EPIC Brand Draft

Page 11

CYMK: 75, 5, 100, 0 RGB: 94, 162, 70 Hex: 5ea246

CYMK: 100, 92, 17, 5 RGB: 40, 58, 129 Hex: 283a81

Our Colors We are confident in our color palette and we have chosen this palette for specific reasons. We chose our colors as a way to pay respect to the overall EPIC brand while being individual and new. The consistency of the dark blue pays homage to the EPIC brand while the exploration of the green is new and original. Our colors help to create a memorable and recognizable image to the public. These colors create a professional, creative and dependable feeling and are very usable in many settings.

CYMK: 0, 0, 0, 0 RGB: 255, 255, 255 Hex: ffffff


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