IVAO United Kingdom | Airways | January 2014

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airways the magazine for IVAO United Kingdom





airways CONTENTS MEET THE STAFF An insight into our Special Operations Assistant Coordinator, William Bruce, and his life inside and out of IVAO. MESSAGE FROM DIVISIONAL HEADQUARTERS The welcoming message to airways, and his overview of the Division over the previous month.

MEMBERSHIP UPDATE A small announcement from our Membership Department on what is to come in 2014.

DESINATION GUIDE This month’s guide is for Stansted, another IVAO UK Training Aerodrome.

EVENTS UPDATE An update for the Events coming up this month on IVAO United Kingdom

STAFF VACANCIES We’re currently seeking applicants for exciting roles, are you suited for one?









airways MEET THE STAFF BY WILLIAM BRUCE (GB-SOAC) Hi guys! My name is William Bruce and I’m the Special Operations Assistant Coordinator. I have been a member of IVAO for just over a year and fly for the VA’s, Fly UK and the Virtual Ministry of Defence. I am currently PP rated but I’m looking to do my SPP practical test soon, I would like to get involved with the ATC side of things on the network also. I was appointed the Special Operations Assistant coordinator after Jack Plumb moved to GB-ADIR and Dan Lewington moved to GB-SOC. So far I have enjoyed the challenge of a staff position in the division and look forward to what the job holds in the future. I started flying on flight simulator in around 2006 not long after FSX was release. It wasn’t until around 2011 that I flew on my first online network and in 2012 I joined IVAO. I am about to start a job in a solicitors what will become a big change in my life. My hobbies include motor sports, photography and I am a keen member of the Air training corps. I support the mighty Arsenal and love my riding my motorcycle. If you have any questions about Special operations make sure you send me an email at: gb-soac@ivao.aero

MESSAGE FROM DIVISIONAL HEADQUARTERS BY THOMAS CARTER (GB-DIR) Welcome to the January issue of the monthly update! 2013 has been a fantastic year for IVAO UK - We look forward to making 2014 the best ever! We have got many ideas lined up for the division in 2014. You can expect new things in every department. If there is something you would like us to talk about, then please get in touch. Here at IVAO UK, we pride ourselves in the fact that our most important asset is our active and friendly divisional community. As a member, you are not just a number to us. You are a valued member of the community. IVAO UK isn't only about flying and controlling, it is also a chance to meet new people and make friends with like minded people from around the globe. There are a number of ways you can get actively involved with the community: - Division Forum - Connect to us at http://gb.forum.ivao.aero/ - 24/7 Teamspeak 3 voice server - Connect to us at ts.ivao.co.uk The community is what makes IVAO UK - Come and be a part of it.


airways MEMBERSHIP UPDATE BY BEN LEONARD (GB-MC) 2013 has been a year of change in the Membership Department, I would like to thank Karan for the hard work he put into the Department before he stood down. In light of Karan’s move I welcome on board Danny Richmond as the new GB-MAC. 2014 will see a lot of social gatherings for the division, both big and small. We have some exciting meet ups planned, along with some old favourites. We will also be advertising local meet ups throughout the year based at various aviation events. Our first local meet up will be based around the last flight of the Monarch Airlines Airbus A300 which will fly from Gatwick to Birmingham. It’s events like these where people may be going anyway where it would be great to meet new and old faces alike. More information on the A300’s last flight can be found here: http://www.monarch.co.uk/news/flights/2013news/monarch-airlines-airbus-a300-605r%20-thelast-commercial-flight We are also currently working on some new ‘Getting Started’ guides which we hope will help new members get online with more ease than ever before. On behalf of myself and Danny I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year and a prosperous 2014.

DESTINATION GUIDE BY: BEN LEONARD (GB-MC) London Stansted (EGSS) Stansted is one of the largest hubs for a number of low cost airlines. It is currently the largest base for Ryanair with over 100 routes from the airline alone. The airport is the Thirds Busiest airport in London and the fourth busiest in the UK. It holds 1 runway with a length of 3048m with a Cat III ILS. Stansted also has a lot of history behind it as it was originally named RAF Stansted Mountfitchet during the Second World War where it was used by the RAF and USAF as a bomber airfield and a major maintenance depot.


airways IVAO UK currently holds Stansted as a training aerodrome along with Manchester and Gatwick for Aerodrome and Approach Controller training and testing. The rating required to control at Stansted is very low to accommodate training as AS1. For more information on Stansted’s FRAs - click here.

EVENTS DEPARTMENT BY ALEXANDER CLOVER (GB-EC) Dear members, 2014 has come around very quickly and we are going to get the year off to the best start we can. How can we do this? Well we're going to start the year off with the Manchester Overload. "On Tuesday 7th January 2014 Manchester will be staffed from 18z till 22z with positions from Delivery to Area for your delight. The overall aim of the Overload is to get the airport filled out with as many IFR inbounds and out bounds as possible. Whether it's an IFR flight inbound from the States or and IFR outbound into Europe we will be ready for you. " More information can be found here: http://gb.forum.ivao.aero/index.php?topic=234277. 0

Also we are inviting member’s to come and join us for the Heathrow RFE at the VACC in Milton Keynes. There are only a limited number of spaces available so if you are interested then please email gbec@ivao.aero and gb-eac@ivao.aero. Please be aware that there is a £10 deposit for everyone who comes to the RFE. Keep an eye out on the forum for a big event coming in February and also an airbridge for the end of the month.


airways STAFF VACANCIES BY: JACK PLUMB (GB-ADIR) IVAO United Kingdom is currently seeking motivated and inspirational members to assist the current Staff Team in the development of the division. All applicants are required to have been active on IVAO for at least six months and should read the full job descriptions at http://www.ivao.co.uk/vacancies. We are currently seeking candidates for the following positions: 

GB-AWM (ASSISTANT WEBMASTER) Assist with the maintenance and development of the IVAO United Kingdom website.

GB-FOC (FLIGHT OPERATUIONS COORDINATOR) The Flight Operations Coordinator is responsible for all procedures directly concerning pilots.

GB-TA (TRAINING ADVISOR) Training Advisors are "specialists" in their field. They act as instructors on structured courses (ATC and Pilot); they may be required to assist in other training sessions, such as Pilot Training Nights. Training Advisors also answer questions from members on their specialist subject.

AIRBRIDGE DEBRIEF BY: WILLIAM BRUCE (GB-SOAC) On Sunday the 15th December, the Special Operations departments from Belgium and the United Kingdom teamed up to host a Military Airbridge. We decided upon two airfields to fly from and to, Melsbroek in Belgium and Brize Norton in the UK. Both bases undertake very similar roles in real life as they are home to each country's transport command. The event itself was highly successful, both Brize Norton and Melsbroek saw a high density of traffic throughout the day, and we saw pilots from various different virtual Air Forces take part in the event, from Israel to Portugal and of course from the "!Home Team" at Brize Norton. In total, we issued 23 Special Operations points to participants, six of these being Air Traffic Controllers and 18 Pilots.

SPECIAL OPERATIONS UPDATE BY: WILLIAM BRUCE (GB-SOAC) 2013 has been a year of change for the IVAO United Kingdom Special Operations Department. Our first event of the year took place in March and was based around the real world Multi National exercise "JOINT WARRIOR" that takes place in Scotland twice a year. After a short break in April, we returned with two events in May, the highly successful Brize Norton fly-


airways in and another representation of a real world exercise "PASHTUN DAWN" which took place on the Salisbury Plain Training Area. In June, came our most successful event to date the RAF Fairford Airshow, this was based heavily on the real world air show, The Royal International Air Tattoo which is held at RAF Fairford in July every year. For this event, we managed to attract 36 participants from as far afield as Brazil and a fantastic display team in the form of the Ukranian Falcons, who went on to win the prize for the best display. Following on from Fairford, in July, we held a Historic fly-in at Duxford. This event was unique in the fact that we were able to showcase a flypast of over 20 historic aircraft all in the air at once. This was another successful event for us despite the fact that Membership Coordinator Ben ended up in a field 2 miles from the airfield as a result of a faulty parking brake! In August, we decided to commemorate the retirement of the Vickers VC10 from Royal AIr Force service. The VC10 was the Workhorse of the RAF and had seen nearly 50 years of distinguished service with the RAF when it was retired in late September. This event involved 3 VC10 aircraft operating out of Brize Norton and refuelling numerous aircraft from many different nations. The height of the day was the 3 ship flypast back at Brize Norton, bringing to and ending a remarkable career. In September, it was the turn of the UK's AIr Ambulances to take centre stage. These are a commonly overlooked area that the Special Operations Department covers, so an event was held highlighting as many of the different air ambulances in the country as possible. October saw the Waddington Real Ops event. For this, we invited pilots from all over the globe to fly into Waddington or the surrounding bases of Coningsby and Cranwell. Once again, we saw an influx of international pilots taking part in this event. Someone even flies in from as far as Israel! After another break in November, December saw the Military Airbridge hosted by both the UK and Belgium. This day saw over 23 Special Operations points issued-a great way to finish the year! In 2014, we will once again see many events hosted by the Special Operations Department. Our first focus for 2014 will be to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Royal Air Force Aerobatic Team the Red Arrows with a Display Teams' Fly-in at RAF Scampton.




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