High protein diet

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High protein diet


Between ads for protein supplements and the false rumors about carbs being fattening, many soccer players and their parents wrongly believe protein should be the foundation of their high protein diet. While you do need adequate protein, it should be an accompaniment to the carbbased meals that fuel your muscles. Smaller amounts of protein—about 10% to 15% of your calories—can adequately build and repair muscles, make red blood cells, enzymes and hormones, and allow hair and fingernails to grow.high protein diet translates into a small-to- medium portion of protein at each meal.


How Much Protein is Enough? For a serious soccer player, an adequate and safe protein intake is about 0.5 to 0.8 grams per pound of body weight (1.2 to 1.7 g/kg). This means: •A 120-pound (55 kg) female soccer player needs approximately 60 to 95 grams of protein per day. •A 160-pound (73 kg) male player needs about 80 to 130 grams of protein. The sidebar below “How to Balance Your Protein Intake” can help you calculate your protein needs and compare your needs to what you actually consume. This protein recommendation is based on the assumptions:


•You are eating plenty of calories. (Your protein needs increase if you are dieting. That’s because some protein gets burned for fuel rather than gets used to build or protect muscles.) •Your muscles are well fueled with carbohydrates high protein diet plan. (You’ll burn more protein for fuel if your muscles become glycogen depleted.) Although avid soccer players need more protein than do sedentary people, this higher requirement generally does not translate into larger portions. Most people (including soccer players) typically consume more than the recommended protein intakeand don't have a high protein diet. http://www.footballshowtime.com/index.php/Health/high-protein-diet.html

Protein Powders, Shakes and Bars Soccer players commonly ask Nancy when they should drink a protein shake, and how many protein bars are okay to eat in a day. She then asks them what makes them think they need additional protein. Most hungry players get more than enough protein through standard foods. Carb deficiency is far more common than protein deficiency! Supplements are not only costly and needless, but also displace bananas, whole grain bagels and other sources of carbs that fuel the muscles.


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