Littlesteps ISSUE12 (Career Ahead)

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LittleSteps ISSUE 12

THE YOUTH IS THE HOPE OF OUR FUTUREÂ Exploring your dreams and your bright future

Career Ahead Career Ahead is an extra independent study module designed to give students a glimpse into the competitive graduate employment market, by providing them with productive skills they can use outside their classrooms. The module helps students learn to think as well as plan for their short and long terms objectives. In addition, it raises students awareness of employment trends in the world today. Producing their own personalised career development plan will help students make the right career choices and set goals on how to achieve them. It also enhances students employability. At Keele ISC, students spent a little bit of time once a week outside of class, reflecting on how to make ourselves be better and do better. With the help of our tutors, we were also challenged to improve on various areas of our development that need improvement. Remember ‘stay true to yourself, yet always be ready to learn. Work hard and never give up on your dreams, even when nobody else believes they can come true but you.’ - Phillip Sweet

SETH After I finish my degree at Keele University, I want to join the advertisement or film production industry. In The Photographic Message and Digital Video modules, I found myself interested in encoding meaning in various media texts. I enjoyed the process of creating a film or photomontage and desire to make a further step on that. I see myself as a passionate and enthusiastic person with strong analytical skills on encoded texts. The degree will advance my existing skills and techniques. The Hong Kong films industry has significantly influenced my pathway and had a postive affect on my personality, especially the Hong Kong films in 1990s. However, the film industry is falling apart by the influence of globalization and Hollywood culture. My aim is to revitalize the local film industry in Hong Kong and bring back the glory of Hong Kong film industry.Â


I want to become a Screenwriter or Film director in the future. Working in the film industry has always been my dream since my days of studying in Secondary school. I like watching different kinds of movies and that is an amazing world for me. That is why writing a good story and filming it on screen are the goals that I want to achieve as one of my career aspirations.Â

Hi, I’m Casey and I’m an International student studying Media and Marketing at Keele. I would like to be a photographer and maybe a YouTuber. As I have been learning how to do editing and take pictures in my Media module, I am really interested in doing these kinds of work in the future. I enjoy taking amazing photos and I think photography connects with us in our daily life. Photography can express feelings and words to others or it can lead people what to think about it.

Casey & Fatou

Being a YouTuber could be a challenge for me because I have never done something like that before. I would like to practice more in editing and it can enhance my editing skills and influence me to put more interests in doing video editing. Last but not least, I really enjoy watching Hong Kong films and I would like to do something for supporting the Hong Kong films in the film industry.

Casey & Fatou My name is Fatoumatta Sisay and I am from the Gambia. My short term goal is to achieve a first class honors degree in Media, Communications, Culture, and Marketing. I feel like this degree combination will greatly help me achieve my life’s biggest dream which is to elevate the status of women as well as change how women are treated and seen in African societies. I strongly believe that it is time to challenge the status quo which views women as emotional baby makers and help people understand that without women, our societies will not progress to the level it needs to be at. My way of achieving this is through my own media production company where I have control of a particular narrative because I will not be working for someone. If the opportunity presents itself for me to pursue a Master’s Degree, I would take that chance and further my education even more. However, I’m not sure what pathway I would choose for that. Though politics tickles my fancy.

Boris I have a dream that I am open to infinite possibilities, because I don’t have specific goals at the moment. I could be a novel writer, Youtuber, or maybe even a motivational speaker, despite the fact that I see speaking as one of my weaknesses. I understand that I must put more effort and hard work to improve personal attributes in the future, and I am willing to put in the work. Therefore, I chose Business and Management as my pathway, because I feel like it will improve my personal skills and broaden my knowledge, as well as help me realize and achieve my goals.

Naya My dream is to become a Policewoman. Although performing certain tasks are still a weakness, I feel like I would be productive in handling administration. Being a police officer for justice has always been my dream although there is no way to work in the frontline because my pathway is Management and Marketing. No matter what happens in the future, I must live to realize my dream of becoming a policewoman. A police uniform has a huge magical power.

Thizkar Ever since I was 13, I have always had a dream of becoming a diplomat. I want to represent my country on an international platform and bring about awareness and change to these very real issues that my country has been and is being plagued by. Â However, I want to help my father in his business as well, and I do recognize and understand the importance of being business savvy. Hence, I believe that my pathway, International Relations, and Business Management will help me achieve these goals.

Summer I do not want to be a mediocre person. I want to be a good job to honor my parents, and I want to have a company to manage because I think I can lead my employees to achieve a good profit. Most of the people want to be rich, because if you have money you can do anything(the place you want to travel, the food you like to eat ...) you want.

Jason Speaking of a career in the future. I want to talk about what I want to be in the future. I want to be a good manager leading people to achieve aim in the company, this is my last purpose, as you know, be a manager is a very hard thing, for now, it needs to know the majority of knowledge about how to manage members. Before that, I need to be a staff in one of the company, in order to collect some experience.

GARY Hello, my name is Gary, I study at the Keele International Study Centre with dual honors in Computing and International Business management. I put my main focus on Computing with being a programmer as my career prospect. Programming has always been my favorite aspect of Computing. With the help of my tutors, I was able to learn more about programming in various programming languages such as Java assembly language and so on. It is a challenging task and u got the times when u had tough problems, but the satisfaction of achieving a program kept me going. I also would like to be involved in artificial intelligence, since its going to be a future trend, with many jobs or even programmers to be replaced by A.I. Having to participate in it will certainly help my career on the I.T. industry and to prevent myself from getting detached from the future technology.


Hi, my name is Sherry. Although I am not able to predict what will happen in the future, I may choose my favorite career in the future. Generally, I have a lot of goals regarding my future career. Running an individual Hotpot restaurant is one of my biggest dreams and it will be located in my hometown and also close to home. This is because it is convenient for me to go back home and live with my parents and take care of them. Besides, my family and I are big fans of Hotpot. This is why I choose to study Business & Management at Keele.

Scott Hi, I'm Scott, I am still unsure about my future job, but I do have an idea about what is most possible after I graduate. After I graduate, I would like to go back home and contribute to my parent's company. Maybe start at the grassroots, this will help me to accumulate work experience and identify the problem with employees. This will put me in the position to give advice to my parents about employees. Two years later, I will handle financial work for the company, my brother and I will run the company together.

Stacy Hello, my name is Stacy, and I’m from China. From this report, I think I should practice more spoken English and writing skills. In AES class, I will be more focused and finish all the works timely. I will check my coursework of International Business, and explain more about my points. For other classes, I will keep hard working and do more practice. I learned how to write an article about the feeling about the UN event with my partner Seth. We have discussed different points about different countries. Seth did the writing job, and I provided my ideas for him. We had a good teamwork, and I will do more works next time.

Our team uses a way to ask each other some questions. We have studied here for nearly a year, and we learned much knowledge about business, accounting, and economic. In addition, we had an interesting trip to Manchester with teachers and all students. We also attended an event about EU debate. That was an amazing experience.

Paul Hello, my name is Paul. I come from China. I am a Keele ISC student now. After this year, my aims is to join the second year of university. But I am not sure what should I do after graduation. My dream is to be a rich man, I am not sure which class level I can achieve. I am already in the way and work hard in university. I need study lots of knowledge in university in order to do a businessman in the future. I also need study how to set up interpersonal relational, it helps me do the social in the future. I think this 3 years in Keele is help me grow up and going future from a dream.

Dickson What do I see myself doing in the near future is a question I ponder a lot about, when asked what I envision myself doing as an occupation in the future, an occupation which I am passionate about, would most likely be in the field business as I’m currently studying Business Management and Marketing in Keele University. Firstly, after I obtain my degree in business, I would most likely pursue a master degree to further my studies and develop further understanding in a Business as well as specialise in this field of study. I’ve always dreamt of working overseas and gaining different experiences of working in various countries. This would enable me to develop insight and understanding of how businesses work around the world as well as understanding different business cultures.

Izz What do I see myself doing in the near future is a question I ponder a lot about, when asked what I envision myself doing as an occupation in the future, an occupation which I am passionate about, would most likely be in the field business as I’m currently studying Business Management and Marketing in Keele University. Firstly, after I obtain my degree in business, I would most likely pursue a master degree to further my studies and develop further understanding in a Business as well as specialise in this field of study. I’ve always dreamt of working overseas and gaining different experiences of working in various countries. This would enable me to develop insight and understanding of how businesses work around the world as well as understanding different business cultures.


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