Pitch presentation

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Extended Prac,ce Pitch James Beardsell

What I’m Doing I will be capturing a performance using mo,on capture and then from the data I gather place it on a character I’ve modeled and then be emi@ng par,cles from the character. However as the par,cles emit from the character they break away the characters form and revel an inner robo,c armature. This is crea,ng a message that technology these days are advancing so much that people are now finding it harder to see what’s CGI and what’s live ac,on.

Planning My Time

Main Inspira,on Mo,on Design – Major Lazer video The Chemical Brothers – Wide Open Music Video

Research Different mo,on capture soRwares IPI, Op,track system and Cortex Mo,on Analysis. Going on Maya and experimen,ng with characters and mo,on capture data. Watching tutorials online about par,cles dissolving effects.

Test Â

Music And Dancing Leeds College of Music students Joe, Michael have agreed to compose some music for me and maybe Georgia but haven’t heard her work yet but she says her material would fit my work. Dancing/performance captured by my sister Sophie

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