May 2024

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You're Invited!

RushShelby Energy Board of Directors, sta and employees would like to take the opportunity to invite you to this year's annual meeting. is year marks our 88th year of service to our membership. Successfully providing a service so many years proves that a member cooperative business model is just as strong now as when we started in 1936. e principles that electric cooperatives were founded on still exist today and are used by our board of directors, management and employees.

rough our annual meeting, we wish to have an event allowing the cooperative to give back to the membership, while demonstrating our commitment to our members. We look forward to serving our youth, increasing our interactive educational opportunities, answering questions, welcoming comments, entertaining and seeing new faces.

Our employee group and our directors are looking forward to the opportunity to connect face-to-face with the members. is annual meeting "festival" event allows us to use, and proudly display, our working facilities, along with demonstrating our varied skill sets that serve you daily.

RushShelby Energy's annual meeting gives you, the member, another opportunity to have your voice in the cooperative, by sharing your thoughts. As your cooperative, we want to provide a comfortable environment where you can speak with us. To assist in these discussions, we will once again feature "Chat with the CEO," a booth where you can ask Chris Chastain, President & CEO, a question, make a comment or share a concern.

• e meeting will run from 4-7:30 pm, to accommodate working families.

• Chick- l-A will provide the meal.

• Buck Rogers Jr & e Playground Muddy Boys will perform.

• Ra e prizes for adults and children.

• e grand prize will be a 2012 F150 XL. You do not need to be present to win.

• To receive the $5 bill credit, you must register at the meeting.

e annual meeting is one very important way we can demonstrate our commitment to you. is is the day we set aside for you to meet your elected board of directors, co-op employees and visit fellow co-op members.

On behalf of the employees and directors of your organization, we are excited to see you at RushShelby Energy's annual meeting, which will be held Wednesday July 11, 2024, at our o ce in Manilla, Indiana.

2 (USPS 171-360 Published Monthly) Contributors: Cathy Rhoades and David Toll Publication Office: 2777 S. 840 W. Manilla, IN 46150 Periodical Postage paid in Indianapolis, Indiana 46206 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: ELECTRAWATT P.O. Box 55, Manilla, IN 46150 C O N T E N T S 2 Annual Meeting Invitation 3 Shaping Our Energy Future 4-5 Power Up Your Lawn Care 6 Spring is Here ICAP Head Start 7 Quick Links 8 Mini-Member Checklist

Shaping Our Energy Future Through Innovation

e energy industry is undergoing signi cant change driven by technology and the transition to more sustainable forms of energy. Innovation is essential in addressing these challenges and ensuring a continuous, reliable and a ordable power supply.

Electric co-ops are no strangers to adapting to the needs of the local communities we serve. RushShelby Energy has always leaned into change as we explore new ways to meet your energy needs.

Advanced Technologies

By using advanced equipment like drones that inspect local grids, sensors that provide real-time data on the condition of power lines and satellited imagery used to monitor vegetation growth, we could pinpoint potential problems before they even occur and ultimately improve service for all.

Investing in smarter technologies also can enhance the monitoring and control of electricity ow so we can respond swi ly to changing needs. Smart electric meters remotely collect data on how electricity is being used. is helps in promptly prioritizing and dispatching crews during an outage, reducing restoration time during weather-related disruptions. Even before adverse weather is here, advanced analytics from our systems, combined with data on weather patterns and other information, allows us to be proactive in taking preventative measures to shore up our system.

Preparing for Increased Energy Use

Today, we depend on electricity more than ever before. From vehicles to farming equipment to home heating options, more products and appliances that we depend on run on electricity.

Interest in electric vehicles (EV) is growing. RushShelby Energy is available to help our members make informed decisions about EVs, including electric charging options and capacity requirements for the home.

Automakers are transitioning many or all new vehicles to electric-only models in the next 10 years. RushShelby Energy, like all electric providers, must plan now to have the necessary infrastructure in place to meet future EV charging needs - without jeopardizing the ability to provide reliable power.

Additionally, we are exploring innovative technologies to help address the increasing demand for electricity.

Innovative Efficiency Solutions

RushShelby Energy is driven by a commitment to community and member satisfaction. As consumers become more proactive in managing their energy use, we are providing new ways to help our members lower their use and save money.

Energy evaluations for a home or business can help you take advantage of actionable energy-saving advice as well as e ciency, services o ered by the co-op. Rebates, Prepay Billing and monitoring your usage on SmartHub are just a few examples of how RushShelby Energy can help you take control of your energy use.

Cooperation Among Cooperatives

You may not realize it, but RushShelby Energy is part of a larger network of 900 electric co-ops nationwide. While we are locally owned by you, the members of the co-op, we also have the advantage of working with co-ops across the country to share ideas and leverage the innovations our colleagues might have tried out rst. As cooperatives, we're collaborators instead of competitors - it's a unique aspect of our business model, and we're stronger because of it.

Our energy future will look di erent than it has in the past, but RushShelby Energy is prepared to adapt for the members we serve. Our mission and commitment to you remain steady - to provide reliable power at a cost local families and businesses can a ord.

Power Up Your Lawn Care with Electric Equipment

e landscape of lawn and garden care is evolving, and electric equipment is at the forefront of this change. While electric lawn tools aren't new, advancements in technology and more options mean prices have become more competitive, making electric equipment an accessible option for many consumers.

Benefits of Electric Equipment

Electric lawnmowers have come a long way since the days of extension cords tethering you to an outlet. Battery-powered mowers o er the same freedom of movement as gas-powered models but with reduced noise and maintenance.

Battery life was once a major drawback to making the switch to electric lawn tools. But today's growing demand for electric equipment has resulted in major advancements for lithium-ion batteries, making them more reliable, cost-e ective and e cient. For most consumers, electric lawn tools can get the job done just as well as gas-powered models.

Many electric mowers o er push-button starts, and because they are lighter, they are easier to maneuver around tight turns. Improved batteries provide longer run times to tackle larger spaces. Like their gas-powered counterparts, electric mowers are available in push, self-propelled/walk-behind and riding models. And there's no need to re ll gas cans or change oil and air lters, resulting in less hassle and maintenance.

Like mowers, electric blowers, string trimmers and chainsaws have fewer moving parts, require minimal maintenance and are quieter. Because electric tools are generally lighter in weight, they're also more ergonomic and easier to maneuver. is feature is especially handy for projects that require tools like chainsaws for precise work.

Choose Electric Equipment to Meet Your Needs

Electric lawn tools have some limitations, so the size and terrain of your outdoor space are important considerations when purchasing new equipment. When comparing gas-powered and electric mowers, consider the torque rating - this is the driving force behind a blade's rotation. On average, electric lawnmowers generate less torque than gas mowers. If you have a challenging outdoor space that includes overgrown brush, tall grass, or hills and dips, torque is a key factor.

Choosing the right type and size mower is particularly important for spaces larger than half an acre. If you have a large property, consider purchasing an extra battery to ensure uninterrupted work ow.

Many manufacturers o er interchangeable batteries and chargers, providing exibility and convenience. Choosing a single brand can ensure chargers, providing exibility and convenience. Choosing a single brand can ensure charging compatibility across your lawn tools and streamline charging.

While both gas and electric lawn tools can get the job done, electric equipment generally requires less maintenance, is less expensive to operate and is kinder to the environment.

Get Green for Going Green

Electric tools are quietly rede ning the way we approach lawn care. If you're planning to make the switch to electric lawn equipment, visit RushShelby Energy's website at to explore available rebates. Our energy advisors are available to share energy-saving advice to help you save money and clear the path to a greener, more energy e cient future.

With spring here, it is time to start looking forward to summer. e rising thermometer can only mean one thing, soon it will be time for air conditioning. Now is the perfect time to prepare your home and make sure everything is in good, working order before the hot and humid temperatures arrive in central Indiana.

• Change your air lter regularly. Dirty air lters will cause your system to work harder to keep your home cool. New lters can also prevent the dusty and dirty air from continuing to circulate through your home. Be sure that when you install a new lter, the arrow on the side is pointing in the direction of the blower motor.

• Run your ceiling fan on medium, blowing air down during the summer. Even if you are keeping your house at a higher temperature, running the ceiling fan can have a "wind chill" e ect and make your home feel cooler and more comfortable.

• Keep your exhaust fans running for thirty minutes a er you have nished in the kitchen or bathroom. is will help to reduce the humidity in your home. e lower the humidity, the easier it is to cool the air.

• Check your attic insulation. We recommend having attic insulation that is at least an R-42 value.

• Seal any air leaks within your home. Use the appropriate spray foam or caulk to seal around windows, doors and utility penetration points. Also take the time to replace or add weather-stripping that is worn or missing.

• Clear the area around your air conditioner. Be sure there are not any obstructions blocking the area around your air conditioner. Take the time to trim shrubs and bushes that are near the unit and regularly maintain the grass and weeds growing close by.

• Have your air conditioning tuned up by a professional. Having an annual tune-up can increase the life and e ciency of your air conditioning unit. It could also help you prevent issues that may have occurred in the hottest part of summer. We also have a rebate for tune-ups. Visit our website at for more details.

Quick Links

2025 Planner Cover Photo Contest

Your photo could be selected to be the cover of the 2025 RushShelby Energy Planner and win a $250 bill credit.

Terms & Conditions:

• Must be an RSE member

• e photo must be electrical-related

• Please make sure photos are a high resolution. Enter as many photos as you would like

• Send photos to

• Must be original work, taken by the entrant

• Deadline to enter is September 1, 2024

Director Milestone

Jill Koch, Board of Director, representing district 9, is celebrating 10 years of service this month. RushShelby Energy appreciates your hard work and dedication to our membership.

Looking for an easy way to manage your home energy use?

Smart plugs are inexpensive and offer convenient solutions for scheduling and controlling your favorite electronic devices. With smart plugs, you can easily manage your coffee maker, lighting, home office equipment, video game consoles and more. Smart plugs can help you manage devices through a smart phone app, your home assistant or voice control. By conveniently powering off or scheduling devices, you can save energy and money!


Contact Us: 765-544-2600 | To Report an Outage: 800-284-3452

Safety Ambassador Checklist

Practicing safety near electricity can save lives, and we want you to spread the important message of safety. With the help of an adult, complete the checklist below then cut out the badge to show you care about electrical safety.

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