Article writing services

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Common Content Writing Mistakes You Don't Want to Make Every aspect of writing whether blogs, articles, or web content, revolves around the creativity, style and your passion for it. You can’t write well until you are well experienced into it and you can’t get the required experience until you maintain a forever consistence and perseverance to it. There is always a void reflection from your written content and that needs to be filled in to accentuate your expertise as a content/article writer. Among many things that halts progress to achieve a level of excellence in content writing, here are some most common content writing mistakes that you don't want to make.  Write Content keeping your Visitors in Mind: This is the worst content writing mistakes that most of the bloggers make. These type of writers, write for themselves instead of finding out what their target audience wants. So, find out what people are really looking for when they are typing the keyword into the search engines. The best method to do that is by going to Google and looking up the top results.  Do not Broadcast Speak: Always write all your articles as if you were talking to one particular person from your target audience. Imagine him/her inside your monitor so that you can directly address his or her needs and answer his or her questions. 

Be Consistent with use of Voices:

It can be pretty annoying to change the voice as you write. Therefore, always check your sentences and make sure you don’t change voices. 

Don't hype things up:

People hate hype and want to see it right away, specially on internet. So, avoid to make use of words like amazing, secret, shocking, etc. Although, these words have their place in copywriting, but when you are writing to educate they are just unnecessary and irritating. 

Stay on Topic:

Another common content writing mistake that people really hate is when the article writer gets off from the topic. For example, if now I started talking about building backlinks, then you would probably get really pissed at me and leaves right away. So, don’t get sidetracked while writing any type of content. 

Strong Headlines:

It was proved that the headline is responsible for 90% of an article’s success. So, if your headlines are weak, readers won’t read your content even if it is amazing.

Avoid Boring Instructions:

Instead of writing a short and captivating introduction that would get their readers interested enough to start reading, sometimes writers state the obvious. Please don’t make this mistake when writing content. Your visitors already know why they are searching for more information on a topic. Just get to the point! 

Avoid use of Jargons:

Using jargon in content is another big mistake that article writers make. As a writer, you already knows what jargon words mean, but it is not always possible that your readers also know the meaning. So, don't scare your readers by using tough words. Well, these are the most common content writing mistakes that people make. But if you pay little attention to them, you can avoid them almost effortlessly. And then, the results will be worth it a thousand fold. =======================================================================

About I write Professional: iWrite Professional is one among the best freelance article writing service provider. It provides various writing services like article writing, technical writings, blogs, web content writing, etc. To know more about us, visit

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