Transform Your Life Through Sacred Geometry Yantra

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The German Philosopher Johann Von Goethe once said “There are none more hopelessly enslaved, than those who falsely believe they are free.”

and included his family names as some of the months, i.e. Augustus (August) and Julius or Julie (July) – (egocentered calendar). The artificial 12:60 timing frequency is arbitrary and irregular, lacking any correspondence to actual cycles of nature. It does not recognize or acknowledge any higher authority than itself. The time starts to exist outside the consciousness, in objective reality, that it can be recorded and tracked by a machine. We are able to watch it in a linear, containable, and separate fashion; far apart from the flowing process of life or the ‘true time’ - the moment of now. Living and being under this time, we come to view existence as irrelevant and flawed, and from this flawed perception we attempt to progress ‘beyond the limitations of nature.’ The devotion to the artificial machine ticking in the mind of the observer is the greatest obstacle, not allowing the moment of now to flower in the consciousness. “Time is money” conditions the human consciousness to believe that Nature is irrelevant and that “Man must conquer Nature” for the sake of survival.

In 1582, Pope Gregory XIII established the 12-month calendar system as well as the ‘perfection’ of the 12hour 60 minute mechanical clock in 1600. Today, that calendar is called “the Gregorian calendar”. From that point on, the mechanical clock has been evolving for centuries and it has become the heart of all machine technology today. The establishment of this mechanical measurement of time can be seen as ‘‘The Materialization of the Consciousness’. The 12:60 (12-month, 60 minute) Time = money frequency was what manifested humanity’s “error in time” or “separation from now”. This artificial instrument of time, or linear perception of reality through causes and consequences, served only one purpose; the separation of consciousness from the existence. It created individual and global enslavement and global ignorance. We became misinformed, misguided and our true connection with ‘true time’ became hidden in our unconsciousness. The Gregorian calendar denies and covers up the true annual human biological cycle conserved in the female body. The pattern of a woman’s fertility cycle averages the 28-day, 13 moon ratio. Actually, the Gregorian calendar is a product of its predecessors - Julius Caesar’s calendar and the earlier Roman Empire calendar. In 46 BC, Julius Caesar changed the calendar from the 13month system to his newly adapted 12-month version

Our most basic of biological functions are programmed by the clock! We wake up by the clock, eat by the clock, and live by the clock. When we program and structure our lives by the artificial rhythm of the clock, we expose our being to the frequency of a machine. But if we wish to produce harmony, we must use harmonic tools.

The Law Of ‘True Time’ By following the Gregorian calendar, we find there is no pulse, synchronicity, harmony or rhythm that relates to the phases of the moon; therefore these phases appear to have no relevance to our lives. This makes the calendar an artificial model of reality. (In Perfect Peri-

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