University Campus Handbook 2019

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Imagine University at Year 9 PARENT HANDBOOK


From the Head of Campus


About University Campus


An Ivanhoe Learner


Academic Choices










Product Design and Technology


Transformative Technology


Visual Communication and Design


Service Choices


Cadet Program


IDEALS Program


Duke of Edinburgh Award


Sport Choices


Co-Curricular Choices


House Program


Leadership Opportunities


University Campus Weekly Plan


Travelling to University Campus


Other Important Information


Let’s Connect


Year 9 2020 Student Preferences




From the Head of Campus

Welcome to Ivanhoe Grammar School and our University Campus.

The wellbeing of our students is at the core of everything we do, and every decision we make at University Campus. We want all students to have the opportunity to connect, succeed and flourish at school and beyond. We support your children to be the best they can be by:

I am so very proud to be the Head of Campus and to have the opportunity to work with such an engaging and innovative team, dedicated to the unique learning needs of Year 9 students.

• developing an understanding of character strengths and using these to solve problems

Our University Campus provides students with the opportunity to grow and develop through authentic learning experiences. We provide student-centred learning alongside a rich, varied and rigorous curriculum. This is complemented by dedicated university lectures specifically designed for our students, and a range of co-curricular activities. Our year-long program includes community and activities designed to educate these aspiring global citizens and enhance their confidence and collaborative skills to make a difference in the world at a local, national and global level. At Ivanhoe Grammar School we are committed to the philosophy of developing young women and men who have moral, performance and civic character, so they can be the best version of themselves. At our University Campus, this is a core focus for us, alongside stretching students in their creative and critical thinking abilities; and fostering a culture of commitment to ethical behaviour which celebrates cultural difference.

• promoting a ‘growth mindset’: academic and personal tenacity and persistence

• encouraging realistic optimism and resilience • building positive relationships through positive communication • encouraging expressions of appreciation and gratitude • developing an understanding of the power of stillness and mindfulness. Year 9 is often spoken of as a year of unique challenges, during this particular passage of adolescence. I see it as a year of unique opportunities for heightened learning arising from a spike in curiosity and a hunger for independence. I look forward to welcoming you and your child to Ivanhoe Grammar School’s University Campus. Please do not hesitate to contact me or my team if you have any questions or suggestions.

Stella Batsanis Head of University Campus

Stella Batsanis



About University Campus

Our University Campus is a dedicated Year 9 campus providing students with a year-long hybrid secondary school-university learning experience. An Australian-first initiative, University Campus was made possible through Ivanhoe Grammar School’s partnership with La Trobe University. At this campus, our students are given an early taste of university learning that challenges them, inspires them and prepares them for the next stage of life. Year 9 students from Ivanhoe and Plenty campuses are relocated each year to University Campus to take advantage of this unique experience.

Through a joint educational program with La Trobe University, our students also have access to some of Australia’s most inspiring thinkers and researchers: La Trobe University Academics. The partnership between Ivanhoe Grammar School and La Trobe University is built on a successful Year 9 program that has run for the past 10 years. What began as a once a year university experience is now a dedicated campus in its own right.


University campus is located on the outskirts of La Trobe University’s Melbourne campus in Macleod in newly renovated terraces. These terraces have been transformed into modern educational spaces designed specifically to the learning needs of Year 9 students. It includes open and flexible learning spaces which includes classrooms, an R-Lounge for reading and reflection, an innovation hub, science and music rooms – all newly constructed to take advantage of the light and beautiful surroundings of this campus. Additionally, our students have access to La Trobe University’s facilities including the media lab, radio studio, sport facilities, scientific laboratories and wildlife sanctuaries.

Our Year 9 program at University Campus encourages students to learn by experience, become independent learners, interact with adults other than teachers, increase their cultural understanding and become contributing citizens of their community. The program is designed to develop skills in problem solving, critical thinking, time-management, decision making and other life skills that they will carry with them into the Senior Years and beyond. This is achieved through a mixture of core curriculum, inquiry-based units, co-curricular activities and service learning.


La Trobe University

Ivanhoe Grammar School University Campus



An Ivanhoe Learner

WHAT MAKES AN IVANHOE LEARNER? An Ivanhoe Learner is the embodiment of a young person of character. It is our priority to integrate the attributes of an Ivanhoe Learner into every aspect of the learning experience. We do this so that whatever students set out to accomplish, both in school and in life, they will do so in accordance with the traits of a young person of character.

From the Early Learning Centre, through to our longestserving staff, our community of Ivanhoe Learners extends beyond the classroom. Staff, students and families alike are committed to a life of enquiry and learning; from each other and the world around us. Throughout all experiences at Ivanhoe Grammar School – curricular, co-curricular and community – we strive to embody these characteristics, nurture them in our students and lead by example.

IVANHOE LEARNER: ATTRIBUTES OF YOUNG PEOPLE OF CHARACTER We have the confidence and tenacity to take responsible risks to extend our capacity, persevere when presented with a challenge, and learn from our mistakes




We develop intellectually, physically and e motionally in a balanced way, enhancing well-being








We value being original and creative in our thinking; being curious and seeking opportunities to introduce new ideas or ways of doing things

We value the input of others and seek opportunities for shared effort across a range of methodologies and environments We value acquiring and building moral judgement in order to be autonomous and responsible

We use our own ideas and experiences and those of others to support our own learning and development

We take on the feelings and perspectives of others and act intuitively to support them

Academic Choices

At University Campus all students study a set of core subjects and choose two electives which best suit their learning needs and areas of interest. All students study: • English • Health and Physical Education • Inquiry-based units • Languages • Mathematics • Science

CHOOSING A LANGUAGE Students have a choice of languages from Chinese, French, Japanese and Spanish. These build on Year 7 and 8 studies in the same language. Please be aware when you and your child are making your language choice, Spanish is not available to students who will be returning to Plenty Campus at the end of Year 9.

CHOOSING AN ART ELECTIVE In addition to the core curriculum and a chosen language, students select two Arts Electives. Your child can choose to do any two of the following electives: • Art • Drama • Media • Music • Product Design and Technology • Visual Communication and Design • Transformative Technology. When selecting two Arts Electives, we recommend you and your child base your choices on interest rather than considering possible prerequisite studies for Senior Years. Your child will be asked to select the four electives that most interest them in rank order, and they will be allocated two electives from their choices.




Art is a fundamental means of expression and communication in all societies. Through Art we gain a sense of our social and individual identity. Study in Art gives students access to the cultural diversity in their community and the broader Australian and international context. They learn to recognise and value the cultural forms and traditions that constitute artistic heritage.

In Art, students learn ways of experiencing, developing, representing and understanding ideas, emotions, values and cultural beliefs. They learn to take risks, be imaginative, question prevailing values, explore alternative solutions, engage in arts criticism, share opinions, extend the limits of Art, as well as to develop, practise and refine techniques.

COURSE CONTENT Drawing and Painting

Students will: • manipulate art materials using painting and drawing observational techniques to represent a range of 3D objects on a 2D surface • use a variety of art materials to create a series of trials leading to a final artwork • respond to a given theme to create artwork/s that represent particular subject matter • analyse and write about their own and other peoples artworks using specific art language: art elements and principles.

Digital Photography

Students will: • use a digital camera as a means for artistic expression • build an understanding of digital photography as a digital form of analogue photography and analyse artworks from both contemporary and past photographers • plan and create digital still life artworks inspired by the work of existing artists • incorporate digital technologies including the use of Adobe programs eg: Photoshop.


Students will: • use the media of film to produce artwork • explore time as a contemporary art element and investigate how artists use time to make digital artwork • analyse digital film and discuss how artists use time to make visual qualities in artwork and to tell stories.

ASSESSMENT • Visual diary documenting the creative process. • Completed artwork. • Analysis.




This course aims to open up the imaginative and analytical side of the students through two large units. The first analyses dreams and the subconscious, and the way they impact on us in our understanding of ourselves

and the way we think. The second explores current and relevant social and political issues through the form of documentary drama using the performance conventions of Bertolt Brecht.

COURSE CONTENT Dreams and the Subconscious

Students explore the impact of thoughts, beliefs and their identity by their understanding of the world and its issues through key questions: • Are nightmares and dreams the same thing? • Where do dreams come from? • How and why do we share similar ideas in our dreams? The students develop a theatre piece built around their acquired (and developing) performance skills.

Documentary Drama

• Students examine and analyse a current social or political issue that they can develop into a performance using Brechtian-staging conventions.

The Theatre of Brecht – Written

• The depth of the performance work on documentary drama is consolidated and expanded through a research paper that explores the history and context of the theatre practitioner (Bertolt Brecht). • This exploration can underpin both of the performance units (above) in terms of uncovering non-naturalistic performance conventions that will give the students a 'tool kit' for expressing ideas using dramatic form and analysing the impact of the work they develop.

ASSESSMENT Students will prepare a performance that incorporates a written component. Student assessment criteria incorporates grading for both individual and group work.




In Year 9, Media students will learn about media conventions and genres. They will use these to experiment and produce imaginative media productions. Students will be introduced to and follow the production design process when undertaking the creating and making of their products. A design production journal

will be used to document ideas, planning and practical experiments which will result in completed media product/s. They will analyse a range of media artworks from both contemporary and past times to develop an understanding of different viewpoints and inform their own media making processes.

COURSE CONTENT Representation and Media Codes and Conventions

• Experiment with ideas and stories that manipulate media conventions and genres to construct new and alternative points of view through images, sounds and text. • Manipulate media representations to identify and examine social and cultural values and beliefs, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. • Evaluate how technical and symbolic elements are manipulated in media artwork to create and challenge representations framed by media conventions, social beliefs and values for a range of audiences. • Analyse a range of media artwork from contemporary and past times to explore differing viewpoints and enrich their media arts making, starting with Australian media artwork, including media artwork of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and international media artwork.

Media Production Design Process

• Plan and design media artwork for a range of purposes that challenge the expectations of specific audiences by particular use of production processes. • Develop and refine media production skills to integrate and shape the technical and symbolic elements in images, sounds and text for a specific purpose, meaning and style. • Evaluate how technical and symbolic elements are manipulated in media artwork to create and challenge representations framed by media conventions, social beliefs and values for a range of audiences.

Media Production

• Produce and distribute media artwork for a range of community and institutional contexts and consider social, ethical and regulatory issues. • Evaluate how technical and symbolic elements are manipulated in media artwork to create and challenge representations framed by media conventions, social beliefs and values for a range of audiences.

ASSESSMENT • Analysis tasks may include annotated report, class debate and journal reflection. • Media production design journal including intentions, planning, experiments and reflections. • Media products.




The Music course develops skills in music literacy through listening, reading, writing and class performance based activities. Feedback sessions review their performance, presentation and interpretation.

Students undertake a study of contemporary song writing, composition and performance of their original works. They develop composition and arranging skills for group and solo works.

COURSE CONTENT Contemporary Composition and Arrangement

The use of computer-based technology will be utilised to create and notate compositions to develop a portfolio of compositional works and compositions interpreting musical scores characteristic of topics studied.

Music History/Styles

Students will study the history of music and music scores, responding in both oral and written form to a range of repertoire, observing how composers have used musical concepts in their work.

Theory and Aural Work

In this unit of work students will develop knowledge, understanding and skills in musical concepts through aural, theory, composing and vocalisation.


Students are expected to be reasonably proficient on an instrument or voice and it is recommended that those choosing this course, undertake formal instruction in these areas. A program of relevant theoretical and practical experience will be designed to suit the students in this course each year. Over the year, students develop their performance skills with regular performance during class time.

ASSESSMENT • Song/Composition analysis. • Performance/Composition. • Music styles research and class presentation.



Product Design and Technology

Product Design and Technology provides students with the knowledge and skills necessary for producing quality products that effectively solve a problem or meet a need. Within a collaborative context, building an understanding of the role product design plays in the world, students will consider the effects of specific technologies or processes have on society and the environment.

Product design education develops student skills in creating and communicating ideas, and in solving complex and varied problems. Students are provided opportunities to develop and enhance their experiences of the product design process by exploring the four phases of investigating, designing, producing and evaluating. Projects will enable students to learn new practical skills, knowledge and experience.

COURSE CONTENT Investigating and Designing

• Produce ethically and sustainably designed solutions relevant to individual, regional and global current issues. • Understand processes, production skills, and design thinking. • Recognise the need for sustainable design.

Design Development

• Use a range of technologies to communicate ideas and technical information. • Represent original ideas and production plans in 2D and 3D.

Fabrication, Recording and Evaluating

• Evaluate design ideas, processes and solutions against evaluation criteria.

ASSESSMENT • Visual diary (designing and development). • Final product. • Evaluation.



Transformative Technology

Transformative Technology is about providing the tools to inspire the problem solvers of tomorrow. Using VEX Robotics, an advanced robotics system designed from the ground up to provide this opportunity to future engineers, students will learn about robotics and engineering problem solving.

They will be given introductions to the VEX Robotics Design System and VEX Coding Studio while learning key STEM principles through a process that captures the excitement and engagement of robotics competition.

COURSE CONTENT Investigate and Design

Students will: • Understand the fundamentals of VEX Robotic building, such as the speed build and Clawbot • Develop autonomous and driver controlled robots • Explore the use of sensors, gears, mechatronics to solve Advanced design challenges.


Students will: • Build advanced robots • Participate in complex design challenges such as encryption, autonomy and navigation • Participate in team competitions.


Students will: • Analyse data such as scale, proportions • Adjust robot design build and programming in response to feedback.

ASSESSMENT • Design Challenges • Portfolio – Video – Programming – Investigation of real world robotics application



Visual Communication and Design

Visual Communication and Design is about conveying a message or an idea to an intended audience. In this course students generate ideas, develop concepts and create design solutions in response to a brief. The use of design thinking - which involves the application of creative, critical and reflective techniques - underpins

the work students undertake. Students will complete tasks to develop skills and techniques in the use manual drawing, rendering and digital methods, apply conventions and methods, and produce visual solutions that reflect a consideration of design elements and principles.


Students will: • develop drawing skills using a range of media and apply drawing conventions to produce design solutions to a design brief/given task.

Design Process

Students will: • apply the design process to generate, develop and refine ideas • complete research to design for a different context and use digital methods to produce a visual communication • analyse the design work of others to inform their own design work.

Design Elements and Principles

Students will: • apply design elements and design principles to create visual communications in response to design brief/given task • understand the importance of aesthetics in design, including the application of design elements and principles, as they create their own design solutions.

ASSESSMENT • Visual diary documenting trials and the design process. • Finished visual communications. • Written assessment.



Service Choices

Service to our community lies at the heart of Ivanhoe Grammar School and one of our key focuses is to recognise and respect the challenges faced by many people in Australia and around the world. In today’s global society, we help prepare our students to become valuable and honourable members of community by immersing them in real-world activities through our Cadets or IDEALS program, with the opportunity for the activities in this program to contribute to the Duke of Edinburgh Award if students nominate to undertake this Award. University Campus students who are returning to Ivanhoe Campus in Year 10, may choose to participate in either Cadets or the IDEALS program during Year 9. University Campus students who are returning to Plenty Campus in Year 10 will automatically participate in Cadets in Year 9.



Cadet Program

IDEALS Program

Ivanhoe Grammar School has a proud tradition of service with the Australian Army Cadet Corps, and now after more than half a century of distinguished operation, the School has the second-largest individual Cadet Unit in the country, and the largest Cadet Unit in Victoria.

In the IDEALS Program there is a focus on the attributes of the Ivanhoe Learner, through the development of skills and attitudes, which are directly relatable to real life. The IDEALS Program will include units that have four significant areas of focus:

Students joining our Cadet Unit develop leadership, communication and survival skills that serve them well in later life, as well as lasting bonds of friendship that transcend year levels or campuses. Our young leaders work tirelessly to set an outstanding example to their peers and as each year group moves through the ranks, we view them with pride.

• Adventurous journey

The Annual Cadet Camp is an integral part of our Cadet Program and involves a week-long experience in the State Forest near Chiltern. The Annual Camp is usually held the last week of Term 1. All cadets are expected to attend the camp unless serious medical advice prevents them. This is because they are required to complete a certain number of hours of training in order to attain their promotions. During this camp the cadets are involved in a program in which they develop their basic skills including living in the field skills, orienteering and instructional periods on first aid, radio and the use of compasses. The activities are planned and lead by the senior cadets (under the guidance of staff) which allows them to put into practice all of the training and skills they have learnt through their time in the Cadet Program.



• Community service • Developing skills • Physical recreation During the Annual Camp week for Cadets, IDEALS students will be involved in the Adventurous Journey, a surf camp.

Duke of Edinburgh Award

Students can nominate for activities they undertake in the Cadet or IDEALS Programs to contribute to The Duke of Edinburgh Award. This Award is a globally recognised award scheme that allows students to demonstrate the diversity of challenge encountered in life. The award has three levels of attainment (Bronze, Silver, Gold) and each level is made up of four components (Service, Physical Recreation, Skill Development, Participating in an Adventurous Journey).


The first challenge for this award is that you need to sign up independently. The accreditation cost of the Bronze Award is $165. The School provides ample opportunity for students to accrue hours towards the components of the Duke of Edinburgh program. More information about this can be found at the Duke of Edinburgh website











(1x practice journey and 1 x qualifying journey)

(Gold level only)

Averaging at least 1 hour per week. Plus an additional 3 months for either Service, Skill or Physical Recreation






N/A (Gold level only)

(1 x practice journey and 1 x qualifying journey)

Averaging at least 1 hour per week. Plus an additional 3 months for either Service, Skill or Physical Recreation







(1 x practice journey and 1 x qualifying journey)

Averaging at least 1 hour per week. Plus an additional 3 months for either Service, Skill or Physical Recreation



Sport Choices

The sporting program at Ivanhoe Grammar School encourages active participation, fitness and fun. Being part of a team and having a common goal is a rich and rewarding experience. The School plays a majority of its sport in the AGSV competition and we share common fixtures with the APS for girls/boys fixtures. Both are long established school sporting associations that place emphasis on athletic achievement and friendly rivalry. A high standard of sportsmanship and excellent spirit is actively fostered between teams and schools during interschool sporting fixtures. Ivanhoe Grammar School has a very diverse sporting program that caters for individual differences. There is a wide range of sports that are played at differing levels to cater for a broad range of abilities. The School expects all students to participate in at least two seasons of interschool sport (Summer Season – November to March; Winter Season – May to August). As an enrolled student at Ivanhoe Grammar School, participation in these two seasons of school sport is considered compulsory. Exemptions are only considered for students who play at an elite level in a sport that is not offered by the school (State or above) or have medical/wellbeing reasons.



Outside the two major seasons of sport, the School also participates in Athletics and Swimming. Students who are interested are encouraged to make themselves available for these sports. Students are able to train with the squad and participate in all lead-up meetings. The Athletics season does not coincide with the Summer and Winter seasons. Additional sporting opportunities include Snowsports, Kayaking, Water Polo and Aerobics (girls only). Training (and competition) for these sports are often before or after school. University Campus students will travel back to either Plenty Campus or Ivanhoe Campus for sports training. Further information about team fixtures, training times and venues, uniform requirements and the expectation of students during the sporting season is on our parent and student portal: Ivanhoe Connect, which is made available to families on enrolment. Students are asked to select a sport preference for both the Summer and Winter Seasons.



Co-Curricular Choices

There are many co-curricular opportunities that you can be involved at Ivanhoe Grammar. Further information regarding music ensembles, choirs, debating and theatre will be provided at a later date.

PRIVATE INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC TUITION All private lessons are available to be given during School hours, 8.00am - 4.30pm. Timetables are prepared by the Music Tutors ready for the beginning of each term. Students in the Year 9 will have rotating lessons throughout the school day.

Students who learn an instrument at the School will be expected to take part in appropriate performance ensembles. The advantages of this activity are considerable; the rate of progress increases with the extra tuition and the students gain valuable performance experience. All Music students are offered the opportunity to enter the practical examinations conducted by the Australia Music Examination Board (AMEB), however, this is not a requirement of the Music Department.

The Music Department timetables 32 lessons per year (16 lessons per Semester).

The Music Department offers tuition on the following instruments. PIANO JAZZ PIANO

Minimum of 3 years prior piano studies required


Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass/Electric Bass


Flute, Oboe, Bassoon, Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, Saxophone


French Horn, Trumpet, Trombone, Euphonium, Tuba


Drum kit, Tuned Percussion (not available for hire)


Classical Guitar, Electric Guitar (not available for hire)


Classical and Contemporary Popular

Instruments may be available for hire to students for a maximum of two years. 2019 LESSON FEES (PER SEMESTER) Individual Tuition

30 minutes


Individual Tuition

40 minutes


Hiring of Category ‘A’ Instruments

Bag Pipes, Clarinet, Flute, Alto Saxophone, Trombone, Trumpet, Viola and Violin


Hiring of Category ‘B’ Instruments

Bassoon, Cello and Double Bass, Bass Clarinet, Euphonium, French Horn, Oboe, Soprano, Tenor & Baritone Saxophone, Tuba


**Please note if tuition is to be discontinued, written notice must be given at least 4 weeks before the end of term to avoid incurring the next Term’s fees. 20


House Program

Many aspects of Ivanhoe Grammar School are steeped in history; the House Program is definitely one of them. It has long been understood that personal and social education are a central part of the learning that occurs in schools. Students who feel good about themselves and who are excited and stimulated by the learning environment they are in, are more likely to be students who are ready and willing to learn. The House Program at Ivanhoe Grammar School plays an integral role in educating the whole child and supports the ethos of the School. The House Program assists in the development of individual character by providing opportunities for students to: • enjoy success • form supportive relationships with peers and teachers • build interpersonal skills • develop higher self-esteem and a sense of belonging • increase their contribution and commitment to the School Community • create social opportunities and bonds • improve school engagement and academic outcomes • develop their leadership including cross age mentoring

Athelstane Athelstane House was assigned the colour yellow and was named after the last of the Saxon Kings. The House shield displays the three-pointed Saxon Crown, the School’s mitre and crossed swords.

Lincoln Lincoln House was established in 1954 due to a growing student body. Lincoln House was assigned the colour green and is represented by the shield of the English town bearing the same name.

Sherwood In the early days of the School, boarders belonged to Sherwood (named after the English forest) and were represented by the colour red. The shield displays the Nottingham Forest Club tree and the School’s mitre and crossed swords.

• move outside their comfort zone • develop emotional intelligence, intuition, and team building skills • live out the attributes of an Ivanhoe Learner: Courageous, Innovative, Collaborative, Ethical, Balanced, Reflective and Compassionate.

Thoresby Originally students who lived in Ivanhoe and Heidelberg were assigned to Thoresby, represented by the colour blue. The shield displays a mailed, armed fist and the School’s mitre and crossed swords.



Leadership Opportunities

In order to become effective leaders, students will:

LEAD COMMUNITY • develop a sense of mattering • work to inspire and realise a shared vision • learn about issues of local and global significance in order to become active citizens

LEAD OTHERS • be empathetic and compassionate and thus be accepting of the perspectives and views of others • learn how personal values connect to motivation thus serving to benefit teamwork • develop mutually beneficial relationships through willing and effective collaboration with others

LEAD SELF • gain self-knowledge and self-awareness • develop individual values and opinions • demonstrate growing personal integrity and ethical values • show a commitment to ongoing self-reflection • learn to balance self-assurance with humility



• Develop and practise critical thinking skills

Leadership is within committee structures, called STUDENT ACTION COMMITTEES. Committees promote collaboration and emphasise that action occurs best when working as a team. It is hands-on experience. It will be important to raise the status of these committees since this is a critical part of being an active citizen and trying to ‘create a better world’.

• Develop a growth mindset • Practise creative problem solving • Show initiative • Practise being a risk-taker




Not concerned with their role in social problems

Well intentioned but not well-educated about social issues.


Conscientious Citizen Concerned with discovering root causes; asks why?

Active Citizen Community becomes a priority in values and life choices.

University Campus Weekly Plan



Mentor Group

Mentor Group

(5 mins)

(5 mins)

8:50 – 8:55

8:50 – 8:55



Mentor Group

Mentor Group

Mentor Group

(5 mins)

(5 mins)

(5 mins)

8:50 – 8:55

8:50 – 8:55


8:50 – 8:55

Period 1

Period 1

Period 1

Period 1

Period 1

(55 mins)

(55 mins)

(55 mins)

(55 mins)

(55 mins)

Period 2

Period 2

Period 2

Period 2

Period 2

(55 mins)

(55 mins)

(55 mins)

(55 mins)

(55 mins)






(25 mins)

(25 mins)

(25 mins)

(25 mins)

(25 mins)

Period 3

Period 3

Period 3

Period 3

Period 3

(60 mins)

(55 mins)

(55 mins)

(55 mins)

(55 mins)

Period 4

Period 4

Period 4

Period 4

Period 4

(60 mins)

(55 mins)

(55 mins)

(55 mins)

(55 mins)


Period 5




(50 mins)

(30 mins)

(40 mins)

(40 mins)

(40 mins)

Period 5

1:30 – 2:10

Period 5

Period 5

Period 5

(55 mins)

(55 mins)

(55 mins)

Period 6

Period 6

Period 6

(55 mins)

(55 mins)

(55 mins)

8:55 – 9:50

8:55 – 9:50

9:50 – 10:45

8:55 – 9:50

9:50 – 10:45

10:45 – 11:10

9:50 – 10:45

10:45 – 11:10

11:10 – 12:10

10:45 – 11:10

11:10 – 12:05

12:10 – 1:10

11:10 – 12:05

12:05 – 1:00

1:10 – 2:00

12:05 – 1:00

1:00 – 1:30

2:00 – 3:00 (60 mins)

1:00 – 1.40

1:40 – 2:10

Lunch and bus to Plenty Campus

Lunch 2:10 – 2:30 Bus to Ivanhoe Campus


3:00 – 3.30

2:20 –3:40

2:40 –4:00

Music students bus to Ivanhoe Campus or Plenty Campus*

Homework Club for Maths

(80 mins)


Cadets at Plenty Campus

Cadets/ IDEALS at Ivanhoe Campus

1:40 – 2:35

2:35 – 3:30

8:55 – 9:50

9:50 – 10:45

10:45 – 11:10

11:10 – 12:05

12:05 – 1:00

1.00 – 1.40

1:40 – 2:35

2:35 – 3:30

8:55 – 9:50

9:50 – 10:45

10:45 – 11:10

11:10 – 12:05

12:05 – 1:00

1.00 – 1.40

1:40 – 2:35

2:35 – 3:30

*Those who regularly catch our private bus service to Plenty Campus leave on bus at this time with music students. UNIVERSITY CAMPUS HANDBOOK


Travelling to University Campus

Most students will make their own way to University Campus (Terrace 1-2, Terrace Way, Macleod) each day either by public transport or parent drop-off. One other option available to students is the bus from Plenty Campus to University Campus. This is a private Ivanhoe Grammar School bus service which will travel from Plenty Campus along Plenty Road to University Campus. This service is available to all students and will be suitable in particular to those: • living near Plenty Campus and those travelling from longer distances (e.g. Kilmore, Wallan, Eden Park or Kinglake) who may choose to make their way to Plenty Campus to connect to this bus service rather than travelling directly to and from University Campus • living along this bus route, particularly those living in the vicinity of Plenty Road • travelling on public transport who want to connect to this service – one of the last stops is La Trobe University’s Central Transport Hub and it will loop twice from La Trobe University’s Central Transport Hub to University Campus, so students travelling on public transport can connect to this bus service as part of the last leg of their journey. An annual bus fee will apply to use this service, as it does with other Ivanhoe Grammar School private bus services. The bus fee does not apply if your child is only catching this bus from La Trobe University's Transport Hub (e.g. they are only catching it for that one stop). Further information about travelling to and from University Campus at the start and end of the day, including travel to co-curricular activities, is on our parent and student portal: Ivanhoe Connect, which is made available to families on enrolment.



Other Important Information



Ivanhoe Grammar School utilises Campion Education to provide books and resources for our students. Please note, students are only required to purchase the books for their selected Language.

Purchasing the Ivanhoe Grammar School uniform is an important step in becoming an Ivanhoe Grammar student. All items required are available at the Ivanhoe Grammar School Uniform Shops.

Please contact

Ivanhoe Grammar School Uniform Shop

Campion book store at: 94 McEwan Rd, Heidelberg West,

Located near Ivanhoe Campus 43 Lower Heidelberg, Ivanhoe 03 9497 4877 Open Monday to Friday 8am–4.30pm

Tel: 1300 433 982. Please note: before purchasing the materials required for Year 9 Electives, please wait for confirmation on chosen Electives.

LAPTOPS Students receive a Notebook shortly after joining Year 9 if they are new to Ivanhoe Grammar School. The model is a HP Elitebook 1030 G3, with a warranty and insurance for two years. Students participate in an information session with IT Services staff and will have to complete an online ICT Responsible Use Agreement. This agreement explains the expectations required of your child when using the Notebook and other digital resources at Ivanhoe Grammar School. Parents will also be required to digitally co-sign this agreement. Information for parents will be sent via a letter through Ivanhoe Connect. Once parents have signed the Responsible Use Agreement, your child will be given their Notebook and will be shown how to access the resources they will need for their learning in Year 9.

Ivanhoe Grammar School Uniform Shop Located at Plenty Campus 730 Bridge Inn Road, Doreen 03 9717 2291 Open Tuesdays and Thursdays 8am–5pm

Ivanhoe Exchange – Second Hand Uniform Shop An initiative of the Ivanhoe Ladies Association Located at Ivanhoe Campus Open: Terms 1, 2 and 4: open Wednesday 8am–11am Term 3: open first two and last two Wednesday’s of Term.

Plenty Exchange – Second Hand Uniform Shop Located at Plenty Campus Open: Tuesdays 8.15am–9.15am Thursdays 3pm–4pm. Uniform price lists and all relevant information about our Uniform Shops are on our parent and student portal, Ivanhoe Connect.



Other Important Information

STUDENT CARDS Students are required to bring their student cards to school each day. New students will be issued with Student Cards. The Student Card has a number of functions.



The card shows the student name, date of birth and photo.

Library Access

Allows students to borrow books and other resources from the Library.


Students use the card to register at reception if they have to arrive late or leave early (with parental consent).


Access to photocopiers (and The Ridge CafĂŠ at Ivanhoe Campus) through a cashless card system. Parents can deposit money onto the card for their child to use.

Building Access

Access to South Entrance (student entrance) of University Campus.

Public Transport

Card approved for use as a PTV (Myki) Card.

Let’s Connect



Ivanhoe Connect is the School’s parent and student portal. It includes a range of information including, but not limited to: the School’s calendar of events, School news, access to details about each campus, uniform details, learning resources, access to childrens reports, assessments, sporting commitment details, parent contact lists, teacher details and more.

The Annual Record Check is forwarded to parents every October via Ivanhoe Connect. This information forms the basis of medical information and it is essential the School has this information for students to be able to participate in camps and/or excursions. If you ever need to update or change your child’s medical details, this can be done online via Ivanhoe Connect at any time.

How to Login


All new parents to the School receive an email once their child starts at Ivanhoe Grammar School. If you have any queries regarding login or passwords, please contact the IT Services Help Desk on: or call 9490 1818.

Parents can notify us of their child's absence through the Ivanhoe Grammar School App.

Emails, letters and newsletters Most communication from the School is delivered online. Emails are sent on an as needs basis, but where possible we hold off on sending out communication until our weekly communication is sent to parents every Thursday. This includes letters and newsletters for parents, and they are available to view through Ivanhoe Connect. Where there is a letter that requires consent, please click on the consent button at the bottom of the letter.


Parents can also notify an absence through Ivanhoe Connect. They simply go to the Communications menu and select ‘report an absence’ from the drop down.

IVANHOE PARENTS AND FRIENDS Ivanhoe Parents and Friends brings together, under one umbrella, a large number of volunteer groups that play an invaluable role in enhancing the opportunities and activities available to all students across the School. If parents would like information regarding a specific group, please contact

Our School App gives mobile friendly access to some key features of Ivanhoe Connect. It is a quick and easy way for parents to notify us of their child’s absence, access communication from the school, our yearly calendar of activities, sport notifications, alerts, key contact numbers and news from the School. It is free to download from either the Apple or Google App store. Just search Ivanhoe Grammar School and you will find it there.



Year 9 2020 Student Preferences Please complete this form and email to: Student name:

STUDENT PLACEMENT Do you know any students currently at Ivanhoe Grammar School in Year 9? Student name 1:

Student name 2:

CHOICE 1 Please select one language from the choice below. Mark with a tick. Chinese



Spanish (students completing Year 10 at Ivanhoe campus only)

CHOICE 2 Students are required to choose 2 electives and 2 reserves. Please number your selections 1 – 4 in rank order with 1 being most preferred. NOTE: Please wait for Subject confirmation before purchasing the Subject materials. Art



Product Design and Technology


Transformative Technology

Visual Communication and Design

CHOICE 3 Please select by ticking, one of:



CHOICE 4 All students are expected to participate in a minimum of two sports each year (one Summer and one Winter). Please select two preferences for each season of sport. Mark 1 for your first preference and 2 for your second preference. Any enquiries, please contact the Sport Secretary, Ms Fleur Ellis on 9490 3489

Summer Sport Options BOYS:



Summer Hockey

Table Tennis




Touch Rugby




Winter Sport Options BOYS:

AFL Football

Cross country


Rugby Union







Swimming If you intend trying out for the Swimming Team, please tick this box: If a student is selected in the squad this may be considered as a season of sport. Trials are normally held during the first week of school.

Optional Sports BOYS:



Snow sports

Water Polo




Cross Country


Parent/Guardian signature:

Snow sports


Water Polo CRICOS Provider Code: 00147C

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