Book of Tributes, Resolutions & Condolences

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Condolences From The Potter’s House of Dallas, Inc.

The Potter’s House Church family of Dallas, Inc., join our Pastor, Bishop T. D. and First Lady Serita Jakes, corporately extending our deepest condolences to Dr. Sabrina Ellis and the entire Ellis family and the Pentecostal Church of Christ family, in the loss of Bishop J. Delano Ellis, II. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, during this time of grief, that has touched the lives of not only family, but loved ones and friends. Be confident in knowing that God’s grace and peace is with you. As we reflect on the rich legacy that Bishop Ellis leaves behind, I am reminded of my own personal encounter with him sharing great wisdom and coaching from the sidelines, during a service when we were seated together. He had a unique way of encouraging and imparting knowledge to others. I value the details to protocol that I witnessed and learned along the way. Because of him, our lives have been strengthened. Psalm 91:1 reads, “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust”. Your memories will live on inside of your heart as precious gems; gifts left behind as a testimony to the privilege of having him in your lives. A great Patriarch of the Faith. May these brief words bring consolation to you given this 26th day of September in the year of our Lord, 2020. A signed copy of this condolence letter will be given to the family with a copy to be retained in the church files. Respectfully submitted, Pastor Lawrence Robinson Congregational Care Pastor Bishop T. D. Jakes, Sr. Senior Pastor

6777 W. Kiest Boulevard ● Dallas ● TX ● 75236 ● 214-331-0954

CONDOLENCE To the family of Bishop, J. Delano Ellis II It is with great sadness that we send forth these words of sympathy and condolences regarding the passing of the most revered and cherished, Bishop, J. Delano Ellis II. It is difficult to express the impact of this loss on us all - Pastor Sabrina and the entire Ellis Family, The Faith Community of Pentecostal Churches of Christ, the Joint College of Bishops, his colleagues, close friends and constituents; but God had a higher petition for him that could not be ignored and a Higher Calling that needed to be explored. A great reward of a servant of God is to live forever in His presence. And so we know that though we mourn Bishop Ellis's absence , we celebrate his transference into splendid Glory draped in heavenly regalia reserved for those who have remained faithful to the end. We, the Pastor, members and friends of the Potters House of Fort Worth, TX are heavy in our hearts and yet in mourning, our spirits are rejoicing for we know that Bishop Ellis has fought a good fight, his faith has been endlessly strong, he has finished his course, he has kept the faith and has earned the crown of righteousness that is the reward of one so deserving. Our prayers for your continued comfort are continuously extended. And we pray these words of comfort will find place in your heart. "When a sorrow comes upon you that no other soul can share, And the burden seems too heavy for the human heart to bear, There's a Burden-bearer ready if you'll trust Him with your load: For the precious promise reaches to the depths of human woe, That, however deep the waters, they shall never overflow." May the family ever know that you have another intercessor in Glory praying for the blessing of your souls. Humbly Submitted, Pastor Patrick Winfield The Potters House Church of Fort Worth, TX ”While we are mourning the loss of our friend, others are rejoicing to meet him behind the veil.” – John Taylor

The Potters House of Fort Worth, 1270 Woodhaven Blvd, Fort Worth, TX 761

Memorial Tribute

“Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints.” - Psalm 116:15 To our beloved Dr. Sabrina J. Ellis, the Ellis Family, and the most faithful saints of the Pentecostal Church of Christ and the Pentecostal Churches of Christ Inc., The Freedom Church International at Brooklyn, New York takes this bittersweet moment in eternity to grieve the earthly loss, but celebrate the transition into the heavens of the Metropolitan Archbishop and Apostolic Father, His Grace, Bishop J. Delano Ellis II. Our words seem futile as a means to comfort those mourning the loss of a Prince in The Lord’s church and a giant among men. Although we can’t begin to understand the timing of our collective loss of His grace’s presence in the earth, The Freedom Church International does submit itself under the sovereign will of God and extend our deepest sorrow and love saturated wishes to the Ellis Family. As we pause to pay tribute to this phenomenal man, loving father, liturgical genius, incomparable architect of Pentecostal protocol, distinguished leader and beloved friend, we The Freedom Church commit ourselves as a body to celebrate the legacy of one who has impacted our church, city and nation with all humility, love and respect as he has exemplified before us. As Bishop, Pastor, Father, Brother, Uncle, and Friend, his labor is complete. He lays down every title and moves from the labor of this world to the reward of them that served well. Take comfort in knowing that prayers do not die, and God still has time to do and answer the earnest desires that Bishop had for the church and his family. Like the Apostle Paul admonishes us in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-14, “we should not be uninformed about those who sleep in death … we do not grieve like those who have no hope, as we believe Jesus died and rose again, so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in Him … one day we will all be caught away together to meet The Lord in the air, forever.” We bid farewell to a General in the faith, and simply say “Rest Bishop, we will see you in the morning.” Respectfully submitted,

Shawn R. Mason II Overseer Shawn R. Mason II Founder & Senior Pastor

Pilgrim Church Brooklyn, New York, United States of America

Episcopal Tribute

OFFICE OF THE senior pastor

On behalf of the Pilgrim Church, Her Episcopate, Reverend Clergy and lay Faithful, I would like to extend to your family and to the Pentecostal Church of Christ my sincere condolences upon the demise of her outstanding Patriarch, His Eminence, Jessie Delano Ellis, II. The services rendered by the late Archbishop in the cause of preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ and his fruitful ministry aimed to assert holiness unto the lord are difficult to underestimate.

The Metropolitan carried a deep faith and trust in God, a great dynamism and an uncanny courage. We will forever recall with pride and admiration our church’s relationship with him for many years, as a friend, to our beloved late Patriarch, Archbishop Roy E. Brown. When I think of Archbishop Ellis my first thoughts are the infectious, contagious, and the relentless love he had for God, and all those who engaged him. He indeed was a refresher to the saints. Archbishop was exemplar and respected at every level of the church, he will be remembered for generations to come.

Surely the vacuum caused by his departure will be difficult to fill for a long time.

At this hour we pray that God would grant His comfort to his devoted wife, Doctor Sabrina J. Ellis and family, as well as the ecumenical Body of Christ, as we continue to lay upon the foundation that has been laid by this man of God. But we know the hope, he held with such bold confidence, will enable us to rest in our own calling until we see him with the risen Savior in the new Jerusalem. “.......Tomorrow is the new moon: and thou shalt be missed because thy seat shall be empty.” I Samuel 20:18 In faith and testimony, whereof we affix our hand with the seal hereto this Twenty Fifth day of September in the year of our Lord, Two Thousand Twenty at Brooklyn, New York


The Very Reverend DeBora A. Crowe X Senior Pastor, Pilgrim Church Brooklyn, New York

RESOLUTION Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors; and their works do follow them. Revelation 14:13

WHEREAS, It is our distinct honor to pay tribute to the life and legacy of one whom our Heavenly Father has called from labor to reward, BISHOP JESSE DELANO ELLIS II, Metropolitan Archbishop of the Joint College of Bishops, presiding prelate of the Pentecostal Churches of Christ and senior pastor of the Pentecostal Church of Christ in Cleveland, Ohio; and

WHEREAS, Our hearts were saddened to hear that Bishop J. Delano Ellis had taken a journey home to be with the Lord, we sorrow not, even as others which have no hope, because the earthly transition for a Saint of God is a promotion; and

WHEREAS, Bishop Ellis was a devoted husband to his wife Dr. Sabrina Joyce Ellis and father to six children, grandfather to twenty-seven, and great-grandfather to three (one deceased); he was a server to his community; and a servant to his Lord; and

WHEREAS, Bishop Ellis received his Bachelor’s Degree in History and Sociology from Howard University and his Master’s Degree in Religious Education from Nazarene Seminary, as well as a Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Ecclesiology and Episcopacy from Stafford University in London, England; and

WHEREAS, Bishop Ellis was ordained in the Church of God in Christ by Bishop Ozro Thurston Jones, Sr. in 1963 and elevated to the episcopacy in 1970 within the Church of God in Christ. As the third Chief Adjutant, he played a huge role in the initial stages of the servant ministry of the Adjutant's Corp. His gift for planning and organizing has been beneficial to the Body of Christ across denominational barriers; and


Resolution of Respect September 25, 2020 “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints.” Psalm 116:15 WHEREAS, Bishop J. Delano Ellis, a servant of our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST served the body of Christ as a 21st Century visionary leader WHEREAS, Bishop Ellis served the Body of Christ with distinction as one of the premier apostolic leaders of our times. He was a dedicated servant, wise counselor, and a spiritual father to countless of men and women of God. His wisdom, knowledge, and supernatural insight as a teacher, pastor, and a United States Civil Air Patrol Chief Chaplin introduced a spirit of excellence in serving. We know our hearts and lives are better because of the assignment Bishop Ellis fulfilled. Our prayer is that God strengthen and encourage you as you remember that earth hath no sorrow heaven cannot heal. And though our outward man perishes, if our earthly house of this tabernacle be dissolved, there is a building not made with hands, eternal in the heavens, that the Father has reserved for them that love Him. WHEREAS, Bishop Ellis lived as the consummate churchman and fulfilled his calling as an anointed while serving as a devoted husband, father, and faithful friend to all who were blessed to know him. With assurance, we believe he can stand with our brother the Apostle Paul and proclaim “I have fought a good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith: henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love His appearing. BE IT RESOLVED, we the International Auxiliaries in Ministry of the Church of God in Christ, Chairman, Bishop Linwood E. Dillard, International Department Chairs and Counterparts, International AIM Executive Staff and willing workers join with the Ellis family and friends to celebrate the life well lived and the “Homegoing” of our beloved friend and fellow laborer of the gospel. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that we extend our deepest sympathy, prayers, and love to the entire Ellis family and friends of the beloved Bishop. We commend the bereaved family to the LORD who is the author and finisher of our faith, and encourage you to be mindful that though our outward man perish, if our earthly house of this tabernacle be dissolved that there is a building not made with hands, eternal in the heavens, that the Father has reserved for them that love Him RESOLVED FURTHER, that a copy of this resolution is presented to the family and a copy is retained in the archives of the International AIM Convention of the Church of God in Christ.

Humbly and Prayerfully Submitted, Bishop Charles E. Blake, Presiding Bishop and Chief Apostle, Church of God in Christ Bishop Linwood E. Dillard, International AIM Chairman Bishop Michael A. Jones, International AIM Secretary

September 26, 2020 Letter of Resolution For The Family Of

The Most Reverend J. Delano Ellis II On behalf of Dr. Stephaine Walker, our Founders, Bishop Paul S. Morton, Sr. and General Overseer Debra B. Morton and the entire Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship International Family, we wish to extend our deepest and most heart-felt sympathy to Dr. Sabrina J. Ellis and the entire Ellis Family along with the Pentecostal Church of Christ Family of Bishop J. Delano Ellis II. It is our prayer that the family finds comfort in the fact that Bishop Ellis’ death was not a surprise to God. Consider the words spoken by the prophet Jeremiah: “Before I formed you in your mother’s womb, I knew you.” These words affirm that God is not only conscious of our beginning, but He also assigns death as a means to lead us back to give Him the glory. Because our God knows all things, we have great hope that the Holy Spirit will lead you through this time of transition. Undoubtedly, your family has provided comfort to many during their times of hardship or crisis. We ask that you allow the Full Gospel Family to comfort you as you have comforted others. We will remain in prayer as you continue to adjust to Bishop J. Delano Ellis’ departure. We pray The Lord grants you strength as you deal with this life-changing event. We are confident that, “earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot heal.” Do not cry as those who have no faith, for in due time, God will wipe all tears away. Respectfully Submitted,

Joseph W. Walker

Bishop Joseph W. Walker III International Presiding Bishop

Paul S. Morton, Sr. Bishop Paul S. Morton, Sr. Founder

First Apostolic Faith Church of Jesus Christ International, Inc. Apostle Cornelius Showell, Senior Pastor

September 26, 2020

And when he had thus spoken, he kneeled down, and prayed with them all. And they all wept sore and fell on Paul’s neck and kissed him, Sorrowing most of all for the words which he spake, that they should see his face no more … Acts 20:36-38

Dr. Sabrina J. Ellis, The Ellis Family and The Pentecostal Church of Cleveland 10515 Chester Avenue Cleveland, OH 07504

Dear Dr. Sabrina Ellis, My wife, Lady Augusta, and I - along with the members of the Showell Family, and the entire First Apostolic Faith Church were saddened to hear of the passing of our dear friend Arch-Bishop J. Delano Ellis, II. The friendship between First Apostolic and the Pentecostal Church of Christ began its history when Bishop Earle S. Fisher ran annual revivals in Baltimore for our father, Bishop Winfield Amos Showell. God solidified a binding connection between these churches by maintaining fellowship for nearly 70 years. When Bishop Carl H. Montgomery, Jr. brought his friend from Philadelphia to run a revival for the First Apostolic Men’s Department in 1978, he introduced the one and only Bishop J. Delano Ellis, II to Baltimore and shifted church revivals as we knew it to a whole new dimension. Before then, Bishop Fisher would preach with a newspaper in his suit pocket; and Bishop Charles Watkins would set up an electric piano in the pulpit to give us a concert before he preached. But Bishop J. Delano Ellis, II would travel to Baltimore for annual revivals and give us a comedy show - keeping the saints in church for ungodly hours just laughing over

27 South Caroline Street - Baltimore, MD 21231 - 410.327.1181 Email:

September 21, 2020 Dr. Sabrina J. Ellis and the entire Ellis Family. We were saddened to hear of the home going of your beloved husband, father, leader and servant, The Most Reverend Bishop Jesse Delano Ellis, II. Superintendent Michael B. Golden, Jr. and the International Men’s Department of the Church of God in Christ, Inc. bow our heads in humble submission to the Father that does all things well. We give thanks to God for the exemplary leadership Bishop Ellis provided to the Church of God in Christ while serving as he served as the Third Chief Adjutant in the History of our great church. He played an essential role in the initial chapters of the servant ministry in our denomination even before he became the Chief Adjutant of the Church of God in Christ. Bishop Ellis’ many years of dedicated and selfless service will never be forgotten. One of life’s most difficult moments is saying goodbye to those we love but God gives us the strength put our faith and trust in Him. We are fortunate to have the Word of God as a source of comfort. We must also remember that all of life is in the hands of God. Faith will overcome grief, which flows from the rhythm of our days. The greatest comfort we have in the time of loss is in knowing that death does not have the last word – Jesus does! His word declares, “…I am the resurrection, and the life, whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die.” John 11:25 Family, remember our Father’s love makes all things possible; our health, our happiness, our prosperity, and even our peace of mind in the midst of sorrow. Continue to turn to our Heavenly Father for the fulfillment of your deepest needs for He knows just how much you can bear. May the Lord strengthen you and hide you in the shadow of His wing and may you experience His joy as you abide in His care. Humbly Submitted,

Superintendent Michael Golden Jr. Men’s Department President


Bishop J. Delano Ellis, II Whereas ye know what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even vapour that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away. James 4:14

It’s been said that the greatest use of one’s life can be best summed by the impact that life has had on others' lives. As we come to bid a fond farewell to this outstanding vessel and man of God, we need only to survey the room to understand what a picture of impact looks like. We, the members of THE CITADEL OF DELIVERANCE CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST, want the family to know that our hearts are with you as we gather to bid farewell to BISHOP J. DELANO, ELLIS II. Whereas, in the providence of God, He has brought to a close the life of BISHOP J. DELANO ELLIS, II, the CITADEL OF DELIVERANCE CHURCH FAMILY, feel that it is befitting to express our sympathy to the Ellis family. We commend you to Him who knoweth best. WHEREAS, the passing of your beloved is the will of God and there is a human tie that has been broken which bleeds the heart. We are encouraged and consoled in the words of Jesus who said, “I will never leave thee nor forsake thee.” To the Ellis family, It is in seasons like this, being unable to fully comprehend the plan of God, that we bow our heads in humble submission to His will, but more importantly, we recognize that this loss is Heaven’s Gain; however, family be encouraged by remembering these words: I'll never leave you, Never forsake you No matter what you're going through, I've got good news for you, I'll be with you always And when sorrow comes, And there's no other place to run Just look to me and I'll be there. Just a whisper of a prayer I'll be with you always THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that we embrace the family in this great loss. We extend the fullness of our love, prayers, and support; and we will continue to keep you lifted; in that we now share the common bond of life lived as unto God BISHOP J. DELANO ELLIS, II will connect with us for the rest of our lives. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution is presented to the family and a copy is retained in the official archives of Citadel of Deliverance Church of God in Christ. Humbly Submitted on this 26th day of September 2020.


Senior Pastor, Citadel of Deliverance Church of God in Christ “Where Lives Are Saved, Safeguarded, and Supported” 7749 East Shelby Drive | Memphis, Tennessee | 38125

Episcopal Statement Grace, Mercy, and Peace be unto you from God our father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

On the behalf of Archbishop William Hudson III, First and Second Assistants to the Presiding Bishop, the

Executive Board and Board of Bishops, we would like to extend our most sincere prayers and thoughts to Dr. Sabrina Ellis and the Ellis family, The Pentecostal Church Christ and The Joint College of African American Pentecostal Bishops in the transition of our Metropolitan Archbishop his Eminence, Archbishop J. Delano Ellis II.

Archbishop Ellis along with our patriarch the late Archbishop Roy E. Brown demonstrated great zeal and

passion for the sacredness and promulgation of the episcopacy, ecclesia and order of the same. For many years both of these fathers in faith maintained a dear friendship and worked closely together to bring ardor to the black church and episcopacy.

Archbishop Ellis infectious laugh, knowledge, sense of humor and creative genius will be missed and held in the highest of esteem and appreciation of clergy and laity alike for the rest of eternity.

Our prayer is that from this day forward the Lord himself will keep your hearts and minds through Christ

Jesus. The contribution of one man to the church at large has left an incredible void in the earth but has also in tandem added a great and faithful servant to that glorious great cloud of witnesses. As God promised Joshua so shall we declare the same among you during this time. “As I was with Moses so shall I be with you. I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.� Joshua 1:5(b) Shalom, ES// ++William Hudson III The Most Rev. William Hudson III Presiding Prelate Pilgrim Assemblies International, Inc.

September 26, 2020 To The Family of The Most Reverend J. Delano Ellis, II, Our hearts are saddened to hear of the loss of Bishop J. Delano Ellis, II. Even though we mourn, our hearts are encouraged to remember the scripture: “Therefore we are always confident, knowing that, whilst we are at home in the body, we are absent from the Lord: for we walk by faith, not by sight; we are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent, from the body, and to be present with the Lord. Wherefore we labor, that, whether present or absent, we may be accepted of Him.” (2 Cor 5:6-9) “For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.” (I Thess. 4:15-18) Be it known that we stand in support of you and your family and that our prayers of strength and comfort will be with you during this season of bereavement. The Evangel Fellowship Church Family Greensboro, North Carolina

Superintendent Otis Lockett, Jr., Pastor



We, the Senior Pastor, leadership, and entire ecclesiastical body of the Greater Glory Ministries, Washington State Jurisdiction, Church of God in Christ, desire the biological family of our friend, THE MOST REVEREND JESSE DELANO ELLIS II, to know that our hearts are with you on today at the celebration of the Homegoing of this, the Lord’s faithful servant. WHEREAS Our hearts were saddened to hear that our Heavenly Father had called from labor to reward, one of His chosen servants, we pen this Resolution to pay tribute to the life and legacy of Bishop J. Delano Ellis II, Metropolitan Archbishop of the Joint College of Bishops, Presiding Prelate of the Pentecostal Churches of Christ, and Senior Pastor of the Pentecostal Church of Christ in Cleveland, Ohio; and WHEREAS Bishop Ellis was a devoted husband to his wife Dr. Sabrina Joyce Ellis; father to six children – Jesse, David, Jessica, Lillian, Veronica, and Jasmine; grandfather to twentyseven; and great-grandfather to three (one deceased); and WHEREAS Bishop Ellis, a son of the Church of God in Christ, was ordained in the Church of God in Christ by Bishop O. T. Jones, Sr. in 1963, received his title of Bishop in 1970, and served as this denomination’s third Chief Adjutant as he worked diligently to further organize this beautiful servant ministry; and WHEREAS Bishop Ellis founded the United Covenant Churches of Christ and co-founded the Joint College of African-American Pentecostal Bishops. Bishop Ellis became the Senior Bishop of the Pentecostal Churches of Christ and also was elected as the MetropolitanArchbishop of the Joint College of Bishops; and WHEREAS Bishop Ellis continued to teach and mentor pastors, overseers, and bishops throughout the United States in the areas of planning, organizing, leadership, and churchmanship, of which our Senior Pastor was a beneficiate. It was under Bishop Ellis’ urging and support that our church founders, Superintendent Sam L. Townsend, Sr. DD and his wife Mother Gwendolyn Lawson Townsend, were his special guests at the most recent (2019) Congress of Joint College of Bishops as Overseer and Helpmeet.

6419 MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. WAY SOUTH • SEATTLE, WA 98118-3149 • 888-723-6419 • •

Kenya East Africa Jurisdiction Church Of God In Christ 2174 Lamar Avenue Memphis, Tennessee 38114

The Resolution Kenya East Africa Jurisdiction

Church Of God In Christ Embraces you in prayer and love in the loss of your loved one

Bishop J. Delano Ellis II

There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God. For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his. Hebrews 4:9-10

Trust In The Lord with all your heart; Rest in his love and let his peace comfort you.

God Loves You and He will be there for you.

For as much, as it has pleased the almighty God to take from this life of your dear loved one

and welcomed Them into the church triumphant. Be it Resolved, that the Kenya East Africa jurisdiction of the Church of God In Christ bow in humble submission to the sovereign will of the almighty god and extends it’s heartfelt condolences to Pastor Sabrina Ellis and the entire Ellis Family, Church Family, and Jurisdiction. Servant, rest from thy love employ, The battle fought and the victory won, enter now into the masters joy. Be it also Resolved, that a copy of this resolution is placed in the archives of the church , and a copy be given to the family. Done this 25th Day of September, in the year of our Lord, 2020 in the City of Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Brother Jason Spencer, Jurisdictional Secretary Dr. Valerie Daniels-Carter, Jurisdictional Supervisor

Bishop Jerry L. Ivery Sr., Jurisdictional Prelate

The City of Hope Greater Saint Mary Church

General Offices ~ Brooklyn, New York ~ United States of America Unto All To Whom These Presents Shall Come; Holy Greetings:

Grace, mercy and peace from God our Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ, is extended to: ~ THE REVEREND DR. SABRINA J. ELLIS~ and THE ELLIS FAMILY

BE IT KNOWN, that the Pastors, Presbyters, Ministers, Deacons, Officers and the entire Church Family of the City of Hope Greater Saint Mary Church, join me in extending to you sincere condolence at the passing of your dear, HUSBAND, and FATHER, ~ THE MOST REVEREND DR. J. DELANO ELLIS, II~ The death of a love one leaves a void that cannot be easily filled. WE THEREFORE pray that the God of all love and grace will minister His Divine love during those moments of needed comfort. Remembering that God said, “And I shall wipe away all tears from your eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.” IN SUBMISSION to the will of Almighty God, we stand ready to assist you during your time of bereavement. Seal:

Witness by our Hand and Seal of the Church This TWENTY-SIXTH day of SEPTEMBER in the year of our Lord, Two thousand and TWENTY.

James R. Chambers

Bishop James R. Chambers, Senior Minister

Gladys Sanders Valdes

Reverend Gladys D. Sanders Valdes, Secretary of the Church

Pennsylvania Commonwealth Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction Church of god in Christ, INC. BISHOP GUY L. GLIMP, S.T.M., JURISDICTIONAL PRELATE Jurisdictional Headquarters The Historic Holy Temple Church Of God In Christ Philadelphia, PA

Office of the Bishop

Official Resolution In Memory of The Most Reverend J. Delano Ellis, III “One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in his temple.� Psalm. 27:4

Whereas, during the brisk hours following another sunset, the loving hand of our dear Heavenly Father, welcomed into His care, the soul of The Most Reverend J. Delano Ellis, III. The Pennsylvania Commonwealth Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, Church Of God In Christ, Inc., stands with Dr. Sabrina J. Ellis & The Ellis Family at this hour, to offer our collective condolence on this occasion. As a son of the Commonwealth Jurisdiction, he has left a rich and powerful legacy for which we are truly grateful to God. Now therefore, Be it Resolved: That the Jurisdictional Prelate, Administrative Assistants, Board of Superintendents, Pastors, Elders, Jurisdictional Supervisor, the Department of Women, and the entire constituency of the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction do hereby offer our heartfelt condolences to Dr. Sabrina J. Ellis & The Ellis Family. Be it further Resolved, that we the Jurisdictional Assembly avail ourselves to you, with our support, strength and love. Indeed we gather around you with our arms open wide, surrounding you, upholding you and embracing you tenderly and prayerfully. Be it finally Resolved, that the original of the document be presented to The Ellis Family, and a copy placed in the archives of the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction. Done this 26th day of September, in the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand Twenty.

Bishop Guy L. Glimp, Jurisdictional Prelate

Superintendent Lovick P. Bellinger, Jr., Jurisdictional Secretary Bishop Clarence Lewis, III (In Memoriam) Superintendent George W. Ford Superintendent Doc R. Gilmore Superintendent Lovick P. Bellinger, Jr. Mother Katie S. Allen Mother Janis Ruise Mother Helen Massey Mother Sharon McBurrows

First Administrative Assistant Second Administrative Assistant Third Administrative Assistant Jurisdictional Secretary Supervisor of Women First Assistant Supervisor of Women Second Assistant Supervisor of Women Third Assistant Supervisor of Women

CONTACT INFORMATION 267.237.8592 P.O. BOX 14158 Philadelphia, PA 19138


Archbishop Robert J. Rochford, Chief Prelate

Letter of Comfort To The Family Of

Metropolitan-Archbishop The Most Reverend J. Delano Ellis II Grace, mercy and Peace be unto you from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ! Blessed be the sovereign Lord, the only wise God, full of love and compassion, who brightened our lives and memories with a shining star, a luminary gift, full of warmth and laughter, a real bright spot in our hearts, who with the passing of time may fade, but will never be extinguished. To Dr. Sabrina J. Ellis, immediate family, and the entire Pentecostal Church of Christ, as a few days have passed since the loss of your beloved loved one, Archbishop J. Delano Ellis II, we pray that you have known God’s grace and healing power in a formidable way. Archbishop J. Delano Ellis II was a stalwart man of God. His wisdom, integrity, poise, and genuineness were vital to the church leadership and body of Christ. I was blessed and delighted to have known your precious loved one and to have fellowshipped with him. May God’s infinite wisdom, benevolent majesty and gracious mercy give you some immediate relief, sustain your healing process and provide you perpetual hope for the living of these days. Please know that you and your family remain in our thoughts and we pray that the God of all comfort would embrace each of you today, tomorrow and always. Personally and pastorally, I pray that your memories will allow you to continue your relationship and friendship with your loved one until such time that Almighty God will graciously grant you the privilege of a reunion. Additionally, I hope that the many daily conversations that you had with him will flood your mind, heart and soul. May these memories console and sustain you in this challenging hour of bereavement. We stand at attention before the Sovereign Lord, the Eternal of the Ages, with thanksgiving for the privilege of having trafficked this terrestrial sphere. Thank God for sharing the joys and sorrows, the triumphs and defeats, the pains and rewards of our lives, in having had the auspicious honor of communing with such a hardworking, humble, yet regal servant of God. We proclaim on this twenty-sixth day of September two thousand and twenty in the year of our Lord Jesus Christ, that the legacy of Archbishop J. Delano Ellis II will be forever enshrined in our hearts and memories. In His Service,

Archbishop Robert J. Rochford Senior Pastor of New Life Cathedral Presiding Bishop of Dunamis Covenant Connection

Resolution of Respect for

Bishop Jesse Delano Ellis, II ǡ ǡ ǡ God’s ǡ ǡ ǡ

ǡ Ǥ

WHEREASǡ ǡ ǡ ǡ Ǣ

WHEREASǡ ǡ ǡ Ǣ WHEREAS, ǡ to God’s wordǡ Ǣ



ǡ Ǣ

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED ǡ ǡ ǡ Ǥ Humbly Submitted, this 25th Day of September 2020

Evangelist Louise D. Patterson, President ǡ ǡ

“But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope”

We the children of God join in the celebration of life with the family of

Bishop J. Delano Ellis, II Whereas it pleased our Heavenly Father to go away and prepare a place, a mansion fit for a King with the comfort that satisfies a Servant. A place of love abiding peace with the warmth that can be only supplied by the Son. A place that begins with the sound of a mighty rushing wind and ends with the sweet voices of the angels singing the hymns of GLORY, HONOR and POWER. Being received by a great cloud of witnesses with outstretched arms welcoming the heir of Christ back into His Father’s house. Therefore, Bishop Ellis was an example of integrity, perseverance and rectitude not only in the city of Cleveland, Ohio but throughout the world. It was with the spirit of excellence that he carried the vision, taught the Word and supported the efforts of the Pentecostal Church of Christ built through the fervent, faithful proclamation of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Be it Resolved that Bishop’s life was an example of endurance and he never wanted to be defeated in anything and encouraged us to do likewise. The entire body of Christ has suffered a great loss! Nevertheless, we are determined to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Bishop Ellis taught no less and expected no more. Be It Finally resolved that we support the Ellis family, of whom Bishop Ellis lived to leave his Legacy, in this time of transition. As we find solace in the Scriptures: And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. II Corinthians 12:9

The crown is finished. The mansion is prepared. The reward is given. Most Humbly Submitted, The Saint Luke Apostolic Church Pastor Wanda J. Hill-Chestnut

OFFICE OF THE ADJUTANT GENERAL Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith, Inc. to Servant Ministry" “A Calling

Bishop Dr. Kevin C. Bishop, D. Min., LCPC Adjutant General, Third in Succession 7532 Lenisol St. | San Antonino, Texas 78252 (210) 573-8047 Bishop Dr. Kevin C. Bishop

Apostle Dr. James I. Clark Jr. Presiding Prelate

Apostle James A. Maye Vice Presider

Apostle Dr. Ronnie L. Parson Apostle to Protocol

Bishop N. Leon Harrell General Emeritus

District Elder Benod Durham Chief Deputy Adjutant

RESOLUTION FOR THE METROPOLITAN ARCHBISHOP His Eminence the Most Reverend J. Delano Ellis II Revelations 14:13: “And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, write, blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth; yea, saith the spirit that they may rest from their labors; and their works do follow them.”

September 26, 2020 II Corinthians 5:1 “For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.” The Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ Presiding Prelate, Apostle Dr. James I. Clark Jr., Vice Presider, Apostle James A. Maye, and the International Adjutants Corp, along with our entire reformational family extends our deepest condolence, love, and prayers to Dr. Sabrina Ellis, the Ellis family, the Pentecostal Church of Christ family, and the Joint College of African-American Pentecostal Bishops in the transitioning of the Honorable Bishop J. Delano Ellis II. In Psalms the bible declares “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His Saints”. Our loss is certainly heavens gain. We bless the Lord for the life and service of Bishop J. Delano Ellis, II. we are grateful for the many lives he impacted. Bishop Ellis was a rare breed of Apostolic Pentecostal fathers who were endowed with a special grace to minister instruction to a 21st-century generation for such a time as this. We bless the Lord for the faithful service that Bishop Ellis, unselfishly rendered over the years; his faithfulness has been archived in the portals of glory for a sweet savor unto the Lord; the kingdom is better because of his commitment. Be it resolved; we shall meet Bishop J. Delano Ellis II again in that great resurrection morning when the trumpet shall sound and the dead in Christ shall be raised incorruptible, and our mortal will have put on immortality. We encourage the Ellis family to hold on to God’s unchanging hand. “Wait on the Lord and be of good courage and He shall strengthen thine heart; wait I say on the Lord.” Humbly Submitted, Bishop Dr. Kevin C. Bishop International Adjutant General, Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ 3rd In Succession

“Serving With Honor And Not For Honor”

Victory Temple of Deliverance Ministries Bishop Randy D. Triplett, Senior Pastor & Founder

RESOLUTION To The Family Of The Most Reverend J. Delano Ellis II We, the members of Victory Temple of Deliverance Ministries want the family of Archbishop J. Delano Ellis II, to know that we share in your sorrow and our hearts are full as we gather to say goodbye to a valiant man. We are today comforted by the words of Our Lord in Revelations 21:4 which says: “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. “ It is all right to weep, but do not weep as those who have no hope, because our hope is in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The one who said, “I am the resurrection and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live.” WHEREAS, the passing of Archbishop J. Delano Ellis II, Metropolitan-Archbishop Of The Joint College Of African-American Pentecostal Bishops, and Establishmentarian & Presiding Bishop Of The Pentecostal Churches Of Christ, was promoted from this life to glory and we are consoled as children of God, and rejoice, for we know that to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. WHEREAS, in God’s holy wisdom He has called home The Most Reverend J. Delano Ellis II, to dwell with Him in the glories of Paradise. As we embrace his loving spouse, Dr. Sabrina J. Ellis and the family, know that your sorrow is our sorrow; it is magnified by the absence of your family patriarch, tireless laborer in the vineyard, a lover of the brethren, and a cherished friend that will not be forgotten. WHEREAS, Archbishop J. Delano Ellis II, served this earthly Kingdom faithfully as a Bishop in the Lord’s Church. He shared the fruits of his labor, performed his work on this earth, and offered his services for the greater honor and glory of God, uninhibitedly and in a spirit of humility. Although, you will miss his physical presence in many ways, you can be proud that his spirit and legacy lives on through the lives he has touched. He was a genuine child of God, a good and faithful servant who shared the gospel and the common bond of love with the people of God. The Most Reverend J. Delano Ellis II, will be greatly missed! THEREFORE, be it resolved that we embrace the family of The Most Reverend J. Delano Ellis II, on this 26th day of September, in the year of our Lord, 2020 we bow in humble submission to the will of God. A copy of this Resolution will be given to the family and another copy will be recorded in the church archives of Victory Temple of Deliverance Ministries. Humbly Submitted,

t Randy D. Triplett Sr. Pastor

Bishop Randy D. Triplett, Senior Pastor & Victory Temple of Deliverance Ministries Family P.O. Box 8566, Moreno Valley, California 92552 Phone: (951) 563-4012


Resolution of Respect for Bishop J. Delano Ellis “I am the resurrection and the life; he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live; and whosoever believeth in me shall never die.” John 11:25-26 We, the Bishop and members of the Tennessee Metropolitan Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction of the Church of God in Christ, do bow our heads in humble submission to the will of God, who makes no mistakes. Whereas, it has pleased our Heavenly Father to translate from the labours of this life to sweet rest and fellowship of the Saints in heaven. This resolution comes to express our deepest sympathy in the passing of Bishop J. Delano Ellis. Whereas, we accept what God has done, knowing that all things work together for the good of them that love the Lord. Remember, earth has no sorrow that Heaven cannot heal. Whereas, we recognise the loss of this beloved father, giant in the gospel and faithful servant of the Lord; however, we thank God for the time He allowed him to share this earthly life with us. Whereas, the passing of Bishop Ellis has left us deeply saddened, he will be greatly missed but never forgotten. Therefore, be it resolved, that it was the divine will of our Heavenly Father that our brother ceases from all his earthly labour and cares to come home with Him, where sickness and death does not exist. And therefore, be it resolved, we embrace Lady Sabrina Ellis and the Pentecostal Church of Christ family because all of us have this common bond that will connect us for the rest of our lives. Death is one aspect of life that we can never fully prepare for; but God will strengthen, protect, and keep us when we are overshadowed by it. Be it further resolved, that we acknowledge the passing of Bishop J. Delano Ellis and a copy of this resolution be given to the family and a copy kept in the Tennessee Metropolitan Jurisdiction’s archives. Respectfully submitted on this 26th day of September, 2020 on behalf of Bishop Linwood E. Dillard and the members of Tennessee Metropolitan Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction of the Church of God in Christ. Bishop Linwood Elijah Dillard, Jr. Jurisdictional Prelate

Superintendent Cornelius D. Watson Jurisdictional Secretary

Bishop Dr. Markus D. Caldwell, D.D. Th.D.

Presiding Prelate & Chief Apostle

Mesha International Ministries, Inc. Mays Landing, New Jersey 08330 (E) (P) 609-416-1350

Resolution of Respect “The Most Reverend J. Delano Ellis II” Metropolitan Archbishop of The Joint College of African American Pentecostal Bishops Establishmentarian & Presiding Bishop of the Pentecostal Churches of Christ

According to His tender mercy, God who is infinite in his wisdom, has seen fit to move from our midst Archbishop J. Delano Ellis II.

WHEREAS, it is fitting that the members of this General Assembly of Mesha International Ministries should salute those influential persons who, through their great capacity for love, dedication of spirit, and faith in God, have enrich the lives of the Christian Believer.

WHEREAS, Archbishop J. Delano Ellis II is a multi-faceted person, Bishop Ellis is a scholar, a

pastor, a servant leader, a visionary, a senior statesmen, a father and husband, whose many good works have all been done to the glory of God. As an Apostolic Father in the Christian Faith, Bishop Ellis brought a more distinguished definition to the Bishopric for all whom served therein thus providing the Christian community with a more excellent and disciplined display of our Godly character.

WHEREAS the passing of our Bishop is the will of Almighty God; we are encouraged and consoled by the scriptures 2 Corinthians 5:1 “For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.

BE IT RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be given to the family and a copy kept in the organization’s archives.

Humbly Submitted on this Twenty Sixth day of September In the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand Twenty

+ Dr. Markus D. Caldwell D.D. DTh.

Bishop Dr. Markus D. Caldwell, D.D., DTh

The United Covenant Churches of Christ, Inc. Apostolic Offices - Orlando, Florida - United States of America

We are today comforted by the words of Our Lord in Revelations 21:4 which says: "And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away." WHEREAS, BISHOP J. DELANO ELLIS, II, SENIOR BISHOP of Pentecostal Church of Christ, Presiding Bishop, Pentecostal Churches of Christ, Establishmantarian, United Covenant Churches of Christ, and Metropolitan Archbishop, Joint College of African American Pentecostal Bishop, who passed from this life on Nineteenth day of September in this year Two-thousand, and WHEREAS, it has pleased Almighty God to take unto Himself our FATHER in the faith BISHOP J. DELANO ELLIS, II, too soon by our measure but in the providence of the All knowing Divine, and WHEREAS, in God's holy wisdom, He has called home BISHOP J. DELANO ELLIS, II, to dwell with Him in the glories of Paradise, the officers and members of UNITED COVENANT CHURCHES OF CHRIST offer their sincere condolences to the family. Your sorrow is our sorrow; your loss is magnified by the loss of a dear father from among us, and WHEREAS, BISHOP J. DELANO ELLIS, II, served this earthly Kingdom with devout ministrations to this Church, as a Bishop, Pastor, Teacher, Mentor, Friend and Counselor for more than a Half Century, and WHEREAS, our cherished BISHOP J. DELANO ELLIS, II, shared the fruits of labor as a principled and successful businessman and civic leader and contributed generously to Church missions, and WHEREAS, BISHOP J. DELANO ELLIS, II, performed his work on this earth and offered his service to this church for the greater honor and glory of God, unreservedly and in a spirit of excellence and humility, and WHEREAS, BISHOP J. DELANO ELLIS, II, was a loving and attentive partner and parent who instilled in his children a strong devotion to the Lord and a sense of responsibility to those less fortunate, and WHEREAS, we have each of us been blessed by the presence of BISHOP J. DELANO ELLIS, II, in our lives and in our congregation. THEREFORE, be it resolved that we embrace this bereaved family, in our common bond of grief and remembrance of a beloved soul. And therefore, be it resolved that we bow in acceptance of the perfection of God's plan to gather each of us into His merciful arms when we have fulfilled our task on this earth.

September 23, 2020

Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it [Eccl 12:7] Bishop Jacqueline Bishop E. McCullough Jacqueline E. McCullough Primate and Primate and General Overseer General Overseer Rev. Dr. Robyn Edwards National Overseer Rev. Suzette Parchment Treasurer Pastor Diane Singho Secretary of Record

ON THE OCCASION OF HIS BEING PROMOTED TO GLORY WE BOW OUR HEADS TO THE LATE METROPOLITAN ARCHBISHOP J. DELANO ELLIS, II. I, Jacqueline E. McCullough, General Overseer of the Rapha Alliance along with the churches under the diocese of the Rapha Alliance do hereby pay deference and honor to a true Churchman, Eecclesiastical Statesman and foremost champion of creating episcopacy. I have known Archbishop Ellis for many years and learned to admire him for his zeal for the faith; his intellectual robustness; his historical scholarship; apostolic anointing; and aweinspiring love of the Church. Over the years, I have had the opportunity to preach for him on many occasions and most recently, the honor was bestowed upon me to preach at the installation of Dr. Sabrina Ellis who now leads the church. In the last 8 years, he graciously poured into me, ministered at my church on several occasions and more importantly, he served as the principal celebrant at my consecration to Bishop and transferred the blessedness of Ordained and Consecrated succession upon me in 2015. His passion for the church, integrity as a leader, reliance on the Holy Spirit, and love of all people was sublime. He was a wonderful homilist who could convey the deepest theological truths in an accessible manner to everyone in the congregation. His presence was a blessing to all who met him and he brought the graces of holiness, humor and humility to his ministry. His praise and worship, dancing before the Lord and love for the hymns was contagious. I will forever hear him urge us on, to ‘make parts’. Clearly he was used by God to strengthen the church and extend the kingdom. We know our connection to the bereaved family will continue in love, praise and support. May your heart find peace through the healing power of God’s love, grace and the closeness of His Holy Spirit. Please let us know if there is anything that you are in need of, as you allow the Lord to fill every void and strengthen every weak place. We are praying for you. Yours in Christ, Bishop Jacqueline E. McCullough Primate

Rapha RaphaAlliance Alliance Ministries Ministries P.O. P.O.Box Box684 684 Pomona, Pomona,NY NY10970 10970 845-362-8900 845-362-8900 Fax Fax845-362-5907 845-362-5907

Wisconsin First Jurisdiction Church Of God In Christ 3500 West Mother Daniels Way Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53209

The Resolution Wisconsin First Jurisdiction

Church Of God In Christ Embraces you in prayer and love in the loss of your loved one

Bishop J. Delano Ellis II

There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God. For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his.

Hebrews 4:9-10

Whereas, death has removed from our midst a long time laborer in the Lord’s vineyard, Bishop J Delano Ellis The Constituents Of the Wisconsin First Jurisdiction

of the church of God In Christ pause to unite in fervent prayer as we mourn the passing of your loved one.

May God grant strength, peace and comfort to the family.

S ervant, Rest from Thy Love Employ; the Battle fought, The victory won. E nter now into the masters joy. Be it Resolved, that the Wisconsin First Jurisdiction of the Church of God In

Christ bow in humble submission to the sovereign will of the almighty god and extends its

heartfelt condolences to Pastor Sabrina Ellis, and the entire Ellis family, and Church Family. It is our prayer that the strength of God be with you during your time of bereavement. Be it also Resolved, that a copy of this resolution is placed in the archives of the church , and a copy be given to the family. Done this 25th Day of September, in the year of our Lord , 2020, In the City of Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Pastor John Daniels, III Jurisdictional Secretary

Bishop Sedgwick Daniels, Jurisdictional Prelate/General Board Member

September 22, 2020 To the Loving Family of Bishop J. Delano Ellis II Dear Family: May your beautiful days of yesterday always remain in your heart, And your tears gently fade away. ~ Bishop’s memory is your keepsake, with which you’ll never part.

The love and friendship between Bishop Ellis and the entire Wells Family was one of sincere genuineness.

My father, the Late Bishop Wyoming Wells, Member of the First General Board with Bishop Charles H. Mason, often expressed to us, just how much he loved and appreciated Bishop Ellis’ organizational assistance throughout the years.

Bishop Ellis was truly very dear to our Family. Without a doubt, we loved him.

Your loving family will remain in our prayers now and the days to come. Mother DeOla and the Family of The Late Bishop Wyoming Wells

L.I.F.E. International Fellowship of Churches

To: Pastor Sabrina Ellis Bishop Derrick Hanna, Pastor Lillian Hanna The Entire Ellis Family

L.I.F.E International Fellowship

RESOLUTION of Churches Inc. Bishop J. Delano Ellis II

Whereas, our Heavenly Father has transitioned from the labor of this life, to the rest and fellowship of the saints in heaven, our dear Brother in Christ, Bishop J. Delano Ellis II. We want to express our deepest sympathy to the entire Ellis Family, The Pentecostal Church of Christ... May the comfort that only God can give, sustain you in your loss, and may His presence be your consolation in this time of sorrow. Somewhere back of the sunset, where loveliness never dies. Bishop J. Delano Ellis II now lives in a land of glory, amid the blue and gold of the skies. And those who have known and loved him, who’s passing has brought sad tears, We’ll cherish his memory always, to brighten the passing years.

WHEREAS, a pilgrim has left on a journey from Earth to Glory; WHEREAS, a noble saint has been taken from our midst; WHEREAS, a dutiful servant has made his final plea; WHEREAS, a prayer warrior has prayed his last prayer, here on earth; WHEREAS, death has come again and carried away a Christian soldier; WHEREAS, a Christian family has lost a loyal and faithful member; WHEREAS, his absence is indeed a great loss; IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that Bishop J. Delano Ellis II will be greatly missed, and we will cherish his family’s memory and his untiring labors of love for the Lord. We will forever hold his name in high esteem. LET IT BE RECORDED, that a copy of this resolution be placed in the records of the Temple of Love Christian Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and this, we give to the Ellis Family, September 2020. Humbly submitted, Bishop Joel Fitzgerald Adams, Presiding Prelate L.I.F.E. International Fellowship of Churches

September 23, 2020 Dr. Sabrina Ellis Pentecostal Church of Christ 10515 Chester Ave. Cleceland, OH 44106 Dear Dr. Ellis: It is with profound sadness that Co-Pastor Susie and I write to share our sincere condolences with you, your family and The Pentecostal Church of Christ on the passing of your beloved husband and Presiding Bishop, His Grace, Metropolitan-Archbishop J. Delano Ellis II. Bishop Ellis’ life has had a profound impact on the entire Pentecostal/Charismatic Christian world – including in The Mount Calvary Holy Church of America, Inc. He leaves a tremendous legacy in you and his children that will continue to impact the world for years to come. The Bishops, Overseers, Pastors, and members of the Mount Calvary Holy Church of America, Inc. join me in expressing our sincere love and offering our heartfelt prayers to you during this time. We know that earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot heal, for we do not sorrow as those who have no hope. We know that one day we will see our Metropolitan again in glory. Should you need anything during this season of loss, please know that Co-Pastor Susie and I are but a phone call away. We pray God’s continued blessings, comfort and peace upon you. Because of Calvary,

+ A lfred A . O w en s, J r. Archbishop Alfred A. Owens, Jr., D. Min Presiding Bishop The Mount Calvary Holy Church of America, Inc. AAO/th


Elder Ryan T. Coleman, Sr. Assistant Pastor OFFICIAL RESOLUTION In Memory of the late The Most Reverend J. Delano Ellis, II

“He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow on the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.” Psalms 91: 1,2 The Pastor, Officers and members of the Heavenly Temple Cathedral Church, Inc. Church Of God In Christ, do bow our heads and humble our hearts to the divine will of the our Heavenly Father, to receive back unto himself the life and soul of your dearly beloved Father, The Most Reverend J. Delano Ellis, II Please take comfort in knowing that, we your extended family are praying for you and your family during this time of grief. Continue to be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might. Just hold on, it won’t be long, for we all shall be going home. To that land where Job declared, that the wick shall cease from troubling, and the weary shall be at rest. Everyday shall be Sunday and Sabbath shall have no end. Sleep on Bishop J. Delano Ellis, II and take your rest. We shall see you in the morning. There’s a garden where Jesus is waiting, There’s a place that is wondrously fair; For it glows with the light of His presence, ‘Tis the beautiful garden of prayer. O the beautiful garden, the garden of prayer, O the beautiful garden of prayer; There my Saviour awaits,, and He opens the gates, To the beautiful garden of prayer. Done this 24th day of September 2020, by the orders of the Founder/Pastor and the entire Heavenly Temple Cathedral Church Family. +Lovick P. Bellinger, Jr. ______________________________ Founder & Pastor Elder Ryan T. Coleman, Sr., D.D. Assistant Pastor Lady Carolyn Coleman-Bellinger First Lady/Supervisor of Women’s Dept.

Office of the Primate DESK OF THE PRESIDING ARCHBISHOP Date: September 20, 2020 To: The Ellis Family The Pentecostal Church of Christ The Pentecostal Churches of Christ The Joint College of African American Pentecostal Bishops Congress Re: Apostolic Benediction and Condolence on the occasion of the triumphant transition of the Most Rev’d J. Delano Ellis, II It was in the year 2001 under the late Bishop Ozro T. Jones, Jr. that I acknowledged the voice of the Lord calling me to declare His Gospel. Little did I know that a man who stood in the same place nearly 40 years earlier than me would himself have an indent in the formation of my latter years. I have had several brief but meaningful meetings with His Eminence in conventions, gleaning from his decades of experience and soaking in his admonitions. The life-giving conversations with his precious daughter, Elder Lillian Hanna and his beloved son-in-law, Bishop Derrick Hanna and comradery with his son, Elder J. Delano Ellis, III, all of whom shared endless wisdom also added depth to my relationships with them. There was never a talk had where his insights didn’t appear. His Eminence carved out many paths in his lifetime that I and many others have dared to follow in one way or another. Inspired by his dedication, challenged by his example, encouraged by his tenacity, my ministry and manhood stand as a ripple recipient of the charisma, creativity and courage of the Most Rev’d J. Delano Ellis, II. On behalf of Fullness, Harvest and Church Unlimited, it is our solemn desire to extend our prayers and commendations on behalf of this life well lived. Joining the chorus of saints in prayers for the Ellis Family, the PCC family, the PCC family of churches and the JCOB congress, we extend our condolences and pray apostolic blessings upon all who’s life and journey was touched by this giant. May his memory in the earth be etched for all eternity.

Christopher The Most Rev’d Christopher EuGene Sermons



And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.” John 14:3.

WHERE AS, it is with immeasurable and profound sorrow that we, the members of The Temple of Judah Ministries, respect this moment to write a tribute of the exceptional and dearly beloved servant leader in God, The Most Reverend J. Delano Ellis, II. We join in this heartfelt expression to share with his loving wife, Dr. Sabrina Joyce Ellis; his devoted children; grandchildren and the Pentecostal Church of Christ Family our reflections on the faithfulness of this distinguished servant and pioneer. Saddened as we are in this passing; we now share this visionary statement of love and thanksgiving that by the “gracious spirit” of Bishop Ellis we were all blessed by Our Lord Jesus Christ. We have witnessed his years of unselfish validation that was set aside by God for the services as he rendered unto the Church of God in Christ and the anointing he had in the forefront to establish and organize the Joint College of African-American Pentecostal Bishops’ Congress. Bishop Ellis provided irreplaceable validation and leadership for the Temple of Judah’s Ordination and Licensing service in 2015. He will be remembered as an esteemed pillar in our church for undeniably authenticating fifty-two candidates toward a positive transformation in ministry. As a Bishop, Son and his Friend in the Gospel, there are not enough words to express how incredibly Bishop Ellis will be missed as a spiritual overseer in my life. But we do know, that to be absent in the flesh is to be present with the Lord! I will personally remember him as a Godly, authentic paradigm, an extraordinary intellectual full of knowledge, excellence and dedication. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Bishop Melvin Williams, Jr. and The Temple of Judah Family embraces Dr. Sabrina Ellis and her loving family with our unceasing love and prayers. To the Pentecostal Church of Christ Family we bid our compassion and support graciously to you today and always. May Bishop Ellis’s legacy be always etched in your hearts forever as a legacy of faithfulness, dedication and stewardship. We propose this encouragement on today “One thing I ask of the Lord, this is what I seek; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to seek Him in His Temple.” Psalm 27:4 Respectfully Submitted,

Bishop Melvin Williams, Jr., Senior Pastor Elder Valerie L. Murray, Church Clerk

Saturday, September 26, 2020

To Pastor Sabrina J. Ellis, The Ellis Family and the Pentecostal Church of Christ : Bishop William Raymond Whitaker II and the officers and members of the Greater Free Gift Baptist Church, want you and your family to know that our hearts are with you as we gather to memorialize your loved one, His Eminence, The Most Reverend J. Delano Ellis. Although our hearts are filled with sorrow, we are also rejoicing because we believe that he has gone home to be with the Lord. The passing of your loved one is the will of God, and yet, there is a human tie that has been broken, which bleeds the heart in agony and pain. In times like these, we must look above for guidance directly from our Heavenly Father, who doeth all things well. By the grace of God, we are encouraged and consoled in the words of Jesus who said, “I will never leave thee nor forsake thee.� We know the tears will flow even after today, but we encourage you to reminisce on the precious memories to forever hold so dear in your heart and encourage you to lift up your head and be strong. We commend you to God, who is able to comfort and cheer, and will dry your tears and heal your broken heart, if you will put your unwavering faith in Him. The Greater Free Gift Church Family is praying for you and your entire family. May God bless you and give you strength and courage. Sympathetically yours,

+ W illia m R a y m o n d W h ita ke r Bishop William Raymond Whitaker, II Senior Pastor The Officers and Members of the Greater Free Gift Baptist Church, Incorporated

A Resolution in Tribute to and in honor of

The Most Reverend J. Delano Ellis II

Once again death has summoned the body of the Church Of God In Christ together. The passing of Bishop J. Delano Ellis II, has caused a great void among our earthly ranks, but it has increased the innumerable cloud of witnesses that encompass round about us. The National Adjutancy and Sint Maarten Rehoboth Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction join in celebrating the Life and victorious Home going of a soldier of the cross of Jesus Christ. We join you in reflecting on a life well lived. On this day of memoriam, we resolve the following: WHEREAS: Bishop J. Delano Ellis II was an active supporter of the National Adjutancy and served as third Chief Adjutant of the Church of God In Christ; and WHEREAS: Bishop J. Delano Ellis II was an exemplary servant, a dedicated clergyman throughout his life. Upon his passing, the Establishmentarian and Presiding Bishop of the Pentecostal Churches of Christ. BE IT RESOLVED: That his life be celebrated as the valiant Soldier of the Cross of Jesus Christ that he was, whose weapons of warfare have been laid to rest. We gladly give him full honors, replete with salutes, ruffles and flourishes because his rank has been changed to “SERVANT,� the designation of all who have successfully finished their course here and will live eternally with the LORD. BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED: That the constituents of the National Adjutancy, and the Sint Maarten Rehoboth Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, will pray for the comfort and healing of the entire family. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the National Adjutancy of the Church Of God In Christ, Incorporated on this twenty-seventh day of September, two thousand and twenty. Humbly submitted,

BISHOP ROBERT G. RUDOLPH, JR. Adjutant General, Church Of God In Christ, Inc. Prelate, Sint Maarten Rehoboth Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction

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