Top 5 Real-World Artificial Intelligence Applications

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Top 5 Real-World Artificial Intelligence Applications

Artificial Intelligence is the latest trend and also has become an essential part of day-to-day human activities. A.I. assist humans in a different scenario in daily human lives, whether you realize it or not. This blog will ultimately deal with the role of A.I. in top five fields like Marketing, Finance, Healthcare, Banking, and Gaming.

A.I. Applications in Marketing: Marketing is a necessary process to attain more customers. Humans are best at sugar coating, but what if a bot or algorithm is explicitly developed to market a company or brand? Finding a product without knowing the exact name was a nightmare in the early 2000s but the technology advancements have made it easy at present. You can easily find any product that you need on any e-commerce store. It acts like a search engine to deliver relevant results in a matter of seconds. For instance, let’s consider Netflix. Humans are obsessed with chill and Netflix as they provide predictive and highly accurate technology depending on the reactions of customers to films. The application examines the

complete record online to suggest movies and shows which the users might like depending on the previous choice of movies and actions. The technology has already grown, and still, we can expect smarter advancements in the future. There are chances for consumers to buy their favorite products online by just snapping an image of it. A.I. Applications in Finance: Ventures depend on data scientists and computers to influence the market’s future patterns. Trading relies on the potential to predict an accurate future. Machines are best at this as they can easily impasse the extensive amount of data in a shorter span. They also predict the patterns in the past might repeat in the future. The financial organizations are making use of Artificial Intelligence in the age of ultra-high frequency trading to boost profit and to enhance the performance of their stock trading. One example organization that uses A.I. applications in Finance is Nomura Securities, which is the leading brokerage house in Japan. The company aims at a goal to determine the experienced stock traders insights using the computers. A.I. Applications in Healthcare: Most of the medical care centers and organizations have started to depend on A.I. to save the lives of their patients. There are numerous examples to show how A.I. applications in healthcare help patients across the globe. One example is Cambio Health Care, a clinical decision support system was developed by them for stroke prevention which can be given the doctors a warning when a patient is having the risk of producing a heart stroke. A.I. Applications in Banking: The use of A.I. in banking is growing reliably high, and most of the banks have already adopted A.I. applications in their system to detect credit card

frauds, anomalies, and offer customer support. One example bank that makes use of A.I. applications is H.D.F.C. bank. E.V.A. (Electronic Virtual Assistant) is the A.I. based chatbot developed by H.D.F.C. bank constructed by Senseforth AI Research from Bangalore. E.V.A. has addressed more than three million customers questions from its launch; they have held more than a million conversations and interacted with more than half a million unique users. E.V.A. offers simple answers in a matter of seconds, and this is possible as they can easily collect the knowledge from millions of sources. A.I. Applications in Gaming: A.I. has become a significant part of gaming at present. AI-based AlphaGo software from DeepMind is known for conquering the Go game world champion Lee Sedol. It is considered to be the most critical achievement of A.I. in the industry of gaming. After the success, AlphaGo Zero was incorporated, which conquered the Ai-Ai predecessors. Some other examples of A.I. application in gaming include F.E.A.R. (First Encounter Assault Recon), the first-person shooter video game. The game was designed in a way that the opponents never repeated a mistake that they made it previously and they are trained each time during the game. The opponents get betters whenever the game becomes harder. So apart from this, the A.I. applications have also a functional role in other fields like Agriculture, Space Exploration, Chatbots, Artificial Creativity, Autonomous Vehicles, and more. What are your views on it? Let us know through the comment section below. Reach out to sajini@jpasolutions.incall 8754463915.

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