Legacy Spring 2023

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Giving for Life: Philanthropy at Ever y Stage

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to Legacy, a magazine for the modern philanthropist. We hope you find it engaging and informative as you consider your charitable planning. For strategic philanthropic advising, please contac t our giving exper ts at development@jewishfoundationla.org.

About the Jewish Community Foundation

Established in 1954, the Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles manages charitable assets of $1.3 billion, unaudited, entrusted to it by 1,400 families The Foundation par tners with donors to shape meaningful philanthropic strategies, magnify the impac t of giving, and build enduring charitable legacies. In 2022, The Foundation and its donors distributed nearly $160 million to more than 2,500 nonprofits that span the range of philanthropic giving. O ver the past 10 years, it has distributed nearly $1 billion to thousands of nonprofits across

1 2 C O N V E R S AT I O N S W I T H O U R D O N O R S M e e t E i l e e n & Pa u l M e s h e ko w F E AT U R E STO RY G i v i n g f o r L i f e : P h i l a n t h r o p y a t E v e r y S t a g e 4 1 0 G A I N I N G P E R S P E C T I V E Q & A w i t h Pr e s i d e n t & C E O R a b b i A a r o n L e r n e r
16 O U R I S R A E L G R A N T M A K I N G H a p p y 7 5 t h B i r t h d a y , I s r a e l !
jewishfoundationla org 18 N E W P E O P L E TO M E E T N e w Tr u s t e e s a n d S t a f f 1 4 A S K O U R E X P E RT S H o w t o D o n a t e A f t e r a D i s a s t e r b y C h a r l o t t e Fr i e d m a n
diverse spec trum Visit

R E F L E C T I O N S From the President &

Our Bright Future

As I write this column, I have just completed my first quar ter leading The Foundation. What an incredible experience it has been!


Prior to joining The Foundation, I thought I k new a lot about the organization Previously, as the executive direc tor of Hillel at UCLA, I was on the receiving end of several significant Foundation grants. Additionally, my wife and I had already star ted a Donor Advised Fund here (which we love having, by the way)

Now, with a lot more inside -baseball k nowledge about The Foundation’s work , my appreciation for its crucial role in the community has only increased!

Though I had previously been aware of some Foundation grantees, I now mar vel at the diverse por tfolio of successful organizations we have helped catalyze and advance to their nex t stage of growth

I’m also humbled by the many people who refer new clients to us. In par ticular, professional advisors estate planners, attorneys, and financial advisors trust us to steward and advance the philanthropic interests of their most valued clients

I have been deeply impressed with the commitment, exper tise, and pride of our staff and the fine work they accomplish.

And possibly the most inspiring thing I’ve learned is the depth of our donors’ generosity. Who would have thought that in 2022, a year full of challenges,

The Foundation and its 1,400-strong donor family would distribute a record nearly $160 million of grants? I t ’s the most ever in Foundation histor y, and truly astounding!

I’m excited about helping our existing donors express their ver y broad range of interests and passions, both within the Jewish community and well beyond, including in Israel. I look for ward to meeting many more members of The Foundation’s cherished family in the coming months.

I’m also excited about growth. We’re currently evaluating our client ser vices, online donor por tal, grant processes, educational oppor tunities, and much more to determine how we can help maximize philanthropic impac t. Stay tuned as we begin to leverage par tnerships, help grantees access government funding, and ask you who else should be joining The Foundation in this impor tant time.

The Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles has an astonishing track record and nearly unlimited potential. With your continued trust and suppor t, we will make this world a better place for us, our children, and our grandchildren Our future is indeed bright, as long as we keep work ing together toward this shared goal.

Pr e s i d e n t & C E O

Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles

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Giving for Life: Philanthropy at Ever y Stage

Jewish tradition views giving back as a universal obligation independent of time or circumstance. At the Jewish Community Foundation, we customize our philanthropic guidance for ever y donor, whatever their age or stage in life. From teaching families about financial literac y to helping identify charitable passions and advising on charitable estate planning, we’re here to ser ve our donors’ changing needs.

The Midlife Donor

For donor Sandy Sigal, 59, The Foundation’s accessibility is central to its ongoing relevance for people across generations. “I have four children from ages 21 to 31, and we take an active approach to family giving, involving ever yone in the process,” he says “Our Donor Advised

Fund (DAF) at The Foundation makes it super easy to give. Putting money into it is straightfor ward and hassle -free ”

Growing up as the son of a single mother in Van Nuys, Sigal learned the value of tzedakah early on “My mom worked as a paralegal full-time to make ends meet. She’d head to her office before I left for school each morning and return well after I’d returned home each afternoon,” he recalls. With so much unsuper vised time, Sigal had ample oppor tunity to get into trouble. But one day, having been caught stealing candy, he began to appreciate the transformative power of investing in a community

“In her desperation about what to do with me, my mom called The Jewish Federation, and they put her in touch with Jewish Big Brothers Big Sisters of Los Angeles. I ended up spending two summers at the program’s Camp Max Straus [now Camp Bob Waldor f ], and it changed my life,” he says

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Sandy Sigal leaving for Camp Max Straus in the 1970s.

Now an influential real estate developer, Sigal never forgot how charitable programs like Jewish Big Brothers Big Sisters changed his life’s trajector y “I remember think ing, ‘Man, what a difference those people made for me. How can I pay it for ward to make sure I’m able to give other k ids that same experience?’ Today, I’m president of the Jewish Big Brothers Big Sisters Board of Directors, and my k ids have all been counselors in training at Camp Max Straus.”

Sigal hosts an annual family meeting that gathers ever yone together to map out their philanthropic contributions for the year ahead. “ We discuss our achievements over the past year and our family ’s finances, which gives the k ids a window into how money is made, how hard it is to earn it, and how privileged they are to have means at their disposal,” he says “ Then we talk about ways we can use those means to improve our society.”

The Sigals have concentrated on issues such as Alzheimer ’s disease, homelessness, and educational suppor t for disadvantaged children “My k ids k now my mantra is ‘ To whom much is given, much is expected,’ and they believe that, as Jews, we have a responsibility to care about the greater good.”

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Our Donor Advised Fund at The Foundation makes it super easy to give.”

The Younger Donor

When her ailing father-in-law was approaching the end of his life, Foundation trustee and donor Daniella Naim Kahen, 37, sought a way to honor him. “He was an inspiring figure in my life, and I wanted to leave a legac y for him,” she says. So she reached out to The Foundation to star t a conversation.

“Staff at The Foundation got to k now me, and helped me brainstorm about my philanthropic goals. They were just amazing, connec ting me with resources and people to talk to,” she says.

With help from The Foundation’s exper t staff, K ahen established a giving circle that would direc t money to a DAF. “I gathered 20 women together, and we raised money and then solicited presentations from various nonprofits work ing to suppor t Jewish education in LA,” K ahen says.

One of the things she likes best about the DAF is its flexibility. “My family was later able to use our fund in a new way when we held a Torah dedication in my father-in-law ’s memor y. I t allowed family and friends to par ticipate in honoring his memor y by donating funds to our DAF, which we then distributed to organizations in Los Angeles and Israel as a group,” she says “I t was a really innovative way to do something charitable together.”

K ahen, a mother of four and par t-time fitness instruc tor and health coach, is committed to car ving out time in her busy schedule to pursue charitable endeavors “ We’re so blessed in the Jewish community, and I feel strongly about modeling for my k ids the impor tance of helping others,” she says.

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Daniella Naim Kahen
Staff at The Foundation got to k now me, and helped me brainstorm about my philanthropic goals.”

To that end, one of her current focuses is looking at philanthropy through a mindful giving lens. “This is something that has come out of my relationship with The Foundation and my DAF: taking the time to sit back and evaluate, ‘What do I care about? What are my priorities? How can I use my resources to make change in the world?’ This process of mindful giving is something my kids have observed and I hope they learn from it,” she says.

Kahen and her family had a chance to experience the difference that intentional giving can make first-hand by volunteering at Foundation grantee Our Big Kitchen

Los Angeles (OBKLA) — a kosher, nondenominational, community-run industrial kitchen where meals are prepared for Angelenos in need.

“It was truly a full-circle experience to have served on The Foundation’s Cutting Edge Grants Committee that awarded OBKLA a grant and then to take part in what it does for the community,” she says. “I felt proud to have been able to support its wonderful work.”

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Daniella Naim Kahen with her husband, Dr. Daniel Kahen, and their four children.

The Elder Donor

At 94, Foundation donor Barbi Weinberg is the matriarch of a large family : There are 52 family members in her ex tended clan, including 21 great- grandchildren. Like Weinberg herself, they are all philanthropic and deeply connec ted to Israel.

“My [late] husband, Larr y, always said it was more impor tant to leave our k ids values than money,” she says. The couple spent a lifetime building that legac y In addition to his work as an entrepreneur who created a number of successful companies and helped guide the Por tland Trailblazers to the NBA championships as coowner of the team, Larr y was also a founder, leading suppor ter, and former president of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC ). Barbi blazed a trail of her own in 1973 when she was chosen to lead

The Jewish Federation of Los Angeles and became the first woman to oversee a major Jewish federation. A decade later, she founded the Washington Institute for Near East Polic y, today the largest research institute devoted exclusively to studying US interests in the M iddle East

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Barbi Weinberg (center) surrounded by her children, grandchildren, and great- grandchildren
“ My [late] husband, Larr y, always said it was more impor tant to leave our k ids values than money.”

E x c l u s i v e D o n o r B e n e fi t s

Did you k now that we offer Foundation donors a suite of complimentar y resources to enhance their charitable giving? Below are just a few.

Center for Designed Philanthropy

• The Foundation’s Center for Designed Philanthropy is a team of philanthropic advisors with exper tise in broad areas When you open a Donor Advised Fund at The Foundation, you have complimentar y access to our team.

Insights on Giving

• Each year we host multiple events with topics curated for our donors that feature engaging conversations with prominent voices in the philanthropic community.

Estate Planning Work book

• Our Estate Planning Workbook is a prac tical and easy way to organize your financial information before meeting with your estate planning advisor

Ethical Will Work book

• Your Legac y Letter : An Ethical Will Workbook offers 30 thought-provok ing questions to help guide you in sharing your stor y and life experiences with your family.

As they dedicated themselves to political ac tivism, the Weinbergs also ramped up their charitable giving through The Foundation. For more than two decades, they have leveraged their DAF to bolster the US-Israel relationship and to strengthen their community by suppor ting causes like Jewish summer camps

Barbi says the best way for budding philanthropists to get star ted is to follow her example of par tnering with The Foundation and subscribing to her personal mantra: “Just give!”

Giving Is the Bottom Line

A sense of pride is a common thread for donors like Sigal, K ahen, and Weinberg, who may approach their charitable giving with different goals but share a mutual belief in the best way to achieve them. “If you care about the nex t generation and want to set an example, then give time or money to a cause that matters to you,” Sigal says “ There’s truly nothing better.”

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R a b b i A a r o n L e r n e r Ta ke s t h e H e l m

Rabbi Aaron Lerner, the new president and CEO of the Jewish Community Foundation, brings a unique blend of financial, rabbinical, and nonprofit exper tise to the position. He cares deeply about the community and is passionate about impac tful philanthropy.

Tell us about your family and what you like to do in your spare time.

I live in Car thay Square with my wife, Dr R achel Lerner a Jewish educator who empowers teachers and our three k ids We drive them to schools all over Los Angeles, from Studio City to near LAX. In my spare time, you might find me at the beach sur fing or on a run around the PicoRober tson neighborhood.

What are your initial impressions of The Foundation?

I t ’s the best-kept secret in LA. We donated nearly $160M to over 2,500 nonprofits last year, yet we still fly a little under the radar. I t ’s also wonder ful to arrive at an already strong and thriving organization This allows for creativity and growth. The staff is incredibly dedicated, are exper ts at what they do, and care deeply about the community

Before you took the top position, what was your relationship with The Foundation?

Hillel at UCLA, where I ser ved as executive direc tor, has benefited significantly from Foundation grants and was already building an endowment at The Foundation And R achel and I had already established a Donor Advised Fund here. Now I’m blessed to be leading an organization I had already invested and par tnered with, both personally and professionally.

You’re known as “a rabbi who can read a spreadsheet.” Say more about that and how it will influence your work.


In my former life work ing in finance, I managed large commercial real estate transac tions requiring a great deal of technical k nowledge. Closing deals, however, often hinged on emotional intelligence. That has been direc tly transferable to running a complex operation at Hillel and, now, at The Foundation We manage nearly $1 3 billion

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Aaron Lerner, an avid sur fer, holding a sur fboard that was presented to him as a farewell gift upon transitioning from Hillel at UCLA to his new position at The Foundation.

in assets and work with thousands of nonprofits while advising numerous individuals and families. I’m grateful that I understand the finance side as I draw on my rabbinical training when I speak with people about their lives and legacies.

QTell us about your relationship with Israel.

I’m a proud Zionist I met my wife in Jerusalem, where we were both studying. My brother ser ved in the Israeli Special Forces, and my kids fell in love with Israel on our recent trip there It ’s a complicated place working through

many challenges just as it was nearly 70 years ago when par t of the rationale for establishing The Foundation was to provide a permanent pool of funds for the newly created Jewish state. We have never deviated from that mission and commitment

QWhat do you think the future holds for philanthropy?

People want to be involved and understand their impact. As trillions of dollars change hands through the largest-ever intergenerational transfer of wealth, which is occurring right now, the organizations and foundations that provide value in these areas will thrive. And that will ensure the generations to come. Jews are always investing in the future, and this moment will drive the largest inflow of charitable funds ever

In terms of structure, Donor Advised Funds are generally the smar test vehicle. They ’re elegant in their simplicity and incredibly tax efficient. That ’s why they ’re growing at record rates and receiving $70+ billion in inflows annually. They grew even during the height of the pandemic Multigenerational families with $10M+ to commit might consider other options, such as our Family Suppor t Organizations, but DAFs will likely rule the day for now.

QWhat about The Foundation’s future?

In my experience, many Jews want to conduct philanthropy through a Jewish lens, and The Foundation is the option Regardless of their denominational preferences, political affiliation, and so on, we’ve helped thousands of donors express their Jewish values and invest in our community ’s future, here in LA and in Israel. That work will grow exponentially And as it does, the pool of assets dedicated to suppor ting nonprofits today and in the future will also multiply Now is the time to ensure the next 10, 50, and 100 years.

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E I L E E N & PA U L


When it comes to allocating discretionar y income, we are of ten forced to choose from an endless list of competing priorities. For Eileen and Paul Meshekow, those priorities have always included dedicating funds to tzedakah. Their driving impulse, Eileen says, is a simple yet profound realization: “If we don’t give back, who’s going to do it?”

To direc t their philanthropy, the Meshekows par tnered with the Jewish Community Foundation to strengthen high-impac t nonprofits across Southern California. In a recent inter view, they discussed their lifelong commitment to charitable giving and their focus on empowering the nex t generation to carr y the torch.

Common Roots

Some couples travel the world to find each other; Eileen and Paul only had to traverse a few city blocks. Though they didn’t k now each other as children, both were raised in LA’s Beverly wood neighborhood in families that emphasized suppor ting the larger community “My parents weren’t wealthy, but there was this feeling that we were par t of something larger and that we needed to contribute to helping others,” Eileen says. “ Whenever they could, they gave.”

As a young married couple, Eileen and Paul followed suit.

“ We had ver y little financially, but we didn’t allow that to stop us,” Paul says. “My father died of cancer, and for years we teamed up with our siblings and cousins to solicit donations for an annual boutique that we would run out of our house, with proceeds going to City of Hope I t really brought our family closer together ”

Leading by Doing

R aising their two children and building a successful insurance brokerage kept Eileen and Paul busy, but they made time to involve themselves in charitable endeavors Both were active in The Jewish Federation’s Valley Alliance, with Paul ser ving on the board and Eileen, an amateur stone car ver, ser ving as an ar t booster and educator, arranging Federation tours of ar t venues in Los Angeles. A past president of the Southern California Golf Association, Paul also chaired The Federation’s golf tournament multiple times, while Eileen ac tively shaped the Meshekows’ family philanthropy. “ Whatever money we had to spare would go to Jewish institutions, to groups focused on mak ing advances in medical research, and to higher education,” Eileen says.

An Example to Follow

In 2013, they decided to retire, selling their business and using some of the proceeds to open a Donor Advised Fund at The Foundation. “ We were think ing that, down the line, we might want to donate appreciated stock , and the Donor Advised Fund makes it easy,” Paul says They were also look ing for a simple and straightfor ward way for their son, Jason, and daughter, Allison, to continue the family ’s philanthropic legac y. “ The Foundation can walk them through ever ything they need to k now, so it ’s a good vehicle for the future,” Paul says.

Happily married for more than 55 years and counting, today Eileen and Paul spend their time traveling and

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E T C O N V E R S AT I O N S W i t h O u r D o n o r s

doting on their four grandchildren. Their par tnership with The Foundation gives them confidence and peace of mind as they enjoy their golden years.

“ We’ve attended many Foundation events, and it feels so good to be par t of such a wonder ful organization,” Eileen says. “ You k now, you hope the example you set as parents will trick le down to the generation that comes after you. By having our Donor Advised Fund at The Foundation, we k now we’ll have done ever ything possible to make that happen.”

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Their driving impulse, Eileen says, is a simple yet profound realization: “If we don’t give back, who’s going to do it?”

How to Donate After a Disaster

Antisemitic ac ts, mass shootings, hate crimes, pandemics, floods, ear thquakes, wildfires, wars, and humanitarian disasters have devastated communities worldwide. In the af termath of tragedies, we of ten feel the urge to take ac tion. We want to suppor t communities in need but don’t k now where to star t.

Many of us ask questions such as: How can I ensure my dollars are being used appropriately? When is the best time to give after a disaster? How can I identify reputable organizations responding to a disaster? How can I mobilize my community to help?

Before you give to an organization, consider the following:

Immediate vs. Long-Term Recover y

As Jews, our par ticular responsibility toward mending our broken world (tikkun olam) compels us to respond urgently to crises in communities near and far. Consider immediately donating following a disaster and then revisiting the situation six months to a year later to see what critical needs remain after the first wave of relief suppor t. Research conduc ted by Candid and the Center for Disaster Philanthropy indicates that almost 100% of giving happens within two months after a disaster By

the time a community begins to rebuild and repair its physical and social infrastruc ture, donations have declined significantly.

In addition to creating the need to rebuild physical infrastruc ture, natural and human-made disasters can leave communities with ongoing mental health needs, and the organizations best equipped to address that challenge might emerge months later

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Large Organization vs. Small and Local Organization

After a disaster, hundreds of organizations are vying for funding. Individuals often face a dilemma over whether to donate to a large national or international organization such as the Red Cross, the American Joint Distribution Committee (JDC), or The Jewish Federation or donate to a smaller, local organization. There is no straightforward answer to this question.

Major aid organizations play a crucial role in response efforts. Their relationships with donors may provide matching funds, and they often have key partnerships and programs already in place that can pivot quickly to address local needs. We recommend that if you donate to a large, international organization, make sure you allocate your funds to the specific emergency relief efforts in the community affected.

Donating directly to local organizations that are wellrespected and trusted in the community, such as food banks, synagogues, or human service organizations, can also be highly effective. Investing in existing local resources can have the additional benefit of building the organization’s capacity, thus ensuring long-term recovery for the community.

Remember to take the necessary steps to vet an organization and research it (or its fiscal sponsor) on Charity Navigator.

Flexible Funding vs. Targeted Funding

As a private funder, your dollars can provide significant flexibility after a disaster. The needs of the community are constantly evolving. Rather than targeting your funds to a specific purpose (e.g., financial assistance for families), trust that the already vetted organization will use your dollars where they are needed most.

Dollars vs. Goods

Many individuals want to donate goods, such as food, clothing, and medicine, to a community following a disaster. Donated goods are appreciated and can be a

great way to engage your own community, particularly children and teens, through school campaigns. But the best and most effective way to help is to donate cash.

Donating cash allows the organization working on the ground to respond quickly to the community’s changing needs and provide culturally appropriate supplies and food. If you want to organize a “drive” to mobilize your family and friends to contribute, consider starting a Tribute Fund at the Jewish Community Foundation.

Remember that collaborative giving can have a considerable impact, and your social circle benefits greatly from your due diligence, which it may not have the time or resources to conduct.

How The Foundation Can Help You

Throughout the year, we are available to help you reflect on how your values, personal experiences, and other factors inform your philanthropy. The same applies to a crisis. If supporting the Jewish community is your priority, we can help identify local Jewish organizations in the affected community. If mental health support and recovery are meaningful to you, we can help determine the right timing so that you can address the long-term recovery needs of the community as they emerge. If you are passionate about addressing inequity and poverty, we can help find organizations that are led by and serve under-resourced communities.

Wherever you are in the process of your disaster response, The Foundation is available to assist you. Specifically, we encourage you to:

• Contact our experts at the Center for Designed Philanthropy at center@jewishfoundationla.org or 323.761.8710 to help you determine where to give, vet an organization, and develop a disaster response strategy.

• Open a Tribute Fund to mobilize your friends and family to amplify your response to a specific disaster.

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New Trustees

I am honored to follow in my parents’ footsteps and ser ve as a trustee for the Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles. My passion for Israel-related causes led me to ser ve on the Israel Grants Committee and ultimately to this role, which I hope will inspire the next generation of community leaders.”

STACY REZNIKOFF KENT has devoted 25 years to nonprofit management, both as a professional and as a dedicated volunteer. Most recently Stac y was senior executive direc tor at BSC Management. Currently, Stac y sits on the board of direc tors at Shalhevet High School, ser ving as the development chair and on the Head of School Committee. Stac y is a former board member of Builders of Jewish Education and remains on the board of advisors. Stac y ser ves on the advisor y board for Sharsheret and is the co - chair of the West Coast Dash, the largest Sharsheret fundraiser nationwide. Internationally, Stac y ser ves on the board for Kol Tzofayich, aiming to suppor t innovative educational endeavors in Israel, combining academic excellence with vocational application

I am thrilled to join The Foundation’s Board and contribute to the impor tant work of empowering the Jewish and wider communities here and abroad. I look for ward to leveraging my executive and legal background to help advance its mission.”

ADAM WEISS is chief administrative officer and chief legal officer of Relativity, a global legal software company whose customers include 198 of the Am Law 200 firms, and the U S Depar tment of Justice Prior, Adam ser ved as chief administrative officer and general counsel of Cornerstone OnDemand, a leading HR software provider. During his 16-year tenure with Cornerstone, he suppor ted annual revenue growth from $7 million to nearly $900 million Before joining Cornerstone, Adam prac ticed law at Lurie, Zepeda, Schmalz & Hogan. He has ser ved on the boards of several nonprofits, including Shalom Institute, the Santa Monica Chamber of Commerce, IKAR, and American Jewish Committee. Adam holds a juris doc tor degree from UCLA School of Law and a bachelor ’s degree in economics and political science from Stanford University

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New Staff

DEBORAH JOHNSTON, Chief Financial O fficer/Senior Vice President, Finance & Administration

Deborah brings more than 20 years of exper tise in streamlining financial operations, developing fiscal transparenc y, and initiating best prac tices and compliance for nonprofits and mature enterprises. Before joining The Foundation, Deborah was the chief financial officer of the Philadelphia Museum of Ar t for five years, strategically managing all financial operations of personnel, expenses and revenue, total assets, and the museum’s endowment. Previously, she ser ved in senior management roles overseeing daily business, financial, and accounting func tions at the Ar t Institute of Chicago and The Huntington Librar y in San Marino She also held leadership and financial roles in real estate development, finance and insurance firms, and in public accounting. She intentionally transitioned from the corporate world to work at nonprofits more aligned with her values.

ALLEN ZHANG, Controller

Allen was the direc tor of finance at the M ilken Institute for 12 years and manager of finance and accounting for Blue Cross of California/WellPoint Inc./Anthem Inc. for 10 years. His exper tise includes planning and budgeting, financial repor ting and analysis, fund and investment management, and accounting. He holds a master ’s degree in finance from California State University, Long Beach and an award in accounting from UCLA Ex tension. He obtained his bachelor ’s degree from Nanjing University.

The Foundation’s mission aligns per fec tly with my values, and I am honored to be a par t of it. I see my role as an oppor tunity to share my financial exper tise with both donors and colleagues, and am par ticularly drawn to the rewarding work of helping donors create lasting charitable legacies.”

As a finance professional, wealth management is in my blood. At The Foundation, I can utilize my exper tise in managing donor funds and connec ting philanthropic resources with people in need to make the world a better place.”

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Happy 75th Bir thday, Israel!

Our Israel Grantmaking

The Foundation and our donors have distributed over $180 million to more than 500 organizations in Israel over the past decade. These vital funds suppor t initiatives that embrace Israel’s vibrant, diverse cultural landscape and significantly enhance Israeli society.

Our grantmak ing in Israel has grown so considerably that, in 2022, we added philanthropic exper t O ffi Zisser to our Center for Designed Philanthropy team as an on-the - ground grantmak ing consultant

O ffi’s presence in Israel fosters deeper ties with organizations there, helping maximize The Foundation’s and our donors grantmaking impact. She recently presented her insights about giving in Israel to our donors. Here are some takeaways:

What Are Some Fac ts and Trends?

• More overseas funders are aligning their local interests with interests in Israel, e.g., domestic violence, LGBTQ, suppor t to disadvantaged populations.

• Donors are increasingly connec ting with other funders or peers to leverage their giving and gain exper tise

How Do I Vet Israeli Organizations?

The Center for Designed Philanthropy can help you successfully vet organizations in Israel, including:

• Reviewing an organization’s cer tifications, management sk ills, and financials.

• Connec ting with other funders.

• Understanding the landscape of Israeli organizations

What About Impac t?

• Align your expec tations to the size of your gift.

• Know the ex tent of the organization’s repor ting capacity

• Multiyear commitments help an organization focus on accomplishing its goals.

To learn more about The Foundation’s grantmaking in Israel, please scan here:

18 jewishfoundationla org R E C E N T G R A N T S
O ffi Zisser, Israel Consultant

10-Year Total:

$180+ Million

“We are deeply grateful for The Foundation’s timely grant toward our work with young Russian-speak ing Israelis arriving in Israel due to the war in Ukraine. The funds will help expand our programs and engage an additional 3,500 immigrants.”

is a nationwide educational and social initiative for Russian-speak ing Israelis ages 20-38 to enhance their Jewish and Israeli identity, promote integration and volunteerism, and deepen connec tions to Jewish peoplehood.

A decade of Foundation and donor grantmak ing in Israel, totaling over $180 million:

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2022 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 $9 $8 $13 $13 $13 $15 $31 $24 $33 $24
m i l l i o n s

6505 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 1200

Los Angeles, CA 90048

Our Trustees in Ac tion

Foundation trustees and staff recently visited a 2023 Cutting Edge Grant 2.0 recipient, Our Big Kitchen LA. I t was an inspiring few hours where we made over 300 hot kosher meals for those facing food insecurity in Los Angeles. Thank you to @obk la for hosting us and for their vital suppor t for those in need!


Evan Schlessinger

President & CEO

Rabbi Aaron Lerner

Vice Presidents

Abby L T Feinman

Marcia Weiner Mankoff

Mark N. Schwar tz

Eugene Stein

Adlai W Wer tman


Selwyn Gerber


Anthony Chanin

President & CEO Emeritus

Mar vin I. Schotland

Executive Vice President

Dan Rothblatt

Chief Financial Officer

SVP, Finance & Administration

Deborah Johnston

Vice President, Finance

Rober t Aver y

Vice President, Advancement

Steve Gamer

Vice President, Marketing & Communications

Lew Groner

Vice President & General Counsel

Ellen Rosen

Vice President, Charitable Gift Planning

Natella Royzman

Vice President, Center for Designed Philanthropy

Naomi Strongin

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Please send your comments and suggestions to the

Executive Editor: Janet Keller

Senior Editor: Lily Gengo

Design: Maxine Mueller


©2023 Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles No portion of this publication may be reproduced or used without permission Printed with vegetable-based inks on recycled paper/ 10% post-consumer recovered fiber S P R I N G 2 0 2 3
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323 761 8720
y year, we plant trees in Israel through the Jewish National Fund to offset our carbon footprint.
to watch a shor t video about our fun day!

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