OVER THE MOON 8, Енглески језик, уџбеник за 8. разред основне школе

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Лара Штамбук • Гордана Ракић



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Starter Unit Лара Штамбук • Гордана Ракић OVER THE MOON 8 УЏБЕНИК ЕНГЛЕСКИ ЈЕЗИК ЗА 8. РАЗРЕД ОСНОВНЕ ШКОЛЕ ОСМА ГОДИНА УЧЕЊА Главни уредник Др Бошко Влаховић Одговорни уредник Др Наташа Филиповић Предметни уредник Наталија Кантар

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Рецензенти Слађана Танасијевић, професор енглеског језика и књижевности, виши педагошки саветник Татјана Ћосић, професор енглеског језика и књижевности, ОШ „Доситеј Обрадовић”, Београд Божидар Никић, професор енглеског језика и књижевности, Школа страних језика Anglian, Београд Јелена Јонић, професор енглеског језика и књижевности, ОШ „Владика Николај Велимировић”, Ваљево Евалуатор Љиљана Косовић, професор енглеског језика и књижевности, ОШ „Вук Караџић”, Црвенка

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Дизајн Иван Танић, Агенција Мани два Илустрације Младен Анђелковић


Лектура и коректура Шила Мекгрегор Ковачевић Наталија Кантар

Издавач ЕДУКА д.о.о. Београд Ул. Змаја од Ноћаја бр. 10/1 Тел./факс: 011 3287 277, 3286 443, 2629 903 Сајт: www.eduka.rs; имејл: eduka@eduka.rs За издавача Др Бошко Влаховић, директор Штампа: Цицеро, Београд Издање бр.: 3, Београд, 2023. година Тираж: 1000

CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд 37.016:811.111(075.2) ШТАМБУК, Лара, 1969Over the Moon 8 : уџбеник : енглески језик за 8. разред основне школе : осма година учења / Лара Штамбук, Гордана Ракић ; [илустрације Младен Анђелковић]. - Изд. бр. 3. - Београд : Eduka, 2023 (Београд : Цицеро). - 107 стр. : илустр. ; 29 cm Тираж 1.000. ISBN 978-86-6013-497-6 1. Ракић, Гордана, 1972- [аутор] COBISS.SR-ID 127138313

© Едука д.о.о. Београд

Министар просвете, науке и технолошког развоја Републике Србије одобрио је издавање и употребу овог уџбеника Решењем број: 650-02-00124/2020-07. Није дозвољено: репродуковање, дистрибуција, објављивање, прерада или друга употреба овог ауторског дела или његових делова у било ком обиму или поступку, укључујући и фотокопирање, штампање или чување у електронском облику, без писмене дозволе издавача. Наведене радње представљају кршење ауторских права.



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Лара Штамбук • Гордана Ракић






STARTER UNIT Here We Go Again! pages 6–11

Holiday Questionnaire






1 Growing Up pages 12–23

Quiz How Mature Are You?

Where to Go Out? Phrases with the verb to be Compound Adjectives

Past Simple and Present Perfect

Teenagers Now and Then Talking about the past, asking for and giving information

2 Back in Time pages 24–35

Quiz Historical Figures

Humanity in Action Word Formation: Nouns and Adjectives

Used to and Would Past Habits

Love Story Talking about a life event in the past

3 Virtual World pages 36–47

Quiz Computer Terminology

Technology Masterminds Nouns That Refer to People Reflexive Pronouns

Modal Verbs for Speculation in the Present (must, may, might, can’t, could)

Stop Cyberbullying! Talking about a problem

4 Healthy Living pages 48–59

Quiz Are you Healthy?

Shape of Our Food Phrasal Verbs Partitives

Conditional Sentences > Types 0, 1

At the Doctor’s Booking a doctor’s appointment

Quiz Sports Trivia

Further and Higher Negative Adjectives

Reported Speech > Statements

A Sports Lesson Talking about how to learn a new sport

6 Travel Bug pages 72–83

Word Fun

Journey Through Time Travel Words

Will vs. Be Going To

Travel Plans Talking about travel plans

7 Culture Matters pages 84–94

Quiz Culture

Stroke of Genius Intensifiers

The Passive Voice (Present Simple, Past Simple, Present Perfect, Modal Verbs)

A Visit to a Gallery Talking about an exhibition

EXIT TEST pages 95–96 WORDLIST pages 97–104 EXPRESSION BANK pages 105–106 PHONETIC SYMBOLS page 107


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5 Sports Unify pages 60–71





Have Fun and Learn! Formal and Informal Expressions Get + adjective Compound Nouns Stative verbs

Tense Revision (Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Past Simple)





Past Simple and Past Continuous

Teens Around the World Synonyms Antonyms

A Diary

School Idioms

Gerund vs. Infinitive

Festivals Around the World in Autumn Questions with Verbs and Prepositions

A Thriller Story Adverbs of Manner

Past Modals (could /couldn’t, was / were able to, wasn’t / weren’t able to, had to / didn’t have to, should have + past participle)

High-Tech Cities Big numbers Nouns That Refer to Area and Size

A Formal Letter of Complaint Possessive Pronouns

Conditional Sentences > Type 2

Unusual Spas Around the World Question Tags Prepositions

A Restaurant Review Sense Verbs

Get Ready for the Unexpected! Relative Pronouns Collective Nouns

An Informal Email So / Either / Neither / None

Future Forms (Future Simple, Be Going To, Present Continuous, Present Simple, Be Able To)

It’s a Small World! Articles Adjectives ending in -ed / -ing Prepositions of movement

A Travel Experience

Causative ■ The Passive Voice

Timeless Works of Art Genitive Case

A Description of a Painting


Units 1&2

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Reported Speech > Imperatives and Questions


Technology Idioms

Units 3&4

Sports Idioms

Units 5&6


Starter Unit


Here We Go Again! UNIT OBJECTIVES In this unit you will ...

READ ABOUT how teenagers spend their summer holidays

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holiday impressions things students have in common what you like / dislike about holidays / school


a person talking about a language school



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get + adjective compound nouns Present and Past Tenses stative verbs

Get ready 1

Ask and answer the questions. Work in pairs. 1 What is your dream holiday? 2 What do you like / dislike about learning languages? 3 What motivates you to learn new things?



Describe the photos. Mention what these teenagers enjoy doing during their summer holiday. Which photo is the odd one out and why?

Starter Unit


Holiday Questionnaire


1 Fill in the questionnaire by ticking (%) the appropriate box(es).

1 Where do you like to spend your holiday?


Resting at home By the sea / river / lake In big cities In the country In the mountains

Hotel / resort Hostel Renting an apartment Camp Cottage

Alone Parents Friends Tour group

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3 Who do you like travelling with?

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2 What type of accommodation would you choose?

4 When on holiday, do you prefer


local cuisine and new exotic foods? international cuisine? eating on the move? making your own food?


5 When on holiday, what do you like to do best? Nothing much, rest and relax Meet new people Swim, hike, climb, cycle Visit museums / ruins / tourist sites Do the shopping

6 What would you never travel without? Mobile phone iPad / iPod Laptop Books / Comics Sunscreen lotion

Compare your answers from the questionnaire with a partner. Discuss what you have in common.

3 Complete the sentences with your own ideas. When I am on holiday ... _________________________ I need I enjoy _________________________ I don’t like _________________________ I usually _________________________ I rarely ______________________

At school ... I hate _______________________ I must _______________________ I often _______________________ I never _______________________ I sometimes _______________________


Starter Unit


Reading 1

Have Fun and Learn!

Answer the following questions. What does ‘e’ stand for in the word email? Do you write emails? If yes, who do you write to? If no, how do you communicate in written form? What is the difference between formal and informal writing? 1.01 Read and listen to the following emails and decide which one is formal and which one informal.


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1 Hey, Oliver!

Dear Miss Pambleton,

As you have politely requested I am writing a feedback for your school’s website. To begin with, my time at the Ace English Language Centre last month was one of the best experiences in my life. This centre offers great opportunities for people who want to learn English. I’m very satisfied with the improvement of my language skills during the four weeks’ course. I learned a lot from qualified and experienced teachers who managed to keep us motivated all the time. Furthermore, the classrooms were equipped with all the necessary 21st century gadgets like laptops, interactive whiteboards etc. The full board accommodation was excellent. Meeting youngsters from other countries with different backgrounds was also invaluable. Finally, I would like to thank everyone who made my stay so extraordinary. I would certainly recommend the Ace English Language Centre to people I know because it has a high standard of teaching and the best possible atmosphere for learning.

C U soon, Charlie

Yours sincerely, Sophie

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What’s up? I’m on the island of Rhodes, Greece, with my older brother Jack and we’re having a blast! The sunsets, the surf, the wind, yummy seafood, lovely girls ... We go to the beach every day. We’ve started learning windsurfing and have had five lessons so far. We’re getting better and better each day and we might as well try kitesurfing, kneeboarding and waterskiing. Our suntan is improving, from red burns to a shade of brown. Let’s just hope that our skin doesn’t peel off and we remain irresistible. And now the best part ... we’ve met some girls  from France, so we are practising English!  Our French is a bit rusty , but for the sake of love and knowledge, we have to help the girls practise their English skills . I‘m sure, Miss Johnson would be sooooooo proud of us! I have to go now, the girls are waiting!!! I’m coming back on Friday. Say hi to everybody!





Starter Unit

Comprehension 3 Mark true (T), false (F) or not mentioned (NM) for the following statements in the boxes provided. Then correct the false statements. Charlie is keen on water sports. Charlie is not very gifted for French. Charlie wants to help the French girls practise windsurfing. Oliver will meet Charlie at the airport. The Ace English Language Centre gives opportunities to those who want to learn different languages. 6 Sophie is content with the improvement of her language skills. 7 The Ace English Language Centre is well-equipped with modern technology. 8 Students went on educational trips.



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1 2 3 4 5

Get + adjective refers to a change of state. It means the same as become + adjective. e.g. We’re getting better each day. = We’re becoming better each day. Some more examples are: get tired, get angry, get cold, get wet, get nervous, get excited, get serious, etc.

4 Write a suitable adjective from the REMEMBER box.

Don’t joke with this. Get _______________, please. Things are improving. They are getting _______________. Put on your coat! It’s getting _______________. Julie is getting _______________. She is waiting for her exam results. Winter holidays are approaching. We are getting really _______________.

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1 2 3 4 5

5 Match the words 1–6 with their definitions a–f. rusty suntan irresistible request accommodation invaluable

a) a room or building where one may stay b) extremely useful c) browning of the skin when exposed to the sun d) out of practice e) very attractive f) formally or politely ask for


1 2 3 4 5 6

Useful expressions 6 Complete the boxes with the given formal and informal expressions. Hey! Yours sincerely, Dear ..., What’s up? To begin with, C U soon! We’re having a blast! Say hi to everybody. As you have politely requested Furthermore, Formal


_____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________

_____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________


Starter Unit Vocabulary

Many nouns in English are made from two parts and they are called compound nouns. There are different combinations such as: noun + noun = laptop, noun + gerund = windsurfing, gerund + noun = drinking water, adjective + noun = whiteboard

7 Match the words in the boxes to make compound nouns. water knee kite

lap sun white

sun back feed

site ground case

skiing tan boarding

board surfing set

______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________



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______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________

surfing back top


wind web suit

Listen about the Ace English Language Centre. Fill in the table with a suitable word. The Ace English Language Centre is located in a small picturesque ________1 near _______2. It is set in an area of exceptional natural beauty with impressive _____________3 and beautiful scenery. Ideal for________4 and walking




Students’ age

between ____________5 and____________6


modern and ____________7with interactive whiteboards, computers and other gadgets

Teaching staff

very____________8 and hard-working, able to provide a friendly and comfortable learning ____________9


adjusted to students’ age and ____________10

The course includes

____________11 hours of teaching per week, ____________12 students per class maximum, full board accommodation with ____________13 meals plus snacks; two full day ____________14 to London.

Daytime activities

tennis, cricket, golf, football and basketball ____________15

Evening activities

karaoke, talent ____________16, discos, barbecue parties and film ____________17

Starter Unit

Tense Revision



1 Which tense do we use to describe? 1 Habitual actions, facts or general truths. 2 Actions happening at the moment of speaking or around the moment of speaking and to express plans we have arranged to do in the future. 3 Actions occurring at an unspecified time or recent past actions with the result in the present. 4 Actions completed in the past at a specific time or past habits.

______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________

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Stative verbs describe a state (feelings and emotions, e.g. like, love, hate, want, etc. / thoughts and opinions e.g. think, believe, know, etc. / senses e.g. be, hear, see, smell, taste, look, etc. / possession e.g. have, own, possess, etc.) not an action. These verbs are usually not used in the continuous form. e.g. I believe you. / I am believing you.

2 Match the sentences from two emails with the given tenses.

1 Our suntan is improving, from red burns to a shade of brown. 2 My time at the Ace English Language Centre last month was one of the best experiences in my life. 3 We go to the beach every day. 4 We’ve started to learn windsurfing and have had five lessons so far.

a) Present Simple b) Present Continuous c) Present Perfect d) Past Simple

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3 Match the sentences 1–4 with the pictures a–d.

3 I buy souvenirs. 4 I bought souvenirs.


1 I have just bought souvenirs. 2 I’m buying souvenirs.

d a



4 Complete the following sentences in the Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect and Past Simple. Write the time phrases in the appropriate place in each sentence: every summer, last summer, at the moment, just. 1 Jane __________________________ (try) different local dishes __________________________. 2 Jane __________________________________________________________________________. 3 She __________________________________________________________________________. 4 _____________________________________________________



Starter Unit


Growing Up UNIT OBJECTIVES In this unit you will ...

READ ABOUT where teenagers like to go out how different teenagers around the world are

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teenagers’ interests and everyday life



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a conversation about teenage lifestyles now and then

compound adjectives Present Perfect vs. Past Simple Past Simple vs. Past Continuous

Get ready 2

1 Fill in the gaps with the words in the box. alley working rink about minded at looking on club phrases with be be keen _________ be good _________ be crazy _________ compound adjectives


a diary


Key vocabulary

good – __________


open – __________

places bowling __________ ice __________

hard – __________

night __________

Read the stereotypes a–d about teenagers today. Which of them have you heard before? Express your opinion. These days ... a) teenagers are noisy and out of control. b) teenagers spend too much time online or watching TV. c) teenagers are high-tech addicts. d) teenagers are spoilt and can be quite rude.

Starter Unit UNIT 1

QUIZ V How Mature Are You?


Choose A, B, C or D and then count all your points.

1 How would your friends describe you? A Sweet and cuddly. B Witty and charming. C Clever and sensible. D Cool and friendly.

(10 points) (30 points) (40 points) (20 points)

2 Who do you want to be like?


(20 points) (40 points) (30 points) (10 points)

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A Some celebrity. B My parents. C My best friend. D Superman / Superwoman.

3 Where do you like to go at weekends?

(30 points) (20 points) (40 points) (10 points)

4 Your teacher has left the room. You ...

(40 points) (20 points) (30 points) (10 points)

5 The teacher has caught you cheating on a test. You ...

A pretend you don’t know anything about it. B blame it on your classmate. C feel guilty about it and accept the consequences. D argue with the teacher.

A A world without pollution. B Peace on Earth. C Happiness for everyone. D A world with no poverty.

(40 points) (20 points)

How do you react?

(40 points) (20 points) (10 points) (30 points)

(30 points) (40 points) (10 points) (20 points)

8 Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?

A Starting my own business. B Blissfully in love. C Partying in Ibiza. D Winning the lottery.

(30 points) (10 points)

6 Someone has just insulted you. A Politely but firmly. B In a friendly manner. C Insult them back. D Ignore them.

what would it be?



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A sit quietly and catch up on your work. B talk to your classmates. C listen to music with your headphones on. D dance and act in a silly way.

7 If you could wish for anything,

(40 points) (30 points) (10 points) (20 points)

80 – 150 CHILD You still have a child’s innocence in your heart. That’s okay, one day you will be ready for the many challenges that lie ahead of you. 160 – 240 TEEN Your heart is half-child, half-adult. You have your immature moments, but you can also be serious when necessary. Just keep having fun! 250 – 320 ADULT You have matured really fast. You take care of yourself and others. Being serious is important, but don’t forget to have some fun as well.

A To the theatre. B To a night club. C To a sports club. D To a shopping centre.


Starter UNIT 1 Unit


Where to Go Out?

Reading 1

How do teenagers spend their free time in your country? Where do they usually go out? Where do you go out and who with?


Help these teenagers figure out where to go based on what they enjoy doing. Match the persons 1–5 with the places a–e. Then listen and check. 1.03

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Leonard is a hard-working student. He has little time to have fun and hang out with his friends during the week. Weekends are reserved for that. He is keen on winter sports. Leonard tried ice skating last year and he loved it.


Kate is a high-spirited 17-year-old. She is crazy about dancing. She took up her first dancing lessons when she was five. When she hears Latin rhythms she can’t sit still. Salsa is her favourite dance and she’s really good at it.


Jacob is a 15-year-old student who likes spending his evenings socializing and competing with his friends. After a record-breaking game or two, they like having a meal. That is Jacob’s idea of fun!


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The best places for teenagers are hang-outs based on their personal interests. These common places for teenagers include restaurants and diners, public parks, arcades and usually the homes of other teenagers.

Henry is an open-minded boy of 16. He’s been into music and art ever since he was a little boy. He loves listening to music on his own, but jam sessions and concerts are actually his cup of tea.


Alice is a good-looking model of 16. She has gained a few kilos recently and she wants to take up an activity to regain her slim figure. Gym is not her style though. She likes water sports.

Comprehension 3 Mark true (T) or false (F) for the following statements. 1 2 3 4 5


The bowling alley is open till midnight every day. Ruby Park Music Festival will last for four days. There are only evening aquafit classes at the Olympia Pool. The ice skating rink offers instruction and learning aids for beginners. People dance only salsa at San Antonio’s.



Starter Unit UNIT 1

4 Complete the sentences with the prepositions in the box. of



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c) c) Olympia Swimming Pool You would like to do some exercise, but you’re not a gym person! Why don’t you try our aquafit* classes? Our trained instructors can help you shape up your body, at your own pace. We have morning classes from 8.30 to 9.30 and evening classes from 9 to 10.


d) d) The Rink of Glory Whether you dance on ice like Evgeni Plushenko or struggle to stay on your feet like Bambi, our outdoor ice rink is the most magical location in town. The rink offers skating aids and lessons. There is a Food Fair serving snacks like burgers and hotdogs every weekend. Open from 10 a.m. until 10 p.m. every day. e) e) San Antonio’s It is a café by day and a lively club by night. Every Saturday, you can stop by for dinner and then stay for a free salsa lesson followed by a dance party. Our DJs spin irresistible Latin beats and both professional and amateur dancers can show off their salsa, merengue or bachata steps on the dance floor. * aerobic exercises done in a swimming pool



1 I’m not very keen ________ winter sports. 2 My brother is crazy ________ hip-hop. 3 Little children are usually not very fond ________ vegetables. 4 My 5-year-old sister is really good ________ drawing. 5 Elvis Presley was famous ________ his live performances.

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b) b) Ruby Park Music Festival This year’s best music event takes place in Ruby Park. If you like rock, reggae or techno music don’t miss this awesome festival. The concerts and performances start at 8 p.m. on July 10th and continue till 14th. Singing, dancing and art performances will last from dusk till dawn.

Phrases with the verb to be


a) Bowling Planet Do you like to spend your evenings with your friends having lots of fun? Do you like competitions? If so, a bowling alley is a perfect place for you. Our newly opened Bowling Planet has 30 lanes and an excellent restaurant with a great variety of food. It’s open from 3 p.m. till midnight Monday to Friday, at weekends from 3 p.m. till 2 a.m.

Look at the words from the text. These are called compound adjectives – adjectives that consist of two or more words. Here are some more examples. English-speaking three-hour middle-aged

well-known part-time

5 Complete the sentences with the

compound adjectives from the text and the ones in the REMEMBER box.

1 I‘ve got a ___________________ sister who likes to read. 2 She attended a ___________________ seminar. 3 Our teacher is a ___________________ woman of about 45. 4 Australia is an ___________________ country. 5 George is an ___________________ man with no prejudices whatsoever. 6 The students gave a ___________________ performance. The audience were cheering and clapping. 7 J.K. Rowling is a ___________________ author. 8 My brother got a ___________________ job as a waiter a few days ago.


Starter UNIT 1 Unit



Past Simple and Present Perfect

1 Complete the sentences from the text Where to Go Out? with the Past Simple or Present Perfect forms. Then complete the RULES by choosing the correct option.

1 2 3 4

Leonard _______________ ice skating last year and he ________________ it. Kate ________________ her first dancing lessons when she was five. Henry ________________ into music and art ever since he was a little boy. Alice ________________ a few kilos recently.


2 Fill in the table with the following time phrases. four months ago yesterday afternoon

Finished period of time

today last year in the last two years when I was 10 since we met

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this week


We use the Present Perfect with finished / unfinished time phrases. We use the Past Simple with finished / unfinished time phrases.

Unfinished period of time

3a Complete the dialogue with the correct Present Perfect or Past Simple form of the verbs in

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brackets. Fill in the table from exercise 2 with the time phrases in bold.


A: __________________________(you / ever / try) stroopwafels? B: Oh yes! A: How many times__________________________(you / eat) them so far? B: Three times exactly. A: When ________________ first________________ (you / eat) them? B: It ______________________ (be) in 2011. We_________________________(have) a Festival of Dutch Food in our town, so I_________________________(buy) some. A: And the other two times? B: Last year, I __________________________ (go) to Amsterdam with my parents. While we were there, we__________________________ (find) out that the locals eat this popular snack by resting them on the top of their coffee cups and letting the steam soften the waffle and melt the caramel inside. We __________________________ (order) the stroopwafels twice at this excellent coffee shop. Well, I __________________________ (not / eat) them ever since. A: I _________ (never / try) them before, but I would certainly like to do so.

3b 4



Listen and check.

Make your own dialogue by changing the words from exercise 3a. Practise it with a partner.

Starter Unit UNIT 1

Look at the photos. In what way do the teenagers in the photos differ and what do they have in common?


1.05 Listen to the conversation. Match the questions 1–6 with the answers a–f.

2 Jane: Mum, what about you? 3 Josh: What were TV and phones like back then?

a) We went to a library to do some research, unless we were lucky to have Encyclopaedia Britannica at home. b) Teenagers didn’t have control over TV. They didn’t have mobile phones either. If they were late, they had to carry 10p emergency phone money. c) Looks were very important for us girls, but without the constant pressure of comparing ourselves to supermodels. d) We had to get to town if we wanted to buy a record. We couldn’t just download our favourite music. e) We certainly took photos back then, but not like you do, every five seconds. f) When I was your age what I did was my own business. People couldn’t post anything on social networks for everyone to see.

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1 Josh: What was your life like when you were teenagers?



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4 Jane: How did you keep your memories alive?

5 Josh: How on earth did you listen to music then? 6 Jane: What about homework, how could you possibly do it without the Internet?



Listening and Speaking Teenagers Now and Then

Useful expressions Talking about the past, asking for and giving information 3

Complete the expressions from the conversation. Then listen and check. 1.06

What was your life _______________...? What _______________ you? How on _______________ did you...? We _______________ took photos back then... When I was your _______________...



Answer the following questions. 1 What is the relationship between the people in the conversation? 2 Name three differences in teenage lifestyles now and then. 3 Which lifestyle do you prefer and why?

Prepare a short dialogue with a partner. Use the useful expressions and think of the questions you would ask your parents about their teenage days.


Starter UNIT 1 Unit



Past Simple and Past Continuous

1 Which tense describes: a) a completed past action with specific time expressions, habitual past actions or a sequence of short past actions? _________________________ b) a longer past action (at a specific time in the past), an action in progress in the past when another action happened or two or more parallel past actions with while / as or in descriptions? _________________________

2 Read the text and circle a suitable Past Simple or Past Continuous form.

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Last night I met / was meeting my friends at the bowling alley. We played / were playing from 8 to 10 p.m. Then we were going / went to our favourite café. We had / were having a quick drink and then we went / were going straight home. When I was getting / got home my parents were watching / watched TV and my sister was doing / did her science project. The project was due the following day and she was having / had to finish it. I was helping / helped her till 2 a.m. The following morning was being / was a nightmare for me to get up at 7 o’clock for school.

3 Complete the sentences from part C with a suitable form

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of the Past Simple or Past Continuous.


1 When I was your age what I __________________ (do) was my own business. 2 My girlfriends and I __________________ (talk) about dieting all the time. 3 Teenagers __________________ (not / have) control over TV while their parents __________________ (watch) it. 4 If we __________________ (be) late, we had to carry 10p emergency phone money and look for a phone box to call our parents. 5 We __________________ (listen) to the same record on and on, for days, even months. 6 What ________________ (be) phones and TV like back then?

4 Write the sentences using the Past Simple and Past Continuous. 1 We / ski / when / Emily / fall and break her leg. _____________________________________________________________________________. 2 Jacob / come into / the room / switch on / his computer / and / start writing an email. _____________________________________________________________________________. 3 Alice / see / the accident / while / she / wait for the bus. _____________________________________________________________________________. 4 A wood fire / burn / my dog / sleep / my grandparents / snooze / and / I / read / an exciting detective story. Suddenly / someone / knock on the door /. The dog and my grandparents / wake up / and / I / jump. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________.


Starter Unit UNIT 1 5 Look at the pictures and write sentences using a suitable Past Simple or Past Continuous form.

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1 Jane / run into a tree/ while / she / talk on the mobile phone. _____________________________________________________________________________. 2 It / snow heavily / when / Jane and Josh / come home from school. _____________________________________________________________________________. 3 Josh / sleep / when / the phone ring / and / wake him up. _____________________________________________________________________________. 4 Jane and Josh / listen / to music / while / they / wait / for the bus. _____________________________________________________________________________.

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6 Underline the mistakes and write the correct sentences. 1 I posted my holiday photos on Facebook from 8 to 10 yesterday morning. _____________________________________________________________________________.


2 Henry listened to his favourite song last night when his little brother was interrupting him. _____________________________________________________________________________. 3 Leonard was falling a few times while he was skating yesterday afternoon. _____________________________________________________________________________. 4 Yesterday, when Kate was coming home, she turned on the music and starting dancing salsa. _____________________________________________________________________________.


Answer the following questions in pairs. 1 Where did you go yesterday morning? 2 What were you doing at 10 o’clock last night? 3 Were you sleeping at 5 a.m. this morning? If not, what were you doing? 4 What did you have for lunch two days ago? 5 What were you doing from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Sunday? 6 What games did you like to play when you were little?


Starter UNIT 1 Unit


Across Cultures 1

Teens Around the World

Look at the photos. Which countries are these? What do you know about them? b) ________________

c) ________________

d) ________________

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a) _________________




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Education and cleanliness are very important in Japan. Teenagers are supposed to be successful and neat. When they enter the school area, Japanese teens have to wear slippers. In most schools, they wear school uniforms, but outside the school they are very fashionable and trendy. After school, students do ‘O-Soji’ which means they have to clean the premises. They spend their free time in sports and culture clubs. The usual club activities are baseball, soccer, tennis, swimming, calligraphy, English, science and many more. They also like singing karaoke and reading manga comics.


The ‘Land Down Under’ is a great place to be young. Life of an average ’Aussie’ teen is quite similar to that of a teen in the UK or the US. Most of them go to school, have part-time jobs at local supermarkets or fast-food restaurants and spend time with their friends and peer groups. School uniforms are mandatory, but outside of school young Australians like to dress casually and wear bright colours. Australian teens are quite laid-back. They enjoy partying, text messaging and chatting with friends online. On the other hand, they are very active when it comes to helping their senior citizens, for example they teach them new technologies. The most popular sports are cricket, soccer and swimming.


A lot has changed for the Inuit community. In the past, an average Inuit teen lived in an igloo in the winter and in animal skin tents in the summer. Today most of them live in houses. Formerly, Inuit children were educated within the family and community circle but now young Inuit attend primary and secondary schools. A lot of them are bilingual; they read and write in both English and Inuktitut, the language of the Inuit. Due to rapid changes, the Inuit adolescents have adopted the western way of life such as spending time in front of computers and cable TV. They do wear jeans, but traditional anorak and parka still remain important.

Sweden Swedish teens are among the luckiest in the world. In Sweden, spanking children is strictly against the law. Schools are all about democracy and school rules are quite relaxed. Young Swedes are decision-makers in the classroom alongside with the teachers. Outdoor activities are very important in Swedish schools. Through ‘Skogsmulle’ methodology children learn to appreciate and take care of nature from an early age. A lot of teenagers take up sports. Football is the most popular sport both among boys and girls. Playing musical instruments is the usual pastime among Swedish teens.

Starter Unit UNIT 1 2

Read the text about teens around the world. Then answer the following questions. 1 2 3 4 5

What does bilingual mean? What is considered a criminal offence in Sweden? What is ‘O-Soji’? What is ‘Aussie’ short for? What do teens around the world have in common?

1 2 3 4 5

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3 Write the synonyms from the text for the given words.


Synonym is a word that has the same meaning as another word in the same language. Antonym is a word opposite in meaning to another word in the same language.

relaxed – _______________ tidy – _______________ hygiene – _______________ grounds and buildings – _______________ stylish – _______________

6 typical – _______________ 7 colleague – _______________ 8 hobby – _______________ 9 fast – _______________ 10 start – _______________

4 Write the antonyms from the text for the given words.

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full-time – _______________ indoor – _______________ dark – _______________ optional – _______________

5 present – _______________ 6 enemy – _______________ 7 awful – _______________ 8 inside – _______________


1 2 3 4

There are certain words and phrases in English that sound more polite. Therefore, instead of a teenager you can use a young adult, instead of old people → senior citizens, instead of childish → childlike, instead of fat → overweight, instead of skinny → underweight, instead of lazy → laid-back, instead of I want ... → I would (‘d) like ..., instead of Give me ... → Can you pass me ...? instead of No. → I’m afraid I can’t.

5 Project Write about teenagers in Serbia. Add photos or drawings. Mention ... > > > >

what they like / dislike and the way they dress. how they spend their free time / their favourite indoor and outdoor activities. their favourite sports. their typical school day.

Use words and expressions from the Across Cultures text.


Starter UNIT 1 Unit


A Diary

Writing 1

Discuss. Do you keep a diary? Why / why not?


Read the model text and answer the following questions. Who is writing the diary? Who does the writer mention? Why is the writer frustrated? What happened in the end? May 23rd

Dear Diary, I’m so frustrated!!! I don’t even know where to begin! To start off, I think I’ve failed my geometry test, my parents are not going to be happy about that. :( Moreover, we had a short test in history on the reading assignment, and I completely forgot most of what I read last night, which made me even more upset because I actually did the reading! But what really made me angry was the text message from Bella, my best friend! She says she is really heartbroken. She thinks that I don’t want to be her friend anymore because I spend a lot of time with Kim. I don’t believe this! Especially after spending hours and hours with her on the phone last month while she was going through her break-up with Tom! Just because I hang out with Kim a little more than usual doesn’t mean I’m not her friend anymore. I have so many things on my mind right now, with my parents getting on my case about studying more. The last thing I need is for my best friend to think I don’t like her anymore. Uggh! I can’t concentrate on anything. I hope she gets over it soon!!!

Dear Diary, Today was much better. I met up with Bella and Kim during lunch break. I thought it would be fun for the three of us to have lunch together. And it worked! Bella and Kim got on well just fine. We laughed about Tom who fell asleep and fell off his chair during our English class today. What a loser! Even Bella agreed. We spent the rest of lunch catching up on the latest gossip. That’s been sorted out! Hopefully the three of us will be BFF!!! I have to finish my geometry homework now! I’ll get back to you soon.

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May 22nd


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Good night. Sarah

Love, Sarah

3 Match the definitions 1–6 with the words and phrases from the text a–f. 1 2 3 4 5 6



spend time with someone recover from something / overcome a conversation about other people’s private lives criticise someone for something they have done upset or annoyed a piece of work given to someone as part of their course of study Write two diary entries in the workbook, p. 15.

a) frustrated b) gossip c) assignment d) get over e) hang out f) get on one’s case



teacher’s pet



Fun page

e th

Starter Unit UNIT 1

School Idioms 1 Complete the sentences with the idioms about school.

1 I was so happy. I passed my maths test _______________________________.

> start studying hard

> the teacher’s favourite pupil

pass with flying colours

2 Sorry, I can’t go out, I have to ________________________.


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3 Jake is a _________________, he used my idea in his essay and passed it off as his own. 4 Sally is definitely a __________________, Mrs Johnson always gives her special treatment.

5 You are turning into such a _______________, you read all the time!

> do something well, with a high score

> a person who enjoys reading



> develop new ideas and solutions

> a person who copies other people’s work and ideas



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6 Let’s put our heads together and ______________________ the idea again.


% the three most common languages in the world are Mandarin Chinese, Spanish and English. % the most commonly used letter in the English alphabet is E. % the old English word ‘juke’ meaning ‘dancing’ lent its name to the juke box. % the dot on top of the letter ‘i’ is called a tittle. % the oldest words in the English language are ‘I’, ‘we’, ‘two’ and ‘three’. % the word ‘teenager’ first appeared after World War II.

2 Complete the joke with the following words. make-up





Teen girl to a friend: ‘For the prom, I’m _____________ $500 on a dress and bringing the best _____________ artist and hairdresser in town.’ The teacher who has overheard the _____________: ’Wow Jenny, that’s more than I spent for my wedding!’ Teen girl: ‘Yeah, well you can get _____________ three or four times, but a prom is once in a _____________ experience!’


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