OVER THE MOON 8, Енглески језик, радна свеска за 8. разред основне школе

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Лара Штамбук • Гордана Ракић

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Радна свеска



UNIT 1 Лара Штамбук • Гордана Ракић OVER THE MOON 8 РАДНА СВЕСКА ЕНГЛЕСКИ ЈЕЗИК ЗА 8. РАЗРЕД ОСНОВНЕ ШКОЛЕ ОСМА ГОДИНА УЧЕЊА Главни уредник Др Бошко Влаховић Одговорни уредник Др Наташа Филиповић Предметни уредник Наталија Кантар

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Рецензенти Слађана Танасијевић, професор енглеског језика и књижевности, виши педагошки саветник Татјана Ћосић, професор енглеског језика и књижевности, ОШ „Доситеј Обрадовић”, Београд Божидар Никић, професор енглеског језика и књижевности, Школа страних језика Anglian, Београд Јелена Јонић, професор енглеског језика и књижевности, ОШ „Владика Николај Велимировић”, Ваљево Евалуатор Љиљана Косовић, професор енглеског језика и књижевности, ОШ „Вук Караџић”, Црвенка

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Дизајн Иван Танић, Агенција Мани два Илустрације Младен Анђелковић

CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд

Издавач ЕДУКА д.о.о. Београд Ул. Змаја од Ноћаја бр. 10/1 Тел./факс: 011 3287 277, 3286 443, 2629 903 Сајт: www.eduka.rs; имејл: eduka@eduka.rs

ШТАМБУК, Лара, 1969Over the Moon 8 : радна свеска : енглески језик за 8. разред основне школе : осма година учења / Лара Штамбук, Гордана Ракић ; [илустрације Младен Анђелковић]. - Изд. бр. 3. - Београд : Едука, 2023 (Београд : Цицеро). - 85 стр. : илустр. ; 29 cm + [1] електронски оптички диск (CD-ROM; 12 cm)


Лектура и коректура Шила Мекгрегор Ковачевић Наталија Кантар

За издавача Др Бошко Влаховић, директор Штампа: Цицеро, Београд Издање бр.: 3, Београд, 2023. година Тираж: 1500


Тираж 1.500 ISBN 978-86-6013-498-3 1. Ракић, Гордана, 1972- [аутор] COBISS.SR-ID 120617225

© Едука д.о.о. Београд

Министар просвете, науке и технолошког развоја Републике Србије одобрио је издавање и употребу овог уџбеника Решењем број: 650-02-00124/2020-07.


Није дозвољено: репродуковање, дистрибуција, објављивање, прерада или друга употреба овог ауторског дела или његових делова у било ком обиму или поступку, укључујући и фотокопирање, штампање или чување у електронском облику, без писмене дозволе издавача. Наведене радње представљају кршење ауторских права.

contents UNIT 1

STARTER UNIT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4


UNIT 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

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UNIT 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 SELF CHECK 1 UNITS 1 & 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 UNIT 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 UNIT 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 SELF CHECK 2 UNITS 3 & 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 UNIT 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 UNIT 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 SELF CHECK 3 UNITS 5 & 6.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

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Unit 7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY SUMMARY. . . . . . . . 70 SELF CHECK ANSWERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82


IRREGULAR VERBS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84


UNIT 1 Unit Starter

T I N U R E T R STA A Lead-in 1 Fill in the gaps with the words in the box. There is one extra word. resorts







2 I never go to the beach without a _______________ lotion.

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3 Egypt is famous for its hotel _______________.


1 I like spending my holiday _______________ at home.

4 When we go to the seaside, we usually _______________ an apartment. 5 The hotel we are staying at serves excellent local _______________.

6 When we were in Athens last year, we visited all the _______________ of Acropolis.

2 Circle the odd one out.

holiday seaside travel trip patient passport luggage suitcase learning teaching campus life students skills knowledge lessons landscape scenery cuisine countryside valley mountains nature hostel room hotel camp tourist cottage resort motel


B Reading

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1 2 3 4

1 Complete each expression and then write whether it is formal (F) or informal (I). 1 2 3 4 5

Yours _______________, Sophie To _______________ with... We’re having a _______________! As you have politely _______________... _______________ hi to everybody.

2 Complete the sentences with a suitable adjective after the verb get. The first letter is given.

1 My brother gets really e______________ when he goes kitesurfing. He loves this sport. 2 My sister usually cries and gets a______________ when she fails her exam. 3 I always get w______________ when it’s raining, even if I carry my umbrella. 4 I always get n______________ when I travel by plane. I don’t like flying. 5 My English is getting b______________ each day. I can speak it fluently.


6 I am getting really t______________ of waiting for Lydia. She’s always late.

Starter UNIT Unit 1 3 Complete the compound nouns. feed__________









4 Word pyramid ■ Build a pyramid of words using the explanations. Use the highlighted letters to make a new compound noun. compound noun



the clear liquid with no colour, taste or smell

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a small, useful device often thought of as a novelty

a location on the Internet that maintains one or more webpages helpful information or criticism about prior action communicated to another person and is used as a basis for improvement information and skills gained through learning and experience

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your family, education, experience and social circumstances a water sport in which you use a kite, a board and the power of the wind to move across water waterskiing on a short board in a kneeling position


5 Complete the compound nouns in the sentences. 1 ___________ surfing is a fun and challenging sport for which you need a board and a sail. 2 ___________tops are more popular than desktop computers. 3 Some people are obsessed with ___________ tanning. They are completely unaware of skin cancer risks and other conditions associated with exposure to UV light. 4 I found Miss Pambleton’s ___________ back on my essay quite useful. 5 ___________ board markers are user-friendly as they do not produce any dust. 6 What a stunning sun ___________! Let’s take a photo.

6 Match the adjectives 1–6 with the nouns a–f. 1 2 3 4 5 6

picturesque beautiful interactive experienced friendly full board

a) teacher b) environment c) town d) accommodation e) scenery f) whiteboard


UNIT 1 Unit Starter

C Grammar Tense revision 1a Circle the odd one out. always already right now since 2010

now a minute ago at the moment when I was ten

sometimes yesterday this minute yet

every morning last year normally so far

1b Insert a suitable circled time phrase from exercise 1a into each sentence. 1 I tried waterskiing for the first time _________________________________. 2 We _____________________________ go shopping for souvenirs at the end of our stay.

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4 We’ve ____________________________ visited the Louvre.


3 My mum is sitting by the pool __________________________.

2 Circle the correct verb forms. 1 2 3 4

Look! Poppy tries / is trying to climb the rock. Olivia’s brother taught / has taught her to swim when she was five. I haven’t bought / didn’t buy the plane tickets yet. My parents always have booked / book our flights in advance.

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3 Write questions for the underlined words.

1 The Smiths have just returned home from holiday. _______________________________________________________________________________? 2 People say that Corsica is an ideal holiday destination.


_______________________________________________________________________________? 3 Leo is travelling abroad tonight. _______________________________________________________________________________? 4 We enjoyed our holiday because it was exciting. _______________________________________________________________________________?


Starter UNIT Unit 1 4a Complete the email using the correct Present Simple or Present Continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

Hi, Archie! How’s it going? ____________________1 (you/enjoy) your holiday? __________________2 (you / like) Sicily? I ___________________3 (have) a whale of a time in Greece. We ____________________4 (not/stay) in a hotel this year, we __________________5 (camp). We ______________6 (love) being outdoors all the time. People here are outgoing and it‘s so easy to make new friends. We ________________7 (get) together every evening and __________________8 (have) barbecue parties till dawn. Even though we ________________9 (party) every night, I to the beach for a whole day of sunbathing and swimming. See you in a week. Freddie

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I have to go now and get ready for another barbecue party.


________________10 (get up) quite early and _______________11 (go)


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4b Complete the email using the correct Past Simple or Present Perfect form of the verbs in

Hey, my penfriend!


How’s life? We ________________1 (not/be) in touch for a few months. I ________________2 (attend) a language school in London a month ago. It ________________3 (be) great! I learned a lot and I ________________4 (meet) so many nice people there. I made friends with this Spanish girl Carmen. We ________________5 (be) very good friends from day one. In London, Carmen and I ________________ 6 (go) to all the classes together and on sightseeing tours. We ________________7 (have) so much fun together so we ________________8 (keep) in touch ever since we parted. Last time we ________________ 9 (write) to each other, we decided to go on holiday together next month. Our parents ________________ 10 (agree). We decided to meet in Barcelona on the 21st of next month. I ________________ 11 (already/book) a flight. Write soon and give me the latest news about your holiday. All the best, Paola


UNIT 11 Unit Unit Starter

1 T I UN Lead-in 1 Complete the following questions from the quiz How mature are you? Then give your answers.

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► Where __________________________ yourself 10 years from now? _____________________________________________________________________________. ► Someone __________________________ you. How do you react? _____________________________________________________________________________. ► Your teacher __________________________ the room. You ... _____________________________________________________________________________. ► Who do you want to be __________________________? _____________________________________________________________________________. ► If you could wish for anything, what __________________________? _____________________________________________________________________________. ► How would your friends __________________________ you? _____________________________________________________________________________. ► Where do you like to go __________________________? _____________________________________________________________________________. ► The teacher __________________________ you cheating on a test. You ... _____________________________________________________________________________.


2 Fill in the gaps with a suitable noun to complete the definitions. 1 An __________________ or a grown-up is a person who is fully developed and mature. 2 An adolescent or a __________________ is a young person who is going through puberty but is not fully mature yet. 3 A __________________ or informally a kid is a human being between the stages of birth and puberty, usually referred to as a minor.

A Reading 1 Match word halves 1–10 with a–j. Then write the compound adjectives on the lines provided. 1 2 3 4 5


English high record open hard

a) -breaking _________________ b) -minded _________________ c) -working _________________ d) -speaking _________________ e) -spirited _________________

6 well 7 two 8 part 9 middle 10 good

f) -hour g) -aged h) -known i) -looking j) -time

_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________

Unit UNIT 1 2 Complete the sentences with the compound adjectives from exercise 1. 1 Who is that _______________________ boy over there? I can’t take my eyes off him. 2 My little brother is ______________________________ and always on the move. 3 My parents are ______________________________ people of 43 and 45. 4 Ellen has become a ______________________________ pianist in the country and abroad. 5 We had a ______________________________ lecture, but it was not boring at all. 6 Serbia is not an ______________________________ country. 7 The swimmer’s ______________________________ performance won him a gold medal. 8 I love flexible, tolerant and ______________________________ people!


9 Joe had a ______________________________ job at the local shop last summer.


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10 I am a ______________________________ student, I have straight As. Supply the words with the missing vowels (a, e, i, o, u). Then listen to the sounds and number the places. 2.01

P __RK



B__WL__NG __LL__Y

__C__ R__NK

SW__MM__NG P__ __L

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4 Match sentence halves 1–8 with a–h.

a) at repairing things.

2 My mum is very fond

b) on watching football.

3 My dad is quite good

c) at playing video games.

4 My granny is famous

d) about fashion.

5 My grandfather is shocked

e) by the violence on TV.

6 My uncle is not bad

f) of Italian shoes.

7 My aunt is crazy

g) in winter sports.

8 My brother is keen

h) for her knitting skills.


1 I’m not very interested

5 Now complete the Spidergram with the phrases from exercise 4. ______________________ on

____________________ in

______________________ at

____________________ about

______________________ at ______________________ of


____________________ for ____________________ by


UNIT 11 Unit

B Grammar Past Simple and Present Perfect 1a Read about Robert and Lilly. Circle the verbs in the Past Simple and underline the ones in the Present Perfect.

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Robert and Lilly have been together for a long time. They started living together two years ago. They got married last August. After their wedding, the couple decided to stay in Liverpool. Lilly has had her job in Liverpool for five years. She works there as a teacher and she likes it. Unfortunately, Robert lost his job six months ago. Three months ago he got an interesting offer, but not in Liverpool. The new job was in London, so he had to move. The couple have lived apart ever since. They say that it hasn’t been easy, but they’ve become closer emotionally even though the physical distance of 287 km separates them.

1b Decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F). Robert and Lilly got married last summer. They got divorced. Lilly is a teacher in Liverpool. The couple lived apart in the past. Robert moved to London six months ago. Robert and Lilly feel closer now.



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1 2 3 4 5 6

2 Read the entry from Lilly’s diary. Find, cross out and correct five more mistakes in the use of the Past Simple and Present Perfect. The first one has been done for you.


December 20th It is 10 p.m. It was has been a very difficult week and it hasn’t finished yet. I still have to finish marking some papers. I’ve started marking them three days ago and I have to return them tomorrow. I had so much marking to do in these last couple of weeks. It was always like that ever since I started working, at this time of the year. I haven’t slept much last night and I am so worn out. I miss Robbie so much!!!!! I’ve seen him last Sunday but it seems like ages ago.

3 Complete the dialogue with the correct Past Simple or Present Perfect form of the verbs in brackets.


Maria, _________ you ______________________ (ever / be) to Canada?

Maria: Yes, I ______________________ (go) to Toronto last summer. Nick:

How _________ you ______________________ (like) it?

Maria: I ______________________ (enjoy) the trip very much. While I was there, I also ______________________ (visit) Lake Erie and the capital Ottawa. Nick:


Last week we ______________________ (book) a holiday there. I ___________________________ (always / want) to visit this great country!

Unit UNIT 1

C Vocabulary and Listening 1 Fill in the gaps with the words in the box. on








1 What was your life _________________ when you were teenagers? 2 My girlfriends and I were talking _________________ dieting all the time. 3 _________________ were very important for us, too. 4 What were phones and TV like _________________ then? 5 You said you had no _________________, how did you listen to music then? 6 People couldn’t post anything on social networks _________________ everyone to see. 7 Teenagers didn’t have control _________________ TV while their parents were watching it.


Listen and circle the odd one out in each column. /ʌ/






























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8 We used to go to a library to do some research _________________ our homework.

3 Read the dialogue and change the given words with your own on the lines provided.


Leonard: What were you doing from 8 to 10 / _____________________ last night, Alice? I called you several times, but you didn’t answer your phone. Alice: I was at San Antonio’s /__________________ with Kate. I was engaged in salsa, meringue and bachata steps / _____________________. Leonard: I’ve heard of salsa /_____________________, but what on earth are meringue and bachata / _____________________? Alice: Come with us next Saturday /_____________________ and see it for yourself. What about you? Leonard: Well, I was ice skating / ___________________ with my brother / ____________________ He was struggling to stay on his feet / _____________________. It was quite a laugh. Then we went to a nearby café /_____________________ to meet up with Jacob and Henry /_____________________. Alice: So, why did you call me? Leonard: I thought you could join us. Alice: Oh, maybe next time.


UNIT 11 Unit

D Grammar Past Simple and Past Continuous 1 Combine the two sentences into one using the Past Simple or Past Continuous. 1 I did my homework. I heard a strange noise. ________________________________________ when __________________________________. 2 It started to thunder. My parents returned home. ________________________________________ when __________________________________. 3 Sam played online games. His brother chatted on the phone. ________________________________________ while __________________________________. 4 Leonard and Jacob stood in the street. They saw an accident. While _______________________________________, __________________________________.


5 Kate and Emily did their homework. They heard a knock on the door. ________________________________________ when __________________________________.

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6 Alice studied for the test. Her best friend called her. While _______________________________________, __________________________________. 7 Joshua hit his head. He fell down the stairs. ________________________________________ when __________________________________.

2 Read the sentences and then write true (T) or false (F).

1 Jane and Emma were playing basketball from 8 to 10 p.m. last night. We do not know whether the girls were playing basketball for two hours last night.

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2 When we turned off the TV Novak Đoković was losing the match. When we turned it on again he was winning. We do not know whether he won the match.


3 Kate: What were you doing at 10 o’clock last night? John: I was watching TV. We know when he started watching it. 4 We were preparing to go out when our parents arrived. We did not leave when our parents came. 5 George was drinking some orange juice while he was surfing the net. We do not know whether George finished drinking the orange juice. 6 My dad came home while I was having lunch. I finished lunch when my dad came home.




Unit UNIT 1 3 Complete the text with a suitable form of the Past Simple or Past Continuous.

Dear Diary, Two days ago, I __________________ (decide) to throw a surprise party for my younger sister’s 13th birthday. I __________________ (organize) everything. I __________________ (clean) and __________________ (decorate) the living room all morning. Then I __________________ (make) her favourite chocolate cake. After that, I __________________ (go) to the supermarket to buy some food and drinks. I __________________ (know) she wouldn’t come home before 6 p.m., so I __________________ (tell) her friends to come at 5 o’clock. While I __________________ (wait) for her friends to arrive, I __________________ (turn on) the TV to kill time, but I __________________ (fall asleep).

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Unfortunately, my sister __________________ (come) home while I __________________ (sleep). When she _________________ (wake) me up, I __________________ (cannot) believe my eyes. Her instructor ____________ (get) the flu, so she __________________ (not / have) her salsa lesson. I ________________ (want) to surprise my sister. However, the surprise __________________ (be) all mine. 

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She __________________ (be) so over the moon when she __________________ (hear) about the party that she __________________ (run) all over the house, screaming with excitement. Anyway, the party __________________ (be) terrific, my sister __________________ (teach) us salsa steps and we __________________ (laugh) our heads off while we __________________ (do) them. When our parents _______________(arrive), they __________________ (join) the party. Dad __________________ (grab) his guitar and __________________ (start) playing while mum __________________ (dance) and __________________ (sing) along with the rest of us. All in all, we __________________ (have) a ball! 


Bye for now, Kate

4 Circle the correct verb forms.

Mary drove / was driving along when she was seeing / saw her friend across the street. As I was leaving / left my flat, the phone was ringing / rang. I was reading / read a book while I sat / was sitting in the park. What did you do / were you doing from 9 till 10 yesterday evening? My brother surfed / was surfing the Internet all night long. When I was coming / came home, I washed / was washing my hands and was putting / put the pizza in the microwave. 7 It still rained / was still raining when my parents went / were going to the theatre.

1 2 3 4 5 6


UNIT 11 Unit

E Across Cultures 1 Complete the crossword and find the mystery word. fashionable hygiene grounds, locations or buildings comes after primary informally tongue (English, Serbian ...) colleague value a slang word for Australian

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


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2 Complete the sentences with suitable words. The first letter is given.

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1 Japanese teens are very n _ _ _. They clean their school on a daily basis. 2 Teens around the world wear s _ _ _ _ _ _ clothes. They all like jeans and T-shirts. 3 Aussie teens are quite l _ _ _ - _ _ _ _. They like partying and having fun. 4 My best friend is b_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. She speaks English and French. 5 Swedish schoolchildren have a lot of o _ _ _ _ _ _ activities. They pick mushrooms and berries in the woods.

3 Match the words 1–5 with their definitions a–e. part-time indoor enemy optional bright


1 2 3 4 5

a) that can be chosen b) a person who hates you or who tries to harm you c) working fewer hours d) intense in colour e) inside a building

4 Write the opposites for the words in exercise 3. The first or the last letter is given. 1 f__________________ 4 m__________________

2 o__________________ 5 __________________k

3 __________________ d

5 Rewrite the italicised words and phrases so that they sound more polite.


1 Most teenagers in Serbia like to wear trendy clothes.


2 My sister is really childish. She always does silly things.


3 I want to buy a return ticket to Stockholm.


4 ‘Can you help me with this?’ – No, I can’t.


5 Your friend is a bit skinny.


6 His brother is rather lazy.


Unit UNIT 1

F Writing A Diary 1 Write two diary entries. Read the model text in the student’s book, p. 22 and the writing guide to help you.


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Writing guide Step 1 Decide where to hide your diary. If you want to keep your diary private, find a special hiding place for it. A good way to keep your thoughts secret is writing in a foreign language. Step 2 Start with the date of your entry, then write Dear Diary, mention what happened, how it happened, when it happened, where it happened, who you were with and how you felt. Be honest if you want your diary to save your memories and have a true perspective of a certain event. Sign off with e.g. Bye for now. / I’ll get back to you soon. / Love,... / Good night. Step 3 Check the use of the tenses – Present Perfect, Past Simple, Past Continuous and punctuation.


UNIT 1 Unit Starter

2 T I UN Lead-in 1 Complete the facts about Historical Figures. Use the words in the box. disappeared poetry lightning suggested gliders died


Awards Greek obsessed deaf childhood lighthouse Prizes painted dedicated consisted

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1 Leonardo da Vinci was born in the town of Vinci. He __________________ Mona Lisa and The Last Supper. He designed hang __________________, helicopters and musical instruments. 2 Pablo Picasso’s name __________________ of 23 words. He produced more than 1,200 sculptures and 1,800 paintings and also wrote __________________ and plays. 3 Nikola Tesla was born during a violent __________________ storm. Historians say that he was __________________ with number 3, hated pearls and wouldn’t touch hair. 4 Maria Callas was a world famous soprano. She was of __________________ origin and she lived in New York City. Her biographers say she had an unhappy __________________.

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5 Marie Curie received two Nobel __________________ for physics and chemistry. Her daughter Irene also received one for chemistry. She __________________ due to exposure to radiation. 6 Amelia Earhart __________________ in July 1937 and was declared dead two years later. She had a __________________ built in her honour on Howland Island in the Pacific Ocean.


7 Walt Disney won 22 Academy __________________ for his work. He wanted to name his famous mouse Mortimer, but his wife __________________ the name Mickey. 8 Ludwig van Beethoven became almost completely __________________ by the age of 44. He was best known for his nine symphonies. He __________________ the third one to Napoleon.

A Reading 1 Match the words in the box with the explanations. the sick 1 2 3 4 5


the homeless

the disabled

the poor

the leprous

____________________ – the opposite of the rich ____________________ – the opposite of the healthy ____________________ – people suffering from leprosy ____________________ – people with no home and living on the streets ____________________ – people with limited movements, senses or activities

Unit UNIT 2 1 2 Complete the sentences by using the correct form of the words in CAPITALS. SPIRIT

2 My aunt collects ____________________ artefacts and books.


3 She was a great humanitarian and was ____________________ to all in need.


4 He used to be quite a ____________________ child.


5 When did Gandhi lead the fight for Indian ____________________?


6 What did Gandhi’s ____________________ name Mahatma mean in Sanskrit?


7 Mother Teresa had some basic training in ____________________.


8 He had a huge, ____________________ smile on his face. He made a point!


9 Mahatma Gandhi was known for his ____________________ resistance to the British rule.


10 There should not be any barriers considering sex, ____________________, class or national origin!


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1 Who was her ____________________ guide when she decided to go to India?

3 Order the words to make sentences about Mahatma Gandhi and Mother Teresa. 1 At ▪ Ireland ▪ age ▪ become ▪ the ▪ of ▪ 18 ▪ she ▪ nun ▪ went ▪ to ▪ to ▪ a

__________________________________________________________________________________. 2 At ▪ London ▪ age ▪ went ▪ the ▪ of ▪ law ▪ 19 ▪ he ▪ to ▪ to ▪ study

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__________________________________________________________________________________. 3 order ▪ colony ▪ established ▪ a ▪ leper ▪ orphanage ▪ an ▪ numerous ▪ and ▪ for ▪ clinics ▪ sick ▪ The ▪ the __________________________________________________________________________________. 4 was ▪ He ▪ one ▪ famous ▪ of ▪ most ▪ the ▪ leaders ▪ promoters ▪ and ▪ in ▪ justice ▪ of ▪ world ▪ the


__________________________________________________________________________________. 5 salt ▪ on ▪ 388 ▪ Britain ▪ a ▪ put ▪ tax ▪ kilometres ▪ Gandhi ▪ decided ▪ to ▪ Dandi ▪ walk ▪ to ▪ When __________________________________________________________________________________.

4 Decide who these interesting facts refer to – Mahatma Gandhi or Mother Teresa. Write their initials in the boxes provided.

► An international airport is named after this person. ► This person’s birthday is a national holiday in India. ► This person was very shy as a child and had bad handwriting. ► This person was fluent in five languages.


UNIT 12 Unit

B B Grammar Used to and Would 1 Cross out would in the sentences where you cannot use it. You can use both used to and would in some sentences.


1 Amelia Earhart used to / would collect frogs and insects as a child. She and her sister used to / would be very adventurous children. 2 My dad used to / would like wearing a moustache when he was young. 3 Some people used to / would hate Picasso’s paintings at first, because they didn’t understand them. 4 My granny used to / would listen to opera for hours. She used to / would be an opera singer. 5 Our grandad used to / would be a history teacher. He used to / would tell us many interesting stories, especially from the Second World War. 6 Einstein used to / would have problems with speech and his parents used to / would worry that he wasn’t very intelligent.

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2 Circle the correct option.

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1 I used to / would be fascinated by film stars. I am not any more, I have grown out of it. 2 We didn’t use to / used to know anything about Leonardo da Vinci, but now we do. 3 The British used to / would eventually release Gandhi. 4 People used to / didn’t use to think that Albert Einstein’s ideas were strange and impossible. 5 My grandad Peter would / wouldn’t go to bed before he read a historic book. He used to / would love reading them. 6 My dad would / used to often read for hours about famous historic people and then he would / used to always retell me the most interesting facts.

3 Write true sentences about yourself when you were 8 years old.


Use used to / didn’t use to or would / wouldn’t and the ideas below.

► wear my older sister’s / brother’s clothes ► do cartwheels ► be outgoing ► handle disgusting animals ► dress like a superhero ► have a pet When I was eight years old, 1 _______________________________________________________________________________ 2 _______________________________________________________________________________ 3 _______________________________________________________________________________ 4 _______________________________________________________________________________ 5 _______________________________________________________________________________ 6 _______________________________________________________________________________


Unit UNIT 1 2

C Vocabulary and Listening 1 Complete the phrases with a suitable word. The first letter is given.




Listen and circle the odd one out in each column.



As s _ _ _ _ _ _ as it may seem it turned out just fine. They started dating and p _ _ _ _ _ soon they fell in l _ _ _. No w _ _! A matchmaker paired you! Thank g _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for ‘aunt’ Jessica! Your father and I had a g _ _ _ laugh. Later that night your dad asked me on a d _ _ _.































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1 2 3 4 5 6

Listen to the dialogue. Fill in the table with the missing information.

Where did Joshua’s parents meet?

At the ____________.

About twenty years ____________.

How did they meet?

Through a ____________ friend.

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When did they meet?

Her name was ____________.


4a Match the words with the definitions. 1 gorgeous

a) look like somebody or something without being exactly the same

2 matchmaker

b) good-looking

3 mutual

c) polite

4 similar

d) very pleasant or extremely beautiful

5 well-mannered

e) shared by two or more people

6 handsome

f) someone who arranges romances or marriages

4b Use the words 1–6 from ex. 4a to write your own sentences. 1 _______________________________________________________________________________ 2 _______________________________________________________________________________ 3 _______________________________________________________________________________ 4 _______________________________________________________________________________ 5 _______________________________________________________________________________ 6 _______________________________________________________________________________


UNIT 12 Unit

D Grammar Gerund vs. Infinitive 1 Circle the correct option. 1 I can’t stand people to tell / telling me what to do. 2 She stopped to buy / buying the latest edition of her favourite magazine. 3 We are looking forward to meet / meeting your brother. 4 My boyfriend and I want travelling / to travel to Paris next year. 5 My mum won’t let me stay / staying at the party until midnight. 6 I remember going / to go to that restaurant with my parents when I was a boy.

She suggested going / to go to that new café for her birthday. They managed preparing / to prepare everything for her arrival. You promised coming / to come to my birthday party. They discussed to postpone / postponing their honeymoon.

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1 2 3 4


2 Cross out the incorrect option.

3 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. mind






can’t help

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1 Can I go to the party, Mum? I _________________________to to come home by 11 o’clock. 2 She _________________________ thinking about the boy she met at the party. 3 Would you _________________________ telling me the truth, please?


4 I _________________________ to lie to her. I never tell lies, especially to my friends. 5 My best friend is so funny. He always _________________________ me laugh. 6 I _________________________ for being late. I’ll make it up to you. 7 He _________________________ talking about his ex-girlfriend.

4 Complete the sentences about yourself. Use gerund or infinitive. 1 I love _ ________________________________________________________________________ . 2 I hate _ ________________________________________________________________________ . 3 I can’t help _____________________________________________________________________ . 4 I always forget __________________________________________________________________ . 5 I need _________________________________________________________________________ . 6 I would like ____________________________________________________________________ . 7 I stopped _ _____________________________________________________________________ . 8 I have decided __________________________________________________________________ .


Unit UNIT 1 2 5 Match sentence halves. 1 2 3 4 5

a) go to my ex-boyfriend’s party. b) leaving the party early. c) to believe that he has forgotten about it. d) cleaning his room. e) to set our wedding date.

We need She refuses Nicholas doesn’t mind Rebecca made me Sean apologized for

6 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form, gerund or infinitive. 1 We managed _________________ (settle) our differences. 2 Our parents enjoy _________________ (listen) to music and _________________ (dance). 3 I adore _________________ (go out) and _________________ (have) fun with my friends. 5 He promised _________________ (take) me to the cinema.


4 I have decided _________________ (visit) my grandparents this week.

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6 My sister and I need _________________ (help) our mum clean the house.

7 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form, gerund or infinitive. Pay attention to the change in meaning after the verbs forget / regret / remember / stop.

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1 Don’t forget _________________________ (bring) me your pocket-sized guide to Vienna. 2 I forgot _________________________ (tell) Julie about the party. I’ll tell her tomorrow. 3 Patty regrets _________________________ (invite) Bill to her birthday party. He picked a quarrel with her boyfriend and ruined everything. 4 We regret _________________________ (say) that the party is over. 5 I remember _________________________ (throw) a huge party when I moved into my new flat. 6 Please remember _________________________ (lock) the door when you go out.. 7 Will you stop _________________________ (make) so much noise? I’m trying to sleep. 8 She stopped _________________________ (buy) a cup of coffee in her favourite coffee shop.


8 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form, gerund or infinitive to complete the story.

My grandparents started __________________ (date) six months before they got married. They both loved __________________ (travel). Before they got married they agreed __________________ (travel) to Costa del Sol in Spain. When they returned from Spain they decided __________________ (tie) the knot*. After the wedding they were looking forward to to________________ (go) to their honeymoon. They chose __________________ (spend) their honeymoon on the Amalfi Coast in Italy. They loved it there. A month after that they considered __________________ (have) children. My mum and her twin sister were born a year later. Both of them enjoy ________________ (travel). They promised my brother and me __________________ (take) us to the Amalfi Coast next year. * tie the knot = get married


UNIT 12 Unit

E Across Cultures

1 Write the missing parts of speech. Verb plot triumph march prosper vary


Adjective / triumphant

march prosperous variety

2 Complete the sentences with a suitable word from the table in exercise 1.


There were a lot of ________________ bands in the streets during the parade. They planned a a________________ to kill the king. There were thirteen of them. People in India think that goddess of wealth and ________________ brings good luck. For Hindu people light signifies the the________________ of good over evil. The best chefs prepare a lot of vegetarian dishes, including ________________ fruits.

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1 2 3 4 5

3 Match word halves to make useful expressions. Then write the expressions in the spaces provided. ashes business harvest citizens sauce wealth meal Plot soup

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Gunpowder cranberry squash monkey goddess of family bonfire plentiful fellow

1 2 3 4 5 6


4 Decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F). For Hindu people wealth is the symbol of hope. People in the USA don’t celebrate Bonfire Night. Thanksgiving isn’t celebrated on the third Thursday in November. Diwali is also known as Monkey Banquet. Monkeys play an important role in Lopburi culture. British people celebrate Thanksgiving Day.

5 Circle the correct preposition at the end of each question.


1 Who do the Americans gather with / for to celebrate Thanksgiving? 2 The Pilgrims had a plentiful harvest. Who did they give thanks for / to? 3 Hindu people have adopted several symbols. What is light the symbol of / off? 4 Lopburi Banquet attracts a lot of tourists. Who do the tourists have fun at / with? 5 Who do the locals in the town of Lopburi lay out a buffet for / on? 6 What typical sweets is Diwali famous of / for? 7 What traditional food is Bonfire Night associated with / by? 8 What kind of celebrations are people in Serbia interested for / in?

Unit UNIT 1 2

F Writing A Thriller Story 1 Write a thriller story. Read the model text in the student’s book, p. 34 and the writing guide to help you.

Writing guide Step 1 Choose a title for your thriller story. Here are some ideas: A mysterious woman in black, A strange man on the train, A house of evil or use your own ideas. You can begin or end your story with the words I / He / She will never forget that day / night ... Step 2 > In the introduction describe where and when the story takes place and introduce the main characters. > In the main part mention what happened and what the characters did. Build up the suspense. > In the conclusion write what happened in the end and write a short commentary. Use as many linking words as possible to make your story flow. Here are some to help you.

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Narration  immediately, all of a sudden, suddenly, as soon as, before, after, when, during, later, soon, firstly, then, finally, in the end Contrast  but, nevertheless, however, although, on the other hand, despite / in spite of Result  so ... that, therefore, as a result Cause and reason  because of, since Emphasis  actually, especially, in fact, above all Step 3 Check the use of the tenses – Past Simple, Past Continuous, used to / would and punctuation.

Story Title


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It all happened


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