Top six writers you must follow on google

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Top Six Writers You Must Follow on Google+

When you are busy in writing, sometimes you forget the importance of social media or you intentionally avoid it. But, building a platform is an important part of becoming a successful writer, and social media is a piece of that pie. Most of the writers are familiar with Facebook and Twitter, but many are mystified by Google+.

Here is the list of six writers that make use of Google+ community in a unique and engaging way. Following them will help you to take your cues to build an audience and earn more money from your writing. 1. Chris Guillebeau: He has travelled 193 countries and his feed showcases his world travels, interviews in which he is featured, and inspiration for his books. He combines the art of being a writer with the practicalities of making a living. You will also find updates about the latest events he hosts for writers who like to go against the grain. 2. Demian Farnworth: Demian is one of the powerhouse writers behind Copyblogger. So, you can guess that his Google+ feed is full of awesome writing advice and links to posts that writers or article writing services will find helpful. Also, he adds some personal flair to his platform by including funny posts such as cat pictures from 100 years ago. You can follow his lead to add a personal or humorous side to your social media posts. 3. Jane Friedman: Jane shares sneak peeks of her projects as well as content writings of other good writers. Her community members leave interesting comments on her posts that result in engaging conversations right in her feed. You can follow her lead by sharing insightful posts and asking good questions. 4. Joanna Penn: Joanna’s feed on Google+ is wonderfully varied. The writer shares inspiration for her upcoming novels and blog posts, gorgeous book cover images, and updates on her published works. On top of that, you will find interesting links to other author's writing. Following her, you can keep an eye out for her video interviews and podcasts with other authors and online entrepreneurs.

5. Darren Rowse: The writer's multiple passions are reflected in his business ventures, especially Problogger and Digital Photography School. Darren's core passion is writing, so he shares articles that garner lots of thought-provoking comments. He also publishes many images which will help inspire you and prompt new ideas. 6. K. M. Weiland: She does a great job of creating curiosity by sharing bright images that draw you in and make you want to click on her links. You can follow her to create custom images with text that will grab your reader's attention. These were some of the best writers you must follow on Google+. What writers do you follow on Google+? Do you enjoy their new feeds?

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