Big Data with Spark and Python

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Big Data with Spark and Python

It’s becoming more common that most of the business face circumstances where the data amount is higher to handle on a single machine. There are Hadoop, Apache Spark, and other technologies developed to sort out the issue. The system can be quickly and directly tapped from Python by utilizing PySpark. Apache Spark is one of the general and faster engines mainly designed for big data processing and holds built-in modules for graph processing, machine learning, SQL, and streaming. It’s also known for their user-friendliness, speed, ability to run virtually, and even for their generality. Spark is also one of the preferred tools, especially for data scientists and data engineers. They can make use of the Spark when doing any feature extraction, model evaluation, supervised learning, and data analysis. In this blog, we will deal with some critical concepts about Python and Spark in big data technologies.

Spark: Scala or Python?

You need to know what type of Spark you need before continuing with Scala or Python. Here are some simple concepts explained so that you can choose the right one bases on your requirements. 1.

Learning Spark: Scala or Python?

When it comes to the learning curve, Python stands as the premier choice as it’s user-friendly, less verbose, easy to use, and more readable when compared with Scala. It will be perfect for people who are not having much experience in the programming part. People who have little or higher programming experience can also work with Spark in Python with a good number of benefits associated with them. 2.

Spark Performance: Python or Scala?

When it comes to concurrency and performance, Scala wins the debate, and this is agreed by most of the developers. They are rapid and user-friendly when compared to python. When it comes to concurrency, the play framework and scala make the process easier to write perfect and clean asynchronous codes that are easy to reason about. Play framework is asynchronous, and therefore, there are high chances to have a different type of concurrent connections without the hindrances of threads. It’s also simpler to make Input and output calls in parallel so that it can enable the use of streaming, server push, and real-time technologies. Apart from it, it also helps to enhance performance. There will be no many variations between Scala and Python in the case of DataFrame API, but you need to be aware of them when working with UDFs (User Defined Functions), which is considered to be less effective when compared to the equivalents of Scala.

In case you are dealing with Python, you need to ensure not to pass your information between RDD and DatFrame unnecessarily as the deserialization, and serialization of the information transfer is expensive. Serialization is the process of transforming an object or thing into a progression of bytes that can be lasted to a database or disk or else can be sent via streams when it comes to deserialization, it’s the vice versa of the serialization. 3.

Advanced features and Spark: Scala or Python?

Many advanced features might provide a small confusion in choosing Scala or Python. When it comes to data science, you can prefer Python over Scala as it offers the user with different tools for natural language processing and machine learning like SparkMLib. 4.

Type Safety and Spark: Python or Scala?

The advanced features and safety are two things that stand for both Scala and Python. When it comes to type safety, you can choose Python, and this is best when you are performing experiments in smaller ad hoc. If you are working for some more significant projects, then scala would be the right choice. The reason for this is that Scala is statically typed language, hasslefree, easier when you are refactoring. As a whole, both languages possess the positives and drawbacks while working with Spark. You need to choose the best one based on your team capabilities and project requirements. How to install Spark? Installing Spark us something tedious, but you can do it if you follow the below steps in the right manner. 1.

Make sure you have Java JDK installed.

2. Once you are aware that it has been installed, you can go to the download page of the spark. You need to choose the default options up to third steps, and at the fourth step, you will find a downloadable link to download it. 3.

Make sure you find untar the directory in your Downloads folder.


Once you find the folder, move to /usr/local/spark


Now, open the README file from the option.

6. The next step is to build spark, and you can do this by running a command “$ build/mvn -DskipTests clean package run.” 7. The next steps are to type “./bin/pyspark” in the same folder to start working in the Spark Shell. 8.

You can now start to work.

Spark APIs: DataFrame, Dataset, and RDD. There are three distinctive APIs that would make great confusion to anyone who is just getting started with the Spark. Let’s check out about the Spark APIs in depth below. 1.


RDD, derived as the “building blocks” of the spark, is the original API that is exposed by the Spark, and it’s considered to be the higher-level APIs when compared to other ones. RDD is a set of Scala or Java objects that represent data, and this is pointed out from the perspective of a developer. RDD has three primary specifications; namely, they are based on the Scala collections API, they are lazy, and they are compile-time type-safe. There are many advantages of RDD, but they also lack in some cases. For instance, it’s simple to develop transformation chains, but they are relatively and

inefficiently slow when taking non-JVM languages like Python. Spark can not optimize them. 2.


To overcome the disadvantages of RDD, The API DataFrame was incorporated. It offers you the right level of abstraction, which enables you to make use of the query language to operate the data. This level of abstraction is considered to be the logic plan which indicates schema and data. It also shows that interacting with your data at the frontend is too easy. To execute this, the logical idea will be transformed into a physical plan. DataFrames are developed on top of RDDs. The improvement and performance of DataFrame are due to a few things that you come across often when you are dealing with data frames, namely optimized execution plans and custom memory management. 3.


DataFrame deals with one crucial drawback, namely it has lost the safety of the compile-time type, which means it will make the code more inclined to hindrances and errors. To overcome the drawback dataset was raised and this deals with getting back the type-safety and also make use of the lambda functions which indicates that you capture some benefits of RDDs and also you are not losing the optimization offered by the data frames. Which the proper time to use the APIs? Choose RDD when you need to perform low-level actions and transformations on any unstructured data. It indicates that you are not caring about establishing a schema while accessing or processing the attributed by column or name. Apart from that, you need not require the performance and optimization advantages that DataSets and DataFrame provide for semi-structured data. You can also make use of the RDD when you need to handle the data with

various constructs of functional programming when compared to particular domain expressions. You can make use of the DataFrames in case you are working with PySpark as they are close to the structure of DataFrames. DataSets are not the perfect one in case of Python as it lacks compile type and time safety of the Python. The dataset API is ideal for when you need to use SQL queries, the use of lambda function on a data that is semi-structured, high-level expressions, columnar access, and more. So what are your views on Big Data with Python and Spark? Are you interested to learn more about Spark and Python in Big Data? Let us know through the comment section below.

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