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★   ★   ★   FINAL EDITION   ★   ★   ★

26TH YEAR, NO. 8





Lady Wolves down Skyline, Bothell to advance to regionals Page 11


FAREWELL, SAMMAMISH Our 25-year history of chronicling the Plateau’s triumphs and tragedies ends with this edition BY CHRISTINA CORRALES-TOY

When the first issue of the Sammamish Review hit doorsteps August 1992, Sammamish wasn’t a city, much less a bona fide community. The monthly

newspaper sought to change that, according to co-editors Linda Thielke and Andrew McKean. “We live in separate developments, our kids go to different schools, and we don’t have any real community activities that draw us together,” they wrote in

Gerend reflects on 18 years with City Council after decision to retire BY LIZZ GIORDANO

Before Mayor Don Gerend’s first City Council election, he promised his wife a new dog if he happened to win. “Little did I know, she went out and doorbelled 2,000 homes for me,” Gerend said.

the first issue. “We do share a common form of government — whether it’s the current county council or the proposed City of Sammamish … We shop the same stores, many of which are supporting this paper with their advertising. And many of

us come together to worship in the dozens of churches on the Plateau. “What we don’t share right now is a sense of community, and that is the gap Sammamish Review hopes to fill.” On Feb. 23, 2017, that mission comes to an end when the

final edition of the Sammamish Review lands in the driveways and mailboxes of Plateau homes. The Issaquah Press Group, which publishes the Newcastle News, The Issaquah Press, the SEE FAREWELL, PAGE 8


The effort helped launch Gerend into an 18-year career serving on the council — since the incorporation of Sammamish as a city. Gerend announced last month that he would not run for re-election this year. SEE GEREND, PAGE 7


Skyline’s Jacob Leahy (far right) gets a hug from teammate Will O’Daffer as Rahaan Bhimani (far left) looks on after they and teammate Joseph Spaniac (out of picture) celebrate Leahy’s come-from-behind anchor leg performance that gave them the 400-yard freestyle relay Class 4A swim championship in a time of 3 minutes, 11.03 seconds. ECRWSS POSTAL CUSTOMER


Sammamish Mayor Don Gerend announced last month he would not run for re-election this year.

The Sammamish Review may be gone after today, but you can still support independent local journalism by subscribing to The Seattle Times.

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Dance for Parkinson’s keeps families moving, connecting BY LIZZ GIORDANO


When Beth Hoekstra joined a dance class aimed at families with members suffering from Parkinson’s disease, the Sammamish resident improved her flexibility and gained a community in the process. “I’m comfortable with these people, because we all have the same limitations,” Hoekstra said. “It’s very upbeat and positive.” The heavy snow that fell a few days earlier didn’t stop a dozen students from attending Dance for Parkinson’s Disease’s weekly Wednesday class held at Swedish Hospital in the Issaquah Highlands. Dance for PD classes are designed especially for people with Parkinson’s to provide an opportunity to experience the joys and benefits of dance. The program also creatively addresses symptom-specific concerns related to balance, cognition, motor skill, depression and physical confidence. There is no cure for Parkinson’s, but doctors do recommend exercise and medication to slow the disease’s progress. “A person with Parkinson’s may have difficulty in those everyday moments, and through dance it’s making it a little bit easier for them to get through those daily activities,” said Shawn Roberts, program


Students perform dancing exercises during the weekly Seattle Dance for Parkinson’s Disease class at Swedish Hospital in the Issaquah Highlands.

manager for Seattle Dance for PD. As students slowly arrived, Roberts greeted each one with a wide simile. Many of the participants have been taking the same class for years. The community she found among the students, who often send each other letters of encouragement, surprised Hoekstra. “What I see emerging from these classes are bonds and friendship,” Roberts said. “If someone misses they get concerned, they call and make sure their friends are OK.” “It’s uplifting, it makes you feel good about yourself

and life,” said Sylvia Jones, a class participant. Her husband, Michael, suffers from Parkinson’s, and together they attend two classes a week. Family, friends and care partners are encouraged to attend the class, too, which Sylvia was happy to discover when the couple started coming to the classes two years ago. “Couples get to dance together again,” Roberts said. “There is a different relationship being tapped into. They get to play. They get to dance with them. Sometimes it’s their first time dancing together and sometimes it’s circulating back and doing things they used to do.”

The class is open to all abilities. All dance moves and exercises in the class can be done sitting or standing. “So we can make sure everyone gets care,” Roberts said. “They see improvement in balance, coordination and quality of life.” “With Parkinson’s you just have to keep moving,” said Michael Jones. Each class is different and teachers often get students to tap into their creative sides by asking them to choreograph their own dances. “The design of the class, from the first class, is that you would integrate improvisation,

movement and theater improvisation into the class setting,” Roberts said. “That allows for each participant to be able to put their creativity into the movement, they get to access what they love, what their dreams are.” Roberts was not teaching a class today, but as she observes from the side she couldn’t help herself and followed along. A live musician accompanies each class, adding to the ambiance. “I love having a live musician, someone who can respond to the teacher’s request,” said Sylvia Jones. The program was developed in New York City by the Mark Morris Dance Group and the Brooklyn Parkinson’s Group in 2001, and since has spread to over 100 communities and 13 countries. Currently the Seattle Theater Group offers five classes each week at locations around the greater Seattle area. The founders of Dance for PD believe dance can simulate mental activity that connects mind to body. All classes are free to students. Northwest Parkinson’s Foundation donates funds to pay the teachers, assistants and musicians. Four eight-week sessions are held each year. To learn more visit “We miss them when the classes aren’t in session and so do our bodies,” said Michael Jones. “We come every possible time.” “Dance is accessible to everyone, and this program speaks loudly to that,” Roberts said.






Mindfulness class charts paths through stress BY LIZZ GIORDANO lgiordano@


Jeeta Sahota leads a group of youth in a mindfulness session at the YMCA in Sammamish. She recently began teaching free drop-in classes at the YMCA every Wednesday morning.

present moment. “The definition of mindfulness for youth is paying attention to what’s happening right now with kindness and curiosity, then choosing your behavior,” Sahota said. “This means you’re paying attention to yourself without judgment.” She said the purpose of mindfulness is to develop an ability to recognize and navigate emotions, establish a deeper sense of self-awareness and cultivate impulse control and focus. A recent healthy youth survey found 84 percent of students in the Lake Washington and Issaquah school districts get less than eight hours of sleep each night. Thirty


Natalie Weed (left), a 9th grader, says she felt more relaxed after a morning mindfulness session in the Eastside Catholic School Library.

percent of those students have indicated that the also reported experiencpractice of mindfulness is ing depressive feelings strongly correlated with during the past year, and greater well-being. roughly 15 percent said Sahota, who trained they have seriously conas a pediatric nurse, first sidered suicide in the past turned to mindfulness SCOTT Z.ePROOF.SR.CMYK.RVS2 1202 LAM.RVS3 1220 LAM. year. Research studies during a life-changing RVS4 1222 LAM RVS 0118 RVZ PDF 0120 RVZ

Wednesday morning at 9 a.m. “With mindfulness, you may not always feel quiet in the mind, but you become more aware,” Sahota said. “Awareness of your thoughts, awareness of your feelings and awareness of your body. A check-in with yourself.” She said emotions are a couple of seconds faster than your brain, and mindfulness students “learn how to respond to a situation rather than reacting.” Sahota encourages students to take the time to have a mindful minute at least once a day. One student who originally attended the Wednesday morning class because his teacher offered extra credit to participants was returning for a second week in a row. This time, motivated by the relaxed feelings he achieved in the session, he was able to carry on throughout the rest of the day. “Mindfulness allows us to develop skills to care for ourselves and others, and also our city,” Sahota said. “I see mindfulness being taught in schools, with the police force, with teachers, in business locations, in community centers, making it available for veterans, parents, adults living with chronic conditions and our youth.”


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As the class took a collective deep breath, Jeeta Sahota encouraged students at Eastside Catholic School to focus on each inhale and exhale. Sahota was guiding the students through a mindfulness practice called “layers of sound,” teaching them a self-empowerment tool to handle life’s stresses. “Let everything be exactly the way it is and just rest,” Sahota told the students in a soothing, steady voice. Kirsi Varsa, a counselor at the school, said with a majority of students experiencing stress and having trouble sleeping, mindfulness can show the importance of slowing down and taking care of one’s self, hopefully providing tools to destress both now and later in life. “Many of our high school students have packed schedules – with rigorous academics that include AP classes and extracurricular activities,” Varsa wrote in an email. “Many students can feel stressed, anxious and overwhelmed by their busy lives. Mindfulness is one approach to managing their hectic schedules.” Mindfulness is the practice of returning, again and again, to the

event to deal with stress, which was causing her body pain and preventing her from sleeping at night. After using mindfulness to cope with her stress, Sahota wanted to bring the practice into schools. “I thought this would be a great tool to learn as a young kid,” Sahota said. “If I had learned it when I was younger, I think I could have taken some different roads in life.” Her first classes were held at the Teen Center at the Boys and Girls Club in 2015. This month, during Eastside Catholic’s first Wellness Week, Sahota taught mindfulness to more than 700 students. She was asked to return to the school after teaching an eightweek summer camp in 2016. Sahota said youth who have completed her eightweek class developed a tool to cope with their stress and gain control of their emotions. “We had a very positive response from our camp participants and felt like it would be a great opportunity and skills for our entire student body to embrace,” Varsa said about the decision to bring Sahota back for Wellness Week. Sahota is also partnering with the YMCA in Sammamish, holding free drop-in classes every






On Further Review

Shhh! It’s a secret — this newsroom was fun


his final column could be a eulogy, but seriously? Nobody died. It could be a list of beloved townspeople I’ve met, but it would be three times longer than even this novelette. It could be a roll call of the treasured coworkers and what we’ve done Greg Farrar here during my 20-year stint, but we know who we are. This column could be about many things, but they might bring more tears, so how about moving on by sharing some laughter with you? The thing is, a newsroom is one of the most fun places on the face of the earth. The fictional WJM-TV newsroom in Minneapolis has come closest in pop culture to expressing it, but I think we at The Issaquah Press and Sammamish Review nailed it. All my coworkers over the years have known about the “Sticky Note Hall of Fame” I’ve kept on my computer of the spontaneous jokes that came out of our mouths. I would just transcribe and save them because they were so hilarious. Whether on the ragged edge of averting disastrous typos or spitting nails at each other on deadline, it was the humor that kept us on a daily basis from killing each other. ______________________ Bob Taylor talks about a Skyline track and field star’s hairstyle. BT: Yeah, I’d probably braid


The Issaquah Press Building, rebuilt in 1988, was home for the four papers of the Issaquah Press Group for 25 years and another 92 years before that at 45 Front St. S.

my hair too, except I don’t have that much hair. n n David Hayes tries to will his computer back from the brink. DH: Uh-oh, save! C’mon, pinwheel of death, SAVE!! n n Kathleen Merrill asks for Greg Farrar’s dust gun to spray clean her keyboard. KM: Can I have your air? GF: Next you’ll want my food, water and shelter. n n Larry Johnson talks about seeing a huge buck on the Rainier Trail. LJ: Oh no, I don’t kill things… except for enthusiasm, here at


REVIEW Published every Thursday by The Issaquah Press Group 1085 12th Ave. NW, Suite D1 | P.O. Box 1328 Issaquah, King County, WA 98027 All contents © 2017 Sammamish Review

The Press. n n Jim Feehan asks about the location of a cross country meet. JF: Where’s Lake Sammamish State Park? Is it near the water? n n Laura Geggel describes a blurry photo of grass after taking pictures for a dogadoption story. LG: There was a dog in that picture when I took it. n n News clerk Chris Weber gets a phone call from her daughter Sydney. SW: Mom, guess what! CW: What?

SW: I saw a snake. CW: Was it yucky? SW: Yes. CW: Did you pick it up? SW: No, it was dead. CW: Okay, you can show me when I get home. n n Terra Chapek comments on the grand opening of Krispy Kreme. TC: It’s craziness. I don’t get it. All doughnuts are good. I’ve never really had a bad doughnut. I’m sorry, but there’s just no food I would camp out all night for. It’s just a damn doughnut. n n Kathleen expresses frustration on a production

STAFF Charles Horton.......................................General manager Scott Stoddard...............................................................Editor Christina Corrales-Toy................................ Digital editor Lizz Giordano........................................................... Reporter Neil Pierson.............................................................. Reporter Greg Farrar.....................................................Photographer Scott Zerda.......................................................... Advertising CORRECTIONS We are committed to accuracy and take care in our reporting and editing, but errors do occur. If you think something we’ve published is in error, please email us at

day that has become excruciating. KM: My head’s about to fall off, and you know what that means. GF: Yeah, I feel a rugby game coming on! n n Proofreader Teresa Peters finds a typo above the name of a female salutatorian student in a graduation special section moments before it goes to the print shop. TP: SLUTATORIAN?! n n Chantelle Lusebrink wonders out loud to the newsroom staff what day it is. CL: Isn’t today Thursday? NS: Yes. CL: I get PAID tonight! At MIDNIGHT! n n Editor Scott Stoddard gets a notification on his computer at the same time Greg asks a question, three months into his job after replacing Kathleen. SS: Sorry, I got distracted. Kathleen had a hair care appointment and I just got an alert for it. n n Greg hits the wrong keystroke, loses changes in Photoshop, voices an expletive, and David replies. DH: An angel loses its wings every time Greg swears. n n Kathleen complains and Laura replies when a councilmember announces a reelection bid on deadline before Memorial Day. KM: What’s wrong with people? LG: I know what’s wrong but I won’t say. n n SEE FUN, PAGE 5

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FUN From Page 4

Debbie Berto sends the staff an email, which Tom Corrigan and Sebastian Moraga discuss. DB: It’s only 4 days until Salmon Days and we have no one to walk as Inky Dinky in the parade! TC: I’m almost afraid to ask, what the hell is Inky Dinky? Greg returns briefly, wearing the foam Inky Dinky mascot, and leaves. SM: How about it, Tom? TC: I don’t think so, the person who was wearing it just now was doing a good job. What about you, Sebastian? SM: No hablo Ingles. n n David helps Stacy Goodman figure out keystroke commands in a desktop publishing application. SG: You know David, sometimes you are uselessful. n n Chantelle looks under her desk and dives down to retrieve a long-lost lip balm stick as the staff prepares for carpet cleaners. CL: CHAPSTICK!! I Love You!! n n News carrier Callie Weber is featured on the front page after winning a holiday grocery-bag art contest. CW: It’s so weird to be rolling my face up and

sticking it in newspaper tubes! n n David says what’s on his mind when all internet and email services crash. DH: Stupid Obamacare! n n Jim is surprised when a fanfare blares from the website home page of the Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs. JF: I just want crime stats, I don’t want ‘Pomp and Circumstance’! Holy crap! n n David imagines the headline for a Salmon Days photo spread. DH: Salmon Days 2011 — This Time The Salmon Get Even! n n Sammamish Review editor Irv Shear does a phone interview with a Beaver Lake resident with a persistent wild porcupine problem in their garden. IS: Does it have a name? Well, if it did have a name what would you name it? How about Phyllis? n n Irv wishes he had time on deadline to go to a Sammamish board meeting. IS: Yeah, I’m itching to go up and give that board member a piece of my… whatever it is. n n Autumn Koepp puts together her first Sammamish Review, which is also a record 56 pages, and David and

THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2017 Bob chime in. AK: Oh, this thing is a mother. DH: Well, now you know why Irv left. BT: Just remember this whenever you’re in a jam. Bob puts a note with ‘W.W.I.D’ on her desk. n n Sebastian expresses what everyone is thinking when all the computers stall again. SM: You know when the file server crashes and it says it ‘has unexpectedly shut down’? Well, I’ve come to expect it by now. n n Rita Balock develops nicknames for dog-owner Greg, Stacy, editor Karl Kunkel and Grace Reamer. RB: Farr-Arf!, Malibu, King Karl and Graceland. n n Sara Bader chooses between two breaking school district stories, one in which a school administrator dressed in a banana at a football game to promote a juice company marketing directly to students. SB: Screw it, I’ve got Jamba Juice! n n Debbie sends an email to the staff. DB: I know some of you would prefer to just keep working and eat while you work, but I don’t write the rules – and don’t want to get accused of having slave labor :) n n Kathleen offers to

start reimbursing Greg after borrowing a migraine tablet for umpteenth time. GF: That’s OK, I want all my co-workers to be happy, or at least drugged. n n Tyler Roush tries to decide on St. Patrick’s Day if he has anything green on him. TR: Well, I guess I’ve got bile. n n Megan Erb, glancing over a faxed press release. ME: Friends of Youth? I’m not a friend of youth, they annoy me. n n David runs into a creative wall laying out pages, with a response from Peter Clark and Greg. DH: I’ve lost my muse. PC: What’s wrong? DH: It’s just horrible. Everything I’m looking at, I’m just in a rut. I’ve lost my muse. PC: I’m here, I’m your muse. GF: What about me, I’m your old muse. PC: The Old Greg Muse He Ain’t What He Used to Be. n n A new file server continues to give Kathleen problems. KM: Why if we got a new server and it’s all new and better and everything, why do I still break down a hundred times a day? GF: Can’t you tell a new improved crash when you see one? n n

Tom talks by phone to the Weed Store marijuana shop owner about his anticipated opening date. TC: Just let us know when you’re ready to roll. n n Kathleen talks about the good old days to a new reporter surprised by the wide retro pages of The Issaquah Press. KM: I used to work on a paper that was mimeographed! GF: I used to work on a newspaper that was chiseled on rocks! n n Chantelle, a UW graduate, returns from a San Francisco vacation to find an Oregon Ducks wall calendar left on her chair by Jim. CL: EEEEEEWWWW! What is this?! I shouldn’t have given you the good behavior mints [from the Alcatraz Island gift shop], I should have given you the stinky mints for prisoners! n n Greg reformats a camera card that gave a ‘full’ warning and kept J.B. Wogan from shooting a baseball game. GF: There you go, 939 images. JW: Yeah, that’s so much better than zero! n n David replies after Greg sarcastically asks on Monday morning if there is an ad line yet. DH: Don’t become collateral damage.! n n Proofreader Debby



Bader talks about an interviewee on the radio after a political convention and Larry responds. DB: This woman says ‘I vote from my gut.’ Well, what does that mean? LJ: It means that David and I would each have five votes! ________________ So, here we are at the end, speaking for the six generations of news reporters who have given their all to inform and inspire the people of Issaquah from 1900 to 2017. Why end with humor? It just seemed to me to be the right thing to do. Humor is the fuel that keeps all good newsrooms going, and the people here at Front and Sunset, including ad reps, production, circulation and classifieds, were the best. It took real characters, a little crazy and a lotta zany, past and present like my friends and me, to deliver the news with a straight face while having the time of our lives behind the scenes. These laughs (hopefully they’re laughs) are our last gift to you. We are proud to have achieved what we set out to do for all the time we were allotted. Thank you for reading all the way to the end of this last On Further Review, you are the best people in the best community in the world. Take care, dear friends!




House party breaks glass

At 10:11 p.m. Feb. 4, someone from a juvenile house party in the 700 block of 214th Avenue Southeast threw a rock through a sliding glass door, shattering it.

Moving violations

n At 9:51 p.m. Feb. 7, a motorist pulled over for speeding in the 3600 block of East Lake Sammamish Parkway was subsequently arrested for failing to transfer the vehicle’s title within 45 days. n At 5:46 p.m. Feb. 9, a motorist pulled over in a routine traffic stop at Southeast 40th and 228th Avenue Southeast was subsequently arrested for driving without a license. n At 4:14 p.m. Feb. 10, a motorist pulled over in a routine traffic stop in the 800 block of East Lake Sammamish Parkway was subsequently arrested for driving without a

Smash and grab

At 10:30 a.m. Feb. 8, a resident in the 1200 block of 224th Place Northeast discovered someone smashed into their car through a window and took a debit card and cash from the center console.

Vehicle prowls

n Sometime overnight on Feb. 8, someone entered an unlocked vehicle in the 900 block of 221st Avenue Northeast and stole the registration and insurance. n Sometime overnight on Feb. 9, someone entered an unlocked vehicle in a driveway in the 900 block of 224th Avenue Northeast and stole a GPS device.

Accidental shooting

At 7:47 p.m. Feb. 9, someone accidently shot himself in the hand while attemptSCOTT Z.FINAL.SR.CMYK.


Calendar of events

ing to disassemble his Glock 42 pistol while in the Eastlake High School parking lot at 400 228th Ave. NE.

Illegally parked vehicle impounded At 8:15 a.m. Feb. a vehicle found illegally parked in the disabled parking zone with an invalid placard was issued a citation then impounded from the Summer Walk Apartments, in the 3800 block of Klahanie Drive Southeast.

Porch pirate

At 2:39 p.m. Feb. 10, a package was stolen from the porch of a home in the 19800 block of Southeast 29th Street.

Friday, Feb. 24

Sunday, Feb. 26

Bird Walk in the Park, co-led by Sharon Aagaard and Stan Wood, 8 a.m. to noon, Lake Sammamish State Park, 2-3 miles, 891-3460 Mommy and Me – Tot Shabbat, ages 6 months to 3 years, 10:30-11:30 a.m., 24121 SE Black Nugget Road, learn more at Tot-Shabbat, free, register at Harmonious Funk, 7:3011:30 p.m., Vino Bella, 99 Front St. N., 391-1424 Sammamish Symphony Orchestra presents “Glowing and Radiant” Dvořák’s Sixth, 7:30 p.m., Meydenbauer Theatre, 11100 NE Sixth St., Bellevue, tickets are $20 for adults/$15 for seniors and students/$10 for children, available online at

Tradition Plateau Loop Hike, 10 a.m., easy, 6 miles, 500-ft. gain, meet at 175 Rainier Blvd. S., 245-3487 Sammamish Symphony Orchestra presents “Glowing and Radiant” Dvořák’s Sixth, 2 p.m., Eastlake Performing Arts Center, Eastlake High School, 400 228th Ave. NE, tickets are $20 for adults/$15 for seniors and students/$10 for children, available online at

Saturday, Feb. 25


West Tiger RR Grade Hike, 8:30 a.m., moderate, 9 miles, 1,800-ft. gain, meet at 175 Rainier Blvd. S., 270-3322 Meet and greet with bestselling author of “Fresh Eggs Daily” and awardwinning blogger Lisa Steele, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., The Grange, 145 NE Gilman Blvd., free Cascade Gardener: Sustainable Gardening – A Better Way to Beautiful, 10-11:30 a.m., Squak Mountain Greenhouses & Nursery, 7600 RentonIssaquah Road SE, free, register at classes.php Hebrew Story Time, ages 3 and older, 10-10:30 a.m., Sammamish Library, 825 228th Ave. SE, 392-3130 Introduction to Mixed Media, ages 18 and older, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., artEAST Art Center, 95 Front St. N., $150 for members/$160 for non-members, register at bit. ly/2kH2cuC Build It Sammamish Lego Event, all ages, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., City Hall at Sammamish Commons, 801 228th Ave. SE, free Travel Italy: All Roads Lead to Rome, for adults and seniors, 2-3:30 p.m., Sammamish Library, 825 228th Ave. SE, 392-3130 No Rules, ages 21 and older, 8-11 p.m., Pogacha, 120 NW Gilman Blvd., $5 cover charge, 392-5550

At 3:13 p.m. Feb. 11, workers discovered a model residence vandalized that was under construction at the Pinnacle Housing Development in the 22400 block of Northeast Inglewood Hill Road.

Possible mail theft

n At 10 a.m. Feb. 12, locked mailbox doors were found pried open in the 4900 block of 242nd Avenue Southeast. n At 11:35 a.m. Feb. 12, another set of mailbox doors were found pried open in the 21400 block of Northeast Sixth Street. Only one box is suspected to have mail stolen.

Library, 825 228th Ave. SE, 392-3130

Monday, Feb. 27 Figure Drawing Poses drop-in sessions, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., artEAST Art Center, 95 Front St. N., figuredrawing@ Beginning English as a Second Language class, for adults, 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Sammamish Library, 825 228th Ave. SE, 392-3130 Talk Time Class, for adults, 1-2:30 p.m., Sammamish Library, 825 228th Ave. SE, 392-3130 Teen Think Tank, homework and tutoring help for teens, 2:30-6 p.m., Sammamish Library, 825 228th Ave. SE, 392-3130 Study Zone, homework and tutoring help for grades K-12, 6-8 p.m., Sammamish Library, 825 228th Ave. SE, 392-3130 Arts Commission Regular Meeting, 6:30 p.m., City Hall at Sammamish Commons Room 111, 801 228th Ave. SE artEAST Studio Group February, members only, 7-9:30 p.m., artEAST Art Center, 95 Front St. N., $60

Tuesday, Feb. 28

Issaquah Alps Area Dog Hike, 10 a.m., easy, 4-6 miles, up to 900-ft. gain, meet at 175 Rainier Blvd. S., 481-2341 Teen Think Tank, homework and tutoring help for teens, 2-6 p.m., Sammamish Library, 825 228th Ave. SE, 392-3130 Study Zone, homework and tutoring help for grades K-12, 6-8 p.m., Sammamish Library, 825 228th Ave. SE, 392-3130 Rovin’ Fiddlers jam session, 7-9 p.m., Issaquah Highlands Fire Station, 1280 NE Park Drive, Youth Writing Club, for LAURA F.noPROOF.SR.CMYK. PDFp.m., 0203Sammamish LAM teens, 7-8



Wednesday, March 1 Listening Mothers, for mothers of newborns to 6 months, Wednesdays noon to 2 p.m. through March 22, $195 for eight sessions, bit. ly/2jDcMGC artEAST Studio Group February, members only, 12:30-3 p.m., artEAST Art Center, 95 Front St. N., $60 All-Access Playday at new All-Access Playground, 3-5 p.m., Lake Sammamish State Park, physical therapists from Waypoint Pediatric Therapies will be on hand to coach and assist, Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!, all ages, 5-7:30 p.m., King County Library Service Center, 960 Newport Way NW, 392-5430 Parks Commission meeting, 6:30-8:30 p.m., City Hall at Sammamish Commons, 801 228th Ave. SE Talk Time Class, for adults, 7-8:30 p.m., Sammamish Library, 825 228th Ave. SE, 392-3130

Thursday, March 2 Intermediate English as a Second Language class, for adults, 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Sammamish Library, 825 228th Ave. SE, 392-3130 Teen Think Tank, homework and tutoring help for teens, 1-6 p.m., Sammamish Library, 825 228th Ave. SE, 392-3130 Colored Pencil for Teens February, 4:30-6 p.m., artEAST Art Center, 95 Front St. N. Friends of Sammamish Library monthly meeting, 6 p.m., Sammamish Library, 825 228th Ave. SE, 392-3130 Planning Commission meeting, 6:30-8:30 p.m., City Hall at Sammamish Commons, 801 228th Ave. SE Oil Painting 6-week course, ages 18 and older, Thursdays 6:30-8:30 p.m. March 2 to April 6, $200 for members/$210 for nonmembers, register at bit. ly/2kS6GPT Preschool Pajama Story Time, for ages 3-6, 6:30-7:15 p.m., Sammamish Library, 825 228th Ave. SE, 392-3130 Cascade Gardener: Introduction to Organic Gardening, 7-8 p.m., Eagle Room City Hall, 130 E. Sunset Way, free, register at SCOTT Z.noPROOF.SR.CMYK. PDF 0127 LAM 05.18327.THU.0202.1X2.LAM

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license. n At 7:25 p.m. Feb. 11, a motorist pulled over Driver breaks in a routine traffic stop every law 3300 block of 228th At 10:57 p.m. Feb. 7, a Avenue Southeast was motorist was pulled over subsequently arrested for for speeding at Northeast driving with a revoked Eighth Street and 228th license. Avenue Northeast. The n At 9:49 p.m. Feb. driver was subsequently 11, a motorist pulled arrested for driving over in a routine trafunder the influence, for fic stop at Northeast having an open conSecond Street and 22nd tainer in the vehicle and Avenue Northeast was for operating the vehicle subsequently arrested without an ignition for driving without a interlock device. license.

Police blotter






From Page 1

With no experience holding public office but armed with a catchy slogan, Gerend won a seat on the interim council. “It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to start a new city, but it can’t hurt to have one along for the launch,” he said, recounting his slogan. “I had been grumbling for 20 years, ‘Why don’t they do this, why don’t they do that?’ Now it was time to put up or shut up.” It was the name Sammamish that first drew Gerend to an organizational meeting discussing the feasibility of incorporation in 1997. “I was so irritated by the fact that they had already chosen the name,” Gerend said. “We weren’t even a city yet.” After having an Issaquah mailing address for almost two decades, the former Boeing rocket-scientistturned-commercial-realestate-broker wanted the future city to have a unique name others could easily spell. His suggestion: Heaven. It’s unique, only two syllables and a conversation starter, meeting his criteria for a town name. “On each of the roads coming up to the plateau we could have pearly gates,” Gerend said. His proposed name almost cost him the election to that interim council, so he quickly let the matter drop. It was a crowded field in that first election, with 45 candidates participating in the primary. Gerend described the election as highly contested with two factions emerging, one that was anti-growth, known as Sammamish Home Owners/Renters United Together (SHOUT), and the other which became known as the Independent 7, described as more conservative. Gerend was part of the Independent 7, which swept the first election. That interim council was a group of six men and one woman who had the daunting task of



“Virtually every issue that comes to us, there are two sides to it, and you have to split the baby. And sometimes it is really tough.” — Don Gerend Mayor of Sammamish, on tough decisions

choosing a form of government, picking a name and setting up a parks department along with hundreds of mundanebut-necessary decisions. Residents had overwhelmingly approved incorporation in 1998 after past annexation votes had failed. “King County was dumping all the growth out here but not doing the infrastructure improvements,” Gerend said. “That was the motivation of incorporation,” he said. “To control our own destiny.” Fellow Councilmember Ramiro Valderrama called Gerend the father of the city because of his continuous service on the City Council, where he also served several terms as mayor. “He’s also the most creative thinker on our council,” Valderrama said. “He tries to think outside of the box and come up with new ideas.” Valderrama said residents have not always agreed with Gerend’s decisions, but “no one questions his love and service to the city.” Today the city struggles with many of the same issues. A recent boom in development is once again quickly changing the town. Early on, the city declared a development moratorium, which lasted until 2006, until more roads and other infrastructure could be built. The council and the city’s staff quickly got to work upgrading 228th from a two-lane country road to an arterial. Now Gerend looks toward technology to help improve today’s road congestion, connecting residents with flexible public transportation. His 2049 statement presented at the City Council’s retreat in

BOB INESS | For the Sammamish Review

New Sammamish city councilors pose Saturday, May 8, 1999, for audience pictures after their swearing-in ceremony at the Sammamish Library. From left are Ron Haworth, Don Gerend, Phil Dyer, Kathy Huckabay, Kenneth Kilroy, Troy Romero and Jack Barry.

January included automated vanpool systems with reservable seats via a phone app and neighborhood electric vehicles used to travel between

home and park-and-rides. “I see technology on the verge of bursting,” Gerend said. The toughest decisions Gerend said he faced on


the City Council were the “ones we think are in the best interest of the city, but hurt individual property owners.” “Virtually every issue

that comes to us, there are two sides to it, and you have to split the baby,” Gerend said. “And sometimes it is really tough.”

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Obituary Ashley Lauren Craig It is with great sorrow that we announce the sudAshley Craig den and unexpected passing of Ashley Lauren Craig (29), who left us on Dec. 24, 2016, while residing in Los Angeles, Calif. Born July 13, 1987, at Evergreen Hospital in Kirkland, Wash., Ashley was the second of five children to David and Catherine Craig of Sammamish, WA. Ashley was a gifted student, musician, artist, writer and world traveler; attending Margaret Mead Elementary School, Inglewood Junior High School, Eastlake High School and the University

of Washington. While in high school Ashley was a recognized member of the tennis and badminton teams, varsity debate team, school senate, National Honor Society, French Honor Society (president), and City of Sammamish Youth Board. A gifted speaker, she was also a two time state of Washington debate finalist in original oratory speaking. She was a University of Washington scholarship recipient, state of Washington Promise Scholarship recipient and the recipient of the United States Marine Corps Academic Achievement Award. Following high school, Ashley accepted an invitation from the University of Washington Honors Program where she went on to earn her Undergraduate and

Masters Degrees in business administration and accounting. At the time of her passing, Ashley was employed as a finance/ accounting specialist with DLC, Inc. (Woodland Hills, Calif.) on special assignment to Warner Brothers Studios and the law firm of Latham and Watkins. DLC’s managing director said “Ashley was a treasured consultant and rising star within the organization and well liked by everyone she met. She was known for her attention to detail and thorough preparation which resulted in significant contributions to the company and its clients. Ashley was a bright and dazzling light that will forever shine in our thoughts and memories. We are fortunate to have been graced by her presence and to call her a


colleague.” Prior to DLC, Ashley held the positions of senior audit associate with Suar Milner (Los Angeles, Calif.), accountant with Cadence Aerospace (City of Industry, Calif.), accountant with Double-Down Interactive (Seattle) and audit associate with KPMG (Seattle). Ashley will always be remembered for being a vibrant, creative, smart, funny and beautiful young woman with a kind and caring heart exemplified by her artistic talents, writing skills, and the music scores she composed while playing the piano. Her quick wit evoked much thought and laughter through her PunnyLady. com website where she blogged about daily life and politics. Ashley is preceded in death by her grand-

FAREWELL From Page 1

Sammamish Review, the SnoValley Star and website, announced Jan. 19 the company would cease operations at the end of February. In a letter to readers and advertisers, Horton wrote: “After several months of exploring different paths for a sustainable future, we came to this difficult conclusion.” The company, which has been owned by The Seattle Times Co. since 1995, had rolled out newsroom and advertising initiatives with the hopes of turning around the company financially, but, even with deep expense cuts, it “wasn’t enough to overcome revenue losses that began over six years ago,” Horton said. The Sammamish Review was founded as a monthly newspaper in August 1992, seven years before the City of Sammamish was incorporated. Beginning in August 1999, the Review was published twice a month, and it became a weekly in March 2007.

File photo

The Sammamish Review, then a monthly publication, made its debut in August of 1992.

In its heyday, the Sammamish Review frequently boasted 52-page editions and dozens of advertisements in every

issue. The Issaquah Press Group’s affected employees include seven in the newsroom, four in adver-

tising and one in operations. Of the 12, staff photographer Greg Farrar has logged the most hours

mother Patricia A. Drake (Redmond, Wash.); grandfather Dr. Arthur B. Craig (Spokane, Wash.); and her aunt and uncle Drs. Damian and Caroline Augustyn (Hillsborough, Calif.). Ashley is survived by her grandmother Dr. Joan Craig (Spokane); grandfather Lt. Col. Charles E. Drake (Redmond); parents David and Catherine Craig (Sammamish); brother Christopher Craig, his wife Julie and their new-born daughter Aliyah Catherine (Lynnwood, Wash.); sister Rachel Craig and fiancée Mike Williams (Issaquah); brother Jonathon Craig (Sammamish); her sister Carly Renee Craig (Sammamish); and her cat George. Surviving aunts and uncles include Brad Craig (San Francisco); Drs. Paul Craig and Joni Nichols (Spokane); Lisa and Greg

Napoli (San Francisco); Andy and Brenda Craig (Spokane); Annette and Michael Bent (Taylor Falls, Minn.); and many cousins. Ashley’s parents and siblings extend their gratitude to the friends and family members who have helped them cope with the sudden and unexpected loss of their beloved daughter and sister during the past few weeks. Ashley will be greatly missed and the family recognizes the impact that her loss has had on others as well. We thank you for your prayers. Date and location of future memorial service to be announced. Ashley was a true animal lover. In lieu of flowers, remembrances may be sent to the Seattle Humane Society, 13212 SE Eastgate Way, Bellevue, WA 98005.

under the Sammamish Review banner. The tall, town shutterbug easily recognized by his colorful ties and khaki vest has been snapping photos of Sammamish for more than 20 years. When he joined the paper in July 1996, he used a darkroom to process photos and everyone turned in their assignments on floppy disks. “The darkroom eventually became a storage room,” he said. “That was fine, but some of the magic went out of it.” At that time, Sammamish wasn’t a city, Skyline High School did not exist, Sammamish City Hall wasn’t the grand building that now serves as the community’s hub and 228th was just a onelane road. He covered the city’s incorporation and was there for the very first City Council elections. Farrar, often recognized as the face of The Issaquah Press Group, became a mainstay at graduations, high school sports events and community gatherings. He was a constant through several editors and dozens of reporters. “I am just humbled that for 20 years, everybody

let me photograph them in the good times and the bad times,” he said. “It’s been the experience of my life.” As readers learned about the closure, several called, sent emails or posted on social media expressing their condolences. “I only recently moved here, but since moving I’ve always liked reading your paper,” William Michael wrote on Facebook. “I’m very sorry to see you go.” Patti Sheehan wrote that papers like the Sammamish Review help “knit communities together and create local connection.” “Just another sad, pitiful way that our once great and wonderful little All-American town has gone down the toilet,” Joey Filippi wrote on Facebook. “Sad day indeed.” The availability of the paper’s online content after the closure is a work in progress. However, digital copies of print editions dating back to 2011 are always available at Editor Scott Stoddard contributed to this story.







The Skyline boys swim team stands on the podium holding the Class 4A state championship second place trophy with coach Susan Simpkins (bottom left) after the meet Feb. 18 at the King County Aquatic Center in Federal Way.


Skyline boys capture highest-ever finish at 4A state swim championships BY NEIL PIERSON

The Skyline Spartans did something they’d never accomplished at the Class 4A boys state swimming and diving championships. Skyline recorded the highest finish in program history on Feb. 18 by scoring 206 points for second place. On a day where no one was touching the Camas Papermakers – who won their program’s first state title with a resounding 302 points – the Spartans walked away with several team and individual awards. “Camas is a super strong team this year, as they displayed,” said Skyline senior Jacob Leahy,

“so I’m super happy to pull off second place, which was tightly contended with Issaquah and Jackson.” Leahy finished his prep career on top of the podium. He won the 100-yard freestyle and anchored the Spartans’ winning 400 free relay. Leahy, who plans to swim collegiately next year at California Baptist University, said it has been a rewarding process to see Skyline achieve new heights. The program was 15th at state in his freshman year of 2013-14. “Over the years, we’ve built up a lot of strong sophomores, strong freshmen,” he said. The 4A finals started in exhilarating fashion as Issaquah edged Skyline by 13 one-hun-

dredths of a second for the title in the 200-yard medley relay. Issaquah’s time of 1 minute, 35.42 seconds set a new 4A meet record. The old record was 1:35.57, set by Inglemoor in 2015. Kyle Millis, Will Crewe, Christopher Leu and Brandon Leu comprised the Eagles’ foursome. Leahy, Jeremy Kim, Ryan Kinnear and Will O’Daffer swam for the Spartans’ runnerup squad. They posted the event’s top preliminary time. Skyline returned the favor in the meet’s final event, the 400 free relay. O’Daffer, Joseph Spaniac, Rehaan Bhimani and Leahy won in 3:11.03, just five one-hundredths ahead of Issaquah’s Millis, Crewe and Leu

brothers. Issaquah had the lead until the final 10 yards, when Leahy caught Brandon Leu. Leahy captured his first individual title in the 100 freestyle, pulling a mild upset on Curtis senior Sam Abbott, who had the top preliminary time. Leahy shaved more than four-tenths of a second off his swim a day earlier and won in 46.24 seconds. “I’ve made it to some finals in my past, so I’ve always been walking out behind people, but it’s a great feeling to be able to lead the pack out onto the podium,” Leahy said. “It’s just an awesome feeling – something I’ve been dreaming of since I was a little freshman.” Millis, Leahy and Crewe were

the top three seeds going into the 100 backstroke final. The finishing order didn’t change in the championship race and Millis won his first individual crown in 50.25 seconds. O’Daffer had a solid day for Skyline, starting with a fourth-place medal in the 200 individual medley. His time of 1:54.69 was about a half-second faster than his preliminary mark. He took fifth in the 100 butterfly (52.35), going nearly a second faster than his seed time to state. In the 200 free relay, Bhimani, Kim, Colin Huynh and Kinnear gave Skyline 24 team points with a seventh-place time of 1:29.88. SEE SWIMMERS, PAGE 12





Spartan newcomers collect medals at Mat Classic BY NEIL PIERSON

Plateau teams Eastlake, Eastside Catholic and Skyline struggled at the Mat Classic XXIX state wrestling championships, but they didn’t come home empty-handed as Skyline’s Kenta Despe and Nick Beatty won medals with topeight finishes. Despe and Beatty were making their debuts at Mat Classic, held Feb. 17-18 at the Tacoma Dome. Despe, a sophomore, took sixth place at 113 pounds and Beatty, a senior, was seventh at 195. Skyline, which brought six wrestlers to the Class 4A state tournament, struggled in the first round, going 1-5 as Despe was the only Spartan to get through unscathed. Despe battered Mikah Fathers of Auburn Riverside for a 13-3 major decision. He was especially good in the third period, when he outscored Fathers 7-0 and nearly picked up a pin. Despe lost his quarterfinal match to top-ranked Ryan Wheeler of Curtis, 9-1, but got to the medal round with a 7-6 win over University’s Tim Westbrook. His final win came against Yusef Nelson of Auburn Riverside, 3-2. Beatty dropped his opener, 7-3, to Izaiah Davis of South Kitsap. But he reached the medal round by pinning Auburn’s Austin Riehl and eking out a 3-2 decision over Jay Roberts of Curtis. In his placing match, Beatty pinned Todd Beamer senior Tibou Bangoura in 3 minutes, 48 seconds. Of Skyline’s six state wrestlers, five of them had no prior experience. Scott Huff (138) was the lone exception, but he lost to Bridger Beard of Central Valley (15-3) and Emiliano Mata of Davis (pin in 4:50). Skyline’s Matt Oss (220), Chris Harper (182) and Cole Turner (113) were also eliminated on the first day. Eastlake’s four qualifiers fell short of the medal round and three of them wrestled their final high-school matches. Senior Rogen Kopper (170), making his state debut, struggled for points against his two opponents, losing 5-2 to Eisenhower’s Raul Jimenez and 4-0 to Mead’s Ben Voightlaender. “Last year, I only got sixth in my district, so this year I made it all the way,” Kopper said. “I

Above, Skyline sophomore Kenta Despe (left) is seen Feb. 4 wrestling Issaquah freshman Nathan Asistin at 113 pounds for the Class 4A KingCo championship. Despe took sixth place in the state tournament at Mat Classic XXIX Feb. 18 in the Tacoma Dome. At left, Skyline’s Nick Beatty (right) looks for a takedown against South Kitsap junior Izaiah Davis in their 195-pound first-round bout Feb. 17 during the 4A state wrestling tournament Mat Classic XXIX in the Tacoma Dome. Beatty reached the podium for seventh place. PHOTOS BY GREG FARRAR |

almost exceeded my own expectations getting here.” Kopper’s improvements started with taking a captain’s role for the Wolves. “I had more confidence in myself,” he said. “I worked a lot with my coach, really was just more involved with all of the practices and stuff.” Senior Eric Plummer (220), who was looking to improve upon an 0-2 state finish as a junior, lost to Monroe’s Josh Felder, who built a 10-3 lead and got the pin in 4:40. Plummer

was eliminated against Luke Purcella of Curtis (pin in 3:31). Senior Noah Morse (182), also making a second trip to state, was knocked out with a 15-10 loss to Auburn Riverside’s Sam Onishchenko and a pin against Dylan Sanders of RogersPuyallup. Junior Faith Morse, making her girls’ state debut at 130 pounds, was pinned at the 3:25 mark by Maria Mondragon of Kiona-Benton. Morse fell, 5-4, to Kentwood’s Ivy Kraght in the consolation round.

Eastside Catholic had two qualifiers to the 3A tournament. Returning qualifier Duncan Heger finished 1-2, while first-timer Dustin Johnson went 0-2. Johnson (138) was on the verge of victory against Bethel’s Quincy Osterlund, taking a 5-0 lead to the third period. But Osterlund rallied to force overtime, where he won via pin. “Honestly, I think it was my conditioning,” Johnson said of the missed opportunity. “This past week and a half of wres-

tling, I haven’t been training that much.” Simply reaching Mat Classic was an accomplishment for the junior, who missed the past two seasons due to a shoulder injury. “It has been hard,” he said. “It’s a step in the right direction, so hopefully I’ll be by back next year and place.” Heger, who is Johnson’s practice partner, opened with a 3-1 decision over Angel Castillo of Hudson’s Bay. Heger was bounced out against Kamiakin’s Sione Halo (11-0) and Mark Meier of Southridge (4-0). “We both challenge each other in ways, because we’re so different in wrestling styles,” Johnson said.





Bothell pulls away late to snatch KingCo 4A boys title from Skyline BY NEIL PIERSON



Skyline junior post Carly Werner (12) looks to pass as she is defended by Eastlake junior guard Cameron Edward (21) and freshman center Keeli Burton (32) during the first quarter of their Class 4A KingCo tournament game Feb. 16. The Lady Wolves won, 63-52, and on Feb. 18 clinched a return trip to regionals with a win over Bothell.

LadyWolves return to regionals, beating Bothell and Skyline BY NEIL PIERSON


There weren’t any special tricks or razzle-dazzle in Eastlake’s or Skyline’s playbooks when they matched up for the fourth time this season on Feb. 16 at the Class 4A KingCo Conference girls basketball tournament. The plateau rivals know each other well and one team would end the other’s season for the typical reason: execution. Eastlake’s offense executed its brand of bruising, under-the-rim resolve and held off a Skyline rally that nearly overturned a 15-point first-half deficit. The Lady Wolves won 63-52 at Lake Washington High School in Kirkland, moving a step closer to a return trip to the regional round of 16. Third-seeded Eastlake (19-6) clinched that milestone Feb. 18 by upsetting No. 1 seed Bothell, 83-65, behind Cameron Edward’s 22-point night. Bothell, which was ranked No. 1 in the state’s ratings percentage index when the playoffs started,

THIS WEEK 4A girls basketball regional round of 16 Eastlake vs. Curtis n 6 p.m. Feb. 24, Bothell High School n Tickets: $11 for adults, $9 for students and senior citizens

was eliminated after losses to Woodinville and Eastlake. The Cougars went undefeated during the KingCo season. The Lady Wolves, who are ninth in the RPI, play another loser-out game at 6 p.m. Feb. 24 against the No. 16 Curtis Vikings. The game will be played at Bothell High School. The Eastlake-Curtis winner moves into the 12-team state tournament and plays either Kentlake or Camas at 3:45 p.m. March 1 at the Tacoma Dome. Eastlake also improved to 4-0 this season against No. 4 seed Skyline, having beaten them twice during the KingCo season and once at the Cascade Classic holiday tournament in December. “Obviously, they’re a great team. They have a lot of weapons,” said Eastlake point guard Gina Marxen, who scored 17

points. “I think, this game, we had to stay motivated because we knew we’d beat them earlier in the season. But those wins didn’t really matter. It was this one.” Marxen and the Wolves expected a strong start from the Spartans (148), but it was Eastlake that seized control early. Edward had a pair of 3-pointers and eight of her 14 points in the first period. Eastlake led 19-7 after eight minutes and it would’ve been more without Skyline’s Julia Mitchell beating the buzzer with a 3-pointer. The Spartans didn’t let the game get out of control. They narrowed the gap to 32-22 at the half as Jade Loville, Kailey Kassuba and Carly Werner led the way. “We’ve dug ourselves holes before and we’ve gotten out of them,”

Skyline coach Stacie Erfle said. “It’s just a lot harder to do against a team as good as Eastlake. “And you just tell them, ‘You chip away, just one basket at a time.’ We believe that defense brings you back and so ours was just one stop at a time.” Skyline could’ve had the necessary stops to overturn a poor start, but it was Eastlake’s blue-collar attitude under the basket that gave the Wolves second, third and fourth chances to score. Freshman center Keeli Burton towered over her opponents and used her 6-foot-3 frame to collect putback points or shoot midrange jumpers over defenders. She finished with a game-high 20 points. “One of (coach Sara) Goldie’s points is always rebounding, rebounding, rebounding,” Burton said. “Having that be one of my stronger points, it was something that I could really improve on during that game.” Erfle admitted Skyline gave up too many offenSEE GIRLS, PAGE 12

Skyline has proven all season it can put up points against good teams. The last time the Spartans played the Bothell Cougars on Jan. 24, senior guard Kellan Przybylski set a pair of single-game school records with 39 points and nine 3-pointers, leading his team to a seasonhigh point total in an 89-68 victory. But Skyline’s normally potent offense didn’t approach that success in the Class 4A KingCo Conference boys basketball championship game on Feb. 16. The Cougars held the Spartans to 10 points or less in each of the first three quarters and left Lake Washington High

School in Kirkland as KingCo tournament champions. The 54-42 win gave the top-seeded Cougars (17-5) a berth in next week’s regional round of 16. No. 2 seed Skyline (13-8) could’ve advanced to regionals as well, but saw its season end with a 56-54 defeat to No. 4 seed Inglemoor (12-11) on Feb. 18. Inglemoor needed a last-second 3-pointer to force overtime before it topped Woodinville, 63-60, on Feb. 16. The Spartans fell won win short of the program’s first trip to the round of 16 since 2010. Junior guard Cameron Tyson played a key role in Bothell’s triumph over Skyline, which kept him under wraps for the first three quarters. Tyson scored 17 of his gameSEE BOYS, PAGE 12


Bothell junior wing Jake Medjo pulls down a defensive rebound as Skyline senior point guard Kellan Przybylski (3) does his best to get it back during the third quarter of their KingCo 4A championship basketball game Feb. 16 at Lake Washington High School. Bothell got the victory, 54-42.





Skyline’s Olsen takes sixth on bars at state gymnastics finals The Issaquah and Skyline gymnastics teams sent six athletes to the Class 4A state championships, Feb. 17 at the Tacoma Dome Exhibition Hall. Skyline’s Anna Olsen was the only local to

BOYS From Page 11

high 24 points in the final eight minutes. “It’s great – there are really no feelings to describe it,” Tyson said of winning the KingCo title. “We put in all this work throughout the season. Our coaches came up with a good game plan and we just got the job done.” Skyline coach Joe

reach an event final, taking sixth place on the uneven bars with a score of 9.075. Olsen also qualified for the finals on floor exercise, tying for 11th at 9.3. Olsen reached state on

the beam but didn’t make it out of the preliminary round, tying for 17th at 9.025. Skyline teammate Ally Kruper was also knocked out early on vault, placing 79th at 8.125.

Issaquah’s foursome of Stephanie Callans, Kensie Wall, Halle Walgamott and Sarah Steer was eliminated in prelims as well. Callans tied for 58th on vault (8.4) and was 70th on floor (8.625). Wall tied

for 26th on vault (8.8), Walgamott shared 54th on beam (8.1) and Steer was 83rd on floor (8.15). Liberty’s Ting Pan was her team’s only qualifier for the 1A/2A/3A meet. She tied for 45th on vault

(8.225). Woodinville captured its fourth straight 4A team title with 180.225 points. Holy Names topped the 1A/2A/3A meet at 176.725, winning its first state crown as a program.

Fithian acknowledged Tyson’s strong performance but felt his team’s offensive woes – the Spartans set a season-low in points scored – was the main factor in the result. Skyline’s normally reliable 3-point game never got going as it took three quarters for someone besides Przybylski to hit a shot from beyond the arc. And the Spartans didn’t have much of an inside game either as they missed

multiple layups and struggled with fouls, keeping their post threats off the floor for key stretches. “The difference in this game was that No. 4 kid (Tyler Dean) taking Kellan away,” Fithian said. “He couldn’t shake him and even when we ran our offense to get him off Kellan, the kid was like glue.” Skyline’s relative inexperience in big-game situations might’ve also been a factor. “It showed – they shot tentatively, they took shots they didn’t really want to take, shots they didn’t

really want to believe in,” Fithian said. “But defensively, I’m not sad at all with what we did. We did a really good job.” Bothell led 10-8 after one quarter and 23-17 at halftime as 6-foot-8 junior Jake Medjo dominated in the paint, repeatedly posting up to score 14 points. He finished the night with 20. Medjo also took a toll in terms of fouls as Skyline starter Freddy Jarvis spent the majority of the second half on the bench, then picked up his fifth foul in the final three minutes. “We knew that if we got their bigs out of the game,

they would lose some physicality down low,” Tyson said. Though they struggled to get much going offensively – Przybylski was their only double-digit scorer with 18 points – the Spartans were stubborn and refused to quit. Ryan D’Arcy swished a 3-pointer from the top of the arc on Skyline’s first possession of the fourth quarter, tying the score at 30. And the Spartans took their first lead moments later when Przybylski hit Matthew Cindric with a long pass for a layup. It was a short-lived

moment of joy as the Cougars responded with a 9-0 run. They clinched the victory at the foul line, hitting 11 of 14 from the stripe in the fourth quarter and 20 of 25 (80 percent) for the game. Tyson said he didn’t know whether to expect a high-scoring affair or the defensive struggle that became reality. And he didn’t care. “I didn’t really know because there’s a lot of emotions coming into the championship,” he said. “It was low-scoring but we got it done, so that’s all that matters to me.”

day was we allowed about 14 points on secondchance buckets,” she said, “and that’s something we’re going to spend a lot of time in the offseason working on.” Loville, who had 17

points, and Kassuba, who scored 16, kept Skyline within striking distance through three quarters. Kassuba had three straight baskets for her team early in the fourth quarter, narrowing the gap to 51-45. Edward scored four quick points following an Eastlake timeout, restoring the double-digit lead. Loville canned a deep 3-pointer with 1 minute, 40 seconds to play, bringing Skyline within five at 55-50, but two Elizabeth

Chen free throws, followed by two misses at the line from Werner, were the difference-makers in the final minute. Erfle, a first-time head coach at any level, expressed pride in her players after their season ended. “This is a really, really special group,” she said. “I mean, I’m an emotional person so I just get emotional anyway, but my first year, to be that close with a team … that’s all I could ask for.”

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Billing Party: Matt Perkins Quadrant Corporation 15900 SE Eastgate Way, Ste 300 Bellevue, WA 98008 425.452.0345 Publication Contact: Moira Haughian The Blueline Group 425.250.7226 Publication: Quadrant Homes is offering the Eddy House, located in Sammamish, for relo‑ cation free of charge to qualified par‑ ties. Qualified party is responsible for all costs to move the home to an alternate location in Sammamish. Quadrant will contribute up to $50,000 towards the cost of relocating the home. Relocation is subject to time limitations. The house will be demolished if no receiving site is found. Interested qualified par ties should contact Moira Haughian with The Blueline Group for details, mhaughian@ or 425.250.7226.

GIRLS From Page 11

sive rebounds, something that has been its “Achilles heel” all season. “I think the stat of the


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Spaniac, a sophomore, won a sixth-place medal in the 500 freestyle (4:53.37). Kinnear, a senior, finished up his Skyline career with 13th in the 100 fly (54.20). The Eastlake Wolves had two medalists in the 100-yard breaststroke in juniors Brandon Yue and Nolan Van Nortwick. Yue, who broke the District 2 meet record a week earlier, finished fourth in 57.47 seconds, while Van Nortwick took sixth in 58.80.

The Wolves qualified for the consolation finals of the 200 medley relay. The team of John Xie, Nolan Van Nortwick, Brandon Yue and Brandon Leung finished 16th overall in 1:48.41. In the 200 individual medley, Yue took fifth place in 1:56.07. His time was more than a halfsecond faster than the preliminary mark he recorded a day earlier. Eastlake’s 400 free relay team barely missed reaching the consolation final and scoring team points. Xie, Yue, Van Nortwick and Leung were 17th overall (3:26.46).

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