JaamZIN Creative magazine December 2020 issue

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ISSUE 1 | VOL 2 | JANUARY 2019

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PHOTOGRAPHY Photographers and cinematographers

GRAPHIC ART Graphic artists, digital art

Visual artists, painters

ILLUSTRATION Illustrators, cartoonists

INTERVIEWS I nt er vi ews wi t h ar t i st s and cr eat i ve peopl e

JaamZIN Creative

TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 Photography Photographers,, cinematographers

5 Painting Painters, visual artists, cartoonists

16 Illustration 19 Digital art 30 Interview Impressum JaamZIN Creative UXScoops Pte. Ltd. Singapore Registration No.: 201601782G


Albert Normandin I am a professional photographer based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. I thrive on the range and variety of my subjects and styles. From my creative work with models and dancers to finding reality on my world travels.

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Raysa Santos Raysa Santos is a Brazilian artist, photographer, educator, and actress. She is the founder and a member of Teto Coletivo, a collective of women artists who seek to develop their individual and collaborative work through research and experimentation with different expressive languages.

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Gigi Chung is a San Franciscobased fine-art photographer who mainly works in medium-format digital photography. She has come to focus on architectural abstracts with a minimalistic approach. She finds the juxtaposition of light, shadows and lines in architecture fascinating.

Gigi Chung

This continues to inspire her for new ideas. Her art work has been exhibited in multiple galleries and museums in Athens, Chania, Cormons, Glasgow, Greenville, Portland, Minneapolis, Taipei, Trieste, Tokyo, San Francisco and Vermont.

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Aleksandr Mihaltchuk I am a figurative artist for a reason.. I like to “ read” the paintings, like if it is some kind a book or a film. Painting is a “ story” for me to admire… And I am trying to tell a story in my paintings too. Of course there is an influence on my art too … I like to absorb everything, that I like for then to put it inside my creation. It is easy to observe my obsession with female theme in my art.

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Masamune Kikuchi

Masamune Kikuchi is a Japanese painter from Nara. "I want to see nature with a gentle look."

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Kenny Nguyen Using deconstructed and reconstructed fabric and paint, Kenny Nguyen explores the concept of cultural identity, integration, and displacement. Born and raised in Vietnam and currently living in the United States, Nguyen sees the alteration of painted silk to a sculptural form as a visual second skin.

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Peter Goodhall Peter Goodhall is a contemporary representational painter who has crafted his oil painting techniques of painting and predominantly painting the sea over many decades. He has received wide aclaim and a collection of international awards for his meticulously painted large canvases of water where he captures the colours, the patterns and the movement in the water whilst also emphasising the play of light through the water and the distorted shapes that can fleetingly appear.

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Aditi Singh Falodiya My initial artworks were reproductions of other artists but as I began focussing on discovering and refining my own original art style, I employed abstraction to build concepts using vibrant colors and patterns. I gravitated toward abstract paintings and impressionism to convey symbolic meanings with much lesser details. Later I added detailing technique with multiple layers as a natural evolution to my technique and now the subjects of my paintings have morphed from abstracts and silhouettes to real-life artifacts and lush landscapes with finer brush strokes.

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Mirjam Siim was born and raised in Tallinn, Estonia. She has a degree from Tartu Art College, Estonia, which included a year at the University of Porto, Portugal. She currently resides in Porto, working as a freelancer illustrator/artist, shifting between a range of creative tasks and projects.

Mirjam Siim The paintings shown here are part of a series that looks into the connections between our behaviour and our childhood. With these works she dives into distant memories and emotions and analyses the impact of different factors on her ways of being, and tries to apply that to a bigger scale. Some of the paintings are done together with her daughter, which makes the process more spontaneous and fluid and provokes even more ideas about the subject.

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Alexander Trifonov Alexander Trifonov is an experienced artist from Russia whose works have been featured in solo and group shows internationally. With a background in design, Trifonov developed his painting style creating winter scenes and still lifes characterized by modern and surrealist qualities. Throughout his work, there is an emphasis on geometry and order through the use of straight lights and unexpected shapes.

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Ana E. Calvo

I’ve always been interested in the human figure and in human behavior, specially viewed from their psychological side. I am a self-tough artist but I must mention “El Taller del Prado”, a workshop in Madrid where I woke up to painting in a more adult and conscious way. Some years on I developed an interest for mural painting and enrolled in some projects back in my birthplace.

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Thia Path Colors that weave infinite chromatic textures, which sing about existence in its multiple experiential, emotional, sentimental dimensions, and, for the most part in the coloring of joy, the pleasure of living, the ecstasy that few know how to draw from small things, from the slightest daily events. And the inner child of Thia guided her to find the true expressive dimension of herself: in a moment and in the eternal present she gave voice and sound and song to the fullness of the joy of existing, even when it goes through dark and dark themes and characters, shadow figures generally redeemed from the use, instead of grays and blacks, of purple, the color of spirituality.

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Karl Kristjan Davidsson My name is Karl Kristjan Davidsson aka Kailash Youze/UCI am from Reykjavík Iceland. Born in 1977, i got heavily into Hip Hop art both music and Graffitti in the 90's and have made an album with Subterranean ,Icelands first Hip Hop music crew. I also make music as Chosen Ground. I have painted all my life and am always seeking to find positive ways to express myself. My artwork today has a very personal style and i work with watercolor, oil ,ink and spraypaint.

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I was born in 1962. From an early age, I developed a taste for painting, which over the years took different forms and techniques. I attended the school Antonio Arroio in the course of Arts and Techniques of Fire, where discovered the taste for ceramic painting that, to this day, has never ceased.

Josefina Ribeiro This work comes after reading a small book by Tomaz Borba from 1931 on the exercise of solfeging, in which the intonation of the music is pronounced only by the name of the notes with the voice, instead of an instrument. In the countless musical symbols represented in it, visual rhythms and harmonies emerge that, in an illusion way, transform the imaginary of musical expression into a painted reality..

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AIM Creative Studios AIM Creative Studios is an animation driven production company, creating visuals and music for Cinema, TV and multi-platform communication. Relying on the multidisciplinary talent of its creative teams, AIM brings together a collective of artists specialized in animation and illustration, art direction, music composing and sound design.

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Felix Roca Ganges I am aware that I have do not discovered fire, but a way to create originality and more important identity. So long, that has been around theme, referring to technique, I have to say the years of advertisement illustration are there not to be hide off, but to be used to put quickly the concept on the frontline and allowing me to hide the others behind. And to do so I mix pencil, something that I can mannerism around as much as I want, and oil painting, the colour and respect for this ancient method but new for me that I use more as to create ambient the to round figures.

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Jacob Ross My name is Jacob Ross, from Kansas, United States. I'm a 2-D Illustrator and Environmental Artist. Drawing for me has always been about engaging my imagination and learning how to express myself within a visual medium. This was fueled by my love of fantasy and watching my Mom draw and paint, she is the artist that first inspired, and guided me.

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Junya Ohshima My work is a symbolic and multifaceted visualization of the multidimensional relationships of the physical world. There are various perspectives on the worldview that people perceive, but I support the one that resonates with the direction of my thinking from the possibilities of physical interpretation that is theoretically consistent.

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Victoria Goodman Born in Los Angeles, California, I am a completely self-taught artist who now calls Austin, Texas my home. I first became interested in the world of 3D art and content creation a little over ten years ago. At the time, I already had a strong background in Photoshop but immediately saw the potential in the ways 3D programs could add to my art. It quickly turned into a mild obsession for me, which eventually led me to my day job working as a freelance 3D content creator and digital artist.

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Thomas Elderman

Hello, I am Thomas Elderman and I make mostly fantasy artwork with a focus on narrative. I use Corel Painter for all my recent work, embracing brushwork and rich colours. My ultimate career goal is getting to do the cover art for a Dungeons and Dragons' player's handbook

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Simon Jugovic Fink I've completed my BA and MA in Painting from the Academy of Fine Arts and Design Ljubljana, Slovenia. I've showed my artworks on many solo and group exhibitions in my country and also in some other countries in Europe. I've moved to London to further develop my career as a fine artist, illustrator and animator.

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Ambra Scali

Racco(lti)nti del Ma(le)re tells the stories of the objects picked up from the shore, but also give them a new life through art.

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Interview with artist Rasha Eleyan Rasha Eleyan was born in Dubai to Palestinian parents. From an early childhood, she was mentored by her father, the great Palestinian artist Nasr Abdelaziz Eleyan, in the art of drawing and oil painting. Rasha went on to graduate with a BA in Fine Arts from the Yarmouk University in Jordan, and advanced painting and nude drawing from the Libera Accademia Di Belle Arti of Rome. Rasha’s artistic career began as an illustrator for children’s story books at just 18 years of age. She later became an associate producer at Walt Disney. After having a very successful career as an illustrator and television producer, Rasha is now solely focussed on her art and combines her classical style with her love of cartoons to create a truly unique style. Read on to learn more about the very talented Rasha Eleyan…

Artist: Rasha Eleyan

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INTERVIEW How does Singapore as an 'environment' serve as an inspiration for you in your art on voices of fragile women?

I have to say that for me, the word "fragile" is not at all synonymous with women. All women inspire me. Having lived in Singapore for the past 20 years, the international nature of the country has allowed me to meet a variety of women from different ethnic backgrounds. It has shown me how culture and upbringing can affect personality and how women express themselves - whether in total openness or with a quiet and dignified strength.At the moment I'm occupied with commissions and a series inspired by Palestine. Still, I do keep regular notes of things women in Singapore (my friends or ladies I have observed) have said or done that I find extremely interesting and inspiring. The Palestinian woman is a central figure in my artwork. Still, for now, as I live in Singapore, my girlfriends from Korea, Indonesia, UK etc. all serve as a constant inspiration for future artworks.

“195th Member (Zaghrouta)”, acrylic on canvas, 2012 "My 195th Member (Zaghrouta) depicts a memory from my childhood in Dubai. My father, the painter Nasr Abel Aziz Eleyan, who at the time worked as a creative director for Dubai television, had set up a small working studio in our home where he spent the majority of his time. It was in this studio where he would create paintings depicting the traditional Palestinian way of life."His paintings captured beautiful women with long, dark hair, wearing Palestinian Thobe (traditional dress) carrying out tasks from daily rural life, with a pensive, distant look on their face – as if suspended in time in quiet mourning." ~ Rasha Eleyan

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INTERVIEW Do you consider Palestinian culture to be vastly different than those in South-East Asia? How do you reflect that in your art?

I admit it took me a while to answer this question because I think Arabic and Southeast Asian cultures are both extremely different and remarkably similar to each other. We both have more in common than we do with Western cultures.I have to say that this “difference or similarity” does not factor in my work. When I paint about Palestine, I create with resistance and rebellion directing my brush strokes. In comparison, my Southeast Asian inspiration is almost exclusively reliant on visual beauty, whether from my primary influence of Peranakan culture, or from the breathtaking nature that surrounds me here in Singapore.

Left: “The Gardens of Death”, acrylic and oil on canvas, 2011 Right: “My Lucky Dragon”, acrylic on canvas, 2014

“When I paint Palestine, I create with resistance and rebellion directing my brush strokes. In comparison, my Southeast Asian inspiration is almost exclusively reliant on visual beauty, whether from my primary influence of Peranakan culture, or from the breathtaking nature that surrounds me here in Singapore.” ~ Rasha Eleyan

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INTERVIEW What has your past working experience at Disney influenced on your art, towards the line of pop art and photo realistic genre?

Since I was little, I have been a big fan of Disney movies, and as a kid, my favourites were the ones that combined animation with live-action. I was almost obsessed. No, I was entirely obsessed with the idea of a wonderfully colourful world where I can interact with amazing, non-sensical over the top characters, with whom I would argue their twisted logic in long-winded conversations. A world that did not abide by the rules of physics or anything that constitutes as "the social norm". I wanted so badly to walk into that world. The Disney obsession stayed with me for several years and lasted into my late teens. And I believe that it shaped my style as an artist today as it now has a significant influence on what visually excites me when I allow my realistic figures to occupy that fantasy setting. Disney has had a life-changing impact on my life. The first time was when I was a child and saw Tinkerbell on television. She was flying and touched the top of the Disney castle with her wand. I was mesmerised by the fairy dust, and I believed in the magic of the wonderful world of Disney. My father studied animation and had many Disney books in his library, so I copied all the cartoons in them and was good at it. After that, I declared that one day I would work for the Disney company. Luckily I got my wish in 2001 when I worked for Disney Television in Singapore. It was here where I learned firsthand the importance of the efforts and dedication Disney demands to stay true to its brand. If you want something to be exceptional, you have to have the passion to push yourself and put in the hours to achieve it.

Which example would you give as your favourite art piece using watercolour?

I feel most at home in nature. I chose a very green neighbourhood to live in Singapore. I keep the windows open and admire the greenery and feel privileged every single time I spot birds outside. I have a professional set of binoculars and a little birds of Singapore glossary book. If I spot a bird, I run to the balcony with my binoculars and book in hand, and I mark the bird in my book. It makes me happy. I think I paint the birds I see outside my window because it's my balance. I'm often consumed and frustrated by issues that I can't and don't want to let go of; the birds bring my attention and awareness back to help me fight my anxieties. Based on this, I have to say that my bird watercolour works are my favourite.

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“I think I paint the birds I see outside my window because it's my balance. I'm often consumed and frustrated by issues that I can't and don't want to let go of; the birds bring my attention and awareness back to help me fight my anxieties. Based on this, I have to say that my bird watercolour works are my favourite.” ~ Rasha Eleyan

What is the most important step in the planning that goes into your art work? Why is it important in your personal opinion?

For me, visualizing and sketching the artwork is the most critical part. When I can see it is when I truly start to get excited. And then it becomes much easier to invest the hours a sketch requires because I become eager to see the final result in front of me. What you see in the sketch will be what you see on the canvas. I dread making changes on canvas because my technique requires dizzying amounts of layers.

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Rasha is currently gathering elements and ideas for her latest series, to protect and explore the identity of a culture that is overshadowed by border trouble reduced to media sound bites. To quote Daniel Quinn, “Every time the Takers stamp out a Leaver culture, a wisdom ultimately tested since the birth of mankind disappears from the world beyond recall. ”Watch this space!

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