Entrepreneurs In The Spotlight- June 2024

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JUNE 2024




G A M E - C H A N G E R S , B U T


Y O U R P R O F E S S I O N A L J O U R N E Y ?

Dr. Saundra Wall Williams


Managing Upward: Mentorship and Sponsorship as Career Development Strategies

Mentorship and sponsorship are two essential forms of support that can help you advance in your career – regardless of your level or industry. While they are often used interchangeably, there are some critical differences between them.

Mentorship involves a more informal relationship in which a more experienced individual provides guidance, advice, and support to a mentee. This may involve regular meetings or check-ins, and the focus is often on helping the mentee develop specific skills or knowledge. A mentor may be someone who works within the same organization as the mentee, or they may be someone from outside the organization who has expertise in a particular area.

Sponsorship involves a more formal relationship in which a sponsor actively advocates for the career advancement of the person they are sponsoring. This may involve recommending the person for promotions, assignments, or other opportunities and speaking on their behalf to decision-makers. Sponsors are typically in a position of influence within an organization and can provide tangible support to the person they are sponsoring.

Both mentorship and sponsorship can be valuable resources for you as you look to advance in your career, and it is often helpful to have both types of support.

What is a mentor?

Why do I need a mentor for my career?

Mentorship is a professional, working alliance in which individuals work together over time to support the personal and professional growth, development, and success of the relational partners through the provision of career and psychosocial support.

Mentorship is a Career Development Strategy.

How do I position myself for a mentor and a sponsor?


Future mentors or sponsors must see you in action. Form and nurture professional and personal relationships. "Raise your hand" for exposure opportunities. Know your value and make your value visible. Have a personal vision for your career.

12 Keys for a Productive Mentor-Mentee Relationship

1. Discuss challenges from a place of experience.

2. Keep things professional.

3. Be compassionately direct with feedback.

4. Make it a win-win professional relationship.

5. Prioritize checking in with each other.

6. Have specific questions.

7. Establish clear boundaries.

8. Listen.

9. Only participate in a mentoring program if you can make the relationship a priority.

10. Develop a relationship of trust.

11. Show each other respect.

12. Understand the difference between a mentor and a sponsor.

. . .
you for the opportunity to work with you today.
you have any questions or if I can help you with anything else, please don't hesitate to contact me. I am committed to working with you to support you and your organization in leadership training, mentoring, and coaching. Dr. Saundra Wall Williams Leadership Mentor, Coach, and Trainer CEO, WMS Leadership Consulting and Training drsaundra@drsaundraonline.com LinkedIn - Dr. Saundra Wall Williams Phone - 984-888-8591

R E A S O F :

L e a d e r s h i p D e v e l o p m e n t f o r

W o m e n

C a r e e r D e v e l o p m e n t f o r

W o m e n

S t r e n g t h s B a s e d L e a d e r s h i p

P r o f e s s i o n a l G r o w t h a n d

D e v e l o p m e n t S t r a t e g i e s

B o a r d M e m b e r T e c h n o l o g y

D e v e l o p m e n t

W o m e n i n M i n i s t r y

L e a d e r s h i p D e v e l o p m e n t

W o m e n ’ s L i f e s t y l e

M a n a g e m e n t

P e r s o n a l V i s i o n B u i l d i n g

P r o f e s s i o n a l a n d P e r s o n a l

R e s i l i e n c e

L e a d e r s h i p T r a i n i n g a n d

D e v e l o p m e n t

M e n t o r s h i p T r a i n i n g a n d

D e v e l o p m e n t

Connect with Dr. Saundra www.DrSaundraSpeaks.com Facebook www.facebook.com/drsaundraspeaks LinkedIn Saundra Wall Williams

D R . S A U N D R A W A L L W I L L I A M S # D R S A U N D R A S P E A K
C O A C H I N G ,
R I N G , S P


F O R M O R E T I P S , G O T O : w w w . c o l l e c t t h e c a s h . b i z / b o o k 5 5
1 b y c r e a t i n g a s y s t e m t o k n o w h o w m a n y s a l e s y o u h a v e a n d h o w m u c h m o n e y i s o w e d . T o s t a r t o r r e f i n e t h i s p r o c e s s , u s e s y s t e m s u c h a s E x c e l , Q u i c k b o o k s , o r o t h e r s . 5 T I P S T O C O L L E C T T H E C A S H Track your cash flow

Build confidence

2 5 T I P S T O C O L L E C T T H E C A S H b y i d e n t i f y i n g t h e s m a l l e s t d e b t s o w e d . T h i s s e t s y o u u p f o r a q u i c k w i n . T h i s w i l l h e l p y o u a n d y o u r t e a m c o n q u e r t h e l a r g e r a c c o u n t s l a t e r .

Schedule reminders

"If you want to ensure that you receive payments on time, reminders are good customer service but a tedious, high-maintenance function."

u s i n g a u t o m a t i c s o f t w a r e b e f o r e p a y m e n t i s d u e a n d a f t e r p a y m e n t i s r e c e i v e d .
MAKE IT MAKE IT EASY EASY TO PAY TO PAY 4 5 T I P S T O C O L L E C T T H E C A S H ACH/EFT Cash Credit Cards Electronic Apps Paypal Square v a r i o u s w a y s t o c o l l e c t p a y m e n t s f r o m y o u r c u s t o m e r s s u c h a s : Establish

"The fortune is in the follow-up."

f o r t h e p r o d u c t s a n d s e r v i c e s p r o v i d e d . R e m e m b e r y o u a r e i n b u s i n e s s t o m a k e m o n e y . Get paid

C o l l e c t t h e C a s h :

C o l l e c t t h e C a s h :

T h e s a l e i s n o t

c o m p l e t e u n t i l

t h e m o n e y i s i n

t h e b a n k .

Meet Dr. Dee Bowden

I recover money for small and medium sized companies that have outstanding invoices and no plan to Collect the Cash. I teach business owners how to stop leaving money on the table by learning 3 Keys: Problem Solving, Customer Service and Gratitude. I know firsthand that recovering the lost AR can be one of the biggest cash flow infusions in your business when it’s done right. Now, if you want to improve your company’s cash flow and reduce the money leaks,

let’s talk!

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Who Qualifies & Getting Started

Who Qualifies & Getting Started

Who Qualifies & Getting Started

One Fast and Easy Application

One Fast and Easy Application

Who Qualifies & Getting Started

Our streamlined, online application lets you apply for both the bank term loan and the SBA loan at the same time. The SmartBiz bank network matches you with the bank most likely to approve your application. Nearly 90% of the loans referred to bank partners get approved!

Our streamlined, online application lets you apply for both the bank term loan and the SBA loan at the same time. The SmartBiz bank network matches you with the bank most likely to approve your application. Nearly 90% of the loans referred to bank partners get approved!

One Fast and Easy Application

One Fast and Easy Application

Business Characteristics

Business Characteristics

Personal Characteristics

Our streamlined, online application lets you apply for both the bank term loan and the SBA loan at the same time. The SmartBiz bank network matches you with the bank most likely to approve your application. Nearly 90% of the loans referred to bank partners get approved!

2 years in business

US Based business

2 years in business

Business Characteristics

Cash flow to support loan payments (verified with tax returns)

Business Characteristics

US Based business Cash flow to support loan payments (verified with tax returns)

2 years in business

2 years in business

US Based business

US Based business

Cash flow to support loan payments

(verified with tax returns)

Cash flow to support loan payments (verified with tax returns)

The entire team that I worked with did a first class job. Communication was on point, I was in the loop every step of the way. Glad I chose SmartBiz for our

The entire team that I worked with did a first class job. Communication was on point, I was in the loop every step of the way. Glad I chose SmartBiz for our SBA needs.

-Mike M

The entire team that I worked with did a first class job. Communication was on point, I was in the loop every step of the way. Glad I chose SmartBiz for our SBA needs.

The entire team that I worked with did a first class job. Communication was on point, I was in the loop every step of the way. Glad I chose SmartBiz for our SBA needs.

-Mike M

-Mike M

Personal Characteristics

Our streamlined, online application lets you apply for both the bank term loan and the SBA loan at the same time. The SmartBiz bank network matches you with the bank most likely to approve your application. Nearly 90% of the loans referred to bank partners get approved!

No bankruptcies, judgments or foreclosures in the last 3 years

Personal Characteristics

No outstanding tax liens

No bankruptcies, judgments or foreclosures in the last 3 years

Personal Characteristics

No outstanding tax liens

No bankruptcies, judgments or foreclosures in the last 3 years

No outstanding tax liens

No bankruptcies, judgments or foreclosures in the last 3 years

No outstanding tax liens

It was a smooth experience working with SmartBiz, they kept updating me all the time and made me feel valued. That was the best experience to me, ever, with any banking institution.


It was a smooth experience working with SmartBiz, they kept updating me all the time and made me feel valued. That was the best experience to me, ever, with any banking institution.

It was a smooth experience working with SmartBiz, they kept updating me all the time and made me feel valued. That was the best experience to me, ever, with any banking institution.

It was a smooth experience working with SmartBiz, they kept updating me all the time and made me feel valued. That was the best experience to me, ever, with any banking institution.


affiliate link for which we may be compensated for

"Entrepreneurs In The Spotlight" Magazine Thrives in the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem

Networking Success: Highlighting Entrepreneurs


/EINPresswire.com/ -- Amidst the innovative Entrepreneurship landscape, "Entrepreneurs In The Spotlight" digital magazine is emerging as a resounding success within the entrepreneurial ecosystem.

With a steadfast commitment to authenticity and editorial integrity, "Entrepreneurs In The Spotlight" is a beacon for showcasing innovative minds' stories, journeys, and successes across various industries.

As the magazine gains momentum, it's becoming a vital platform for both emerging and established Entrepreneurs nationwide, providing them with unparalleled exposure within the entrepreneurial community.

Leveraging access to over 2 million fellow members in various Business Networking groups, the magazine is proving to be a momentous success from the boutique Marketing and PR Agency, JB Tyler Marketing & Consulting, LLC, which is located in the Durham/ Research Triangle Park area

People Will Forget What You Said, They Will Forget What You Did, But They Will Never Forget How You Made Them Feel.”

Dr. George C. Fraser of North Carolina.


Within the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem:

•  Growing Influence: With each issue, the magazine's influence continues to expand, presenting Entrepreneurs with a powerful platform to connect with a diverse audience of like-minded individuals and industry leaders. "Entrepreneurs In The Spotlight" is swiftly establishing itself as an integral part of the entrepreneurial ecosystem, offering Entrepreneurs a prime

Sharon Ragin CPA LLC on the Front Cover

opportunity to amplify their reach and impact

•  Elevated Visibility: Collaborating with JB Tyler Marketing & Consulting has elevated Entrepreneurs' visibility within the entrepreneurial community, positioning them for greater opportunities and partnerships, by being highlighted in the magazine. The magazine is exposed to over 2M fellow members within various business networking groups. The magazine is digital, which has proven to be a game-changer for those seeking to build collaborations and networks outside their local areas.

Benefits Gained by Entrepreneurs:

•  Opportunity to Share Their Stories: Entrepreneurs have been encouraged to share their unique stories, experiences, and insights with readers. Whether budding startup founders or seasoned business owners, their narratives are valued contributions to the magazine's vibrant tapestry of Entrepreneurship.

Power Networking Experience & Expo July 10-13

•  Business Promotion: Besides featuring Entrepreneurs, the magazine has offered advertising opportunities to showcase products and services to a targeted audience of fellow Entrepreneurs, Professionals, and Small Business Owners. They have partnered with Networking groups to further promote those they serve, such as the Power Networking Experience & Expo, where the Honorable Hakeem Jeffries, Leader of the House Democratic Caucus, will be speaking at the Charlotte Convention Center, along with the Creator of the event, Dr. George C. Fraser, President & Co-Host Delano A. Johnson, and many other wellknown VIP Presenters, Power Mentors and Power Coaches. This event will be held from July 1013, 2024.

More Information:

Join us in celebrating the spirit of Entrepreneurship and contributing to the vibrant tapestry of success stories within the Entrepreneurial ecosystem.

About "Entrepreneurs In The Spotlight":

"Entrepreneurs In The Spotlight" is a thriving digital magazine celebrating Entrepreneurs' diverse stories and successes nationwide. With a steadfast commitment to authenticity and editorial excellence, the digital magazine catalyzes empowering Entrepreneurs to share their journeys, forge meaningful connections, and inspire others within the Entrepreneurial community.

The digital magazine is published by Editor, CMO and Owner, Glenna Gonzalez, CEO of JB Tyler Marketing & Consulting, LLC. While Glenna has a remarkably diverse background, she has always

supported Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners in the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem. Having worked for Fortune 500 companies, she has proven to be a hard charger and dedicated professional. She can be reached at pr@glennagonzalez.com

Glenna Gonzalez

JB Tyler Marketing & Consulting, LLC

+1 919-727-4225


Visit us on social media: X LinkedIn




This press release can be viewed online at: https://www.einpresswire.com/article/716678039 EIN Presswire's priority is source transparency. We do not allow opaque clients, and our editors try to be careful about weeding out false and misleading content. As a user, if you see something we have missed, please do bring it to our attention. Your help is welcome. EIN Presswire, Everyone's Internet News Presswire™, tries to define some of the boundaries that are reasonable in today's world. Please see our Editorial Guidelines for more information. © 1995-2024 Newsmatics Inc. All Right Reserved.

Celebrating Innovation: Introducing 'Entrepreneurs in The Spotlight' Magazine with Visionary Business Leaders Nationally

Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners Highlighted From Across the Country


/EINPresswire.com/ -- JB Tyler Marketing & Consulting, LLC is passionate about championing the voices of visionary entrepreneurs who are reshaping industries and catalyzing change. Their platform, ‘Entrepreneurs in The Spotlight,’ serves as a dedicated stage to honor the extraordinary journeys of these pioneers, ensuring their invaluable contributions receive the recognition they merit. The CEO, Glenna Gonzalez, staunchly believes in every entrepreneur’s narrative power and is committed to empowering them with the visibility and resources necessary for success. They shed light on the diverse and inspirational stories fueling today's business landscape through captivating profiles and insightful features. Explore their burgeoning blog at www.glennagonzalez.com to dive deeper into these compelling narratives. On the Home page is an inaugural edition of this month’s magazine, ‘Entrepreneurs in The Spotlight.’

Front Cover of Entrepreneurs In The Spotlight- April 2024

Becoming a part of this vibrant community opens doors to unmatched exposure, networking, and avenues for personal and professional development. Whether one is searching for inspiration, collaborative opportunities, or eager to share their entrepreneurial voyage,

If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else.”

‘Entrepreneurs in The Spotlight’ provides an energetic platform to highlight stories and engage with a worldwide audience of like-minded individuals, investors, and potential collaborators. Embracing the entrepreneurial ethos alongside JB Tyler Marketing & Consulting means joining a movement that champions innovation,

perseverance, and the unwavering quest for achievement.

Some of the Entrepreneurs Featured in April’s issue are as follows:

Ambassador Suzan Johnson Cook, CEO of the Global Black Women's Chamber of Commerce

Ambassador Suzan Johnson Cook, CEO of the Global Black Women's Chamber of Commerce, is a third-generation business owner and the driving force behind Charisma Speakers, the sole global professional speaker’s bureau led by a Black woman. Through her visionary leadership, she founded the Chamber, which is dedicated to empowering women in the global workforce. With unwavering dedication, the organization has blossomed into a thriving network, offering support and connections to countless international entrepreneurs, and shaping a narrative of female empowerment. A White House Fellow from the classes of ’93 and ’94, Ambassador Suzan has served alongside two U.S. Presidents and three members of the Cabinet. She provides invaluable expertise as a faith advisor and analyst in both domestic and foreign policy.

Sharon Ragin, CEO of Sharon Ragin CPA, LLC

Sharon Ragin, CEO of Sharon Ragin CPA, LLC, is not just a Certified Public Accountant and Certified Forensic Examiner with a Master’s in Taxation; she's an inspiring force and influential figure in the entrepreneurial world. Holding licenses as a CPA, realtor, and insurance agent, Sharon's expertise spans various domains. A proud graduate of Georgia State University and the University of Maryland, College Park, she brings a wealth of knowledge to her work and boasts over four decades of experience.

Based in Conyers, Georgia, Sharon's firm is renowned for providing top-notch accounting, tax, and consulting services to many clients, including Fortune 500 companies, small businesses, churches, non-profit organizations, and individuals. Yet, her impact transcends the professional realm. Sharon is deeply committed to empowering families through entrepreneurship, education, and life skills resources. She believes in the potential of entrepreneurship and education as pathways to a brighter future.

Actively engaged in her community, Sharon established the Soaring Eagles Training and Development Corporation, a 501c(3) nonprofit dedicated to empowering women and youth locally, nationally, and globally. Through initiatives like offering financial resources, paid internships, tuition assistance, and life skill resources, the organization supports students pursuing post-secondary degrees in accounting and finance, leaving a legacy of empowerment and opportunity.

Wayne Angel, Owner of Franchise Angels, LLC

Wayne Angel, the proprietor of Franchise Angels, LLC, specializes in guiding individuals through discovering, evaluating, and financing small business opportunities throughout the United States

and Canada. His recent successes include facilitating placements in various sectors such as Food Service, Health & Wellness, Staffing, Home Services, Retail, Commercial Cleaning, and Vending businesses. Wayne's hands-on approach ensures that each client receives personalized attention to secure the ideal business venture.

With a background in Civil Engineering and an MBA degree, Wayne possesses the expertise and acumen necessary for making strategic decisions. Furthermore, his real estate license in Georgia amplifies his ability to navigate and contribute to real estate and home services, further enriching his capability to serve his clientele.

These pioneers exemplify entrepreneurship, displaying resilience, innovation, and an unwavering commitment to excellence. Their stories serve as powerful proof of how vision and perseverance shape business trajectories. We congratulate our showcased entrepreneurs and express deep gratitude for allowing us to share their inspiring journeys. As we persist in highlighting our community's diverse talents and narratives, we eagerly anticipate inspiring countless others to embark on their own unique entrepreneurial paths. The magazine, ‘Entrepreneurs in The Spotlight,’ will be published monthly with business owner profiles and advertising opportunities for anyone seeking to grow their businesses by getting more exposure and visibility. The blog will continue to grow and regularly feature entrepreneurs from across the nation. For more information: email pr@glennagonzalez.com .

Glenna Gonzalez

JB Tyler Marketing & Consulting, LLC glenna@jbtylerconsultants.com

Visit us on social media: Twitter LinkedIn Instagram YouTube Other

This press release can be viewed online at: https://www.einpresswire.com/article/703236769

EIN Presswire's priority is source transparency. We do not allow opaque clients, and our editors try to be careful about weeding out false and misleading content. As a user, if you see something we have missed, please do bring it to our attention. Your help is welcome. EIN Presswire, Everyone's Internet News Presswire™, tries to define some of the boundaries that are reasonable in today's world. Please see our Editorial Guidelines for more information. © 1995-2024 Newsmatics Inc. All Right Reserved.

Unveiling 'Entrepreneurs in the Spotlight': Empowering Visionaries to Shape Tomorrow's Success Stories

Discover a Hub of Inspiration and Insight for Entrepreneurs Ready to Thrive in This New Blog

DURHAM, NC, UNITED STATES, March 22, 2024 /EINPresswire.com/ -- At JB Tyler Marketing & Consulting, LLC, they are enthusiastic advocates for amplifying the voices of entrepreneurs who are reshaping industries and driving change. Their platform, "Entrepreneurs in The Spotlight," serves as a dedicated showcase celebrating the remarkable journeys of these trailblazers, ensuring they receive the recognition they deserve. The CEO of this organization, Glenna Gonzalez, firmly believes that every entrepreneur has a story worth sharing, and they are on a mission to provide them with the visibility and support they need to thrive. Through compelling profiles and insightful features, they illuminate the diverse and inspiring narratives behind today's business leaders. In fact, the website for this up-and-coming blog is www.glennagonzalez.com.

The best way to predict the future is to create it.”

Joining their dynamic community unlocks unparalleled exposure, connection, and growth opportunities. Whether seeking inspiration, collaboration, or simply eager to share one's own entrepreneurial journey, "Entrepreneurs in The Spotlight" offers a vibrant stage to highlight stories and connect with a global audience of fellow enthusiasts, investors, and collaborators. Embracing the

Ambassador Suzan Johnson Cook of Global Black Women's Chamber

spirit of entrepreneurship with JB Tyler Marketing & Consulting means being part of a movement dedicated to celebrating innovation, resilience, and the relentless pursuit of success. Together, they aim to redefine the future and inspire generations to come!

Entrepreneurs Featured Now Are as Follows: (Bios taken from the website.)

Ambassador Suzan Johnson Cook CEO, Global Black Women's Chamber of Commerce

As a third-generation business owner, she stands at the helm of the only global professional speakers bureau led by a Black woman, Charisma Speakers. The visionary behind the Global Black Women’s Chamber of Commerce, she passionately pursues her mission to empower a global workforce of women. With unyielding determination, the organization has evolved into a thriving network, fostering dreams, and building connections for countless foreign entrepreneurs. Together, they continue to craft a narrative of female empowerment.

A White House Fellow from the classes of ’93 and ’94, Ambassador Sujay has served alongside two U.S. Presidents, three members of the Cabinet, providing expertise as a faith advisor and domestic and foreign policy analyst. She proudly holds membership in the distinguished Renaissance Weekend and DELTA SIGMA THETA Sorority. Known for her exciting, energetic, impactful, interesting, inspirational, informative, and insightful interviews and speeches, she is also a TV commentator and columnist for the Huffington Post and Thrive Global.

Wayne Angel of Franchise Angels, LLC Sharon Ragin CPA, LLC

As a franchise consultant Wayne Angel helps folks find, evaluate and fund small business opportunities across the US and Canada. Recently he has placed clients in Food Service, Health & Wellness, Staffing, Home Services, Retail, Commercial Cleaning and Vending businesses. Wayne’s firsthand approach allows him to thoughtfully find the right business outcome for each individual client.

With a background as a Civil Engineer holding an MBA degree, Wayne is equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary for strategic decision-making. Additionally, he holds a real estate license in the state of Georgia, further enhancing his ability to navigate and contribute to the real estate and home services landscape.

Ragin CPA, LLC

Sharon Ragin, a Certified Public Accountant, and a Certified Forensic Examiner with a Master’s in Taxation, is an inspiring motivator and influential entrepreneur. Sharon holds licenses as a CPA, realtor, and insurance agent and has diverse titles. A proud alum of Georgia State University, where she earned her Master of Taxation, she also holds a Bachelor of Science in Accounting from the University of Maryland, College Park. Leveraging over four decades of experience and extensive education, Sharon collaborates with small business owners locally and nationally to help them reach their financial goals.

As the CEO of Sharon Ragin CPA, LLC. in Conyers, Georgia, Sharon has forged a strong reputation for delivering high-quality accounting, tax, and consulting services to Fortune 500 companies, small businesses, churches, non-profit organizations, and individuals. Beyond her professional endeavors, Sharon’s legacy is marked by her commitment to providing entrepreneurship, education, and life skills resources to impact families positively. She passionately believes in the transformative power of entrepreneurship and education, considering them keys to a better life. Actively involved in her community, Sharon founded the Soaring Eagles Training and Development Corporation, a 501c(3) tax-exempt organization dedicated to empowering women and youth locally, nationally, and internationally. The organization offers financial resources, paid internships, tuition assistance, and life skill resources to students pursuing post-secondary accounting and finance degrees.

As "Entrepreneurs in The Spotlight" unveils its featured entrepreneurs for this month, we invite you to join us in celebrating their remarkable achievements and unwavering dedication. These trailblazers embody the essence of entrepreneurship, demonstrating resilience, innovation, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. Their stories serve as a testament to the power of vision and perseverance in shaping the future of business. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to our featured entrepreneurs and express our gratitude for allowing us to share their inspiring journeys with the world. As we continue to spotlight our community's diverse talents and stories, we look forward to inspiring countless others to embark on their own entrepreneurial adventures. Join us in applauding these exceptional individuals and stay tuned for more

captivating stories from what will eventually be hundreds of "Entrepreneurs in The Spotlight." See more profiles here: https://glennagonzalez.com/profiles/ Glenna Gonzalez

JB Tyler Marketing & Consulting, LLC


Visit us on social media: Twitter LinkedIn Instagram



This press release can be viewed online at: https://www.einpresswire.com/article/698027679

EIN Presswire's priority is source transparency. We do not allow opaque clients, and our editors try to be careful about weeding out false and misleading content. As a user, if you see something we have missed, please do bring it to our attention. Your help is welcome. EIN Presswire, Everyone's Internet News Presswire™, tries to define some of the boundaries that are reasonable in today's world. Please see our Editorial Guidelines for more information. © 1995-2024 Newsmatics Inc. All Right Reserved.

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