15 Useful Weight Loss Tips You MUST Try

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15 Useful Weight Loss Tips You MUST Try

© Kennedy Health Pain Relief and Wellness | All Rights Reserved.

Ever wanted to look lean and fit instantly to show off your well-toned body on a vacation, the New Year's party, or a big date? If yes, then we have tips for you to look thin, slim, lean and better with each passing day. 1. Drink water especially before meals: Drinking water over a period of 1-1.5 hours can boost metabolism by 24–30%, which helps burn off a few more calories. 2. Drink black coffee: Coffee doesn't deserve the criticism which it has to face. Good quality coffee is loaded with antioxidants which have several health benefits. Studies have shown that caffeine can boost metabolism by 3–11% which increases fat burning by up to 10–29%. 3. Make walking a habit: Walking is an activity that everyone does every day. Start using stairs instead of elevators and escalators. If you have a job where you have to sit and work, then get up after every two hours and take a five to ten-minute walk. 4. Eat on small plates and bowls: Trade your huge dinner plate for smaller ones. It is a simple but effective weight loss tip. Now you can fill your plate without any worries. It can help with portion control. 5. Drink green tea: Green tea has less caffeine but it has some powerful antioxidants called catechins. These are believed to work synergistically with caffeine and enhance fat burning. Drink green tea two or three times a day according to your BMI and reduce fat. © Kennedy Health Pain Relief and Wellness | All Rights Reserved.

6. Cut consumption of sugar: Added sugar is one of the worst things you can find in the modern diet. Most people consume way too much sugar. Studies show that sugar consumption is strongly associated with an increased risk of obesity, as well as ailments including type 2 diabetes and various heart diseases. If your priority is losing weight, cut on added sugar now! 7. Eat less refined carbs: Studies show that refined carbs can increase blood sugar rapidly, resulting in hunger, cravings and increased food intake. Eating refined carbs is one of the reasons causing obesity. 8. Sleep properly: Distractions interrupt your sound sleep and you might feel cranky. Avoid distractions to avoid feeling lethargic and bewildered the next day. 9. Keep healthy food around: You can get hungry at any time. Keep healthy food nearby to prevent yourself from eating something unhealthy in such case. 10. Treat yourself: Cheat days are important but remember don’t overindulge. Make smarter choices. 11. Make a day’s eating plan: Sound activities will bring you a healthy life. Make a plan for the next few days day and stick to it. © Kennedy Health Pain Relief and Wellness | All Rights Reserved.

12. Keep a food diary: Weight loss is all about changing lifestyle habits. Keep a record of everything you eat and when and it will be easy to spot bad habits. This will also allow you to block out certain meal times. 13. Exercise more: If you add activity to your daily routine like walking to work – you can start your fight to aid weight loss. Weight lifting is also really important to stop your body losing muscle mass. 14. Eat slowly: Eating slowly helps in proper digestion of food. Also, when you enjoy your food, you don't overeat. 15. Eat more veggies and fruits: They contain fewer calories and a lot of fiber. The high water content in veggies and fruits gives them low energy density which makes them very filling. Studies show that people who eat vegetables and fruits weigh less than people who don’t. Kennedy Health and Wellness is the best Delaware Medical Weight Loss clinic that can provide you with a plan to help you overcome the struggles and pitfalls that you may encounter during weight loss.

© Kennedy Health Pain Relief and Wellness | All Rights Reserved.

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