Halloween Stories 21-22 by 1st ESO Bil.

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MISSING A long time ago, in Halloween a girl named Lara decided to get into the forest. She did it at night because it was scarier that way.Then,she noticed that someone was watching and following her. She was very nervous and scared so she was looking back all the time. After a while, she got fed up and decided to turn around. At that momento, someone caught her and took her away,but she was not heard from again ..............Some days later, a group of children found her sick in an abandoned house and took her to hospital.The doctors checked her and said that she was undernourished.When she woke up she didn't remember anything.

The end

Graciela Martín García , 1ºA

HALLOWEEN STORY A group a four friends stayed that night to go to a haunted house. They were go dress up, Celia as a crazy nurse, Nathan as a werewolf, Maialen as a nun and Claudia as a black cat. They went to the haunted house. There were a little scared, but it was only the beginning. They had two door for choose, the purple one or the red. They chose the purple one and a big ghost apppeared from a window. They screamed very loud and the ghost dissapeared. They continued and then appeared a lot of whitches and they scared a lot. They were hungry, so they decided to go to the restaurant. In the haunted house the food was so strange. After dinner they continued walking. A big spider crossed the bedroom and they were so scared that they decided to go outside. They were to Claudia´s house to sleep. At 3 a.m. they woke up because they had a nightmare. A gigant spider ate them. But later they forgot ths nightmare. Nathan, Celia, Claudia and Maialen had a fun and a scared day.

A Halloween story This is a story who three childrens go to the park to scare people in the halloween night and they will trick or treat the house around. The childrens wore a halloween costumes. A mummy, a vampire and a witch. They are going to trick or treat for many houses.They go to fifteen houses and they had three left, two normals and one and a haunted house that was abandoned 20 years. The childrens asked trick or treat for the rest houses but they go to the last houses : the Addams Family´s mansion They were climbing the front step and ringing the bell with a shaking hand. Suddenly someone opens the door and start rain very strong. The childrens listen the person who open the door , the person say: -Welcome to the addams family mansion, what do they want? The children says: -Hi, trick or treat At that moment a girl with a very pale appearance appears and gives them 5 candies each and disappear. The childrens go to their homes, in the medium of the road they saw a girl who was crying , they move to her and say -hello, what do you happend? The girl start laugh and say -HAPPY HALLOWEEN A car came up behind and the girl disappeared in a moment, like a ghost.

The children realised that the girl was a ghost. And it was the girl from the mansion. The children go to the park and they were found a girl and say - THIS IS HALLOWEEN, GO TO HOME OR I WILL SCARE MORE!!!!

A scary story This history is about a family that have a daughter and a son, one day, the parents decided that the son is old and it must go out of home forever. Three weeks ago, when the daughter was 7 years, in Halloween a letter arrived to the daughter. In the letter says that she has to go to the forest that night, and she goes to de direction that in the letter says. At the night, when the daughter goes to the forest appears her brother and kills her. And in the next day, the parents open the door because they have to go to the work, and in that moment... Appears the head of their daugther¡¡¡

The Magic Window Once upon a time there was a group of friends ,it was made up of : Linda , Ojote , Nieve, zanahoria and Jake . They were going on vacation to his friend Pelo azul house .The people said that Pelo Azul was very crazy . When they arrived it was five in the afternoon ,decided to go for a walk , on the street they found a person saying “To night it is totally forbidden to open the window or look through it “ , Linda asked a Pelo Azul “Why did that man say that ?” , Pelo Azul answer “ Because today is the day of the haunted window , the legend Said it that today Friday the 33 of every year there is a devil in a window and if you enter your window and open it or look through it, the devil caught you forever and he torture you to end days “ The friends were very sacred but Jake didn’t believe it he said it was a chilrdren’s story to scare them . When eleven o’clock came they closed all the windows and they watched a happy film , at twelve they went the bed but Jake didn’t want to go to bed , he wanted to go see if the legend was true , they friends didn’t leave it . Later about one o’clock Jake told them that he was going to open the window with or without them , but they didn’t want them to do it alone so they opened the window . When they opened in less than three seconds a devil appeared and took them away , after a few minutes they went a dark , sad place the devil said “ now yow will not escape ,I will lock you in that cage “ “ please let us go we will not tell anyone anything please “ said Nieve .They were locked up from half an hour until they came up with an idea , it occurred to them that Zanahoria would jump up to the top bar of the cage and she could take the key while they distracted him . When they escaped they runaway to the forest . In the forest they

met a KILLER CLOWN he had a devilish smile , paralyzed by scared couldn’t escape the clown decided To blackmail them , he told them “ I will take you with a nice little girl to help you out but in return you will have to come every year until the sun is red balloon “ . The clown kept his promise and took them when they saw the girl felt cheated because she was wearing a long dirty white dress , the girl with light skin and long black hair , sadistic eyes . The girl said that she was going to help us but said that it was alms impossible to get out without a scratch or worse without seeing an eye catching doll that takes the lost souls and them to the void , turns of his heart until he is finished with them . The friends with scared walked whit the girl . The girl took confidence and told her many stories and apparently they all something in common , that they were all children , sad people , who were lost , bad people , who had never had friends , they were very sad because they looked like monsters but deep down they hada beautiful and kind hearth . They wanted to help but they couldn’t help alone and they felt very disappointed but Ojote told them that they could not help everyone but the girl if . That the girl felt that for the first time they loved her and she was very happy . Although her diabolic smile showed how suddenly they heard a voice from a short a distance that said “ I know you are there, you aren’t the only fool who wanted to see the legend , soon you will be mine

jajajajajaja” the girl said “ Escape I will take care of

him don’t worry about me I will be fine , be careful when leaving , I know it sounds crazy but I want to see you again bye luck “ the friends with a lot of sadness walk and they escaped but they decided that they would return again for. Their friend and save her and they would go on with many monsters



The cementery. It was 31 of october, a girl with her friend went to the cementery to visit their death friend. When they arrived to the cementery they didn´t see the grave Stone of her friend. Instead of this they saw their friend and he told them that they should run away from there, if not they will stay there for all the time. The end. -What do you think of the story? -I think you could have invented a more interesting scary story but it´s ok. -Well I tried. -Yes, and that’s the important thing, so do you want to go now to the cementery? -For what? We don´t know anybody in the cementery. -Yes but I think it will be interesting because of your story. -ok, I think so, too. -At the end, we arrive here, it was so long. -Fifteen minutes -well that´s not important, now we will look for someone to visit him -Wait, what?, no that´s a joke I am sure it is not posible, it is imposible. -what happend? Have you seen a ghost? -why are you crying? -look at the name of the grave Stone. “Robert Williams, 1976-2021” -No, this is not posible, your father didn´t die. -And why do you think, I don´t see my father since 1 week? -what is that?. -yo…you…your father. -Run right now, your story now it is true, i don´t know how, but it is true. -Run and don´t came here in all your life, it´s so dangerous

-Come on let´s leave here. -tomorrow we will meet here on the park ok? -Ok “At the next morning” -Come on!, wake up!. -Mum. -what? -why didn´t you tell me that dad died? -I am so sorry I should tell you that… but I did´t know how, sorry. -Sorry?, you don´t tell me that dad die, and you just tell me sorry!?! -I will see you this night bye. -Wait, stop, one second, I wan´t to tell you what happend. -It is soo, late bye. “Ten minutes latter…” -well.. what you wan´t to tell me? -I want to tell you that I think that we should came to the cementery. -Are you crazy!?!, you didn´t hear what my father said. -Yes but we should know same thing more about what happend yesterday. -I am agree with you ,but my father is right ,we can´t go with out a clock or with out knowing when´s the time in whitch we will be there for all our life. -Ok let´s go to the library -but we have phones -yes but it´s more interesting go to the library, if not, it is soo bored -ok let´s go “ten minutes latter” -Mmm… flowers,animals…Here!, times -Ok, and now what -Hi?

-silence -Here puts that the day in the cementery is diferent -How did the book put this? - since 10-20 on the day for us, it´s night for them -so that´s why my father aparece at 7:30 -And since 20:30 -9:30 it´s day for them -and between 20-20:30 and 9:30 to 10? -It is when the people will stay there for all their live -Ok, what time is it? -it´s 9:45 in the morning -So we can´t enter right now -Yes, let´s wait for 10:30 in the morning -“45 minutes latter” -you… you first please, you are smarter tan me -Ok… -STOP

-Cheeses Christ -Don´t enter, I told you that you… -we know,but we find this book in witch put… -WHERE DID YOU FIND IT! -in…in..in the library -this book… can give me the live… -but like a zombie -came on let´s do it -no, no if i don´t want you can´t do this -but why not? -because…I die…

-How did you die? - I die because I run over a people and I don´t save his live….and mine too, I kill a people and I die trying to save him, but I culdn´t save him -More razones to save you -No, you willl save the people I save and that´s all -but… -bye -No wait wait… -let´s save him -But we don´t know who is him - Mmm….. an other book -Ok here: If you see a ghost and the ghost tell you that save some home insted of him save Dan Frederic. - what this book it is soo rare…like the library -Yes… but Let´s go -ufff it´s here “Dan Frederic aparece” -Your father told me every thing and it´s not just -sorry, it´s my fateher - WAIT

-It is so late -wow thanks now I am normal I am going to visit my family bye -bye -Hey and don´t forget don´t go to the library more times, if not you will stay there for all the time, you go tere two times right? -Ye…yes -An other time an you willl be the for all your lives -but why? -because in this library you will find what ever you want to find, and that´s the Price


One night a group of friends were partying in a house. One of them said if they were going to take a walk. On the way they found a cemetery ,they had never seen there and decided to enter. The cementery was very old and dark. In the cemetery they found a little girl crying. Her face was very white and the hair was long and dark. The boys came up and asked him, "Can we help you?" The girl smiled and started running, they followed her y and were lost in the fog. They haven't come back yet. That place where they disappeared, there is only a park with trees and a lake , nobody knows that it is an old cemetery forgotten.

HALLOWEEN STORY The night of Halloween, a group of children went to the parq whith they costumes. A mummy, a whitch, a vampire and the pirate. At the midle of the nigth the mummy see blood on the floor, he went to ask the gropu. Al lof them respond, but the which…. THE WITCH HAVE WHITE EYES, SHE IS A REAL WITCH!! The children run for their lives, the go to the mumy house. In the mummy´s house the children talk about the situation. When the pirate disappeared. They are looking for he and when they found he… HE IS A REAL PIRATE!! They run to the vampire´s house. There where only two, the vampire is very scary and the mummy was scary him more. In one moment of the night all is quiet when suddenly… THE WHICH AND THE PIRATE APPARED.

Al lis a prank for the vampire JAJAJAJAJJAJAJA

The Enchanted Road Once upon a time, there was a little girl called Amara. She was in a taxi with her parents. John, the driver, said: -In a few days it is going to be Halloween, are you excited? -Yes, I love Halloween, it’s cool to go trick or treat, watch horror movies, and go to parties! -Answered Amara. -Oh, you’re so excited- John said. -Amara, put on your belt- said Amara’s mum. -Okay mum- answered Amara. When they arrived at the village, John was driving too fast because he was late, and suddenly he saw a dog on the road, he tried to avoid it but they fell into the river. Her parents and John died, but Amara, who was a very bad girl, stayed on the Earth as a ghost. She was very angry with the driver because he was driving so fast. It was his fault, so Amara decided to curse the dangerous drive and his family. They all fell to the river like her family. The village inhabitants started to tell stories about Amara’s ghost. Nowadays, you can still hear her voice warning the passengers

The end

Hallowen story A halloween night very rainy, a group of friends they were doing or trick or treating and they had gotten a lot of goodies for they causes. Later, they decided to go a haunted house on the outskirts of the city. when they arrived the four friends were all with fences and it was very scary when they entered the door they were missing a friend and in the house there were no skeletons webs of spiders and rats, throught which they continued to explore the house, a person was mysteriously missing missing until no one was left. The investagators continue investigating but they do not find anything and since that happened they call it the mysterious

Well done! STORY


There was one night whit the full moon, the wind was blooming and movind the fall leaves. It was the first of November, the All Saint´s Day. I was cleaning the gravestone of my fathers. I get late because I was studing a lot of time. The church,s bell rung. Twelve o´clock! Suddenly in the entrance of the forest appears a big shadow. The shadows was getting near and near… When he gets next to me he ask me: “¿Do you want to play whit me?” I don´t know why but I say yes. I think that then I get sleep. But now I am in an old school and all the walls have blood. There was an arrow that was painted with blood I go to the direction that the arrow point me. I saw a huge room with a chair and again the shadow appears and say to me: !Ok,the game starts!…

My Scary Story One rainly night a family were in their car when suddenly their car broke down. The family had to go the old pub “DEAD MAN” to toke refuge of the rain. When they arrived there they did not see anybody so they decided to sit on a table wait and saw if the waiter came, but the waiter did not came. When they were about to walk out the door and old man apears and told them -Where are you going? The family were scared so they did not answer. The old man told again -Where are you going? Then the family answers -We are going out the door because there is not anybody -

The old man with a very small smile in his face aswered the family -Do you know why there is not anybody here? The family said no so the old man (whose name was a mistery) said - This pub name is not chance and the reason of this name is that there is a ghost here, but it is not a normal ghost it is the ghost of an old man (the owner of the pub) called Allan Dead. People say that everybody that enter in the pub do not comes out, and the people are true beause everubody that comes here do not comes out. The family were very scared so the tried to run away but it was so later and the familly died.


Now everubody thinks that the family dead on a car accident but we know the true and we allways know it.

A HALLOWEEN STORY: “THE MISSING GIRL” Alice just moved with her parents to Hogsmeade.There was only one day left to go until Halloween night, so Alice decorated her new room with scary things, like spiders, headless zombies… The next day, Alice dressed up in her mummy costume and went to the town party. When she returned home it was eleven o´clock at night, so she decided to go to bed because she was very tired. Suddenly she woke up very fast and saw that the windows in her room were wide-open. It was raining a lot and it was twelve at night. Alice was touching the walls to find the door to call her mother, then she touched the hand of an eyeless girl. She started screaming and she and her mother ran out of the house.

The next morning there was nothing in the room, then Alice thought she had dreamed it all and went to school.


At school, the english teacher gave each child a newspaper so that they could find the nouns in the text. Alice read a paragraph and began to scream in fear because the photo of the girl that she had seen in her room appeared and said that she had been missing for two years and in the end they had found her dead without eyes in the forest, someone had killed her, but the guilty of such atrocity had never been found. Alice was terrified for a long time. It is today that she has to spend Halloween night accompanied by her parents. She never knew why that eyelless girl came to her room, if it was to hurt her or to ask for help…….



HALLOWEEN STORY One day a little child was run on the street of his city and he find a girl sit on the street. The boy invited her to went to his home, the girl acepted the invitation. All was normally, when in a moment a car kill the girl and the boy tried to save the girl but he could´t save her . Scared run to his house and when he go upstairs and go to sleep to forgot the day. When he woke up he go downstairs and he saw the girl in the kitchen, he go out of the house scared and run and run to the forest. He fall in a pair of times because the scare,he was hurt in some moments with the branches of the trees. He found a house in the middle of the forest. The girl says ( thank you for bring me to my house) and the house disapear and the boy went to his house happy but a little scared.


Halloween history On a cold autumn night, specifically October 31, there was a guard in a cemetery checking that everything is alright. Suddenly, he hears a hiss that draws him to a specific grave, one of a wacky old scientist. Suddenly, he notices a very strange presence behind him, and as you imagine, he was the mad scientist with an ax. The man started to run but the ghost was also going too fast. The man, despite much effort, managed to escape to his house, what he did not imagine was that the ghost would be waiting for him under the bed …

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