Fidelis Society - Securing Our Future

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SECURING THE SCHOOL’S FUTURE Our school song begins ‘We are proud to be members of Ivanhoe School...’ The Fidelis Society members are proud to be investing in future generations of Ivanarians through their bequest. This is your invitation to join The Fidelis Society, and help secure the financial future of Ivanhoe Grammar School, by including Ivanhoe in your Will. “My Ivanhoe education helped to mould my life and as a result I am including the School in my Will. The School has educated young people so well for almost 100 years, and with your bequest, it will continue to create well-rounded adults who will succeed in life.” Wayne Motton ‘77


SECURING THE SCHOOL’S FUTURE Since 1915, Ivanhoe Grammar School has provided thousands of young people with a first-rate education. “I know my life has a firmer foundation having been the proud recipient of a scholarship created through the FO Watts bequest,” Callum Matheson, School Captain – The Ridgeway Campus 2012 The School as we know it today has been made possible through the vision of our Founders and the generosity of past students, parents and admirers of the School’s work. Each generation has invested in Ivanhoe through bequests and life-time gifts resulting in the quality School that it is. By including Ivanhoe in your Will you help ensure that future generations of students will continue to acquire a lifelong love of learning and be of service to others. While school fees and Government grants can cover salaries, day to day costs and maintenance, they alone do not enable us to implement the vision we have for our School. In order to create new buildings, and scholarship opportunities for students, you are invited to consider a bequest to Ivanhoe Grammar School. .



Create your own legacy by leaving a bequest. Bequests to Ivanhoe typically support the following areas: teaching and learning, scholarships and bursaries, general purposes, building and maintenance. Bequests come in many forms. They may include a percentage of an estate; the remainder of an estate after providing for loved ones; a fixed sum; a life insurance policy, property or shares. Your bequest, whatever the type or amount, strengthens the future of Ivanhoe Grammar School.


SECURING THE SCHOOL’S FUTURE If you have already made a Will, adding a bequest to Ivanhoe is simple and inexpensive. Your solicitor can prepare a codicil form, you can obtain one from the Ivanhoe Grammar School Development Office, or download one from the School’s website. If you have not yet made a Will youR legal advisor will be able to assist. The School’s Development Office can provide wording to help you include a bequest to Ivanhoe, or you can download wording from the School’s website. “My desire to make a bequest to Ivanhoe is to a large degree due to my appreciation of the scholarship which I was awarded about 70 years ago. The excellent teaching and dedication of staff provided the opportunity for a varied education after leaving Ivanhoe which led to a rewarding and varied career.” Hux Carver, ‘47


SECURING THE SCHOOL’S FUTURE My journey with Ivanhoe Grammar School commenced in 1941 as a very young student (my father was a First Day pupil in 1915) and has continued to be part of my life. As a past parent, former member of the Board and Life Governor of the School I have seen what the generosity of those who have a genuine affection for the School has meant to the quality of education the School now offers. Buildings, scholarships and other facilities on both campuses have been provided through bequests. Seeing what a difference this has made to the life and outcomes of our students has determined that I also will be leaving a portion of my estate to the School. If you would like to see the School remain at the forefront of education and continue to provide first class facilities and a distinguished teaching faculty, then I ask you to consider a bequest to Ivanhoe to ensure that this beacon of learning in Australia does not fall by the wayside. John Knorr Captain of School 1952 Patron of The Fidelis Society


The Fidelis Society A bequest to Ivanhoe Grammar School represents a unique and special opportunity to support the education of future generations of students. Anyone who indicates a bequest to Ivanhoe becomes a member of The Fidelis Society which was established in 1998. Advising the School of your intentions enables it to plan its future with confidence. Members maintain a close connection with the School through invitations to special School events and the annual Fidelis Society function hosted by the Principal. The Fidelis Society pin incorporates the School crest. Worn on School occasions, the pin honours those who have included the School in their Will. The Fidelis Society has, and will always have, a very special place in the life of our School.

‘For our colours brown and white, we will strive with all our might...for Ivanhoe’ Join with fellow members of The Fidelis Society by investing in future generations of students through a bequest. You will be building on the generosity of the past and helping to strengthen the future of Ivanhoe. Thank you for considering a bequest to Ivanhoe in your Will.

For your confidential bequest enquiry please contact

Please indicate where appropriate:

Geoff Brown (‘62) on 9490 3423 or by email at or complete this form and return in the reply paid envelope supplied.

I have already included Ivanhoe in my Will


I would like to be contacted for a confidential discussion regarding making a possible bequest to Ivanhoe


I intend to include Ivanhoe in my Will While I do not wish to leave a bequest to Ivanhoe, I would like to discuss how I can financially support the School by other means

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IVANHOE GRAMMAR SCHOOL PO Box 91 IVANHOE VIC 3079 T: (03) 9490 3423 F: (03) 9490 3805 ABN 69 004 083 247

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