Baby&KidStore Haziran 2019

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Tulay Textile, founded in 1987, is primarily operating in women’s, men’s and children’s underwear and sleepwear sectors. Tülay İç Giyim and Devino are leading export brands, which play an important part in overseas exports, and important values for the Turkish Textile Industry. Today, we-Larice Club Larice Kids, as a third generation, are pleased to present our new products. We are all dedicated to bringing you the strong and assertive production infrastructure in the area of children’s pajamas, underwear and home wear-pajamas. We are managed by dedicated professionals having rich industrial experience with a passion for innovation and excellence. We are equipped with the young and dynamic staff to be a worldwide brand. While we are preparing Larice Club and Larice Kids branded products, we always ask ourselves one question: How to make childrens happy? Our source of inspiration is the smile on children’s face. We, as Larice Kids, believe that if children are happy, then the worlds is happy, too. And we also know that the things we are designing today are the best investment value for our future children. Here we are... We are all childishly excited to begin our work together. Детский мир с Larice, становится цветнее. В этом году внутреняя энергия детей, встречается c дизайном. Фирма Larice, впервые со своей коллекцией Весна-Лето, ожидает выставку CBME “Мама”и”Малыш”. Коллекцию этого года, украшает незаменимая для Larice веселая и живая тема. С проектом развлечения и поднятия настроения детям, отправляемся в путь. В этом процессе, душевной и денамичной одеждой, хотим открыть мерцающий мир в глазах детей. B коллекции приятный дизайн смешивается с живыми цветами. В этом, году внемание привлекают мальчиковые и девочковые наборы, даполняющие друг друга. Оригинальные узоры одежды - самое красивое отражение веселого детского мира. На одежде, для девочек элегантные штрихи совмещаются с гармоничными цветами. Узоры цветов, в этом году занимают не последнее место. У мальчиков , Larice настаивает на динамичные полосы и живые цвета. Используемые в расцветке нейтральные тона, придают особый вид. Дизайн, привлекает внимание подборкой гармоничных цветов. Иногда контрастами, а иногда переходящими тонами. Larice, в новой коллекции предстанет перед нами в новом виде. В сфере создания узоров на уровне марки и на модельной основе идет в тему. В этом году, мы увидим и комбинированные модели используемые в группе с отдельными изделиями. Во время создания этих комбинаций,следовали тематическим путем. И в следствии этого, появились изделия имеющие целостность и историю от узоров до полос и цветов. Будьте готовы раскрасить лето с Larice! Основанная в 1987 году под названием Tülay Tekstil, наша фирма начала набирать активные обороты, опираясь в большинстве на производство мужского, женского и детского нижнего белья, а также пижам для детей и взрослых. Заработав особое место на экспорте товара заграницу, наши марки Tülay Tekstil и Devino с особой значимостью продолжают своё развитие на текстильном рынке Турции. На сегодняшний день мы с радостью представляем вашему вниманию новое, уже третье поколение нашей организации под именами Larice Club-Larice Kids. Под маркой Larice Kids, на основании сильного и конкурентоспособного производства, наша фирма дает высококачественное обслуживание в области нижнего белья, пижам и домашней одежды для детей. Имея за спиной многолетний опыт и не теряя в себе стремление к усовершенствованию, вместе с молодым и энергичным коллективом мы ставим перед собой цель достижения успеха мирового значения. В каждой разработке марок Larice Kids и Larice Club мы задаемся вопросом, как благодаря нашей продукции мы можем подарить детям радость. Прекрасные улыбки на лицах детей- это наш самый главный источник вдохновения для создания новых коллекций. Для нас, сотрудников Л Larice Kids , счастье ребенка означает счастливое будущее для всего мира, на что 1 June 2019 и направлены все наши усилия. Мы знаем, что то, что мы сегодня посеем , то и будем пожинать в будущем для наших детей.

Güleçyüz Çorap ve Tekstil 15 yılı aşan üretim ve ihracatı boyunca öğrenmiş olduğu bilgi ve tecrübeyi, siz değerli müşterileri ile paylaşmanın heyecanını yaşıyor. Kurulduğu günden itibaren çorap üretimi yapan uzman kadroya sahip şirketimiz bünyesindeki İstanbul Bayrampaşa’da bulunan 2200 m2’de kurulu olan fabrikamızda %100 doğal elyaflardan üretim yapılıp desen, dokuma, kalite kontrol ve ütü paket işlemleri yapılmaktadır. 2016 yılında firmamız bünyesinde kurulumunu gerçekleştirdiğimiz Defne Baby markamızla short çorap, patik, külotlu çorap ve iç çamaşırı üretimi gerçekleştirip toptan satışını yapmaktayız. Ürünlerimiz bebeğinizin sağlığı düşünülerek birinci sınıf hammaddelerden üretilmiştir. Bebeğiniz için zararlı kimyasallar içermez. Azo-free boya ve nikel-free aksesuarları ile uluslararası üretim teknikleri ve güvenlik standartlarına sahiptir. Yüksek kalite standartları Oeko-Tex belgesi ile tescillenmiştir. Gulecyuz Socks is experiencing the excitement of sharing its knowledge and experience with our valued customers for more than 15 years of production and export. Since its inception, our company, which has a specialized staff who produces socks, is located in Bayrampaşa, İstanbul, we produce 100% natural fibers pattern, weaving, quality control and ironing package operations in our factory which is built in 2200 m2. In 2016, we produce and sell short socks, booties, pantyhose and underwear with our Defne Baby brand which we have established in our company. Our products are made of first-class raw materials, considering the health of your baby. They never contain harmful chemicals for your baby. It has international manufacturing techniques and safety standards with Azo-free paint and nickel-free accessories. High quality standards are certified with Oeko-Tex certificate. Компания “Güleçyüz Çorap и Tekstil” испытывает волнение, делясь своими знаниями и опытом с вами, уважаемыми клиентами, приобретенные в течение 15 лет производства и экспорта.С момента своего основания наша компания, имеющая опытный персонал по производству носков, находится в Байрампаша, Стамбул, где на производственной фабрике общей площадью 2200 м2, выполняется производство 100% натуральных волокон, выкройка, ткачество, контроль качества и упаковочные работы. В 2016 году мы начали производство коротких носков, пинеток, колготок и нижнего белье под нашим брендом Defne Baby. Наша продукция изготавливается из первоклассного сырья с учетом здоровья вашего малыша. Не содержит вредных химических веществ для вашего малыша. С аксессуарами покрашенными краской без содержания азота и никеля товары имеют международные технологии производства и стандарты безопасности. Сертифицированы с высокими стандартами качества Сертификата “Oeko-Tex”


June 2019

June 2019


ALL THE PRODUCTS THAT A BABY NEEDS IN HIS ALL GROWTH STAGE WILL BE UNDER THE ROOF OF DEFNE BABY With the opportunity to work with international brands, Gulecyuz Socks crowns its 30-year history with Defne Baby brand. Socks is a starting point for us Defne Baby, the first socks came to mind, but also added a child’s underwear in the brand. Mustafa Gulecyuz said that they aim to ensure that all products that the baby needs in time are in diverse collection of Defne Baby. Investment time for some, waiting time for some Gulecyuz said that 2018 was a year when the crisis turned into an opportunity. I don’t think you will have any trouble if you press it firmly. We decided to expand our market network to utilize the opportunity. We will ensure that it is maintained with advertising and promotional activities. Güleçyüz Çorap, now employing many people in Bayrampaşa factories and even receiving outsourcing production support, stated that their aim was to work in the sector with the right moves at the right time. While the company continues to invest in Defne Baby, it continues to make production to famous brands such as Mothercare, Zara, JohnLewis and Mango. Defne Baby will also participate in fairs such as CBME Turkey and Linexpo in the country and international fairs to be held in Russia and Ukraine abroad next year. Children in Germany wears Defne Baby Defne Baby exports to many countries especially Germany, Russia, Ukraine, Iraq, Jordan. Mustafa Gulecyuz said that they believed that they would exist in all points they wanted. Mustafa Güleçyüz said, “We managed to take place at all sales points in Turkey soon, as we gained a good sales graph. Our team continues their work in a controlled and systematic way. In addition, Defne Baby began to make a name for itself in the foreign market. In this direction, we export to countries such as Germany and Serbia and we are planning to work to increase the number of regions and countries we export. We also export all of our products from our factory to every point of Europe with our exporter company DevTeks. 4

June 2019

June 2019




June 2019

June 2019


1990 yılında kurulan ve uzun yıllar Avrupa ve Amerika’ya ihracat yapan firmamız 2005 yılında Biyokids ve Biyoteks ismi ile kendi koleksiyonunu hazırladı. İnsan sağlığına uygun, kanserojen madde içermeyen materyaller ile her geçen gün daha kaliteli ürünler üretip Avrupa, Asya ve Rusya coğrafyasına ihracat yapıyor, yurt içi ve yurt dışında bayilikler de vererek çalışmalarımıza devam ediyoruz...

Founded in 1990 and exporting to Europe and America for many years, our company has prepared its collection in 2005 with the name of Biyokids and Biyoteks. We produce quality products which are suitable for human health with materials that do not contain carcinogens and we export to Europe, Asia and Russia, we continue our works by giving distributorship in domestic and abroad ...

БИО ТЕКСТИЛЬ Основанная в 1990 году и много лет экспортирующая в Европу и Америку, наша компания подготовила свою коллекцию в 2005 году под названием Biyokids и Biyoteks. Мы производим качественные продукты, подходящие для здоровья человека, из материалов, не содержащих канцерогенов, и мы экспортируем в Европу, Азию и Россию, продолжаем нашу работу, предоставляя дистрибьюторские услуги в стране и за рубежом ... 8

June 2019

June 2019


F rom Edito r Night vision facts in daylight with baby & kid store… Hello to everyone from Florence which is called the capital of arts, and home to artists of fashion in Italy, and from Paris which is called the “City of Love”, welcomes us with the love of fashion!

baby & kid store ile gündüz gözü gece görüşü tespitler… İtalya’nın sanat şehri olarak bilinen ve modanın sanatkarlarına ev sahipliği yapan Floransa’dan; Fransa’nın aşıklar şehri diye anılan ve moda aşkıyla bizi karşılayan Paris’ten herkese merhaba! Çok okuyan değil çok gezen bilir diyenlere inatla, yine dopdolu içeriğimizle sizleri selamlıyoruz. Sektördeki tüm gelişmeleri, en son trendleri her yeni günde full batarya takipteyiz. Pitti Immagine Bimbo ve Paris Playtime’da hem vitrininiz hem de ince eleyip sık dokuyan gözünüz oluyoruz. Türk firmalarının yeni koleksiyonları dünyaya ilham kaynağı olsun diye, tasarımlarınızı elden ele gezdiriyoruz… Aşk, ilk bakışta göze dokunur, aşinalıkla da kendine kalpte yer bulur. Modanın kalp atışını, dünya bebek ve çocuk modasının bu ayki can noktalarından, İtalya’dan, Fransa’dan dinliyoruz, duyuruyoruz. Hangi koleksiyonlar sadece göze değecek, hangileri kalpte yer edecek merakla bekliyoruz… Şu an, ilk cümleleriyle düşüncelerinizi harmanlayıp, fayda muhasebesine başladığınız Haziran sayımızda da her zaman olduğu gibi birçok firmayla tanışmaya, birçoklarını ise daha yakından tanımaya fırsatınız olacak. Güzel ve faydalı işbirliklerine aracılık etme devamlılığımıza erişmeyi diliyorum. Sadece firmalar ile sınırlı değiliz tabii, birçok ülkeyi de göreceğiz; gördüklerimiz kadar göremediklerimizin de havasını soluyacağız. Kısıtlı okuyacağız, detaylı düşüneceğiz… Şimdi sizleri, ihracattaki dünya sıralamasında ikinci gelen ülkemizin çok sayıda firması ile buluşmanız için, ilerleyen sayfalarımla baş başa bırakıyorum. Birincilik hedefimiz, hedefimiz tekstil ihracatında botoks etkisi! Keyifli okumalar!

We are greeting you with our full content, stubbornly speaking to those who assert they that travel most not read most know most. We closely follow all developments in the industry, the latest trends every new day. We are both your showcase and scrutinizing eyes in Pitti Immagine Bimbo and Playtime Paris shows. We show your designs from hand to hand, so that new collections of Turkish companies inspire the world… Love touches the eye at first glance, and familiarity finds itself in the heart. We will listen to and announce heartbeat of the fashion in Italy and France where are key points of world baby and children’s fashion of this month. We are curiously waiting which collections will be simple and which will be located in the heart. You will have the opportunity to get to know more many firms closely in our June issue in which you start to consider accounting benefits with the first sentences of the issue with your thoughts at the moment as well. Hope to trying to reach our continuity to mediate beautiful and beneficial collaborations. We are not limited to firms, of course, we will see many countries. We will breathe the air of what we see as much as what we don’t see. We will read in a limited way, we will think in detail… Now I’m leaving you with my exclusive pages in order to meet you many companies from the country which ranked second in exports in the world. Our primary goal is being the country which export most. Enjoy your reading!


Publisher: H. Ferruh Işık on behalf of İSTMAG Magazin Gazetecilik Yayıncılık İç ve Dış Tic. Ltd. Şti. General Manager (Responsible) Mehmet Söztutan Coordinator Mehtap Akyel Editor Duygu Sazan

Design & Graphics Furkan Yaldız

CIAO FIRENZE, BONJOUR PARIS! It has been a habit for us to attend the most leading international events of the baby & kid requirements industry. To be in Firenze and Paris in every June is a big pleasure for us for business to accomplish our mission. We are almost sure that we will witness many surprises for the future trends and we are very much excited to be there. You may have the best and most trendy products but if you don’t promote them to your target audience properly it won’t do any good. That’s what our main mission is. We are here in Istanbul to help you promote your products with the most contemporary way around the globe. At a time when many of magazines are seizing we are issuing the magazine more often. Started as a bimonthly magazine, Baby & Kid Store is published every month except some off-season periods from the standpoint of international events. We are printing more and distributing more now. We will continue to make progresses as long as the industry keeps us as the leader of the sector. It is always an honor for us to represent the industry in all these leading international fairs held in abroad. As the industry reps witness we are the only publication from Turkey to say “ciao” in Italy, “bonjour” in France, “привіт” in Ukraine, “Hallo” in Germany, “привет” in Russia, “ 你好 ” in China, along with many other languages which we can very easily and traditionally pronounce. This is a great honor!

Mehtap AKYEL C o o r d i n ato r

Correspondent Tayfun Aydın Foreign Relations İsmail Çakır Chief Accountant Zekai Turasan

Subscription İsmail Özçelik

Finance Manager Mustafa Aktas

Head Office İSTMAG Magazin Gazetecilik Yayıncılık İç ve Dış Tic. Ltd. Şti. Evren Mah. Bahar Cad. Polat İş Merkezi B Blok No:3 Kat: 4 Güneşli Bağcılar - İstanbul / Turkey Tel: +90 212 604 51 00 Faks: +90 212 604 51 35

Printed By İHLAS GAZETECİLİK A.Ş. Merkez Mahallesi 29 Ekim Caddesi İhlas Plaza No:11 A/41 Yenibosna–Bahçelievler/ STANBUL Tel: 0212 454 30 00 Tri Elektronik was established by Remzi Büyüknalçacı in 1972. It stepped into the printing sector with the manufacturing of steel cliché first in 1991. We started exporting raw material of steel cliché in 1996. We started domestic distribution of VISPROX pad printing and screenprinting inks in 2000. Right after this development we signed sales and service agreement of pad printing machines with Comec Italia SRL in 2004. We continued to take our recognized place in the sector as Tri Elektronik San. Tic. Ltd. Sti. in 2010. We started to make assembling of EAZY 90 in 2013 and EAZY 130 machines provided from 100% Comec Italia SRL in 2015. We are proudly continuing to be a company improving its customer potential with the fame every day thanks to our adherence to quality, customer satisfaction and brand reliability from the very first day. We have currently been operating in the printing industry and manufacturing imports of main elements such as machinery and inks and manufacturing of consumables such as silicon pads and steel clichés. We have also been providing the service and after sale services of the materials that we sell.

Фирма “Три Электроник” (Tri Elektronik) была основана в 1972 году Ремзи Бююкнальчаджи. В 1991 году компания сделала первый шаг в полиграфической промышленности, выпустив стальное клише. В 1996 году мы начали экспортировать сырье стального клише. В 2000 году мы начали продажу красок для тампопечати и трафаретной печати VISPROX. Сразу же после этого, в 2004 году, мы подписали соглашение с Comec Italia SRL о продаже и обслуживании машин для тампонной печати. В 2010 году фирма ООО “Три Электроник Сан. Тидж.Лтд.Шти” (Tri Elektronik San. Tic. Ltd. Şti.) продолжала занимать свое место в этом секторе. В 2013 году мы начали осуществлять монтаж машин EAZY 90, а в 2015 году -EAZY 130 на 100% продукты Comec Italia SRL. Мы гордимся тем, что продолжаем быть компанией, которая день ото дня увеличивает потенциал наших клиентов благодаря нашей приверженности качеству, удовлетворенности клиентов и надежности бренда. В настоящее время мы работаем в секторе печати, импортируя основные компоненты, такие как машины и чернила, производя силиконовые тампоны, расходные материалы, как стальные клише. Мы также предоставляем сервис и постпродажную поддержку для всех продуктов, которые мы продаем.

La nostra azienda Tri Elektronik, è stata fondata nel 1972 da Remzi Büyüknalçacı. Nel 1991, ha fatto il primo passo nel settore della stampa con la produzione di cliché di acciaio. Nel 1996, abbiamo iniziato ad esportare le materie prime di cliché di acciaio. Nel 2000 è stata avviata la distribuzione domestica degli inchiostri di serigrafia e tampografia VISPROX. Subito dopo questo sviluppo, nel 2004 l’accordo di vendita e assistenza per macchine tampografiche è stato firmato con Comec Italia SRL. Nel 2010, abbiamo continuato a prendere il nostro posto nel settore con la Tri Elektronik San. Tic. Ltd. Sti.. Nel 2013 abbiamo iniziato a fare un’assemblea locale delle macchine EAZY 90 e nel 2015 EAZY 130 con i prodotti al 100% forniti dalla Comec Italia SRL. Oggi siamo orgogliosi di essere un’azienda che aumenta il potenziale dei suoi clienti giorno per giorno con la sua reputazione grazie ai suoi prodotti di alta qualità, la soddisfazione dei clienti e l’impegno per l’affidabilità del marchio. Attualmente operiamo nel settore della stampa, importando componenti principali quali macchinari e inchiostri, eseguendo la produzione di materiali di consumo quali tamponi in silicone, cliché di acciaio. Forniamo inoltre il servizio e l’assistenza post-vendita per tutti i prodotti che vendiamo.


June 2019

TRİ ELEKTRONİK BREAKS TABOOS WITH LOW COST TAGLESS PRINTING! We talked about Inkprint Tagless Printing which starts a new era almost in all sectors, with Ilker Keser, Marketing and Sales Manager, Tri Elektronik…

What sectors can you receive from you regarding your printing machines? In this regard, it is not possible to limit the sector diversity. Almost every sector can use the printing machines we sell, so that we can make a variety of prints, such as branding, model label or serial number on their products. In this context, machines have some optional equipment. We offer these equipments to our customers according to the specifications of the products they produce.

process has no waiting, no drying process. Already the most important feature that separates the inkprint method from the hot transfer printing method is the speed of the machine. In addition, these two methods are separated in terms of job security. Our machine is powered by a compressor as well as electricity. Here, as the name suggests, there is no temperature like in hot transfer printing. This means a safer work environment in the business process. It also provides significant advantages to the user in terms of usability. For example, you will print on the waist of the product. Inkprint Tagless Printing system does not apply any heat to the product, so the processed tire is not deformed. Finally, when you use the Inkprint Tagless Printing, your brand visibility in the product is permanent. User inconvenience hear the product label, it can be cut out of the product at the expense of print, providing permanency at this point. Which countries do you export the machine to? We mainly export to the Middle East. As a matter of fact, we don’t have a limit, but since we’re a distributor, we usually sell our products in the Middle East. Especially Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan and Turkic Republics are our other main export markets in this region.

‘If you used Inkprint Management, no one can remove your brand from your product!’ Can we get a little more detailed information about Inkprint Inkprint Tagless Printing method and user advantages for textile sector? Inkprint Tagless can be applied on finished products such as seamless clothing, underwear, t-shirts, shirts, pants, socks, sportswear, swimwear, hats or before sewing of products. The fact that Inkprint printing machines can print directly and permanently on the fabric is no longer necessary in the textile sector. Inkprint Tagless Printing is resistant to washing, stretching and friction and does not shine in fabric. The product can be printed with additional color and two colors. With regard to health, the inks used do not harm the user, do not harm and do not contain any carcinogenic substances in any way. We also have all reports and certifications. Inkprint Tagless Printing machines use Inkprint of achieving savings in time and labor. The printing June 2019


H’A Kids Club, ticari hayatına 2003 yılında İstanbul’un Merter semtinde 30 metrekarelik bir mağazada toptan alım & satım yaparak başlamıştır. Firma, 2016 yılında patentini aldığı H’A by Hilal Akıncı ismi ile ve HA Kids Club unvanı ile ticari hayatına devam etmektedir. Toptan ağını genişleterek sezonunda ortalama 1500 ayrı modelle yurtiçinde 81 ile ve yurtdışında 52 ülkeye ihraç ettiği ürünlerini her yıl 1.5 milyondan fazla çocukla buluşturmaktadır. H’A Kids Club, 2019 yılında faaliyete geçirdiği 3. mağazasıyla Merter Lalebahçe Sokak’ta hizmet vermeye devam etmektedir.

H’A Kids Club started its commercial life in 2003 by buying and selling in a 30 square meter store in Merter, Istanbul. The company continues its commercial life under H’A by Hilal Akıncı name patented in 2016 and under the title of HA Kids Club. With an average of 1500 different models in the season by expanding its wholesale network, it offers products for more than 1.5 million children from 81 cities in Turkey and 52 countries abroad each year. H’A Kids Club continues to serve the sector with its 3rd store in Merter, Lalebahce Street which they started trade in 2019.

Как HBA KIDS CLUB, мы начали свою коммерческую жизнь в 2003 году с оптовых покупок и продаж в магазине площадью 30 м2 в районе Мертер в Стамбуле. С момента своего основания наша компания была преобразована в бренд My Kids & Baby в 2010 году и в настоящее время продолжает свою деятельность в сфере внутренних и международных оптовых продаж в Стамбуле Мертер, 400 м2 торговых площадей, 1000 м2 закрытых площадей, проектирование, планирование, производство и логистику. My Kids & Baby расширяет свою оптовую сеть в 2012 году, поставляя свою продукцию в 81 страну и 52 стран за границу с более чем 1,5 миллионами детей каждый год. В 2016 году H патентA Hilal Akıncı продолжает свою коммерческую деятельность под именем Hilal Akıncı. Наша компания, как H daA Kids Club, работает в основном в арабских странах, а также в Центральной Азии, Европе и Америке. Основные страны, которые мы экспортируем; Америка, Германия, Азербайджан, Босния и Герцеговина, Болгария, Алжир, Эфиопия, Марокко, Палестина, Франция, Южная Африка, Ирак, Великобритания, Иран, Италия, Казахстан, Кыргызстан, Ливия, Ливан, Македония, Египет, Молдова, Нигер, Нигерия, Узбекистан, Россия, Сенегал, Сербия, Саудовская Аравия, Тунис, Украина, Греция и др. 16

June 2019

H’A KIDS CLUB STRENGTHENS ITS POSITION IN BABY TEXTILE SECTOR We talked with the owner Hilal Akıncı about the details of this solid progress. product groups. What criteria do you pay attention to during the production process? The most important criteria in our production is our fabric quality and range of suitable European standards body. At the same time, as I have just mentioned, originality and being dazzling are very important concepts for us. That is why we are very careful in the production process. Apart from that, we attach great importance on timing in production. At this stage, our team of friends motivation is very important. We always take care to keep our employees highly motivated.

As H’A Kids Club family, how do you describe the point you have come since its foundation? What is your company’s potential in the sector and what makes you stand out in the competition? In 2003, we started first to operate in a showroom with 30 square meters in Merter district of Istanbul. Then we again opened our second store in 2016 in 400 square meters in Merter too. We continue to serve our esteemed customers with our third showroom we opened in May, 2019 in Lalebahce. We produce high quality of my products, carefully avoid any content that will harm our children’s health and carefully select all our fabrics and utilize them on our machine. Our company manages to collect on the original model and inspire confidence in our customers’ interest and attention to posture. Our customers are in any situation, any time know that we are behind our product. I think that this sense of trust makes us more connected to us. At the same time, we can say that we are a brand that can appeal to customers’ hearts and visions with a wide range of products and colors that our customers cannot find in many stores.

Which cities H’A Kids Club products are offered in Turkey and how many stores you have? Do you have a store abroad? We offer our products in stores of Turkey’s 81 provinces in the country and Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. We have three stores in Merter, Istanbul. We are exporting to 52 countries with our customer network which we have expanded day by day. If we rate these values, we can say that 70% of our products are offered at home and 30% of our total production is offered abroad.

What items are in your range of product? We are producing all kinds of clothes suitable for today’s fashion for all children and young people aged 0-16. In particular, we claim that we have a successful line on the special groups we call the daily evening dresses. Besides, our bags and hats are in our range of June 2019


Firmamız Öz-Riga Tekstil San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. olarak Mayıs 1996 yılında kurulan 22 yıllık tecrübe ve birikimi ile çocuk tekstil konfeksiyon alanında Ar-Ge, tasarım, üretim, pazarlama ve satış birimleri ile Türkiye’nin öncü firmalarından biridir. Breeze Girls ve Boys markası ile dünya pazarında önemli bir yere sahip olan firmamız 7000 m2 kapalı üretim kapasitesi ve 243 uzman personeli ile Tekstil sektöründe her sezon daha yenilikçi ürünlerle modayı ve son trendleri takip edip 0-12 yaş aralığı çocuk ve bebeklere yönelik ailelerin günlük kullanımlar için tercih edebileceği şık ve kaliteli ürünlerini zincir perakende mağazaları ile bayi ve distribütörlerine ulaştırarak müşteri memnuniyetini ön planda tutmaktadır. Sezonda 1500 adet koleksiyon oluşturan, çocuklar için kaliteli ve en iyi üretim ilkesinden ödün vermeyen firmamız Breeze Girls ve Boys markalı ürünlerini Rusya, Ukrayna, Bulgaristan, Yunanistan, Romanya, Slovenya, Sırbistan başta olmak üzere diğer dünya ülkelerine ihraç etmektedir.

Our company, Öz-Riga Tekstil San. ve Tic. Ltd., has been founded in May 1996, and it is one of the leading companies in Turkey with the departments of R&D, design, production, marketing, and sales in children’s apparel textile sector, thanks to 22 years of experience and know-how. Maintaining a significant place in the global market with Breeze Girls and Boys brand, our company has a production capacity of 7000 m2 and employs 243 specialists in the textile sector. While we are following closely the latest trends by manufacturing innovative products and prioritizing the customer satisfaction, we are offering stylish and high-quality products for children and babies from 0 months to 12 years through our chain stores as well as distributors. Our company, which manufactures 1500 pieces for the collection during the season, prioritizes the principle of manufacturing quality and best products for our children while exporting Breeze Girls and Boys branded products to Russia, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, Slovenia, Serbia and other countries of the world. 18

June 2019

Наша фирма Öz-Riga Tekstil Tic. Ltd. Şti. обоснованно майе 1996 году.Обладая 22-летним опытом и знаниями по разработки и по производству, маркетинговые продажам детской одежды является одним из самых ведущих компаний в турции. Breeze girls and boys .бренд который занимает важное место на мировом рынке, имеет 7000m2 закрытых производственных помещений и 243- экспертных персонала текстильной промышленности. каждый сезон более инновационным продуктами для детей возрасте от 0-12 лет и младенцев для ежедневного использования предпочесть стильный и высококачественные товары световыми магазинами и с дилерами и своими дистрибьюторами доставляя удовлетворенность клиентов и удерживает на переднем плане. В сезоне более 1500 штук делая коллекционные модели для детей. не компрометирушый качестве лучше продукции наше фирма BREEZE GIRLS AND BOYS экспортирует товары особенно : Болгария,Украина, Греция,Румыния, Словакия,Сербия,....и другие страны мира.

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June 2019


Ticaret hayatına 1979 yılında başlayan Cantoy, 1996 yılından itibaren bebek çocuk giyim alanında faaliyet göstermeye devam etmektedir. Cantoy, Bursa’nın Vişne Caddesi’ndeki 2800 metrekarelik alanda, 40 çalışanıyla ve Laleli’de 5 katlı binasında sekiz çalışanı ile 700 metrekarelik alanda hizmet vermektedir. Her şeyden önce güveni ön planda tutan Cantoy, iş dünyasında adil bir ticaret anlayışı ile hareket etmektedir. Cantoy’un en önemli çalışma prensibi, üreticileri, müşterileri ve tedarikçileri ile iletişimde güvenilir, açık ve net olmaktır. Cantoy Tekstil, dünya standartlarında ürün yelpazesi ve profesyonel hizmet anlayışını samimiyet ve ciddiyetle devamlı hale getirme çabası içerisindedir. Bu zamana kadar değerlerinden asla ödün vermeyen şirket, var olduğu sürece asla bu değerlerden vazgeçmeyecektir. Bu başarısını kendi ülkesinde gerçekleştiren Cantoy Tekstil, bunu dünyada da adım adım yapmak için gayret sarf eden global bir şirkettir.2010 yılında vişne caddesine ilk adım atan şirket olma özelliğine sahip CANTOY katıldığı 50 ye yakın uluslararası fuar ile Babydola ismiyle yaptığı üretimi ile hali hazırda 80 ülkeye ürün pazarlayabilmekterdir. Babydola markasının merkezini bir pergel ucu gibi Avrupa’ya koyarak şirket genel merkezini Madrid/İspanya’da 2017 yılında açmıştır. Böylelikle tasarım vE üretim standartlarını Avrupa dizayn vE kalitesine uydurarak tüm dünyaya hitap etmek hedefine sağlam bir temel oluşturmuştur. Hedefi daima geçmişinden aldığı tecrübe ve birikimi güncel teknik ve donanımla revize ederek çok daha güzel bir gelecek hazırlamaktır.

Cantoy started its commerce life in 1979 and has been active in baby and kids wear since 1996. Cantoy offers its service in an area of 2800 square meters in Visne Street of Bursa with its 40 employees and in an area of 700 square meters, 5 storey building in Laleli with its 8 employees. Cantoy prioritizes trust before anything and acts in the business world with a fair understanding of trade. The most important working principle of Cantoy is to be reliable, straight and clear in communication with manufacturers, customers and suppliers. Cantoy Textile is striving to make world class product range and professional service sense with sincerity and seriousness. The company has never compromised its values until this time and will never give up on these values as long as it exists. Creating this success in its own country, Cantoy is a global company making efforts to realize this step by step in the world. Cantoy, the first company taking the first step to the Vişne Street in 2010, has been able to market its products to 80 countries with its production under the name of Babydola with nearly 50 international exhibitions. Babydola has opened its company headquarters in Madrid / Spain in 2017, putting its headquarters in Europe as a compass point. In this way, it has established a solid foundation for the aim of addressing the whole world by adapting the design and production standards to European design and quality. The goal is always to revise the experience and knowledge gained from the past with current techniques and to prepare a better future. Cantoy, которая начала свою коммерческую деятельность в 1979 году, активно занимается детской одеждой с 1996 года. Cantoy имеет площадь 2800 квадратных метров с 40 сотрудниками на улице Вишне в Бурсе. И восемью сотрудниками в 5-этажном здании площадью 700 квадратных метров в Лалели Истанбул. Прежде всего, Cantoy, который отдает приоритет доверию, действует в деловом мире с спроведливым пониманием торговли. Самый важный принцип работы Cantoy - это быть надежным, ясным и понятным в общении со своими производителями, клиентами и поставщиками. Cantoy Textile стремится к тому, чтобы ассортимент продукции мирового класса и профессиональное понимание сервиса продолжались с искренностью и серьезностью. Компания, которая никогда не скомпрометировала свои ценности до этого времени, никогда не откажется от этих ценностей, пока она существует. Cantoy Textile, которая реализует этот успех в своей стране, является глобальной компанией, которая делает шаг за шагом в этом мире. CANTOY, являясь первой компанией, вышедшей на Вишневую улицу в 2010 году, смогла продать свою продукцию в 80 странах, производя продукцию под названием Babydola, на почти 50 международных выставках. Babydola открыла свою штаб-квартиру в Европе в качестве компаса в 2017 году в Мадриде / Испания. Таким образом, он заложил прочную основу для решения проблемы всего мира путем адаптации своих стандартов дизайна и производства к европейскому дизайну и качеству. Цель всегда состоит в том, чтобы пересмотреть опыт и знания, приобретенные в прошлом, с использованием современных технических и аппаратных средств и подготовить гораздо лучшее будущее. 22 June 2019

June 2019


Örme ve dokuma çocuk giyiminde entegre bir firma olan Zeynep Giyim; 1970 yılında başladığı tekstil sektöründe ki yolculuğunda bugün lider konumundadır. Hazır giyimde yılda iki kere koleksiyon yapan Zeynep Giyim, 0-12 yaş için “Zeyland” ve “Mininio”, yenidoğan grubunda da “Mininio Baby” markası ile faaliyet göstermektedir. Tesislerimizde; 0 – 12 yaş çocuğunun sağlığı ön planda tutularak, kanserojen madde içermeyen boya ve aksesuarlarla, Ekoteks 100 belgesi standartlarına uygun üretim yapılmaktadır. Koleksiyonlarımız başta Avrupa, Rusya, Ukrayna, Belarus ve diğerleri olmak üzere birçok ülkeye ihraç edilmekte ve iç piyasada yaklaşık 300 çocuk butiğinde satılmaktadır.

Zeynep Giyim which was found in 1970 is a leader Turkish company in designing, manufacturing and marketing of children’s apparel for domestic and export markets. We have a large collection for children clothes which we produce two times a year (Spring&Summer and Autumn&Winter Collection) for our own brands “Zeyland”, “Mininio” for 0-12years and “Mininio Baby” for new borns. Having the backgound in children’s ready-wear market with the innovation concept and years of experience, we develop and manufacture new and high quality products approved by ECOTEX 100 quality certificate. We are making export to many of European countries, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, etc. and our clothes are soled around 300 points in Turkish domestic market. 24

June 2019

Компания Zeynep Giyim A.Ş была основана в 1970-ом году является производителем модной детской одежды от 0 до 12 лет.Широкий ассортимент,доступные цены,высокое качество сделало нашу марку одной из первых и лидирующих компаний в Турции. Гордостью компании являются бренды MININIO, MININIO BABY, ZEYLAND. Kак правило дважды в год ведущими дизайнерами разрабатывается новая,сезонная коллекция с учётом последних тенденций европейской детской моды, это «весна-лето» и «осеньзима».Большой модельный ряд гарантирует возможность выбрать стильную, высококачественную одежду. В работе Zeynep Giyim A.Ş в первую очередь заботится о здоровье детей используя красители и аксессуары не содержащие канцерогенных веществ,а только высококачественные материалы,прошедшие гигиеническую экспертизу и соответствующие международным стандартам качества.

June 2019


Fatihim Tekstil şirketi 1987 yılında faaliyete başlamıştır. Şirket, 0-16 yaş arası bebek ve çocuk giysileri imalatı ve toptan satışı yapmaktadır. Bugün Fatihim Tekstil, ürünlerini dünya çapında 40’dan fazla ülkeye ihraç etmektedir. Fatihim Tekstil şirketi 1987 yılında faaliyete başlamıştır. Şirket, 0-16 yaş arası bebek ve çocuk giysileri Üretimde sağlık unsurlarına ve kalite imalatı ve tüm toptan satışı yapmaktadır. BugünstandartFatihim larına önem veren Fatihim Tekstil sadece yurt ülkeye içinde Tekstil, ürünlerini dünya çapında 40’dan fazla değil, yurt dışında da aktif bir profil çiziyor. Dünyaihraç etmektedir. daki 40’dan fazla ülkeye ihracat yapan Fatihim Tekstil hem ülke ekonomisine hem de sektöre katma değer Üretimde tüm sağlık unsurlarına ve kalite standartsağlıyor. larına önem veren Fatihim Tekstil sadece yurt içinde Fatihim Tekstil hemdaüretim hem toptanda güçlü bir değil, yurt dışında aktif bir profil çiziyor. Dünyaprofil çiziyor daki 40’dan fazla ülkeye ihracat yapan Fatihim Tekstil hem ülke ekonomisine hem de sektöre katma değer Marka sağlıyor.oluşturmanın süreklilik istediğini her fırsatta dile getiren Fatihim Kurulu Fatihim Tekstil hemTekstil üretimA.Ş. hemYönetim toptanda güçlüBaşbir kan Yardımcısı İsmail Çolak, Vişne Bebe markasına profil çiziyor fayda sağlayacak ve markalaşmayı destekleyici her mecrada yer aldıklarını, markayıistediğini daha ileriye Marka oluşturmanın süreklilik hertaşımak fırsatta adına sürekli yeniliklerle gündemde olacaklarını bedile getiren Fatihim Tekstil A.Ş. Yönetim Kurulu Başlirtti. kan Yardımcısı İsmail Çolak, Vişne Bebe markasına fayda sağlayacak ve markalaşmayı destekleyici her mecrada yer aldıklarını, markayı daha ileriye taşımak adına sürekli yeniliklerle gündemde olacaklarını belirtti.

Fatihim Textile Company was established in 1987. The company manufactures and sells baby and children’s clothing for 0-16 age group. Today, Fatihim Textile exports its products to more than 40 countries worldwide. Fatihim Textile Company was established in 1987. The Fatihim gives importance all health elements companyTekstil manufactures and sellstobaby and children’s and quality production and Fatihim draws anTextile active clothing forstandards 0-16 agein group. Today, profile only in to Turkey but also abroad. worldwide. Exporting exportsnot its products more than 40 countries to more than 40 countries in the world, Fatihim Textile provides added gives value importance to both the national economy and Fatihim Tekstil to all health elements the andsector. quality standards in production and draws an active profile not only in Turkey but also abroad. Exporting Fatihim a strong profile in both production to more Textile than 40draws countries in the world, Fatihim Textile and wholesale provides added value to both the national economy and the sector. Fatihim Tekstil A.Ş., which has always expressed that there wasTextile a needdraws for continuity in the creation of a brand Fatihim a strong profile in both production at opportunity, Vice Chairman of the Board of andevery wholesale Directors İsmail Çolak stated that they would benefit from Vişne BebeA.Ş., brand and they are in every aspectthat to Fatihim Tekstil which has always expressed support and they would be on the agenda with there wasbranding a need for continuity in the creation of a brand the aim ofopportunity, moving the brand forward. of the Board of at every Vice Chairman Directors İsmail Çolak stated that they would benefit from Vişne Bebe brand and they are in every aspect to support branding and they would be on the agenda with the aim of moving the brand forward. 26

June 2019

June 2019


Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı Tekstil Tic. Ltd. Şti 1994 yılında kurulmuştur. 0-3 yaş aralığındaki bebekler için; bebe tekstil ürünleri, bebe kozmetik ürünleri, bebe bakım ürünleri, bebe araç ve gereçleri, oyuncak vb. ürünleri üretir, ihraç eder ve ithalatını yapar. Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı, bodyden emziğe, beşikten bebek arabasına yaklaşık 10.000 çeşit ürün ve 120 markanın aynı çatı altında toplandığı firmadır. Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı, yurt içinde 900’ü aşkın bayi sayısına sahiptir. Yurt dışında ise 40’tan fazla Ortadoğu ve Avrupa ülkesine ihracat yapmaktadır. Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı, bebek ve çocuk alanında mağaza açmak ve bu alanda firmasını geliştirmek isteyenlerin tercih edecek olduğu, dünyanın göz bebeği İstanbul’da hizmet veren ve eşi bulunmayan bir işletmedir. Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı, kararlılığın, güvenin, kalitenin ve dünya çapında bebe markalarının aynı çatı altında buluştuğu ve yılların deneyiminin markasıdır. Bu marka, % 100 yerli sermayenin ürünü Türkiye’nin tescilli markası “Sebi” dir.

Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı Tekstil Tic. Ltd. Şti ist 1994 gegründet. Produziert, importiert und exportiert babytextilien, baby- kosmetik, babypflege, spielzeuge, kinderartikel für babys 3 bis 3 jahren. Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı ist die adresse von 120 marken und ca. 10.000 produkten von body über schnuller, wiege bis hin kinderwagen. Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı besitzt im Inland über 900 fachhändler. Das Unternehmen exportiert im Mittleren Osten und Europa in über 40 länder. Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı ist ein unternehmen, das von denen, die beabsichtigen, laden im bereich baby und kind zu eröffnen und ihren betrieb in diesem bereich weiterzuentwickeln, bevorzugt wird. Das Unternehmen geht seinen Geschäften in der Weltstadt Istanbul nach. Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı ist eine marke langjähriger erfahrung, in der sich entschiedenheit, zuverlässigkeit, qualität sowie weitweite baby-marken unter einem dach zusammentreffen. Diese marke ist ein produkt von % 100 inländischem kapital. Die eingetragene marke ist „Sebi“

Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı Tekstil Tic. Ltd.Şti was established in 1994. It is for babies between 0-3 ages: It produces, exports and imports baby textile products, baby cosmetic products, baby care products, baby equipments, toys... Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı, it is the address of around 10 000 type of products and 120 brands from bodies to pacifiers, form cradles to prams. Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı has more than 900 dealers in Turkey. It exports to more than 40 Middle East and European countries abroad. Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı, it is a unique enterprise rendering services in the apple of world’s eye Istanbul, and which will be preferred by those who wish to open Baby and Children’s stores and to develop their firms in this area. Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı, this is the trademark where stability, reliability, quality and worldwide baby brands come together under one roof and has many years of experience. This brand is the product of 100% domestic capital and it is the registered trademark of Turkey “Sebi”.

“Бэбе Чейиз Сарайы Текстиль Тиджарет Лимитед Ширкети» : Учредено в 1994 году. “Бэбе Чейиз Сарайы Текстиль Тиджарет Лимитед Ширкети» : Осуществляет производству, эксопрту и импорту любые виды Текстильные Изделия для грудных ребёнок, Козметические Изделия для грудных ребёнок, Изделия для заботы для грудных ребёнок 0 – 3 года. “Бэбе Чейиз Сарайы Текстиль Тиджарет Лимитед Ширкети» : Является адрес более 10.000 (ресять тысячь) виды изделий и 120 торговых марок ; с утки для движения – по соску, с люлки – по повозку . Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı имеет более 400 дилеров в стране, и кроме того экспортирует свою продукцию в более 40 стран Ближнего Востока и Европы. “Бэбе Чейиз Сарайы Текстиль Тиджарет Лимитед Ширкети» : Является одно незаменимое предприятие и оказывающее услуги клиентам в городе Стамбуле являющем зрачку Мира для предпринимателей хотящий открывать магазинов и развивать своих фирм в областе изделий для Грудных Ребёнок и Детей. “Бэбе Чейиз Сарайы Текстиль Тиджарет Лимитед Ширкети» : Является одна крыша решительности и надеждности, где встречаются Мировых марок для изделий грудного ребёнка и многолетных опытов в этой областе. Эта марка является продукция 100 % инвестиционного капитала Турции и зарегистрирована под названием «Себи». 28

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BEBE ÇEYIZ SARAYI HAS OVER 900 STORES IN TURKEY AND EXPORT OVER 45 COUNTRIES IN MIDDLE EAST AND EUROPE Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı increases its retail stores Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı reached its goal of increasing the number of retail stores in the first half of 2019 with the opening of Masko store. Stating that they will continue their retailing activities, Saraç said, “After 24 years of satisfaction with our final consumers, we are planning to open a retail store for more people to benefit from our retail service quality. We have the advantage of minimizing the margin of error because we share the demands and satisfaction from the consumer with our sub-channel and understand the correct production, import and consumer expectations.” underlining that they implement these advantages in both production and import. Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı further develops its growth rate in import and export by focusing quality on domestic production. Offering its products to more than 40 countries and close to 800 sub channels, Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı grows every year by developing itself. The brand that keeps its targets last year continues to work without stopping for next season. Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı, which will continue to serve its sub-channel in the best way this year as it did last year, plans to add a new model to the collection in 2019 by giving more weight to domestic production. Declaring that they increased by 70% up in domestic production, Saraç said, “At the moment, our 12 models are manufactured in Turkey. These travel systems include a wide range of products, such as strollers, duplex strollers, cane strollers, playgrounds, feeding chairs, home-style main straps. There are two new models in import. We continue to work increasing our goals in travel system and pram, as well as equipment and tools. This year we will add a new and very dynamic model which European giants like very much to our range. In 2019 plans, we plan to offer this model to our consumers.” “We achieved our targets one by one” Declaring that they have achieved the targets of last year in exportation, Saraç said, “We aim to present our high quality

products that we produce and import besides the textile, treatment and cosmetics with the lowest prices to our dealers and final consumers. This year, our line is above our projected growth rate. In the domestic market, we have imported the model of the aventedor that we liked in the European market last year. We exported that model to Iran. We were very pleased with the sales chart in Iran. In other words, we not only imported the product but also we export it. We achieved our targets one by one.” Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı is now in MASKO! Starting its confident steps in 2019, Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı opened its European side Masko branch in Istanbul. Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı shows ought to be how a baby store that serve customers in Turkey with this concept store. The store, which has 1000 square meters, is designed for every detail from the children’s playground, mother breastfeeding room, baby pacifier and baby room furniture. Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı, continues to open retail stores throughout Turkey. Continuing its location works in Europe and Asia side of Istanbul in the first phase, the company aims to accelerate its branch openings in a short period of time. ‘Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı will be the smiling face of the dealers in 2019 with its distributorship and importation in textile, equipment and other needs.’ Since 1994, Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı has been continuing to crown the textile, cosmetics, care, equipment and toys produced for 0-3 years old babies with export and import. The brand has more than 900 dealers in Turkey and exports to more than 40 Middle East and European countries. Talking about the new season collection, Gökhan Saraç, Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı, said, “We had great investments in textiles. We continue on our way in 2019. We will revive the sector with different fabric and different model choices.” adding that they will introduce their new collections at different fairs.


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June 2019


Elsima Türkiye’nin modern çocuk pijama ve eşofmanları üreten bir tekstil markasıdır. Elsima 1 ve 18 yas arası pijama ve eşofmanlar üretmektedir. İlkbahar - Yaz ve Sonbahar - Kış olmak üzere 4 mevsim yeni koleksiyonlar tasarlamaktadır. Şirket 1995 yılında kurulmuştur. Özgün tasarım, kaliteli ürünler, en iyi fiyat ve çocuk sağlığı firmanın temel vizyonudur. Günümüzde Elsima ürünlerini 63 ülkeye ihraç etmektedir. Şirketin hedefi dünyanın en çok tanınan çocuk markalarından biri olmaktır.

Elsima is a textile brand which produces modern child’s pyjamas and sweatsuits in Turkey. Elsima produces pyjamas and sweatsuits between 1 and 18 ages. The company creates new collections as Spring-Summer and Autumn-Winter in 4 seasons. The company was founded in 1995. Unique design , quality products , best price and health of children are vision of Elsima. Today, Elsima exports its products 63 countries. The company aims to be one of the well-known kids brand in the World.

Elsima это турецкая текстильная компания, которая выпускает модную спортивную одежду и пижамы для детей. Elsima производит спортивную одежду и пижамы для детей возрастом от 1 до 18 лет. Нами разрабатываются новые коллекции для 4 сезонов, включая сезоны весна-лето и очень-зима. Фирма была создана в 1995 году. Оригинальный дизайн, качественные товары, самые лучшие цены и здоровье детей лежат в основе нашего видения. На сегодня компания Elsima экспортирует свою продукцию в 63 страны. Цель компании - стать одним из самых узнаваемых детских брендов в мире. 32

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PRODUCING PAJAMAS FOR CHILDREN ELSIMA ALSO INCLUDES CHILDREN’S OUTERWEAR world, Geyik said, “A large part of the exports is seen as domestic sales to the cargo companies and the cargo companies are exporting, and the fact that the brand is not considered as an exporter and it causes difficulties. In this case, because the export rate seems to be low, we cannot get the incentives and support we deserve by the state” and stated that they had problems with the shipments. “Setting the right price strategy is important” Fluctuations in the country’s economy on the problems in the sector are also one of the situations that put the companies in difficulty. Geyik said, “The increase in exchange rates in firms such as exporters creates an advantage for short-term goods, but then raises costs in the products we produce. In the period we sell products that are produced with rising costs, the decrease in exchange rate is damaging us. Therefore, the stop of the fluctuation in the exchange rate is important in order to set the correct price strategy.” Manufacturing pajamas for 1-7 years and 8-18 age group of kid in the new season, Elsima adds children’s outer clothing group to its range of product and offers its spring-summer collection to the consumers. Some of its colorful and wide range of products polo shirt, sweat shirt and capris will be introduced at the exhibition fairs. Brand took part in CBME Turkey and Linexpo, Lingerie Hosiery Fair in the country and also fairs to be held in Egypt, Russia and Ukraine abroad in 2019. “We cannot receive incentives because we are not considered as an exporter” We talked about brand’s new year targets with Eşref Geyik, General Manager of Elsima Tekstil. Geyik said, “In 2019, we want to consolidate our position in new markets and expand to new markets.” Stating that they export to 50 countries in the

June 2019


Since its establishment in 1996 Hamleteks Textile, which is start the business with Baby stores. In the year of the 1996, it created Funny Baby brand and it produced baby booties. Funny Baby which is one of the leading company in baby booties sector. Hamleteks Textile is creating new goods inside of the baby textile and shoe sector. It is always creating new product groups, doing new models and increasing the productivity. Hamleteks Textile main goal is, create the new mentality with their high quality and innovator models of the goods in all around the world. Funny Baby also adapted to quality management system for customer satisfaction on its sales and after sales organization. Because of that, Funny Baby care the human research , education and productivity. Funny Baby is also chosen by the out of local market because of their quality, production and power. OUR VISION Funny Baby will continue the business with its professionalism, best service, high quality production and wide range of products in the future. Hamleteks Tekstil, 1996 yılında “Funny Baby “ markası ile bebek ayakkabısı üretimine başlamıştır. Ardından Türkiye’nin ve dünyanın büyük markalarına özel üretimler yaparak, kurulduğu günden bu güne sektörünün ileri gelen üreticisi olmuştur. Hamleteks Tekstil, sektöründe yenilikler yaratmakta, ürün yelpazesini ve çeşitliliğini sürekli geliştirmektedir. Çalıştığı firrmalarla ortak amacı; yüksek kalite standartlarında üretilen, yenilikçi, özel isteklere cevap verebilen ürünlerle, Türkiye’de ve dünyada yeni ufuklar açabilmektir. MİSYONUMUZ Hamleteks Tekstil, satış ve satış sonrası hizmetlerinde “Müşteri Memnuniyetini” en üst düzeyde oluşturmak ve devamlılığını sağlamak için Kalite Yönetim Sistemi’ni benimsemiştir. Bu amaçla da, teknolojiye olduğu kadar, insan kaynakları, kaynakların etkin ve bilinçli kullanılması, eğitim vb. konulara da gerekli önemi göstermektedir. İş ortakları, müşteri ve çalışanları ile olan ilişkilerinde dürüstlüğü ön planda tutmaktadır. Kurumsal sosyal sorumluluk ilkelerinin, sürdürülebilir gelişmenin olmazsa olmazları arasında yer aldığına inanan Hamleteks tekstil, içinde yaşadığı topluma değer sağlamayı temel sorumluluk alanlarından biri olarak görür ve bu çerçevede tüm ticari ilişkilerini sosyal uyumluluk ilkeleri çerçevesinde yürütür. VİZYONUMUZ Hamleteks Tekstil, üstün hizmet anlayışı, yüksek üretim kapasitesi, geniş ürün yelpazesi, model, çeşit ve kaliteden ödün vermeyen ilkesi ile yükselen değer olmak için profesyonel ve modern yönetimi ile çalışmalarını devam ettirecektir. 34

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NK Tekstil olarak Unsea markamızla 2002 yılından bugüne çocuk modasına yön veriyor, çocuklarımızın sağlığı, mutluluğu ve rahatlığı için en kaliteli ve doğru ürünleri üretmek için büyük bir hassasiyet ile çalışıyoruz. Unsea için çocuklar, kendi karalarını verebilen birer birey olarak kavranmakta ve tasarımlarımızı tüm çocukların beğenisine sunmaktayız. Önceliğimiz bu doğrultuda daima ürünlerimizin kalitesi ve rahatlığıdır. Koleksiyonumuza ebeveynlerin de hassasiyetlerini göz önünde bulundurarak %100 Pamuk kumaşlardan, toksin maddeler içermeyen sağlıklı üretim teknikleri kullanarak şekil veriyoruz. İstanbul Merter ve Laleli’deki toptan satış mağazalarımız, yurtiçi ve yurtdışındaki yüzlerce satış noktalarımız ile her yıl yüzbinlerce çocuğu mutlu ediyor, onların mutluluğundan büyük keyif alıyoruz. As NK Tekstil, Unsea brand has been setting trends in kids wear fashion since 2002 and we work with great sensitivity to produce the best quality and right products for the health, happiness and comfort of our children. For Unsea, children are perceived as individuals who can give their own blessings and we present our designs to all children’s liking. Our priority is always the quality and comfort of our products in this direction. Considering the sensitivities of our parents, we use 100% Cotton fabrics using healthy production techniques that do not contain toxins. With our wholesale stores in Istanbul Merter and Laleli, with hundreds of sales points in Turkey and abroad, we make hundreds of thousands of children happy each year, and we are delighted with their happiness. Компания NK Textile под брэндом Unsea с 2002 года развивает направление детской одежды. Мы работаем с особой деликатностью, изготавливая лучшее качество и подходящие товары для здоровья, счастья и комфорта наших детей. Unsea воспринимает детей как взрослых, которые могут сами выбирать и принимать решения, поэтому мы предлагаем наши модели для всех детей. Нашим приоритетом всегда является качество и комфорт нашей продукции. Учитывая восприимчивость наших родителей мы используем только 100% хлопок, используя только безопасные методы производства, без токсинов. В наших оптовых магазинах Мертер и Лалели в Стамбуле, а также в сотне торговых точках в Турции и за рубежом, мы ежегодно доставляем счастье тысячам детей, получая от этого огромное удовольствие. 36

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Matilda, sektörde adını ilk defa 1992 yılında duyuran Canbey Tekstil’in, 2000 yılında kurulan markasıdır. Sektördeki yolculuğuna dış giyim ile başlayan marka son 5 yıldır ağırlıklı olarak 0-16 yaş aralığında pijama, iç giyim ve homewear giyim üzerine yoğunlaşmıştır. Dört mevsim çamaşır ve iki sezon olarak da pijama üretimi yapmaktadır. Yurtdışında, özellikle Rusya ve Ukrayna’da okullar için üniforma, eşofman, laboratuvar önlüğü gibi giysilerin de üretimini gerçekleştirmektedir. Gelen talepler doğrultusunda farklı nitelikteki kumaşları kullanarak üretimler yapabilmektedir. İlaveten, kendi etiketi ile ürün satmak isteyen firmalara, zincir mağazalara özel her türde ürünün üretim taleplerini de karşılamaktadır. İhracatta başta Rusya, Ukrayna, Azerbaycan, Beyaz Rusya, Kazakistan, Kırgızistan, Özbekistan olmak üzere Irak, İran, Ürdün, Fas, Cezayir, Arabistan, Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri, Sudan gibi çok sayıda ülke ile faaliyetlerini sürdürmektedir.

Matilda is the first brand of Canbey Textile, which was established in 2000, which was first introduced in the sector in 1992. The brand, which started its journey in the sector with outerwear, has concentrated on pajamas, underwear and homewear apparel for the last 5 years. It produces apparel for four seasons and pajamas for two seasons. It carries out the production of clothes such as uniforms, tracksuits, lab coats for schools abroad, especially in Russia and Ukraine. In accordance with the demands of the production of different qualities can be made using fabrics. In addition, it meets the production demands of all types of products specific to the chain stores, for companies that want to sell products with their own label. The company is mainly active in Russia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Morocco, Algeria, Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Sudan.

Торговая марка «Matilda» существует на рынке с 2000 года, являясь брендом фирмы “ CANBEY Tekstil “ , основанной в 1992 году. Бред , который начал свой путь в этом секторе с производства верхней одежды, в последние 5 лет сосредоточился на производстве пижамы, нижнего белья и домашней одежды для девочек и мальчиков в возрасте от 0-16 лет. В настоящее время фирма отшивает по сезонно 2 коллекции пижам и 4 коллекции нижнего белья. А также бренд выпускает коллекцию школьной формы, спортивных костюмов и лабораторных халатов , для школ находящихся за рубежом , в особенности в России и в Украине. В соответсвии с требованиями потребителей фирма производит продукцию с использованием различных качественных тканей. Кроме того , фирма удовлетворяет производственные потребности всех видов товаров , характерных для сетевых магазинов , для компаний , которые хотят продавать товары со своей маркой. Фирма экспортирует свою продукцию в Россию, Украину, Азербайджан, Беларусь, Казахстан, Киргизию, Узбекистан, Туркмению , Грецию , а также продолжает своё сотрудничество со многими странами , такими как Ирак, Иран, Иордания, Марокко, Алжир, Саудовская Аравия, Объединённые Арабские Эмираты, Кувейт, Тунис, Судан.


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June 2019


Turkey aware of the importance of the textile and clothing sector

T. C. Deputy Secretary of Commerce Riza Tuna Turagay, said that the most important sectors which bring our country to this point from 80’s is textiles and garments. Pointing out the need for a breakthrough in textile and ready-made clothing sectors, Turagay said, “Our textile and ready-to-wear sectors play an important role in export and development. As the state, we’re doing what we should. Textile and apparel sectors are one of the most important sectors for our country’s economy. Its contribution to employment is clear. They are among the sectors that create the most added value. While the export price of our country is 1.33 dollars, this figure is up to 17 dollars in our textile and apparel sectors. It is also clear that our sectors have created great added value. Export is very important to us. We should export despite the shrinking domestic demand. We must work together for this country.”


June 2019

More than one-third of yarn production from Kahramanmaras in Turkey Joint press meeting of the textile and clothing sector, which provide a major contribution to Turkey’s economy, production, employment and exports, was held in Kahramanmaras. Declaring that textile sector is the locomotive of the economy of Kahramanmaras in the meeting, Hanefi Oksuz, Kahramanmaras Chamber of Industry and Commerce Assembly President said, “We are doing one of our most important meetings. Thank you everyone. We gathered here as Turkish textile family. The textile sector is the locomotive of our city. We produce more than one third of the yarn produced in our country in our city. Textile is growing pyramidal in our city. We are moving our sectors forward. The textile sector is even more important in the period when we are experiencing employment problems as a country. It cannot be enough how much investment has been made in this sector.

Stating that they are very pleased to host joint sector meeting of textile and ready-to-wear sectors, Serdar Zabun, President of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce, said, “We are the most important center of cotton ready-made clothing for many sectors. We would like to thank TİM, İTHİB, İHKİB and all the exporters of our sector for their support to Kahramanmaras. The changes made in the tax of yarn and fabric products in the sector was important for the breathing of our sector.”

Kosovo exporters visit UTIB 50 textile factories will be established and 15 thousand people will be employed in Van with the Textile and Ready-to-Wear Organized Industrial Zone Van project supported by the Ministry of Industry and Technology. In Van, development works were initiated in the “Textile and Ready-to-Wear Industrial Zone” project, which was prepared by Eastern Anatolia Development Agency (DAKA) within the scope of Support Centers of Support Program and supported by Ministry of Industry and Technology. Recording that Turkey is one of the leading countries in the textile sector in the world, Halil Ibrahim Guray, General Secretary DAKA, said, “There is a Far East reality, it is completely cost-effective to compete with it. Textile is a labor-intensive sector. In this sense, the 6th regional incentives have become life line support for the investors. We have a strong interest in our region from companies to reduce costs. Although the developments in the economy seem negative in the economy, it is positive for export companies. Textile is coming at the beginning of it. Despite the stagnation in all markets, the density in Tekstilkent continues. I believe this will benefit our region.”

‘We are the champions league in the world’ 30 billion square meters of printing made per year for textile fashion

Noting that textile is one of Turkey’s most important sectors, Ahmet Öksüz said that the textile and garment exports in 2018 is 26 billion dollars with 4 percent annual growth. He said, “The share we receive from industrial production is about 20 percent. A sector that provides employment to 1 million people is only in production. When we evaluate it with retail, it is not a sector that provides 2 million employment and our employment did not decline in 2018. The sector continues to grow.” Stating that textile industry has a very important place in the world as well, Ahmet ÖksÜz said, “The share of the

world trade is 3.2 percent. We are the world’s 7th largest supplier of champions in this business. We have prepared projects to new markets for our companies with many opportunities in order to enter to new markets. We have different projects; We choose to target firms and invite the senior officials in Turkey. We bring our companies together with them or vice versa we go to the foot of our customers by taking our companies. Customers come us by knowing what he wants, and we want to organize our companies according to what he wants.”

According to the global printing federation FESPA, the textile printing sector is also evolving with the rapid developments in the fashion industry. In the textile market of $ 165 billion, more than 30 billion square meters of textile printing is done annually in the world. As the world population continues to increase, the printing sector is expected to grow in this area. The fashion industry is also mobilizing different sectors. The printing sector is the leading one of these sectors. According to the global printing federation FESPA, the textile printing sector is also evolving with the rapid developments in the fashion industry. In the textile market of $ 165 billion, more than 30 billion square meters of textile printing is done annually in the world. As the world population continues to increase, the printing sector is expected to grow.

Digital media gives companies a competitive advantage

Digital media, which is becoming more and more important in the communication and publicity sector, has started to be preferred by companies due to its speed, accessibility and interactive usage. According to the TUIK’s data indicating that Turkey reached 72.9 percent in

the 16-74 age range in the proportion of individuals using the internet, Gif Agency founder Berke Yurtçu pointed out that no matter small or big, all businesses take part in social media. Yurtçu drew attention to the fact that digital media, which gives fast, reliable and measurable answers to increasing competition conditions and the need

for promotion, is intensely used. He said, “Many companies moved their budget to digital media at a rate of 80% instead of traditional media such as newspapers and magazines. The number of companies using media such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram , where user reviews and likes are shared, is increasing day by day. Because all companies aiming to increase their sales, they want to carry out high interaction and result oriented communication and marketing. It is important to reach the right audience and the right place at the right time. To achieve this, the solution partnership of digital marketing and social media agencies is even more important. In other words, digital media gives companies a competitive advantage.”

June 2019


Hong Kong Trade Shows set to raise the sourcing bar this coming October From October 27-29 the three co-located shows THE ASIAN GIFTS AND TRAVEL GOODS SHOW, THE ASIAN STATIONERY SHOW and THE ASIAN SANITARY AND BATHROOM ACCESSORIES SHOW will round up the final showing of MEGA SHOW Series. All shows take place at the downtown venue, the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. For over 25 years, MEGA SHOW Series in Hong Kong every October has built and maintained its reputation as the important sourcing showcase for products manufactured in Asia. In 2018, over 33 countries were represented by 3972 companies, whilst the 51,000 buyers originated from 132 countries, ensuring its market position as a leading global sourcing event, and as vital buying and selling platforms and key date fixtures in the Southern China autumn sourcing season.

From October 20 - 23 and October 27 – 29, 2019, Hong Kong will again be the centre for Asian Sourcing as over 4,000 companies based in Asia and abroad present their new products during seven important trading days. International buyers have fully endorsed the shows, with over 50,000 attendees visiting Hong Kong to compare and select from the companies which manufacture some of the best retail consumer products available in the market. In 2019, the dates of October 20-23 will feature five co-located shows of the MEGA SHOW Series, namely THE ASIAN GIFTS AND PREMIUMS SHOW, THE ASIAN HOUSEWARES AND KITCHEN SHOW, THE ASIAN TOYS AND BABY PRODUCTS SHOW and THE ASIAN FESTIVE, CHRISTMAS AND SEASONAL SHOW. In addition, this year marks the debut of THE ASIAN SPORTING GOODS SHOW.


June 2019

A key drawcard for international buyers apart from the volume and quality of products on show is the variety of suppliers from all over the world, In addition to suppliers based in Asian countries; buyers can meet with suppliers from Asia/Pacific, USA, South America and Europe. Expect to meet companies from Australia, Bangladesh, China, Czech Republic, France, Guatemala, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Myanmar, Malaysia, Mexico, Nepal, Sri Lanka, The Netherlands, Pakistan, Poland, The Philippines, South Korea, Spain, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, UK, USA and Vietnam. There are official country pavilions from Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, South Korea, Pakistan, Taiwan, Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam, UK and Turkey. Registration for professional trade buyers is available online and a special sponsorship program is available for international buyers with full details and application form available on the show’s website.

June 2019


WHO DRESSED ‘LE PETIT PRINCE’? How many dress of designers of all times in the world is abiding? And who designed the dress we still see and never go out of fashion? Which is more important for a designer, his own name, or his job?

Thousands of designers, maybe millions of collections came from all over the world. Spectacular dresses adorning showcases, clothes on the catwalk that fascinate the audience… Those who have spoken for days and those that have not been forgotten for years... Now if I ask you, I’m sure you can recite the names of many fashion designers. Well, can you say that I know where I see the designs made by these fashion veterans? He had such a design, can you argue that he knows who you ask? It seems like a difficult possibility. And there are some outfits that you know who you ask them to, and they are described vaguely. I am talking about designs that have managed to come to our day many years ago and will accompany the existence of the world for many years. So how many people can give me a name if I ask their designers? It seems to me that we cannot even be sure that these designs have come out of the hands of a designer… For example, who dressed Le Petit Prince? Who designed that little blond kid’s 44

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yellow outfit, the red belt on his waist and the red bow-tie of his belt that led us all to contemplate? Could it be Author Antoine de Saint Exupery, or someone else? Or does it matter who it is? Anyone who has seen the book cover since 1943 can now imagine what the Le Petit Prince is wearing when he closes his eyes… And it never goes out of fashion… Then I ask, can designers and stylers be divided into two for the sake of their ideals? In other words, while some stylers or fashion designers have made an ambition to be successful and have their name written on the world, have some of them immigrated from this world by leaving undead designs? I guess if one way or another designer wants to leave a mark on himself, he should create designs with a story. And he must tell everyone the story of his unique, original design… Mankind is born, lives, grows and dies, it is true ... But a good designer should leave immortal collections so that even generations we will never meet in the future can look in the same direction.

June 2019


Lara Textile, formed in 1995 in Istanbul, Laleli, has made an entrance to the underwear sector with the brands DONELLA and DONI. Our company produces female and girls’ wear with DONELLA brand and male, boys’ wear with DONI brand. We export our products to over 80 countries with countries like Russia, Ukraine, Kirghizistan, Poland, Romania, Iran leading on this list. We hold standards like the quality and healthiness of our products as our main goal, and we follow the current fashion closely with our special models and designs and we offer our clients the best of 0-15 years old girls’ and boys’ underwear choices to their liking.

Лара Текстиль, учреждённая в 1995 году в Стамбульском районе Лалели, дебютировала в секторе нижнего белья с торговыми марками DONELLA и DONİ. С маркой DONELLA выпускается бельё для женщин и девочек, с маркой DONİ – для мужчин и мальчиков. Наша продукция в общей сложности отправляется на эспорт в более чем 80 стран мира, в том числе в Россию, Украину, Кыргызстан, Польшу, Румынию, Иран. Мы предлагаем клиентам оценить наши изделия, нижнее бельё для девочек и мальчиков возрастной группы от 0 до 15 лет, с собственным уникальным дизайном и моделями, с сохранением на первом плане чувствительного отношения к вопросу качества и здоровья, и следуя тенденциям современной моды.


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June 2019

BOINC TEKSTIL AIMS TO INCREASE ITS EXPORTS BY EXPANDING AND OPENING UP NEW EXPORT MARKETS IN 2019 Reaping the benefit of innovation, Boinc Tekstil expands its export volume by entering to new country markets in 2019. Offering more varieties and product groups to its customers every year compared to the previous year, Boinc is ready for 2019 with its new models! Declaring about their 2019 summer collection, Yusuf Zeynel Özkan said, “This summer, we have a unique product group, which is made with unusual design approach. In addition to our classic products, we will present this product group to the customers in the fairs in 2019.”

Following fashion closely, Boinc Tekstil uses technological developments and vitality of fashion. The brand that appeals to the 1-12 age group offers children both elegance and comfort. Boinc offers competitive price in order to be able to appeal to all target groups. North Africa after the Middle East Building a good brand recognition in the European market, Boinc plans to expand to North African countries in 2019. As a result of the agreements to be made with countries such as Morocco, Algeria and Lebanon, both the Boinc and the Turkish markets will be more activated. Being aware of the image brought by the fairs and new customers to be won, Boinc will exhibit its 2019 springsummer collection in CBME Turkey, Children Baby Maternity Expo, JunioShow, Bursa, Baby – Kids Readyto-wear and Kids’ Necessities Fair that will take place in January 2019. Boinc goes beyond standard Utilizing production with top quality fabrics with the best machines, Boinc attaches great importance to the products that are designed by following the world fashion closely, to make children look stylish and to wear healthy clothes. June 2019


Koton’s Reversible Swimwear Collection Koton contributes to the cleanliness of the seas with its collection of recyclable swimsuits, which it carries out within the framework of its environmental policies. Koton Recycled Swimwear Collection is prepared with polyester microfiber fabrics obtained from waste pet bottles that increase by 20% every year in the seas. For each meter of recycled fabric used in collection designs, approximately 15 pet bottles are cleaned from the sea. Within the scope of the collection, Koton contributes to the cleaning of 45,000 pet bottles from the seas by using 3000 meters of fabric.

Purchasing behavior is most affected by odor The fragrance reaches the subconscious directly, connects directly with the connotations and affects the purchasing decision. Therefore, fragrance is one of the indispensable marketing processes. Odor is one of the important factors that affect today’s buying habits. With this awareness, “Scent Marketing” is one of the most secret weapons of marketing in recent years. As the perception of smell changes according to personal tastes and experiences, this situation affects the brands. Therefore, brands need to analyze their target audience well and develop their strategies from this perspective. How does Scent Marketing work in marketing? There are studies that give tips on how fragrances can help to draw the right demographic content with your products and services. One of them is ScentAir’s research: • If the shop environment smells are in parallel with the products, they can positively influence the buying behavior.

• The opposite applies if the odor does not match the content of the shop; consumers may move away from the retail area. (choose a sensible fragrance for your brand) • Fragrances designed by gender are also very important. A “feminine koku fragrance in a women’s clothing store helps create a positive buying objective. Once again, if the smell does not match the gender, the opposite is true. Our brains process odors unconsciously first, so low-odor fragrances actually have a high effect. After selecting an odor, consider its placement in your store as a background element. A slight fragrance will increase the attention of the customer and quality of their perceptions. However, odors are highly subjective and an odor that customers don’t like or show an allergic reaction can drive them away.

Think and act sustainably: the Lenzing way with technology adds a new dimension to sustainable fashion concept Each Lenzing fiber is made of cellulose, a natural component of our renewable source material wood. A characteristic of cellulose is its biodegradability: At the end of their life cycle, our fibers can re-enter the eco-system, preparing the ground on which new plants grow. This miracle of nature is our inspiration. Overall, the industry produces close to 100 million tons of fibers every year. And the figures are growing. This is not without negative effects on the environment. Fortunately, more and more consumers are aware of this ecological strain. Hence, the demand for sustainable textile and nonwoven products is rising. At Lenzing, we believe in the concept of circular economy and closed-loop processes. We dedicate our innovative spirit and engineering excellence to solutions that make best possible use of our natural source material and preserve our planet’s resources. Sepin is inspired by the clothes workers put on whether on the street, at the seaside or in the factory, reinterpreting these 50

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on his own way with the lines of corporate life at the plazas. In his collection, he also includes pieces containing TENCEL™ fibers with REFIBRA™ Technology. Lenzing Turkey & Middle East and Africa Marketing Communication & Branding Manager Miray Demirer Acar says it was a great pleasure to work again with Giray Sepin for such an important event and adds: “Today, eco-fashion is not a trend any more, it is on the way to become environmentally-conscious consumers’ part of life. As Lenzing, we strive to let the consumers, who have adopted sustainable fashion, enjoy peace of mind with eco-friendly clothes containing our TENCEL™ branded fibers. We avoid wasting cotton straps derived from cloth production through blending them with wood pulp at certain ratios with our REFIBRA™ technology to produce TENCEL™ lyocell fibers. This helps us to contribute to the circular economy and offer benefits to the consumers who have adopted eco-friendly fashion”.

New record in exports

Minister of Trade, Ruhsar Pekcan said that despite the slowdown in world trade, Turkey’s exports made a new record every month, also a new record broken in the month of May. Stating that according to GRS datas, statistically preferred by free trade zones and warehouses of the trade of the world’s major economies, exports in May increased by 11.46% compared to the same month with 16 billion 813 million dollars, Pekcan said, “So that exports in May in Turkey, the Republic has reached the highest monthly

export figure in history.” In the first 5 months of 2019, exports increased by 5.37% and reached 76.6 billion dollars. Minister Pekcan made the following evaluations: “Our export has gained a significant momentum with the contribution of the steps taken by our Ministry from finance to digitalization, from new market strategies to trade diplomacy, from consultation mechanisms with civil society to the spread of export activities. Our exports activities have been almost festive gift to our exporters, this increase Turkey’s economy. This momentum in our exports has been observed in a period when even China’s exports decreased monthly, trade protectionism tendencies increased and European economy slowed down. Exports to the EU in May increased by 4.1 percent compared to the same month of the previous year, for our target markets, exports to the USA up 25.6 percent, to Russia up 13.9 percent, to Mexico up 20.9 percent and to China up 2.6 percent. We expect to continue this positive performance in Turkey’s exports during 2019.”

Retail sector’s total turnover increased by 24% in the first quarter TAMPF - Nielsen Retail Index March 2019 data, which was prepared by Turkey’s main organization for retailers, Turkish Federation of Shopping Centers and Retailers (TAMPF) and Nielsen, was announced. According to these data, the total turnover of the retail sector which was not adjusted for inflation in the first quarter of the year increased by 24%.

Turkey fourth-largest denim exporter in the world Turkey is the world’s fourth-largest denim exporter with a 2% share in the denim fabric exports, worth $338 million, and a 7% share in denim clothing exports worth $2.1 billion, according to the Uludağ Textile Exporters’ Association (UTIB). According to a UTIB statement, the association participated in the Denim Premiere Vision Milan, a two-day fashion and cultural denim event held in Italy. UTIB Chairperson Pınar Taşdelen Engin noted that Turkey became the fourth biggest supplier in the international denim

market with the investments made in the 1980s and subsequent projects. She added that they lent support to each year to increase the power of the companies in this market. “We took our place among the most participating countries with 27 companies,” she said. “At our UTIB booth, we carried out all kinds of projects to meet the needs of our companies. In addition, we published a catalog to provide information on Turkish companies participating in the event and distributed them to the visitors.”

Referring to the rapid rise in textiles, Engin said, this was due to the Turkish firms’ success in the production, marketing and evaluation of their proximity to Europe as a geographical advantage. She added further, “Since speed is a crucial part of the production, industrialists who could adapt to the requested capacity and quality standards, have achieved success in production and export without difficulty.”

June 2019


Anne Dokunuşu Gibi… Yıllardır farklı markalar adı altında Üretim, toptan ve perakende satış alanlarında faaliyet gösteren firmamız şimdi yeni markasıyla pazarda yerini almak için yılların tecrübe ve birikimini yeni markası Luggi Baby ile yansıtmaya çalışacaktır. Geçmiş dönemde tüketicinin güvenini kazanan marka aynı kararlılık sorumluluk ve emin adımlarla sektörde söz sahibi olmayı hedeflemektedir. Yeni markası ile eski tecrübelerini birleştirerek tüketicilere daha kaliteli ürünler sunmayı amaçlamaktadır. “En değerliniz bizim için de değerlidir” sloganı ile yola çıkan Luggi Baby %100 pamuk olan sağlıklı ürünleriyle bebeğinize rahatlık, huzur ve mutluluk katacaktır. Luggi Baby daha çok kazanç yerine “sağlıklı kaliteli ürün ve müşteri memnuniyeti” anlayışını prensip edinmiştir. Koşulsuz müşteri memnuniyetini ilke edinmiş olan Luggi Baby, üretim kalitesi uzman kadrosu ve sosyal sorumluluk bilinci ile pazarlardaki payını her geçen gün müşterilerine sunduğu iyi hizmet ile arttırmayı amaçlamaktadır. Ürün grubu yelpazesiyle ne kadar hassas bir noktada olduğunu bilen Luggi Baby bütün üretim ve satış aşamalarında bu sorumluluk bilincini göz ardı etmeden hareket etmektedir. Çalışanı, üreticisi ve tüketicisi ile el ele vererek geleceğin büyük insanlarının küçücük bedenlerini sımsıcak saracak; kimyasal katkı maddesi olmayan sağlıklı, naturel ürünler üretmeye kararlılık ile devam edecektir. Birlikte üretip, birlikte kazanmak dileğiyle… Wie die Berührung einer Mutter Wir produzieren seit Jahren für Einzel- und Großhandel unter verschiedene Marken. Jetzt möchte unsere Firma mit langjährigen Erfahrungen und dem Wissen für unsere neue Marke Baby versuchen ihren Platz auf dem nehmen. In der Vergangenheit Kundenvertrauen gewonnene Firma erzielt mit gleiche Beschlossenheit und Verantwortung von reden lassen. Mit der Verbindung unsere Erfahrung mit unseren neuen Marken möchten wir unsere Kunden noch bessere Produkten anbieten. Luggi Baby beginnt diese Reise mit dem Motto, “ Ihr Wertvollste ist für uns auch wertvoll”, und möchte Produkten aus %100 Baumwolle Ihr Baby Bequemlichkeit, Gemütlichkeit und Glück anbieten. Luggi Baby möchte nicht noch mehr Gewinn sondern mit hoch qualitativen Produkten zufriedene Kunden. Unser Prinzip ist Kundenzufriedenheit ohne Vorbedingung. Wir erzielen mit unseren erfahrenen Mitarbeiter, Produkqualität und soziale Verantwortung unseren Marktanteil erhöhen. Wir möchten unsere Kunden mit unserem Service überzeugen. Luggi Baby weiß dass ihre Produkten auf sehr sensiblen Bereich liegen. Mit dieser Bewusstsein bewegt sich Luggi Baby in jeden Produktions- und Verkaufsstufen. Hand in Hand mit Mitarbeiter, Produzent und Kunden werden wir gesunden und natürlichen Produkten, die Körper von Erwachsenen von Morgen umgeben, ohne chemische Zutaten mit Beschlossenheit weiter herstellen 52

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As a mother’s touch Operating in the field of production, wholesale and retail under several brand names with many years of experience for years, our company is now to take place in the market with a new brand, Luggi Baby. Winning the confidence of the consumer in the past, the brand aims to be leader with the same responsibility, stability by taking firm steps forward in the sector. Combining old experience with its new brand, the company aims to provide better quality products to consumers. With the motto of ‘Your most valuable is valuable for us’, Luggi Baby offers 100% cotton healthy products to provide your baby comfort, peace and happiness. Luggi Baby adopts ‘healthy quality products and Customer Satisfaction’ instead of earning more. Adopting unconditional customer satisfaction, Luggi Baby increases its market share with production quality, expert staff, good service and social responsibility for its customers each passing day. Being aware of in a sensitive point for range of product, Luggi Baby performs in all production and sales processes without ignoring this responsibility. Collaborating with its employees, manufacturers and consumers on offering natural, healthy and without chemical additives products to embrace tiny body of the great people of the future, the company will continue to manufacture with the same principle pertinaciously. Hope to produce together, win together КАК МАМИНО ПРИКОСНОВЕНИЕ!!!!!! Наша фирма долгие годы работает как оптовым так и розничным производителем детской одежды. С годами набранным опытом работы представляем вам нашу новую марку Luggi Baby. Профессиональный и ответственный коллектив Luggi Baby представляет свой качественный товар на Российском рынке. Наша продукция для самых маленьких поэтому мы знаем как нужно аккуратно и внимательно к нему относиться . С девизом ‘’САМОЕ ДОРОГОЕ ДЛЯ ВАС И ДЛЯ НАС ДОРОГО !!!!! ‘’ наша новая марка Luggi Baby представляет % 100 хлопковая продукция для счастья удобства и спокойствия ваших малышей. Для нас понятие ‘’Здоровый качественный товар и довольный покупатель ‘’ больше чем заработок. НАШ товар не вредит здоровью и не содержит вредных химических веществ. Новая марка с набранным опытом работы представляет еще лучшую качественную продукцию. С ЖЕЛАНИЕМ ВМЕСТЕ РАБОТАТЬ И ВМЕСТЕ ЗАРАБАТЫВАТЬ

June 2019


THERE’S A FASHION RAINBOW IN THE AIR! Inspired by the yellow of the sun, the blue of the sky and the sea, the green of the trees and a thousand colors of flowers, we are ready to meet summer fashion. We took a baby’s light smile and filled all our energy, suitcases with summer clothes. All colorful, all alive!


June 2019

In these days, where dresses of all colors adorn the shop windows, the aura of colors comes together with the energy of children and a rainbow fashion emerges. This summer fashion all colors of the rainbow. The sparkle of colors on children of all ages on the streets, houses and beaches dazzles us.

Hundreds of shades of each color are combined in harmony and the elegance race begins. Chirping yellows, greens, pinks; classic white, navy blue and red creates a distinct fashion breeze. Children of all ages create their own fashion, according to their own tastes, with their own colors. Beautiful sunglasses, hats, bags and all other accessories continue to add elegance to children’s elegance as it does every summer.

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Children also have a style that they have set for themselves, and when determining their style, they evaluate all the alternatives offered to them. While some of them reflect their style with cartoon characters suitable for the world of imagination, some of them can come up with jeans, leather jackets, cool sunglasses and text-printed t-shirts designed for adults in the first place.


Cool patterns, charismatic colors and dynamic designs that grew up this summer, children are very fashionable ... Fast maturing and growing faster than the new generation of children’s clothing designs often began to appear. Now children’s fashion is complemented by parts of adult fashion.


June 2019

The activities of the new generation, the activities he is interested in and his hobbies play an important role in shaping fashion. That day’s trendy accessories shed light on clothing designs. In fact, children are growing up with fashion or they are growing children’s fashion with themselves…

June 2019



Italy is a country that can present its historical heritage with its historical heritage under the same roof! Having contributed greatly to Europe’s cultural and historical heritage, the country has a total of 51 UNESCO world heritage sites and holds this record worldwide. Italy, which is one of the founding members of the European Union and Nato, ranks fifth in the list of the most visited countries in the world. In this context, it cannot be denied that tourism is one of the leading sources of income in the country’s economy. In addition to being the fourth most populous country in Europe with a population of 61 million people, Italy is also a very important place in world politics. Membership of organizations such as G7, the European Union, NATO, OECD, the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, can be shown as a proof of this importance. Italy, with its advanced economy, is ranked eighth in the world in terms of both the quality of life index and the gross national product. In Italy, there is an industrial economy and an advanced infrastructure with high per capita gross domestic product and directed towards different areas. According to the reports of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank and The World Factbook, Italy is the ninth in the world, the fourth in Europe and the third largest in the Eurozone; it is considered as the ninth largest economy in the world and the fifth largest in Europe in terms of purchasing power parity. engineering products, textiles and clothing, production


June 2019

Italy’s main commodities exported to the world include machinery, transport equipment, chemicals, food, beverages, tobacco products, minerals and non-ferrous metals. The main industries on which the Italian economy is based are tourism, communication, machinery, steel, chemical, pharmaceuticals, food, processing, textiles, motor vehicles, white goods and clothing. The main trading partners are; Germany, France, USA, Spain, China and the Netherlands. According to report of Teble Foreign Trade, according to the information received from the IMF; Italy’s economy has been heavily affected by the global financial crisis and the country has just come out of this recession in 2015. In 2018, growth in the country reached 1.2% of GDP (1.6% in 2017) due to the decline in external demand, partially offset by the rise in domestic demand. According to the estimates made by the IMF, a slowdown in the country for 2019 and 2020 is seen as 1% and 0.9%, respectively. Much of the country’s economic performance depends on the new policies introduced by the 5 Star Movement and the government created by the rightist League, in particular the basic income of citizens and the decline in pension age limits (called quota 100). According to the latest data of ISTAT, previous policies (which should have a positive impact on household spending) may contribute to the growth of GDP by 0.2-0.3%.

June 2019


HIGHLIGHTS @ PITTI BIMBO 89 The debuts, participations, returns and special projects at 89th edition of Pitti Bimbo, 20-22 June 2019, Florence 2019 edition of Pitti Immagine Bimbo will be held at Fortezza da Basso, Florence starting on 20th June, 2019. This is the only international fair in the world that offers a complete picture of every possible aspect of children’s fashions. Created in 1975, Pitti Bimbo launched the first runway shows and events dedicated to this market; it is held in Florence twice a year. From designer labels to key children’s clothing brands, to brand new products, here are the names launching special projects, presenting premieres, making their debut or returning to Pitti Bimbo: The Emporio Armani junior collection at Pitti Bimbo The Gruppo Armani will be present for the first time at Pitti Bimbo with the Emporio Armani junior line: the spring/ summer 2020 collection will be presented exclusively to the press and buyers at the fair with a dedicated layout in the Sala della Scherma. The other big brands taking part in this edition include: Dolce & Gabbana, with the DNA of the brand and its allItalian spirit; the CWF Group with the brands Little Marc Jacobs, Boss, Karl Lagerfeld, Billieblush, as well as Alberta Ferretti Junior, C.P. Company Undersixteen, Herno, Miss Blumarine, Monnalisa, Petit Bateau, and Philosophy di Lorenzo Serafini Kids produced and distributed by Gi.mel. The names making their debut at this edition include: Araia Kids, G-Star Raw, Jacob Cohen, Lotto, Pinko and TiA CiBANi KiDS. And here are some of the brands returning to the fair: Manila Grace, North Sails and Sundek. 60

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A series of important debuts at Fancy Room For the first time at the fair, inside Fancy Room, the design brand Seletti will also be bringing a special project to the show in order to present its non-conformist, playful and fascinating universe; Meri Meri, famous for its partyware, homeware, stationery and gift creations; and the concoctions and latest ideas from the Danish cult brand Maileg.


AN INNOVATIVE BRAND WITH ITS EXCLUSIVE PRODUCTS ‘ARTI & KATAMINO’ We had a good interview with Cansu Isil Ferah Bozyurt, Brand Design Officer, about Artı & Katamino brand which creates original designs by combining international trends with its own line. products from R & D to the shipment stage. Our products are periodically tested in all stages of production, such as height testing, tensile testing and pre-combustion. At the end of the production phase, we carry out our final checks through metal detectors.

What about your range of product? We have a wide range of products for the 0-14 age group including socks; cotton socket and pantyhose, micro modal, thin group pantyhose socket & golf, towel pantyhose socket, mesh & school, accessory thin & cotton, baby crawling socks are available. In addition, our hair accessories stockings are also included in our product groups. We also have a developing laundry production beside socks. We produce slip, athletes, boxers and their sets. Our production weight is for socks today but we also plan for laundry groups. In particular, we have works to get the name rights of the characters that the children are interested in. What criteria do you pay attention to during the production process ? What percentage of your products are manufactured in Turkey? First of all, I would like to state that we use materials that do not contain carcinogens in our products. Our suppliers are determined among the companies that have the necessary documents in this direction. We are an integrated company engaged in 100% domestic production. We carry out all the processes of our


June 2019

‘We are planning to open a sales office in Russia after Ukraine’ As Artı & Katamino, in which cities do you offer your products in Turkey? How many stores do you have abroad? We have stores in Laleli and Yesildirek in Istanbul. Our head office is located in Bayrampasa, where we also produce. 80% of our total sales are made abroad. We are also selling our sales from our three sales offices. Abroad, we have a sales office in Ukraine. Our primary goal is to open sales offices in different countries including Russia. What about your export activities and goals? In line with our targets, I want to say that we have increased our foreign market share day by day. In this sense, we received the Silver Plaque Award from the Exporters Assembly last year. This year, the figures, we’re going to be a little over the past years. We have a preliminary research process when deciding which markets to enter. Apart from our observer teams, we also take into account the statements made by the Ministry of Economy and are guiding for us. In this context, we are also updating our current export targets and developing new targets for our brand.

About Us Kare tekstil is one of the Turkish manufacturing company that produce socks,tights, pantyhose, legging, hosiery products and underwear for children from 0 to 14 years.The company is present on the market since 2001 and is a leading manufacturer in its field. The products are manufactured in high-quality equipment in accordance to quality certificates and goes by four names ARTI, KATAMINO, under property of KARE TEKSTIL SANAYI VE DIS TICARET LIMITED SIRKETI that includes factories, workshops, warehouse, showroom, several stores in Turkey. Our brand that parents and children choose safely started its activity in 2001.Our socks and underwear we produce in our machines compatible with the latest technology. We have two wholesale stores in Istanbul, our sales office in Ukraine. Many representatives in Turkey and abroad. And our always updated website for our valued customers. We have more than 190 High technology Sock knitting machine and other sewing machine.Production, Boarding, labelling, Packing and other all process is doing inside of factory. We have more than 130 employees. The company’s partners are representatives of Turkey, Russia, Ukraine, European countries, Azerbaijan, Central Asia, Iran, Iraq and African countries. Every year our company, which is trying to respond to increasing demands with recent investments increased our machine count. We also add value to our country’s economy. Our products do not include carcinogen substance certainly. Our cloths are producing certificated naturel cotton yarn using without chemical substance. Our products are made pre-wash shrinkage - SANFOR tested and Metal dedector.

We love children. We always do the best for them. Our Mission Our company, which has the philosophy that “ children deserve the best “ brings together the customers with unique quality in original designs in kids & baby socks and underwear. “Even to such seemingly secondary elements of children’s wardrobe as tights, caring mothers make several demands at once: that the material is durable, but at the same time soft and elastic; the drawings are beautiful and diverse, and the products themselves are comfortable for children. All these parameters correspond to the products of the brands Arti and Katamino, production Turkey. In the assortment you will find a variety of tights, leggings and socks. Beautiful elastic products will be an important part of the elegant or casual image of a young lady. “ Our Vision & Values We are willing to first coming to mind at domestic and abroad with quality and reliability in kids & baby socks and underwear. • High quality • Prompt and accurate service • Reliability • Advanced Research and Development standards • Innovation • High responsibility • Respect to each and every employee individually • Equality • Security • Freedom to suggestions and complaints

Мы являемся турецкой компанией производителем детских носков, колготок, леггинсов и нижнего белья от 0 до 14 лет. Компания присутствует на рынке с 2001 года и является ведущим производителем в своей отрасли. Наши фабрики оснащены современными высококачественными станками. Продукция производиться под торговым марками ARTI и KATAMINO. В собственности KARE TEKSTIL SANAYI VE DIS TICARET LIMITED SIRKET входят фабрики, мастерские, склад, выставочный зал, оптовые магазины в Стамбуле и офис в Украине.Партнерами компании являются представители Турции, Россия, Украина, Европейские страны, Азербайджан, Центральные страны Азии, Иран, Ирак и Африканские старны. 64

June 2019

June 2019


Un nouvel amour va naître à Paris… Textile bébé et enfant Paris, sometimes known as mythology and art, sometimes literature, but also the city of love. Then take your brand with you on your journey to the city of love. Perhaps French designers get their inspiration from the love they will hear in your collections. France in Western Europe; France shares land boundaries with Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Monaco, Spain and the Kingdom of Andorra. It has an area from the North Sea and the English Channel to the Mediterranean Sea. It is important to note that the country is a very important economic giant. France, formerly known as G8, is an important member of the organization established by the industrial giant countries of the world, now known as Group 7, has the distinction of being the ninth largest economy in the world and the second largest in Europe by purchasing power parity. When we look at the world’s top 500 companies, we can easily see that more than 30 of them are in France. France was in fifth place in Turkey’s exports garment products this time last year One of the major exporting countries in Turkey’s garment sector in France. The next 2 - we will be able to report changes for 2019 within 3 months, but last year’s first half we see that Burak Sertbas, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Aegean Apparel and Ready-to-Wear Exporters Union, outlines of the importance of France economy to us in the following way:’ France apparel exports to Turkey in 2018 In January-August period increased by 10 percent to 611 million dollars. France, Turkey’s exports garment products in Germany, Spain, the UK and the Netherlands after the 5th’s largest market.


June 2019

According to the statements of the French Embassy’s Economic Service; French companies in the textile and clothing animating the bilateral trade balance surplus for Turkey, instead of investing in Turkey are working with subcontractors in Turkey. This is repositioning rather than displacement of production. In addition, production in Turkey, special machinery and technical products in the garment industry in France is causing to be imported. French textile-clothing sector in Turkey is largely sold posh area. Subcontractor from Turkey and resource utilization is estimated to increase in the coming years, the quality of Turkish textile - activity - improvement in price stability will contribute to it.

An evaluation for the French economy According to report of Teble Foreign Trade, to the reports from the IMF are examined; In 2018, France was the world’s seventh largest economic power just behind England and India. The recovery of the country from the economic crisis took place later than in other European countries and remains fragile due to the structural imbalances in the country. After an estimated 2.3% growth in 2017, the economy grew by 1.6% in 2018, reflecting solid investment, solid consumption, favorable external conditions and an economy supported by local reforms. The IMF foresees a GDP growth of 1.6%, backed by labor and product market reforms that will help boost labor force participation and productivity for the years 2019 and 2020. Due to the negative impact of social protests, industrial actions and strikes in the public sector, the growth forecasts of the yellow vests movement are recently estimated to be low.

June 2019


26th edition of Playtime Paris, will open its doors on June 29 - July 1st, 2019, Parc Floral de Paris Summer is coming and we very much look forward to sharing this 26th edition of Playtime Paris with you! From June 29th until July 1st, the reference fashion and lifestyle show for childrenswear creatives and creators will be returning to its lush green abode at the Parc Floral de Paris. Inspired by the energy of spring, the show will be exploring the theme of «Metamorphosis»: the kind that returns immutably every season and the kind that is born in the imaginations of our children, to whom nothing seems quite impossible. In our minds, presenting an increasing amount of brands no longer seemed suited to the current market. We therefore decided to reduce the number of collections presented, explains Chantal Danguillaume, commercial director of the show. In making this bold choice, we wish to offer each exhibitor better conditions in which to take part and each buyer a better visiting experience she continues. That is why the whole team at Playtime has worked hard to offer its summer visitors a more rigorous selection packed into a show punctuated with experiences of all kinds! 500 brands (including 33% French and 67% international) will be present this season and will cover the worlds of Fashion and Lifestyle, all the while promising, as always, some beautiful new discoveries among the 20% first-time exhibitors. The NEW NOW space, a real brand incubator, will be shining the spotlight on twelve promising brands exhibiting forthe first time at Playtime Paris. The brands were selected by Romaine Coonghe, who after a first successful experiment last January will be offering a new « best of » for SpringSummer 2019.


June 2019

Drawing and illustration have always been part of Playtime’s DNA, a fact that is without a doubt most evident at the crea. tif space! There, twelve talented graphic and textile designers will be gathered to present their visions and share their passion for prints... in a brand new set up! one ıf them is studio paristanbul. Following a common thread around the theme of, the whole show finds itself changed! The space has been redesigned for a better visiting experience. While strolling through the alleys, visitors will discover new collections, draw inspiration in an interactive trend space, find their essential brands, take part in a conference, a creative workshop or a game... or just stop for a second and enjoy a well-deserved break. Designed as a propitious crossroads for encounters, the Playground spaces invite discovery through original events. Because experiencing Playtime is a lot more than just going to a regular trade Show!

JUNE 29 • JULY 1ST 2019 Parc Floral de Paris

ti o n s c e l l o 550 c n & Lifestyle


ana galvan





POLAND CAN YOU BECOME A LEGENDARY BRAND THAT WILL OVERSHADOW WAVEL DRAGON OF POLAND? Going back to the year Krakow was Poland’s capital, I want to take you Wavel Castle: Hosted the Open coronation; adorned with Gothic, Baroque and Romanesque architecture the splendor of the long white and looking down into the city, the historic cathedral in Poland referred to the National Shrine as...

This historic palace overlooking the Vistula River by going into a cave with stairs: ‘Dragon Cave’. According to legend, in King Krakus period in the caves under palace, there was a dragon called Wavel Dragon living. People who want to get rid of the cruelty of this giant dragon are sacrificing a girl from every family every month. As a shoe master named Dratewka made a clever trap for the dragon to save the King’s daughter. Dratewka makes the dragon thirsty by eating a sheep full of sulfur. So the dragon drinks almost all of the Vistula River, and that’s the end of it. Dratewka has been declared a hero with this story. Wavel Dragon has become Krakow’s most famous urban legend. He even sewed a statue into the city. This is why when you go to Poland


June 2019

to almost allshops selling souvenirs and stuff you encounter the dragon figure dragon plush toy... Now, when I think about it, this urban legend is clichéd enough, and the country needs new stories. When you think that textile is one of the important industries of the country, Poland has a market that you can brand your brand if you go with the right strategies like Dratewka. The country, which is a traditional textile & apparel manufacturer and exporter, has become a net importer since the end of the 2000s and the free market conditions brought by the EU have been very effective. Today, many companies in this sector continue to operate in this country. More than half of the country’s exports are with Germany, the Netherlands, Russia and Ukraine. Turkey is among the countries exporting to Poland. An important part

of the ready-made clothing products exported to Poland by our country is knitted apparel, non-woven clothing, leather and fur clothes and shoes. For Polish firms are occasionally woven labels for textiles or ribbon style tags also can be requested from Turkey. If you are aiming to enter the Polish market; • Poland have no logistical obstacles that may prevent you from doing business with Turkey. • As Poland is one of the leading beneficiary companies of EU structural funds, you can benefit from the commercial opportunities offered to you. • According to the FDI report, Poland is one of the most favorite countries for investors. Especially when we consider that the

Poles in textile sector have a positive approach to Turkish textile companies, Poland is a market where investors can set big targets for them. • When you decide to take the first step in trading with this country, you should consider the foreign languages spoken by the country. You should also keep in mind that it will be of benefit to you that interviews are usually conducted through a consultant. Some of our companies are preparing to take the first step in Poland, while others will be accelerating their trade steps in this country. In the meantime, we will be looking forward to discovering the potentials of the Polish market and increasing its market share with the right strategies and to see the nationwide legendary brand.

June 2019


The best prams and strollers, toys and products for children to be displayed in Kids’ Time 2020 Over 20,000 meters, 564 companies from around the world and 9 exhibition halls - the jubilee and at the same time the record-breaking International Fair of Articles for Mother and Child KIDS’ TIME hosted over 8,200 visitors. The world’s smallest pram, a car seat with air cushions, wooden magnetic blocks and programmable robots for the youngest. Everything mothers and children need. Kielce exhibition and congress centre’s expo halls have again become the kids industry one-stop-shop. Europe’s rankings runner-up among all child-product business sector expos is now over; this year’s edition has proven to be a recordbreaking one. The number of exhibitors has increased by over 10% compared to last year’s expo - over 20,000 meters of exhibition space in the 7 regular expo halls complemented with the 2 extra pavilions built for the purpose was the display for producers and distributors from 19 countries, including Belgium, Finland, Spain, Portugal, Russia, the United States, Great Britain and Italy and other countries. Thus, KIDS ‘TIME has advanced to become one of the most international exhibitions in the Targi Kielce’s portfolio. Foreign companies account for 20% of all exhibitors. Following previous years’ example, the expo was held in the b2B format. - We keep returning to Kielce and prosper for new customers, find new business contacts and new markets whose representatives mark their presence in Kielce. Every year we bring back new collections which closely follow the global trends - said Grzegorz Gajewski from Sofija. The exhibitors can themselves assess how effectiveness is the expo - (...) all exhibitors want the expo to yield as many orders and contacts as possible. And this is what the Kielce expo delivers. - says Łukasz Kot from the Eko. The best prams and strollers, toys and products for children win the KIDS’ TIME STAR statuettes.


June 2019

Following the previous editions’ tradition, the most innovative products win the KIDS’ TIME STAR statuettes. The Jury Panel chaired by Marek Jankowski, the publisher of the BRANŻA DZIECIĘCA magazine, the expo media partner selected the winners. 4Kraft, Avionaut, GRANATOVO, Scandinavian Baby, G3 and MARIOINEX have now entered the award-winning companies fellowship. Artyk and Tako celebrated their anniversaries at the jubilee expo. MARKO, Euro-Trade, PLAYMOBIL, “Children’s Branch” and “Świat zabawek” - the companies which have participated in KIDS’ TIME since the first expo edition were also honoured.- We have been here for 10 times in a row. We started with 12 metre expo stand that has expanded to 700.We gained the nickname - the expo godfather. We were the first large company so closely associated with this trade fair - said Janusz Musioł, owner of Marko, the strategic partner of KIDS ‘TIME. KIDS’ TIME has traditionally hosted representatives of the foreign press and media from Russia, Sweden, England, Germany, Turkey and the USA.They published their observations in, Lek & Babyrevyn, Nursery Online, Toys, Toy Book and Baby&Kid Store. In addition to journalists, the trade show was graced with the presence of official delegations from Spain, Turkey, Russia, Ukraine, Estonia and China. The guest list included: Olga Kirillova - Chief Specialist in Export Support Management at the Moscow Export Centre the Russian Federation and Darja Gaidenraich - President of the Children’s Industry Association of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Director of Detstvo. The 11th International Fair of Toys and Products for Mother and Child KIDS’ TIME is held in Targi Kielce from 19 to 21 February 2020. We look forward to seeing you.

B2B only

The 11th International Fair of Toys and Products for Mother and Child

19-21.02.2020 Kielce, Poland Strategic Partner:

Main Media Partner:


Targi Kielce SA, Kielce, Poland e-mail:, tel. +4841 365 137319 June 2019

We Continue Our Employment Mobilization We will increase our employment rate by 35 percent

Speaking at the opening of the 12. Labor Council program held in ATO Congresium, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan states employment calls carried out in February. Declaring that they provided employment for 250 from the beginning of 2019 up to now, Emin Ustun, Chairman of Emin Grup, said, “We will provide job for 500 till the end of the year in order to support the President of the Republic of Turkey. By increasing our number of employment by 35 percent, we will increase the number of our employees to 1852 in total. In the difficult period of our country, we will focus on investments that will prevent unemployment. Situated in Turkey’s four point we continue unabated our work with our 103 branches. In order to reach a wider audience, we will increase our number of branches to 129 by the end of the year. We will increase employment and support the country’s economy with the important investments we make.


June 2019

Declaring that they have employed about 250 people with the call of employment made by our President in February, Emin Ustun, Chairman of Emin Grup, said, “We will double this number by the end of 2019. We will increase the number of our employees to 1852 by providing more employment for 500 people. At the same time in 2019, opening new branches in 16 points in Istanbul, Bingol, Siirt, Istanbul, Rize, Giresun, Yalova, Bursa, Karaman, Erzincan and Kirikkale, we will raise the number of our branches 129. One of the biggest reasons for unemployment is the halt of investments. At this point, we have big tasks. As Emin Grup, we will do all the works in order to add value to our country and we will continue our investments.”









June 2019


Hakkımızda Çınarlar Ambalaj ilke olarak üstün kalitede ürünleri rekabetçi fiyatlarla sunmayı benimsemiştir. Üretim altyapımız değerli müşterilerimize en kaliteli ürünleri üretmek için son teknoloji üretim ekipmanları kullanılarak oluşturulmuştur. Günümüzde kaliteli ürünlerin yanı sıra hız ve servis kalitesinin de çok önemli olduğunun farkındayız, bu yüzden standart temin sürelerimiz dahilinde teslimatları gerçekleştirmek konusunda titizlik gösteririz. Ürettiğimiz her ürün birbirinden farklı olmasına rağmen, bizim tüm ürünlerimize yaklaşımımız aynı temel prensipler eksenindedir. Sizleri de bu ayrıcalıklı hizmetten faydalanmaya bekleriz. “Ürününüzü kişiselleştirin” Çok çeşitli model, renk ve aksesuar seçenekleri ile ürününüzü kişiselleştirin. Plastik, nonnowen, ham beze kadar birbirinden farklı malzeme seçenekleri, her bütçeye uygun ürünü bulmanıza yardımcı olur. Geriye sadece size uygun rengi, aksesuarı ve baskı yöntemini belirlemek kalır. Konusunda tecrübeli personelimiz sizi en doğru seçime yönlendirecektir. “Değişken sipariş miktarları” Firmamız 1000 adetten 10.000 adede kadar değişen sipariş miktarları için değişken fiyatlar uygular. Böylelikle yüksek adetli siparişlerinizde düşük fiyat avantajı yaşarken düşük adetlerde ihtiyacınızdan fazlasını almadan firmanıza özel ürünlere ulaşmış olursunuz.

About Us Çınarlar Ambalaj offers superior quality products with competitive prices. Our production infrastructure has been created using stateof-the-art production equipment to produce the highest quality products for our valued customers. We are aware of the fact that quality and speed and quality of service are very important nowadays, so we are very careful about timely delivering within our standard term. Although each product we produce is different from each other, our approach to all our products is based on the same basic principles. We also expect you to benefit from this privileged service. “Personalize your product” Personalize your product with a wide range of models, colors and accessories. Different material options such as plastic, nonnowen and raw clothing help you find the product for every budget. All that remains is to determine the appropriate color, accessory and printing method. Our experienced staff will guide you to the right choice. “Variable order quantities” Our company applies variable prices for order quantities ranging from 1000 pieces to 10,000 pieces. Thus, while you have a low price advantage in your high numbered orders, you will have reached your special products without lowering your needs.


June 2019

June 2019


‘’SADECE KOLİ DEĞİL ÇÖZÜM ÜRETİYORUZ, BU YÜZDEN İŞ BİRLİĞİMİZDEN KAZANACAĞINIZ KATMA DEĞER BİZİM İÇİN ÖNEMLİDİR’’ 2003 yılında kurulmuş olan Monart Ambalaj Oluklu mukavva koli ve kutu sektöründe İstanbul Tuzla Organize Deri sanayi bölgesinde siz değerli müşterilerimize hizmet vermeyi sürdürmektedir. Oluklu mukavva, tripleks koli ve ofset kutu üretimimiz ile sektöre çözüm sunan, 5000 m2 kapalı üretim alanı ve 1000 m2‘lik açık alanında teknolojik baskı, kesim, dikiş ve yapıştırma konularında yeni teknoloji makinaları ile entegre bir firma olan Monart Ambalaj iç ve dış piyasaya hizmet vermektedir. Üretimimizde kullanılan oluklu mukavvalarımızın tümü %100 geri dönüşümlü olup, baskıda kullandığımız boyalar su bazlı olduğundan, çevre dostu ürün kullanımı ile kaynaklarımızı verimli kullanıp hizmetlerimize devam etmekteyiz. Çağdaş ve yenilikçi kurum kültürümüz ile 2013 yılında yapmış olduğumuz yeni makine alımlarımızla ArGe çalışmalarımıza yaptığımız yatırımları arttırarak, müşteri memnuniyeti odaklı çalışma prensibimiz ile kısa sürede yüksek kaliteli ve uygun fiyatlı hizmet sunmaktayız… Sürekli gelişen ve büyüyen firmamız da toplam kalite anlayışımızı her zaman koruyarak siz değerli müşterilerimizi de aramızda görmekten memnuniyet duyarız…

‘’WE PROVIDE NOT ONLY PACKAGING BUT ALSO SOLUTION, THEREFORE THE VALUE YOU WILL ACQUIRE AS ADVANTAGE WITH OUR COOPERATION IS IMPORTANT FOR US’’ Founded in 2003, Monart Packaging continues to serve our valued customers with flexo printed box, angle and offset printed boxes as well as packaging cartons, boxes and auto sunshade for the promotional sector in Istanbul Tuzla Leather Organized Industrial Zone. Monart Packaging, which is an integrated company with new technology machines in the field of technological printing, cutting, sewing and bonding in 5000 m2 closed production area and 1000 m2 open area, offering solution to the sector with its products such as printed boxes, unprinted boxes, boxes, cut boxes, box boxes, supply cases, profile boxes, carrying boxes, archive boxes, serving the domestic and international markets. All corrugated cardboard used in our production is 100% recyclable, water-based dye that we use in printing we continue to use our resources efficiently with the use of eco-friendly products and services. We offer quality and competitive price service adopting a contemporary and innovative corporate culture with our new machine purchases we have done in 2013 with R & D work and our working principle of customer satisfaction. We are pleased to see our valuable customers by protecting our total quality understanding and growing and enhancing our company... 78

June 2019

We Produce Solutions, Not just Packing. Standard A Box Carton - Segmented Boxes - Food Packaging Offset Box and Bins - Special Produts

Ekin Expo

A brand you can choose to enhance and upgrade your brand image at the fairs you participate With good quality with fast delivery service for Exhibition Stand Design and Implementation, Ekin Expo has been one of the leading companies in the sector since 2007. In Turkey, the show followed the development of the exhibition industry, exhibition stands sector this situation is developing in parallel renews itself every day. The Turkish sector, which has become the window of Europe to Asia, is growing rapidly and important projects are being signed with each passing day. In particular, the fairs that have been concentrated abroad have increased day by day and the exhibition stand sector has renewed itself and became competitive with European companies. The first element of the companies to represent and promote themselves at the fairs they participate in is the participation of a beautiful and

Ekin Expo Service Values * 100% customer satisfaction * To provide reliable and honest service * To provide quality, economical and fast service * Maintaining solution-oriented activities * Keeping up with the variable aspects of the sector to inform customers * To provide the best service by paying attention to the corporate sensitivities of the companies * Providing customer oriented solutions by making one-to-one interviews with companies


June 2019

stunning booth. Ekin Expo Fair Stand Services, which come into play at this point, provide services to the participating companies with professional architects and by completing the project which will best represent the company by examining even the smallest details about the company in order to prepare the design and project suitable for the company. Acting with the principle that the success is hidden in small details, Ekin Expo architect and application staff apply the same oneto-one of the project to the fair area without skipping the smallest detail.

Using the advantage of being close to the exhibition area, Ekin Expo offers customers to have the opportunity to intervene in case of a disruption in 15 minutes. The firm has its own “special wooden stand ”, “special modular stand” and “special Maxima stand” and prepares and implements projects . Ekin Expo serves in a closed area of 1500 square meters located in Beylikduzu, Istanbul. The firm, which aims to design and implement the most suitable stand with the highest quality and without sacrificing quality, produces complete solutions to its customers.

Ekin is also aware that not very long setup time of the Expo, in the days prior to the workshop to prepare the project is to make the installation process only in the exhibition area. Company customers have the chance to follow the stage of the stands at the Ekin Expo workshops.

Exhibition Stand Services * Special Wooden Booth Design and Applications * Modular Stand Design and Applications * Maxima Stand Design and Applications * Product Display and Package Stand Applications * Stage and Platform Design and Applications * Stand Storage and Storage Service * Exhibition Material Rental

Interior Architecture Services * Office Interior Design Project Design and Applications * Showroom Project Design and Applications * Store Project Design and Applications

Digital Printing Services * Indoor and Outdoor Digital Printing * Foil Printing and Cutting (Font, Letter) * Vinyl Printing * One Way Vision Printing * Led Signboard * CNC Cutting * Styrofoam and Plexi Fonts - Text

June 2019



RUSSIA With an area of 17,075,400 square kilometers, Russia is the largest country in the world and covers one-eighth of its size and world living space. It is the ninth most populous country in the world. Russia has 23 UNESCO world heritage sites, 40 UNESCO biosphere reserves, 41 national parks and 101 nature reserves. According to GDP, the Russian economy is the ninth largest economy in the world and the sixth largest in terms of purchasing power parity. Although Russia has one of the world’s largest mining and energy resources, it is the largest natural gas producer in the world. Russia is a politically important country; A permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, G8, G20, the Council of Europe, Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Eurasian Economic Community, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, the World Trade Organization is a member of such organizations. He is also a leading member of the Commonwealth of Independent States.


June 2019

According to Teble Foreign Trade news; In line with the results of IMF reports; The Russian economy began to grow again in 2017, largely due to the extraction of mineral resources and personal consumption, after a few years of recession due to the declining capital outflow, the fall of the ruble, the decline in oil prices and the Ukrainian crisis, due to the sanctions imposed by the western states. Growth is projected by the IMF as 1.7% for 2018. It is foreseen to continue to increase by 1.8% in 2019 and 2020 with the support of increasing credit and disposable income. Structural weaknesses, low investment levels and a weak demographic view; real GDP growth is well below 2% per annum in the medium term. However, according to preliminary estimates made by Rosstat, GDP growth increased to 2.3% in 2018, the highest level in six years. Rosstat announced the surprise figure with a sharp upward revision in the increase in construction production.

Clothing Markets in Russia and Turkey Declaring that Turkey aims to become one of the world’s top five fashion centers, Hikmet Tanriverdi, the President of Istanbul Textile and Apparels Exporters’ Association (IHKIB), states that Turkish brands want to grow their own brand with Russian companies in this way in 2023. Tanriverdi said, “Turkish brands have begun to gain a serious success in Europe, Russia and the Middle East today. But we need a process and time. In 2023, our goal is to become one of the world’s top 5 fashion centers with our brands. Our brands are settled, but with our designers, collections and Russian ready-to-wear brands, we can grow much faster, and one of our next biggest goals is to bring Russian ready-to-wear brands together with Turkish brands and make them grow here together. Our exports have declined a little and these declines have declined, but we have to keep in mind the fluctuation in the rubble, so many companies did not take their orders in an environment where they were volatilized, but it was canceled. when Volatile decreased, and ruble become a little more stable, trade with Turkey would increase quickly, I think.”

June 2019



The Mir Detstva (World of Childhood) international exhibition has won the Golden Teddy National Award for the best goods and services for children. The awarding ceremony was held in the Federation Council. “We are happy to win this award”, emphasized Sergey Bednov, Director General of Expocentre AO, addressing the award winners honoring ceremony. “We are glad that the industry has highly appreciated our efforts. This year, we hold the 25th Mir Detstva exhibition. It is one of our best projects. The exhibition enjoys worldwide recognition and has been awarded badges of honor by the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry and the Russian Union of Exhibitions and Fairs”. Mr. Bednov expressed gratitude to the Federation Council and the Association of Children’s Goods Industry for their support of Mir Detstva and invited


June 2019

everybody to the Mir Detstva 2019 anniversary edition to be held at Expocentre this September. The Golden Teddy National Award for the best goods and services for children was instituted in 2010 as an industry award for goods and services for kids and families with children. It is awarded to companies, governmental and non-governmental organisations and public figures that have significantly contributed to the development of modern national childhood infrastructure. President of the Russian Association of Children’s Goods Industry (ACGI) Antonina Tsitsulina said that this year, more than 100 companies presenting more than 200 goods and services in 22 categories took part in the Golden Teddy Competition.

June 2019


CJF 2019 AUTUMN, 23RD INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION FOR CHILD AND JUNIOR FASHION Child and Junior Fashion, Maternity Wear will be held on September 24-27, 2019, Expocentre Fairgrounds, Moscow.

The 22nd edition of the CJF – Child and Junior Fashion. Spring has completed its work. We thank you for your participation in the exhibition, and we do hope that it has given you a new impetus to further development of your companies and brands.

Since CJF was launched within the Mir Detstva Exhibition, it has rightfully earned its reputation of an effective venue for making business, an indispensable marketing channel, an effective tool to increase sales, and a reliable way to make profit from investments.

340 exhibitors from 25 countries have presented their collections this season. Manufacturers and distributors from Austria, Belarus, Germany, Kazakhstan, Russia, Turkey, the UK, the USA, and other countries – all together more than 400 famous brands – demonstrated clothes for children from 0 to 16 years of age, school uniform, footwear for children, accessories, and headwear.

The CJF – Child and Junior Fashion Exhibition is a unique communication tool for professionals of the children’s fashion industry from all over the world. The exhibition helps to strengthen the existing ties with partners as well as to sign new deals. The recent marketing research indicates that buyers are keenly interested in the growth of the exhibition for clothes and footwear for children, teenagers, and expecting mothers.

After a very short time, the pavilions of Expocentre will host the professionals in the children’s fashion industry again. We’ll be pleased to meet you again in September at CJFChild and Junior Fashion. Autumn!


June 2019

Taking into account market conditions and requests of our exhibitors and professional visitors, Expocentre has come to a decision to held CJF twice a year – in February and September – starting from 2010. These months match the time of wholesale purchases in the industry.

June 2019



June 2019

June 2019


WHERE IS UKRAINIAN MARKET IN IMPORT AND EXPORT, SHOULD I BE IN THIS MARKET? I would to remind that Ukraine identified as one of the priority countries in the years 2016-2017 by the Ministry of Economy before starting export relations between Turkey and Ukraine. In this article I will talk about the first half of January 2018 the export of relations between Turkey and Ukraine in June. In the next issues, the first half of 2019 will be determined and we will compare the last two years and make evaluations. Last year today where we were in Turkey-Ukraine - importexport relationship? Ukraine is a country with an export volume of over $ 2 billion. Since the early 2000s, Russia is the country’s largest trading partner in both imports and exports. It is obvious that Turkey’s exports to Ukraine fluctuated. Exports, which were $ 2.2 billion in 2013, were $ 1.3 billion in 2017. In the January-June period of 2018, exports reached $ 656 million. When we examine our trade with Ukraine in recent years, we observe a foreign trade deficit against our country. Our foreign trade deficit is $ 1.5 billion as of 2017. In January-June period of 2018, imports from Ukraine amounted to $ 2.8 billion. The products we import to Ukraine include iron products, ferro alloys, corn and soybeans. Main products we export, ready wear and apparel and textile products are recorded. When considering the rate of the ready wear and apparel market… According to the information received from the Ministry of Economy, İHKİB and Trademap; Ukraine ranks 56th in the world’s ready-made clothing and apparel import with a value of 0.10% and $ 610.5 million and $ 467.5 billion, respectively. The largest import share worldwide is 21.18% is for the USA. The closest follower of the USA is Germany with a rate of 8.99%. Ukraine’s garment and apparel supplier in China with $ 164.1 billion worth of imports and 26.9% share. Other important suppliers of Ukraine are Poland, Bangladesh, Germany and Belarus. 90

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Turkey ranks fourth in the rankings with a 8.1% share of Ukraine’s suppliers. The export value of Ukraine in the first half of 2018 was $ 67.5 million. To evaluate this share categorically; Outerwear: 75,92% Underwear: 8,88% Sports and swimming clothes: 5,71% Baby clothing: 3,07% Socks: 2.14% Other goods: 3,81% Other articles of clothing: 0,47% Evaluation: In the January-June period of 2018, Ukraine exported 40% of total clothing and apparel worth $ 67.5 million. In

this context, we can say that Ukraine is our 22nd largest market in total ready-to-wear and apparel exports worth $ 8.7 billion. When it comes to textile products markets… Ukraine is also the largest supplier of textile products in China as well as in ready wear and apparel. Ukraine imports $ 208.5 million worth of imports from China. This ratio corresponds to a 19.2% share of the country’s textiles imports. Other countries that have a significant share in the Ukrainian textile products export market are Germany, Poland and Italy. Turkey also ranks second as one of the most important suppliers in this market of Ukraine. Our country’s imports are worth $ 135.3 million and the market share is 12.4%. When the textile products are categorized into their own categories, the export shares of the products are as follows:

Knitted fabric: 29.58% Woven fabric: 22,80% Yarn: 18.33% Fiber: 0,78% Other textile products: 28.53% Evaluation: Exports of textiles and raw materials worth $ 70.9 million in January-June 2018 to Ukraine were realized. From this point of view, Ukraine has become our 18th largest export market with our total textile and raw materials exports worth $ 4.2 billion. If you are planning to enter the Ukrainian market; • Review and strengthen the distribution networks in Ukraine. • Considering all sectors in Ukraine, you should take into account that the working capital of the firms engaged in trade is generally low. • When setting up your first contacts, you must send a Russian or Ukrainian letter to the addresses you have received from the Trade Counselor and support them with the catalogs written in the same languages. • Even if the official language of Ukraine is Ukrainian, you should remember that Russian is used in commercial and daily life. • In your first export links, you should generally enter the market with small trial amounts, re-evaluate the market and re-evaluate the sales opportunities after you have measured the reliability of the trading partners. In this respect, you can make the necessary changes in your plans before they are late. • You should consider that a significant portion of the companies engaged in trade in Ukraine do not want to use the letter of credit payment, and you must secure your own trade. For this, you should investigate whether the companies you are exporting to are members of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in the region where they are located. However, you should be aware that the number of members of the chambers is quite low as there is no membership requirement in Ukraine. • In your job interviews in Ukraine, you must submit a concrete proposal for the purpose of your interview. If you are going to present a gift to the other party during your meeting, it may be a gift item belonging to the values of your own country. • Due to it is cheaper to export to Turkey and imports from Turkey, you should know that the road is mostly used to become a maritime and air cargo, you should organize your transfer in this direction. June 2019


BABY PRODUCTS FAIR & CHILDREN’S FASHION FAIR, 10-12 SEPTEMBER, 2019 IN KIEV Baby Products Fair Baby Products Fair is the largest business event for the market of baby and mom products in Ukraine. Safety for babies and comfort for their parents are its keynotes. It showcases everything needed by babies from the very first days and parents to make baby care much easier. Innovative products are increasingly offered by exhibitors wishing to move with the times and meet today’s requirements. Baby prams and strollers are becoming more lightweight and mobile, body care products more effective and flavourful, and diapers more absorbent. Baby Products Fair creates a mixed impression. On the one hand, showcased products catch the imagination with their functionality, up-to-the-minute technologies, compliance with the latest trends in child education and psychology. On the other hand, lots of ruches, bows, sparkles, tiny smoking jackets and teddy bears are so cute! And anyway, why not? Customer goodwill is your key to success. Due to our international partnerships, foreign manufacturers wishing to enter the Ukrainian market are regular exhibitors at Baby Products Fair. Buyers and distributors have an up-close opportunity to sign the most lucrative contracts right there. So why waste money and time searching for new partners throughout the world? We at Baby Products Fair are doing it for you! Due to its reputation as a major event in the market of children’s goods, the fair annually attracts thousands of 92

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business visitors. They clearly aim at finding new partners and trademarks to be supplied with wow products for their stores. Each exhibitor gets thousands of target customers. You have a little left to do: attract them to visit your booth. So why waste time searching for new distribution channels? We at Baby Products Fair are doing it for you! Children’s Fashion Fair 2019 Fashion shows of children’s wear, footwear and accessories are one of the most popular events of CHILDREN’S FASHION FAIR. Children’s defiles always arouse a keen interest of visitors and media representatives; the business audience gets a clear idea of the style, quality, practicality and other advantages of the models. Who participates We invite manufacturers and distributors of children’s wear, footwear, headwear and accessories of domestic and foreign origin, as well as leading and novice designers. The show demonstrates not only mass-market collections, but also unique designer models and “feather samples” of young talents. A special place is devoted to school and business wear. Advanteges of Participation Defiles are not just a demonstration of wear; it is a show, an event, thanks to which the designer can express his idea more clearly and brighter. With the help of music, the work of stylists and directors of the show, the audience is transferred to another world. And everyone knows that any item is sold better and more expensive if it is followed by an image and a story.

June 2019


IN THE FIRST QUARTER OF 2019 TEXTILE AND GARMENT EXPORTS IN TURKEY According to the report of IHKIB, most apparel and garments exported to the first three countries in January-April 2019 period, from Turkey, Germany, Spain and the UK are listed in the form. In the first four months of 2019, 995.6 million dollars of exports were made to Germany, while it increased to $ 783.8 million with a 2.3% increase to Spain and $ 627.1 million was exported to the UK. These three countries are followed by Holland with the export figure of 341 million dollars and France with the export figure of $ 286.5 million. Respectively Iraq, the US, Italy, Turkey, Israel and Saudi Arabia are the other leading markets in the apparel and garment exports. Saudi Arabia is one of the leading exporters in Turkey, which increased in exports in the January-April period of 2019 compared to the same period of the previous year. Exports to this country increased by 44.6 percent to $ 132.9 million. Iran ranks second with an increase of 269.7% and an export value of approximately $ 128.8 million, while Libya ranks third with an increase of 54.4% and an export value of 95.4 million dollars. In addition, exports to Slovakia increased by 111.1% and exports to Belarus increased by 99.4%. Egypt, Kazakhstan, Hungary, Morocco and Albania are the other countries that have come to the forefront in the increase in exports.

In January-April period of 2019, when we look at the prominent products in apparel and ready-to-wear exports, we see that 6204 GTIP women’s / girls’ weaving suits, jackets There are similar clothing products. According to data released by the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey, apparel manufacturing industry capacity utilization rate was 83.2% in January- April 2019. In the January-April period of 2019, total exports amounted to USD 6.02 billion, of which $ 4.06 billion was made to EU countries. In this period, the export to the EU region of 4.06 billion dollars, the average 7.79% parity is deducted from the decline, the real value of $ 4.38 billion is reached. In this case, in the January-April period of 2019, when exports of 6.01 billion dollars were cleared from the average parity of 7,79%, the total exports increased by 6% compared to the same period of the previous year and amounted to $ 6.34 billion.


June 2019

Anatolia, production base of garments should be made Stating that Anatolia should be production base of the apparel industry, Mustafa Gültepe, head of the Istanbul Apparel Exporters’ Association (IHKIB), said, “Ready-to-wear and apparel exports amounted to USD 17.6 billion in 2018. We are also in an increase in the first quarter of 2019. In 2018, there was an increase of 7.6 percent and a 11 percent increase in the first quarter of 2019. We produce more and export more. This is reflected in employment. The ready-to-wear sector grew 3.6 percent this year. We performed good in spite of Turkey’s situation. We broke employment records every month between August and December. As a country, we need more production and export in every field. There is a great need to support our sector to reduce unemployment in our country of 82 million. The Anatolian production base should be built by providing special investment supports to the apparel sector.”

China orders due to record-US trade war with Turkey Indispensable country for Europe’s textile production both in terms of quality and labor costs, Turkey was the address of back order because of China-US war. Due to the high demand, textile producers keep 20% of the order from abroad waiting. Hadi Karasu, Chairman of Turkish Clothing Manufacturers Association said, “The additional 20 percent of orders of giant brands such as Inditex, Ralph Lauren, H&M, Li Fung, Wall Mart and Pri-

mark are waiting at the door with existing capacity unfortunately. This situation needs to invest in renovation urgently machines to solve.” Pointing out that Europe tried African market sometime but there is no another country can achieve raw materials and service network except Turkey and China, he said, “A European brand will know that when the shelves at the property, they can supply from Turkey in 2-3 weeks.”

Award to ready-to-wear exporters According to the Aegean Exporters Association (EIB), “Stars of Apparel and Garment Exports” award ceremony was performed in the association building. At the ceremony 85 companies were awarded, which made 2 million dollars and above export in 2018. In his statement, Burak Sertbaş, Chairman of Aegean Clothing and Apparel Exporters’ Association (EHKIB), said that ready clothing sector performed $ 17.6 billion in exports across Turkey last year by making the second largest contribution to export after the automotive industry. Declaring that 78 EIB member companies won awards in 2017, this year 85 EIB member companies won the awards, he said, “There is an increase in the number of award winning companies, but this not enough. We will perform in order to receive award our 100 companies next year. As Aegean Exporters, we made $ 308 million garments export by 29 percent up compared to last year to Spain, where is the first place in our region exports.”

June 2019



INTERNATIONAL AWARD TO ISTANBUL AIRPORT, THE BIGGEST AIRPORT PROJECT IN THE WORLD TO BE BUILT FROM SCRATCH Istanbul Airport received the ‘Special Achievement Award’ in the ‘Outstanding Innovations’ category at this year’s Leisure Lifestyle awards by Global Traveler, one of the most prestigious publications in the global tourism sector. Istanbul Airport, Turkey’s newest window to the world, was granted an award by Global Traveler, a monthly travel magazine located in the USA that reaches consumers across the globe who travel frequently, consume luxury and experience premium travel and accommodation services. At the award ceremony organized on May 16, 2019 at Sofitel West Hollywood Hotel, Los Angeles, Istanbul Airport received the Special Achievement Award under the ‘Outstanding Innovation’ category. İGA Corporate Communications Director Gokhan Sengul accepted the award on behalf of Istanbul Airport.


June 2019

Unlike many other awards, Global Traveler Awards are voted by its readers. However, the category in which Istanbul Airport received an award was identified by publishers, editors, corporate advisory board and focus groups. Global Traveler Magazine identified the brands to receive awards with openended questions and directly through an e-mail survey it communicated to its readers between October 1, 2018 - January 31, 2019. “Istanbul Airport outdid other global projects” Gokhan Sengul, İGA Corporate Communications Director, participated the event organized by Global Traveler Magazine, accepted the award and stated their delight in winning an international award on behalf of Turkey: “Istanbul Airport has been deemed worthy of many awards with its unique architecture, tower design and, most importantly, the social responsibility projects it implemented. We are proud to have received such a prestigious award from one of USA’s most popular magazines, Global Traveler. Moreover, receiving an award under the category of innovation is proof of the difference


our airport made in such field. Given to Changi Airport in Singapore last year, this award we received by outdid many other projects across the world is an indication that we performed our jobs the right way. Istanbul Airport, Turkey’s window to the world, will be deemed worthy of many more awards in the upcoming years through the travel experience and service approach it offers.” Deemed as one of the most read magazines in the United States of America, Global Traveler Magazine reaches around 300,000 readers every month. The magazine offers its readers insight on premium cabin, airlines and accommodation services across the world and is closely followed by executives, entrepreneurs and business people. Leadership in innovation, environmental initiatives and community outreach are among the criteria recognized for the category in which Istanbul Airport received the award.

Istanbul is one of the busiest airport hubs in the world. Opened in 1924, Istanbul Ataturk Airport is already the third largest airport in Europe (behind London’s Heathrow Airport and Paris’ Charles de Gaulle Airport), serving approximately 60 million people. Istanbul New Airport is expected to accommodate 90 million by year-end 2017 (Phase 1) and 150 million by it’s estimated 2018 completion date.

June 2019




We are counting 365 days, sometimes sun is shining and sometimes snow is falling. The leaves in the trees are yellowing, or sometimes blossoming. The sea, the straits are fizzing and gurgling… And the mood of nature witnessed every moment, both from Europe and from Anatolia… Turkey is a country which hosts millions of tourists for years. Natural beauties, historical artifacts, culture, food and many other features of many nationalities have been the eye of many nationalities. Turkey the country of 4 seasons with those who are dying to come once, ones visited one and those who count the days to visit once more, got different cultures within its borders, also added something to different cultures… Of course these visits were not limited to tourist trips. Both international trade fairs, as well as numerous meeting has also become the center of business people meeting event with Turkey. The increase in the workload of metropolises with the continuation of the development of the cities, the transformation of small cities into big cities with investments,

the success of industrialization and technocity projects with the state incentives made to the most back of the beyond, and many others. When all these points are combined, the big picture is clearly revealed: Labor spent, strategic development, cooperation … Turkey excess itself a little more every day. Textile is a tradition inherited us from the Ottoman Empire Today, Turkey has become the most ambitious in the history of the textile industry in the international field goes back many years. Weaving is a tradition inherited from the Ottoman Empire. The fact that our country has both raw materials such as cotton and wool in its own structure and the high levels of labor force are the main influences of the success achieved in this sector. A good progress available in the framework of a win-win thinking and working across sectors in Turkey. Serious textile investments are made especially in the east of cities such as Gaziantep, Kahramanmaras, Malatya and Adana in order to contributing to the development of cities. Our country, with these investments, provides a high level of employment in itself, quality production and craftsmanship in the international arena is strengthening the perception of reputation. So both Turkey is gaining, and employees is gaining. Quality in textile production in Turkey starts from A but does not end in Z ... Turkey, a country the textile industry in the days went by pushing the limits. The surplus of production demands from foreign countries is the proof of this situation. The use of high quality raw materials in production, speed of delivery, R & D studies, increasing technological investments, the perception of reliability created by after-sales services are the main reasons of this demand surplus. In addition, proximity to markets is also an important advantage…


June 2019

Dedicated works on behalf of a manufacturer company that ensures quality in production in Turkey is certain, however, is not limited to those who have never done things to do. We see each passing day and we testify that over time, the quality bar in every stage of production will be carried to higher heights and will continue to move‌ Following these developments, the distance of advertising and marketing activities and branding efforts started to increase. Turkish textile companies have stepped up their steps to introduce their brands to the whole world and to get the quality as they deserve. Because now it is time for production for 2 seasons, quality for 4 seasons!

Employment of Turkey textile sector As the textile and clothing industry in Turkey meets 25% of manufacturing employment and welcomes the 6% of overall employment Turkey. With 40% female employment rate, it is one of Turkey’s most democratic sectors.

June 2019


‘BURSA EXHIBITIONS Make Great Contributions to Bursa Economy and Export’ İlhan Ersozlu, General Manager of TUYAP Fair and Fair Services, informs about Junioshow, one of the most important fairs in the sector and the contributions of Tüyap Bursa Fair Organization for the sector.

Can we get more information about Tuyap? In which cities do you organize exhibitions for which sectors? Founded in 1979, Tuyap fair group has been operating in the field of fairs in our country for 40 years, today the group have become the largest organization in our country by operating 9 trade fair center, organizing close to 100 exhibitions a year, with over 700 employees, and with its domestic and international offices. Our company, Tuyap has come to the forefront with its high quality and reliable service to the customers with the fairs organized in the sector. With its exhibition organized in Turkey, Tuyap has entered the agenda of the country as a regular


June 2019

commercial activity. Since its foundation in 2018, it has served to 316,315 firms from 125 countries with 1,700 domestic and 39 countries and has hosted 60,394,313 visitors from 211 countries. It is the only private sector fair organization with its own fair exhibition center in Turkey. The main source of income of the company is domestic and international trade fairs. Tuyap Group by over 700 employees and over 100 professional organizations with longterm business association, owned and operated by 9 fairs in Turkey is preparing 51 different subjects at the center of trade fairs regularly. Apart from Istanbul, the fair area, which started from Bursa in June 2001, was continued with other provinces. Today, we have exhibition centers in Istanbul, Bursa, Konya, Adana, Diyarbakir, Samsun, Erzurum, Eskisehir and Kayseri. What about Junioshow? Can you share us the story of the emergence of this fair and its current situation? Bursa and its environs where we organize fairs; is an industrial region which has great potential

for many sectors, especially automotive main and sub-industry. Bursa manufacturers are providing approximately 80% of Turkey products belong to baby kid sector, which is the most important sector among them. We call Visne Street as the heart of the sector in Bursa. Almost all of the companies operating in the sector are on the street. Together with BEKSİAD Association and Bursa Chamber of Commerce and Industry, which was established in order to act in unity and solidarity of the sector and to be the voice of the sector, a fair that the sector has been waiting for for a long time, will bring a new breath to the baby and child sector and draw attention to the potential in Bursa in the field of ready-made clothing. We acted with the idea. Combining our powers, we realized our first fair in 2006 with the names BURSA BEBE AND KIDS READY WEAR FAIR and BURSA KIDS 2006. In 2011, we took a break for 5 years after the year 2011 and started to organize the exhibition with the spring - summer year concept in 2016 under the name of JUNIOSHOW. We started to organize two exhibitions in the product group as summer and winter for two seasons, and from 2017 to January and July. In January 2017, we will be organizing spring-summer and autumn-winter concept as of July. We organized the first meeting of JUNIOSHOW, which brings together textile fashion and latest trends with the professionals of Bursa, between the 9th and the 12th of January 2019. The record number of 200 participating companies, four days for 64 days from 1.150 international

June 2019


buyers from 64 countries, a total of 26,424 sector professional visitors to break their record, Junioshow, a colorful atmosphere was lived with 2-day Junioshow fashion. The second meeting of this year, 3 - 6 July 2019, 4 halls, more than 120 companies with the participation of more than 12 thousand visitors are preparing to open its doors. With the fair which have been growing every year and became a brand fair in the sector, we are preparing to host the buyer delegation from 60 countries with TUYAP overseas offices, work of TUYAP offices, organizations to be realized within the scope of International Competitiveness Development (Ur-Ge) projects supported by the Ministry of Commerce. Why should companies participate in Junioshow? Can you explain the benefits of this fair for the sector? The Junioshow Fair, which we will perform for the 13th time, has become a trademark. In addition to increasing their brand values, our companies participating in the fair which stands out with their international quality should take their place in the fair with the aim of opening up new markets and increasing their existing market shares. Briefly we can itemize


June 2019

following; • Reaching under the same roof for professional visitors from countries where the sector develops from abroad • Establish new business contacts and partnership agreements • To follow the developments and expectations in the sector closely • Capture new investment opportunities • Reinforcing its prestige by taking part in effective organization • Creating a brand and opening up new markets • Identifying new areas in the market • To be able to evaluate competition • To introduce new products, to observe the success of the market • To make customer analysis What about Junishow supporters and collaborators? As Tuyap Bursa Trade Fairs Inc., we have organized 284 fairs since our establishment. Of course, we have a partner who spends a lot of work together with us. Bursa Chamber of Commerce and Industry, in which we combined our forces in recent years, took important steps in terms of gaining new fairs in the sectors in which we are strong. As a result of the impressions we have obtained from the Fairs such as Block Marble, Building and Real Estate, Home Style

and Coho, which we have carried out hand in hand at Junioshow Fair, we are making positive contributions to the trade volume of Bursa with fairs that are organized with this cooperation. In addition to our partner BTSO, we work with the subject of every fair and the rooms, associations and so on. For the Junıoshow Fair, we are in cooperation with Kids Apparel Sector Industrialists’ and Businessmen’s Association (BEKSIAD) since the first year of the fair. We are also benefiting from the Ur-Ge project supported by the Ministry of Commerce on the introduction of buyer committees from abroad. I would like to thank Bursa Governorship, Bursa Metropolitan Municipality and KOSGEB for their support. Could you inform us about your UrGe project and the contributions of this project? UR-GE Project (Supporting The Development Of International Competitiveness) is a sectoral cluster project for developing export capacities of Turkish manufacturer companies. The companies gathered by the Exporter Association, by the sectoral associations and federations that they a member of, participate in activities approved by Ministry of Economy, to improve their knowledge of competitiveness. The export volume of baby and kids wear fashion sector increases with international buyer delegations organized exclusively for the Junioshow Fair, within the scope of the Urge project. The project contributes significantly to both Bursa and the country’s economy.

June 2019


The Only Trade Publication

Which Brings Sector Professionals To You

Bimonthly Baby & Kid Store magazine is the only trade publication of the baby kid product industry and serves to reach the new dealer channels of the mother-babychildren goods sector. Thus, it benefits the formation of a new customer portfolio and the improvement of existing dealers’ channels. International publication, Baby & Kid Store brings together supplier firms of manufacturers, importers, exporters and wholesalers from care products to the textile group, from metal products to furniture group with ads and reports and it is delivered to target audience in the retail point of sale and owners of companies. These are independent boutiques, chain stores and multi-storey shops. Moreover, Baby & Kid Store is distributed to all exhibitors and visitors from its stand in the related domestic and international fairs for the sector.


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June 2019


Bebek çocuk sektörünün tek ihtisas yayını Baby & Kid Store aylık olarak yayınlanmakta olup Anne-Bebek-Çocuk Gereçleri sektöründe tedarikçi firmaların yeni bayi kanallarına ulaşmasına hizmet etmektedir. Böylece yeni müşteri portföyünün oluşmasına ve var olan kanallarının ise iyileştirilmesine, geliştirilmesine yönelik fayda sağlamaktadır. Uluslararası yayınımız Baby & Kid Store, bakım ürünlerinden tekstil grubuna, metal ürünlerden mobilya grubuna kadar faaliyet gösteren tedarikçi firmaları (imalatçı, ithalatçı, ihracatçı, toptancı) ilan ve haber bültenleri ile bir araya getirmekte ve hedef kitleleri olan perakende satış noktasındaki, ilgili satın alma departmanı yetkili isimlerine ve ayrıca firma sahiplerinin adına kargo etmektedir. Bunlar; bağımsız butik mağazalar, zincir mağazalar ve çok katlı mağazalar olarak gruplandırmaktadır. Ayrıca sektörü temsilen ilgili yurt içi ve yurt dışı fuarlarda Baby & Kid Store standından tüm katılımcı ve ziyaretçilere dergi dağıtımı sağlanmaktadır.

International Face of Baby & Kid Store 26-29 June 2019 İstanbul, Turkey

CBME Turkey Children Baby Maternity Expo

CBME Turkey is the leading children, baby and maternity products exhibition in Eurasia region. The show gathers thousands of high profile visitors from all around the world with more than 750 brands each year. Being the most recognized baby and children trade show in Eurasia, CBME Turkey is definitely an international marketplace for buyers to source producers with high quality and good price. In 2018, CBME Turkey attracted 17,742 visitors from 120 countries and succesfully delivered its task of gathering them with more than 582 brands which makes it the most international industry event in Eurasia. CBME Turkey is a unique opportunity for producers to connect with new customers and reconnect with existing contacts from the region, and to present their new products to the trade visitors. In addition, CBME Turkey provides an opportunity for trade visitors to discover Turkey’s potential. The 37th International Istanbul Children Baby Maternity Industry Expo is taking place on 26-29 June 2019 at Istanbul CNR Expo Center!

Junioshow Baby Kidswear & Kids Necessities Fair Comes true, Junioshow Bursa International Baby, Children’s Clothing and Children’s Needs Fair, which organized with joint organization of Tuyap Bursa Fairs Inc. and Bursa Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI), with in cooperation Bebe and Children’s Clothing Sector Industrialists and Businessmen Association (BCCSIBA), with support of T. C. Ministry of Economy, KOSGEB and Bursa Metropolitan Municipality. The fair which will introduce the spring & summer concept creations for baby and children’s clothing by nearly 200 exhibitor company with their special decor stands, will present an international platform focusing on both design and innovation. Bursa who carrying the power of production beyond the borders, continues with sure steps to being model the world in baby and children’s wear.

3-6 July 2019 BURSA, Turkey

Pentex Combed Textile and Tecnologies Fair PENTEX fair is visited by abundant number of visitors from the Middle East, Eastern Europe, Balkan Countries and Caucasian Countries. A very wide range of products from combed textile products to apparel products, from yarn to laser cut and digital print machines, from combed textile machines to weaving machines, from apparel dye and auxiliary chemicals to professional publications are exhibited in the fair which is organized in Gaziantep. PENTEX, which we believe shall be the most extensive and efficient meeting point of the sector in the coming years and which is the first and only fair of the sector, shall offer attractive opportunities to the producers who are in search of new markets. PENTEX Combed Textile and Technologies Fair is organized at Gaziantep Middle East Fair Center by AKORT Fuarcılık, with the support of Gaziantep Chamber of Industry, PENKON Combed Textile, Apparel and Ready Wear Association.

23-26 January 2019 Gaziantep, Turkey

Linexpo Lingerie-Hosiery Fair LINEXPO is organized by TIGSAD- one of the reputable textile associations in Turkeyand IFM Fuarcilik. LINEXPO, a lingerie exhibition originating from Istanbul and addressing the entire world, is organized only once a year. LINEXPO is organized with the aim of increasing global sectorial awareness and increasing the business volume of our country holding the leading position in textile. Fair will be held at Istanbul Expo Center.

12-15 February 2020 İstanbul, Turkey June 2019


Pitti Imagine Bimbo The debuts, participations, returns and special projects at Pitti Immagine Bimbo 89, the headquarters of kids’ fashion & lifestyle. Childrenswear trade show Pitti Bimbo, which will take place in Florence from June 20 to 22, will feature 560 collections, of which 337 will be from outside Italy, including the first showing of Emporio Armani’s junior spring/summer 2020 collection, marking the designer brand’s debut at the event. 20-22 June 2019 Florence, Italy


Summer is coming and we very much look forward to sharing this 26th edition of Playtime Paris with you! From June 29th until July 1st, the reference fashion and lifestyle show for childrenswear creatives and creators will be returning to its lush green abode at the Parc Floral de Paris. Inspired by the energy of spring, the show will be exploring the theme of «Metamorphosis»: the kind that returns immutably every season and the kind that is born in the imaginations of our children, to whom nothing seems quite impossible. 29 June - 1st July 2019 Paris, France

Kid’s Time Over 20,000 meters, 564 companies from around the world and 9 exhibition halls the jubilee and at the same time the record-breaking International Fair of Articles for Mother and Child KIDS’ TIME hosted over 8,200 visitors. This year’s KIDS ‘TIME offered sport excitement in a vintage unveiling... the special zone was created for the first time. That was the realm of retro toys and the best board games. The 11th International Fair of Toys and Products for Mother and Child KIDS’ TIME is held in Targi Kielce from 19 to 21 February 2020. We look forward to seeing you.

19-21 February 2020 Kielce, Poland

Bishkek Fashion & Textile

Bishkek, which is the largest wholesaler market in Central Asia with about 40,000 wholesalers, shops and boutiques, is located in Bishkek; Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, East Turkestan and Siberia, especially as the trade center of Central Asia. Approximately 75% of the apparel and textile products imported into the Dordoy market are known to be exported to the Central Asian markets, mainly in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, East Turkestan and Siberia. The fact that Kyrgyzstan was able to deliver goods at a more affordable price and easier and faster way, and that Kyrgyzstan had established a good air, road and rail transportation network for all the Central Asian markets to open the way for trade as the state policy has a great impact. 106

June 2019

24-26 February 2019 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

CJF Child and Junior Fashion Child and Junior Fashion, Maternity Wear will be held on September 24-27, 2019, Expocentre Fairgrounds, Moscow. The 22nd edition of the CJF – Child and Junior Fashion. Spring has completed its work. We thank you for your participation in the exhibition, and we do hope that it has given you a new impetus to further development of your companies and brands. 340 exhibitors from 25 countries have presented their collections this season. Manufacturers and distributors from Austria, Belarus, Germany, Kazakhstan, Russia, Turkey, the UK, the USA, and other countries – all together more than 400 famous brands – demonstrated clothes for children from 0 to 16 years of age, school uniform, footwear for children, accessories, and headwear.

24-27 September 2019 Moscow, Russia

Baby Expo Fashion shows of children’s wear, footwear and accessories are one of the most popular events of CHILDREN’S FASHION FAIR. Children’s defiles always arouse a keen interest of visitors and media representatives; the business audience gets a clear idea of the style, quality, practicality and other advantages of the models. 10-12 September 2019 Kiev, Ukraine

June 2019



June 2019

June 2019



June 2019

June 2019



b2b Satışına Başlıyor! Tekstil sektöründeki serüvenine bir aile girişimi olarak 1978 yılında İstanbul’da başlayan AKAL TİCARET VE TEKSTİL SAN.LTD.ŞTİ. , iş ahlakı ve güvenilirliği ile kendine saygın bir konum edinmiş; 1993 yılında ise büyük ölçekli üretim yatırımları ile, bugün uluslararası düzeyde on binlerce tüketiciye ulaşmasını sağlayan büyük bir atılım gerçekleştirmiştir. Tekstil aksesuarları alanında, takım ve eşleştirmeli ürünler imalatı yapan ilk firmalardan biri olarak tanınan AKAL TİCARET VE TEKSTİL SAN.LTD.ŞTİ; Küresel çapta popülerlik kazanmak ve dağıtım kanallarını güçlendirmek amacıyla ürün gamını sürekli yenileyerek aksesuarın her alanında modayı


şekillendiren koleksiyonlara imza atar. Aralarında Türkiye’nin en büyük spor kulüplerinin ve dünyaca ünlü moda devlerinin de bulunduğu birçok markanın için üretim yaptığı gibi, Kendi bünyesinde birçok tescillenmiş markası bulunan AKAL TİCARET VE TEKSTİL SAN.LTD.ŞTİ, KİTTİ, SUYUTTİ , SYT, KEEP gibi bir çok marka ile üretim yapmakta, yazlık ve kışlık aksesuarlardan oluşan koleksiyonlar hazırlamakta ve bunların yurt içi ve yurt dışı satışını gerçekleştirmektedir. Eminönü ve Merter’de 3 adet mağazası bulunan firma ürünlerinin daha fazla noktaya ulaşabilmesi için ve günün şartlarına uygun olarak b2b satışına başlıyor. Şu an hazırlıkları bitme aşamasına gelen b2b sayfası üzerinde artık müşteriler istedikleri zaman siparişlerini verebilecek ve bu sayede daha hızlı bir şekilde KİTTİ ürünlerine ulaşabilecekler.

Akal Ticaret ve Tekstil San. Ltd. Şti. Yenidoğan Merve Mah. Akabe Cad. No: 16 34791 Sancaktepe / İSTANBUL June 2019 T: 444 10 47 F: 216 422 35 49

Kitti b2b Sales Begin AKAL, having entered its adventure in the textile sector as a family enterprise in Istanbul, in 1978; has gained reputation with its business ethics and credibility. AKAL started up as a family enterprise in Istanbul, in 1978 and entered its adventure in the textile sector. During its business life, it gained a respectable position with business ethics and credibility. In 1993, it made a major breakthrough with its large-scale production investments, today reaching tens of thousands of consumers at an international level. AKAL, recognized as one of the pioneering companies to

Trio Sets

Caps and Hats


manufacture products with grouped and matching products in the field of textile accessories; has been working as a producer of many brands, including the biggest sports clubs in Turkey and some of the world’s famous fashion giants. Kitti has 3 local stores in EminÜnß and Merter. To reach more customers and more regions, Kitti start to sell products via "b2b sales".With b2b sales, our customers will be able to place their orders easily and at any time they want. In this way to reach Kitti Products will be faster and more safe.








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