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correctly and more than ever you will be able to identify the techniques and strategies used to help achieve the purpose. Your main idea should mention that the only way women can break away from the vicious cycle of illiteracy, poverty, repeated childbearing is by becoming educated. The important thing here is to realize that there is a strong correlation between education and illiteracy. Remember that the main idea and the writer’s purpose are connected; so if the main idea is that education is the key to breaking the stranglehold of that illiteracy, poverty, lack of a political voice and a voice on the hold then the purpose of this piece is to make readers aware/ to sensitize them/ to persuade them of the main idea. So anything that says something like the purpose of this piece is to sensitize readers to the fact that education is the only means for women to escape/break away from the clutches of poverty, illiteracy, repeated childbearing/unplanned pregnancy etc. So CAPE always asks for you to discuss strategies and language techniques and most times the language techniques are easy to find but in CAPE 2009 you looked and looked and some of you only saw ...repetition of “education” and “illiteracy” and if you looked really hard you would have seen contrast of the effects of illiteracy and then you saw nothing else...and you were stuck. Listen in a case like this CAPE is not mad...they won’t ask you for something if it wasn’t there but you need to be smart...go back to the question. If you look you will see what are always there...strategies and language techniques...never language techniques alone! So if

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