Catalogue Pharmalife Research

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Our mission is to fulfill Our customers by satisfying a need that remained unsolved for too many years: the search for natural products for the prevention, the care and the beauty of the body. We treat products with safe and natural origin, free from those collateral effects that are typical of other synthetic products.

Bibliographic studies and research are developed directly in Our Company by a team of professionals (chemists, pharmacists and doctors), while supplementary chemical and pharmaceutical studies are carried on in cooperation with the most renowned Italian institutions in the field of Phytotherapy. Recently some of Pharmalife Research studies were published on science magazines such as PHARMACOPSYCHIATRY, LIFE SCIENCES, JOURNAL OF PHARMACY AND PHARMACOLOGY etc. The Medline Index indicates these core magazines as “highly influential” for the scientific community. These are the publications in recent years: Firenzuoli F, Gori L, Crupi A, Neri D. “Flavonoidi: rischi o opportunità terapeutiche?“ Recenti Progressi in Medicina, 2004; 94 (7-8): 345-351 Catania MA, Firenzuoli F, Crupi A, Mannucci C, Caputi AP, Calapai G. “Hypericum perforatum attenuates nicotine withdrawal signs in mice” Psychopharmacology. 2003; 169: 186-189 Catania MA, Crupi A, Firenzuoli F, Parisi A, Sturiale A, Squadrito F, Caputi AP, Calapai G. ”Oral administration of a soy extract improves endothelial dysfunction in ovariectomized rats” Planta Med 2002; 68: 1142-1144 Tedici M, Scuotto S, Giraldi M, Corsi G, Magni C, Crupi A, Gori L, Firenzuoli F. “Special extract of Hypericum perforatum (Ph50) as complementary treatment in psychological therapy of tabagism dishabituation: preliminary data”. Minerva Med. 2001; 92(3, Suppl 1): 108-110 Firenzuoli F, Gori L, Corti G, Batista M, Calapai G. Comparison of a “St John’s wort special herbal extract (Ph50) vs a standard extract for the treatment of depressive syndromes: a randomised controlled trial”- Minerva Med. 2001; 92(3, Suppl 1): 117-120 Marzocco M, Firenzuoli F, Villari D, Li Marzi V, Della Melina A, Cecconi F, Gori L, Nicita G. “Aloe vera gel in the complementary treatment bladder carcinoma: preliminary data”. Minerva Med. 2001; 92(3, Suppl 1): 90-92 Morini S, Bartoli P, Crupi A, Gori L, Firenzuoli F. ”Individuazione delle migliori condizioni estrattive liquido-liquido


del gel (2-etilexil)ftalato da gel di Aloe vera“ Minerva Med. 2001; 92(3, Suppl 1): 93-94 Rizzo A, Crupi A, Firenzuoli F, Maiorca A, Catania AM, Parisi A, Sturiale A, Calapai G. ”Systemic inflammation induced by Zymosan is reduced by aloe vera”. Minerva Med. 2001; 92(3, Suppl 1): 122 Calapai G, Crupi A, Firenzuoli F, Inferrera G, Squadrito F, Parisi A, De Sarro G, Caputi A. “Serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine involvement in the antidepressant action of Hypericum perforatum”. Pharmacopsychiatry 2001; 34: 45-49 Calapai G, Crupi A, Firenzuoli F, Inferrera G, Ciliberto G, Parisi A, De Sarro G, Caputi AP. ”Interleukin-6 involvement in antidepressant action of Hypericum perforatum” Pharmacopsychiatry. 2001; 34(Suppl 1): s8-s10 Calapai G, Crupi A, Firenzuoli F, Marciano MC, Squadrito F, Inferrera G, Parisi A, Rizzo A, Crisafulli C, Fiore A, Caputi AP. ”Neuroprotective effects of Ginkgo biloba extract in brain ischemia are mediated by inhibition of nitric oxide synthesis” Life Science 2000; 67: 26732683 Calapai G, Crupi A, Firenzuoli F, Costantino G, Inferrera G, Campo GM, Caputi AP. ”Effects of Hypericum perforatum on levels of 5-hydroxytryptamine, noradrenaline and dopamine in the cortex, diencephalon and brainstem of the rat”. J Pharm Pharmacol. 1999; 51: 723-728 Cilia A, Calapai G, Crupi A, Firenzuoli F. “A preliminary study of the clinical efficacy of Allerdin AS, two herbal products, on seasonal allergic rhinitis and asthma”. International Symposium on EvidenceBased Phytotherapy. October 10, 1999. S. Miniato (Pisa) – Italy, page 11 Corti G, Gori L, Firenzuoli F, Turini M. “Valutazione strumentale dell’efficacia di un preparato fitoterapico sulla iperreattività bronchiale in bambini affetti da asma lieve persistente” International Symposium on Evidence-Based Phytotherapy. October 10, 1999. S. Miniato (Pisa) – Italy, page 13 Calapai G, Crupi A, Firenzuoli F, Inferrera G, Parisi A, Campo GM, Caputi AP. “Serotonin, noradrenaline and dopamine mediation of antidepressant effects of Hypericum extracts”. Interna-

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