Umbrella Summer 2021

Page 6


The art of photojournalism

By Allen Steinberg

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photojournalist at Belleville’s daily newspaper, The Intelligencer. His passion for photography combined with his many years of experience in journalism have made him into an expert storyteller, capturing moments with not only his stunning photographs but his way with words as well. Hendr y’s interest in photography was bor n while attending Loyalist College’s print and broadcast journalism program, which included two photo courses. After landing a job with The Bancroft Times , he gathered enough skill and experience with a camera to lure him back to Loyalist, this time to take photojournalism. From his time there, he shares one enduring quote passed down to him from his mentor Frank O’Connor: “Make your own luck.”

All photos Luke Hendry/The Intelligencer

“I came to realize if you do your homework, plan things out, know your gear, and be prepared, you'll be ready when the moment arrives,” says Hendry. “It's a great feeling when that works.” His photojournalistic journey has presented him with many once-in-a-lifetime opportunities -- and he has the pictures to go with them. Some of his most memorable moments have been shooting the inside of a burning building during firefighter training, following local veterans through their Italian battlegrounds when he was on the military beat, photographing surgery, flying over flood zones and canoeing past moose, he says. But despite all of these highlights, Hendry finds the most moving images to be ones found in the most mundane parts of life. He connects most with his pictures of ordinary people and his family because they’re what matters the most. Hendry is a storyteller and he uses his 04

camera to capture the stories of others around him: “I love working with light, capturing people’s personalities, reactions, and interactions, exploring nature and recording history. There is always more to see and learn.“

Articles inside

Justin Anderson photography

pages 46-47

Inviting everyone under the rainbow

pages 44-45

2021 Arts Bursary winners

pages 42-43

End of an era

pages 40-41

Outspoken word

pages 38-39

About town with Peter C. Newman

pages 34-37

Kelly S. Thompson on writing about hard things

pages 32-33

The art of being bold

pages 28-31

Living art-fully in small-town Ontario

pages 24-27

Honouring artist Kathryn Fellows

pages 22-23

Getting personal with Long Range Hustle

pages 20-21

Connecting rural residents to classical music

pages 18-19

Bringing Marmora’s forgotten history to life

pages 16-17

Local arts residency leads to video series “Speak It”

pages 14-15

Thriving in a digital life

pages 10-13

Through the lens of Peggy DeWitt

pages 8-9

The art of photojournalism

pages 6-7

Thirty years of Umbrella

page 5

Message From Chair Of The Board

page 4

Message From Executive Director

page 2
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