Brand Extension by: Abby Simpson, Jacob Bern, Julia D’Antonio, Allison Murphy
Ta b l e o f C o n t en t s . Meet the Team...............................1 Company Overview........................2 Kim Shui Customer...........................3 Extension Concept...........................4 Target Consumer ...........................5 Target Market....................................6 Meet the Faces.................................7 5 P’s.............................................8-16 Pop Up Event.................................17 Environmental Marketing................18 Invite ...............................................19 Interior..............................................20 Window Display............................21-24 Email Blast.......................................25 Webpage.....................................26-27 Social Media................................28-32 SWOT Analysis............................33-35 Contributors......................................36
M e e t t h e T ea m.
Jacob Bern.
Major: Fashion Merchandising and Marketing Minor: Fashion Journalism
Abby Simpson.
Major: Fashion Merchandising and Marketing Minor: Graphic Design Photography
Julia D’Antonio.
Major: Fashion Merchandising and Marketing Minor: Jewelry
Alli Murphy.
Major: Fashion Merchandising and Marketing
Company Ov e rv i e w.
-Born in the US but raised in Rome, Italy. -Graduated from Duke University with a double major in Economics and French . -Studied Fashion Design at Parsons The New School for Design, New York and Central St. Martins, London where she graduated with Distinction. -February 2016: one of the VFILES Runway winners. She then debuted her AW16 ready to wear collection at NYFW. This was the first time she was “really serious about her brand.� -She had her first fashion runway show in February 2016. -It only took her one year from concept development to the runway. -Sponsored and selected by Vogue Italia, she exhibited AW16 at Pitti Super Talents in Milan. Lives in New York City
Kim Sh u i C u st o mer. Her signature look is all looks at once—all the time. There’s red fur on a purple plaid skirt, a pair of red leather pants with a silver piercing that skims the belly button, a black lace blazer with a yellow lighting bolt collar. Kim uses the fabrics and materials we see often but she makes them feel original again by bringing them together in one garment. Her clothing doesn’t just bring together different fabrics, but different kinds of people who you wouldn’t expect to see. “I’m Chinese, but I was born in the States and then I grew up in Italy. I was always around diverse cultures and different things. It was kind of a mishmash of cultures, and I think my design developed that way too; it’s bringing together all of these different aesthetics and places subconsciously.” Multicultural, all ages, sizes and looks. No one is in diversity, the target customer is too limiting. Girls are diverse united in Kim Shui clothing. Women’s Wear Daily
E x t e ns io n Co n c ept. Shui Laces:
“Shui-laces” is the newest accessory extension to Kim Shui Studio. This design takes any ordinary shoelace and transforms it into a genderless multi-functional accessory directed for fashion lovers who want to add another element of texture and personality. This extension comes with three families each containing different styles of Shui Laces. “With some of the pieces,you wouldn’t be able to wrap them exactly the same way twice”
Tar get Cons u m e r p r of i le.
The typical customer is about 25 years old and works in a sophisticated, fashionable urban office. Since the accessory is genderless, a female or male can be the ideal customer. They live in a nice area of the city where they can walk to work. They could work at a PR firm and make an annual income of $70,000, which leaves enough disposable income to support their fashion forward style. They can be single, or dating someone, and like to transform their work look to a going out look after leaving the office. This customer is adventurous, friendly and outgoing. They are part of a close group of friends that all like to keep busy during the week and go out on the weekend. Whether they are experimenting with fashion, music, or sexual identity, the Kim Shui customer can be seen aggressively fighting the higher power and raising hell wherever they go.
The target market for the company is men and women between the age of 21 and 35. Kim Shui studio is an active subversion of the fashion industries “norm�. These customers are regular clientele that come in to the stockists to do their shopping, but also use the website site to see what is new to stay on top of what the trends are through the store.
Ta r g et Market.
M e e t t h e Faces.
Age: 21 Studying: Interior Design and Design for sustainability
Naik Alves
Age: 19 Studying : Fashion Marketing and Fibers Minor in French
Lillian Garlick
“I loved being apart of this creative collaboration. It’s incredible to see students get together from a range of majors and incorporate their ideas into one project.”
“It was an awesome time working with talented and organized individuals and seeing their vision come into shape over the weekend”
“Your gaze hits the side of my face” ~Barbara Karuger
Erin Keane
Age: 21 Studying : Fashion Design
5 P’s. People Place Product Promotion Price
P eo p le. GENERAL PR OFILE. Multicultural Mix Race Identifiers All ages Eccentric and Bold Women
P e ople . Influencers:
Kylie Jenner Solange Cardi B Kali Urchis Venus X (DJ) Olivia Palamero Maye Musk
P eo p l e. Model Types: VERY Diverse
Kim Shui Models: Christina Knight Estelle Chen
Chinese Supermodel
Kristen McMenamy
American model. Known for her unconventional, androgynous appearance. Age 53
Yasmina Rossi Iman Age 58.
Tyler Ford
P l ac e. O nline Web s it e Kim Shui does not sell in brick and mortar stores so her online website is the main platform for sales.
U r b a n O u tf i tte rs Co l l a b o rati o n Offering select shoelace families in select quantities just for UO in their NYC Urban Herald Square store.
Po p U p S hop For this brand extension Kim Shui will host a pop up event to release campaign press, start offering new product, and reveal release dates.
P r o d u ct. S h u i L ac e s .
Shoelace build able kit 1 Set of laces per pack 3 Families (three packs each) 9 Different packs
P r o d u ct. 3 Fa mi l i e s . Family 1.
Family 2.
Family 3.
Pack Color: Silver
Pack Color: Purple
Pack Color: Copper
Laces: Red Fur Gingham Double Sided Vinyl
Laces: Pink Satin Blue Lurex Shimmer Black Croc
Laces: Black Plastic Double Sided
Reptile and Lace
Red Braided
P r ic e. $80 Per pack $225 for each family saving $5 off of each pack. Pricing Breakdown: Current Kim Shui Pricing: High end A reasonable price for an accesory the high end market Production Costs: Fabric, Materials, Tools to make shoe laces Bags to sell the shoe laces in Labor to make the shoe laces
Prom ot i on. Social Media:
Instagram Instagram will feature model shots of the product, model castings, and influencers promoting the product. Twitter Kim Shui’s Twitter feed will focus on product shots and visuals of the collection’s textiles.
Music Festivals:
Coachella Kim Shui laces will be worn as lanyards for event pass holders at music festivals. The brand extension will be represented at festivals because many of Kim Shui’s influencers like Cardi B and Solange lead the music industry and lead fan followings similar to our target consumer. Music unites all people, and festivals like Coachella celebrate diversity, unified in a culture of young urban creatives.
Pop Up Event:
Kim Shui will hosts a Pop up event to introduce consumers to the brand extension, Shui Laces.
P o p Up Even t. B ri e f. We w i l l b e h osting an intim ate collection d rop e ve n t in the br ands studio space. A co u p l e w ee ks pr ior to the event, all for m s o f p romoti on will be sent out to star t gener ating buzz. T hi s i n cl ud es physical car d invitations, emai l b l asts, social m edia postings, and e-commer ce web page banner s.
I nv i t e t o t h e p o p u p sh o p.
interior of the store and in store signage
Wi nd ow D i sp l ay P O P U P sh o p. Window Displays outside the event will be reminiscent of the sets used for the photo shoots. Along the tops of both displays “KIM SHUI: SHUI LACES” will be written in a decal. Font, color, and format will match brand’s consistently used text.
Wi nd ow D i sp l ay P O P U P sh o p.
Wi nd ow D i sp l ay P O P U P sh o p.
E- ma il B l asts. The e-mail blast will be sent out the day of the pop up event to further reinforce to the customers where they can purchase the shui laces. This will also allow customers who didn’t make it to the pop up shop to purchase the shui laces online. It will also be sent out to buyers and stockists to inform them of the product launch.
Di gi ta l M ar ket in g W eb pag e.
This is a mock up of the homepage of Kim Shui website on the date of the pop up shop and release of the Shui Laces. This layout mirrors that of her website now so customers would be familiar with the look to drive loyalty. Only posting the single photo from the photo shoot adds intrigue and will drive customers who visit the website to click and read about the new launch. These photos will also appear on social media platforms (instagram, twitter and pinterest).
Di gi ta l M ar ket in g W eb pag e.
Introducing Shui Laces 2018
Multi-Purpose Accesory
This is a mock up of the product page of Kim Shui website on the date of the pop up shop and release of the Shui Laces. This will be the page that is linked to the home page photos. This is where customers can view photos from the photo shoot and product shots which will allow them to fully understand the new product and purpose behind it.
S oc ia l Med ia . Instagr am T wit t er Pint er est
B efo re, D ur ing and After the Event.
Post in g Ca l en d er .
I n stag r a m.
Followers: 14.5K Instagram the brands strongest social media platform and has the greatest connection potential to the largest customer base. With 14.5k followers on the brands main page, Instagram will provide a wonderful way to promote the pop up event as well as the collection launch. Likes per picture vary drastically but in weeks when posting is high and the content is related to event with high status events postings received greater likes. The ability to direct customers to the e commerce page within the app makes customer experience more streamlined. Story posting will allow for daily countdown pictures and vlogs for the pop up event will generate buzz around the visit to drive attendance. During the pop up event we will live stream the event and creation of personalized shui laces.
T w it t er. Followers: 242 Twitter lacks high follower numbers. Consistency is key to promote the pop up event and product launch effectively so postings across all platforms will be Scheduled to go live on the same date and time. Images and descriptions will be the same as well. With links already placed connecting to the e-commerce page and the main instagram feed, Twitter posting will look identical to Instagram with slight formatting modifications to fit the platforms dimensions.
Pi nte r e st. Followers: 32 This is the brands weakest social media platform. Yet, to maintain brand consistency we want to keep social postings the same across all platforms. Posting layouts and descriptions will be the same for all platforms. To bulk up the content for this platform, boards will be created for each collection. The first board will contain the pop-up images and will be arranged with in the board to parallel the visuals and layouts used on Instagram and Twitter.
SWOT A n a lysis.
Str e ngt h s . Accessories have high profit margins with low production cost and high mark ups. Fits trends: -Transient Trend (multi-functional shoe laces) -DIY trend -Expanding shoelace belt trend Designer Streetwear Niche. Low manufacturing cost, no assembly of accessories, just the laces. This is the first of its kind.
W ea kn esse s. Branding a shoelace at a luxury price point. Fragile quality of handmade laces rather than using industrial synthetic materials. The laces longevity compared to industry shoelaces.
O p po rt u ni t i e s . Entry point for brand Opens up accessory line for the brand Influencers like Kylie and Cardi B can help introduce product. Street Style implication. For anyone of any gender, race and lifestyle. Multi-functional accessory. Millennials’ rising disposable income.
T h r eat s. Competitors like Balenciaga, Vetements, Off White. Heavily tied to trends, could become a fad. Knock offs in other branded niches could degrade the value and aesthetic of Shui
C ont r ib u t o r s. Creative Direction and Styling: Jacob Bern, Abby Simpson Julia D’Antonio, Allison Murphy
Outoor Photoshoot: Studio Photoshoot: Photography: Emma Craft
Photography: Grayson Kent
BTS: Radhika Patel
Makeup: Abby Simpson, Jacob Bern Hair: Jacob Bern
Makeup: CoCo Huang Hair: Jacob Bern Models: Erin Keane Naik Alves Lillian Garlick Set Design: Maverick Quieros
Models: Naik Alves Haley Nottage Set Design: Maverick Quieros