v11n12 - The JFP Interview: William Bright, Police Badge to Mayoral Gavel?

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November 28 - December 4, 2012

Trip Burns



n junior high while other kids his age were more interested in basketball shoes, Dr. George J. Bey III was studying his teeth. “I found out I had agenesis of the 3rd molar,” Bey says. He didn’t have any wisdom teeth and didn’t lose his last baby tooth until age 30. “I learned that the human jaw was originally pushed out further, but as we became more upright, … the back molars become too far in, so we have to remove them,” Bey says. That love of learning and fascination with what objects can reveal about human cultures put him on a track to become the anthropologist he is today. Bey, 57, grew up in Iselin, N.J., across from Staten Island, N.Y. Before attending the University of New Mexico in 1973, he dreamed of writing the great American novel. As a sophomore, he studied abroad at the University of the Americas in Cholula, Mexico, where he studied Aztec and pre-Columbian cultures. After graduating in ’77 with degrees in English and anthropology, Bey studied at Tulane University to earn his Ph.D. in anthropology, focusing particularly on archaeology. His dissertation focused on how Toltec pottery was made, distributed and used. In 1990, Bey took a position at Millsaps College as a statistics professor He also taught Introduction to Anthropology and Introduc-


tion to Archaeology. Now, he is the college’s associate dean of international education and one of the anthropology professors. “I go in thinking that most students will not be archaeologists … (but) they should understand the role of culture and the history of society and the way we use culture to succeed as people,” Bey says. Since 2000, Bey and colleagues have been researching why the ancient Mayans fled Kaxil Kiuic and the monuments (now ruins) they built in what is now Yucatan, Mexico. He narrated a National Geographic documentary on the subject, “Quest for the Lost Maya,” which premiered on PBS in March. Earlier this month, the Archaeological Institute of America named Bey one of the recipients of its 2013 Best Practices in Site Preservation Award for his work in Kiuic. Bey’s next project is a “living museum” in the Yucatan. “It’s an interactive museum experience, except we’re trying to do it outside,” he says. He is working with a digital arts department in California to design the museum, which will use tablets or smartphones to view the “exhibits.” He and his wife of 32 years, Sheryl, have three children: Bridget, George and Patrick. All three have lived in Mexico in the jungle with him throughout his studies. His youngest son, George, is currently majoring in archaeology at Millsaps. —Tam Curley

Cover photograph of William Bright by Trip Burns

8 Curfew Kerfuffle

Councilwoman LaRita Cooper-Stokes wants to reinstate a teen curfew, but others say the ordinance could invite illegal racial profiling without deterring crime.

32 Beyond Hymns

“I think there’s a lot of people out there connecting with this music. I don’t think they’re looking at it as it’s in a little box called ‘Christian music.’ I think they’re enjoying the music as well as the lyrics. I think sometimes people think Christian music has a sound, when really it’s any style of music. It’s really about life, normally. It’s not just all worship music or hymns.” —Toby McKeehan, “TobyMac is Bigger Than Ever”

36 Bolder Beer

With craft beer experiencing a surge in popularity nationwide, even the big boys like Budweiser want in on it.


3 ..................................jacksonian 4 ..............................EDitor’s Note 6 ................................................ YOU 8 ............................................ Talks 12 ................................... business 14................................... Editorial 14.................. Editorial Cartoon 15 ..................................... Opinion 17 ............................. Cover Story 26 ............................... Diversions 28 ........................................ 8 Days 30 ................................ JFP Events 32 ........................................ Music 33 ........................ Music Listings 34 ....................................... sports 35 ............................ body & Soul 36 .......................................... food 39 .............................. Astrology 40 ...........................fly Gift guide 41 ........ Best Of Jackson ballot 42 ....................................... Fly diy

trip burns; courtesy toby mac; r.L. Nave

November 28 - December 4, 2012 | vol. 11 no. 12


editor’s note

by Donna Ladd, Editor-in-Chief

The Contraception Wars


ost of you have surely heard by now that former presidential hopeful Mitt Romney is blaming his resounding loss on “gifts” that President Obama offered young voters, African Americans and Latinos. “In each case they were very generous in what they gave to those groups,” Romney told donors in a conference call after the election. Romney’s offensive “gifts” remark, which harks back to his elitist, privileged “47 percent” gaffe during the campaign, was slammed by about everyone, including many prominent Republicans who are starting to see the demographics on the wall and realizing that they’re not going to win class and anti-women wars disguised as campaigns. Newt Gingrich even called it “nuts.” The “gifts” remarks hit on an issue I’ve been stewing about for a while: the offensive campaign against health-insurance coverage of birth control for women pushed by a variety of conservatives from Rick Santorum to Paul Ryan to Hobby Lobby owners to Catholic bishops to Rush Limbaugh. There’s been a lot of dishonest “FUD”— fear, uncertainty and doubt—spread over the Obama administration’s rule to keep insurance companies from denying coverage for contraception. His opponents like to couch this question in a misleading way. The debate, they tell us, is all about the religious freedom of employers who must “provide” the contraception for their employees. To hear the very loud opponents of this “mandate” tell it, the federal government is making business owners go into the contraception business. Suddenly, every business is also a doctor’s office and a pharmacy. An Oct. 31 press release from Hobby Lobby said it is “suing to halt enforcement of the HHS mandate, which forces Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc., a Christian-owned-andoperated business, to provide the abortioninducing drugs, the ‘morning after pill’ and ‘week after pill,” in violation of their deeply held religious beliefs….”

This release said nothing about what the “mandate” really does: Tell companies they cannot force their views on their employees by denying them access to contraception. The law is not telling anyone they have to use birth control; it says that insurance companies and businesses cannot deny coverage based on personal religious views. The Catholic Church has long believed that any birth control is sinful. “It’s a philosophical tradition known as natural law,” Jim Laine, the Catholic director of the religious studies program at Macalester College in

We do not own the people who work for us. Minnesota, told a local CBS affiliate. “Natural law suggests any conjugal act, any sexual act, should be open to the transmission of life.” The Church has long singled out the Pill as a problem because it separates the act of sex from procreation. Many Protestants don’t agree with Catholics that all contraception is a sin— they did until 1930, though—but hormonal birth control such as the pill is against many of their religious beliefs. Many believe that any contraception that decommissions a fertilized egg, or even a zygote (remember Personhood?), is a sin—thus no birth-control pills or morning-after pill (even in the case of rape or incest). Some Protestants still agree with Catholic doctrine that any attempt to stop pregnancy violates God’s natural law. I respect all those views. Protestants, Catholics and everyone else has the right to decide what, if any, contraception, violates their religious beliefs, and then to not use it. They can decide how many children they wish to have and how to raise them to

believe. The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution gives citizens the right to religious freedom, and it’s a precious one. But here’s the thing: The First Amendment also gives individual employees the right to make these decisions for themselves, to decide whether or not the Pill violates their religious beliefs. They have no fewer rights than their employers. And the other religion clause in the First Amendment makes it clear that the government cannot “establish” anyone’s particular religion as the law of the land that rules the rest of us. If they could, none of us would have religious freedom. I just love the checks-and-balances brilliance of the First Amendment. One clause keeps the other one honest even as many people want their religion to trump all the others. A major role for the federal government is to ensure that individual citizens’ constitutional rights are not violated. Employers cannot be allowed to limit their employees’ access to health care, including contraception. They can claim all they want that they are trying to protect their own religious freedom when, in fact, they are attempting to push it on others. This is not acceptable, and the administration wisely made that clear. But there is another crazy-maker in this twisted debate. I own a business, and we provide our full- and part-time employees access to a group health insurance plan. We pay half the premium. But it would be sheer hubris for us to argue that we are providing a “gift” to them by having a health-care plan. It is part of what we offer them to work here. Employees work for their health insurance, and employers do not have the right to insert ourselves between employees and their doctors. It’s none of our business. We should not even know what they do with their health insurance, and only those wishing to impose their beliefs on those who work for them would argue that they should. Employers don’t ask employees for an accounting of how they spend their paychecks, and they have the right to use the money we “give”

them to pay for birth control or even abortion services. And if they use their paychecks for contraception, that doesn’t mean we are providing those services, either. It’s not the 19th century: We do not own the people who work for us. Not to mention, the imposition of employer religious beliefs on contraception access can hurt employees’ health, or even hasten their deaths. Doctors prescribe the pill for medical reasons ranging from helping with excruciating menstrual cramps, to migraine relief, to treatment of endometriosis (which, ironically, can cause infertility if left untreated), ovarian cysts and fibroids. A Cancer Research UK study found that the pill had prevented at least 100,000 deaths from ovarian cancer and that ovarian cancer rates for women under 75 are 13 percent lower than if oral contraceptives had not been available. In fact, according to the Guttmacher Institute, only 42 percent of women who take the pill use it for only contraception reasons, and one-third of teen users rely on it exclusively for medical purposes. And 762,000 women who use the pill have never had sex, while 14 percent of pill users—1.5 million women—use it exclusively for non-contraceptive reasons. It’s medicine for many. The opponents of the contraception rule want employers to prohibit employees from using their insurance to get contraception for any reason, whether health or because a woman can’t afford, or does not choose, to have a child. That is wrong. Women are not asking for a “gift” from the federal government, their employers or anyone else. We are demanding our right to make our own religious and health reasons—and be able to not have to choose between a job we love or need and using our health insurance to meet our medical and economic needs. Companies do not own our employees—even the women—and need to stop acting like they do. Comment at jfp.ms.

November 28 - December 4, 2012



Jacob Fuller

Ronni Mott

Kate Dollarhide

Tam Curley

Jasmin S. Searcy

Doctor S

Tait Kellogg

Andrea Thomas

Reporter Jacob Fuller is a former student at Ole Miss. When not reporting, he splits his time between playing music and photographing anything in sight. He covers the city for the JFP. He wrote the cover story.

Ronni Mott came to Jackson by way of D.C. in 1997. She’s an award-winning writer and the JFP’s news editor, where she practices her hobbies of herding cats. She teaches yoga in her spare time. She wrote the business story.

Kate Dollarhide is a Jackson native who recently graduated from Mississippi State University. She has a strong passion for all things food and writing. Kate wrote the food feature.

Tam Curley loves telling about her move from liberal California to begin a new life with her hubby and daughter in conservative Mississippi. She is an Arkansas native and enjoys time with her two lab puppies. She wrote the Jacksonian.

Jasmin S. Searcy holds a bachelor’s in psychology, a master’s in clinical and community counseling from the Johns Hopkins University and is pursuing her doctorate in clinical psychology. She wrote the body/soul feature.

Where has Doctor S been lately? He says he was with Miskatonic University’s latest expedition to Antarctica. Other reports say he’s been at a) the Guantanamo Bay detention camp in Cuba, or b) the Hinds County penal farm in Raymond.

Tait Kellogg fell in love with Mississippi, despite its flaws, while at Millsaps College. She tried life as a Manhattanite for several years, but is now, back in the South working for the Education Services Foundation. She wrote the holiday DIY.

Advertising Designer Andrea Thomas is a native of Ridgeland and is a recent Antonelli College graduate. She loves to sing, dance and write poetry in her free time.





NAME: Germaine Dionne William AGE: 29 LOCATION: JSU student union OCCUPATION: Radio Personality (97.7 True Soul Cafe) BEST PART OF JOB: “The music. The DJs. The lifestyle.” LIVED IN JACKSON: “Forever!” READER SINCE: 2002 LAST BOOK READ: “Where the Sidewalk Ends” by Shel Silverstein FAVORITE QUOTATION: “If they can’t talk, don’t trust them.” —My momma

Write us: letters@jacksonfreepress.com Tweet us: @JxnFreePress Facebook: Jackson Free Press


your old jewelry and make it into something new.

Mandy Montgomery Mullen Mississippi Blues Box Builder Archie Storey’s handmade cigar box guitars and accessories, 228-229-6159, msbluesbox@ gmail.com.

Jane Sanders Waugh Elizabeth Robinson’s Bluescandy & Bebe Wolfe of Wolfe Studios.

Donna Ladd SOME of my local favorites: Rainbow Fair Trade (and Rainbow Whole Foods beauty products and stocking stuffers), Circa, Brent’s Drugs (fabulous fun staff gifts), Orange Peel, Green Room, NUTS, Organizers/InsideOut (in Highland Village), Mississippi Museum of Art gift store. Josh Hailey’s daddy’s drugstore, Beemon, down from McDade’s in Maywood Mart (across from McAllister’s) has wonderful stocking stuffers, including gifts from a lot of regional sports teams. Ace Hardware next door has a fun gift section. Amanda Holder Bettie Jenn Graves’s SHESABETTIE at www.etsy.com/shop/ shesabettie.

November 28 - December 4, 2012

Hollie Penuel b. fine art jewelry in Ridgeland! They have great handcrafted jewelry, plus apparel, accessories, home decor and more. But the coolest thing about b. fine art is that they can take


Send us a photo of you and your JFP somewhere interesting. You get a $20 gift certificate if we print it.

Tommy Greer The Chimneyville Crafts Festival (Nov. 31-Dec. 2, mscrafts.org) Tate K Nations Skip Best Buy, go to Cowboy Maloney’s! Scott Essex Pearl River Glass. Andy Young Christmas ornaments. Any Chane tee. Kathy Clem NUTS of course! Small business shopping combined with recycling and supporting a great charity all in the same purchase. Chris Myers Interiors Market or the Mississippi Craftsman’s Guild. Amanda Joullian Ragland The Olive Branch, Clinton. Ariss King accessories!




Add yours at jfp.ms/localgifts and use #shoplocaljxn on Twitter to share ideas. Shop local!

Stacking the Deck


or nearly a decade in the late 1970s and early 1980s, the state speaker of the House determined what bills passed and which ones didn’t. He ran the House with an iron hand until 1987 when members revolted against his dictatorial style and actions. As a result, the House rules were changed to provide for a more open, democratic legislative process. Under newly elected Republican Speaker Philip Gunn, it appears we are returning to the good old days. In a recent power play, Speaker Gunn removed Rep. Linda Whittington of Leflore County from the House Education Committee. Whittington, an expert on early childhood education, had served on that committee since she was elected in 2007. Speaker Gunn’s reasoning was that he would, in effect, give Whittington a “promotion” to vice chairman of the Tourism Committee, replacing the recently retired Tommy Woods of Marshall County. It was not necessary to remove Whittington from the Education Committee to add her to the Tourism Committee; she currently serves on six committees. A number of the speaker’s allies serve on seven or more. In fact, Rita Martinson, R-Madison, the chairwoman of Tourism, Whittington’s new committee, serves on nine committees. It is apparent that the speaker made the change because of his position on charter schools. During the last legislative session, a single vote defeated charter-school legislation in the Education Committee. Whittington had a number of objections to the language in the bill and voted “No.” Rep. Charles Busby, named as Whittington’s replacement, was a sponsor of the bill and, obviously, a supporter. By removing Whittington from the committee, Gunn

Most Viral Stories at jfp.ms

1. “Assault Weapons: Only at Walmart,” Jackblog, R.L. Nave 2. “Testing Scandal Ensnares Mississippi Teachers,” R.L. Nave 3. “All SEC Title Game in 2013 & Week Eight Winners,” Sportsblog, Bryan Flynn 4. “Mississippi’s Lost Decade: Income Inequality Grows,” Ronni Mott 5. “A Jump to the Left? Mississippi: The 2012 Elections and Beyond,” Ronni Mott

is stacking the deck to assure passage of a charter-school bill of his choosing, one of his stated objectives for this upcoming legislative session. Regardless of their position on any particular piece of legislation, speakers of the House have historically allowed the legislative process to work. Negotiations occur on virtually all bills before they are passed and become law. More often than not, such negotiations result in a better bill because they incorporate various perspectives. It is from this legislative crucible that lawmakers produce their best legislative work. There is no apparent historical precedence for the speaker’s recent action. It is true that former speakers have made committee re-assignments, but generally after consultation with the members involved and not to change the outcome of a committee vote. From what I understand, Whittington was not contacted, much less consulted about the change. She was notified by mail after the fact. I do not believe the speaker’s actions in this matter constitute business as usual. The speaker of the House is not a statewide elective office. The speaker is elected by members of the House and has only those powers afforded him by the House rules. While the removal of Whittington from the Education Committee is technically within the rules, the Speaker’s use of his authority to achieve personal legislative goals can be considered an abuse of power given by fellow House members. Will the speaker play musical chairs every time he doesn’t get his way? Paul A. Tisdale Biloxi

Most Viewed Events at jfpevents.com:

1. “I Am” Conference, Mississippi Student Justice Alliance, Nov. 26 2. Chimneyville Craft Festival, Mississippi Trade Mart, Nov. 30-Dec. 2 3. “Christmas on Ice,” Baptist Health Systems, Madison, ends Jan. 6. Add your own at jfpevents.com or send info to events@ jacksonfreepress.com. Read and join the discussion at jfp.ms/comments.

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“He had a crazy policy of self deportation which was maniacal … It sounded as bad as it was, and he lost all of the Latino vote.”

“I don’t feel I need to have a child to have a positive impact on children in our community.”

—Real-estate mogul Donald Trump on former GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney’s immigration policy.

Thursday, Nov. 22 Civil-rights leader and Mississippi native Lawrence Guyot dies in his home in Mount Rainier, Md., at age 73. … An Egypt-brokered truce in Gaza holds; thousands of Israeli troops stationed at the region’s borders withdrew. Friday, Nov. 23 The Hattiesburg Fire Department Firefighters Association announces plans to help the New York City Firefighters Association with a toy drive for those affected by Hurricane Sandy. … Black Friday spending is down 1.8 percent from last year, largely due to increased spending on holiday food. Saturday, Nov. 24 Belhaven University announces plans to celebrate the 80th anniversary of its Singing Christmas Tree event Nov. 30 to Dec. 1. … A fire in an eight-story building in Bangladesh with no emergency exits kills 112 people.

November 28 - December 4, 2012

Sunday, Nov. 25 A federal judge upholds a jury’s $82,000 award to a white attorney who claimed Greenwood Leflore Hospital’s majority-black board fired him because of his race. … A GOP representative says the party doesn’t plan to oppose President Obama’s appointment of Susan Rice as the next secretary of state.


Monday, Nov. 26 Federal officials arrest Clarence Mumford Sr., the leader of a crime ring that allowed prospective teachers to get jobs with local public school districts using fake credentials. Tuesday, Nov. 27 The Southern Poverty Law Center files a lawsuit against the Forrest County Juvenile Detention Center to end what the SPLC calls “dangerous conditions” at the jail. … Foreign experts take samples of Yasser Arafat’s remains to determine whether he was poisoned. Get news updates at jfpdaily.com.

A Curfew-to-Prison Pipeline? by R.L. Nave


neva May-Pittman has lived in Jackson for 66 years. Over the years, she’s seen a drastic change in the attitudes of young people and their parents, she said. As kids have grown increasingly ill mannered, May-Pittman believes one answer to the problem could lie with a proposal from Ward 3 Councilwoman LaRita CooperStokes to reinstate a teen curfew. May-Pittman, who was raised by her single mother after her father’s death when she was 10 years old, spoke out at a Nov. 20 public hearing on the curfew ordinance at City Hall. “If we had parents like we had then, we (would not) have a need for a curfew,” she said. Since being elected last spring to fill her husband Kenneth Stokes’ old seat, CooperStokes has been trying to reinstitute a city curfew for young people. But civil-liberties-minded citizens oppose implementing such measures because the laws are often written in a way that can trample constitutional rights. Bear Atwood, legal director for the Mississippi ACLU, said curfew ordinance could violate citizens’ rights to free assembly and speech, and could invite racial profiling. “Curfews do not reduce crime. Curfews don’t make our communities safer,” Atwood said. Atwood’s assertion flies in the face of the hundreds of municipalities across the U.S. that have put curfews into place and believe the laws keep kids from selling drugs

and robbing old ladies. For example, the U.S. Conference of

High-school student Donovan Barner calls a proposed curfew ordinance “blasphemous” because enforcing the law requires police officers to assume all teenagers are criminals.

Mayors conducted a survey in 1997 that revealed 88 percent of city mayors believed that curfews helped make their towns safer. Kenneth Adams, a researcher at Indiana University–Purdue University–Indianapolis examined the issue in a paper published in 2003 called “The Effectiveness of Juvenile Curfews at Crime Prevention.” Adams examined teen curfews across the county and concluded the scientific evidence

T D P W G E K S V R I How many hot topics from last week can you find hidden in the word cloud? Answers can be found forward, backward, vertically, diagonally and horizontally. Benghazi Best Of Jackson Broadwell Cia Curfew Eggbowl Elmo Ethics Hagman Huntsman Kaepernick

McCain Mcgee Petraeus Rice Scruggs Susan Turkey Twinkies Unions Walmart

“fails to support the argument that curfews reduce crime and criminal victimization.” R.L. Nave

Wednesday, Nov. 21 The Mississippi Department of Human Services outlines its rationale for requiring some poor parents to submit to finger scanning when retrieving their children from day care. … Hostess’ shutdown and liquidation plans are approved after a second round of failed union negotiations.

What will Obama tax rates cost you? p 12

—ACLU program director Nancy Kohsin-Kintigh on a proposed Jackson teen curfew/.


“Ardent supporters of curfew laws, including numerous police administrators and perhaps much of the general public, likely will resist the conclusion that curfews fail to reduce juvenile crime,” Adams wrote. “The seduction of commonsense reasoning sometimes is too strong to be swayed by scientific evidence, which by nature is always open to reconsideration.” Sociologist Mike Males arrived











































“I want the position as mayor. You could call it the leadership position, but it’s going to take the whole city combined to make any change. That’s the way I’m running.”

Holiday gift certificates available!

—Former Jackson police officer William Bright on why he’s running for mayor. Series

The ACLU’s Atwood said curfews increase the chances a young person could come into contact with police or be detained. “All the evidence says that even one night in detention could make a big difference in a child’s future life. Curfews are an entry into the school-to-prison pipeline,” Atwood said. The lack of jail space has made renewing the Jackson teen curfew a non-starter. Under an old curfew, which expired in 2007, when police picked up violators, they took the minors to Henley-Young Youth Detention Center. However, state law now prohibits municipalities from holding status offenders, such as curfew violators, in the same facility with felons such as burglars or murderers. A consent decree from the state also prevents the city from creating any new conditions that would send juveniles to Henley-Young. The Stokeses’ answer to the lack of jail space has been to lobby for a new city jail. Kenneth Stokes has lobbied since joining the Board of Supervisors that Hinds County should either jack up the rates it charges for housing Jackson offenders or refuse to accept them, which would force the city to build its own detention center. Michelle Colon, a community activist who addressed the public hearing, said a new jail isn’t the answer either. “We need to stop incarcerating young people in Jackson and start investing in the youth of Jackson,” Colon said. Comment at www.jfp.ms. Email R.L. Nave at rlnave@jacksonfreepress.com.


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at similar results when he studied teen curfew in Vernon, Conn., in 2000. Males’ analysis showed that after Vernon implemented a curfew in 1994, the city experienced a smaller decline in violent crimes than 600 comparably sized cities across the U.S. According to the abstract of Males’ study: “The curfew’s main effect was to occupy police time removing law-abiding youth from public, creating emptier, less policed streets, and possibly enhanced opportunities for crime.” Taken together, these analyses seem to speak directly to pro-curfew forces in Jackson, including Kenneth Stokes (now a Hinds County supervisor for District 5), who addressed the public forum and said he frequently observes teens in Jackson’s Georgetown neighborhood hanging out late at night, activity he concludes is indicative of hustling or engaging in criminal activity. Donovan Barner, a student at Murrah High School, lives in Georgetown and said he and friends sometimes take trips to a local store just to get out of the house and clear their minds. “Just because they’re out after dark doesn’t mean they’re criminals,” Barner told reporters at a press conference before the hearing took place. Laurie Roberts, president of the Mississippi chapter of the National Organization for Women, described being a teenage mother who didn’t have a car and sometimes had to walk to a nearby store for diapers late at night. Roberts said Stokes’ curfew threatens to criminalize young mothers.

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TALK | justice

Forrest County Jail ‘Backsliding’ by R.L. Nave

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compliance with the 70 provisions of the agreement with SPLC that included ending excessive use of force, providing better quality health and mental care, and develfile photo

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orrest County is moving backward when it comes to making changes at its youth detention center. A Southern Poverty Law Center lawsuit filed on behalf of children housed at the Forrest County Juvenile Detention Center resulted in a settlement to end what the SPLC calls “dangerous conditions” at the jail. A full year after the settlement was reached, however, an independent monitor assigned to keep track of the county’s progress concludes Forrest County is behind schedule or backsliding in implementing reforms. “It’s disappointing that the county has not made more significant progress,” SPLC staff attorney Elissa Johnson said. Anne M. Nelsen, the Salt Lake Citybased monitor, found the facility made minimal progress in reaching substantial

oping educational programs. “The issues of the lack of direct staff supervision, inadequate number of staff

members on some shifts and the lack of training for staff at the (Forrest County Juvenile Detention Center) have worsened,” Nelsen wrote in her report. In addition, Nelsen noted that the facility had a different director and assistant director on each of her three visits and that the repeated changes in administration has lead to ineffective communications to between top officials and jail staff. “Youth in the juvenile justice system, at all levels and in all settings, can become productive, law-abiding citizens and eventually effective parents if they receive help, guidance, compassion and commitment from the adults that they interact with in their lives. The Forrest County Juvenile Detention Center has the opportunity to offer that future to the young people it serves,” Nelsen wrote.

Islander Seafood & Oyster House


Holiday Edition

November 28 - December 4, 2012

Friday, Dec. 1, 9 p.m., at Hal and Mal’s


Lawrence Guyot Dies at 73


ivil-rights leader and Mississippi native Lawrence Guyot died in his home in Mount Rainier, Md., on Thursday, Nov. 22, at age 73. He had been in ill health, struggling with heart problems and diabetes, the Associated Press reports. Guyot was born in Pass Christian on July 17, 1939. He attended Tougaloo College, where he became active in the Civil Rights Movement; he graduated in 1963 with a bachelor’s degree in biology and chemistry. Guyot served on the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee and was the director of the Freedom Summer Project of 1964. The event drew thousands to Mississippi to help register black voters. Guyot was chairman of the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, which worked to get black delegates included in the state’s delegation at the 1964 Democratic National Convention. Guyot also laid the groundwork for the Voting Rights Act of 1965. During the civil rights struggle, police officers beat Guyot several times, including once at a jail in Winona, Miss., and a particularly infamous incident that took place at Mississippi’s Parchman Farm prison in Sunflower County.

by Dustin Cardon

Guyot returned to college and earned a law degree from Rutgers University in 1971. After graduation he moved to Washington, D.C., where he helped get fellow Mississippi civil-rights activist Marion Barry elected mayor in 1978. Guyot served as a neighborhood advisory commissioner for the D.C. area. According to the Associated Press, Guyot was a program monitor for the D.C. Department of Human SerLawrence Guyot will be remembered as a key leader in vices’ Office of Early Childthe civil rights movement in Mississippi. hood Development until his retirement in 2004. Guyot later started appearing as a commentator on Fox News, where he defended election, Guyot voted early out of concern for the legacy of the Civil Rights Movement. He fought his failing health, wanting to ensure his vote was against Republican efforts to limit access to the counted, AP reports. polls in Mississippi and campaigned for Presi Funeral services for Guyot are pending as of dent Barack Obama. In this month’s presidential this writing.

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talk | education

Test Scandal Ammo in Charter Fight? by R.L. Nave

A multi-state teacher testing scam could figure into Mississippi’s debate over education reform, giving fuel to those who support charter schools.

invigorate proponents of charter schools in Mississippi. “The sad thing about it is that teacher certification has already taken a major hit. Events like this only offers fuel to those naysayers,” said Kevin Gilbert, president of the trade association Mississippi Association of Educators. When the Mississippi Legislature reconvenes in January, it will assuredly pursue

a host of education-reform issues, including taking another crack at setting up charter schools, which narrowly failed this year. One of the sticking points in the controversial charter-school bill involved allowing charters to hire non-certified teachers to fill as many as half of their teaching positions. According to the federal No Child Left Behind law, “highly qualified” teachers must hold a major or minor college degree

in the field they teach, demonstrate competence on either the Praxis I or Praxis II exams—the test Mumford’s ring is accused of manipulating—and have state certification, meaning they completed a college program in education. NCLB exempted charter schools from the certification requirement. The MAE’s Gilbert said testing isn’t the sole measurement of teacher preparedness, but that certification and licensing is important. Among Mississippians charged in the plot were for Samuel Campbell, 38, of Jackson; Carlo McClelland, 34, of Meridian; Jadice Moore, 40, of Port Gibson; Darcel Gardner, 34, of Columbus; Sarah Richard, 44, of Richland, and Kimberly Taylor, 36, of Charleston. Jackson Public Schools officials could not confirm at press time whether most of the charged individuals are or have been employed with JPS. Samuel Campbell was a Jackson Public Schools teacher under an interim license from 2006 to 2009 and worked as a substitute teacher from 2009 to February 2011, according to JPS officials. Comment at www.jfp.ms. Email R.L. Nave at rlnave@jacksonfreepress.com.




hile the thing that makes a teacher good is subject to debate, few people would dispute that one measure of a bad teacher is if he or she cheats on a test required for certification as an educator. Last week, details of a 45-count indictment that resulted from a U.S. Department of Justice investigation that involved six Mississippians revealed a far-reaching testtaking scheme that spanned 15 years and several states. The alleged ringleader was Clarence Mumford Sr. of Memphis, who federal prosecutors said got paid as much as $3,000 to send phony test takers on behalf of wouldbe teachers to the Praxis exam, which school districts nationwide require to become a certified teacher. Edward L. Stanton, III United States Attorney for the Western District of Tennessee, said in a statement that Mumford’s alleged actions in facilitating unqualified teachers were harmful to the school districts that employed them as well as to the legitimately qualified people who potentially lost out on jobs to the unscrupulous teachers. Mumford’s actions will also likely re-


TALK | business

Tax Facts by Ronni Mott

Shut up and Reserve your spot for Donna Ladd’s popular creative non-fiction class series. Six-class series begins Jan. 5 and meets every other Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. (class decides 6th class date).

Half $150 fee reserves slot; gift certificates available. Write class@jacksonfreepress.com or call 601-362-6121, ext. 15.

True or False? Allowing the Bush-era tax cuts to expire for the wealthy will increase unemployment.


ax cuts are like power: Once people have some, wresting it out of their hands makes for a battle royale. Yet, reversing the Bush-era tax cuts for the wealthy summarizes President Barack Obama’s re-election campaign for many Americans: Those that have quite a lot should pay a little more. What many folks forget is that the tax cuts Congress enacted in 2001 and 2003 were never supposed to be permanent; they were meant to provide boosts to economies in recession. Both had a December 2010 expiration date. Obama temporarily extended the temporary cuts for two years in 2010, mostly as a concession to get a bigger, more comprehensive tax and economic stimulus bill passed.

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Who Do the Bush Tax Cuts Affect?

The cuts lowered tax rates across the board, decreased the marriage penalty and increased the child tax credits. Those with higher incomes, however, did especially well. The cuts lowered capital-gains taxes, eliminated higher-income phase-outs of personal exemptions and itemized deductions, and eliminated the estate tax.

Tax Cut Positions

• The conservative argument is that the cuts put more money into American pockets, thus buffering the economy from a more dismal freefall than it actually took. • The centrist argument is that the cuts, enacted at the start of two wars, added to the federal debt (and consequently the deficit, which can be thought of as accumulated debt). • On the left, opponents specifically of cuts for the wealthy, argue that the cuts increased income inequality and decreased public services to all Americans.


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Fiscal Cliff?

Because of its inability to come to a budget agreement last summer, Congress enacted a bill that would not only end the cuts (“taxmageddon” in some circles), it would also make indiscriminate, ham-handed cuts to all areas of the federal budget if Washington can’t agree on a new budget by the end of this year. The media dubbed this automatic drubbing of the budget the “fiscal cliff.”

Who Wants What? • The Obama administration is pushing to have the wealthy—those with household incomes of $250,000 or more ($200,000 for individuals)—revert to the Clinton-era tax rates (from the current top marginal rate of 35 percent to 39.6 percent). In other words, let the Bush cuts expire, but only for the folks at the top 2 percent of the earnings scale. • Republicans fall back on the argument that increasing taxes on the wealthy will increase unemployment. Fully half of small businesses will see higher tax rates, they say—the same small businesses that create jobs. Conservative media outlets (notably FOX News) have enthusiastically pushed that meme for years. And The Experts Say … The problem with the conservative meme about small businesses is the economists’ consensus—from organizations such as the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office and Congressional Research Service—says it’s not accurate. Upping marginal tax rates for the wealthy will not negatively affect half of America’s small businesses. Most agree that only about 3 percent will see an increase. How can that be? First, the word “marginal” is important. No one will be automatically bumped into a higher tax bracket if his or her taxable income goes over $250,000. Only the portion of income exceeding $250,000 would see that small 4 percent increase. Marginal tax rates on income from $1 to $249,999, under Obama’s plan, would remain the same. Second, “taxable” is important. Business expenses—including the cost of inventory, payrolls, rent, legal fees, supplies and hundreds of other necessities—come right off the top before businesses figure their tax liability. What’s left—and for many businesses, that amount can be zero or even a negative number—is taxable.

Third, it’s important to note that businesses don’t expand or contract because of marginal tax rates. Businesses hire people because their customers demand more of what they have to sell—more customers, more products, more hiring. Math. The Congressional Budget Office put it this way: “Increasing after-tax income of businesses typically does not create much incentive for them to hire more workers in order to produce more, because production depends principally on their ability to sell their products.” “Less than 3 percent of tax filers with any business income make over $200,000 (individual) or $250,000 (couples) per year,” wrote the American Sustainable Business Council and Business for Shared Prosperity in a petition to Congress. The petition is an effort to convince Congress to allow the tax cuts expire on incomes over $250,000.

What Is a Small Business?

The U.S. Small Business Administration defines small business as “one that is independently owned and operated, is organized for profit, and is not dominant in its field. Depending on the industry, size standard eligibility is based on the average number of employees for the preceding 12 months or on sales volume averaged over a three-year period.” The SBA has a fairly large idea of what constitutes “small,” but suffice to say that small businesses aren’t all mom-and-pop operations or even companies with 20 or 30 employees. Manufacturers with 500 to 1,500 employees (depending on the product), for example, are “small” businesses. Receipts for service “small” businesses are somewhere south of $2.5 million to $21 million, depending on sector. In 2008, 21.4 million (78 percent) of America’s 27.3 million businesses had no employees, according to U.S. Census data. These companies could be any number of owner-operated enterprises from a one-woman tech repair to freelance designers to lobbyists, hedge-fund managers and pass-through corporations established to rent out a vacation home. Just over 38,900 companies exceeded 500 employees, or 0.014 percent.

Comment at www.jfp.ms. Email Ronni Mott at ronni@jacksonfreepress.com.

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The Worst of Us


e’ve seen the ugly side of America. We’ve seen what we can devolve into, and I don’t think most of us like it. The presidential election brought out the worst in many of us, and now, I’m stuck trying to explain the actions of thousands of disgruntled voters to my kids. Let’s be honest with ourselves, shall we? Race is still the elephant in the room that no one wants to talk about. Try as some might to chalk it up to policy, the actions I’ve seen seem to be a reaction to a deeper issue. When white kids at Ole Miss burn an Obama sign and shout racial slurs, they are deemed “mischievous” kids who are “exercising their freedom of speech.” Had it been black students yelling “whitey” or “honky” and burning Romney signs ... well, you know what would have happened: The police, sheriffs, perhaps even the National Guard would have intervened. Black students would have been arrested or expelled. In subsequent weeks, we would read about those “thugs” who caused a disturbance on the peaceful campus. Why is that? Then there’s that one Black Panther—one—who shows up (alone) at a polling place, and FOX News is ready to call out the National Guard. Why is that? Michelle Obama says in a speech, “For the first time in my adult lifetime, I’m really proud of my country,” and gets reamed in the conservative press. Yet, as we speak, people in all 50 states have filed petitions to secede from the U.S. as the result of Barack Obama’s re-election. They join a lot of Republican voters who are suddenly no longer “proud” of this country. Why is that? When Bill Clinton won a second term, we didn’t hear any large-scale secession requests. Don’t feed me that bologna about how “different” the Clinton and Obama world views are: They are both centrist Democratic presidents whose platforms were more palatable to African Americans, Hispanics, gays and poor people. Both ran on the premise that it was time to level the playing field. To me, the only noticeable difference is the color of their skin—that and plain old fear and outright ignorance. This ignorance makes pundits associate welfare with black folks when, in fact, there are more white Americans than blacks on government assistance (by percentage, the rates are about the same). It’s embarrassing, quite frankly, that as a member of the human race, I have to raise my kids in this fractured, damaged climate. How do we come together when no one wants to admit how and why we are still so far apart? And that’s the truth ... sho nuff.

November 28 - December 4, 2012

” d o o h e s “fal


“Ambassador (Susan) Rice propagated a falsehood that the attacks were ‘spontaneous,’ the outcome of a protest ‘spun out of control,’ and the result of a YouTube video.” —From a Nov. 19 letter to President Barack Obama opposing the potential nomination of Rice for Secretary of State, signed by nearly 100 Republican members of the U.S. House of Representatives, including Mississippi Reps. Steven Palazzo and Alan Nunnelee. Why it stinks: The “attacks” the letter refers to occurred Sept. 11 in Benghazi, Libya, where Ambassador Christopher Rice and three other Americans died. This is political grandstanding of the first order. The letter doesn’t actually accuse Rice of doing anything wrong, unless you could construe repeating information provided to her by the U.S. Intelligence community as “wrong.” Instead, it talks about perceptions: “Ambassador Rice is widely viewed as having either willfully or incompetently misled the American public,” the letter states, though who is doing the viewing is not revealed. To date, no evidence has surfaced that Rice either concealed information or distorted it any way (and evidence has surfaced showing that the CIA didn’t want to tip its hand). The information has “since been shown to be seriously flawed, but that’s not Rice’s fault,” wrote the Washington Post. A WaPo reader put it this way: “Since she presumably does not operate a private intelligence agency, sensible people will wonder what else she could have said.” Indeed.

Stand In Solidarity With the Poor


ost people are probably not surprised to hear that Mississippi is a poor state. We routinely are on or near the bottom in every economic indicator. We are so poor, in fact, that we rely on the federal government to send all sorts of resources into our state—even as both U.S. senators and most of our representatives talk a good game about being against the federal taxes that pay for all that pork. It’s anti-tax rhetoric with irony dripping all over it. But what most people may not know is that while the poor are getting poorer in Mississippi—in no small part due to the loss of so many manufacturing jobs in recent decades—the rich are getting richer. The gap between the rich and poor in the state has widened dramatically over the last decade. In last week’s issue, we reported findings by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities in its study “Pulling Apart: A State-by-State Analysis of Income Trends.” It showed that, even through the recent recession, the richest 20 percent of Mississippians have gotten richer—their income increased 19.1 percent. At the same time, middle-class Mississippians’ income dropped 5.4 percent, and the poorest 20 percent fell 17.3 percent (even as many vote to help the rich get richer). These are jarring numbers—and they should give every one of us pause. We know that times are tough in America, especially since the great crash of 2008. We know many companies aren’t hiring and, in fact, are laying off. We know that corporations are moving jobs overseas. We know that we have two wars to pay for even as the wealthiest Americans have enjoyed a tax cut that has not helped with job creation, which was the excuse for it. But to sit in the poorest state and watch our

wealthiest 20 percent get richer while our middleclass and poor residents suffer? This is unconscionable, even if you’re one of the lucky ones whose income has increased while your neighbors’ or your workers’ income has shrunk. Even if that doesn’t concern you morally, it should make you worry societally. The growing income gap in American, which is at emergency levels in Mississippi, hurts the entire state. It damages social cohesion, it increases the incidence of crime, and it makes it harder for hard-working people to lift themselves out of poverty. It even means, as the report warned, that hard work isn’t valued because people can’t make ends meet. Not to mention, many of the people on the wrong end of this gap can’t afford health care. They don’t (yet) have insurance coverage and, even if they do, they can barely afford the multiple bills you get simply due to having a twisted ankle examined. People who can’t get medical and preventive care are most likely to stay poor. That might mean cheap labor for all the people on the winning end of this gap, but it doesn’t make for a strong work force, and the resulting high turnover hurts any business. The first question to ask yourself this holiday season is whether you care about this widening gap. Do you care enough to demand that Mississippi’s leaders start supporting policies to help more than the richest 20 percent? Do you care enough to support an intelligent tax increase on the wealthiest to pay for wars most of them wanted (and many benefitted from) as well as education and training that helps people lift themselves out of poverty? Do you care enough to “be in solidarity with the poor,” as Proverbs 14:31 demands? Please ponder carefully; it matters.

Email letters and rants to letters@jacksonfreepress.com, fax to 601-510-9019 or mail to P.O. Box 5067, Jackson, Miss., 39296. Include daytime phone number. Letters may be edited for length and clarity, as well as factchecked.

The Culture Wars, 20 Years Later Editor-in-Chief Donna Ladd Publisher Todd Stauffer EDITORIAL News Editor Ronni Mott Features Editor Kathleen Morrison Mitchell Reporters Jacob Fuller, R.L. Nave Events Editor Latasha Willis Deputy Editor Briana Robinson Copy Editors Dustin Cardon, Molly Lehmuller Music Listings Editor Natalie Long Fashion Stylist Meredith Sullivan Writers Torsheta Bowen, Ross Cabell Marika Cackett, Richard Coupe, Scott Dennis Jim Pathfinder Ewing, Bryan Flynn, Garrad Lee Genevieve Legacy, Anita Modak-Truran, Larry Morrisey, Eddie Outlaw, Casey Purvis, Julie Skipper, Kelly Bryan Smith Editorial Interns Victoria Sherwood, Dylan Watson Consulting Editor JoAnne Prichard Morris ART AND PHOTOGRAPHY Art Director Kristin Brenemen Advertising Designer Andrea Thomas Production Designer Latasha Willis Staff Photographer/Videographer Trip Burns Editorial Cartoonist Mike Day Photographers William Patrick Butler, Tate K. Nations, Amile Wilson Graphic Design Interns Terrence Jones, Ariss King ADVERTISING SALES Sales Director Kimberly Griffin Advertising Coordinator Monique Davis Account Executive Stephanie Bowering BUSINESS AND OPERATIONS Executive Assistant Erica Crunkilton Bookkeeper Montroe Headd Distribution Manager Matt Heindl Distribution Raymond Carmeans, Jeff Cooper, Clint Dear, Robert Majors, Jody Windham ONLINE Web Developer Matt Heindl Web Editor Dustin Cardon Multimedia Editor Trip Burns Web Producer Korey Harrion CONTACT US: Letters Editorial Queries Listings Advertising Publisher News tips Fashion

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Association of Alternative Newsweeklies


wenty years ago, former presidential candidate and prominent conservative political figure Patrick J. Buchanan declared war at the 1992 Republican National Convention. This war, he said, was a struggle for the soul of America. Buchanan went on to declare that he and George Herbert Walker Bush were on one side of the war, while Bill and Hillary Clinton were on the other. Whether he knew it or not, Buchanan’s “culture war” speech over the role of women in society, same-sex marriage and abortion foreshadowed a battle that still rages today. Buchanan thought the triumph of the social right was inevitable. In 1992, he saw a country that was still center-right, the America of Dwight D. Eisenhower and Ronald Reagan. Surely, this America would never embrace something like gay marriage or women serving in combat if it was given the choice. His role, inevitably, was to shine a spotlight on any attempt to legitimize these immoral ideas. Buchanan was temporarily right. America was not ready to embrace such ideas, and even after the 1992 Republican defeat, social conservatives forced President Bill Clinton to moderate on social issues repeatedly, including on “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” So we ask the question 20 years later: Who exactly is winning the culture war? Consider this: Two decades after his declaration of war, MSNBC, Buchanan’s longtime “home,” fired him for controversial statements he made in his book, “Suicide of a Superpower: Will America Survive to 2025?” (St. Martin’s Griffin, reprint 2012, $15.99). The most contentious material in Buchanan’s book came from a chapter eloquently titled, “The End of White America.” In the November elections, the citizens of Maine and Massachusetts voted to legalize gay marriage in their respective states while voters in Minnesota voted down a constitutional amendment to outlaw the practice. The voters of Colorado and Washington state both voted to legalize recreational use of marijuana. And, as far the two prime targets of Buchanan’s speech, Bill and Hillary Clinton, one is considered a frontrunner for the 2016 presidential election and the other delivered a major keynote speech this year that will go down in the history books. While I will not go as far as Buzzfeed columnist Ben Smith and proclaim “Welcome to Liberal America,” it is clear the America Buchanan once knew has changed. This is not the America of Ronald Reagan, this is the America that

Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs built. This is the America where male chauvinism and racism can end your career quicker than wide-leg or closed-leg stances. Two GOP senate candidates (Indiana’s Richard Mourdock and Missouri’s Todd Akin) who were favored to win in Republican-leaning states where Mitt Romney won the electoral votes, lost their Senate races because they voiced their opinions about abortion and rape. They chose to jump into the culture wars, and they lost. Buchanan’s tragic mistake was failing to understand the nature of the war he declared. The demographics of America are changing at a rapid pace. Globalization has both exported and imported ideas and technology that has made communicating and organizing far simpler than in the past. Now, people who in the past may have felt ostracized because of their beliefs are finding that their views are not unique, and they’re teaming together to voice their collective opinions. Many would argue that the culture wars are of less significance in the era of the great recession, and they may be partially right—economic issues are at the top of most American’s political worries. But whether it was at the Tea Party rallies of 2010 or the Occupy Wall Street camps of Fall 2011 and Spring 2012, symbols of the American culture are always present. While the culture war is far from over, it is pretty clear that the momentum favors one side over the other. What the Pat Buchanans of the world will have to finally accept is that no matter how hard they fight, the America they once knew is not coming back. While it is unlikely that the entire country will become bastions of progressive ideals—as evidenced by the North Carolina gay-marriage ban passed earlier this year—we’ve seen a clear turning point. Consider this: Wisconsin, the state that placed Scott Walker in the governor’s mansion and then voted to keep him there on a recall vote, just elected the first openly gay member of the United States Senate. Buchanan was right: There is a war for the soul of America. What he failed to realize was that it was a war that he would lose. Anthony Hales Jr. is a graduate of Jackson State University and holds a master’s degree in public policy from George Mason University. He lives in Washington, D.C., where he works for the federal government. He is co-founder of the Seville Skills Foundation (sevilleskillscamp. org or facebook.com/sevilleskills), a nonprofit that teaches life skills to urban youth through sports.

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illiam Bright spent the last 13 years as an officer in the Jackson Police Department. Now he’s left the force and is asking the citizens to promote him ... to mayor. A native of McComb, Bright is the son of a cost-control engineer. His father’s work moved the Bright family around the country, but Bright said he spent most of his childhood in Mississippi. After graduating from high school in Joppatowne, Md., Bright joined the U.S. Marine Corps, where he served for seven years including stints in Okinawa, Japan, and Seoul, South Korea, among other posts. While in the Corps, Bright received his only post-secondary education at Craven Community College in Havelock, N.C., where he studied science and English, but didn’t earn a degree. Bright moved to Jackson in 1999 and joined JPD. There, he rose to the rank of sergeant before he resigned in 2012 to, as he said, focus on his mayoral campaign. He now lives with his wife, Sheekas. Bright has two grown children from a previous marriage who live in North Carolina. Though he seems less informed about some ongoing development and economic issues than many of the 2013 mayoral candidates—including incumbent Mayor Harvey Johnson Jr., city councilmen Chokwe Lumumba, Ward 2, and Frank Bluntson, Ward 4, and businessman Jonathan Lee, Bright has a vision and believes he can implement that vision. From casinos and a NFL team to improved incentives for police and extracurricular activities for students, Bright wants to build a Jackson that looks far different than the one that exists today. The Jackson Free Press sat down with Bright and his wife in their home Oct. 19

by Jacob D. Fuller

to talk about what he will offer Jackson voters for the future of the city. When and why did you decide to run for mayor? Well, you know, I went to so many community meetings and neighborhood watch association meetings. When I’d get up and be talking in front of the people, sometimes they would ask me if I ever thought about running for mayor. The biggest thing about that was, we were sitting in a restaurant in the UMMC hospital, where (Sheekas) used to work. She just looked at me one day and said, “You ought to run for mayor.” After my wife told me that—and a lot of citizens had told me that—it was confirmed probably 10 times. Other people came, and they didn’t ask me, they told me to run. I think they did it because they know what kind of person I am. If I say I’m going to do something, I’m going to do it. I’m an honest guy and fair. I’m not going to lie about anything. I’m just straight up. From what I’ve seen, especially in the 13 years on the police department, talking to people, being around these citizens (and) knowing the problems, I’ve done a lot of research... There are so many problems that shouldn’t even be problems right now, that are fixable problems. I can take care of it. When I say “I” can take care of it, it’s because I’m running for the position, but in my campaign, it’s all about “we,” meaning the whole city, not “I.” I want the position as mayor. You could call it the leadership position, but it’s going to take the whole city combined to make any change. That’s the way I’m running. Give me three specific examples of what you’ll do differently than the current mayor and how that will affect Jacksonians. I have a youth foundation (plan) that I’m working on right now. I know that the

William Earl Bright Age: 50 Born: McComb, Miss. Job: Former JPD Sergeant Family: Wife, Sheekas, and two grown children from a previous marriage Education: High school, college at Craven Community College

city has a youth foundation program, but ... first of all, the kids are kind of being left out quite a bit. In mine, I’ve done research, and I’ve got some people doing research for me about what’s going on in the other big cities. Some of those ideas that I’m getting from there, if we put them here in Jackson, and give it a name that we’ve come up with, I think that we’ll be a lot better off. That’s going to give the kids a lot of motivation. You have to let the kids know that they are important. One thing that I never did understand: I don’t have a problem with the kids setting up a basketball goal and playing basketball. If they’re in the middle of the street, I have a problem with it, but if they’re not in traffic (or) blocking traffic, I

don’t have a problem with that, but that’s a violation of city ordinance, you know that? If you take something small away from them, when they really don’t have a lot else to do, what’s going to happen? Just like the police. You take everything they’ve got away, you take everything the kids have away, what’s going to be left? They’re going to get up with the wrong crowd, and something’s going to happen. Burglaries are going to happen. I think that we need to give the kids a whole lot more to do. I’m not going to totally go into my whole idea, but my youth foundation




Trip Burns

Former JPD Officer Runs for Mayor

more BRIGHT IDEAS see page 18


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November 28 - December 4, 2012.




Bright ideas from page 17 school, that teaches kids at a younger age, and keep it going all the way into high school, about crime, what it’s like, (and) gun control. There’s nothing in school. The parents teach their kids what they want to teach them, but I think we need to change our education program a little bit. I think we need to put something like that in there.

William Bright said his wife, Sheekas, was the first to encourage him to run for mayor.

Well, where’s all that at?* I’ve never even known them to try that. I haven’t. Now, I can’t speak for everybody. Where is that? Here’s another thing (the teens) all told me. They go to the park. This lady I talked to at a park one day, she’s been going to the same park (for) 10 years. They have five swings set up. Three of them have been broken five years straight, now. What’s that? Nobody’s going to go to something like that. That’s the problem. Your parks department, how hard is that to fix? Ever since I talked to that lady, I’ve been going around looking at stuff. They’re not lying. You never really notice something, until you notice something. That’s the way I look at it. You mentioned the crime. It seems like a lot of the city leaders’ only answer to fighting crime is more police on the street. How do we get to the root of the problem, to keep people from wanting to turn to the crime in the first place? You know what? I’ve been thinking a lot about that, too. There are some things you can do. I’d like to make a curriculum, in

(We need) something more about, “This is what your life’s going to be if you get involved with this. You’re going to have one of two choices. Like drugs, you’re going to either end up in prison or you’re going to be dead.” I’m not afraid to tell people that, because if you get involved in drugs, that’s what’s going to happen to you. I’ve thought a lot about that, and I’ve actually talked to some people. I take my ideas out, and I talk to people about them. Me and my wife discuss that stuff all the time. I think we need to do something like that. I don’t think it would be real hard to change a curriculum to that. The more education they have, the sooner they can get it and keep it going, because what your ears hear, your brain remembers. See, that’s the way I look at it. We have a school district that is on the edge of losing its accreditation. How is inadequate education related to bringing up people who are going to turn to crime? Education is something that everybody needs; everybody gets a chance at it. You’re going to go to school, because that’s just how it is. You’re going to go to school.

What you do while you’re in school in totally up to you. Nobody can make you do anything. Coming back to school, I’d like to do something else. You know when you go to college, you have to have a certain amount of hours or credits, whatever it is, to graduate college, like working with the elderly, community programs. Most of them work with elderly people. I would like to make that a little bit earlier. I’d like to see that change and go into the high schools. You know what? I think if that was to be able to happen, if we put that in there and made that a class that you’ve got to have, that’s going to give you a feeling of importance. What you get there, just like my crimeeducation program, the earlier you get that, the better off you’re going to be. When you do go to college, you’ve got to do that. You can’t graduate without it. It’s there. So why don’t we push it down a little bit and put it in high schools? They have their regular classes. They know they have to pass that, or they don’t get the credit. Give them something that they have to do because when you go to college, of course you have to pass your classes to get credits. Give them that now, so when they get up there, they’ll have that then. You talked about the problem with the police officers’ morale is that they don’t have a lot of what they had before. Is there a problem that if you’re putting too many out there that it spreads the funding too thin for the police that you have? How can I talk about this? There’s no morale problem between the police officers. That’s not a morale problem. You know what you’re going to get paid when you take a job. Did they tell you what you were going to get paid when you took your job? Yep. And you accepted it? Yep. The problem is, the things that (the officers) are supposed to get, now they’re taking it all away from them. I spent 13 years with JPD. When I first got hired, we got an evaluation raise. In 13 years, I got two raises. That’s all. OK? I think the morale problem is: It’s always the same people getting the same thing all the time. “You’re going to move up.” (Points finger as if talking to another person.) “You’re never going to get anything.” I’ve seen it. I don’t really care about that kind of thing. I think everyone should get the opportunity, like a sergeant’s exam. If you don’t want to take that, don’t take


What are you talking about? While I was on the police department, some ideas would come out. As a supervisor, we would pass out what we got to the officers. Well, just like the DARK* program (an operation that concentrated officer patrols in high-crime neighborhoods) that they put out, it lasted two weeks and, all of a sudden, it’s gone. It was working. If something’s working, why do you want to get rid of it? If somebody’s going to be a criminal, they’re going to watch for (lowered police presence). Criminals aren’t stupid. They are stupid because of what they’re doing, but they’re going to watch what the police are doing. You know, you start a program, like the DARK team, then for some reason, two weeks after it started, it’s gone. They took it apart. They took officers from all the precincts, took like 10 officers from here and here and here. Then they took up cars from the shifts, making shifts short on personnel and cars. Then they put something together, and it was working. I talked to a bunch of (the DARK team). It was working. They were getting guns off the street. They were making a lot of arrests. It was making the criminals think, “Do I need to do this? No.” Then all of a sudden, I came to work one day, and it stopped. Officers were being placed back. Cars were given back to the shifts. We’re back to what we had. Why? I don’t have an answer for that, because I’m not in the upper command staff. All I did was what comes down hill. What else can I give you here? The downtown parking, a lot of people have told me that downtown parking is a problem. It is. There is hardly none. You’ve got, what, two big parking areas. Then you got the Marriott Hotel; they’ve got their own right there. Police, there’s hardly no parking for them at all, none. You’ve got to find somewhere. That should change. There should be a lot more parking areas than we got. We’ve got places you can make that happen. I think that some of the ideas that are coming up, where they’re spending money, they need to spend some money somewhere else. I got out and talked to a bunch of

the teenagers. You know, I like to do that. (I) asked them what are their opinions of things in Jackson. Well, they said, “We have nothing to do.” OK, there are things you can do. There are government grants you can get. I’ve been doing my research now. There are grants that you can get that the government will actually fund for you to put things in a city for that situation.

Trip Burns

program that I’ve actually come up with, with some of my staff members, Jackson will love it. I had a meeting last night with some people. I asked them, “Tell me some things that y’all aren’t happy with.” Of course, crime came up. Of course crime came up. Crime can be a hard thing to deal with. It can go up one day. It can be down the next day, but when you do something or you implement something to take care of a problem, and it’s working, why get rid of it?

more BRIGHT IDEAS see page 20


BRIGHT ideas from page 19 it. When I took it, I made it, and I was a sergeant for one year. I think that some of the things that were taken are causing the morale problem. The only thing, when I was a sergeant, that they had to look forward to was a takehome car. The evaluation raise was gone. They took everything.* The take-home car was actually for the patrol division, especially. That’s all they had to look forward to, except having their job and a two-week paycheck. That’s it, (now). Take-home car policy is gone. You only thing you have is your job. That’s it.

November 14 - 20, 2012

Would the police force be more effective if it were a smaller force of officers who are compensated as they should be? No. No. I heard somebody had said that JPD could be run with 200 police officers. With as big as Jackson is? No way that’s going to happen. Two hundred police officers is four precincts. Where are your detectives? Where’s the rest of the staff? They’re not going to be there, or you’re going to run so short that you’re not going to be able to do anything. JPD’s not going to run with 200 police officers; you can’t do it. I don’t care who said that. I don’t know, but it’s not going to happen.


The more police that you bring in, that means that the money should be there. What if they had five or six classes, lately, have come through in a row and we’re getting some good officers. Once they get there, it’s like, being able to talk to them as their supervisor, they ask a lot of questions

‘(If) you earn your money in Jackson, you should be able to spend your money in Jackson ...’ like “Why is he leaving? He’s got 10 years?” “Why is he leaving? He’s been here for a year, and he’s already ready to go.” What am I supposed to say to them? I’ve said, “I’ve been here this long, I like working

here, and just because I’m a sergeant doesn’t make me any better than you.” But there’s a lot of things you have to put up with, but then there’s a lot of things I believe police should have that (they) don’t have. If you’re elected, you’re going to inherit about $400 million in sewer and water improvements that have to be done that have been mandated by the EPA, that the city has been negotiating for a couple of years now. How will you look to fund that massive amount of improvement that needs to be done while keeping the burden light on the taxpayers? I took a class on asset and liability, and it was a great class. There’s ways you can come up with money inside a business or inside of a department that you didn’t even know was there. I have a financial planner already, and I think me and him would have to sit down. Of course, city council will be involved. I would guess we would have to come up with some money. I don’t really know, I’m just going to be honest with you, I think about all of this stuff and I don’t really know exactly what the city is actually

doing in that situation. It’s coming. I am finding out. Well, none of us know quite yet because they won’t release it all, yet. A city can come up with money when they have to have it. Besides that, another thing I’ve been checking into, the government can provide grants for just about anything. Most of the grants you get you don’t have to pay it back as long as the money goes where it’s supposed to go. Now, I’m not going to sit here and say money’s not going, when they do get a grant, where it’s supposed to go, I’m not saying that. But I can assure you, in my position, if I were to receive a government grant that would cover this and a lot of problems out here because of the money being short, the money’s going to go exactly where it’s supposed to go. I can answer that. The city can’t use any federal grants to pay for this consent decree. I would do everything I could without raising taxes. The thing I don’t want to do is raise taxes. The city’s paying enough taxes. … We need to bring small business more BRIGHT IDEAS see page 22



BRIGHT ideas from page 20


Is Jackson big enough to support a large professional team? It’s not the smallest capital city in the world, in the United States even. I believe we could do it. I don’t know exactly everything that went down with (the Mississippi Braves), but if I had been the mayor, and I had had the opportunity to get that, I would have took it.

William Bright has big visions for Jackson, including a major professional sports franchise and casinos.

November 14 - 20, 2012

When you say a professional team, what are you talking about specifically? Either a football team, a baseball team, a basketball team—one of those three. Really, I’d love to see a professional football team come in here. Our economy would rise extremely high.


We’re talking about millions of dollars for a stadium and, also, it would be the second smallest market in the league next to Green Bay, Wis. Well, let’s look at it in other ways. The NFL: You can actually write to the NFL, and they can sponsor the money for what you need when you do that. I’ve got people looking into that. I’m not trying to make people think I’m all about money, because I’m not all about money. In fact, I have found ways to save the city money. Some of the city’s money is going places it shouldn’t be going

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to … and certain places where they’re not getting what is needed. I’m doing my homework, I’m running for the people, and I resigned my position as a sergeant with the police department to run for the people. So I am going to give them what they’re asking for and what’s necessary to bring this city back from what it was 30 years ago. Because the way I see it—and after talking to so many people for 13 years on the street, they see it the same way—things can’t stay the same. We’ve got to have change. Me and my staff, Trip Burns


into Jackson. I’m not going to sit here and say that I can bring everything that’s empty and fill it up, but I can do a lot of things along with the city’s help. All the people in the city, it takes everybody to do all of that. We can bring small business back into this city by helping the crime situation, because I know a lot of business owners in the city of Jackson, and when I talk to them, what they tell me is (that) crime is a big thing whether we stay or go. And of course the tax situation—you know the economy’s going to change more by bringing small business back. What I’m actually thinking about is to see what the citizens say if we could bring a professional (sports) team to the City of Jackson. Our economy would be raised and, actually, I know some people who could actually do that.

and me and the citizens of Jackson, we can change Jackson. With the improvements with what they are doing to roads, is getting those jobs and keeping them localized to Jackson something you will be focused on? One of my big things is (that if) you earn your money in Jackson, you should be able to spend your money in Jackson, even for recreation purposes. We don’t even have a theater in the city of Jackson. I’m just going to let the citizens know I’m working on a program to bring a theater to Jackson. I don’t know why it’s so hard; it’s not. If you want something you can get it. I’ve been asked about what do I feel about a casino in Jackson. If you earn your money here, I don’t see a problem with having one here for you to spend it, plus the economy will rise. Comment at www.jfp.ms. Email Jacob D. Fuller at jacob@jacksonfreepress.com.

The JFP has contacted the city of Jackson and the Jackson Police Department to request more information on grants for city youth programs, the former DARK program and loss of incentives at JPD. Due to the holidays, we made the calls on short notice and were not able to get responses to our messages prior to press time. Please stay tuned to jfp.ms for responses from the city and JPD regarding these issues and William Bright’s comments. This story will be posted at jfp.ms/bright.




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Lightning round with Rothbart:

Dan Busta

Davy Rothbart reads and hen Davy Rothbart applied for After showing the note to several signs books at Lemuria a job at National Public Radio’s friends who in return showed him bit they (4465 Interstate 55 N., “This American Life” radio prohad saved, Rothbart realized others shared Suite 202, 601-366-7619) gram, he was honest about his his fascination with little scraps of paper Dec. 6 at 5 p.m. Read more previous job experience: pizza delivery guy, ticket and lost life. He and a cousin threw togethQ&A with Rothbart at jfp. scalper, marijuana salesman. Ira Glass called him er the first magazine and went to Kinkos to ms/DavyRothbart. in for an interview anyway. print 50 copies. “I had no business getting the job because it “The dude working there, he was was a job as a producer there. I had never had a like, ‘Man this is awesome, let’s make 800 copjob in radio before. I had never actually had a real ies.’” Rothbart says. So they did. Rothbart and job before,” Rothbart says. his friends held a release party for 100 people— “I was shocked.” each bought a copy for $5. Unfortunately, that Rothbart didn’t get the job, but Glass was left Rothbart with 700 copies filling his apartinterested in some of the ideas he presented, and ment in boxes. Rothbart began doing stories for the radio pro His roommate wasn’t exactly pleased, espegram. It’s indicative of the life the 37-year-old cially since Rothbart was leaving for a trip. When Michigan native seems to have led—random he returned a few weeks later, all the boxes were events leading to unforgettable stories, as a result gone. “I figured he either threw them out or put of Rothbart’s persistent tendency to just pursue them in the basement storage area,” he says. But and see what happens. his roommate told him they were gone because That tendency is on display in his latest so many people came by to buy copies. “The book, “My Heart is an Idiot,” a collection of stoneighbors had called the police; they thought he ries. “Some are funnier, some are more serious, was selling drugs out of the apartment. Day and many are about love and relationships—my own night, people would be knocking or ringing the misadventures in that arena—but a lot of them, doorbell,” Rothbart says. too, are about interesting strangers and people In addition to touring for “My Heart is an I’ve met on the road over the last 10 years and Idiot” and running Found magazine, Rothbart the ways that meeting them changed my life in keeps busy by writing for the popular sports Davy Rothbart puts his heart out on his sleeve in his latest book of stories. interesting ways,” Rothbart says. and pop-culture website Grantland and doing With hints of David Sedaris, Chuck Klosoccasional stories for “This American Life.” He terman and Chelsea Handler, Rothbart’s prose is also works one night every year at Bell’s Pizza in at various times acerbic, rueful, gentle and poignant. He slips off into three books, a website and several tours, all of which Ann Arbor, Mich., where he got his first job. easily between crude and scandalous encounters (this book he calls a “giant community art project.” “New Year’s Eve is their busiest night of the year,” he is not for children) and touching moments. Despite the fact The first find, Rothbart says, was left mistakenly on his says. “They always need extra help and, you know, people that most of the loves mentioned in the book are finished or car one day. “It was this note on the windshield of my car, never know what to do for New Year’s, so I always like having failed relationships, Rothbart doesn’t look back with bitter- and it was addressed to Mario. And I read the thing, it says, my plan already intact, so I work for Bell’s. It’s kind of fun, ness, but with a sense that each person that came in or left his ‘Mario, I f***ing hate you. You said you had to work. Why you get to duck your head into like 40 different parties. ... It’s life made it more interesting along the way. is your car here at her place? You’re a liar, I hate you, I hate kind of like a nostalgic night, I drive around the city, and I Rothbart is best known for Found, a magazine he you. Signed, Amber. P.S. Page me later?’” he says. “So it was know all the streets like the back of my hand in Ann Arbor, has produced for a decade, which collects and publishes funny because she was so angry and upset with him, but that and I just deliver pizzas.” “finds”—bits, notes and scraps of paper that people all over whole form of love, you know, ‘page me later.’ But, of course, It sounds like the start to one of Rothbart’s stories: an the world find and send in. The annual magazine has spun it wasn’t even Mario’s car, it was my car.” innocuous adventure filled with promise.

Who or what gave you the best kiss you’ve ever received?

I’m going to say my 97-year-old grandmother. I just got to hang out with her in Philly a couple weeks ago. Just that she’s still alive and kicking and awesome. She gave me a kiss on the cheek.

What is your biggest pet peeve? Laugh tracks.

Who should be president in 2016? Cory Booker.

What is your ideal present? A surprise.

If you could strike one thing off your past, would you? And if so, what? This is stupid, but I took a fall off a ladder about five years ago, and I shattered my ankle, and I’ve never fully recovered. So I’d take that one boneheaded move off my list.

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thurSDAY 11/29

FRIDAY 11/30

The Belhaven Outdoor Movie Series is at 5:30 p.m. at Belhaven Park.

The Country Christmas Celebration kicks off at 4 p.m. at the Ag Museum.

saturDAY 12/1 The House Rockers play at F. Jones Corner from 11:45 p.m.-4 a.m.


Wednesday 11/28

Education historian Mike Stoll speaks during History Is Lunch at noon at the Old Capitol Museum (100 S. State St.). Free; call 601-576-6998. … The Evening of One Acts is at 8 p.m. at Belhaven University Center for the Arts. Desserts for sale; call 601-965-7026.

courtesy danny jones

Nov. 28Dec. 5, 2012

Thursday 11/29

brooke allen

The Midtown Holiday Studio Tours are from 5-10 p.m. at Wilson Street from Keener Avenue to McTyere Avenue. Parking at NUTS on Millsaps Ave. Free; find Midtown Jackson on Facebook. … The Belhaven Outdoor Movie Series is at 5:30 p.m. at Belhaven Park (Poplar Blvd.). Films include “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” and “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation.” Free; call 601-352-8850. … The Festival of Lights is at 7:30 p.m. at Mississippi College (200 Capitol St., Clinton) in Provine Chapel; runs through Dec. 1. $15, $10 MC faculty and staff, $5 students; call 601-925-3000. … The play “A Christmas Memory” is at 7:30 p.m. at New Stage Theatre (1100 Carlisle St.); runs through Dec. 16. Bring in-kind donations for CARA or Toys

The Tougaloo College Concert Choir performs Dec. 2 at 3:30 p.m. at Tougaloo’s Woodworth Chapel.

Crafts Festival kicks off at 7 p.m. at the Mississippi Trade Mart by Latasha Willis (1200 Mississippi St.). The festival is Dec. 1 from 10 a.m.- 5 p.m. and Dec. 2 from noonjacksonfreepress.com 5 p.m. $50 preview, $10 festiFax: 601-510-9019 val; call 601-856-7546. … The City of Jackson Tree Lighting Daily updates at Ceremony is at 6 p.m. at Jackjfpevents.com son City Hall (219 S. President St.). Free; call 601-960-1084. … The Belhaven Singing Christmas Tree performs at 7:30 p.m. at Belhaven University (1500 Peachtree St.). Encore Dec. 1. Free; call 601-968-5930. … The Millsaps Singers Christmas Concert is at 7:30 p.m. at Millsaps College, Ford Academic Complex (1701 N. State St.). Free; call 601-974-1422.


Saturday 12/1

November 28 - December 4, 2012

Spacewolf performs at the Midtown Holiday Studio Tours Nov. 29 on the corner of Wilson and Millsaps avenues.

for Tots. $25, $22 seniors and students, $18 children 12 and under; call 601-948-3533, ext. 222. … The Center Players present “A Christmas Story” at 7:30 p.m. at Madison Square Center for the Arts (2103 Main St., Madison); runs through Dec. 2. $12, $10 seniors and students; call 601-953-0181.

Friday 11/30

The Country Christmas Celebration and Gingerbread Market is from 4-8 p.m. at the Mississippi Agriculture and Forestry Museum (1150 Lakeland Drive); continues Dec. 1 from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Free, $3 market admission; call 28 601-432-4500. … The preview party for the Chimneyville

The Old-fashioned Flea Market is from 7 a.m.-noon at Cade Chapel M.B. Church (1000 W. Ridgeway St.). Free admission; $25 vendors; call 601-366-5463 or 601-8506781. … The Jump Start Jackson Fall Farmers Market is from 8 a.m.-noon at Battlefield Park (953 Porter St.). Free; call 601-898-0000, ext. 118. … The City of Jackson Holiday Parade is at noon in downtown Jackson. Free; call 601-960-1084. … . The Mississippi Boychoir and the Milham Jazz Trio perform at 2 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. at Mississippi Children’s Museum (2145 Highland Drive). Free 2 p.m. show with paid admission; 6:30 p.m. show: $8, $5 children 12 and under; call 601-665-7374 or 601-366-0579. … TobyMac performs at 7 p.m. at the Mississippi Coliseum. $19-$40; call 800-745-3000. … Ballet Mississippi’s “The Nutcracker” is at 7:30 p.m. at Thalia Mara Hall. Encore Dec. 2 at 2 p.m. Tea party Dec. 2 at noon at the Mississippi Museum of Art (380 S. Lamar St.). $10-$28.50,

$30 tea party; call 601-960-1560. … JFP’s Southern Fried Karaoke: Holiday Edition is at 9 p.m. at Hal & Mal’s. Free; call 601-362-6121, ext. 16. … Nameless Open-mic is at 9 p.m. at Suite 106. $5, $3 to perform. … The House Rockers are at F. Jones Corner. For ages 21 and up. Free.

Sunday 12/2

The Belhaven Concert Choir and Chorale perform at 2:30 p.m. at Belhaven University Center for the Arts. Free; call 601-974-6494. … Tougaloo College’s (500 W. County Line Road, Tougaloo) Concert Choir performs at 3:30 p.m. in Woodworth Chapel. Free; call 601-977-7870.

Monday 12/3

The Fall Choir Concert is at 7 p.m. at Hinds Community College, Raymond Campus (501 E. Main St., Raymond) at Cain-Cochran Hall. Free; call 800-HINDS-CC.

Tuesday 12/4

At the Mississippi Museum of Art (380 S. Lamar St.), the lighting of the Bethlehem Tree is at 5:15 p.m., and Music in the City with the St. Andrew’s Cathedral Parish Choir is at 5:45 p.m. Free; call 601-960-1515. … Author Karen Thompson Walker speaks at 7 p.m. at Millsaps College, Ford Academic Complex (1701 N. State St.). $10, $5 students; call 601-974-1130.

Wednesday 12/5

The Christmas Choir Concert is at 12:45 p.m. at Hinds Community College, Utica (34175 Highway 18, Utica) at the Fine Arts Complex. Free; call 800-HINDS-CC. More at jfpevents.com and jfp.ms/musicvenues.



HOLIDAY Live Nativity Scene Dec. 1, 6-9 p.m., and Dec. 2, 6-8:30 p.m., at Nativity Lutheran Church (495 Crossgates Blvd., Brandon). Refreshments in the fellowship hall. Free; call 601-825-5125. Open House Dec. 1, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., at The Mustard Seed Gift Shop (1085 Luckney Road, Brandon). Includes a campus tour, bake sale and ornament wreath raffle. The Bells of Faith perform at 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. Free; call 601-992-3556. Events at Southern Cultural Heritage Center (1302 Adams St., Vicksburg). Call 601-631-2997. • Holly Days Arts and Crafts Show Dec. 1, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., in the auditorium. Purchase from 30 vendors. The Christmas Parade of Lights follows at 5 p.m. $1, free parade. • Carols at Christmas Dec. 2, 2:30 p.m., and Dec. 3, 7:30 p.m. The Vicksburg Chamber Choir performs in the chapel. Free. Christmas at the Governor’s Mansion through Dec. 21, at Governor’s Mansion (300 E. Capitol St.). Guided tours held Tuesday-Friday from 9:30-11 a.m. on the half-hour. Groups of 10 or more must RSVP. Free; call 601-359-6421. Winter Holidays Exhibit through Dec. 21, at William F. Winter Archives and History Building (200 North St.). Open Monday from noon4:30 p.m., Tuesday-Friday from 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Free; call 601-576-6800. Christmas in Canton Victorian Christmas Festival through Dec. 23, at Historic Canton Square (Courthouse Square, Canton). Includes vintage car, truck and train rides, animated museums and light displays. $3 museum admission, $1 rides; call 601-859-5816.

COMMUNITY Events at Hilton Jackson (1001 E. County Line Road). • Mississippi Fruit and Vegetable Growers/Agritourism Conference and Trade Show Nov. 28-29, 9 a.m. Attend seminars on improving produce yields and visit with exhibitors. Registration required. $100-$125; call 662-534-1916; msfruitandveg.com.

November 28 - December 4, 2012



Events at Jackson Convention Complex (105 E. Pascagoula St.). • Jackson Business Development Professionals Roundtable Nov. 29, 4-5:30 p.m. The topic is promoting entrepreneurship in public schools. Free; call 601-540-5415; jacksonbusiness.net. • Mississippi Black Leadership Summit Nov. 28-30. Speakers include U.S. Congressman Bennie Thompson, and Primus Wheeler and Dr. Aaron Shirley of the Jackson Medical Mall. Registration required. Free; call 601-353-8452; msleadershipsummit.org. Events at Jackson Medical Mall (350 W. Woodrow Wilson Ave.). • “Getting on Easy Street” Finance Seminar Dec. 3, 6 p.m. In the Community Meeting Room. The topic is “Budget Now, Ballin’ Later: A Savings Guide.” Registration required; limited seating. Free; call 601-982-8467. • ENCOUNTER Teen Empowerment Corps Dec. 4, 5:30-9:30 p.m. On first Tuesdays, Youth Solutions hosts a rally for teens in the Community Room. Activities include spending time with mentors, motivational talks, IGNITE Vocal Talent rehearsal, teen dramas and character development. Free; call 601-829-0323. Events at Millsaps College (1701 N. State St.). • Millsaps Forum Nov. 30, 12:30-1:30 p.m., in Leggett Center. Former Mississippi Governor William Winter is the speaker. Free; call 601-974-1305. • ACT Test Prep Course Dec. 1, 10-11 a.m. The course includes fast-paced presentations of testtaking strategies. $70; call 601-974-1130. Technology Fair Nov. 29, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., at Country Club of Jackson (345 St. Andrews Drive). Venture Technologies is the host. See, discuss and test new technology solutions. Registration required; door prizes given. Free; call 601-956-5440 or 601-355-1892; ventech.com. How to Develop a Business Plan Nov. 29, 6-8 p.m., at Mississippi e-Center at Jackson State University (1230 Raymond Road). Topics include industry research, target customer groups, and marketing plans. RSVP. Free; call 601-979-2795.


Gone to the Dogs

• An Evening with Democrats Dec. 4, 6-8 p.m. State Party Chairman Rickey Cole is the featured speaker. Guests may bring snacks. Free; call 601-969-2913; rankindemocrats.net.

his holiday season, the actors at New Stage are in grave danger of being upstaged by a newcomer. He is less than 10 pounds, covered in fur and he doesn’t have any lines, but Rascal, a Yorkshire terrier will likely steal the show when he appears onstage as Queenie in New Stage Theatre’s production of Truman Capote’s “A Christmas Memory.” Rascal is one of the adoptable dogs at Community While awaiting adoption, pup Rascal Animal Rescue and Adoption, Mississippi’s largest no(held by actor Aiden Flowers) is kill shelter for cats and dogs. making his stage debut. “They take in as many animals as space allows, no matter the condition they may be in,” the organization stated in a press release for the play. “CARA provides a sanctuary that shelters, rehabilitates, feeds, exercises, socializes and provides individual attention to homeless cats and dogs until they find forever homes. Since the opening of the shelter in 2001, 5,962 lives have been saved, and they are currently sheltering 300 dogs and 120 cats.” New Stage is also collecting donations for CARA during the show’s run. They are specifically looking for dog and cat food, treats, chew bones, cat litter, blankets, sheets and towels. Patrons who donate will receive $5 off their ticket. See “A Christmas Memory” at New Stage Theatre (1100 Carlisle St., 601-948-3531) Nov. 29 through Dec. 16. Tickets are $25 and discounts are available for students, seniors or groups. Call 601-948-3531 or visit newstagetheatre.com for show times or to purchase tickets. To learn more about CARA or look into pet adoption, call 601-922-7575 or email cara@carams.org. —Kathleen M. Mitchell

Young Business Leaders of Jackson Mission Luncheon Dec. 5, 11:30 a.m., at River Hills Club (3600 Ridgewood Road). Includes member testimonials, recognition of board members and sponsors and updates. Registration required. $20; call 601-201-5489.

Wellness Blood Drive Nov. 28, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., at GI Associates (1405 N. State St.), on the fourth floor. This blood drive benefits Mississippi Blood Services. Donations welcome. Free; call 601-355-1234.

• “Can a Pig Swim?” Dec. 1, 2:30 p.m. Thomas W. Rush signs books. $19.99 book. • “Sweetness Follows” Dec. 4, 5 p.m. Katy Houston signs books. $21.95 book. “One Last Strike” Nov. 29, 7 p.m., at Square Books (160 Courthouse Square, Oxford). Tony LaRussa signs books. $27.99 book; call 662-236-2262. “A Short Ride: Remembering Barry Hannah” Dec. 4, 6 p.m., at Off Square Books (129 Courthouse Square, Oxford). Book contributors Brad Watson, Dan Williams, Ron Shapiro, Jim Dees, M.O. Walsh and Glennray Tutor discuss the collection of essays. $19 book; call 662-236-2262.

Creative Classes

Health Fair Dec. 1, 9 a.m.-noon, at Baptist Healthplex, Clinton (102 Clinton Parkway, Clinton). The Clinton Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority is the host. The event includes screenings, and tips on nutrition and exercise. Free; clintonmsalumnae.com.

Shut Up and Write! Reserve your spot for Donna Ladd’s popular creative non-fiction class series; six-class series begins Jan. 5 and meets every other Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. (class decides 6th class date). Half $150 fee reserves slot; gift certificates available. Call 601-362-6121 ext. 15 or write class@jacksonfreepress.com.

Stage and Screen

Exhibits and Openings

Fine Arts Audition Day Nov. 30, 9 a.m., at Millsaps College (1701 N. State St.). Students interested in art, art history, music and theater are welcome (categories vary by date). Scholarships are awarded based on and audition and/or portfolio review. Free; visit millsaps​.edu.

Events at Arts Center of Mississippi (201 E. Pascagoula St.) through Dec. 31. Free; call 601960-1557, ext. 224. • Mississippi World Trade Commission Exhibit. See works in the upper atrium. Opening reception Dec. 4 from 3-6 p.m. • JSU Faculty Exhibit. See works from Jackson State instructors in the main galleries. Opening reception Dec. 5 from 4:30-5:30 p.m.

“Tangled in Tinsel” Nov. 30, Dec. 1 and Dec. 8, 6 p.m., at Terry Depot (West Cunningham Avenue and Railroad Avenue, Terry). The Friends of Terry present the dinner theater. Advance tickets only. $20; call 601-540-2728. “Elmo Makes Music” Nov. 30-Dec. 1, at Vicksburg Convention Center (1600 Mulberry St., Vicksburg). Show times vary. $15 and up; call 601-630-2929 or 800-745-3000. Hinds Film Casting Call Dec. 1, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., at Hinds Community College, Rankin Campus (3805 Highway 80 E., Pearl), at Clyde Muse Center, room 110A. Actors ages 4 and up may audition. Bring a current headshot or email headshots and contact information. Free; call 601-932-5237; email hindscasting@gmail.com.

Literary and Signings Story Time Tuesday Dec. 4, 10 a.m., at Jackson Zoo (2918 W. Capitol St.). A zookeeper reads an animal story, and the kids get to do a related craft project or have an animal encounter. Free with paid admission (winter discounts through February 2013); call 601-352-2580. Events at Lemuria Books (Banner Hall, 4465 Interstate 55 N., Suite 202). Call 601-366-7619. • “Trials of the Earth” Nov. 28, 5 p.m. Mary Hamilton signs books. $24.95 book. • “The Pass” Nov. 29, 5 p.m. Frank Wilem signs books. $24.95 book. • “One Last Strike” Nov. 30, 5 p.m. Tony LaRussa signs books. $27.99 book. • “Meanwhile, Back at Cafe Du Monde ... Life Stories About Food” Dec. 1, 1 p.m. Peggy Sweeney-McDonald signs books. $35 book. • “Kiss & Make Up” Dec. 1, 11 a.m. Katie Anderson signs books. $16.99 book. • “Puzzled by Pink” Dec. 1, 11 a.m. Sarah Frances Hardy signs books. $16.99 book.

December Opening Artist Reception Dec. 1, 4-8 p.m., at Cassidy Bayou Gallery (103 S. Court St., Sumner). See works from Pryor Buford Graeber, Terry Lynn, Baxter Knowlton and Thomas Threadgill. Pryot and the Tombstones perform. Free; call 212-473-9472 or 202-903-8143; cassidybayou.org.

Be the Change









$2.25 LONGNECKS • $3.25 WELL DRINKS Friday






November 29


w/ DJ Stache LADIES DRINK FREE Friday November 30

Jackson Cannery Saturday

December 1


DJ Logic


GUYS NIGHT COLLEGE NIGHT 7pm - until| $2.25 longnecks $3.25 well drinks


Christmas at Lynnstone Nov. 29, 6-9 p.m., at Lynnstone (290 Chapel Hill Road, Flora). The fundraiser for the breast cancer organization fund for the girls includes a tour of the Tuscan-style home. $180; fundforthegirls.com.

$1 PBR & HIGHLIFE $2 MARGARITAS 10 - 12pm Miller Lite Girls Giveaway at 7

Check jfpevents.com for updates and more listings. To add an event, email all details (phone number, start and end date, time, street address, cost, URL, etc.) to events@jacksonfreepress.com or fax to 601510-9019. The deadline is noon the Thursday prior to the week of publication. Or add the event online yourself; check out jfpevents.com for instructions.

Open for dinner Sat. 4-10pm

Iron Feathers SATURDAY


Jingle Bell Jog 5K Dec. 1, 7:15 a.m., at Trustmark Park (1 Braves Way, Pearl). Proceeds benefit Blair E. Batson Hospital’s Children’s Cancer Center. $30 run/walk, $15 fun run (ages 15 and under); email info@jinglebelljog5k.com.



Charity Taco Night Nov. 29, 5-9 p.m., at Jaco’s Tacos (318 S. State St.). The monthly fundraiser features signature food and beverages, a guest speaker and other activities. 50 percent of sales benefit the Mississippi Children’s Museum. Free admission; call 601-405-0499.

Walk of Grace Dec. 1, 9 a.m., at St. James Episcopal Church (3921 Oakridge Drive). Proceeds go toward a new kitchen for Grace House, a home for people living with HIV and AIDS. $25 in advance, $30 day of event; gracehousems.org.


Weekly Lunch Specials






Dust & Levandus

in Space Monday

December 2

2-for-1 Drafts Tuesday

December 3

2-for-1 Beer Specials Highlife, Highlife Lite, PBR, Schlitz, Fatty Natty Open Mic w/ Jason Turner


Wednesday December 4








Open Mon-Sat, Restaurant open Mon-Fri

11 am-10 pm & Sat 4-10 pm


facebook.com/Ole Tavern


Jackson Audubon Society First Saturday Bird Walk Dec. 1, 8 a.m., at Mayes Lake at LeFleur’s Bluff (115 Lakeland Terrace). An experienced Audubon Society member leads the walk. Adults must accompany children under 15. Free, $3 car entrance fee; call 601-956-7444.



TobyMac Is Bigger Than Ever by Jacob D. Fuller

Courtesy CMA Media Promotions


oby McKeehan, aka TobyMac, has sold 11 million albums and won five Grammy Awards, but the 48-year-old father of five has never known the success his latest album, “Eye On It,” had in its first week. In September, “Eye On It” debuted at No. 1 on the Billboard 200 list with 69,000 copies sold in its first week. It was the first Christian-labeled album to reach No. 1 since 1997, and only the third ever. It’s not hard to figure out why “Eye On It” was an immediate success. The music is largely made up of the ambient, simple keyboard riffs and heavy synth beats that dominate Top 40 radio stations today, which seem to assume their listeners spend their entire lives inside strobe-lightfilled dance clubs. TobyMac, who built his career mostly as a rapper, trades the rhymes layered over distorted guitars that made him famous during his years with DC Talk and early in his solo career for a soft-singing vocal approach over synth dance beats

on much of “Eye On It.” He certainly hasn’t abandoned the hip-hop that he says will always be at his core, though, as songs such as the title track from the album feature TobyMac both singing and rapping. The “Hits Deep Tour,” featuring TobyMac and a host of artists from Gotee Records, which TobyMac owns, comes to the Mississippi Coliseum Saturday, Dec. 1.

ing another song about what it’s like to walk with God or have faith in God, I wanted to write a song about where I think I’d be without that faith, without that relationship to center me. I kind of came to the conclusion that I’d be a mess. Then I began saying, “This is a song about being thankful for what you have.”

“Eye On It” debuted at No. 1. What does that say about Christian artists’ ability to be relevant on the highest levels? I think there’s a lot of people out there connecting with this music. I don’t think they’re looking at it as it’s in a little box called “Christian music.” I think they’re enjoying the music as well as the lyrics. I think sometimes people think Christian music has a sound, when really it’s any style of music. It’s really about life, normally. It’s not just all worship music or hymns.

Through your solo career, how has the music progressed from the rap-metal of “Momentum” (2001) to the power pop of “Eye On It?” I think it’s just (that) I’ve evolved over the years. Like the song “Unstoppable” or “Eye On It,” other than just the sound sonically changing a little bit, those songs and the way I’m rapping on those songs could have easily been on the “Momentum” record. ... I am stretching vocally. ... My second record had the song, “Gone” on it. It was definitely a pop, kind of rock, track with a hip-hop beat. I still feel like that’s kind of where I am. There’s definitely more vocal-focused songs, but I think that’s because, for me coming out of rap (and) being a rapper my whole life, stretching vocally is new territory. It’s, “Can I sing like that? I don’t know, let me try.” TobyMac performs Dec. 1 at the Mississippi Coliseum (1207 Mississippi St., 601-961-4000) at 7 p.m. Purchase tickets starting at $19 from ticketmaster.com. Visit tobymac. com for more details. Read the full interview at jfp.ms/TobyMac.

On the first single from the new album, “Me Without You,” you look at your life through the lens of if God wasn’t there. That theme has come up throughout your career. Why? I think it’s just being thankful. I think to really appreciate something you have in your life, you might need to sort of take a look at where you’d be, or feel you’d be, without that thing or that person in your life. I don’t know how many songs I’ve written just like that. I thought, for me, it was like looking at it versus just sing-

key of g

by Garrad Lee

Doing Right


that become greater than the sum of a few assembled parts. Our first release is a split 7inch record on which Liver Mousse and 5th Child are featured on each other’s songs. We were already excited about what we were doing, but later in the summer things took an interesting turn. Some of you might know that my uncle is Tim Lee. For those of you not quite familiar, Tim was in a jangly indie-rock band in the early ’80s called the Windbreakers, a band that many believe started the original rock ‘n’ roll scene in Jackson. Tim quit playing music for several years until getting back into it a few years ago with his new band, Tim Lee 3, which played a show with Liver Mousse on the patio of Sneaky Beans this summer. Tim and the rest of the band (which also includes my Aunt Susan) were so excited about the show and so excited about the things that Cody and I were doing that he set up a Blender show for us in Knoxville, Tenn., on Nov. 17. The bill included Tim Lee 3, 5th Child, Liver Mousse, James Crow and Knoxvillebased live hip-hop band, The Theorizt.

As the Knoxville show progressed, the feeling became more and more surreal. You can probably understand that Tim was someone I grew up idolizing as Garrad Lee

November 28 - December 4, 2012


ithin the past few months, I have started a record label and doubled down on my show-booking and promotion. You hopefully read a piece by my editor Briana Robinson several issues back that mentions a series of shows and parties I conceived called “Blender.” The goal of this series is to combine artists from Jackson’s rock and hip-hop scenes to advance the ideal that we are all in this together and that we can actually all do it together in the appropriate setting. The inaugural edition was held this past June at Martin’s and featured Furrows, 5th Child, That Scoundrel and James Crow. Based off this core idea, Cody Cox (of Liver Mousse and Furrows) and I began a partnership in which I came into the fold of his label, Elegant Trainwreck, while also adding my own label, Homework Town, to the family. No matter what we do, our goal is to push two things: the city we love (maybe to a fault), Jackson, and the beauty that can arise when a couple folks have the gumption to aid in the creation of projects

Black Atticus of The Theorizt performed with 5th Child and Tim Lee 3.

a kid. I mean, how many of us are lucky enough to have an uncle who tours in a rock band? To stand there as Black Atticus of The Theorizt and 5th Child freestyled over Tim Lee 3 playing Funkadelic’s “Maggot Brain” was almost too much to comprehend. Tim has never been much of

a hip-hop dude but, for a while on Saturday night, he was as he dove right in to the Blender concept. That moment at the beginning of the show set the tone for the rest of the night. 5th Child, Liver Mousse and James Crow made a whole bunch of new fans with their sets, and we all made a whole bunch of new friends, especially the guys in The Theorizt which was one of the most original bands I have heard live in a while. Seeing all the cross-pollination of artists and styles and seeing Uncle Tim look at me with the same look of wonder and happiness I gave him as a kid brought up what Hunter S. Thompson said in “Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas”: “There was a fantastic universal sense that whatever we were doing was right, that we were winning. … We had all the momentum; we were riding the crest of a high and beautiful wave.” That is especially poignant to me. Knoxville reconfirmed that no matter what, the things we are doing are right and good, and it felt good to be able to show that off to some new folks in a new city.

Music listings are due noon Monday to be included in print and online listings: music@jacksonfreepress.com.

Ole Tavern - Karaoke Philip’s on the Rez - Karaoke w/ DJ Mike West Restaurant & Lounge, W. Capitol St. - Wild & Out Wednesday Comedy Show 8:45 p.m. $2 Burgers & Blues - Jesse “Guitar” Smith Club Magoo’s - Karaoke 8 p.m. Last Call - Karaoke Martin’s - Ladies Night Table 100 - Hunter Gibson Underground 119 - Joey Plunkett 6:30 p.m.-9:30 p.m. Kathryn’s - Barry Leach Hal & Mal’s - New Bourbon Street Jazz Band (rest.), Intellectual Bulimics Comedy Show (Red Room) Fenian’s - Brian Jones Pop’s Saloon - Snazz Olga’s - Rick & Roberto Moreira

Nov. 29 - Thursday Cherokee Inn - D’lo Trio Ole Tavern - Ladies Night Martin’s - Ladies Night Hot Shots, Byram - Karaoke 8 p.m. Club Magoo’s - Ladies Night w/ DVDJ Reign Brady’s - Karaoke Dreamz JXN – Throwdown Thursdays Soul Wired Cafe - Off Campus Thursdays (hip-hop, rock, soul) 8:30 p.m. $3 cover, female college students free Georgia Blue - Larry Brewer Burgers & Blues - Chad Perry Underground 119 - Bonfire Orchestra Midtown Neighborhood Midtown Markets ‘Holiday Studio Tours’ with Downtown Open House: The Business Association of Midtown Jackson Opens its Doors to Holiday feat. Spacewolf, 5th Child, the Southern Comfort Brass Band, DJ Young Venom, and Tyler Kemp & Hagan Curl 5-10 p.m. Hal & Mal’s - Brian Jones Fenian’s - The Orchard Band Olga’s - Rick & Moreira Jazz Trio Soulshine, Lakeland - Lizz Strowd 7 p.m. The Penguin - Sonja Stamps

Nov. 30 - Friday The Penguin - Amos Brewer (lunch); Stevie J Martini Room, Regency - Martini Fridays 9 p.m. Hot Shots, Byram - Karaoke 8 p.m. The Boardwalk - Karaoke Table 100 - David Pigott Bottoms Up - DJ Dancing w/ Special Events 9 p.m. $5 18+ Debo’s Lounge – Karaoke Soul Wired Cafe - Live Band & Karaoke with DJ Smooth 8 p.m.-2 a.m. $5 cover after 10 p.m. Shuckers - Hunter Gibson & The Gators F. Jones Corner - Amazin Lazy Boi Burgers & Blues - Triple Threat Ole Tavern - Jackson Cannery Reed Pierce - Monkey Bone

Underground 119 - Chris Gill & The Sole Shakers McB’s - Robert King, Skip King & Jeff Seal Hal & Mal’s - Jarekus Singleton (Red Room), Dr. E. & The MS Voodoo Kings (rest.) Fenian’s - The Rumprollers Olga’s - Acoustic Crossroads w/ Kevin Lewis Pelican Cove - Fearless Four Cherokee Inn - Open Road 9 p.m. $5 Pop’s - Southbound

Hot Shots, Byram - Mike and Marty’s Jam Session Sophia’s, Fairview Inn - Knight Bruce 11 a.m. (brunch) Fitzgerald’s - Andy Hardwick (brunch) 11 a.m. Table 100 - Raphael Semmes (jazz brunch) 11:30 a.m.- 1:30 p.m. Sombra Mexican Kitchen - John Mora 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Soul Wired Cafe - Spoken Word Poetry Nite w/ DJ Spre 8 p.m. $3 cover Olga’s - ARF Jingle Tails Gala feat. Renegade Kathryn’s - Grosshart & Gains Burgers & Blues - Adib Sabir & Tim Avalon F. Jones Corner - Legendary Houserockers

Dec. 3 - Monday Emma Wynters Soulshine, Lakeland - Mark Whittington 8 p.m. Cups, Fondren - Sleepspeak (allages show) Club Magoo’s - US Martin’s - Iron Feathers Morningbell Records - John Wesley Coleman (Goner) w/ ¡Los Buddies! 8 p.m. $5 cover

Dec. 1 - Saturday

Hal and Mal’s - Central MS Blues Society (rest) 7 p.m. Martin’s - Open Mic Free Jam Fenian’s - Karaoke Ole Tavern - Pub Quiz Burgers & Blues - Karaoke Soul Wired Cafe - Chill & Converse Mondays 7 p.m.- 2 a.m. no cover

Dec. 4 - Tuesday Hal & Mal’s - Pub Quiz Ole Tavern - Open Mic Fenian’s - Open Mic Time Out - Open Mic Night Margaritas - John Mora 6-9 p.m. Soul Wired Cafe - MINDgasm Erotic Poetry $3 cover Burgers & Blues - Jesse “Guitar” Smith Kathryn ‘s - Larry Brewer’s CD Release Party 6 p.m. Pelican Cove - Grosshart & Gains Underground 119 - Caroline Crawford

Hot Shots, Byram - Karaoke 8 p.m. Soul Wired Cafe - Simply the Best Reggae Night w/ DJ C-Lecta $5, free for ladies until 11 p.m. Shuckers - Hunter & The Gators Ole Tavern - Diamond Dust w/ Lavandus in Space F. Jones Corner - Amazin Lazy Boi Reed Pierce - Monkey Bone Martin’s - DJ Logic Hal & Mal’s - JFP Southern Fried Dec. 5 - Wednesday Karaoke (rest.) Ole Tavern - Karaoke Olga’s - Renegade Philip’s on the Rez - Karaoke w/ Fenian’s - Lucky Hand Blues DJ Mike Band West Restaurant & Lounge, Club 43 - Snazz W. Capitol St. - Wild & Out CS’s - David Womack, Mark Wednesday Comedy Show Roemer, & Wyatt Waters 8:45 p.m. $2 7:30 p.m. Burgers & Blues - Jesse “Guitar” Regency Hotel - Eddie Cotton Smith 9 p.m. Club Magoo’s - Karaoke 8 p.m. Yellow Scarf - Paperclip Last Call - Karaoke Scientists Martin’s - Ladies Night Underground 119 - King Edward Pop’s Saloon - Snazz Pop’s - Southbound Sal & Mookie’s - Whit & Wynters Club Magoo’s - The Colonels Underground 119 - Jason Turner Suite 106 - Nameless Open Mic Night Rampage Extreme Park - Sonsett, Send music listings to Tonight Forever, Common Natalie Long at Goals, & Pizza Punks 6 p.m. music@jacksonfreepress. Last Call - The Concert Series: Up com or fax to 601-510-9019 by Close & Personal w/ Tricky Hudson, Kerry Thomas, Calico noon Monday for inclusion in Panache, & Bag of Tricks the next issue. Music listings 8 p.m. must be received by the Friday Bottoms Up - DJ Dancing and before the new issue to be Show 9 p.m.-4 a.m. $10 cover considered for 8 Days picks. 18+ Cerami’s - Ron Sennett (pop/ For a list of music venue rock) 6 p.m. free The Penguin - Stevie J addresses and phone

Dec. 2 - Sunday Martin’s - Open Mic

numbers, visit jfp.ms/musicvenues.

THIS WEEK WEDNESDAY 11/28 New Bourbon St Jazz Band (Dining Room) 6 - 8pm Intellectual Bulimics Comedy Show (Red Room) THURSDAY 11/29 Brian Jones (Dining Room) Jessie Robinson Blues Night (Red Room) FRIDAY 11/30 Jarekus Singleton (Red Room) Dr. E & the MS Voodoo Kings (Big Room)

Now offering a full dinner menu. Now accepting reservations.

Wednesday, November 28th


(Acoustic) 7-10, No Cover, Wine Specials All Night

Thursday, November 29th


(Acoustic) 7-10, No Cover

Friday, November 30th


(Rock/Blues) 9-1, $10 Cover

Saturday, December 1st


(Blues) 9-1, $10 Cover

SATURDAY 12/01 JFP’s Southern Fried Karaoke (Dinning Room)

Tuesday, December 4th

MONDAY 12/03 MS Blues Society’s Blue Mondays


TUESDAY 12/04 Pub Quiz w Erin and Friends (Dining Room & Brew Pub)

Coming Soon 12/6-Jason Turner 12/7-Mustache Christmas 12/8-Bumper Jacksons 12/13-Holy Ghost Tent Revival


Blue Plate Lunch


with corn bread and tea or coffee


As well as the usual favorites! Seafood Gumbo, Red Beans and Rice, Burgers, Fried Pickles, Onion Rings and Homemade Soups made daily.Fridays: Catfish Plates are $9.75

$4.00 Happy Hour Well Drinks! visit HalandMals.com for a full menu and concert schedule


200 S. Commerce St. Downtown Jackson, Mississippi

CAROLINE CRAWFORD (Piano) 7-10, No Cover

-Tuesdays Only-

COMING SOON December 15, 2012

from New Orleans

Bryan Lee



119 S. President Street 601.352.2322 www.Underground119.com


Nov. 28 - Wednesday

courtesy emma wynters

MUSIC | live


DIVERSIONS | jfp sports

the best in sports over the next seven days


A Second Chance in the Showboats by Bryan Flynn


Slater returned home and got a job but forming this fall. Slater knew that if he could didn’t love working a normal 9-to-5. His first make the Showboats, he had another opporlove was basketball, and he felt like he could tunity to show people that he could make it still play but didn’t have a plan for making out of Wayne County and let others know that happen. they could do something While working, with their lives as well. Slater would play pick“I thank Grant for up games, and he helped calling me,” Slater says. a friend who coached “Not a lot of people get a at South Jones High second chance, and it has School, working with driven me to work hardboth the boys’ and girls’ er. I am blessed to have teams. He would play in this second chance.” chuch leagues and anySlater is working on where he could. a bachelor’s degree in A single mother psychology through onraised Slater and his line classes at Mississippi younger brother and sisState. He believes his futer in a rough neighborture lies in coaching. hood in Wayne County. Slater is also playWhen his college career Dietric Slater is finding a new ing for a better life for was over, he went back to home on the court with the his 5-year-old daughter, Jackson Showboats team. that neighborhood. He Dawson, and 1-year-old stayed lost and clouded son, Zaylon. over what to do next with basketball. At 28, Slater is the “old man” of this new Out of the blue, Slater got a call from ABA team. He feels the door is closing on his Showboats General Manager Grant Wors- playing career because of his age, but admits ley who asked him if he wanted to try out his age doesn’t bother others in the sport as for the first-year ABA team that would be much as it bothers him. The Showboats see Slater’s age as a strength. He has taken the younger players under his wing to help them make good decisions and remember that this level of basketball is a business. Ole Miss Leaves MSU with Egg on Its Face “I hope to make a name for Mississippi, Even before Ole Miss’ 41-24 win over Mississipseason in MSU history. Much was expected of the represent my state, my family and myself as pi State last Saturday, Hugh Freeze’s first season as Bulldogs, who started the season with seven straight a positive thing in a state that doesn’t always Rebels head coach was a resounding success. The wins. But once State hit the meat of its schedule get recognized for positive things” Slater says. Rebels played with a passion and poise this season against its tougher SEC West rivals, the Bulldogs ap“I want to put this team on my back and not seen from any Ole Miss team in a long time. peared outclassed, losing four of their last five. By contrast, MSU was overrated and less motiMSU has a good quarterback in Tyler Russell make this first year successful.” vated as the game went on. Perhaps that was why and a solid running game. But the offensive line and Slater says his short-term goal is “to fight Bulldogs coach Dan Mullen seemed downright subreceivers were inconsistent all year. And the defense for a better life for my family and myself.” dued last week. Maybe he knew what was coming. looked downright slow against the SEC’s top teams. Ole Miss quarterback Bo Wallace, if nothing It’s a mark of how Mullen has turned around Long-term, he’d like to be seen by someone else, makes things happen. Sometimes—too many MSU’s program and raised expectations when fans in the NBA D-League or overseas. times—that is a turnover. But just as often it’s a drafeel disappointed after an 8-4 regular season. The way things ended at MSU still matic touchdown pass. He’s blessed with a gifted Southern Miss: It’s official. The Golden Eagles haunts Slater, and this is a second chance for receiver to throw the ball to: Donte Moncrief. The are the worst FBS team in the country. sophomore exposed State’s secondary, supposedly USM capped its 100th season of football by him to prove to himself and others that he the strong point of the Bulldog defense, by catching losing to Memphis, 42-24. It was the first winless can make it. He can’t wait to show people his seven passes for 173 yards and three touchdowns. season in school history. heart, toughness and all he has to offer, still, So much for MSU DB Johnthan Banks, who came The Golden Eagles also earned the dubious disinto this season as everybody’s All-American. tinction of making the worst two-year swing in major as a basketball player. The Rebel defense bent some in the first half college history after going 12-2 in 2011. The Jackson Showboats began play Nov. but never let MSU get much going on offense. A key After the game, first-year USM coach Ellis John10 against Memphis. Follow the Showboats was that the Bulldogs were unable to convert three son said he had “no idea” if he would return in 2013. on Twitter at @JXNShowboats. For more Ole Miss turnovers in the first half into points. There’s little wonder he was fired an hour before this This game was the clincher to the worst 8-4 issue went to print. information, call 601-957-7373 or visit jxnshowboats.com. COURTESY DIETRIC SLATER

ietric Slater is tall, sheepish and a past Mississippi State basketball star looking to start his professional basketball career with the ABA Jackson Showboats. Slater committed to MSU out of high school and played shooting guard and both forward positions right away during his freshman season. In his senior season, Slater was arrested for what he called an accident. After pulling him over for a routine traffic stop, a police officer found a prescription pill that belonged to his godmother. After his arrest—and failing a drug test—the school suspended Slater for half his senior season. Slater believes his indiscretions were much ado about nothing. His college career ended when West Virginia hit a last-second shot in the semifinals of the 2007 NIT. He had exhausted his college eligibility, and Slater didn’t know what to do next. “I got no back-up from my coaches after my mistakes my senior year and no help on how to get to the next step,” Slater says. “I felt like scouts held those mistakes against me, and it hurt me (from) being able to play overseas.”

November 28 - December 4, 2012

doc’s rant


JFP Top 25: Week 14


otre Dame, the No. 1 team in the JFP College Football Top 25, prevented a huge mess in the BCS by beating No. 23 USC. Now the Fighting Irish advance to the BCS title game. There they will meet the winner between No. 2 Alabama and No. 3 Georgia in Saturday’s SEC Championship. Just when the college football “experts” (especially at ESPN) had counted the SEC out of the national title picture, upsets put the nation’s top conference right back in it.

Rank Team 1 Notre Dame Fighting Irish 2 Alabama Crimson Tide 3 Georgia Bulldogs 4 Florida Gators 5 Oregon Ducks 6 Kansas State Wildcats 7 LSU Tigers 8 Stanford Cardinal 9 Texas A&M Aggies

Record 12-0 11-1 11-1 11-1 11-1 10-1 10-2 10-2 10-2

Previous Rank 1 2 2 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 South Carolina Gamecocks 11 Oklahoma Sooners 12 Nebraska Cornhuskers 13 Florida State Seminoles 14 Clemson Tigers 15 Kent State Golden Flashes 16 Northern Illinois Huskies 17 Texas Longhorns 18 UCLA Bruins 19 Oregon State Beavers 20 Louisville Cardinals

10-2 9-2 9-2 10-2 10-2 11-1 11-1 8-3 9-3 8-3 9-2

12 13 14 10 11 23 NR 15 16 17 19

by Doctor S

Mississippians love football, especially high-school football. Now it’s time for the year’s biggest love-in, a two-day orgy of grid called the MHSAA state championship games.

THURSDAY, NOV. 29 NFL football, New Orleans at Atlanta (7:20 p.m., NFL Network): The Saints must beat the vengeance-minded Falcons to keep their playoff hopes alive. FRIDAY, NOV. 30 High school football, all on MPB. Day 1 of the state championship games has Class 1A, Stringer vs. French Camp (11 a.m.), Class 2A, Bassfield vs. Eupora (3 p.m.) and Class 6A, Brandon vs. South Panola (7 p.m.). SATURDAY, DEC. 1 High school football, all on MPB. The Day 2 schedule includes Class 3A, Charleston vs. Hazlehurst (3 p.m.), Class 4A, Greene County vs. Noxubee County (3 p.m.) and Class 5A, Pascagoula vs. Starkville (7 p.m.). … College football, SEC Championship, (3 p.m., CBS): Alabama and Georgia battle for a spot in the BCS title game. SUNDAY, DEC. 2 NFL football, Philadelphia Eagles at Dallas Cowboys (7:20 p.m., NBC): The rivals have struggled this season. MONDAY, DEC. 3 NFL football, New York Giants at Washington (7:30 p.m., ESPN): Eli and the Giants face the very dangerous RG3 and the Redskins. TUESDAY, DEC. 4 College basketball, Connecticut vs. N.C. State (8 p.m., ESPN): A pair of Top 25 teams collide. WEDNESDAY, DEC. 5 NBA basketball, Dallas at Los Angeles. (9:30 p.m., ESPN): The Mavericks and Clippers are among the top teams in the Western Conference, but both have struggled in the early going. It’s been fun squatting in the JFP Tower penthouse the past two weeks, but the Hinds County deputy tells me it’s time to go. We now return you to your regularly scheduled sports writer, Bryan Flynn. Follow JFP Sports at jfpsports.com, @jfpsports and at facebook.com/jfpsports 21 Michigan Wolverines 23 Rutgers Scarlet Knights 24 Utah State Aggies 25 Ohio State Buckeyes*

8-4 9-2 10-2 12-0

20 21 NF NF

*Not eligible for postseason play because of NCAA sanctions, but going undefeated should get a Big Ten team into this poll at least for a week. Dropped out: Oklahoma State Cowboys, USC Trojans, Louisiana Tech Bulldogs, Mississippi State Bulldogs

FOOD & DRINK p 36 ASTRO p 39 FLY GIFTS p 40 FLY DIY p 42

Healthy Relationships: The Key Ingredients

file photo

• Keeping Communication Open—Communication is one of the most challenging parts of relationships, because people often communicate in differing ways. Couples have to learn how to talk through both easy and difficult issues. To meet these challenges, both partners have to learn to respect each other's views as well as how they communicate—for some people words come more easily than for others. The important thing is listening and communicating your feelings to your partner in a respectful and loving way. • Spending Time Away from Another—In the beginning, people in relationships can become inseparable, which is considered normal. However, spending time away from

one another is healthy and will ignite a continued interest in the relationship. Particularly in the long term, developing other hobbies and friendships will give balance to the relationship. • Maintaining Monogamy—Monogamy goes along with honesty as one of the most important ingredients in any relationship. Furthermore, you can't have monogamy if you don't have trust and honesty. Many couples focus solely on physical fidelity. However, emotional cheating can be just as damaging. • Holding Similar Views—What are your views about marriage, finances and children? Although relationships can succeed between people with wildly different personalities or beliefs, when both individuals have similar views, making major decisions is easier and more equal. Some studies show that relationships are most likely to succeed when partners agree on two factors: religion and alcohol use. Of course, depending on what is most important to those involved, the most important topics can vary. • Patience—If both partners have patience, then the relationship develops a bond that can make it through the test of difficult times. Relationships tend to end because couples stop trying to work out the problems that arise, not because problems exist.

Need help with your relationship? Consider these resources … 1. “Getting the Love You Want: A Guide for Couples” (20th Anniversary Edition) by Harville Hendrix (Henry Holt & Co., 2007, $10.98) 2. “Make Up, Don’t Break Up: Finding and Keeping Love for Singles and Couples” by Bonnie Eaker Weil (Adams Media, 2010, $11.45)

3. Couple’s counseling—find a counselor at jfp.ms/findacounselor 4. loveisrespect.org/relationship


• Being Honest—Truthfulness is the most important, yet the simplest, key ingredient for any relationship. If Jane is honest with Joe up front about past relationships, wants and needs (e.g., children versus not wanting children), finances and so on, then both individuals will have the feeling that they can open up and be who they truly are with one another.

Shared interests between both partners can help relationships flourish.

Courtesy Adams Media


t feels like love, but is it just a crush? Is he or she “the one” for me? Will our relationship make it until the end of this month? These are all uncertainties that most of us wonder about when romantic relationships start up. The almighty “they” say men are from Mars and women are from Venus and that no man (or woman) stands alone. According to the American Psychological Association, the reality is that well-maintained relationships are vital to our happiness, which includes our mental health and wellness. Point blank: Our ability to feel love and intimacy is what keeps us going. It’s what keeps us feeling that “breath of fresh air.” Study after study has shown that loneliness increases an individual’s risk factor for disease. Furthermore, relationships have a positive effect on everything from our physical health to mental health. When we think about relationships, we should view them like cars: In order to stand the tests of time, they require great maintenance. Like cars, all (not just some) relationships need regular maintenance. However, maintaining a healthy relationship can be challenging. Each individual relationship is unique. But there are some things that good relationships have in common. Experts in the mental-health field say that you have to find a balance that encompasses a mixture of ingredients. Knowing these key ingredients can help relationships stay meaningful, fulfilling and exciting in both good times and the bad.


by Jasmin S. Searcy


LIFE&STYLE | food & drink Chicken, Sausage and Shrimp Jambalaya

Cold Weather, Warm Kitchen


by Kate Dollarhide


Fill a large pot with six cups of water and add chicken breasts, two tablespoons of salt, one tablespoon of pepper,

When the weather starts to turn, a big pot of jambalaya warms the soul.


n the world of food and drink, the largest producers often influence small upand-comers. But the real magic usually happens when small, scrappy independent producers manage to influence the big boys. Such is the case with Budweiser’s “Project 12.” With craft beer popping up all over the country, Budweiser asked 12 of their brewmasters from all over the U.S. to create a new beer that would fit into the Budweiser brand, while taking it into new territory. Budweiser narrowed the 12 down to three and shipped those final beers—a deep gold pilsner, a bourbon-barrel amber lager and a deep amber lager—to allow fans to taste and choose which might be the next mass-produced Budweiser brew. A handful of JFP beer enthusiasts put them to the test, with mixed results. While the three didn’t have as strong a hops taste and thick mouthfeel as true craft beers, the bourbon-barrel lager’s sweet, caramel notes made it several tasters’ favorite. Staffers noted that the darker lager would pair well

November 28 - December 4, 2012

by Kathleen M. Mitchell


Project 12 is Budweiser’s answer to the craft-beer craze sweeping the nation.


serving during the cold-weather months. Many of us will be having family and friends stopping by throughout the next month or so. Jambalaya is the ideal dish to serve a crowd on one of these cold Mississippi nights. It’s great at parties because people can scoop some into a bowl and serve themselves, but it’s also wonderful for a casual Sunday evening meal. I’m not a big fan of leftovers, but this

recipe gets better after it sits in the refrigerator overnight. It has just the right amount of heat that kids can enjoy, but adults won’t be bored by. Of course, you can always add a few more dashes of hot sauce at the end if you love that extra kick. Serve this up with some crusty, buttery French bread, sprinkle it with a little garnish of parsley, and watch your loved ones swoon over this perfect cold-weather dish.

with everything from meat to sweet potato pie. The pilsner was the crispest and could pair with chicken or fish. Batch #91406 Budweiser’s description: “Our collaboration team used caramel malt on Batch No. 91406, which gives the beer a deep amber color and a little more body. It has a little bit more hop character than our flagship Budweiser lager, but ... it’s a very clean, refreshing beer.” Color: caramel, darker amber The JFP says: “Easy to drink,” “Foamy with a back-of-thethroat tickle,” “Medium mouthfeel,” “Crisp, acidic and sweet. The caramel malt is the thing that makes this.”


that’s Creole cuisine. Many people outside Louisiana may not immediately think of Creole or Cajun dishes when they want to cook something that’s warm and hearty during the fall and winter months; however, in Louisiana Creole food, most dishes are served warm. Shrimp creole, shrimp etouffee, red beans and rice, gumbo, and shrimp bisque all have at least one thing in common: they are perfect for

Batch #63118 Budweiser’s description: “[W]e wanted to honor our brewing heritage with a beer that uses ingredients that German immigrants, like our founder Adolphus Busch, would


f there’s one thing I love about the temperatures dropping, it’s the fact that it’s time for warm meals. Traditionally, you can make the standard casserole or soup, and your family feasts on leftovers for a couple of days. I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with a great bowl of hearty chili or a big pot of chicken noodle soup, but I’d like to delve into something a little less traditional when it comes to cold weather foods, and



two bay leaves and celery leaves. Boil for 20 to 25 minutes. Meanwhile, throw sliced sausage in a large stockpot on medium-high heat. Cook for eight to 10 minutes or until browned. Take out sausage and place on paper towels to drain. Add in olive oil, bell pepper, onion, celery, tomatoes and cook for five minutes. Add garlic, bay leaves, Worcestershire, Tabasco, one tablespoon salt and one tablespoon pepper, and cook for another two to three minutes. Pour in rice and slowly add chicken stock, stirring constantly. Add okra, chicken and sausage, and stir until well combined. Cook on medium heat for about 20 minutes or until rice is tender and has absorbed the liquid. If you need more liquid after 20 minutes, use leftover chicken stock from cooking chicken breasts. Add shrimp and let cook for another 5-10 minutes. Turn off heat and serve with hot, fresh, buttered French bread. Use parsley sprigs for garnish and add more hot sauce, if desired.

2 large chicken breasts, bone in and skin on, chopped 1 pound peeled, deveined, cooked shrimp 1 link Andouille sausage, sliced (Country Pleasin’ recommended) 2 cups white rice 1 green bell pepper, chopped 1/2 large yellow onion, chopped 4 Roma tomatoes, chopped 28-ounce can whole, peeled tomatoes 16-ounce bag frozen okra 4 cups chicken stock 3 stalks celery, chopped 1 bunch celery leaves 2 tablespoons garlic, minced 5 bay leaves 2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce 3-4 healthy dashes Tabasco 3 tablespoons salt 2 tablespoons pepper 2 tablespoons olive oil

have used. ... In this pilsner we use the same types of Hallertau and Tettnang hops commonly used in St. Louis during the late 1800s.” Color: golden yellow The JFP says: “Bright, citrus, more bitter than the rest,” “Crisp, summery. Better on the second go-around,” “Rustic,” “A little thin in the mouthfeel, high carb.” Batch #23185 Budweiser’s description: “We took staves from fresh bourbon barrels, and we aged the beer on those staves and spiced it with a hint of vanilla. It’s an all-malt brew, and it has a perfect color that is similar to the color of bourbon itself. Batch No. 23185 has a nice vanilla aroma with a little oakiness on the end.” Color: medium amber The JFP says: “Low hops, alcohol burn,” “Flavorful,” “Sweet,” “Delayed flavor, slight aftertaste.”

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AMERICAN/southERN CuIsINE Another Broken Egg (1000 Highland Colony #1009 in Renaissance, 601.790.9170) Open Daily 7am-2pm for breakfast, brunch and lunch. Two Sisters Kitchen (707 N. Congress St. 601-353-1180) Lunch. Mon-Fri, Sun. Koinonia (136 Adams St. 601-960-3008) Coffeehouse plus lunch and more! Broad Street Bakery (4465 Interstate 55 N. 601-362-2900) Hot breakfast,coffee espresso drinks, fresh breads and pastries, gourmet deli sandwiches. For Heaven’s Cakes (4950 Old Canton Road 601-991-2253) Cakes and cupcakes for all occasions including weddings, parties, catered events.

PIzzA The Pizza Shack (925 E. Fortification 601-352-2001) New locations in Belhaven and a second spot in Colonial Mart on Old Canton Rd. in Northeast Jackson. Sal & Mookie’s (565 Taylor St. 601-368-1919) Pizzas of all kinds plus pasta, eggplant parmesan and the fried ravioli. Bring the kids for ice cream! Mellow Mushroom (275 Dogwood Blvd, Flowood, 601-992-7499) More than just great pizza and beer. Open Monday - Friday 11-10 and Saturday 11-11.

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ItAlIAN BRAVO! (4500 Interstate 55 N., Jackson, 601-982-8111) Award-winning wine list, Jackson’s see-and-be-seen casual/upscale dining. Cerami’s (5417 Lakeland Drive, Flowood, 601-919-28298) Southern-style Italian cuisine features their signature Shrimp Cerami. stEAk, sEAfood & fINE dINING Islander Seafood and Oyster House (601-366-5441) Seafood, po’boys and oyster house. Casual fine dining that’s family-friendly with a beach vibe. Crab’s (6954 Old Canton Rd., Ridgeland, 601-956-5040) Crab’s Seafood Shack offers a wide variety of southern favorites such as fried catfish and boiled shrimp. Eslava’s Grille (2481 Lakeland Drive, 601-932-4070) Latin-influenced dishes like ceviche in addition to pastas, steaks, salads and other signature seafood dishes. Rocky’s (1046 Warrington Road, Vicksburg 601-634-0100) Enjoy choice steaks, fresh seafood, great salads, hearty sandwiches. The Penguin (1100 John R Lynch Street, 769.251.5222) Fine dining at its best.

MEdItERRANEAN/GREEk Aladdin Mediterranean Grill (730 Lakeland Drive 601-366-6033) Delicious authentic dishes including lamb dishes, hummus, falafel, kababs, shwarma. bARbEquE Hickory Pit Barbeque (1491 Canton Mart Rd. 601-956-7079) The “Best Butts in Town” features BBQ chicken, beef and pork along with burgers and po’boys. Haute Pig (1856 Main Street, 601-853-8538) A “very high class pig stand,” Haute Pig offers Madison diners BBQ plates, sandwiches, po-boys, salads. CoffEE housEs Cups Espresso Café (Multiple Locations, www.cupsespressocafe.com) Jackson’s local group of coffeehouses offer a wide variety of espresso drinks. Wi-fi. bARs, Pubs & buRGERs Burgers and Blues (1060 E. County Line Road, Ridgeland 601-899-0038) Best Burger of 2012, plus live music and entertainment! Hal and Mal’s (200 S. Commerce St. 601-948-0888) Pub favorites meet Gulf Coast and Cajun specialties like red beans and rice, the Oyster Platter or daily specials. Cherokee Inn (960 Briarfield Rd. 601-362-6388) Jackson’s “Best Hole in the Wall,” has a great jukebox, great bar and a great burger. Cool Al’s (4654 McWillie, 601-713-3020) Cool Al’s signature stacked, messy, decadent, creative burgers defy adjectives. And don’t forget the fries! Fenian’s Pub (901 E. Fortification St. 601-948-0055) Classic Irish pub featuring a menu of traditional food, pub sandwiches and Irish beers on tap. Martin’s Restaurant and Lounge (214 South State Street 601-354-9712) Lunch specials, pub appetizers or order from the full menu of po-boys and entrees. Full bar, beer selection. Ole Tavern on George Street (416 George St. 601-960-2700) Pub food with a southern flair: beer-battered onion rings, chicken & sausage gumbo, salads, sandwiches. Underground 119 (119 South President St. 601-352-2322) Pan-seared crabcakes, shrimp and grits, filet mignon, vegetarian sliders. Live music. Opens 4 p.m., Wed-Sat Wing Stop (952 North State Street, 601-969-6400) Saucing and tossing in a choice of nine flavors, Wing Stop wings are made with care and served up piping hot. AsIAN ANd INdIAN Mr. Chen’s (5465 I 55 North, 601-978-1865) Fresh authentic Chinese Food, located within an actual grocery store with many unique produce offerings. Ruchi India (862 Avery Blvd @ County Line Rd. 601-991-3110) Classic Indian recipes, lost delicacies, alluring aromas and exotic ingredients. Fantastic Indian cuisine from multiple regions. Lamb, vegetarian, chicken, shrimp and more. Pan Asia (720 Harbor Pines Dr, Ridgeland 601-956-2958) Beautiful ambiance and signature asian fusion dishes and build-your-own stir-frys. Thai House (1405 Old Square, 601-982-9991) Voted one of Jackson’s best Asian 2003-2012,offers a variety of freshly made springrolls, pad thai, moo satay, curry. VEGEtARIAN High Noon Café (2807 Old Canton Road in Rainbow Plaza 601-366-1513) Fresh, gourmet, tasty and healthy defines the lunch options at Jackson’s own strict vegetarian (and very-veganfriendly) restaurant adjacent to Rainbow Whole Foods.

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south of thE boRdER Babalu (622 Duling Ave., 601-366-5757) Fresh guacamole at the table, fish tacos, empanada, smoked pork sholders, Mexican street corn. Jaco’s Tacos (318 South State Street) Tacos, burritos and quesadillas. Tex-Mex at its finest and freshest. La Morena (6610 Old Canton Road Suite J, Ridgeland, 601-899-8821) Tortillas made fresh order. Authentic, Mexican Cuisine (not Tex-Mex). Mexican Cokes! Fernando’s Fajita Factory (5647 Hwy 80 E in Pearl, 601-932-8728 and 149 Old Fannin Rd in Brandon, 601-992-6686) A culinary treat traditional Mexican.

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November 28 - December 4, 2012.

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GEMINI (May 21-June 20): SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21):

If you say “rabbit rabbit rabbit� as soon as you wake up on the first day of the month, you will have good luck for the next 30 to 31 days. At least that’s how reality works according to a British superstition. But judging from your astrological omens, I don’t think you will have to resort to magic tricks like that to stimulate your good fortune. In the next four weeks, I suspect you will be the beneficiary of a flood of cosmic mojo, as well as a surge of divine woowoo, a shower of astral juju, and an upwelling of universal googoo gaga. If it would give you even more confidence to invoke your favorite superstitions, though, go right ahead. Even scientists say that kind of thing works: tinyurl.com/SuperstitiousBoost.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19):

information the media presents as “news� that is really as fake as wyngz. That’s why I advocate calling the bogus stuff “newzak� (rhymes with “muzak�). Your assignment in the coming weeks, Pisces, is to make sure you’re not putting out any wyngz- or newzak-like stuff in your own chosen field. The fates will help you rather dramatically if you put a high premium on authenticity.

According to Greek myth, Perseus cut off the head of Medusa. She was the creature whose hair was composed of snakes and whose gaze could turn a person into stone. The immortal winged horse Pegasus was instantaneously born from Medusa’s blood. He ultimately became an ally to the nine Muses, and Zeus relied on him to carry thunder and lightning. I predict that while you’re sleeping, Capricorn, you will have a dream that contains elements of this myth. Here’s a preliminary interpretation of that dream: You are undergoing a transition that could in a sense give you the power of flight and a more abundant access to a muse.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18):

ARIES (March 21-April 19):

It’s time for you to be leader of the pack, Aquarius; to take your gang to the next level; to make sure the group mind isn’t suppressing innovation and enforcing peer pressure but is rather inspiring every member of the tribe to be as creative as they dare to be. And if it’s not realistic for you to wield that much power, then do whatever you can to synergize the alliances that hold your posse together. Build team morale. Gossip constructively. Conspire to animate an influx of fresh magic.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20):

If you’re a food company that wants to sell chicken in the shape of a chicken wing, it must have actual chicken wing meat in it. Otherwise, the law says you’ve got to call your product “wyngz.� I’ve always thought that there’s a lot of

“They are trying to make me into a fixed star,� complained religious leader Martin Luther a few centuries ago. “I am an irregular planet.� I invite you to use that declaration as your own in the coming weeks. You have every right to avoid being pinned down, pigeonholed, and forced to be consistent. According to my reading of the astrological omens, you need abundant freedom to mutate your identity. You deserve a poetic license that allows you to play a variety of different roles and explore the pleasures of unpredictable self-expression.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20):

“The Star-Spangled Banner� is America’s national anthem. It features the lyrics of a patriotic poem written by Francis Scott Key. But the melody is entirely lifted from a bawdy old song that celebrates Bacchus, the ancient god of wine and ecstatic dancing. I love it when things are repurposed as dramatically as that. Do you? The coming weeks will be prime time to repurpose stuff with creative abandon. Make the past useful for the future. Turn good old ideas into fantastic new ones. Don’t just recycle; transform.

I’m guessing that in the coming weeks you will be receiving a multitude of inquiries, invitations, and temptations—probably more than you feel capable of responding to, and certainly more than you should respond to. A few of these opportunities might be appealing and lead to interesting adventures. But some will be useless, diversionary, or trivial. Will you be able to tell the difference? That’s your big challenge. If you’d like help dodging unwanted solicitations, give out this phone number as your own: 212-479-7990. It’s a free service provide by “The Rejection Line� at Rejectionline.com. People calling that number will be politely told you aren’t available.

CANCER (June 21-July 22):

For millennia, the plant known as the yellow avalanche lily has thrived on mountain slopes and meadows throughout western North America. It blooms early in the spring, just in time for broad-tailed hummingbirds that migrate from Central America to sip the flower’s nectar. But now there’s a problem with that ancient arrangement. Due to global warming, the lily now blossoms 17 days earlier than it used to. But the hummingbirds haven’t made an adjustment in their schedule, so they’re barely showing up in time to get their full allotment of nectar. I suspect this is a metaphor for a shift you may be facing in your own life rhythm. Fortunately, you’ve been forewarned, and you can adjust better than the hummingbirds.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22):

In our calendar, there is no special holiday devoted to honoring the joy and power of rebellion. This oversight confounds me. All my experience tells me that the urge to revolt is a fundamental human need. Every one of us has a sacred duty to regularly rise up and overthrow a stale status quo that is oppressing us—whether that’s an organized group effort we’re part of or our own deadening routine. I’m telling you this, Leo, because it’s an excellent time to celebrate your own Rebellion Jubilee. Your vitality will soar as you shed numbing habits and decaying traditions.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22):

Recently you’ve had resemblances to an eight-year-old kid wearing the pajamas you loved when you were five. Your bare arms are jutting out beyond where the sleeves end, and there’s a similar thing going on with your legs. The fabric is ripped here and there because it can’t accommodate how much you’ve grown. You’re feeling discomfort in places where the overly tight fit is squeezing your flesh. All of this is somewhat cute but mostly alarming. I wish you would wean yourself of the past and update your approach.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22):

A lot of leopard frogs live on Staten Island, one of New York City’s five boroughs. Most of them make a sound that resembles a long snore or a rapid chuckle. But over the years, biologists have also detected a third type of frogly expression: a clipped, repetitive croak. Just this year, they finally figured out that this belonged to an entirely distinct species of leopard frog that they had never before identified. It’s still so new it doesn’t have a name yet. I expect a metaphorically similar development in your life, Libra. You will become aware of a secret that has been hiding in plain sight. You will “find� something that actually revealed itself to you some time ago.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21):

Tom Tolbert is a sports talk show host on San Francisco radio station KNBR. I am amazingly neutral about him. Nothing he says fascinates me or mirrors my own thoughts. On the other hand, he never makes me mad and he’s not boring. I neither like him nor dislike him. I simply see him for who he is, without any regard for what he can do for me. He has become a symbol of the possibility that I’m able to look at a human being with complete impartiality, having no wish for him to be different from what he is. In the coming week, I suggest you try to achieve this enlightened state of mind on a regular basis. It’s prime time, astrologically speaking, to ripen your mastery of the art of objectivity.

What’s the title of the book you’d like to write? What’s the name of the rock band you’d be in? Testify at Freewillastrology.com.

Last Week’s Answers

BY MATT JONES 41 How marathon runners walk around 46 Baby bird sound 47 Gossipmonger 48 Totally bonkers 49 Battle groups? 50 Vladimir of Russia 52 Monocular character on “Yo Gabba Gabba!� 53 Capitol on a fjord


“Fore and Aff�—you’re surrounded. Across

1 1972 Bill Withers hit 6 “Hair� co-author James 10 “The Naked ___� (Goya painting) 14 Their fight song says “There goes old Georgetown� 15 Dedicated poems 16 Fits of anger 17 Fancy sleeve adornment 19 “___ not good, I’ll call you back� 20 In an aerodynamic way 21 Home of a Herculean lion 22 “I ___ the fool who...� 24 Badminton divider 25 He preceded Jimmy

26 Like factory second clothing: abbr. 27 Table scrap (hidden in PORTABLE) 28 Elevated flat top 29 When doubled, a Teletubby 30 Financial coinage in 2012 headlines 35 Grammy-winner Baker 37 Make eggs 38 Ed of “Up� 39 Ate the rest of 42 Forbes 400 member, often 43 What some rings read 44 Inc., in Paris 45 “Deep Space Nine� shapeshifter 46 Humanoid creature

1 “Weird Al� Yankovic movie 2 Group of Greeks: abbr. 3 It may be caused by too much screen time 4 Macho 5 Ending for coal or opal 6 Device used in speed tests 7 “[___ swim]� 8 Go against 9 Annual Ashland event, for short 10 They make hard water hard 11 Bakery draw 12 Amethyst or turquoise 13 Syria’s president 18 Painter Matisse 21 Brand near the Sanka 22 Rice side 23 Tabriz resident 25 Toothpaste variety 27 Categorized similarly 28 Minnesota medical group 31 Heel 32 All dressed up, perhaps 33 News sources 34 ___ Loops 36 Fearful 40 Blanket stealer


Last Week’s Answers


For answers to this puzzle, call: 1-900-226-2800, 99 cents per minute. Must be 18+. Or to bill to your credit card, call: 1-800 655-6548. Reference puzzle #592.

55 Awesome 56 J. Edgar Hoover ran it 57 Sprint calling card from the 1980s Š2012 Jonesin’ Crosswords (editor@jonesincrosswords.com)

Each of the 26 letters of the alphabet is represented in this grid by a number between 1 and 26. Using letter frequency, word-pattern recognition, and the numbers as your guides, fill in the grid with well-known English words (HINT: since a Q is always followed by a U, try hunting down the Q first). Only lowercase, unhyphenated words are allowed in kaidoku, so you won't see anything like STOCKHOLM or LONG-LOST in here (but you might see AFGHAN, since it has an uncapitalized meaning, too). Now stop wasting my precious time and SOLVE! psychosudoku@hotmail.com


49 Three-letter diner order 50 “Hey, over here!� 51 “Barracuda� band 52 Send the family newsletter, say 54 Prefix meaning “within� 55 “And don’t try any ___!� 58 Query to Brutus 59 “___ Love Her� 60 Pole dance? 61 Picks up the tab 62 Anjou alternative 63 ___ a million


for the athlete by Meredith W. Sullivan


lthough we sometimes get a bad rap, Mississippi is actually full of athletes—all who (I know from experience) love new gear. Whether running, biking or hiking is their thing, our local sporting good stores are stocked with great finds for the family’s athlete! 1 ‘12 Trek Women’s Navigator 2.0 WSD Bike, $479.99, The Bike Rack 2 Champions for Change: How the Mississippi State Bulldogs and Their Bold Coach Defied Segregation (Kyle Veazey, The History Press, 2012), $19.99, Lemuria 3 Saints Car Magnet, $1.50, Beemon Drugs 4 Membership to the Mississippi Sports Hall of Fame, $25 5 Nike Fly Knit Shoes, $150, Fleet Feet Sports 6 Honey Stinger sports nutrition, $1.39 each, Stinky Feet 7 RoadNoise Reflective Vest with Speakers, $69.99, liveRIGHTnowonline.com 8 Kiss My Face Hot Spots SPF, $9.99, Sportique 9 Warrior Dash Mississippi Registration, $40 (until 12/31), warriordash.com 10 The North Face Etip Gloves, $45, Sportique 11 Nitebeams LED shoelaces, $19.99, Stinky Feet 12 Vasque Wasatch GTX Hiking Boots, $185, Buffalo Peak 13 Timex Ironman 50 Lap Chronograph, $69.99, Buffalo Peak 14 Extreme Raw Superfruit Mix, $10.39, Rainbow 15 Extreme Edge Pre-Workout Booster, $19.49, Rainbow 16 Mizuno Running Top, $65, Fleet Feet Sports 17 WIN Sports Detergent, $10, Fleet Feet Sports 18 Bike Snob, $16.95, Brent’s Drugs

November 28 - December 4, 2012



Beemon Drugs, 1220 E. Northside Drive 601-366-9431; The Bike Rack (2282 Lakeland Drive, Flowood, 601-936-2100); Brent’s Drugs, 655 Duling Ave., 601-366-3427; Buffalo Peak, Highland Village, 1300 E. Northside Drive, 601366-2557; Lemuria Books, 4465 Interstate 55 N., Suite 202, 601-366-7619; liveRIGHTnow, liveRIGHTnowonline.com; Mississippi Sports Hall of Fame and Museum, 1152 Lakeland Drive, 601-982-8264, msfame.com; Rainbow Whole Foods Co-Operative Grocery, 2807 OId Canton Road, 601-366-1602; Sportique, 677 Pear Orchard Road, Ridgeland, 601.956.2863; Stinky Feet Athletics, 153 Ridgeway, Suite C, Flowood, 601-992-1439; Warrior Dash, warriordash.com

More local gifts at flyjfp.com


t’s time to cast your vote for Best of Jackson! We must receive your ballot by midnight Dec. 11, 2012, either at bestofjackson.com or a newsprint version (like this one) ripped from your JFP (no photocopies allowed). We will announce the winners in the 2013 Best of Jackson issue Jan. 23, 2013, and honor them at an invitation-only celebration on Jan. 27, 2013. Remember that these reader’s choice awards honor our locally owned businesses and personalities who currently live and work in the Jackson metro. Please vote only for the best local, authentic choices. Do not write in big-box and national chains, please. READ FIRST: Due to the exploding popularity of Best of Jackson, the rules are updated this year. Please read before completing ballot as violations will disqualify your entire ballot and possibly your chance to win: 1. You must vote in at least 20 categories for your ballot to count. We will discard ballots that repeat the same vote in non-relevant categories. 2. No photocopied ballots will be accepted. Your ballot must be this newsprint version or cast at bestofjackson.com. 3. Your ballot must include your real first and last name

with local phone number and email address for verification if needed. Do not ask friends and family from outside the Jackson metro to vote for you. 4. Each voter must choose every vote cast on his/her ballot; similar and identical ballots will be investigated and possibly discarded. 5. You are welcome to campaign by asking people to vote for you, but must not offer financial incentives or discounts, set up computers or scripts with any votes pre-chosen, or ask to see someone’s ballot. 6. It is important to spell names correctly for votes to

count; take time to look them up or ask, please. 7. Fraudulent ballots (using other people’s names and contact information) will be discarded. Do not fill out a ballot for anyone else or suggest a slate of votes. 8. No employees, full- or part-time, of Jackson Free Press Inc. are qualified to win or place in Best of Jackson categories, and must not campaign on anyone’s behalf. 9. Violation of any of these rules causes immediate disqualification from winning Best of Jackson awards. VOTE and see more rule explanation at bestofjackson.com.

You can also go to BestofJackson.com to vote online.

Arts organization Church choir Project under construction Community garden/nature attraction Local live theater/theatrical group Non-profit organization Place to chill Radio personality or team Radio station (call letters only) Reason to live in Jackson Stage play

Bar Bar where everyone knows your name Blues artist College student hangout Country artist Cover band Dive bar GLBT hangout Happy hour

Note: In food categories, list only locally owned restaurant names, not individual dishes or national chains. Asian Restaurant Bakery Barbecue Beer selection Breakfast Brunch Chinese restaurant Doughnuts Ethnic restaurant Ethnic or specialty grocer Greek restaurant Gumbo Hangover food Innovative menu Italian restaurant Kids’ menu Local burger Local French fries Local fried chicken Lunch buffet Meal under $10 Mediterranean/Middle Eastern Mexican/Latin New restaurant (opened in 2012) Outdoor dining Pizza Place for dessert Place for healthy food Place for ice cream Place for ribs Place to buy cakes Place to eat when someone else pays Place to get coffee Plate lunch Restaurant Sandwich place Seafood Soul food Steak Sushi/Japanese Take-out Taqueria Vegetarian options

Veggie burger Wine list/wine selection Wings

Note: Vote only for locally owned businesses; no big-box outlets or national chains, please. Annual event Art gallery Barber shop Beauty shop or salon Boutique Bridal/formalwear store Category we left off Caterer Comic store Dance studio Day spa Fitness center/gym Flower shop Garden supply/nursery Kids event Liquor/wine store Locally owned business Local cleaning service Martial arts studio Mechanic Men’s clothes Museum Place for a first date Place to buy antiques Place to buy books Place to buy kid’s clothes/toys Place to book a party or shower Place to get married Tailor Tanning salon Tattoo/piercing parlor Thrift/consignment shop Tourist attraction Unique gifts Veterinarian or vet clinic Women’s shoes Yoga studio

Casino for gaming Casino for shows Casino hotel

You must include your name and a valid phone number with area code for your ballot to count. Caution: We call many voters to check ballot authenticity. No fake phone numbers!

Name Phone E-Mail Return ballot to the address below by Dec. 11, 2012: Jackson Free Press P.O. Box 5067 Jackson, MS 39296

“Best of Jackson” is a registered service mark in the state of Mississippi.


In this category, vote for one person who lives and works in the Jackson metro; first and last name; spell correctly. Architect Barista Bartender Business owner Campaigner for Best of Jackson Award Chef Noone “Rock It Out” Best New Chef Award Club DJ Dentist Doctor Jackson visual artist (living) Jewelry designer Facialist/esthetician Filmmaker Gospel artist Hair stylist Karaoke DJ Massage therapist Meanest bartender Musician Preacher Professor Public figure Real estate agent Rising entrepreneur Server/waitperson Sexiest bartender (female) Sexiest bartender (male) Singer Singer/songwriter TV personality Urban warrior Visionary

Hip-hop artist Jazz artist Jukebox Live music venue Margarita New bar (opened in 2012) Open-mic night Original band Place for cocktails Place to dance Place to drink cheap Place to shoot pool Place to watch the game R&B artist Rock artist


Easy Trees by Tait Kellogg


had a few reasons for not wanting to go all out for a real Christmas tree this year, even though this was our first yuletide season in a real Mississippi home and not in a 400-square-foot New York City apartment. For one, I’m highly allergic to the real deal, and second, I wanted to save the space, time and money that a full tree demands.

For the tree, you will need:

a smattering of paint chip colors (I went for an ombrĂŠ look) string tacky glue triangle shape punch small clear hooks

For the salt dough ornaments:

Whether you’re looking for an evergreen alternative or to deck the halls with a homemade twist, here is one idea for a modern, DIY Christmas tree. I decorated mine with salt dough ornaments, the perfect addition since they’re made from ingredients even this talentless cook had in her pantry.

Step 1. Punch out your triangle shapes and line them up by color. I used a triangle paper punch, which helped the process go more quickly and kept all the triangles uniform, but cutting with scissors would be just as easy, if slightly more tedious. (Tip: use a template for uniform shapes!) Step 2: Measure out your string and hang on the wall in a tree shape, using small clear stick-on hooks. (Note: leave extra string on each side for a little more weight once you attach the triangles.) Step 3: Apply tacky glue to the top of each triangle and attach to string. Depending on your glue, you may need to take the string down, add triangles, let it dry, then re-hang. Step 1: Mix the salt and flour, then slowly add water. Step 2: Knead for about five minutes, until it reaches a doughy consistency. The more you mix it, the smoother it gets, but I wanted mine to have a grainer consistency. Step 3: Roll the dough into balls and flatten into an ornament shape.

November 28 - December 4, 2012

I cup salt 2 cups flour I cup warm water


An ombrĂŠ paint-chip tree is a cozy DIY alternative to real pine.

Step 4: You can use cookie cutters to make different shapes, or stamps to write words, which is what I did. I used the first verse of my favorite Christmas carol on mine: “Silent

night, holy night, all is calm, all is bright.� Don’t forget to make a hole at the top for hanging.

naments—again I used clear stick-on hooks to hang mine.

Step 5: Let air dry for several days or, to hurry the process, bake for about 30 minutes at 250 degrees (longer if your ornaments are thicker, but watch for browning). Step 6: I painted my letters for more definition. Acrylic paint would work well, but I used nail polish and a tiny paintbrush because I had a great navy color lying around. Step 7: Tie your string and hang your or-

Happy DIY holiday!

Follow Santa to Martinson’s to choose the most beautiful Christmas tree in town. Bring your tree stand, and our Christmas elves will place your tree in the stand for you and secure it to your vehicle for free. • Fraser Fir Trees - fresh cut in North Carolina • Garland - cedar, fir & pine


• Wreaths - cedar, fir and mixed bough




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