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Soulardians Horrified by Power Line Tree Trimming Janette Lonsdale • Fri, Sep 17, 2010

Aggressive tree trimming along power lines on 9th Street, near Pontiac Park and other locations in August has residents of Soulard gaping in horror at their devastated streetscapes. The trees were cut as part of Ameren’s four year cycle of trimming designed to prevent power outages in the area. Tree limbs are often cut in a V shape to

“We have 5000 customers, including redirect growth businesses and service companies on that feeder,” said Ameren’s Dale Scheman.” Only a few streets have feeder line, including 9th Street, Shenandoah, Sidney.”

Trees are trimmed to ANSI standards to direct growth away from power lines rather then for aesthetics. “The tree trimming is legal,” said Soulard Restoration Group President Lisa Clark. “It does not mean that it looks good or that it is right for the neighborhood.” Clark, together with a number of concerned residents held a preliminary meeting with Ameren on 9th Street and Emmet, at the site of much of the most devastating trimming. Clark explained that residents planted many of the trees and that area tree lovers have gone to extraordinary lengths to take care of their trees. “We express to Ameren the process that Soulard has gone through many, many years of sweat and labor and love for our trees,” said Clark. “And people digging up bricks and money being raised and how upset we are about this.” According to Scheman, public opposition to the tree cutting brought all tree cutting and removal in the neighborhood to a halt. “Only a few of the trees marked for removal were removed,” said Scheman. “We stopped because of the outcry. We are trying to set up a meeting with the SRG, St. Louis Forestry Department and Alderman Young.” For the most part the trimmed trees were Bradford Pear trees that were probably planted in the 70s. “They only last about 30 years before they fall apart naturally,” sad Scheman. “Many had damage from 2006 storms and a couple of the trees on 9th Street had been hit by a car.” Ameren has a program of cooperative tree replacement whereby it works with the city’s Forestry Division to replace street trees with trees suitable for locations with power lines. “The goal from a neighborhood stand point at this point is to have the most severely cut damaged trees removed,” said Clark. “To have the stumps taken out and appropriate trees put in, something that will add some of character back to the neighborhood.” The meeting between the SRG, Ameren, the Forestry Division and Alderman Phyllis Young will be scheduled in the very near future but a date has not yet been set. “We will continue to pursue this,” said Clark. BREAKING NEWS A meeting was held on Thursday and Clark is confident our residents will see some action taken by the city and Ameren to remedy this problem (and to prevent this from happening again) in the near future.

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Reader Opinions SRGinfo SEP 21 • SRG President, Lisa Clark and Alderwoman, Phyllis Young met with the Commissioner of City Forestry and Ameren on Sept 16th. A plan has been developed to survey the tree damage and to map out areas where trees will be replaced with trees that will be long lasting and will not grow into the power lines in the future. The first phase of this plan should be implemented within the next few weeks. Ninth Street will be the first phase. Please be on the look out for the tree removal service and be prepared for limited off street parking on those work days. The ultimate goal is to have a long term plan in cooperation with the city forestry division and Ameren to prevent future problems and to maintain/ improve the neighborhood greenery. This will be an ongoing process. Updates will follow.

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