Design assignment 4,5,6 Farias

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Design Backstory Week 4

Design Backstory In this assignment we need to do an analysis of ideas and new events that will be the blueprint and decision making of the story. 1) One essay page which describes our approach identifying focusing on the protagonist. 2) Then we need to use visual research with notes to further explain the protagonist backstory in the film. 3) After step 1 and 2 were completed we need to create a collage cover page that combines word and images into a montage depicting the essence of the backstory of the protagonist.

JAWS - Backstory Sheriff Bob East - As Scripted - Sheriff Bob East is the new sheriff in the town of Amityville. After his long career in law enforcement, he was hired as a sheriff to protect and investigate a series of disappearances of cows and other animals around the town. I had a feeling that all these disappearances were something bigger than everyone thought. Due to the festivities, the mayor of the town wanted the sheriff to make sure everyone was protected. The Protagonist Backstory- It is imperative to understand the sheriff’s backstory. Raised in a small town not too far from Amityville. His father was the sheriff, and during his teenage years, he always was with his father patrolling. Young Bob East always looked up to his father and wanted to be just like him. One day the sheriff disappeared, and his remains were found weeks later on a nearby hill. Due to the severe injuries, a local senior cowboy declared that he was devoured by a mythical great tiger that only a few have seen. The event was very traumatic for young Bob East that he promised his mother to one day kill the mythical great Tiger. The Mission Backstory- Sheriff Bob East’s long-term goal is to kill the tiger. After the remains of a man and horse appear, the sheriff fears that the mythical great Tiger might be back. After years of failed searches of the plains and hills for this creature and no one knew where to find it. Childhood memories of his father's death became present. Sheriff Bob East short term goal is to end the myth and kill the great tiger and prove to the mayor the threat it does exist. As the festivities of the town are at its prime, remains of bulls and horse start to appear. The town really don't know and understand why are these animals showing up dead. Sheriff Bob East will have to control the crowd and not create chaos among the people visiting the town. His fear, anger makes killing the great Tiger his number one priority. With his training and expertise in tigers, Sheriff Bob East will finally get to avenge his father's death by this mythical creature. The Adventure Environment Backstory - The important backstory for this adventure will take place in the center of the town where the rodeo ring it. Due to his background in law enforcement and since the rodeo is in town, the Sheriff will use the rodeo ring to kill the tiger. With the help of other cowboys they will use some bulls as bait to lure the great tiger inside the rodeo ring. Once the great tiger gets inside the rodeo ring, Sheriff Bob will let the bulls loose as the tiger tries to go after them four wagons with explosives will be ready to blow up the tiger. Key Setting will include. The Rodeo Ring in the center of town.- This place will be where the final battle will be between the Sheriff and the great tiger. Key Props.A.- Four large wagons that will serve as a cover and bulls as bait to lure the great Tiger inside the rodeo ring. This will be critical for the final scene inside the rodeo. The Sheriff expertise along with the other cowboys plan an all time battle between man and creature. B.- Guns will be the choice that the sheriff will use to kill the great tiger. It is vital to understand that at that time everyone had guns. The sheriff as the main authority will confiscate all weapons and declare marshal law to use all the guns to kill the great tiger. They will be positioned on the top of the rodeo ring. C.- Gun Powder in barrels will be used to create explosives next to the wagons in an attempt to blow up and kill the great Tiger but it will be hard, the tiger is 3 times bigger than a normal tiger.

JAWS - Backstory Sheriff Bob East - As Scripted - Sheriff Bob East is the new sheriff in the town of Amityville. After his long career in law enforcement, he was hired as a sheriff to protect and investigate a series of disappearances of cows and other animals around the town.

I t i s i m p o r t a n t to

establish the background

and life of Sheri Bob East.

He had a feeling that all these disappearances were something bigger than everyone thought. Due to the festivities, the mayor of the town wanted the sheriff to make sure everyone was protected.

Explaining the why he was hire creates a direct link to his pass and the reason he is the perfect man to get the job done.

The Protagonist Backstory- It is imperative to understand the sheriff’s backstory. Raised in a small town not too far from Amityville. His father was the sheriff, and during his teenage years, he always was with his father patrolling.

A very young Bob east illustrates his passion for the law and to follow his fathers steps.

Bob’s father was an amazing sheriff, father, citizen who loved to protect and serve.

Young Bob East always looked up to his father and wanted to be just like him. One day the sheriff disappeared, and his remains were found weeks later on a nearby hill. Due to the severe injuries, a local senior cowboy declared that he was devoured by a mythical great tiger that only a few have seen. The event was very traumatic for young Bob East that he promised his mother to one day kill the mythical great Tiger. The Mission Backstory- Sheriff Bob East’s long-term goal is to kill the tiger. After the remains of a man and horse appear, the sheriff fears that the mythical great Tiger might be back. After years of failed searches of the plains and hills for this creature and no one knew where to find it. A lot of people came to the festivities which will

We now know that his goal in life was to kill the

make it harder to protect them from the Tiger.

mythical great tiger because of his father’s death.

Childhood memories of his father's death became present. Sheriff Bob East short term goal is to end the myth and kill the great tiger and prove to the mayor the threat it does exist. His fear, anger makes killing the great Tiger his number one priority.

With his training and expertise in tigers, Sheriff Bob East will finally get

to avenge his father's death by this mythical creature.

Sine the rodeo is the main attraction and a place where they can corner the tiger it will be use for the ďŹ nal battle.

The Adventure Environment Backstory - The important backstory for this adventure will take place in the center of the town. Due to his background in law enforcement and since the rodeo is in town, the Sheriff will use the rodeo ring to kill the tiger. Key Setting will include. The Rodeo Ring and Center of town.- This place will be where the final battle will be between the Sheriff and the great tiger.

Key Props.A.- Four large wagons that will serve as a cover and bait to lure the great Tiger inside the rodeo ring. This will be critical for the final scene inside the rodeo. The Sheriff expertise along with the other cowboys plan an all time battle between man and creature.

Since all the revolvers of that era can only shoot 5 bullets at a time it is important to conďŹ scate every weapon possible for battle.

These wagons will be ďŹ lled with explosives and placed in the four corners of the rodeo to trap the Tiger inside to ring.

B.- Guns will be the choice that the sheriff will use to kill the great tiger. It is vital to understand that at that time everyone had guns. The sheriff as the main authority will confiscate all weapons and declare marshal law to use all the guns to kill the great tiger. C.- Gun Powder in barrels will be used



explosives next to the wagons in an attempt to blow up and kill the great Tiger. Barels and barels of gun powder will be needed to blow up the Tiger.

The Tiger will be lured in by sacrificing a cow. The four wagons filled with explosives

will be ready to

detonate at command. The Sheriff and the other cowboys will be at the stands with all the guns shooting at the Tiger.

Harmony and Color & Composition Week 5

Harmony and Color & Composition In this assignment we will need to select a color scheme for our sets. Then explain how the primary and Secondary colors position themselves on the traditional color wheel. 1) One essay page which describes our approach identifying the colors of the set. 2) Then we need to use visual research with notes to further explain the different colors in the set of film. 3) After step 1 and 2 were completed we need to create a collage cover page that combines color within our set.

The doors and windows all are connected visually to the rodeo ring. The Sheriff office door and window are directly into the rodeo ring where the final battle will take place. The town is a very small. I researched that era and the largest town was made up of 20 building max. Everyone else lives in the out skirts of town or on the hills. It is important to establish that the town of Amityville is a large town with many business serving its citizens and tourist. According to my research in small and large towns the main attractions are rodeos and all the festivities that comes with the rodeo being in town. It is important to show people having a great time in the town celebrating the super bowl of rodeos. All the buildings will be made from wood which is what they used in the time. Since the majority of the scene will be done outside be must pay very close attention on the scaling and colors of the western era.

Paintings that Inspire

Set Colors

The Floor is pretty the tone of the whole film since its a western adaptation. The Fence will be a darker color to contrast the floors of the ring. The Stands since in that era was all wood along with the homes around the ring. Since the Floor is a lighter we will be able to distinguish the great Tiger, Wagons, Bulls, Sheriff and the cowboys.

Set Colors

Costume Colors

Modeling your Set Week 6

Modeling your Set In this assignment we needed to start sketching our sets with a plan, section, elevation and perspective of the narrative environment we have selected for our scene. 1) One essay page which describes why camera positions are important when creating a set. 2) Then we need to describe which sections of our set will be built on stage and which will be shot on location. 3) After step 1 and 2 were completed we need to create a collage cover page that combines the different sets created for the film.

Soundstage and on Location

The sets that are created for the Jaws adaptation movie have been carefully selected for the camera crew to work around both on the soundstage and on location. The location manager can scout a location that will best resemble the old west. Since the majority of the takes will be in the rodeo ring building, one will be essential for the film. The shots inside the Sheriff’s office and Mayor's office will all be shot on a sound stage. It is important to shoot all the scenes that require the Sheriff inside to be in a soundstage to control light, sound and move the walls of the office for the cameras and crew to work better. Shooting on location will be challenging from transporting all the equipment to depending on the weather to cooperate during the filming days. The advantages of shooting on location that it gives the actors as well as the audience a more original feel of the film. The buildings that surround the rodeo ring with be made to cover the current location that the Location Manager will select in Arizona. With the technology currently used on film sets, the use of drones, jibs, gimbal will give the final scene a special touch of action. Planning, of course, will be crucial for the sets on the film from selecting a plan, a section, an elevation to render everything with a perspective. Once we have a plan of the final scene, we can start planning for sets and where the cameras will be. We can get all areal shots with a drone as well as all the shots from above. We will need to break a lot of the fourth wall in both the stage and on location, especially if any Steadicam shots are needed.

The Plan

The Selection

The Elevation for Office

The Elevation for Rodeo

These elevations are very important for the Set Design Team and the construction team that will build this rodeo on location in Arizona.

The inside stands are crucial to show a real rodeo event. This section is the north section of the rodeo ring. This can be multiplied for the east, west and south areas.

The Perspective

Perspectives gives us a unique look at the set both for soundstage and for location. This creates a more realistic world for the set designers.

Set Connectivity Location




The inside of the office will de done inside a soundstage with a fourth was in order to get the crew inside the office. The Connection with the rodeo is going to be thru the doors and windows.

Location with Cameras

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