Low carb diet plan

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low-carb-diet-plan | Health


low carb diet plan

low carb diet plan

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Carbohydrates should not be a source of confusion. To the contrary: wholesome carbs—fruits, vegetables, and grains—clearly should be the foundation of your sports low carb diet plan. You need them to fuel your muscles so you can be strong all the way to the end of the game. As a soccer player, you may be unable to get adequate carbs from fruits and vegetables to fuel your muscles and lost in high carb low carb diet plan, so be sure to include pasta, potato, rice or other starch in your meal menu. Limit your intake of refined carbs—soda pop, sugar, and sports drinks —because they lack health-promoting nutrients. By “carbo- loading” every day, your muscles will have the fuel they need to train at their best. This will help you recover quickly, feel good, and enjoy your practices and games.

Is white bread "poison”? http://www.footballshowtime.com/index.php/Health/low-carb-diet-plan/Print.html



low-carb-diet-plan | Health

White bread offers lackluster nutrition, but it is not "poison" nor a "bad" food.White bread can be balanced into an overall wholesome diet (as can pasta and other foods made from refined while flour). That is, if you have whole grain cereal for breakfast and brown rice for dinner, your diet can healthfully accommodate a sandwich made on white bread for lunch. White breads and food made from refined flour tend to be enriched with B-vitamins, iron and folate—all important nutrients for soccer players. According to the U.S. Dietary Guidelines, about half of your grain choices can appropriately be refined, enriched grains.

Is sugar “evil”?

Sugar is fuel, not evil. While the sugar in oranges and other fruits is accompanied by important vitamins and minerals, the sugar in, for example, candy or soda is void of nutritional value. In general, Nancy suggests athletes limit their refined sugar intake to about 10% of total calories.low carb diet plan bodybuilding That’s about 200 to 300 calories of sugar per day; 200 calories equates to either a quart of Gatorade, two sports gels, 16 ounces of soda pop, or 10 jelly beans. Most athletes can handle sugar just fine. But for a few, sugar seems “evil” because it contributes to swings in blood sugar levels that can result in feeling lightheaded and shaky. If you are "sugar sensitive" and notice that sugar makes you feel bad, if you eat sugar, have it along with protein, such as jelly with peanut butter, or fruit flavored yogurt with almonds.

Should I avoid sugar pre-exercise?

The best advice regarding pre-exercise sugar is for you to avoid the desire for sugar by having eaten appropriately prior to exercise. For example, if you crave sugar before an afternoon soccer practice, you could have prevented the desire for sugary, quick-energy foods by having eaten a bigger breakfast and lunch. Sugar cravings can be a sign you have gotten too hungry. Note that sugar taken during exercise is unlikely to contribute to a hypoglycemic reaction because muscles quickly use the sugar without the need for extra insulin.free low carb diet plan This includes sports drinks, gels, sports beans, gummy candies and other popular sugary choices. (See Chapter 10 for more advice about pre-exercise fueling.) low carb diet plan for a week

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low-carb-diet-plan | Health

Should I choose foods based on their glycemic effect/glycemic index (that is, the rate at which they cause blood sugar to increase)?

Not necessarily. The glycemic response to a food varies from person to person, as well as from meal to meal (depending on the combinations of foods you eat). You’ll be better off experimenting with a variety of grains, fruits, and vegetables to learn what food combinations settle well, satisfy your appetite and offer lasting energy. Some choices, however, are obvious. Players have been known to “crash” midgame on a breakfast of a can of soda versus one of oatmeal. Wholesome, fiber-rich fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains are wise food choices because they tend to have a low glycemic effect (that is, cause a slow rise in blood sugar) and they are nutrient-dense, can curb your appetite and may even help with weight management.

What are Some Examples of Carb-based Meals?

While you can get some carbs from fruits and vegetables, most soccer players do not get enough carbs from these foods alone. Here are a few suggestions for carb- based meals: Breakfast: raisin bran, Grape-Nuts, granola and other cold cereals, oatmeal, bagels, muffins, pancakes, waffles, English muffins, toast, French toast Lunch: sandwiches made on hearty, wholesome breads; hearty soups with beans, lentils, pasta; vegetable pizza with a thick crust Dinner: meals with pasta, potato, rice, noodles, or other grains covering most of the plate; extra vegetables; rolls or bread http://www.footballshowtime.com/index.php/Health/low-carb-diet-plan.html http://www.footballshowtime.com/index.php/Health/low-carb-diet-plan/Print.html



low-carb-diet-plan | Health

Snacks and accompaniments to the meals: fruit juice, bananas, fruit smoothies, dried fruit, pretzels, baked chips, fig cookies, flavored yogurt, frozen yogurt, hot cocoa/chocolate milk Be sure also to include some protein as an accompaniment to the carbs.low carb diet plan While carbs fuel the muscles, protein builds and repairs muscles. The next chapter offers more details about the right balance of carbs and protein. Keep reading!


In addition to rice (brown is preferable, since it has more fiber and nutritional value than white rice), try other grain varieties, such as quinoa (KEEN-wah, tastes like a grain, but it is technically a protein), barley, millet, couscous, buckwheat etc. Cook a large amount to have leftovers. Here are some ways to Go with Grains. Sweet grains: cook with, or toss in cranberries or raisins when grains are done but still steaming, to plump them up. Add nuts or seeds. Make a grain loaf or burgers: cooked grains combined with eggs, cheese, ground nuts and seeds then baked or sautĂŠed. Make a grain based salad, by mixing in any and all vegetables. Toss in salty feta cheese (good for hot weather and sodium needs) or other cheese. Use leftover cooked grains to make a breakfast porridge and a low carb diet plan. Add milk and cook until soft. Sweeten with fruit, raisins and/or honey or brown sugar.

Learn More Here: No-carbohydrate diet Low-Fat Versus Low-Carbohydrate Weight Reduction Diets

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