September 26, 2018

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Music rises above the noise at Second Wind

replacement selected





A full sensory delight George Kaplan’s in Fall Creek triumphant U.S. debut


CAP’s efforts to boost locals PAGE 13

Live Music & Scenic Beauty!


Sunset Music Series every Thursday 6–8pm rain or shine on our deck

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Ithac a Times


Sep t ember

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Three airlines with daily flights to Detroit, Philadelphia and Newark. We look forward to serving your air travel needs in 2018. Ithaca Tompkins Regional Airport 1 Culligan Drive Ithaca, NY 14850

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Distinguished Business of the Year


VOL.X X XIX / NO. 5 / September 26, 2018 Serving 47,125 readers week ly

Music Miracle �������������������������������� 8 Metal Band Founded at Second Wind

R escue Mission

Community Arts Partnership �� 13

Rescue Mission replacement approved

Preview of the Fall Arts Trail

Best of Ithaca 2018 ����������������������� C Results of our Annual Readers Poll



ast week, the Tompkins County Legislature authorized St. John’s Community Services (SJCS) to provide homeless housing services in Tompkins County. The vote was 12 to 1 with Legislator Henry Granison voting against and Chair Martha Robertson excused. SJCS will take over the Friendship Center’s operation, as well as the emergency homeless sheltering program. The Legislature authorized the allocation of $117,753 in contingency funding to cover the additional net local cost associated with the first two months of the agreement, including $89,250 for start-up expenses. An alternate resolution that came out of committee would have allocated an amount $27,000 less, which included only start-up expenses described as “critical,” primarily related to health and safety issues. However legislators substituted the version with the higher amounts that was ultimately approved. All payments and startup costs will have to be preapproved by County Administrator Jason Molino. Recently, though, the Department of Social Services learned that grant funding may be available to provide for shelter repairs through the New York State Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance (OTDA), said Kit Kephart, Commissioner of Social Services. According to a Tompkins County press release, “the new homeless housing services contract requires an amendment to the 2019 Recommended Budget, to accommodate a $300,000 increase in local funding for homeless housing services.” Tompkins County chose St. John’s, “on the basis of its continued on page 7

Newsline ��������������������������������������������������3-9 Sports �������������������������������������������������������� 10


Museum of the Earth celebrates 15th anniversary


n September 22, the Museum of the Earth celebrated its fifteenth anniversary with a variety of special events and exhibits. Throughout the day, attendees could participate in a variety of scavenger hunts, one of which was to celebrate women in paleontology. In conjunction with the book, “Daring to Dig: Adventures of Women in American Paleontology” published by the Paleontological Research Institute (PRI), people walked through the various exhibits learning about women who have contributed to major discoveries throughout the field. While the idea of the museum was first conceived in 1994, it took nine years for PRI to raise the $11 million needed for construction. Since the museum’s opening in 2003, they have only expanded, creating newer exhibits, both permanent and temporary, while at the same time making

them accessible. The museum’s director, Warren Allmon, was excited about the museum’s anniversary, though he didn’t think he would see it. “I’m just gratified that this many people came to something like this,” Allmon said. “We are the main natural history museum between Buffalo and New York City and that means there’s a lot of people who, if we weren’t here, wouldn’t experience a natural history museum and wouldn’t learn about local geography, local fossils or local evolution. They’d have to drive a long way to do that. All the people who have been here to see it for the last fifteen years, many of them wouldn’t have been here to see it. So, it makes me very happy.” Allmon also said that in order to keep the museum on the right track, he is going to be looking back and evaluating what can be done to further improve the museum. One of the new exhibits in the works

T a k e ▶▶ Tommy Plane Centennial Flight: takes place this weekend, as was covered extensively in these pages in last issue. Come out to the Ithaca Tompkins Regional Airport from 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. and see the culmination of 15 years

Art �������������������������������������������������������������� 13 Stage �����������������������������������������������������������14 Music ���������������������������������������������������������� 15 Stage ���������������������������������������������������������� 15 TimesTable ������������������������������������������ 18-21 Classifieds ������������������������������������������22-24

Ithaca’s Museum of the Earth hosted plenty of guests last weekend, not including the dinosaur fossils. They were already there. (Photo by Casey Martin)


Cover: Design by Marshall Hopkins

is about living fossils which will be opening in February, in conjunction with Darwin Day. However, this is not the only way the museum has adapted to successfully teach people about the growing importance of science and international affairs. As the topic of climate change becomes more pertinent to the world, the museum has evolved to include more information about it. During the day, the museum had a table set up to show the effects of climate change in New York as well as several states in New England. Doctor Robert Ross, the Museum’s Associate Director of Outreach, has found that the biggest change in the museum has been the inclusion of climate change in some of its exhibits. Ross, who has been with the museum since its inception, has seen the evolu-

ON T HE WE B Visit our website at for more news, arts, sports and photos. Call us at 607-277-7000 M a t t B u t l e r, M a n a g i n g E d i t o r , x 224 E d i t o r @ I t h a c a T i me s . c o m F i n g e r L a k e s N o r t h R e p o r t e r , x 223 N o r t h R e p o r t e r @ fl c n . o r g J a i m e C o n e , W e b E d i t o r , x 232 S o u t h R e p o r t e r @ fl c n . o r g E d w i n J . V i e r a , S ta ff R e p o r t e r R e p o r t e r @ I t h a c a T i me s . c o m C a s e y M a r t i n , S ta ff P h o t o g r a p h e r P h o t o g r a p h e r @ I t h a c a T i me s . c o m C h r i s I b e r t , C a le n d a r E d i t o r , x 217 A r t s @ I t h a c a T i me s . c o m A n d r e w S u l l i v a n , S p o r t s E d i t o r , x 227 S p o r t s @ fl c n . o r g Steve L aw r e nce, Spo rts Co lumnist St e v e s p o r t s d u d e @ g m a i l . co m M a r s h a l l H o p k i n s , P r o d u c t i o n D i r e c t o r / D e s i g n e r , x 216 P r o d u c t i o n @ I t h a c a T i me s . c o m J a y B e c k l e y, A c c o u n t R e p r e s e n ta t i v e , x 220 G e o r g i a @ I t h a c a T i me s . c o m L i s a B i n g a m a n , A c c o u n t R e p r e s e n ta t i v e , x 218 l i s a @ I t h a c a T i me s . c o m C h r i s I b e r t , Cy n d i B r o n g , x 211 A d m i n i s t r a t i o n Chris Eaton, Distribution J i m B i l i n s k i , P u b l i s h e r , x 210 j b i l i n s k i @ I t h a c a T i me s . c o m F r e e l a n c e r s : Barbara Adams, Rick Blaisell, Steve Burke, Deirdre Cunningham, Christie Citranglo, Jane Dieckmann, Amber Donofrio, Karen Gadiel, Charley Githler, Warren Greenwood, Isabella Grullon, Vaughn Golden, Warren Greenwood, Ross Haarstad, Rich Heffron, Peggy Haine, Austin Lamb, Steve Lawrence, Amanda Livingston, Marjorie Olds, Cassandra Palmyra, Lori Sonken, Henry Stark, Jason Warshof, Elizabeth Williams and Bryan VanCampen.

continued on page 7


N o t e

of hard work by the Ithaca Aviation Heritage Foundation to fly the Thomas Morse S-4 Scout plane, affectionately known as “Tommy,” once again. Now, on its 100th birthday, the plane will take to the skies again after nine years of restoration. The

event is free of charge and open to anyone in the public who wants to come, where there will be food, Tommy plane history, family activities and of course a fly-around of the airport by the plane of the hour.

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All rights reserved. Events are listed free of charge in TimesTable. All copy must be received by Friday at noon. SUBSCRIPTIONS: $69 one year. Include check or money order and mail to the Ithaca Times, PO Box 27, Ithaca, NY 14851. ADVERTISING: Deadlines are Monday 5 p.m. for display, Tuesday at noon for classified. Advertisers should check their ad on publication. The Ithaca Times will not be liable for failure to publish an ad, for typographical error, or errors in publication except to the extent of the cost of the space in which the actual error appeared in the first insertion. The publisher reserves the right to refuse advertising for any reason and to alter advertising copy or graphics deemed unacceptable for publication. The Ithaca Times is published weekly Wednesday mornings. Offices are located at 109 N. Cayuga Street, Ithaca, NY 607-277-7000, FAX 607-277-1012, MAILING ADDRESS is PO Box 27, Ithaca, NY 14851. The Ithaca Times was preceded by the Ithaca New Times (1972-1978) and The Good Times Gazette (1973-1978), combined in 1978. F o u n d e r G o o d T i m e s G a z e t t e : Tom Newton

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“The abundance of headshops!” -Shane Harrington

“Cayuga Lake!” -Lily Cramer

“Well, it’s not Tioga! (we’re from there…), but to be honest we really appreciate the diversity here.” -Stephanie Jump & Andrew Rogers

“It’s the perfect size – and the city really comes alive when the students are here!” -Cathy Decker

“Not sure why everyone else’s answer isn’t Lou the Hot Dog Guy. Gosh darn it, he is the best!” -Riley

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N e w s l i n e

Lost Dog

The Quest to Find Charm


ue Yanoff was on her daily walk, one of two she does with her pair of dogs named Ivy and Charm, making their way through Yellow Barn State Forest in Freeville. They were about an hour in, when both dogs tore off after a rabbit, instinctively baying as they ventured deeper and deeper into the forest. That wasn’t wholly unusual she’s a Beagle, after all, known to track Sue Yanoff holds one of the dozens of ‘lost dog’ she any array of scents has hung around Tompkins County in an effort to around the general find her beloved Charm. (Photo by Casey Martin) area for minutes that can turn into hours. But this time, Charm didn’t come back. Ivy returned about animal communicators, bought books, even contacted some20 minutes after the chase had started, but without any sign of one who goes by the profesCharm, who’s 13 years old. The sional name “Sherlock Bones.” She made a Facebook page, hours stretched into a night, with posts that routinely get then two, then a week. dozens of shares and has over “Beagles always find their 400 people following it. With way back to where they left,” no new information, Yanoff she said, before pausing. “Not stopped posting on Sept. 8, always. I can’t say that anydespite her search gaining far more.” more support and a far larger That was June 16th. It’s following than the garden been over three months now variety dog search. without Charm, and Yanoff “None of the clues were has tried just about everything good enough to help us find imaginable. In the first hours her,” Yanoff said. Frustratingly, and days, she went the consome of the information was ventional routes of finding or also contradictory, with the luring a lost dog: retracing her steps, putting Charm’s crate out communicators telling her that Charm was with a man with on the trail, using old sweatshirts or food to attract Charm grey hair who lived within 10 miles of Dryden in a white back. That evolved into search house. Just enough informaparties with her friends and posters around the area Charm tion to get excited about, but nowhere near enough to went missing. As the number indicate a specific place. This, of willing friends dwindled to of course, was entirely different just a few, Yanoff upped the from what a different animal stakes on the fliers to include communicator had told her. a significant reward. Yet still, For the most part, with each nothing. new tip with any type of credThen Yanoff turned to the less conventional methods. She ibility comes some level of hope, another rush to action, hired a tracker, someone who which has ultimately led to uses their dogs to track down disappointment. lost pets via smell, but that Hell, there may have even amounted to just a long, windbeen a hoax: one time Yanoff ing trek through the woods. answered her phone to a caller She hired a clairvoyant, two

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saying they had Charm on a leash outside the Genung Nature Preserve in Freeville. Yanoff dropped everything and headed out to that spot (“What am I supposed to do?” she asked.) but when she got there, not only was nobody there, but whoever picked up the phone when she called the number back denied ever making the call. “It’s been a learning experience that I never wanted to learn,” Yanoff said. “And I still don’t have my dog.” Despite the emotional wringer the situation has put Yanoff through, she said the ordeal has made her more cognizant of the true friends. One couple has accompanied her on nearly every searching excursion, while a few others monitor social media and email accounts. The Facebook page continued to get constant engagements and tips, wellintentioned even if they’re ultimately unhelpful. Yanoff isn’t quite sure why Charm’s disappearance has hit her this hard. Nobody’s told her directly to “Get over it” or move on, though she knows the thought must be out there, even among those who care about her and the search. As of earlier this month, she had spent around $8,000 in the pursuit of the lost pup, and didn’t have much desire or need to stop. She seems fully aware that this level of intensity isn’t necessarily normal, but she’s also convinced there might be no normal here; the time-honored “There’s no timetable on grief ” adage rings true for her. Reading up on grief has shown her this is just something she’s going to have to keep handling daily-- coming to terms with a lost pet absent of closure, while actively pursuing Charm still. “I’ve had lots of dogs and cats, and a horse I had to euthanize, and you’re sad and you grieve, then you go on because you’re with them at the end and you know it’s the right thing,” Yanoff said. “This is very different. I don’t know what happened to her. I don’t know if she’s alive or dead. I don’t know if she suffered or is suffering. I don’t know if I’ll ever see her again. So it just hit me very hard, and I needed help dealing with the grief.” M att Butler

Police Union

Myrick, IPBA dueling over contract negotiations


egotiations between the Police Benevolent Association and the City of Ithaca have spilled over into the public eye during the last week, as a public campaign and a Facebook post have given a rare glimpse into the ongoing talks between the city and its police department. It’s been known for years that the city and the police have been at odds over a renewed contract, having operated without an official renewal since the beginning of 2012. This, though, seems like the most vocal display between the two sides in recent memory, starting with the IPBA’s press release last week, which was accompanied by other PR actions. Certainly, the IPBA hasn’t shied away from criticizing the city’s negotiating tactics in the past, though this does appear to be the most concentrated effort. There’s certainly a bit of he said-they said going on here, with both sides only showing as much as they want to, so bear that in mind during this summation of what’s come out publicly so far. The IPBA’s press release, sent last Friday, blamed Mayor Svante Myrick for the ongoing contractual stalemate, detailing their perspective on the last seven years of backand-forth between the city and the union. As the IPBA tells it, initial contract renewal negotiations ended in April 2013 without a resolution, followed by a several unsuccessful mediation sessions as well, ending in January 2014. The IPBA’s letter says this is where it took a turn for the ugly (editor’s note: and complicated), with the city turning to the Public Employment Relations Board multiple times to file charges or complaints against the IPBA, a complex tit-for-tat litigation process fraught with appeals that has continued on page 10


N e w s l i n e

Ithaca College

Park’s New Perspective


ver the summer, Ithaca College appointed Raza Rumi, a Pakistani journalist, author, and policy analyst, as the new director of the Park Center for Independent Media (PCIM). Rumi will succeed the program’s previous director, Jeff Cohen, who retired from Ithaca College this summer after founding the PCIM in 2008. The Ithaca Times sat down with Rumi to discuss his appointment and what he brings to the position. Responses have been edited for clarity and brevity. Ithaca Times: How did you learn about this position? Why were you attracted to it? Raza Rumi: I learned about it from the Ithaca College website, of course, and also through my predecessor, the former director Jeff Cohen. I used to teach at IC, before: I was here as a scholar-in-residence for two years from 2015 to 2017, and then I taught in the journalism department. So I knew Jeff Cohen and the work of the center, and used to interact with them fairly regularly. What drew me to the PCIM is the fact that it’s an exciting venue. It’s a unique center—one of its kind in America. It works with the students and the faculty, and the college itself, but also engages with the outside world. IT: What do you see as the purpose of the PCIM? What is its goal? RR: It was created a decade ago, and its purpose was to connect the students with the independent media producers. So, [that means] all of the media outlets which are outside of the corporate control, and which produce really hard-hitting journalism and speak truth to power. PCIM attempts to familiarize the students with that. In Raza Rumi, the new director of the Park Center at Ithaca College. (Photo by Casey Martin)

addition, there are courses on independent media, and we also have an IZZY awards series where each year we honor outstanding independent journalists in the U.S. [The awards are named after independent investigative journali s t I.F.

Stone.] IC students also intern with indie outlets. And so, the idea is to promote and engage with independent media. IT: Do you think independent media has certain influence and abilities that corporate funded journalism can’t match? RR: Yeah. I think independent media outlets are largely either run through donations or subscriptions. There is advertising as well but not at the scale seen in mainstream press. They have greater freedom to challenge the powerful actors and interests in the country, and also pick up the stories which the mainstream corporate media does not pick up. So, that’s a big difference and it changes the nature of journalism. IT: What are your responsibilities as director? What is your role? RR: My role is to lead and manage the activities of the center. I teach a course around the issues of independent media. I am supposed to organize talks, symposia and other events, including the IZZY award. I’m already working with IC students on some research projects with a view to regularly produce and disseminate research materials. IT: You came to Ithaca College in 2015. What is your professional experience, primarily in communications, prior to arriving in Ithaca? RR: I’m originally from Pakistan, and I was a journalist there. I have also worked as a policy analyst and international development practitioner. I’ve been editing the national newspaper called The Daily Times, and I was also an editor at The Friday Times, a weekly liberal magazine in Pakistan. Furthermore, I have been a TV commentator and a talk show host. I moved here in 2014 to the United States, and I was initially in [Washington] D.C. where I was a fellow at the New America Foundation and the United States Institute of Peace. IT: You mentioned public policy and government. What did you do specifically in that area? RR: Before I became a fulltime journalist, I used to work for international organizations

such as the United Nations and [the] Asian Development Bank. I started my career as a civil servant in Pakistan. So, I have that whole experience behind me (which has helped in framing my classes at Cornell Institute for Public Affairs where I have been a visiting faculty since 2016.) In the early 2000s, I started writing for magazines and newspapers, and loved it. The feedback I received was even more encouraging, and I thought, “Okay, let’s switch and change the track because all of these jobs are great, but they do not allow me the freedom to express myself.” IT: In 2014, you survived an assassination attempt by a militia connected to the Taliban. If you’re comfortable speaking about it, what happened? RR: What basically happened was I had been writing before that for quite some time—for almost a decade— but once I went on TV, which has a huge audience, I said what I believed in and I did not really care too much about what should be said or not said. My voice was progressive and secular and it angered some. So, the religious extremists—whom I used to challenge, constantly shunned violence in the name of religion. Some of these extremists thought that I was perhaps too ‘liberal,’ and I was advocating secularism, so they just tried to kill me. In Pakistan, the state has also backed such fanatics so the lines are blurred. IT: What do you bring from you past work—your knowledge and experience in other parts of the world—to this job that’s unique? RR: What I bring is a mixture of journalism, and public affairs, policy research and management experience. I also bring in an international dimension: Over the years, I want to expand and make the center a little more globalized. I know it sounds clichéd but I also bring the perspective of a person of color, an immigrant. In short, I do have that different way of looking at America and the world without rejecting the mainstream.

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▶▶ Thumbs Up: Big shout-out for another successful music weekend in Ithaca, with Cayuga Sound Music Festival persevering despite a bad Friday weather night, and Porchfest closing down the weekend with a mellow, relaxed Sunday afternoon session. Also, congrats to Jessica Cohn, who won our free ticket giveaway to Cayuga Sound! (Again, sorry about Friday night). ▶▶ Thumbs Down: To the City of Ithaca, for not having a mascot. As we saw Monday, a mascot can make or break an entity’s branding. God knows people aren’t going to Binghamton to watch Tim Tebow play (or they shouldn’t be, at least)—they’re going because a Rumble Pony is cool. Meanwhile, the Philadelphia Flyers crashed their brand with the introduction of a new mascot called Gritty, accurately described online as a “Ginger Babadook.” Ithaca needs a mascot; our Best of Ithaca research shows the house favorite might be an animated Birkenstock. ▶▶ Heard & Seen: Fear not, fair Ithacans. It seems some people misinterpreted our story from last week highlighting the debut of Indian Creek’s mobile-donut machine at the upcoming Apple Harvest. Indian Creek is not replacing Littletree Orchards, or any other area farm or orchard in terms of donut production. There will just be more donuts. Some will be small, some will be big, but there will be more. ▶▶ Top Stories On This Week Are... 1. Ithaca named Best College Town in America 2. Lockout lifted for Dryden Central School District 3. Two hurt in crash on Mecklenburg Road, investigation begins 4. Vecino Group’s Green Street proposal surges ahead 5. ‘Girlfriend’: A fruitful journey of love


What’s your favorite fall festival in Ithaca? 48.9% Apple Harvest Festival 36.2% Porchfest Music Festival 4.3% Cayuga Sound Music Festival 10.6% Other

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Dear Mayor Myrick and Ithaca City Common Council

Busk A Move St ev e P. Bu r k e

Na ncy C u su m a no


am here to speak to you about two subjects – traffic and quality of life in Ithaca. I am speaking for those of us who live and work in our city – the regular people. In fact, traffic problems are quality of life problems, although there are other quality of life problems that need to be addressed. Traffic, particularly in the west end (and no, I am not speaking about Rt. 79) is abysmal. The two worst intersections of many are that of Buffalo St. and Taughannock Blvd., and Buffalo and Fulton Streets. On a daily basis, I see people doing stupid things to make it through the lights there. There is never any police presence, even though there is supposedly an Ithaca Police Dept satellite office on that corner. Is there ever anyone in that office? If so, it would be good of them to step outside and write a ticket or two. I don’t believe there ever is anyone there. This is a quality of life issue. I have three suggestions on how to remedy the problems in the west end. 1. Do what it takes to work with the state and get the lights timed correctly. I understand there are issues there. Work them out. 2. Have a police presence. ANY police

presence. Park a car at one of those spots at morning and evening peak times. 3. Install Don’t Block the Box signs and Traffic Cameras. I understand there will be an outlay of costs for the purchase and installation of cameras, and the setting up of the ticketing system. But I guarantee that if you put cameras at those two intersections, the revenue generated will be enough to cover cameras at other intersections and maybe even enough to solve your notenough-police problem. Second topic Quality of life in Ithaca has gone downhill in my opinion. Here are a few of the things I see as quality of life issues. 1. Panhandlers are at every major intersection. 2. Guys sitting along the waterfront trail drinking (and who knows what else) and throwing their bottles along the trail and in the inlet.

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vidence abounded at Porchfest this month of Ithaca’s rich status as a musical town. Streets closed on a dozen blocks as hundreds of amateur and professional musicians stepped outside their houses and performed on their porches (or in their front yards) for the community, for free. Porchfest began twelve years ago in Ithaca, contrived by two Fall Creek residents. Ours is the original such event, the model for hundreds of others around the country and the world. Along with the venerable (since 1977) Ithaca Festival, which lasts three days and features Ithaca artists only, Porchfest amply showcases Ithaca’s wealth of musical talent in an open, welcoming setting. With autumn here, this year’s festival season is largely over, but free music can still be found in Ithaca with a steady stream of street musicians, familiarly known as buskers. (In Ithaca, the term “street musicians” must be considered loosely, as our two top spots for them, the Commons and the Farmers Market, are strictly streetless.) Among the best and busiest of buskers is Mijail Martinez, the selfdescribed “mariachi man from the

Commons,” who knows the scene intimately. “There are seasonal buskers in Ithaca,” Martinez said, “but maybe only five or so mainstays” such as himself. During peak times, such as graduations or parents or alumni weekends, there can be competition for spots, “but there’s a courtesy involved,” Martinez said. “You don’t go close to where someone else is performing. On the other hand, no one has a right to a particular spot.” Martinez’s favored spot during Commons events, which can be crowded (thus lucrative), is the south end of Home Dairy Alley, near Cinemapolis. Other times, he says, “anywhere on the Commons is good,” although he tends to gravitate towards Aurora Streets when it gets late, with restaurants and bars still busy. Usually, Martinez said, he will play about an hour, although frequently longer when business is good. “I have at least two hours of material,” Martinez said. “Mariachi is good for busking because it’s loud, you sing it loud, and that attracts continued on page 7



NSANE!! I have lived on West Hill for over twenty years and I have never experienced such horrendous traffic as last week where I sat in stop and go traffic for 17 minutes on Flora Ave. This is because of the bridge expansion for bike lanes, repaving, beautification and car reduction lane as well as a stop sign in all directions, that I am told, will become a stoplight. I dread that day. I support bikes, but I, like many others have chosen to live outside of Ithaca where I must drive into the city of Ithaca to work. Why do I feel like I am being punished for driving a car? Ithaca includes surrounding areas, and with hills and weather we cannot all drive bikes. No bike seen during the 17 minute wait. Cecelia Lawless

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On Mayor Myrick’s negotiations with the police union


aybe he needs to stop all the hob-nobbing thru the united states campaigning for all of these candidates and start concentrating on problems in his own city that some extremely unhappy constituents are screaming about. David Bickal, via Facebook

On Vecino Group’s Green Street Garage proposal


appy with this choice. I know they are not local but they had the best proposal - and we desperately need a conference center. My office will absolutely use it - glad in the future we won’t have to take our business elsewhere to hold a conference. Jenny Miller, via Facebook

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attention. “I do covers, too. You kind of have to do covers because they grab people.” Martinez does plenty of paid gigs at indoor venues, but enjoys the creativity and flexibility of busking. “Once in a while I’ll just do twenty minutes, just for money for the night,” he said. “You almost never come away with nothing. People like buskers. Busking adds to the quality of life.” John Simon is a veteran professional musician in Ithaca, but said he will sometimes perform at the Ithaca or Trumansburg Farmers Markets for random compensation, not just from shoppers, but vendors. “It’s fun and relaxed,” Simon said. “A farmer brings you produce, a baker brings you pita, it’s great.” Simon also cited the value of free public performances as publicity for paid ones. Zach Rohrer plays with the Blind Spots, a well-known local band that goes on the road nationally. He said he used to busk occasionally on the Commons, generally late at night. “I used to work nights, and sometimes afterwards I’d go play on the

Commons, by myself or with a friend. It’s a good way to work on things and play what you want, in front of people but with no expectations.” Rohrer, like Martinez, also mentioned the merits of a means of making money fast and flexibly. Tenzin Chopak is a singer and guitarist whose star has risen rapidly in Ithaca and beyond. He said that in his youth he busked often, and though he hasn’t in Ithaca, he occasionally will on the road, with time to spare before an evening gig, “especially in pleasant places like Portsmouth, New Hampshire or Burlington, Vermont,” where he plays often. Johnny Dowd has had a long career, with countless gigs, including annual tours of Europe. When asked if he had ever busked, he had to think. “No,” he said finally. “No, I haven’t.” He paused. “But I advocate it,” he said brightly, an encompassing endorsement of this humble but worthy pursuit.


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4. The condition of many city roads – potholes take weeks to be filled. Why do we have to put up with Stewart Ave as a brick road? Have you driven on Stewart Ave lately? That road is not drivable, and I go out of my way to avoid it. How many others do the same? 5. Why are there not enough City cops to enforce the laws of our city? At Buffalo and Fulton, where there is a No Left Turn sign 3-6pm, and yet there are cars lined up there waiting to turn, blocking flow of traffic. These are only a few examples, I’m sure we all can come up with others – Mr. Mayor and Common Council, Ithaca is not just the commons and downtown. It is not just expensive apartments for college students and fancy ten-story hotels. You all need to start paying attention to the rest of Ithaca, and the rest of us who live and work here. You want Ithaca to be a big city instead of a small town? Well then start acting like it is one. Thank you for listening.

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tion of the museum through the increasing variety of programs they offer. “We have a much larger staff than when we first opened and we always offered programs for a wide variety of programs, but in addition to just the museum we take a lot of that on the road with us around the country; particularly for teachers and for teacher professional development,” Ross said. “The museum and that offsite programing are complementary to each other. Another aspect that’s not the museum but a complement to it is that we merged with the nature center. Now we have exhibits from the museum and the nature center that sort of work together to tell the natural history of the region better than anyone place could do on its own.” From all the exhibits in the last 15 years, Ross’ favorite exhibit was about the carbon cycle, mostly because of how it related to the topic of climate change. Ross said exhibits like these provide a specific, and crucial, window into a particularly minute aspect of climate change. “Usually we think about exhibits with fabulous specimens, and we have a lot of those and so on,” Ross said. “I love those, but this particular exhibit was about how carbon moves from place to place within the Earth’s system.” Another of the museum’s special

Steve P. Burke is a columnist for the Ithaca Times. His column, Ithaca Notes, appears biweekly.

GUEST OPINION 3. Trash under the west end bridges from people hanging out there.


compatible philosophy, flexibility, and the knowledge and experience of key staff.” Two other proposals were submitted by Catholic Charities and The Salvation Army. St. John’s will be taking over starting on November 1, leaving very little overlap, but former Ithaca Rescue Mission Director Richard Bennett, who is now a member of St. John’s executive team, will provide support and direct supervision of the local agency’s director. Rescue Mission and Tompkins County have split ways because of differences regarding budget issues with New York State’s Code Blue, which states that based on certain weather conditions, temperatures falling below 32 degrees or a wind chill below zero degrees Fahrenheit, and ice storms, freezing rain, or snow greater than six inches, drop in centers are required to take as many clients as possible, within the Department of Buildings restrictions. However, when shelters run out of available beds, the organization must find housing for the overflow, normally

events was a lecture by Professor Matthew Pritchard, of Cornell University’s Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, who gave a brief lecture about the science behind the late Professor Arthur Bloom’s book, “Gorges History: Landscapes and Geology of the Finger Lakes Region.” The book delves into how the iconic gorges of the Finger Lakes Region were created as well as the answers to several questions about some of the regions more unknown geographical features. In addition to all of this, the museum’s mascot, Cecil the Dinosaur was in attendance to cut the museum’s anniversary cake. In another five years, the museum will celebrate its twentieth anniversary and by then, the museum will hopefully make some upgrades, according to Dr. Robert Ross. “We’re planning to eventually expand a piece of the museum to incorporate some Smithsonian dioramas in it” Ross said. “That’s one of the big plans. We have a number of goals moving forward to work with our colleagues at Cornell to bring the kind of science that they’re doing to the public at the museum. We have exhibits coming up in the future on the diversity of bees, and another on the evolution and diversification of grasses that are used in agriculture. I think we’ll be continuing to add more and more in the way of outreach that’s directly associated with ongoing science here at the museum.” -E dw i n J. Vi er a

Emergency Shelter Bednights by Year 9,228 8,795

1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

8,823 6,554 5,609 7,572 8,822

7,357 5,865 6,256 4,744



12,544 11,678 12,712 11,313

11,869 13,981 15,353 15,041 15,965 16,183 11,001 10,794 9,708

12,801 11,470 10,193 10,700 9,000



Human Services Coalition

by setting them up with a room at a local motel for the night, an expense for which they would then be com- Results by Salesp Fundraiser pensated for by TompkinsYEAR County BEDNIGHTS Department of Social Services. How1989 9,228 ever, Rescue Mission, would regularly 1990 8,795 fill up and would end up spending at 1991 12,544 least $75 a night for motel1992 expenses, 11,678 something that ultimately1993 cause them 12,712 to terminate service at the1994 end of 11,313 October. 1995 8,823 The need for a homeless shelter 1996 6,554 in Tompkins County is more than 1997 5,609 present according to a graph by the 1998 7,572 Human Services Coalition, that shows 2000 8,822 shelter stays have tripled from 1997 2001 11,869 at 5,609 to 2006 at 16,183.2002 2007 saw a 13,981 steady decrease back to the levels in 2003 15,353 1997 over the following six2004years. In 15,041 2014, though, the numbers increased 2005 15,965 by a whopping 169 percent to 12,801. 2006 16,183 With fluctuating numbers2007 such as 11,001 these, it can be difficult to2008 determine 10,794 just what can be the “right2009 size” for a 9,708 homeless shelter. 2010 7,357 Other funds needed would be to 2011 5,865 repair the building’s fire alarms and 2012 6,256 electrical systems as well as any other 2013 4,744 costs related to keeping the building 2014 12,801 up to code. While all three2015 proposals 11,470 were based on using the current Res2016 10,193 cue Mission building, there are talks 2017 10,700 of possibly looking at another facility, though a definitive timeline hasn’t been set for when this would occur.


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From a homeless shelter to a supportive community, Heartstrings is trying to heal


By M att Bu tler he members of Heartstrings are sitting outside in the center of the Second Wind Cottages development in Newfield, New York. Each

one is showing their role in the band. Angelo Baez is talking; he’s good at that, the self-described funny one. Mike Foster, currently the Program Director at the Rescue Mission in Ithaca, is teaching a new chord to Ben Predmore, who’s soaking the instruction in. Josh Canavan is quietly ob-

serving the others. They get along just like a band would. Ragging on each other, poking fun at Baez and Predmore’s bro-mance, helping each other out with new chords and notes. They all bring an affinity for music, though Foster’s the only one of the group with much

Hea rtstr i ngs, pict u r ed o u t s i d e o f t h e S e c o n d Wi n d C o t tag e s . F r o m l e f t t o r i g h t : J o s h C a n ava n , M i k e F o s t e r , Ben Predmore and A ngelo B a e z . ( P h o t o s : C a s e y M a r t i n) experience actually playing. They’ve also all been homeless and have battled addiction or crime in the past. Outside of Second Wind, the homeless community is undergoing an even more tumultuous time than normal in Ithaca. It

Musical Medicine

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was announced over the summer that the Rescue Mission, the primary purveyor of homeless services in the city’s downtown area by way of its West State Street shelter, would be departing after a contract dispute with Tompkins County could not be resolved. Though St. John’s Community Services appears poised to take over the Rescue Mission’s role, volunteers are now being urged to sign up for shifts through the end of October just to keep the crucial Friendship Center at the West State Street location open and operational, before St. John’s contract begins. Beyond that, one of the main gathering spots for Ithaca’s homeless community, colloquially known as “the Jungle,” has faced two serious fires in September, destroying a camper and a shed-like structure. The Ithaca Police Department has said it is investigating the fires, without any comment beyond that. In other words, a vulnerable population may be even more vulnerable now, and it seems important to the members of Heartstrings that they not only have each other for support, but the rest of the community as well, inside and outside of Second Wind (a sober living development for “men with restored lives”). Heartstrings is another manifestation, and example, of that support something stable they can count on to come once a week, for an hour, to practice music and connect with each other. “It’s something to look forward to,” Canavan said. To hear the group describe it, the band’s formation is partially a healing process, partially an intense interest in music, and partially a distraction. All of the band members have had their share of highs and lows. Foster has been sober for just over 10 years now, but had struggled with addiction previously. Baez spent some time in prison, and all three have been homeless and through the shelter at one point or another; the Rescue Mission is actually what connected them all. Now they’ve joined together as friends, bandmates and, in times of need, a support group. “Music is the only thing that actually reverses what addiction does to the brain,” Foster said. “There are other things that level it out, but music is the only thing that really heals it.” Foster’s seen countless people walk through the doors of the Rescue Mission, including all three of his Heartstrings bandmates now, looking like they were in need of some healing. That’s particularly true for Predmore at least. “I walked through those doors and

[Mike] said ‘You look like death,’” Predmore said. “Yeah, I thought he was going to die,” Foster said. “I thought ‘There’s no way he’s going to make it.’” That was just two years ago, but it’s hard to imagine so looking at Predmore’s strong build now. The same can be said for Canavan, who’s a slight man but weighed just 90 lbs about a year ago (he’s put on about 60 lbs since getting to Second Wind). Heartstrings started two months ago. Its mission, from Foster’s intentions, is to spend three months teaching the group how to play guitar or bass, integrated with Bible study sessions about passages related to music’s connection to a higher being (God, though not necessarily religion, plays a heavy role in the group), and “engage in the proven healing power of music for the brain, body and soul.” Each practice is bookended by prayers, with laughs and music in the middle. “It’s going to be like a new hobby, something to keep our minds occupied,” Baez said. “We’re all recovering addicts and we’re all trying to change our lives, that’s the big thing.” They’re helping each other, but it’s coming from outside too. There is perhaps no better evidence than what occurred that day. As the group sat outside of the common building at Second Wind, a car drove up carrying a couple, Sam and Crystina Stansfield, and their children asking to use the bathroom (Crystina is pregnant with their sixth). With that kind of crowd

at home, it’s easy to believe they wouldn’t have much to spare, and Crystina said so as well. Then they began pulling items out of the car: tools, a portable grill and other things they had brought to donate to the Second Wind community. Baez describes it as “awesome, but sad” to simultaneously have the support of each other, but also knowing that’s the only type of support they feel they can rely on consistently. “You know who’s helping? It’s us homeless people who help each other,” Baez said. “Some of them live in nice little shacks that someone from here built, with generators that were donated to them. That’s not the city, that’s not the government helping. That’s the volunteers, people like Mike, that help.” One of the designs of Second Wind is to be surrounded by people who might be coming from similar circumstances but are also trying to follow a path back to a stable, healthier lifestyle. When the obstacles on that path inevitably get in the way, the theory is that having a support system around someone makes it easier for them to navigate those issues. In that, Foster said, he sees a connection to working toward musical cohesion. “If you’re in a band situation, you have to be going in the same direction as the people around you, if someone else is going the wrong way, everything falls apart,” Foster said. “I love the way that the music intersects with the community here.” Foster, the de facto leader due to his

B a e z h o n i n g h i s c r a f t. H e g r e w u p I n N e w Yo r k C i t y, s u r r o u n d e d b y m u s i c f r o m a w i d e va r i e t y o f b ac k g r o u n d s .

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musical acumen and knowledge from 30 years of playing, and who’s also been sober the longest, said music had been a significant factor in his fight to get sober. He knows what helped him, and when he talks about the opportunity to spread what he learned, his voice lifts and intensifies. “It’ll evolve, I think it’ll kind of start cycling,” Foster said. “Long term goal, I want to teach these guys enough to be able to create their own music. There’s something very powerful about being able to create the things that are in your heart that words just don’t get.” It impacts each member in different ways. As mentioned before, for Canavan it’s a rewarding weekly ritual. Predmore admits his addiction has basically just transferred over to guitar from what it was previously, but he’ll take the trade. The distraction, or the additional outlet, is valuable. Corroborated by the rest of the group, he’ll spend hours picking away at new chords, taking pictures of finger placements so he can memorize them, perfecting his tuning, even right after practice finishes. Additionally, in association with the Heartstringss program, Foster has established a GoFundMe page that will purchase the musical equipment for Predmore, Canavan and Baez so they can keep it for themselves; Foster’s currently poured hundreds of dollars of his own money into it to by guitars and amplifiers for the group. The GoFundMe currently has $375 of its $400 goal. Foster is not a man who presumably has a lot of free time on his hands. He started at the Rescue Mission as chaplain and rose the ranks to Program Director, a position that took on increased significance after the departure of Rescue Mission leader Richard Bennett earlier this year. Yet even in the midst of that, he asked Baez if he’d be interested in learning how to play guitar or bass, and if he knew anyone else who would be also. The answer sounds a little hackneyed, but Foster insists it saved him. Foster’s view is that if he can’t pass that knowledge around to others, he is undeserving of having received it in the first place. “It’s love, man,” Foster said. “It changed my life realizing how much God loved me, having people around me that showed me that kind of love, that’s the only thing that ever changed my life. No rules ever changed it, no theology, no government policy ever changed it, it was purely love. Relational and community, and I want other people to experience that.”•

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IPD CONTRACT Contin u ed From Page 4

stretched into the present day. That effort, the IPBA claims, has cost the city $250,000 in private counsel legal fees during the past four years. The police union calls the city’s actions a “legal rampage and assault.” The letter essentially ends by accusing the city of four years of superfluous litigation, and states that the city, although financially able, does not want to pay IPBA members “fair and reasonable compensation for the hard work they perform and danger they face.” Further, it called the process “demoralizing to the IPBA members.”

“The City’s mockery of the contractual process is an insult to IPBA and should insult the community we serve and protect,” the letter states. “Mayor Myrick’s stated goal is for the Ciy of Ithaca to become a model for other cities. His conduct toward the IPBA is a betrayal of progressive values and complete failure in leadership.” Myrick took to Facebook earlier this week to fire back at the union’s claims. He laid out why he believed the union’s accusations are misguided, and tried to justify the city’s negotiating position. It’s fairly anomalous for the mayor to comment on city matters with so much detail online, and certainly for an ongoing negotiation, but he outlined the city’s negotiating

position using six points. Before laying out those, he claimed that “every three percent increase in PBA salary equates to approximately a $160,000 increase in tax spending.” IPD Police Officers had a 2017 median income of $93,152, while the average Ithacan had a median household income of around $31,000. IPD officers paid less than a third what other City of Ithaca employees paid towards the city’s health insurance plan in 2017. While the PBA has been without a contract for seven years, Myrick said the city has reached agreements each year with all five of the city’s other bargaining units, He


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blamed that on PBA leadership. Myrick claims that the NY Public Employment Relations Board has decided that the IPBA cannot go back and negotiate new contracts for years in which they’ve rejected the city’s offers for arbitration (2012 and 2013). Myrick concluded by thanking the IPD’s officers, and expressing the city’s desire to sign a “fair” contract, but condemning the PBA’s negotiating strategy so far. “This aggression and stonewalling by PBA leadership has undermined the interests of the officers they represent,” Myrick concluded his post. “While our officers have been poorly served by their union to date, we remain hopeful that the PBA will come back to the table to negotiate in good faith so that the police officers they represent can finally see a reasonable and deserved raise.” Myrick did not address the alleged $250,000 legal expense figure noted by the IPBA. This public jousting actually coincides with another police-city dispute on a seemingly separate topic: hiring more police officers, a plea IPD renewed at September’s Common Council meeting as the city’s annual budget negotiation process begins. IPD said then that while they can provide baseline policing services, they are unable to effectively cover the full range of services desired by the community, like community policing efforts, without heavily dipping into overtime pay. The IPD said it’s barely able to replace retiring officers each year with the number of new officers they can afford to hire. It’s unclear whether that dispute has any relationship to the lack of a new contract, though it’s perhaps relevant to note that PBA leaders both spoke to Common Council on behalf of the department to ask for the increased hiring funding. One small slice of the IPBA’s letter at least alluded to the relation between the two, however. “We believe that attracting and retaining quality police officers, a main component of strong policing, starts with a fair and reasonable contract and an administration that supports its members; not one that fights them throughout the entire collective bargaining process.” M att Butler

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A Cog in the Wheel By Steve Lawrence

T hi s we e k , I beg in my 27th ye ar a s the Spor t s Guy he re at the Ith a c a Time s , an d e ve r y ye ar I l ook ba ck at how the Rive r of Time h a s s we pt in s u ch dra stic ch ange s to thi s ne ws pape r, to our communit y an d to our worl d .


his has always been a “sports” column – sort of – but it is first and foremost a “people” column, and this week I will profile a high school coach (who is also a friend), and I will look at how these changes have influenced the way he sees his role in the lives of the young people with whom he interacts. Ten years ago, Mike Blakely-Armitage told me how proud he was to take the helm as Ithaca High’s varsity swimming coach. Roy Staley had built a highlyrespected powerhouse, and BlakelyArmitage conveyed his gratitude that he would be mentored by such a revered and successful coach. At the time, Mike and his wife, Robin, were parents to an elementary-age daughter (Seneca), and while he had been a high school and collegiate swimmer himself, Mike knew he had a lot to learn. Fast-forward a decade. Mike now has three children, Seneca Blakely-Armitage is now a high school student, doing her best to navigate the demands – internal and external – faced by student-athletes, and Mike is wiser as well as older. When asked to give me some insight into what he has learned in 10 years, Mike said “We have always had very high standards here, and we still have some kids working hard to

reach their goals, but my work starts when they don’t reach their goals.” He added “It’s my job to help them understand that they might learn more from a bad swim than from a good one, and as a coach I don’t always like it when they reach their goals too early. It’s like life, sometimes if you reach your goals too early you might be tempted to back off, and stagnate. I know it can be a challenge to reframe your goals, and I try to help them learn how to negotiate with themselves and ask ‘What can I do to keep moving forward?’” Blakely-Armitage agreed that studentathletes live in a different world than he did 20 years ago, and I asked him to share what he has observed. “There is just so much information at their fingertips,” Mike offered (making sure not to confuse information with knowledge). “Everything is so ramped up, and their minds are way more busy, and distracted. They have so many demands on them – athletically and academically and it can be hard for them to understand that sometimes they need to back off. Some kids try to be a varsity athlete and take four AP classes and be in the school band, and it can be overwhelming.” I asked Mike how he addresses this whirlwind – as a coach and as a parent –



The Ithaca High School Varsity Swimming team practicing in Cayuga Lake. (Photo provided)

and he said “There is a character development piece to this, and we try to develop what I call ‘whole people.’ We focus on mindfulness, and the ‘why’ in the process. Our current Athletic Director is very supportive of this mindfulness approach, and while we do have very high standards and we have expectations of excellence, we work together to set realistic goals. I see myself as just a cog in this wheel, along with teachers, mentors, and most importantly, parents.” As he evolves personally and professionally, Blakeley-Armitage hopes to take on increasing leadership and mentoring roles.

“I have had some very influential teachers and mentors – like Roy Staley – and I am honored to carry on his tradition of excellence,” Mike stated. “I have standards I set for myself as a coach, and I know that our athletes can’t be good in the pool unless we’re good in the classroom and that if you’re not accommodating the kids’ academic needs, you won’t coach for long. I know what colleges are looking for, and I want to help my athletes make good choices and prioritize. I know that I’m just one voice in this process, and I am not trying to take over for the parents in the character development piece. We all have to stay on it.”






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Best of Ithaca 2018 Winners Miracle Nail


Ducson Nguyen

Best Mani/Pedi

Best Daily Specials

Best Common Councilor

Women Swimmin’

Bellwether Hard Cider

John Simon

First Fridays

Best Fundraiser

Best Local Cidery

Best Radio DJ

Best Arts Event

Hairy Canary

Silo Food Truck

We Are Seneca Lake

Johnson Museum

Best Hair Salon

Best Food Truck/Cart

Best Local Activist Group

Best Art Exhibit

Mikey David’s


Chicago (Hangar)

Best Barber Shop

Best Lunch Buffet

Best 2018 Theatre Production

Diane’s Downtown

Uncle Joe’s

Reggae Explosions


Best Sports Bar

Best Local Radio Show

Best Auto Repair Shop

Just a Taste

Ithaca Festival

Macro Mamas

Best Restaurant for Visitors

Best Farmers Market Booth

Just a Taste

Ithaca Community

Best Restaurant Service

Childcare Center

Gola Osteria

Best Day-care

Best Restaurant Inspired Dining

Cayuga Ski & Cyclery

Bickering Twins

Best Bike Shop

Best New Restaurant


Best Community Celebration

Best Festival

Kitchen Theatre Best Cultural Asset

Cornell Hockey Best Local Sports Event

Lot 10 Best Open Mic Night

Best Chef

Karl Gregory Best Actor

Diane Ackerman Best Author/Writer

Chelsea Fausel at Fausel Imagery Best Visual Artist

Mayor Svante Myrick Best Local Hero

PLACES Cascadilla Gorge



Franco’s Pizza

Phoebe Aceto

Best Pizza Slice

Best Tattoo Artist

Ithaca Ale House

Avi Baumgold

Utica Street

Best Burger

Best Massage Therapist

Best Neighborhood Street

Anything at FLX Fitclub

Doug’s Fish Fry

Dr. Ira Kamp

Robert H. Treman Park

Best Fitness Class

Best Friday Fish Fry

Best Dentist

Best Wilderness Area

Mighty Yoga

Argos Inn

Dr. Ann Shakespeare

Seneca Lake Wineries

Best Yoga Studio

Best Craft Cocktails

Best Veterinarian

Best FLX Day Trip

ESSENTIALS One Ring Donuts Best New Business

Tompkins County SPCA Best Non-Profit Organization

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Best Quiet Spot

The Nines & CTB Best College Hangout

CAP helps sustain local art community


By Gay Hu ddle

ince 1992 the Community Arts Partnership (CAP) has helped to distribute more than $4.2 million to artists and art organizations in Tompkins County. But other than noticing the little green and white signs that pop up around Ithaca directing us to the Greater Ithaca Arts Trail open studios, it can be tough to know much about the organization. So, over coffee with Robin Schwartz, who is the Program Director for the Community Arts Partnership, I set out to gather more information on this program. In a city like Ithaca, one that abounds with artisans in so many different categories, what is an organization that strives to get “visual artists in front of an audience” all about? The annual summer Ithaca Artist Market, and a May Spring Writes Literary Festival (included in 2018 were 110 writers), the CAP ArtSpace Gallery and the Greater Ithaca Art Trail are all CAP programs. The CAP-a-Palooza is a fundraiser for CAP where the community is invited to donate unloved or unused art, resulting in a cool selection of vintage and unusual art for sale. The Art Trail acts as one of the driving forces behind the vibrant arts community of Ithaca and the neighboring towns and villages. These open houses take place year round by appoint-

ment, the first Saturdays of each month except January and October, and this year on Oct. 6-7 and Oct. 13-14 from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. each day. Checking out the artwork is fun and even more enjoyable is talking with the many talented artists, from those who paint to those who take photographs to those who sculpt and build furniture and many others. A great opportunity to meet the artists is coming up in the ArtSpace, where a First Friday Gallery Night Reception will be held from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m., Friday, Oct. 5, featuring one piece by 35 artists in the Great Ithaca Art Trail. The ArtSpace, which is currently located at 171 East State Street but will soon move into the Tompkins Center for History and Culture in the old Tompkins Trust Company building, is a multi-use space gallery for the exhibition of works by local artists. A new exhibit hangs monthly throughout the year. The CAP office will be on the third floor and the ArtSpace will be on the first floor. Robin is very excited about this move because, she says, “there are lots of windows and a restroom on the same floor.” John Spence, Executive Director of CAP for the past five years, is very involved with CAP’s move into the Tompkins Center for History and Culture, along with the Convention and Visitors Center, and other non-profits. If all goes well, the move will take place by January 1, 2019. John has been working on what he describes as “a very cool public art program based on the Taughannock Giant”, and says, “I plan on attending the next Community Life Commission meeting to draw the city’s attention to the poor condition of a lot of the public art the city

already owns.” When asked what he feels CAP means to our community, John said, “For 27 years the Community Arts Partnership has provided a foundation for the strengthening of the arts and culture in Tompkins County. CAP’s lengthy experience and positive reputation for administrating grants has resulted in this organization’s securing and distributing over $4.2 million in funding over the years to local artists and arts organizations. Funding sources continue to be the New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA), Tompkins County, and local foundations. “A good deal of this funding has focused on bringing the arts in a variety of forms to the smaller communities throughout our county. Our programs, such as the Greater Ithaca Art Trail or the Spring Writes Literary Festival bring audiences and artists together to the benefit of both. Tompkins County has the reputation of being a cultural center with a multitude of offerings to be enjoyed by visitors and local residents alike. CAP, in serving the artists, arts organizations and the audiences has been at the center of building that reputation.” CAP has five grant programs and there has been over 1,000 artists each year that benefit from CAP and that number continues to grow. Along with the funding programs, CAP offers professional development workshops, a consultant program, an on-line artist data base, and meets with artists daily to provide support, advice, brainstorming and connections to area resources.•

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Succeeding Together

Carol Spence in John Lyon Paul’s studio in Ellis Hollow, one of the studio’s included on the Greater Ithaca Arts Trail. (Photo provided)

I t h a c a T i m e s   13


Beehive of Soul

Young cast expertly handles old classics By Barbara Ad am s

Crystal Sha’nae honored the late, great Aretha Franklin with a rendition of ‘Chain of Fools’ during “Beehive.” (Photo by Ron Heerkens, Jr.)


he beehive – that teased, towering hairdo invented in 1960 by a Chicago beautician – inspired a generation of women to do dreadful things to their hair. Some 20-plus years later, it also inspired a musical tribute to the women of rock in that decade. Conceived by Larry Gallagher, “Beehive,” directed and choreographed by Brett Smock, is currently closing the 60th anniversary season of Auburn’s Merry-Go-Round Playhouse.

Best to think of this as a concert, as there’s virtually no narrative, and what brief dialogue exists is forgettable. There’s just a timeline, from The Chiffons (“One Fine Day”) and Patti Labelle through Tina Turner and Janis Joplin. As Corinne Aquilina’s excellent onstage orchestraturned-rock-band sounded the overture, audience members were already nodding their heads and swaying in their seats. Their appreciation continued after the final number, Aretha’s “Natural Woman,” and the exit music brought everyone to their feet. And frankly, even if you didn’t live through every hit of this decade, you’d have to be made of stone to resist the music, presented by eight talented women. The Supremes are sung by Brittney Mack, Khalifa White, and Quiana Holmes, with Crystal Sha’nae joining in for The Chiffons’ “Sweet Talkin’ Guy” and The Ronettes’ “Be My Baby.” The Shirelles’ “Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow” is sung by Mack, Angela Travino, and Alison Morooney. Everybody (including Emily Lynne Miller and Abigail Raye) chimes in on Lesley Gore’s irresistible chant, “It’s My Party.” (Though as long as we were indulging ourselves, I admit I missed hearing The Shangri-Las’ “Leader of the Pack.”) But the fun and lightness of the early ’60s turns almost reverential when Sha’nae’s Aretha elegantly steps out with “Never Loved a Man” and “Chain of Fools.” And the mood definitely deepens with the entire company singing Dion’s 1968 “Abraham Martin and John,” a tribute

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to the memory of assassinated American leaders. At this point the images projected on the dozen overhead angled screens can’t be laughed away as period folly. (Earlier we chuckled at silly snack food ads or clips of The Three Stooges advertising Aqua-Net.) The selected images of JFK in Dallas and the Vietnam battlefields are somehow new and freshly disturbing, reinforcing the persistence of our history in the present moment. As if on cue, the emotional register jumps with Angela Travino’s Grace Slick, in a haunting, powerful “Somebody to Love.” The fervid frenzy of Tina Turner follows, with “River Deep, Mountain High” and “Proud Mary.” Brittney Mack, though short, delivers Tina’s body-bending style with explosive energy. And commitment – that’s what’s so fascinating about this production: These young performers didn’t grow up to this music and have only seen video clips of these singers in their heyday, but they somehow capture (not imitating, not channeling) the character of the women and their music. These are felt performances, which makes the entire show far more interesting than the usual jukebox musical. The mood is absolutely enhanced by the creativity of costumer Tiffany Howard – from pedal-pushers and one-piece swimsuits to bouffant dresses and dazzling gowns, all in delicious colors. And Alfonso Annotto’s puffy hairdos complete the picture. David Arsenault’s set is serviceable – two platforms and a central staircase with a dozen overhead angular screens, but it’s something of a white elephant when not washed with color by lighting designer Dan Ozminkowski. Brian McMullen’s projection design appears at first merely comically nostalgic, then grows more striking and somber. As our memory of the decade’s political crises builds, so does the raw force of women’s energy. From the early love songs to the saucier numbers and finally the declarations of undeniable presence and power, the lyrics and vocal delivery have surged to the point of explosion. That means Janis Joplin – a remarkable performance by Abigail Raye, capturing all Janis’ anguish and passion, right down to the delicate vocal flutters. After her “Try,” “Me and Bobby McGee,” and “Cry Baby,” no one could doubt how women’s music fueled the era’s feminism. Beneath its entertaining surface, “Beehive” subversively charts a trajectory from teen romance to pain acknowledged, from innocence to experience. Rock on.

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the ’60s Musical, created by Larry Gallagher; directed and choreographed by Brett Smock. At the Merry-GoRound Playhouse, Auburn, through Oct. 6. Tickets at 315-255-1785 or online at

Barbara Adams, a regional theatre and arts writer, teaches writing at Ithaca College. 14  T

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Tuna Served Hot

With Hot Tuna returning to Ithaca, Jorma Kaukonen reflects

By Br yan VanC ampe n

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Jack Casady and Jorma Kaukonen of Hot Tuna, who will perform at the State Theatre on September 27. (Photo provided)


uitarist Jorma Kaukonen has been kicking around the music business since joining up with Jefferson Airplane in 1965 (though there are reel-to-reel recordings of Kaukonen playing with Janis Joplin that predate the Airplane) and then forming Hot Tuna with Airplane bassist Jack Cassidy. Since the last time Kaukonen and Hot Tuna were here at the State Theater, the long-time musician has become a firsttime writer with the publication of his memoirs, Been So Long: My Life and Music. Kaukonen addresses his addictions and emotional problems with welcome candor, and for guitar fans, the book is a treasure trove of information about the music business long predating the itunes model. Hot Tuna returns to the State Theater on September 27 with special guest Chris Smither. Following a few moments reminiscing about the now-shuttered Rumble Seat Music, Kaukonen spoke to the Ithaca Times about reinventing himself as an author. Ithaca Times: Let’s talk about your book. Jorma Kaukonen: Well, here’s the deal. I’ve been writing and blogging and stuff for years. I guess I blogged before they had the word blog. And even when I was a kid, I loved to write stuff and put it on paper, and I never really cared if anyone read it or not. And about a decade or so ago, I upgraded my site, and the guy who helped me design it goes, “You’ve gotta have comments.” And that changed a lot of stuff, because in the beginning before I had comments, I didn’t care what people thought; I just wrote it. So we started

talking about a book deal. To be honest, I hadn’t seriously thought about what it takes to write a book. And the more I thought about it, I thought, “I can do this.” And it’ll be sort of like the early days of my blog, where I get to write stuff. And sure, when I talk to people and do interviews, I’ll talk about it. But other than that, I love to field comments. So I started writing, and for me, it’s more a memoir on a personal level rather than a rock n’ roll story. Obviously, we’re having this conversation because I have an identity in the music world probably. But this was a part of my life, so I kept writing stuff; I took about a year and a half, two years to write it. I did it myself. I had a lot of help with editors and people that I know that I respect. And all of a sudden, I found myself at the end of the book, and there was a book. IT: Most of the books like yours that I’ve read rely on ghost-writers and journalists to interview them and do the actual grunt-work of writing the book, but this is all yours. JK: I’d been comfortable writing out. I’d never written a book, so I couldn’t call myself quote-unquote “an author.” For years I was a member of the former and now I’m a member of the latter. It’s hard to sum up in words but all of a sudden things just began to flow, and before you know it, I was thinking I should write another one someday. And I don’t know if this is a criticism or not, but some people go, “Well, you didn’t tell enough stories about Janis, or made Jack [Cassidy] sound like a cardboard character.” And I go, “Look, it’s not that kind of a book.”

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I t h a c a T i m e s   15


Questioning Reality “George Kaplan” captures the evolution of revolution By Barbara Ad am s


ast year marked the 50th anniversary of Godard’s “La Chinoise,” that (perhaps) tongue-in-cheek Maoist manifesto about posturing Parisian university students in someone else’s bourgeois apartment, endlessly debating how to overturn the repressive social order. There’s something inherently and irresistibly French about philosophical political disputes, and young French playwright Frédéric Sonntag readily admits that his “George Kaplan” –– whose first act comically echoes Godard’s wrangling revolutionaries –– may not easily translate to all other cultures. Still, his 2012 play has already been translated into 15 languages, most recently a new American version by Sam Buggeln, artistic director of the Cherry Arts, where “George Kaplan” is currently intriguing audiences. Keeping the full text, with its wordy, nuanced dialogue, Buggeln not only retains the density of the original but its pacing – fluid despite the five characters’ fragmented speech and constant interrupting each other. But back to the story, or rather the underlying trope. As it happens, it wasn’t Godard but Hitchcock who provided Sonntag with the teasing central concept: a fake identity, an empty shell that can be filled multiple ways. That’s George Kaplan, the alleged spy whom Cary Grant is mistaken for in “North by Northwest.” In Sonntag’s satirical serio-comic edgy thriller, five young artist-activists meet in a remote country home to plan the next phase of

the aesthetic project they intend to spread worldwide. Each member of the collective is known as George Kaplan, which confers a unifying anonymity and dedication – not to mention continuing amusement for the audience. The ultimate goal of these not-quiterevolutionary artists is rather opaque (even to some of them), but they dream big, even as they bog down in minute procedural observances and the whims of their contrary personalities. (Think the Meeting from Hell, guaranteed comic gold, as seen last year in Playwrights Horizons’ “Miles for Mary”). At one point they consider voting on whether they’re having an actual meeting or just a discussion. Coffee is made, and made again. Identified in the script simply as A through E, the five characters each have a different notion of their mission. Joshua Sedelmeyer keeps trying to take charge, though derailed by the others, including his obsessive partner, Erica Steinhagen. Dean Robinson hangs back yet arrogantly seems to hold the true purpose of their plan, while Elizabeth Moser and Jacob Garrett White strike different emotional chords. The aim, inspired by G.K., is to create and disseminate a myth, a counterfiction, a hoax, and possibly a weapon –– George Kaplans everywhere as a political act, a haunting. Their theorizing is interrupted by a SWAT team … but the storyline’s not at stake here, rather the creative chaos of a collective.

The cast of Cherry Arts’ production of “George Kaplan,” plus the French play’s break-out star, the chicken. (Photo provided)

In scene two, the creative stakes are higher: a team of five scriptwriters toss out ideas for the next brutal blockbuster. (This isn’t the same group, but resonating images and moments keep popping up allusively.) Everyone’s focused and competitive and on the clock to produce – not to mention that their entire brainstorming session is being taped for the shadowy investors who hired them. Their proposed scenarios are offensively violent, just as in Hollywood itself, so when the misfit among them – White’s sad-clownish character, unable to think about anything but his wife leaving him – goes postal, it’s art imitating life imitating art, etc. Scene two ends in a powerfully simulated act of domestic terrorism (or is it a fantasy?) that Buggeln, as director, sees as reflecting “an open wound in our own culture.”

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"Rural Landscapes at Harvest Time" Paintings by Brian Keeler

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Sep t ember

"Acadian Light - Otter Point, Maine"

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The third scene is set in a corporate boardroom. Within the play, the characters’ attire, by Liz Woods – tinged ever so subtly with radical red – has moved from casual to professional to severe black suits. These agents are now arguing about actions and ideas of global consequence: this is Deep State activity, manipulating and ruthless. Throughout the three scenes, clips from “North by Northwest” have appeared on a high letterbox-screen on the rear wall, and now a hooded bound captive is also seen, as well as, in a fair grassy field, a husky white Cochin chicken. Yes, a chicken, whose intermittent appearance is part of the mystery, a wonderfully absurdist touch. Is the chicken the real George Kaplan? Or has it swallowed secret codes? Or is it, as it struck me, the most alert and compassionate intelligence staring back at us? While our heads are buzzing with the implications of connection between the three levels of collaborative group agency we’ve witnessed (just how dangerous is art?), Sonntag’s themes are clear. He’s exploring the boundaries of identity and naming, of fiction and reality, of speculative invention and action with consequences. At one point a character implies that stories exist not to give us answers but to confuse us. George Kaplan,a riddling, unpredictable play, may do just that. But with five compelling actors, a few folding tables, a chicken, and a gurgling coffeepot – this humorous, sly, and occasionally disturbing work is satisfyingly provocative. Barbara Adams, a regional arts journalist, teaches writing at Ithaca College.


2018/19 SEASON

Follow the Northstar


Northstar House a destination for locals and tourists

a musical tribute to the women of rock


By He nr y Stark



he website indicates that the three founders of Northstar House thought of their restaurant as a “true neighborhood establishment” and, in fact, it does stand alone in the Fall Creek neighborhood of Ithaca. If you arrive early for dinner, for example between 5 and 5:30, you might notice families with children arriving on foot and by bike. However, after frequent visits, I couldn’t help noticing a very eclectic mix of diners and imbibers. The ambience is light hearted. There are many large windows fronting on the parking lot so during daylight hours there is lots of natural light. The walls are unusual for a restaurant in that one is all red, another all blue, and another all green and there is a small collection of wall hangings from Star War movies. The bar is nicely lit and there are a few adjacent high-top tables adding to the informal atmosphere. The service from the front-of-the-house staff is spectacular. The young and enthusiastic servers simply can’t do enough for diners. On a recent visit I ordered the “1 LB Organic Chicken Wings” from the starter menu. Among the choices of “styles” available I chose brown butter with blue cheese and celery – very tasty. One pound turned out to be six neatly stacked wings, a large portion of which I was able to save half for home. Another starter I enjoyed was Balsamic Grilled Mushrooms. The button mushrooms were served on two skewers in a most attractive presentation. The vinegar marinade wasn’t over powering and the homemade horseradish aioli served as a pleasant dipping accompaniment. The “Mac ‘n’ Cheese” entrée varies from day-to-day. One evening I ordered Cauliflower Macaroni and Cheese. All the white ingredients: pasta, cheese, onions, and garlic combined into a white sauce did not make for a particularly interesting visual presentation however it did taste good. If I hadn’t known what the dish was I would have identified it as creamed cauliflower.

Northstar management uses as many ingredients from local purveyors as possible and the pasta in this dish fits that bill. In contrast, the Harvest Bowl Salad is full of color with red quinoa, blueberries, pickled curried cauliflower with walnuts and sesame seeds for crunch and texture. A tasty dish and a generous portion. Another time I ordered House Curry with coconut jasmine rice and tofu. As an add on I could have had salmon, haddock, and chicken for an additional $4-$8. The curry wasn’t overly spicy and had a pleasant after-taste. The fried chicken dish is terrific: four lightly buttermilk-breaded pieces of chicken cooked to retain their juiciness and topped with a honey chipotle sauce that has just the right amount of bite. There are a few burgers on the menu. When the Roasted Garlic Burger arrived, I was almost overwhelmed by its size and the scope of the accompanying salad. I had ordered the burger rare and it arrive medium rare, close enough for me. The salad on the plate included greens, two varieties of tomatoes, onions, and shredded carrots. It all made for a most satisfying dinner. I thoroughly enjoyed a recent “Seasonal Pizza” which was constructed out of an arugula and basil pesto, tomatoes, pickled red onions, and local chevre served on a naan crust. Because of the bits of whole tomatoes, it was juicier than I’m used to in a pizza but very welcome. The wine offerings are not impressive. There are about a dozen choices of wines under the bottles menu. On the other hand, there are more than twice as many interesting beers on offer and a fair number of innovative craft cocktails. Northstar House offers a creative selection of food that is well prepared and attractively presented. It’s one of the best restaurants in our region and deserves to be popular with visitors from all over the area as well as residents of the Fall Creek neighborhood.•


now – OCT. 6 at the merry-go-round playhouse


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Irish Session with members of Traonach | 7:00 PM, | Argos Inn, Ithaca

Cornell Wind Symphony | 3:00 PM, 9/29 Saturday | Bailey Hall, Cornell, Ithaca |

I-Town Jazz Jam w/ Prof. Greg Evans | 9:00 PM, | The Haunt, Ithaca

Cornell Symphony Orchestra and Chamber Orchestra | 3:00 PM, 9/30 Sunday | Bailey Hall, Cornell, Ithaca |

Tuesday Bluesday with Danny P & friends | 6:00 PM, | The Haunt, Ithaca Concerts/Recitals


Always Under Construction | 7:00 PM, | Boathouse Beer Garden, Romulus


Bad Mama’s Blues Band | 9:30 PM, | The Range, Ithaca

9/26 Wednesday Feed the Fire | 7:00 PM, | Stonecat Cafe, Hector Ray McNamara | 7:00 PM, | Monk’s on the Commons, Ithaca Reggae Night w/ the Crucial Reggae Social Club & DJ Mike Judah | 9:00 PM, | The Haunt, Ithaca | $5 Djug Django | 6:00 PM, | Lot 10 Lounge, Ithaca Open Mic with Marty Flynn and his Good Time Band | 7:00 PM, | Flynn’s Roadhouse Cafe, Lansing Canaan Jam Session | 7:00 PM, | Canaan Institute, Brooktondale

9/27 Thursday RAM presented by Cornell’s Wind Symphony | 8:00 PM, | The Haunt, Ithaca | $15-$18 Cielle | 6:00 PM, | Six Mile Creek Vineyard, Ithaca Firelight Live! | 6:00 PM, | Firelight Camps, Ithaca

9/28 Friday Iron Horse | 8:00 PM, | Farrell’s Bar, Groton Judy Hyman, Mac Benford, Sally Fruend, Jeff Claus Old Time Music | 5:00 PM, | Red Newt Bistro, Hector

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Binghamton Theater Organ Society presents: Dennis James | 3:00 PM, 9/30 Sunday | Forum Theatre, 236 Washington St, Binghamton | Finger Lakes Chamber Ensemble | 4:00 PM, 9/30 Sunday | Lodi Historical Society Building, Main Street, Lodi |

IU/Queer Sound Ithaca Present: Hennies/Zeh, Bubba Crumrine, Beau Mahadev | 7:00 PM, | Sacred Root Kava Lounge & Tea Bar, Ithaca | $8

Frank Turner & The Sleeping Souls Be More Kind World Tour | 8:00 PM, 9/30 Sunday | State Theatre Of Ithaca, 107 W State St, Ithaca | w/ Sam Coffey & The Iron Lungs, Bad Cop/Bad Cop | $29-$39

Dance Party w/ Radio London | 7:00 PM, | The Space at GreenStar, Ithaca


Vee Da Bee | 8:00 PM, | Two Goats Brewing, Burdett

Sunday, 9/30 at 4:00 PM | Lodi Historical Building, 2162 Grove St., Lodi | Come enjoy the opening concert of their 28th season of bringing together world-class musicians dedicated to creating exceptional classical music experiences throughout the Finger Lakes region. (photo: provided)

Garden Concert Series: Jimmy Jam | 6:00 PM, | Treleaven Wines, King Ferry Blue Skies | 6:00 PM, | Hopshire Farm & Brewery, Freeville Richman & The Poorboys | 7:00 PM, | The Westy, Ithaca 4 Year Anniversary Party Punk Show! | 8:00 PM, | Silver Line Tap Room, Trumansburg

Diana Leigh and the Shorty Georges | 8:00 PM, | St. Pauls United Methodist Church, Ithaca Richman & The Poorboys | 9:00 PM, | Agava, Ithaca St. Vith | 8:00 PM, | Two Goats Brewing, Burdett Feed The Fire | 6:00 PM, | Boathouse Beer Garden, Romulus

Ithaca Jazz and Blues Jam | 4:00 PM, | Mix Kitchen and Bar, Ithaca Mijail Martinez | 7:00 PM, | The Westy, Ithaca Bound for Glory: Larry Kaplan | 8:00 PM, | Anabel Taylor Hall, Ithaca Open Mic | 9:00 PM, | The Nines, Ithaca

The Molice | 10:00 PM, | Lot 10 Lounge, Ithaca

Trilllium Piano Trio Sunset Chamber Concert | 6:00 PM, | Red Newt Bistro, Hector | $15

Burning Daylight Acoustic | 6:00 PM, | Americana Vineyards, Interlaken

10/1 Monday

Melodime | 8:00 PM, | The Haunt, Ithaca | $12-$14

9/30 Sunday

Open Mic hosted by Benny T | 7:00 PM, | Flynn’s Roadhouse Cafe, Lansing

9/29 Saturday

Zingology | 4:00 PM, | Americana Vineyards, Interlaken

Open Mic | 8:30 PM, | Agava, Ithaca

Not From Wisconsin | 9:00 PM, | The Range, Ithaca

Ryan Leddick Trio | 4:00 PM, | Two Goats Brewing, Burdett

Dead Night with The Proud Walkers | 9:00 PM, | The Haunt, Ithaca | $5

Sunday Music Series: Troy Cusson | 1:00 PM, | Treleaven Wines, King Ferry

Backtalk Band | 5:00 PM, | Americana Vineyards, Interlaken West Hill Billies | 6:00 PM, | Felicia’s Atomic Brewhouse and Bakery, Trumansburg

Ithac a T imes


Sep t ember

Sunday Music Series: Madison Yearsley | 4:00 PM, 9/30 Sunday | Auburn Public Theater, 8 Exchange St, Auburn | | $5

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10/2 Tuesday Firelight Live: Tuesdays with Ted Walsh | 6:00 PM, | Firelight Camps, Ithaca

Midday Music at Lincoln: Richard Valitutto | 12:30 PM, 9/27 Thursday | Lincoln Hall Rm B20, Cornell, Ithaca | Dave Solazzo, jazz piano | 8:00 PM, 9/27 Thursday | Barnes Hall, Barnes Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca | Chanticleer: Then and There, Here and Now | 7:30 PM, 9/27 Thursday | Smith Center for the Arts, 82 Seneca St, Geneva | Called “the world’s reigning male chorus” by The New Yorker. Amy Helm | 8:00 PM, 9/28 Friday | Center For the Arts of Homer, 72 S Main St, Homer | Kid Rock & Brantley Gilbert | 6:30 PM, 9/28 Friday | Darien Lake Amphitheater, 9993 Allegheny Road, Darien Center | Binghamton Philharmonic presents: Scheherazade | 7:30 PM, 9/29 Saturday | Forum Theatre, 236 Washington St, Binghamton |

The Other Side of Bill Gregg | 3:00 PM, 9/30 Sunday | Trumansburg Conservatory of Fine Arts, Congress at McLallen St, Trumansburg | In lieu of tickets, we are asking for donations at the door to support TCFA. Modest Mouse | 8:00 PM, 10/2 Tuesday | Crouse-Hinds Theater, 411 Montgomery St, Syracuse | DJ/Dance/Trivia Salsa Dance Night | 10:00 PM, 9/26 Wednesday | Agava, 381 Pine Tree Rd, Ithaca | Includes free dance lesson from 10-10:30 | $5 Karaoke w/ DJ Dale | 10:00 PM, 9/27 Thursday | Lot 10 Lounge, 106 S Cayuga St, Ithaca | Beginning Argentine Tango Class | 7:00 PM, 9/27 Thursday | Cornell University Physical Sciences Building, 245 East Ave, Ithaca, NY 14850, Ithaca| $10 Trivia Night | 9:00 PM, 9/30 Sunday | Rulloff’s, 411 College Ave, Ithaca | Tango Night | 8:00 PM, 10/1 Monday | The Range, 119 E State St, Ithaca |

Interested — in more — interest?

Gallery Tour with Daniel Reidy | 6:00 PM, 9/26 Wednesday | Arnot Art Museum, 235 Lake Street, Elmira |


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Trivia Night w/ Herman Nugent | 7:00 PM, 10/1 Monday | The Haunt, 702 Willow Ave, Ithaca | Karaoke w/ DJ Dale | 9:00 PM, 10/1 Monday | The Haunt, 702 Willow Ave, Ithaca | Trivia Night | 7:30 PM, 10/2 Tuesday | Monk’s Patio BBQ, 120 S Aurora St, Ithaca | Tango Tuesdays with Xavier Vanier | 7:00 PM, 10/2 Tuesday | Just Be Cause, 1013 W State Stree, Ithaca | | $15 for 1, $25 for both

Stage Open Mic Comedy | 10:00 PM, 9/26 Wednesday | Lot 10 Lounge, 106 S Cayuga St, Ithaca | Beehive - The Musical About the Women Who Rock Our World | Contact theatre for showtimes. | Merry-Go-Round Playhouse, 6877 E Lake Rd, Auburn | $58-$60 Noises Off | Contact theatre for showtimes. | Syracuse Stage/Drama Complex, 820 E Genesee St, Syracuse | Thru 9/30.

Craft Night at Newfield Public Library | 6:00 PM, 9/27 Thursday | Newfield Public Library, 198 Main St, Newfield | For ages 12 and up. Sign up requested. Victoria Romanoff (Sculpture) & Gillian Pederson-Krag (Painting) | Ongoing | CAP ArtsSpace, 171 The Commons, Ithaca | Member Exhibit at The Ink Shop | Ongoing| Ink Shop Printmaking Center The, 330 E State St Ste 2, Ithaca Pop Art Experience with Michael Albert | 3:30 PM, 9/28 Friday | Seneca Falls Library, 47 Cayuga Street, Seneca Falls | Please register today by contacting the Seneca Falls Library at (315) 568-8265 x2. Bow, Bend and Tarry - A Solo Exhibition by Mara Baldwin | Wells College, 170 Main St, Aurora | Through Oct. 5, 2018 at the String Room Gallery on campus.

10-Minute Play Festival: Set: Storied by Space | 7:30 PM, 9/27 Thursday | Schwartz Center for the Performing Arts, Cornell University, Ithaca |

Voices & Visions in Black Media: Bambi Haggins (UC, Irvine) | 4:30 PM, 9/27 Thursday | Schwartz Center for the Performing Arts, Cornell University, Ithaca |

out to write a play that will astound London theatergoers. | $31-$65

Urban Arts Crawl | 5:00 PM, 9/28 Friday | Downtown Corning, Corning |

Girlfriend | Contact theatre for showtimes.| Kitchen Theatre, 417 W State St, Ithaca | $20-$45

John Whiting Landscapes | Ongoing| Just A Taste, 116 N Aurora, Ithaca |

Steel Magnolias | Redhouse Theater, 400 S. Salina Street, Syracuse | Steel Magnolias runs from September 20th-30th. Contact theater for showtimes.

Drag Show with The House of Merlot | 9:00 PM, 9/27 Thursday | The Range, 119 E State St, Ithaca |

Open Mic Night | 9:00 PM, 10/2 Tuesday | Lot 10 Lounge, 106 S Cayuga St, Ithaca |

Finger Lakes Comedy Festival | 7:00 PM, 9/28 Friday thru 9/30 Sunday| Shows at Wine & Design and Toko Imports.

Twelfth Night | | Ithaca College Clark Theatre, 953 Danby Road, Ithaca | Runs October 2nd-October 13th. Contact theatre for showtimes.| In Shakespeare’s timeless comedy, a shipwreck separates Viola and her brother Sebastian, both believing the other to be dead. Viola’s only option is to present as a man in the employ of Duke Orsino, who promptly sends them to woo his unrequited love, Countess Olivia. Both households have to redefine the rules of gender, identity and love amidst a chaotic series of mishaps, pranks, and mistaken identities.

Theorizing Freedom at the Conjuncture of Neoliberalism, White Nationalism and Authoritarianism | 4:30 PM, 9/27 Thursday | Hollis E. Auditorium, 132 Goldwin Smith Hall, Cornell, | Lecture by Wendy Brown, Professor of Political Science, University of California, Berkeley Harold Pinter’s Betrayal | 7:00 PM, 9/27 Thursday thru 9/29 Saturday | Auburn Public Theater, 8 Exchange St, Auburn | The play explores in reverse chronological order, over the course of nine years and nine scenes, the permutations as well as the web of truths and lies that forms the basis of the relationship between Emma, Robert, her husband, and Jerry, Emma’s lover and Robert’s best and oldest friend. | $20

The Jersey Tenors | 8:00 PM, 9/28 Friday | Smith Center for the Arts, 82 Seneca St, Geneva | The Jersey Tenors is the newest Opera/Rock Mash-up sensation that creates an explosive blend of the most iconic Opera classics alongside such Rock -N -Roll industry greats as Queen, Journey, Elton John, and Billy Joel to name but a few. | $30 Finding Neverland | 7:00 PM, 9/28 Friday & 9/29 Saturday| Clemens Center, 207 Clemens Center Parkway, Elmira | Playwright J.M. Barrie struggles to find inspiration until he meets four young brothers and their beautiful widowed mother. Spellbound by the boys’ enchanting make-believe adventures, he sets

Art Juxtaposition of Light and Texture | Ongoing| Boyce Thompson Institute, Tower Road, Ithaca |

Cayuga Nature Photographers Installation | Ongoing | Kendal At Ithaca, 2230 N Triphammer Rd, Ithaca | The Solitude of Selfie: An Exhibit By Carol Flueckiger, | Ongoing | Women’s Rights National Historic Park, 136 Fall St, Seneca Falls | Fall Plein Air Workshop Experience with Kari Ganoung Ruiz | 10/1 Monday | Aurora Inn, 391 Main Street, Aurora | $235

Film Cornell Cinema All films are shown at Willard Straight Hall on Cornell campus. The Night is Short, Walk on Girl | 9/26, 7:15 PM, 9/27, 10:00PM | The story of the titular girl known only as “Otome” and her insanely long night of partying and drinking-complete with a book fair, festival, and many adventures in between.

Incredibles 2 | 9/28 and 9/29, 7:00 PM and 9:30PM | The Emperor’s Nightingale | 9/30, 4:30PM | A Chinese emperor prefers the tinkling of a bejeweled mechanical bird to the song of a real nightingale. When the Emperor is near death, a nightingale’s song restores his health and teaches him to revolt against his glittering but shallow world. Superfly (2018) | 9/30, 7:00PM | With retirement on his mind, a successful young drug dealer sets up one last big job, while dealing with trigger-happy colleagues and the police. Brand X | 10/2, 7:00 PM | Inspired by the banality of 1960’s television, Wynn Chamberlain wrote and directed this 87-minute series of faux television shows spoofing the politics and mass media of the day, complete with commercials for Sex, Sweat, Computer Dating and Peanut Butter. Dynamite Chicken| 10/2, 9:20 PM| A collection of skits, parodies, musical performances, and film clips supposedly relating to the peace movement of the late Sixties and early Seventies. Cinemapolis Week of Friday, September 28, 2018 through Thursday, October 4, 2018. Contact Cinemapolis for showtimes. New films are listed first. Blaze | The life of musician Blaze Foley. |129 mins R We the Animals | Manny, Joel, and Jonah tear their way through childhood and push against the volatile love of their parents. As Manny and Joel grow into versions of their father and Ma dreams of escape, Jonah embraces an imagined world all on his own. |94 mins R Love, Gilda | Weaving together recently discovered audiotapes, interviews with her friends, rare home movies and diaries read by modern day comediennes, the film offers a unique window into the world of a


SATURDAY, 9/29, 11:30 AM


DeWitt Park, Ithaca | Join the Multicultural Resource Center for a day of honoring indigenous cultures through education, awareness building, and activities for all ages. Just a short walk from the Apple Harvest festivities, the First Peoples Festival honors the history and culture of first peoples of this land and all of their ancestors. It also recognizes that we all have a common bond as human beings alive today. (photo: provided)

Toko Imports in DeWitt Mall and Wine and Design, 124 S. Cayuga St., Ithaca | Some of New York State’s up-and-coming comedians are in Ithaca for three nights, five shows, one competition and a whole lot of fun. Hosted by Comedy on The Commons. (photo provided)

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In the Last Days of the City | 9/27, 7:00PM | A documentary filmmaker in Cairo is having difficulty finishing his film, so his friends send him footage from the cities they live in: Baghdad, Beirut, and Berlin. Filmmaker Tamer El Said will be present at this screening.

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beloved performer whose greatest role was sharing her story. |NR Fahrenheit 11/9 | Michael Moore’s provocative and comedic look at the times in which we live. It will explore the two most important questions of the Trump Era: How did we get here, and how do we get out? | R Assassination Nation | This is a thousand percent a true story about how the quiet, all-American town of Salem absolutely lost its mind. | 110 mins R The Wife | A wife questions her life choices as she travels to Stockholm with her husband, where he is slated to receive the Nobel Prize for Literature. | 100 mins R BlacKkKlansman| Ron Stallworth, an African-American police officer from Colorado, successfully managed to infiltrate the local Ku Klux Klan and became the head of the local chapter. | 135 mins R

Special Events Tommy Plane Bus Tour | 1:00 PM, 9/28 Friday | Meeting at 801 Taughannock Boulevard, Ithaca. Cider Week FLX | Ongoing| Finger Lakes Region, | A full overview of the festival can be found on the Cider Week FLX website, CiderWeekFLX. com. The 36th Annual Downtown Ithaca Apple Harvest Festival | 12:00 PM, 9/28 thru 9/30 Sunday | The Commons, East State Street, Ithaca | 40th Annual Whingblinger Heritage Festival | 10:00 AM, 9/29 Saturday | (73 W. Pulteney St Corning) Fun for the whole family! Our village comes to life with traditional demonstrators: hearth cooking, blacksmithing, pottery, basket making, coopering, and more! We feature a country store, raffles, and bake sale. Enjoy live musical entertainment, hands on childrenís activities & games, live animals, food and MORE! | $5 adults, kids free Downtown Ithaca Food Tour | 11:30 AM, 9/29 Saturday | Various locations, Ithaca | Call†607-272-4830. | $57

National Alpaca Farm Days | 10:00 AM, 9/29 Saturday | Shepherds Creek Alpacas, 5797 Stilwell Rd, Trumansburg | Also Sunday, 9/30 from 10 to 4. 10th Annual First Peoples Festival | 11:30 AM, 9/29 Saturday | DeWitt Park, Cayuga St., | Endless Mountains Quilt Guild Quilt Show | 10:00 AM, 9/29 Saturday & 9/30 Sunday | At the Lynch-Bustin Elementary School in Athens, PA. Lunch Available. Special exhibits and vendors. Visit | $5 Black Diamond Orchard Tours and Cider Tastings | 11:00 AM, 9/29 Saturday | Black Diamond Orchards, 4675 Seneca Rd, Trumansburg | Join us for a fun afternoon with orchardist and cider maker Ian Merwin. Heíll be giving tours through our orchards and cidery. See our grounds, ask questions of the expert, and taste fruit right off the tree. Then join us for a complimentary cider tasting, too! Tours at 12 pm & 2 pm. Garden Tours- Cornell Botanic Gardens | 11:00 AM, 9/29 Saturday | Cornell Botanic Gardens- Nevin Welcome Center, 124 Comstock Knoll Dr., Ithaca. | $5 suggested donation National Alpaca Farm Days (II) | 10:00 AM, 9/29 Saturday | Cabin View Alpacas, 9435 Congress St. Ext., Trumansburg | Also open Sunday from 10 to 5. Join us for a display of beautiful alpacas and classic automobiles. Local vendors. IPD Open House | 12:00 PM, 9/30 Sunday | Ithaca Police Department, 120 E. Clinton Street, Ithaca | 7th Annual Fox Trot 5K Trail Run | 9:00 AM, 9/30 Sunday | Cayuga Nature Center, 1420 Taughannock Blvd, Ithaca | Come join us for the 7th annual Fox Trot 5K Trail Run, a fun run inspired by Daisy, our Red Fox ambassador! The race is considered moderately difficult with stretches in the field and woods, flat and hilly. Day of Race Registration will be from 8:00am-8:45am, and the race will begin at 9:00am. After the 5K trail run join us for the Kids’ Fox Chase! Starting about 10:15am -- kids (8 and under) will have the fun opportunity to chase our “fox” (Dayna Jorgenson, Director of Nature Center Programs) around the field. The award ceremony will begin at 10:45am. Remember to

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Books Van Etten Library Book Sale | 1:00 PM, 9/26 Wednesday thru 9/28, Friday (11AM) | Van Etten Library, 83 Main Street, Van Etten | Richard Quest: I Held Lincoln | 7:00 PM, 9/26 Wednesday | Candor Fire Station, 74 Owego Rd, , Candor | Sponsored by The Candor Historical Society. Reading by Gregory Pardlo | 4:30 PM, 9/27 Thursday | Rhodes-Rawlings Auditorium, G70 Klarman Hall, 232 East Ave., Ithaca | Adult Book Discussion: 1968 Love, War, and Rock & Roll | 7:00 PM, 9/27 Thursday | Southworth Library, 24 W. Main Street, Dryden | Chats in the Stacks Book Talk:The Qualified Self: Social Media and the Accounting of Everyday Life | 4:00 PM, 9/27 Thursday | Cornell University, Stern Seminar Room, 160 Mann Library, Ithaca | Buffalo St. Books Presents Trampoline Thursdays | 7:00 PM, 9/27 Thursday | Lot 10 Lounge, 106 S Cayuga St, Ithaca | Novelist Neel Mukherjee | 4:30 PM, 9/28 Friday | Cornell University Kahin Center, 640 Stewart Ave, Ithaca | . Drag Queen Story Hour | 12:00 PM, 9/30 Sunday | Buffalo Street Books, 215 N Cayuga St, Ithaca | Our special guests will be joining us from the House of Merlot! Chats in the Stacks Book Talk ‘Getting Tough: Welfare and Imprisonment in 1970s America’ with Julilly Kohler-Hausmann | 4:30 PM, 10/2 Tuesday | 107 Olin Library, Cornell University, Ithaca |

Kids Disney Jr Dance Party On Tour | 6:00 PM, 9/26 Wednesday | CrouseHinds Theater, 411 Montgomery St, Syracuse | Lego Club | 10:00 AM, 9/26 Wednesday | Candor Free Library, 2 Bank St, Candor |

Science Together | 10:30 AM, 9/26 Wednesday | Sciencenter, 601 1st St, Ithaca | Story Time with Heidi Nightengale | 10:00 AM, 9/26 Wednesday | Seneca Falls Library, 47 Cayuga Street, Seneca Falls | Make a Funny Face Stress Ball | 3:30 PM, 9/26 Wednesday | Van Etten Library, 83 Main Street, Van Etten | Cuddle-up Infant & Toddler Library Time | 10:00 AM, 9/26 Wednesday | Southworth Library, 24 W. Main Street, Dryden | Lego Literacy | 3:00 PM, 9/27 Thursday | Interlaken Public Library, 8390 Main Street, Interlaken | Disney Jr. Dance Party on Tour | 6:00 PM, 9/28 Friday | Forum Theatre, 236 Washington St, Binghamton | Preschool Storytime at Southworth Library | 10:00 AM, 9/28 Friday | Southworth Library, 24 W. Main Street, Dryden | Learn Baby Sign and Early Communication Strategies at TCPL | 10:30 AM, 9/28 Friday | Tompkins County Public Library, 101 E Green St, Ithaca | Designed for babies aged four to 18 months and their caregivers. Tompkins County Public Library to Offer Teen Writing Workshop | 4:30 PM, 9/28 Friday | Tompkins County Public Library, 101 E Green St, Ithaca | These workshops are appropriate for people in grades 6-12. Ceridwen’s Cauldron: Myths and Tales from Around the World | 11:00 AM, 9/29 Saturday | Tompkins County Public Library, 101 E Green St, Ithaca | This five-week program is designed for children under the age of 12 and their families. I The Maker Is In: An exploration of the Libraryís STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) resources. | 1:00 PM, 9/29 Saturday | Tompkins County Public Library, 101 East Green Street, Ithaca | With volunteers from The Cornell Society of Women Engineers. Judy’s Day Family Learning: Plants Have Families Too! | 1:00 PM, 9/30 Sunday | F.R. Newman Arboretum, Ithaca | Learn about the fascinating lineage of plant families at


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wear your best fox attire for as chance to win the “Daisy Duplicate” award.

SUNDAY, 9/30 12:00PM – 3:00 PM

120 E. Clinton Street | So much to see and learn here! In addition to meeting the officers, K9 Bert and K9 Rex will be in action showcasing their skills, and the IPD Mountain Bike patrol will be on hand for a public demonstration. The IPD Mobil Command Truck will be on display and SWAT Team members will be conducting rappelling demonstrations. (photo: provided)

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this educational event for all ages. | $5 per person suggested donation Maker Mondays for Teens at TCPL | 4:00 PM, 10/1 Monday | Tompkins County Public Library, 101 E Green St, Ithaca | Monday Storytime | 10:30 AM, 10/1 Monday | Interlaken Public Library, 8390 Main Street, Interlaken | Tuesday Morning Story Hour | 10:15 AM, 10/2 Tuesday | Candor Free Library, 2 Bank St, Candor | Family Story Time | 10:30 AM, 10/2 Tuesday | Newfield Public Library, 198 Main St. , Newfield | J Frank Einstein Book Club w/ Cargill Engineers | 3:30 PM, 10/2 Tuesday | Southworth Library, 24 W. Main Street, Dryden | Experiments and activities in science, math, technology, reading, engineering and art using Jon Scieska’s Frank Einstein series. For grades 2-5.

ICSD BoE Policy Work Session | 5:00 PM, 10/2 Tuesday | Meets in Board Room Candor Village Board of Trustees | 6:30 PM, 10/2 Tuesday | 138 Main Street, Candor Tompkins County Legislature | 5:30 PM, 10/2 Tuesday | County Of Tompkins - The Daniel D. Tompkins Building, 121 E. Court St., Ithaca | City Board of Zoning Appeals | 7:00 PM, 10/2 Tuesday | Common Council Chambers - Ithaca City Hall, 108 E Green St, Ithaca |

Notices Wednesday Night Ithaca Women’s Basketball Association | 7:00 PM, 9/26 Wednesday | Lehman Alternative Community School, 111 Chestnut St, Ithaca |

Civic Meetings

What’s up with smart meters? Taking a closer look at our energy use | 6:00 PM, 9/26 Wednesday | Cornell Cooperative Extension Tompkins County, 615 Willow Avenue, Ithaca |

Spencer-Van Etten Board of Education | 7:00 PM, 9/27 Thursday | Spencer-Van Etten Middle School, 1 Center St., Spencer | Meeting held in library.

Ithaca Sociable Singles | 6:00 PM, 9/26 Wednesday | Dinner: Jazz Night in Elmira at the Starlite Room. Host: David P., RSVP: dpreisendanz@

Public Safety and Information Commission Meeting | 6:00 PM, 10/1 Monday | Common Council Chambers, 3rd Floor, City Hall, 108 E. Green St., Ithaca |

Candor Food Pantry | 3:00 PM, 9/26 Wednesday | Candor Food Pantry, 1 Water Street, Candor | For more information (607)206-1060.

Groton Central Schools Board of Education | 6:30 PM, 10/1 Monday | Groton District Office, 400 Peru Rd, Groton | Spencer Village Board of Trustees | 7:00 PM, 10/1 Monday | Spencer Municipal Building, 79 E. Tioga St., Spencer | Lansing Village Board of Trustees | 7:30 PM, 10/1 Monday | Lansing Village Hall, 2405 Triphammer Rd, Lansing | ICSD BoE Human Resources Work Session | 6:30 PM, 10/2 Tuesday | Meets in Board Room Town of Ithaca Planning Board | 7:00 PM, 10/2 Tuesday | Ithaca Town Hall, 215 North Tioga Street, Ithaca |

Wine Tour Wednesdays | 11:00 AM, 9/26 Wednesday | Glenora Wine Cellars Inc, 5435 State Route 14, Dundee | Every Wednesday in September. Daily Sunset Cruise | Allen H. Treman State Marine Park, Ithaca | Times vary as the sunset changes so please check our booking calendar for exact dates and times. | $40 regular fare King Cemetery Association Annual Meeting | Ithaca American Legion Post 221, 1231 Danby Rd, Ithaca | Notice: Meeting will be held on October 10th at 6pm. Ithaca Rotary Club Luncheon Speaker Series | 12:15 PM, 9/26 Wednesday | Coltivare, 235 S Cayuga St, Ithaca | Dean Briere, Executive Director of Ithacaís Sciencenter: Sci-


Two locations: Shepherds Creek Alpacas, 5797 Stilwell Road, Trumansburg and Cabin View Alpacas, 9435 Congress St. Ext., Trumansburg | Meet the alpacas and even take a selfie with them! Shop for unique and beautiful alpaca products. Enjoy alpaca craft activities. Fun for kids and adults! (photo: provided)

Fall Luncheon | 11:00 AM, 9/29 Saturday | Mecklenburg United Methodist Church, corner of Steve Strett and Turnpike Road, Mecklenburg | Shop bargains the closing day of the Check It Out Shoppe.

encenters are Only for Kids and Other Mistaken Beliefs | $15 Smith Opera House Tour | 10:00 AM, 9/26 Wednesday | Smith Opera House, 82 Seneca St, Geneva | Farmers Can Help Cool the Planet | 7:00 PM, 9/26 Wednesday | Tompkins County Public Library, 101 East Green Street, Ithaca |

TCPL Board Game Club for Adults | 1:30 PM, 9/29 Saturday | Held in the Libraryís Tompkins Trust Company Study Room. Participants can bring their own games to play or play one we provide.

Community Energy Conversations | 6:00 PM, 9/26 Wednesday | Cornell Cooperative Extension of Tompkins County, 615 Willow Avenue, Ithaca | FREE! Please RSVP to Aislyn at or (607) 2722292.

Community Soup: Storytelling Toward the Beloved Community | 6:00 PM, 10/1 Monday | Lehman Alternative Community School, | Monthly Dinner and Story Circles to Connect and Build Community Sponsored by the Civic Ensemble

A Night of Remembrance | 7:00 PM, 9/26 Wednesday | Cancer Resource Center Of The Finger Lakes Helpline, 612 W State St, Ithaca |

Comic Book Club of Ithaca General Meeting | 7:00 PM, 10/2 Tuesday | Tompkins County Public Library, 101 E Green St, Ithaca | I

Open Hearts Dinner | 5:00 PM, 9/26 Wednesday | McKendree UMC, 224 Owego St., Candor | Contact: Denice Peckins -

Brooktondale Farmers Market | 4:00 PM, 10/2 Tuesday | Brooktondale Community Center, 522 Valley Road, Brooktondale |

LGBTQ Youth Group | 5:30 PM, 9/27 Thursday | The Cortland LGBTQ Center, 165 Main Street, Suite B, Cortland | We are creating a space for elementary aged children up to 6th grade to come hang out and socialize with other LGBTQ youth. Please share with parents, teachers, anyone who may benefit. There will be an activity and food!

Health “Look Good Feel Better” | 1:00 PM, 9/26 Wednesday | Cancer Resource Center Of The Finger Lakes, 612 W State St, Ithaca | A program sponsored by the American Cancer Society designed for women dealing with skin changes from chemotherapy and radiation. Contact Monica Vakiner 277-0960 and check out our Facebook page!

Advanced Compost Techniques | 6:00 PM, 9/27 Thursday | Cornell Cooperative Extension of Tompkins County, 615 Willow Avenue, Ithaca |Please sign up online or contact Adam at acm1@ or (607) 272-2292 ext. 124. | $5/person The Friends of the Candor Free Library Meeting | 7:00 PM, 9/27 Thursday | Candor Free Library, 2 Bank St, Candor | Tips for Job Hunters Age 50 and Over Workshop | 10:00 AM, 9/27 Thursday | Tompkins County Workforce Center, Center Ithaca, Suite 241, | Anatomy of a Project | 7:00 PM, 9/27 Thursday | Town Of Ithaca, 215 N Tioga St, Ithaca | A look at how complex development projects are planned, financed and implemented. Red Cross Blood Drives | 10:00 AM, 9/28 Friday | 9/28 Cayuga Medical Center 10am to 3pm; 9/29 All Saints Catholic Church Lansing 8am to 1pm;

S.A.I.L. Into Fitness | Classes held in T-burg, Brooktondale and Ithaca. Contact Lifelong for days and times.

FINDING NEVERLAND Friday 9/28 and Saturday 9/29 at 7:00 PM | Clemens Center, 207 Clemens Center Parkway, Elmira| Playwright J.M. Barrie struggles to find inspiration until he meets four young brothers and their beautiful widowed mother. Spellbound by the boys’ enchanting make-believe adventures, he sets out to write a play that will astound London theatergoers. (photo: provided)

9/29 Ithaca Veteran Firemenís Assoc. 8am to 1pm.

Red Cross Blood Drives | 8:00 AM,

Jump Start Your Job Search Strategy | 1:00 PM, 9/28 Friday | Tompkins County Workforce Center, Center Ithaca, Suite 241, | s through our office to help you in your job search.

Center 10am to 3pm; 9/29 All Saints

9/29 Saturday | 9/28 Cayuga Medical Catholic Church Lansing 8am to 1pm; 9/29 Ithaca Veteran Firemenís Assoc. 8am to 1pm.

Back to School Budgeting | 3:30 PM, 9/29 Saturday | Cornell Cooperative Extension of Tompkins County, 615 Willow Avenue, Ithaca | FREE workshop. Sign up online or contact Kenneth at or (607) 272-2292 ext. 150.

Lecture: Botanical Adventurers: The Men Who Roamed the Planet to Find Our Everyday Foods | 7:30 PM, 9/26 Wednesday | Statler Auditorium, Statler Hall, 7 East Ave., Ithaca | Chair Yoga | Classes held in Ithaca and T-burg. Contact Lifelong for times and locations. Yang style Tai Chi. | 2:00 PM, 9/26 Wednesday | Candor Emergency Squad building, 58 Main Street, Candor |

Tai Chi | Classes held in Brooktondale and Lansing. Contact Lifelong for days and times. Yoga Farm Presents BLISS NIGHT: Restorative Yoga with Healing Touch | 7:00 PM, 9/27 Thursday | Yoga Farm, 404 Conlon Rd, Lansing | Psychologist Jean Twenge to Address the Smartphone Generation | 7:30 PM, 9/27 Thursday | Emerson Suites, Ithaca College, Ithaca | Exercise Class for Seniors | 8:30 AM, 9/27 Thursday | Newfield Public Library, 198 Main St. , Newfield | Meets weekly on Tu/Th. Candor Tai Chi | 1:00 PM, 9/27 Thursday | Candor Emergency Squad building, 58 Main Street, Candor | $1/$3 per class Take off Pounds Sensibly | 6:00 PM, 9/27 Thursday | Candor Town Hall, 101 Owego Road, Candor | Contact Jean Dewey 659-9969 or jmdewey@ Reframing Parenting Series | 9:35 AM, 9/29 Saturday | Higher Hope Church, 356 Maple Street, Big Flats | A Free Workshop for Adoptive and Guardianship Parents raising children with adverse childhood experiences or difficult past histories. Contact info@ to register. Sacred Sunday Community at Yoga Farm | 9:00 AM, 9/30 Sunday | Yoga Farm, 404 Conlon Rd, Lansing | Open Meditation | 10:30 AM, 9/30 Sunday | Foundation of Light, 391 Turkey Hill Road, Ithaca | Overeaters Anonymous 12-Step meeting | 7:00 PM, 10/1 Monday | Just Be Cause Center, 1013 W State St, Ithaca | Candor Tai Chi | 1:00 PM, 10/2 Tuesday | Candor Emergency Squad building, 58 Main Street, Candor | | $1/$3 per class Chair Yoga | 11:45 AM, 10/2 Tuesday | Interlaken Public Library, 8390 Main Street, Interlaken |



SATURDAY, 9/29 AT 9:00 PM

Ithaca Commons | In a town of many festivals, this one is a favorite. Enjoy the bounty of fall with many of your local apple farmers as well as other fall produce, baked goods and vendors galore. There will be live music on two stages Saturday and Sunday and a Family Fun Zone for the little ones in Center Ithaca. (photo: provided)

The Range, 119 E. State Street (on the Commons), Ithaca | Help the band celebrate 10 years of performing their unique blend of indie rock/chamber folk. (photo: provided)

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I t h a c a T i m e s   21

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ith Ithaca’s Rescue Mission impending closure, the Ithaca’s Homeless Crisis group is calling for volunteers to work at the Rescue Mission from now until October 31 in order to keep the Friendship Center operational. Volunteers who can do hourly shifts on Tuesdays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Wednesday from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. and Thursday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. are desired. Rescue Mission staffers will be at the Friendship Center to train volunteers. The Friendship Center’s been a crucial place for homeless citizens struggling to obtain some of life’s basics like food, clothing, showers or shelter. The center also provides services like jobs and community information, medical assistance, counseling and the like. Ithaca’s Homeless Crisis also quotes people who have used the Friendship Center regularly, attesting to the support they’ve received there, and specifically that with the future of the shelter in limbo, having the Friendship Center remain open would be essential. “Transitioning through the Friendship Center closing may be easier if contact,

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communication, or fellowship with the familiar faces of the staff, volunteers, residents, and visitors would not come to an abrupt end,” one person is quoted as saying. “I’m well aware that these people need to move on but a loss of any kind (especially friends) is stressful and sometimes traumatic.” They can officially register as a Rescue Mission volunteer at Ithaca’s Homeless Crisis facebook page. In other news related to the homeless community, donations are being sought for a man whose makeshift home burned down in the “Jungle,” Ithaca’s de facto homeless community. The man is particularly in need of: a cot or bed, a sleeping bag, tarps, a large durable backpack, a leaf rake, a dirt rake, a short handled shovel, a long handled shovel, flashlights with batteries, a batterypowered lantern, an outdoor plastic chair, a generator, bottled water, a Bible, and a portable jump starter. Donations are being collected at the Community Building at Second Wind Cottages by the group Ithaca’s Homeless Crisis. The cause of the fire is still under investigation.•

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