Kern County Health Initiative S

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EXT. PARK -- DAY Sickly looking BOY suffering from asthma is watching his friends play soccer through a chain link fence. He takes an inhaler out of his pocket and administers a dose. SICK BOY VO Not being able to play with my friends was hard. I just used to lose my breath and couldn't run fast enough to keep up. ANNOUNCER VO When parents can't afford health insurance, they are five times more likely to use the... One of the kids kicks the ball into the air, it CRASHES into the fence. TITLE CARD: EMERGENCY ROOM The sickly Boy walks to the other side of the fence. TITLE CARD: WHO PAYS? ANNOUNCER VO (CONT'D) Consumers and tax payers. The sickly Boy kneels done and picks up the ball. Game play stops and one of the kids on the field runs up to him. ANNOUNCER VO (CONT'D) Studies show that uninsured children have one and a half times higher... TITLE CARD: DEATH RATE INT. HOSPITAL MATERNITY WARD -- DAY A MOTHER is breast feeding her NEWBORN. into camera.

She innocently looks

ANNOUNCER VO than insured children. EXT. PARK -- DAY The kid coming to retrieve the ball is the healthy version of the Sick Boy.

2. ANNOUNCER VO Imagine the numbers when over 33,000 uninsured children live in working households who think they cannot afford quality health insurance. The sick boy hands him the ball, at that moment the sick boy disappears. ANNOUNCER VO (CONT'D) We at the Kern County Health Initiative feel one uninsured child is one too many. HEALTHY BOY My mom didn't know what to do. I was absent from school and she was missing work. We were all worried. SFX: HORN HONKING INT. MINI VAN -- DAY The Boy's MOTHER slides open the side doors. MOTHER I didn't know programs like these existed. Now I have piece of mind that my family's medical, dental and vision care are all covered. Believe me, that's a sense of well-being nobody can put a price on. The Healthy Boy smiles at his mother as he jumps into the van with the rest of his teammates. INT. KERN COUNTRY CHILDREN'S HEALTH INITIATIVE OFFICES -DAY A FAMILY is being assisted by a friendly AIDE filling out the necessary application forms. All are relaxed, smiling and relating warmly to each other during the process. ANNOUNCER VO The process is simple. Either clients come to us or we go to them. A UNITED WAY REPRESENTATIVE walks up and puts his hand on the Mother's shoulder and shakes the Father's hand. The Child looks up and makes eye contact, they both smile.

3. UNITED WAY REPRESENTATIVE As an insurance provider I carefully evaluate my clients income and family size to determine the best program for their unique situation. INT. MIDDLE SCHOOL CLASSROOM -- DAY A TEACHER finishes writing a sentence on the blackboard. She turns to a classroom full of raised hands. She picks an excited STUDENT to come to the board to punctuate a sentence. TEACHER A teacher cannot teach to an empty desk. Kids with health insurance are more likely to get the care they need to ensure healthy development. She turns to the student at the blackboard and sees he is struggling on a word. She helps him fix it properly. TEACHER (CONT'D) Preventive care, immunizations and check-ups with primary care physicians help identify health problems before the become more serious and costly. The student finishes punctuating the sentence correctly. The teach applauds him. He scans the faces of his classmates with pride. ANNOUNCER VO Since 2004 the Children's Health Initiative of Kern County has partnered with the community to provide 86,000 uninsured children access to comprehensive health insurance. Other programs such as Healthy Families, Medi-Cal and the last word in healthcare information, Healthy Kids provide the ways and means to establish a stable medical and dental home where consistent preventive health care is a way of life. For more information simply call us at 1-866-863-0640 or visit our website

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