The Islander - January 2013

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since 1997

january 2013, no. 185

every yacht is an island w



















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experience inspired interiors

monthly yachting news & information across the western mediterranean

Beautiful Egyptian Cotton Linens Custom Designed For Your Yacht or Villa

Tel: (+34) 620 266 212 • • RS Global Building • STP Ship Yard • Palma

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dear islander Maybe some of you will read this issue before Christmas, and others during the holidays or maybe in the New Year. Whenever you pick up The Islander I hope that its at one of those quiet relaxed times that many of us seem to get all too rarely these days. Personally there is nothing I enjoy more, than kicking back in my favourite reclining chair with a long cool drink and opening a freshly printed yachting magazine that has that special feel, smell and personal attachment to it. Maybe I’m a little bit biased being a print publication editor, but I have checked this with several other people who say the same about the holistic experience that comes with opening up a new magazine that is all for you! You can’t say that about an internet page appearing on the grubby finger stained screen of an iPad, with unwanted pop ups distracting you from what you really want to read. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m fully tooled up with the latest iPad mini and smart phone, which incidentally took several of the photos you see in this edition, plus a few short videos, which will appear on our Captains Lounge. TV. I’m also convinced that our investment in digital news and Internet provided TV is absolutely at the right time, we must move with the times, and I’d hate to be labelled a dinosaur! But just like the ‘cashless society ‘ and the ‘paperless office’ that were predicted 25 or 30 years ago have not yet happened, then I don’t see any chance of a ‘print free media world’ happening in my lifetime either.

Peter Franklin The Islander Nautical Media S.L. Villa J, Mar del Sur Francisco de Goya Nova Santa Ponsa 07180 Mallorca Baleares, España

In case you are wondering what I read in the way of yachting magazines? (Or if you’re not, and couldn’t care less, then skip the next paragraphs!) Well actually I get almost all of them as we do swap with many publications, and I do write for several of the international ones from time to time. My absolute favourite which I have had paid for as a yearly xmas gift from my dad for about 25 years is Practical Boat Owner. It does what it says on the tin, and if you love sailing, cruising or just tinkering about with boats it has something for you, plus a few funny lighthearted features too. Then in no order of importance (sorry guys) but all a damn good read for my money are: Yachting Matters, Superyacht Business, European Boatbuilder and the RYA magazine.

T. (+34) 971 126 252 T. (+34) 971 100 601 M. (+34) 697 887 237

Anyway I promise I’m not taking commission from any of these, and as long as you’re reading The Islander I’m delighted….long may you do so, and please let us know what else you would like to see us cover in 2013 and beyond. For now I wish you a joyous festive season, and all the very best for 2013.

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Whilst the publishers have taken every care to ensure that the contents are correct they cannot take any responsibility for any losses incurred by readers as a result of any editorial or advertisement. The opinions do not necessarily reflect those of the publishers who therefore cannot take any responsibility for any opinion expressed. All rights are reserved and no part can be reproduced or stored without written permission. La revista The Islander no se hace responsable necesariamente de todas las opiniones vertidas por sus colaboradores.


The Rolling Stock Group RS Global Building, STP Shipyard, Palma de Mallorca Tel: +34 971 213 305 |


stp christmas paella

obituary Adam John (Nobby) Bennett 11/01/1968 - 27 /11/ 2012 In memory of Nobby Bennett a man whose immense popularity and respect from everyone he came across in his personal and business life, was amply demonstrated by the huge number of people that attended his memorial service in Palma on 1st December. Amongst the mourners were many well-known faces from the yachting industry, and tributes were read by colleagues who had sailed with Nobby and followed him through his life, which had been dedicated to his family and his business interests in the highly successful yacht scaffolding and containment company Techno Craft SL. Amongst the poignant comments from the readers of the eulogies at the service were the following: “You fought so hard for Techno Craft as you did against your awful disease and you remained 100% positive till the end, and this was a measure of your character.” “For me he was the most generous person I ever met, always organizing, always giving. That was him, his gift was his time.” “Your incorrigible, infectious, playful, mischievous, lively outlook, and laugh (which I hope will hangout with me forever), has endeared you to all.” “A tough and relentless fighter you’ve been stimulation and an inspiration to us all.” Nobby Bennett who is survived by his wife Sonia, children Thomas and Emma, parents Sue and Adrian and brother Matthew will be sadly and lovingly missed by his family, friends and business colleagues alike. About 300 people came together on Thursday 13 December in the middle of the day and early afternoon at the STP Shipyard site to take part in a Christmas Paella Day. Captains, clients and workers at the shipyard all helped make this festive celebration a success, much to the delight of STP and of L’Arruz Restaurant and Quely Catering, which laid on a fine meal in an area of the shipyard specially set up for cooking their paella and presenting their desserts. L’Arruz cooked and served a total of four macro paellas sufficient for the 300 guests. Quely Catering then served its traditional Mallorcan desserts, including the pastries ensaimadas and cardenales. During the meal the guests placed their donations in the charity collecting pots provided. The funds raised will be given to the Zaqueo Association, which operates a meals kitchen for the homeless. STP gets actively involved in events like this one for its clients and workers as a token of its appreciation and gratitude. This was just one of the varied activities that have been held throughout the year.

Monthly Sailor Quiz 1

What sea area, famous for racing, is due west of sea area Lundy?


In what year, in the sea area from the answer above, did the race claim 15 lives?


Where will you find the Strait of Messina?


What is the top mark of an isolated danger buoy?


You’re sailing due west when you see a light, flashing six times plus one long flash, ahead, to which side will you pass the light?

answers page 26

M +34 609 393 146 T. +34 971 721 877 Servicios Técnicos Portuarios (STP) Muello Viejo S/N, Edificio Espigón Exterior 07012 Palma de Mallorca


chandleries combining sion of the sourcing division who are able to locate virtually any nautical product locally and world-wide. The new Pinmar Supply is built on solid foundations, Rolling Stock Chandlery has been around since 1989 and Pinmar Supply (formally Dock Shop) since 1980. The joining of these two divisions, with their combined strengths and expertise will really be “the source for all things yacht”. Rolling Stock Chandlery and Pinmar Supply shops are joining together as from January 1st under the name Pinmar Supply. In the STP shipyard the shop will keep its entire existing staff so it will be business as usual. The shop in Club de Mar will be closing so Liz Wood will be directing her vast experience to the sales division. Over the next few months there will be lots of positive changes happening – the Pinmar Supply shops in Cami Escollera, Mollet and Barcelona MB´92 will gain a first-class chandlery section brought in by the Rolling Stock teams expertise and the Chandlery shop in STP will have a bigger selection of paint related products at their usual trade discounted rates. One of the biggest focuses for the coming year is the expan-

Pinmar Supply is renowned for its deep roots in the yachting industry and can offer the client the best selection of paint products at the best prices. Rolling Stock is known to most captains and crew as the chandler that goes the extra mile, its flexibility and speed of service is the reason its shops and vans are the first choice for most yachts so combine the two and you have a winning combination. The famous chandlery vans in Palma which carry all the big names in paint, cleaning and exterior maintenance as well as a huge range of things for the engine room, bridge galley and deck will extend to Barcelona. And if you are there, you should definitely fit in a visit to the showroom upstairs above the Supply store as it now has a fantastic array of samples to look at. Staff will be on hand to talk you through specialist requirements and pass on their knowledge of brands. “So all in all, exciting times and a win-win situation for everybody!”, said Melanie Harcourt speaking on behalf of the Global Yachting Group.









CONTACT: tel.+34 971703686 /+34 667544057 e-mail: Cala blanca, 3 Pol. Industrial Son Fuster 07009 Palma de Mallorca - Spain


stay fit for sailing

Katie Handyside - Personal Trainer (+34) 636 322 959, Eat Right For Your Blood Type Lose weight, lose fat, feel terrific and squash your health problems. Let me devise you a nutritional program for the rest of your life that will not only have you looking and feeling amazing but will get you in the best shape of your life. Can it be true? Yes absolutely, see for yourself. Follow up a two-week strict nutritional plan with a tailor made exercise program and we’ll have you kicking the arse of any pin up model. It’s not just about the look (although feeling great in skinny jeans is defiantly an added bonus) but from a health point of view – how about something with some science behind the superficial exterior? This program is award winning and can beat the backside off anything from high blood pressure and cholesterol, diabetes, allergies, weight issues or disorders, cravings, slow metabolism, lack of sex drive, osteoporosis…need I continue? Lose The Christmas Bulge Over indulged over Christmas? Who didn’t? Good news is all is not lost! Get in touch for a consultation about how we can get you back into shape, lose the flab and tone up. Kettle bells, free weights, body weight training, plyometrics, interval training, circuit training – what’s your preference? Inside, outside, beach, park, studio, boat? Start The Day Off On The Right Foot 1 poached egg from Mallorca (organic stall market); 1 slice (25g) Rye bread (Fibonacci); 80g of steamed asparagus, ½ tomato sliced with freshly ground pepper, drizzled with 1 tbsp organic olive oil - even better flax oil! and crushed garlic, a pinch of sea salt (from Mallorca); An apple grated with cinnamon sprinkled on top; 1 black organic coffee. Tips: Make sure the egg is runny (never over cook proteins, undercooked is preferable) this is your protein source enriched with vitamins and minerals. Rye bread: low glycaemic levels (helps to prevent you from storing fat) full of fibre - keeps you full and helps maintain bowel movement! Tastes great. Nice and moist. Asparagus: conducive to weight loss, low in calories and high in nutrients. Tomato: helps to prevent prostate cancer - Vitamin C. Oil and garlic: helps the immune system and keeps fat burning in check, great for the joints and healthy heart. Keeps cholesterol in check. Flax oil: full of 3-6 and 9 omegas. Organic salt: full of minerals and if your drinking your 3 liters of water a day, you need this. An apple a day does indeed keep the doctor away. It also helps you to lose weight; eating an apple a day is compulsory to all my nutritional programs. Also full of fibre and great for disease prevention. Helps to add water to your diet too. Cinnamon: helps to keep blood sugar levels stable. helps to stop the fat storing effect of sugar in the blood stream, can increase sugar metabolism in the blood 10 fold!

straight talk on the dosh

Phil D. Coffers The Islander Economics Correspondent A New Year’s revolution As you will no doubt be aware, it is more or less obligatory to wake up on January 1st with an almighty hangover, and lots of good intentions to spend a little less and to take down the credit card bill that has taken a good kicking of late. The USA is currently grappling with exactly these kind of issues on a gargantuan scale. For as long as I can remember, sages have been prophesying the crash of the US economy. For years now Uncle Sam has been spending radically more than he earns, pushing up national debt. That level of debt is agreed in statute and so far, when that limit is reached.....they just make a higher one..or ‘kick the can down the road’ to use the en vogue phrase. Back in August 2011 President Obama was tied up in the usual deadlock of trying to make some headway on this with the Republican congress. They rarely agree on anything, particularly Obama’s planned tax hikes for the rich, and radical spending cuts. So they agreed to disagree and planted a time bomb that is due to detonate at the end of 2012. If by then they have failed to find $1.2 trillion of extra revenue needed to plug the gap, then a series of temporary tax cuts will expire and funding will be cut to areas like defense and health. This will happen automatically and without further debate, and will drag back the US economy by up to 4% of GDP and pull it back into recession. The US will have plunged over it’s ‘fiscal cliff’ and they are taking the rest of us with them. The Eurozone, itself on an economic knife edge, needs that like a hole in the head. So what are the chances of this being sorted out?. Well, slim at best. Privately some Republicans will admit that George W Bush’s generous tax breaks for the wealthy are unsustainable and need not only to be reversed, but the wealthy must be asked to pay more. But Republicans taxing the rich, is like turkeys voting for Christmas, many publicly said they wouldn’t push up taxes in their election pledges. They made similar pledges not to substantially cut the military budget, also a no no for the Republicans. Taxing the middle classes also looks out of the question, the fragile recovery will come off the tracks if the required $2,000 in extra taxed needed from each ‘hard working American’ were to go through. One possibility is that emergency legislation over the holidays may yet kick the can a little further down the road, but make no mistake, the day when America’s new year revolution becomes unavoidable can’t be far off. They say when America sneezes, the world catches a cold. Well, they have been partying hard, and we are all going to get to share the hangover.

balearic boats for sale NORAI BROKERAGE

Pso Maritimo 1, Locales nº. 6 + 10 Alcudiamar Marina 07400 Pto Alcudia email: web: Tel: +34 971 545 012 Fax: +34 971 546 754 FULL MARINE SERVICES, SALES & STORAGE

+34 971 67 63 92 Puerto Portals, Local 10 - Mallorca

Nick Martin: +34 656 949 243

Simon Crutchley: +34 656 949 244

Norai Brokerage 1990 Birchwood TS37 ‘Super Sports’ 90,000 €

Sunbird of Portals Fairline Phantom 50, 2008 645,000 € - TAX paid

1990, Birchwood TS37 ‘Super Sports’, 11.30 metres with twin Volvo Penta 300hp diesel engines - new in 1995. Spanish registered. Lying at Alcudiamar. Offered for sale at 90,000 euros.

Fairline Phantom 50, 2008 with twin Volvo 715hp diesels, bow and stern thrusters, generator, air con. 3 cabin layout, master en-suite, very tidy boat with low hours. Lying mainland Spain and priced at 645,000 euros Tax paid.

Whites International Yachts MOODY 45 DSE 389,000 € - TAX paid 2010 Powered by a 110hp Yanmar diesel with bow and stern thruster. Maindrop system with lazy jacks, Furling headsail, storm sail and parasailor. Full navigation includes chart plotter, autopilot, Navtex, radar etc. Safety includes life raft, Danbuoy, Epirb etc. She also completed the ARC race and was 4th in her category! This long distance cruiser and modern live aboard yacht is a real head turner and only for sale as owner wants to change to a catamaran. In excellent condition.

Ancasta International Boat Sales Trader 41 100,000 € - VAT paid Trader 41 built in 1986 in Taiwan, a very good example equally suitable for Mediterranean cruising or long term living aboard in considerable comfort. Her interior has been adapted to make a more useable and spacious living space. Currently on Spanish Flag, 7a lista and tax paid. Lying near Barcelona and ready for viewings.


tax & legal matters: vat on yacht charter not VAT territory). For this purpose it will be determined that the place in which the vessel is delivered, is the actual place of supply. Summarizing from the ruling date of 01/01/2013 we must distinguish the following cases:

Carlos Espinosa - Abagado, Yacht & Legal Advisor (+34) 627 41 32 01, Place of supply rules changes for 2013. From the 1st of January 2013 there will be a new regime for charging VAT on services. This is due to the Law from 01/03/2010, Ley 2/2010, de 1 de marzo, por la que se trasponen determinadas Directivas en el ámbito de la imposición indirecta y se modifica la Ley del Impuesto sobre la Renta de no Residentes para adaptarla a la normativa comunitaria adapting Council Directive 2008/8/EC of 12 February 2008. This shall also enter into force for individuals not acting as entrepreneurial. You may remember that on the 1st January 2010 this new regime applicable for business on how to determine the place of taxable supply of provision of services was started. Generally, the place of taxable supply of any provision of services for a tax payer (in B2B services) was the seat of the receiver or recipient of services, and the place of taxable supply for a non-taxpayer shall be the seat of the provider. In the nautical sector the main difference was established in article 56 also adapted in our IVA Act (LIVA) in Art. 70, Uno 9º, which introduced a new concept in the European VAT legislation: the “short-term hire of means of transport”.

Short term charter: Spanish VAT only if the vessel is hired -put at disposal - in Spanish VAT territory no matter the recipient – company or individual. Long term charter depending on: a) If recipient is a private final consumer, Spanish VAT is due when the recipient has his domicile, or is established in Spanish VAT territory, or in any case, if the vessel is a pleasure craft and is put at disposal in Spanish VAT territory. b) If recipient is Business – company or entrepreneurial - general rule: VAT located in Spain if the recipient business or VAT recording is established within a Spanish VAT territory. So if you are a Spanish company chartering outside Spain´s mainland or Balearics or in any other EU member State waters you must check the duration of the charter, and if the client is acting as individual or company before invoicing. But always check with your local tax adviser what the correct VAT taxation situation is.

A day in the life of Mat Tax Spanish yachting’s No 1 enemy

Article 56 1. The place of short-term hiring of a means of transport shall be the place where the means of transport is actually put at the disposal of the customer. 2. For the purposes of paragraph 1, “short-term” shall mean the continuous possession or use of the means of transport throughout a period of not more than thirty days and, in the case of vessels, not more than ninety days. This new system started in 2010 changed the short term charters (under 30 days in normal cases or 90 days in case of shipping, meaning vessels more than 24m LOA) This located the place of the service of hire of means of transport where the boats were put at disposal and leaving the long term charter with the general rules where the supplier had its domicile. But this, always provided the recipient – company or individual - was carrying on charter taxable supplies being therefore a 100% tax deductible VAT payer. Now these rules are also applicable for private and final consumers who are non VAT registered individuals (B2C). For these the charter companies shall charge Spanish VAT even if the beneficiaries have no VAT recording if they are resident or established in Spain. Or, if pleasure crafts, the charter is carried out in Spanish VAT territory (excluding Canary Islands which is

The man from the tax office says you’re not the one who canGlobal fly at night…. Partonly of X-MMI’s Total Reach He’s here to remind you that your boat Subscribe today via: stays impounded until you pay up!

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Palma Oil Services S.L. 696 920 664 _ 687 808 363 w w w . e x p r e s s l u b e s p a i n . c o m

. 11

algarve news

Emma - Bluewater Algarve Olá Amigos! After our Christmas break we are ready and raring to go in to the new year with ooomph and I hope you are too! As I look through this years’ events I am itching to get started on the year and all it has to offer so, without further a do, let me fill you in on some of what’s to come this year! In no particular order: • Janeiras Festival in Silves. The tradition of Janeiras dates back to ancient times when, at the beginning of each year, the Romans would greet each other and sing to evoke the god Janus who represented the guardian of the gateway to heaven, one of my favourite little events to see in the New Year! • EXPOMAR’s Fair of the Sea and Nautical Activities in Olhão. • Traditional Sausage Fair in Monchique. Monchique is a wonderful little mountain town where we love head to when we need a break! Great rustic restaurants and lovely little events like this sausage fair all year round. • ‘Liberation Day’ is a huge deal in Portugal, April 25th is always a reason for fireworks, music and entertainment in towns across the region to celebrate Portugal’s freedom from dictatorship. • Baja Terras d’El Rei is an offroading championship race. Great fun! • ‘May Sweet May’ Jazz Festival in Portimão. • Algarve International Motorbike meeting in Faro - always great fun! • FATACIL in Lagoa is a major fair of handicrafts, tourism, agriculture, business and industry in the Algarve and includes horse shows, evening entertainment, yummy food and caiparinhas! • Medieval Fair in Silves, one of my favourites! The whole town is turned in to a medieval village. There’s jousting, plays, music, plenty of food and everyone dresses up in costumes of the era. • Noites de Moura Encatada in Cacela Velha - recreating the times of the Arab occupation with a traditional Souk, music, belly dancing and traditional food. • Sardine Festival in Portimão - live music and entertainment, plus, of course, barbecued sardines! They really love sardines here! • Grand Champions Tennis competition at Vale do Lobo Grand Prix of Portugal Powerboat P1 Championship in Portimão. • Formula One Wind Surfing Championship. • Portugal Masters in Vilamoura for the golf enthusiasts. • International events at the Algarve’s racetrack for those with a need for speed! It would be impossible for me to list all of the events for the year but remember, if you’re thinking of coming to the Algarve all you have to do is email me for more information about what’s on at any given time and anything else you need to know! Here’s to a fabulous 2013 for all! Até á proxíma!

our oceans our future

Erica Lay (+34) 669 844 909 Well happy New Year everyone! I´m sure there will be a few resolutions around, well those of which haven´t been broken yet (I´ve clocked 5 breaks so far oops), so I am now going to guilt those of you with none into action. Time to give a little bit back to our home the Mediterranean. Allow me to introduce you to the hardest working charitable organization going which I am both proud and privileged to be a member of…. Asociacion Ondine was launched in 2012 by Brad Robertson who had a simple vision of combining science, local communities and conservation to protect and improve local marine ecosystems around the beautiful Balearic Islands. This year you´ll see us launch into action with the Stingray project. More about that next time but first I´d like you to meet the team: Brad Robertson is an Australian diver, a resident of Mallorca and along with his wife Bea Esparza is a local business owner. Brad´s diving experience includes 20 years of recreational diving, mostly along the east coast of Australia and 10 years working as a PADI dive instructor in various locations around the world. For the past 3 years Brad and Bea have been establishing Ondine Escape, which has always held education and conservation as key objectives. Brad is active in organizing public events to raise awareness of local marine issues and believes that for anything to change it´s the local people that will make it happen. Biel is a Mallorquin marine biologist. As a member of institutions including IMEDEA, Fisheries Department of the Balearics, Biel has participated in 12 research projects focusing on the description of littoral fish populations, and their ecology and management through establishment of marine reserves. He has also participated in over 80 scientific campaigns. And me? Well… Erica currently runs her own yacht crew recruitment agency in Palma. Previously, a Construction Project Manager with experience of numerous fastrack projects, she ran away to sea in 2005 and eventually found herself working with one of Hollywood’s top shark wranglers in the Bahamas on various film and TV projects, in addition to educating divers about the local environment and promoting the Shark Awareness course. Erica has always had a strong connection with the ocean; she learned to swim before she could walk and now takes any opportunity she can to educate others about the beautiful creatures in our seas. So that´s us… stay tuned and next time we´ll tell you about our number one project….

Bernard Merryweather Yacht and Small Craft Surveyor Affiliate member of the YDSA Full Condition Surveys

Damage Surveys

New Build and Refit Supervision T: +34 616 757 920


Potter’s Panels Engraving Service for the Marine Industry Panels, signs and labels in plastics, metals, carbon fibre and other materials. Design service and technical help in all aspects of display information for the deck, bridge and engine room. Call Dave Potter Tel: +34 971 872436 Mob: +34 606 973151

Offices in the UK, Mallorca & Turkey for all your needs afloat European dealer for Benetti Sail Division UK & Export dealer for Beneteau Contact Denise for all your Beneteau spares

Puerto Portals, Local 10, Calvia, Mallorca T. +34 971 67 63 92 F. +34 971 67 63 50

. 13

technology update Roger Horner - E3 Systems (+34) 971 404 208, Christmas and New Year Gadgets Last year in my Christmas gadgets column I focused on the “ultimate” Christmas gadgets. This year I am focusing on those that are a bit more accessible to us all (well, apart from the first gadget which is only accessible to those with around €100,000 to spare)…. I am sure a lot of you have seen the JetLev water jet pack that was in my Christmas column last year being demonstrated in a number of locations from Port Adriano, to Antibes and, just this last week, in Falmouth Harbour at the Antigua Charter Show. And where did you see it first? In this column in the Islander!! Always the first with the latest technology! Mophie Juice Pack My first affordable, functional and not outrageous gadget for this year is the Mophie Juice Pack for smartphones and tablets. I have had one of these since mid 2012 and it is so brilliant that many of my colleagues and friends who have seen it now have one of their own. Basically it is a good looking protective cover for the phone which provides you with double the charge of the standard battery. I do a lot of travelling, and don’t have to worry about charging my phone when on the move. Instead of having to charge my phone every 24 hours, with this Juice Pack I can go for 72 hours – one less thing to worry about. The only very minor downside is that I used to be able to identify my iPhone at a glance by the slightly chunkier profile, but now all my mates have the same cover, it’s not quite so simple! The website is Buy on-line or from Dixon’s at London Gatwick for about €90. Stressberry If you are still using a Blackberry and are feeling a little stressed at the news that Research in Motion (owners of Blackberry) are in financial difficulties, then here’s something to relieve your stress… Yes, all you need is the aptly named Stressberry! So instead of damaging your Blackberry, which you wouldn’t want to replace, you can unleash your stress on a Stressberry instead? Based on the popular smartphone, this soft version can be stretched, twisted, punched and thrown. Not a broken phone in sight. Features: • Suitable for all professions and all ages from 3+ • Helps enhance an image of maturity and lack of tech savvy • Fits more easily in tight pockets

• Goes through airport security like a dream • No “bill shock” roaming bills! • Unlike other smartphones, never needs recharging! It’s the cheapest smartphone around for only €7.75 from Talking about Blackberrys has reminded me of one of the funniest YouTube videos “My Blackberry isn’t working” with Harry Enfield and Ronnie Corbett. It’s priceless. My next Christmas treat is for all golfers everywhere. This is quite difficult to believe, but it is actually for real. I am not convinced of its mass market appeal as it is directed at weakbladdered men who regularly play golf on a course without trees, undergrowth, walls or buildings – I can’t think of any! It’s the UroClub! The sales blurb reads: How many times has this happened? You’re playing 18 holes with your best buddies, drinking sports-ades, water, beer etc. You’re coming up to the 3rd hole with no rest room in sight. There are no trees or bushes around and you just have to go. What are you going to do? The UroClub is the discreet sanitary way for your urgent relief. Created by a Board Certified Urologist, it looks like an ordinary golf club, but contains a reservoir built into the grip into which you relieve yourself under a towel. The UroClub is leak proof, easy to clean and no more embarrassing moments!!!!! When reading this, my initial response would be: 1. It’s never happened to me before as I can usually get past the 3rd. If it did, there are usually bushes and trees around to use. 2. What is sports-ade and what is water? 3. Make sure you take a leak before you leave the club house. 4. Your buddies would literally “take the p***” un-mercilessly if you used one of these! I think it could be more useful in reverse as a rather long “yard of ale” or “hip/shaft flask”. Take a look at the website as there are some very entertaining instructional videos. The badly photoshopped photo has had all the trees removed! My next find isn’t really a gadget at all and I suppose the last wasn’t either, but it just amused me that someone had thought to do this. For those of you who enjoy embarrassing your teenage kids, this is a special! Do you remember the slippers I found a few years back with built in headlights that lit up to guide you to the bathroom in the dark – well these fall into the same category… Silly Socks Friends, colleagues, dads take note. Don a pair of Silly Sock

Sandals and you can instantly get the “tourist abroad” look all year round. A great stocking filler, the perfect gift for dad features a brown sandal strap design complete with a realistic black sole. Now the sun doesn’t even have to be out for you to get the socks and sandals look! Excellent sartorial complement for the UroClub golfer! One size fits all. Google Silly Socks. Let’s get back to technological gadgets. My last two are proper gadgets. The first is a perfect present for the wizard in your life. It’s an amazing Wand Remote Control with which you can control your TV and most other remotely controlled devices. Wand Remote Control Ever since Harry Potter flew into our lives some 15 years ago, many of us have secretly yearned to be part of the magical world of Witchcraft and Wizardry and this wand brings you a step nearer. Cast spells to control the TV: flick from channel to channel, control the volume and much more. All you have to do is train your wand into learning these commands, so you will soon be turning your TV on and off with a flick of the wand, and twisting it to adjust the volume. In all there are 13 different motions to learn, and each one can be given a separate task to complete. I can imagine if must be fun when you’re merrily commanding all and sundry around you. The hi-fi, the TV, the computer, the lights, anything that needs flicking on or off in the room can be controlled by a wave of your wand. Alternatively paint it white to look like a conductor’s baton and give it to the control freak in your life. Finally, the perfect present for all my fellow members of the Mallorca Classic Car Lunch Club! The Handpresso Auto When morning coffee breaks have been arranged by Russ at cafes in the mountains which turn out to be closed (!), make sure you have both a UroClub and a Handpresso Auto in the car as standard fit!

ene’s B G arage

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The Leatherworker Heavy duty leather protection for Backstays, Bottlescrews, Chocks, Fender Brackets, Lifeline Terminals, Mooring Lines, Pulley Blocks, Spinnaker Poles, Wheels, etc.

Simply plug the espresso machine into the 12V cigarette lighter, add water to the top and an E.S.E. (Easy Serving Espresso) coffee pod. Then just press the button and the Handpresso Auto will heat up the water and build the 16 bar pressure for your espresso. When you hear 3 beeps your espresso is ready, rotate the Auto, position the nozzle over your cup and release the button to pour your espresso. Ideal for those with caffeine addiction and beats a flask full of Nescafe! Both of the above can be found by Googling. Best wishes to everyone for a happy and comfortable 2013, and a very special thanks to all our clients, colleagues and friends. There has been a great increase in caring and concern for the less fortunate in 2012. Let’s all do our bit to change the world in 2013. Remember yesterday is today’s memory and tomorrow is today’s dream. Ever the eternal optimist!

Dougie & Sarah Baggott, Portixol, Palma M: +34 672 188 516 or +44 7778 374 683

w w w . t h e l e a t h e r w o r k e r. c o m

. 15

doctor at sea: rule britannia! fitness could produce a very complicated set of guidelines and exceptions would proliferate. Case by case assessment seems to be the preferred option guided in principle by the current guidelines which link fitness to present ability and to risk of recurrence. New information was presented on more reliable prediction of problems in asthma sufferers and also in people who are on anticoagulant medication. Dr. Ken Prudhoe - Club de Mar Medical Centre (+34) 639 949 125, The title may have got your interest but it is not meant to be provocative. It simply reflects some of the introductory remarks at the annual MCA Doctors Conference in London in November. It is clear that the UK MCA is leading the way internationally in setting up a decent framework for assessing fitness for seafarers. The International Maritime Organisation is set to build on this UK initiative with a view to a common quality framework to be applied worldwide. Efforts are underway to publish their Guidelines on Seafarer Medical Examinations in the very near future. The Conference gave us a chance to talk about various changes and to look at some difficult seafarer cases. Despite the UK achievement to date, the ENG1 guidelines do not address every conceivable ailment that can affect individuals. Some conditions are brand new, such as gastric banding for obesity, or are now less dire than in the past, for example cystic fibrosis, and some, like heart irregularities, are complex and can be very specific to the individual. There is no guidance at present on gastric banding which seems be gaining a good track record for weight reduction The consensus seemed to follow the current obesity guidance with banding as a possible aid to compliance after three months of temporary unfitness to get over the operation. The outlook for cystic fibrosis has improved markedly (Canada – life expectancy 24 years in 1982, 48 years in 2007). Cystic fibrosis increases the risk of lung infections and also the need for antibiotic prevention or treatment. These problems could possibly occur at some distance from supportive medical services. Nevertheless, there is now much more sympathy for affected individuals to have less restricted certification. The complex area of heart irregularities and their impact on

The asthma doctor surprised/embarrassed/worried me by flashing up a slide with an excerpt from a previous Islander article of mine on asthma, complete with our Club de Mar Medical name and logo!! Fortunately the quotation contained no blunders but only expressed my faint frustration at the confusing guidance in force about three years ago. Happily, on predicting future health, the past medical history remains a cornerstone of predictive value (for example, no recent emergencies and no oral steroids probably means no serious problems in future). I also learned that David Beckham is asthmatic so that can’t be bad if young yachties are also looking after their asthma well when they need an ENG1. Anticoagulants, agents which reduce blood clotting, are used in adults, including young people, for example with deep vein thrombosis, and increasingly in older people, for example with certain heart irregularities or artificial heart valves. The increased risk of bleeding still leads to restriction on seafaring, for example to less than 150 miles near coastal. Modern-day piracy is increasing as is defence with maritime security guards and there are problems applying the ENG1 both to establishing fitness to be at sea and also expecting the same medical to establish fitness to bear arms. This was brought home during a session with a former Royal Marines Officer now in maritime security and advising the UK Ministry of Defence. Watch this space! The final speaker, the UK Armed Forces lead adviser on mental health, broadened our appreciation of post-traumatic stress which is often seen unhelpfully as a stigma and is concealed in the early stages in an attempt to avoid isolation from colleagues or damaged promotion prospects with superiors. This can all affect individuals as they adapt to civilian life and perhaps also want to have a job at sea. All in all, a full and useful day – and, for much of the time, common sense ruled!

At Club de Mar since 2007, Drs Ken & Rosemary Prudhoe provide a range of medical services to the yachting industry including:

Medical Care: General Practice medical care if you are unwell. MCA ENG1 Certification: Dr Ken is the MCA approved doctor.

Dr. Ken: +34 639 949 125 Dr. Rosemary: +34 619 982 142

MCA Medical Courses: Courses reapproved by MCA in October 2011 and both doctors are MCA Approved Tutors.

Medical First Aid:

650€ (585€)

Medical Care Onboard Ship: 850€ (765€) Update Medical Care:

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10% discount (in red italics) on our advanced courses when paid more than 2 weeks in advance. All course fees include 21% IVA and course materials.



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. 17

superyacht industry 2013

Surging into the new year on a wave of optimism... The ultimate flavour of the superyacht industry going into 2013, after a somewhat tumultuous year amid seas of inclement weather and economic instability, is one of sweet success, with silver linings hidden in some unexpected corners, according to insider sources at Yachting Pages. European shipyards orders are thriving, due to the poor performance of the Euro on international markets. Though bad news in some quarters, the deflated currency has made the Eurozone’s shipyards and component parts incredibly attractive to buyers in markets such as Russia, and therefore the new-build and refit region of choice for many. Globally, emerging markets such as China and Brazil may have more rapidly growing competitors to contend with such as Mexico, described by Forbes magazine as “the little darling of the emerging market investors”. According to Esther Barney, The Superyacht Report’s US editor, “Mexico could overtake Brazil as the leading economy of Latin America by 2022.” On the boat show front, the public-facing gauge of the superyacht industry’s health is positive exhibitor and visitor figures, which confirm the market’s robust vital signs.

moll vell marina

Installation of the new mooring piers has been going ahead at the Moll Vell Marina site in Palma during the run up to Christmas. Marina Director Oscar Siches told us that he was very impressed with the way the contractors had worked so hard to get the job done quickly and professionally. The specially designed and constructed piers were manufactured in sections by a company in Galicia, who have been in consultation with the team from Moll Vell (concession holders Ammares Deportivas) for well over a year. Instead of opting for one of the many standard marina pier designs, Oscar and his marineros have combined all of their previous experience to come up with a custom configuration which will set Moll Vell apart from other marinas. The piers are made from fully welded stainless steel with heavy duty composite MDF grooved walkways. All mains services such as water and electric will be carried from the shore power modules to the yachts in special carrier trays hidden underneath the walkways. Accessories such as emergency escape ladders and stairways have also been custom designed to be both rugged and functional.

The Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show fought back from Hurricane Sandy to finish with a record-breaking weekend. Overall visitor figures were down just 2% on 2011 and exhibitors reported serious buyers, qualified leads and order books full. The Yachting Pages team was ecstatic with the outcomes from FLIBS 2012, where their booth was housed in the US Superyacht Association (USSA) pavilion near to the America’s Cup trophy. Ian Jones, sales manager of Yachting Pages, said, “We smashed our sales targets and met some very interesting new clients.” “Through our business card prize draw, we were thrilled to offer free advertising to three lucky businesses – MTN Satellite Communications, Servowatch Marine Automation, and Broward Shipyard who we look forward to working with in the future. “ From high winds to low lands, the Netherland’s Marine Equipment Trade Show (METS) this November also produced encouraging results. The event was the largest in its 25 year history and Jessica Pegg, Yachting Pages’ sales team leader, said, “We sent a robust sales team who spent a very busy three days meeting with long-term clients as well as many new ones. International visitor levels were up by 2%, and attendance levels offered a real vote of confidence for the industry. The networking and social events buoyed the atmosphere yet further.” Yachting Pages is now finalising content for its up-coming 2013-2014 directories, due to begin its hand-delivery schedule in over 90 countries worldwide, in May 2013. Work is also just beginning on the next edition of Yachting Pages hard-backed premium product, the Superyacht Owners’ Guide (SYOG), the indispensable publication for decision-makers in the superyacht sphere.

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. 19

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Happy New Year and wishing you a prosperous 2013 from the Deckers Team!! The next few months are going to turn icy and chilly, even though the sun will still be shining on this beautiful island we call “The Rock” it will be time to put on the cosy layers of nice woolly jumpers, hoodies etc. Below is a selection of our winter warmers, suitable for land base and hitting the ocean. Musto Corsica – A waterproof/windproof jacket with a soft fleece lining, these jackets look smart, have a high collar with a hood tucked inside to protect you from the cold. Available in Black/Navy/Platinum and Aqua. sizes XS – XXL.

Prescott Hoodie – This unisex is hoodie is part of our Deckers winter uniform so comes highly recommended! Made from 100% Cotton on the outside and 100% Polyester on the inside they keep you really warm. Available in different colours. Sizes S – XL.

Slam Fleece – Designed for a womens contour, this fleece is made from 100% Polyester and has had antipilling treatment to keep it looking like new! Perfect for sailing and shorewear. Available in Light Grey/Steel and Navy. Sizes XS – XXL.

B&C Slouchy Jumper – Perfect for when you´re off duty. Relax and unwind in this off the shoulder stylish jumper. Available in Grey/Navy/Red/Black and White. Sizes S – XL.

Kimono Robe – Snuggle up at night in this terry toweling robe, it has two deep pockets and a very luxurious feel. Available in White only. Sizes – S/M and L/XL.

galley goddess

New Year resolutions - oh dear, don´t you just hate them? I think they are so unfair, I mean, okay, we indulged ourselves, but didn´t we deserve it? Wasn´t it Xmas? No one gave us a hard time when we stuffed 12 grapes down our gullet in seconds are they? But, you can be sure, the word on everyone´s lips at the moment is, wait for it, argh......detox. I really think it know, we are actually encouraged to go out and whoop it up. All the magazines are telling us - what to wear, where to go, what to drink, menu plans!!! Menu plans with their exclamation marks give me the shivers. Even thinking about a night in.........New Years Eve at home watching the telly, having a cuppa - you will become, my dear friend a social pariah. Well, that is in December, but come around to 1st January - we are all party going heathens who, according the the mags, all should just bloody stop and take a good look at yourselves cause you have just crossed the bloody line and you should probably go out and get a gun, shoot yourself in the head cause you have absolutely no spine, no self-control. With this firmly in mind I was thinking the other day, why don´t we have New Year resolutions that are positive? Give ourselves goals that when first thought upon you think, wow, that would be cool - and still are 6 months later. Now, they are the resolutions that we will keep huh? Not the ones made at 2am. I think mine will be to make an effort to expand my palette, dare to try something new, maybe a little bit more open-minded? Hell, not talking about eating bloody monkey brains or insects..........ewwww. I´m thinking simple stuff here...... at Eroski you can buy bufitarron con arroz for 1.50 euro. I´ve never made friends with it, but you try, I have, now we are firm mates. Okay, it looks quite phallic, big and black, but try to keep the giggles and the snorts under control when you wield this bad boy into the pan. Chuck a knob of butter in and swirl it all around, keep your distance cause there will be a lot of oil being discharged. Anyway, pop him into the oven for about 15 minutes. In a clean pan gently heat about 100 ml of cream, whip up 2 or 3 eggs, chuck them in and move them around, drop in very carefully some drops of truffle oil. Season! Before the eggs get scrambled, cut up some chives and add. Rather take the eggs out too soon rather than later. Toast up some black bread, pile the eggs on board, slice up Mr Bufitarron, and open a bottle of something cold and sparkly. How faby, fabulous is that??? Oh, and if you are an old bastard that eats too much, drinks too much - shame on you...Call Katie Handyside she´s local, she´ll sort you!

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C A P T A I N S L O U N G E . T V Now Showing At: Plaza Drassana, La Lonja, Palma.

The Corner Bar: Voted one of the worlds top 10 yachtie bars by readers of The Crew Report 2012. Port Adriano, El Toro, Mallorca.

The Crew Bar: The place for crew in the newest luxury marina in the Med.

Featuring exciting content from the world of yachting all free to view. Relax and enjoy with a holiday drink.

. 21

master bates: overheard & overboard

Semper in excreta solum profundum variat Isn’t it funny, how once you start a theme it tends to roll on, and people (in my case the reader) get all enthused about adding their own bit of spice to the curry mix. They also like to do it via me, cos as you all know, I never mention any correspondents names unless they specifically ask me to. The subject of types of people in our wonderful industry has been running for a few issues now, and of course captains do not have immunity due to their lofty positions, or to how much scrambled egg they wear on the epaulettes of their crisply ironed white shirts. The following little anecdote was sent in by the reader, and was said to have been written by a 10 year old Swedish schoolboy quite a long time ago. I just want to say to the few Swedish skippers I know, that they can tell me if it was them wot wrote it, and I promise it won’t go any further. Well at least not in here goes: I want to be a captain when I grow up because its a cool job that’s easy to do. Captains don’t have to go to school for such a long time. They only need to learn figures so they can read the instruments. I think they also have to be able to read maps so they don’t get lost when they sail. Captains have to be brave so they don’t get scared when its so foggy that they can’t see, and when the propeller falls off they have to know what to do about it. Captains have to have eyes that can see through the clouds and they must not be afraid of thunder and lightning which they have closer to them than we have. The captains wages is another thing I like. They earn more than they can spend. That’s because most people think its dangerous to drive a boat except captains, because they know how easy it is! There’s not much I don’t like, except that girls like captains. All the girls want to marry a captain, so captains are always having to chase them away to get some peace... I hope I don’t get seasick, because if I get seasick, I can’t be a captain and I’ll have to start working! Isn’t it great to see the Moll Vell Marina project continuing with its construction phase? Anyone who has been around the old port area of Palma recently will have seen how the previous building is being demolished and work is now starting on the new quays headings (page 18). As mentioned in this column before, the biggest loser if this project is not completed and well managed by a competent and customer focused team, would be the yachting reputation of Mallorca. The winners would be a bunch of lawyers feathering their own nests, and an unproven concessionaire who is unlikely to deliver the goods as required! No matter what the background to the concession bid might be, its all history now...With a re-branded Palma Boat Show and a bright new yachting season just around the corner, we need a Moll Vell Marina to be proud of, not another endless bun fight! Well folks being the closest thing to scrooge that ever walked the docks, you won’t ever hear any Jingle Bells, White Christ-

mas, or bloody Merry Christmas by Slade oozing out through my portholes and offending the world! And as for Auld frigging Lang Syne...How can it be that gazillions of pissed up revellers can sing their tits off remembering the stupid lyrics perfectly every year, and not having a clue what the hell they’re singing about! Bah, humbug, roll on summer, yuletide is a mule ride..... Disappointing and leading nowhere! But if you insist on partying and downing copious amounts of the old ‘amber nectar’ why not perfect the technique of this guy, who puts a whole new meaning into the term ‘lining em up’. And just remember the following guidelines if you really intend to get rat arsed: Things that are difficult to say when drunk: 1. Innovative 2. Preliminary 3. Proliferation 4. Cinnamon Things that are very difficult to say when drunk: 1. Specificity 2. Anti-constitutionalistically 3. Passive-aggressive disorder 4. Transubstantiate Things that are downright impossible to say when drunk: 1. No thanks, I’m married. 2. Nope, no more booze for me! 3. Sorry, but you’re not really my type. 4. Indian Curry? No thanks, I’m not hungry. 5. Good evening, officer. Isn’t it lovely out tonight? 6. Oh, I couldn’t! No one wants to hear me sing karaoke. 7. I’m not interested in fighting you. 8. Thank you, but I won’t make any attempt to dance, I have no coordination. I’d hate to look like a fool! 9. Where is the nearest bathroom? I refuse to pee in this parking lot or on the side of the road. 10. I must be going home now, as I have to work in the morning. I s’pose I should comment more on matters nautical as we go into 2013, as that’s what I get my monthly pittance for, according to the employment contract that the late John Rule scrawled on the back of a beer mat in the Club de Mar bar many, many moons, and several thousand cañas ago. I don’t believe in new years resolutions, but I do wish for much better fiscal conditions for our yachting sector in Spain in what will be the Chinese year of the Snake... The cosmic element of the snake year is Water, the colour – black. The water element is characterised with mobility, dynamism, and changeability. So, the talisman of 2013 is a Black Water Snake. The Black Snake will bring people unexpected changes, and instability... so nothing new there then eh! Its said that in the year of the Snake everything must be planned beforehand, and any actions well evaluated. Lets hope that the government finance dept in Madrid don’t read this. It sounds like an excuse to do nothing about mat tax, which is exactly what they have been doing for years!

Toodle Pip... Bates



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. 23

norma stitts

charity party in stp

oversexed & over here “Oh Batesy if you don’t stop that moaning and groaning about your head, you’ll find the end is nigh sooner than you think”! “I have no sympathy especially as the Ed said he didn’t think the tequila shots at your age were a good idea, oi wadda you mean and a Happy New Year to you too” As you can see oh gracious reader things in the world of Batesy and Norma (age before beauty) reside in the usual status of situation normal! Well I ask you the silly sod was so sure he could outdo the best with his twelve grapes he not only ended up half choking himself but thought dislodging them by downing half a dozen shots inspiring! On a completely different note, ……another year over, a new one just begun along with half a dozen already broken New Year’s resolutions but hey ho it’s fun to have kept them for all of what……..five minutes! Already I’ve heard folks counting the cost of the past few weeks which brings me neatly onto payday loans; there’s been quite a lot of controversy about these and their eye watering interest rates. Love or hate them as costly as they are there’s a consensus around that they’re here to stay….. well for a while anyway. With APR’s riding high the three that I found go from 1,737% to 2,090% through to an awe inspiring 4,214%. Payday firms argue that you should look at the cost of the loan and not at the rate, for example a £200 loan for a week can cost £19.69 in interest and charges. Apparently that’s remarkably similar to what a £200 loan paid off over a year would cost you on the average credit card. If that £200 pushed you over your credit limit or into an unauthorised overdraft, then charges could be far more for the same period. A consumer credit report shows that a large number of payday loans are not repaid on time. So why are they used so readily? Basically they are quick, easy and convenient and maybe no more than a click or tap away. There is access to money 24/7 and it can be in your bank account in around 10 minutes and so is very tempting. The good news is that the Office of Fair Trading is putting plans into action to root out the rogues who are acting in ways that are so serious they have already opened formal investigations against them. Here we go… there’s going to be a lot of unhappy kids around in about ten years’ time; 2011 wasn’t too bad with names like Harry and Amelia topping the list but for 2013 watch out …..parents when naming your new off spring spare a thought would you potentially want to be called Augustus or Atticus, Persephone, Athena or Juno? No I thought not. Finally, why would anyone want a bottle of ketchup tattooed on their leg?? Answers and postcards please to Bates usual gaff!

TTFN... Norma xxx

Yacht crew and local marine businesses join forces for local children in need! On Wednesday December 12th the Captain and Crew of the Sailing Yacht Aglaia organized a Charity Christmas Party in aid of several local children´s charities. A staggering €2,600 was raised through donations and over 200 children´s gifts were collected for Christmas presents. The party was held in the STP shipyard where Aglaia had prepared a bar, barbecue and a spectacular spread of food for all the other yacht crew´s currently in the yard as well as all the local marine businesses. Despite the cold and rain the party still managed to get off with a swing and thanks to so many generous donations of both gifts and cash, many, many Majorcan children can enjoy a little surprise this Christmas. Dr Stoma, representing the charity Mediterranea gratefully accepted the funds raised and was overwhelmed by the gifts and donations, ¨This year more than ever before there is a desperate need for basic items for children of all ages living here in Mallorca. From babies to teenagers there are so many children who suffer daily from hunger, cold and the lack of every day goods. The money collected will help buy baby milk and cereals, nappy´s, simple staple foods and items such as soap and tooth paste, items that these children often have to live without. The gifts people have donated too will make a very special difference to many children living in extreme poverty or in care, so a huge thank you to everyone for their support and generosity.¨ The Captain of Aglaia Mark Stevens added ¨Hundreds of yachts visit Mallorca and the Balearic islands each year, some staying for long periods undertaking refit work or during down time over winter. We hope this party has made a few of the visiting crew more aware of the needs of many children on the Island and we really want to build on this success and continue to make a difference. We are hoping to have another fund raising event in the spring time and hopefully with a little sunshine will set the target even higher! “ Complete Marine Freight and Planet Space are kindly helping with storage and an area to sort the goods before their distribution during the next few days to children around the island. For more information on the charity or donations please visit:



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. 25

for sale / wanted, etc A D V E R T I S E F R E E ! If you have anything for sale or wanted - boat bits, household, etc. Strictly no trade ads (except jobs), or property ads (except private rentals) please! By email to: or place you Ad online at Available: Yacht Broker now looking for a job in Marketing or International brand development. This is my background and above all my passion. I am quadra lingual , organised, serious and adaptable to any targets, markets or environments. Please contact: Diane on 695 143 820 To Rent: Office-Shop in Club de Mar (28m²) available mid January 2013.Access to Club de Mar is FREE to workers and cars with offices within the Club de Mar Marina grounds. Tel: Mary on 609 647 605 To Rent: Office and store room with ground floor street access in the sought after area of Santa Catalina. Refurbed, rewired and with the benefit of fibre optic high speed broadband via ONO. (Guaranteed 8mb/s data speed) Only 575€/month excluding utilities. Tel: Graham Young on 696 740 353 For Rent: Fully furnished attic, air cond/heating, fire place, 2 double bedrooms apartment in old town, 10 min from STP, Internet, 280Lt bath, open kitchen with cooking-island, Thai furniture, 2 balconies, office under high roof wooden beans. 870€/month Tel. 686 800 310 or 616 949 240 For Sale / Rent: 2 bedroom, en-suite apartment in Santa Catalina. Renovated and furnished. Very close to marinas and yard. 1,300€ / month or For Sale 225,000€. Tel. 619 593 387 For Sale: Ferrari Mundial 8 Classic 15,000€. Needs engine work. 619 593 387 For Sale: AIS Furuno receiver, model FA30 with Easy Split active antenna splitter. 250€ tel 670 970 188 For Sale: Ocean Flea a 15ft fully equipped Macwester Kelpie keel sailing dinghy. Many extras. Moored Club de Mar Palma. Price 1300€ (o.n.o) contact Bugsie on 971 870 431 or For Sale: Kawasaki ninja 600cc 1997 great runner and condition fully serviced English registration. Owner relocated to U.S.A. 1500€ Tel 689 687 597 email for photos For Sale: 3.2m zodiac rib 2008 with 15hp yahama engine and trailer. Little used and when not used garaged. Muro. Tel 627 484 609 For Sale: 5 metre, semi-rigid BRIG, FALCON RIDERS F500, 2.5 metres wide with a 2007 4-stroke SUZUKI DF50TL engine, 50 HP (36.76kw). Capacity for 9 people. Year of registration 2008. Includes FEVA trailer FV09 180kgs, sunshades, front and rear sunshade extensions, 2 petrol cans, lifejackets, foldable table, sun cushions, safety material and various tools. 10.000 euros. Call Daniel on 600 542 508. For Rent: Fully furnished luxury villa available for winter rent. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, pool, garden, wifi. Illetes - minutes from Palma or Portals. 1400€/month. email. tel. +34 669 639 669 For Sale: Flying fifteen sailing boat. Join the racing at Portixol and Pollenca for only 1000€. Sail in the European Championships in Mallorca in 2014. email. For Sale: Dart 18 catamaran, good condition, relocating forces sale. Offers around 1000€, Call Mark 634 199 356 or Lesley 602 112 217 For Sale: Excellent example of the Oyster LD43 motor launch. Water jet computer controlled propulsion system. Twin Yanmar 486 hp / Hamilton 292 water jets. 31 knots top speed. Classic style beautifully finished. 405,000€. Angus: 697 979 841 For Sale: GRP dinghy hull in good condition for age. No sails or rigging. 60€. e-mail for more details: or text 626 259 836 For Rent: Four bed house in Alaro. Quiet and convenient. Pool and easily managed garden. Mountain views, central heating, mains services etc. Available Sept to April. 1500€/month. Contact: Mob: 44 7545 235555

Monthly Sailor Quiz Answers 1





The Strait of Messina is between the eastern tip of Sicily and the southern tip of Calabria in the south of Italy.


Two black balls, vertical


The light is a south cardinal, stay south of it by keeping it on your starboard side

Moscow Ballet - Swan Lake 03.01 @ 20.30 One of the most representative ballet’s of dance history and one of the most appreciated ballets of all time. Auditorium de Palma 35€

Moscow Ballet - Nutcracker 04.01 @ 20.30 A Christmas tradition throughout the world and along with Swan Lake is one of Tchaikovsky’s most famous ballet. Auditorium de Palma 35€

Circo Eoloh! 10-13.01 Get ready for an exceptional flight where humour, extreme acrobats, superhuman flights and special effects, will fascinate us and culminated to an incredibly emotional , surprising and memorable end. Teatre Principal 28€, 24€, 18€ & 14€

Circo Alegría Until 13.01 “There once was a girl who had a dream. She dreamed of a circus that always cheered the heart.” So begins the circus of Lara and Gabi Aragón, who, in tribute to their family, have brought back the time of clowns on TV for children of the 21st century. Son Fusteret _

Ice Park Until 20.01 @ 10.00-22.00 A 450 meter ice rink will be installed in Parque de la Estaciones, across from Plaza Espana, where young, old, families and friends can enjoy a rare outing in Mallorca - ice skating! Parque de la Estaciones 5€ (25 min) - 3.75€ with Vamos!

Veronica Falls Festival Alternatilla 2012: 29.01 @ 21.00 The indie-pop band came to prominence with the release of their self-titled debut album in 2011. Their clever twist of sound has won them a keen following. They counter their affinity for lyrics of darkness and death with sweet pop.

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HIGHLY DESIRABLE SUPERYACHT MOORINGS FOR SALE 4 Berths Available in Club de Mar, Palma de Mallorca from 40 to 70 metres - Reasonable offers accepted. Also: 20 metre berth available for sale in Marina Genoa Aeroporto: Bank Leasing in place for easy transfer. Contact: Tel: (+34) 670 228 012 or (+34) 697 887 237

. 27


ribbon and vripack make a splash! _ The collaboration between Ribbon Yachts in The Netherlands and Dutch designer Vripack resulted in unique motor yacht called the Ribbon 45SC. A planning high-speed cruiser design for every day use, that stole many admiring glances and was extremely popular for free test drives at the 2012 Monaco Yacht Show. The Ribbon 45SC was nominated as a finalist in the category ‘Tender Design Awards’ for the 2012 Show Boats International Awards. This award is presented to the designer of sports, general service or limousine (motorized) tender. What makes this spacious 45 footer (13.5 metres) so special are her characteristic lines and innovative design, which give her a modern look. Furthermore, this lightweight structured cruiser is blessed with many special features in order to make sure that not only her appearance will impress. Aircraft-style Sharp edges, precise lines and clean surfaces: these are ingredients of a style reduced to the essential. Each element is created exactly according to its function. Ornaments and decorations are totally foreign to a Ribbon. With Ribbon the Vripack designers have coherently developed this philosophy, inspired by another sphere where speed and dynamism reign absolute: modern aeronautics, responsible for the fastest and most agile airplanes in the world. This has created an extremely precise, technically striking style with a new vitality: interrupted lines and contorted surfaces create a fascinating play of light, giving the yacht incredible movement. Interior and exterior Like these planes the Ribbon 45SC has a fully equipped helm and navigation cockpit, which is located in the middle of the yacht. The station is fitted out with three Recaro sport bucket seats providing exceptionally firm support around the hip and shoulder areas. The bucket seats are made of lightweight and highly robust carbon fiber to guarantee the driver perfect support, even in the most extreme driving situations. The cockpit is completely sheltered by the huge windscreen around the entire cockpit area, so that the guests can safely relax and sun-bathe during navigating. The cabin provides unparalleled leg room, huge overhead lockers and a private toilet and shower area. Lightweight construction The vacuum injected composite instruction, engineered by Vripack and Conyplex, gives the Ribbon 45SC an extremely stiff

structure. Ribbon Yachts has proven expertise in the manufacturing of lightweight structures and in working with high-tech composites. Rolls-Royce powered The twin Rolls-Royce water jets powered by Cummins engines are controlled by the vector stick control system providing in state-of-the-art easy docking and maneuverability with very tight turning circles and super fine control in fine quarters. New heavy duty Ribbon Offshore Now this joint venture between Ribbon Yachts and Vripack has led to the design of a purpose built workboat based on the same modern rugged construction principles as those employed in the 45SC. The challenge here is to fit all their practical knowledge into this functional design without having to make any concessions. This will result in a strong design with the most practical size and ergonomic layout in which the characteristics of the Ribbon 45SC will be kept as much as possible. The Ribbon Offshore is a compact fast supply vessel. The design is suitable for multiple purposes such as transporting crew and small supplies to and from container ships in anchor zones, offshore wind farms and offshore multi tasking. Besides that, this little bruiser can also be used as a pilot-boat, survey vessel, coast guard or salvage and rescue vessel. The boat is equipped with a flat 360 degree deck including anti slip and live rail allowing anyone to get on and off board safely at any desired position. The Ribbon Offshore uses the same underwater body as the Ribbon 45SC, which has very suitable sea going characteristics and makes this bruiser fast, easy manoeuvrable and extremely comfortable at sea. Like the Ribbon 45SC the Ribbon Offshore has a fully equipped helm and navigation cockpit which is located in the middle of the yacht, leaving enough space for 10 passengers besides the captain and the navigator. In order to maximize comfort, the complete steering and passenger area is placed on shock absorbers in order to minimize the impact of waves. The offshore workboat model boasts the same water jet propulsion package as its leisure intended stable mate, powered by two Cummins 600 HP engines with state of the art finger tip controls at the helm station giving maximum handling ease and maneuverability.

629 818 826

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yachtsmans pre-xmas golf

Nigel with the priceless trophy.

Geoff...and Clive wearing the yellow solo winners jacket.

A new golf tournament on the island of Mallorca, is rising from humble beginnings to become a firm fixture in the yachties annual sports calendar. The event will undoubtedly fill a much needed demand during the drab post season / refit period when nothing much happens after all the boat shows, and crews are waiting for Christmas and the start of a new year of yachting. Many will have got the golfing bug again from playing at The Pinmar after a busy summer season, and will be looking for a fun but reasonably competitive and socially enjoyable day’s golf while their golf clubs are still out of mothballs!

To cries of; “bah its a fix”, “bloody bandits”, “we woz robbed” and other enthusiastic chants, Clive confirmed that Matt Ward and Wesley Walker had the lowest aggregate score, and were duly presented with the tankard.

Entitled: ’The Mallorca Yachtsmans Pre-Christmas Curvaceous & Fun Golf Trophy’ , it all started three seasons ago with just four players turning out, fully prepared to spoil a good walk on a chilly December morning. This year the player entry list broke double figures, and enabled three highly competitive four ball matches to take place at the challenging and stunningly laid out Maoris Golf Course in Cala Blava, just outside of Palma. Tournament organisers Geoff Williams and Clive Walker said; “We are delighted that this year has seen another 50% increase in numbers. From 4 in 2010, we went to 8 in 2011, and now up to 12 in 2012, we believe it shows that we are definitely on the right track with this event!” The precious glass trophy adorned with the names of previous winners was handed around the table during the sumptuous 4 course Spanish style feast that followed the competition, and the excitement was building as Clive Walker rose to announce the winners of the team trophy.

Afterwards Geoff Williams commented; “We are really serious about making this a major event in 2013, and although the original glass tankard trophy will have its place history forever, we already have a graphic artist working on a design for a cut glass Waterford crystal vase for next year. The image portrayed on the vase will be of a fun and curvaceous female in Christmas attire, swinging a golf club.” Clive Walker added; ”We expect the competition to be fierce and the number of entries to be very significant for such a great day’s golf offering such a genuinely unique and valuable prize, so we are advising all captains, crew and marine service personnel to book right now for next years event, which will be once again around two weeks before Christmas. Peter Franklin from The Islander played alongside Mark Kelly from Palma Refit, and the pairing took 4th place in the team competition. (Not bad out of 6 teams!) Mark said afterwards; “Being paired with Peter was like watching a man masturbating….it looked absolutely awful, but he was obviously enjoying himself! But there again” Mark continued, “his coup of the day was making Clive and Geoff sign a contract for the TV and Media rights until 2050, for his X-MMI company, whilst they were slightly under the influence of drink and still euphoric at the on-going and highly assured future success of their brainchild!”

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. 31

rolling stock christmas party 2012

Always the place to be at this time of the year for many people in the yachting community around Palma. This year was no exception, but with a change of venue to the Sunset Club at Porto Pi, which gave the whole event a disco night club vibe with great music, an acrobat who entertained in the VIP chill out area, and a very talented magician who wandered around making people’s personal effects vanish and reappear most convincingly! Congrats to the RS crew for putting on another great Christmas bash, here’s a few photos to depict the atmosphere, and check out who was there. There is a larger photo gallery on our Facebook page: Photo credits: Oliver Neilson -

Photos Continued on page 34

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rolling stock christmas party 2012

DFU achievements 2012

85 rescued dogs rehomed, 21 of them German Shepherds Nearly 80 dogs neutered preventing the birth of countless unwanted litters 20 more dogs rescued and in care with DFU, awaiting homes Numerous cats and kittens rescued, treated and found homes 6 new kennels built enabling more dogs to be rescued Large secure exercise yard erected, giving kennelled dogs the exercise that´s so vital to them








The festivities are over and spring seems a long way off. But at ´Dogs For U´ we are still celebrating our successes of 2012 and working towards making 2013 even greater for many dogs. Over 80 dogs found homes through DFU last year – a few of them flying to new homes abroad: dogs such as Peebee, Terri and Judy now in forever homes in the UK; Mutley, Millie and Snoopz and many others living it up in Germany; Alaska basking in love in Mallorca – she found her home thanks to being featured in “The Islander”! These are just some of the happy endings for dogs who at one time had no hope. They come to DFU abandoned, mistreated, injured and poorly and it is thanks to wonderful volunteers and supporters that they are transformed into joyful carefree pets once again. The sad fact is though, that for every dog saved, there are hundreds more whose lives will end abruptly and in misery without our intervention. Please help us to help them. Sponsoring a DFU dog benefits every dog who comes to us. Your continued support is vital for their wellbeing. Check out our website http:// - it’s such a simple but effective way to make a difference to their lives. Thinking of getting a pet? Adopt a DFU dog! Unsure of your plans this year? Fostering is a great way to enjoy sharing your life with a dog and nurturing him as his glorious personality unfurls without the long term commitment of adoption. Thank you to Marleen & Peter of the “The Islander” for your phenomenal support in 2012. Let’s make 2013 another good year for many more rescued dogs.

w w w . d o g s f o r u . o r g

(+34) 637 242 228 - German / Spanish

(+34) 677 037 308 - English

To all our readers, advertisers, contributors & distribution points,

Happy Christmas & a Peaceful,

Prosperous New Year Thanks to you all... 2013 marks our 17th year in publication!

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