. 8 m. Eliza, d. Mar. 8, 1872, a. 58 y. Catherine, d. Nov. 15, 1879, a. 58 y. Sarah, d Feb. 17, 1876, a. 52 v. (Monument). Frear, Simeon J., d. Dec. 29, 1814, a. 51-10-10. Frear, Simon I., d. Dec. 17, 1818, a. 65-8-5. Frear, William, d. Nov. 7, 1804, a. 1-5-22. Lewis, Leah, b. Nov. 9, 1767, d Mar. 2, 1835. Lewis, Leonard, d. June 23, 1833, a. 69-1-6. Lewis, Nelly, d. Aug. 25, 1831, a. 91-5-12. Luckey, George B., s. of James & Catherine, d. Oct. 17, 1849, a. 5-11-15. Luckey, Hannah, d. July 11, 1866, a. 75 y. 6 m. Luckey, James, s. of James & Maria, d. June 24, 1825, in 33d y. Luckey, Maria, wid. of John Sleight, d. May 17, 1810, a. 75-3-6. Pells, Cornelia, dau. of John & Ellen, d. Apr. 30, 1844, a. 36 y. Pells, Ellen Frear, w. of John E., d. Mar. 3, 1833, a. 61 y. 2 m. Pells, Dr. James F., s. of John E. & Ellen, & late a surgeon's mate in the United States Ship Cyane, d. Oct. 17, 1822, a. 21-8-(?). Pells: 1 A monument with an urn on top of it. Urn inscribed, Maria Cornelia. Monument inscribed, Family Tomb. John E. Pells, a. 76. Ellen, his wife, a 60. John J. Pells, a. 52. Maria, w. of Morgan L. Smith, a 43. Cornelia Pells, a. 36. Dr. James F. Pells, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Navy, a. 22. Romaine, James, d. June 3, 1829, a. 22-2-28. Romaine, Jane Maria, d. Nov. 17, 1835, a. 21-1-10. Smith, Oliver James, s. of Jehiel & Mary, d. Sep. 19, 1831, a. 7 m. 29 d. Vandebogart, Peter, d. Feb. 12, 1847, a. 64-2-18. Westervelt, Clarissa, dau. of Cornelius & Rebecca, d. Aug. 27, (1813?), a. 5 m. 10 d Westervelt, Rebecca, w. of Cornelius C , d. Sep. 29, 1822, a. 31-7-21. Yerry, Jokn, d. Aug. 29, 1833, a. 71-6-26. 237
VAN DER BURGH GROUND (1) CLASSIFICATION: Family ground. LOCATION: O n l a n d o w n e d in 1 9 2 4 by D r . A . R. Moffitt. REMARKS: T h e l a n d which is in t h e a n g l e f o r m e d by t h e j u n c t i o n of t h e P o s t R o a d a n d B e e c h w o o d a v e n u e ( a b o u t t w o miles s o u t h of t h e city of P o u g h k e e p s i e ) w a s a p o r t i o n of t h e f a r m of H e n r y V a n D e r B u r g h , w h o s e t t l e d in t h e n e i g h b o r h o o d a b o u t 1 7 1 0 a n d d i e d a b o u t 1 7 5 0 . A m o r t g a g e , d a t e d A p r i l 16, 1 7 7 1 , ( L o a n Office r e c o r d s , vol. 1 7 7 1 - 1 7 7 7 , N o . 1 0 5 ) , a n d c o v e r i n g 4 3 a c r e s in a p p r o x i m a t e l y t h e location a b o v e r e f e r r e d t o , c o n t a i n s this c l a u s e : " r e s e r v i n g o u t a q u a r t e r of a n a c r e for a S i m e t r y o r B u r y i n g P l a c e for wich p u r p o s e t h e s a m e h a s long since b e e n u s e d for t h e family of H e n r y V a n D e n b u r g h d e c e a s e d , w i t h F r e e l i b e r t y t o pass a n d R e p a s s t o a n d from t h e s a m e f o r all p e r s o n s w h o shall a t t e n d a n y f u n e r a l l s . " T r a c e s of this b u r i a l g r o u n d a r e n o t n o w visible. In 1 9 1 3 w h e n t h e f o u n d a t i o n w a s d u g for t h e h o u s e of Mr. O a k l e y N o r r i s ( l a t e r sold t o D r . A . R. Moffitt) t r a c e s of a n a n c i e n t b u r i a l g r o u n d w e r e f o u n d . In t h e n e i g h b o r h o o d t h e r e is a t r a d i t i o n t h a t t h e s t o n e s from this b u r i a l p l a c e w e r e built i n t o t h e f o u n d a t i o n of t h e b a r n n o w s t a n d i n g on t h e f a r m of E d w a r d H. Brasch, near by. The barn was erected approximately 18651875.
VAN DER BURGH (2) C L A S S I F I C A T I O N : Family ground. LOCATION: S o u t h e a s t of t h e city of P o u g h k e e p s i e , in a n o r c h a r d n e a r t h e e a s t fence of t h e p r o p e r t y of t h e H u d s o n River D r i v i n g P a r k Association. S t o n e s fallen a n d b r o k e n . CONDITION: 9 in n u m b e r . C o p i e d A p r i l 2 5 , 1 9 1 1 , b y J . W . P o u c h e r , M. D., INSCRIPTIONS: a n d Miss H e l e n W . R e y n o l d s . REMARKS: Van D e r Burgh ground. Before 1800 the Van Der Burghs were l a r g e l a n d o w n e r s in this n e i g h b o r h o o d a n d on old m a p s t h e p r e s e n t S o u t h e a s t A v e n u e , P o u g h k e e p s i e , w a s " t h e r o a d to J o h n V a n D e r B u r g h ' s " . J o h n V a n D e r B u r g h ' s house is still s t a n d i n g opp o s i t e t h e n o r t h e a s t c o r n e r of t h e D r i v i n g P a r k b u t m a d e o v e r a n d m o d e r n i z e d . In its first e s t a t e it w a s a n a t t r a c t i v e e i g h t e e n t h c e n t u r y f a r m h o u s e w i t h a n e x c e l l e n t c a r v e d d o o r w a y a n d fanlight. O r i g i n a l l y t h e r e w e r e a good m a n y s t o n e s in t h e family b u r i a l g r o u n d which, b y v a n d a l i s m , h a v e b e e n b r o k e n a n d scattered. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Burton, Abigail, w. of Stephen, d. 1850, Oct. — , a. 82 y. 2 m. Burton, Stephen, d. 1842. (Broken stone). Vanderburgh, Abraham, d. 1840, Nov. 23, a. 60 y. 9 d. Vanderburgh, Elizabeth Meserole, w. of Peter, d. 1842, Apr. 24, a. 93-6-7. Vanderburgh, Henry, d. 1821, Nov. 9, in 82d y. Vanderburgh, Maria, w. of Henry P., d. 1823, May 29, a. 28 y. 8 m. Vanderburgh, Peter, d. . (Broken). , d. Dec. 15, — — , a. 81-8-24. (Broken stone, possibly p a r t of Peter Vanderburgh's). 9. , "March — , a. 75 y. 1 m." (Broken stone).
E a s t of V a s s a r College, on t h e W i n g f a r m . O v e r g r o w n ; s u r r o u n d e d by a r u i n e d s t o n e wall. 8 in n u m b e r . Copied May 7, 1912, by J . W . P o u c h e r , M. D., a n d Miss H e l e n W . R e y n o l d s . Low g r o u n d .
1. Gregory, John Albert, s. of Albert & Jane, of Wawarsing, Ulster Co., d. 1846, Feb. 17, a. 16-3-12. 2. Low, Aron, d. 1807, Dec. 15, a. 50. 3. Low, Eunice, d. 1842, Nov. 16, a. 58-9-9. 4. Low, Jacob, d. 1824, Jan 5, a. 41 y. 5. Low, John A., d. 1828, Apr. 16, a. 48 y. 10 d. 6. Low, John Jacob, s. of John A., d. 1828, Oct. 14, a. 2 y. 7. Low, Peter, d. 1811, Jan. 8, a. 87 y 8. Palmer, Michael, d. 1809, Dec. 9, a.'58 y. 8 m.
DUTCH CHURCH CLASSIFICATION: C h u r c h y a r d . O n l a n d of t h e R e f o r m e d D u t c h C h u r c h of t h e C i t y of P o u g h LOCATION: CONDITION: INSCRIPTIONS: REMARKS:
keepsie. N o t good. 5 2 8 in n u m b e r . F o u r lists. See List c a p t i o n s . T h e R e f o r m e d D u t c h C h u r c h of P o u g h k e e p s i e w a s o r g a n i z e d in 1716 a n d t h r e e b u r i a l g r o u n d s h a v e b e e n o w n e d a n d used by t h e c o n g r e g a t i o n as follows: 1. T h e y a r d s u r r o u n d i n g t h e first c h u r c h b u i l d i n g . This building, e r e c t e d 1 7 2 3 , stood a t t h e s o u t h e a s t c o r n e r of Main a n d M a r k e t s t r e e t s a n d t h e y a r d was u s e d for b u r i a l s u n t i l a b o u t 1 8 0 0 . E a r l y in t h e n i n e t e e n t h c e n t u r y t h e l a n d w a s leased in p a r c e l s for business p u r p o s e s a n d , in 1830, a g e n e r a l r e m o v a l of r e m a i n s w a s m a d e by official a u t h o r i z a t i o n to a v a u l t s i t u a t e d in t h e r e a r of t h e p r e s e n t 2 6 0 Main s t r e e t . 2. T h e y a r d s u r r o u n d i n g t h e second c h u r c h b u i l d i n g . This b u i l d i n g s t o o d ( 1 7 6 0 - 1 8 2 2 ) on t h e n o r t h side of M a i n s t r e e t , i m m e d i a t e l y east of t h e p r e s e n t a n n e x t o t h e N e l s o n H o u s e . 3. T h e y a r d on t h e N e w Y o r k a n d A l b a n y P o s t R o a d , i m m e d i a t e l y n o r t h of t h e p r e s e n t city-line, which w a s o p e n e d in 1810. Below a r e given all t h e d a t a n o w o b t a i n a b l e f r o m t h e s e t h r e e b u r i a l places in t h e form of Lists 1, 2, a n d 3 ; also a f o u r t h a n d i n c o m p l e t e list of s t o n e s r e m o v e d from t w o of t h e t h r e e a b o v e places to t h e P o u g h k e e p s i e R u r a l C e m e t e r y . T h e r e is also given a copy of t h e form of certificate issued for plots in t h e y a r d on t h e P o s t Road.
Churchyard. In the city of Poughkeepsie, at the southeast corner of Main and Market streets, the site of the first church-building of the Dutch congregation. Built upon for business purposes; no traces visible. 1 in number. Copied November 18, 1912, by Miss Helen W. Reynolds. On November 14, 1912, workmen, "who were excavating for a sub-cellar under the Vassal Pharmacy, 11 Market street, found a portion of a stone which once had marked a grave in the original churchyard of the Dutch church. The left side of the stone, bearing the first part of each line of the inscription, was broken off. What remained of the inscription is given below:
-t Het Lichaem â&#x20AC;&#x201D; (g)us Swartwout 239
ren den 15 October . 1669 Ents Overleden • in Het J a e r Heren 1744." List No. 2 CLASSIFICATION: LOCATION: CONDITION: INSCRIPTIONS: REMARKS:
Churchyard. In the city of Poughkeepsie, in the rear of the annex to the Nelson H o u s e on t h e north side of Main s t r e e t . In 1912 deserted, bare and rough and, since then, built upon. 33 in number. On April 2 7 , 1877, t h e late M r s . William S. M o r g a n copied t h e inscriptions then remaining in this ground and on April 11, 1888, Mr. George S. Van Vliet did the same. In 1898 t h e late Mr. F r a n k Van Kleeck copied w h a t stones he could then find in the same place. On April 19, 1912, Dr. Poucher and Miss Helen W . Reynolds copied all they could find there a t t h a t time. The four lists s u b s t a n t i a t e and supplement each other. Any slight discrepancies a r e placed in brackets in the following a r r a n g e m e n t , which is a combination of the original lists.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32.
Barnes, Barneke Lattin, dau. of William, d. 1798, Dec. 3, in 25th y. Burlingame, C l ( a r a ) , dau. of Pardon & Catharine, d. 1796, Oct. 2, a. 3-1-8. Burlingame, George, s. of Pardon & Catharine, 1810. Deryee, John, b. 1719, Oct. 26, d. 1795, May 29, a. 75 y. 7 m. Fitchett, Isaac, d. 1811, Oct. 24, in 86th y. Frear, Simon, d. (1801? 1807?), Feb. 28, a. 62-2-25. Harris, Magdaline, w. of Stephen, d. 1802, Dec. 20, in 57th y. Harris, Susannah, dau. of Richard & Maria, d. 1802, Oct. 14, a. 2 y. 2 m. Hebard, Susan, dau. of Daniel & Lettia, d. 1810, Jan. 9, a. 7 m. 26 d. Hoffman, Robert, d. 1795, Oct. 19, a. 58 y. 12 d. Hoffman, Sarah, wid. of Robert, d. 1795, Nov. 1, a. 56 y. Hoffman, ( ? ) , wid. of Peter, d. 179 ( ? ) , N o v . ( ? ) , a . 56 y. Lewis, Rebeccah, w. of Jacob, d. 1798, Dec. 14, in 66th y. Masten, Henry, d. 1801, Sep. 19, a. 63 y. Pells, Elizabeth, dau. of John E. & (Polly? Nelly?), d. 1795, Mar. 19, a. 5 m. Roberts, Adeline, d. 1815, July 10, a. 11 m. 5 d. Roberts, Mary, wid. of Jonathan, d. 1816, Apr. 25, a. 33-11-7. Schryver, Albartus, d. 1808, Nov. 7, a. 63 y. 7 m Smith, Jeremiah, s. of William, d. 1799, Sep. 22, "a. 33 y. 11 m. Swartwout, Capt. Abraham, d. 1799, Oct. 15, a. 56-7-28. Swartwout, Abraham, Jr., d. 1801, July 9, a. 28 y. 7 m. 22d. Swartwout, Addriann, dau. of Minard & Catherine, d. 1807, June 29, a. 1 y. 5 m. Swartwout, John, d. 1813, Mar. 22, a. 66-4-15. Swartwout, , d. 1799, Oct 1 ( 6 ) , a. 56-7-28. Tappen, Hellen, d. 1800, July (4),'a. 2 8 - l l - ( 2 ? 20?). Tappen, Hester, wid. of Teunis, d. 1812, Jan. 19, a. 82 y. 13 d Tappen, Teunis, d. 1809, May 2, a. 80 y. 6 m. Ter Bush, Cornelius, b 1757, Feb. 15, d. 1792, Mar. 22, a. 35-1-7. Tillman, Richard, d. 1814, Mar. 5, a. 35-3-25. Vandewater, George, s.of Harmon & Maria, a. 17 y. Van Vlack, Henry, d. 1812, May 10, a. 36 y. Williams, Catherine, w. of William, b. in the City of New York, d. 1814, June 19, in Poughkeepsie, in 69th y. 33. Williams, John W., Attorney at Law of the City of New York, d. 1806, May (1? 18?), a. 24-4-28.
Churchyard. On t h e east side of t h e New York and Albany P o s t Road, immediately n o r t h of t h e corporation line of the present city of Poughkeepsie. Thickly overgrown; not used for i n t e r m e n t s ; surrounded by a stone wall partly in r u i n s ; many stones broken or fallen. 480 in number. Copied in November and December,* 1911, by J . W . Poucher, M. D., and Miss Helen W . Reynolds. Published in the Poughkeepsie E a g l e of J a n u a r y 24, 2 5 , 26, 27, 29, 30, 3 1 , and F e b r u a r y 1, 1912. ( L i s t No. 3 ) .
•Removed to Poughkeepeie Biiral Cemetary
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46.
The title to this burial ground is vested in the Reformed Dutch Church of Poughkeepsie. Plot owners possess only the right of interment, not title to land. In the sale of plots t h e Church issued printed blank-form certificates. One of these certificates is now in the possession of Mr. Thomas Ransom of Poughkeepsie. It reads as follows, the parentheses indicating where words are written in. "CERTIFICATE This certifies t h a t (Thomas W . Tallmadge) his heirs and assigns are entitled to the right of interment in (plot no. 101 in) lot no. (seventeen) in the new Burying Ground of the Reformed Dutch Church of Poughkeepsie. Dated the (4th) day of (May) 1 8 1 ( 0 ) . (David Carpenter) (Abraham G. Storm) (John B r u s h ) "
Adriance, Abraham, d. Sep. 29, 1825, in 60th y. Adriance, Ann Storm, w. of Abraham, d. July 13, 1849, a. 82 y. 9 m. Adriance, Charles, d. Sep 17, 1832, a. 20 y. 9 m. Adriance, Joseph H., s. of John & Sarah E., d. Oct. 8, 1821, a. 18 m. 24 d. Adriance, Maria, d. Jan. 18, 1834, a. 36 y. Adriance, Mrs. Maria, d. Sep. 10, 1839, a. 52 y. 6 m. Adriance, Richard Parmalee, s. of John & Sarah E., d. Feb. 18, 1834, a. 8 m. 11 d. Albertson, Lucretia, dau. of Jacob & Lydia, d. Sep. 4, 1826, a. 13 y. 27 d. Albertson, Lydia, wid. of Jacob, d. Oct. 23, 1828, a. 46-5-18. Alexander, Mary B., dau. of James & Helen C , d. Sep. 1, 1864, a. 6 w. Allen, Gertrude, w. of John J., d. Feb. 25, 1859, in 26th y. Willie J., their child, d. Feb. 11, 1859, in 2nd y. Ashbey, Susan, dau of Anthony & Eliza, d. Aug. 24, 1836, a. 17 m. Averill, R. S., d. D e c 23, 1834, a. 38 y. Baker, Elizabeth, w. of Valentine, b. Sep. 22, 1763, d. Nov. 29, 1826. Baker, Jacob, s. of Valentine & Elizabeth, d. Oct. 13, 1818, a. 24-1-13. Baker, James B., s. of John & Mary Ann, d. July 7, 1836, a. 3 y. Baker, Jane, w. of Captain Samuel of the United States Army, b. Feb. 29, 1796, d. Mar. 22, 1815. Baker, Mary, dau. of Valentine & Elizabeth, d Sep. 27, 1819, a. 20 y. 8 m. Baker, Peter, b. Dec. 11, 1803, d. Sep. 28, 1824. Baker, Samuel, s. of Valentine & Elizabeth, d. Jan. 3, 1820, a. 30 y. 8 d. Baker, Susan, b. May 25, 1806, d. Aug. 1, 1832. Baker, Valentine, d. Oct. 9, 1815, a. 63 y. Barnes, Alexander Forbus, s. of John & Maria, d. Nov. 22, 1831, a. 4-4-23. Also Anna, dau. of John & Maria, d. Apr. 20, 1835, (remainder of stone broken off) Barnes, Anna, d. Feb. 26, 1798. a. 27-10-9. Barnes, Ann Eliza, dau. of John & Maria, d. Apr. 3, 1815, a. 1 m 10 d. Barnes, Caroline T. Conklin, w. of David H., d. Aug. 22, 1849, a. 32-10-26. Barnes, Catharine, d. Oct. 10, 1884, a. 81-6-20. Barnes, Catharine Lewis, w. of Henry, d Apr. 9, (broken), a. 37-1-13. Barnes, David H., d. Feb. 14, 1880, a. 73-3-14. (Veteran's marker). Barnes, Elizabeth, w. of Henry, d. May 14, 1863, a. 77 y. 7 m. Barnes, Henry, b. Oct. 9, 1764, d. Dec. 13, 1837, a 73-2-4. Barnes, Henry L. L., d. June 19, 1869, a. 60-1-7. Barnes, Isaac, d. Nov. 26, 1824, a. 14-10-26. Barnes, Jane, dau. of John & Maria, d. Sep. 10, 1821, a 1-4-26. Barnes, M. D., John, b.. Dec. 11, 1790, d. Aug. 29, 1850; Maria, w. of Dr. John, & dau. of Joseph Han-is, b. Feb. 6, 1797, d. June 23, 1856. (Monument). Barnes, Joseph H., s. of John & Maria, d. Mar. 18, 1817, a. 14 d. Barnes, Maria Louisa, dau. of Dr. John & Maria, d. Sep. 18,, 1864, a. 39 y. 5 m. Barnes, Mary Conklin, dau. of David H. & Caroline T., d. Sep. 11, 1868, a. 30-8-11. Barnes, Richard Varick, s. of Dr. John & Maria, d Mar. 23, 1846, a. 13-3-7. Barnes, William, d. Feb. 26, 1865, a. 72-3-9. Barnes, William Harris, s. of Dr. John & Maria, d. Jan. 31, 1856, a. 17 v. 7 d. Baumann, Charles J., b. Jan. 10, 1813, d July 7, 1868. Bayeux, Elizabeth, w. of Thomas, d. Feb. 28, 1849, a. 88-10-14. Bayeaux, Stephen, d. Apr. 4, 1833, a. 38 y. Beeckman, Henrietta, dau. of Henry & Catharine, of New York, d. Sep. (â&#x20AC;&#x201D;), 1821, a. 14 m 26 d. Bell, Anna, dau. of Colonel William, d. Aug. 16, 1825, a. 33-4-11. 241
47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. .61. 62. 63. 64. 05.
Bell, Colonel William, d. June 20, 1830, a. 74-7-22. Benaway, Garrit, s. of Jeremiah, d. Mar. 6, 1821, a. 19-1-13. Benjamin, Joseph W., d. May 24, 1841, a. 21 y. 10 m. Best, Jacob M., d. Mar. 13, 1870, a. 44-4-8. (Veteran's flag). Blizzard, Mary, w. of Jacob, d. Apr. 17, 1840, a. 53 y. Blizzard, Mary F., d. Aug. 27, 1856, a 1-1-12. Blizzard, Sarah A., d. Nov. 11, 1861, a. 3-7-5. Blizzard, William E., d. Aug. 17, 1848, a. 7 m. 18 d. Bloom, Alexander M., s. of George & Eliza, d Sep. 17, 1825. Bloom, Edward Augustus, s. of John M. & Frances D., d. Dec. 28, 1825, a. 4-11-25 Bloom, George, Esq., d. Nov. 28, 1824, a. 42-8-25. Bloom, George, s. of John M. & Frances D., d. Aug. 22, 1825, a. 18-6-4. Bloom, Harriet, w. of George, Esq., d. July 13, 1816, a. 29-9-3. Bloom, Mary, dau. of George & Harriet, d. July 6, 1814, a. 11 m. 20 d. Bockee, Alexander Phoenix, d. Dec. 1, 1814, a. 24-3-25. Boerum, Catharine, w. of Jacob, d. Mar. 11, 1814, a. 36-4-15. Boerum, Jacob, d. Aug. 21, 1838, in 58th v. Bosworth, Elizabeth M., dau. of Zina, d. Feb. 27, 1832, a. 21 y. 10 d. Boughton, Adaline Marildah, dau. of John & Sally Ann, b. Jan. 29, 1832, d. Feb. 21, 1834, a. 2 y. 1 m. 66. Boughton, Catharine Eliza, dau. of John & Sally Ann, d. Feb. 25, 1831, a. 6 w. 67. Boughton, John, s of John & Sallv Ann, d. Aug. 12, 1839, a. 11 w. Caroline, d. Sep. 26, 1841, a. 1 y. 11 m. 68. Boughton, Luthera F., dau. of John & Sarah A., d. Nov. 4, 1849, a. 3-6-17. 69. Boughton, Martha C , dau. of John & Sarah Ann, d. July 20, 1843, a 1 y. 10 d. 70. Boughton, Sarah A., w. of John, d. Oct. 3, 1865, a. 57-9-3. 71. Brace, Georgia P., dau. of James H. & Sarah L., of San Francisco, Cal., d. July 23, 1868, a 4 v. 10 m. 72. Brandow, Lucy Ann, d. Sep. 21, 1848, a. 1-2-15; John Henrv, d. Oct. 12, 1848, a. 3-2-15: Children of Peter N. & Mary E. 73. Briggs, Sarah, d. Aug. 10, 1840, a. 58 y. 74. Brinkerhoff, James H., infant son of Peter J. & Cynthia, b. June 17, d Aug. 4, 1847. 75. Broas," Phebe, dau. of Josiah & Sallv, d. May 26, 1814, a. 12-5-5. 76. Broas, Sarah E. Lawson, w. of Smith, d. Nov. 10, 1828, a. 20-11-22. 77. Broas, Smith, d June 25, 1836, a. 29-9-25. 78. Brounejohn, Ann, wid. of Samuel, Esq., d. Dec. 20, 1816, in 60th y. 79. Butler, Charles, d. Apr. 29, 1838, a. 76 y. 80. Butler, George A., s. of Charles & Mary, d. Jan. 11, 1837, a. 26-11-22. 81. Butler, Marv, w. of Charles, d. Nov. 30, 1831, in 59th y. 82. Cantine, Cornelia, dau. of Peter & Eleanor, d. Jan. 28, 1820, in 31st y. 83. Cantine, Eleanor, w. of Peter, Esq., d. Nov. 28, 1820, in 64th y. 84. Cantine, Matthew, s. of Peter & Eleanor, d. Jan. 15, 1821, in 38th y. 85. Cantine, Esq., Peter, d. Apr. 15, 1820, in 71st y. 86. Cantine, Peter W., s. of Peter & Eleanor, d. Sep. 15, 1822, in 19th y. 87. Carman, Baltus, d. June 20, 1818, a. 40-6-2. 88. Carman, Baltus, s. of John V. & Nancy, d. Sep. 18. 1828, a. 19-3-9. 89. Carman, Catharine, w. of Thomas, d. May 15, 1815, a. 29-7-5. 90. Carman, Emeline, dau. of Larence & Mary, d. Mar. 20, 1816, a. 7 m. 6 d. Alfred, s. of Larence & Mary, d. Aug. 14, 1817, a. 4 m. 18 d. 91. Carman, Henry V., d. Oct. 1, 1842, a. 72 y. 8 m. 92. Carman, Jacobah, w. of Joshua, d. Nov. 27, 1828, a. 76-9-28. 93. Carman, Joshua, b. Oct. 20, 1740, d. Mav 20, 1812, in 72d y 94. Carman, Lawrence, d. Sep. 26, 1823, a. 39-8-4. 95. Carman, Mary, w. of Larence, d. July 26, 1867, a. 74-3-2. 96. Carman, Nancy, w. of John V., d. Jan. 6, 1827, a. 37-8-9. 97. Carman, Rebecca Meddaugh, wid. of Baltus, d. Jan. 21, 1850, a. 68 y. 98. Carman, Thomas, d. at Poughkeepsie, Nov. 1, 1823, a. 52-6-10. 99. Carpenter, David, s. of Joseph & Eliza, d. July 3, 1811, a. 1-9-17. 100. Carpenter, David, d. Mar. 4, 1825, a. 77-3-14. 101. Carpenter, Maria, wid. of David, d. Julv 21, 1842, a. 81-11-13. 102. Carpenter, Mary, w. of David, d. Nov. 22, 1793, a. 41-9-2. 103. Caywood, Abigail, w. of James B., & dau. of David C. & Phebe Keetch, d. Apr. 17, 1865, a. 58-2-17. 104. Clark, Allis, w. of Aaron, d. Jan. 26, 1842, a. 34-1-25. 105. Coldwell, George W., d. Jan. 18, 1862, a. 33-6-10. 106. Conklin, Miner, s. of Charles & Mary Ann, d. Feb. 26, 1827, a. 2 d. 107. Cookingham, Catharine Ann, w. of G .V., d. June 2, 1 8 5 ( - ) (broken), a. 40 y. 108. Cowles, Lucy, w. of John, d. Mar. 22, 1827, a. 34 y. 242
Town 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169.
Cowles, Verah, dau. of John & Lucy, d. May 26, 1830, a. 4 y. 7 m. Cowles, Wealthy Diana, d. Aug. 9, 1830, a. 20-5-9. Crapser, Hellen A., w. of Philip, d. Feb. 18, 1854, a. 42-2-11. Crapser, Morgan A., s. of Philip & Helen A., d. Sep. 1, 1834, a. 3 m. 23 d. Cronkrite, James, s. of William & Sarah, d. June 25, 1826, a. 37 y. 9 m. Cudner, Clarissa, dau. of Richard & Mary, d. Mar. 20, 1864, a. 52-2-22 Cudner, Thomas, d. Sep. 30, 1868, a. 63-7-20. Darrow, Archibald D., s. of Samuel K. & Sarah M., d. Nov. 12, 1842, a. 2-8-16. Darrow, James Hanford, s. of Samuel K. & Sarah M., d. Nov. 6, 1838, a. 3 y. 19 d. Darrow, John H., s. of Paul K., d. Aug. 15, 1835, a. 25 y. Darrow, Mary, w. of Paul K., d. Feb. 15, 1858, a. 78 y. 11 d. Darrow, Paul K., d. May 4, 1835, in 68th y. Davids, Martin V. B., (remainder of stone missing). Davis, Elizabeth S., dau. of Abraham A. & Loreign, d. Nov. 23, 1846, a. 24-4-8. Davis, Kate Isabel, dau. of George & Caroline, d. May 26, 1858, a. 2-8-7. Dean, Aaron, b. Mar. 14, 1804, d. Mar. 27, 1878. Dean, Isabel, dau. of Aaron & Helen M., d. Aug. 12, 1843, a. 3 m. 5 d. DeGroff, Joshua, d. May 11, 1847, a. 71-8-20. DeGroff, Sarah, w. of Joshua, d. May 29, 1858, a. 77 y. 2 m. Dinge, Charlotte, dau. of Mabee & Hannah, of Pawlings, d. Aug. 30, 1834, a. 36 y. Dobbs, Henry Martin, only son of John H. & Harriet M., d. Mar. 8, 1855, a. 8 m. Dowd, Richard, a native of Ireland, County Armagh, d. Sep. 22, 1849, in 24th y. Du Bois, Elizabeth, d. Jan. 31, 1825, a. 5 y. Du Bois, James, s. of Joel & Maria, d. Oct. 5, 1824, a. 6 y. 7 m. Du Bois, Jeremiah, s. of Joel & Maria, d. Oct. 4, 1836, a. 21-10-4. Du Bois, Joel, d. Sep. 15, 1857, a. 85 y. Also, Isaac R., d. Nov. 18, 1858, a. 58 y. Du Bois, Leonard, d. Dec 3, 1825, a. 1 y. 4 m. Du Bois, Maria, w. of Joel, d. Mar. 31, 1849, in 70th y. Du Bois, Mariah, w. of Isaac R., d. Jan. 31, 1835, a. 28-2-17. Du Bois, Mary, dau. of Isaac & Maria, d. Oct. 11, 1837, a. 5-5-17. Du Bois, Mary Ann, dau. of Jeremiah & Maria, d. Oct. 5, 1848, a. 4-1-15. Du Bois, Matilda, w. of Jeremiah, d. Apr. 14, 1825, a. 26-4-22. Du Bois, Sarah, dau. of Joel, d. Aug. 4, 1849, in 44th y. Emigh, Olivia, d. Aug. 13, 1835, a. 6 m. 13 d. Everitt, Abigail, w. of Richard, d. Dec. 12, 1820, a. 56-5-28. Everitt, Helen Maria, dau. of John & Maria, d. May 17, 1806, a. 6 m. 24 d. Everitt, John, d. Nov. 7, 1817, a. 38-1-11. Everitt, Mary, w. of John, & dau. of John & Judith, d. Feb. 27, 1811, in 26th y. Everitt, Peter, d. Jan. 7, 1837, a 49 y. Everitt, Richard, d. Sep. 21, 1824, a. 75-2-5. Everitt, Samuel S., d. Oct. 13, 1827, a. 26-9-7. Everetson, Cornelia, w. of George B., d. Jan. 29, 1808, a. 55-10-18. Also, Peter Tappen, their son, d. Feb. 22, 1808, a. 7 y. Evertson, Elizabeth, dau. of George & Cornelia, d. Mar. 26, 1816, a. 17-9-2. Fenner, Thomas, a native of Canterbury in England, d. Jan. 17, 1815, in 67th y. Finn, Isaac D., Aug. 28, 1868, a. 70 y. Fitchett, Adolph Mâ&#x20AC;&#x17E; d. July 7, 1842, a. 32-2-9. Fitchett, Ann Belinda, w. of Adolph M., d. Mar. 26, 1840, a. 20 y. 11 m. Also James Andrew, their son, d. Feb. 27, 1840, a. 8 m. 7 d. Fitchett, Cornelia E., dau. of James & Susan, d. June 30, 1847, a. 23-3-20. Also Elgiva, dau. of William J. & Mary Jane Miller, d. June 24, 1847, a. 1-4-27. Fitchett, Isaac, d. Apr. 22, 1824, a. 15-3-22. Fitchett, James, d. Aug. 26, 1825, a. 22 y. 8 m. Fitchett, James, d. Mar. 4, 1862, a. 86 y. 7 m. Susan M., w. of James, d. July 31, 1846, a. 61 y. Fitchett, Mary Ellen, d. Mar. 14, 1851, a. 3-4-8; Amelia, d. Oct. 8, 1850, a. 4 m: Children of Alexander & Permelia. Fitchett, Susan Maria, dau. of Alexander & Permelia, d. Mar. 17, 1842, a. 11 m. 5 d. Fitchett, Willie Johnson, s. of Randall & Elizabeth, d Aug. 1, 1857, a. 5 y. 7 d. Flagler, Enoch, b. Aug. 3, 1810, d. Aug. 27, 1878. Flagler, James, author of Hygenic Spiritualism, b Mar. 23, 1811, two miles south of the ctiy of Poughkeepsie, N. Y., d. Jan. 31, 1881, a. 69 y. 10 m. Flagler, Maria Barnes, w. of Enoch, b. Dec. 8, 1804, d. Mar. 5, 1871. Flagler, Peter, b. Nov. 12, 1805, d. Jan. 16, 1824, a. 19-2-4. Foote, Jane, d. Jan. 15, 1844, a. 43 y. Forrest, Marion Smith, w. of Robert, d. Mar. 11, 1835, a. 55 y. 8 d. Forrest, Robert, d. May 7, 1858, a. 86 y. 243
Old 170. 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. 220. 221. 222. 223. 224. 225. 226. 227. 228.
Forrest, Robert, s. of Robert & Maryan, d. Feb. 27, 1822, a. 6-3-21. Forrest, William S., s. of Robert & Maryan, d. Jan. 12, 1823, a. 20-6-17. Foster, Alfred Molton, d. Feb. 26, 1833, a. 30 y. 9 m. Fowler, Daniel, d. May 25, 1864, a. 60-3-3. Frear, Alexander, d. Jan. 7, 1846, a. 2-1-2; James B., d. May 14, 1846, a. 1 m. 20 d.; Children of James H. & Mary E. Frear, Cornelius C , Co. L., 56th N. Y. V., d. Apr. 5, 1877, a. 34 y. (Veteran's marker). Frear, Henry, s. of Myndert & Eliza, d. Oct. 23, 1823, a. 1-9-9. Frear, James B., d. Jan. 23, 1833, a. 39-4-12. Frear, Lawrence, b. Mar. 27, 1796, d. Mar. 18, 1859. Rebecca Drew, w. of Lawrence, b. Jan. 8, 1796, d. June 22, 1834. Frear, Maria, w. of James B., d. Jan. 12, 1831, a. 24-1-13. Frear, Maria W., dau. of Moses & Jane, d. Aug. 30, 1824, a. 1-8-1. Frear, Matilda, dau. of James & Maria, d. Aug. 1, 1828, a. 10 m. 15 d. Gary, Mary Ann, dau. of John & Eliza, d. Apr. 25, 1810, in 2d y. Good, William W., d. Aug. 25, 1826, a. 30-2-3. Gould, Stephen B., b. May 26, 1844, d. Oct. 18, 1864. Gould, William H., b. Apr. 14, 1821, d. Dec. 5, 1861. Gridley, Josephine, dau. of Obed & Laura, d. Aug. 30, 1837, a. 15 m. 4 d. Gridley, Laura, w. of Obed, d. in the city of New York, June 24, 1837, a. 27 y. 28 d. Gridley, Obed, d. in the city of New York, Dec. 26, 1838, in 32d y. Hall, Celia S., dau. of Israel B. & Eliza, d. Oct. 21, 1843, a. 1-6-11. Hall, Emily H., dau. of Israel B. & Eliza, b. Apr. 10, 1846, d. Nov. 30, 1861, a. 15-1-20. Hall, Leonard, s of Israel B. & Eliza, d. Mar. 6, 1834, a. 1 y. Hall, Margaret, dau. of Israel & Eliza, d. Oct. 22, 1830, a. 9 m. 6 d. Hall, Mariah, dau. of Israel B. & Eliza, d. Oct. 5, 1839, a. 2 m. 5 d. Hall, Mary G., dau of Israel B. & Eliza, d. Oct. 14, 1844, a. 5 m. 19 d. Hall, Susan Ann, dau. of Israel B. & Eliza, d. Aug. 12, 1836, a. 15 d. Hanaford, Maria Ida, dau. of Abram & Maria, d. Sep. 14, 1866, a. 1-8-25. Hanna, Ann, w. of Robert, Sr., d. Aug. 14, 1859, a. 67-5-10. Hanna, Harriet H., w. of Robert, b. Feb. 1, 1830, d. Jan. 11, 1860. Robert, Sr., d. Dec. 15, 1859. a. 70-9-21. Hanna, Jane, d. Sep. 1, 1822, a. 5 m. 4 d. Hanna, Margaret, dau. of Robert & Nancy, d. Apr. 18, 1852, a. 22-4-19. Hanna, Robert, Jr., d. Aug. 2, 1858, a. 24 y. 11 m. Hanna, William, d. Sep. 5, 1851, in 29th y Harris, Belender, dau. of Joseph & Eliza, d. Sep. 2, 1808, a. 5 m. Harris, Edward, d. July 4, 1838, a. 19-3-27. Harris, Elizabeth, w. of Joseph, d. Oct. 11, 1839, a. 64-11-4. Harris, John H., s. of David & Margaret, d. Aug. 23, 1850, a. 1-4-5. Harris, John S., s. of Joseph & Eliza, d. May 7, 1810, a. 16-2-10. Harris, Joseph, d. Sep. 30, 1841, a. 71-9-19. Harris, Joseph, s. of Joseph & Eliza, who was drowned July 22, 1809, a. 8-5-17. Harris, Margaret, w. of David, &dau. of John A. & Cornelia Pells, d. Dec. 1, 1838, a. 31-2-5. Harris, Mary Inez, dau. of William T., d. Feb. 8, 1851, a. 12 v. Harris, Sherman, s. of Joseph C. & Harriet, d. Feb. 12, 1842, a. 13 m. Harrison, Alexander S., s. of Frederick & Zillah, of Hudson, d. in Hudson, Jan. 21, 1806, in 4th y Harrison, Edward H., s. of Frederick & Zillah, d. Apr. 6, 1813, a. 1 y. 8 m. Harrison, Edward H., d. at Baltimore, Md., May 5, 1858, a. 45. Harrison, Frederick, d. Nov. 18, 1864, a. 90 y. Harrison, Zillah, w. of Frederick, d. Apr. 21, 1829, a. 48 y. Also Laura Spencer, their daughter, a. 6 v. Hoffman, Ellen Riness, w. of Isaac, d. Dec. 14, 1854, a. 84-5-28. Hoffman, Isaac, d. Mar. 18, 1834, in 67th y. Horton, Nathaniel T., d. Apr. 11, 1842, a. 52-7-25. Houghtaling, William, d July 15, 1834, a. 16-3-28. Howland, Benjamin, d. Nov. 12, 1842, a. 66 y. Howland, Catharine, w. of Benjamin, b. Mar. 17, 1787, d. Feb. 19, 1814, a. 26-11-2. Howland, John Travis, d. Aug. 22, 1821, a. 3-4-4 Howland, LaFayette, twin brother of Washington, d. Sep. 7, 1837, a. 6-8-19. Howland, Lavina, d. Aug. 9, 1822, a. 72 y. Howland, Lavina Ann, d. July 16, 1821, a. 15-11-20. Howland, Susan Travis, w. of Benjamin, d. Jan. 22, 1869, a. 71 y. 244
229. Howland, Washington, twin brother of LaFayette, d. Aug. 29, 1831, a. 10 m. 10 d. 230. Hutchins, Susan B. Darrow, w. of Alonzo, & dau. of Paul K. & Mary Darrow, d. July 29, 1839, a. 25-10-19. 231. Hutchins, William D., infant son of Alonzo & Susan, d. Apr. 11, 1838, a 12 w. 232. Hyzer, Anna, w. of Jos. Hyzer, d. Feb. 12, 1838, in 52d y. 233. Hyzer, Catharine, d. Oct. 14, 1824, a. 32-7-14. 234. Hyzer, Elenor, w. of Michael T., d. June 22, 1834, a. 70 y. 4 m. 235. Hyzer, Michael, d. D e c 17, 1835, in 39th y. 236. Hyzer, Michael T., A. Dec. 28, 1834, in 76th y. 237. Inman, Ira, d. July 12, 1857, a. 48-5-9. 238. Innis, Aaron, d. Oct. 26, 1838, a. 51-6-9. 239. Innis, Ruth S., dau. of Aaron & Martha, d. May 31, 1834, a. 14 y. 9 m. 240. Innis, William, b. Jan. 8, 1825, d. Oct. 6, 1853. 241. Jacox, Susan, d. Sep. 15, 1830, a. 3 y. 5 m. 242. Jewett, Herman J., d. Jan. 11, 1863, a. 59 y. Robert Forrest, s. of Herman J. & Jennette Jewett, d. Oct. 30, 1852, a. 4 m. (Monument). 243. Jewett, Marion F., dau. of Herman & Rebecca, d. Sep. 15, 1837, a. 2 m. 19 d. 244. Jewett, Rebecca Forrest, w. of Herman J., d. Apr. 5, 1843, a. 30-7-26. 245. Jones, Abraham Pells, s. of Nehemiah & Maria, d. Dec. 18, 1834, a. 6 m. 246. Jones, Caroline, d. Oct. 17, 1838, a. 6-11-10. 247. Jones, Nehemiah, d. Oct. 22, 1835, a. 34-11-13. 248. Keech, Maria, w. of Benjamin, d. Dec. 31, 1858, a. 67-9-18. 249. Kidney, Eliza, w. of William I., d Dec. 19J 1811, a. 35 y. 9 m. 250. Kidney, William I., d. Aug. 8, 1828, a. 1 d.; William S., d. Oct. 27, 1830, a. 10 m.; Children of William H. & Catharine. 251. Lansing, Anna, w. of Garret, d. Mar. 6, 1840, in 81st y. 252. Lansing, Garret, d. Nov. (â&#x20AC;&#x201D;), 1836, in 84th y. 253. Lansing, Henry, s. of Francis & Susan, d. Jan. 22, 1845, in 21st y. 254. Leak, George, d. Jan. 17, 1848, a. 31 y. 3 m. 255. Leak, Ranson S., s. of Samuel M. & Jane, d. Oct. 27, 1847, a. 20 y. 20 d. 256. Lockwood, Joanna, w. of James, d. Dec. 15, 1808, in 23d y. 257. Losee, Margaret Pells, w. of Russell, d. Sep. 30, 1830, a. 25-2-11. 258. Lynt, Abraham, s. of John & Mary, d. Nov. 11, 1830, a. 18-7-7. 259. Macay, Harriet, w. of Alonzo, d. Oct. 6, 1849, a. 22-8-21. 260. Macay, James Edward, s. of Isaac & Mary, d. May 20, 1846, a. 21-3-3. 261. Macay, Sally Ann, dau. of Isaac, d. Sep. 5, 1826, a. 4-5-16. 262. Mace, Hyram, b. Apr. 27, 1820, d. Feb. 8, 1823, 263. Mann, Susan Walker, only daughter of Rev. A. M. & Jane J., b. Oct. 6, 1841, d. Aug. 7, 1852. 264. Mann, William Bruyn, s. of Rev. A. M. & Jane J., b. Jan. 3, 1844, d. Feb. 28, 1847 265. Manney, Adrianna, dau. of Wines & Sophia, d. Apr. 19, 1815, a. 7 y. 23 d. 266. Manney, Alada Vanderburgh, w. of Wines, d Feb. 18, 1817, a. 75-2-11. 267. Manney, Henry, d. Nov. 24, 1839, in 78th y. 268. Manney, Henry W., d. Apr. 6, 1835, in 31st y. 269. Manney, Sophia Pells, w. of Wines, d. Apr. 24, 1817, a. 50-4-15. 270. Mannev, Wines, d. Nov. 26, 1811, a. 81-8-4. 271. Mannev, Wines, d. June 12, 1838, in 73d y. 272. Marshall, George W., d. Jan. 22, 1852, a. 51-9-22; Also, his wife, Catharine, d. Sep. 25, 1858, a. 54-9-25. 273. Marshall, John D., d. Sep. 19, 1845, a. 19-5-16 274. Marshall, Maria, w. of John A., & dau. of Paul K. & Mary Darrow, d. Dec. 14, 1831, a. 35-1-28. 275. Martin, Cornelius L., d. June 3, 1848, a. 4 y. 5 m.; Sophia, d. Jan. 25, 1848, a. 6-2-6; Children of Richard & Rachel F. 276. Mason, John W., d. Jan. 17, 1826, a. 19 y. 3 m. 277. Mason, Joseph, d. June 20, 1826, a. 56-4-12. 278. Matthews, Jane Eliza, d. Sep. 4, 1826, a. 2-3-9. 279. Matthews, William Herlv, s. of William M. & Mary, d. Mar. 7, 1843, a. 6 w. 280. Matthewy, Ann Mariah Huffman, w. of John, d. Jan. 1, 1850, a. 47-7-25. 281. Matthewy, Samuel, b. Apr. 25, 1756, d. July 19, 1820; and his wife, Mary Compton, b. Dec. 15, 1759, d. July 20, 1820. 282. McKee, Jane, w. of Thomas, d. Mar. 11, 1869, a. 72 y. 283. McLean, A J., d. Aug. 23, 1852, a. 30 y. 284. McLean, Frances, dau. of Samuel & Gertrude, d. Dec. 13, 1839, a. 2 y. 10 m. 285. McLean, Johnston, s. of Samuel & Gertrude, d. Dec. 29, 1841, a. 2 y. 6 m. 286. Mead, Samuel Henry, s. of George & Maria, d. Sep. 12, 1827, a. 7 m. 1 d.; Also, Caroline Theresa, of the same parentage, d. June 24, 1828, a. 6-11-24. 245
287. Mead, Samuel, d. Mar. 15, 1812, a. 50 y. 5 d.; Also Deborah, w. of Samuel, d. Nov. 2, 1796, a. 26 y. 9 m., and was interred in the Hackensack churchyard. 288. Member, George S., d. Feb. 17, 1837, a. 50-8-11. 289. Member, Nancy, w. of George S., d. Sep. 8, 1862, in 72d y. 290. Miller, Elizabeth, w. of Cornelius, d. May 26, 1859, in 67th y. 291. Miller, George W., s. of Henry J. & Sophia, d. Jan. 1, 1851, a. 2-4-22. 292. Miller, William Henry, s. of Aaron W. & Adaline, d. July 5, 1845, a. 8 y. 25 d. Note: See also, for Miller, No. 156 preceding. 293. Mitchell, Anah, wid. of Isaac, d. May 7, 1845, in 82d y. 294. Mitchell, Isaac, d. Nov. 26, 1812, in 53d y. 295. Mitchell, Sidney, d. Nov. 25, 1834, a. 33 y. 5 m. 296. Morey, George, s. of Isaac & Maria, d. Apr. 20, 1827, a. 9-9-14. 297. Mott, Adrianna, d. Sep. 7, 1834, in 72d y. â&#x20AC;˘298. Mott, Nancy, w. of John, d. June 3, 1795, a. 32-4-4. 299. Myers, Adolph, d. Aug. 17, 1813, a. 72-10-7. 300. Myers, Anna, w. of Adolph, d. Dec. 14, 1827, a. 79-8-15. 301. Myers, Frances, second wife of Colonel Nathan, d. Mar. 19, 1828, in 37th y. 302. Myers, John A., d. Nov. 26, 1871, a. 83 y. 303. Myers, Mary, w. of Colonel Nathan, d. May 14, 1822, in 51st y 304. Myers, Robert Nathan, s. of Nathan & Mary, d. Nov. 25, 1809, a. (â&#x20AC;&#x201D;). 305. Myers, Sally Ann, dau. of Natha n & Mary, d. May 23, 1810, a. 15-6-22. 306. Nelson, Elizabeth, w. of Jacob, d. Apr. 9, 1839, a 60-6-3. 307. Nelson, Jacob, d. Dec. 16, 1815, in 36th y. 308. Nelson, Mary, wid. of Thomas, d. in the city of New York, Apr. 22, 1849, a. 96-10-1. 309. Nelson, Sarah, first wife of Thomas, d. Oct. 10, 1801, in 55th y. 310. Nelson, Thomas, d. Nov. 1, 1823, in 80th y. 311. William, s. of John & Celia, d. Oct. 8, 1828, in 26th y. 312. Newcomb, Christian, d. July 26, 1820, in 62d y. 313. Newcomb, Hannah, wid. of Christian, d. July 30, 1843, in 71st y. 314. Newcomb,'Thomas, s. of Christian & Hannah, d. Oct. 21, 1819, a. 9-3-20. 315. North, Rebecca, w. of Thomas, & dau. of Laurence & Charity Van Kleeck, d. Oct. 6, 1810, in 29th y. 316. Oakley, Jesse, d. at Poughkeepsie, Nov. 9, 1827, in 80th y. 317. Oakley, Mary M., dau. of Wilmoth & Delia M., d. Apr. 18, 1851, a. 2-5-18. 318. Oakley, Susan, wid. of Jesse, d. July 26, 1834, in 66th y. 319. Odell, Ann, w of Seneca S., & dau. of John A. & Cornelia Pells, d. Nov. 9, 1842, a. 24 y. 28 d. 320. Odell, Samuel W., s. of Daniel & Eliza, d. Oct. 10, 1843, a. 3 m. 12 d. 321. Ogden, Amanda, w. of Daniel, Jr., d. Sep. 24, 1846, a. 35 y 322. Ogden, Daniel, Jr., d. Feb. 19, 1855, a. 42-1-4. 323. Ostrander, Isaac M., d. July 22, 1866, a. 22 y. 6 m. 324. Ostrander, Philip, d. Apr. 13, 1843, a. 45 y. 325. Overbagh, Helen Tappen, d. Jan. 5, 1858, a. 70 y. 326. Palen, Dr. Edwin, d. Aug. 15, 1832. a. 18-6-28. 327. Palen, Margaret, w. of Peter G., d. Nov. 12, 1832, a. 58-9-20. 328. Palen, Peter G., d. Dec. 1, 1836, a. 70 y. 6 m. 329. Palen, Sally, d. Feb. 15, 1837, a. 32-3-27 330. Palmateer, Catharine, w. of Samuel, d. Feb. 12, 1860, a. 72-10-28. 331. Palmateer, Jacob, member of Howard's Division Sons of Temperance, d. Sep. 16, 1847, a. 50 v. 332. Palmateer, Samuel, d. Mar 4, 1850, a. 62-5-2. 333. Parmalee, Cornelius, s. of Elias & Rebecca J., d. Apr. 13, 1852, a. 4-7-15. 334. Paten, Mary, w. of Stephen, d. May 19, 1828, in 51st y. 335. Payne, Manson, d. May 8, 1846, a. 40 y. 4 d. 336. Pells, Abraham, d. June 4, 1813, a. 65-4-27. 337. Pells, Abraham, d. July 29, 1816, a. 19 y. 3 m. 338. Pells, Abraham, oldest son of John & Cornelia, & consort of Phebe Pells, d. Feb. 1, 1845, a. 40-2-10. ' 339. Pells, Ackalinda, dau. of John A., d. Mar. 12, 1816, a. 6-4-20. 340. Pells, Ann Denman, w. of P. J., b. Mar. 24, 1804, d. Aug. 24, 1884. 341. Pells, Celia, dau. of John & Rachel, d. Sep. 25, 1831, a. 42 y. 11 m. 342. Pells, Charles, s. of John A. & Cornelia, d. Jan. 14, 1842, a. 20-4-2. 343. Pells, Charles, s. of Abraham & Phebe, d. Apr 6, 1842, a. 3 m. 19 d. 344. Pells, Charles C , d. Dec. 4, 1807, in 26th y. 345. Pells, Claudius, s. of Abraham & Margaret, d. May 27, 1815, in 30th y. 346. Pells, Cornelia, dau. of John A., d. July 12, 1830, a. 4-1-12. 347. Pells, Cornelia, d. Oct. 29, 1845, a. 60-3-19. 348. Pells, Deborah, dau. of John & Rachel, d. Sep. 25, 1848, a. 64-3-5. 246
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Pells, Deborah Lewis, w. of Evert A., d. June 15, 1867, in 92d y. Pells, Evert A., d. Nov. 11, 1842, a. 67 y. 6 m. Pells, Frances C , d. July 12, 1825, a. 29-3-24. Pells, Hester, dau. of John & Rachel, d. July 30, 1818, a. 17 y. Pells, John, d. Feb. 14, 1843, a. 91-10-3. Pells, John, d. Oct. 4, 1856, a. 53-7-20. Pells, John A., d. Apr. 1, 1833, a. 56 y. Pells, Joseph H., s. of Abraham & Phebe, d. Mar. 22, 1855, in 13th y. Pells, Margaret H., dau. of Abraham & Phebe, d. Feb. 24, 1839, a. 2-9-10. Pells, Michael, d. Apr. 22, 1851, a. 64-9-14. Pells, Nelson I., s. of Asahel D. & Ester A., d. Aug. 1, 1885, a. 4-1-11. Pells, Peter J., b. July 23, 1791, d. Sep. 9, 1872. Pells, Phebe, w. of Abram, d. Aug. 25, 1879, a. 71-10-23. Pells, Philip, s. of John & Cornelia, d. Apr. 15, 1842, a. 26-5-24. Pells, Rachel Le Roy, w. of John, d. July 30, 1825, a. 63-10-22. Pells, Simon J.; b. 1798, d. 1881. Pells, William A., s. of Abraham & Phebe, d. May 11, 1854, in 24th y. Phillips, James R., d. July 8, 1841, a. 33-6-8. Phillips, Jane M., w. of Marquis D. L. F., d. Sep. 24, 1837, in 39th y. Phillips, Pennell Young, dau. of Marquis D. L. F. & Jane M., d. Nov. 13, 1824, a 1 y. 3 m. Pine, Samuel, b. May 28, 1775, d. Oct. 6, 1842, a. 67-4-8. Pine, Susannah, w. of Samuel, d Jan. 28, 1841, a. 67-1-3. Potter, Elizabeth, w. of Rufus, d. Sep. 30, 1815, a. 36-2-27. Potter, Mary, second wife of Rufus, d. 1st m. 24th, 1827, a. 40-3-2. Potter, Mary A., b. Nov. 2, 1839, d. Oct 7, 1851. Potter, Rufus, b. Mar. 18, 1778, d. July 29, 1862. Potter, Susan, third wife of Rufus, d. 2d m. 16th, 1834, a. (58 or 38)-10-22. Potter, Thomas, d. 8th m. 8th, 1819, a. 22 d. Potter, Uriah, d. 4th m. 8th, 1823, a. 1 y. 2 m. Power, Henry R., only son of Henry & Eliza, d. Jan. 7, 18$7, a. 29-5-16. Power, Mary Catharine, dau. of Henry & Sarah, d. Oct. 8, 1856, a. 2-6-24. Power, Nicholas, b. Aug. 4, 1785, d. Apr. 15, 1825; Catherine, w. of Nicholas, b. May 15, 1788, d. Dec. 23, 1862. Reid, Margaret, w. of George, & dau. of John Ferguson of Newport, d. Apr. 18, 1814. Roe, Mrs. Elizabeth, d. May 17, 1840, in 62d y. Roosevelt, Edward, d. June 7, 1832, a. 37 y. Roosevelt, Grace B., dau. of Richard V. & Anna M., d. Feb. (30), 1838, a. 12-5-15. (Note: The day of the month is cut on the stone with unmistakable clearness but is manifestly a mistake). Roosevelt, Harriet H., dau. of Richard V. & Anna M., d. May 8, 1839, a. 15-2-9. Roosevelt, Helen L., dau. of Richard V., d. Feb. 1, 1837, a. 2 y. 7 m. Roosevelt, Richard V., s. of James & Maria, d. Oct. 24, 1835, in 33d v. Roosevelt, Walton, s. of James & Maria, d. Nov 11, 1836, a. 41 y. Ross, Jane Jenkins, w. of Alexander, d. Jan. 12, 1860, a. 40-6-8; Also, Luther, s. of Alexander & Jane, d. Apr. 3, 1859, a. ( - ) - l - 1 5 . Rudd, Esq., Hileri, d. Dec. 6, 1819, a. 27-2-24. Schoonmaker, Cornelia, dau. of Henry, d. Feb. 6, 18 (broken), a. 75 y. Schoonmaker, Jane Ackerman, wid. of Henry, (remainder of stone broken off). Schoonmaker, (Broken) Wynkoop, s. of ( ), — 24, 1856, — (8) y.; William Henry, s. of Edward, d May 9, 1859, a. 20 y. (Broken stone). Schoonover, Catharine Fitchett, w. of Peter, d. Jan., 1830, in 76th y. Schryver, Albert, d. Aug. 8, 1840, a. 34-6-14; Averilla, child of Albert & Eleanor, d. Sep. 13, 1840, a. 1 y. 9 m. Schryver, Eleanor, w.of Albert, & dau of James & Susan Fitchett, b. Apr. 6. 1806, d. Oct. 22, 1878, a. 71-10-16. Schryver, Sarah F., dau. of Albert & Eleanor, d. Sep. 7, 1841, a. 9 y. 7 m. Seabury, Cornelia, w. of Tilman, d. Feb. 14, 1838, a. 79-9-4. Seabury, Jacob, d. July 25, 1825, a. 42 y. 7 m. Seabury, Maria Vandebogart, w. of Jacob, d. Oct. 20, 1823, a. 38 y. 10 m. Seabury, Tilman, d. Apr 8, 1823, a. 67-11-6. Sheffield, Sarah, d. Sep. 18, 1849, a. 61-11-11. Sherman, Martha, dau. of Howland R. & Caroline, d. June 23, 1845, a. 5-1-18. Silvernail, Alfred D., s. of James & Hannah, d. Apr. 27, 1840, a. 4 m. 10 d. Silvernail, Lewis Henry, s. of James & Hannah, d. Jan. 11, 1845, a. 3-8-9. Silvernail, Winess, d. Mar. 26, 1866, a. 60 y. Skinner, Stephen, d. May 3, 1833, a. 39-4-4. Smith, Chloe Latamer, wid. of William, d. Sep. 6, 1840, a. 66. Smith, John M., d. July 19, 1856, in 49th y. 247
Old 410. 411. 412. 413. 414. 415. 416. 417. 418. 419. 420. 421. 422
423. 425. 425. 426. 427. 428. 429. 430. 431. 432. 433. 434. 435. 436. 437. 438. 439. 440. 441. 442. 443. 444. 445. 446. 447. 448. 449. 450. 451. 452. 453. 454. 455. 456. 457. 4 58. 459. 460. 461. 462.
Smith, Phebe, w. of William C , d. Apr. 10, 1815, a. 43 y. 10 m. Smith, Tirzah, dau. of Eliphalet & Mary, d. Nov. 18, 1828, a. 28 y. 27 d. Smith, William C , d. Feb. 28, 1855, in 86th y. Snyder, Lizzie Graham, w. of Morgan L., d. Dec. 25, 1862, a. 37 y. 1 m. Starr, David Lee, s. of Dr. D. L. & Lydia Jane, d. 12th m. 2d, 1839, a. 1-10-10. Starr, Lydia Jane, w. of Dr. D. L., d. 3d m. 15th, 1840. Stimpson, Sophia, w. of James, & dau. of the late William Andrews, Esq., of Boston, Mass., d. Dec. 8, 1827, a. 44 y. Styles, Sarah R., dau. of Robert & Catharine, d. Sep. 8, 1848, a. 6-10-26. Suydam, James Strong, s. of Abraham & Julia W., d. Aug. 2, 1839, a. 1-4-11. Swalm, Theodore, s. of Samuel J. & Jane E., d. June 19, 1839, a. 5-4-14. Swan, George, a native of Strathmig-lo, Fifeshire, Scotland, d. May 4, 1826, a. 37 y. Sweet, Mary, w of John M., d. June 23, 1846, in 39th y.; also Thomas, s. of John M. & Mary, d. June 13, 1846, a. 7 d. Sweet* Nehemiah, b. Feb. 7, 1785, d. Sep. 15, 1856. Mary Whitman, b. Feb. 8, 1785, d. July 10, 1851. Thomas, b. Oct. 26, 1831, d. Aug. 23, 1842. Mary, b. Feb. 13, 1841, d. Aug. 16, 1842. (Monument fallen). Tappen, Anna Maria, d. Aug. 12, 1856, a. 76 y. Tappen, Caroline, dau. of Dr. Peter & Elizabeth, d. Oct. 2, 1822. Tappen, Elizabeth, dau. of Peter & Elizabeth, b. Feb. 4, 1782, d. Sep. 29, 1783, a. 1-7-24. Tappen, Elizabeth, w. of the late Dr. Peter, d. May 26, 1829, a. 80-4-13. Tappen, Gertrude, d. Mar. 18, 1846, a. 63 y. Tappen, Dr. Peter, d. Sep. 3, 1792, a. 44 y. 2 m. Tarpenning, Jane, w. of John, d. Dec. 28, 1810, a. 70-8-20. Tarpenning, Jane, d. Dec. 5, 1827, a. 26 y. Tarpenning, John, d. Sep. 1, 1817, a. 81-2-11. Tarpenning, Simon, d. Dec. 3, 1822, a. 56 y. Travis, John H., d. Jan. 12, 1815, a. 31-2-7 Van Anden, Isaac Brinckerhoof, s. of William A. & Matilda A., d. Apr. 23, 1840, a. 1 y. 4 d. Van De Bogart, Elizabeth, w. of Francis, & dau. of Jacobus Palmateer, d. Apr. 13, 1812, a. 39-7-16. Vanderpool, George W., s. of Simon & Mary E., d. Apr. 26, 1855, a. 7 m. 3 d. Vanderpool, Peter, d. Aug. 9, 1854, a. 72-11-13. Van Every, William, s. of Lawrence & Sophia, d. May 20, 1824, a. 4-10-22. Van Keuren, Marion, dau. of Rev. B., d. Dec. 3, 1833, a. 1-2-17. Van Keuren, Maryann Forrest, w. of Rev. B., d. Aug. 31, 1833, a. 26 y. 15 d. Van Keuren, Robert Forrest, s. of Rev. B., d. Mar. 15, 1833, a. 3-3-5. Van Kleeck, Fanny Noxon, w. of Lawrence J., d. Oct. 1, 1838, a. 57-7-4. Van Kleeck, Lawrence J., d. Sep. 12, 1840, a. 61 y. 13 d. Van Kleeck, Tunis, s. of Edgar & Nancy, d. Dec. 22, 1858, a. 26-11-2. Van Kleeck, Vreeland H., s. of Edgar & Nancy, d. July 16, 1858, a. 20-9-10. Van Ness, Catharine B., d. Oct. 7, 1806, a. 32 y. 6 m. (Van Ness?), "J. V. N." (A footstone marked thus is near the two Van Ness stones). Van Ness, Theron, s. of Garret B. & Sarah C , d. Aug. 6, 1832 ( a. 26-7-4. Van Valkenburgh, David Carpenter, s of John & Sally, d. Sep. 21, 1815, a. 5 m. 13 d. Van Valkenburgh, Henry, s. of John & Sally, d. Aug. 31, 1823, a. 28 d. Van Valkenburgh, John, s. of John & Sally, d. Aug. 12, 1822, a. 9 m. 18 d. Van Valkenburgh, John C , d. Feb 9, 1843, a. 70-10-6. Van Valkenburgh, Owen, s. of John & Sally, d. June 7, 1817, a. 1-1-12. Van Valkenburgh, Sallv, w. of John C , d. May 3, 1828, a. 44-1-4. Van Valkenburgh, Sarah, w. of John C , July 1, 1834, a. 35-3-24; also Mary, dau. of John C. & Sarah, d. Aug. 13, 1834, a. 1 m. 19 d. Van Valkenburgh, Sarah, dau. of John C. & Sarah, d. Dec. 18, 1836, a. 4 y. 10 m Van Vliet, Eliza Varick, dau. of Henrv H. & Jane, d. Apr. 25, 1838, a. 1-4-20. Van Vliet, Eudora Eliza, dau. of Henry H. & Jane, d. July 16, 1821, a. 5 m. 12 d. Van Vliet, Henry Hiram, d. June 15, 1855, a. 58-9-26. Van Vliet, Jane, w. of Henry H., & dau. of Joseph Harris, d. Dec. 31, 1855, a. 52-7-26. Van Vliet, Maria Smith, dau. of Henry H. & Jane, d. Dec. 2, 1831, a. 3 m. Van Vliet, Mary Elizabeth, dau. of Henry H. & Jane, d. June 25, 1833, a. 8 y. 11 m. 248
463. Varick, Catharine Alida, dau. of Richard A. & Eliza, d. Jan. 2, 1836, a. 17 w.; also, Joseph Harris Varick, d. Jan. 25, 1837, a. 1 d. 464. Varick, Edwin Holmes, infant son of Richard & Eliza, d. Nov. 23, 1829. 465. Varick, Henry, s. of Henry B. & Ellen Alida, d. Jan. 12, 1840, a. 2 y. 14 d.; also, Henry, d. Mar. 1, 1840, a. 7 d. 466. Varick, Maria Remsen, dau. of Richard A. & Eliza, d. July 30, 1831, a. 6 w. 467. Varick, Theodore Romeyn, s. of John V. & Anna Maria, d. June 1, 1822, a. 1 J 468. Veltman, Clarissa, d. Apr. 4, 1856, in 70th y. 469. Voorhees, Eliza Tarpenning, w. of James, d. May 14, 1836, in 29th y. 470. Ward, Aaron, Co. I, 73d N. Y. Vol., d. Aug. 26, 1866, a. 27 y. 471. Washburn, John E., d. Jan. 17, 1853, a. 10 m. 19 d.; Charlotte A., d. Sep. 13, 1858, a. 5 y.; children of Libbeus & Charity B. 472. Weekes, Abram D., d. Mar. 2, 1857, in 58th y. 473. Weeks, Hannah, d. July 24, 1825, a. 23 y. 474. Welch, Clarissa, w. of William A., d. Mar. 11 1863, a. 65 y. 475, Werth, John I., a native of Holland, b. Dec. 6 1767, emigrated to America 1796, d. Jan. 31, 1832. Whitman, see No. 422, preceding. 476. Wickes, Ruth, w. of Daniel, d. Oct. 23, 1832, a. 31-6-23. 477, Wilkinson, Arthur, infant son of Gilbert & Velina, d. Feb. 24, 1832, a. 1 y. 27 d. 478, Williamson, Mrs. Ann, d. Apr. 21, 1860, a. 71 y. 2 m. 479, Wolven, Lillie S., dau. of W. E. & Martha, d. Oct. 30, 1866, a. 11 y. 480, Wynkoop, John, Co. C, 54th Mass. C. Vol., d. Mar. 20, 1870, a. 30 y.
Churchyard. In the Poughkeepsie Rural Cemetery. Well cared for. 14 in number. Copiedâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;see list below. (List No. 4 ) . It is probable t h a t a number of stones have in all been removed from the Dutch Church burial grounds to the Poughkeepsie Rural Cemetery since t h e opening of the latter in 1854. A complete record of them has not been procured. The following list gives a few of them. Five stones in Bailey plot, each inscribed on reverse side: "Removed from the old Burying Ground of the Reformed Dutch Church of Poughkeepsie, situated on Main street, opposite M a r k e t street, Dec. 9, 1862." Inscriptions copied J a n . 4, 1912, by J. W . Poucher, M. D., and Miss Helen W . Reynolds.
1. Bailey, Altie, wid. of Colonel John, d. 1807, Nov. 9, in 67th y. 2. Bailey, Elizabeth, w. of Theodorus, & dau. of Robert & Sarah Hoffman, d. 1797, Feb 28, in 32d y. 3. Bailey, Colonel John, d. 1806, Aug. 9, in 74th y. 4. Bailey, Rebecca, w. of Theodorus, & dau. of James Tallmadge, d. 1807, Aug. 28, in 28th y. 5. Hughes, Elizabeth, dau. of James M. & Mary, d. 1807, Aug. 31, in 23d y. Eight stones in Cornwell plot, removed from the burying ground of the Dutch Church on the Post Road. Inscriptions copied Mar. 22, 1915, by Miss Irene Cornwell and Miss Helen W. Reynolds.
6. Cornwell, Abigail, d. 1861, Dec. 25, a. 72 y. 7. Cornwell, Charles Whitehead, d. 1852, Apr. 26, a. 26-11-1. 8. Cornwell, Eliza Antoinette, w. of William, b. 1802, Feb. 10, d. 1831, Apr. 3, a. 29-1-23. S. Cornwell, William, d. 1864, Apr. 25, in 68th y. 10. Morey, Charles R., b. 1806, Mar. 23, d. 1827, Sep. 2, a. 21-5-11. 11. Morey, Phebe, d 1859, Mar. 4, a. 87 y. 12. Prall, Mrs. Ruth, dau. of Elizabeth Rogers, d. 1851, Jan. 24, a. 78-9-6. 13. Rogers, Elizabeth, d. 1852, July 3, in 87th y. One stone in Van Kleeck plot, removed from the burying ground of the Dutch Church on the Post Road. Inscription copied Mar. 22, 1915, by Miss Irene Cornwall and Miss Helen W . Reynolds.
14. Van Kleeck, Peter, d. 1836, Nov. 3, in 87th y. (Note: A stone marker has been placed at the base of this stone inscribed:"Peter Baltus Van Kleeck, a Soldier of the Revolution.") CHRIST CHURCH CLASSIFICATION: C h u r c h y a r d s . On l a n d of C h r i s t C h u r c h ( P r o t e s t a n t E p i s c o p a l ) , in t h e city of LOCATION: CONDITION: INSCRIPTIONS: REMARKS:
Poughkeepsie. Well c a r e d for. 185 in n u m b e r . N i n e lists. See list c a p t i o n s . T h e c o n g r e g a t i o n of C h r i s t C h u r c h , P o u g h k e e p s i e , e r e c t e d a c h u r c h b u i l d i n g in 1 7 7 4 on w h a t is n o w t h e n o r t h e a s t c o r n e r of M a r k e t a n d C h u r c h s t r e e t s , P o u g h k e e p s i e , w h i c h b u i l d i n g stood u n t i l 1 8 3 4 . T h e l a n d s u r r o u n d i n g t h e c h u r c h on this site w a s used for i n t e r m e n t s a p p r o x i m a t e l y 1 7 7 4 - 1 8 2 8 . In 1828 l a n d w a s p u r c h a s e d by t h e c o r p o r a t i o n of C h r i s t C h u r c h a t M o n t g o m e r y a n d A c a d e m y s t r e e t s , P o u g h k e e p s i e , for a b u r i a l p l a c e . This g r o u n d b e c a m e k n o w n as " t h e E n g l i s h B u r y i n g G r o u n d " a n d it was u s e d for i n t e r m e n t s a p p r o x i m a t e l y 1 8 2 8 - 1 8 6 8 . In 1888 t h e c o n g r e g a t i o n of C h r i s t C h u r c h sold its p r o p e r t y a t Market and Church streets a n d a new church building was erected on t h e s o u t h w e s t p o r t i o n of t h e English B u r y i n g G r o u n d . A t this t i m e ( 1 8 8 8 ) r e m o v a l s w e r e m a d e from t h e c h u r c h y a r d on M a r k e t s t r e e t a n d from t h e E n g l i s h B u r y i n g G r o u n d t o t h e Poughkeepsie Rural Cemetery. Classified lists a r e given below which this s t a t e m e n t of f a c t s will r e n d e r s e l f - e x p l a n a t o r y .
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.
Churchyard. In t h e northern end of the Poughkeepsie Rural Cemetery. Cared for. 87 in number. Copied December 26-27, 1911, by J. W . Poucher, M. D., and Miss Helen W . Reynolds. These removals were made officially by Christ Church in 1888 from the old churchyard on Market street, the site of the first and second church-buildings (1774-1834, 1834-1888).
Badger, Abigail, w. of Ebenezer, d. 1817, May 7, a. 71-10-7 Badger, Ebenezer, d. 1824, Sep. 10, a. 77 y. Baker, Peter, second son of Valentine & Elizabeth, d. 1791, Feb. 7, a. 3 y. 18 d. Billings, Major Andrew, d. 1808, Apr. 28, a. 64 y. Billings, Cornelia, wid. of Major Andrew, d. 1820, Nov. 18, a. 68 y. Billings, Eliza, d. 1820, Oct. 5, a. 41 y. Blakeslee, Hannah Gunn, w. of Amaziah, d. 1807, Nov. 2, a. 26 y.; also her daughter, Hannah, who died 1808, Sep. 8, a. 10 m. 21 d. Blakeslee, Joanna, second wife of Amaziah, d. 1835, Feb. 16, a. 71 y. Bostwick, Polly Phemia, wid. of Samuel of New Milford, C t , d. 1829, Apr. 6, in 67th y. Bulkley, Eleanor, w. of Joseph, d. 1819, Jan. 16, in 57th y. Caldwell, Belinda E., dau. of Matthew & Elizabeth, d. 1820, Jan. 26, a. 19 y. 29 d. Cleveland, Mary, dau. of Stephen & Deborah, d. 1823, Sep. 21, a. 7 m. 18 d. Cunningham, Garwood, b. 1787, May 7, d. 1810, Apr. 5. Cunningham, Helen, w. of Garwood, & dau. of Col. Nathan & Mary Myers, d. 1812, Mar. 19. Cunningham, Mariah M., dau. of Garwood H. & Sarah, d. 1823, Feb. 4, in 19th y. Cunningham, Sarah, w. of Garwood H., d. 1811, Jan. 8, in 47th y. Cuttino, Jeremiah, a native & inhabitant of George Town, South Carolina; "he closed his days 25th Sept., 1808, in the 29th y. of his age, while on a retreat to this more healthy climate in hopes of arresting the approach of that most fatal of diseases, a lingering consumption." 250
18. Dodge, Susan, w. of Doct. James of New York, d. 1798, Nov. 10, a. 26 y. 8 m.; also, Susan, their infant, who d. 1798, Dec. 25, a. 2 m. 19. Downs, Mary, d. 1819, Nov. 3, in 76th y. 20. Dusinberry, Israel, d. 1835, Feb. 13, a. 72 y. 21. Dyett, James Stringham, d. 1823, July 9, a. 11 d. 22. Emott, Belinda, dau. of William & Celia, d. 1801, July 8, a. 18-10-20. 23. Emott, Celia, w. of William, d. 1815, Dec. 3 1 , a. "68 y. wanting 12 ds." 24. Emott, Melissa, second wife of James, b. 1788, July 16, d. 1820, Feb. 3. 25. Emott, William, s. of James & Zilpha, b. 1805, Nov. 2, d. 1812, Apr. 13. 26. Emott, William, d. 1825, July 7, a. 77 y. 3 m. 27. Emott, Zilpha, w. of James, b, 1783, Feb. 22, d. 1817, Nov. 2 8 ; also their son, James, b. 1807, Sep.'27, d. 1808, Aug. 12. 28. Everitt, Henry H., s. of Peter & Lydia, d. 1815, Sep. 22, a. 1-8-7. 29. Fonda, Eliza, w. of John L., d. 1819, Mar. 25, in 25th y. 30. Heermance, Elizabeth, wid. of Andrew P., d. 1809, Sep. 17, a. 43 y. 8 m. 31. Holthuysen, John Duyckinck, s. of John L. & Maria C , d. 1820, June 6, a. 3-2-2. 32. Holthuysen, Mary Van Horne, dau. of John L. & Maria C , d. 1822, Feb. 28, a. 3 m. 33. Hoyt, Capt. Stephen, d. 1809, Oct. 9, a. 59 y. 34. Johnson, Hannah, w. of Samuel, d. 1834, Nov. 24, a. 80 y. 7 m. 35. Johnson, John, s. of Samuel & Hannah, d. 1836, June 8, a. 58 y. 8 m. 36. Johnson, Samuel, d. 1812, Mar. 15, a. 64 v. 37. Kelsey, Jane, w. of Jonas, d. 1811, Feb. 15, in 58th y. 38. Kelsey, Jonas, d. 1817, Dec. —, a. (broken). 39. Lewis, Sabin S., drowned, 1824, Dec. 8, a. 13 y. 8 m. 40. Luyster, Anne, d. 1813, Dec. 20, a. 72 y. 41. Mitchell, Catharine C , dau. of Thomas & Statia, b. 1782, May 27, d. 1817, Feb. 24 42. Mitchell, Statia, w. of Thomas, d. 1827, Sep. 1, a. 87-5-14. 43. Mitchell, Thomas, d. 1804, Aug. 11, in 66th y. 44. Morgan, George B., d 1831, Apr. 9, a. 28-2-22. 45. Morgan, James Edgar, s. of Peter B. & Eliza M., d. 181 (broken), Feb. 5, a. 13-1-17 46. Morgan, Peter B., d. 1817, Jan. 27, a. 46-8-2. 47. Morgan, William Boileau, s. of Peter Boileau & Eliza, d. 1810, July 6, a. 2 y. 48. Mott, Capt. John, d. 1801, Oct. 24, a. 59 y. 8 d. 49. Newby, Christopher, d. 1815, Apr. 22, a. 24-3-15. 50. Nichols, George, s. of William & Asenath, d. 1821, Aug. 2, a. 1 y. 14 d. 51. Nichols, Harriet, dau. of William & Asenath, d. 1819, Sep. 7, a. 10 m. 16 d. 52. Nichols, William, d. 1823, Sep. 29, a. 25-6-12. 53. Noxon, Bartholomew, d. 1785, Oct. 19, a 82-8-9. 54. Noxon, Elizabeth, d. 1784, Feb. 9, a. 78-7-24. 55. Noxon, Hester, w. of Doct. Robert, d. 1800,. Nov. 20, a. 40-10-25. 56. Noxon, Dr. Robert, d. 1S33, Nov. 15, a. 83-2-15. 57. Peck, George, of New York, d. 1799, Sep. 26, a. 47-4-23. 58. Pierce, Deborah, w. of Marinus, d. 1818, Mar. 13, in 23d y. 59. Pierce, Mary Deborah, dau. of Marinus & Deborah, d. 1826, Mar. 16, a. 8 y. 8 m. 60. Piers, William, s. of Samuel & Polly, d. 1803, Sep. 6, a. 15 y. 61. Prichard, Cornelia, w. of James, d. 1826, Feb. 26, in 63d y. 62. Prichard, James, d. 1813, May 23, a. 63 y. 3 m. 63. Prichard, children of James & Cornelia:— Cordelia, d. 1790, July 27, a. 6 y. 9 m.; Benjamin James, d. 1790, Aug. 9, a. 4 v. 9 m.; Ann, d. 1790, Aug. 9, a. 11 m. 24 d. 64. Rogers, Elizabeth, w. of Isaiah, d. 1803, Oct. 17, in 72d y. 65. Ruggles, Hannah, w. of Lazarus, d. 1812, Nov. 17, in 76th y. 66. Seaton, Katharine, (no dates on stone). 67. Slee, Esther, w. of Samuel, d. 1803, July 30, a. 31 y. 68. Smith, Samuel, b. 1731, Mar. 21, d. 1801, Apr. 29. 69. Stevens, David B., s. of Damon & Rachel, d. 1821, Mar. 1 1 , a. 1 y. 10 m. 70. Thomas, Gertrude, w. of Doct. John, d. 1844, Oct. 8, in 75th y. 71. Thomas, Doct. John, d. 1818, Oct. 20, in 61st y. 72. Tousey, Arabella, dau. of Zerah & Neressa, d. 1827, Jan. 5, a. 9 y. "Erected by her brother, Sinclair, 1865." 73. Van Keuren, Francis, s of Morgan & Augusta, d. 1819, Aug. 11, a. 1-8-4. 74. Vemont, Mary, d. 1812', Apr. 2, in 42d y. 75. Wigg, John, d. 1808, Nov. 14, in 68th v. 76. Wigg, Susan, d. 1812, Mar. 20, a. 67 y. 77. Williams, Robert, d. 1818, Mar. 6, a. 49-9-6 78. Willitt, Martha, w. of Gilbert, d. 1801, Aug. 18, a. 59 y. 79. Wood, Eunice, w. of Abel, d. 1805, Mar. 12, a. 27-10-19. 80. Wright, Thomas W., d. 1849, July 29, a. 42-1-27; Sarah Ann, his wife, d. 1849, Aug. 1, a. 36 y. 251
"R. Y " , d. 1824, Oct. 30, a. 3 y. 36 d. 82-87. Smith, John, d. 1805, Feb. 15, a. 38 y.; Smith, Margaret, w. of John, d. 1816, May 18, a. 45 y. Ryan, Major John, d. 1812, Mar. 9, a. 42 y.; Ryan, AElena, w. of Major John, d. 1839, Dec. 28, a. 63 y. Ryan, Susan, dau. of Major John & AElena, d. 1826, June 4, a. 14 y. Denaux, Mary E., w. of T. E., & dau. of Major John & AElena Ryan, d. at Charleston, S. C , 1838, Sep. 3, a. 35 y. (Monument).
81. Y-
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.
Churchyard. Poughkeepsie Rural Cemetery. Well cared for. 16 in number. Copied J a n u a r y 4, 1912, by J. W . Poucher, M. D., and Miss Helen W . Reynolds. These removals were privately made in 1888, partly from the churchyard on Market street, partly from the English Burying ground. Descendants of the Davis family secured for them a special plot in the n o r t h e r n end of t h e Poughkeepsie Rural Cemetery.
Chandonet, Mary, w. of Francis, b. 1763, Feb. 6, d. 1790, Dec. 21. Cunningham, Harriet D., b. 1832, June —•, d. 1879, Apr. —. Davis, Egbert, b. 1796, Apr. 8, d. 1850, May 9. Davis, Frances, w. of Richard, d. 1784, Feb. 14, a. 43-3-21. Davis, Henry, b. 1764, Sep. 17, d. 1836, July 23. Davis, Henry B., b 1792, Nov. 26, d. 1824, Nov. 14. Davis, Jane, dau. of Richard & Frances, d. 1768, Sep. 28, a. 2 y. 17 d. Davis, Jane, wid. of Capt. John, of Huntington, Long Island, d. 1773, May 12, a. 64-10-27. Davis, John, s. of Richard & Frances, d. 1769, Nov. 29, a. 11-3-21. Davis, Leonard M., b. 1794, July 11, d. 1856, June 19. Davis, Margaret, second wife of Richard, d. 1800, Jan. 22, a. 64-8-21. Davis, Mary, w. of Henry, b. 1762, Mar. 26, d. 1839, July 6. Davis, Richard, b. 1734, Oct. 6, d. 1814, July 24, a. 79-9-18. Davis, William H., b. 1805, Oct. 5, d. 1879, Feb. 18. Dunn, Elizabeth, w. of John, & dau. of Richard Davis, d. 1794, Jan. 23, a. 25 y. 1 m Oakley, Sarah Davis, wid. of Samuel, b. 1803, Mar. 21, d. 1885, Dec. 6. List 3 DAVIS PLOT
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6
Churchyard. Poughkeepsie Rural Cemetery. Well cared for. 6 in number. Copied March 22, 1915, by Miss Helen W . Reynolds. These removals were privately made in 1888 from the English Burying Ground.
Davis, Hannah, w. of Leonard, b. 1778, Apr. 25, d. 1842, June 9. Davis, John H., d. 1831, Dec. 1, in 34th y. Davis, John Henry, s. of John H. & Caroline, d. 1834, June 28, a. 5 y. Davis, Leonard, b. 1774, Dec. 24, d. 1833, Feb. 9. Trivett, Frances Mary, w. of Walter, b. 1819, Aug. 10, d. 1845, Dec. 26. .Trivett, Walter, d. 1841, Sep. 3, a. 27 y. List 4 TRIVETT P L O T
Churchyard. Poughkeepsie Rural Cemetery. Well cared for. 3 in number. Copied March 22, 1915, by Miss Helen W . Reynolds. M r s . Trivett, Sr., was buried in the English Burying Ground October 29, 1846, as per parish records of Christ Church.
'Mary Richards, mother of Elias Trivett, b. in England, Jan. 6, 1767, d. Oct. 29, 1846. Elias Trivett, M. D., b. in England, Mar. 24, 1790, d. Apr. 12, 1866. Lucy Slater, his wife, b. in England, Mar. 29, 1792, d. June 12, 1854." 252
Poughkeepsie List 5 GILL P L O T
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Churchyard. Poughkeepsie Rural Cemetery. Well cared for. 6 in number. Copied J a n u a r y 4, 1912, by J. W . Poucher, M. D., and Miss Helen W . Reynolds. These removals were privately made in 1888, partly from the churchyard on Market street and partly from the English Burying Ground.
Gill, Gill, Gill, Gill, Gill,
Ann, dau. of Robert & Wilhelmina, d. 1844, Nov. 12. James, b 1.794, July 28, 1856, Feb. 29. John Rigby, s- of Robert & Wilhelmina, d. 1811, June 5, a. 21-4-11. Robert, d. 1836, Apr. 30, in 77th y. Wilhelmina, w. of Robert, d. 1800, Jan. 4, a. 38-8-21. ; "Dina." (Note: This stone marks the resting place of a negro woman who was a slave in the Gill family, and who died (free) about 1823, being buried, when she died, on the Gill farm near Camelot. Her body was later moved to this family plot in the Poughkeepsie Rural Cemetery. Dina came from Africa in a slave ship and upon arrival in New York was purchased by Theophilus Anthony of Poughkeepsie Precinct to be a nurse for his infant daughter, Wilhelmina Anthony (born 1761), who afterward married Robert Gill. Theophilus Anthony's house, to which Dina was brought and where she died, and which was occupied by the Gills after Theophilus Anthony, is still standing on the bank of the Hudson near the factory of the Delapenha Company. When the British came up the Hudson in 1777 the family fled into the woods for safety, but Dina remained in the house to guard it. The soldiers came ashore at this point and Dina bribed them not to burn the house by offering them a meal. They spared the house, but fired the mill and shot into the barns. It seems fitting that this authentic story should be permanently recorded here and honor paid to the courage and the life-long faithful service of a simple African whose claim to the same would otherwise be forgotten). List 6 BOCKEE PLOT
Churchyard. Poughkeepsie Rural Cemetery. Well cared for. 2 in number. Copied March 22, 1915, by Miss Helen W . Reynolds. These removals were privately