V16n02 - JFP Interview with Marshall Fisher

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vol. 16 no. 2


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‘Everybody Matters, Or Nobody Matters’ The JFP Interview with Public Safety Commissioner


Fisher Dreher, pp 14 - 16



September 13 - 19, 2017 • jfp.ms





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JACKSONIAN Andreas Moffett Imani Khayyam


ndreas Moffett, 29, says his goal is to improve the lives of those around him. As the material handling supervisor at Nissan in Canton, he oversees material management. “I make sure we are getting parts to the line in an effective manner,” he says. “And I look for better, more efficient ways to improve the process.” The Jackson native joined the U.S. Army in August 2008 and received his commission as an officer in August 2013. He served as platoon leader and executive officer before his current role as company commander of Unit F CO 106th BSB in Louisville, Miss. Moffett graduated with a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from Mississippi State University in 2011 and earned a master’s degree in product and quality management from California InterContinental University in 2015. He worked for a civil-engineering firm for several years before beginning at Nissan in 2016. Moffett says he strives to create better work environments and build morale in both of his teams, whether he’s supervising 10 people at Nissan or 150 in his army company. “I love to take care of people,” Moffett says. “I want to be someone who hears people and helps make things better.”


The desire to improve what’s around him has led Moffett to take on a sizeable project—building an amusement park in Mississippi. “I love amusement parks, and I am looking to bring something to Mississippi that we don’t have,” he says. “It will benefit the state and generate more revenue.” While he is currently in the fundraising stage, Moffett says his job at Nissan has given him the ability to work in logistics and material handling. He says he pursued civil engineering with the amusement park in mind and created a business plan for it as his capstone project. Moffett says he carries with him the values that his mother, Florence Moffett, instilled in him at a young age. He says he wants to create more mentorship programs in the area to develop young thinkers and encourage them to pursue their dreams. “My mom passed when I was in the fifth grade,” Moffett says. “She always told me that she was proud of me. I continue to set goals for myself and lean on the Lord because I still want to make her proud.” Moffett has been married to his wife, Tamra, for four years. He likes to fish and recently picked up golfing. He also enjoys writing poetry and short stories, and says he has an autobiography in the works. —Abigail Walker

cover photo of Marshall Fisher by Imani Khayyam

6 ............................ Talks 12 ................... editorial 13 ...................... opinion 14 ............ Cover Story 18 ........... food & Drink 20 ......................... 8 Days 21 ........................ Events 21 ....................... sports 22 .......................... music 23......... music listings 24 ...................... Puzzles 25 ......................... astro 25 ............... Classifieds

7 About That Tax Increase

What does a 2-mill increase look like for Jacksonians? It depends a lot on if you rent or own.

13 Kids Need Solutions

“The numbers in the Mississippi KIDS COUNT Factbook should compel us to drive change at every level because Mississippi’s children don’t need numbers—they need solutions.” —Chellese Hall, “Kids Need Numbers, Not Just Solutions”

22 Dent May Comes Home

Read about indie-pop artist Dent May ahead of his show at Spacecamp on Sept. 15.

September 13 - 19, 2017 • jfp.ms

4 ............ Editor’s Note

Jason Frank Rothenberg; Imani Khayyam; Imani Khayyam

September 13 - 19, 2017 | Vol. 16 No. 2


editor’s note

by Donna Ladd, Editor-in-Chief

Flashing a Kid’s Mugshot Is No Way to Prevent Crime


he 13-year-old was wearing a brown T-shirt with Michael Jackson stretching his arms high into the air, his signature white fedora pulled low over his eyes. Above the white image of the King of Pop, the boy wasn’t smiling and looked blankly at the camera, his shoulders slumped downward. His dark skin was smooth and young. This adolescent’s mugshot flew out on the Jackson Police Department’s Twitter feed on Aug. 30, 2017, because he had been arrested for a heinous crime—armed robbery and carjacking of a 61-year-old. If he did it—and he’s still innocent until it’s proved in court—his life may be over. He will be tried as an adult even though a 13year-old is still more than five years away from the mental capacity of an adult. When I complained about the mugshot, I got the usual responses from the tough-on-child-crime gallery—if he didn’t want to be treated as an adult, he shouldn’t have done an adult crime, blah blah. We heard the same thing about 12-year-old Tamir Rice in Cleveland, Ohio, when a cop killed him for pointing a toy gun their way. In fact, there are rare instances when police or media should publish photos or even names of juveniles. And the most unconscionable time to do it is after a young suspect is in custody. You got your boy, cops. At that point, it’s just bragging. But why not publish the pictures? Glad you asked. Because (a) the kid isn’t convicted, yet, (b) the kid may still be innocent and, if so, (c) the experience could actually turn a child toward a life of crime and (d) result in more victims. Take the infamous case of the rape and murder of 11-year-old Ryan Harris in Chicago in 1998. My Columbia j-school men-

tor LynNell Hancock, who specializes in reporting on children, uses this murder as a case study in responsible journalism about children. Two little boys, 7 and 8, were arrested for the murder. The media ran their perp pictures in handcuffs widely. As often happens with not-fully-developed young minds, the children gave false confessions. DNA later proved an adult did it. But they were considered killers for a month when everyone believed they did

The damage may already be done. it. The damage was arguably done. One of them was later arrested at age 15 for a gas-station shooting. Maybe he would have been there anyway, but maybe not. It’s hard to get media in our state to notice (ahem, Clarion-Ledger and every dang news station), but the Mississippi Legislature paid half a million dollars for a detailed BOTEC study of Jackson crime that specifically warns that a child put into police cars and behind bars—with the inevitable mugshots bandied about—is more likely to commit worse crime as an adult. Now imagine if that kid is actually falsely excused. The damage to him and the community may already be done. But those Chicago kids were younger than 13, you might respond. Well, the Central Park 5 were older.

I was in New York City when the (racist) phrase “wilding” came about in response to the attack and rape of the woman known then as the “Central Park jogger.” The NYPD caught the young crew of four black and one Hispanic teenagers (all were 15 and 16 and from Harlem) supposedly out looking for a woman to “wild.” Cops then coerced false confessions including ratting out each other. Meantime, business tycoon Donald Trump took out full-page ads calling for their execution, saying among other things: “How can our great society tolerate the continued brutalization of its citizens by crazed misfits?” The five teenagers were convicted of charges including assault, robbery, riot, rape, sexual abuse and attempted murder. It’s good that folks didn’t listen to Trump because it turns out that they were innocent, even though all of them served from seven to 13 years in prison. But they were demonized and treated as if they were guilty before they were tried; I remember it well. I’m embarrassed to say that it never crossed my mind that they were innocent. This was the famed NYPD, after all. They knew what they were doing, right? The point is that disseminating mugshots of minors should be rare due to the harm that it can cause to that kid and society to treat children as adult criminals, especially before they even get a trial. I remember a time when most media would actually question using mugshots of minors and know that it’s not ethical unless needed, say, to catch a suspected killer on the loose. But, sadly, the age of “superpredator” mythology took hold in the 1980s for young people of color and hasn’t let up even as it’s been proved false (and even as juveniles of color are more likely to be victims of

violence than perpetuate it). The American Psychological Association released a study earlier this year showing that people believe that men of color are more threatening and larger than white counterparts even when they aren’t. And a 2014 APA study showed that black boys as young as 10 are “more likely to be mistaken as older, be perceived as guilty and face police violence if accused of a crime,” which explains people blaming young Rice, 12, for his own death. Note that these aren’t just white people viewing males of color this way. Likewise, it’s not just white officials deciding to send out mugshots of 13-year-olds already in custody in Jackson. That kid is now already scarred and branded as a hardened criminal, no matter guilt or innocence. This is particularly ironic in a city where many support a district attorney who declines to push prosecution of grown men for crimes including beating and dangling a woman off a bridge (see page 8)—and where officials also fire out mugshots of children. This cognitive dissonance is in no way making our city safer. And the trauma that can result from unneeded exposure of children to criminal-justice horrors is exactly what experts warn can turn into lifetimes of crime. Kids just aren’t scared straight; it often has the opposite effect, in fact. If he committed this crime, the 13year-old needs help and the kinds of intervention that can both rehabilitate him and prevent future crime. As the mayor likes to say, the police cannot really prevent violence. But with due respect, his police department can make violence more likely if they don’t adopt evidence-based practices for dealing with child suspects. Read more about smart youth-crime prevention at jfp.ms/preventingviolence.

September 13 - 19, 2017 • jfp.ms



Arielle Dreher

Imani Khayyam

Zilpha Young

Malcolm Morrow

Micah Smith

Kristin Brenemen

Kimberly Griffin

Todd Stauffer

News Reporter Arielle Dreher is working on finding some new hobbies and adopting an otter from the Jackson Zoo. Email her story ideas at arielle@jacksonfreepress.com. She interviewed Public Safety Commissioner Marshall Fisher.

Staff Photographer Imani Khayyam is an art lover and a native of Jackson. He loves to be behind the camera and capture the true essence of his subjects. He took the cover photo and many photos in the issue.

Zilpha Young is an ad designer by day, painter, illustrator, seamstress and freelance designer by night. Check out her design portfolio at zilphacreates.com. She designed ads for the issue.

Freelancer Malcolm Morrow has a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice from the University of Southern Mississippi. He is the founder of Jackson-based entertainment blog The Hood Hippie. He wrote about Ty Bowls.

Music Editor Micah Smith is married to a great lady, has two dog-children named Kirby and Zelda, and plays in the band Empty Atlas. Send gig info to music@jacksonfreepress.com. He wrote about singer-songwriter Dent May.

Art Director Kristin Brenemen is a meganekko with a penchant for dystopianism. She’s recovering from two intense months of sewing and leather work and already wants to do more. She designed much of the issue.

Associate Publisher Kimberly Griffin is a Jackson native who loves Jesus, her mama, cooking, traveling, the Callaway Chargers, chocolate, her godson, working out, Mississippi University for Women and locally owned restaurants.

President and publisher Todd Stauffer is the author of more than 40 technology books on Macs, HTML, blogging and digital video. He grew up in Dallas and is a Texas A&M graduate. Talk to him about your digital-services needs.



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September 13 - 19, 2017 • jfp.ms

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The AG convicted Darnell Turner after Hinds County DA’s office passed on the case. p8

“Science has shown that’s not true, and I regret that I ever believed that way or thought that way, but I didn’t know any better.” — Marshall Fisher discussing why addiction is a disease and why he used to think differently.

Thursday, September 7 Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba calls on Donald Trump to preserve DACA and signs the “We Are With Dreamers” letter, which includes governors, state and municipal leaders, and faith leaders throughout the country. … U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos announces plans to scrap Obama-era rules on how colleges enforce Title IX in cases of sexual assault. Friday, September 8 A Hinds County jury convicts Darnell Turner, 39, a man connected to Hinds County District Attorney Robert Shuler Smith, in three separate counts related to a 2014 domestic-violence incident against a 22-year-old woman. Saturday, September 9 Hurricane Irma makes landfall in Florida, knocking out power for more than 5.5 million homes and businesses.

September 13 - 19, 2017 • jfp.ms

Sunday, September 10 Pope Francis sharply criticizes climate-change science doubters, saying history will judge those who failed to take the necessary decisions to curb heat-trapping emissions that scientists blame for worsening hurricanes.


Monday, September 11 At least 1,000 family members, survivors, rescuers and officials gather for a ceremony at the World Trade Center marking the 16th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Tuesday, September 12 Voters in Hattiesburg House District 102 vote on a new representative after Rep. Toby Barker won the mayoral election last spring, vacating his seat. Get breaking news at jfpdaily.com and on Twitter @jxnfreepress.

Local DACA Immigrants: We Still Have a Dream by Arielle Dreher


renda Ramirez came to the United States from Mexico City when she was 9 years old with her family. She went to public schools and graduated from Ridgeland High School this past spring. She is working to help her mother out, and she plans to enter the Army—or was, until President Donald Trump announced he is phasing out the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. Ramirez’s DACA status allowed her to continue to go to school, work and go into the Army without fear of deportation. Now her future in this country is in the hands of lawmakers in Congress, who will have to act on an immigration reform measure if they want to keep all or parts of the DACA program active. “I just wish the government wouldn’t take that away from us Dreamers,” Ramirez, now 18, said at a protest in downtown Jackson on Sept. 8. “I have a lot of goals in my life that I want to accomplish, and I just honestly feel like this is not right—this is something that is really hurtful for us.” The teenager, who has been in the U.S. for almost a decade, choked up as she spoke. One protester shouted, “You’re so brave!” as she continued. “My dream has always been to be someone in life, and DACA was helping me out and giving me the opportunity to be someone,” she said. “And now that he’s (Trump) trying to take it away from us, I

Arielle Dreher

Wednesday, September 6 Mississippi Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann launches a new part of the Y’all Vote website that allows Mississippians to see if they are registered to vote and where they should be voting. … Fifteen states and the District of Columbia sue to block Donald Trump’s plan to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.

Mississippians protested outside the office of U.S. Sen. Thad Cochran, R-Miss., in support of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program on Sept. 8.

just wish that wouldn’t happen.” Ramirez wants to eventually become a nurse, she told reporters later. The Ridgeland teen joined about 50 Mississippians protesting Trump’s decision to end DACA last week, marching outside Sen. Thad Cochran’s, R-Miss., Jackson office. The Mississippi Immigration Rights Alliance helped organize the protest. Central Mississippi Community Organizer Onelia Hawa said MIRA was prepared to continue to fight to protect Dreamers and DACA recipients throughout the state. “If Gov. Phil Bryant, Sen. Thad Cochran and Sen. Roger Wicker outwardly

continue to support deportation without supporting a pathway to citizenship, we will continue to fight to keep everyone safe and together,” Hawa said at the protest. The most recent data from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security show that more than 3,000 Mississippians have applied for DACA approval, with 2,700 applications approved as of March 31. Mississippians who work and live among DACA recipients in the community joined the protesters. Dax Fairchild, a high-school history teacher at Morton High School, said some of his students are DACA recipients.

Milkshake Mad-Lib by JFP Staff

Sept. 12 was Chocolate Milkshake Day, so we’re dedicating this week’s Little Six to “Milkshake” by Kelis and the song’s famous line, “My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard,” with a mad-lib. Here’s what we came up with.

My reproductive rights bring all the anti-abortion protesters to JWHO. My city’s infrastructure brings all the potholes and sinkholes to my neighborhood. My breadcrumbs bring all the ducks to my yard. My warming ocean brings category 4 hurricanes to the U.S. My potholes bring all the residents to the city council. (And they’re like we can’t even drive.) My records requests bring all the papers to the desk. My happy hour brings all the alcohol to the happy place.

“My dream has always been to be someone in life, and DACA was helping me out and giving me the opportunity to be someone.”

“We’re preparing to do whatever it takes to ensure the stability of the school system and to do whatever is in the best interest of Jackson Public School students.”

— Local DREAMer Brenda Ramirez at a rally calling on Congress to pass the Dream Act last week in Jackson.

— Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba on the potential move of the state commission and board to put JPS into “emergency” status.

How Will the Jackson Property Tax Increase Affect You? by Arielle Dreher








mills 63.03 mills

Total Millage for Property in Jackson:

186.67 mills

*for property in the city of Jackson, with latest increases

Source: City of jackson millage data; hinds couty Tax assessor

At the protest last week, he said DACA can be preserved. “We can’t stand for families to be split up, and we can’t stand for kids who are trying to better themselves and become a successful, contributing factor of our country (to be affected),” he said. “We’ve got to be an advocate for them—regardless of politics.” ‘Permanent State’ Several states sued after Trump’s DACA announcement. Mississippi sat on the sidelines for the lawsuit, brought by primarily Democratic attorneys general. Attorney General Jim Hood did not join the suit. “Immigration is really a federal issue, and normally I don’t get involved unless it affects a Mississippi law, but we have looked at this,” Hood told reporters last week. “I think it’s such a fact issue as to whether the intent of the president was to discriminate against a particular group and proving that intent, we’ll probably just rely on all the other AGs that filed.” Hood did not rule out filing an am-


he Jackson City Council approved Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba’s revenue increase proposal, raising the city’s property tax rate by 2 mills, late on the Friday before Labor Day weekend. The increase, the administration says, is for plugging budget holes as well as getting the City to a healthy financial state so it can execute basic services— like cutting grass and filling potholes. The 2-mill increase in property taxes, going into effect in February, will generate $2.3 million, the city’s new director of finance, Charles Hatcher, said. The new administration will also freeze all vacant positions to save approximately $700,000. How the tax increase will affect Jacksonians depends on whether they rent or own their property as well as what the market value of their property. The City of Jackson assesses property at a very low rate—10 percent of the market value—compared to other cities around the country.

icus brief, however, saying he did not know if his office would support the lawsuit without officially joining it. U.S. Congressman Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., was the first public official from the state to denounce Trump’s DACA rollback plans and called on Congress to work toward a plan to protect DACA recipients and dreamers. “Congress must quickly come together, in bipartisan force, to stop this president and permanently protect those that came to this country under no fault of their own and are now a part of our society and economy,” Thompson said in a statement. Other congressional Republicans stayed quiet, while Gov. Phil Bryant reiterated his disdain for President Barack Obama’s decision to implement DACA without congressional support in 2012. “I have always maintained the Obama administration’s unilateral creation of the DACA program was illegal,” Bryant said on his Facebook page last week. “Should Congress choose to address

“I know some places where assessed value is close to 100 percent, and that’s going to make these millages sounds weird,” Hatcher, who just moved down from Wisconsin for the job, told the Jackson Free Press. “I think some cities have assessed value as a certain percentage, but I’ve never heard of something as low as 10 percent,” he added. The tax increase the city council approved earlier this month increases the city millage rate from 61.03 mills to 63.03 mills. Knowing the difference between assessed and market value on property in Jackson is important, however, when identifying how much your taxes will increase in February. The difference in assessed value and market value really just adds another round of arithmetic, Hatcher explained. In Jackson, that means that a home with a $100,000 market value— the amount it could sell for—has an “assessed value” of $10,000. For these

the issue, I am hopeful a solution can be reached that both upholds American immigration laws and strengthens our system of legal immigration.” U.S. Sen. Roger Wicker, R-Miss., did not release an official statement on the matter, but when asked, his office provided this statement to the Jackson Free Press that included a push for Trump’s border wall. “The administration’s decision reaffirms the president’s commitment to our system of checks and balances. Congress should have an opportunity to work with the administration toward a solution. I agree with President Trump that our nation’s broken immigration system should be addressed through an open legislative process and in adherence to the rule of law,” Wicker said in the statement. “That work should begin with securing our border with a wall, and changing the policies that have incentivized these families to bring their children to the United States illegally in the first place.”

homeowners, the 2-mill increase means paying $20 more a year. The key word there, however, is “owner.” Property tax hits renters harder than owners in this state largely due to the state’s tax code. Who’s Exempt? Mississippi law divides ad valorem (property) taxes into five classes. Class I is the single-family, owner-occupied residence, which is taxed at an assessed value that is 10 percent of its market value. Class II encompasses every other real property, including property rented out to others, which is taxed based on an assessed value that is 15 percent of its market value. While the difference between 10 percent and 15 percent seems small, homeowners can also apply and qualify for a $300 homestead exemption, a tax break for homeowners. This puts a significant property-tax burden for resimore TAX, see page 8

All Up to Congress The fate of Dreamers is now in Congress’ hands, although the Dream Act, a bipartisan piece of legislation, has not fared so well in the past. The Dream Act was first introduced in Congress in 2001, and it has never been approved, MIRA Legal Director Patricia Ice told reporters last week. Passing the legislation would help make a way for DACA recipients to receive permanent residency and ultimately, citizenship, she said. “The president is suggesting that Congress should do something to act, so we’re requesting that Congress act on the Dream Act that they vote on it and make it law because the Dream Act allows for a path to permanent residence and then a path to citizenship,” Ice said. Trump’s call to roll back DACA means DHS is not accepting new or initial applications for DACA anymore. But those who have DACA looking to renew have until Oct. 5 to do so. Read more at jfp.ms/immigration.

September 13 - 19, 2017 • jfp.ms

Jackson Ad Valorem (Property Tax) Millage


TALK | state

AG Convicts Man for ‘Heinous’ Acts After DA Passed by Donna Ladd


arnell Turner, 39, has been accused of several violent gun crimes over the last two decades, but was never convicted. In two instances, the accuser recanted—once before it went to trial and another time during the trial. More recently, Turner had managed to stave off a trial after his arrest for beating and shooting at the 22-year-old mother of one of his eight children. Police said he left her dangling over the side of a bridge in the Washington Addition, attacked a man who tried to help her, then beat her some more in the car as he drove her home. Hinds County District Attorney Robert Shuler Smith had declined to put Turner, who helped with his campaign, on trial since his 2016 arrest for the alleged crimes because he had been his defense attorney before becoming Hinds’ lead prosecutor. But, on Sept. 7, Turner’s luck ran out. That day, a Hinds County jury yesterday convicted the Clinton man, who also goes by Donald Dixon, for three separate


dents in the state on rental property—taxes that are generally passed on to the renters. For example, a Class I residence in Jackson with a market value of $100,000 would owe $610 in city property taxes (not including county or public school ad valorem dollars). If that same residence, worth the same amount on the market, was rented out, the city property tax would equal $915, in part because the homestead exemption is not included. Data from the City of Jackson show that the difference in total property tax owed between renting or owning a $100,000 house in Jackson is more than $1,200 or 79 percent. It costs more to pay taxes on rental property in Jackson—as it also does across Mississippi. “Renters are paying this tax; the landlords are passing it on to them,” Hatcher told the Jackson Free Press. Add to that the fact that a large amount of property in Jackson is exempt from property taxation, including both city-owned and state-owned properties. So buildings like the Mississippi Capitol, the Walter Sillers Building and Jackson City Hall are all exempt from property tax, as state law allows.

2016, for “ex parte communication” with suspects, the AG alleged that Smith “did willfully and unlawfully consult, advice and council both Turner and Butler. However, the later grand-jury indictment of Smith only included Butler. Smith faced two trials for the Butler-related charges: the first ended with a hung jury earlier this year, and the latest an acquittal for the DA, even as the State has now convicted both Butler and now Turner on serious criminal felonies for the charges it says Smith would not pursue. Butler was sentenced to 30 years this summer on drug charges resulting from a narcotics raid on his home, and he faces a retrial on wire-fraud charges. FBI Special Agent Robert Culpepper wrote in a Sept. 11, 2015, letter to the State, which emerged during Smith’s first trial, that the DA was “a close, personal associ-

What Jackson Did The Jackson City Council also approved a slight increase in the Jackson Public Schools millage rate this month, increasing the millage from 84.59 to 84.81. This difference will translate to a very minimal increase in property tax for Class I home-

The new total millage rate, including the county rate in the city at 38.83, the JPS millage rate of 84.81 and the new city rate of 63.03 brings the total millage on properties in Jackson to 186.67 mills. Regardless of population, what really matters when it comes to property taxes and Mississippi state law is homeownership status. Hatcher said he does not know what percentage of Jacksonians rent property versus own property. The Hinds County tax assessor tracks all assessed property values in the county, and 2017 data from Charles Stokes’ office show that more than 43 percent of the total assessed value of property in the city of Jackson is Class II property. Single-family owner-occupied residences (Class I) make up 21 percent. The rest of the assessed property values come from property taxes paid on motor vehicles, public utilities and personal property (Classes III through V). Stokes said the mill rate affects all ad valorem tax classes I through V, meaning that the change in millage rate will impact businesses and equipment inside businesses that are taxable under ad valorem law. “It affects everybody,” he said. Email reporter Arielle Dreher at arielle@ jacksonfreepress.com and follow on Twitter at @arielle_amara. Comment on this and other local news stories at jfp.ms/city.

Imani Khayyam

September 13 - 19, 2017 • jfp.ms

TAX from page 7

counts related to the violent domestic in- violence. This should send a strong message cident—aggravated assault with a firearm, to other offenders.” aggravated domestic violence and shooting into an occupied vehicle. He faces sentenc- Winding Legal Saga ing in Judge Jeffrey Weill’s Turner is no strangcourtroom on Oct. 17, er in the Washington Adwhich could land him in dition, or in Jackson. His Police say prison for 45 years. name earlier surfaced in Turner The conviction hap2016 as part of Hood’s pened because Attorney accusations that Smith strangled General Jim Hood’s office was declining to prosa woman picked up the case and ecute certain individuprosecuted Turner, who is als, namely Turner and dangling over also known as “Slick.” Christopher Butler. a bridge. “This heinous act of FBI documents Now, he faces strangling a woman while emerged during the state’s dangling her over a bridge investigation of Smith for 45 years in deserves maximum punhindering prosecutions prison. ishment,” Hood said in showing that the feds a statement on Sept. 11. believed that Smith and “Domestic violence is a seTurner were close, and rious offense. I’m glad to see that a Hinds that might have kept the DA from pursuCounty jury recognized that fact and stood ing charges against him. In Hood’s original for protecting other victims of domestic indictment of Smith, by affidavit in June

Director of Finance Charles “Chip” Hatcher says the City of Jackson shored up its budget problems by freezing vacant positions and increasing property taxes.

owners, depending of course, on the market value of their home. The city council approved the two millage increases, which will be included in the new city budget that council is expected

to pass later this week. Municipalities and counties are required to revisit the assessed value real estate every four years in Mississippi. Hatcher said more frequent re-assessment will ensure that citizens are paying what they should be for the value of their properties. In cities like Austin, Texas, or Seattle, Wash., Hatcher said, cities constantly re-assess to ensure people are paying an adequate amount of taxes on their property, especially as areas and neighborhoods increase in value. The opposite—not re-assessing often—can lead to places with less market value paying the same as other properties that should be paying more based on market value. “When cities don’t go and try to figure out what the market value of these properties are … then depressed places (where property values aren’t increasing) … lose out because the places where property values are going up, they sort of get a free ride,” Hatcher said in the interview. Jackson’s individual millage rate, not including JPS or county mills, is high compared to surrounding cities, Department of Revenue data show. Jackson, now at 63 mills, is higher than Madison at 28, Pearl at 27, Flowood at 20 and Clinton at 41. Jackson is also the largest city in the state, population-wise, however.

more HEINOUS see page 10

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September 13 - 19, 2017 • jfp.ms

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TALK | state The Melton-’Grayhead’ Days Smith had represented Turner in a high-profile, Frank Melton-era aggravated assault trial in 2006, alongside Corey Redd, Elisha Moton and Andre Mason— all allegedly members of the so-called “Grayhead” gang nicknamed supposedly due to Moton’s prematurely gray hair. The young men had allegedly shot Michael “Mike-Mike” Sanders in the leg, duct-taped his mouth and locked him in a trunk for hours on March 10, 2004. Prosecutors argued that the shooting was part of retaliatory violence between Inge and Cohea Street crime groups. Former Mayor Frank Melton called

way Street in Jackson with sledgehammers, a story the Jackson Free Press broke. Melton and his entourage also beat from page 8 related charges in county court, with thendefense attorney Smith defending one of the mayor’s bodyguards. ate” of Turner’s and had not pursued cases As mayor, Melton attended the “Grayagainst him although “extensive reporting head” trial in then-Hinds County Circuit indicates that Turner has been involved in Judge Bobby DeLaughter’s courtroom— a wide range of criminal activity.” before that judge went to prison after an “As recently as November of 2014, Ed Peters bribe offer—and defended the Turner was arrested by the Jackson Police young men who had turned themselves Department for an aggravated domestic into him. A Hinds County jury acquitted violence incident, but was not indicted by the five men after Sanders suddenly refused the District Attorney’s office,” he wrote. to testify and recanted his identification of The FBI agent’s letter also revealed Turner and the other men. that Turner’s trucking company, Melton, along with former Southern Miss Transport LLC was District Attorney Ed Peters, also sup“under investigation for being a ported DA Smith in his campaign to front for drug trafficking.” James unseat Peterson, who had prosecutMangum, the letter said, was the son ed Melton in Hinds County court, as of one of Turner’s drivers. Mangum well as the “Grayhead” gang. turned himself in after the June 24, One of the Grayhead associ2014, murder of Dexter Myles at an ates, Terrence Womack, attended Exxon on Terry Road. Jackson police Melton’s federal trial daily in his presented a murder case on Mangum support. On Oct. 29, 2013, U.S. to Smith’s office, but a Hinds County District Judge Henry T. Wingate grand jury failed to indict Mangum, sentenced Womack to 72 months in saying there was not enough evifederal prison followed by five years dence. Mangum went free. of supervised release for possession Culpepper also said in the with intent to distribute more than same letter that Smith’s office had 28 grams of crack. Womack was in“deliberately avoided prosecuting dicted in connection with Operation convenience-store owner Chirag Paperchase, an extensive investigaKharbanda “due to ties to the storetion targeting illegal narcotics distriowning community.” Police arrested bution in Jackson. Kharbanda after two raids on his A Hinds County jury convicted Darnell Turner, aka Donald Dixon, (left) for “heinous In 2005, Turner was accused businesses revealed stolen property, crimes” related to a domestic incident with the mother of one of his children. The State of shooting Floyd Buckley Jr., 32, and FBI earlier accused Hinds Country District Attorney Robert Shuler Smith (right) of including a handgun in a safe and trying to keep Turner from being prosecuted—charges it did not prove in court. at the Dairy Bar in the Washington another in the later raid next to the Addition, which used to be a busy cash register. But the grand jury said hang-out, allegedly associated with they did not see enough evidence to indict. in his tenure as DA that Turner had helped the young Grayhead men his “boys,” and drug activity. Based on witness reports, These accusations, which are part of him with his first campaign when he de- defended them publicly. Municipal Judge Melvin Priester Sr. signed Melton was known for defending a warrant for Turner’s arrest on Oct. 13. Smith’s court file and police documents, feated incumbent District Attorney Faye have not been proved in court. Peterson for the position, including distrib- certain accused young men and going after On Nov. 9, 2005, Buckley requested that other ones, leading to rumors that he was the charges be dropped, and the case was Kharbanda, now 27, told WJTV in uting campaign materials. 2015 that police were harassing him, in- Also, recently in open court, Smith involved in criminal activity himself, which remanded to the files. cluding after opium and “spice” busts at his said that Turner visited him in his home. were never proved, although some officials store. “... The store has been there for years. The AG also charged Smith with giving tried, battling missing files, recanting and I just got there,” he told WJTV. Read more at jfp.ms/dafiles. This story inemails between the State, DA and the coun- dying accusers, and other barriers. Melton In a motion by Assistant Attorney ty judge to Turner’s attorney, Dennis Sweet died after one controversial term as may- cludes reporting on DA Robert General Stanley Alexander in 2016 to in- III, to help with his defense of Turner, who or and while facing a federal retrial for lead- Smith’s trial by Tim Summers stall the AG’s office as the prosecutors of the the Hinds County Sheriff’s Department ing a group of cops and young men to de- Jr. Follow Donna Ladd on stroy a mentally ill man’s duplex on Ridge- Twitter @donnerkay. delayed Turner and Butler, the State made said is also known as “Darnell Dixon.” a case that Turner and Smith were “good After Hood’s original affidavit indictfriends,” and said “it is because of this friend- ment of Turner, Sweet filed a motion to disship that the (district attorney) has chosen miss. He said Smith had represented Turner Most viral stories at jfp.ms: Most viral events at 1. “JPS Faces ‘Emergency’ Decision: What’s Next?” not to prosecute the instant cases.” in an earlier criminal case and pointed out jfpevents.com: by Arielle Dreher In a letter attached to the legal docu- that Turner had no previous conviction. 1. “And Then There Were None,” Sept. 12-24 2. “A Flag For Us All” by Saizan Owen 2. “Suessical the Musical,” Sept. 14-21 ment, Alexander also talked about an al- He also argued, as other attorneys have in 3. “Sanford Out, Adams in at JSU, Mississippi Dance 3. Cathead Oktoberfest, Sept. 16 leged connection between one of the DA’s charges the State has brought against Smith, Festival and Dr. Jermaine Grey” by Dustin Cardon 4. “Graphic Content” Comic Book Club, Sept. 17 4. “Redefining Royalty: A Look Inside Jackson’s Drag employees at the time and Turner. that the attorney general does not have au5. Shining a Light on Mississippi through S.T.E.A.M., Culture” by Tyler Edwards Sept. 19 “Additionally, DeOndra (Dee) Parker, thority to interfere in the cases Smith was 5. “The Joel Osteen Transaction” by Leslie McLemore II Find more events at jfpevents.com. the mother of two of Mr. Turner’s children, not prosecuting, or to prosecute Smith. 10


is an employee at the District Attorney’s office,” Alexander wrote. “According to records, Ms. Parker signed for one of the cases that has not been prosecuted by the DA’s office.” (Parker is not the woman Turner was convicted of assaulting on Sept. 7.) Alexander was an assistant district attorney under Smith’s predecessor, Faye Peterson, and ran unsuccessfully to unseat Smith in the last DA’s election. Smith has made it no secret that he had known Turner for a long time from back when he had his private legal practice in the Washington Addition, defending many young men accused of criminal activity. He told the Jackson Free Press early

September 13 - 19, 2017 • jfp.ms

courtesy Hinds County Sheriff’s Department

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September 13 - 19, 2017 • jfp.ms

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In Times Like These


ev. Cletus: “Welcome to another Rev. Cletus Car Sales Church radio broadcast. This is your car-sales pastor proclaiming the good news that God is in the blessing business in times like these. “If you didn’t know, the transportation ministry of Rev. Cletus Car Sales Church refurbishes several fleets of broken down vans, trucks and buses before each hurricane season. When the powerful winds of nature kick in to destroy homes, businesses and cities, our church will come to the aid of the people with a caravan of vans, trucks, and buses. It’s our hurricane assistance ministry called ‘The Truck, Bus and Van Caravan of Love.’ Many thanks go out to the church’s deacon and deaconess mechanics and drivers for their benevolence and hard work in this much-needed ministry for humanity. “This hurricane season, I am proud to introduce Rev. Cletus Car Sales Church Millennial Youth Mechanic Ministry. These bright, young minds have built, by hand, several hydraulic vans and buses very capable of rising above the flood waters. We will utilize the hydraulic vehicles to transport hurricane and flood victims to medical facilities, Yall Marts and grocery stores on higher and dryer ground. Amen-ness! “Riding along with ‘The Truck, Bus and Van Caravan of Love’ will be a host of humanitarian aid from Ghetto Science Community vendors like Jojo’s Discount Dollar Store, Pork-N-Piggly Supermarkets, Inspector Beat Down Security, McBride Family Humanitarian Aid Coalition and more. “Remember: Look to the mountains from whence cometh help. Amen-ness!”

‘Disservice’ “Survivors, victims of a lack of due process, and campus administrators have all told me that the current approach does a disservice to everyone involved.” Betsy DeVos last week while announcing a noticeand-comment process for coming changes to the Title IX program at the U.S. Department of Education.

September 13 - 19, 2017 • jfp.ms

Why it stinks: Last week, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos announced her intentions to weaken the Obama administration’s Title IX system, which strengthened avenues for sexual-assault survivors to report what happened, stay on campus, and in an ideal situation, get justice. In the time leading up to this announcement, DeVos met with men’s rights groups, such as the National Coalition for Men, which publishes headshots of women whose rape reports have been dismissed, taking Trump’s “on all sides” approach to assault. This approach is not well-founded in research. One in five women on campuses will be sexually assaulted, data from the National Sexual Violence Resource Center show, while false reporting accounts for as little as 2 to 10 percent of reported sexual assaults. Rolling back protections for survivors does nothing but push women back into a culture of silence, surviving 12 sexual assault with no protections or avenues to justice at their universities.

The People of Jackson Deserve Strong Transparency


ackson has its challenges from infrastructure to school funding—there never seems to be enough money to go around. Which is why on Friday, Sept. 1, during after-work hours as many locals were heading into their three-day Labor Day break, five of the city’s seven city council members assembled in City Hall to quietly raise taxes. The vote was close, 3-2, but it passed with little outcry or public comment—largely because few people knew it was happening. The city only put advance legal notice in the print versions of The Clarion-Ledger and the Mississippi Link. Other media outlets had no notice of the special meeting until a fax came late the day before. Video recordings of the Friday night meeting show predominantly empty seats in the chamber, and save Sen. Sollie Norwood, D-Jackson, no one got up to give public comment. If the city administration had been more transparent in its plan, there surely would have been more public participation. And sure, some of them would have been against a tax increase—but such a people’s assembly of diverse thought needs to be invited and welcomed. Likewise, the media did not receive an advance fiscal explanation packet—we still haven’t—explaining the tax increase in detail. That meant that misleading information went out to the people. We understand the need to increase revenue, but everyone must have a chance to be heard in the process. While state law doesn’t require the council to hold town halls or public hearings concerning issues, it would do wonders to increase trust and

accountability between the public and the city government. After the promise of “people’s assemblies” in Mayor Lumumba’s campaign, it was easy to feel punked by this process, which seemed designed to shut out dissent rather than promote dialogue. It is also vital to give factually correct reasons for raising taxes when asked. At the special meeting, the mayor cited a “$6 million budget hole” as a reasons the city needed the extra tax revenue—which we reported. Further reporting revealed that number is not correct. The 2-mill increase will increase revenue by $2.3 million. The administration also froze vacancies to help fill the budget hole, which is approximately $2.6 million—not $6 million. We also noted a less-than-transparent move by the council at its special meeting about the longcontroversial and changing gate ordinance. Members discussed an altered ordinance, but would not provide a copy, saying it would be voted on in a few days. This secrecy is no way to prepare the public for a vote that affects public safety and property values. If you meet about it, give out copies. We expect the City’s troubles to be presented accurately and in bright sunlight. We appreciate the vigor of the new administration and its apparent boldness to get things done, but in order to govern effectively, better communication is vital. Not to mention, with the threat to JPS, we want to see the mayor fill vacant school-board seats post-haste. Without a full governing board in place, we doubt rallies will do much good. The campaign is over; it’s time to start transparent governing.

Email letters and opinion to letters@jacksonfreepress.com, fax to 601-510-9019 or mail to 125 South Congress St., Suite 1324, Jackson, Mississippi 39201. Include daytime phone number. Letters may be edited for length and clarity, as well as factchecked.


EDITORIAL Managing Editor Amber Helsel State Reporter Arielle Dreher City Reporter William Kelly III JFP Daily Editor Dustin Cardon Music Editor Micah Smith Events Listings Editor Tyler Edwards Writers Ko Bragg, Brynn Corbello, Richard Coupe, Bryan Flynn, Mike McDonald, Greg Pigott, Julie Skipper, Abigail Walker Consulting Editor JoAnne Prichard Morris ART AND PHOTOGRAPHY Art Director Kristin Brenemen Advertising Designer Zilpha Young Staff Photographer Imani Khayyam ADVERTISING SALES Digital Marketing Specialist Meghan Garner Sales and Marketing Consultant Stephen Wright Sales Assistant DeShae Chambers BUSINESS AND OPERATIONS Distribution Manager Richard Laswell Distribution Raymond Carmeans, Clint Dear, Ruby Parks,Tommy Smith Assistant to the CEO Inga-Lill Sjostrom ONLINE Web Editor Dustin Cardon Web Designer Montroe Headd CONTACT US: Letters letters@jacksonfreepress.com Editorial editor@jacksonfreepress.com Queries submissions@jacksonfreepress.com Listings events@jacksonfreepress.com Advertising ads@jacksonfreepress.com Publisher todd@jacksonfreepress.com News tips news@jacksonfreepress.com Fashion style@jacksonfreepress.com Jackson Free Press 125 South Congress Street, Suite 1324 Jackson, Mississippi 39201 Editorial (601) 362-6121 Sales (601) 362-6121 Fax (601) 510-9019 Daily updates at jacksonfreepress.com The Jackson Free Press is the city’s awardwinning, locally owned newsweekly, reaching over 35,000 readers per week via more than 600 distribution locations in the Jackson metro area—and an average of over 35,000 visitors per week at www.jacksonfreepress.com. The Jackson Free Press is free for pick-up by readers; one copy per person, please. First-class subscriptions are available for $100 per year for postage and handling. The Jackson Free Press welcomes thoughtful opinions. The views expressed in this newspaper are not necessarily those of the publisher or management of Jackson Free Press Inc. © Copyright 2017 Jackson Free Press Inc. All Rights Reserved


umbers count. That statement isn’t meant to be facetious or witty. Numbers really do count, especially the numbers in the most recent edition of the Mississippi KIDS COUNT factbook, which the Mississippi State University Social Science Research Center released earlier this year. There are some hopeful trends in the numbers. As Mississippi native and award-winning actress Sela Ward points out in the foreword, our state has “improved in 11 of the 16 indicators” that have researchers have used to determine child health and well-being in communities across the country. However, the numbers also reflect the disparities and inequities in access to critical educational and public-health resources children face in Mississippi’s most distressed and disadvantaged communities. The factbook says that one in three of our state’s children lives in poverty, and one-third of our state’s high-school students are not graduating on time, which means that thousands of Mississippi children don’t have opportunities necessary for them realize their potential and contribute meaningfully to their communities, and by extension, to our state. I can identify with many of those children who face seemingly impossible barriers to access the fundamental resources required for students to excel. Throughout my childhood, my hardworking, Detroit-born parents labored tirelessly to provide the best for my sister and me, while experiencing on-andoff employment and facing the myriad challenges parents contend with on a daily basis. I was fortunate enough to attend Brandon High School, which is in a school district that boasts an annual graduation rate of about 85 percent and has ample resources to support students with a range of educational needs. Brandon High School stands in stark contrast to high schools in districts in Greenville and others in the Mississippi Delta, where nearly one-third of high-school students do not graduate.

And even the students who do graduate from schools in resource-strapped districts tend to lack access to the tools and programs that will connect them to training or education after high school that can lead to meaningful employment. They can access some of those tools relatively easily. For example, at Get2College, we help students and families complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, which has been shown to be a predictor of college enrollment. As a matter of fact, statistics show that 90 percent of high school seniors who complete the FAFSA attend college directly from high school, and more than half of students who complete the FAFSA earn a bachelor’s degree within six years of enrollment. Some of the other tools that students need will require hard work and a commitment to equal access to opportunity throughout the state. We must work with organizations and people who care about the future of our state and are concerned about our children to promote investments in proven solutions that connect families and students to the critical resources. The numbers in the Mississippi KIDS COUNT factbook should compel us to drive change at every level because Mississippi’s children don’t need numbers—they need solutions. One of those solutions I work on every day is helping Mississippians access and complete post-secondary educational programs that will contribute to a Mississippi where fewer children live in poverty and more young people have the opportunity to secure jobs that provide family-sustaining income. We cannot be complacent with where we stand as a state, and we cannot sit idly by while these staggering disparities continue to confront our fellow Mississippians. We cannot simply hope for a better future. We must act. Chellese Hall is the communications manager at Woodard Hines Education Foundation.

We cannot simply hope for a better future. We must act.

Listings Thur.4/13 9/21 Listingsfor forFri. Fri. 9/15 4/7 ––Thur. Smurfs: The Lost American Village PG Assassin R Going in Style PG13 Mother ! R The Case for ItChrist (2017) PGR The Zookeeper’s Home Again PG13 Wife PG13 All Saints PG Ghost in the Shell PG13 Birth of the The Boss Baby PG Dragon PG13

Beauty and the The Hitman’s Beast (2017) Bodyguard PGR Kong: Skull Island Logan LuckyPG13 PG13 Logan Wind River


The Shack PG13 Annabelle: Get Out RR Creation Life R The Glass Castle (Sun – Thur only) PG13

The Belko Girls Trip R Experiment R Power Rangers Leap PG (Sun – Thur only) (2017) PG13 Dunkirk PG13



September 13 - 19, 2017 • jfp.ms

Editor-in-Chief and CEO Donna Ladd Publisher Todd Stauffer Associate Publisher Kimberly Griffin

Kids Need Solutions, Not Just Numbers


‘Everybody Matters, Or Nobody Matters’

The JFP Interview with Public Safety Commissioner Marshall Fisher by Arielle Dreher

Are drug courts and mental-health courts working? What else can the State look at to help with those problems?

September 13 - 19, 2017 • jfp.ms

When I first heard about drug courts, and I couldn’t tell you exactly when they started … I would say late ’90s ... I thought it was some hug-a-thug do-gooder program, and I believed that. You’ve got to remember my enforcement background: I spent from 1983 until 2014 … in narcotics, so that entails making cases on drug dealers and organizations in order to dismantle the organization and seize drugs, seize drug assets derived from profits of narcotic sales, and make cases on them and put people in prison. So strictly enforcement; there was no treatment piece for DEA, and I don’t believe DEA today should be in the treatment business. They’re not treatment professionals. Over time we began to see the results 14 of drug courts, and it was after I was here

Imani Khayyam


o say Marshall Fisher is a career law-enforcement, or as he would say “narc,” official is an understatement. The U.S. Navy veteran has seen it all while working for the federal and state governments in primarily drug enforcement during his decadeslong career. He has also pivoted on some issues, like addiction, creating an impetus to change how law-enforcement agencies work alongside other professionals, such as mental-health and rehabilitation specialists, instead of operating in a silo. Commissioner Fisher took the helm at the Department of Public Safety in January after leading the Mississippi Department of Corrections for a year. His work in law enforcement has predominantly centered around drug enforcement; he worked for the federal Drug Enforcement Administration from 1983 until transitioning to the Mississippi Bureau of Narcotics in 2005. Fisher shared his opinions and ideas about how law enforcement fits into society and government as a whole with the Jackson Free Press recently.

Department of Safety Commissioner Marshall Fisher says focusing on treatment for those addicted to drugs as well as those who suffer from mental illness may bring upfront costs, but will likely pay off in the long run for Mississippi and its residents.

in Mississippi ( at the Bureau of Narcotics) … and I was beginning to know district attorneys in the state, who I had gained a great deal of respect for, (supporting) drug courts, and I sat down with them. Basically they turned my head to actually look at the results and some of the numbers. It’s not perfect—nothing’s perfect—but what the drug courts are doing, I think, is a really positive step. They have some good success numbers and I don’t think you can argue with that—the numbers don’t lie, and I don’t think they’ve been manipulated. I was at the opioid town-hall meeting in Jones County last night and … I had a man come out and shake my hand and the Bureau of Narcotics director’s hand and say, “Thank y’all for what you’re doing. I appreciate it.” He said his wife was an active addict, and he had been in recovery for 10 years and slipped out and was back in recovery, and drug court got him there. So that was a success story out of someone’s mouth that you know; here’s a guy who’s obviously been arrested but who came up to two veteran lawenforcement officers and shook their hands, so I think that’s a positive step.

eas where a guy or gal might be arrested for distribution of narcotics—and not for just a little bit—and for some reason because of who they were, who their families were, whatever, they were shepherded into drug court. It’s not for drug dealers; it’s for drug abusers. That is a significant difference. I’m one of those that didn’t believe addiction was a disease for a long time. I thought it was a choice somebody made, and all of us make bad choices, but I thought these are people that are too sorry to improve; they don’t want to improve; they don’t want to get better, and they made a choice—and that’s not a choice. Science has shown that’s not true, and I regret that I ever believed that way or thought that way, but I didn’t know any better. I still educate some of my colleagues. I talked to a young officer in the gym this week about it; he was saying, “I’m just on the fence.” And I said, “Just think about it in these terms: Why would somebody wake up one day and decide to ruin their whole life and the lives of everyone that they loved around them? It doesn’t make sense; it’s insanity.” If you talk to somebody who’s been in addiction, they’ll tell you it is insanity.

Are there negatives to drug courts? Now what I’ve seen happen with drug

How do we, as a state, focus on combatting addiction?

courts that I don’t like … there are some ar-

These are my opinions, but I believe

we would do ourselves a service whether it’s the state or nationwide to focus more on treatment. And I want to be clear: I’m not some guy who’s turned his back on his profession; I am about as hardcore as they come. There are people who are behind bars who belong behind bars because they have done evil things, and they are there to protect the public from the harm that they may do to them and (that) they have done to other people in some cases. I believe if we would take true first offenders … who have either a co-occurring mental-health or drug-abuse disorders and create—and this comes with a cost—more therapeutic settings with trained, licensed, credentialed professionals (it would pay off). Now, they’ve got to cross the bridge, but in order to get into recovery, you’ve got to get the fog out of their head. … Whether mental-health or drug treatment, the cost benefit on the other side of that would be astounding. It would be some up-front cost to get it going, but I think the return on investment on the other end would be good. What is DPS doing to help with combatting addiction, particularly in overdose situations?

The troopers, MBN and MBI (Mississippi Bureau of Investigation) agents are now carrying NARCAN (naloxone) as a

Just off the top of my head, I don’t think Mississippi is behind the times on that. I think every community in the country is dealing with youth crime. Some of them may be prosecuted differently or have different statutes on the books for prosecution. When I left the Department of Corrections, there was somewhere between 25 to 40 youthful offenders in the youthfuloffender unit, who had been convicted as adults under that statute, and all of those that I was aware of were heinous crimes. I can’t think of anything that we could do differently except from the top-down. Every district, every district attorney, the judges—and I’m not telling the DAs or the

us to exercise that power and that authority properly. If not, we are no better than the bad guys that we’re after, and I believe that. How should a community come together to address youth crime?

I’ve never run a municipal police department … so I don’t want to come across like I’m trying to tell (JPD Chief) Lee Vance or somebody how to run his police department. But rubbing shoulders with these guys—I’m active with the International Association of Chiefs of Police—and talking to those people and what they’ve conveyed to me is that it’s a top-down approach. You’ve got to get to know the people in the community; you want your officers having dialogue with people in the community. You want to develop officers who are approachable and that people aren’t afraid of. I always like it when I see photos of officers stopping and shooting a few baskets with some guys on the street or buying popsicles for kids. One of the ways you earn people’s respect is you talk to them, and you get to know the people in the com-

DPS Commissioner Marshall Fisher speaks at one of the several town hall meetings his agency and several other state boards and departments are hosting to educate the public about the opioid epidemic. He now believes in investing in prevention, but didn’t in the past, he says.

But we look at it. I had a fellow prosecutor tell me several years ago when I was a young federal narcotic agent that we have a lot of power in this business. Sometimes it doesn’t seem like it because we’ll lose a case or lose charges on an offender, but most of the time, we blame it on the system. But most of the time it may be that we didn’t do our job as good as we could have done it—not every time—but some of that comes from experience, but what’s that old saying? Rather, 100 men go free who are guilty than one man go to prison who’s not guilty. It’s up to

munity, but anything you want to do starts at the top. It’s leadership, you know, pushed down. And you can’t just say it—you’ve got to show it. ... We cannot arrest our way out of this (opioid drug abuse) problem— it’s impossible, we don’t have enough cells to put people in, and we don’t believe that putting somebody in jail who’s an addict is going to fix that. It’s like painting your house when it’s on fire. Now that doesn’t mean that people that are addicted don’t commit heinous crimes and wind up in jail. … . But I think that it sends a message that we’ve done seven of these (town halls) now. … I went down there because I think it’s

important that the commissioner of public safety show up there because it sends a message that this is an important issue; it is an epidemic; people are dying. Michael Connelly, who was a police beat reporter in LA, (writes) novels. He’s got one character in a series he’s written called Harry Bosch. He’s an LA (homicide) detective. I know this because I’ve been reading them for over 20 years. In one of the books … he (Bosch) is talking to somebody who says, “Why are you working on this murder, basically just some low-level somebody who got killed, just as hard as you would work on it if the mayor’s son?” And (Bosch) said, “Everybody matters, or nobody matters,” and I’ve adopted that, and I believe that. It just struck me. It’s kind of like the scene in “To Kill a Mockingbird” where Gregory Peck’s character is walking out of the courtroom, and the old black gentleman in the balcony tells the kid, “Stand up, your father is passing.” It’s just one of those things that sticks with you, and I believe that: everybody matters, or nobody matters. When we had little Kingston Frazier murdered out here, my MBI agents worked (the case) that shook every one of us to our core. My colonel couldn’t sleep for four nights in a row, and so I’m telling you cops have hearts, too. .... Those were youthful offenders involved in that; one was 19, and the other two were 17. For the life of me, I can’t see how somebody gets to that (point) where they’re that young, and they get that much … whatever is going on in their head. I can see it if they’re 19 years old, and they’re in the rice fields of Vietnam, or they’re in Afghanistan and seeing their buddies blown up, and they develop issues like PTSD and what have you, but again, it’s accountability. We like to say it starts in the home; schools can’t fix it, and that’s the truth. It does start in the home. If your role model is somebody with a 9mm stuck in his jeans and a roll full of hundreds and a hot car and a good-looking girlfriend—if that’s your role model, that’s what you’re going to be. And I wish I knew how we could fix that, but I do believe that some of it starts with accountability. I know it starts on the street level, getting respect for authority. You respect authority in high school, and if you don’t, there’s a penalty to pay: you get suspended or … go sit in detention, or you go to alternative school or something like that. Again, it’s got to be accountability, but I think some might have started with everyone on the team gets a trophy. That means nothing. I am sure there are people who will argue with that.

September 13 - 19, 2017 • jfp.ms

Youth is one of our big focuses, and we’ve had lots of recent examples in Jackson of kids and teenagers charged with violent crimes and adult offenses. Where does our kids-tried-as-adults laws stand compared to other states? Are other states doing things differently when it comes to those teenagers?

judges what to do—but you’ve got to hold people accountable. If there’s no accountability, if there’s no prosecution, if there’s no respect for the law, then there’s no respect. I’m not saying we need to have a policeman on every street corner like a hall monitor, but you have to have the respect of your community, and I think you have to earn that, too. I think there’s far too much media attention to the negative side of law enforcement. I’m not telling you that everyone who wears the badge, uniform and gun is a perfect, wonderful person. They’re not, but neither is everyone who graduated from dental school. We (at DPS) police our own, and we take it very seriously. I tell my officers that work for me that if we get a complaint on you, we’re going to investigate it even if we think it’s a bunch of malarkey because if we don’t, it lends credence to people’s suspicions that we’re covering something up. Even if I don’t believe it, I have to do a paper trail to say we looked into this complaint. More times than not, we disprove the allegation; it’s unfounded.

Courtesy Mandy Davis, Department of Public Safety

result of a state-targeted response grant for opioids that the Department of Mental Health wrote. A portion of that went to naloxone for officers, and I’ve had people ask, “Well, highway-patrol officers, they probably wouldn’t come across a lot of drug addicts.” Well, probably not … but the truth is, we’ve also had officers who have been exposed to things like fentanyl and carfentanyl, which are really deadly. I would tell the guys: “If you’re not carrying it thinking about saving the life of somebody who is an addict, think about saving your life or the life of a partner.” The other reason I (pushed for NARCAN) was to try to get the message out that, as commissioner of public safety, I think this is important because it’s a publicsafety issue. It’s a public-health issue. About a month ago, I was up in Southaven at a town-hall meeting, and the sheriff up there is Bill Rasco, who is solid as a rock. His deputies had been carrying naloxone for six months at that time, and they’ve saved five peoples’ lives. To those that would argue why are we wasting our money on saving those lives, I don’t think we get to make that choice. Police officers get in pursuit of people all the time: criminals, sometimes people trying to avoid getting a ticket and for whatever reason they run off the road into a pond or a creek, and what happens next? That same officer who was chasing them takes off his gun belt and bails off out there and tries to rescue them—it’s no different. We don’t get to pick and choose who we’re going to rescue, and who’s to say that some 21-year-old young man or woman that gets revived doesn’t get their act together and winds up being the person who finds the cure for cancer?

more FISHER, see page 16 15

The JFP Interview with Marshall Fisher from page 15

What are differences between the previous “War on Drugs” approach to crack and the opioid epidemic we’re facing now? You’ll have

some dealers who are addicted, lower-level dealers who are addicted, supporting their habit. I worked in DEA for a long time, and all of us back in those days had to do some undercover and all of that. Some of those major players don’t touch dope, they

fix: We’re going to pass a law, and if you sell crack cocaine and you got that much crack cocaine, you’re going to go to jail for a minimum amount of jail for this time. But if you got this much powder cocaine of the same amount …, the penalties for crack cocaine are stiffer than the penalties for powder cocaine. Of course, the crack cocaine was ravishing the African American communities Courtesy Department of Public Safety

Gov. Phil Bryant (left) appointed Marshall Fisher (center) to lead the Department of Public Safety in January 2017.

September 13 - 19, 2017 • jfp.ms

don’t even drink. They’re businessmen and run it like (a business). I was around when crack-cocaine started showing up. (It was) a knee-jerk reaction, and I’m not criticizing who made it, but at the time the reaction (was counter-productive). Community leaders from those communities where crack-cocaine was ravishing families were coming to the government saying, ‘We need your help, we’re losing a generation of young people here.’ So (the government said,) here’s the


in this country. … It was 20-something years later before it got corrected, and those same community leaders are coming forward now saying, ‘wait a minute, you’re targeting a generation, we’re losing a generation going to jail now.’ I don’t want to take anything away from the DEA; druglaw enforcement is the most important domestic law-enforcement mission outside of anti-terrorism in this country. … We are in the early throes of (opioid crisis) right now, but … the sleeping giant has woke

up and realized we have a problem. So now we’ve got a president who’s established an opioid task force … he’s declared it a crisis, a national problem, and it is a national problem. With that, as usual, there will be funding behind that, we hope. We think the number of overdose deaths are seriously under-reported (there are 125 reported so far), so we’re dealing with it here. ... You’ve got law enforcement and mental-health and treatment professionals working with (medical) boards because we cannot arrest our way out of it, and we realize it’s not just a law-enforcement problem, it’s a public-health issue. The purpose is to educate people about what the problem is and to give them an idea of the resources in their communities. Part of that is to get a groundswell of support from the community to show them we care about the problem. Now it’s up to them to go to their legislators and community leaders and say we need some help. We’ve got to take the stigma away from addiction. You know, people want to hide and say, ‘My little girl had a heart attack,’ (or), ‘Well, Aunt May passed away in her sleep.’ Nobody wants to be embarrassed to have somebody think they’ve got a drug addicts in their family. I understand that, and I can’t blame them for that , but that’s part of the stigma (why) people will not go get treatment. What is your focus as commissioner of the Department of Public Safety?

We’ve got a crime lab, which is a major spoke in the wheel for law enforcement for the whole state. It’s important that they be properly funded and properly staffed because every crime, whether it be a sex crime, a burglary where prints are taken off a burglary scene, homicide, autopsies of suspicious deaths all go through there. One of the things that’s very important to me is that the crime lab is properly funded

and properly staffed, and we are seriously understaffed when it comes to medical examiners. We have three medical examiners: a chief and two below (him). There’s something called the American Association of Medical Examiners, and they have a standard recommendation for the number of autopsies that should be performed by a medical examiner in a year’s time. They recommend no more than 250 (per examiner, per year. Three of them did 1,500 last calendar year. You do the math. (Editor’s note: It equals 500 autopsies per examiner, more than double the recommended annual number). How’s the new trooper school, which the Legislature funded this spring, going?

We’re in the throes of getting ready for that academy, but it’s not like we can just have them show up. There’s a process: an application, a physical fitness test, a physical, a background investigation, a polygraph. We’ve been funded for 60; I’d like to have 160. We’ll start the academy Oct. 29, and it’s a 19-week academy, so you’re talking about basically by the end of February. Then they’ve got to ride with a field training officer for a period of time, so we’re looking at about May of next year before we actually turn them loose. (Editor’s note: there are 466 total troopers at DPS, but that’s 184 troopers shy of the statutory limit of 650). We actually need a patrol school for the next two following years just to get even and maybe the next three years, and it costs about $7.3 million for patrol school (for 60 troopers). To read the full interview, please visit jfp. ms/fisher. This interview has been edited for clarity, length and understanding. Email state reporter Arielle Dreher at arielle@jacksonfreepress.com. Also visit jfp.ms/preventingviolence.

JFPmenus.com Paid advertising section. Call 601-362-6121 x11 to list your restaurant

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Ty Bowls has dishes such as shrimp and broccoli, fried rice and egg rolls.


t Ty Bowls in Clinton, cooks prepare broths and noodles, and chop and prep other toppings for the restaurants’ noodle bowls and other dishes. The business, which is in the former China Express space, has recently re-opened its doors under shared management and ownership with Mr. Chen’s Authentic Chinese Restaurant. Owner Fisher Yu says he saw the new location as an opportunity to expand Mr. Chen’s clientele and try working with a new set of dishes. “We don’t carry the noodle bowls at Mr. Chen’s, but it seemed like it would a good addition to what we had already been serving, it also made up for the reduced seafood selections,� he says. “We won’t have as many seafood dishes because the new location isn’t connected to the market and its fresh fish and shellfish.� The new menu at Ty Bowl’s is an amalgamation of Mr. Chen’s most popular dishes that head chef Limin Tong created, along with the renowned noodle bowls at Ty Bowls. “We had a significant amount of customers coming into Mr. Chen’s from Clinton that would say they wished they could get to us quicker and easier,� says Mr. Chen’s and Ty Bowls Manager Fisher Food & Drink Events

Willamette Valley Wine Dinner On Thursday, Sept. 14, Char Restaurant (4500 Interstate 55 N., charrestaurant.com) will host a four-course wine dinner with pairings from Willamette Valley Vineyard in Oregon. Dishes include sauteed calamari, oyster gratin, char-grilled quail and coconut rice pudding. Tickets are $60 per person. For more information, call 601-956-9562.

Yu. “They said the drive could be a little much to do on a regular basis, so we brought it to them.� Yu says the new Ty Bowls menu includes popular Mr. Chen’s dishes such as crazy spicy chicken, along with noodle bowls such as spicy-beef noodle soup, Taiwanese wonton noodle soup, and hot-and-spicy potato-starch soup with sliced beef. In addition to Chinese food and soups, Ty Bowls also has an expansive selection of drinks that people may not find in many other metro area Asian restaurants, including bubble tea, flavored milk bubble tea, slushes and even smoothies. “Bubble tea is a Taiwanese drink that is made using different flavors of tea and adding in tapioca or jelly balls the bottom to be eaten once the drink is gone,� Yu says. Ty Bowls (103 Highway 80 E., Suite A, Clinton) is open Monday through Thursday from 11 a.m. to 9:30 p.m., Friday and Saturday from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m., and the restaurant is closed on Sundays. For more information, call 601-488-4194. See more food coverage at jfp.ms/food. Email food story ideas to amber@jackson freepress.com. Beer and Paint Night Second Round Local artist Justin Ransburg is hosting a second round of his Beer and Paint Night. At this events, guests can drink beer at Lucky Town (1710 N. Mill St.) and create a painting at the same time. Registration includes two beers and supplies for the art. For more information, email ransburgart@ gmail.com. See more events at jfpevents.com.

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September 13 - 19, 2017 • jfp.ms





Taste of West Jackson is at Claiborne Park.

Daren Wang signs copies of “The Hidden Light of Northern Fires” at Lemuria Books.

The Natchez Brewing Company Beer Dinner is at Barrelhouse.

BEST BETS Sept. 13 - 20, 2017 Shawn H. Nichols Photography


“And Then There Were None” is at 7:30 p.m. at New Stage Theatre (1100 Carlisle St.). The Agatha Christie mystery is about strangers who are summoned to a remote island. Recommended for ages 12 and up. Additional dates: Sept. 14-16, 7:30 p.m., Sept. 17, 2 p.m., Sept. 19-23, 7:30 p.m., Sept. 24, 2 p.m. $30; newstagetheare.com.


courtesy Jackie Hill Perry

The Doobie Brothers perform at 7:30 p.m. at Thalia Mara Hall (255 E. Pascagoula St.). The rock band is known for hit songs such as “China Grove” and “Listen to the Music.” Doors open at 6:30 p.m. For all ages. $49.50$119.50; call 877-987-6487; ardenland.net. … Poets in Autumn 2017: “Heart Check” is at 7:30 p.m. at Belhaven University Center for the Arts (835 Riverside Drive). The tour features poets Jackie Hill Perry, Ezekiel Azonwu, Chris Webb and Preston Perry. Doors open at 7 p.m. $20 in advance, $25 at the door, $30 VIP; thepiatour.com.

Kendare Blake is one of three young-adult fiction authors featured in “Epic Reads!” at Lemuria Books on Wednesday, Sept. 20.

starring Emma Thompson and Hugh Grant. Grounds open at 5:30 p.m. Free; call 601-354-5210; mdah.ms.gov. … Dent May performs at 8 p.m. at Spacecamp (3002 N. Mill St.). The Jackson-native indie-pop artist’s latest album is titled “Across the Multiverse.” El Obo and Garden Variety also perform. $5 in advance, $10 at the door; email spacecamp@gmail.com; eventbrite.com.




Cathead Oktoberfest is from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Cathead Distillery (422 S. Farish St.). The jacksonfreepress.com family-friendly festival includes music from the Capital Brass Fax: 601-510-9019 Band, food from Fenian’s Pub, Daily updates at beers from Barley’s Angels, and jfpevents.com games such as ping-pong, darts, cornhole, jumbo pong, quarters and horse. $10 admission, $20 stein holder, $30 competitor; email tours@catheaddistillery.com; eventbrite.com.

September 13 - 19, 2017 • jfp.ms


Jackie Hill Perry performs as part of “Poets in Autumn 2017: Heart Check” at the Belhaven University Center for the Arts on Sept. 14.


The “Sense and Sensibility” film screening is from 5:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. at the Eudora Welty House & Garden (1119 Pinehurst St.). The kick-off of the second Jane 20 Austen mini-film series features an adaption of the novel


“Seussical the Musical” is at 2 p.m. at Black Rose Theatre (103 Black St., Brandon). The family-friendly musical is based on the works of Dr. Seuss and features characters such as the Cat in the Hat and Horton the Elephant. Additional dates: Sept. 14-16, 7:30 p.m., Sept. 21-23, 7:30 p.m., Sept. 24, 2 p.m. $15 for adults, $10 for students, seniors and military; call 825-1293; blackrosetheatre.org.

Cabaret at Duling Hall: “Cabaret Soirée” is from 7:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. at Duling Hall (622 Duling Ave.). Soprano Amy Pfrimmer and pianist Dreux Montegut perform songs that Gershwin, Kern, Porter and Weill wrote for stage and film. $25; call 877-987-6487; msopera.org.

The “Make a Difference” Lunch is from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Jackson Convention Complex (105 E. Pascagoula St.). New York Times best-selling author Ron Hall is the speaker. Proceeds benefit the ECHS Foundation, Gateway Rescue Mission and Stewpot Community Services. $100 individual ticket, sponsorships for $1000 and up; call 601-985-8727; email makeadifferencelunch@ gmail.com; makeadifferencelunch.com.


History Is Lunch is from noon to 1 p.m. at the William F. Winter Archives & History Building (200 North St.). Guest speaker Richard Woolacott of Hilferty & Associates discusses exhibits in the incoming Mississippi Civil Rights Museum. Free; call 601-576-6998; mdah.gov. … “Epic Reads!” is at 5 p.m. at Lemuria Books (4465 Interstate 55 N., Suite 202). The young-adult fiction event features authors Kendare Blake (“One Dark Throne”), Katharine McGee (“The Dazzling Heights”) and Jessie Ann Foley (“Neighborhood Girls”). Free admission; call 601-366-7619; lemuriabooks.com.

Events at William F. Winter Archives & History Building (200 North St.) • History Is Lunch Sept. 13, noon-1 p.m. Guest speaker Michael Lesperance discusses exhibits in the incoming Museum of Mississippi History. Free; mdah.gov. • History Is Lunch Sept. 20, noon-1 p.m. Guest speaker Richard Woolacott discusses exhibits in the incoming Mississippi Civil Rights Museum. Free; mdah.gov. Magnolia Classic Dog Shows Sept. 14-17, 8 a.m.-5 p.m., at Mississippi Trade Mart (1207 Mississippi St.). The dog shows feature categories such as all-breeds, junior showmanship, obedience and rally trials, and more. $2; msstatekc.org. Shining a Light on Mississippi through S.T.E.A.M. Sept. 19, 7 p.m., at Millsaps College (1701 N. State St.). Anik Kurkjian, who spearheaded the 2017 Mississippi LIGHT Festival speaks on science, technology, engineering, art and math. $10; call 601-974-1000; millsaps.edu.

FOOD & DRINK Events at Char Restaurant (4500 Interstate 55 N., Suite 142) • Willamette Valley Wine Dinner Sept. 14, 6:30-9 p.m. The four-course dinner features pairings from the Oregon winery. $60 per person; call 601-956-9562; find it on Facebook. • Dinner & Magic Show Sept. 17, 6:30-9:30 p.m. The three-course prix fixe dinner features entertainment from magician Joe Presto. $55 per person; find it on Facebook. Taste of West Jackson Sept. 16, 11:30 a.m.3 p.m., at Claiborne Park (785 Claiborne Ave.). The second annual food competition features restaurants and caterers based in West Jackson. Free admission; find it on Facebook. “Farewell to Summer” Wine Dinner Sept. 19, 6-9 p.m., at Seafood R’evolution (1000 Highland Colony Pkwy., Ridgeland). The five-course meal features wine pairings celebrating Mississippi farmers, fishermen and purveyors. $100; find it on Facebook. Natchez Brewing Company Beer Dinner Sept. 19, 7-9 p.m., at Barrelhouse Southern Gastropub (3009 N. State St.). The four-course dinner features beer pairings from the Natchez brewery. $64.29; barrelhousems.com.



“And Then There Were None” Sept. 13-16, 7:30 p.m., Sept. 17, 2 p.m., Sept. 19, 7:30 p.m., at New Stage Theatre (1100 Carlisle St.). The Agatha Christie murder mystery is about 10 strangers who are summoned to a remote island. $30; call 601-948-3533; newstagetheare.com.

The Doobie Brothers Sept. 14, 7:30 p.m., at Thalia Mara Hall (255 E. Pascagoula St.). The rock band is known for hit songs such as “China Grove” and “Listen to the Music.” $49.50$119.50; call 877-987-6487; ardenland.net.

“Dope” Film Screening Sept. 14, 6-9 p.m., at Offbeat (151 Wesley Ave.). The Independent Black Film Collective’s film series features a movie every second Thursday. Includes a panel discussion. Free; find it on Facebook.


Smokin’ on the Rez BBQ & Music Festival Sept. 16, noon-9 p.m., at Old Trace Park (137 Old Trace Park, Ridgeland). Features a barbeque competition, music from the Krackerjacks, Jay Herrington and Seth Thomas, and more. $15 (includes food); barnettreservoirfoundation.org.

the best in sports over the next seven days

by Bryan Flynn, follow at jfpsports.com, @jfpsports

The first week of the NFL season brought a few surprises. A major surprise was the Kansas City Chiefs’ blowout victory over the New England Patriots in the opening game of the season. THURSDAY, SEPT. 14

NFL (7:25-11 p.m., NFLN): The Houston Texans travel to take on the Cincinnati Bengals, as both teams try to bounce back from weekone blowout losses. FRIDAY, SEPT. 15

College football (6-9:30 p.m., ESPN): South Florida is looking to be the Group of Five participant in the New Year’s Bowls and gets to host Illinois from a Power Five conference. SATURDAY, SEPT. 16

College football (6-9:30 p.m., ESPN): Mississippi State hosts LSU in the SEC opener for both teams. … College football (6-9:30 p.m., ESPN3): USM travels to Louisiana Monroe looking to go 2-1. … College football (9:30 p.m.-1 a.m., ESPN): The UM Rebels travel west for a late game against California. SUNDAY, SEPT. 17

NFL (noon-3:30 p.m., CBS): The New Orleans Saints’ home opener sees

them face off with the New England Patriots, who are looking for their first win of the season. MONDAY, SEPT. 18

NFL (7:30-11 p.m., ESPN): Tune in for a battle of two top quarterbacks, with Eli Manning and the New York Giants hosting Matt Stafford and the Detroit Lions.

Cathead Oktoberfest Sept. 16, 3-8 p.m., at Cathead Distillery (422 S. Farish St.). The familyfriendly festival includes music from the Capital Brass Band, food from Fenian’s Pub, beers from Barley’s Angels, and games. $10, $20 stein holder, $30 competitor; eventbrite.com. Cabaret at Duling Hall: Cabaret Soirée Sept. 18, 7:30-10 p.m., at Duling Hall (622 Duling Ave.). The Mississippi Opera event features Amy Pfrimmer and Dreux Montegut performing songs that Gershwin, Kern, Porter and Weill wrote for stage and film. $25; msopera.org.

LITERARY & SIGNINGS Events at Lemuria Books (Banner Hall, 4465 Interstate 55 N., Suite 202) • “Children of Refuge” Sept. 13, 5 p.m. Margaret Peterson Haddix signs copies and reads an excerpt. $17.99 book; lemuriabooks.com. • “The Hidden Light of Northern Fires” Sept. 18, 5 p.m. Daren Wang signs copies. Reading at 5:30 p.m. $26.99 book; lemuriabooks.com. • “Flim Flam” Sept. 19, 4:30 p.m. Steve Robertson signs copies. Reading at 5:30 p.m. $24.95 book; lemuriabooks.com. • Epic Reads! Sept. 20, 5 p.m. The young-adult fiction event features authors Kendare Blake, Katharine McGee and Jessie Ann Foley. Limited seating. Free admission; lemuriabooks.com. Visiting Writers Series: Greg Miller & Robert Pinsky Sept. 14, 5:30 p.m., at Millsaps College (1701 N. State St.). In Gertrude C. Ford Academic Complex. The guest speakers are Millsaps professor emeritus Greg Miller and former poet laureate Robert Pinsky. Free; millsaps.edu.


MLB (6-9 p.m., ESPN): Two teams that will figure into this season’s playoff picture face off in this MLB Postseason Impact Game.



MLB (6 p.m.-1 a.m., ESPN): Get ready for a doubleheader of MLB Postseason Impact Games, with teams to be announced. This Sunday, Fox has a back-to-back football frenzy, with the Philadelphia Eagles and the Kansas City Chiefs facing off at noon, and the Dallas Cowboys and the Denver Broncos facing off in a must-see matchup at 3:30 p.m.

“Make a Difference” Lunch Sept. 19, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., at Jackson Convention Complex (105 E. Pascagoula St.). New York Times bestselling author Ron Hall is the speaker. Proceeds benefit the ECHS Foundation, Gateway Rescue Mission and Stewpot Community Services. $100 individual, sponsorships for $1000 and up; call 601-985-8727; makeadifferencelunch.com. Check jfpevents.com for updates and more listings, or to add your own events online. You can also email event details to events@jacksonfreepress.com to be added to the calendar. The deadline is noon the Wednesday prior to the week of publication.

Vermont MAPLE nut With maple spice and a nutty finish, this is the perfect way to cozy up to autumn.


September 13 - 19, 2017 • jfp.ms




Dent May: MS Confidential by Micah Smith


BB King Blues Band Lamorris Williams Bobby Rush Willie Clayton Grady Champion Saturday, Sept. 16,2017 Gates 10:00am Festival starts at 12:00 noon Delta Blues Festival Park 1135 Deuces Road Greenville, MS 38701 No GHrills! Small Coolers Only

J Cenae Vick Allen Eden Brent Sweet Angel Denise Lasalle Nellie Travis TUCKA KINGFISH Nathaniel Kimble Rising Star Fife & Drum Band Ticket Prices: General Admission $30 Children $10 Children Under 12 FREE All Access/Backstage Pass $175 Parking $5

September 13 - 19, 2017 • jfp.ms

A One-of-a-Kind Interactive Experience


Open now through December 31, 2017 at the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks’ museum of natural science MDWFP.com/museum Be the Dinosaur: Life in the Cretaceous is produced by Eureka Exhibits.

Dent May, a Los Angeles indie-pop artist who was born and raised in Jackson, performs on Friday, Sept. 15, at Spacecamp.


here’s a story that countless TV shows and movies have mined over the years: The small-town artist moves to the big city chasing fame and fortune. It’s something that many people have tried to apply to Dent May, a Jackson-native musician and Los Angeles transplant. The problem is that it’s entirely false. “A lot of people mistakenly think I moved here to make it or something when that couldn’t be further from the truth,” May says. “As far as I’m concerned, ‘making it’ is just making music, and I can do that from anywhere.” Long-time fans know May, who grew up in Belhaven, primarily as an Oxford, Miss., indie-pop artist, but he didn’t always plan on pursuing music. He left Mississippi to study film at New York University in 2003, but after a brief stint there, he realized that music was his primary passion. He transferred to the University of Mississippi during his sophomore year and graduated with bachelor’s degrees in literature and southern studies in 2007. For about a decade, May toured out of his home state, releasing three albums under his own name—2009’s “The Good Feeling Music of Dent May & His Magnificent Ukelele,” 2012’s “Do Things” and 2013’s “Warm Blanket.” As for the reason behind his eventual move to L.A., chalk it up to time. “I’d been in Oxford for 10 years, and I was having a little bit of trouble living in a college town, approaching the age of 30,” May says. “I just kind of wanted a change of pace and to try living in a huge city, really for personal reasons more than career or music reasons.” The move made an impact on his

songwriting all the same. His fourth album, “Across the Multiverse,” which he released Aug. 18 on Carpark Records, features several references to his West Coast conversion. For instance, on the track “90210,” May sings, “This Mississippi boy sure ain’t used to this view. I come from 39202.” However, the biggest changes to his music don’t appear in his lyrics. He says that making music in L.A. has been a blessing on one hand because he has connected with a group of friends who also make music, which inspired him to work harder and raise his standards for his own music. At the same time, he says that he has seen the vapid side of the entertainment industry at work. May says: “That drives me in a way, too, like, ‘You know what? A lot of people’s priorities are out of whack with what it means to be creative or be an artist, so I want to push against that and just be myself.’” Despite the glitzy sound on “Across the Multiverse”—and the romanticized city where he recorded it—May says that he wants to be honest about the less glamorous work he puts into keeping his music career going, including plenty of creative odd jobs to pay rent. “I’m not going to pretend I’m out here raking in the millions as an indiepop songwriter,” he says with a laugh. “I do a lot of deejaying and some other stuff to help pay the bills. I don’t know. I just try to keep my eyes on the goal, which is leaving behind a catalog of music that I’m proud of.” Dent May performs at 8 p.m., Friday, Sept. 15, at Spacecamp (3002 N. Mill St.). El Obo and Garden Variety also perform. Tickets are $5 in advance or $10 at the door. For more information, visit dentmay.com.

Music listings are due noon Monday to be included in print and online listings: music@jacksonfreepress.com.

Alumni House - Hunter Gibson 5:30-7:30 p.m. Drago’s - Johnny Barranco 5:30-8:30 p.m. Fitzgerald’s - Johnny Crocker 7:30-11 p.m. Hal & Mal’s - New Bourbon Street Jazz Band 6-9 p.m. free Kathryn’s - Larry Brewer & Doug Hurd 6:30-9:30 p.m. free Pelican Cove - Acoustic Crossroads Duo 6 p.m. Shucker’s - Steele Heart 7:30 p.m. free Table 100 - Andy Henderson 6 p.m.

Sept. 14 - Thursday Bonny Blair’s - Josh Journeay 7:30-11:30 p.m. free Capitol Grill - Jesse Robinson & Friends 7:30-10:30 p.m. $5 County Seat, Flora - Larry Brewer & Doug Hurd 6-10 p.m. Drago’s - Johnny Barranco 5:30-8:30 p.m. F. Jones Corner - Raul Valinti & the F. Jones Challenge Band 10 p.m. $5 Fenian’s - Andy Tanas 9 p.m. Georgia Blue, Flowood - Jonathan Alexander Georgia Blue, Madison - Skip & Mike Hal & Mal’s - D’Lo Trio 6-9 p.m. free Hops & Habanas - Kerry Thomas w/ Stonewalls 6 p.m. Kathryn’s - Scott Turner Trio 6:30-9:30 p.m. Kemistry - DJ Tay 9 p.m. Pelican Cove - Johnnie B. Sanders & Ms. Iretta 6 p.m. Shucker’s - Ron Etheridge & the Augustine 7:30 p.m. free Table 100 - Andrew Pates 6 p.m. Thalia Mara Hall - The Doobie Brothers 7:30 p.m. $49.50$119.50 Underground 119 - Stevie J Blues

SEPT. 15 - Friday Bonny Blair’s - Larry Brewer & Doug Hurd 7:30-11:30 p.m. Char - Ronnie Brown 6 p.m. Drago’s - Johnny Barranco 5:30-8:30 p.m. F. Jones Corner - Fred T & the Band midnight $10 Fenian’s - Risko Danza 10 p.m. Georgia Blue, Flowood - Andy Tanas Georgia Blue, Madison - Shaun Patterson Hal & Mal’s - The Hustlers 7-10 p.m. free; Jackson vs. Tennessee feat. Dono Vegas, Ray Kincaid, Vitamin Cea, Timaal Bradford, Soulman Snipes, Be Howard, Crisis 901 & Jason Da Hater 8 p.m. (red)

The Hideaway - All DJ Dance Night 9 p.m. $10 Iron Horse - Diedra & the Ruff Pro Band 9 p.m. Kathryn’s - Bill & Temperance 7-10:30 p.m. Kemistry - DJ Trigga MOTS 9 p.m. Martin’s - Montu 10 p.m. $10 MS Museum of Art - Nellie Mack 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. free Offbeat - Eugenius Neutron w/ D. Horton, Cadillac Pac & Kenya Latrice 7 p.m. $10 Pelican Cove - Bad Hombres 6 p.m. Pop’s Saloon - Framing the Red 9 p.m. Shucker’s - Crocker & Reynolds 5:30 p.m.; Spunk Monkees 8 p.m. $5; Jason Turner 10 p.m. Soulshine, Ridgeland - John Causey 7-10 p.m. Spacecamp - Dent May w/ El Obo & Garden Variety 8 p.m. $5 advance $10 door T’Beaux’s, Pocahontas - Pleshette Harris 7-11 p.m. Underground 119 - Super Chikan 8:30 p.m. WonderLust - Cocktail Party feat. DJ Taboo 8 p.m.-2 a.m. $5

Pelican Cove - Chris Gill 2 p.m.; Jason Turner 6 p.m. Pop’s Saloon - Cody Cooke & the Bayou Outlaws 9 p.m. $10 Shucker’s - Acoustic Crossroads 3:30 p.m.; Spunk Monkees 8 p.m. $5; Chad Perry 10 p.m. Spacecamp - Swear Tapes & Sage Boy 8 p.m.-midnight $5 Underground 119 - Super Chikan 8:30 p.m.

4)#+%43 !4 !2$%.,!.$ .%4 /2 "9 0(/.% !4

Sept. 17 - Sunday 1908 Provisions - Knight Bruce 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Anjou - David Keary 11:30 a.m.1:30 p.m. Char - Big Easy Three 11:45 a.m.1:45 p.m. Fondren Underground - Brynn Corbello CD Release Party 5:30-8:30 p.m. free Fusion Coffee - Bob Dowell 3-5 p.m. Kathryn’s - Chris Gill 6-9 p.m. MS Craft Center - MS Old Time Music Society 2-4 p.m. free Pelican Cove - Road Hogs noon; Larry Brewer & Doug Hurd 5-9 p.m. Shucker’s - Greenfish 3:30 p.m. Table 100 - Raphael Semmes Trio 11 a.m.-2 p.m.

Sept. 18 - Monday

Ray Kincaid

Sept. 16 - Saturday Anjou - Stevie Cain 6-9 p.m. free Char - Bill Clark 6 p.m. Drago’s - Joseph LaSalla 6-9 p.m. F. Jones Corner - Big Money Mel & Small Change Wayne 10 p.m. $1; Dexter Allen midnight $10 Fenian’s - The Rude Kabuki 10 p.m. Georgia Blue, Flowood - May Day Georgia Blue, Madison - Trey Miller Hal & Mal’s - Anita Sayago 6-9 p.m. free The Hideaway - Saving Abel, Artifas & The Zealots 8 p.m. $20 admission $40 VIP Iron Horse - Nellie Mack 9 p.m. Kathryn’s - Jay Wadsworth w/ Sofa Kings 7-10:30 p.m. Kemistry - KujoNastySho 9 p.m. Lucky’s - DJ Doc Roc, DJ Duvall & DJ Clover 10 p.m. Martin’s - CBDB 10 p.m. $10 Next Level Experience - High Frequency Band 9:30 p.m. $10 Old Trace Park - Smokin’ on the Rez feat. Jay Herrington & Seth Thomas 3:30 p.m.; The Krackerjacks 6-9 p.m. $15

9/13 - MoneyBagg Yo - The Lyric, Oxford 9/15 - Kudzu Kings - Tipitina’s, New Orleans 9/16 - Rareluth - One Eyed Jack’s, New Orleans

Duling Hall - MS Opera’s “Cabaret SoirĂŠeâ€? 7:30-10 p.m. $25 Hal & Mal’s - Central MS Blues Society 7 p.m. $5 cover Kathryn’s - Joseph LaSalla 6:30-9:30 p.m. Pelican Cove - Hunter Gibson 6 p.m. Table 100 - Andrew Pates 6 p.m.

Sept. 19 - Tuesday Bonny Blair’s - Don Grant 7:30-11:30 p.m. free Cerami’s - Doug Bishop 6:30-9:30 p.m. free Drago’s - Johnny Barranco 5:30-8:30 p.m. Fenian’s - Open Mic 9 p.m. Kathryn’s - Keys vs. Strings 6:30-9:30 p.m. Pelican Cove - Chris Gill 6 p.m.

Sept. 20 - Wednesday Alumni House - Jonathan Alexander 5:30-7:30 p.m. Drago’s - Johnny Barranco 5:30-8:30 p.m. Hal & Mal’s - Twisted Grass 6-9 p.m. free Kathryn’s - Gator Trio 6:30 p.m. Pelican Cove - Richard Lee Davis 6 p.m. Shucker’s - Lovin Ledbetter 7:30 p.m. free Table 100 - Andy Henderson 6 p.m.

September 13 - 19, 2017 • jfp.ms

Sept. 13 - Wednesday

Sneakerboxx Photography

MUSIC | live


47 John who once co-hosted “Entertainment Tonight� 48 First Lady and diplomat Roosevelt 50 Got to the point? 52 With 56-Across, low-budget programming source 55 “It seems to me,� online 56 See 52-Across 60 Has ___ with (is connected) 61 Without ___ in the world 62 Golden State sch. 63 Construction area 64 “Death of a Salesman� protagonist 65 Marshmallow Easter treat


they eventually find out 36 Running account 37 Opening for Quest or glades 38 Shine’s partner? 42 Dissertation writer’s goal 43 Tintype tints 44 Homecoming attendees 45 Visit to an Internet page, informally 46 ___-Roman wrestling (var.) 47 Game show question that determines which team plays 49 Using half as many digits as hexadecimal 50 Most common throw with two

dice (D6es, for those of you playing at home) 51 TV show that took in Ted Danson 53 Seafood in a shell 54 “Scott Pilgrim vs. the Worldâ€? star Michael 57 0∞F phenomenon 58 Torero’s encouragement 59 Quick snooze Š2017 Jonesin’ Crosswords (editor@ jonesincrosswords.com)

Last Week’s Answers

For answers to this puzzle, call: 1-900-226-2800, 99 cents per minute. Must be 18+. Or to bill to your credit card, call: 1-800 655-6548. Reference puzzle #841.


“It’s PAT� —some pat answers, yes. Across

1 Chicken ___ (Italian dish, informally) 5 TV logician 10 Blot 14 Hairy twin of the Bible 15 Fluorescent bulb gas 16 ___ cosa (Spanish “something else�) 17 French term for a temporary residence 19 Algerian setting for Camus’s “The Plague� 20 Did some pranking 22 One-named ’50s-’60s teen idol

25 Shelley’s elegy for Keats 26 Castaway’s refuge, perhaps 27 Fix eggs, maybe 29 Running count 30 Cross-shaped Greek letter 31 Diva’s rendition 33 “___ Ho� (“Slumdog Millionaire� song) 34 Duo behind the CW series “Fool Us� 39 Giants giant Mel 40 Brand in the pet aisle 41 Bigwig 43 Handled 46 Tar clump

1 Rally feature 2 “___ told you before ...� 3 “Insecure� star Issa ___ 4 Kid’s dirty “dessert� 5 “Damn Yankees� villain, really 6 Gazelles, to cheetahs 7 Fairy tale baddie (unless it’s Shrek) 8 “Marat/Sade� character Charlotte 9 Work out some knots 10 Symbol of deadness 11 Like some fibrillation 12 Thymine (T) : DNA :: ___ (U) : RNA 13 Graffiti artist who opened (and closed) Dismaland in 2015 18 Words between “chicken� and “king� 21 Wrecks 22 Qualified 23 “The faster the better� 24 “Kind of ___� (classic Miles Davis album) 27 Stereotypical last word of art films 28 “This American Life� medium 31 Sagrada Familia architect Gaudi 32 Splinter, for one 33 Leader of the Holograms, on Saturday morning TV 35 Like horror movie characters, as

September 13 - 19, 2017 • jfp.ms



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BY MATT JONES Last Week’s Answers

“Greater-Than Sudoku�

For this ‘Greater-Than Sudoku,’ I’m not giving you ANY numbers to start off with! Adjoining squares in the grid’s 3x3 boxes have a greater-than sign (>) telling you which of the two numbers in those squares is larger. Fill in every square with a number from 1-9 using the greater-than signs as a guide. When you’re done, as in a normal Sudoku, every row, column and 3x3 box will contain the numbers 1-9 exactly one time. (Solving hint: try to look for the 1’s and 9’s in each box first, then move on to the 2’s and 8’s, and so on). psychosudoku@gmail.com


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VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22):

In the coming weeks, you might want to read the last few pages of a book before you decide to actually dive in and devour the whole thing. I also suggest you take what I just said as a useful metaphor to apply in other areas. In general, it might be wise to surmise the probable outcomes of games, adventures and experiments before you get totally involved. Try this fun exercise: Imagine you are a psychic prophet as you evaluate the long-range prospects of any inuences that are vying to play a role in your future.

“Dear Dr. Astrology: I’m feeling lost, but am also feeling very close to ďŹ nding my new direction. It hurts! It would be so helpful if I could just catch a glimpse of that new direction. I’d be able to better endure the pain and confusion if I could get a tangible sense of the future happiness that my pain and confusion are preparing me for. Can you offer me any free advice? -Lost Libra.â€? Dear Libra: The pain and confusion come from the dying of the old ways. They need to die a bit more before the new direction will reveal itself clearly. I predict that will happen soon—no later than Oct. 1.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21):

Welcome to “Compose Your Own Oracle,â€? a special edition of Free Will Astrology. Departing from tradition, I’m temporarily stepping aside so you can have the freedom to write the exact horoscope you want. Normally, you might be in danger of falling victim to presumptuous arrogance if you imagined you could wield complete control over how your destiny unfolds. But in the days ahead, that rule won’t be as unyielding because cosmic forces will be giving you more slack than usual. Fate and karma, which frequently impel you to act according to patterns that were set in place long ago, are giving you at least a partial respite. To get the maximum beneďŹ t out of “Compose Your Own Oracle,â€? identify three plot developments you’d like to weave into a self-fulďŹ lling prophecy for your immediate future. Then start weaving.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21):

Almost two-thirds of us confess that if we are alone, we might sip milk directly from the carton rather than ďŹ rst pouring it into a glass. Fourteen percent of us have used milk as part of our sexual activities. One out of every ďŹ ve of us admit that we have “borrowedâ€? someone else’s milk from the fridge at work. Most shockingly, 4 percent of us brag that we have blown milk out our noses on purpose. I expect that in the next two weeks, you Sagittarians will exceed all these norms. Not just because you’ll be in the mood to engage in mischievous experiments and playful adventures with milk, but because you’re likely to have a loosey-goosey relationship with almost everything.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19):

The coming weeks will be an excellent time for you to raise funds in support of political prisoners or to volunteer at a soup kitchen or to donate blood at a blood bank. In fact, any charitable service you perform for people you don’t know will be excellent for your physical and mental health. You can also generate vivid blessings for yourself by being extra thoughtful, kind and generous toward people you care for. You’re in a phase of your astrological cycle when unselďŹ sh acts will yield maximum selďŹ sh beneďŹ ts.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18):

In his novel “The Jungle,â€? muckraker Upton Sinclair (1878-1968) exposed the abominable hygiene and working conditions of the meat-packing industry. The uproar that followed led to corrective legislation from the U.S. Congress. Sinclair remained devoted to serving the public good throughout his career. He liked to say that the term “social justiceâ€? was inscribed on his heart. Drawing from his inspiration, Aquarius, I suggest you decide what your soul’s main motto is—and imagine that it is written on your heart. Now is a perfect moment in time to clarify your life’s purpose and intensify your commitment to it, to devote even more practical, tender zeal to fulďŹ lling the reason you were born.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20):

You know that “patch of bothersome weeds� growing right in the middle of your life? Is it really a patch of bothersome

weeds? Or is it perhaps a plot of cultivated blooms that once pleased you but has now turned into a puzzling irrelevancy? Or how about this possibility: Is it a chunk of languishing beauty that might ourish and please you again if it were cared for better? Those are excellent questions for you to pose in the coming days, Pisces. According to my interpretation of the astrological omens, it’s time for you to decide on the future of this quizzical presence.

ARIES (March 21-April 19):

Two animals are pictured prominently on Australia’s coat of arms: the kangaroo and the large ightless bird known as the emu. One of the reasons they were chosen is that both creatures rarely walk backward. They move forward or not at all. Australia’s founders wanted this to symbolize the nation’s pledge to never look back, to remain focused on advancing toward the future. The coming weeks will be a favorable time for you to make a similar commitment, Aries. Is there a new symbol you might adopt to inspire your intention?

TAURUS (April 20-May 20):

“The Simpsons� is an animated sitcom that will soon begin its 29th consecutive year on TV. During its run, it has told more than 600 stories. The creators of another animated sitcom, “South Park,� once did an episode entitled “Simpsons Already Did It,� which referenced their feelings that it was hard to come up with new tales because their rival had already used so many good ones. I bring this up, Taurus, because I suspect your life story will soon be spinning out novel plots that have never before been seen, not even on “The Simpsons� or “South Park.� You could and should be the Best Storyteller of the Month.



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GEMINI (May 21-June 20):

Love won’t exactly be free in the coming weeks, but there should be some good deals. And I’m not referring to risky black-market stuff obtained in back alleys, either. I mean straightforward liaisons and intriguing intimacy at a reasonable cost. So if you’re comfortably mated, I suggest you invest in a campaign to bring more comedy and adventure into your collaborative efforts. If you’re single, wipe that love-starved look off your face and do some exuberant window-shopping. If you’re neither comfortably mated nor single, money may temporarily be able to buy you a bit more happiness.

CANCER (June 21-July 22):

The current state of your fate reminds me of the sweet confusion alluded to in Octavio Paz’s poem “Between Going and Stayingâ€?: “All is visible and elusive, all is near and can’t be touched.â€? For another clue to the raw truth of your life right now, I’ll quote the poet William Wordsworth. He spoke of â€œďŹ‚eeting moods of shadowy exultation.â€? Is the aura described by Paz and Wordsworth a problem that you should try to ďŹ x? Is it detrimental to your heroic quest? I don’t think sdo. Just the opposite, really: I hope you can hang out for a while in this pregnant mystery—between the yes and the no, between the dark and the light, between the dream and the reality. It will help you learn what you’ve been too restless to tune in to in the past.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22):

The imminent future will be a favorable time for refurbished models and revived originals. They are likely to be more fun and interesting the second time around. I suspect that this will also be an auspicious phase for substitutes and alternatives. They may even turn out to be better than the so-called real things they replace. So be artful in formulating Plan B and Plan C, Leo. Switching over to backups may ultimately bring out more of the best in you and whisk you toward your ultimate goal in unexpected ways.

Homework: Are you ready for an orgy of gratitude? Identify 10 of your best blessings. Tell me all about it at Freewillastrology.com.

September 13 - 19, 2017 • jfp.ms

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22):

BULLE TIN BOARD: Classifieds As low as $25!



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September 13 - 19, 2017 • jfp.ms

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Dining Room - Free _________________________


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Dining Room - Free _________________________



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Saturday, September 30

(Dine in Only)





UPCOMING SHOWS 9/22 - TESHEVA 9/23 - Zoogma 9/28 - Cordovas 9/29 - The Ron Holloway Band 9/30 - Southern Komfort Brass Band 10/6 - Motel Radio w/Shake It Like A Caveman 10/7 - Space Jesus “Morphed Tour” 10/11 - Keychain w/ Special Guest 10/13 - The Interstellar Boys 10/14 - Roots of a Rebellion 10/15 - the Magic Beans 10/27 - Andrew Duhon Trio 10/28 - Halloween Bash w/ Backup Planet 11/3 - The Nth Power w/ Ghost Note 11/10 - Shooter Jennings WWW.MARTINSLOUNGE.NET




country rocker bringing the heat to duling

Monday, October 2 RAINBOW KITTEN SURPRISE no rainbows. no kittens. yes good music.

Wednesday, October 4 J RODDY WALSTON & THE BUSINESS make it your business to come rock out at this show!

Wednesday, October 18

just announced!

GEORGE PORTER, JR. & RUNNIN’ PARDNERS legendary the meters bassist brings the funk to jackson!

just announced!

Friday, October 27

LOVEBOMB GO-GO “genre-smashing horn-driven intergalactic glam performance band”



September 13 - 19, 2017 • jfp.ms





Get Involved in a Dialogue Circle! Celebrate

Fitness Independence at Anytime Fitness

Join for


and receive 24/7 nationwide access FREE coaching session FREE access to Anytime Workouts app Check out our Facebook page! www.facebook.com/anytimefitnessjacksonms 901 Lakeland Place, Suite #10, Flowood, MS flowood@anytimefitness.com • 601.992.3488

Recent events in Charlottesville have shown us that we need to learn how to talk to each other if we are ever to confront racism. Dialogue Circles bring together a diverse group of local individuals to discuss race, prejudice and racial reconciliation, and provides the participants the chance to build relationships and establish trust with each other. Dialogue Jackson (formerly known as Jackson 2000) is currently organizing dialogue circles for Fall 2017.

Fall Schedule:

Series One: 3 Dialogue Circle sessions, beginning Saturday, September 23; and continuing on October 7 and October 14, for three hours each, from 9 am until noon. Series Two: 3 Dialogue Circle sessions, beginning Sunday, September 24, and continuing on Sept 31, and October 8, for three hours each, from 5:00 pm until 8:00 pm. www.jackson2000.org/dialogue_circles

2155 Highway 18, Suite E, Brandon, MS brandonms@anytimefitness.com • 601-706-4605 4924 I-55 North, Suite #107, Jackson, MS jacksonms@anytimefitness.com • 601-321-9465 2799 Hwy 49 S, Suite E, Florence, MS 39073 florencems@anytimefitness.com • 601-398-4036

www.anytimefitness.com Voted One of the Best Places to Work Out Best of Jackson 2010-2012


2SHQ VHYHQ GD\V D ZHHN 1030-A Hwy 51 • Madison Behind the McDonalds in Madison Station


1002 Treetops Blvd • Flowood Behind the Applebee’s on Lakeland


Cigar Night at The Country Squire

Live Music & Giveaways September 22, 7pm - Until

Our Lounge is now open until 8pm Mon-Sat www.thecountrysquireonline.com

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