Legacy Fall 2022

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FA L L 2 0 2 2 Opening a Fund: Just the Beginning

My Final Reflec tion

I learned a long time ago that when you become a donor at The Foundation, it ’s not just a fund you acquire; it ’s also a family you join And just like a loving family can nourish its members in innumerable ways, so too The Foundation’s family suppor ts its donors in myriad ways. You’ll learn more about it in this issue of Legac y magazine

Hopefully you have benefited significantly from the many resources, seminars, network ing oppor tunities, and philanthropic consulting that we offer our donors as well as our grantees and professional advisors. I t ’s a donor experience that has become much richer and more rewarding than ever in my three - decades-plus of leadership here. I truly hope you are capitalizing on all that The Foundation offers.

I have
grateful ever y one of these 12,000+ days to be
to help repair our broken world and assist
“ “ 1 5 A S K O U R E X P E RT S 12 R E C E N T G R A N T S R E F L E C T I O N S
many others
doing likewise.
F E AT U R E STO RY O p e n i n g a Fu n d I s J u s t t h e B e g i n n i n g b y S t e v e G a m e r 4 8 C O N V E R S AT I O N S W I T H O U R D O N O R S S t a c y Re z n i ko f f Ke n t & R a n o n Ke n t a n d K l a r a & M a r t i n S h a n d l i n g to Legacy magazine a thoughtful look at issues facing the modern philanthropist. We hope you find it engaging and informative as you consider your charitable planning. Please contact our giving exper ts at development@jewishfoundationla.org for strategic philanthropic advising. Welcome 16 FA R E W E L L G A L A Ce l e b r a t i n g M a r v i n S c h o t l a n d ’s L e a d e r s h i p LEG CY 20 R E C E N T E V E N T S Open a Donor Advised Fund by 12/29 to maximize your tax benefits!
From the President & CEO

With my tenure as president and CEO concluding at year end, I’m reassured k nowing I will continue to have a fulfilling Foundation experience through all the donor resources available to me and to ever y Foundation donor.

I also k now that with R abbi Aaron Lerner assuming the leadership role in early Januar y, The Foundation’s future is bright. He comes to The Foundation after a decade propelling Hillel at UCLA to new heights and ensuring its impressive reputation among the many Hillel organizations across America R abbi Lerner is a passionate and innovative professional who has impressed me in ever y interac tion we’ve had. I am confident in a promising future for this great foundation.

So how does one sum up 33 years of leading one of the finest community foundations in America?

I have been grateful ever y one of these 12,000+ days to be in a position to help repair our broken world and assist many others in doing likewise. What could be more rewarding than that?

O ver the decades, I’ve proudly worked with many dedicated philanthropists, vital nonprofits, outstanding board members, accomplished professional advisors, and our talented staff. We have faced numerous community challenges and all k inds of urgent crises. Through it all, I’ve been continually inspired and motivated by the enormous goodness of our fellow human beings in solving seemingly unsurmountable challenges and bringing much-needed healing to our world.

At our most recent Board of Trustees meeting in November, my last one, we shared some inspiring words on that week ’s Torah por tion of Lech Lecha,

which means “go for th.” The Almighty direc ts Abraham and Sarah to leave their city of Haran and to go for th into the world to spread the message of Judaism

My son, Daniel, who spoke about the Torah por tion explained what it was like watching his father lead The Foundation for many years and spread the message of tzedakah to our community He shared that it ultimately inspired him to lead a life connec ted to community and committed to philanthropy. I could not have been prouder.

He concluded by saying, “Now it ’s your turn to lech lecha, dad I t ’s time for you to go for th into the nex t stage of your life and face the new challenge ahead ” Just as Abraham was 75 when he was commanded to go for th, I, too, embark on a new lech lecha journey at the same age Although I’m not sure what the future has in store for me, I proceed in confidence, k nowing that my deep connec tion to The Foundation will help sustain the Schotland family for years to come.

May we all go from strength to strength!

Mar vin I. Schotland

Pr e s i d e n t & C E O Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles

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Opening a Fund Is Just the Beginning

Financial ser vices institutions play a vital role in the smooth func tioning of our society. Among many other things, they enable us to secure home mor tgages, finance business transac tions, and take out loans for college. Yet, there is one area of impac t where a bank or brokerage firm’s abilities can’t match the combination of k nowledge, exper tise, and ser vice offered by a nonprofit like the Jewish Community Foundation. When it comes to strengthening the social fabric through philanthropy, there is no better vehicle for most individuals and families than The Foundation’s signature Donor Advised Fund (DAF).

Simplicity is Key

The idea behind the DAF is simple: By opening a fund with The Foundation, you gain an easy, accessible tool for mak ing charitable donations without the administrative headaches You tell us where to direc t your donor dollars, and we take care of the rest, providing you with one centralized location for recording your gifts and track ing your tax deduc tions. I t ’s a power ful approach to giving that has attrac ted record-break ing investment: The Foundation currently manages more than $1.5 billion in assets entrusted to us by 1,400 families, rank ing us among the 10 largest foundations in Los Angeles

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There’s a reason so many people turn to The Foundation to dispense their charitable gifts The secret to our success is ser vice going well beyond the resources that a bank or brokerage makes available to clients in order to maximize our donors’ effec tiveness in mak ing a difference for local communities.

Value -Added Benefits

Opening a DAF with The Foundation is just the beginning. Once your DAF has been established, you have complimentar y access to our Center for Designed Philanthropy,

a seasoned team of professionals dedicated to helping you explore your interests and meet your giving goals. Through the Center, we empower you to craft meaningful giving strategies that leverage our deep k nowledge in areas ranging from homelessness, social welfare, and early childhood development to Israel and Jewish

Understanding the Landscape

We have an intimate understanding of the nonprofit landscape across Los Angeles and Israel, and we share our information and insight through far-reaching educational programs (in person and online) that keep you abreast of the latest trends in philanthropy. Our educational series Insights on Giving: A Series of Talks on Philanthropy brings donors up close and personal with leading thinkers and prac titioners spanning a comprehensive array of subjec t areas. In addition, our

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“The secret to our success is ser vice — going well beyond the resources that a bank or brokerage makes available to clients.”

popular donor and grantee network ing events allow you to build vital par tnerships with other like -minded individuals focused on advancing tikkun olam, repair of the world and the pursuit of justice.

Connec ted to Something Bigger

These collaborations are a significant benefit to giving through a DAF because they connec t you to something bigger: a group of people banding together to advance the common good. Work ing in concer t as par t of a larger community dramatically increases the effec t of an individual contribution and expands the potential positive outcome for the specific cause at hand

A Major Distinc tion

One question I often encounter from donors is what The Foundation does with the fee we charge for administering a DAF. The answer showcases another key distinc tion between The Foundation and a traditional bank . In both cases, a por tion of the fee goes toward

the cost of running the DAF, but that ’s where the similarities end because we each have a different definition for what constitutes our bottom line Banks see DAF fees as an impor tant revenue center: the income they generate translates to shareholder profit At The Foundation, we channel those fees into additional grants that will make our community better, essentially multiplying the power of ever y contribution. I t ’s a double blessing: When you donate through a Foundation DAF, your gift does good, and the fee you pay helps it do even better.

Doing right by the community has afforded us a longevity that many other institutions lack . We are proud to work alongside multiple generations of families (often, wealth creators and their children and grandchildren), who turn to us for guidance about putting values into ac tion and leaving a vibrant legac y. We look for ward to speak ing with you and your loved ones as well, and we encourage you to reach out to us to learn more.

To explore more about the benefits of a DAF par ticularly before year end, please contact our Development office at 323.761.8704 or development@jewishfoundationla.org.

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We are proud to work alongside multiple generations of families who turn to us for guidance. . . ”

E x c l u s i v e D o n o r B e n e fi t s

Did you k now that we offer Foundation donors a suite of complimentar y resources to enhance their charitable giving? Below are a few of the many helpful materials available to donors:

Estate Planning Work book

• Our Estate Planning Workbook is a prac tical and easy way to organize your financial information in preparation for meeting with your estate planning advisor.

Ethical Will Work book

• Your Legac y Letter : An Ethical Will Workbook offers 30 thought-provok ing questions to help guide you in sharing your stor y and life experiences with your family

Center for Designed Philanthropy

• The Foundation’s Center for Designed Philanthropy is a team of philanthropic advisors with exper tise in broad areas When you open a Donor Advised Fund at The Foundation, you have complimentar y access to our team.

Insights on Giving

• Each year we host multiple events with topics curated for our donors that feature engaging conversations with prominent voices in the philanthropic community.

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h O
r D o n o r s
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The Foundation has introduced us to organizations we would not other wise k now about...”



Stac y and Ranon are second-generation Foundation donors, having learned the value of tikkun olam and strategic giving from their parents. They opened a Donor Advised Fund of their own at The Foundation in 2005. Stac y recently joined our Israel Grants Committee and discusses her family ’s relationship with us.

QWhy did you become a Foundation donor?

The shor t answer is because my parents (Rita and Herb Reznikoff, z ’’l) were Foundation donors. They always modeled for us their commitment to tzedakah, community, and suppor ting organizations and causes that they believe would affec t our Jewish life both locally and globally.

QHave you turned to The Foundation for guidance about your giving or used other Foundation ser vices? What was that like for you?

Yes! When we were newly married and star ting to build our own family, I remember speak ing to our parents and reflec ting that ever y organization I have ever said hello to is ask ing for suppor t. How do you figure this out? How do we k now who to suppor t, especially when resources are limited and we can’t possibly give to ever yone? At the time my dad said one way to star t is, “Give where your k ids are” suppor t the institutions that are helping them and your family grow. As you grow, you’ll see, you can branch out from there

Since that time, both my parents passed away. Now we rely on The Foundation to help us navigate our charitable giving. I t has offered not only a simple organizing struc ture but also education when we would have other wise looked to our parents for that guidance The Foundation has introduced us to organizations we would not other wise k now about and, equally impor tant, to community leaders whose involvement in The Foundation has often ser ved as our philanthropic mentoring model.

What Foundation educational or networking events have you attended, online or in-person? Why was it valuable for you?

We have attended online and in-person educational webinars on topics including family estate planning, local community building, and global relief effor ts for Jewish communities in crisis. Each program has been a valuable experience and has reinforced the choice we made to be par t of The Foundation

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i t h O u r D o n o r s
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I t was evident to us from the star t that The Foundation was the best address for charitable giving, which connec ts us all to the larger Jewish community.”

K L A R A & M A RT I N S H A N D L I N G M E E T

Mar tin ser ved as president of Beth Jacob Congregation, the largest Or thodox shul west of the Mississippi, and has an intimate k nowledge of the inner work ings, challenges, and needs of the Los Angeles Jewish community. He and his wife, Klara, recently opened a DAF at The Foundation and are look ing for ward to deepening their relationship with us.

QWhat causes do you suppor t through your Donor Advised Fund?

QWhy did you become a Foundation donor?

I k new a number of lay leaders and staff associated with The Foundation, so in December 2019 when I wanted to donate a highly appreciated security to a DAF, The Foundation was the obvious choice In my professional life as a wealth manager and financial advisor, I have been responsible for executing the sale of many listed securities that have been donated to The Foundation.

QWhat Foundation educational or networking events have you attended, online or in person? Why were they valuable for you?

In prior years I have attended several Foundation events mostly on estate planning and related legal issues. This helped to sharpen my k nowledge of client-facing wealth management issues.

There may be too many to list! Aside from The Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles, we suppor t among others, Bir thright Israel, Beit Issie Shapiro, Chabad at USC, Friends of the Israel Defense Forces, Pressman Academy, Uk rainian Jews (via the Or thodox Union), the Simon Wiesenthal Center, and of course our synagogue, Beth Jacob Congregation of Beverly Hills


Why would you refer a friend to The Foundation?

Largely because of the elegance and simplicity of the website and the online donor ser vices por tal, which makes it so easy to recommend grants and provides such a clear and readable accounting of all one’s transac tions.


How has having a Donor Advised Fund helped you address the issues you see most pressing?

In general, having the ability to quickly react in suppor ting various charitable appeals via The Foundation helps us address issues that in the past may have taken longer or dropped off our radar

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Cutting Edge Grants 2.0

$2.5 Million to Combat Antisemitism, Suppor t Mental Health and Wellness, and Strengthen Diverse Audiences and Vulnerable Populations

The multiyear awards of up to $300,000 are direc ted to innovative local and national organizations of all sizes to foster creative programming that builds a vibrant and inclusive Jewish Los Angeles, equipped to address emerging issues and oppor tunities for the future. The grants provide recipients with not only funding but access to technical assistance and professional development.

BaMidbar cultivates mental health and wellness in the Jewish community through a unique approach that integrates Jewish and experiential education, including the first- of-its k ind Jewish wilderness-based therapy program. Our grant will scale up the LA Regional Programming Hub that engages high school students in a nine -month wellness fellowship focused on improving mental health among peers and equips Jewish professionals and parents with sk ills to address teens’ mental health needs.

Foundation for Jewish Camp helps more than 300 Jewish summer camps across Nor th America thrive and grow, by gathering data, building new programs, and providing operational suppor t. Our grant suppor ts the DEI Coaching Project, which provides diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) training and coaching to LA area camps, aiming to engage a more diverse population in the Jewish camp experience

Hillel at UCLA, a home away from home for all Jewish students on campus, is launching a program in collaboration with USC Hillel and Hillel 818. Our grant suppor ts LA Campuses United Against Antisemitism, a multi- campus coalition that direc tly engages student leaders and thousands more in fighting antisemitism on college campuses through an annual West Coast Region Summit focused on Israel advocacy and campus activities. The program’s goal is to develop a united effor t for combatting antisemitism on LA college campuses.

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Holocaust Museum Los Angeles

Holocaust Museum Los Angeles is the first sur vivorfounded and oldest Holocaust museum in the United States. Our grant funds the development of an Augmented Reality App featuring vir tual galler y-like areas, interac tive features, and a vir tual docent to narrate the visit. The app aims to make Holocaust education accessible and engaging to students and inspire viewers to take a stand against hate.

Jews of Color Initiative advances racial equity in the US Jewish community by centering the leadership of Jews of Color and ensuring that Jewish communities and institutions reflec t the multiracial reality of the Jewish people Our grant suppor ts the launch of the LA Incubator, a 16-month cohor t-based leadership development program designed to suppor t the growth of Jews of color-led and Jews of color-ser ving programs in LA.

OpenDor Media is a global digital media company that works to strengthen young people’s understanding of and connec tion to Israel, Judaism, and the Jewish people Our grant helps expand the Collaborative School Program, a professional learning community that convenes LA educators and provides a forum for colleagues to share tools, troubleshoot challenges, and offer encouragement to strengthen their work in Jewish and Israel education

Our Big Kitchen LA operates a community-run, industrial kosher k itchen that engages volunteers to prepare and distribute restaurant- quality meals to individuals and

families ( Jewish and non-Jewish) experiencing food insecurity in LA County Our grant helps scale the Community Youth Initiative, which enables thousands of youth to volunteer in the k itchen, strengthening their connec tions with their Jewish identities through meaningful group volunteer oppor tunities.

Sacred Spaces builds healthy and accountable Jewish communities by par tnering with Jewish institutions to prevent and respond to sexual abuse and other abuses of power. Our grant suppor ts the launch of the Spark Program, which provides community education programming, resources, and coaching focused on abuse prevention.

Tzedek America offers immersive social justice -focused experiences for Jewish day school and religious school students. Our grant will expand Mitz vah Project Central, a program connec ting hundreds of b’nai mitz vah students with meaningful volunteer ser vice experiences that fulfill their mitz vah projec t requirements while deepening their connec tions to their Torah por tions and Jewish identities.

Valley Beth Shalom, a Conser vative synagogue in the San Fernando Valley, is launching a program in collaboration with Temple Ramat Zion and Temple Judea. Our grant will suppor t Say va: A New Approach to Positive Aging, which will provide educational, recreational, community-building, and wellness programming to hundreds of Jewish older adults. The program aims to provide oppor tunities for older adults to feel connec ted, appreciated, and useful in their community.

Our Big Kitchen LA jewishfoundationla org 13
Jews of Color Initiative

General Community Grants

$1 Million to Alleviate Older Adult Pover ty

In July 2022, The Foundation awarded $1 million in grants to five community nonprofits work ing to alleviate older adult pover ty. The funding expands suppor t for programs providing assistance to low-income older adults through access to food, healthcare, housing, and suppor tive care to live independently and age with dignity.

Los Angeles LGBT Center ser ves thousands of LGBTQ+ older adults who, due to decades of stigma and marginalization, have high rates of financial instability, isolation, lack of familial suppor t, depression, and poor health outcomes. This grant suppor ts Food to Thrive, feeding over 500 older adults with hot meals daily and assisting seniors in securing or renewing CalFresh benefits

Mexican American Oppor tunity Foundation ser ves Latinx families and seniors in Boyle Heights and Eastside Los Angeles. This grant for Senior Ser vices will help enroll 1,200 additional seniors in essential food, health, and economic benefits.

ONEgeneration provides suppor t and assistance to older adults in underser ved communities in the San Fernando Valley This grant will help expand their housing assistance ser vices for seniors experiencing housing

insecurity, adult day care for low-income seniors, and its new food bank and mobile food pantr y feeding over 8,000 people each month

Par tners in Care Foundation suppor ts seniors’ health in Los Angeles. This grant suppor ts the enrollment of over 370 low-income seniors in South LA in the Multipurpose Senior Ser vices Program, which provides seniors in frail health who typically live alone ser vices to keep them safely and independently housed.

St. Vincent Meals on Wheels delivers thousands of meals to over 900 homebound older adults with mobility and health issues, whose average monthly income is just over $1,000 This grant will suppor t their Home Sweet Home Emergenc y Fund for Low-Income Older Adults, providing 350 older adults with emergenc y suppor t to keep them healthy, safe, and sustainably housed.

Mexican American Oppor tunity Foundation ONEgeneration Los Angeles LGBT Center
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Par tners in Care Foundation

Ask Our Exper ts

“Open a Donor Advised Fund now and make year- end grant recommendations soon since many charities account for donations in the year the check is received.”

Be sure to consult your financial advisor to ensure you are maximizing your charitable deduc tions for the year.”

“As you examine your por tfolio in this volatile market, remember that gif ting long-term appreciated stock direc tly to a DAF allows you to avoid capital gains tax, and entitles you to an immediate charitable deduc tion for the stock ’s full fair-market value.”

Natella Royzman, Vice President, Charitable Gift Planning

“As 2022 comes to a close, what advice do you have for my tax planning?”
I M PA C T “
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Steve Gamer, Vice President, Advancement

Celebrating Mar vin Schotland’s 33 Years of Leadership

On a lovely Sunday evening in late Oc tober at the Four Seasons Hotel, The Foundation hosted a beautiful farewell gala honoring President and CEO Mar vin Schotland as he prepares to retire at year- end af ter 33 years of ser vice. Nearly 300 people came together to show their suppor t and admiration for Mar vin.

The evening’s theme was “ The Shape of His Hear t,” and community leaders including Rabbi Sharon Brous of IKAR and former Jewish Federation President and CEO Jay Sanderson spoke about how Mar vin impacted their lives and the community. Foundation Board Chair Evan Schlessinger and former trustee Max Factor III also expressed their profound gratitude The Foundation’s Executive and Board Liaison, Kate Mar tin, shared the staff ’s perspective on the joys of work ing with Mar vin. Craig Taubman of Pico Union Project and actress and comedian Monica Piper from The Braid/Jewish Women’s Theatre gave moving per formances. The program concluded with the presentation of a beautiful commemorative tribute book filled with photos, wellwishes, and proclamations from government officials

Thank you to ever yone who attended this mar velous evening!

Guests enjoying cocktails & hors d’oeuvres
You have challenged this community in word and deed to cast our eyes to those who need our help most.”
R abbi Sharon Brous, IKAR
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The Schotlands with Sharon & Herb Glaser Daniel, Leila, Eitan, Marvin & Sandy Schotland Gosia & Adam Weiss with the Schotlands Dan & Jayne Rothblatt with the Schotlands Craig Taubman and band from Pico Union Project performing Marvin with current Foundation Chair Evan Schlessinger (2nd from left) and former Chairs (l-r) Bill Feiler, Allan Cutrow, Annette Shapiro, Cathy Siegel Weiss, Mark Lainer, Larry Rauch, Lorin Fife.
You’ve shown us how to add kindness to the world.”
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— Evan Schlessinger, Chair, Board of Trustees, Jewish Community Foundation


The Mar vin Schotland Lifetime of Ser vice to the Jewish Community Award

At the celebration, Board Chair Evan Schlessinger announced the creation of the Mar vin Schotland Lifetime of Ser vice to the Jewish Community Award. Beginning in 2023, each year a grant will be bestowed in Mar vin’s name to a local Jewish leader who has made a significant difference building their organization over time. The award was created by the Board of Trustees as an expression of gratitude for the role Mar vin has played in our community and in recognition of the impor tant roles others have played in strengthening our community

. . .
The Schotlands and Sheila & Alan Spiwak Sondra Smalley, Mar vin, Debra Smalley & Catherine Gray The Schotlands, Tom & Tricia Corby Mark & Ellie Lainer, Lorin Fife (center) Daniel Kahen & Daniella Naim Kahen, Leah & Sam Yebri Gene & Mindy Stein, the Schotlands, Sonia Simon Cummings & James Cummings Evan & Dana Schlessinger
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Mar vin & Sandy Schotland

— Max Factor III, former Trustee, Jewish Community Foundation, and current Trustee, Max Factor Family Foundation

Thank you for your acts of loving kindness and your presence in three generations of our family.”
Jon & Heidi Monkarsh, the Schotlands, Lynn & Les Bider Richard Sandler, Lorin Fife Jim Ferris, the Schotlands, Sushma Raman Larraine & Clive Segil, the Schotlands, Selwyn Gerber Rachel Gindi, Selwyn Gerber Arlene & Myron Lieberman Mark & Sylvia Karlan, Alan Stern and his daughter, Sarah
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Abner Goldstine with the Schotlands The Schotlands with Virginia & Frank Maas

New Donor B r u n c h

New donor brunch at Evan and Dana Schlessingers’ home.

@ The Schlessingers’ home

The Foundation recently hosted a delightful outdoor afternoon brunch for new donors to mingle, meet fellow donors, and learn about all the perks of being a par t of The Foundation family. Board Chair Evan Schlessinger and his wife Dana hosted the event at their home.

Evan & Dana Schlessinger Sasha & Raphael Morozov Scott Sandler, Aaron Lerner Dr Mark & Deborah Goldenberg New Foundation donors share a delicious brunch
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Moder n Ar t Meets Meaningful

P h i l a n t h r o p y

@ The Einsteins’ home

Held at the stunning home of Advisor y Board member Cliff Einstein and his wife Mandy, The Foundation hosted members of family foundations for an evening of wine, hors d’oeuvres, and viewing the Einsteins’ renowned ar t collec tion that included exceptional pieces by Kerr y James Marshall, James Turrell, Yayoi Kusama, and more.

Cliff & Mandy Einstein Dan Rothblatt, Barbara Dembo, Anita Lorber in the Einsteins’ James Turrell Skyspace installation. Eli Mankoff, Marcia Weiner Mankoff, Mandy Einstein, Doug Mankoff
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Mark Schwar tz, Cliff Einstein

Professional Advisor Events

Appreciation L u n c h

@ The Four Seasons

In late June, The Foundation hosted an appreciation luncheon for some of our best referral sources who have worked with us over the years to build a charitably minded community and help make a lasting impac t through tzedakah, or charitable giving, for generations to come Hosted at the Four Seasons Hotel, it was a wonder ful oppor tunity to connec t in person for the first time in over two years Thank you to all of our valued par tners who help us help others!

Amir Mossanen, Dr Lee Hausner Linda Deitch, Nicole Pearl, Megan Ferkel Earhar t We are blessed to have so many advisors refer clients to us! Marc Rohatiner, Zachar y Dresben, Louis Michelson, David Hor vitz Danielle Miller
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Alan Rothenberg, Sussan Shore, Ron Kabrins

N e t w o r k i n g R e c e p t i o n

@ the Wende Museum

In July, we hosted a network ing event for professional advisors in the Wende Museum’s beautiful garden. Foundation Trustee Abby Feinman, along with The Foundation’s Natella Royzman, VP of Charitable Gift Planning, and Naomi Strongin, VP of the Center for Designed Philanthropy, briefly spoke about how we work closely with our professional par tners for the community ’s benefit.

Abby Feinman John Benun, Erez Kabaker, Dean Catalano Mark Schwar tz, Lisa Gild, Mark Weinstein Natella Royzman Steve Gamer, Tom Corby Christine Green, Kalyani Chirra
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Naomi Strongin

6505 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 1200 Los Angeles, CA 90048


We look for ward to welcoming R abbi Aaron Lerner

as The Foundation’s nex t president and chief executive officer, effec tive the first week of Januar y 2023.

Lerner will transition from Hillel at UCLA, where he has ser ved as executive direc tor since 2012 and succeeds Mar vin I. Schotland, who has led The Foundation since 1989 and announced his intention to retire at year end in Januar y. Mar vin Schotland will become president and CEO emeritus.

Earlier in his career, Lerner spent 10 years in real estate finance He was ordained in 2013 by Yeshivat Chovevei Torah in The Bronx, NY, holds a bachelor of business administration in finance from USC ’s Marshall School of Business, is a Wexner Graduate Fellow and a Schusterman Fellow.

Please read the press release here to learn more about Aaron Lerner. You will get to k now him fur ther in the nex t issue of Legac y magazine!

Chair Evan Schlessinger

President & CEO

Mar vin I Schotland

Vice Presidents Abby L T Feinman Marcia Weiner Mankoff Scott H Richland Mark N Schwar tz Eugene Stein Adlai W Wer tman Secretary Selwyn Gerber Treasurer Anthony Chanin

Executive Vice President Dan Rothblatt

Vice President, Finance Rober t Aver y

Vice President, Advancement Steve Gamer

Vice President, Marketing & Communications Lew Groner

Vice President & General Counsel Ellen Rosen

Vice President, Charitable Gift Planning Natella Royzman

Vice President, Center for Designed Philanthropy Naomi Strongin

TEL 323 761 8700

FAX 323 761 8720

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Executive Editor: Janet Keller

Senior Editor: Lily Reiner

Design: Maxine Mueller

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©2022 Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles No portion of this publication may be reproduced or used without permission

Printed with vegetable-based inks on recycled paper/ 10% post-consumer recovered fiber

comments and suggestions to
J E W I S H C O M M U N I T Y F O U N D AT I O N O F L O S A N G E L E S Ever y year, we plant trees in Israel through the Jewish National Fund to offset our carbon footprint

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