JDJ Monthly Update | May 2021

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In case you missed it, we announced an awesome virtual race on July 24th we will be leading to benefit lung cancer patients.

Caiden received his Lecky “My Way” gait trainer with custom adaptions and instantly put it to use. From the minute his feet touched the floor he had an amazing time exploring and saying “Hi” to everyone he passed by. His family cannot wait to bring Caiden to the park where he can have the freedom to run around.


MIRACLE MUSTACHES A photo sometimes speaks a thousand words. A shot from this year’s Miracle Mustaches pediatric brain cancer care package delivery making it all worth it.

PELOTON TAKEOVER 25 riders crushed our virtual Peloton takeover. Everyone who road hit a PR and our team put together a collective output of over 8,600 triggering our President’s personal 55 meal donation to families staying at RMHNY.

CANCER SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM Our $20,000, $5,000 and $1,000 cancer scholarship applications are due Friday. APPLY HERE

We were extremely moved by the Santucci family’s story and knew we needed to help. We will be sending $20,000 to help make their house more wheelchair accessible for their three boys battling Leukodystrophy/POLR3A. SEE HOW YOU CAN HELP

A handful of JDJ supporters witnessed two pediatric wheelchairs donated by our Foundation get delivered to families at CHOP. It truly melts your heart to see our impact firsthand. Hoping to do more of these in the future.

CYCLE FOR SURVIVAL Another year down and almost $13,000 raised. It was an amazing afternoon on the field at Metlife. 20 riders pedaled to beat rare cancer, bringing JDJ’s total contribution to MSK to $275,000 with another $75,000 committed since 2017.

www.jdjfoundation.org | 646.838.4847 | info@jdjfoundation.org

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