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The IssaquahPress

Issaquah’s only locally owned newspaper

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Has time run out on Beaver Lake Triathlon?

By Peter Clark

After 20 years, the Beaver Lake Triathlon might have met its end. Former triathlon Director Debbie Dodd confirmed that the race, with its quarter-mile swim, 13.8-mile bike ride and 4.3-mile run, would not take place this year on its usual third weekend in August. “I had done it the last couple of years, and it was just too much to handle for one person,” Dodd said. “There was just too much

responsibility for just one director.” After her decision to step down, she said a few organizations considered handling the event, but none were able to find the resources to carry the race on for its 21st year. Mark Stendal, president of the Beaver Lake Community Club, who presents the race, agreed the planning did not come together for a 2014 triathlon. “It’s a combination of a lot of differing things coming together,” he said. “We just got so late in the year, we were kind of left

City weighs needs as 200 bus comes to end of the line By Peter Clark As Issaquah’s 200 “freebee” bus faces Metro Transit’s chopping block, city officials are evaluating alternatives. After the failure of April’s Proposition 1, which would have given King County Metro Transit the necessary funds to avoid service cuts, the regional authority plans to begin phasing out 17 percent of its routes in September. The 200 is among those routes. “Though it still serves riders, Route 200 is identified as among the lowest performing routes in Metro’s current system,” Metro Transit spokesman Jeff Switzer said. The route averaged from 351 to 450 riders per weekday

in a little bit in a lurch.” Stendal said the Beaver Lake Triathlon began when there were few races of its kind to be found in the region. “Over the last two decades, it’s just exploded,” he said. “It’s just become more and more difficult to not lose money with that kind of competition.” Instead, he focused on the support the community has shown for the event, which helped fund the Beaver Lake Community Club’s nonprofit wing, Friends of Beaver Lake. Money earned through the triathlon would go

toward protecting the watershed and keeping the lake clean. “We’ve had 20 successful years,” he said. “It’s been fantastic for the community. It’s been a positive competition for everyone around the lake.” However, the plateau might not have seen the last of the Beaver Lake Triathlon. “It’s possible it may come back next year,” Dodd said. “Hopefully that’s the case. People are sad to see it go.” She also clarified that an accident during last year’s race on Duthie Hill Road did not affect the


through 2012 and 2013, according to the 2013 Metro Transit Service Guideline Report. The bus averaged only 9.5 riders an hour during peak hours. In seeking to reduce services, Metro Transit considered a route’s productivity and ability to meet a target based on the agency’s determination of social equity and geographic value. City Economic Development Manager Andrea Lehner said the city still wants more information about who rides the route 200 and how much impact its dissolution would have on their lives. “We were not sure the county had the most reliable data,” Lehner said, pointing out that the free fare of the bus could make See 200

BUS, Page A3

decision to cancel this year’s race. “There was a bad bicycle accident last year, but that didn’t have anything to do with it,” she said. Stendal said though a lot of people are interested in holding the event next year, no official work has been done for a 2015 race. Still, he’s not counting it out quite yet. “Every show has a closing night and this may be ours,” he said. “But secretly, a lot of people think we’re going to bring it back and no one would be happier about that than me.”

By Kathleen R. Merrill

People flocked to the front steps of Issaquah City Hall to join in a flash mob of performers singing ‘Louie, Louie’ on Issaquah Make Music Day, June 21. More than 100 kazoos were handed out for people to play along. The Fabulous Roof Shakers led the crowd.

Design phase Cancer survivor sets sites on Ironman Canada begins for skate park By Giancarlo Santoro

By Peter Clark Now that the new skate park has a location, the city is gathering public input on its design. The Issaquah City Council approved a parcel at Tibbetts Valley Park for the construction of the skate park May 19. The budgeted $350,000 will go to remove the current one, which caused ongoing community concern due to the presence of drug use and illicit activities, and build a new one sometime in 2015. The Parks & Recreation Department held the first of three community public input meetings June 18 to collect ideas from local residents about what they would like to see in the new attraction. “We really need to hear from you guys what you want to see there,” City Parks & Recreation Manager Brian Berntsen said to the crowd of about 30 residents and skaters gathered in Tibbetts Creek Manor for the meeting. “That’s really what we want from you guys. We want to get as many people in as part of the process as we can.” See SKATE

PARK, Page A2

To the untrained eye, Paul Weigel, 44, seems like your typical Issaquah resident — a healthy, hardworking family man with an unquenchable thirst for fitness and the great outdoors. While most use the summer months for leisure, Weigel spends his time training to compete in the Ironman Canada competition in July in Whistler, British Colombia. Self-described as “5-foot-10 and about 200 pounds,” Weigel arrives for an interview in a tan T-shirt, green khaki pants and running shoes. A bike sits securely latched atop his car, which he said was in need of a tune-up. A seasoned marathon runner, hiker and triathlete, Weigel caught the exercise bug during his 20s when he left his native Colorado to attend the University of Puget Sound in Tacoma. After finishing school, he realized he was becoming increasingly sedentary at work, and he began organizing hikes with friends at many of the picturesque mountain ranges that surround Issaquah and Sammamish.

‘It was terrifying’ But as he got older the exercise began to wear on his Contributed body. After undergoing two hip surgeries in March 2013, Weigel Paul Weigel takes his first steps with his daughter Natalie, 4, after cancer began having problems with his surgery.

“No one five months after finishing chemotherapy does an Ironman, so if I’m able to, then lots of other people can do a lot of pretty cool things, and life is pretty good on the other side.” — Paul Weigel Cancer survivor and Ironman

gastrointestinal system. “As a guy, sometimes you have symptoms and you kind of ignore them,” Weigel said frankly. “The fact that I had the complications from surgery, though, really amplified the need to go see a doctor.” To be safe, Weigel visited a specialist at Overlake Medical Center for a routine colonoscopy and blood work check up. While his blood work came back without any issues, the colonoscopy didn’t. Weigel would have to put his outdoor excursions on hold for something he never expected: A tumor the size of a lemon was found in his colon, and he was diagnosed with stage three colorectal cancer. “I went to sleep thinking, ‘I don’t have cancer, I’m fine,’ and then to be told you do, immeSee IRONMAN, Page A2

75 cents

A2 • Wednesday, June 25, 2014

The Issaquah Press

Ironman from page A1

diately my thoughts were about my family,” Weigel said. “I asked myself, ‘How long did I have? And did I have a future?’ It was terrifying.” A resident of South Cove on west Lake Sammamish, Weigel knew he had to act fast if he was going to win the battle. With the support of his wife Laurel and his 4-year-old daughter Natalie, he checked himself into the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance at the University of Washington and dove into radiation treatment immediately. Odds in his favor Stage three colorectal cancer meant that the tumor had invaded the walls of Weigel’s intestine, blocking the ability for anything to go through. Luckily, it didn’t spread to his kidneys Contributed or liver, meaning the odds of Paul Weigel swims in his first triathlon seven weeks after his recovery were in his favor. surgery. While at the SCCA, he

Skate park: Public can still get involved from page A1

Through a request for proposals process, the city chose Seattle-based Grindline Concrete Skatepark Design and Construction to shape the new park. Lead designer Micah Shapiro introduced the project to the meeting’s attendees and talked about the personal connection Grindline shares with Issaquah. “We’re all pretty excited about this project,” he said. “We all started skating in the Northwest, including Issaquah’s skate park when it was the latest and the greatest. It’s cool to see something new here.” Shapiro laid out Grindline’s approach to community-involved design of the park, which will include a

June 30 meeting to evaluate a preliminary design and a July 9 meeting to present a final concept. After that, the design will go out to bid for contractors with expected construction to begin next summer. For the first meeting, Shapiro said he just wanted to hear initial ideas for the park. “The more input we get the better,” he said. “We really try to custom-tailor our parks to the community. I always tell people to think about what you want to be skating in five years.” Site could limit features He said the triangleshaped spot across from the Issaquah Park & Ride provided some pros and cons for designing a skate park, expected to be 8,000 to 10,000 square feet. It offers a visibility and convenience, but the terrain may limit the features. “It would be tough to do a really deep bowl,” Shapiro said, referring to a feature of some skateboarding parks. “The drainage there may be a problem.” Everyone in the room was allowed a chance to express what they wanted

in a new skate park. They reached an easy consensus as most everyone expressed wanting to see diversity in the park. “I would like to see a good mix of street and transition,” local skater Austin Fischer said, referring to different forms of skateboarding. “It doesn’t have to be too big or too crazy.” Shapiro defined street skating as using what is out in the urban environment and transition skating as using a quarter-pipe, half-pipe and bowls. Fischer voiced an appreciation of Seattle’s Judkins Skatepark, which Grindline designed, as a good example of what he would like to have in Tibbetts Valley Park. He was not alone. As more people gave their opinions, most asked for variety and used Judkins Skatepark as a standard. “This is probably going to be the skate park for a long time,” local skater Chris Shepard said. “I think it’d be a good idea if it’s not dedicated to just one thing.” Shapiro stressed that Grindline also wanted to make each park unique to

relied on the expertise of radiation oncologist Dr. Edward Kim, medical oncologist Dr. Gabriela Chiorean and surgeon Dr. Gary Mann, who he referred to as his army of specialists. “Radiation and chemotherapy were used before surgery to shrink his tumor and sterilize any tumor cells that could have contaminated adjacent tissue,” Kim said. “We believe that colorectal cancers are best managed with a team approach that incorporates the expertise of all of these specialties.” Despite regular hospital visits, Weigel tried to lead a normal life. He continued to run internal communications for Outerwall, the company that controls Coinstar, Redbox and ecoATM, and spend time with his family. Although it was a very uncertain time for Weigel, he was determined to make sure he would join the growing number of cancer survivors. “I always had the faith and hope that I would beat it, but every day I was

IF YOU GO Skate Park design meetings 46-8 p.m. June 30 and 6-8 p.m. July 9 4Tibbetts Creek Manor 4750 17th Ave. N.W.

the community in which it’s built. So, he also asked for ideas of how to incorporate Issaquah into the design. Salmon and Issaquah’s trail systems were two ideas given by

City forbids fireworks without a permit Issaquah bans the use and possession of all fireworks without a permit. The ban, adopted in 1993, encompasses all fireworks, including sparklers, cones, fountains and Roman candles. On the Fourth of July, non-emergency fireworks calls can overload 911. City officials urge people to call 911 only for emergency assistance from police, fire or medics. To report non-emergencies, such as illegal

afraid I wouldn’t,” Weigel said. “What got me through was thinking I’m going to live a normal life until I’m 85 and see my daughter graduate from college.” Don’t give up Just three months after being diagnosed, Weigel was thinking of competing again, and reached out to triathlon coach Ben Bigglestone, of Team Vo2Multisport in Redmond. “I have been around athletes that have contracted cancer before and understand the impact the chemo, radiation and all the anti-nausea drugs can have on an athlete’s ability to lead a normal life,” Bigglestone said. “Given Paul’s desire to continue to work out, I could already tell nothing was going to keep this guy down for long.” After being declared cancer free in January, Weigel has been able to turn his full attention back to getting in shape, and has already completed 10 events since the beginning of the year. His main goal, however, is to be ready for

Ironman Canada on July 27. “The big thing about me doing this Ironman is, even during treatment, I would help put my daughter to sleep and imagine going across the finish line and holding her at the end,” Weigel said fighting back tears. “That was the real driver for me.” A grueling 2.4-mile swim, 112-mile bike ride and 26.2-mile marathon to top it off, Weigel hopes to finish the Ironman in 1415 hours. He will finish competing for the summer in August by riding in Obliteride, a fundraiser for the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. All funds raised go toward research for cancer prevention. Weigel’s advice for those battling cancer? Don’t give up. “No one five months after finishing chemotherapy does an Ironman, so if I’m able to, then lots of other people can do a lot of pretty cool things, and life is pretty good on the other side.”

residents. “Take something from Issaquah’s skate park,” Fischer said. “Just for nostalgia’s sake.” Skaters were not the only people represented. Parents and residents from other cities attended to gather information and give opinions. “I do think this has the opportunity to be a nice focal point for Issaquah and a nice draw for the community,” resident and parent Susan Lauinger said. “I would also like

to see places to sit, of course.” Shapiro said Grindline would take the information given in the meeting and apply it a preliminary concept. Above everything else, he asked the public to get involved in the process. “At the end of the day, I want you guys to feel like this is your skate park,” he said. “Like you had your say in it. The idea is it’s your guys’ skate park and we want you to feel like that.”

fireworks, call 837-3200.

Essay Mentors, with a presentation by founder Barak Rosenbloom, bested a company that pairs veterans with jobs, which took second place, and a business that promises delivery of medical marijuana within an hour, which received the audience choice award. As the winner of the Meetup, Essay Mentors will receive a table in Startup Alley during the TechCrunch Disrupt event in September. Startup Alley offers exclusive placement for new companies looking to attract investors or users.

Issaquah startup wins TechCrunch award Essay Mentors, an Issaquah-based startup that helps students draft college application essays, won news site TechCrunch’s Seattle Meetup June 12. The Meetup featured startup businesses competing through a “60-second pitch and a barrage of questions from local venture capitalists and TechCrunch editors,” according to TechCrunch.

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The Issaquah Press

Wednesday, June 25, 2014 •


DUI campaign reminder — driving while high is illegal Schools foundation and community network merge

With marijuana retail stores slated to open in early July, the Washington Traffic Safety Commission is launching the “Drive High, Get a DUI” campaign to remind those planning on patronizing the new businesses that driving high is illegal. The new messaging coincides with summertime DUI emphasis patrols kicking off July 1 and will

feature three 30-second television commercials. The Colorado Department of Transportation produced and aired the commercials in Colorado earlier this year as part of their efforts to combat people driving while high. The ads show individuals attempting activities while high. On-screen text points out that while it is now legal to do these things while

high, it is still not legal to drive under the influence of marijuana. View the ads at: 4BBQ — http://youtu. be/6wHqby9o6cI 4Free throw — http:// 4TV — http://youtu. be/4_qsZoS-wM0 Although Washington’s Initiative 502 did not provide funding for public education prior to legalization, WTSC officials believe

the campaign is critical to preventing impaired driving. These and all extra patrols are part of Target Zero, striving to end traffic deaths and serious injuries in Washington by 2030. Learn more at www. Additional information about the Washington Traffic Safety Commission is at www.

Attorney general’s open government bill signed into law The Open Government Trainings Act takes effect July 1. The law is designed to improve public disclosure practices and reduce lawsuits through mandatory training of public officials. A 2012 state Auditor’s Office study found more than 250 “open governmentrelated issues” among local governments. The report found most violations are the result of insufficient training and knowledge, leading to lawsuits that could have been prevented. The law will: 4Require local and

statewide records officers and elected officials to receive training on the Public Records Act and records retention requirements; 4Require members of governing bodies to receive training on the Open Public Meetings Act — including state and local boards, councils and commissions, as well as local taxing districts, such as fire and sewer districts; 4Authorize training to be completed remotely, including online training; and 4Confirm that the state Attorney General’s Office may provide information,

technical assistance and training. The new law applies to elected and appointed members of school boards, library districts, fire protection districts, conservation districts, water districts, flood districts, transportation benefit districts, housing authorities, and hospital districts, as well as city councils and count commissions. The Attorney General’s Office estimates that about 6,000 public officials across state will be required to take training. A court can increase or

decrease a violation penalty depending on whether the public agency received public records training. This law will protect taxpayer dollars, lead to greater compliance, fewer lawsuits and lower penalties. The original bill was amended to exclude the law from applying to legislative members. The Attorney General’s Office has launched an online open government training and resource page at to assist agencies in complying with the new law.

200 bus

Committee during a special meeting June 16. Along with the survey results, those at the meeting also began to discuss alternatives. “There’s really a wide universe of options we could consider,” Infrastructure Committee Chairman Joshua Schaer said. “Getting people where they need to go and pricing it right, these are really important to me.”

of our 200 users use it for really big necessities.” Partnerships, either through public or private entities, are among the options considered by the administration. But before it can pursue any options, it needs a clearer view of the city’s priorities. “Part of it is the council providing us some direction,” Lehner said, pointing out the relatively small number of survey respondents compared to the city’s population. “Who do we want to serve? This isn’t that representative of the whole city.” She called the June 16 meeting the beginning of answering many questions. “It was really just a starter conversation,” Lehner said. Funding will take up a large part of that conversation. “It’s going to be an issue of budget,” City Trans-

portation Manager Gary Costa said. “It costs Metro Transit over $1.2 million to run the 200 bus.” The city puts in about $50,000 annually as a fare box subsidy to Metro Transit to keep the bus free. Though the cutting of the route will make that $50,000 possibly available for other transportation options, the administration does not yet know if it will be enough to provide a solution for the 200 route riders. “We don’t know for sure and we won’t know what we can do until we know what we can afford,” Costa said. “We just haven’t gotten there yet.”

from page A1

it difficult to count the number of riders. “Which is why we performed our own survey.” Through April and May, the city worked with the Issaquah Food & Clothing Bank and the Issaquah Valley Senior Center to distribute a survey and collect information about who used the 200 bus and why. A bleak picture Lehner said the need expressed by the answers gathered from the 214 responses painted a bleak picture. “It’s not good — 56.3 percent said losing the 200 bus would have a severe impact on their life,” she said. Only 10 percent of those who responded said they did not ride the 200 bus at all. The rest cited varied uses of the transit route for everything from trips to the grocery store to doctor visits. “These are folks that have few other options,” Lehner said. “We haven’t really reached out before to hear their stories and their interests.” She, along with other members of the inter-departmental Transportation Mobility Team, presented the findings to the City Council’s Infrastructure


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Options versus costs Options include contracting a shuttle bus through Metro Transit, community vans, ride-sharing options and bike-sharing options. The committee split on whether to focus on allowing for greater flexibility with an option like ride shares, or to provide the reliability that comes with fixed schedules. “There’s definitely competing interests and concerns,” Schaer said, emphasizing that the committee understood the impact caused by the loss of the route. “The majority

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No firm schedule At this time, both Schear and Lehner said Metro Transit has not confirmed a schedule for when the 200 bus would cease running.

Two leading youth advocate organizations — the Issaquah Schools Foundation and Issaquah Community Network — are joining forces to better serve students of the Issaquah School District. The two groups will formally merge Sept. 1 with the Issaquah Schools Foundation providing funding for the new initiative. “We are excited by the possibilities the merger offers,” foundation Executive Director Robin Callahan said in a news release. “The foundation’s goal is to help all students achieve the promise of their potential. The community network addresses the underlying issues that keep our children from reaching their potential. It’s a strategically aligned pairing.” “The foundation and the network have been working together collaboratively for many

Despite the lack of a firm schedule, Costa says he’s expecting the route to end in just a few months. “My understanding is that Metro Transit is planning to cut it in September of this year,” Costa said. “If something else happens, they might delay it.” The administration’s task is made all the more difficult due to Metro Transit’s expected service cuts. “Our biggest partner with this is Metro Transit,” Lehner said. “Bringing them to the table is not really possible because of all they are going through. Metro is working within a rapidly changing environment.” With the information gained from the Infrastructure Committee, the Transportation Mobility Team will spend a few months researching the city’s alternatives for the 200 route. “We will come back in

years and appreciate each other’s dedication to the health and welfare of our children,” Barbara de Michele, executive director of the community network, said in the release. “This new relationship will allow us to leverage the strengths of both groups to fully support the needs of the whole child — academic, social and emotional.” The Issaquah Community Network will continue addressing key youth and family issues including suicide and substance abuse prevention, homelessness, bullying and harassment, and reducing adverse childhood experiences. The network also encompasses the Drug Free Community Coalition and BEST, a sub-committee focused on suicide prevention and emotional resiliency. Both groups will transition to the foundation as part of the merger.

the fall and hopefully have more of these options flushed out for them,” Lehner said. She admitted exploring those options could run up against Metro Transit’s suspension of the route 200 bus. “There’s a lot of concern about that,” she said. “Even if we had a solution right now, we would still need some partners to achieve that.” Above everything else, she stressed the immediacy felt by the administration to survey the problem. “We do take this very seriously,” Lehner said, commenting that the city’s investigation could lead to service disruption for many residents. “We’re working on it as hard as we can.” Metro Transit did not return requests for comment.

The IssaquahPress

A4 • Wednesday, June 25, 2014


E ditorial

Bus study is only part of the puzzle


ays are numbered for the 200 bus, the shuttle marked “freebee” that residents are used to seeing around town. While it’s unfortunate, the removal of the bus should provide a catalyst to look at transportation across the city. After the failure of King County’s Proposition 1 last fall, Metro announced the 200, along with a handful of commuter routes serving Issaquah, will stop service in September. The city spends about $50,000 per year — on top of Metro’s $1.2 million (which also comes from city residents, of course) to keep the bus running. The route sees about 400 boardings per day; one person might board multiple times, so that doesn’t necessarily mean those are unique passengers. The exact number is tough to come by, since Metro rounds ridership to the nearest 100. (By the way, Metro, why are you rounding to the nearest 100? For lower ridership routes, it presents a range that’s far too large as a percentage of the total to be meaningful.) Issaquah officials have started a study of the route, finding out how they might re-purpose dollars to find ways to serve those people who depend on the bus to get to work or shopping. The study is a good idea, but it should be combined with a broader transportation survey. The City Council has said it wants to engage in a larger transportation master plan; this study should inform part of that larger effort. While the city looks at ways that new programs or contracts might directly offset the loss of the route, that might not be the most efficient plan. What if dozens of small changes under a more holistic program would have the same effect for the same or lower cost? Yes, the need for this is more immediate, and a broad transportation study would likely take years to complete. That’s all the more reason to get started sooner, rather than wait and find out there may have been a better answer.

O ff T he P ress

Placing the blame for the popped balloon


magine a balloon floating lazily through the air, as nonchalant and easy-going as can be. Now, imagine sticking a needle in that balloon before it can flutter away. Pop! That’s what it felt like June 22 when the air was sucked from the lungs of thousands of stars-and-stripes-clad fans at Fuel sports bar in downtown Seattle. Thirty seconds from the final whistle, Portugal star Cristiano Ronaldo — who had done his best to be ineffective and virtually invisible most of the match — whipped in a tremendous crossing pass to his teammate Silvestre Varela, who easily headed the ball past helpless United States goalkeeper Tim Howard. What had been a surefire American victory — and advancement to the knockout stages of the World Cup — just moments earlier turned into the needle-through-the-balloon scenario no one wanted to believe possible. Portugal 2, United States 2. The dream of the U.S. navigating the so-called “Group of Death” with a match yet to be played dashed. Hopes riding on the result of the June 26 group finale against Germany, one of the sport’s superpowers. As many in the Twitterverse suggested in the aftermath, soccer is a cruel sport, maybe the cruelest of them all. The U.S. controlled large sections of the match, only to see victory slip away because of two fateful mistakes. It would be easy to blame U.S. central defender Geoff Cameron

for both of Portugal’s goals. In the first five minutes of the game, he flubbed an easy clearing attempt, serving the ball on a silver platter Neil to Portuguese Pierson striker Nani for Press reporter an open shot near the goal. And after the U.S. had fought back so hard to take the lead through Jermaine Jones and Seattle Sounders FC star Clint Dempsey, Cameron mucked things up again. He got caught ball-watching and allowed Varela to slip behind him for the equalizer. Credit certainly goes to Ronaldo for a pinpoint pass, but the goal doesn’t happen if Cameron controls his own space and is less worried about a guy on the wing, 30 yards from goal, who was not only no threat to score, but was fairly well-marked by defender DaMarcus Beasley. Yup, that’s soccer. Two mistakes, two goals for the opponent, and an otherwise outstanding performance is marred. Cameron isn’t the only one to blame, though. Midfielder Michael Bradley, widely proclaimed as America’s best player (I’ll stick with Dempsey), made a terrible pass to set up the final scoring sequence. If Bradley just boots the ball to the other end of the field, the See SOCCER, Page A5

The IssaquahPress Published Every Wednesday Since 1900 1085 12TH AVE. N.W., SUITE D1 • ISSAQUAH, KING COUNTY, WA 98027

$35 PER YEAR / $60 TWO YEARS / $25 PER YEAR FOR SENIORS ADD $15 OUTSIDE KING COUNTY / $20 OUTSIDE STATE official newspaper for the city of issaquah

T o the E ditor Issaquah Creek watershed

specific restoration and acquisition projects. Of those nine, four Thanks to the city for its diliwere city of Issaquah proposals. gence and commitment to salmon Of the $1,520,273 available for recovery distribution, the funding desigThe Friends of the Issaquah nated for Issaquah’s projects was $490,000. Salmon Hatchery want to pass along our congratulations and Without the excellent work appreciation to staff with the city from city staff and the mayor of Issaquah for outstanding work and the City Council’s support for representing the city in the most salmon recovery, the Issaquah Creek watershed would have lost recent WRIA 8 2014 Watershed Management Grant Program. an invaluable opportunity to fund Out of 15 proposals submitted, this much-needed work. As in the past, it was noted nine were selected for site-

F rom the W eb Public marijuana, open pot container laws could come Oh my. I know Issaquah is a

sweet little town where there is no real crime, at least not very often. But really: Citing people for having a visible container of

S hare Y our V iews Citizens can make a difference by contacting their elected representatives.

State — 41st District

that Issaquah consistently makes persuasive presentations. During this time of hypercritical focus on city governments, we wanted to make sure when the city does a good job, it gets proper recognition. With gratitude we wish to thank them for a job well done. FISH appreciates partnering with a city that has such a strong commitment to the preservation and conservation of our salmon.

Jane Kuechle, executive director

FISH board of directors

pot in their car? This is what we want our police to do? If there’s nothing better for them to do, maybe we need to reduce the size of the force and save some tax money. Wes Howard-Brook Councilwoman Eileen Barber: Councilman Tola Marts: Councilwoman Nina Milligan: Councilwoman Mary Lou Pauly: MaryLouP@issaquahwa. gov Councilman Joshua Schaer: Write to the mayor and City Council at: City of Issaquah, P.O. Box 1307, Issaquah, WA 98027. Call 837-3000.

Sen. Steve Litzgow (R), 416 Legislative Building, P.O. Box 40441, Olympia, WA 98504Federal 00441; 360-786-7641; 453-3076; President Barack Obama (D), The White House, 1600 PennRep. Tana Senn (D), 419 John L. O’Brien Building, P.O. Box sylvania Ave. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20500; 202-456-1414; www. 40600, Olympia, WA 98504-0600; 360-786-7894; 453-3037; tana. U.S. Sen. Maria Cantwell (D), 311 Hart Senate Office BuildRep. Judy Clibborn (D), 415 John L. O’Brien Building, P.O. Box ing, Washington, D.C., 20510; 202-224-3441; cantwell.senate. 40600, Olympia, WA 98504-0600; Issaquah School Board gov; 915 Second Ave., Suite 512, 360-786-7926; 453-3075; clibSeattle, WA 98174; 206-220-6400 President Brian Deagle, 785U.S. Sen. Patty Murray (D), Toll-free Legislative Hotline: 8623; deagleb@issaquah.wednet. 800-562-6000 154 Russell Senate Office Buildedu ing, Washington, D.C. 20510; Director Lisa Callan, 260202-224-2621; murray.senate. 4878; callanl@issaquah.wednet. County gov; Jackson Federal Building, edu Room 2988, 915 Second Ave., Director Anne Moore, 643King County Executive Dow Seattle, WA 98174; 206-553-5545 Constantine, King County Chi0278; MooreA@issaquah.wednet. U.S. Rep. Dave Reichert (Redu nook Building, 401 Fifth Ave., 8th District), 1127 Longworth Director Marnie Maraldo, Suite 800, Seattle, WA 98104; House Office Building, Washing220-3389; maraldom@issaquah. 206-263-9600; kcexec@kington, D.C. 20515; 202-225-7761; 22605 S.E. 56th St., Suite 130,
IsDirector Suzanne Weaver, King County Councilwoman 313-2494; weavers@issaquah. saquah, WA 98029;
677-7414 Kathy Lambert, District 3. King County Courthouse, 516 Third Ave., 12th floor, Seattle, WA 98104; 206-477-1003; 800-325State — 5th District 6165 toll free; kathy.lambert@ Sen. Mark Mullet (D), 415 Legislative Building, P.O. Box King County Councilman 40405, Olympia, WA 98504-0405, Reagan Dunn, District 9, King Letters of 300 words or less 360-786-7608; 270-8812; mark. County Courthouse, 516 Third should be emailed or mailed by Ave., Room 1200, Seattle, WA noon Friday. We will edit for space, Rep. Chad Magendanz (R), 98104; 206-477-1009; 800-325potential libel and/or political 427 JLOB, P.O. Box 40600, 6165 toll free; reagan.dunn@ relevance. Letters addressing local Olympia WA 98504-0600; news receive priority. Letters must 786-7876; chad.magendanz@leg. be signed and have a daytime City phone number to verify authorship. Rep. Jay Rodne (R), 430 JLOB, P.O. Box 40600, Olympia, Mayor Fred Butler: fredb@ WA 98504-0600; 360-786-7852; Email: Council President Paul WinMail: P.O. Box 1328, Toll-free Legislative Hotline: terstein: Issaquah, WA 98027 800-562-6000. Deputy Council President Stacy Goodman: stacyg@is-


Advertising: Classifieds: Ad Representative Deanna Jess Ad Representative Carolyn Trujillo Ad Representative Donna Duvall Ad Representative Sandy Tirado


Newsroom: Managing Editor Kathleen R. Merrill Reporter Peter Clark Reporter Christina Corrales-Toy Reporter David Hayes Reporter Neil Pierson Photographer Greg Farrar

Circulation: Kelly Bezdzietny

General Manager/Advertising: Joe Heslet phone: 392-6434/Fax: 392-1695 Postmaster: Send address changes to The Issaquah Press, P.O. Box 1328, Issaquah, WA 98027

Corrections The Issaquah Press is committed to accuracy. Email us at Tell us whether you are talking about content in the newspaper or online, and give us the date of the paper or the posting.

The Issaquah Press

Intruder shocked while stealing copper wire A man trying to steal copper wire at the McDonald Substation near Issaquah was shocked June 18. He caused a loss of power to about 2,800 Puget Sound Energy customers in Renton. The man climbed on top of a transformer at about 4:30 a.m., according to Eastside Fire & Rescue Battalion Chief Dave McDaniel. The man suffered severe burns covering 60 percent to 70 percent of his body.

Authorities to conduct water-emphasis patrols The Operation Dry Water campaign and emphasis patrols are June 27-29 throughout Washington and will focus on preventing injury and death in accidents resulting from boating under the influence. The program is aimed at raising awareness and getting impaired boat operators off the water by actively enforcing the law that prohibits using alcohol and drugs while operating a boat, according to a news release from the Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission. Between 2004 and 2013, at least 64 people died in Washington state boating accidents where alcohol use was a contributing factor, according to the Washington State Parks Boating Program. Recent U.S. Coast Guard statistics report that boat-

ing under the influence is still the leading factor in fatal boating accidents, with 17 percent of boating fatalities being a direct result of alcohol use by the operator. Boat operators may be cited if their blood alcohol concentration exceeds the state limit of .08 percent. Last June, 169 Washington marine law enforcement officers made contact with 3,908 recreational boaters and issued 1,364 boating safety warnings, six BUI citations and 219 citations for other violations. Learn more about the national Operation Dry Water campaign at www.

Internet purchase of fireworks remains illegal

indoors. 4Be Safe — Only adults should light fireworks. 4Be Responsible — Clean up fireworks debris. Learn more about fireworks ordinances in your city or county information regarding fireworks at

Bridge tolls are going up on 520 The annual increase in tolls on the state Route 520 bridge is set to go into effect July 1. The rate will go up by about 2.5 percent. Peakhour rates with a Good to Go! pass will rise to $3.80, while peak-hour rates without a pass will go up to $5.40.

The tolls fund a portion of the construction on the bridge and should raise $1.2 billion of the $4.3 billion projected cost. State and federal funding make up some of the rest. There is about $1.4 billion needed for the project that does not yet have a funding source identified. This is the third of four annual 2.5-percent rate increases in the works. In 2016, there’s a planned balloon increase of 15 percent. No increases are planned beyond 2016 to help fund the bridge replacement, but the Washington State Transportation Commission, which sets the rates, may still implement them if needed.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014 •

Soccer from page A4

goal never happens. Bradley also missed a glorious scoring chance early in the second half, with his shot saved on the goal line by a Portuguese defender who epitomized the definition of right place, right time. If Bradley scores, then the Jones and Dempsey goals likely cement the win. My wife and I, who had gleefully joined in the beer-and-water-throwing celebration following the two American goals, were among the throng who filed out of Fuel in a state


of shock. The train ride home was equally sober — pun intended. However, I know we wouldn’t trade the rollercoaster of emotions during that two-hour span for anything. This is why sports provides the ultimate reality TV experience. You never know what’s going to happen. That holds true for this week’s big game against Germany. The U.S. will surely be a big underdog, but one perfect moment may be all they need to steal some points and move on in the tournament. And even if we have our balloon popped again, well, that lazy little ride along the breeze was still pretty fun.

State Fire Marshal Charles M. Duffy reminds Washingtonians that the purchase of fireworks over the Internet is illegal. In Washington state, fireworks must be purchased from a licensed retail fireworks stand during the legal sales period. Orders for fireworks cannot be placed over the Internet or posted on websites such as craigslist. Residents should talk with family members and guests about the fireworks laws for their area. Fireworks are banned within the city of Issaquah limits. The Office of the State Fire Marshal asks that you remember the three Bs of fireworks safety: 4Be Prepared — Have water nearby and put pets

June 25,2014

Special section of The Issaquah Press Advertising Dept.

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For the past ten years, Meadow Creek Business Center has offered a full spectrum of work space configurations to Issaquah, Sammamish and I-90 communities to the east. From private executive suites to virtual offices for homebased businesses, several options are available. Richard Gabel, owner of Workers can openly collaborate at The White Board. Meadow Creek Business “Coworking space can be beneficial Center and The White to workers who miss the collaborative Board describes how his services benefit energy that comes from working in a his customers. “Our clients range from sales offices for typical office.” says Gabel. “Coworking is an economical way to escape the solitude large corporations to the primary place and distractions of home, and the noise of business for smaller businesses and a and unprofessional atmosphere of the variety of professionals and freelancers. coffee shop.” We provide turnkey workspace solutions Client Amy Alexander agrees. “I have that allow our clients to avoid the hassle of managing an office, making the capital been working at the White Board for one year. It has been a lifesaver for me investment and the taking on the burden as I work remotely for an environmental of a long-term lease. We also support consulting firm and find working from mobile workers and home-based busihome too distracting. I am more producnesses with virtual offices, hourly office tive going to The White Board each day. rental and meeting rooms to provide It feels like an office away from home, a professional presence when meeting providing all I need to work efficiently clients.” Leases range from multi-year to month- and effectively while giving me a social to-month along with hourly rental of fur- and networking outlet in a warm, comfortable atmosphere. An added bonus nished office space and meeting rooms. is being located in Gilman Village with Phone and high speed internet service is a coffee shop, restaurants, and all kinds included. Virtual office services include of other great local shops just a few steps mailboxes, phone answering, screening away.” and forwarding, scheduling and other Meadow Creek Business Center and administrative/virtual assistant services. The White Board offers the only fullyThe latest addition to Meadow Creek’s serviced office space and coworking site suite of services, The White Board, offers in the area. For more information, visit coworking space for entrepreneurs, dents, freelancers and remote workers.

The IssaquahPress



Wednesday June 25, 2014

Apollo students pen book about the ABCs of firefighters By Christina Corrales-Toy Kittens, ladders, sirens and zombies — yes, zombies — all have something in common. They each make an appearance in the Apollo Elementary School student-penned book “Firefighter Nozzlehead Letter by Letter.” At just 7 and 8 years old, Jamie Burcheci’s secondgrade students are now published authors. They unveiled at a June 17 celebration their picture book about what firefighters do. Firefighters use ladders to save kittens, sound the siren when someone is in trouble and even take down zombies with water hoses, according to the book. “We had to get creative with the letter Z,” Burcheci said. “In the end, we thought why don’t we end it on a funny note with a zombie, and how firefighters, among their many other important duties, can protect us from the zombies, too.” The publication is a joint effort between the students and TJ Spencer, author of the Nozzlehead book series. Spencer created the Nozzlehead character in 1999 as a way to show the public, especially children, a firefighter’s daily responsibilities. Nozzlehead’s friendly, passionate demeanor is meant to make kids comfortable around firefighters, Spencer said. “The idea was to create a character that the kids could relate to, and our big key factor is the masks,” he said. “One of the things that scare the kids the most is the masks. Nozzlehead shows them there’s nothing to be afraid of.” When Spencer isn’t writing, he’s known as Eastside Fire & Rescue firefighter Tim Castner, where he works out of station 78 in Renton. He uses TJ Spencer as a pen name in honor of his grandmother,

ON THE WEB Buy the Apollo secondgraders’ creation on Amazon at, and learn more about the Nozzlehead book series at Elizabeth Spencer Moquin. The collaboration with Burcheci’s class came naturally, Spencer said, given that station 78 handles Apollo’s fire drills. The original intent was to craft an A-Z compilation of firefighter duties, but someone already beat them to that idea, Spencer said, so they settled on the “letter by letter” concept. Each student created at least one page of the book, complete with illustrations and text. Spencer would visit the class to help them come up with ideas and model his uniform for the budding artists. “The whole process was very exciting,” Burcheci said. “I always stress the importance of writing in the classroom and we’ve gone through the process of editing, rough drafts and the publishing part, but this, actually getting to publish a real book, was a great opportunity for the kids.” The second-graders read aloud their book in front of parents and Apollo staff June 17. Spencer was there to introduce the new authors, and watch as they held the book in their hands for the first time. None of it would have been possible without the class teacher, Burcheci, a nine-year veteran of the Apollo staff, Spencer said. Burcheci was crucial in spotting proofreading errors and keeping the project organized. “These kids are really important to her and it is evident in everything she does,” he said. “She was just an immense amount of help in the project.”

Photos by Michael Johnson

The members of the Tiger Mountain Community High School class of 2014 throw their caps into the air after the ceremonies.


Tiger Mountain Community High School celebrated its class of 2014 on June 16

Above, Gregory Mathiesen shows how this self-proclaimed redneck pronounces America. He has joined the Army and will be heading to boot camp in the fall. At right, teacher Lane Helgeson tells student Cassie Fowler that he won’t need her services after she completes cosmetology school.

“Dear graduates of 2014, We are so very proud of you! We recognize your hard work, time, and effort in earning your diploma. We know that this is just one of many more future accomplishments and hope that this joyous event springboards to more reaching goals and success. Remember that the road toward success is never easy and always requires effort. There will be endless challenges and obstacles that confront you, but these challenges make life interesting and rich. Persistence is key — no matter how many roadblocks you encounter remember to never give up. Ten percent of life is what happens to you; 90 percent is how you react to it. You’ve shown us the importance of this, because you didn’t give up and you accomplished your goal … you’ve graduated!” — Michael Schiehser, Tiger Mountain Community High School principal

Chorus celebrates America June 29 By Rachel Osgood By Christina Corrales-Toy

Jamie Burcheci and her second-grade students celebrate their new published book, ‘Firefighter Nozzlehead Letter by Letter.’

Public invited to Ham Radio club’s Field Day operation The annual Issaquah Amateur Radio Club’s Field Day operation will be June 28-29 at the Sunny Hills Elementary School playground, by the ball field. Set up begins about 9 a.m. Saturday, June 28, with the goal of getting on the air at 11 a.m. Operations will continue until 11 a.m. Sunday, when members will begin tearing down their installation. The public is invited to come by any time to see the operation. If conditions permit, they may even try to get you on the air to experience ham radio for yourself during this American Radio Relay League event.

There are now more than 700,000 Amateur Radio licensees in the U.S., and more than 2.5 million around the world. Through the ARRL’s Amateur Radio Emergency Services program, ham volunteers provide emergency communications for thousands of state and local emergency response agencies and nonemergency community services, all for free. Learn more about Amateur Radio at www. Learn more about the Issaquah group and event at or call Barry Hansen at 503-5548 or John MacDuff at 3927623.

Celebrate the Fourth of July at Pickering Barn, where Master Chorus Eastside will hold its 14th annual Celebrate America concert. “The concert is very informal and a lot of fun, with ample opportunity for the audience to sing along” said Dr. Linda Gingrich, artistic director and conductor of the chorus. “We tend to do a lot of watching in our culture, and it is important to keep

these songs and traditions alive as we sing together.” This year’s concert focuses on the great American oratory tradition with excerpts from historical speeches, such as Patrick Henry’s “Give me liberty, or give me death” speech. “The audience can look forward to being entertained and learning about the history of our country,” chorus member Jody Warren said. “The whole learning experience is enhanced as it is presented through music of the era.” The concert will also

highlight the 200th anniversary of the national anthem with early and sing-along renditions of “The Star Spangled Banner.” “The purpose of the concert is to bring the Issaquah community together to memorialize our nation’s independence through music,” Gingrich said. The chorus is now in its 23rd season. The group mostly performs on the Eastside, but has appeared at Benaroya Hall in Seattle, throughout Western Washington and

The birds and the bees revisited By Jane Garrison Most of us think flowers are pretty just in order to decorate the world. Wrong! Flowers are pretty so that they can procreate, so they can have babies and make more flowers. Beauty creates sexual attraction in flowers as well as in human beings. We think we are alone in the ability to appreciate

beauty. Wrong again! The birds and even the lowly insects, the targets of fly swatters, have an eye for color, pattern, shapes, movement, smells and all things that we attribute to the term “beautiful.” Plants reproduce in two ways: by wind and by pollinators. Wind-pollinated flowers are plain, like grains of grass. They start out pale green and turn

Master gardener’s corner With Jane Garrison

to a very bland hay color when ripe. We don’t pick them and put them in vases, and bugs don’t like them either. What these flowers like is wind, wind that blows their pollen around and doesn’t care

IF YOU GO Master Chorus Eastside Celebrate America concert 4Pickering Barn 41730 10th Ave. N.W. 43 p.m. June 29 4Tickets available for $10 to $15. 4392-8446

on the Argosy Christmas ship.

what they look or smell like. These plain flowers don’t waste any effort trying to be beautiful. On the other hand, the beautiful flowers we like are anxious to please pollinators, most of which are insects, birds, snails and bats. What these animals are doing is traveling around looking for food in the form of nectar, located inside the flowers. In doSee BIRDS, Page A9

A7 • Wednesday, June 25, 2014

The Issaquah Press



JUNE 26 - JULY 2


Down Home 4th of July and Heritage Day, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. July 4, downtown and Veterans’ Memorial Field,

squirt toys night, 6:30-9:30 p.m. July 11, Julius Boehm Pool, 50 S.E. Clark St., $10/ families, $4/adults, $3/ youths,

Sixth annual Frogs & Dogs Festival, lots of canine and amphibian activities benefitting Friends of the Salmon Hatchery, noon, Issaquah Brewhouse, 35 W. Sunset Way,, $5/ adults, kids and dogs free

5K Foam Fest, mud and foam run with obstacle course, 8 a.m. July 12, Lake Sammamish State Park, 2000 N.W. Sammamish Road,, $80/ advance, $90/same day

ArtWalk, with live music and hands-on art, downtown, 6-9 p.m. July 11, Splash Into Summer: Family Fridays at the Pool, family

‘Art Outside’ Highlands Day, a celebration of environmental arts with plein air painting, hands-on art projects, music and inflatable fun, July 14-20, Village Green and Blakely Hall, 2550 N.E. Park Drive,

Nineteenth annual Gaslamp Golf Scramble, four-person scramble, $95 includes dinner, Snoqualmie Falls Golf Course, 35109 S.E. Fish Hatchery Road, Fall City, registration info at Evergreen Trail Run, 5-mile to 50K trail runs, 8 a.m., Taylor Mountain, 18808 276th Place N.E., www.evergreentrailruns. com, $30 to $53 Farmers market, featuring the Reptile Man family reptile show, country music by MissyG Band, petting zoo, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., rain or shine, Pickering Barn, 1730 10th Ave. N.W.


Gaslamp Golf Scramble 10:30 a.m. June 28 Duffers of all stripes are invited to the Nineteenth annual Gaslamp Golf Scramble, a four-person scramble golf tournament. Registration, $95 per person, includes dinner, choice of prime rib or chicken, following the tournament at Snoqualmie Falls Golf Course, 35109 S.E. Fish Hatchery Road, Fall City. Get registration information at



Summer swim lessons begin at Julius Boehm Pool, dates and times for two-week sessions vary throughout summer, register at or call 837-3350

Talk Time: An English Conversation Class, 1 p.m., Sammamish Library, 825 228th Ave. S.E., 392-3130

‘Crow/Raven: Mystery and Magic’ art exhibit, through July 12, artEAST Art Center, 95 Front St. N., and Blakely Hall, 2550 N.E. Park Drive, ‘Prayer for the FIFA World Cup,’ live online Q & A, 11 a.m., Christian Science Reading Room, 415 Rainier Blvd. N., 392-8140

Dinner at the Elks, steak, live music, family friendly, 6 p.m., Lake Sammamish Elks Lodge, 765 Rainier Blvd. N., $12, 392-1400 Poker Night, $40 buy-in, nolimit Texas Hold ‘em tournament, 7-9:30 p.m., Blakely Hall, 2550 N.E. Park Drive, ‘Funny Girl,’ 7:30 p.m., through July 6, Francis J. Gaudette Theatre, 303 Front St. N., 392-2202


FRIDAY Issaquah Alps Dog Hike, easy, 4-6 miles, 1,000-foot elevation gain, 10 a.m., meet at 175 Rainier Blvd. S., Star Gazer on Taylor Hike, moderate, 7 miles, 1,400foot elevation gain, 10 a.m., meet at 175 Rainier Blvd. S.,

‘Clay Play for Adults,’ open clay studio, 6:30-9:30 p.m., artEAST art center, 95 Front St. N.,, $40/ members, $45/nonmembers Phillip Lomax, 7:30 p.m., Vino Bella, 99 Front St. N., 391-1424

Play & Learn Chinese, ages 2-5, 10:30 a.m., Issaquah Library, 10 W. Sunset Way, 392-5430

‘Funny Girl,’ 8 p.m., through July 6, Francis J. Gaudette Theatre, 303 Front St. N., 392-2202

Hawaiian Luau Social, free to public, 3-4 p.m., Spiritwood at Pine Lake, 3607 228th Ave. S.E., 3139100

The Heather Sullivan, 21 and older, 8:30 p.m., Pogacha, 120 N.W. Gilman Blvd., 392-5550, $5

JUNE 28-29


Send items for Let’s Go! to by noon Friday.

South Squak Hike, moderate, 8 miles, 1,500foot elevation gain, 9:30 a.m., meet at 175 Rainier Blvd. S., Monocular Making, make and explore the park with your own monocular, ages 6 and older, 1 p.m., meet at Lewis Creek Visitor Center, 5808 Lakemont Blvd. S.E., 452-4195, $2/residents, $3/nonresidents Surya Sun Festival, multicultural celebration of the summer solstice including Native American cultural show, Capoeira, Odissi dance recital and more, noon to 6 p.m., Central Park, 1907 N.E. Park Drive, free


mounts, 12 and older, 1 p.m., meet at Lewis Creek Visitor Center, 5808 Lakemont Blvd. S.E., 452-4195, $4/residents, $5/nonresidents

Cadillac and LaSalle Club Car Show and Picnic, 9 a.m. weather permitting, Triple XXX Rootbeer Drive-in, 98 N.E. Gilman Blvd., 392-1266

Mother Daughter Book Club, discuss ‘A Wrinkle in Time,’ by Madeleine L’Engle, 1 p.m., Sammamish Library, 825 228th Ave. S.E., 392-3130 ‘Fizz Boom Read,’ summer reading recommendations and science trivia, ages 8-12, 3 p.m., Sammamish Library, 825 228th Ave. S.E., 392-3130

Tradition Plateau Hike, easy, 4-5 miles, 600-foot elevation gain, 9:30 a.m., meet at 175 Rainier Blvd. S.,

The British Beats, 7:30 p.m., Vino Bella, 99 Front St. N., 391-1424

‘Animal Art,’ draw and sketch different Pacific Northwest species from a collection of wildlife

‘Funny Girl,’ 2 and 7 p.m., through July 6, Francis J. Gaudette Theatre, 303 Front St. N., 392-2202







Tennis and Friends, 9 a.m. to noon, Monday through Friday, Tibbetts Valley Park, 965 12th Ave. N.W., 50 and older, registration not required

at Tibbetts Valley Park, 6-8 p.m., Tibbetts Creek Manor, 750 17th Ave. N.W. Optimists Club, meets 6 p.m. first Wednesdays, Shanghai Garden, 80 Front St. N., issaquahoptimistclub.

Summer Toy Swap, bring a toy to recycle and get a ticket in exchange, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. through July 25, use ticket to swap for newto-you toy July 26, Recology CleanScapes, 317 N.W. Gilman Blvd., No. 22, 3920285

Rotary Club of Issaquah meeting, 12:15 p.m. Tuesdays, Tibbetts Creek Manor, 750 17th Ave. N.W.,

Volunteer in the Learning Garden at Pickering Barn, 5-7 p.m., (10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturdays), 1730 10th Avenue N.W., volunteer form at

‘New Ideas About Physical Activity and Weight Management Success,’ 7 p.m., Sammamish Library, 825 228th Ave. S.E., 3923130

Open gym volleyball, for men and women ages 16 and older, 6-9 p.m., community center, 301 Rainier Blvd. S., $4/adults, $3/youths

‘How Can I Grow Spiritually?’ live online Q & A, 11 a.m., Christian Science Reading Room, 415 Rainier Blvd. N., 392-8140

Toddler Story Time, ages 1-3, 10:30 a.m., Issaquah Library, 10 W. Sunset Way, 392-5430

Sammamish Farmers Market, 4-8 p.m., Sammamish Commons, 801 228th Ave. S.E.

Celebrate Recovery on the Plateau: 6 p.m. dinner and 7-9 p.m. meeting, Pine Lake Covenant Church, 1715 228th Ave. S.E.,

Lunch Bunch, bring your own lunch and enjoy stories and songs as you munch, ages 3-5, noon, Issaquah Library, 10 W. Sunset Way, 392-5430

Preschool Story Time, 10:30 a.m., Issaquah Library, 10 W. Sunset Way, 392-5430 ‘Gravity Catastrophe’ show, learn about physics with Professional Zaniac Alex Zerbe, 11 a.m. and noon, Issaquah Library, 10 W. Sunset Way, 392-5430 Help design a new skate park, meeting to discuss ideas for the new skate park

Did you know?

Open Mic Night, Train Depot museum, player sign-ups at 6:15 p.m., performances from 6:30-8:30 p.m., 78 First Ave. N.E., The Rovin’ Fiddlers, 7-9 p.m., senior center, 75 N.E. Creek Way, www.rovinfiddlers. com Geeks Who Drink Trivia Night, 7:30-9:30 p.m., Gaslamp Bar & Grill, 1315 N.W. Mall St., 392-4547

A must have, instant classic

‘Issaquah, My Home Town’

Infant Lapsit Story Time, ages 0-1, 11 a.m., Sammamish Library, 825 228th Ave. S.E., 392-3130 Infant Story Time, ages 0-1, 11:30 a.m., Issaquah Library, 10 W. Sunset Way, 392-5430

‘Funny Girl,’ 7:30 p.m., through July 6, Francis J. Gaudette Theatre, 303 Front St. N., 392-2202 Trivia Night, 7:30 p.m., Zeeks Pizza, 2525 N.E. Park Drive, 893-8646

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600 NW Gilman Blvd Ste. C • Issaquah •

The Issaquah Press

O bituaries Kenneth Schmelzer Kenneth Schmelzer, longtime resident of Issaquah, passed away peaceful- Kenneth Schmelzer ly June 12, 2014, in the home he had crafted. Kenneth was born Aug. 29, 1925, in Vancouver, Wash., to Herman and Gladys Schmelzer. After graduating from Vancouver High School, he was inducted into the United States Navy, where he honorably served his country on the USS Dixie throughout the South Pacific during World War II. After being discharged, he returned home to attend Washington State College, where he met his future wife of 60 years, Ruth Maxine Keith. Ken earned a degree in education, and later received his master’s degree from the same institution. Ken and Maxine moved to Issaquah in 1951, where he went on to teach industrial arts at Issaquah High School until 1985. After retirement, he worked remodeling homes in the Seattle region and spent his winters in Mesa, Ariz. Ken had many interests throughout his lifetime, but found his greatest passion in the history of logging in the western United States. He authored two books on the subject, which were

Andrew Paul Leonard

internationally known. In addition, he was an avid model railroad enthusiast and national awardwinning model-railroad builder. His knowledge of western logging history, and his success as a modeler, drew people from around the world to visit his home in Issaquah to expand their knowledge and view his work. His passion for research and history continued to the end of his life, leaving another book in progress. Maxine preceded Ken in death in November 2009. A devoted husband, father, grandfather and educator, he is survived by his two sons Keith, of Sacramento, Calif., and Jerry, of Carnation, daughter-in-law Teri, beloved granddaughters Taylor and Morgan, extended family and friends. Ken will be greatly missed by all. A committal service will be held at 1:30 p.m. Monday, June 30, 2014, at Tahoma National Cemetery, 18600 S.E. 240th St., Kent, WA 98042. Proceeding, a gathering to celebrate his life will occur at Flintoft’s Issaquah Funeral Home at 11:30 a.m. Please visit the website or call 392-4444 for location and information. Friends are encouraged to attend and invited to share memories. Sign the family’s online guest book at www. Remembrances may be made to the National Parkinson Foundation at

Andrew Paul Leonard, of Bellevue, passed Tuesday, June 10, 2014. A funeral Mass was June 24 at St. Madeleine Sophie Catholic Church in

Alan Hanson Mattock Alan Hanson Mattock, of Issaquah, passed away June 6, 2014, at his son Michael’s home in California. He was 89 years of age. Born Jan. 2, 1925, in Halifax, England, to Edith and W. Austin Mattock, Alan was raised in that city. He continued his education at Halifax Technical College, where he studied between 1942 and 1945, graduating with a Bachelor of Science in engineering with first class honors and was also awarded a Royal scholarship, which he was unable to take up until after his term of National Service. Between 1945 and 1947, Alan was engaged at work at a building research station, and in the Lancashire County Surveyor’s Department. Then, in 1947, he took up his Royal scholarship award and was for two years a graduate student at the Imperial College of London University. In 1947, he was awarded his Master of Science in engineering for a thesis on research in design of pre-stressed concrete. He was married to Margaret Julia Mattock on Aug. 20, 1949, at St. James’s Spanish Place, London, England. After marriage, Alan and Margaret traveled to British Guiana, South America, where Alan was a district engineer. Alan and Margaret returned to London in 1952, where Alan was a lecturer in civil engineering at the Imperial College, London University, and in 1955 was awarded his Ph.D. for research on the ultimate strength of pre-stressed


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Bellevue. View the full obituary, photos, directions and share memories at www. — Flintoft’s Funeral Home and Crematory, 392-6444

concrete beams. They moved to Glenview, Ill., in 1957, where Alan directed one of the research teams at the Chicago headquarters of the Portland Cement Association. Alan and Margaret then moved to Seattle in 1964, when Alan was appointed a full professor at the University of Washington. Alan remained actively engaged in research throughout the rest of his life, publishing well into his 80s as well as working as a referee and senior adviser to engineering research teams and standardssetting organizations. He was honored by several professional organizations for his significant contributions to civil engineering research. Alan and Margaret lived in Lake Forest Park for 31 years and later in Woodinville, before moving to Issaquah in 2003. Survivors include sons Christopher P. Mattock, of Vancouver, B.C., Canada, and Michael G. Mattock, of Los Angeles; daughter Elizabeth M. Mattock, of Bellingham; grandchildren Kristin, Megan, Andrew, David and Shaan; and greatgrandson Marshall. The family invites you to view photos and sign the online guestbook at Arrangements are entrusted to Flintoft’s Funeral Home and Crematory.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014 •


P ets of the W eek Ralphy is a real orange boy. He has that trademark orange tabby perRalphy sonality, a mix of extremes: extremely friendly, loving and playful with a hint of mischief. Ralphy is 4, but he still has that kitten fire burning inside of him.

Denali is a stunning 2-year-old Siberian husky mix with beautiful eyes and Denali a welcoming smile. She would be a wonderful companion for an active adopter ready for adventures — hiking, running or just out to have some fun!

To adopt these or other animals, call the Humane Society for Seattle/King County at 641-0080 or go to All animals are spayed/neutered, microchipped and vaccinated, and come with 30 days of pet health insurance and a certificate for a vet exam.

Catherine Moody Catherine (Cathie) Moody, of Redmond, peacefully passed away on June 8, Catherine Moody 2014, at the age of 96 in Kirkland. Cathie was born Nov. 15, 1917, in San Antonio, Texas, to Tom and Catherine Hurley. She married her husband Alf Moody in 1942, and the two of them eventually settled in Seattle with their three kids in 1952. Cathie was a dedicated wife, mother and grandmother who also focused on giving back to her community. She was an active member of the League of Women

Chemistry club wins competition The Issaquah High School Chemistry Club took first place in the “Imagine Tomorrow” competition. The club created a portable shower kit intended for use in countries that lack proper hygiene. It utilizes a filter system that reuses water from the shower that is cleaned before each use. The team won first place in Congressional

Voters of Lake Washington East for more than 50 years. Cathie also served as president of the Residents’ Council at the Emerald Heights Retirement Community. She enjoyed traveling to different parts of the world and watching sports, especially her alma mater U.C. Berkeley’s football team. Cathie is survived by her three children, Anne Dumond (Bill), of Redmond, Tom Moody, of Burlington, and Maryl Foster (Tom), of Issaquah. She is also survived by four grandchildren and four greatgrandchildren. Cathie was preceded in death by her husband Alf. In lieu of flowers, please donate in Cathie’s name to The Nature Conservancy or The Emerald Heights Benevolence Fund.

District 8 for new schools to the competition, as well as first place in the design category. The performance earned the club a $5,500 check, and the project was passed along to an organization that is considering using the shower in Sierra Leone. Issaquah competitors included seniors Cassidy Crickmore and Amanda Levenson, and juniors Anne Robertson and Ben Barnett.

The Issaquah Press

P olice & F ire Stolen wallet A wallet and its contents, worth an estimated $300, was stolen May 23 from the 21900 block of Southeast 51st Street.

Ring and run At about 11 p.m. May 23, three boys rang the doorbell of a man in the 1300 block of 270th Way Southeast and ran off. The man chased the boys in his car and caught up to them a few blocks later. The boys say the man yelled profanities and threatened them with a baseball bat. The man denies making a threat. All parties agreed there is a bit of a history behind the incident. All also agreed to have the incident documented without any charges being filed.

Stolen pressure washer A pressure washer, worth an estimated $300, was stolen May 24 from the 300 block of Mount Kenya Drive Southwest.

New paint job Damage worth an estimated $200 was caused May 26 by paint being poured on vehicle in the 300 block of Shangri-La Way Northwest.

Kindly cops Police helped “free a kitty from a chain link enclosure it had gotten itself stuck into,” according to a report May 27 in the 300 block of Rainier Boulevard South. The owner put its leash back on and left.

Road rage A Sammamish man called police after getting into an altercation with a motorist in the 27200 block of Trossachs Boulevard at 10:30 a.m. May 27. The man was walking his dog when a car drove by at what the man felt was an excessive rate of speed. He gestured to the driver with his hands that the man should slow down. The driver then made an obscene gesture, which the man reciprocated. The driver got out of his car and denied speeding. He also hit the man in the chest before leaving the area. The man wanted the case documented in case he sees the man again and the situation escalates.

Music haters A teacher at Skyline High School notified police May 27 that someone had vandalized a soundboard at the school. A number of knobs were bent over. Most knobs were straightened out, but one seems broken and will need repairs.

Burglary attempt Police responded to a home in the 22500 block of Southeast 47th Place after a homeowner reported an attempted burglary happened between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. May 28.

Birds from page A6

ing so, they transfer pollen from the flower’s male organs to its female organs, which then forms seeds. These critters are drawn to attractive flowers, the more colorful, fragrant, and shapely, the better. Pretty flowers can be very selective. Some secrete sweet-smelling nectar to attract bees, flies, moths and butterflies, as with roses and lavender. We love the smell, too. Plants with long, tubular flowers developed when birds and insects with long snouts evolved, so the flower’s shape allows some pollinators to partake while excluding others. Snap dragons will only open when an insect of a certain size and weight sits on the lower lip — no skinny or fat ones allowed. And get this! Some

ON THE MAP See the Issaquah Police Department’s reported activity from the previous 72 hours at a crime map created by the city at Addresses contained in the map have been rounded to the nearest hundred block. The address displayed reflects the location where the officer responded to the incident — not necessarily where the incident occurred.

EASTSIDE FIRE & RESCUE REPORTS FOR JUNE 12-18 4A building fire at 10:33 p.m. June 12 in the 1600 block of Gilman Boulevard required seven engine units to extinguish. 4An engine crew cleaned up a flammable liquid spill at 6:45 p.m. June 13 in the 100 block of Northeast Magnolia Lane. 4Two engine crews extinguished an outside equipment fire at 12:10 a.m. June 16 in the 18600 block of West Lake Sammamish Parkway Southeast. 4A motor vehicle accident at 6:46 p.m. June 16 required the aid of two engine crews in the 24600 block of Issaquah-Fall City Road. There were no injuries. 4At 1:27 a.m. June 17, four engine crews assisted at the scene of a motor vehicle accident with injuries in the 38100 block of eastbound Interstate 90. 4Three engine crews helped with a power line down at 9:41 a.m. June 17 in the 14700 block of 255th Avenue Southeast. 4Two engine crews investigated unauthorized burning at 3:27 p.m. June 18 in the 19600 block of Southeast 128th Street. 4Unauthorized burning also was investigated by an engine crew at 3:05 p.m. June 18 in the 23000 block of Southeast 48th Street. 4Five engine crews were dispatched at 11:31 p.m. June 18 to the scene of a motor vehicle accident with injuries in the 8600 block of Preston-Fall City Road Southeast.

The home has a double door, and the officer believes someone tried to gain entry using a pry bar of some sort at the seam where the doors meet. It does not seem that anyone was able to gain entry to the home.

flowers, like mint or sage, produce a platform where hummingbirds or bees can make themselves comfortable while sucking nectar. There are plants that produce flowers that last only a day, like rockrose. Evening primroses open at night to allow night pollinators but close during the day to reject others. Morning glory only opens in the morning to keep out those afternoon and late-night undesirables. There’s a plant in Peru that flowers only at 4 o’clock, just for a certain pollinator. It’s called the “4 o’clock plant.” All of these keep out the pollinators that don’t arrive at the right time. And all along, we thought these flowers were just blooming and smelling good for us. Well, we were wrong. They are doing it for themselves, just like people. Those birds and bees have beauty down to a science. I think we probably learned it from them.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014 •


The IssaquahPress



Wednesday June 25, 2014

Local academy fencer wins national title An athlete from Issaquah’s Washington Fencing Academy is now a national champion, after a dominant performance at the 10-day USA Fencing National Championships in Columbus, Ohio. Matthew Comes, a 15-year-old sophomore from Bothell High School, earned the gold medal in the Men’s Division III Epee competition. He was the last one standing in a field of 125 of the country’s best fencers. Comes started fencing after attending a Washington

Fencing Academy camp at the Northshore YMCA. He now trains at the Issaquah facility with coaches Kevin Mar and Newell Rice. The USA Fencing National Championships is the largest fencing tournament in the world, with nearly 90 events and 8,000 fencers taking place over two weeks of competition. Comes, the son of John and Susan Comes, of Bothell, also maintains a 4.0 grade point average, plays the trumpet and strives to one day represent the USA in the Olympics.

By Greg Farrar

Liberty High School offensive players huddle to hear the call on the next play from scrimmage June 17 during the final spring practice for the Patriots.

Patriots wrap up spring ball

By Christina Corrales-Toy

By Serge Timacheff

Matthew Comes celebrates victory on the way to a national title at the USA Fencing National Championships in Ohio.

Andrew Kemmerer named top athlete at Edmonds Community College Andrew Kemmerer, a 2012 Issaquah High School graduate, was named the 2013-14 Male Athlete of the Year at Edmonds Community College. Kemmerer helped the Tritons baseball team win the 2014 Northwest Athletic Association of Community Colleges championship. He was a two-year starter at pitcher, and led the NWAACC in wins in his final season. He’ll continue playing baseball next year for Central Arkansas University.

All-league baseball teams announced Baseball coaches in both the KingCo 4A and KingCo 3A/2A conferences selected their all-league teams for the 2014 season. KingCo 4A First team: 3B Jason Santiago, senior, Skyline; OF Cole Blackburn, senior, Skyline; OF Mitchell Morimoto, senior, Issaquah; P Drew Lunde, senior, Skyline Second team: OF Derek Chapman, senior, Issaquah; U Ryan Peart, senior, Issaquah Honorable mention: Skyline — Brad Hoss, Alex Wu and Dan Sinatro Issaquah — Ty Gibson, Keegan Chaplin, Jack Gellatly and Tyler Huling KingCo 3A/2A Liberty — Chase Vanek, Tyler Haselman, Michael Heath and Torey Anderson

Puget Sound Gunners host Lane United FC The Premier Development League’s Puget Sound Gunners FC will host Lane

United FC, of Oregon, in its 10th game of the season. The Gunners will play Lane United FC 7 p.m. June 27 at Issaquah High School’s Gary Moore Stadium. Fans that bring a copy of the June 2014 Buyer’s Choice coupon booklet will receive free admission to the game. The team’s first season in Issaquah has been a rough one, compiling a 1-6-2 record through nine games. The Gunners sit at the bottom of the Northwest Division standings, while Lane United FC is just above them. The two teams met May 31, and Lane United FC won, 4-1. Learn more about the Gunners at

Orioles draft Liberty High product John McLeod John McLeod, a 2010 Liberty High School graduate playing at Wake Forest University, was selected by the Baltimore Orioles June 7 in the 2014 Major League Baseball draft. McLeod was chosen in the 21st round with the 631st overall pick. The redshirt junior, a lefthanded pitcher, struck out 48 batters in 58 innings for Wake Forest in 2014. He finished with a 5-2 record and a 2.33 ERA in 10 starts, successfully returning to the Demon Deacons’ staff after an injury sidelined him for the 2013 season. McLeod was one of four Wake Forest players drafted, joining pitcher Jack Fischer (26th round, Detroit Tigers), pitcher Connor Kaden (27th round, San Francisco Giants) and shortstop Connor Keniry (27th round, Washington Nationals). Wake Forest is in Winston-Salem, N.C.

As the Liberty High School football team wrapped up its spring practices June 17, not much looked different on the Patriots’ field. Music blared, whistles sounded and footballs flew into the outstretched hands of open receivers. This season will be different, though, for all Liberty sports teams, as they prepare to move from the 3A to 2A level. “It doesn’t change the way we prepare at all,” incoming senior Russell Boston said. “We’re just going to come out and play football like we know how.” Liberty’s regular season schedule doesn’t change. The school is still part of the KingCo 3A/2A Conference, meaning the Patriots will continue to face the likes of Bellevue and Juanita. The non-

conference schedule now includes a season-opening game against Lakewood, a 2A team, though. Liberty will still play their Renton Highlands rivals, Hazen, during the season’s second week. The scheduled also includes Mount Si in what will be a nonconference game, as the Wildcats make the jump to 4A next year. Boston, a running back and safety, leads a class of Liberty seniors intent on leaving a lasting legacy on the program, showing what it means to be a Patriot, he said. “We come to win. We don’t come giving a half-hearted effort. You don’t come lackadaisical. You come into the game expecting that you can win every rep against the guy across from you, because once you get that mindset, there’s nothing that the team can’t do,” Boston said of the “Liberty way.”

Boston sat out most of spring practice with a hamstring injury, but that was by design, coach Steve Valach said, to make sure the team captain and all-league performer was rested and ready for September. Other key Liberty returning players include lineman Nate Jarvis, linebacker Drew Hall, linebacker Romney Noel and lineman Mitch McQuigg, all seniors. Noah Pritchett, a promising lineman who started as a freshman last year, also returns along with quarterback Nate Solly, who heads into his junior year. “The senior class is a great group of kids,” Valach said. “They’re among the best group of seniors that have ever gone through here in terms of just who they are.” The Patriots will continue a steady regimen of strength and conditioning sessions throughout the

ON THE WEB Follow the Liberty Patriots through the offseason on the team’s Facebook page at libertypatriotsfootball.

summer, Valach said. They will also attend the team camp hosted by former Skyline coach Steve Gervais at Evergreen State College. It is there that the team will pick its word, or motto, for the season. Until then, the team has operated under the theme of “one.” “That idea of ‘one’ is back,” Valach said. “That’s kind of been the catchphrase. It’s the idea of being one, and being unified and going after this together.” The Patriots’ 2014 season begins Sept. 5 against Lakewood High School.

Skyline seeks new team identity By Neil Pierson npierson@ After winning back-toback state championships, the Skyline High School football program didn’t have the glorious ending it expected for the 2013 season. The Spartans cruised to an 8-1 regular-season record and the Class 4A KingCo Conference Crown Division title, but lost to Federal Way in the first round of the state playoffs. Practices are underway in preparation for the 2014 campaign, and the Spartans are hungry for redemption. But seventhyear head coach Mat Taylor wants his players to establish their own identities, and not just look to replicate the program’s seven state title-winning teams. “The first thing that I see is a group that’s very inclusive,” Taylor said. “It starts with our captains and our seniors, but they have really taken to the identity piece, that this is a new year.” Senior Blake Sypher, who will share captain’s duties along with Cameron Saffle and Chandler Wong, indicated last year’s team was too reliant on the program’s winning history, particularly in the loss to Federal Way. “I feel like our team just kind of expected that we were going to win … and obviously that didn’t happen,” Sypher said. “But I think that we know that we need to take every

game like it’s our last and just play hard all the time.” Skyline will introduce new players in several positions, most notably at quarterback, where junior Blake Gregory has earned the starting assignment. He replaces Kilton Anderson, who is now playing collegiately at Fresno State University. Taylor said Gregory could’ve been the starter last season if Anderson hadn’t transferred to Skyline from Naples, Fla. Gregory doesn’t have Anderson’s speed, but his coach likes his characteristics. “He has great pocket presence and he really fits our spread offense very, very well,” Taylor said. “This time next year, we could be talking about, potentially, what type of school he’s going to go to.” Running back should be a strong suit for the Spartans as Wong and junior Rashaad Boddie figure to split carries as they did last season. Boddie is the prototypical back with great speed, while Wong adds a punishing, lowto-the-ground style that works particularly well in short-yardage situations. Sharing the load is a welcome situation, Wong indicated. “We’ll both be playing defense, so it’ll give us a good break so we’re not going both ways the entire game,” he said. “And sharing carries just means different looks for the defenses so they won’t get used to just one running

back.” Derek Loville may be poised to become Skyline’s next great wide receiver. The 6-foot-4, 195-pound junior has received a scholarship offer from the University of Wyoming, and more offers could be in store if Loville puts up big numbers. Taylor said he thinks he’s capable of 70-plus receptions this year. “He can jump out of the gym,” the coach said. “His ball skills are very, very good.”

Along the offensive and defensive fronts, the Spartans will see the return of three starters in Saffle, senior Riley Griffiths and junior Cameron Hill. They’ll be expected to pick up the slack after stalwarts Reggie Long and Joshua Wright graduated. Henry Bainivalu could be a big addition — literally. He’s listed at 6-3, 235 pounds, and is only a sophomore, but is penciled See SKYLINE, Page A11

By Neil Pierson

Junior Blake Gregory will take over as the starting quarterback for this year’s Skyline High School football team.

The Issaquah Press



from page A10

in as the starter at right tackle. “He played the majority of the second half in the Federal Way game when Joshua Wright got hurt,” Taylor said, “so he’s been out there.” Wong said he likes the look of Skyline’s front seven, and he expects improvements in the sec-

By Greg Farrar

Cam Humphrey, Issaquah High School junior quarterback in the fall, rolls left from scrimmage looking for a receiver, as head coach Buddy Bland (left) and players on the sideline look on June 18 during the Eagles’ final spring practice.

SCOREBOARD BASEBALL Senior American Legion Monday, June 16 Lakeside Recovery 7, Phiten (Bellevue) 2 Phiten 110 000 0 -2 7 1 Lakeside 400 111 X -7 7 1 L: Reese, Block (6) and Cohen. B: Brussa, Peretti (5) and Ganley. WP: Reese. LP: Brussa. Highlights: Chaplin (L) 2-2, 2B, R; Reese (L) 5 IP, 2 R, 7 H, 1 BB, 4 K; Block (L) 2 IP, 0 R, 0 H, 1 BB, 5 K. Tuesday, June 17 Lakeside Recovery 2, Chaffey 2 Wednesday, June 18 Lakeside Recovery 7, Gig Harbor Brewers 0 Thursday, June 19 Lakeside Recovery 6, Juanita 2 Saturday, June 21 Lakeside Recovery 3-5, Vancouver Cardinals 4-4 Sunday, June 22 Lakeside Recovery 7-4, Portland Evoshield 5-1 American Legion 15U Tuesday, June 17

Lakeside Recovery 6, Arlington 3 Friday, June 20 Columbia Basin RiverDogs 7, Lakeside Recovery 3 Babe Ruth 18U Thursday, June 19 Lakeside Recovery 4, Kirkland Merchants 1 Friday, June 20 Columbia Basin RiverDogs 3, Lakeside Recovery 1 Kennewick Wolf Pack 10, Lakeside Recovery 9 Saturday, June 21 Lakeside Recovery 8, Columbia Basin RiverDogs 0 Lakeside Recovery 3, Castle Rock 1 Sunday, June 22 Lakeside Recovery 9, Kennewick Wolf Pack 3 Lakeside Recovery 10, Columbia Basin RiverDogs 1

RUNNING Cougar Mountain Trail Run Series Saturday, June 14 3.12 miles — Top 5 male finishers: 1. Dennis Gorsuch (Issaquah) 19:52.8; 2. Rudy Peone

(Ford, Wash.) 22:02.3; 3. Brian Hazlehurst (Portland, Ore.) 22:43.3; 4. Pete Vickers (Seattle) 24:13.5; 5. Paul Grove (Kent) 24:48.3 Top 5 female finishers: 1. Biz Graeff (Canton, Ohio) 25:30.1; 2. Marnie Hazlehurst (Portland, Ore.) 27:39.9; 3. Brenda Alvarez (Seattle) 29:59.6; 4. Antonia Peone (Ford, Wash.) 30:55.2; 5. Ruth Schmidt (Issaquah) 31:05.3 8.22 miles — Top 5 male finishers: 1. Eddie Strickler (Seattle) 51:20.7; 2. Michael Smith (Renton) 54:49.8; 3. Rob Kyker (Seattle) 57:42.8; 4. Benjamin Mitchell (Seattle) 57:58.1; 5. Leo Donlea (Seattle (1:00:22.1)

Wednesday, June 25, 2014 • ondary, which had some struggles. “I think everyone’s got that itch to just keep on winning in the playoffs,” he said. “I don’t think any of us expected to lose (to Federal Way) … No one wants that feeling again that we had last year.” Winning doesn’t figure to be easy: KingCo 4A got smaller — Ballard, Garfield and Roosevelt dropped to 3A — but is likely tougher with the addition of Mount Si.


Taylor, who lives in North Bend, said he often attends Mount Si’s games during Skyline’s bye weeks, and might be more aware of the Wildcats’ capabilities than other people. “Every week, you’re going to go against quality opponents that are very, very well-coached, and I think this conference is as strong as it’s ever been this year,” he said. “Bothell will probably be a preseason No. 1 — they have all their kids back.”

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The Washington Center for Pain Management has opened its newest clinic in the Issaquah Medical Building on 4th Avenue on the North side of I-90 where Dr. Satvinder S. Dhesi will be practicing. “We understand the urgency to see a doctor when suffering from chronic pain,” states Dr. Dhesi, “and we strive to schedule all new patients within one week.” Dr. Dhesi completed his residency training at Harvard Medical School, followed by completing an advanced fellowship training program in interventional pain management at Johns Hopkins University. Dr. Dhesi is board certified in both pain management and anesthesiology. Since beginning practice Dr. Satvinder Dhesi provides pain in 1999, he has treated thousands of patients management at the Issaquah office of WA suffering from a vast range of chronic pain Center for Pain Management. disorders. After practicing for almost fourteen and therapeutic procedures, some of the most years in the Midwest, Dr. Dhesi relocated to the Pacific Northwest in 2013 where he joined commonly requested being: Botox® treatments for migraines, spinal cord stimulation (SCS), WCPM. epidural steroid injections (ESI) and platelet“A multidisciplinary approach is the rich plasma therapy (PRP) for joint related most effective way to minimize pain and pain. They are continuously evaluating new restore functionality. Our individualized techniques and strategies for treating chronic pain management strategy includes the pain, and can often offer patients and other physical, psychological and emotional members of the community opportunities aspects of chronic pain. For many patients, a to take part in clinical research. These multi-faceted treatment approach offers the research trials test the effectiveness of various best results,” said Dr. Dhesi. medications and new therapies on various WCPM offers a comprehensive approach painful conditions suffered by participants. to pain management by using all available WCPM doctors have been recognized as techniques and modalities to treat the whole top doctors by various publications including body. In addition to traditional methods such Seattle Met, Seattle Magazine and 425 as medication, each of the seven WCPM Magazine. The Washington Center for Pain doctors incorporates cognitive behavioral Management was locally founded in 2007 and therapy in the patients’ treatment. Each of is still locally operated, employing over 100 the three staff psychologists also help provide employees across the Puget Sound Area. For coping strategies for the emotional distress more information, visit www.washingtonpain. associated with living with chronic pain. The providers at WCPM perform diagnostic com.

The IssaquahPress

A12 • Wednesday, June 25, 2014


Skyline theater students honored


Guilty Giggle stars Jewish comedians (from left) Paul Barach, Rome Davis, Tyler Schnupp, Nick Decktor, Ron Reid and host Erez Benari.

Local comedian produces Jewish comedy show

By Rachel Osgood Need to indulge in a guilty pleasure? Issaquah comedian Erez Benari is producing and hosting the Jewish-themed comedy show Guilty Giggle at the Parlor Live Comedy Club in Bellevue on June 29. “The show is about being Jewish in America,” Benari said. “Jewish people have certain cultural traditions, which are passed down through the generations, and the show highlights the ridiculousness of things we encounter in daily life. “A classic example is the stereotype of the Jewish mothers who always want

their sons to be doctors or lawyers, and the inevitable eye rolling when she hears that her son wants to be, say, a comic.” Guilty Giggle was written for the growing Jewish population on the Eastside, though all audiences are welcome. The show features five leading Jewish comedians — Nick Decktor, Paul Barach, Rome Davis, Tyler Schnupp and Ron Reid — in the greater Seattle area. “The basic things you encounter in daily life as a Jew in America are often weird, annoying and humorous. Many audience members will identify with such experiences and that will be what makes it fun-

IF YOU GO Guilty Giggle 48 p.m. June 29 4Parlor Live Comedy Club 4700 Bellevue Way 4Bellevue niest,” Benari said. The idea for the show has received positive feedback from the Jewish community, meriting dozens of likes on the Guilty Giggle Facebook page. Benari said he expects the event to be a success, filling the 270-seat venue at Parlor Live. “We often do culturally

themed shows, and have found them to be some of our most popular and engaging events,” Boone Helm, marketing director of the Parlor Entertainment Group, said. “Everyone loves to support their friends and family while laughing hysterically at self-deprecating humor and the stereotypes associated with one’s culture.” Benari is a comedian, producer, author and journalist who is also known for a variety of online comedy videos. “After meeting with Erez to discuss options, I was impressed with both his knowledge of the Seattle comedy scene and his con-

“The basic things you encounter in daily life as a Jew in America are often weird, annoying and humorous.” — Erez Benari Guilty Giggle comedy show producer

nections within the Jewish/ Israeli communities in the area,” Helm said. “This is not the first time Erez has produced a great comedy show, and it is clear that with his extraordinary vision and attention to detail that it certainly won’t be the last.”

Skyline High School’s drama department was recognized for its outstanding work in several categories at the 12th annual 5th Avenue Awards Honoring High School Musical Theater. The awards ceremony, June 9 at Benaroya Hall in Seattle, is a highschool version of the Tony Awards. More than 2,000 theater students dressed in costumes were in attendance to receive awards in 21 categories. Skyline’s Madison Willis took home one of the most highly-acclaimed awards, Outstanding Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role, for her part in “Pippin.” Skyline’s rendition of “Pippin” received honorable mention nods in two categories — Outstanding Performance by a Chorus, and Outstanding Performance by an Actress in a Featured Ensemble Role. Skyline was nominated for awards in five other categories — choreography, costume design, direction, hair/makeup design and lobby display.

It’s not summer without a fruit crumble By Maria Nelson Now that summer fruits are in season, if you are at all like me, you are clamoring to enjoy them any way you can. Fruit consumption goes way up for us this time of year. We try to cram as much delicious fruit into each meal at breakfast, lunch and dinner, with fruit for snacks in between. In years past, I’ve always felt a little guilty about all the fruit we consume. It’s just so simple, so fresh and so incredibly delicious that I get a little lazy on the rest of the food options available to us. We are blessed in the Northwest with an abundance of local farms that provide delicious berries and as June is the month when our local strawberries ripen, I thought it only fitting to bring you a recipe highlighting them. Short of eating them out of hand, some of the easi-

est, most straightforward recipes for strawberries are really the best. Shortcake, of course, is always a delicious and easy option; muffins and quick breads are also great ways to incorporate fruit simply. For me, though, it’s just not summer without a crisp or a crumble. The beauty of them is that they are made with ease, and I almost always have the ingredients on hand. The simple fact that they take next to no time to put together also makes them a winner in the kitchen. I have to say that although we do go through a lot of fruit, it is inevitable that some of it will begin to ripen and soften before we’ve had the chance to consume it. A crumble gives second life to that fruit that while not the prettiest to look at, still offers up all of it’s delicious glory when bubbly and baked with a

delicious topping. Brown Butter, Strawberry and Apricot Crumble Serves 8 For the crumble: 41 ½ cups old-fashioned oats 41 cup flour 4½ cup hazelnuts, chopped 42/3 cup browned, unsalted butter 42/3 cup brown sugar 41 ½ teaspoons cinnamon 41 teaspoon salt In a small saucepan, melt the butter over medium-low heat until the milk solids turn a dark toasty brown, about 4 minutes. Remove from heat. Into the pan, add the brown sugar and stir to combine. Add the oats, flour, hazelnuts, cinnamon and salt. Stir to combine and set aside. For the filling: 410-12 apricots, pitted and sliced 41 1/2 pounds strawberries, quartered

41/3 cup sugar 43 tablespoons flour 4¼ cup Amaretto liqueur (optional) 4½ teaspoon cinnamon Toss the fruit with the sugar, flour, cinnamon and Amaretto in a large bowl. Preheat the oven to 375. Butter a 9x13-inch baking dish or 3-4 smaller serving dishes. A 10-inch cast iron skillet is perfect for this recipe. Pour the filling into the dish and spoon the crumble over the top. Place on a large baking sheet and bake for 25-30 minutes until the topping is browned and the filling is bubbly. Cool for 15 minutes, and then serve. Maria Nelson is a blogger and food photographer living in Issaquah. Her work has been featured in The Huffington Post, Relish Magazine, Buzz Feed, Daily Candy and other online publications. Find her at www.

By Maria Nelson

Issaquah’s Down Home Fourth of July & Heritage Day

PETS ‘N KIDS PARADE Sponsored by Swedish Hospital

Can’t get enough Eastside news?

Friday, July 4th, 2014 at 11:00 AM Bring the whole family down to watch or participate in the Pets ‘N Kids Parade starting at 11 am. The parade goes along Front Street North to East Sunset Way to end at Veterans’ Memorial Park where all the patriotic fun and festivities happen. You must wear a helmet to ride a bike. Drop off or mail completed forms to the Visitors Information Center, located at 155 NW Gilman Blvd, Issaquah, or bring with you to the day-of registration at 10 am on Rainier Blvd N. Position in parade is first-applied, first-in-line! Fields with a “*” are required to submit the application. YOU MAY ALSO SUBMIT APPLICATION ONLINE AT

PETS ‘N KIDS PARADE APPLICATION Entry Name * ____________________________________________________________ Number of Participants *___________________________________________________ Contact Person *_________________________________________________________ Phone Number *_________________________________________________________ Email *_________________________________________________________________ Additional Contact Person (If Needed) _______________________________________ Comments/Description *__________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ During my participation in the 2014 Down Home 4th of July, I hold harmless the Issaquah Festivals Office, the Greater Issaquah Chamber of Commerce and the City of Issaquah. *



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