Lookbook Two

Page 14



veryone knows that moment when you are on public transport secretly examining the people around you. Daydreaming for a little bit about where they go, when suddenly you notice the guy in front of you doing the same thing. Your eyes meet, a moment of unexpected contact appears and unsure how to handle the situation both of you turn away and look out the window. You feel incredibly uncomfortable and you know your partner in distress is feeling the same discomfort. These awkward moments are phenomenas we all have to face daily. Although some of us may wish to forget these moments, we find recognition when sharing them. Take that well-known moment when you see somebody waving your direction, but hesitant about whether the gesture was meant for you, you find yourself clumsily stuck between waving back and ignoring the wave. Or when you are confidently walking towards a door, but fail to see the pull sign before bashing the door, then sneakily look around you to see if your flaw was noticed by anyone. One all Dutch EYP’ers can relate to: going in for the third kiss on the cheek before you realise the other one only does two. So, although we all try to avoid those awkward moments as much as possible, we ought to realise everybody has the same problem. We do not have to be ashamed, we should just embrace the awkwardness.

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