2015 Annual Report

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2 015 St. Charl e s Con v e n t ion C e n t e r

Annual Report

ta ble of

Contents INTRODUCTION 3 4 5 6 7 7

Statement of Purpose Message from Sally Faith, Mayor of City of St. Charles Message from Tom Wapelhorst, Chairman of SCCC&SFA Message from Joe Ward, Director of GSCCVB Message from Al Beltranena, GM of SCCC Message from Shura Garnett, Former GM of SCCC

Accomplishments & Events 8 Summary of Accomplishments 10 Signature Events

Facility 12 Facility Overview & Occupancy Reports

At the SCCC 13 Organizational Chart 14 2015 In Review 16 Our Partners 18 How You Doin’? Program 19 Client Surveys

Finance 20 Financial Performance 21 Summary of Market Segment

General Marketing 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30

Sales & Marketing The National Marketing Plan Capital Improvements Mission & Sustainability Community Involvement Customer Comments Client Testimonials Future Outlook

stat e m e n t of

Purpose “The St. Charles Convention Center is dedicated to exceptional customer service, delivered with a warm and innovative approach.”

The customer is the most important visitor on our premises. Customers are not dependent on us; we are dependent on them. They are not an interruption of our work; but rather the purpose of it. They are not an outsider in our business; they are vital to it. We are not doing them a favor by serving them; they are doing us a favor by allowing us an opportunity to do so. The purpose of the St. Charles Convention Center is to consistently exceed our customers’ expectations. •

Live the “Golden Rule.”

Listen to them and their needs, no matter how small.

Think “yes” in all situations.

Conduct ourselves in a professional manner.

Respond to needs within 24 hours.

Remind staff that everyone plays a roll in selling the venue.

Provide an environment where staff are enthusiastic.

Empower employees to deal with issues and opportunities immediately.

message from the mayor Success, while highly desired, can be an elusive concept. In the business world it is measured in a number of ways: profit, client satisfaction, increased notoriety, respect, customer count, repeat business, etc. As Mayor of St. Charles, I recognize that no matter what component you use, the St. Charles Convention Center hits all the marks for success. Their high level of achievement is attributable to the great partnership between Spectra Venue Management, the City and the St. Charles County Convention and Sports Facility Authority. More importantly, it is a reflection of the quality standards set by the staff of Spectra Venue Management. I applaud them for their outstanding commitment to revenue growth and customer satisfaction. This achievement was also realized by the strong cooperation between Spectra Venue Management and the St. Charles Convention and Visitors Bureau. These impressive results could not have been achieved without the shared vision between these two outstanding organizations. In the past year, the Convention Center has achieved a high standard of success in many ways: • They have been recognized as one of St. Louis’ top workplaces • Spectra Venue Management continues to post record quarterly and annual results • The Center has achieved this continued growth results since its inception 10 years ago • Large events, like the Working Women’s Survival Show, return every year While this is a “team” effort, I would like to acknowledge two people. Shura Garnett, the Center’s former General Manager, was recently promoted to Division Senior Vice President for Spectra. This is a much deserved acknowledgement of Shura’s leadership and vision during her tenure at the Convention Center. Her imprint on the Center’s success is remarkable. We are also pleased Al Beltranena has been promoted from Assistant General Manager to General Manager of the St. Charles Convention Center. Al, who also oversees food and beverage operations at the Center, is highly respected for his achievements. I am confident Al will prove to be as much of an asset as Shura. I am proud that St. Charles is considered to be a premier destination for travelers throughout the United States. This has been achieved by our strong efforts in visitor marketing and superior facilities like the St. Charles Convention Center. On behalf of the citizens and council of the City of St. Charles, I want to extend my heartfelt congratulations and thanks to Spectra Venue Management and the people within that organization that serve our community. I am looking forward to another 10 years of success.


Sally A. Faith Mayor City of St. Charles, Missouri


message from the chairman The St. Charles Convention Center has once again proven its ability to compete in the St. Louis marketplace and create significant economic impact. While most convention centers across the United States struggle to contain operational deficits and exceed revenue projections, our management team has achieved what many only dream of achieving. Spectra Venue Management, formerly Global Spectrum, has, for the past 10 years, exceeded our expectations; 2015 was no exception. In fact, Spectra Venue Management ended 2015 with a new record by exceeding the budgeted revenues by $724,574 for a total revenue generation of $6,846,679, producing $352,546 in net income. This “in the black” performance is a metric many convention centers have not and will never obtain. These accomplishments in 2015 can be attributed to the management expertise of Ms. Shura Garnett and her team of exceptionally dedicated professionals. With Ms. Garnett’s well deserved promotion into corporate level management and Mr. Alvaro Beltranena taking over the reins as General Manager, we are confident that the template for success will continue. Since 2007, Mr. Beltranena has directly managed the food and beverage at the St. Charles Convention Center. Under his leadership, the revenues from food and beverage have significantly contributed to the Center’s revenue success. We feel his superb management skills will carry forward in his new role as General Manager and will continue to impress. Thank you to each member of the St. Charles Convention Center team who, through collaborative sales and management efforts with the Greater St. Charles Convention and Visitors Bureau team, reach these unparalleled achievements.


Tom Wapelhorst Chairman St. Charles County Convention & Sports Facility Authority


message from the director

Once again, in 2015, Shura Garnett and her team at the St. Charles Convention Center absolutely nailed it! Their efforts have resulted in extraordinary record-breaking accomplishments. As Shura moves into a new leadership capacity with Spectra Venue Management that will take her out of day-to-day operations of the Center, we want to thank her for her dedicated years of service to the facility and this community. Going forward, we are very excited to work with Al Beltranena and the rest of the Spectra team at the Convention Center as he steps up to take on the key General Manager responsibilities in 2016. Al is a true professional and we are extremely confident that his leadership and creativity will continue to offer our guests first-rate hospitality and world-class experiences. The St. Charles Convention Center’s commitment to excellence has helped make St. Charles a destination of choice. The facilities and service offered in our community are second to none. Together with the Spectra team at the Convention Center, we have successfully attracted meetings and conventions to St. Charles which fuel the local economy and serve as a catalyst for a thriving landscape that both visitors and residents enjoy throughout the year. This is clearly a partnership that works and we look forward to continuing to team up with the Convention Center and all of our hospitality partners to meet and exceed the expectations of each guest - one group at a time.


Joseph Ward Director St. Charles Convention & Visitors Bureau


message from the

message from the

general manager

former general manager

Spectra Venue Management is extremely proud of the accomplishments and success to date at the St. Charles Convention Center. The results yielded by the Convention Center are made possible by the dedication and effort of its employees. The valued partnership and commitment to excellence from the St. Charles County Convention and Sports Facilities Authority and the City of St. Charles has allowed the Convention Center staff to support the vision for this great venue by delivering outstanding service and profitable growth year after year.

The St. Charles Convention Center did indeed have a record setting year in 2015, generating a net profit of $352,546 and generating a record breaking 24,065 room nights for the community. These incredible successes are made possible as a result of the loyalty, hard work, dedication, and commitment of the staff at the Center, in partnership with a wonderful support system in the City of St. Charles and the St. Charles County Convention and Sports Facilities Authority. It has been my true privilege to be part of this outstanding operation as the General Manager for the last 12 years – thank you! I remember coming to St. Charles for the groundbreaking, putting the shovel in the dirt, and interviewing with former Mayor Patti York, former CVB President Steve Powell, and former Oversight Committee Chair Roger Pryor. Over the past few years I’ve been fortunate to work with Mayor Sally Faith; our contract administrator and CVB President Joe Ward; and our Oversight Committee Chair Tom Wapelhorst; along with several other professional members of the Oversight Committee. Thanks to all who have supported me and at times, tolerated me!

For five years in a row, we have operated at a net profit; with 2015 setting a new record of $352,546. Total gross revenue for the year was $724,574 ahead of budget, with a total of $6,846,679. Our in-house food and beverage operation set a new record as the primary source of revenue, contributing $3,991,463 or 58% of total revenue. These successes are attributed to our many loyal clients, the new relationships established during our existence, and every single member of our staff including former General Manager, Shura Garnett and her stellar leadership.

These active partnerships have been the backbone in developing one of the most successful convention centers in North America and one I am proud to have been a part of. It was with a mix of happiness, sadness, optimism, and regret I turned over the reins of the role as General Manager to Al Beltranena in order to allow me to make my next career move. Al will do a wonderful job going forward and has been training for this opportunity for more than three years. I will still be involved as Division Senior Vice President of Spectra and am thrilled to have my office in St. Charles.

We thank the St. Charles County Convention and Sports Facilities Authority and the City of St. Charles for their trust in allowing Spectra Venue Management to manage the St. Charles Convention Center and placing it as a premier convention and meeting destination nationwide as it enters its 11th year of operation. We look forward to a great 2016! Sincerely,

I look forward to seeing the many improvements Al will bring to the position and the many successes the Center will enjoy as a result of the sound decisions and future forward thinking of the Oversight Committee.

Al Beltranena General Manager St. Charles Convention Center

Congratulations to all on an outstanding year! It has been a wonderful time!

Shura Garnett, CFE Division Senior Vice President Spectra


Summ a ry of

Accomplishments In 2015, Spectra Venue Management continued to focus on “booking smarter” and securing events at the St. Charles Convention Center with the greatest impact. By targeting large, high attendance, and high revenue events, the facility hosted a record breaking 28 conventions. Spectra broke revenue and room night records and exceeded the operating budget set for the year by $436,049. Also notable, 2015 marked the fifth year in a row the facility operated at a net profit.

Breaking Records •

Highest Gross Revenue Year: 2015 ended with a record

Highest Audio Visual Revenue: The 2011 Audio Visual

$6,846,679 in gross revenue, surpassing the previous

Revenue Record was broken in 2015, with $594,967 in

record set in 2014 by $639,174.


Highest Year of Convention Revenue: The facility

Most Room Nights in Facility History: The long-

hosted 28 conventions in 2015, generating $2.1 million

standing 2006 record for room nights was finally broken

in revenue, surpassing 2014’s record by $300,000.

in 2015 with 24,065 total room nights booked creating

Highest Food & Beverage Revenue: The Convention

an economic impact of over $8.7 million for the City of

Center brought in $3,991,463 in Food & Beverage

St. Charles.

Revenue in 2015, a 19% increase over the previous record set in 2014.

Staff Achievements


be lt r a ne na

Ryan by rnes


Promoted by Spectra from

Promoted by Spectra from the

Received the StreetScape Magazine

Director of Food & Beverage and

Facilities Manager to the Operations

“Beyond the Best” Top 50 in

Assistant General Manager to


Business Award.

General Manager of the St. Charles Convention Center. 8


Notable Events •

10 Year Anniversary Celebration: In April 2015, the

Staff Trainings: The majority of Convention Center

Convention Center celebrated 10 years with an upscale

staff completed Tier One Tactical Solution’s “Active

anniversary party including a Chamber of Commerce

Killer Training.” In addition, all full-time staff completed

ribbon cutting, delicious food, acrobat, and more.

IAVM’s Crowd Manager Training.

Global Spectrum is now Spectra: In June 2015,

St. Louis’ Best Bridal Best of the Best Awards: The

Comcast Spectacor announced the merging of their

venue was a finalist in the “Wedding Reception Sites”

venue management, food and beverage, and ticketing


brands under one brand, Spectra.







The St. Charles Convention Center

Recognized by the St. Louis Post-

2015 marked the eighth year in a

won the “Convention Center”

Dispatch as a “Top Workplace,”

row the venue received the Facility &

award category for demonstrating

placing in the top 100 of over

Destinations Prime Site Award.

excellence in the management and

1,000 businesses in the St. Louis

operation of the venue.

metropolitan area.


signatu re

Events Conventions In 2015, the Convention Center hosted a record breaking 28 conventions, generating over $2.1 million in revenue. This market segment contributed to 67% of total room nights and 32% of total gross revenue. Notable conventions in 2015 include: •

Helena Chemical Company: One of the nation’s

foremost agricultural and specialty formulators and

resource of EducationPlus: One of the Center’s largest

distributors in the U.S., their products include fertilizers,

conventions, METC held their seventh conference at the

seed, crop protection, nutrients, as well as financial

facility in 2015. The three day event encompasses the

and agricultural services and software. The group was

entire building and brings in attendees from all over the

hosted at the Center for the sixth year and Starting Point

state. They are booked through 2018. •

was one of the largest conventions they’ve held at the •

METC (Missouri Education Technology Conference), a

National Geneological Society (NGS): This four-day

facility with over 760 attendees and 575 room nights.

conference held May 13-16, brought in 2,575 attendees

Midwest Grape & Wine plus Craft Brew Conference:

and 82 exhibitors. NGS generated nearly 2,700 room

This business to business conference and trade show,

nights, selling out every hotel in the St. Charles area.

returned for their fifth year in 2015. New to the event

This event alone created a direct spending impact of

this year was the Craft Beer Conference, featuring

approximately $970,000 for the City of St. Charles. •

workshops on craft beer and beer tastings. It was well attended by 1,200 people and garnered 750 room nights.

Solution Tree (PLC): Uniting educators for keynote presentations and interactive breakouts, this three day event was the fifth to be held at the facility, bringing in 1,600 attendees with over 1,200 room nights. PLC is booked through 2016 with space on hold through 2018.


Consumer Shows

Special Events

Consumer shows are the main contributor to event

World Wide Technology: One of our premier holiday

attendance numbers at the venue. In 2015, over 95,000

party clients, World Wide Technology returned for

people attended consumer shows at the St. Charles

the fourth year in 2015.

Convention Center, resulting in 35% of the overall attendance

the expanded Exhibit Hall in a “four season” theme,

at the facility. Some of our mainstay public events include:

utilizing the venue’s ability to decorate the space with

carpet, draping, props, and more. This upscale event

The Home Builders Association Home Shows: Hosted in

had various food and drink stations, a band, DJ, and

April and October, the Home Shows hosted over 10,400

several gathering and lounging areas for 1,300 guests.

attendees in the spring and 8,600 attendees in the fall.

These events feature top notch celebrity speakers and

successful to date with $7,563 in revenue and over

Lake of the Ozarks Boat Show: Hosted by the Marine

3,000 in attendance. This four hour in-house event

Dealers Association, the Lake of the Ozarks Boat Show

had fun activities for families, music and dancing, a

brings boats, other watercraft, and in 2015, over 4,200

performance by Disney’s Queen Elsa and Princess

attendees to the facility. •

Kids Block Party: Hosted by the St. Charles Convention Center, the ninth annual Kids Block Party was the most

the area’s top home improvement professionals. •

Their event transformed

Anna, Safety Street, vehicles for kids to interact with,

The St. Louis Working Women’s Survival Show:

and inflatables sponsored by local community partners.

Promoted as the “Ultimate Girl’s Day Out,” the show

uses the entire Convention Center. Melissa Joan

Talent on Parade: TOP is consistent repeat business for the Convention Center, hosting their regionals and

Hart, the actress from Melissa and Joey and Sabrina

nationals at the facility. Both events combined brought

the Teenage Witch, was the show’s Celebrity Guest.

in 7,000 attendees and over 1,000 room nights.

Working Women’s Survival Show featured food, fashion, fitness, and fun.


fa cilit y overvie w & o cc u pa nc y


The St. Charles Convention Center, proudly managed by

Occupancy Reports Exhibit Hall Junior Ballroom Meeting Rooms Grand Ballroom Overall

Greater St. Louis metro area. With 80,000 square feet of rentable, flexible space, the Center is an ideal choice for groups ranging from 10 to 3,000.


Upper Level Upper Level

* Air Wall Room

13,100 sq. ft.13,100 sq. ft.



* Air Wall SouthRoom

South Exhibit Hall Exhibit Hall


* - Indicates* -Meeting IndicatesRooms Meeting Rooms Dock

59% 56% 36% 51% 53%

Conference Conference Room Room

North North Exhibit Hall Exhibit Hall Air Wall D3 Grand Ballroom Grand Ballroom 16,200 sq. ft.16,200 sq. ft. D2 BA CB C




14,500 sq. ft.14,500 sq.Room ft.




Air Wall Room




Junior Ballroom Junior Ballroom Board Room

Board Room


bb y



bb y

6,025 sq. ft. 6,025 sq. ft. B C A D B C D

Cyber Cafe

Cyber Cafe



- 21 Meeting/Breakout - 21 Meeting/Breakout Rooms Rooms - 2 Covered- 2Loading Covered Docks Loading Docks - ADA Accessible - ADA Accessible






bb y


bb y

Lower Level Lower Level * - Indicates* -Meeting IndicatesRooms Meeting Rooms

Upper Level

Lower Level

Grand Ballroom: An elegant 16,200 square foot

Exhibit Hall: Boasts 27,600 square feet capable of

ballroom with the capability to be configured into six

expanding into the Junior Ballroom, creating 35,700

separate breakouts

square feet of contiguous space

York Conference Room: Hosts seating for up to 18

people •





Pre-function Pre-function D2

101 102 101 103 102 103




Spectra, is the finest full-service convention venue in the

Junior Ballroom: 6,025 square feet capable of configuration into four separate breakouts

Executive Board Room: Hosts seating for up to 22

Seven Meeting Rooms


Guest and Business Services Center


Or g a ni zat ion a l Or ga ni zational

Chart Chart

St. Charles County Convention & Sports Facility Authority

City of St. Charles

St. Charles Convention Center Oversight Committee

Joseph Ward

Contract Administrator

Chris Hyman

Alvaro Beltranena

Administrative Assistant

Katie Conoyer

Angie Teel

Director of Sales & Marketing

Kristin Bowen

Director of Event Services

Jason Givens

Event Manager

Julie Davinroy

Chardean Olsen

Courtney Greene

Connie Barber

Holly Wynkoop

Jennifer Nowack Catering Manager

Pamela Sanders Catering Manager

Roland Scheller Executive Chef

Paul Dunning

Christine Kelly

Loc Thanh Nguyen

Adam Thien

Sharon Robertson

Crystal Christeson

Maintenance Technician

Technology Manager

Jennifer Schonhoff Exhibitor Services/ Event Manager

Nancy Hunt

HR Coordinator & F&B Accountant

Chief Engineer

Archie Carty

Event Manager

Amy Dunning

Director of Finance

Travis Casteel

Administrative Assistant

Sales Manager

Catering Manager

Neil Sandage

Director of Operations

Diane Sutton

Marketing Manager

Sales Manager

General Manager

Maintenance Technician

Staff Accountant


Sous Chef

1st Cook

Stanley Walker

Ryan Byrnes

Exhibitor Services Coordinator

Food & Beverage Manager

Operations Manager

Jason Donato

Media Services Manager

Aaron Hall

Mark Kandlbinder

Lead Facility Specialist

Tulio Cruz

Media Services Coordinator

Facility Specialist

Andrew Herbert

Debbie Woods

Media Services Technician

Housekeeping Supervisor


Abe Mendez

Scott Condor

Lead Facility Specialist

Assistant Food & Beverage Manager

Robin Chase

Debbie Johnson

Facility Specialist

Mike Middendorf Security OďŹƒcer

Banquet Captain

Cathy Wise

Banquet Captain

Updated 2.22.16


Helping Hands for the Holidays

In Review

IAVM Venue Excellence Award accepted by Angie

Chardean “Beyond the Best” Winner

Julie’s Baby Shower

Jennifer’s Wedding Reception at the SCCC!


Jennifer’s Baby Shower

Fall Festival

Winning Team

Bowling Party

10 Year Anniversary Party

Holiday Party 2015


We Love St. Charles Backpack Shopping

o ur


Greater St. Charles Convention & Visitors Bureau

Embassy Suites St. Louis St. Charles Hotel

Spectra and the Greater St. Charles Convention and Visitors

The attached Embassy Suites Hotel is an award winning, all-

Bureau constantly work in tandem to solicit the best business

suite, 296 room facility managed by John Q. Hammons and

for the facility. Together their goals are to earn revenues for

is connected to the Convention Center on both the upper

the Center, bring in out-of-town guests to generate room

and lower levels. This attached property has proven valuable

nights for local hotels, and maximize the overall economic

in attracting groups needing large, flexible meeting space

impact to the City of St. Charles.

with an adjacent full-service hotel. Spectra and the Embassy Suites staff work jointly in securing business that utilizes

Both CVB and Convention Center representatives commonly

space at both properties.

attend trade shows and events together and are both involved in FAM trips and site tours of the facility for long-term business prospecting and booking. Clients can coordinate with the CVB to explore Historic Main Street and the thriving tourism community here in St. Charles.


Hospitality Partners The St. Charles hospitality industry consists of 15 limited-service hotels and two full-service hotels. The total room inventory is over 2,100 rooms from 17 hotels with over one fourth of those rooms from hotels that are within walking distance of the Convention Center. The staff at the Convention Center continues to foster relationships with these hospitality partners to secure pieces of business for the facility and surrounding industry partners.

Sponsors, Advertisers, & Other Partners In an effort to better serve our clients, relationships have been forged with a variety of business partners. In addition to a vested business interest within the facility through direct product offerings, signage, and exposure, many of these sponsors also exist to provide additional marketing support for the facility and events.


how you d oin’ ?


How You Doin’? is a Spectra-based customer service initiative which ensures our clients and visitors are welcomed enthusiastically and well cared for during their visit. The program empowers our staff to go above and beyond to make sure every visitor leaves with a positive impression of the Center and the staff is recognized for delivery of exceptional service.

2015 Employee of the Year

Kristin Bowen

The How You Doin’? Program is the corporate culture at the St. Charles Convention Center and is the driving reason behind our exceptional survey scores, excellent testimonial letters, and positive work environment.

2015 Quarterly Winners Kristin Bowen

Both clients and employees receive How You Doin’? cards

Holly Wynkoop

to recognize Convention Center employees when an

Chardean Olsen

instance of exceptional service is observed. Each month,

Andrew Herbert

the employee with the most cards becomes “Employee of

Jason Givens

the Month.” Each quarter, the executive team selects two

Debbie Woods

employees who best exemplify the How You Doin’? Top 10

Chris Kelly


Chris Hyman

2015 Monthly Winners January: Sharon Robertson February: Mike Middendorf March: Cathy Wise April: Holly Wynkoop May: Sharon Robertson

1. Customer First

6. Positive Attitude

2. Golden Rule

7. 24 Hour Rule

3. Listen

8. Everybody Sells

4. Think “Yes”

9. Enthusiasm

5. Be Professional

10. Do it Now!

June: Ken Kasper July: Andrew Herbert August: Adam Thien September: Shante Buersmeyer October: Daniel Keen November: Ken Kasper December: Chris Hyman



Surveys key: Facility Management & Facility Staff Food & Beverage Audio/Visual IT & Telecom Overall

Space Met Your Needs Environment Comfortable Space Set in Manner Requested Public Space/Restroom Clean Sales Manager Event Manager Security Staff Professional Housekeeping Professional

The St. Charles Convention Center distributes surveys seeking feedback on clients’ event experiences at the conclusion of each event. On a scale

Overall Impression of Staff Catering Manager F&B Service Staff

of 1 to 5, the facility achieved a 4.82

Overall F&B Quality

overall survey average across all

Overall F&B Presentation


Overall F&B Service A/V Staff Professional

Average Score

Per category on a scale of 1 to 5 4.85 Facility 4.85 Management & Facility Staff 4.77 Food & Beverage 4.76 Audio/Visual 4.66 IT & Telecom 4.82 Overall

A/V Staff Responsive Quality of A/V Equipment Telecom Contact Professional Telecom Staff Professional Quality of Telecom Equipment Overall Satisfaction Overall Rating of Facility Experience 4.0



j anua ry 1, 2015 - dec e m be r 31, 2015

Financial Performance Actual



Rental Revenue




Service Revenue




Ancillary Revenue










Event Expenses








Operating Expenses











Other Revenue

Total Gross Operating Revenue Expenses

Total Expenses Net Income (Loss)

Spectra’s trend of surpassing budget and feasibility expectations continued in 2015. A new record was set for gross revenue, exceeding $6.8 million. For the fifth year in a row Spectra operated the St. Charles Convention Center at a net profit.


s umm a ry of

Market Segments Event Type

events by type




Consumer Show









Special Event



Trade Show



Event Type




Consumer Show









Special Event



Trade Show



265,737 Room Nights





Consumer Show









Special Event



Trade Show



Total: Event Type

24,065 Gross Revenue







Consumer Show







Special Event



Trade Show





Attendance #


Event Type

event gross revenue



room nights by type



attendance by type

# of Events


s ales &

Marketing Advertising

Online Marketing

Throughout 2015, ads were strategically placed in both local

From website analytics to social media, the Convention

and regional publications, including online and print media.

Center saw significant online growth in 2015. With two

Advertisements were placed in Facilities and Destinations,

years past since the new website and Google Analytics

Facility Manager, Meetings Focus, Midwest Meetings,

were launched, the facility now has the ability to compare

Missouri Meetings and Events, St. Louis Business Journal, St.

year-over-year website analytics. The growth from 2014 to

Louis Post Dispatch, Small Business Monthly, and more. The

2015 was remarkable with a 74% increase in sessions, 84%

facility also continues to partner with the St. Charles CVB,

increase in users, and a 146% increase in page views. Also

leveraging allocated advertising dollars to target local and

notable, online reviews saw an increase. At the conclusion

regional meeting, convention, and trade show events.

of 2014, only one Google Review was posted for the venue; by the end of 2015, nine Google Reviews were posted.

To stay relevant in the St. Louis bridal market, Spectra

Consistent with overall trends, the Convention Center’s

partnered with St. Louis Best Bridal, a client that hosts

website saw a 19% increase in mobile use year-over-year.

two bridal shows per year at the Convention Center. This

Consequently, a dynamic mobile website was approved

on-going partnership included presence in their print

for build in late 2015 and was launched in early 2016. The

publications, listings in online marketplaces, custom eBlasts,

update will significantly improve the mobile user’s website

and participation in their 2015 St. Louis area bridal shows.

experience as well as the facility’s SEO.

Additionally, the Center was a sponsor of the Best Bridal “Groom’s Cake Dive” at Busch Stadium.

Social media was utilized more heavily, as the marketing department committed to 2-3 posts per week on average

The sales department participated in multiple trade shows

for Facebook and Twitter. Facebook Page likes saw a 17%

and sales blitzes, delivering information to targeted markets

increase in 2015 and Twitter followers saw a 30% increase.

and clients. Trade shows attended include ASAE Annual

The Convention Center also relied heavily on social media

Meeting, iMEX America, MSAE Fun Fest, Joint Meeting

for promoting the 2015 Kids Block Party, opting to allocate

Planners Trade Show, and Missouri Meetings & Events Expo.

more marketing dollars toward Facebook with an $800 spend on Facebook ads (a $300 increase over the previous

Public Relations

year) that promoted the largest Kids Block Party to date. The

The marketing department always looks for ways to garner

campaign reached over 100,000 people within a designated radius of the facility and garnered over 1,900 website clicks.

positive PR regarding facility news and events. Notable stories that created positive press for the facility in 2015 included a record-breaking event, first quarter, and year; St. Charles Convention Center celebrates 10 years; and the venue’s Top Workplaces Award and IAVM Venue Excellence Award.


t he national

Marketing Plan The National Marketing Plan is Spectra’s corporate-based advertising initiative that allows the Center to have advertising exposure at a national level for a reduced cost. The total value of the program in 2015 was $230,000 and the Center was represented in all components for an annual investment of only $11,450.



The St. Charles Convention Center receives exposure in

The Center receives exposure in the reoccurring eNews blast

the cooperative advertising program, which is valued at

to industry contacts, including meeting and event planners.

$50,000 annually. This includes venue listings in two page

It allows us to promote our hot dates and discounted

spreads and/or full page ads in publications such as Trade

rates and feature our venue in regional spotlights. This

Show Executive, Small Market Meetings, and Facilities and

also includes our venue listing in the digital and printed

Destinations, plus the ability to purchase exclusive SCCC ads

Convention Center brochure, which is distributed at industry

at reduced costs.

trade show events and promoted interactively online.

GPS Database

Trade Shows

Spectra sales staff at the venue have access to the GPS

St. Charles is represented in the National Trade Show

database of over 20,000 contacts for prospecting and lead

Program, which is valued at over $80,000. For relevant

sharing. If another Spectra venue has a piece of business

shows in certain markets, sales staff at the SCCC have the

that would work well in our market, the lead is routed

ability to attend shows in the Spectra booth. This year SCCC

properly through this system to be prospected here locally.

was represented at iMEX, ASAE, and IAEE Expo! Expo!


ca pita l



Event Services

Parking Lot: All parking lots and drive lanes were

Wireless Upgrades: Additional wireless access arrays

resurfaced with concrete, with the exception of Lot

were purchased to add more capacity to our wireless

C, which will be completed in 2016. Multiple lots also


received additional drainage tile to divert more rain water into storm sewers. •

Food & Beverage

Junior Ballroom Lighting: Chandeliers were added to

the Junior Ballroom and LED lights were purchased

Tucson swirl tables were purchased for buffets and

to replace all down lights. Additionally, new lighting

breaks as well as serving ware, delivering improved

controls were purchased, allowing control of the new

presentation for the facility’s food selections.

digital lights. •

Buffet Tables & Serving Ware: Additional aluminum

Security Cameras: The facility purchased additional security cameras to use as mobile or temporary CCTV during trade show events held in meeting rooms, allowing increased security for clients with high value items.


mission &

Sustainability Mission The Spectra Team at the St. Charles Convention Center is committed to promoting environmental responsibility and sustainability. Our goal is to offer outstanding quality of service and mitigate impact on the natural environment. By creating awareness of environmental impacts, we strive to minimize waste through programs designed to reduce and ultimately recycle the consumable materials we utilize at our facility. Through Spectra’s company-wide STEP UP Program, the St. Charles Convention Center has become a leader in employing and promoting environmentally responsible, equitable, and sustainable practices. Spectra is dedicated to supporting efforts and management practices for the long term benefit of the environment so people can work, play, and live in healthy, ecologically-friendly facilities.

Green Initiatives The St. Charles Convention Center staff is dedicated to reducing its environmental impact by saving energy, reducing, reusing, and recycling. In 2015, a total of 33.91 tons were recycled at the facility, a 5.6% increase over the previous year. In addition, 27,855 pounds were composted; contributing to a total of 109,509 pounds of composting over the past five years. In 2015, the Convention Center updated the sustainability plan, added front-of-house recycling containers, and recycled electronic devices and old lighting fixtures. Additionally, plant containers were placed on the upper dock, allowing the Convention Center to grow herbs.


comm uni t y

Involvement Charity Committee

Helping Hands for the Holidays

The St. Charles Convention Center’s Charity

The seventh annual Helping Hands for the Holidays (HHH) charity event

Committee organizes the Center’s community

was hosted on December 17, 2015. This community outreach event is

efforts. The Charity Committee encourages

one of the largest in the area and is designed to assist those in-need

staff to participate in, or donate to, charitable

within our community.

events including Helping Hands for the Holidays, Jeans Days, and more.

Fundraisers In 2015, the Charity Committee implemented nine Jeans Days, two Jeans Weeks and the Fall Festival as a means to raise funds for charities including Our Lady’s Inn, We Love St. Charles, The Child Center, and Helping Hands for the Holidays. Through employee donations and building matched contributions, $1,485 was raised throughout the year, a 70% increase over 2014.

Highlights from this year’s Helping Hands event include: •

Served over 1,600 meals, making this year’s event the largest attended event in HHH history

Administered 138 flu shots, administered eye check-ups for children, and distributed information on additional assistance options

Gave away over 800 winter coats, hats, gloves, scarves, and blankets

Gave away over 600 books donated by the St. Charles City-County Library Foundation

Collected and distributed over 2,000 personal care items

Took over 200 photos with Santa

Transported individuals and families in need of a ride from six pickup points in St. Charles County



Comments “The SCCC is my first choice for off-site company meetings. I can always count on first rate service from the staff and the facility is beautiful. I received a number of compliments on the event from attendees.”

Kelly Kirchoff

“I couldn’t be more satisfied in the end result and I would definitely recommend the St. Charles Convention Center to anyone looking for an elegant reception or event venue.”

Neosha Franklin Hayes/Franklin Wedding

Essence Healthcare

“The weekend was a huge success, thank you for helping make our event one to remember!”

Kari Montgomery jBloom Designs

“All were great! Everyone did a great job as usual. We look forward to coming back. I especially appreciate that security does more than stand around. They were helpful with doors and getting us carts etc. It’s the little things that go a long way!”

Sue Burnet LP Building Corp.

“Everyone we encountered was wonderful to work with. No improvements needed - everything was great. Thank you so much for everything - it was wonderful to meet and work with your entire team!”

Kaitlin Walker

SSM Pediatric Emergency Management “The Chef you have is AMAZING. There has not been one person when talking about our wedding that hasn’t mentioned the food. We had numerous people tell us that was the best wedding food they’ve ever had, by far. Every food item we had from the appetizers, to the entree, to the late night snacks and desserts, was absolutely delicious.”

Callie Bauer

Gerding/Bauer Wedding

“All are courteous, patient, professional and accommodating. You guys do an excellent job for us every year and we appreciate it.”

Ryan Kincaid Schnuck’s


“Another Wonderful Experience!!”

Bob Steffes Columbia College

“Your organization exceeded our expectations. The facility was excellent, and the support from your staff was excellent as well. All participants I spoke with were pleased with the hearing venue and services. Thanks for your support.”

Len Meier

Alton Field Division





futur e

Outlook Desired State

Future Outlook

The facility started 2015 with more revenue on the books

The sales team will continue to solicit, make outside

than ever before. In addition to that success, the facility

sales calls, and entertain contacts with local corporate,

still managed to come into 2016 with $85,000 more on

association, and government markets. The SCCC Team

the books than 2015. Budgeted gross revenue for 2016

plans to go on monthly local sales calls and quarterly sales

has increased to $6,435,000, over a 6% increase from the

missions with the CVB.

previous year’s budget of $6,054,105. Conventions are the main focus for future years, allowing As mentioned above, the Convention Center started 2016

the facility to fill the calendar with larger business associated

with a slight increase in revenue on the books compared to

with group rooms. As of February 2016, there are 17

2015 ($3,550,393 vs. $3,465,044). Of those revenues, 63%

conventions definite for 2016 with 8,110 room nights, 12

are in the first six months of year, which allows adequate

definite for 2017 (5,980 rooms), three definite for 2018

time to book Q3 and Q4 business. The Convention Center

(2,000 rooms), two for 2019 (2,225 rooms); and one for

is projecting to meet or exceed its annual benchmark once

2020 (785 rooms). One is firm for 2016 (430 rooms) and

again in 2016.

four are firm for 2017 (2,300 rooms). From 2017 and on, several large conventions are in tentative status with over

Based on 2015, estimated total revenues are based on the

13,000 rooms.

following event mix this year: •

26% Conventions

The sales team will continue to work hard to find the right

15% Consumer Shows

events to fill the open dates available by essentially “booking

20% Meetings

smarter” and asking the right questions. All departments

20% Banquets

will continue to provide outstanding customer service to

10% Special Events

assist in creating strong client relationships to add to the

9% Trade Shows

facility’s strong repeat client base. The Convention Center can achieve success in meeting goals for the year through

As of the beginning of February 2016, 16,280 total room

a systematic approach in finding the right events for the

nights are definite for the year with another 2,300 in

available dates in 2016 as well as how well the sales team

tentative and firm status. Conventions will continue to be a

continues to book future years.

focus for future years, allowing the calendar to be saturated with larger business associated with room nights, as well as mid-week trade shows to fill the Exhibit Hall in hopes of increasing occupancy.


One Convention Center Plaza St. Charles, MO 63303 Local: 636.669.3000 Toll Free: 877.896.SCCC StCharlesConventionCenter.com



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